View Full Version : WFRP: A legacy is born

2010-06-27, 02:57 PM
the track infront of you is a steep one... leading downwards. behind you looms the great Karak-izor, the place you used to call home. the sun is just rising in the distance and begining to illuminate the vast fields and forrests infront of you, it was a beautiful sight to behold, but the beauty was ruined somewhat by the traveling duelist known as Faragrim Falgrimmson *cough cough* *ahem* *spit* "gah, sorry bout that. something caught in me throat."

what a way to break the mood. this was the dawn of a new era, in which you and Faragrim are to begin to write the history books in the making of New runes! runes, ah runes, fresh memories come to mind as you think of your training as an apprentice runesmith, but now, you are a free man... well dwarf. you are free to make any rune within your knowledge on whatever you want, but you have dedicated yourself to becoming a legend amongst dwarfs. to create runes of such power the likes of which have never been seen! the act of doing so will make you famou--*cough cough* *ahem* *cough cough* "just cant shake it off."

your line of thought is lost once again. but turns to the task directly infront of you, finding nessisary information with which to create the rune/runes to make you a legend. but you have no idea where to start. Faragrim seems alright generally speaking, but having only known him for the previous few hours he was starting to get on the nerves a little already.

2010-06-27, 03:10 PM
Murgriz Grimmson grits his teeth at the other Dwarf, but supposes it's best to have some sort of backup.

"Well, there is never anywhere to go but forwards. Come on, then, Faragrim." Murgriz shifts his pack on his back, tugs his braided brown beard, checks his weapons and heads down the hill. Plenty of time to pick up a lead, before going running off in whatever direction takes your fancy. And first of all - finding something, and then doing some research from that. It might take years. An apprenticeship teaches you nothing if not patience.

2010-06-27, 03:21 PM
"alright, alright im on my way." Faragrim grumbles as he follows you. "i never expected to be doing all this you know?! i grew up in the Reik, you know. when i was growing up i never thought i'd be helping a runesmith of all people." he is clearly not unhappy about the situation, he just feels the need to point these things out. but one thing which was true, he never thought he would be helping a runesmith, infact, with his sheltered upbringing from dwarvan culture in the Reikland he had only heard of runesmiths as stories, and he knows very little about the whole thing.

"where are we going anyway?" he asks in a tone that implies he knows that there is no set destination yet.

2010-06-27, 03:25 PM
Murgriz thinks to himself for a while, and decides to surprise his companion by giving a fairly definite answer. "Altdorf. Through the Reikland. As good a place as any, I suppose, and you'll know your way around. I can get to use the University libraries, and things will be more available there."

Murgriz looks back to see any reaction, before pulling his pack further up his back and continuing down the hill at a rolling pace.

2010-06-27, 03:28 PM
there was actually a reaction "o-o-oh, Altdorf you say? i wasnt expecting that, but thats as good a place as any!" he seems shocked but pleased by this news

2010-06-28, 01:59 PM
a long journy awaits if you are to head to Altdorf. a long travel through the borderprinces then the southern Reik. but as a dwarf, you will likely be allowed passage through the mountains at Karak-Hirn, shortening the journy significantly.

as you ponder your route to Altdorf the sun rises a little higher in the sky and you reach the bottom of the mountain, mainly woodland, but it isnt thick forrests yet. there is a clear path through the woodland, but taking a shortcut through the woodland if you were to head to karak-hirn could be advisable.

2010-06-29, 03:31 AM
"Trees. I don't like trees," grunts Murgriz, moving along the edge of the woodland, looking for a path, what shadowy imitation of a tunnel a woodland path is, anyway. He pulls out his axe and shakes it threateningly at the rustling trees.

2010-06-29, 05:07 AM
"what is it? is there someone watching us?" Faragrim asks puzzled.