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View Full Version : Saint Dymphna's Academy Freeform PbP Roleplay

2010-06-25, 06:20 PM
Do you always feel like a big fish in a little pond? Does everyone you know like you despite the fact that you completely ignore them or even actively treat them badly? Does looking into your eyes cause a romantic interest to feel lost in an ocean of glittering stars and rolling vistas? Are you the last remaining member of a race of Space-Kings, and you'll need to use your ancestral katana to repel an extra-dimensional race of frogs from invading your new homeworld?

We can help!


Saint Dymphna's Academy for Mary Sues is halfway through the school year and is now taking applications for transfer students! Saint Dympha's Academy has a long history of teaching gifted teenagers valuable life skills like Introduction to Magical Theory, Forestry and Survival, Introduction to the Seven Martial Arts Types, Supernatural Powers and How to Use Them, Introduction to Hacking, Advance Defensive Fighting and Cooking.

Saint Dymphna's Academy strives to be an open and progressive environment for young minds, but we also keep a rigid set of Rules (http://marysueacademy.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=rules&action=display&thread=1) that our students must be aware of and follow at all times.

If this sounds right for you, Submit an Application (http://marysueacademy.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=applications) today!

2010-06-25, 06:33 PM
Whoops, placed this in the wrong section by mistake. Pm'd a mod to have it moved to the Ongoing PbP section.