View Full Version : Super Robot Wars Itp 1: Mazin Go! [SRW ITP]

2010-06-29, 12:47 AM
Shinjuku Ghetto.

Lelouch Lamperouge looked apathetically at his cellphone as he sat in the passenger cart of Rivalz motor bike, as he responded slowly to each message that his multitude of "friends" sent him, the lazy beeping of the keys remaining unheard among the dull roar of the engine. This silence continued for a bit.. then.. chaos. A large dump truck with a closed back roared in front of them from a side lane, sparks flying from bullet holed wheels, axle grinding hard against the pavement, leaving a singular smooth groove in the asphalt mixture that served for Britannia's roads...

Rivalz brought the car to a hard stop, staring in terrified awe at the spectacle before him.. not quite knowing what to do.. yet.. already a crowd had gathered. People with their cellphones, and cameras. Lelouch stood still for a second, examining the group with distaste... they didn't care about those people that had been in the crash.. their murmurs of worry, and questions about when law enforcement would arrive showed them to be nothing but lazy.

"While those idiots are

With a *tch* of disappointment, he removed his motorcycle helmet, casting it aside with a clatter, before dashing forward towards the wreckage. Rivalz reached out in futility, and began to say something but new it was purposeless to attempt to stop Lelouch.

Lelouch scaled the wall, easing slowly down it, his poor athletic state making even such a short climb a labor. He stumbled down as he finished, resuming his sprint towards the downed truck, he climbed up the back end, moving slowly hand over hand as he said.

"Hey! Anyone in here?"

For a moment, nothing, then.. the world seemed to freeze, a soft voice.. female.. echoing in his mind..

"I've finally found you.."

Lelouch, believing he had found one of the survivors of the crash, looked down into the opening, crawling up onto the roof from his standing position on the ladder as he said.

"Hey? Anyone in there?"

Inside, the driver finally came to his senses, sliding the massive truck into a higher gear, and streaking forward, axle sparking against pavement as he shot forward.. and Lelouch, propelled by the momentum of the vehicle, fell into the opening.

After the short, yet surprisingly rough, fall he stood shakily, and looked around at his surroundings, the darkness of the compartment telling him they were either underground, or in some sort of structure, and the bumpiness of the road told him that if they were underground they were in the subway.. which only lead to the Ghetto.. Why were they heading there?

When the room became filled with light, his question was answered as a bullhorn from sort of craft, and the steady staccato of gunfire telling him that this wasn't any ordinary truck.. and that the object beside him wasn't any normal container. These were terrorists..


Another burst of gunfire, a single hole appearing inches from Lelouch's head.. so this was the Britannian police...

Kallen Statdfield, and the driver did their best to avoid the gunfire, but the lumbering truck was too massive to maneuver correctly, still the driver banked hard to the side, the massive trailer fishtailing, and throwing Lelouch to the back half of the compartment. Here he began to look for a way out, but found none, he then looked to his cellphone.. no service...

Back in the compartment, the driver looked nervously at Kallen as he said.

"What do we do now? The Britannians are after us now!"

Kallen gave him a condescending glare, before standing, and proudly stating.

[I]"Idiot! That's what I'm here for."

She then opened the door to the back compartment, talking to the driver as he continued to drive recklessly, the suggestion at one point coming up to release the bomb in their location, but Kallen brushed that off calling it stupid, and that it would only lead to a blood bath.

Lelouch quickly hid behind the odd construct that dominated the back compartment that he had fallen into.. and was surprised to see for a second.. as a hidden secondary door opened.. a Knightmare?

Kallen's Glasgow roared out of the back, the secondary compartment breaking away with a sound of shearing metal as massive shoulders ripped through them, slash harkens exploding from the chest slots of the mech, and impaling the pursuing VTOL coptors.. the surviving members paralzyed.. they weren't equipped to deal with Knightmares.

However, it seemed that the Britannians were in luck, the special divisions forces.. apparently military.. appearing in a flying carrier bearing a Sutherland.

"Don't worry. Jeremiah Gottwald has arrived. We'll handle these filthy Eleven rats."

The cops then pulled back, and the flying carrier lowered itself, the Sutherland detaching from the carrier, and firing a powerful slash harken to counter a barrage that had been sent out by the Glasgow, the bladed instruments impacting mid air, and retratcing almost automatically impact sensors having detected a clean hit, but camera feed tells the two pilots differently.

"Filthy Eleven pig. Such lowly beings who shun the compassion, and love of our glorious Emperor!"

The Sutherland then lands, and immediately is set upon by the Older Glasgow, the right slash harken having jammed during the previous impact.. this wouldn't be enough though, and Kallen told the driver to take a detour and escape. They couldn't both be caught!

Then, as if by some unseen cue, yet another sutherland appeared, the driver panicking as the Sutherland unleashed a burst of machine gun fire, the driver narrowly avoiding the deadly hail of steel, and veering.. straight off the road and into the old Shinjuku Ghetto subway system. However, though the vehicle was spared, the driver was not, a stray richochet having torn into his shoulder.. blood staining his right shoulder crimson.

The impact tossed the driver, airbags giving him the mercy of a dampened impact, all Lelouch had was his own brace against the massive strange construct... though the driver was far from dead, he still only barely clung to his life.. the flickering spark of fire in his chest slowly dimming.. he reached out a blood soaked hand, hitting the key to release what he thought was poison gas. Now though, the Britannian Army, lead by the Governor of the 11th province, and colony of Britannia the 3rd Prince Clovis. From his lofty chair he directed a massacre of the Shinjuku Ghetto, masking it as an Urban Renewal Project, and planning to lay the blame of the murder upon the terrorists. However, what he had not accounted for.. in his deployments, and his useage of soldiers. Was Celestial Being. They came without warning, tearing into the main assembled force.. with the simple statement of intervening in all armed conflict. Massacres, and Genocide included. Prince Clovis's response was to direct Jeremiah Gottwald, and a Squad of advanced Sutherlands to counter them. (I'll let the Gundam 00 players handle this.)

Outside the compartment, as the side door slid open, Suzaku looked through binoculars at the opening door, and saw a man crouching in front of what he was told was a bomb. He reacted immediately, his extremely atheltic body propelling him at speeds that Lelouch would've found impossible on his best day, and then he leapt. Spinning through the air in a graceful arc before bringing his foot down in a maneuver that would forever be known as the "Spinzaku", his attack breaking Lelouch's hastily established guard almost immediately.

He then lunged, pinning the less athletic boy to the ground, as he said.

"Stop it! You don't need to do this! Just end the senseless murder here while you can!"

Lelouch struggled, wriggling about wildly, and unpredictably, and eventually managing to get out as he made his retort.

"Senseless murder. A Britannian Soldier spouting such hypocrisy. If you want to end this senseless murder. Then why don't you just end Britannia!"

As Suzaku got a proper glimpse of the person he had assaulted he realized.. Lelouch?

"Lelouch? Is that you? What're you doing here?!"

Lelouch was confused, wondering how this person knew him until he removed the mask that was characteristic of Britannian Soldiers, to reveal a face he had not seen in many years.. the face of Suzaku Kurarugi, the son of the Prime Minister of Japan..

"Suzaku! You became a Britannian Soldier?"

Suzaku nodded, before he realized the more serious issue, and said.

"And you became a terror-"

There he was cut off, by Lelouch's blunt refusal, he was simply a school boy that had gotten caught up in all this. However, their reunion was cut short by the explosion of light, Suzaku, thinking it the release of poison gas tackled Lelouch to the ground, placing his protective mask over Lelouch's face, and taking a deep breath of air.. preparing to hold his breath until he could escape the poison gas...

What came out though, was far from poison gas, a Girl with startlingly green hair, fair in complexion, yet bound by something resembling a straight jacket fell from the compartment.. and Lelouch turned to Suzaku.

"Does this girl seem like poison gas to you?"

Suzaku, stared in shock.. had he been lied to by his superiors? They had told them poison gas in the briefing.. maybe this was still poison though.. a poisonous situation for his superiors.. something had to be secret about this girl.. A political prisoner?

That's when the voice of his superior came about behind him, the shuffle of booted feet alerting the two to the presence of soldiers.

"Damn Eleven Monkey! Not even Genuine Britannians are premitted to touch that girl!"

Suzaku responded by running towards the man, and saying in a hurried tone.

"But I was told that this was poison gas sir, not a captured civilian!"

The man responded, slowly drawing the gun from his holster, holding it out to the side.

"You have no right to challenge orders. However, in light of your outstanding military record, I'll be willing to let this go. Provided. You kill the student."

Suzaku turned to look at Lelouch, who was honestly.. frightened.. he didn't know if he was going to live through this, and his odds seemed to be fairly low even if he faked death from the first shot..

Suzaku nodded to himself, and said as he looked at Lelouch.

"I will not shoot him. I will not shoot a civilian... sir."

The man in red gave a snort of disappointment, and aimed the gun at Suzaku, a single shot being fired into his side, the force knocking the military private over.. satisified with his work, he then turned to Lelouch..pointing the gun at him.. yet..

[Inside the truck]

The driver inside stirred to life, the last flickering flames of life burning in his eyes like embers as he flipped two switches, and he stared longingly into the photo of his family.. the family ruined by Britannia, the family ruined by the invasion..

"Death.. to Britannia... and.. Long...live Japan."

The ensuing explosion shook the very foundations of the subway, fire flooding upwards, and burning a channel through concrete, and steel.. the concussive force blowing the Britannian soldiers back, and giving Lelouch cover for escape.. but what would he do now? The sounds of battle roaring over head, and himself running to the only exit he knew of in the subway.. what could he do? From the sounds above, everyone was being killed! How could someone with so little strength hope to survive?

That didn't matter, all that mattered was that he, and the girl were safe, and that Suzaku's sacrifice would not be in vain.. as he finally emerged from the tunnel, exiting in a low crouch should Britannians be looking for him.. luckily for him that he did, because the roar of machine gun fire could be heard in the very same room.. it turns out that the same group had managed to track his progress through the only tunnel to the only exit that the tunnel had.. damn it!

"Sir! We've tracked the only exit to here, though the only ones we found were Elevens."

The man in red gave yet another disappointed "tch" as he responded.

"Are you sure? Well, continue the search."

As the Britannians were about to leave, Lelouch's cellphone went off, the loud BREEEP noise indicating that he finally had serivce. Now, not when he was in trouble and could get help, but NOW when getting service would only hurt him.

He quickly silences it.. but it was too late, and a Britannian soldier dragged him from his hiding place, and threw him harshly against the wall along with the girl.

"I have to admit you did pretty well for a student, but that's to be expected, your a Britannian. A pity that it has to end like this, but that's the nature of war my clever little friend."

He then raised his pistol, the same pistol that had killed Suzaku.. and so many others, and fired.


1) No godmodding (or godmoding). A far better explanation of godmodding than I can give is here.
2) Communication is key. Please remember that the plot is far more directed than some other games, so make sure you talk things out with other players before you start jumping into established plots or fights. Poor communication leads to OOC arguments and hurt feelings, which no one wants.
3) Don't argue in the OOC. If a problem does arise, please don't continue to prod it in front of everyone else. It only makes the atmosphere that much more unpleasant, and could escalate the argument into something far bigger than it may need to be. If you must discuss something with another player, please try to take care of it through private messages or an IM client before taking it to the OOC thread.
4) Have fun!

2010-06-29, 12:18 PM
Where there is war there will always be profiteers. Tony Stark was simply one of many but one of the best. The son of the man who first created the Nightmare Frames, he was on the forefront of mecha based weapon systems and he was going to show it today.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Britannians and Elevens of the Area Eleven Military contingent, I come here with a question." The weapons designer speaks with an air of command and a flair for the dramatic, his suit jacket blows in the winds caused by the violence in the distance.

"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say; Is it too much to ask for both? With that I humbly present to you the crown jewel of Stark Industries' Freedom Line. It's the first to employ the company's latest proprietary Repulsor Technology. They say the best weapon is the one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That's how Dad did it, it's how Britannia does it...and it's worked out pretty well so far. Find an excuse to let one of these off the chain..." Tony gestures towards a modified Sutherland equipped with the new "Jericho Weapons System" a missile array designed to cover area while limiting collateral damage, the perfect system to employ against urban insurgents.

"...and I personally guarantee you the bad guys won't even want to come out of the Ghettos. For your consideration, the Jericho Weapons System for the Stark Industries, Sutherland model Knightmare Frame." After unleashing the Sutherland into the main battle to watch it devastate the under equipped terrorists, Stark smiles slight as he raises himself a glass of scotch.

"To Peace."

2010-06-29, 04:57 PM
-so...where are we?-

-unknown. the navigation array cannot find a correlation so far. i should have a definitive answer in a few moments but we are definitely outside of our scheduled patrol route.-

-sorry boss, looks like we burned out the navigation when we overcharged the jump drive.-

-i knew we were gliding into trouble. we should never have gone through that system.-

-our job is going through systems just like that. now that we're here, we'll go through this one.-

-confirmed presence of multi-band electromagnetic transmissions. multiple sources, i think we're dealing with an established colony world or even a species homeworld.-

-confirmed for contacts. the number of distinct language groups supports the hypothesis of a homeworld.-

-homeworlds are trouble. never know what to expect and we're way off the chart here. there's no guarantee we won't be gliding right into a trap.-

-noted. how prepared are we for an initial survey pass?-

-it's only the navigation system that's out, so we'll have only short-range jump capacity if we need to run in a hurry.-

-oh that's just great. bad enough that we can't defend ourselves properly, but now we can't run either.-

-it's worth the effort. the more we learn the better prepared we will be if we need to leave. it's time to get a closer look.-

Far below the plane of the ecliptic, the invisible, imaginary plane that marked the orbit of a planet, the vast, dark shape of the Goenois slowly accelerated toward the tiny blue-white dot that slowly circled the common yellow disk of its parent star. An ugly, blunt cylinder studded with projecting antennae and gleaming sensor ports, the alien ship moved with silent precision, propelled by strange, unknown means.
It moved forward with only one goal, to observe. What happened after that was as mysterious as the vessel's origin.

2010-06-30, 09:51 AM
the girl in a rush of energy gets up ,and jumps into the way of the bullet "NO!". it hits her right in the fore head. she falls right in front of lelush , apparently dead

2010-06-30, 10:15 AM
Lelouch looks down at the girl in terror.. she had died.. because of him. First Suzaku, now this girl.. was he really so powerless that he needed to be protected by them? That they needed to DIE for him? Was this it? Was this his end? Nunally..

The man in red looked down, and chuckled.. well this certainly wasn't going according to plan anymore.

"Our orders were to bring her back alive if possible. It's a pity. We'll tell the brass that we found the terrorists hideout, gunned them all down in a blaze of glory, but arrived too late. Found the girl tied to a chair.. Tortured to death."

He then turned to Lelouch, and raised his gun, continuing.

"What do you think, school boy?"

Lelouch didn't respond quite yet, not knowing what to do... the pool of the girl's blood just touching his finger tips.

2010-06-30, 10:28 AM
Suddenly the girl grabs Leloushes hand. he will see strange images, and hear a voice. her voice
"you don't want it to end here, do you?

It seems you have a reason to live"

2010-06-30, 10:31 AM
Suddenly the girl grabs Leloushes hand. he will see strange images, and hear a voice. her voice
"you don't want it to end here, do you?

It seems you have a reason to live"

"No.. No I don't want it to just end here. I have so many things I want to live for."

Images of Millay, Shirley, Rivalz... and Nunnally flash through his mind.

"Things I have to live for."

2010-06-30, 10:40 AM
"If you had the strength, you could live.
this is our contract: In return for my gift of power, you must grant me one wish of mine

If you enter this contract , you will live as a human, but different. Different rules, different time, a different life. the power of kings will make you lonely indeed...If you accept this contract then...."

he will see an image of the emperor of Britannia...

2010-06-30, 11:03 AM
"If you had the strength, you could live.
this is our contract: In return for my gift of power, you must grant me one wish of mine

If you enter this contract , you will live as a human, but different. Different rules, different time, a different life. the power of kings will make you lonely indeed...If you accept this contract then...."

he will see an image of the emperor of Britannia...

Lelouch wonders for a moment.. would this really be worth getting into? No.. He would die if he didn't have power. This was a choice between life, and death.. and he knew that he still had so much to live for.

"Yes, I accept the terms of your contract!"

Lelouch then stands, hand covering one of his eyes, it looked to all the world as though he had just suffered an eye based injury... yet that was far from the truth.

The man in red hesitates as the school boy gets up.. something.. different about him... his trigger finger tenses in case anything should go wrong.

Lelouch then relaxes, his whole body easing, and his hand falling ever so slightly as he began to understand what he had been given a little.

"Tell me.. How should a Britannian who detests his country live his life?"

The man in red merely gives a deresive *tch* at this before saying,

"What are you kid? Some kind of radical?"

Lelouch then lowers his hand, exposing the symbol of GEASS over his eye, and the Man in Red is taken aback, not understanding what's going on here..

"What's the matter? Can't shoot? Are you afraid? Your opponent is only a school boy.. or maybe it's because you've realized that the only people who should kill are those who are willing to be killed themselves."

Lelouch then adopts a dramatic pose, his arm extended fully to the right as he looks the entire assembled group of soldiers in the eyes.

"Lelouch Vi Britannia Commands you.. no.. All of you. Die."

The Geass then activates before the men can properly respond, each man's eyes then glew alight with the mind altering power of the Geass, and each took aim at each other, the Man in Red simply taking his pistol, and aiming it at his own throat. They all then exclaimed at once, as each of them fired.


Then, with a staccato of gun fire, they fell, each one dead instantly from keenly placed bullets.

"That was the turning point.. since that day.. I lived a lie. The lie of living. My name.. too was a lie. My personal history.. also a lie. Nothing but lies. I was sick to death of a world that couldn't be changed. But even in my lies.. I refused to give up in despair, but now. This incredible power it's mine.

Lelouch's face then spread into a dark, sly, grin his purple eyes glinting in the light.

"Well then."

2010-06-30, 12:23 PM
*cue music* (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0btAyMESc0&hd=1)

2010-07-01, 12:56 PM
Tony smiles at the carnage unfolding before him. This demonstarion will sell him a couple thousand Jericho weapons systems and further ingrate the Britannian Millitary to Stark Industries. With a second glass of scotch in hand he makes his way over to Llyod's trailer.

Llyod was a rival in every manner to Tony but Tony made his attempts to show kniship every now and then. "How's it going Llyod? Still short a pilot for your new Knightmare? Looks like the millitary is going to buy stock in me again this year."

This time though he was throughly smashed.

2010-07-01, 07:09 PM
A dark shape slowly rose up from below the planet's southern pole, edging closer with unseen engines towards the glittering sphere before it and the thin arc of reflected light that surrounded it. Passive sensors across the alien ship's bow scoured the sky for information, drinking in terabytes of information each second...

-now that is a nice orbital ring-

-clearly the inhabitants have the capabilities for massed trans-stellar flight and construction - it appears that this ring system is in fact a power generation array for the surface developments-

-that's good - we can get supplies to fix the navigation systems from an indigenous civilization this technically sophisticated-

-i will not risk contact with an unknown civilization with equally unknown motivations over something so trivial as spare parts-

-but think of all the cultural information we could gather with direct diplomatic ties-

-nothing we can't already gather from passive scans and therefore nothing that deserves risking this unit-

-current estimations of cultural responses to first contact scenarios is divided between passive or aggressive - popular media samples are almost entirely negative-

-exactly my point - we have no guarantees that these people won't attempt to destroy us on sight-

-there's very little we can see from here that could do more than scratch the hull plates - this unit is designed to survey the interior of sub-stellar planets after all - we need to repair the navigation system though and acquiring local versions is far more expedient than fabricating our own - both from a logistical and mission objective point of view-

-the objective of this unit is to gather information - acquiring a local navigation system will considerably speed up the repair as well as increase the information detail of the technological survey-

-you aren't honestly suggesting that this unit expose itself to harm are you-

-of course not - a splinter shuttle will be used to transport the components needed - something large enough to meet expected payload requirements but small enough to avoid too much notice-

-i can have one ready in less than four cycles-

-we will also need to fabricate a facsimile avatar to communicate directly with the indigenous life - scan communications traffic for transport regulations and for appropriate facsimile templates-

-on it-

-i still have severe concerns about operational security with these arrangements-

-noted - but you know full well the value of misdirection in covert operations-

2010-07-03, 12:14 PM
As Lelouch attempts to flee. The Sutherland with the Jericho weapons system (C) arrives to block his path. The mecha scans over the fleeing schoolboy, the seemingly dead CC and the dead soldiers.

"What the hell is going on here?" The voice of the pilot rings out through a set of speakers, a well built Black man steps out the of the cockpit and glares down at the school boy the dead girl.

"You don't look like eleven terrorists, identify yourselves." James Rhodes says firmly drawing a pistol and pointing it at Lelouch.

2010-07-04, 12:50 PM
Tony smiles at the carnage unfolding before him. This demonstarion will sell him a couple thousand Jericho weapons systems and further ingrate the Britannian Millitary to Stark Industries. With a second glass of scotch in hand he makes his way over to Llyod's trailer.

Llyod was a rival in every manner to Tony but Tony made his attempts to show kniship every now and then. "How's it going Llyod? Still short a pilot for your new Knightmare? Looks like the millitary is going to buy stock in me again this year."

This time though he was throughly smashed.

The girlish Britannian brushes Tony off distastefully.. he was not a fan of heavy drinking, and detested being around men who had totally intoxicated themselves.. Tony.. would be tolerated due to his standing in the community..

"Ah, Stark, a.. pleasure.. to see you again. I'm sure your awful proud of your antiquated glorified aerial dispersal missiles, but you haven't even seen what I have, and let me tell you. It's just going to completely blow you out of the water."

His wrist communicator then jingles a little garish tune coming out of it, he looks down to see the message, and gives a pout of disapointment before turning back to Tony and saying.

"Well, it seems you may have lucked out.. My devicer is in a similar state to you... I'll have to check the medical bays, and run some diagnostics for a replacement.. but for now it seems you've won."

[Shinjuku Ghetto]

Lelouch looks at the man.. he didn't know who he was, but he seemed to be like any other.. and he needed a way out of the Shinjuku Ghetto if he wanted to get out of this alive..

He turned to the man, feigning panic, and keeping his position kneeling down as if to check the girl's pulse...

"Quick! These people were shot in a hit and run attack by the terrorists, their dead, but this woman here is still alive! Come over here, I need your help!"

2010-07-04, 03:53 PM
Tony Stark

"A shame, I'd hate to push you out of business." Tony chuckles at Llyod's misfortune but remains mostly composed.

"Here, I'll go down with you. See if we can find you a replacement pilot so I don't completely blow you out of the water again."


James Rhodes

James holsters his pistol and makes his way down the Lelouch. "Alright, let's get her into the cockpit. I'll get you guys to the medical bay. Leave it to the intelligence boys to sort out this mess."

He grabs a hold of CC's shoulder and looks Lelouch in the eye. "What's your name kid?"

2010-07-05, 06:05 AM
Tony Stark

"A shame, I'd hate to push you out of business." Tony chuckles at Llyod's misfortune but remains mostly composed.

"Here, I'll go down with you. See if we can find you a replacement pilot so I don't completely blow you out of the water again."


James Rhodes

James holsters his pistol and makes his way down the Lelouch. "Alright, let's get her into the cockpit. I'll get you guys to the medical bay. Leave it to the intelligence boys to sort out this mess."

He grabs a hold of CC's shoulder and looks Lelouch in the eye. "What's your name kid?"

When James holsters his pistol, Lelouch activates Geass, the symbol of the code of immortality appearing over his left eye as he stares into James's own.

"Give me the key to your Sutherland, as well as the access code."

[Outside the base]

Lloyd sighs, closing his eyes for a brief moment, before being shocked back to awareness by the bitter stench of too much alcohol.

"Very well then Mr.Stark. I'll allow you to accompany me to the medical bay on one condition. Zip up your pants."

He says this almost nonchalantly, but there was a bit of girlish glee behind such a simple statement, and then he's off to the medical bay to browse through the injured soldiers for the correct devicer.

2010-07-05, 10:29 AM
James Rhodes

"Of course, it's 87644." James Rhodes says as his eyes glaze over under the power of Lelouch's Geass. He holds out the key, that really looks more like a fancy usb thumb drive for the boy.

2010-07-05, 05:11 PM
James Rhodes

"Of course, it's 87644." James Rhodes says as his eyes glaze over under the power of Lelouch's Geass. He holds out the key, that really looks more like a fancy usb thumb drive for the boy.

Lelouch would apologize to the man, but something tells him that it wouldn't make much of a difference at this point. He takes the key, activating the small lift that leads up to the cockpit.. once inside, he'll activate the codes, and pilot it away from the group..

Rhodey would have no memory of what had just occured, or why he was suddenly without his sutherland, just that well.. he was suddenly stuck alone in the middle of a fire zone.

2010-07-07, 11:53 AM
- well how about this one -

- i don't see the need for such attire -

- it's all part of the method to deflect notice -

- by attracting attention with outlandish clothing? you need to have your definitions updated -

- it's a proven system where a unit wishing its actions to be concealed attracts attention from others, convincing them that the unit is in fact harmless -

- i'm not convinced the structure is up to the task we need it for - it should be scaled larger -

- we need a smaller size to maintain a non-threatening presence -

- what is the optimal balance in size between capability and concealment -

- something like this - the secondary details can be readliy changed, but this is the best balance for size -

- that is enough - the facsimile is not intended for combat -

- all the same i want a defensive arms system in case something happens -

- we have an available system that can fit a frame that small -

- very good - fabricate the frame then we will finalize the appearance afterward -

2010-07-07, 04:06 PM
Within minutes Rhodey is left stunned and confused as to why he was alone on the battle field without his Sutherland. He is very fortunate a medical veichle was heading this way to clear out some casualities.

Within twenty minutes Rhodey is standing before Tony and Llyod helping the Field medics bring in the wounded, including one Japanese, hnourary Britannian Soldier, Suzaku. Who is still no responsive but registers as a perfect match for Llyod's new Knightmare.

"You lost the Jericho? How do you just up and lose a three million dollar knightmare?" Tony asks with a sense of sarcasm, hiding his fear. If the terrorists got their hands on the Jericho who knows what kind of damge they could do and even worse, the millitary will consider the Jericho a failure and buy into Llyod's Lancelot design.

"I'm no potriat of personal responsibility but even I haven't managed to screw up that badly."

2010-07-08, 08:51 AM
Within minutes Rhodey is left stunned and confused as to why he was alone on the battle field without his Sutherland. He is very fortunate a medical veichle was heading this way to clear out some casualities.

Within twenty minutes Rhodey is standing before Tony and Llyod helping the Field medics bring in the wounded, including one Japanese, hnourary Britannian Soldier, Suzaku. Who is still no responsive but registers as a perfect match for Llyod's new Knightmare.

"You lost the Jericho? How do you just up and lose a three million dollar knightmare?" Tony asks with a sense of sarcasm, hiding his fear. If the terrorists got their hands on the Jericho who knows what kind of damge they could do and even worse, the millitary will consider the Jericho a failure and buy into Llyod's Lancelot design.

"I'm no potriat of personal responsibility but even I haven't managed to screw up that badly."

Lloyd is kind of disappointed himself, of all the ways to win this little engagement, this one was the least rewarding.. it also meant that Rhodey was perhaps the dumbest man he had ever seen.

Ah well, he guessed all's fair in love and war.

"Now THAT is a pity Tony. Even I didn't want to win THAT way. No fun. No fun at all. It seems as those this young man is the perfect devicer though, even better than the guy who hopped out on me today. Well. Private Suzaku. Looks like it's your lucky day. How'd you like to pilot a Knightmare?"

He says dangling an activation key in front of the private.

[Southern Shinjuku Ghetto]

Lelouch had been experimenting with his powers a bit.. he had encountered 12 others of a similar mindset to that last man, and he had managed to acquire some resources.. Yes, this was all falling into place perfectly. He opened the narrowband channel that he had picked up off an actual terrorists dead body. He didn't like their type too much, but for his goal.. no.. their goal of eliminating Britannia he would cast aside personal differences...

"Attention terrorists of the Shinjuku Ghetto. If you desire to live, meet me at the Rail Road Crossings in 30 minutes. This is not the Britannians. Come armed if you wish. Change frequencies after this message."

2010-07-08, 09:20 AM
"I...I don't know. There was this kid and then bam I'm unarmed and alone on the battlefield." Rhodes stammers in his defense, it wasn't enough to even entertain thoughts of mercy from Tony right now.

"Well thats funny. There was this highly decorated Knightmare pilot who was my friend and military liaison who just lost a three million dollar prototype in the middle of a battlefield and then bam, suddenly he's fired." Tony snarls at James who simply turns and walks away. He knows Tony well enough to know that this is just a temporary burst of furry and will pass with time but he had best give Tony as much space as possible.

Suzaku starts to wake up and looks up at Llyod. "A Knightmare? But I'm Japan- an eleven. I'm not authorized pilot a Knightmare."

Tony smirks slightly "The kid's got a point Llyod. He's just an eleven private, your scanner is probably on the fritz."

2010-07-08, 10:37 AM
Lloyd smiles, he wasn't dumb enough to have not planned for this, though small, the differences between Britannian and Eleven were visible.. and he had read the dossie while he had entertained the little conversation.

"Just supposing you could. You wouldn't be an official Knight in any sort of Regiment, but this is for demonstration purposes. I'm sure I can make an exception."

This was perfectly within Lloyd's power actually, being an Earl he's allowed to do such things. Ah, the beautiful power of nobility.

2010-07-08, 10:45 AM
{OOC: Might as well do the introduction, even if it doesn't end up seeing play}

[Shinjuku Ghetto]

"Hey old man. An Eleven shouldn't be strutting around like that. Why it's astonishing that you can even walk at your age." The soldier points a gun at one of his target's legs, smirking. "Wait a minute, you're..."

A loud yawn comes from nearby and a young man steps out into the ally. "I was wondering what the commotion was. Brittanian soldiers, huh?" The man's two partners turn to point their weapons at the newcomer. "Please, I don't want any trouble around my dojo." he asks politely.
"You presume to order us around, Eleven? 'You don't want'? 'My dojo'? That building is the property of Britannia. I should shoot you for that," he says, waving his gun, "but since I'm feeling charitable, I think I'll let you go back inside your precious shack and hide under the floorboards until all this is over. :smallamused: Not to worry, we're just reclaiming something that one of your kind stole from us."

The man just stands there silently for a few seconds.
"I told you to f*cking LEAVE!" Before they can react, he has grabbed the head of one of the gunmen with a look of mad glee and slammed it into a wall. The leader is knocked off his feet with a sweeping kick and falls to the ground as he darts to the last soldier and punches him in the groin.
"D-damn you." Having dropped his firearm, the captain pulls a knife from somewhere and stabs forward at his foe.



"Well, are you going to push or pull? Come on, don't be a baby." The Japanese man squeezes the blade in his hand tighter, his expression twisted into a horrifying grin. The captain turns pale as his sheer murderous intent washes over him - this is a man who completely lacks a human reluctance to kill. As his muscles weaken, the Eleven yanks the weapon out of his grip and presses it against his throat. He starts to whimper.
"Tell you what. Since I'm feeling pretty 'charitable' today too, I'll let you pieces of sh*t go. Just never come near my dojo or this man again. Understand?"
He nods slowly. The man strikes him in the back of the head, knocking him out.

"You okay pops?"
The old man impulsively scratches the scar where his left eye used to be as he watches his rescuer shake the blood from his hand.
"Heh. Thanks to you."
"Well, it's dangerous here right now. You should get somewhere safe."
"I wasn't planning on sticking around here long anyway. But," he says, as the man starts to walk away, "who do I have to thank for saving me?"
The man smirks and answers without turning around. "Nagare. Nagare Ryoma."

2010-07-08, 10:50 AM
Tony is visibly distraught by this, he knows Llyod's royal station let's him basically do anything he wants. Tony has to pay for that privledge and after losing the Jericho the board of directors would have his hide for trying letting his ego get the better of him here.

Suzaku sits up, "It's just a demonstation, I won't have to kill anyone, right?"

Tony snickers at that, "You're in the wrong job to be a pacifist kid."

Suzaku makes no effort to answer Tony, keeping his attention on Llyod. "Well?"

2010-07-08, 03:20 PM
"Of course you wont have to kill anyone. There are methods in Knightmare Combat that allow you to damage the Knightmare beyond use without making it go critical. They're more difficult to implement, but this model will allow you to outperform any of the hardware out there."

Lloyd then waits for the young man's reply.. he wasn't quite sure what it would be, but all he knew is that this kid was his last shot. Otherwise the Military would have no choice but to pay into the crappy Stark Hardware.


Kallen received the message while he continued Evading capture.. Jeremiah Gottwald hot on her tail, however, with Lelouch now in position he could now see exactly what was going on, he had opened up the ID signal interface, and was now monitoring the positions of all the current pieces on the board.. They wouldn't be able to bring in reinforcements, as any large movement of troops would signal that something was wrong, and as they were trying to keep this quiet they'd have to deal with the troops they have...

Kallen jumped up onto the rails, bringing that fool Knightmare hot on her trail, Lelouch had planned for this though, and a Cargo train was now ROARING down the lines toward him, Lelouch smirked.. and gave the order for Kallen to jump over the train.

While this happened, Lelouch opened fire with his Knightmares assault rifle, tearing into the opponent, and ripping through his armor before he could eject.. Jeremiah turned to see where the friendly fire was coming from, but too late, Kallen was already launching herself towards Jerimiah, rounds tearing into his side, and a slash harken impaling his Knightmare.

Jeremiah, forced to eject, was shot through the battlefield, landing far away from the Shinjuku Ghetto.

The rest of the Terrorist Group then arrived, their leader Oogi looked up to Kallen shouting to the Knightmare.

"Kallen, what was that message about?"

Kallen was surprised.. this meant he had everyone's frequency.. who was that voice?

"So you got the message too.."

Oogi would respond to that with the obvious "Yeah", but he's interupted by another message from Lelouch.

"Your keys to victory are in that Train. If you want to win, then take them, and follow my orders."

Then, each of the trains cargo cars opened, revealing rows upon rows of Sutherlands..

2010-07-10, 07:32 PM
Suzaku takes the key from Llyod. "I'll do it."

Tony storms off without another word. He had no doubt lost this business venture and for once it wasn't the fault of his own irresponsibility. What happens next though is.

As he leaves the protection of the millitary line he is abushed by several terrorists. Without Rhodey and his Sutherland he is a sitting duck.

"Well look what we got here. The infamous Tony Stark, the Da Vinci of our time." One of the terrorists smirks.

"That nickname is inaccurate. I don't paint." Tony responds, not one to let crisis dampen his natural sarcasm.

"Then how abaout the Merchant of Death." The terrorist responds raising his rifle butt.

"Now that one isn't...." Tony begins to reply as the rifle hits him in the back of the head pushing him into unconsiousness.

The terrorist picks up his walkie-talkie. "Sir, I know you said no prisoners but we found Tony Stark alone on the battle field. It was too good of an opurtunity to pass up."

2010-07-23, 09:55 PM
The paths between the Moon and Earth were well traveled, as materials and fuels mined and processed from lunar soil were catapulted to orbit, then collected and shipped across the vacuum of space to the orbital rings around Earth and the fledgling orbital colonies that seemed to hang in the sky around the blue-white planet. Daily commerce between the two bodies was routine, a carefully choreographed dance of orbits as people and materials were shuttled to and from ports eager for commerce in the growing economy of space.

The addition of one more ship into the dance drew little attention from traffic control. The radio identification was sound and the passports and cargo manifest were all in order. That the small orbital runabout listed only one occupant was unusual but not suspicious, nor was the lack of a flight itinerary after docking at the Pacific Orbital Tower, popularly known by the Chinese moniker of "Heaven's Pillar". Such end-range flights were common enough, and no spacecraft was allowed to enter free orbit until it had submitted a new flight plan, so the traffic controller didn't think twice before assigning the runabout a berth in the commercial docking wing.

From far away, hidden from human eyes, the docking of the runabout was observed and calculated.

- all communications clear - no problems with transmitted material - looks like all that hard work payed off -

- and that's contact with the tower - the unit will be on its own from now on -

- relax - we ensured the maximum probability of success, didn't we - the payload bus is identical to common local units and the facsimile will pass visual inspection under regular conditions -

- it's the irregular conditions i'm concerned about - there's always the chance of discovery -

- noted - but it's unlikely that such events will occur isn't it -

- physical and behavioral patterns were designed for minimum threat response - there should be no reason for emergency measures -

- very good - with patience we can get the materials for a full repair -

2010-07-24, 05:43 AM
Suzaku takes the key from Llyod. "I'll do it."

Tony storms off without another word. He had no doubt lost this business venture and for once it wasn't the fault of his own irresponsibility. What happens next though is.

As he leaves the protection of the millitary line he is abushed by several terrorists. Without Rhodey and his Sutherland he is a sitting duck.

"Well look what we got here. The infamous Tony Stark, the Da Vinci of our time." One of the terrorists smirks.

"That nickname is inaccurate. I don't paint." Tony responds, not one to let crisis dampen his natural sarcasm.

"Then how abaout the Merchant of Death." The terrorist responds raising his rifle butt.

"Now that one isn't...." Tony begins to reply as the rifle hits him in the back of the head pushing him into unconsiousness.

The terrorist picks up his walkie-talkie. "Sir, I know you said no prisoners but we found Tony Stark alone on the battle field. It was too good of an opurtunity to pass up."

Oogi swears, such things were the reason why they were painted as terrorists rather than the Freedom Fighters they were, attempting to break free of Britannia was the exact goal of their organization, not kidnapping random weapons developers!

"Bring him in.. We'll. deal with it."

Meanwhile, Lelouch arranges his pieces carefully, moving the Sutherlands in preparation for a massive tide changer that would shake the commanders of this battle to their very core.

2010-07-24, 11:22 AM
The nameless terrorists grab Tony and escort him across the battlefield. He remains unconsious the whole time.


Suzaku stands and makes his way over the Llyod's new knightmare. He enters the cockpit and starts it up, heading out into the battlefield to deal with the remaining terrorists.

2010-08-03, 06:57 PM
Henry MacNadir watched the runabout slide into the docking clamps and connect with the station umbilical brackets. It was an unassuming craft, typical of the many small cargo haulers that ran between the orbital facilities and the lunar developments. Just the sort of small cargo hauler you would expect to be making runs around the Earth Sphere.
Just the sort of small cargo hauler you would expect to be transporting spies.
As an agent of the Britainian Security Bureau, MacNadir served a double life as both a dock manager at the docks and as an intelligence operative, making observations on the ships and crew coming through his area and sending his notes to superiors he'd never known but who payed him handsomely for his work regardless.

As the airlock cycled through the equalization cycle, MacNadir stepped up with the hardcopy customs papers, an administrative throwback from when records required paper. MacNadir liked the outdated practice, as it gave him a chance for close observation of the crew, which often got him bonus pay from his Britainian superiors.

He'd seen a lot of different people come out of that airlock, from rough and ready spacers in rustbucket runabouts to high society corporate bigwigs in fancy private launches. But he'd never seen a young lady arrive unescorted before.

"Anything to declare?" he asked, keeping his face neutral and disinterested.
The young lady, who's age MacNadir estimated at no more than sixteen, regarded him for a moment as if unsure what to say, then smiled lightly.

"Five hundred kilograms of metals for trade. The values on the customs documents are approximate as the samples have not been fully appraised."

MacNadir checked off the appropriate boxes on his clipboard and noted the values on the cargo manifest. In the back of his mind he noted the use of metric measurements. That meant the young lady was probably from the AEU, as Britainia and the Chinese-lead HRL used their own units of measurement. He also noted that she gave him more information than he asked for about her cargo; this actually raised his suspicions that she might be a spy and not the independent young noblewoman she appeared to be, as most people with money were quite close-lipped about what they were actually carrying. The extra information lead him to believe that the young lady was either new to space flight, or acting like she was.

Hazarding a few more questions, MacNadir studied her accent, posture and manners, trying to get a fix on where in the AEU she hailed from. Sadly, he couldn't place her accent, although her manners did match an upper class upbringing, as did her clothing. Finishing the customs pass, MacNadir arranged for the young lady's cargo to be offloaded and stored in a secure bay. As she left he looked over the papers again, mentally filing away all the security flags that he would list for his Intelligence bosses.

"Oh, one last thing: the ship and registration number is listed, but I don't have your name on record."

"Geonois," she replied. With deft skill she dropped a curtsy, ornate violet lace ruffling with the motion. "Thank you for asking."

Mina Kobold
2010-08-04, 07:52 AM
Just as Suzaku reaches the battlefield and just as it looks like the terrorists aren't going to make it something happens in the air above the battlefield.

It looks as if the air is twisting and twirling as a dark hole forms in it.
The size of it immediately making many eyes turn to it as something large emerges from it with a roar and crashes right in the middle of the battlefield, narrowly avoiding crushing any of the terrorist.

From the crater rises a figure, stocky and squarish with what looks like a mouth big enough to eat a bus, a light shining on the top of it.

It easily towers over everything else on the battlefield would probably be taller than most houses.

(Mulberry Kelly is in the game, ready to wreak havoc while exploring the place and asking for directions.)

2010-08-04, 11:59 AM
Suzaku and his knightmare stand dumbfounded at the edge of the carter looking up at the giant. Suzaku was just a boy when the Knightmares were first used against Japan, he got more accustomed to them as he grew up but every now and then he would still have nightmares about the towering monsters that destroyed him home. This was as close to the mechanical monster of his dreams as he ever wanted to see.

Inteligently deciding against outright battling the overpower monster he opens a comm channel to it. "This is Private Suzaku of the Britannian Armed forces to unidenified Mecha. You are interfering in defense of Jap-I mean Area Eleven. Surrender peacefully or be destroyed."


Elsewhere on the Battlefield a small group of rank and file freedom fighters make their way to their leader with an unconsious Tony Stark.

Mina Kobold
2010-08-04, 03:52 PM
Suzaku's message goes unreplied for a few seconds before some very loud atmospheric noise comes through the Comm Channel along with some barely coherent words

"Crrzh...Read...Crzh? ...Glorft...Down...Czzzrh! ... Brit...?"

The Mecha is stomping around in the crater, kicking up a lot of dust, it's headlight going back and fort across the area. It doesn't seem to have noticed the Knightmare.

(Wait! Do Suzaku speak English to it? Otherwise the last coherent "word" was not said)

2010-08-04, 04:01 PM
((Britannian Millitary. I'm pretty sure he should be speaking English when on duty.))

Suzaku doesn't take well to being ignored like this but the static seems to indicate a damaged communications system he issues another warning.

"Your comm signal isn't clear. Cease activity and be taken into captivity quietly or face the consequences."

Mina Kobold
2010-08-04, 05:19 PM
The static returns

"Crrzh... Where... Czh? Y... Glorft?... Czzzzzzh"

The Mecha stops moving and the big mouth-like thing opens to reveal what could look like mechanical squid and to very large rail-guns.
It turns around and faces the Knightmare,staring at him before more static, a high-pitched sound and the words "one" and "Glorft?" are comprehensible

(Any guesses for what Mul is saying? :smalltongue:)

2010-08-05, 12:39 PM
Suzkau tired of issuing warnings leaps into the air pulling out the Lancelot's sword and attempting to slash the head off of the giant mecha.

Mina Kobold
2010-08-05, 04:50 PM
The mecha suddenly jumps backward at the last minute.Retreating a few hundred feet before turning at Suzaku and giving of a whistling sound and a wave of steam.

It stomps in the ground like an angry bull and charges at the Knightmare with the speed of a speeding train, trying to ram the smaller mecha.

Meanwhile the static returns, albeit less noisy this time

"Who...e You? Britai-Crrzh...ll to ...orft fi-Crrzh years ago. Are yo-crzzzh"

The transmission stops abruptly.

2010-08-05, 05:46 PM
A speeding train isn't all that fast for the Lancelot which manages to side-step against the charge leaving the larger mecha to speed towards a building uncontrolably.

"I already idetified myself. I am Private Suzaku Kuraugi, of the Britiannian armed forces. You are under arrest for not compling with millitary orders to identify yourself and cease function."

Mina Kobold
2010-08-05, 06:03 PM
The giant mecha slides to a halt and turn around

"Brit-Crrzh-n? You-... From Britain? Cool, I thou-czh-The Glorft had conguered that before I was born"

The Mecha stands there, looking at the Knightmare

"I dun-... you sound too boring, are you a Glorft? I-czzrh-k you are a Glorft"

2010-08-06, 12:22 PM
"Britain? Britannian hasn't gone by that name for centuries and what the Hell is a Glorf?" Suzake asks stoping the fight for a second. Whatever this thing was it wasn't from around here that much was for sure.

Mina Kobold
2010-08-06, 01:40 PM
"Crzh- That portal must have taken me way out of the war"

the static continues for a second as if the speaker was considering his next comment

"The Glorft are these aliens, space aliens and -crrrzh- They look kinda like squids except with arms and legs and mechas and voices and green."

The Mecha tilts it's head by some strange means as if to say 'You're a weird one'

"You really haven't heard of them? Maybe I went to another planet, no, you know of Britain so that ain't right"

The mecha sits down and looks like it's pondering about it

"I've got it! I travelled through TIME! Cool! What year are we? Has the Coalition been founded yet? Is Elvis still alive? Can I have some pie? I'm hungry"

The mecha jumps up and down as the speaker asks the questions, it looks very silly and makes a lot of loud noise and holes in the ground.

(Obnoxious isn't he? :smalltongue:)

2010-08-07, 09:10 AM
Suzaku is trying very hard to remain serious and worthy of his temporary knighthood but in the face of this weirdo it's quite difficult. "It's 2017. I'm sure can work this out but you have to get off the battle field. We are in the middle of a battle against terrorists."

Mina Kobold
2010-08-08, 05:29 AM
The mecha looks around at the terrorists and the cracked battlefield.

"Got it!"

It starts running in about the direction of the military line, jumping over any terrorist that got in the way, a few passing out from fear of it landing on them.

"See ya!"

2010-08-10, 11:42 AM
Ishamel Atlan sits back in a leather chair in his quiet Gindran home, smoking a cigar and looking over the applications he's prepared to send. They give a brief profile of him, name, age, past dealings, mech, all that jazz, with a note explaining how the highest bidder wins. This would seem quite arrogant for a mercenary to auction off his contract, except he was a very special mercenary, the mech was the key to it all. He was the pilot of Metal Gear REX, and had basically been the key player in Gindra's independence from Britiannia. That little exploit got him this nice little mansion in Gindra, complete with white brick, thatched roof, a massive exotic garden, and several Renaisance style statues; as well as the status as a Gindran war hero. He thought to himself about how lucky he was to have found the old Metal Gear documents and the updated critique of them, that lead directly to the building of REX.
Back in the 70's Dr, Mandar, the father of Robotics, began designs on a walking, nuclear tank labeled as TX-55, but codenamed as Metal Gear, based off the works of a one Dr. Granin, who had been murdered in his Russian home in 1964. The project had been worked on in the Fortress of Outer Heaven, now Galuade, but had been sabotaged and destroyed before testing could be done, by a mysterious agent codenamed Snake. A Britiannian scientist, Dr. Emmerich, had been friends with Mandar, who had shared the Metal Gear schematics with him, and wrote plans for an updated model sometime in the 90's labeled REX. Ishamel had acquired these through some less than legal means, and utilized his family fortunes to build the REX prototype. It was completed in 2011, and helped Gindra gain independence in 2013, a country now building their own version labeled as Project GANDER.
The shear brute force of it meant it could rip the average Knightmare frame to shreads, and the mounted railgun meant it could shell a target from across the world. War was coming, everyone knew it, and if the nations were smart, they'd pay top dollar to have REX fighting for them. Personally he didn't care who won, in fact he'd prefer it to end in stalemate, more business for him that way.
He smiled and puffed on his cigar again, and sent the applications out, confident he'd be getting an expansion to this mansion soon.

2010-08-11, 07:40 PM
Weeks pass and an unmarked envelope containing a blank check and a letter arrives at Atlan's mansion. The letter is as follows.

Dear Ishmael Atlan.

I am a busy man and I have little time to follow the course of your auction so please fill in this check with a number of your desire I can guarantee you I have the cash to front whatever you decide you are worth. I have no immediate need for your services so if you accept my offer you will remain free to take on other assignments as you please but upon the event that I contact you again you are to drop your current assignment, unless you are in an active hot spot and take up arms in my anonymous name.


The Mandarin.

2010-08-24, 03:42 PM
Colonel Reginald Ozwald, commander of the Britannian Intelligence Bureau Orbital Sphere Division, was not a happy man. The deteriorating relations between the Britannian Empire and the Human Reform League meant that his desk was being inundated with requests from other branches of the service for information regarding the orbital facilities owned and operated by the HRL and its component states, information that he had commissioned and sent regularly as standard operating reports every month. The redundancy of making up Special Reports about things that quite literally hadn't changed since the last regular report was fraying Ozwald's patience, but the ground-side bureaus seemed to think that space was a highly chaotic and unstable place where the political scene could be upset at the drop of a hat.
It was of course the opposite; the Earth Sphere was a decidedly dangerous place, but only because life there relied on artificial environments maintained by highly trained and skilled specialists. This meant that the people living there were exceptionally opposed to chaos, because that's what got people killed.

Silently lamenting that he didn't have a rubber stamp that read "I've told you this already", Ozwald turned to the next entry in his Inbox. It was a summary from the analysts concerning the comings and goings of civilian traffic through the Elevator system and between the regular collection of shipments a particular entry was flagged as anomalous. Ozwald looked over the report thoroughly: single vessel... cargo of mixed precious and semi-precious metals... single occupant of undetermined origin... ship registry not found in archived listings. Curious.

Ozwald set the report aside and picked up the phone. This was going to make someone on Earth both happy and unhappy: happy that Ozwald's section finally had something different to report, and unhappy because the mystery woman "Geonois" was heading Earthside.

Mina Kobold
2010-08-25, 04:23 AM
The large mecha arrives at the military line and kneels down to look at the assembled soldiers and waggons.

It's headlight shines down at them like a large eye and provides the only movement from it in a long time as it awaits their reaction.

2010-09-30, 04:03 PM

"Commander. We've just received word from the satellite network. We have confirmed S2 reactions from several unidentified targets in orbit."

"On screen."

Immediately, a massive tridimensional screen flared to life with real-time satellite images. Judging by the scope's magnification, the objects displayed on-screen must be massive. The flare from reentry made identification difficult, but...

"No doubt about it. It's an Angel."

"We have also identified several other creatures with it. Given that the Angel did not react to them, there's an 80% possibility they are sympathetic organisms."

This last line was spoken by a medium-height, blonde woman in a lab coat holding up a tablet.

"Target location and ETA."

"It's currently in orbit directly above... Shinjuku, sir. ETA is approximately four hours, forty-five minutes."

"Very well. Notify Major Katsuragi, the Second and Fourth Children immediately. Have Units 02 and 04 deployed. Fuyutsuki."


"Contact the Britannian authorities. Notify them of our arrival. Request immediate evacuation of all civilians."


A voice echoes across the Geofront.

"Attention all personnel. We are now officially in state of alert Delta (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5Qo9iAB9q0). All engineering and tech support teams are to report to the Loading Bay immediately. Medical teams one and two, proceed to the Hangar. Repeating: Attention all personnel. We are now officially in state of alert Delta..."

[At school]

Muwagi found that his cell phone was vibrating. Opening it up, he saw a text message that seemed to grab his full attention rather than the class.

"Sensei. I must tend to some urgent business."

"Muwagi-kun, can't this wait?"

"Afraid not. I will be sending a full report later."

"*sigh* Very well, you're excused."

2010-10-02, 01:38 PM
Riding a sub-orbital elevator is much like riding any other modern public transportation. You sit down in a reasonably comfortable seat next to other travelers going to the same destination and relax as best you can while all the work of actually getting there is handled by professionals. Like passenger aircraft since the mid-twentieth century, the elevator cabin was subdivided into compartments catering to different client groups. At one end was baggage and cargo; the other held high-paying travelers who lounged in private rooms with fine furnishings and spectacular views of the Earth far below. In between was seating for "normal" people sitting in aisled rows like any aircraft in the last hundred years. In the back of each seat was a small touchscreen for the benefit of the people sitting behind, where they could browse broadcast channels or the internet. A side effect of all these screens in close proximity was the hobby of watching what was on other passengers' screens and trying to find the matching channel or web page on your own screen.

"Trying to figure out what to watch?" asked a particular gentleman to the oddly-dressed lady beside him. A veteran traveler, he took amusement at how she scanned the screens of everyone ahead of her, the broadcast station listing slowly scrolling by on her own. He'd done it himself once or twice before finding those few stations that he liked most.
The young woman turned to him, smiling with her eyes moreso than her lips. "Just seeing what was popular."
"Travel often?" he asked, making polite conversation.
"My first time, actually."
That threw him a little, as this was a descent line, but he quickly realized that there were plenty of people who lived in the orbital colonies all their lives and even besides that she might have meant a round trip anyway.
"How are you finding it?"
"It's quite quiet. I was expecting more background noise."
"Just wait until we get deeper into the atmosphere. The wind noise can be quite loud if the weather's unsettled."
She smiled again, her eyes squeezing shut ever so slightly. "I'm looking forward to it."

2010-10-02, 05:59 PM
The seemingly tiny Britanian millitary personel form a circle around the Pac-Mech.

"Alright, please exit your mecha so we can process you." one of them says over a loudspeaker.

Mina Kobold
2010-10-03, 07:44 AM
The Pac-Mech looks at them with its headlight and nods, opening its mouth h and revealing a construction resembling a green octopus with two railguns by its sides which also opens, exposing a small compartment in blue and white with holographic disks floating in mid-air and buttons everywhere.

Something moves and the holographic disks disappear like a light-bulb burned out and out steps a young man in an equally white and blue uniform, thick boots and gloves and purple hair.

"Hi everybody!~"

When he has walked closer to the men they might or might not notice that his hair include a streak of green and that he is wearing protection goggles on his forehead, depending on whether they pay attention to the fashion choices of someone with purple hair or not.

"How's procedure?"

He looks around at the soldiers, smiling casually like this was nothing but a routine check at the airport.

2010-10-03, 09:22 AM
One group of soldiers begins to examine the mecha and takes pictures of every little detail of it. The Scientists will examine it latter.

The pilot is escorted into a large purple transport which contains a far more luxorious throne room than you'd have thought possible from a millitary transport. On the throne sits a young girl with flowing blonde hair.

"Greetings Knight. I am Prince Clovis La Britannia. It is a pleasure to make the aquataince of a knight from another world." Wait a second, 'Prince' this is a guy?

Mina Kobold
2010-10-05, 11:12 AM
The pilot looks around in confusion and then look back at the Prince

"Who? Me? I'm not a knight, though it would be fun to be one"

Striking a pondering expression he starts to mumble off

"If I could get some scrap metal, perhaps get a coat of arms?...

No, I think you have to meet the royalty to get those"

Looking as if an incredible idea just occurred to him he points dramatically at the Prince

"You're royalty, aren't you?! Can you get me a coat of arms?"

He seems to have quite forgotten the situation he is in, or maybe he was used to it and didn't take precautions anymore. Who knows but him?

2010-10-05, 12:35 PM
Prince Clovis MIGHT be alerted to the fact that there's a comm signal awaiting for his reply on line 1. Gently.

2010-10-05, 01:52 PM
"A knight is our term for a mecha pilot, but things could be arranged if I felt so inclined. Excuse me for a moment." The Prince says in a manner thats far too camp to really believe. He presses a button on the arm of his Throne.

"This had best be good news?" He asks whoever is calling him on line one.

2010-10-05, 02:00 PM
"You'll have to stretch your definitions of 'good news', Prince Clovis." An aged man's voice returned over the line. "This is Kouzo Fuyutsuki, Second-in-command of NERV. Our satellites have captured images of Angels descending upon the Shinjuku area - their ETA is estimated to be less than four hours from now. We strongly suggest you evacuate the city. We're scrambling to send two units as soon as we can, but we need your authorization to enter Britannia airspace."

2010-10-05, 03:20 PM
"Go ahead the city has already been evacuated of Britanian civilians due to terrorist attacks. Should I keep my knights in standby for backup?"

2010-10-05, 04:34 PM
"We would rather handle this ourselves, but your units are more than welcome to colaborate with diversionary attacks. As you know, the Angels' AT Fields make them immune to most forms of ballistic weaponry."

2010-10-05, 06:00 PM
"Of course. Send them in." Clovis says terminating the call and turning to his visitor.

"Do you still want to be a knight?"

Mina Kobold
2010-10-07, 12:20 PM
The visitor turns his attention back to the prince, having stared at a seemingly unimportant piece of the wall.

"Maybe, did you say something about terrorists?"

He looks up for some, no doubt irrelevant, reason

"Shouldn't they be evacuated as well?"

2010-10-07, 02:51 PM
"The Elevens are murdering innocent civilians. I see no reason to waste time evacuating them, even if I were to display them such mercy no doubt they would resist our efforts bringing more harm to innocent Britainians." Clovis shakes his head.

"Or we could slove this much simplier by having you go out there and deal with the Angel before the EVAs show up and cause the collatoral damage in the first place. We haven't gotten much time to look at your mecha but it is clearly more advanced than anything else within the Empire, even NERV's little toys."

Mina Kobold
2010-10-08, 03:08 PM
The visitor jumps and expresses joy at this solution*

"That's a great idea! I'll try it!"

He speeds toward the door but stops in the last moment and turn around to deliver one last comment

"Thank you, Girl-Prince!"

...Before continuing out the door.

*AKA he makes a ^_^ face while jumping like a hyperactive squirrel who just found a barrel of nuts.

2010-10-09, 11:14 AM
- well, what is it? -

- multiple contacts descending to the local region "Asia" -

- can we identify? -

- data from observation arrays match previous data on Encounter 111785 and Encounter 188593 - it appears that this planet is also within range -

- is the avatar in danger? -

- she's in the area but is not inside the projected contact area - odds of contact is below 60% -

- we've yet to experience a ground-level incident of this kind - there is an opportunity for safe observation -

- that's well within technical limits - she can take anything but a direct attack -

- where is the avatar's current location? -

"En route to Area 11. I'm afraid my air transport has been bypassed around the area however, so I'll only be able to observe secondary effects."

- do you think direct intervention is required? -

"Not at the moment. Observed capabilities indicate that an effective countermeasure is within local capabilities. I'll let you know if it's needed."

- noted - will stand by for direct observation -

High above the northern Pacific ocean a lonely passenger aircraft flew onwards towards the Britannian Area 11, its northbound course slightly shifted to miss an sudden air-safety alert. Far back in the passenger cabin, a young woman was able to observe a faint glimmer of light at the very limit of the horizon, far beyond the visual range of any human. Below that glimmer, the visual signature of a high speed atmospheric reentry, was her destination, once known as the nation of Japan and now identified simply as the territory number 11.