View Full Version : It's time to robattle, until your drop. Let's play Medabots!

2010-06-27, 01:39 AM

Medabots is a great gameboy advanced game based off an old, slightly cheesy and low budget but surprisingly decent anime. You play as a young boy, Ikki, in a world obsessed with three foot high fighting robots that-

Ughhh, another let's play? From you?
What are you talking about? This is my first let's play.

So the other ones don't count? Even the one you-
Nope. And especially that one!

Well, Since we already got questions in bold we might as well roll with it.

Rokusho version?
There are two versions, Rokusho and Metabee.

What are the differences?
Starting medabot, medals, and parts are exclusive depending on the version.

The what now?
We'll get to those. Eventually. I already got screen shots of the first chapter. It's long. So, hopefully you guys will enjoy it.

Will there be any viewer participation?
You can name things. But not the main character, I'll use his default name. You can also choose what fighting robots you want to see in battle and side things we can do.

Will you add in any writing to the game? Please don't.
Relax. I'll do minimum characterization and stuff like that. But there will be fluff text, and attempts at humor as well.

I think you are a good let's player and that you shouldn't put yourself down so much!
Well, if you enjoy my let's plays, may I recommend watching let's plays on youtube in which a camcorder is used to record the video? I'll have you know that my quality will be on par to theirs. (Don't do this)

Chapter 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8798050&postcount=10)
Chapter 2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8814230&postcount=20)
Chapter 3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9312395&postcount=34)

2010-06-27, 01:52 AM
Wow. I actually remember watching this corny TV show as a kid, many years ago.

I have to admit, I'm interested in seeing just what you plan on doing with this.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-27, 02:19 AM
i lovedthis show, shame they took it off, then put it back on again on a schedual i couldent follow, then took it off again.

i wanted one of those car-type medabots :(

2010-06-27, 07:05 AM
I used to love this show. It's G-Gundam meet pokemon. definitely going to follow this.

2010-06-27, 07:12 AM

...yeah, I liked the show too. Note: in Japanese it was called "Medarot" and had an extra season, though it apparently wasn't great.

2010-06-27, 08:36 AM
I. Love. This. Show.

I don't even remember the plotline anymore, but I do remember watching it everyday.

Luck to you.

2010-06-27, 09:07 AM
"Medafighters ready? Medabots ... ROBATTLE!"

Man, I love Mr. Referee.

2010-06-27, 01:00 PM
Never heard of it. But it sounds deliciously corny.

2010-06-27, 03:05 PM

...yeah, I liked the show too. Note: in Japanese it was called "Medarot" and had an extra season, though it apparently wasn't great.

If it's the same with the manga, it is because they turn the corny premise into a serious myth arc.

2010-06-27, 08:33 PM
Chapter One: Holy Medaroli

We begin our tale in some sort of office laboratory complex. A young man calls out to the receptionist with the vigor of youth.

The receptionist's response is cold and with little humanity, spawed by the unfulfilling and hell like position of receptionist.

Yup! Chirps the young boy.

Well then, you should go check the office all the way in the back. The receptionist did not move or make any gestures to point out the way. He is cold, lifeless and unfeeling. His very begin crushed by years-

Okay! Thanks a lot. Says the boy merrily on his way, completely interrupting my irrational dislike of receptionists.

He stumbles into a side room and sees a three foot tall robot in a large glass tube.

http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd242/EkiEki_2007/Medabots%201/106.png the man explains calmly. What secrets could he be hiding the boy does not wonder.

The young man in red makes his way to a back lab and moves to find a small office.

The office of Dr. Aki. An intertanionally well know medabot researcher. His legacy is deep and ever winding. Truly a man to respect and honor.

Says Ikki Casually

Don't you know I'm always busy? Um....uh

The doctor fiddles and ponders.



Ikki, the protagonist of our tale. A boy in a world obsessed with three foot tall fighting robots.... without a medabot of his own.


Of course. This narrative must stick to the cannon as much as possible.

But I'm busy so I can' spend much time with you.

But I want to learn more about medabots, Whined Ikki in an likable and endearing way.


then it'd be best to visit my granddaughter Nae's research room.



She knows almost as much as I do about medabots.

Really? Yay! Okay, well, I guess I will be going.
After doctor Aki had dumped Ikki on his Grandaughter, Ikki decided to speak to a sensible and well adjusted scientist.



No Ikki, they're staring at you



After being pushed down by a scrawny scientist, Ikki reacts passively.



Only those with proper clearance can-


A woman appears, most likely to investigate the sudden thump sound.

The child thumper's face twists with lust.


The kid was trying to get into the room without permission, so I was just-

Ikki babbles trying to justify himself.



My name is Nae. What's your name?
Surprised by such friendliness, Ikki brings himself up.

Nice to meet you. My name is Ikki.
The child thumper's voice turns into a snooty snarl.

Nae is doctor Aki's granddaughter. She's well known throughout the medabot world as the authority on all things that are related to metabots.

Meta bot meta bot bot metabot?
Ikki seems impressed.


Let us drop the formalities shall we? Dr. Nae brings herself down to Ikki's level. Do you like medabots?

Yup. Chirps Ikki.

Well then, would you like to see my research lab?

What? Are you sure it's okay?

The resaercher dives into the conversation.Miss Nae! Surely you can't be serious about showing such important research to a kid!

I really don't mind. So, shall we go Ikki?


The two walk into a somewhat small office with a desk, a testing area and glass capsules with four unique looking medabots in them.

The four medabots over there are the new "Elemental series" that we are developing now.

I've never heard of that before on "Medabots weekly".

Medabots weekly, the professional source of all things medabots.

Truly Nae is a master of articulation to be able to say that heart sign.


Truly Ikki is a master of articulation to be able to say that unironically

We're not finished with them yet, so they aren't fully functional. But you can go see them for yourself.

Earthkrono, a tank type medabot that transforms it parts to protect it's allies.
Saldron, a floater type medabot that transforms it's parts to attack.
Windsail, an air type medabot that transforms it's parts to lower enemy abilities
Aquacrown, a sea type medabot that transforms it's parts to help out allies.

Truly such medabots will cause some poor fellow to nerd rage against such a force.

Ikki keeps his eyes glued to the medabots, admiring the sheer sleek and enhanced design of all the test medabots. No corners were cut in the presentations. Except for Earthkrono, but all tank medabots are suppose to be ugly anyway.

Nae makes a slight "ahem", I'm not always here but I'll leave the room open, so you can come in whenever you want.

A cue for Ikki to leave the busy doctor to her work.

Ikki feeling in a sight seeing mood, decides to check out the annexed museum.

He speaks to the medabot manning...er botting the front desk.



But at least you can see them for free.

Top of the line as it may be, can it truly stand up to the might of the original?
I want to touch it...

No touching the displays, please.
Ikki's eyes shift to the next model.

It's the new and improved version of the kabuto medabot! It's so cool!
I personally fail to see the relevancy.

The one Erika has is "Brass" which is the improved version of this medabot.

Ahh yes, the school girl medabot. A favorite among....school girls......

A pattern?

The ultra rare Natural color!? And... The ultra rare Moon dragon..... This......This.....
I believe the technical term for the feeling that our young Ikki is feeling is "nergasm".

Unfortunately, the museum ran out of displays, there are only so many rare medabot related items that could inspire such nerdage. Ikki finally decides to leave.


I'd better hurry up and get home! Medabots weekly is going to start!

Ikki makes a mad dash south to a well kept red and blue house. The house looks more expensive then the others in the area.

His house.


Ikki says, as he begins to run up the stairs.

You always just disappear on me.

Latter I've gotta run! says Ikki as he half trips up the stairs.



A friendly dog of a breed of which I am unfamiliar with greets our Ikki.


Oh man! I've gotta turn on the TV before it comes on.

Ikki skillfully turns to his side and turns on the tv.

Whew! Ikki contently sits down to watch.
Looks like I've made it in the nick of time.


A studio audience quiets down as curtains unveil a grand stage.


A bipedal medabot, a tank medabot and an air medabot rush to the stage.
The human host walks to the center stage, dressed in full pink.


She waves to the audience and in a shout, the audience answers back.
The medabots speak eagerly, sounding somewhat childlike.







It's a shame that the teleprompter recently broke down. However, the show must go on.



It took years of design theory in order to create a robotic skeleton that wouldn't scare children. They succeed. Somewhat.
Let's attach some parts to him!

The head part antenna, increases the accuracy of your medabots.
The right arm part, sword, is a quick strike weapon.
The left arm part, Pipo hammer, is a slower powerful weapon.
The leg part,tatack...tatatata....tatacker, is a decent leg part. Not much to say about it.

And for the finishing touch.


A medal is inserted into the back of the medabot causing it's eyes to glow bright red.


It springs to action, punching and slashing all things in front of it. A product safe for children.

These robots needs medals to move around. That's why they are called "Medabots"

We'll see you next time for medabots weekly!

"Are we already finished?" Asked the bipedal robot.
Bye for now, everyone.


I find the lack of polish in the writing in the show itself to be disappointing. All that production input and yet....but I digress.

If only I had a medabot of my own.


Truly, salty is a master of articulation to only speak in barks and say so much.

You think so too, salty?

Suddenly, Ikki's mom comes upstairs in a huff and turns off the tv.
Wha? Mommmmm

A interesting quirk of Ikki's, whenever he complains to his mother he elongates the "m" and not the "o".

If you got time to sit and watch tv, then you have time to go down to the hopmart and pick up some spice-a-ronini for tonight's dinner.

The hopmart, when you just want to hop to it.



Okay, Okay.

The old saying is true, parents just don't understand. Ikki's mother is a force to be reckoned with if she can stop Ikki's whining.

I don't have any change so here's a fifty dollar bill.
That's quite a large sum of cash. However, I believe we are all quite confident in Ikki's ability to not disappoint, even in the smallest of chores.


The hop mart, the set of the next scene.
Next time.

(That took way too long to write up. So, any problems with the let's play? Visual or narrative? I'm only half way through my recorded screen shots too....)

2010-06-27, 08:41 PM
everything are still too mysterious to judge right now.

2010-06-27, 09:16 PM
Not bad, but Nae's text is waaaaaay too light. Can you darken it a bit?

2010-06-27, 09:29 PM
It is done. I was wondering if I should use portraits instead of colors. Any thoughts on that. Anyone?

Edit: My goodness that is quite a number of mistakes. When updates won't take as long I'll have more awareness of them. Maybe.

2010-06-27, 09:35 PM
That... starts out pretty good actually. This has the potential to become highly goofy. :smallbiggrin:

Portraits sounds good, but could disturb the narrative flow. (Your own black text insertions.) So not sure.

(Needs bigger screenshots though. :smallcool: )

2010-06-27, 10:04 PM
Ah, I remember this game.

Good times...

I remember it as one of the few GBA games which I played which actually had good graphics and stuff.

2010-06-27, 11:45 PM
It's a very well polished game, even though it was made in 2002. Shame about the obscurity.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-28, 12:21 AM
couldent hurt to at least try the portats rather then the colored text, see what pepole think of it afterwords. *shrugs*

2010-06-28, 04:18 PM
Looks interesting so far. I assume that we'll get to choose out starter pokémonMedabot next update?

Also, I'd put some spoiler tags around the LP proper to make navigating the thread easier.

2010-06-28, 05:55 PM
*hums the themesong reluctantly, because she now has no other choice.*

2010-06-29, 09:01 PM
Chapter Two: People getting angry. People getting sad.

Last time we left our hero we were outside a tacky "hopmart". Ikki takes a moment to feel the blast of AC and search his limited knowledge of the music media to find that instrumental piece blasting across the sound system. He enters the store.


Why in the world did you buy such expensive Medabots without permission!?
This is why you don't let the new guy do supply management.

The manager's fury grew as did his colorful facial expression.


The manager interrupts. What do you mean "Well"!?
He moved closer into the new guys face, nostrils flaring, and uttered a line similar to that one scene from that one movie I never saw.I said "What are you going to do!?"

The new guy turns his face away from the great nostrils.
Yeah, I wonder what I should do with them.
A finger prodded his chest.
The man leaves, suitcase in hand.

The worker goes back to work, devising a quick way to fix his situation.
Ikki finishes staring. It's not fair to call it eaves-dropping if the conversation can be heard thirty feet away. Ikki remember what it was he came for and asks the cashier where the spice-a-roini is located.

The player holds a grudge against video games who use this cheap excuse not to sell items at the beginning of the game.

Ikki decides to talk with the recently-yelled-at-worker. This just may be the biggest mistake/greatest thing that will ever happen in his life.

The speaks without looking.
Oh can I help you? His turns around to see a child, with money in his hands.
A Medabot? I have a great one for you.
The man puts on his best business man sales pitch voice.
You friends definitely won't have THIS! You'll be the coolest kid in town!
Um...I... Ikki is flustered but still passive.
How much do you have? The man swipes the money from Ikki's hand. Fifty dollars? Perfect! I'll give you a great deal for the whole set for Forty Nine Ninety-nine!
The man throws a large bowx on top of Ikki.
Okay, all set! I'll even throw in a Tinpit.
Another box is piled on, obscuring Ikki's face.

Now you're a medafighter!The man flips a penny with a thump on to the pile of boxes. So, what's your name anyway?
...Um... It's-
Mine's Henry, what's yours?

Well, I'm Ikki but...
Ikki Huh? Henry thinks, still keeping his salesmen voice and wink.
That's a great name for a medafighter don't ya think?
Ikki looked out towards the window and noticed a "No refunds" Sign. Defeated he walks out the store.


On his way home, our star boy thinks up with a plan to handle his mother's reaction. He's got nothing.

When he enters his home, his mother speaks in rising motherly discontent.
What's that box you have there? Her suspicions have been confirmed.



You don't mean that you bought a toy with our dinner money!? Sentient three feet tall fighting robot, but I digress. Ikki is unable to face his mother. Mostly because the boxes block his view.

Once again, our protagonist is defeated. Truly he should develop his charisma score.
Go think about it in your room!

Ikki slowly moves upstairs feeling worse and worse. When he reaches his room, he rests his back to the wall.
Wow, she was really mad.

Saltly turns it's doggy head.

Ikki sighs and moves the box to the middle of his room.
Well, I may be stuck here, but I should at least open the box.

Ikki put's all the knowledge he has gained from watching a five minute weekly low budget tv show and begins assembling his medabot. He finishes and waits eagerly.
A minute goes by and nothing happens.

It's not moving? He hits it a few times, a few times in the medal slot and once in the head.
Opps! Ikki yells out, like a curse.
Things never seem to go his way. Salty, in the presence of the close to sobbing Ikki, runs around barking, perhaps to cover up the sounds of sissy tears.

A man, grizzly, scrawny, not really aware of anything is about to enter his home after a grueling day of work when suddenly....

He scans around him, desperately trying to find the source of the voice.
From the shadows emerges the cloaked, masked figure.
Mr.Cluless backs away, readying his wallet.
I-if you want any money, I'm broke!
The shawdow brings out his hand, trying to show no hostility.
Do not fear.
The Phantom begins moving ever closer to the man.
I have come to bring you a present
????? was the only thing the man could bring himself to say. Truly he is a master of articulation to invoke such an amount of questionable......marks.
He gains a slight amount of composure back.
The phantom, evidently, finds this hysterical.
It doesn't matter! He barks in rough voice.
Clueless stares at it cluelessly.
Give it to your child! Present this to your boy!! Put this near his pillow while he sleeps!!! Anyway you want, just give it to him!
The phantom sneaks back into the shadows and turns with a twirl of his cape.

Ikki's father has entered the room, seeing young Ikki in a fit, he tries as best as he can to alter this kerfuffle.

Oh! Isn't that a medabot?

Ikki has reached the state of post sissydom, he isn't recovering well.
Father kneels down to touch the medabot.
Yeah. Answered the meek Ikki.

Let me see. He hits the back of the medabot.Oh, there's no medal inside there. He can't move without a medal.
Medabots need medals to function. That's why they're called medabots don't ya know?


The medabot springs to life, punching and sword striking the air around him.



Here, look what daddy got you.
From his pocket, he pulled out a watch. The watch itself doesn't tell time, but it can hold a medal.
Wowwwwwwwwww!! Thanks a lot, Dad!
Wow is like mom upside down.
Dad lets out a contended laugh. Good job, dad.

He pats his son's head and heads downstairs to pretend to read the paper.

(This is the Kuwagata medal. It's default name is Rokusho. I'm 100% sure I'm keeping this name. Unless someone convinces me otherwise.)

At this moment I felt a strange jab of pain at my side.

Ikki decides to go leave the house. He thought about it, he wants to test out his new medabot.

Someone has to.

Father gives a reaction line from his paper.
Be a good boy and listen to your mother, Ikki.
Ikki decides to leave his home only to be assaulted by the most dangerous of foes.

A flash of light.


This girl, Erika, Ikki's friend. She wears pink overalls and a turquoise undershirt. Evidently she wants to be a reporter. She's female, too.

What about you, Ikki? Erikia spots a little something on Ikki's wrist.
You've got a medawatch, don'tcha? Have you Robattled yet?
Hmm? Well, sorta.
Ikki is a terrible liar.
(Fun fact, I accidentally typed "writer" here.)

Hmm, could it be that you haven't started to Robattle yet? If that's the case, then I'll be your next opponent.
This little girl is getting all up in Ikki's grill. He won't take that.


You mind filling me in?

You don't want to lose any medaparts, right? This Robattle is just for fun, so win or lose nobody will have to give up anything, okay?

I certainly can't think of a reason not to.

That's.....nice. Ikki, this is your first battle. If you lose here, there will be much dishonor upon you.

Ikki begins contemplating which medabot to use. Rokusho? Or possibly Rokusho. Whatever his choice, I'm sure it will be a well thought out and tactical minded decision.

What!? Not Rokusho! This is a fools game!

Rokusho begins rushing to his target, acting before the three foot tall school girl with gun arms could.

With his mighty Pipo hammer, he strikes, like purple lighting. I assure your the purple kind has special properties.

A strong blow destroying both arms, leaving his foe unable to attack. Shall Ikki give his opponent mercy?

Rokusho pummels Brass in the face and her head explodes.

Function ceased. A perfect win for Ikki.

We'll see about that next time. Well, not really.

(This chapter was more difficult to write for. I'm not going to use portraits but I'll try to make screen shots bigger.)

2010-06-29, 09:05 PM
I liked that show... though where I live, the final episode was pre-empted, and never reran. Yay.

Kris Strife
2010-06-30, 12:43 AM
Hey, did they ever figure out who Phantom was? I don't think I ever saw the reveal, but I always thought it was Henry.

2010-06-30, 01:31 AM
Hey, did they ever figure out who Phantom was? I don't think I ever saw the reveal, but I always thought it was Henry.

Are you kidding? It was so painfully obvious it was Henry the entire time. It was kind of funny how obvious it was. Every single time the phantom appears, Henry appears later, with the same injury no less.

Kris Strife
2010-06-30, 06:22 AM
Are you kidding? It was so painfully obvious it was Henry the entire time. It was kind of funny how obvious it was. Every single time the phantom appears, Henry appears later, with the same injury no less.

This is why I thought it was him, but there have been animes with a masked stranger and someone who looks exactly like them, and the stranger was a parent or a sibling or something. This seemed like the kind of show to add in a random, pointless plot twist like that. :smalltongue:

Shas aia Toriia
2010-06-30, 09:10 AM
I love Medabots. Your LP also looks good so far, keep it up!
I'll be following this one. :smallsmile:

2010-06-30, 10:21 AM
Man, i wonder how they are reparing the bots after they've beaten the crap off of each other... other than that entertaining to watch. :smallsmile:

2010-06-30, 01:02 PM
I was wondering if the Phantom Renegade who is totally Henry Who is totally NOT Henry, nope, not Henry one bit, would show up in this game.
Really badly-WELL-hidden secret identities always amuse me.

2010-06-30, 01:04 PM
Medabots is still one of my favourite shows. I never knew about the game though. I'll be watching closely :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-08, 07:56 PM
This isn't the game I remember...

2010-07-08, 08:00 PM
Uh, nitpicking, I know, but... was the double l in the title intentional?

The Dark Fiddler
2010-07-08, 11:05 PM
...there was a game?


Also, Erika confirmed for SchoolTimeShipping love interest. :smalltongue:

2010-07-09, 12:48 AM
Well, it seems that for some reason everyone beside american know that medabots is based on a game, just like pokemon and digimon. AT least I think everyone around here recognized that.

Even more, there are multiple games with multiple versions, just like pokemon (note that this current game is consisted of metabee version and rokuro version)

Dunno, I just thought that it's that obvious from the theme (gotta battle them all?).

2010-07-09, 06:26 PM
I heard that a Medabots DS came out. I should look into this.

2010-09-07, 08:02 PM
Two months is never enough time to stop me from continuing on with my barrage of bad writing!

Chapter three: Introspective kerfuffle.

Last time we left our hero, he had just won his first Robattle against his loudmouth lady friend.
Little did he know, strange powers began moving in the medal of his medabot.

Erika acknowledges the competence of Ikki's new medabot.
But I won't lose next time!
Ikki beings to raise a rebuttal, in line with the theme of him not getting enough respect when Erika interrupts suddenly.
This isn't the time or place for this.
Banter denied.
There's a big Robattle contest going on at the school, you know! I'm gonna go on ahead you, okay? See you there!
As a man of minor English proficiency, I find the constant use of the word "gonna" grating. However, I must professional present the story to you, the reader.

Ikki walks to his elementary school. Even during vacation it remains open. Whatever vacation it is.

When he arrived, nothing was up.

Perhaps if you did not Robattle him yourself, you might of caught a match.
It looks like the leader of the screws was the winner. They've got full control of the place!
The screws, a trio of unscrupulous controlling fear mongers! I believe Erika describes them best.

They always say "The three of us count as one! So if you can't beat all three of us, then you can't win.

Ikii sighs.
We are grade schoolers.

Ikki faces the three dramatically. Three shadowy figures stand dramatically on a miniature ramp next to a Bulletin board. He walks up, and the person highest up begins monologing with their eye closed.


The little androgynous girl with a raspy voice continues.
Okay, I'll take it easy on you.
Ikki decides not to take her jive!


So he decides to walk away from needless conflict. What could bring our hero back on track?

"Ikki skillfully chickens out!" Well, do ya?
Ah yes, shame. The everlasting motivation.

Spoiler alert: Ikki never gets a break.

Go get him, Sloan!

A chubby, sickly fellow wobbles forward with an intimidating force.

Now, I know I say this quite often, but I must say. This character is the supreme master, an example of the absolute pinnacle mastery of the English language. Not in such a way that with a few grunts he could evoke a true spectrum of emotion, but that every word he speaks is as deep and beautiful as the night sky itself.

He's an absolutely terrible Medafighter, however.

A terrifying foe. This really slow laser turtle tank is really slow and fires lasers. Considering Rokusho attacks it four to six times before it can attack back, it's hard to justify it's very existence. It's impressive defense can in no way stand a relentless assault.

Clothes are nothing but shallow ways to hide from our true selves, it is inevitable such a meager barrier of meta-physiology can be stained.

My clothes got all messed up. Muttered a true prophet who knows his warnings will be foolishly tosses aside.

Your next Spyke! Get him!

A completely generic young child approaches, perhaps in a way acknowledging his complete insignificance but willing to fight.

His spiked hair represents a cry for recognition. An indubitable cry for reason is shouted across the universe.

His medabot, stylized yet superficial, unable to reach is full potential is held back by his master.

Guts are nothing but romanticized stupidity!

The turtle head gained before was impractically heavy, and the prospect of a turtle firing lasers out of it's frickin head is too silly an idea. I believe snipping is still considered cool. Ikki is quickly amounting a stock pile of medaparts, who knows what interesting abominations could be made by mixing different parts together?

It wasn't fair! Cried the spiked hair sack of uselessness.
Miss androgynous has no pity for him.

How pitiful. You lost against him.
She let's out a chuckle before getting truly serious.

Her voice breaks through her battle cry, it is like the love child of a siren
and a cheese grater.

An anthropomorphic robot cat, a pitiful foe. Why, a single hammer strike will-
What is this demon speed!? Ikki has never faced a foe such as this! How will he ever adapt!?

The cat responds by jamming it's claw, crackling with the force of electricity into Rokusho's arm. Worst of all, besides losing his arm, Rokusho is paralyzed for a few seconds.

The cat's critical hit rate is obscene.

This is a point in which a stubborn Medafighter would continue a futile assault. However, Ikki has a seemingly useless trick up his sleeve!
Sensor gives an increased accuracy bonus. Will it be enough to defeat that damn cat?


Samantha is in shock. Ikki isn't really that excited for some reason.

It's not that difficult, really. I've been doing it the entire time.

I got some great shots of the Robattle! I can see the head line now, "Miracle Victory!"
Miracle? Ikki finally relishes his time of peace when suddenly...

We were playing by kids rules so the win doesn't count.
An unfortunate turn of events!

I'll show you something amazing using the real rules. Pepper cat! Transport! Spyke! Sloan! Transport your medabots too!


Sorry, official rules. You'd better be prepared.
Actually, a single Medafighter is allowed to transport three medabots at a time. Now since a Medafighter is only allowed a single watch, and matches are traditionally done in a duel of one fighter versus another along with the definition as what counts as a single Medafighter-


The three medabots gather round and surround Rokusho. Useless turtle charges his laser, stupid dog readies his sniper rifle, that damn cat is about to use thunder punch. Rokusho's eyes flares up a bright light, he readies his sword arm and dashes forward in a flash. Shock waves erupt and a force of energy creates a damaging vortex of power.


The medabot trio get caught in chain reaction explosions and cease function.

Mouths are open and minds are blown.
Dude!? Can that really be done!?
Now hold on! Just what did you do to my medabot!? A Kuwagata medabot doesn't have the data to even DO a technique like that!
I'm gonna wet my pants!

Lots of denial and a positive attitude can only get you through this mess.




Umm...I don't really know.
Meanwhile, Rokusho actively gives thought to his actions, his inevitable streak of destruction has only just begun.
I have awaken. I am the white knight, I am the proprietor of destruction, I am the paragon of cleansing! I....have...THE worst headache....


I like "Awesome Medafighter Appears"

No no, your medabot was awesome, not you, Ikki.

Aw man....
R-E-S-P-E-C-T...just a little bit? It's all he needs.

Okay, well I'm gonna go write that article so why don't you go look for Robattle opponents around school?

Well, I guess I could.

Ah yes, battle. My old mistress, it is a dance I'm eager to perform once more.

Umm...sure. Just get back in my watch.

I'm getting afraid of adding my own stuff in but I need to expand my narrative past those stupid jokes. Next few chapters will make or break this LP.

2010-09-07, 09:55 PM
Make or break! o/
(Needs more shots of the fights. They look pretty interesting.)

2010-09-08, 04:57 AM
Definitely needs more battle shots.

Also, if Sloan appears more often (since it's based on the show, I'm assuming he will) then he needs a different text color.

2010-09-08, 07:57 AM
*is still humming the themesong*