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View Full Version : [3.5] Extra Divine Spells?

2010-06-25, 11:37 PM
I'm looking for a way to get access to more divine spells a day, because as a paladin, we obviously don't get many.

I've seen the pearls of power from the DMG, of course, which could be useful, but I'm not very clear on their usage.

Any other items or possibly feats? I really don't want to take the extra spell feat for an extra level 3 spell as it's nowhere near worth it.

(feel free to skip the rest of this)

What's up specifically:

Our DM has us playing a throwback game, basically. We're only allowed to pick classes out of the player's handbook with a few exceptions. I've got a mounted charging pure paladin built and I'm actually really enjoying it. We're allowed to buy/use whatever items/feats we can dig up in any "core" book. (The faerun/eberron/forgotten realms crap most likely excluded, depending on what it is)

Human Paladin Lv 16

STR: 16 (+3) 20 (+5)
DEX: 10 (--) 14 (+2)
CON: 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
INT: 8 (-1) 8 (-1)
WIS: 14 (+2) 18 (+4)
CHA: 18 (+4) 22 (+6) 26 (+8)

He's got a Belt of Magnif. +4 and keeps Righteous Aura on himself constantly--hence the second two columns of stats. My character not being too bright was kind of core to the game so my belt was cheaper and doesn't give a bonus to int.

( H) Mounted Combat
( 1) Force of Personality
( 3) Power Attack
( 6) Ride by Attack
( 9) Spirited Charge
(12) Celestial Mount (RP, house-ruled a little)
(15) Hands of the Healer (ruled to +2 bonus instead of +1, as it previously was a magic-item dry campaign)

As an 8 int paladin, I put the first hundred skill points into ride, and the thousands left over went into know: religion (RP requirement) with a little handle animal and sense motive.

In the party:
Lv16 Sorcerer
Lv15 Fighter / Lv1 Barb Grapling-based character.
Lv16 guy who's so bad his class doesn't matter

Lastly, any other useful advice you guys would like to offer would be very much appreciated, such as a good feat for 18. I was thinking Mounted Fighting or Reckless Charge if I couldn't get my DM to give one of them to me for free. We are not an RP-heavy group, but I find it more fun to stick to my characters' themes pretty strictly.

2010-06-26, 12:53 AM
Well, the obvious answers would be to go with raising your Wisdom. Or, see if your DM is a bit more sympathetic to your MAD problems and let you cast off of Charisma.

Also, look into the Human Paragon class from Unearthed Arcana. Take 3 levels. Get you a +2 to something and some fun powers.

Or switch out paladin casting for Bard casting spells per day like I did. But not all DMs like that.

Keld Denar
2010-06-26, 01:16 AM
Low level Pearls of Power. 1st level Pearls are only 1000g. You shouldn't really use them in combat except in extreme situations, but they are really useful for recovering spent spells between combats. 1st level pearls allow you to recover your Rhino's Rushes gives you more devistating charges per day.

2010-06-26, 01:21 AM
The human paragon class looks fairly decent, but it's only really worth doing if you take three levels of it, and at level 16, levels will come slowly, not to mention it actually costs me a level 4 spell by level 20. I had never looked at race paragon classes before, though, so thanks for the heads up on good material.

As far as having something similar to bard casting progression or casting off of charisma instead of wisdom... I'd probably have to buy my DM a car or something of that nature. Also, in the spirit of a throw-back-esque game, I don't know if I like those ideas either.

I didn't notice, probably my own fault, what kind of time it took to activate a pearl of power. What is it--a standard, full-round, etc?

Thanks for the replies guys.

2010-06-26, 01:26 AM
Don't forget spell storage. A pair of Major Spellstoring Rings nets you 20 extra levels, with the caveat that you have to refill them once you use them. However, it also lets you get a few from the Sorc, such as Grease. An emergency Grease in the ring would let you nicely get out of grapples, and you still have 19 levels left. Likewise, Vibrant Purple Ioun stones let you store three spell levels, and are slotless.

Keld Denar
2010-06-26, 01:27 AM
Its a standard action, but that usually is acompanied by a move action to draw it from whereever you ahve it stashed.

2010-06-26, 01:33 AM
Yeah, picking up a minor ring of spell-storing was definitely on the list for those days when three extra rhino rushes would make a difference.

At 200,000g, the major ring is going to be outside of my price range for quite a while, but that would absolutely be useful.

We occasionally have low-action days inside the campaign world so charging the ring for use would be pretty easily done.

2010-06-26, 01:34 AM
Don't forget, you can have a couple and put em on if you ever run out.

Raging Gene Ray
2010-06-26, 01:50 AM
Why did you spend a feat on Force of Personality? As a paladin, you already get your CHA to Will saves (and Fort, and Reflex) in addition to your Wisdom.

2010-06-26, 02:37 AM
I have a +8 CHA modifier.
+8 to all saves (including will) from divine grace
+8 to will save specifically, instead of +4 from WIS modifier

So, force of personality effectively gives me 4 more to my will save.

If that wasn't the answer to your question, this is:

I started the campaign with 11 WIS and 18 CHA, so it was a difference of 4 then as well. The DM tends to throw a good amount of save or get f****d situations at us so I don't regret it.

I also personally hate having dominate person or the like cast on me. Our party, as it's changed over the last 1.5 years this campaign has been going, usually contains a bunch of chaotic neutral casters and myself, a lawful good paladin.

Being able to roll a 3 and negate a level 8 spell by someone who can cast a level 8 spell is pretty nice.