View Full Version : Frenzied Entourage (IC)

2010-06-28, 09:03 PM
After about a week's journey in the band's spacious and groovy carriage, Rolling Cradle, everyone has arrived at the humble hamlet known as "Elvira Village", the first stop on the band's first ever official tour. For now, the band's destination is the Free City Palmera, but Reginleif is insisting on playing in every locale that you pass through.

As all of you exit the Rolling Cradle, you survey the area around you. Elvira Village is certainly a less bustling place than Reginleif hyped it up to be. At least, nowhere near the urban mayhem of Palmera. It would take any of you all of an hour on foot to see the entire village. The kinds of amenities in this backwater place are just the bare-bones; an inn, a healing house, some stables, and a general store for travelers. Most everything else is residential. A tumbleweed breezes on by.

Two roadies hop out of the main door, one carrying a stack of papers in his arms so high you can't see his face. "Hey, bodyguards," he grumbles, walking towards you. "Why don't you make yourselves useful and pass these out around town?"

The flyer, a concert poster, reads:


Debut: Lunesta 16th

((OOC: Image credit to ValkyrieNZ on deviantart))

A special treat after the show! Backstage Pass: Meet the members of MERIDIAN THUNDER!

Reginleif the Skald, Jammin' Jamyrus "Volts", "Mystery Man" Durran, and "GP Gorgeous" Gald!

Reginleif steps out of the navy-blue vehicle with a pair of war drums strapped to his back. "Alright, boys... and girl. First order of business," he begins authoritatively. "Let's get drunk 'till we can't stand up! Kick off the tour right!"

Jamyrus falls out of a side door, his feathers apparently charred from a failed experiment. Durran steps out of said side door with a bit more grace. "The first good idea you've had in a week, Reggie."

Reginleif lets out a chuckle, and begins walking towards the largest building.

2010-06-28, 09:39 PM
Vaugn Sebastian Johansen III looks at the roadie that hands him the flyer. "Excuse me. Flyer-passing is not in my contract. However, I believe it in in yours." He leans in close and looks the roadie in the eye. "Trust me. I would know." he says menacingly. After this, he hands the flyers back to the roadie and speaks to "Reggie".

"Reginleif the Skald, if we do indeed plan to, and I quote, "get drunk 'till we can't stand up", I would suggest that a group of us, including but not limited to at least one of us, stay sober. It would help avoid negative publicity, in addition to assuring your safety should you be attacked while under the influence. I will volunteer myself, as "getting drunk 'till I can't stand up" is hardly becoming of an upstanding citizen like me."

From now on, assume all italics at the end of my post are OOC. In addition, could you give us descriptions of the band members? The whole "charred feathers" thing threw me off.

The Bushranger
2010-06-29, 10:40 AM
"I believe it would be best were I to be one of those not getting drunk," the gray-skinned, snow-white-haired woman standing behind Vaughn says in a level tone, an exotic accent tinging her words as she crosses her arms over her bosom. "Both because I believe my talents would be better off defending than getting drunk, and also because I've yet to come across a decent wine in these parts."

Amist Halcyon sighs a bit, fully expecting that a number of people will immediately protest the half-drow's decision not to get smashed. Seeing as she's the only woman around...

2010-06-29, 11:02 AM
Reginleif shrugs. "Suit yourselves. Oh, and Vaugn, no need to add 'the Skald' when ya call my name." He walks on with Durran and Jamyrus to the nearest bar, an unnamed and nondescript building with only a picture of a tankard of ale to describe it as such. The roadies carrying the flyers march off in random directions, mumbling in frustration. Moments later, Gald erupts from the back of the carriage, guitar in tow, marching after the rest of the band.

2010-06-29, 01:00 PM
Following the rest of the band members, Fourteen emerges from a shadowed corner of the caravan, wincing as the sunlight hits his eyes. He smirks vaguely at Halcyon's uptight response.

"Well, I'm in." he says. "A bar's purpose is for people to stand around, getting drunk off their arse. Do any otherwise, you'll just stand out. You should know how it works, the less attention, the less trouble for us.

Human-type food is plain disgusting, but I suppose I will just have to manage."

Sa'weet, he thinks, Finally a chance to see what this band parties like.

2010-06-29, 04:38 PM
Getting wasted's going to be the only good thing that can happen to us in this hole. Vasili spits on the ground. Let's get on with it.

2010-06-29, 06:32 PM
Reginleif & co. walk into the bar, and are greeted by a young plain-looking human woman with short brown hair tied back in a ponytail and wearing a blue dress. "Welcome! Can I get you all something to drink?" she asks with a polite curtsy.

Reginleif promptly stands up on the nearest wooden chair, raises his fist into the air, and declares, "Tonight, we celebrate the thunder strike! Ten rounds of drinks for everyone, on me! Get me and my bandmates here something mean, will ya buttercup?" Cheers and whistles resound from all around the bar. He then sits down at the table, which has enough chairs for everyone. Various patrons begin to approach Reginleif and they make animated small talk. Soon after, the waitress brings a tray with a large number of tankards of ale on it, and sets it on the table. It seems fairly cheap, but strong.

2010-06-29, 08:05 PM
Vaugn Sebastian Johansen III walks up to the Reginleif after he announces the free drinks, and looks at him. "Reginleif the Skald, I don't think we have that kind of money..." He opens his briefcashield, and pulls out a few papers, glancing over them. "Ah... It seems we do, after your last performance. Very well. Try to stay in clean endeavors, though, sir."

Vaugn Sebastian Johansen III crinkles his nose as the smell of the bar's alcohol assaults his nostrils. "Alcohol. Ugh. The enemy of clear thought."

2010-06-29, 08:25 PM
Fourteen can't help but laugh a bit.

"C'mon, man." swatting Vaugn jovially on the shoulder, "It's ok to relax once in a while."

He takes two available mugs, giving one to Vaugn.

"Here, just have a drink. It'll calm you dow..." Fourteen's beak makes a loud clink as it hits the bottom of the mug. Futilely, he tries to slurp the mug. then tries to pour it into his open mouth, succeeding only at pouring beer all over himself.

"So what was that you were saying? Enemy of clear thought? Sounds like a good philosophy to me. Gotta keep a clear head and all, you know."

Feeling a bit foolish, Fourteen awkwardly tries to end the conversation. Reclining a bit, he casually scans the bar for any potentially unusual characters.

Perception Check:

2010-06-29, 09:13 PM
Near the corner of the bar, you see a young human man, dressed in pale blue robes, with short hair and glasses. He looks meek and rather fragile, and is enjoying what appears to be a glass of water by himself.

2010-06-29, 09:24 PM
Hmm..long robes. Could be a Mage of some kind. Fourteen decides to keep an eye on this man. Just as a precaution, he takes a small bottle out of his pocket and discretely begins applying poison to the claws on his left hand.

It's probably nothing, he thinks, But better prepared than not.

Slight of Hand Check to avoid anyone noticing the bottle of poison:

2010-06-29, 09:34 PM
Perception check:
1d20+1, it's a 3.

Nobody that can see you notices your poison.

The Bushranger
2010-06-29, 10:01 PM
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to share one drink," Amist says as she settles into her seat, looking around the bar with interest. "Seeing as it is, after all, free, yes?"

Perception: [roll0]

2010-06-29, 10:10 PM
"A good choice, sir. I approve," Vaugn Sebastian Johansen III says to his companion. Having made his intents clear, Vaugn Sebastian Johansen III moves behind Reginleif, and casts a cursory glance around the bar.

Perception: [roll0]

2010-06-30, 05:48 AM
The Falcon had entered the bar, but was not drinking. He'd yet to find some way to drink without taking off his ever-present bandanna, so just hoped noone would notice.

Instead, he casually leant on the bar, looking around as he peered from under his hat and over his bandanna.

Perception [roll0]

2010-06-30, 08:48 AM
Now we're talking. Vasili empties his mug with considerable speed and eagerness. Nothing like a drink, especially a free one. He also observes the bar, taking everything in.

2010-06-30, 01:22 PM
None of you notice Fourteen applying poison to his claws, but you all can see the blue-robed young man in the corner.

You do all hear a bell tolling from the center of the town.

The barmaid takes a quick look outside, notices the sun setting, and quickly starts making rounds. She hurriedly gathers up tankards back on the metal tray, even as patrons are mid-drink, and there are plenty of people exiting the bar with hushed whispers. The young man in the blue robes also heads towards the exit.

Reginleif looks around, confused. "Hey, what gives? The night's young! The party's just getting started!"

The barmaid turns to him. "I'm so sorry, sir, but we do have to close down right now! You should also get to shelter as soon as you can, as well. Just follow the crowd to the north side of the village, and there will be a ladder leading down in one of the barns. The zombies don't know how to go downstairs, so you'll be safe for the night."

2010-06-30, 02:41 PM
Fourteen perks up at the last comment.

"Wait. Wait. Zombies? Nobody told us anything about zombies! What in the nine hells kind of town is this?"

2010-06-30, 03:50 PM
"We're a normal town!" insisted the barmaid with a huff. "They just came here all of a sudden a couple of weeks back. They wander around at night, attackin' the villagers, it's really scary! But they're gone as soon as the sun rises... that's why you'll be safe at the shelter."

2010-07-01, 07:15 AM
And noone tried to put up a fight? Vasili asks, surprised.

The Bushranger
2010-07-01, 11:24 AM
"And they only come out at night. Are you sure they are actually zombies?" Amist asks, a bit dumbfounded, herself, but paying close attention to Blue-Robes in the corner...

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2010-07-01, 12:05 PM
Vaugn Sebastian Johansen III thinks for a moment. "They come at night, attack people, are unintelligent, and leave the town a mess? Hm. Reginleif the Skald, they sound like your fans. Perhaps you were right in choosing to stay here."

He walks over to Reginleif and speaks quietly to him. "Sir, if these "Zombies" are as numerous as this barmaid says they are, I think it would be a good opportunity to you to throw an interlivingcial concert. The proceeds could be impressive."

2010-07-01, 01:23 PM
Amist notices that blue-robes seems in a hurry to leave the bar. You can tell that he's nervous about something. But you don't detect any ill intent...

"We don't really have a militia," responded the barmaid. "Aside from the healing house, nobody here has much experience with battle. And they sure are zombies, I've seen them! Oh god, poor uncle Wes! All we can do is hide 'till they go away."

Reginleif turns to Vaugn. "So... you're suggesting we have a zombie concert? Rad! Let's do it, guys!" The others shout in agreement.

The barmaid looks incredulously at Reginleif. "You want to hold a concert here while zombies attack?! That's really dangerous!"

Reginleif grins and looks over at Vaugn, Amist, Fourteen, The Falcon, and Vasili. "Well, that's why we have bodyguards, am I right?"

"Put the posters up right here," he yells to the roadies. "We're going to rock out 'till sunrise!"

2010-07-01, 01:34 PM
Hah! thinks Fourteen, Now THIS is what I signed up for.

He turns to the other bodyguards.

"Alright, let's make sure to surround the band from all sides. I'll climb onto the roof and scout ahead for potential danger. If any undead present a direct threat to the band members, take them out right away. With luck, I will find a good vantage point from which to provide cover fire."

He claps his hands together with excitement.

"Alright! I think this just might be the show of our lifetime!"

The Bushranger
2010-07-01, 07:18 PM
Amist watches 'blue' departing, but has her attention directed to Vaughn and Reginleif.
"...I would ask, 'are you nuts', however, I believe the answer to that would be obvious," she says, sighing. "I suppose preparations to fight the brain-seeking dead are in order then..."

2010-07-01, 10:42 PM
Most of the bar's patrons and staff leave the bar and head for the shelter, and the roadies begin to set up equipment in the main area of the bar. Jamyrus hooks up a small metal box towards the back of the room with cords leading from it into the players' instruments.

The sun has fully set, and it is somewhat dark outside. You can hear painful moans coming from outside.

Fourteen climbs on the roof. Roll a Perception check.

Reginleif gets out his drum kit and takes center stage. "For those of you left, and for those of you yet to come, get ready to eat your hats! This is how we roll. This is how we rock. We are... MERIDIAN THUNDER!"

2010-07-01, 11:10 PM
Fourteen makes his way up the side of the building, digging his talons into the soft wooden planks to provide proper footing. Upon reaching the roof, he draws his crossbow and finds the highest point on the roof, as to gain a vantage point from all sides of the building. He peers on ahead, looking for the zombies to approach.

Perception Check:
[roll0] (Fourteen also has low light vision)

2010-07-02, 12:17 AM
Vaugn Sebastian Johansen III prepares himself for the fight. A cloak of flame settles around him, and the discerning eye can notice that the flames are actually a bunch of tiny, blue numbers. He positions himself at the door to the bar, getting ready to be the first line of defense. His sword fades into being as well, sitting in his right hand, as well as a small cube of blue flame at his left shoulder.

"Attention concertgoers! There is a chance that you will find yourself among those of different living states. If your neighbor begins to try to harm you, please move away and alert one of our security personnel. Attacks on others will not be taken lightly! Exits are located to the front of me! Please turn off all magical scrying devices so as to not interrupt our show. Thank you, and enjoy the show!"

I suppose the only thing of note gaming-wise here is that anything that successfully melee attacks me takes 4d6 fire damage. :3

2010-07-02, 06:29 AM
Fourteen notices nine zombies filtering in on the ground, and three zombies floating towards the bar by the means of helium-filled birthday balloons.

A horde of zombies begins to approach the front entrance of the bar, apparently lured in by the music. There are nine of them altogether. They seem hungry...

Roll for initiative.


2010-07-02, 07:57 AM
Vaugn Sebastian Johansen III flourishes his blade, preparing for a battle. These zombies do not look ready for a concert.

Initiative: [roll0]

2010-07-02, 09:47 AM
Fourteen stares readily at the zombie leading on the ground, readying his crossbow and looking for any particular week points.


The Bushranger
2010-07-02, 10:26 AM
Gritting her teeth as she sposts the zombies, Amist draws her greatsword, taking it in a firm grip as she prepares herself for battle.

Init: [roll0]

2010-07-02, 03:11 PM
Now things get interesting. Vasili readies his spear and prepares himself to sling spells at the oncoming horde.

2010-07-02, 06:06 PM
I supposes i should over my services as a healer than, if this does come to blows. names AlMaealj, but most call me AL. says what appears to be a Feather-winged Halfling who had been sitting near the bar. What say ye?

Initiative [roll0]

2010-07-02, 08:45 PM
The initiative order is:


So right now, Al (ZaradAnNasr) is up.

2010-07-02, 08:50 PM

Not to criticize, Merk, but in my experience, the "everyone rolls initative and goes in that order" style combat is never very quick, and often results in the group waiting for one person. I personally would suggest averaging initiative, then having the party move, then monsters, while providing a limit of time (a day, maybe) for players to post; I've used it in games, and they've gone very quickly. As I'm loving this game and don't want it to stall, I thought I should throw that out there.

But hey, it's your game, and do as you like. So far, I'm absolutely loving your style. :3

2010-07-02, 09:24 PM
al draws his crossbow, and takes up a position near the middle of the room, dropping a longspear at his feet.

2010-07-03, 06:38 AM
((OOC: No offense taken, and I was actually thinking the same thing (though I hadn't thought of the averaging idea). In which case, I think the PCs have the first "phase". Glad to know you're enjoying this.))

So rather than acting in initiative order, since the PCs have a higher avg. initiative than the zombies (surprise surprise), we'll alternate "player phase" and "enemy/NPC phase". So Al, Amist, Vaugn, Fourteen, Vasili, and the Falcon can post in any order, but not more than once before the zombies act.

We'll also go with the one day limit = skip turn policy.

2010-07-03, 09:26 AM
Vasili utters a spell, causing an orb of flame to appear on his fingertips. He then thrusts his hand forwards, sending the orb towards the nearest zombie through the window, if possible. If not, he readies himself to do so.

Cast Lesser Orb of Fire
If impossible, ready an action to cast it on the first zombie to appear.

2010-07-03, 09:39 AM
Vasili's flaming orb crashes through the window, and veers into the zombie's face. The zombie is still alive, apparently, and lurching towards the door, though it looks considerably weakened. The sounds of popping balloons and squeaking rubber ducks can be heard.

2010-07-03, 10:50 AM
Taking careful aim at one of the zombies on the ground, Fourteen lets loose a crossbow bolt.

[roll1] + (Death Attack Damage) [roll2]

2010-07-03, 10:58 AM
Fourteen lands a deadly crossbow bolt against his surprised target. Initially, the bolt lands in the zombie's gut without denting the zombie at all. Lurching forward, the zombie suddenly slows down and bursts into a pile of bones and flesh, releasing a small dark cloud upwards which then dissipates into the air.

The Bushranger
2010-07-03, 12:09 PM
Taking a tighter grip on her sword, Amist whispers a few words of arcane power, finding her vision sharpening, and the blade of her greatsword gleaming in the night as the zombies approach the door...

Casting True Strike, and waiting for the Z's to break in.

2010-07-03, 09:34 PM
Vaugn Sebastian Johansen III lifts his sword, and brings it down on top of the nearest Zombie's head. "How dare you try to enter before paying for your ticket!"

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm if needed: [roll2]

2010-07-04, 07:23 AM
"Nah brah," says the zombie, pulling a crumpled ticket out of his pocket. "See, I paid good money for this! Oh wait, this is a receipt from two days ago. I mean, BRAAAAAINS."

Vaugn's sword slices the receipt in half, but the offending zombie was unharmed.

2010-07-06, 05:42 AM
Pulling out a pistol, the Falcon pointed at a zombie and then another zombie. "I'm going to shoot you, and then you!" he declared, levelling his pistol and aiming it. As he did so, he leapt up until he was close enough to the undead to taste their vile stench.

Then he fired, flicking his wrist as he did so for optimum headshot potential while ricocheting off a target to hit another. "Brains? You don't GET brains!"

Firstly, incredibly sorry for not posting, stuff was happening :(

Readied maneuvers: Gather the Storm, Elegant Execution, Dust Devil shot

Draw a pistol while moving towards the undead! Preferably within 10' if possible. and fire 1 pistol using Elegant Execution to Boost and then Dust Devil Shot.

Now for a lot of dice! Note: this assumes I can get within 30' of two zombies who are within 10' of each other, although not within 10' of either, so I rolled the extra Elegant Execution dice separately.

To hit the first target: [roll0]
Damaging the first target: [roll1]
Elegant Execution damage: [roll2]
If within 10', add [roll3]

If that shot hits... second zombie
To hit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Elegance! [roll6]
Extra damage if within 10': [roll7]

2010-07-06, 09:17 AM
The Falcon's bullet pierces through the first zombie, which goes barreling into a second. A bunch of tattered bones and clothing fly off, and then evaporate into a dark mist and disappear. The zombies are close to being broken, but are still functional.

The two zombies that the Falcon shot lumber over to him in a sort of half-assed charge.

Zombie 1:
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Zombie 2:
Attack roll: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Their claws swipe dangerously close to the Falcon, but the Falcon thrives on the edge of danger and is unharmed!

Meanwhile, the zombie that pulled up the receipt for Vaugn frowns, and asks, "Well, if you're going to be mean about it, I'm going to write a nasty review of this band and publicize it all over town tomorrow." He begins to leave the bar.

The zombie that Vasili burnt saunters in through the door, drooling.

The other four zombies line up behind the burning zombie, brandishing items that they believe to be tickets: a twig, an eyeball, a pebble, and a top hat.

2010-07-06, 12:16 PM
"I think not! You shall never speak unfavorably of us without seeing our actual show!" Vaugn Sebastian Johansen III charges the leaving zombie.

Swift Action, allocate 1 essentia to cobalt charge for a +1 to attacks and damage on charges.


Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit confirm if needed: [roll2]

My AC is 14 until next round. Good thing any successful melee attacks against me deal 4d6 fire damage to the attacker. >:3

2010-07-06, 01:44 PM
"This is just about the worst customer service I've ever had!" complains the zombie as it's struck with Vaugn's charging blade.

2010-07-06, 01:56 PM
Sighting the zombie that had been hit by the fireball, fourteen locks another crossbow bolt into place and readies himself for another death...er, undeath attack.

2010-07-06, 05:40 PM
Hoo boy, lets get this road on the show... er show on the road" AlMaealj takes aim at the door, waiting for a zombie to pass through...

Readied action to fire at the first zombie to enter the door
(add 1 to the result if i am within 30 feet of the door)
to hit [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]

The Bushranger
2010-07-06, 07:31 PM
"Yeah, well, you're about the worst customers we've ever had!" Amist retorts, as she steps forwards and aims to bisect the head of the nearest zombie with her greatsword.

True Striking: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The Bushranger
2010-07-06, 07:32 PM
Critical Hit!

2010-07-06, 10:40 PM
(OOC: Unfortunately, as zombies are undead creatures, they lack squishy bits that make criticals work. I'll take the second damage roll though.)

Amist slices the zombie at the front of the line into perfectly symmetrical halves, and the dark energy binding it materializes, wafts, and then disappears. "You'll... bad reviews..." it manages to get out before being forcefully unmade.

2010-07-08, 01:39 PM
Vasili moves to try and catch as many zombies as he can in a cone of flame. Our show is just too avant garde for you, face it!
Move action to assume a position to burn as many zombies as possible, standard action for Burning Hands.

2010-07-08, 04:13 PM
Vasili's burst of flame catches four of the zombies who are in line, burning off a layer of flesh and cloth.

2010-07-08, 04:18 PM
"Very well, then. I invite all dissatisfied concertgoers to attack me! Face me, you ignorant masses!"

2010-07-08, 06:00 PM
"Haha!" cried the Falcon, stepping back from his pathetic assailants' claws. "Your moronic swipes are no match for..." As he says this, he draws another pistol. "POWDER!" He shoots with one hand, swiftly reloading with the other as he does so, in spite of the fact a pistol is held in it.

5' step, draw pistol, fire! Then spend swift action to reload a pistol at the cost of my shiny remaining Gather the Storm :(

Shoot zombie numero uno, Deadly Aim for -1/+2: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-07-09, 11:28 AM
The Falcon shoots down the zombie at the front of the line, who falls down in a burning heap of flesh and then disintegrates with a puff of darkness.

The remaining three zombies respond to Vaugn's provocation. AlMealj's crossbow bolt misses the one in front. Meanwhile, three zombies follow after the ones in line, and another three buy tickets from a roadie and sit in a table at the corner.

Three partial charges against Vaugn:
Retributive fire damage:

The zombie at the front manages to slam into Vaugn and bust up his nose somewhat, but all three zombies are caught in his radius of flames, and burst into heaps of dark smoke and ash.

2010-07-09, 12:16 PM
"The flames of law have burnt those who found our service dissatisfying! I trust the rest of you are pleased and will watch the concert lawfully?"

2010-07-09, 02:36 PM
The zombies sitting at the corner table are clapping their hands and waving around to the music, but the three who entered the door throw pieces of brains at Vaugn.

2010-07-09, 02:43 PM
Are there any remaining zombies outside?

2010-07-09, 03:39 PM
No. There are only six zombies left; three hostile ones just inside the entrance, and three nonhostile ones sitting in a corner table.

The Bushranger
2010-07-09, 05:14 PM
"No no-paying customers!"
Charging at the zombies by the entrance, Amist brings her sword around at them with a fury!

Attack [roll0] +2 more if she can 'properly' charge (+ 10' movement).
Damage: [roll1]

2010-07-09, 05:53 PM
Uch, and I had such a nice spot up here.

Fourteen leaps off of the roof and lands by the entrance of the tavern. He immediately fires through the open doorway at the nearest zombie.

[roll1] + [roll2]

2010-07-09, 08:31 PM
i always thought zombies ATE brains... ha

AlMaealj drops the spent crossbow, and picks up his spear, then moves closeby to the flaming half-orc.

I move to a position where i can get an attack of opportunity if a zombie moves further into the building, but not within their attack range, i also try to get close enough to Vaughn that i can heal him if needbe

2010-07-09, 08:31 PM
Amist barrels into the zombie at the head of the line, nearly cleaving it in two. Meanwhile, Fourteen sends the rib cage of the zombie in the back of the line flying. They're both intact, but heavily wounded.

2010-07-10, 01:40 PM
Eat this, freeloaders!
Vasili shoots two magic missiles from his outstreched hand, one for each of the zombies his companions just wounded.

2010-07-10, 10:40 PM
The missiles tear through the zombies at the front and back, who explode into dark mist and evaporate. There is only one hostile zombie left.

2010-07-13, 10:29 PM
The last of the zombies makes a desperate rush at Vaugn.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Fire damage taken: [roll2]

Indeed a frenzied attack, the zombie smacks Vaugn upside the head something awful, but immediately explodes from a burst of blue flame upon finishing his attack. Just as the last hostile zombie is destroyed, the band's song winds down. The three zombies in the corner table clap and cheer enthusiastically.

2010-07-14, 01:39 PM
Fourteen keeps his crossbow aimed at the three remaining zombies, unsure as to whether he should attack or not.

The Bushranger
2010-07-14, 02:54 PM
Amist turns to the Three, as well.
"If you intend to remain and watch the show...no brain eating. Understood?"

Intimidate: [roll0]

2010-07-15, 12:28 AM
Vaugn beams. "That's what you get for defying the law!"

2010-07-15, 12:49 PM
One of the three zombies, wearing a sun hat with a purple flower adorning it, turns to Amist. "Epong know. Is wrong, eat brains. Not do. Sisters too, not do. But little zombies understand. And more and more every day, they hungry."

2010-07-15, 01:19 PM
Fourteen winces in disgust at the hat. Can't she see how much it clashes, for Io's sake?

He keeps his crossbow trained on the one that had just spoken, and asks, "Explain yourself! What exactly is it that differentiates you from the other zombies? And where do you come from?"

2010-07-16, 08:47 AM
AlMaelj turns toward Amist and saysNow Now, they seem to be kind enough not to need that kind of tone. then, to the zombie who just spoke, but yes, we do wish to know why you are different from the recently re-dispatched, as well as why you and they keep coming here every night.

2010-07-16, 09:13 PM
Epong shrugs. "I dunno. I die here years ago, but made zombie. I remember... commands. But I escaped. I think... bad person still in town... mage person..."

2010-07-16, 10:18 PM
Fourteen recalls the man in the blue robe.

"'Mage Person?' Do elaborate."

The Bushranger
2010-07-16, 10:21 PM
Amist's eyebrows also raise.

"What mage do you speak of? One wearing blue, perhaps?"

2010-07-18, 06:54 PM
"It just idea," explains Epong. "Epong never see mage person, so dunno if it wears blue. But think it brain magic. Working with zombie magic."

2010-07-19, 11:14 AM
"And just what exactly is he trying to accomplish, sending the zombies to attack here?"

The Bushranger
2010-07-19, 11:51 AM
"Doesn't have to have been intended to attack here," Amist points out. "He could have wanted, say, totally loyal servants, thinking he could control them..."

2010-07-19, 12:01 PM
"This is true. However, raising the dead is an infringement of one of Reginleif the Skald's promotional copyrights - "We'll raise the dead right from their coffins!" Ours is, of course, not literal, but the infringement still exists. Epong, what do you mean by 'brain magic'?"

2010-07-19, 07:05 PM
Wow, do you know how much you could make sueing every necromancer who ever dug up a coffin? AlMealj quips, with Heavy sarcasm seriously though, lets not jump to the conclusion that a man, probably a mage, who ran out of here looking a little worried is the source of the trouble. wait no, that would be a good conclusion.

2010-07-19, 11:14 PM
"Epong and sisters come to see concert; others come to eat brains," he explains. "All I remember is funny feeling in head, but I say 'No!' and it went away. That was when I became a zombie. Sisters, not my real sisters when I was human, but sisters now; they say 'No' too."

2010-07-20, 02:43 AM
Well, the rest of you can keep trying to figure this out, im gonna go sit over there indicating the furthest table from Epong and her "sisters" and think over this moral dilemma I have found myself in AlMaelj walks off, muttering something about oaths, unatural, and good.

for any successful perception checks,

great, my oaths say that i must cleanse the world of this kind of unatural affront to life, but they seem to be good people, which my oaths require me to aid. how can i break my oath to undo the undead, if keeping it means breaking the oath to aid the innocent. they didnt ask for this, its not their fault, and they are fighting to stay good... (continues on along these lines unless interupted)

2010-07-20, 10:35 AM
Vasili scratches his head. That's the first time I've heard of someone who didn't become a zombie because they didn't want to. Then again, I know next to nothing about undead.

The Bushranger
2010-07-20, 04:26 PM
"You're not the only one," Amist mutters, in response to Vasili. "It would seem as if there might be an element of mind control, perhaps?"

2010-07-20, 04:36 PM
Fourteen nods. "Yeah, I know a little necromancy, but this isn't anything I'm familiar with either."

He pauses to think, and then continues.

"Should we go search out this mage guy? I mean, if the band gets injured by any further zombies, there goes our paychecks."

2010-07-24, 11:29 AM
Yeah, that makes sense. And here I thought all we were going to do was chasing off bandits.

2010-07-24, 06:35 PM
((OOC: Hey, sorry this kind of died, I actually recently had a surgery. Now that I've had some time to rest, I'll be posting again.))

A short, stout man who had attended the concert and hid under a table during the zombie-attack part of it popped out and stood up. "Mage guy? Do you mean Nimmo, the boy in the blue robes? I don't know what business you'd have with him, but I don't think he's a dangerous kid at all. He runs a healing house on the east side of the town."

2010-07-25, 12:00 PM
Cracking his knuckles, Fourteen continues, "Well, still seems worth checking out. Shall we be off?"

The Bushranger
2010-07-25, 07:50 PM
Ouch. Glad you're OK, Melk!

"It would seem the prudent course of action," Amist agrees, nodding to Fourteen. "If this Nimmo isn't responsible, he might at least have more information as to who is."

2010-07-25, 11:26 PM
Reginleif reclines back in a bar stool and scratches his head. "It'd be best if this were sorted out sooner rather than later. Playing a concert during a zombie attack was rad and all, but I prefer not to make unnecessary repeat performances."


You make your way to the healing house where Nimmo works. It seems like a small building, with just enough space for him to live in while he works. The front door is ajar.

2010-07-30, 03:07 PM
The front door's open. It either means he's home, or something bad happened. Vasili approaches the door.

2010-07-30, 03:38 PM
"Wait. Let me check if we aren't just walking into something we shouldn't..."

Fourteen casts Detect Magic for as long as needed to aquire any potentially useful information.

Concentration Check, if necessary: [roll0]

2010-07-30, 11:08 PM
Fourteen picks up some traces of healing magic through the door. They are faint, but fresh.

2010-07-31, 12:15 PM
Hello, is any one here?

2010-07-31, 05:13 PM
"Hmm..." ponders Fourteen, "It seems to safe, as far as I can tell. But we should stay on our guard, nonetheless."

Wishing to remain hidden, in case the group will need an edge later on, Fourteen vanishes into the shadows, looking for any potential danger.

Stealth Check: [roll0]
Perception Check: [roll1]

The Bushranger
2010-08-01, 11:57 AM
"Caution is always advised," Amist agrees, as she steps up to the ajar front door, and, not pressing inside, politely gives the doorframe four solid knocks.

Perception: [roll0]

2010-08-01, 01:28 PM
Bah. Caution is for suckers, says Vasili, but he too observes his surroundings, keeping some distance from others so as to have a clear line of fire.

2010-08-01, 09:41 PM
The blue-robed youth answers the door. He has medium-length blond hair, glasses, and a childish face. "Welcome! Are you in need of healing this evening?" he asks timidly.

2010-08-02, 10:40 PM
"Unless you offer brain healing, sir, I am afraid not."

2010-08-03, 08:48 PM
"Unfortunately not." He smiles. "In that case, what can I help you with?"

The Bushranger
2010-08-03, 10:00 PM
Amist smiles as well. "Actually, we were wondering if we could have a moment of your time, sir? We were curious about some of your special talents that we've heard about."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2010-08-06, 09:16 AM
((Sorry for the delay))

Amist, intending to politely ask the man about his services, instead yells loudly "WE WERE CURIOUS ABOUT SOME OF YOUR SPECIAL TALENTS THAT WE'VE HEARD ABOUT!!!"

Needless to say, he shrinks back in terror, and then regains his composure.

"Hmm. If you're not here for healing... then you must be looking for handmade hats, correct?"

The Bushranger
2010-08-06, 03:01 PM
"Why, yes," Amist tries to rally. "We'd love to get some hats, if we can."

2010-08-08, 09:51 AM
He smiles widely. "Come in, come in!"

"Business has been slow, so I've been taking commissions. What's your budget?"

Roll a spot check if you enter.

2010-08-08, 05:06 PM
Still hiding in the shadows, Fourteen discreetly slips his way into the building.

Perception Check:

2010-08-09, 01:05 PM
Vasili steps into the building, letting the others do the talking.


The Bushranger
2010-08-09, 01:10 PM
Perception: [roll0]

"I'm afraid our budget is rather low," Amist says. "But could rise, depending on the quality of the merchandise."

She brushes a strand of white hair back, and looks around the shop.

2010-08-10, 10:27 AM
The healing house is quite small. Beds, scattered bandages, and other healing objects populate the main room. Towards the back, you see a shelf with all manners of funny-looking hats. The bedroom is upstairs.

Fourteen notices a pungent, brown blob on the floor right under the staircase.

2010-08-10, 06:25 PM
Fourteen stairs curiously at the blob, always checking for any potential danger. After this, he begins to examine Nimmo closely, seeking mentally pointing out the locations of his vitals, just as he had learned back at the academy. Head, heart, tendons, limbs. He thinks, smiling to himself. Easy as cake.

Detect poison at the lump.

2010-08-11, 05:36 PM
It's not poisonous in the sense that someone intentionally slipped toxin into it, but it's still likely harmful to ingest. It's squishy, brown, and smelly.

A Knowledge (nature) check can be attempted to discern any more specific qualities.

2010-08-11, 06:29 PM
Knowledge (Nature): [roll0]

2010-08-11, 06:33 PM
Vaugn Johann Sebastian III decides to wait outside of the small healing house. However, he does brace himself to enter if he hears a loud noise form inside.

The Bushranger
2010-08-13, 12:39 PM
Amist, meanwhile, steps over to investigate the hats.

Perception: [roll0]

2010-08-13, 08:35 PM
Fourteen: You can tell that it was most likely created by a creature much smaller than a human.

Amist: The hats, while designed well, are of amatuerish make. Most are simple straw hats with ribbons or bandanas tied around them.

Nimmo steps up and holds up one of his beloved hats, beaming. "Well? What do you think?"

2010-08-13, 11:44 PM
Taking a step into the house, AlMealj asks did you know a woman named Epong?

2010-08-15, 07:36 PM
Nimmo stops smiling. "Yes... I knew her," he says, distantly. "She was one of my favorite customers. She was especially fond of sun hats. But... she passed on three years ago."

2010-08-16, 07:39 AM
Vasili speaks up. Well, we met her. Only she was a zombie at that time.

The Bushranger
2010-08-16, 09:17 PM
"The hats are quite pleasant to the eye," Amist says, smiling, not wanting to deflate the young man's enthuiasm with his work, then falls quiet as the conversation takes a turn.

2010-08-18, 10:50 PM
"A... a zombie?!" Nimmo has an appalled look on his face. "I can hardly believe that. What a cruel fate..."

2010-08-18, 11:56 PM
Hmmm... Thinks Fourteen, viewing the lump, We may not be alone here. Best be on my toes.

The Bushranger
2010-08-20, 01:15 PM
"Indeed." Amist nods, sadly. "It could have been crueller, though. It seems somehow some of the zombies are...able to retain free will, and refuse the traditional taste for brains."

2010-08-21, 10:40 AM
Indeed, she and two others seemed to be of such strong will that the shook off an attempt to control them, and refuse to harm people.

2010-09-02, 09:05 PM
((Hey everyone. Unfortunately, school's starting up for me again and I have a lot of commitments this quarter, so I won't be able to keep this going. If anyone else feels like picking this up, you're more than welcome to. I apologize for this late message and for the abruptness. Happy gaming.))