View Full Version : Cvbs Epic Game IC 2

2010-06-28, 01:55 PM
Hey guys,

I will make the first post of the game soon I just want to get all the threads made.

Edit: Ok here it is. You have all heard word from the north of a strange phenomenon occuring around the northern mountains. Strange purplish clouds have appeared and violent storms are becoming frequent. All contacts has been lost with most of the villages in this area and the few others have been afflicted by a strange taint that addles both body and mind.

2010-06-29, 09:21 PM
Lurking around several villages and towns as he made his way north the dark man of indomitable purpose heard the various rumors and stories about the strange occurrences in the Mountains. For him, this only served to add weight to the possibility that the mountains were indeed the domain of his final, ultimate foe.

His purpose of revenge set even deeper, Ga'lan continues to fly North, his invisible form attracting little to no attention whatsoever.

2010-06-30, 01:02 PM
Agani hears of this strange phenomenon to the north. After some consideration, he decides that investigating it is likely to be beneficial to his goals. After further thought, he decides to bring along both his followers and Karathu (although they'll move over to the Ethereal plane once they get near the afflicted area) as this may take a while.

2010-07-01, 01:49 AM
Fearing for the lives of the nearby populace and knowing his strength he knows his duty is clear. He will try to stop the phenomena or if the gods will it that way to die trying. With all swiftness he takes off in the air and flies with great speed and haste to where he is needed.

2010-07-02, 11:55 AM
After some time of flying over many abandoned and/or destroyed villages, Ga'lan finally comes upon one which looks to be still inhabited. Curious, the lord of shadow lowers himself to the ground, landing, still invisible, in the middle of the town. With hardly even any conscious thought he naturally blends into the shadows that are so much a part of him now. Hide:1d20+41
Move Silent: 1d20+38
Once there he begins to look around for anything of interest which catches his ever aware eye. Spot:

Hide;Move Silent (1d20+41=52, 1d20+38=42) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2590572/) (+40 on Hide for invisible)

I just don't get this %$"#!@ dice roller! I type EXACTLY the same thing [roll]XdX+X and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't?!! WTF?! If someone can explain to me in a PM, maybe in small, simple words as it seems is likely necessary, what the $"@% I'm doing wrong, I'd be much appreciative.

2010-07-02, 12:38 PM
And across the sky, a large blimp floats onwards, surprisingly empty.

"I knew I should have just hired some people to man it..." Gale says as he tries to do everything at once while flying towards the Nothern Mountains.

2010-07-03, 04:43 AM
Alam, restless, decides to investigate the recent events near the northern mountains, and teleports near one of the villages to get a closer look.

((Alam will teleport (Psionic Greater Teleport) to whatever city near the northern mountains that is the largest, about a mile out of town, at a good vantage point to check out the situation))

Edit: ((Forgot my Spot check: [roll0]. I have both true sight and low-light vision if either is relevant. Also a Hide check, just in case: [roll1].))

2010-07-03, 11:56 PM
Agani and his retinue make good time, and soon enough are near the dangerous area. As they get there, though, Agani realizes that even the ethereal plane might not be that safe, so he instructs his followers to set up a base camp outside the afflicted area. Meanwhile, he and Karathu continue on (Karathu in the ethereal plane). Agani keeps his eyes and ears peeled for anything significant.

2010-07-04, 02:00 AM
Touching lightly down on the ground in a more or less complete town Oak goes off and searches for survivors. He is wary and keeps his senses spread out to react within a moments notice. He puts his nose in the air and smells if there are people here.

2010-07-07, 02:49 PM
You notice that none of the villagers are paying any attention to you. It seems odd that peasants working in a tiny rural village in the middle of nowhere would not bat an eyelid when they saw so many heroes of such magnificence appear from almost nowhere. Upon closer inspection you notice several other small details, things such as rotting food lying in bakery windows, broken carts left unrepaired and dead livestock left unfed. You also notice that the villager seem to be exceptionally thin as if they had not eaten in several days, and that their glassy stares have a hint of purple to them.

2010-07-07, 02:51 PM
Oak looks around and knowing he can handle himself shouts out. 'Anyone alive here, anyone can tell me what's going on here.'

2010-07-07, 08:04 PM
Remaining invisible and hidden, Ga'lan observes the various heroes arriving, none of them escaping his superior blindsight (except the etheral cohort).

The ShadowLord decides to observe what happens when the monk loudly announces himself and so remains within sensing distance of him. While doing this though, and now curious as to the state of the place, he silently flies around the village as he looks for anything which appears to be the mayor's home or town center.

2010-07-09, 11:01 PM
Alam teleports into the village and summons a psychic blade to his hand, and slices the nearest villager in twain, to see what the cause of their strange behavior is. He stands over the body, pondering its condition carefully.

2010-07-11, 12:13 AM
Agani hears Oak and goes over to him. "I'm afraid I'd have to answer "no" to both of your questions, but I suspect that we have a better chance of figuring things out if we work together. Name's Agani Brethin, by the way." Just then, he sees Alam slice open a villager. Excusing himself from Oak, he goes over to Alam. "What'd you do that for? These villagers are our best clue as to what's happening."

2010-07-11, 03:51 AM
Not only that but that was totally uncalled for and illegal according to the rules of this country. You should respect those. My name is Oak, mister Agani, pleased to meet you. And for you sir, I would suggest to stop this or else I will take you in, one way or another.

2010-07-11, 05:59 PM
As more heroes arrive and their interaction begins to get more interesting, Ga'lan leaves off his search for the main building (unless he's already found it), and, remaining invisible and hidden, drifts closer to the the three who have now gathered about the fresh made copse of the villager.

-He's still at least 50' away.

2010-07-12, 03:23 AM
Änd what are you doing there mister sneaky. Come and join us or leave. Oak says while looking at Ga'Lan

Oak has permanent see invisible so I just think he sees you.

2010-07-12, 08:18 AM
(OOC: Well, unless he beats Ga'lan's Hide of 52 and Move Silent of 42 I don't think he'll be able to spot Mr Sneaky. And just in case new rolls are needed since the original ones, here they are: Hide [roll0] MS [roll1] . Remaining unseen is kinda like, his specialty :smallwink:)

2010-07-12, 08:23 AM
(OOC: Well, unless he beats Ga'lan's Hide of 52 and Move Silent of 42 I don't think he'll be able to spot Mr Sneaky. And just in case new rolls are needed since the original ones, here they are: Hide [roll0] MS [roll1] . Remaining unseen is kinda like, his specialty :smallwink:)

Actually that depends, since he can smell you, if you come for in front of him, he sees you because of permanent true seeing (from VoP). So it depends on a lot of things. And you underestimate the power of the monk.

2010-07-17, 02:43 PM
Although they all remain blind to his presence, the Lord of Shadows determines no immediate threat in them and so decides to reveal himself to determine if they will pose any obstacle to his goals or not.

Stealthily flying until he his right among them the Dark Assassin suddenly appears as if from no where and asks aloud "And So, what brings you to these parts? If you would be a hindrance to my mission I would prefer to know of it now. So speak clearly and your lives may be spared."

As always way, he remains ready for the slightest sign of attack...

2010-07-18, 12:01 AM
I, at least, am trying to figure out what's going on here, and I suspect so are the others. You're welcome to work with us if your goals are the same.


2010-07-18, 07:14 PM
Despite his usual tendencies towards distrustful aloofness, due to its powerful force of personality, Ga'lan finds himself being inclined towards camaraderie with the ghostly figure "I seek to slay an enemy. As long as you do not stand in the way of this, you shall be no enemy of mine."

Pausing for a moment, the usually reticent loner carries on, giving more information more than is his wont "It is very possible, even likely, that the one I seek is the cause of these disturbances, and so perhaps....yes, perhaps we may even be considered allies in the purpose to put an end to things."

Very charming fellow, that ghost! But including a description in the OOC or your sheet would help a lot in relating to him...

2010-07-19, 03:55 AM
I am here as a force of good, to help those in need of it. To protect the weak and help the ill. If this madness can be stopped I wil join in to help. For the poor people of this world do not need more punishment than most of them allready have gotten. The large furry monk says while looking with a keen intellect towards the rest of the assembly.

And that means I will leave or defeat anyone that threatens or hurts any villager from now on. I hope I have made myself clear.

2010-07-19, 07:46 PM
Alam turns towards Agani and bows, saying "I apologize, I only meant to determine the cause of this strange affliction and to determine whether their apparent lifelessness was a manifestation of the undead or otherwise. By sacrificing the life of this single villager I might gain insight into the cause of their affliction and save the entire village."

OOC: Can't really continue this conversation until I can determine what happened after Alam attacked the villager, so I'll be waiting on the DM.

2010-07-30, 03:39 PM
This game is officially dead due to DM desertion. If it starts up again, he can PM us.

2010-08-01, 04:44 PM
Alam's psychic sword swings through the air slicing the villager through the chest. The villager cries out in pain and slumps forward dead, the purple dissipating from his eyes..

2010-08-02, 12:58 PM
And how is killing them going to teach us anything? Is your normal method of determining what's wrong with something to smash it? Let's see...


2010-08-04, 04:32 AM
"Well, whatever was affecting the villager seems to have left with his death. If we seek answers, I suggest we look for those who may have them"

And without further word, Ga'lan rises high enough up in the sky to be able to easily see which buildng must be the town center or mayor's house. Once he finds it, he lowers again and says "I believe we shall have a better chance of finding answers this way." And, not checking to see if the others are following or not, makes his way to the building in question.

Unless stated otherwise, being an exhalted air aspect, Ga'lan is always flying at least a little bit off the ground. It is only when necessary that his feet touch the earth

2010-08-04, 06:52 AM
You discover that the villager is under some sort of magical compulsion.

2010-08-04, 05:21 PM
I would've thought 11 would be too low to detect that, but ok. Next step would have been to try my own dominate, which would detect it. Actually, that might give more information anyway.

Looks like they're under some sort of compulsion. Agani turns to Oak. Do you mind if I attempt to place a compulsion of my own on one of them? While technically harmful, it is no worse than they already suffer, will only be temporary, and may help us discover what is going on.

2010-08-05, 01:49 AM
Yes I do mind, I do not think they need to suffer more than they allready do. But if you can break their curse with a compulsion of your own, and after that release them and let their mind and spirit be free I will allow it. For than even though you put them under a shortterm compulsion, you have freed them. Oak answers while looking stoically.

2010-08-05, 09:12 AM
I cannot guarantee that it will free them. But it will increase the chances we are able to free them, and should not increase their suffering. Agani manifests psionic dominate on 4 of the nearby villagers (augmented to 1pp less than the maximum, so DC is 34 and duration is concentration.) He then tries to make them stop whatever they are being forced to do.

Opposed CHA check for second target]1d20+17
Opposed CHA check for third target]1d20+17
Opposed CHA check for fourth target]1d20+17

(Any who make their saves obviously aren't affected at all, so their CHA check is irrelevant.)

2010-08-05, 09:14 AM
Ok, not sure what went wrong there, let's roll again.


2010-08-13, 02:00 PM
Just one of the villagers falls under your spell stopping what he is doing and turning to face you.

2010-08-14, 10:33 PM
What happens with the other ones? Does the spell take hold and they just disobey my orders to stop (i.e. they failed the will save, but whoever it is succeeded on the CHA check)? Or does the spell fail (they made the will save)? And if the former, do I sense any resistance?

2010-08-14, 11:46 PM
(Ah, Hello?)

2010-08-15, 06:44 AM
The person who was controlling the others had a high cha. Sorry.

2010-08-15, 10:49 AM
Agani fully concentrates on the one who he was able to control, to try to see the world through that individual's senses, and see if he senses anything unusual.

2010-08-18, 03:54 PM
(DM, has Ga'lan been able to find the main buildings in town? Or the town center? Or anywhere that looks like a m,ain congregation of people??)