View Full Version : Recommend me TV Channels!

2010-06-29, 06:20 AM
Hello there!

My family's currently building a house and we'll probably get satelite TV. Since german tv is usually considered to be pretty .. useless ... i wanted to get channels from the UK or USA (primarily for original audio and for a better selection of channels too). European channels that broadcast with original audio are fine too.

My problem is, I have no idea about satelite TV. I would really appreciate it, if you guys could recommend some channels and tell me which satelite sends the signal (and, if you want to be totally awesome, I'd be really happy if you could tell me if it's possible to receive a signal from that satelite from Austria in addition to a signal from Astra.)

What I would love to see are: good international news, sports (all kinds of, but American Football should be available), Comedy, Sci-Fi, Anime and western cartoons, good documentaries, other series of good quality.

I hope that you, dear ladys and gentlemen, can help me with this grave situation!

2010-06-29, 06:23 AM
Getting the BBC is worth it pretty much for Doctor Who alone, in my opinion.

If you lived in Switzerland, you'd also get it for free. No idea how it is over there.

As for american channels, Comedy Central has picked up Futurama now.

The Mentalist
2010-06-29, 06:49 AM
USA has always served me well, Law and Order (Just not the original), White Collar, and NCIS mostly.

I must recommend the History and Discovery channels, I've learned more from those than a high school education (But I am in Georgia)

Comedy Central gets another vote (I like the stand up)

2010-06-29, 07:24 AM
No idea if you can get it, but Australia's SBS is pretty great.

Rogue 7
2010-06-29, 07:40 AM
USA indeed provides something watchable pretty much 24/7, and Burn Notice is a real gem. NCIS is addictive, be warned.

Can't go wrong with the Discovery Channel, either.

2010-06-29, 08:00 AM
the Channel 4 network (Channel 4, E4, More4 & Film4) usually has some good programming on, although over the summer it's practically 50% Big Brother. Seriously, from like 1am-6am Big Brother: Live is on both Channel 4 and E4.

2010-06-29, 08:21 AM
you said german tv ?
yeah they suck
I think you get the english channels for free , I know I do(Belgium)
So yeah, discovery and national geographic are awesome..geographic is free, and I think discovery comes with digital tv or something..

Cristo Meyers
2010-06-29, 01:17 PM
This is probably going to get me pilloried, but Syfy is starting to actually come into their own these days. Most of their original series are very good and they often show a lot of the older, classic sci-fi shows. Their big problem is that they constantly marathon their shows.

2010-06-29, 03:17 PM
FX ain't bad, especially if you're at home and you want to watch a movie. Has It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Archer, by the way.