View Full Version : Cardmaster Conflict - a free online TCG

2010-06-25, 01:51 AM
After a quick search of the forums, I figured that Cardmaster Conflict - often abbreviated as CMC - is quite unknown around these parts.

But what is Cardmaster Conflict?

It's a nice java-based online TCG that's sort of a mixture between MtG and YGO, with its own unique take on some game mechanics.
Created by Mark Shallow, the author of the webcomics Adventurers! (http://www.adventurers-comic.com/)(completed) and Antihero for Hire (http://www.antiheroforhire.com/)(ongoing) and Starsomething (http://starsomething.comicgenesis.com/)(on indefinite hiatus), it has a small community whose feedback and opinions can result in some cards being permanently changed in order to make them 'balanced'.

First, some links:

The Main page (www.cardmasterconflict.com)
The Wiki (http://www.cardmasterconflict.com:8000/wiki/index.php/Main_Page)
The forums (http://forums.cardmasterconflict.com:8000/index.php)

Some info about the game:
CMC is a free, java-based browser game. Upon creating an account, you get a starter deck(which are horribly bad) and 1000 points.

You earn points by playing games, the exact amount you earn depends on three factors:

1) The amount of games your opponent has played. That means you will earn more points if you're playing against an experienced Player than against someone who just started. Win/Loss ratio does not matter, only the total number of games of your opponent.

2)If you Win a game(by reducing your opponent's life to zero, by causing him to draw a card while he has none left in his "deck"(or library, for the MtG players), or by fulfilling a special win condition on some rare cards/card combinations), you gain 200 points + a certain amount based on how many games your opponent has played. The maximum amount you can earn per game won is 400, the minimum is 200.

3)If you Lose a game, you earn an amount of points based on how many games your opponent has played +50. The maximum amount you can earn per game lost is 200, the minimum is 50.

You can choose to buy "donation" cards(for 5$, 10$ or 15$), but while those are powerful, they're typically also available from other players at 15-20k points a piece. If you absolutely need a certain card, look in Tamdrik's personal shop and you WILL likely find it.

You can buy more cards in *booster packs* at 15 cards per 800 points, or you can buy single cards from the public store or from other players personal stores(usually cheaper, and there's this nifty Store searcher (http://users5.nofeehost.com/nightwind/cardsearcher/) that helps you to find the best deals).

I'll be happy to answer any questions and help you with the gameplay, but asking just about any active player(anyone with >1000 games played, usually) will help you to pick up the basics and earn enough points to get started.

Dairun Cates
2010-06-25, 01:57 AM
Yeesh. CMC's still going. Haven't been on in forever. They ever get an expansion past mechanical chaos or have they relied on Vouchers for the last 2-3 years?

2010-06-25, 02:00 AM
The next expansion "Rudianos unearthed" is currently 95% done, only waiting for some art. Already available at the development server, if you want to test new mechanics and/or break some *overpowered* cards/combos.

Forged Hammer(An Ungluedesque *Joke* themed expansion) was pushed back in favor of the above expansion.

After Mechanical Chaos, a Mini-Expansion was released, called Masterwork Tools(mostly filled with mana and utility spells/effects).

2010-06-25, 02:02 AM
Yeesh. CMC's still going. Haven't been on in forever. They ever get an expansion past mechanical chaos or have they relied on Vouchers for the last 2-3 years?

Uh, same statement and question but I compliment your good looks while asking.

2010-06-25, 02:12 AM
Yeesh. CMC's still going. Haven't been on in forever. They ever get an expansion past mechanical chaos or have they relied on Vouchers for the last 2-3 years?

Every few months, there's a "balance update", which boosts 10-20 cards. That, plus vouchers, events, and whatever you get from signing up for tournaments (there's 3-4 a year that'll give you something just for showing up and playing a game) Usually makes a handful of new decks viable, and keeps the game somewhat fresh between sets. But I'm not playing much till Rudianos unearthed starts beta (which should be any day now, according to the mods).