View Full Version : To Save the Sun... On Earth as it is on Heaven. [IC]

Cadian 9th
2010-06-30, 10:52 PM

You stand at the central meeting place of the gods, ash fall dusting the ground with corrupting darkness. The power of this place is clear to all those of divine and supernatural power: These ancient pillars withstood the Cataclysm, the End times as gods fought gods and worlds collided. The Pillars enclose a circular space that was the site of many a battle between brother god and brother god, enscorcelled within a six point star.

Great footsteps echo as an armoured figure advances up the hill to your places. It wears plate armour that glows with magical runes, the otherwhelming sense of neutrality enamates from the figure: Its helm glows with two white eyes, the figures oversized greatsword held straight up as its wielder marches foward. Another arrives, and another, and another, so 4 arrive, they take their station at the points of north, south east and west.

A boom echoes as the air in the center of the pillars rips and warps, then the rift closes and a cloaked figure stands, wearing a grey cloak. The figure glows with white light, though this white be not the light of good but the shadow of neutrality. The figure carries a staff, a plain wooden stave.

" Legionaires, stand. " She says, voice revealing her gender. " You answered the call. I thank you. " She says.

" I am the Raven Queen. Once friend of the Blood Raven, I now find myself compeled to act. Despite his power, I rival his might. I slew Vecna, freeing the secrets of the void. I destroyed Ehlonna, casting her from the Veil. I pierced the Tricksters heart with my staff, destroying his magic and ruining his illusions. "

She pauses. You all feel empowered, divine might entering your supernatural body.

" The Blood raven has gone... Strange of late. He is following a plan I fear of. He plans to Steal the Sun. He mistakenly believes this will restore the balance forever more - I know better. " She says. " He has sent out a party of supernaturals to aquire the Relics of the Cataclysm, then is using their human ancestry to activate a divine enchantment that will steal the sun. You must stop them. Only you are powerful enough to oppose them without notice, and only you are fit for this next mission I give you. "

" You must retrieve the artifacts that the party seeks, preferably before they do, and return them here. These Legionaires have sighted the party and can tell you of their aura. You will find the cooperation of the Legion at your command. " She assures you.

She waits for any questions.

To the North, you can sense a Faint Chaotic Evil aura, Human flavour. To the south and west, Mild Unaligned Chaotic, Devil flavor. To the east is weak lawful good, elven flavour.

You can sense the general aura of far away places using your innate power. Such come across with a coresponding strength based on their actual challenge, and the aligment is well, alignment and the flavour is exaclty as it sounds. The Legionaires:

The Legions: Created by the gods of neutrality in an attempt to neutralize the world, these armies were once made of tall constructs, intelligent and adaptive. These constructs wield oversized greatswords and wear full plate armour, and their attacks are said to sap the will and strength of the wounded, allowing units of Legionaries to subdue even solar angels.
Now, they have dwindled somewhat, and travel in groups of 12, split to 4 in a mile spread, hunting down everything that is significant...

The Survivors: Hardy, the surviving humanoids used amazing magical energies to protect themselves. Each race has a large percentage of military, of which a greater percentage is profficient at dealing with supernaturals. Such races often send out parties with intent to search and destroy straggling groups of supernaturals - Psionic individuals form a higher group of these, due to the relative lack of defence supernaturals posses against such attack forms.

War Beasts: Many magical beasts from aligned planes were used in wars and currently are used in wars. These beasts commonly are slightly stronger, tougher and war trained than common members of their race, with thicker natural defence and often are armoured with celestial forged plate or infernal doom armour.

2010-07-01, 12:57 AM
Aranais Literati
Aranais steps forward. He is clad all in white, with a glowing orb behind him and a bluey-transperant mace hovering in front of him.
"So, it appears I am working with you lot for a while. Would anyone here mind if I began to ward us?"
"This should assist in speeding us up."
Aranais begins to cast Haste, Divinely Persisting it.
He moves onto Death Ward (Divinely Persisted, Reached, and chained), and then the most important one: Delay Death (Divinely Reached, Divinely Chained, And Divinely Persisted).

2010-07-01, 02:28 AM
Coreal Crionall

A voice speaks from seemingly empty air.

"I understand, in broad strokes at least. Do you have any concept of which directionwe should begin our search in?"

Lowering spell resistance for buffing.

2010-07-01, 02:54 AM
What looks to be a ten foot tall angel step forward. She wears dark gray padded armor, carries two improbable-looking swords, and has legs that resemble those of a satyr. Her wings and hair are both dark, and her eyes seem to crackle with electricity from behind an elaborate mask. She bows slightly as she speaks.

"I hesitate to ask this milady, but might I see evidence that what you say of this other god's plan is true? I do not doubt your word, but you imply that the fate of the material plane may be at stake, and caution would seem wise."

Lower spell resistance, in order to accept the buff spells.
Take ten on a knowledge(religion)(result of 16) to see what I know about both the Raven Queen, and the Blood Raven. Please assume I used the most appropriate title known from this check when addressing the Raven Queen.

2010-07-01, 07:50 AM

Sarc is a stark contrast to some. His feathery wings are kept folded back behind his heavy-looking armor, which shines brightly and is lighter than some would expect. His eyes are a dark red while his short hair has the color of straw, though a softer consistency than such. His skin is pale, yet when one looks upon him, they can see some sort of other strange color about him. Sarc remain silent, quietly observing the others as they ask their questions, awaiting for the Queen's response.

Will lower SR for receipt of spells

2010-07-01, 02:49 PM
Aranais Literati
Aranais finishes the casting of the buffs, and turns to face the Raven Queen.
"My lady, allow me to offer my apologies for my interuption, but I make it a point to get our magical defenses on as fast as possible. While your ladyship is no doubt more than capable to preventing any assault here, I would prefer to err on the side of caution. I do indeed understand this situation, and I would simply like to repeat my companions plea for some incontrevertiblle proof of your authencity, which in these troubled times is a unfortunate requirement."

Cadian 9th
2010-07-01, 06:33 PM
The Raven Queen

The figure throws back her hood, revealing a blindingly beautiful lady with eyes of starfire. Her hair, black though it is, gleams with celestial purity, and her slender hand glows with slight divinity. She is unquestionably a god.

" The meeting took place 6 hours ago at dawn. These Legionaires, vigilant as they are, found the party purified by The Blood Raven's power, as they searched for Kirious, his arch solar. " She says.

" Feel their auras and sense the power that was here. "


The distant storms herald the onslaught of afternoon, slight ashfall patters on the glowing meeting place. Each pillar has stood for ages and runes glow in defiance, incenerating the ash before it settles. You sense the Auras of 4: a Vampire, Good, another Vampire, Neutral, a Ramadeen, Good and an Angel, good. You also sense the overwhelming lawful good of a solar, then the Lawful Neutral divintity that was here. The party is some half day away from you, though they have moved far and will continue to do so. You can still sense them out there... Very faintly, enough for general direction.

Feel free to use the aura sense at any moment.

2010-07-01, 11:31 PM
Aranais Literati

"My lady, How long do we have before the apostates reach one of these artifacts?"

2010-07-02, 12:36 AM
"Forgive me milady for not being clear, but I was asking for evidence that this other god's plan would bring harm, instead of working as planned. I would not ask this of you, were the stakes not so very high."

2010-07-02, 12:24 PM
Sarc, having stood quiet long enough, decides to speak up.

"Please, do forgive them milady. They only ask because caution is a great quality, especially when being sent on such a task. If these artifacts do indeed aid in stealing the sun, then such an event would put the world at risk, possibly in more ways than one. I'm curious, my liege, are these artifacts at all powerful by themselves? Or only when combined together with those of human ancestry?"

Heh, funny, a vampire trying to prevent the sun from being stolen. Reminds me of another campaign where I was so close to getting a vamp to worship Pelor

Cadian 9th
2010-07-04, 04:30 AM
The Raven Queen

" You supernaturals, touched with Humanity, can all feel the universe around you. What is it made of? Good and Evil. The absence of Good and Evil does not make the world neutral. It will cause another Cataclysm, and then Evil will overpower good. For the absence of light is darkness, and there are more shadows than there is light. "

" Suppose the Sun is kept at Dusk. All mortals would die, having no means of sustenance. All beasts of the wilds will die, and the great remaining forests, which have stood for millenia upon millenia will fall. "

" The Blood Raven is being forced by the absence of Good and Evil gods to become Evil - to restore balance. It is not something he can change, us gods are powerless to defy the nature of the cosmos. The champions of Good are fallen, and the armies of celestia and good are losing, defeated by the Legion, while the Hordes of the Abyss grow unchecked. The Solar army has been shattered: The balance is broken. Boccob's meddling has ruined our plan, and I know that the Blood Ravens plan will result in the death of Mortals, the world and the balance. At the center of the universe there is a cosmic being, an entity so powerful us gods are mere grubs in the ground. It slumbers, its creation done - and when it wakes, losing the dreams and souls that keep it asleep - It will be the true end. " She says.

The power of her words is quite irrestible... Distant storm clouds sweep away the ash and cause it to form solid mire. The Legionaires shift stance and nod, going to leave.

2010-07-04, 05:01 AM
Aranais Literati

Aranais steps forward, eyes shining with anticipation, his whole stance quivering with exitement.
"My lady, we clearly must act now. To what direction would you have us begin? Art thou aware where we must needs begin our desperate quest?"

2010-07-04, 10:42 AM

Thagana's voice hardens. "Then I am your servant, milady, at least until this is over. Direct me as you will."

2010-07-04, 01:41 PM

"I shall do my best to retrieve these artifacts with my new comrades, milady" Sarc responds, agreeing that the destruction of the sun is a bad thing. He does not feel he can swear fealty to the Raven Queen, but can do as she instructs.

2010-07-04, 08:12 PM
Aranais Literati

"Well, then, shall we follow this other group? Do we think we can face them on the field of battle if we reach them, or shall we try to make them see the error of their ways? Presuming they are not fully corrupted by the Blood Raven's power, we should be able to convince them that what they do will doom us all. As such, I must request that we move now."

2010-07-04, 09:30 PM

"I agree we must depart immediately, but is it really wise to try to catch up to our counterparts at this time? Even if to just talk it out, we really don't know how willing they'd be. Besides, they need all the artifacts, as I understood it. We get one, and the plan is ruined. Though I suppose the longer we avoid them, the more the other party would be corrupted..."

2010-07-04, 09:54 PM
Aranais Literati

"While you are correct, the fact remains that we do not know where these artifacts are. If you have any idea, then we can consider going after them instead, but it appears, now, that our best bet lies with trying to track this other group down. Now. As such, I suggest we move. They have a headstart, but with the enchantments that I have applied, we should be able to catch up soonish. Let's get moving."

2010-07-05, 12:05 AM
"Perhaps milady has some advice?"

Cadian 9th
2010-07-05, 12:36 AM
The Raven Queen

She nods with relief at your assistance. Pleased by your comments, the Goddess touches each of you, blessing you. She passes on the memory of the Blood Raven's servants, their auras, so that you know which way to go. " Follow the white Rabbit. " She says, smiling. In the sky, you spot the White Rabbit - which fits with where you sense the Blood Raven's servants.

As she ascends, she warns you. " They are not picked by the Raven himself for none reason. They are aided by his servants and blessed by his might. You cannot afford a straight confrontation with them, not now at least. I must withdraw now, I am expected in the Divine Realms. Farewell. "

The Legionaires await your instructions, though working with them will be difficult. " Milords, I suggest you send us to another area. We are too slow to keep up with you. However, you need not wait for our march should you require our services. We have the power to traverse miles in an instant, though limited in that ability and its use. " It says all this in a voice of crushed glass and grated steel, fitting for such a mighty construct. You can sense it's soul, something you are warned to never speak of to any entity.

really, send them away plz. They can teleport to you so feel free to stick them in a place and make traps etc. They're statted as follows:
The Constructs
Created by the gods of gray to end the consuming wars between good and evil, the Legion are tough adversaries that, when working in concert, can destroy even a solar angel.

Size/Type: Medium Construct
HD: 16d10+20 (112 hp)
Speed: 25ft (5 squares)
AC: 26 (+10 +2 Plate Armour, +6 Natural)
Base Attack/Gpple: +12/+22
+2 Smashing Large Greatsword +24 melee (4d6+17 17-20/x2 + Energy and Ability Drain) or Slam +22 melee (d8+15 + Energy and Ability Drain) or charge +2 Smashing Large Greatsword +26 melee (6d6+17 17-20/x2 + Energy and Ability Drain) or Full Power Attack Charge +14 melee (6d6+41 17-20/x2 + Energy and Ability Drain)
Full Attack
+2 Smashing Large Greatsword +24/+19 melee (4d6+17 + Energy and Ability Drain/4d6+17 + Energy and Ability Drain 17-20/x2)
Special Attacks
Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Powerful Charge, Power Attack, Awesome Blow, Cleave
Special Qualities
DR 10/Adamantine, DR 5/-, Fast Healing 15, Spell Resistance 26, Construct Traits, Ensorcelled Mind, Death Watch, Powerful Build, Planar Shift, Greater Teleport;
Fort +5; Ref +6; Will +20*
Str 30, Dex 12, Con -, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8.

Powerful Charge, Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Awesome Blow, Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Improved Disarm;

CR: 14
Alignment: Always Neutral
Treasure: None

Energy Drain: Creatures hit by a legionnaires' attacks gain a negative level. Creatures immune to Energy Drain still gain a negative level.
Ability Drain: Creatures hit by a legionnaires' attacks must pass a DC 26 Fortitude save or take d6 points of strength damage. They must also pass a DC 26 Will save or take d6 points of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma Damage. Creatures immune to Ability Damage are still affected by this ability, though they gain a +4 bonus on their save.
Powerful Build: The Legionnaires' count as Large for all intents and purposes excluding attack, AC and hide penalties, and for the effects of abilities which cause size alteration, in which case the Legionnaire counts as one size larger as described above than its new size.
Ensorcelled Mind: A legionnaire, being a soul driven construct, is still affected by mind-affecting abilities yet receives a +12 racial bonus on will saves. It can think, learn and remember, yet it cannot take penalties to its mental scores due to the seperate nature of its body and soul.

2010-07-05, 04:40 AM

"Well. That was... interesting. I cannot help but feel that, one way or another, I will be allowed home at the end of this."

2010-07-05, 11:59 AM

Sarc resigns himself to the task, which apparently is following this white rabbit to wherever it may lead, hoping what it doesn't lead to is a confrontation with the others. "Where do you suppose we should send these legionnaires? and what should they do once they get there," he asks the others, ready to get going.

2010-07-05, 04:34 PM

"I think a better question is; how in Kord's name do we summon them to us?" Thagana turns to the nearest Legionaire, and asks "Construct, how might we call you to us?"

Cadian 9th
2010-07-05, 07:18 PM

" You may call me Quarion. I once lived amongst the great Durahsagar Elms. You call my name. That is all. Invoke your power and I will bring the rest. "

he means take a full round action to expend a spell like/spell then calling his name.

2010-07-05, 09:35 PM
Aranais Literati

"Well, that seems fine. Quarion, take up a defensive position whereever you would prefer, and wait for our call. Now, let's get going."
Aranais begins walking (At accelerated speed, of course)

2010-07-05, 10:30 PM

"Thank you Quarion. I regret that we do not have time to spar, but saving the multi-verse does have to come before fun." She turns to the party, says "I'll follow from above," and climbs to 130 feet.

With the crazy speed boosts, Thagana can reach the ground from this altitude, on a charge, at a 45 degree angle.

2010-07-06, 07:46 PM

"I shall also take to the air as well, but I'll remain at a closer distance to those taking to the ground." Sarc rises above the ground, hovering at 60 feet up. Once the others start moving, he follows with the rest of the party.

Cadian 9th
2010-07-07, 08:25 PM
Okay, random person, I should drop you, but I'm feeling generous today :D.


You follow the White Rabbit constellation, travelling from your meeting place. Hills change to Plains, Plains change to swamp and mire. You halt, chancing upon the most curious encounter. Two great hydras, 13 headed war cyro hydras, lie dead, ripped apart and shocked with fire and lightning. The body of a mage is found, drained of blood.

Approaching is an elemental storm, a roiling destructive force composed of storm elementals and pure power. The booms it makes rattle metal and the rain starts to pour, bringing ashes to the ground and clearing the skies somewhat. As you watch, a small section of the storm breaks off and heads your way...

2010-07-07, 11:39 PM
Thagana peers at the distant storm.
Spot check because I feel like it. [roll0]
Knowledge(the planes) to see if I know anything about storm elementals. [roll1]
Aura check.

2010-07-08, 06:39 AM

An observer with eyes well beyond mortal means might, if they were lucky, be able to spot a small patch of distorted air gazing across the distance.

Hovering just barely within aura range, directly over Aranais's head. I'll join in on random Spot checks too!

And yeah, I'm still invisible. Rolling Hide and Move Silently, just in case these are some incredible lookers/listeners.
[roll1] (Hide)
[roll2] (Move Silently).

2010-07-08, 03:00 PM

Sarc turns his head to the sky as he hears the roar of the storm, jolted by the noise bouncing off his armor.

spot check [roll0]

Cadian 9th
2010-07-10, 07:57 PM

You all spot the various components of the storm coming your way. It's a mixture of Air elementals, Storm Elementals and Roil Elementals. It is pure neutral in alignment...

You know a lil bit. You may assume they are large elementals of the described type, feel free to peek at the book now. You can assess them to be less of a challenge due to their deadened connection to the elemental planes - a consequence of the cataclysm that saw several elemental storms created. The elementals work best alongside one another.

Elemental storms consists of around 30d6 small elementals, 20d6 medium elementals, 10d6 large, 6d6 huge and 2d6 elder elementals. Air makes up d50%, Storm makes up d50% and Roil makes up the remaining percent.

You all spot that there are 6 large and 3 medium - 3 large Air, 2 Large Storm and 1 large Roil, 3 medium - 1 of each type.

They don't see you guys, but are coming your way anyways. You'll get the element of suprise...

2010-07-10, 10:56 PM
Aranais Literati

"It seems we msut face them, then. Ready?

2010-07-11, 02:12 AM

Thagana hovers in the air for a short time. She then speaks a word and appears to distort and grow hazy, as she flies down to speak to the others.

Full-round action to change readied maneuvers. (This will be done late tomorrow(GMT -8), when I am on a better computer.)
Swift action to activate greater blurring armor ability.

2010-07-11, 05:24 PM

Sarc draws his mace, assuming the worst is about to come, and prepares for the onslaught they are about to receive.

He nods toward Aranais, signaling his readiness as he faces the elementals coming towards them.

2010-07-11, 07:36 PM

Yeah, I'm invisible and that's not changing this close to a fight. I really hope that these things won't do anything nasty to a Small flying creature (I have a feeling that they will, but I'm not sure). As a swift action I change stances to Hunter's Sense (elementals being immune to SA damage and everything) and I draw my weapons, moving forward and to the side to attack them from behind once the fighting starts.

Cadian 9th
2010-07-12, 10:59 PM

As they come closer, the Storm breaks up and each rushes towards you!



You guys are coloured and labeled
E = Roil
E = Storm
E = Air

Ini: OOC.

2010-07-13, 01:36 AM
Aranais Literati

"Sarc, Would you be willing to stand with me to hold off the Air and Storm elementals, while Coreal and... Thagana, if that is how you said it, deal with the Roil elementals and try to turn their flanks? Would that work? Damm it, what did Alderan say about elemental's tactics..."
Aranais flies to F4, and casts Wall of Fire (Radius 4, center D9)

2010-07-13, 04:41 AM

"Here goes nothing."

Any hope of finding the origin of the voice is lost as the words are snatched away by the storm. A moment later, the sound of momentary laughter drifts on the wind.

Move action to Fly to I6.

2010-07-13, 03:10 PM

Sarc grins, revealing his fangs in the process. Sounds as good a plan as any, the half-celestial replies, following Aranais and facing their potential foes.

Fly to E4, or the nearest next to Aranais

2010-07-13, 05:22 PM

"Try to make this fight short. We don't want to attract the ire of the rest of the storm!"

With a wordless shout, Thagana draws her swords as she charges at the elementals' right flank and begins to fight.

Full round to use Pouncing Charge to move to G/H,6/7, swift action to activate Torc of the Titans.

Attack the air elemental at H8 until it is dead, then target the one at F8. Should that also fall, remaining attacks target the roil elemental.

Main hand 1: [roll0](+1 if target is airborne)
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2] electricity+1 cold; 1 Con
Off-hand 1:[roll3](+1 if target is airborne)
Damage:[roll4]+[roll5] electricity+1 cold

Main hand 2: [roll6](+1 if target is airborne)
Damage: [roll7]+[roll8] electricity+1 cold; 1 Con
Off-hand 2:[roll9](+1 if target is airborne)
Damage:[roll10]+[roll11] electricity+1 cold

Main hand 3: [roll12](+1 if target is airborne)
Damage: [roll13]+[roll14] electricity+1 cold; 1 Con
Off-hand 3:[roll15](+1 if target is airborne)
Damage:[roll16]+[roll17] electricity+1 cold

Bonus from haste: [roll18](+1 if target is airborne)
Damage: [roll19]+[roll20] electricity+1 cold; 1 Con

2010-07-14, 03:17 AM
The roil elemental is caught by surprise as a point flickers out of empty air. Fire flashes from nowhere, through the point, with death writ large in every flame.

Using the Death Mark maneuver:
All creatures within 20 feet of the roil elemental (except me, but including my allies and the elemental) suffer [roll2] fire damage with a DC 21 Reflex save for half damage.

EDIT: Or not. Natural 1, dammit.

2010-07-14, 03:54 AM
Aranais Literati

"Whoa... Was that one of us or one of them?"
Aranais is wearing a grin that seems somehow too large for his face, and was bounding foward, but slowed down to a dead stop at F4 (30 feet up)

Cadian 9th
2010-07-14, 04:04 AM



You guys are coloured and labeled
E = Roil
E = Storm
E = Air

Thagna's awsome charge cuts through an air elemental, and another, and ANOTHER! They cry out as their essence is broken and rent upon the wind.

And Coreal's magical storm is hampered a slight by the disruptive influence of the storm, causing him to lose the effect... The elementals, reeeling from the parties' onslaught, take no heed, unaware of the anhiliation they have just luckily escaped.

Randomperson, Ah what? I need to know what happened before I do the monster turn.

2010-07-15, 09:02 AM

Sarc flies straight up, following Aranais's suit and ending right next to him.

"I think one of ours. At least that's what I'm hoping."