View Full Version : Eberron: The Lhazaar Heists [IC]

2010-06-28, 05:37 AM
A few weeks ago you first heard about Gauntlet. Soon after performing a successful operation, you encountered a man who said he worked for Gauntlet. You hadn’t heard the name Gauntlet before, but you were assured that he was both trustworthy and wealthy. The man explained that Gauntlet needed thieves, to help him get his hands on a number of items. Any questions regarding Gauntletīs identity or the nature of the items was evaded. After expressing your interest in working for Gauntlet, you were told to meet him in a tavern here in Regalport.
That meeting is today, so you arrive at the tavern. The bartender directs you to a room in the back. As you enter you see a small room with a long table. Around the table are eight chairs, and a ninth at the far end of the table. In addition to the door you entered through, there is one on the opposite wall.
You arrive at the tavern in the following order:
1. Malcus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=216652")
2. Moq (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=217252")
3. Angus (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=217252) and Razjix (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=216784)
4. "Faceless" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=216615")
5. Jove (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=216595")
6. Wright (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=216554")
7. Yvonne (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=217057")
After a short while the bartender arrives with a tray with a bottle of wine and eight glasses, puts it on the table and quickly leaves.

2010-06-28, 06:20 AM
"Faceless" enters the room and sees a gnome, human and two other beings..
He sits at the opposite end of the table than the others.

He keeps on eye out for anyone who tries to do something and a hand ready to grab his weapon.

2010-06-28, 06:40 AM
Razjix greets "Hello there". And takes place at a table.

2010-06-28, 06:53 AM
Angus, deeply concentrated in his spellbook, first realize after Razjix greeting that they have arrived at their location. He says nothing and take seat at Razjix.

2010-06-28, 07:31 AM
Yvonne arrives at the tavern early, but does not enter. She had been summoned by some being called Gauntlet, and from what she had heard she wasn't the only one. Honest Kal might have vouched for it, and they'd worked together long enough that she knew Kal wouldn't sell her out, but it still smelt like a trap.

Whether it was the alias for some thief trying to take out the competition or a sting being carried out by the Regalport authorities, such as they were, Gauntlet could be setting them all up for the fall. So she circled the building, cataloguing its possible exits and keeping an eye out for anyone that might be a spotter. By the time she had finished her sweep and had been shown through to the back room, the other free agents had already arrived.

As heads turn in her direction, she removes her goggles and bows. "I hope I did not keep you waiting," she says, with a flash of a smile.

2010-06-28, 11:31 AM
Malcus arrives early, as he is wont to do, and slowly sizes up each individual who enters the room. He is unsure of this Gauntlet and his newfound comrades, but doesn't let it show.

"Greetings," he says, in turn, as each person enters the room.

2010-06-28, 12:53 PM
Moq as Urik d'Tharashk

A handsome human male strolls into the room and makes a beeline for the wine before greeting his roommates.
"Hmm vintage 986 YK, not too bad"
He pops open the wine, pours out a bit into his glass, swirls its with practised skill and takes a sip.
Not bad at all

While he looked relaxed, the changeling was carefully taking the mannerism of his future comrades. She/he had done her homework and knew most of their history. She was not able to glean much on her new employer, which made her excited.

Anyone else want a glass? he asked causally.

2010-06-29, 08:44 AM

A small, thin boy bounces into the room. "Is this the Gauntlet?" He hops up onto a chair. "Oooh, I'm not supposed to be drinking. Pour me one, please!"

2010-06-29, 10:33 AM
I do love corrupting
the young!
Urik says jovily as he pours the kid a glass.
Not too fast now little one, don't want it to get to your head before we even hear the job.

2010-06-29, 05:23 PM
"Faceless" looks at the little boy drinking a glass of wine.
"Going to have kids with us.. Troublesome.." "Faceless" mumbles for himself..

2010-06-29, 09:11 PM
"None for me, thank you. As you say, I would like to keep a clear head when decisions must be made."

With that said, Yvonne sits down in the remaining chair.

2010-06-30, 06:00 AM
The door on the other side of the room opens. In comes a warforged being helped by a servant. One of his legs is missing the lower half, and all of his left arm too. The one arm he has ends in a hand that looks much too large for his body. His face seems to have been severely broken, and mended crudely with tin and wood. All in all he looks on the verge of breaking down.
The servant helps him to his seat on the end of the table, and leaves quietly. The chairs creaks under his weight, and he takes a moment to sit comfortably.
The worn warforged looks around you, taking time to notice each of you before talking.
"Hello. I am Gauntlet. Please have some of the wine, while I tell you about the job I need you for.
My men have told me that you are among the best thieves in Lhazaar. I want to hire you for a series of tasks. You will travel to different parts of the islands, and steal some items for me.
The first thing I need, is in Port Verge. I have arranged a ship for you, to go there. It leaves tomorrow morning. In Port Verge lives Chale d'Deneith. Chale has been very successful in the business of hiring guards to trading ships, and has used his money to build himself a small mansion there. I know that he has somehow acquired the item I am looking for, and I have discovered by magic means that it is in his house. That is all I know, so you'll have to search the house thoroughly. The item I am looking for is a simple, tattered old war standard bearing the crest of Karrnath. For that item I will reward you 1500 gold pieces each, in whatever type of payment you prefer.
To get in and search the place, I have arranged a meeting between a friend of mine, the blacksmith Eskar Unkil, and Chale. They will spend a week in his mansion discussing business. Eskar will of course bring enough servants to make himself comfortable. You will take on the role as his servants. But do not worry. You won't be expected to do much work for him, just enough to keep up appearance. He will help you in any way he can during the operation.
That is my offer.
He looks around at you. The expression on his smashed face is impossible to read.

2010-06-30, 06:06 AM
"Oooh, sounds exciting. You can count me in. But... is it common to have kobold servants in Lhazaar?"

2010-06-30, 06:55 AM
"The pay seems.. a bit small, dont you think?" "Faceless" says with an unpleasant voice.



2010-06-30, 10:32 AM
"It is a risky plan. When the theft is discovered your friend would be an obvious suspect, which could easily lead d'Deneith to us. If you are set on this course of action, I would at least suggest that those posing as the blacksmith's servants only locate the standard and not perform the actual theft."

2010-06-30, 11:51 AM
"I agree with Yvonne's assessment of the situation. Perhaps we should split the group in two: one for preforming the recon with Eskar and another for preforming the actual heist."

2010-07-01, 05:33 AM
"Splitting up seems like a good idea, but.. Who will go in each group?, for this to work we have to know each others strengths and weaknesses, not taking someone who does not have any experience in theivery into the actual heist.
I myself is better at killing than speaking, I change appearence as needed and act as needed for my victim to believe in me, I can pick locked doors and I've always worked alone, until now."

2010-07-01, 06:46 AM
Yvonne looks to Malcus, momentarily surprised. "You know of me, human?"

She recovers her composure quickly, though, and continues. "I think that proves my point. My distinguishing features are distinguishing indeed here in the Principalities, so it would be better for me to keep to my usual tactics rather than parading myself around beneath our target's nose."

2010-07-01, 07:27 AM
"Wait-wait-wait wait... wait..... wait-is it just me, or isn't it a fairly big sum of gold for an old tattered battle standard. I mean, come on what's the special about it? What's the catch mister Gauntlet?!"

2010-07-01, 07:53 AM
Gauntlet takes some time to answer each of your questions in his metallic, monotone voice.
To Razjix:
"Kobolds are not common in these parts, but there are so many weird creatures around that you will practically go unnoticed. I think that if all of you dress and act like servants you will hardly be seen."
To "Faceless":
"The payment will be 1500 gold pieces each. That is not in any way a small amount. You will accept the sum, or you can walk away."
To Yvonne and Malcus:
"I have already discussed this with Eskar. We know from scouting and abrupt conversations with servants, that the mansion seems far bigger on the outside than the inside. It would seem there are multiple secret rooms or passages in there, and it might be too risky to enter the same one twice, in case the entry leaves marks. In addition you only have this one chance to get inside. It is very heavily guarded, with men and magic. Posing as servants gives you the freedom to move about most the house unnoticed. We have made a plan to try to avoid the suspicion falling on you though. I have hired some other people to help us out. Two changelings, who are very adept at acting are standing by in a nearby inn. When you get your hands on the item, make sure to bring a few additional objects from where you find it. Soon after, Eskar will call for the changelings. When they are inside they will stage an attempted burglary, which is "foiled" by Eskar. Unfortunately one of the three thieves will get away with a large sack carrying something, but Eskar will have caught his comrades with a sack full of stolen goods. Chale d'Deneith will recognize these things as belonging close to the banner, and when he finds it missing as well, he will probably suspect the escaped burglar. As for the two Eskar caught, they will escape soon after they have been seen by the residents, leaving an unconscious Eskar.
Even if you still manage to be suspected, fear not. Chale is not well liked by any of the princes nor his own house. Any act of retribution he must perform on his own. But feel free to disguise yourself while in the house, if you must. And worry not about Eskarīs safety. That is entirely my concern.
In short. I do not want you to split up as such. I want all of you in the house at the same time. Such will give us the greatest chance of success."
To Angus:
" This old war standard is very important to me and my... associates. The price represents more the expertise needed for the job, than the value of the object."
He also adds:
"You will have one week in the manor to scout, and to acquire the banner. If you are still interested, you will meet up with Eskar Unkil on the docks tomorrow morning. He can fill you in if you need to know more. He is a better talker than me.
Oh, and one last thing. I know you are thieves. Feel free to keep anything you find in the house, except the banner."

2010-07-01, 08:28 AM
Once Gauntlet leaves, Jove finally speaks up, leaning on the table. "Tricky, tricky, tricky! Two or three groups, two robberies, and a house full of hidden things! All to get a broken flag for a broken man. We should do it!"

2010-07-01, 12:36 PM
"As I said before, I still feel that it's better to know something about each other to make sure that we will get the job done without any trouble."

2010-07-01, 01:14 PM
"Well, let me begin by introducing myself." Malcus stands from the table and clears his throat. "I am Malcus E. A. Vell'ee, conjurer of fiends and celestials alike. Arcana is my forte and I do all I can to avoid dirtying my own hands."

2010-07-01, 11:29 PM
"As Malcus has already ascertained, I am the burglar Yvonne."

"As for the gnome's concern, I agree. Gauntlet is lying about something. A thousand platinum is a considerable sum. Add that to whatever it is paying its other agents, and there must be some reason it does not simply buy the standard."

2010-07-02, 09:28 AM
Jove takes another drink. "Maybe the man who has it doesn't want to give it up. People can be funny like that!"

2010-07-02, 09:40 AM
Angus stands up on his chair, so he is around the same height of a human. "Well-well now-now, it's probably just some doomsday device... or who knows, maybe it has some kind of historical value, or maybe it's a piece, in a collection of old tattered battle standards, and mister Gauntlet just happens to need this one, to complete the collection, and he's quite desperate? Either way the money wouldn't hurt the pocket, and whatever he's building, it's probably something you just can outrun... Yea sure, a lot of people might die slash get hurt slash be turned into slaves, and we might discover the only thing to stop mister Gauntlet, and he might summon demons, or hire other assassins to hunt us to the end of the world, and we might have to infiltrate his fortress of doom, and steal back all the items we stole for him to begin with, because we're the only ones who can stop him, and after the bloody aftermath, bards will sing of our deeds, and we ourselves would have become some of the most potent assassins slash warriors slash magicians... of course it's just a theory"

"O-oh yea by the way, I'm Angus... If anybody makes any jokes, which include another term of behind and my name, I WILL!.. Do nothing, because my physical form doesn't allow me to brawl with any of you, and win" Angus says, as he jumps down from his chair, and frowns a little.

"As for your proposition, about revealing our powers and weaknesses" Angus says, as he points toward Faceless. "My mother always told me, that it's never a good idea to reveal your weaknesses, not even to your closest friend. Hmm... my mother is dead though, but none the less, I still prefer to keep some tricks up my sleeves, especially since I pretty much can count on, that the most of you probably have an even more criminal background, then I have. Hmm... Let's just say I dabble in the arts of the arcane, as our other friend here" Angus says, as he make a gesture toward Malcus

2010-07-07, 06:43 AM
"Guess we are finished planning this?", With these words "Faceless" stands up and walks to his room, except if someone says that he should wait.

If we already have rooms, I'll head for my room and locking my door after me.
If we don't have rooms, I'll pay for the room and then head to the room and lock the door after me.

2010-07-16, 08:23 AM
Yvonne sits through Angus's monologue out of politeness, but makes a mental note to avoid encouraging him in the future.

After the meeting breaks up she heads back out of town, her work done for the day. Even after four years away from home she still preferred to sleep in the trees than put her trust in any innkeeper she had met.

2010-07-16, 06:14 PM
Razjix sits quietly waiting to be asked.

If he isn't asked he'll retire to his room when everyone else starts leaving.

2010-07-17, 02:44 AM
Next morning you all arrive at the docks. The air is filled with the smell of the sea and pitch, and the sound of people working. It is not so crowded this early in the day, but one ship has just arrived and people are busy unloading it's cargo. Aside from this and the usual activity of the dock, you notice a dwarven man carrying a heavy backpack, looking as if he's expecting someone. He is wearing travelling clothes, and he has a nasty scar from his left cheek to his chin, which is almost hidden behind a short beard. He does not seem to be paying attention to any of the ships or dock workers.

2010-07-17, 09:47 AM
Yvonne wakes early, takes down her tree tent, and heads to the rendezvous. On her way through the city, she purchases the tools she will need to disguise herself as a Khorvaire elf.

When she arrives she spots the waiting dwarf but does not approach him. If he is their contact, he can be relied upon to recognise her.

2010-07-19, 12:51 PM
"Faceless" wakes quite early, packs some stuff and makes his way to the docks.

At the docks he sees the dwarf and Yvonne, "Faceless" walks up and stands to the left side of Yvonne and asks, "Have you seen anyone interesting?.

2010-07-20, 11:18 AM
Malcus wakes at a reasonable hour, spends some time preparing spells for the day and packs his things. Heading to the dock, he recognizes Faceless and Yvonne and approaches with some zeal.

"Are we ready to begin this little project, compatriots?"

2010-07-24, 10:34 AM
"Not yet.. It seems that we are missing a couple of people.." "Faceless" answers..

2010-07-24, 11:19 AM
Jove bounces out. "I'm ready!"

2010-07-24, 02:50 PM
Razjix approaches the dwarf and asks:

"Are you Eskar Unkil?"

2010-07-25, 05:36 AM
Angus wakes up late. "Argh! I'm late!(late in the manner that he would be on time, if it wasn't because he had to prepare spells) Curses!" Angus screams, as he waves a fist out of a window in his room. He prepares his spells, drinks a glass of water and put a piece of bread in his mouth, and then he hurries to the meeting location. He arrives, as Razjix approaches the dwarf.

2010-07-25, 05:52 AM
The dwarf turns to Razjix, "That would be me, yes. You must be one of Gauntletīs folks.". The dwarf speaks with a heavy Brelish accent. He extends a hand to Razjix. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. ...?"

2010-07-25, 06:14 AM
Seeing that the kobold makes contact with the dwarf, "Faceless" moves down next to them "Hi, I'm "Faceless"" he says, not caring if he interrupts them.

2010-07-25, 07:06 AM
Razjix ignores "Faceless'" interruption and says:

"My name is Razjix Shadowscale".

2010-07-28, 03:05 PM
Malcus approaches with an air of self-importance.
"And I am Malcus E. A. Vell'ee. It's a pleasure to make your acquaitance."

2010-07-28, 05:47 PM
Yvonne introduces herself before moving on to business.

"We were told to meet you regarding transport."

2010-07-29, 08:20 AM
The dwarf looks around the small crowd of thieves gathering around him. "Is that all of you? As you probably know, we'll be sailing to Port Verge today. The ship is in the other end of the docks, so just follow me.". He scans the group looking for the strongest. He picks "Faceless". "And you can help me carry this!", he hands him his heavy backpack (weighing 50 lbs), and begins to walk. "Right this way. Follow me!"

You move through the various dock workers and other locals, and arrive at a medium-sized Cog named "The Incredible". "Here we are!". He turns to the group. "So, I take it we are all set to go?"

2010-07-29, 08:22 AM
Angus approaches the crowd, still a bit breathless, from running all the way.
"I'm *heavy breath* I'm here too" Angus says, and takes a deep breath before introducing himself. "I'm Angus Hide Rundle Blunt, good day to you"

2010-08-05, 11:50 PM
Jove nods. "I'm set. Let's go! Let's go! Are we there yet?"

2010-08-11, 12:03 PM
Razjix sighs. "I do hate sailing, but let's get underway".

2010-08-22, 05:51 AM
Eskar leads you aboard the ship, and show you to your shared cabin. "It's a long way to Port Verge, so Mr. Gauntlet has hired a Lyrandar Windwright. We'll be there in six days. Plenty of time to brief you about the mission. I'll go talk to the crew now, but I'll see you for dinner. We will eat separately from the crew, so we can discuss the job. See you then!" He leaves the cabin, leaving you alone.


If you haven't posted anything before late tomorrow, I'll assume you just wait for your next meeting with Eskar.

2010-08-23, 12:50 PM
"Faceless" Drops the backpack hard on the ship deck in front of the dwarf and then proceeds on exploring the ship.

2010-08-24, 04:33 AM
Yvonne follows "Faceless" out of the cabin at a jog.

"'Faceless'? Call it an informed guess, but this sort of infiltration seems like it might be your area of expertise. I've come this far without benefiting from any sort of disguisecraft, but Gauntlet wasn't really open to the idea of doing this the smart way. I got the tools back in Regalport, dyes and all that, and I want to be able to pass for one of the locals. Would you be willing to help me out?"

2010-08-24, 05:23 AM
"Faceless" keeps walking around the ship.

"If you find me two locals who wont be called missing anytime soon, I can help you." "Faceless" answers with a cold voice.

2010-08-24, 12:57 PM
Somewhat taken aback, it takes Yvonne a moment to find her voice.

"'Locals that won't be called-' What!? Just... forget I said anything."

2010-08-25, 04:36 PM
Short after Eskar leaves you, the ship leaves dock. You can freely walk around the ship, until dinner is served. Eskar and you eat in a dining cabin that seems to have been built for smaller groups. You are squeezed up against the wall on tiny stools, with amassive oaken table taking up entirely too much space.
Eskar is already seated when you arrive. When you are all there, and plates of food have been placed in front of you, he starts talking.
"So you are the ones I'm going to be working with."
He looks appraising at each of you.
"I should probably tell you more about the job ahead. I can't imagine Mr. Gauntletīs introduction would've been very interesting. Sadly he seems to approach crime the same way he handled war as a captain in the Karrnathi army. Consider your strategy, and the one of your foe. Then make sure yours is fulfilled and his isn't."
He looks at you and chuckles,
"Oh, and no need to include the men in the planning."
He sighs.
"But let me get to the point. Gauntlet and I have discussed this first burglary in some detail. Chale d'Deneith keeps a small band of mercenary guards, and several magical wards. As such breaking in from the outside is nearly impossible. Nah, we need to get inside. But, surely you must already have been told this.
I think the important thing here, is that you all know what to do when we arrive.
As mentioned you'll have to be my servants. I'll try to make enough of an impression, that he doesn't suspect you. So, I will deal with d'Deneith and his wife, keep them busy whenever you need, and enact my cunning cover story. You will mingle with the servants and explore the house for any signs of this old banner, while the lord and lady are busy discussing important business with me. Our invitation lasts for a weekend, so we'll have plenty of time! Unless of course our cover is blown, or I commit a faux pas."
He laughs. His talk has been without pause until now, leaving little place for your input, but he seems to grow quiet now, and turns his attention to his plate of mashed turnip.

2010-08-27, 03:26 PM
Razjix tries to say something but keeps getting interrupted. When Escar stops talking he says:
"Well I'm not really good at talking with people... I can break into places though.. and disable traps!"
Razjix sounds almost excited when talking about traps.

2010-08-27, 03:48 PM
Angus stuffs his mouth with some random food, and says: "Bwut... wut... *swallows food* What if something... unexpected happens? What if our cover is blown? Do we run for the hills? Or do we fight our way to the banner?"

2010-08-28, 01:18 PM
Jove nods energetically. "Yeah! What happens if you screw it up?"

2010-08-29, 05:43 AM
"Faceless" looks around and awaits the dwarfs answer.

2010-08-31, 04:25 PM
"Should something go wrong, we don't have much by way of a back-up plan. Mr. Gauntlet let it be up to me to improvise, and I have some tricks up my sleeve. But most likely we'll have to run, yes. But depending on the situation we might just try to make a last effort at getting banner before leaving.
But you'll keep a very low profile, and I a very high. I expect to act highly flamboyant and unusual, which should distract them a bit."
He chuckles shortly.
"Hopefully that will give you some peace to work, and I think the largest danger to you is his servants. But for some reason he is in the habit of changing his servants quite often, so perhaps their loyalty can be bought if needed. But I'll do my part, and you'll do yours, and fortunately the largest danger my part poses to me is to my reputation. But the name both you and d'Deneith knows me by, is not one I expect to stick to in the future, and I will disguise my appearance. The best hope for you is to keep your heads down and keep to yourselves."

2010-09-06, 03:17 PM
"I guess it's settled then..." Angus says in a mildly unsatisfied tone.

2010-09-06, 03:17 PM
Razjix listens to the conversation while eating.