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2010-06-29, 02:45 PM
I've been watching videos on That Guy With The Glasses, and really, the guy with the glasses is the only good movie reviewer there. Everyone else is... bad...
Is this just me?
Bum Reviews is great, as is the Nostalgia Critic. I haven't started Ask That Guy With The Glasses.
The Nostalgia Chick annoys the hell out of me. She's supposed to be the cute quirky nerdy girl, I guess, but... she's not funny. She's got a bit of wry comedy to her, but her comedy is the type that's amusing in real life, not in video. I didn't watch any Linkara, because I don't relate to anything he reviews. When he joined in on the Superman review, he was funny, but not anywhere near as good as The Nostalgia Critic. comics in 5 panels was ok, but not really. I keep trying to watch others, but none of them are funny! They lack the funny! Where is my funny?
Now, I don't always agree with The Nostalgia Critic or Bum Reviews (BATMAN is better than The Dark Knight? That movie where Batman is introduced randomly flapping the cape, and the Joker is so completely over the top he loses his funny? WHY, GOD, WHY? Batman Begins is better than Batman), but at least I'm entertained. Like, really entertained. Somebody should cast that guy as a serial killer in a black comedy, because he's good.
Also, Bum Reviews' TDK review was great. I couldn't stop laughing. One of the best videos on the site, but you have to see a few other Bum Reviews to get it.

Mystic Muse
2010-06-29, 02:57 PM
Have you looked at the cinema snob? I think he's kind of funny.

However, we probably have different sense of humor.

He's under team TGWG under "Brad Jones"

He reviews some pretty bad movies. A few of his reviews probably aren't safe for work though.

2010-06-29, 03:07 PM
I can't really make suggestions; Brad Jones is funny and I'd recommend Film Brain, but I'm a major Linkara fan and enjoy the crap out of TCWTG, so we obviously have different senses of humor. And taste, since I agree with him over Batman. :smallwink:

2010-06-29, 03:29 PM
If you dont mind the assumption that all movies suck, and the somewhat nsfw sense of humor, Mr. Cranky is occasionally quite funny: http://www.mrcranky.com/

2010-06-29, 03:50 PM
While I might agree that Nostalgia Chick's thing is less hilarious than Nostalgia Critic, she has her own hilarious moments (Anastasia or The Last Unicorn weren't funny, tho).

watch She Ra : The Princess of Power. I rolled on the floor :smallwink:

2010-06-29, 03:51 PM
I'd agree that Doug is the best guy on the site, but I watch and enjoy a lot of the others too. Linkara and Spoony are the best after Doug - since Linkara explains everything about the comics during his reviews you don't even have to be a comic fan to enjoy his stuff (I'm not, aside from a small handful of Green Lantern compilations I bought last year), and Spoony is much the same with obscure games and movies (and some not-so-obscure ones - love his Final Fantasy 8 review).

I also watch most Nostalgia Chick, and while she's certainly not as good as Doug, and really needs to slow down sometimes so I can actually catch her jokes or explanation of the movie events before trying to process the next thing she says too, I still generally enjoy her stuff.

Until We Win is good too - not really for humor, but just for the fun of watching him explain how to play and beat all these old, hard-as-balls games, and the fact that I do occasionally recognize a game he's playing that I've otherwise forgotten ever existed.

I also watch some of Bennett the Sage and Angry Joe's game reviews - again, not for humor so much as to get a couple of different perspectives on games I may be interested in. Same for all of Angry Joe and Spoony's recent E3 videos.

I've also taken to watching some of Film Brain's videos recently, and there's some good ones in there. Particularly X-Men Origins: Wolverine.


2010-06-29, 04:50 PM
I enjoy Linkara as much as Doug to be honest, though I am a borderline comic nerd so I get him (plus his rendition of Patton was awesome). Though Doug is definitely more manic as a reviewer. However, I'm not a fan of his VGC to be honest. There were a few good jokes but overall, ehh.

Lord Seth
2010-06-29, 08:28 PM
I didn't watch any Linkara, because I don't relate to anything he reviews.That seems odd to me. I mean, I don't read comics that much myself, but I still find Atop the Fourth Wall to be funny (though I do definitely think that the more recent episodes have had more weak ones than his earlier episodes). Also, his History of Power Rangers videos are awesome, to the point where I wish he'd actually slow down Atop the Fourth Wall so he'd be able to concentrate more time on those. He's definitely my favorite guy on the site after the Nostalgia Critic.

As for the others, let's see...JesuOtaku is okay, Y Ruler of Time is pretty funny but has a horrible update schedule, Lord Kat isn't funny per se but is almost always fun to watch, and I've also found I enjoy Todd In The Shadows (who would've known reviews of pop songs would be so entertaining?). Spoony is decent also, though I think his "team-ups" with Linkara are his best works, like the Warrior review.

My favorite Internet reviewer is SF Debris though, who isn't on the site, but it'd be cool if he joined. He's entertaining whether he's reviewing something awesome or something horrible or something in between.

2010-07-03, 04:43 AM
I've actually started to watch Linkara, and he's pretty decent. Not anywhere near as funny as Glasses Man, but good.

2010-07-03, 05:16 AM
I've only watched videos by two of the reviewers on that site: Linkara and some other guy. Linkara is great, especially the different voices he does. The other guy sucks, as in "makes stupid gay jokes that don't even make sense" sucks.

2010-07-03, 05:20 AM
I really like Nostalgia Chick, although she really does have some filler. And the stuff with Nella is rarely that funny, but they both have their moments.
The Labyrinth review is by far my favourite, despite the running joke not being that funny...
Despite the fact I can point out significant bad bits in her reviews, I kind of have an addiction to her videos.

The Rose Dragon
2010-07-03, 05:26 AM
The Labyrinth review is by far my favourite, despite the running joke not being that funny...

Do you mean the erotically named foods, the "that's what she said" part, the banana, the package, the balls, or the gag that literally runs at the bottom of the screen?

That review has a lot of running jokes.

2010-07-03, 05:43 AM
I would assume he meant the 'running joke' running joke

2010-07-03, 05:44 AM
Good point. I actually meant the erotically named foods. Funnily enough, the running gag about the running gag actually made me laugh. It's funny how these things work. :smalltongue:

2010-07-03, 04:51 PM
My favorite is actually Lordkat, but only because I beating love old, hard games, especially when someone famous whines about how hard it is for 20 minutes :smalltongue:

Also, some of Dr. Ashens videos are hosted on the site, which gets bonus points with me, because I love Dr. Ashens. Most of his are still on youtube, though.

2010-07-03, 11:08 PM
I've only watched videos by two of the reviewers on that site: Linkara and some other guy. Linkara is great, especially the different voices he does. The other guy sucks, as in "makes stupid gay jokes that don't even make sense" sucks.

Any clue to who this other guy is?

2010-07-04, 12:36 AM
Any clue to who this other guy is?
It was a guy who made a multi-part review of Final Fantasy 8. I downloaded the video after it was mentioned on TVTropes, but only watched it for about 30 seconds before I deleted it in disgust.

2010-07-04, 12:49 AM
It was a guy who made a multi-part review of Final Fantasy 8. I downloaded the video after it was mentioned on TVTropes, but only watched it for about 30 seconds before I deleted it in disgust.

Spoony? He's pretty popular, but I personally don't like him. He doesn't do movies or games specifically, just media in general, iirc.

Lord Seth
2010-07-04, 01:39 AM
I think Spoony's okay, though he's at his funniest in crossovers (I loved his Warrior reviews in particular). Now I really just want to know which particular video of his it was that you hated so much.

2010-07-04, 01:52 AM
Now I really just want to know which particular video of his it was that you hated so much.
Er... the multi-part review of Final Fantasy 8. The first segment, to be precise.

Lord Seth
2010-07-04, 02:17 AM
Er... the multi-part review of Final Fantasy 8. The first segment, to be precise.Well next time be more correct about how much you watched, you said "half a minute". Earlier on I had checked it, saw half a minute of it, and saw nothing of what you complained about, so I assumed it was something else. I did think it was funny to see him go progressively insane at having to draw magic for spells in Part 2 though.

2010-07-04, 04:17 AM
I had only seen a couple of Nostalgia Critic reviews, but upon reading here that Nostalgia Chick was bad I went to check her out and see for myself.

I only watched a couple, but I felt much more satisfied with her reviews than NC. With Critic you get a rundown of the movie events, pointing out bad acting, plotholes and giving reactions and comic reenactments. His comic timing is so good that he's consistently entertaining, but he rarely has anything interesting to say. Nostalgia Chick (in the couple I clicked around to) went into depth about the subtext inherent in the scene, the climate surrounding the movie as it was being made, and real analysis of character that I didn't really see in the Critic.

So while I didn't really laugh so much, I felt they were much better as reviews. Then again, maybe I just saw relatively bad Critic episodes and particularly good Chick episodes.

The Orange Zergling
2010-07-04, 04:54 AM
For a while I liked the Nostalgia Critic, and he still has his moments every so often but recently he's kind of started to wane in my opinion, I never liked Bum Reviews very much and I never looked into Ask That Guy.

Linkara can be funny sometimes but I think I'd like him more if I was into comic books; I've basically only read the 'classics' like Watchmen and V for Vendetta and a couple of more obscure ones and it's not really something that interests me all that much.

I like the Nostalgia Chick a lot, mostly for her rather intelligent analysis. She seems to have gotten rather lethargic and low-energy in general since her Showgirls review, though, and I definitely liked her much more before that.

My favorite is definitely Spoony though - his Phantasmagoria Let's Play is definitely my favorite Let's Play of all time and actually probably one of my favorite internet video series' as well and he has a few other classics that are pretty hilarious. I frequently disagree with him on movie opinions but he's still amusing and interesting to listen to.

2010-07-04, 06:18 AM
Well next time be more correct about how much you watched, you said "half a minute". Earlier on I had checked it, saw half a minute of it, and saw nothing of what you complained about, so I assumed it was something else. I did think it was funny to see him go progressively insane at having to draw magic for spells in Part 2 though.
Maybe I got the timing wrong, but I was working from memory. Spoony's behaviour during the Squall vs. Seifer duel was still off-putting.

2010-07-04, 07:17 AM
Maybe I got the timing wrong, but I was working from memory. Spoony's behaviour during the Squall vs. Seifer duel was still off-putting.

Was that the one he edited in some scenes from a porn manga? Because, objectively, that was pretty ****-ed up.

While we're on Spoony, does anyone else feel that his Deadly Premonition Let's Play is...not to good?

2010-07-04, 10:30 AM
Was that the one he edited in some scenes from a porn manga? Because, objectively, that was pretty ****-ed up.

That wasn't until the last episode, where he got so annoyed by a Squall/Rinoa romance scene that he decided to ruin the romance for everyone. Oh, and earlier on, when he ran a Google Image search on a few characters with SafeSearch disabled for reasons known only to him.

Yeah, Spoony's probably the most NSFW reviewer on the site who's not explicitly reviewing adult media.

2010-07-04, 10:32 AM
I think Spoony's okay, though he's at his funniest in crossovers (I loved his Warrior reviews in particular).

Spooning with Spoony was definitely his greatest achievement. :smalltongue:

2010-07-06, 01:39 AM
Dr Ashens. I fall in love with his voice. So soothing and educational. And so deliciously british. I'm not gay mind you, I'm not gay. Yes, just reminding myself.

2010-07-06, 02:34 AM
Dr Ashens. I fall in love with his voice. So soothing and educational. And so deliciously british. I'm not gay mind you, I'm not gay. Yes, just reminding myself.

Don't be dishonest with yourself. Everyone's gay for Dr. Ashens. :smalltongue:

Mystic Muse
2010-07-06, 02:35 AM
Don't be dishonest with yourself. Everyone's gay for Dr. Ashens. :smalltongue:

I'm not.

Of course, not knowing who that is might have something to do with it.

2010-07-06, 03:17 AM
I'm personally a fan of Doug, The Chick, Spoony, Linkara, and Brad.

By "fan" I mean that I will watch any video they put out. There are other reviewers on the site I watch occasionally, particularly if they review something I am familiar with/interested in. I enjoy these guys a lot, but haven't found the patience to crawl through their archives and really familiarize myself with them.

I guess I'm this sort of "casual fan" of most of the better known people on the site (Benzaie, Marzgurl, Paw, Film Brain, Phelous, etc). I can't think of anyone on there I actually dislike (I'm easy to entertain), though there are some people whose work I have never actually seen at all.

2010-07-06, 03:24 AM
I'm not.

Of course, not knowing who that is might have something to do with it.

Similar boat.

One guy I really like that hasn't been mentioned yet is Sean Fausz. His update schedule is haphazard at best, but I do find Epic Fail to be quite amusing. For those who don't know, it's basically a top-5 of internet videos that are either "so bad, it's good" or just extraordinarily horrible, with Sean doing commentary and jokes after each. It won't be to everybody's taste, but I find it worth watching.

Aside from that, I watch the other usual ones: Critic, Chick, Linkara, Spoony, and Snob.

EDIT: Yeah, I guess I'm a "casual fan" of the rest of the site, as well. The only actual FilmBrain review I saw was Megashark vs. Giant Octopus, and that's because I saw the movie when it first came out on SyFy. Just that review hasn't made me want to go watch the rest of his videos, though.

2010-07-06, 08:19 AM
Film Brain isn't bad, now that I've seen some of him. Not as good as Nostalgia Critic, but I like how he gives negative reviews to movies I liked and has me agreeing with him, unlike Nostalgia Critic who gives positive reviews to movies I liked where I disagree with some of what he says. BATMAN IS BETTER THAN THE DARK KNIGHT!?!?!?!?!? NOOOOOOOO
However, is it just me, or does Film Brain's accent waver a ton in Kickassia?

2010-07-06, 08:22 AM
I noticed that too; I think it's the tone of voice he's using. His first two reviews (Pluto Nash and Fast and Furious) aren't very good, but I think he was still finding his niche. Equilibrium, whether you agreed with him or not, was really where he hit his stride.

2010-07-06, 09:35 AM
Except for people mentioned below, I am only a casual viewer - I'll watch a video if it sparks my interest ("Jew Wario is talking about Super Robot Wars? Let's see that!"). But I usually like what I see. So I do not really have an unfavorite reviewer. Now, for the list:

He's the man. What to say here - his reviews are funny and witty, and I really like both the Bum and Ask That Guy, if for totally different reasons.

Nostalgia Chick:
Her reviewing style has a sarcastic, cynical tone, sorta Daria-like. Which works really well most of the time but sometimes I get the vibe she's forcing herself to make a review. And then, the results are not really interesting. So depending on whether the Chick has energy for a review or not, it's going to be very fun to watch or not at all.

I like him as much as That Guy, really. I am not a comic fan but his reviews are approachable even for people with no comicbook experience. I like how his critique tells us how a good comic should be created. The only review of his I didn't really like was the Watchmen movie, because it was made ad hoc, without preparation and with an angry Lewis to that - so it wasn't really that funny.

It really shows this guy has most reviewing experience. He is very energetic, knows what to focus on, and is not afraid to chew on scenery when it's funnier. Even if I do not agree with his point of view at times, his energetic and over the top reactions never cease to be hilarious.

Dr Ashen:
Bee-beep, bee-beep, bee-boop.
And for a second, there was peace all over the world.

I also like the Angry Video Game Nerd, even if he does not really fit here. His reviews aren't everyone's cup of tea, due to swearing and well, he's not Angry for no reason. The "action" segments of his videos are hit or miss, usually the funnier the shorter they are. James Rolfe does reviews outside his Nerd persona too: movies, Board James and so on. He's much calmer there, almost surprisingly so.

2010-07-06, 12:39 PM
One guy I really like that hasn't been mentioned yet is Sean Fausz. His update schedule is haphazard at best, but I do find Epic Fail to be quite amusing. For those who don't know, it's basically a top-5 of internet videos that are either "so bad, it's good" or just extraordinarily horrible, with Sean doing commentary and jokes after each. It won't be to everybody's taste, but I find it worth watching.

I remember seeing Tosh.0 on Comedy Central for the first time and thinking "Well, Sean Fausz was doing exactly this two years ago."

I also like the Angry Video Game Nerd, even if he does not really fit here. His reviews aren't everyone's cup of tea, due to swearing and well, he's not Angry for no reason.

I actually got into That Guy simply because I was a fan of the Nerd, and read about the joke rivalry on his Wikipedia page. I figured I'd check this "Nostalgia Critic" out and see if he was any good. He was, and the rest is history. This was a great time to become interested as well, as it was during the first wave of new reviewers being added to the site, so I got a lot of fun videos to watch.

The only one who I was a fan of previously was (technically) Spoony. Ages ago I came upon his text review of Friday the 13th Part 8 somehow (this was either before he did videos or very early into it), enjoyed it immensely (I despise that movie) and bookmarked it so I could see what else he did.

Now, my bookmark list is a swamp of despair from which hyperlinks do not return (A "Blaggole" if you will). There are hundreds of sites I fully intend to check out again "when I have the time". So the site remained bookmarked and ignored for over a year. Then I see a video or two of his on TGWTG, think "The Spoony Experiment? Sounds familiar", and find out I've had him bookmarked for ages.

The Rose Dragon
2010-07-14, 06:22 AM
The Room? The The Room? The one with Lisa, who tears him apart?

I'm suddenly curious.

2010-07-14, 11:09 AM
It's an awesome review. I laughed all the time.

2010-07-14, 11:14 AM
It is a very good review, no doubt there. I haven't seen acting or writing that bad since The Last Airbender, and some of it was worse even than that.

I wonder if Doug recently moved or something. Between the ending of this review with the Critic remarking on the change in his own room and the ending of the last Ask That Guy, where he gets a question about why he's always at the same location, responds "I guess I should get a new one," a plants a time bomb to blow up his current location, I kind of get that impression. Especially since they're both reminiscent of the ending to Spoony's FF8 review, which was done because he moved.


The Rose Dragon
2010-07-14, 12:17 PM
This review also introduced me to Obscurus Lupa, whose review of The Room is also fascinating, despite being about eight minutes shorter, and actually explains the plot more.

The Rose Dragon
2010-07-18, 02:55 PM
Two things:

1) That Guy with the Glasses has a new location.

2) What happened to the Room review? Can't seem to find it.

EDIT: Obscurus Lupa's review has also disappeared. Must be a conspiracy by Wiseau.

2010-07-18, 03:13 PM
2) What happened to the Room review? Can't seem to find it.

From what I hear Doug took it down because a lot of people complained it was boring or whatever.
That's just a rumour though, if you find anything proper out let us know. I never got the chance to watch it before it was down.

Also thank you Doug for stopping with the skits.
I go to the site exclusively for the Nostalgia Critic, and for weeks and weeks he was doing more character skits where he does a bad impression, sometimes with a bad costume, and they just went on for too long and dominated the whole thing and they weren't as funny.
Then about a month back he started doing what made him great again, just sitting and talking about these movies and why they're bad. It's great. When he isn't trying desperately to be funny, his little jokes and observations are hilarious.
Nice to see him back on form.

The Rose Dragon
2010-07-18, 03:16 PM
From what I hear Doug took it down because a lot of people complained it was boring or whatever.

That doesn't explain why Obscurus Lupa's review is also down.

Lord Seth
2010-07-18, 03:16 PM
Copies of his review of The Room have been put on YouTube I think, so go there if you want to see it. Still would be nice if we'd find out why it was taken down, though...

The Rose Dragon
2010-07-18, 03:17 PM
I can't enter YouTube, though, due to it being "Banned in China" (I don't live in China).

2010-07-18, 05:33 PM
The Room was painful to watch even in his review. And he couldn't really add funny to it.

The Rose Dragon
2010-07-18, 05:38 PM
The Room was painful to watch even in his review. And he couldn't really add funny to it.

Well, I thought it was hilarious.

2010-07-18, 09:37 PM
This review also introduced me to Obscurus Lupa, whose review of The Room is also fascinating, despite being about eight minutes shorter, and actually explains the plot more.

Well, I thought it was hilarious.

Ditto on both points. Started watching some more Obscurus Lupa and I really like her style.

2010-07-18, 10:12 PM
I can't see Doug taking down a video because some people complained it 'wasn't funny,' if he was that sensitive, he'd have taken down the TMNT video a while ago.

2010-07-18, 10:18 PM
I think there's something about it on the TGWTG forums, I quickly checked but without digging through several pages for the explanation all I saw was someone suggesting they broke blip.tv servers and they're going to have to reupload it, that or it was too long.

edit: after checking the thread again I see this on the last page: "What I'm saying is that it was originally pulled down, because of the copyright claims. Those have since been resolved. But the response has given them an idea to turn this into a bigger joke that will probably get a payoff with this week's NC episode."

2010-07-19, 01:01 PM
edit: after checking the thread again I see this on the last page: "What I'm saying is that it was originally pulled down, because of the copyright claims. Those have since been resolved. But the response has given them an idea to turn this into a bigger joke that will probably get a payoff with this week's NC episode."

It would explain why Obscurus Lupa's reveiw is also down. Why anyone would care about the copyright of The Room, or all things, is beyond me.

Also, the whole way through that review I couldn't stop thinking about silent hill 4. I expected a joke in there somewhere, but it never came.

2010-07-19, 02:40 PM
I can't imagine anyone wanting the copyright to The Room.

2010-07-20, 08:41 PM

Huh. Well, we still have youtube, and this was amusing.

Lord Seth
2010-07-20, 08:51 PM
So do you think Doug is going to contest the copyright infringement claims to try to get it back, or just let it go with that one sketch?

2010-07-20, 09:04 PM
So do you think Doug is going to contest the copyright infringement claims to try to get it back, or just let it go with that one sketch?
If I had to guess? Let it go. Contesting it in court would probably be pretty expensive, time-consuming, and not worth the effort to him.

Still, yes, funny sketch. Anybody care to guess how many none-too-kind e-mails that Jon guy is going to receive in the next 24 hours? :smallwink:

(Not from me mind, I don't honestly care enough to bother, but with how many fans TGWTG seems to have, I'll wager there are plenty who will.)


2010-07-20, 09:13 PM
Seriously? I thought Fair Use prevented this kind of thing; if this is violantion of 'Copyright' then so is every other review on the site. And that's no good.

2010-07-20, 09:23 PM
Seriously? I thought Fair Use prevented this kind of thing;
It should. If I had to guess, it wasn't Doug's decision to take the video down, but that of the site hosting the videos for him, blip. Plus as I said in my last post, I expect that a legal battle over this would probably be more trouble to him than it's worth, regardless of the fact that he should be able to win it.


2010-07-20, 09:24 PM
True; costly and he wouldn't actually get anything out of it. Still, that's ridiculous. Reviews are the only way anyone would even HEAR about that stinker.

2010-07-20, 11:39 PM
True; costly and he wouldn't actually get anything out of it. Still, that's ridiculous. Reviews are the only way anyone would even HEAR about that stinker.

He could get the studio to pay for his legal fees, AFAIK. I mean, technically, the website is his source of income. Bringing down one of his video, in blatant violation of the Fair Use clause, could (maybe?) be punishable?

Let's hope?

Anyway. The funny thing is, I watched the new part BEFORE I watched the review. I really wasn't understanding why he was so blatantly... ... bland in his acting.

And now I know. Oh god.

Seriously, I hope the plot of the movie makes SOME sense, otherwise... WHAT WAS THE POINT? A guy looses many thing and kills himself. That's it?

2010-07-20, 11:44 PM
Seriously, I hope the plot of the movie makes SOME sense, otherwise... WHAT WAS THE POINT? A guy looses many thing and kills himself. That's it?
Seems like it. Obscurus Lupa's review of it gave a couple of details that the Critic's didn't, but they basically boiled down to the fact that the main character (I've already forgotten his name) somehow used a tape recorder to record his fiance's phone call to his best friend (yes, a tape recorder; no, it doesn't make a damn bit of sense), which is how he found out about the affair, which is what triggered his whole ending temper-tantrum and suicide.


2010-07-20, 11:46 PM
So....the film sucks? We already knew that. :smallamused::smallwink:

Lord Seth
2010-07-20, 11:51 PM
It should. If I had to guess, it wasn't Doug's decision to take the video down, but that of the site hosting the videos for him, blip. Plus as I said in my last post, I expect that a legal battle over this would probably be more trouble to him than it's worth, regardless of the fact that he should be able to win it.

ZevoxWell, after looking at Blip's copyright notice (http://blip.tv/dmca/) page, if your material is removed for copyright infringement, you can send Blip a counter-notice to restore it. The person who has to resort to the courts would be the copyright holder. Thus, if my understanding is correct, Doug needs to send the counter-claim, and unless Wiseau is indeed willing to take it to court (which he will almost certainly lose), then Blip will put it back up. In other words, Doug doesn't need to go to court to resolve the issue, Wiseau has to (and if my understanding of legalese is correct, then if Doug wins against Wiseau, then Wiseau has to pay for any expenses Doug incurred during the court battle).

Though I'm sure Doug has consulted with lawyers who probably have a better grasp on everything than I do and have advised him accordingly. I just hope this doesn't go unchallenged.