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2010-06-24, 06:51 PM
Hello playgrounders, I was reading through my MM3 while bored and found this little guy called a Protean Scourge. A Red, horned, demonic shape changer who looks like a devil, is mistaken for a devil, and even brings a scythe to reinforce the image...but who isn't a devil or fiend. Oh and he splits into two fully powered people if you smack him for any damage. He innately casts as an 8th level sorceror, and has a gore attack! Ok, so how would ya'll like to take a stab at pimping this guy out as a full fledged bbeg style mega villian?

I wonder what kind of evil genius's we can come up with? :smallwink:

2010-06-24, 07:09 PM
You can try some multiplication crazyness with Shadow Adept 10 and the Trickery Devotion feat.

2010-06-24, 07:22 PM
Where are those from? Also the mm entry doesn't state how many times he can split...Is it considered infinite?

2010-06-24, 07:39 PM
It's intended to be just once, but poor editing ftw.

Each version has the protean scourge’s current hit point total (they do not split remaining hit points), and both versions of the protean scourge must be slain to kill the creature.

This implies that it can only split once, since killing both versions kill the PS. However:

Each version of the protean scourge has all the current statistics and access to all the current abilities of a single creature, including any remaining uncast spells.

This implies that each half gets all the abilities of the original, including the split ability.

...Yay WotC. :smallyuk:

2010-06-24, 07:45 PM
Yes, it was that bit that had me thinking multiple man. I was thinking that some sort of combo rogue/sorceror progression would make this guy a beast. Especially if he just did a piddling amount of damage to himself beforehand to become a figurative one man army. (The only problem is that they pool available spells, so he would need some physical prowess to have his clones be useful. Also, I am assuming he could just have his clones heal themselves via items right?

2010-06-24, 07:56 PM
I'm thinking he could use illusions to produce fake duplicates of himself - maybe even some via contingency spells (would need scrolls to do this though) when he gets hit. The PCs would be trying to work out which is the real one (might not be too hard if they use true seeing) unaware that there are two real ones.

You could also use the same illusion on other creatures or golems. You'd need to use scrolls, but you could also have him produce some simulacrums to confuse things even further.

2010-06-24, 08:00 PM
Especially if he just did a piddling amount of damage to himself beforehand to become a figurative one man army.

Ugh, you're right - it says nothing about not being able to trigger the Split through self-damage.

And yeah, the splits can probably heal too, thought they at least can't change their shape.

The more I read this thing the less I like it...

2010-06-24, 08:00 PM
Exactly, many shenanigans can be contemplated with this guy...I just don't know why I've never encountered one before as a player. So now I want to use it as a dm. (Granted I've only been playing for 3 years; but still).

2010-06-24, 09:16 PM
Shadow Adept is from Player's Guide to Faerun. And it's Trickerry Devotion, actually. It's a feat from Complete Champion.

2010-06-25, 07:58 AM
Players guide to faerun...dunna' have that one. Darn.
Isn't there a prc that advances sneak attack and spellcasting?

2010-06-25, 11:28 AM
This is obviously ment to be a trick monster which is very old school.
Unless I'm missing something, there does seem to be a way to break the tippyverse a little here. Consider:

PT Splits: one goes east, one goes west.
Party encounter eastern PT.
The usual ensues until the PCs drop it.
DM: Its still alive
PC: sigh, CDG again
DM: Its still alive
PC: OK I take a full round of attacks
DM: Its still alive
Whole party then surrounds the mess and take several rounds of full attacks
DM: Its still alive
Player: What ! We've done 5000 HP of damage AFTER we dropped it, is it regenerating ?
DM: Regenerating: No, but Its still alive

2010-06-25, 11:33 AM
Players guide to faerun...dunna' have that one. Darn.
Isn't there a prc that advances sneak attack and spellcasting?

There are a couple.

Arcane Trickster from the DMG

and Unseen Seer from Complete Mage off the top of my head. the monster might auto-qualify for both of them.