View Full Version : The New Age of Man (IC)

2010-06-30, 12:48 AM
The year is 2360...... Three Hundread years since earth was abandoned.

Each of you have left earth three hundread years ago, your people still surviving on space stations even to this day. However reasources are wearing thin, and without new supplies soon what remains of earth and it's rich history will perish forever. As far as your aware, no other nations made it safely off earth. Your project was supposed to be a secret one, although spies were assumed. You now drift lazily through the cosmos, your fears quickly being realised, and not having the heart to warn the citizens of your ship that they are all most likely doomed....

Choose a System:To start things off, you each will be starting in different star systems. (Galaxies). This can be for any number of reasons, 300 years of drifting can make some amazing progress when worm-holes are involved. Anyways, label your system as follows... Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, Sigma, Zeta, or Omega. Then add a number of 1-10 to the end of it. Example: Sector Iota 6.

Re-list Your Colony This one is self explanitory.

After everyone who has applied has posted and chosen a sector we will move on to what kind of reasources you find in your sector. And what sort of hostiles you may find as well.....

2010-06-30, 01:06 AM
The Inter-Space Kingdom
Nationality: Great Britain/UK
Influence: Research
Uranium: 100
Titanium: 100
Non-Perishables: 150
Plastics: 100
Precious Metals: 50

Population: 3,000,000
Artificial Intelligence
Space Travel
Advanced Hydroponics
(Posting this differently seeing as I posted this wrong before)

Alpha 1 Quadrant

2010-06-30, 03:34 AM
The Soviet Directorate

Nationality: Russian-Siberian

Influence: Glorious social equality! With a homeworld so rife with the pig ideals of capitalism, space has become the final, social frontier for the great Soviet Union! Here, in space, upon their new colony, the ideals of true equality may survive! No longer will the common man be downtrodden, forced to uphold the great podium of figurehead rulers! It is with freedom in our great, Russian hearts that we embark upon this great journey!

Non-Perishables: 150
Shuttlecraft: 50
High-end electronics (I.E. High-power processors/sensor equipment): 50
Construction supplies: 100
Tungsten: 50
Atmospheric humidity condensers: 100

Population: Five million glorious peoples! Five million devout souls, willing to fight, bleed, and sweat for the greater good of the Soviet peoples!

Glorious starship technology, built with the sturdiness befitting the Russian bear!

Hydrogen technologies! Ranging from atmospheric condensers that strain the water from the air to glorious hydrogen reactors, water is the precious fluid of the Soviet Directorate- for that is what the great Soviet people act as! As ever-changing as the ocean, as swift as a running stream, and as unstoppable as a tsunami!

Advanced Hydrophonics: Life aboard a colony ship so crammed with life has taught them the value of water quite well! The Directorate has mastered the art of hydrophonics, working to produce food from little more than water, seeds, and clay! Food flows freely for the Soviet people, and with their bellies full and their hearts aflame, none can stop them!

Cultural Notes:
The glorious mother station of Cerekgrad is a society well apart from that of Japanese pseudo-science, or the foolish obsession with "Munneh" from the British! The great people of Cerekgrad, the great Soviet Directorate, are beyond such petty concerns! It is the great station that is their obsession! It is the new way, the great way of Communism, that is their light in these trying times!

The Directorate of the New Soviet Union is a five-man directorate, styled after the interim government of Russia in the early 20th century. The "Head" of each department has a seat on the Directorate, which is headed by the Czar- the current Czar being Vladimir Maxim, now in charge the massive station. The Directorate, also known as the Council of Five, is composed of five main positions:
Minister of Internal Affairs
Military Minister
Marine Minister
Minister of Posts and Telecommunications

As it stands, four of these five positions are in need of being filled as of a recent string of explosive decompression, treasonous mismanagement of government assets, and other similarly important political reasons. Minister-Czar Maxim has much to uncover from those below him, attempting to find suitable candidates for political ascension to the Directorate.

The democratic body of the Directorate, the Congress of People's Deputies, is a democratically elected group of some thousand-odd deputies chosen by the workers, for the workers! It is from their ranks that the Directorate members are usually drawn, though outstanding citizens have found their way onto the board for achievements well beyond the call of the Motherstation.

The inhabitants of Cerekgrad live in very close quarters. As the colony ark was originally launched by Russia as a quick response to other nations' success in the area of space travel and colonization, the vessel- though crammed with sturdy and advanced devices- was crammed to the bursting point. As such, hallways were littered with people on their way to fulfill the tasks necessary to keep the impromptu transport alive.

This necessity of keeping alive and claustrophobic lifestyle has inspired the five million inhabitants of Cerekgrad even to this day. When the colony ark eventually found a planet that vaguely reminded them of their great Motherland, the small starship quickly exploded. Spare parts came from deep storage and were quickly used to expand the size of the makeshift vessel, and as space expanded, so too did the culture and population.

When it reached the five million mark (according to latest census), Cerekgrad was alive with music, laughter, love, and science. The people of Cerekgrad are industrious as always, for even when their colony ship's status was secure it became quite evident that the planet below was their next major focus. In order to ensure the steady, frantic pace of industry, copulation, and revolutionary advances was upkept a series of programs have been instituted.

Respectively known as the New Economic Plan, Seven Day Work Week Act, and Quota Mandates, this new string of policies has produced long work days. The distribution of food is handled with ration coupons, as well as "Shelter Passes" for workers. This allows for every man to have just as much as he has earned in life, with additional ration coupons or a change in shelter pass grade for particularly accomplished workers or laboring intelligensia. This has provided incentive for all classes to work particularly hard, especially since quotas must be met, or ration coupons and apartment passes may be revoked.

Whilst the threat of homelessness may inspire a seedy criminal element of Cerekgrad, the stringent security and military presence of the station has helped solve this. Stocked with a large amount of war material, most of the colony ship's goods or tools can be traced back to either the Cold War or the massive booms that it inspired in the Russian economy. With such a prevalence of war goods, from simple wrenches all the way to prefabricated scientific bunkers to be deployed to the planet's surface for research planetside, shortages in the beginning are not an issue, provided each person only takes what they are entitled to, no more, no less! For that is the true Communist way- equality, enforced!

Daily life is actually fairly mundane for the average comrade citizen. Mass transit, primarily in the form of mag-lev and monorail, is powered in turn by massive hydrogen reactors in the heart of Cerekgrad. The beating heart of the mighty Soviet Directorate runs electricity throughout the station, the massive bladders of water attached to the station's exterior constantly being drained and replenished to fuel both the reactors and the hydroponics farms.

Speaking of which, a large amount of focus is placed on those very same facilities. Utilizing the latest in low-gravity farming techniques, every square foot of the hydroponics facility is converted towards the growth and harvesting of food. Soy is a very common part of the average comrade-citizen's diet, primarily due to the plant's hardiness. In response to the flavorless taste of it, a wide array of artificial flavorings have been invented to help redesign the very taste of the soy. For comrade citizens, however, most ration meals consist of a rich-tasting diet that, with a bit of creative cooking skills, can actually look somewhat appealing. A market for regular food exists as well, primarily in the form of the actual food grown alongside the large stockpiles of soy (Intended to supplement meals are regular intervals for a carefully regulated and balanced diet).

The daily work of most comrade citizens is usually in the area of either maintenance, industrial processing, or scientific research. Those serving the Red Army generally form patrols that foray out from the various barracks-bases on frequent patrols, or otherwise perform sentry duties along major thoroughfares for signs of "dissident enemies of the state".

Propaganda plays a large role in the daily life of the citizen comrade, with children being heavily indoctrinated to Communist beliefs throughout their upbringing. The idea of society before oneself is made creed, and the value of upholding the quotas- the very way of life- is made paramount.

Of course, the law for Cerekgrad station is quite stern on those who fail terribly in their duties. Those who frequently fail to fulfill their quotas may find themselves getting indoctrinated in a much more severe fashion to serve on away missions to the planet's surface, or otherwise forced to do hard, dangerous labor for their inability to remain motivated enough to keep their very reasonable expectation of work going. For these failures, these disgraced comrades in arms, redemption can only be found in loyal service to the Station, where they are born, and where they shall die either in service or in ignorance.

All the while, they work to help create a new Communist paradise below. For Cerekgrad may be their glorious home, but it is the planet below- the new Motherland- that shall serve as their salvation and final paradise of social equality!

We are Zeta-one! We are the end, we are the final evolution of all cultures!

The crystal-walled elevator gave a pleasant hum as Commissariat Gorbachev enjoyed the ascent of the elevator. His dress uniform, hand tailored in true Soviet fashion, had a series of medals running along his breast. They were representative of a dozen campaigns aboard the station, mostly against rebellious swine that had taken up arms against the Directorate and the Czar. Dressed in a long, dark brown greatcoat with well-polished dress shoes and red-striped pants of the same color, the Commissar- a political animal at heart- wore his gold-buttoned vest with pride. The medals upon it were more than just symbols of his accomplishments, they were a symbol of just how Communism had managed to prevail. His peaked cap, covering a head of short-cropped gray hair, was crowned with a tiny golden eagle that seemed poised to strike. In his white-gloved hands, he carried a dossier that not-so-subtly hinted at a higher goal beyond admiring the view of the small garden that the elevator afforded.

Gorbachev's medals paled in comparison, however, to the half-a-dozen men standing around him. Each one dressed in a similarly tailored suit, they carried their curious little submachine guns with them. Having been made as cut-down versions of the AS Val submachine guns, the silenced bastard guns were equipped with armor-piercing rounds. Even on his way to deliver the report, these men- with their concealed kevlar vests and their concealable assault weapons- were ready to wage a full-scale assault. Either on any potential dissident attackers that might decide for a surprise ambush on the subdeck of the station...or any foolish notions of attempted assassination on Gorbachev's part.

With a merry whir, the elevator finally came to a stop, the garden view once afforded now disappearing as the crystal-walled transport finally slid its doors open. Walking into the atrium as though it were his own home, the Spetsnaz- the elite soldiers known by their signature posture and radiating aura of intimidation and danger- kept pace with him. The atrium was actually a high sign of luxury, an example that through the glory of Communism, all manner of glorious and revolutionary pieces of art- especially architectural- could be accomplished.

One might argue that Cerekgrad itself was an example of the glories of Communism at its unending zenith, the colonizing station thriving even as it was only meant as a temporary holdout. Yet such an argument would be forgotten in the face of this grand chamber. Standing at a dozen meters high and spanning perhaps double that in radius, the circular chamber had a massive floor seemingly made from one solid piece of glass. Under that layer of glass, a fine painting- apparently made from actual sand- had been composed. It depicted...

The Motherland. It was a series of fluid images. There, a young boy looking at his patriot father as he left for war. There, an elderly couple sitting at a park bench. A bench in a park just like the one Gorbachev had seen on the way in. And there...images of war. Sand tossed about violently, the scenes once composed of the sand in question erased. A master artist had made the massive artwork that composed this chamber's floor, and its domed ceiling was perfectly reflective, made from gold polished to a sheen.

Along the atrium walls, television screens had been set up, showing various pieces of patriotic propaganda. If they had volume or even speakers was unknown, but for now they were mute, only displaying patriotic scenes of men and women working hard in factories, or of shuttle pilots bravely rocketing through asteroid fields with cargo holds full of smiling asteroid miners armed with jackhammers and cargo pallets.

In the center of it all, a young man- barely out of his twenties- greeted the Commissar with a winning smile. With short-cropped hair, as was the current fashion, striking eyes, and skin seemingly unblemished by any sort of cargo plague or barracks vex, he greeted the Commissariat officer in absolute ease. Dressed in a casual suit with a bright red tie and a regular white shirt, he looked as though he had just returned from a joyous party.

Which the man probably had.

"You requested the latest information on the deployment schedule?" The Commissar asked. It was a rhetorical question, really, but it only seemed proper to ask.

The young man held out his hand, taking the dossier from the Commissar and flipping through it. Digital transfer was quicker, but for information like this, hand-to-hand was the only acceptable means of transmission. The truth could not be trusted to wires that could be tapped, or machines that could be tampered with.

"I've picked some of my best men for the operation. The latest conscripts have a few promising souls amongst them, and they have been put to good use loading the shuttles." He continued, standing at attention as the young man paused mid-read.

"It says here that you requested deployment of a satellite. Might I ask why we would need another satellite, when Cerekgrad provides perfect surveillance?" The younger man inquired, cocking a perfectly plucked eyebrow.

"The station...does not provide constant access, however." The Commissar remarked, looking to the dossier's back now presented to him. "Another satellite could-"

"Drain more of our already limited supplies. Thus why I had your request denied, Commissar. Now, this little project of ours risks quite a bit- but it has its boons as well. Tell me, when is the soonest that the first shuttle can be launched?"

"Within two hours." The Commissar replied, giving a short bow to the young man, "With God's favor, my Czar."

Maxim simply smiled, "God always smiles upon the Motherland, Commissar. Now more than ever, I think."

Actions for the...years? Mostly winging it here, but a rough outline.

Two million of the station's inhabitants will work on keeping the hydroponics farms operating. Water will be funneled in with the aid of twenty of the shuttlecraft wings, which will collect any drifting meteors of frozen water and have them rendered down to base water for both power and food production.

Another million will use thirty of the shuttlecraft wings to begin searching for any nearby asteroid fields rich in metal. If none are found, then they'll attempt to scour the planet below for mineral rich deposits and promptly exploit them. These same million will use some of the construction supplies to deploy hermetically sealed "scientific outposts", which will be manned with armed guards and equipped a myriad of sensor equipment intended to help figure out atmospheric conditions, weather patterns, soil content, and other things like that.

The remaining three million will go about their daily lives, dividing themselves evenly between the usual maintenance work to keep the station going, filling their quotas of commodity goods as always, and research. The research divisions in particular will be looking into a new uses of technology- in particular, the technology to help find ore deposits buried deep within the planet's crust- or within the empty void of space.

2010-06-30, 11:51 AM
[[OOC: I dont have much time at the moment, but will write up some flavor within the hour :smallsmile:]]

Quadrant Epsilon 4

The Fabulous Empire of Interstellar Peace
Nationality: Japanese
Influence: Robotics
Uranium: 100
Titanium: 150
Non-Perishables: 100
Plastics: 100
Antimatter: 50

Population: 3,000,000
Space Travel
Ion Weapons
Robotic Suits
Advanced Water and Food Extraction

2010-06-30, 10:51 PM
The Inter-Space Kingdom, U.K.- Alpha 1

Your space station (or collection there of) continues to drift through the void of space. So many years, and so little hope left. Food, water, it was all running drastically low. However sitting just on the horizon, slightly out of veiw, was hope!

Your few remaining scouts return after scanning the surronding 100,000 miles. You could see only a tenth of the entire quadrent of space you drifted in, but even such a small area showed great hope!

In the surronding 100,000 miles of space you're scouts report finding minor deposits of Water, Oxygen, Titanium, and Hydrogen. Although these werent the BEST materials you could find, it was indeed a symbol of hope among your people, a chance to restore your supplies, and perhaps continue the human race!

Also throughout the 100,000 miles your scouts managed to cover you have located a series of planets, no doubt making up one of the few galaxies in this area. Your sure that, with a little time and effort, you could harvest additional supplies from the planets.

The Soviet Directoret, Mother Russia- Zeta 1

Time was running out, you have been drifting for 300 years now, and still no progress. You have yet had the heart to tell the citizens what is in the works, but you pray for a small glimmer of hope.

However it is when all is lost that you're fears are finally quelled. After much worry you have found reasources. Your scouts have scanned the surronding 100,000 miles, a small amount of space to be sure, not even a 10th of the entire sector. However it is in this limited space your scouts found the first few of many planets in one of hopefully more solar systems. They have also found some collections of asteroids which provide the following reasources.

Oil, Titanium, Lithium, Hydrogen, and Oxygen Very diverse reasources to be sure, but what to make of them?

The Empire of Interstellar Peace, Japan.- AlEpsilon 4

Three hundread years of hopeless drifting. Earth's last resort seemed to be a total failure. You have yet to have the heart to report the tragedy to your citizens, that soon you'd be out of supplies, and the human race would die here, in the void of space.

That is, however, until your scouts report an interesting find. In the most recent 100,000 miles of space scanned in this sector your scouts have reported finding a number of planets, all part of a larger solar system. These planets will no doubt be able to be harvested in due time. For the time being however, your scouts also report another gift from god, asteroid fields of varying types. The over-all reasources you have access to are..

Titanium, Water, Oxygen, Chlorine, and Helium.

2010-07-01, 12:25 AM
erm, I may have forgotton to mention. It's now the PCs turns. Feel free to do anything within your civs power. Each turn will be in 50 year intervals, and most tasks will be assumed at using an even number of civilizans. (I'd say around 100 to 1million. 100 being effectivly the smallest you could go, more or less)

2010-07-01, 12:29 AM
United Star Kingdom's Tasks
Task: Harvest Resources: 2,000,000
500,000 Water
500,000 Oxygen
500,000 Titanium
500,000 Hydrogen

2010-07-01, 01:00 AM
Cerekgrad's primary shuttle hangar was awash in activity. Flight crews rushed about the interior with fuel umbilicals and precious equipment in hand. Handheld computers were attached to flight control units, fast-flowing letters screaming throughout the station's wiring as it finally began to drift towards the epicenter between the two closest planets. Guidance thrusters flashed as the station began to slow, whilst the hard-working inhabitants entered a positively frightening dizzy of work.

Even now, an entire fleet of survey craft, personnel shuttles, unmanned operations drones, and more besides were being spontaneously refit with the pools of information now seeping in. Hydrogen! Oxygen! The backbone of the Directorate's survival, and now they would utilize the very elements of life with newfound joy and wonder!

Of course, they had to get to those asteroids first. In the process of accomplishing this, the flight crew controllers had become positively swamped. In the myriad of storage hangars beneath the launch deck, ancient elevators were put through rigorous stress. Each one was loaded to the absolute capacity and, in some cases, even beyond that just to get enough craft into space quickly enough. Some, naturally, broke down and were left subject to first-response maintenance teams. Comrades of every calling were put to work, from chefs to prepare tasty soy-based meals for the departing pilots to soldiers being deployed upon away teams to the distant worlds. Spetsnaz were not the call of the day here- it was the Soviet Guard, the true-blooded sons of Mother Russia, that would hold the landing.

Even now, First Lieutent Petr- clad in a hazmat suit reinforced with trauma plates and kevlar cloth- clutched his AK-47 in one hand and gestured to his own team with a gloved hand. The shuttle they were to ride in upon was mostly consumed with basic necessities like extra water tanks for exit and crack-tanks intended to split the water into both hydrogen fuel and oxygen for the inhabitants. Spare rations and ammunition were carried by each man, as well as a number of tools such as combat shovels, shaped charges, RPG-7s, atmospheric analyzers, and the myriad of other tools a planetfall team might require to survive upon the surface of a planet whilst shelter was being deployed.

Speaking of shelter, the shuttle- with it's wide, sweeping wings (Currently folded back from storage) intended to use air resistance for maximum effect- carried with it a number of supplies required for the construction of a scientific outpost. Thank the Motherland for Cold War goods- most of the items in question aboard the station originated from there, the prefabricated building components included. Without them, they'd be spending several months trying to get a research outpost built on each of the two planets.

But that all meant little if they couldn't keep a good pace. Waste is death, after all!

"Stein! Haul ass, you lazy swine!" The lieutenant barked as each man marched up the shuttle's rear ramp, the pilot to the front strapping himself into his crash seat just like the soldiers he carried. Weapons were stowed into safety racks as the first of the shuttles, ones filled with miners and precious harvesting equipment, began to deploy.

The men were quick to get seated and strapped in, the first lieutenant giving a firm rap on the bulkhead to the cockpit before taking his seat. The ramp's servos gave a whine as he himself took a spot, the overly-padded seat slightly discomforting.

At least until they launched from the ramp. With a reek of burning ozone so powerful it made its way all the way through his breathing mask's filters, each man was slammed into their seat from the spontaneous acceleration. There wasn't even the nicety of a countdown before launch- just the hiss of supermagnets and crackle of hydrogen atoms, all echoed by the sloshing of water.

After several seconds of break-neck speed, the shuttle began to veer off, heading towards the nearest of the planets- identified as Zeta-One-Prime. Its official name would come later, after the expedition.

With any fortune, Cerekgrad's great people would have a new home!

One million of the station's inhabitants will work on keeping the hydroponics farms operating. Water will be funneled in with the aid of twenty of the shuttlecraft wings, which will collect any drifting meteors of frozen water and have them rendered down to base water for both power and food production.

Another two million will use thirty of the shuttlecraft wings to begin joint efforts of investigating the two nearest planets and mining the asteroid belts of oxygen, hydrogen, and titanium. Ten units' worth of the advanced electronic sensors will be tasked to identifying pockets of oxygen, hydrogen, and all the other materials. For oxygen pockets, care will be taken in using well-lubricated equipment to minimize friction for extraction. For hydrogen and titanium, regular methods will be used in extraction.

In addition, a small percentage (Some twenty thousand) of that two million will use their own shuttlecraft- in addition with four units worth of construction supplies for a fortified research-slash-crude-starport base on each of the two nearby planets. Fully supplied and staffed with geologists and atmospheric technicians, these bases will look into the habitability and any special properties of the two worlds (Zeta-One-Prime and Zeta-One-Secundus respectively). Each outpost will be equipped with two units' worth of advanced electronic equipment, in the form of high-power processors and geologic sensors, as well (Four units in total of both construction supplies and high-end electronics).

The remaining two million will go about their daily lives, dividing themselves evenly between the usual maintenance work to keep the station going, filling their quotas of commodity goods as always, and research. The research divisions in particular will be looking into a new uses of technology- in particular, the technology to allow for gravity manipulation and its artificial production. With hydrogen and oxygen in the asteroid belts, their fuel and food needs are more than satisfied!

Frozen Messiah
2010-07-01, 02:36 AM
The Amaneza Estrella floats in Theta-6

The ship was a perfect fusion of beauty and functionaltity, the people that are held within and strong and uncompromising, their future is one destined for greatness but they are in trouble. Their resources were getting low and they had not found a planet that met the standard they were looking for. The whole ship prayed for a gift from god, they praed for guidance, and they prayed for salvation. They got what they wanted...

The next day the control center became a hive of activity as scans were being done of a new planet on that came on to their field of view early that morning. To their surprise it's atmosphere was one that could sustain life, they called the planet Salvación. Once they set down on the planet their cheers died out. The planets surface was covered in the sands of a desert. Neuvarians took this as a challenge from their lord, if they were able to survive this place than they would become strong and be able to spread far and wide.

They quickly converted the Amenza Estrella into their town hall and converted some of the smaller ships in to other neccesary buildings. Many of the Neuvarians helped with construction except for a group of elites who went on foot, with gear that has been converted to survive the tempurature, to scout out the area around them. 3 warships were left in orbit and began doing a very indepth scan of the entire planet in any attempt to find resources that would aid the colony.

- 1150000 of population works on building the colony and making changes to combat the enviroment
- 15000 on the 3 warships doing in-depth scans of the world to try to find useful resources
- 5000 military personel scout out area on foot
- 8000 shaping the carbon to act as a wall to prevent sandstorms or dust storms
- 315000 preparing roll-out railways
- 157500 putting up and making functional solar panels
- 75000 setting up communictions with all other ships
- 172000 converting smaller ships
- 1200,000 3 satllite community crews that are waiting in orbit until scans are finished to be set up

2010-07-01, 09:05 PM
The Fabulous Empire floated through space, ever working. The emperor paced upon the deck in one of his many mechanical bodies, waiting for news. See, they had entered a wormhole of some type a while back, and now they were running low on resources, especially food. Very bad. He would of course survive, since his body was entombed in his bio throne, and would be powered by the solar panels until the end of time, or until all his bots broke and he couldn't drive. But that would be a lonely, lonely life. Or afterlife... whatever. He better get some good news soon, or he was going to do something drastic. They were once the most powerful nation on the planet (Debatable with the other nations), how could they starve!


Captain Orun walked up bowed before the Magnificent Emperor, eager to get his news out. "My Magnificent Master, we have great news! We have found a planet, and it is habitable! The atmosphere is good enough to hold life, even if it might be uncomfortable levels of oxygen for us. Still, we will survive!" Many a person on the deck was thrilled at this news, many clapping, dancing (!), and some even hugging, even though they quickly withdrew afterwords. Much merriment was had, and someone suggested he crack open a wine bottle! But the emperor, who had limited capabilities to show emotions in his avatar, let out a weak smile, then said "This is great news, surely, but it does not mean we are free. We must see if we can extract minerals from those asteroids, and see what plants we can grow on this planet. We must establish a foothold, and hope there are not too many dangerous creatures on the planet, since the Mythic Military is just now training the small batch of new recruits. We must hurry, if we wish to eat! Captain Orun, you are in charge for now. I must retire to think these things through..."

- 1 Million people dedicated to gathering food and water.
- .5 Million people dedicated to converting the station into a fortress on the planet.
- .5 Million people working on setting up large arrays of solar Panels, using 50 units of plastic. Mostly on the sides of the fortress, although maybe on other places.
- .5 Million researching the technologies of Antimatter Engines (Only a little faster, but really efficient), and Advanced Mining Techniques.
- .5 Million Harvesting Titanium