View Full Version : OotS Flash Game

2010-06-30, 08:51 AM
Are there any OotS based games online? A small flash based rpg or action game would be pretty cool....

2010-06-30, 08:52 AM
Are there any OotS based games online? A small flash based rpg or action game would be pretty cool....

... only if the game was actually cool. ;)

And so far, nothing like that is around. IF it was around, it had to be an official game - that did not happen so far.

2010-06-30, 08:53 AM
Are there any OotS based games online? A small flash based rpg or action game would be pretty cool....

There are plenty of D&D games online, but none OOTS. Besides, they'd most likely be linked here, as the programmers would need permission to use the characters.

2010-06-30, 08:56 AM
What kind of DnD games ARE there online?

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-30, 09:34 AM
could always make a flash game in OOTS style. let the play chose its race (human, dwarf, elf, goblin, halfling, hobgoblin, ETC) and class, and go off on some compleatly unrelaited quest in the OOTS world.

2010-06-30, 09:43 AM
One *could* do that, yes, if one had permission from the Giant to use his setting and his characters...do you have that?

2010-06-30, 09:44 AM
Pretty sure there have been at least two games made like this, one with the actual characters and one with lookalikes. I don't know what happened with the lookalikes, but I do remember that the thread for the actual characters one was locked and the link removed. Rich is very careful with his intellectual property.

There's nothing stopping you from making one in a similar style, though you'll want to give named characters a wide berth.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-30, 09:51 AM
One *could* do that, yes, if one had permission from the Giant to use his setting and his characters...do you have that?

read again.

compleatly unrelaited quest

we wouldent need permission for his charicters, because we wont be useing any of them. and as far as i know, haveing two stories coexist in the same universe is no grounds for lawsuit. if nessisairy, we could just stay away from dea givaway places such as azure city and the empire of blood.

2010-06-30, 10:03 AM
To be more specific, I think you'd probably have to follow the same rules for fancomics:

Use of The Order of the Stick Characters, Places, and Other Trademarks
Generally speaking, you are not permitted to make fan comics that tell the stories of any of the characters of The Order of the Stick or feature any of the places that exist in the comic, such as Azure City. These names and likenesses are trademarked by Giant in the Playground and cannot be used without specific permission. There are a few situations where it may be deemed acceptable:
A cameo appearance, defined now as an appearance that is confined to a single strip of the comic series, done for humor or contrast. Essentially, this constitutes a parody of sorts, and as such is considered Fair Use. Note that the character should not have any meaningful influence on the plot, and the event should not be referenced repeatedly in future comics. For example, it’s OK for your characters to stop and ask Durkon for directions to the nearest tavern in one panel and then never mention it again. It is not OK for Durkon to give them their sacred quest to fulfill Thor’s prophecy--which will comprise several dozen strips of story--even if Durkon’s entire appearance is limited to one strip.
Similarly, place names can be mentioned briefly, in passing, but your characters may not go there and spend 100 strips exploring the surroundings. They can say that the dungeon is 15 miles north of Cliffport in one panel, but they cannot go on a 10-strip shopping spree in the city first.
We ask that in any strip where an existing OOTS character appears, you include the following notice in the image file (usually along the bottom):

<Character name>™ created by Rich Burlew, used under OOTS Fan Comic Guidelines.

2010-06-30, 10:19 AM
Yes, there are. Two of them, even.

Here (http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f350/abardam/stuff/ootsgame-15.swf) and here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6312399#post6312399)....

2010-06-30, 11:04 AM
Yes, there are. Two of them, even.

Here (http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f350/abardam/stuff/ootsgame-15.swf) and here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6312399#post6312399)....

... Isn't that a virus or something?

2010-06-30, 11:09 AM
No idea. The latter seems fishy at best. "Download something"?

I also have the impression Rich isn't fine with... hum... simple stuff like those games (at least the first one seems not very awesome).

If he asks not to use his work for non-official projects (apart from cameos and references) I think it should get respected. But that's just me...

2010-06-30, 06:16 PM
Regarding an OotS flash game, perhaps one of us could get permission and make one right here!

Here's my idea

Side scrolling real time action game, somewhat fighting influenced. Incorporates physics. Uses danger scale on level with 3.5 ed (so falling a long ways causes you to hit transversal velocity and lots of damage = 20d6, like regular D&D).

In single player mode, select one of the characters from the OotS and go off on an adventure. In town (or various towns, each town would offer gradually better things or 'resting points' for crap sack towns if you want to use a map for level selection and travel), you can purchase equipment. If your varsuvius, you have to spend time in town to learn new spells. In town, you can also perform other tasks like crafting and upgrading (each time you gain a level, you must visit town to 'train up' and gain the benefits of the new level). Sell at half price, etc.

If you complete the right levels/zones/areas of map, you can purchase certain magic items from town too.

In level: Enemies drop loot, but this requires you to bend over and pick it up. Sometimes, loot is destroyed if the enemy is obliterated (ie. via a fireball) or loot is lost if the body is knocked off a cliff or into water (some swimming involved, but its very dangerous for a character like Roy).

Story mode has a difficulty. With increased difficulty, the enemies/monsters get smarter but aren't any harder to kill in the sense of hp, damage they deal, etc. Since the game utilizes physics, there are a lot of ways to kill an enemy besides waving a sword or slinging a spell (ie. you could drop a rock from above, or create a pile of corpses to hide behind).

Achievements: If you unlock certain achievements, you can earn new characters to play as. Examples include the linear guild and members of the saphire guard.

Multiplayer: In multiplayer, you can do a co-op of the story mode (which is basically an off-beat story for each character; in co-op choose one selected character's story). You can also duel, which is essentially a fighting game in itself (the fighting game theme influences this sort of thing).



Roy has the most hp of the OotS members. At level one, his sword attacks are rather slow (maybe twice every second max) and the enemy has a chance to parry each blow since they attack at the same rate. Roy can 'fierce' (power attack) which does more damage, but is easier to miss/parry/simply not go through and best done when the enemy is unprepared - say, fallen down or Roy charges.


- Swing: Roy swings his sword with a tap of 'x' or some other convenient key. If you press forward and tap 'x', Roy can make a vertical slash. Tapping x twice or more quickly allows Roy to perform full attacks (but at level one, he can only make 'one attack' meaning the enemy has a chance to parry each attack; if he had two attacks, then he'd make two rapid swings which can be combined with horizontal or vertical swings by moving forward, or while moving, horizontal thrusts or vertical thrusts by pressing down or up).
- Defend: Roy lifts his great sword up to block. Possibly another key like 'shift'.

- Jump: Space bar? Roy falls fairly quickly due to his armor but achieves terminal velocity at the same rate like all creatures (maximum damage occurs at terminal velocity). If Roy jumps down, he suffers less damage, then if he were to slip off a platform and fall without a tap of jump. Jump, of course, requires a solid surface (without one, there will be an animation of his feet flailing).

- Charge: Roy can charge by holding shift and tapping either side arrow key twice (or a or d). You can halt his charge by moving again in another direction (since it's 2D, there's only two directions anyway). If you time it right, you can hit enemies while charging. This usually stops your charge, unless you happen to overrun them as well (a game mechanic, not a command that you can perform).

- Push: Roy can push against objects by tapping a directional arrow key twice in the object's direction. If he runs into enemies, he automatically attempts to bull rush them. If he runs into doors, he can bull rush a door and make it open more quickly.

- Cleave: At higher levels, Roy can learn cleave. If he is running, he can make an attack and cut through up to two opponents. At higher levels, he can cut through any number of opponents while running, but not charging.

- Parry: If Roy makes an attack at the same time that an enemy attacks, he will parry that enemy's attack, unless the enemy has greater attacks on a full attack. If Roy makes a full attack, the number of attacks he's made will counteract that number of attacks the enemy makes on its own full attack (thus, if Roy has a higher number of attacks on a full attack, the enemy will essentially be overwhelmed).

- Total Defend: Roy crouches low, bracing himself with his great sword. This is done by holding shift. Tapping a directional arrow key while holding shift allows him to hop in either direction.

- Sunder: If Roy makes a power attack against an enemy who parries, he can sunder that enemy's weapon. Power attacks can also be used to sunder other things, like shields and objects, including doors.

- Trip: If Roy swings low (attack just before coming up from a crouch; essentially let go of shift and rapidly tap 'x'), then he can make a trip. There is also an attack combo, where he can move on top of the enemy to stop them from getting up, or make a vertical downward swing to deal major damage while they are on the ground.

- Grapple: Tap another key (like 'z'?) for Roy to sieze the enemy with one of his hands. Other key combos allow him to do things like throw the enemy, use it as a weapon, but enemy can escape with their own key combos, etc. Aside from cleave, hp, and defense value, this is what makes Roy a desireable character.


- Belkar can thrust and jab with his two daggers, charge, parry (but he must use both daggers, hence tap x twice), total defend, and jump (higher then Roy).

- Stealth: If belkar moves slowly (tapping x in intervals or perhaps moving while crouching?) and not in visual range, there is a chance enemies will not hear him. Ironically, belkar is quite easy to sneak up upon as well, so be careful of that. Tapping 'ctrl', belkar puts on his hood, making him able to hide in shadows and quickly scamper to more shadows every time an enemy turns its head.

- Grapple: Belkar leaps on top of enemies with a tap of z, but be warned that enemies can easily stop this by swinging at Belkar. When grappling, Belkar can rapidly stab enemies with his two daggers, and the enemies will be more likely to be affected.

- Throw weapon: Belkar can throw daggers, but enemies with shields are harder to affect and other enemies can simply parry if they wield larger weapons (so belkar should get behind them). Throwing requires holding shift, and pressing x and z simultaneously (or another key?).

- Tumble: Belkar is among the three members of OotS who can tumble. While generally swifter (able to climb up and hop up upon objects more quickly, etc.), he can flip mid air or roll on the ground. Variety of key combos allow him plenty of defensive options via tumbling. He can also tumble after falling to lower damage. When jumping to the ground, however, he suffers full damage as if he had slipped off a platform and fallen, unlike Roy.

- Rage: Belkar can drive himself into a murderous rage, allowing him more agility, hp, and attacking strength (also shaking off stunning effects). A tab of special combat options (kind of like V's spell list) allows him to access this.


- Haley is unique in that she is exclusively ranged (by holding x, she adds more power to her shots; by holding ctrl and rapidly tapping x, she adds more arrows to one sling so that letting go loses a spray of arrows - she makes short shots with a simple tap of x). Her melee attacks are limited to unarmed strikes (kicking and/or slapping animation; must be moving in a direction and tapping x), of which she is mildly proficient, however they mostly just push enemies away rather then hurt them. Haley, can't charge.

- Gameplay wise, she is otherwise quite similar to belkar, able to tumble and stealth but with the addition that she can scale nearly any surface, kick off walls, disable traps and pick locks (picking locks involves a loading bar; if a room has been cleared, the loading bar is removed and the process works faster - alternatively, maybe a mini-game or quick time sequence?). If she catches an enemy unawares, she can dish out major damage (the animation involves the arrow going in the enemies neck or wherever, or maybe for humor's sake, the groine); making her a great sniper.


- Durkon is the slowest moving member of the OotS team and his jumping is horrendous. He has okay offensive abilities (he can sunder like Roy and his shield makes parrying easier; he can actually parry and counter attack by using the defend, attack option - holding 'c' and 'shift' allows total defense, while 'shift' just allows regular defense, wherein he uses his shield and can still attack, but not move in either case; in total defense, he uses his hammer to block in addition to shield), defensive abilities that nearly parallel Roy and best of all, spells.

- Durkon has a spell hot bar (like too many mmos), which can be assigned to different keys. For healing spells, he will mostly heal himself or special npcs. For turn undead, he can halt them or destroy them (they won't always move away). Durkon's story will most likely involve fighting hordes of undead, so turn undead will be pretty much necessary; the sheer number of undead make it impossible otherwise - like having to leap over an 800ft. carpet of spikes in any other platformer. Durkon learns new spells by praying in a town (or 'the town').


- Elan can tumble like Belkar and Haley, but not stealth.

- Elan has a small selection of spells and a spell hot bar.

- Elan is probably the most rounded character of the six. He has average offensive ability (just under Durkon, although his attacks are faster) and mostly defends by parrying.


- V has little no offensive or defensive ability but his spells and spell hot bar feature a pretty much endless array of options.

- V's story will involve duels with other casters and kicking utter ass. His spells make use of the game's physics in a very dynamic way. V will hardly make use of much else (not even moving, he'll just fly or hover if he can). His weakness is perhaps being caught unawares, or being paired against swift melee monsters.

There will be a variety of bosses. For V, this might include the collossal demon earlier in the webcomic.


The tough tank, with more hp then Roy but a few less attack options. Ochul also can shrug off effects such as stunning and spells quite easily. He can purchase different weapons to wield. As a paladin, he can summon a mount and empower his weapons with magic (smiting). Ochul is quite strong for a character, and probably not well balanced with the other melees.


Miko is probably the swiftest of the melee characters. She can make up to 4 attacks with swords on a full attack and make lethal unarmed strikes when coming in close. She is good at shrugging of effects. She can summon a mount. She is very fast at moving. Not much else.


More or less a 'joke character', kind of like Dan compared to Ryu in street fighter. Skilled players can do well with him, however. Possibly exploit hidden talent, like a few nifty things he can do on his mount or his ability to throw people after he stabs them with his sword.


Thog has the most hp in the game. He has the shortest cool down for his rages (compared to Belkar's long rage cool down). He can tear apart objects with his fists and unarmed strikes. He can also pick up objects and use them as weapons (but not do this with monsters and enemies, like Roy can). He is quite a fast mover as well, compared to Roy. His attacks deal a lot of damage. He has less defense than Roy, but scales out quite well (and is even arguably better).


If Elan were well ruonded, Nale is super rounded. Nale casts spells, although somewhat weaker then Elan (similar selection, mostly mind affecting as opposed to Elan's illusions). Nale is also equally as fast as Elan in attacks and movement, and can deal extra damage to unaware enemies. Fairly boring, otherwise. Like Elan, he's harder to master as opposed to the more over powered characters like Thog and Ochul or the ridiculously well versed but simultaneously hard to master V. He's not underpowered like Hinjo though.


Sabine can fly without spells. She can also stab people with her unarmed strikes if she catches them unawares and do extra damage with weapons or unarmed strikes in the same manner. She is essentially a funky Haley, in that she can disable traps and see magic, but not tumble or scale sheer walls. Somewhat underpowered, but her flight and the ability to actually be unaffected by low damaging attacks makes her valued for less skilled players.


Redcloak is similar to V, except that he's got somewhat more hp and less spell variety or sheer power. At low levels, he can also tell weaker undead to attack other enemies and monsters.


- Xykon is very overpowered, even to V. Like V, he is difficult to master, but no one should play Xykon in multiplayer duel unless the other person is also Xykon. Xykon has a smaller spell selection then V, but that doesn't stop his spells from being ridiculously over the top or varied enough to enforce his will on the game's dynamic physics engine.

- Xykon's story should actually be quite challenging, on the other hand. One of the bosses is portions of the snarl (who can reach out and attack from 800ft. away in a split second).

NOTE: The hot keys should be able to be reconfigured in options, which are available in-game. All characters can 'look' which zooms out the horizontal or vertical distance (not both) by holding the 'v' key, and letting go of 'v' rapidly returns vision to normal. They cannot do anything else while holding 'v'.

2010-07-01, 04:15 AM
Yes, there are. Two of them, even.

Here (http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f350/abardam/stuff/ootsgame-15.swf) and here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6312399#post6312399)....

The first one wasn't so bad, even if kinda pointless and buggy.

I had no idea the Giant was that strict about copyright- I was thinking about something free and light like the South Park Kombat game, hosted possibly on this very site. At any rate, his decision.

I guess we'll just have to wait until someone thinks of something good enough to be an 'Official Version'.

2010-07-01, 08:15 AM
I guess we'll just have to wait until someone thinks of something good enough to be an 'Official Version'.

What about this (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0027.html)? I say this would make a darn good subject for OOTS flash game. And it is darn official too.

Roland St. Jude
2010-07-01, 08:46 AM
Sheriff of Moddingham: When you have Rich's permission, we can have this discussion. Until then, this just encourages copyright infringement.