View Full Version : [CHB] XX: Hannibal Lecter has NOTHING on Kronos

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2010-06-30, 11:24 PM
Begin roleplaying!

2010-06-30, 11:26 PM
He looks disappointed.
... Alright. It's fine. This isn't good for my ego, he jokes.

2010-06-30, 11:26 PM
"Herakles. God of strength. Athletics." Dylan says, strangely calm.

Wasn't he another half-blood? Or did I read my books wrong, either way, I'm not afraid, I could rip your throat out with one sweep of my hand.
Arthur licks his fang and fur starts to grow.

((Her father is a son of Nyx. It'll probably be easier to guess when she does something related to her father, like show off a power or something.))

She keeps following, and looks around at what he shows her with a disdainful eye.
Fonzie gets to the edge of the forest and stops,
Here's the forest, where we play Capture the Flag, the Artemis kids hunt and like half the camp goes to make out and get some.
Fonzie says, trying to guess the reasons of the disdain being shown.

2010-06-30, 11:27 PM
((Her father is a son of Nyx. It'll probably be easier to guess when she does something related to her father, like show off a power or something.))

She keeps following, and looks around at what he shows her with a disdainful eye.

((Hm... I'll start with the more famous ones.
Hypnos? Thanatos?))


She shakes her head and laughs.

2010-06-30, 11:27 PM
Keith grins and seems to be resisting going in for another kiss.

2010-06-30, 11:28 PM
Aaron's eyes are fuled with rage. He can cry later, now is the time for revenge. He fires his arrow, wich should hit his knee.

2010-06-30, 11:28 PM
((Can't repost from my DSi, so plz check the last thread, Iceman.))

2010-06-30, 11:29 PM
Jeparo is building a massive network of gears, pistons, and whirling dials and dashes. A Hephaestus kid could asks what he's working on...

2010-06-30, 11:29 PM
((Nope, although you are correct in that he's a personification.))

Artemis kids? Artemis is a virgin Goddess. Or a lesbian, depending on which writers you believe. Perhaps the reason lies in her age; she seems to be in her late teens, and possibly thinks those things are "too childish" for her.

2010-06-30, 11:31 PM
considering aarons eyes should be full of rage and light, it narrowly misses and matt nearly pisses himself. He runs faster and prays to just about every god he hasnt personally ticked off to help him.

2010-06-30, 11:31 PM
((Nope, although you are correct in that he's a personification.))

Artemis kids? Artemis is a virgin Goddess. Or a lesbian, depending on which writers you believe. Perhaps the reason lies in her age; she seems to be in her late teens, and possibly thinks those things are "too childish" for her.

Fonzie nods,
Yep, but these are like, adopted kids, most aren't actually demigods as far as I know. In fact, one of the Artemis kids is in the Pankration fight, he's a werewolf.
Fonzie nods and sits on a rock.

2010-06-30, 11:33 PM
Fair enough. She stays standing. Is that the whole camp?

2010-06-30, 11:33 PM
Fonzie nods,
Yep, but these are like, adopted kids, most aren't actually demigods as far as I know. In fact, one of the Artemis kids is in the Pankration fight, he's a werewolf.
Fonzie nods and sits on a rock.

((Can't repost from my DSi, so plz check the last thread, Iceman.))

Arthur shakes his head,
I was told my claws are a rules violation, I won't throw away the match to take your worthless life.

2010-06-30, 11:34 PM
Dylan shrugs. "Fine."

2010-06-30, 11:34 PM
Aaron draws his knife and runs after him. Any emotion he shows is in his eyes.

2010-06-30, 11:36 PM
((Oh... Ooh.... EEuughh.... I'm having... metrosexual visions! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv_12s5s1R8)))

2010-06-30, 11:37 PM
Keith grins and seems to be resisting going in for another kiss.
This happened.

2010-06-30, 11:39 PM
Matt continues to throw light at aaron and makes a run for camp border.

2010-06-30, 11:39 PM
Dylan shrugs. "Fine."

I'm still willing to take a tie, we'd be done, and neither looked at as a loser.

Fair enough. She stays standing. Is that the whole camp?

Pretty much, we've got strawberry fields to, those are somewhere, I don't know.
He waves a hand dismissively and looks into the girls eyes, searching for something.

2010-06-30, 11:39 PM
This happened.

Audrey can't tell.

((I know what you look like. My metrosexual visions won't be useful for you.))

2010-06-30, 11:40 PM
Audrey can't tell.

((I know what you look like. My metrosexual visions won't be useful for you.))
He finally calms down. Um... okay. Is this a "never ever ever" thing, or a "not yet" thing? he asks, a bit confused.

2010-06-30, 11:41 PM
He finally calms down. Um... okay. Is this a "never ever ever" thing, or a "not yet" thing? he asks, a bit confused.

I'm not sure, she says.

2010-06-30, 11:41 PM
Aaron is able to close in on him while dodging the light.

2010-06-30, 11:41 PM
The girl stares back, seemingly unimpressed. What, is there something on my face?

2010-06-30, 11:41 PM
I'm not sure, she says.
He nods hesitantly. Well, when you decide, will you tell me? he asks hopefully.

2010-06-30, 11:42 PM
I'm still willing to take a tie, we'd be done, and neither looked at as a loser.


Dylan takes a defensive stance.

2010-06-30, 11:43 PM
He nods hesitantly. Well, when you decide, will you tell me? he asks hopefully.

Of course, she says.

2010-06-30, 11:43 PM
Matt see's him closing in and turns around to grab his sword and go to kick him in the groin to slow him down. if it does, he keeps on running. if not, he puts up a defensive stance.

2010-06-30, 11:44 PM

Dylan takes a defensive stance.

Then you'll be staning there for a while...

The girl stares back, seemingly unimpressed. What, is there something on my face?

No, I just see something, in your eyes, it's really interesting me...
He continues to stare.

2010-06-30, 11:46 PM
Oh, you mean my cornea? Yeah, I find that interesting too. She rolls her eyes, but puts her hand on her short sword.

2010-06-30, 11:47 PM
Aaron grabs his foot, stabs his leg, and kicks Matt 'below the belt'.

2010-06-30, 11:48 PM
Then you'll be staning there for a while...

"Suits me. Every second I stand here is another bit of strength."

His muscles, though not greatly increasing in size, ARE changing.

(Deadtime, but this ain't over)

2010-06-30, 11:49 PM
Of course, she says.
He nods hesitantly. So, uh, back to swimming? he jokes.

2010-06-30, 11:50 PM
Oh, you mean my cornea? Yeah, I find that interesting too. She rolls her eyes, but puts her hand on her short sword.

No man, it's like a rainbow or something.
He continues to stare and begins to tilt his head sideways.

2010-06-30, 11:51 PM
She takes a step back. ... Great. I let myself be brought out alone, into the woods, where a stupid pothead is going to try who knows what. Aren't I bright. :smallsigh:

2010-06-30, 11:51 PM
for the night.

2010-06-30, 11:52 PM
matt is too busy with the stab wound to really notice the "belt" wound. He then grabs his sword begins to slowly move backwards while attempting to block, dodge, or parry all of aarons move.

2010-06-30, 11:55 PM
Aaron lunges at him. Nothing fancey.

2010-06-30, 11:57 PM
He barely dodged and continues to go backwards. He is getting close to the border.

2010-06-30, 11:59 PM
She takes a step back. ... Great. I let myself be brought out alone, into the woods, where a stupid pothead is going to try who knows what. Aren't I bright. :smallsigh:

How'd you know I smoke pot? Are you psychic?
He tilts his head almost upside down and continues to stare.

2010-07-01, 12:00 AM
You know, I had you pegged for a stupid hippy since you opened your dumb mouth. She keeps stepping back and draws her shortsword.

2010-07-01, 12:00 AM
A little kid runs over and pantses Matt. How is he supposed to know they weren't sparring?

2010-07-01, 12:03 AM
You know, I had you pegged for a stupid hippy since you opened your dumb mouth. She keeps stepping back and draws her shortsword.

Well, it's not like I'm gonna hurt you. I can sober up whenever I want.
He says, righting his head and cracking his neck.
He rubs his nose and then says,
By the way, words hurt sometimes...

2010-07-01, 12:04 AM
If you take a step towards me, you'll find out what else hurts. She has every intent of quickly moving backward until she's out of the woods, both figuratively and literally, as it were.

2010-07-01, 12:07 AM
A little kid runs over and pantses Matt. How is he supposed to know they weren't sparring?

(( crimson, thats a little cheap. If it had been a problem at camp half blood of little kids pantsing random people, I would believe it ))

2010-07-01, 12:09 AM
If you take a step towards me, you'll find out what else hurts. She has every intent of quickly moving backward until she's out of the woods, both figuratively and literally, as it were.

What is it you possibly think I'm gonna do? Kill you? To messy. Rape you? Where's the fun if she doesn't enjoy it to? How about hurt you for no reason? No, you'd tell people. Besides, I'm an unarmed stoner with no powers besides the fact that I can control my pot smoke and grow cannabis really well.

2010-07-01, 12:10 AM
Actually, I was worried that you'd get your stupid on me. She seems completely disgusted with him being a pothead.

2010-07-01, 12:11 AM


2010-07-01, 12:14 AM
Guess I will deadtime since I have nothing to do.

2010-07-01, 12:14 AM
Actually, I was worried that you'd get your stupid on me. She seems completely disgusted with him being a pothead.

Don't worry, I got tested, I don't have any highly contagious diseases, including stupid.
He starts to juggle some rocks, completely sober, like he's never even touched pot, but really hungry.

2010-07-01, 12:16 AM
By now, she's a few dozen yards away from him, so she deems it safe to turn around and quickly walk towards the cabins, casting occasional, scornful glances over her shoulder.

2010-07-01, 12:17 AM
Daniel is pwning a training dummy.

Kierkan is typing in the Hermes cabin.

2010-07-01, 12:18 AM
By now, she's a few dozen yards away from him, so she deems it safe to turn around and quickly walk towards the cabins, casting occasional, scornful glances over her shoulder.

He takes off in a run in another direction, if you know where to look, you might see him running through some areas to intercept her at the cabins.

2010-07-01, 12:19 AM
She doesn't know where to look, but she's focused on getting into the Hermes cabin so she can take her backpack off.

2010-07-01, 12:22 AM
He arrives at the Hermes cabin, panting slightly, as she gets onto the porch.
It's rude to run away in the middle of a conversation. *pant*

2010-07-01, 12:23 AM
She whirls around and points her sword at him as she tries to enter the cabin. How many times, do you think, will I ask you to stay away before you take the hint? Or until I stab you?

2010-07-01, 12:26 AM
It's funny, because you never actually asked... You threatened me, insulted me, then ran, then threatened me again. You'd think you'd have thought to be civil at one point and request I leave you only politely, or did you think I wouldn't understand because I smoke, so I must be stupid? And you thought I was the stupid one.

2010-07-01, 12:27 AM
Holy crap, a new thread! What happened? And what's with the title?

2010-07-01, 12:30 AM
I appreciate you giving me the tour, but I haven't eaten in a day, I hiked eight miles straight to reach here, and I'd rather get this heavy backpack off and get some rest. She's actually a little embarrassed about having jumped to the conclusion that he lured her off into the woods with malicious intent, but she's too proud to back down now. Are you going to leave me alone? Or is this camp like prison, and I have to shank someone to get some rest?

2010-07-01, 12:34 AM
If you wanted food and rest you could have said so, I'll let you go. I live in the Dionysus cabin, if you ever feel like talking to a stupid pothead again.
He walks off calmly.

2010-07-01, 12:35 AM
The girl scowls at him, then goes over to find an empty bunk. She'll take off her backpack, cloak, and swordbelt, then quickly fall asleep and into deadtime.

2010-07-01, 12:37 AM

Holy crap, a new thread! What happened? And what's with the title?

Aaron -er- discovered about what happened to Daisy after Matt told Chiron. The nymph Matt burned alive was Charocle's handmaiden and for some reason hearing she died made Chiron burst into tears and start wailing.

As for the title, Look of "Silence of the Lambs". I named it.

2010-07-01, 12:42 AM

Aaron -er- discovered about what happened to Daisy after Matt told Chiron. The nymph Matt burned alive was Charocle's handmaiden and for some reason hearing she died made Chiron burst into tears and start wailing.

As for the title, Look of "Silence of the Lambs". I named it.

I see.

@Firefox: Is it Priapus?

2010-07-01, 12:46 AM
Ninja girl is walking around, looking for RP.

2010-07-01, 12:48 AM
Well, I've got peeps, and everyone else is asleep I think, so take your pick and introduce yourself, except for Arthur and Kevin everyone's open.

2010-07-01, 12:50 AM
Well, I've got peeps, and everyone else is asleep I think, so take your pick and introduce yourself, except for Arthur and Kevin everyone's open.

Er, who do you have, besides Fonzie?

2010-07-01, 12:52 AM
Phyre, Juliet, Mr. Bunny, Arthur, Carson, and Kevin. The last three are unavailable at the moment...

2010-07-01, 12:56 AM
Phyre, Juliet, Mr. Bunny, Arthur, Carson, and Kevin. The last three are unavailable at the moment...

She walks up to Phyre. Hi, I just got here. Where do Ares children sleep?

(She's not a daughter of Ares and the katana (not ninjato) isn't hers; you'll see.)

2010-07-01, 12:58 AM
You seem rather polite for an Ares kid... Well, it's good to see some difference every now and then, it's right there.
He points off to the Ares cabin, not to far off from his place at the fire pit.

2010-07-01, 01:03 AM
You seem rather polite for an Ares kid... Well, it's good to see some difference every now and then, it's right there.
He points off to the Ares cabin, not to far off from his place at the fire pit.

I'm actually not a daughter of Ares. This.. belonged to a friend of mine... He used to go here, so I came, too... she says, sounding sad. One minute, I'll be right back, she says, running into the Ares cabin and hanging the katana on the wall, before returning to Phyre. So, who's your godly parent?

2010-07-01, 01:07 AM
Hephy, yours?
He eyes her cryptically, trying to discern why she was sad.

2010-07-01, 01:10 AM
Hephy, yours?
He eyes her cryptically, trying to discern why she was sad.

It's pretty obvious. Her friend, a son of Ares, died defending her as she was coming here with him.

Athena. So, what are you up to, now?

2010-07-01, 01:13 AM
In a normal situation that wouldn't be obvious, understandable and cliche, but not obvious.

Lighting stuff on fire... Wanna have a go?
He lights a flower nearby.

2010-07-01, 01:15 AM
In a normal situation that wouldn't be obvious, understandable and cliche, but not obvious.

Lighting stuff on fire... Wanna have a go?
He lights a flower nearby.

Uh, sure, but let's not light the forest on fire, she says jokingly, motioning to the already-burnt forest.

2010-07-01, 01:17 AM
Just FYI, it wasn' me, this time...
He puts out the flower, with his mind, cause that's what he does.

2010-07-01, 01:19 AM
Just FYI, it wasn' me, this time...
He puts out the flower, with his mind, cause that's what he does.

Hm, maybe we should do something else. What is there to do around here, anyways?

2010-07-01, 01:20 AM
Swim, train, light stuff on fire, hook up with someone or watch Pankration. At the moment...
He continues to light and extinguish a flower very quickly.

2010-07-01, 01:21 AM
Swim, train, light stuff on fire, hook up with someone or watch Pankration. At the moment...
He continues to light and extinguish a flower very quickly.

Do you want to go swimming?

Edit: If you don't mind, I'm changing her speech colour to something that suits her more.

2010-07-01, 01:23 AM
Why not?
He gets up and starts to walk towards the water,
Wait, you probably want to change...

2010-07-01, 01:27 AM
Why not?
He gets up and starts to walk towards the water,
Wait, you probably want to change...

Er, yeah, one minute, she says, digging in her pack. She pulls out a light blue bikini, and runs into the forest, quickly changing. She comes back out and dumps her pack on a nearby bench, and starts walking towards the beach.

2010-07-01, 01:29 AM
You gotta stop changing your text color... Here we are, Long Island Sound, or something...
He starts to take off his clothes, until he's down to his boxers, and jumps in.

2010-07-01, 01:31 AM
You gotta stop changing your text color... Here we are, Long Island Sound, or something...
He starts to take off his clothes, until he's down to his boxers, and jumps in.

She grins and dives into the water, running a hand through her shoulder-length black hair while resurfacing. I'm Kerry, by the way. :smalltongue:

Do you get it, Iceman?

2010-07-01, 01:34 AM
I'm to tired to try and get references, but I don't think I'd get it if I was awake either, I'm gonna throw a wild guess and say it has something to do with that Supernatural show you've been arguing with WP about. I don't know...

Phyre, I think I told you that already though...

2010-07-01, 01:37 AM
I'm to tired to try and get references, but I don't think I'd get it if I was awake either, I'm gonna throw a wild guess and say it has something to do with that Supernatural show you've been arguing with WP about. I don't know...

Phyre, I think I told you that already though...

(Ever read CHERUB?)

Ha, yeah, you did. So....

2010-07-01, 01:40 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhh, I totally, still don't get the reference. No, I've never read it.

How's it going?
He decides to float on his back and light birds on fire.

2010-07-01, 01:41 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhh, I totally, still don't get the reference. No, I've never read it.

How's it going?
He decides to float on his back and light birds on fire.

It's a character from the series.

Ah, good, I guess. Do you have any friends here?

2010-07-01, 01:45 AM
I see...

Eh, a few, why?
He continues his bird torture/murder.

2010-07-01, 01:48 AM
I see...

Eh, a few, why?
He continues his bird torture/murder.

She shrugs and lies on her back as well.

2010-07-01, 01:50 AM
The water's nice...

2010-07-01, 01:52 AM
The water's nice...

Yeah... she says slowly. Suddenly, though, she springs up and playfully tackles Phyre underwater.

2010-07-01, 01:54 AM
Phyre shouts as he goes under, quickly bringing them both up,
What's up?
He says nonchalantly.

2010-07-01, 01:56 AM
Phyre shouts as he goes under, quickly bringing them both up,
What's up?
He says nonchalantly.

I wanted to see if you could be taken down by a girl, she says mockingly/jokingly.

2010-07-01, 01:58 AM
Well, it's kinda cheating when I'm floating, don't you think?

2010-07-01, 02:00 AM
Well, it's kinda cheating when I'm floating, don't you think?

Well then let's go onto the beach, she says.


2010-07-01, 11:38 AM
She grins and dives into the water, running a hand through her shoulder-length black hair while resurfacing. I'm Kerry, by the way. :smalltongue:

Do you get it, Iceman?

I Git it (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGRN39oifsE). :smalltongue:))

2010-07-01, 11:39 AM
I Git it (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGRN39oifsE). :smalltongue:))


2010-07-01, 11:40 AM
Matt is slowly moving towards the border while defending himself from ultra p.O'ed aaron.

Lars is open for rp.

2010-07-01, 12:33 PM
((I'm back!))

2010-07-01, 12:36 PM
I never left!:smallbiggrin:

2010-07-01, 12:41 PM
His cellphone rings.

2010-07-01, 12:43 PM
Carson flips it open,
Who 'dis?

2010-07-01, 12:43 PM
He nods hesitantly. So, uh, back to swimming? he jokes.
This happened.

2010-07-01, 12:46 PM
Carson flips it open,
Who 'dis?

It's me, Joanna.

I guess.

2010-07-01, 12:48 PM
I guess.
He smiles and splashes her, but the splash of water suddenly stops an inch from her face.

2010-07-01, 12:48 PM
Hi Jojo, what's up?
Carson continues to walk around in London, on his search for Shift, so he can commit vicious acts of murder.

2010-07-01, 12:50 PM
He smiles and splashes her, but the splash of water suddenly stops an inch from her face.

You seem to be mastering your power fast.

Well, where are you?

2010-07-01, 12:51 PM
Big Ben, why do you ask?
Carson strolls around the corner and looks at said clock tower fondly.

2010-07-01, 12:52 PM
You seem to be mastering your power fast.
He looks at the ground a bit awkwardly.
Well... now I remember that a few summers ago, when I went to a cabin somewhere on the beach, there were these sea lady people who... abducted me, you could call it. I always thought it was a dream, but they must have been some of Poseidon's... sea nymphs, I think they're called.

Hi Jojo, what's up?
Carson continues to walk around in London, on his search for Shift, so he can commit vicious acts of murder.
Shift is not in London. In fact, he is currently trying to create a portal from Cairo to the ISS.

2010-07-01, 12:54 PM
Big Ben, why do you ask?
Carson strolls around the corner and looks at said clock tower fondly.

Wow, you got there fast. Listen, are you still interested in killing Shift?

2010-07-01, 12:54 PM
That's the last place he saw Shift, he's looking for clues and such.

Carson sighs,
Why do you think I'm in London?

2010-07-01, 12:57 PM
That's the last place he saw Shift, he's looking for clues and such.

Carson sighs,
Why do you think I'm in London?

Thank you so much, Carson! Anyway, I have an idea that might help us find him.

2010-07-01, 12:58 PM
Yea? What is it?
He decides that this isn't getting anywhere and decides to head towards London International, I'm assuming the airport has a name something like that.

2010-07-01, 12:59 PM
He looks at the ground a bit awkwardly.
Well... now I remember that a few summers ago, when I went to a cabin somewhere on the beach, there were these sea lady people who... abducted me, you could call it. I always thought it was a dream, but they must have been some of Poseidon's... sea nymphs, I think they're called.
This happened.

2010-07-01, 01:07 PM
Yea? What is it?
He decides that this isn't getting anywhere and decides to head towards London International, I'm assuming the airport has a name something like that.

Well, I just met this guy. He's a son of Nereus.

They probably were.

2010-07-01, 01:08 PM
I hope you mean met in the innocent way.
He says as he hails a cab.

2010-07-01, 01:12 PM
They probably were.
Mmm... yeah, I guess. So, what happened was they took me out to sea and showed me a bunch of cool water-controlling stuff that they could do. So I just imitated them.
He flicks his hand and the splash of water falls down on Audrey.
Oops, he says, grinning slightly.

2010-07-01, 01:14 PM
I hope you mean met in the innocent way.
He says as he hails a cab.

...Yeah, the innocent way. He has visions when he touches water. I'm getting hints towards how to control them to show you what you want to see.

She frowns and the sand ruptures beneath Keith.

2010-07-01, 01:15 PM
Like, a scrying sort of thing?
He gets into the cab and begins the drive to the airport.

2010-07-01, 01:15 PM
She frowns and the sand ruptures beneath Keith.
He tries to swim up above the rupturing sand.

2010-07-01, 01:19 PM
Like, a scrying sort of thing?
He gets into the cab and begins the drive to the airport.
A bit, except only he sees it. He'll describe it to us.

He succeeds.


2010-07-01, 01:39 PM
Children of Hephaestus, or others in the forges, may notice Kerry (half-chinese-japanese, half american - she's a quarter chinese, a quarter japanese, and half american - daughter of Athena) determinedly forging an odd looking sword.

2010-07-01, 01:40 PM
She abandoned Phyre? Aw...

2010-07-01, 01:41 PM
She abandoned Phyre? Aw...

Well, we can assume they finished swimming. Phyre could talk to her, though, as he would most likely be in the Hephaestus cabin, along with her.

2010-07-01, 01:44 PM
Why not...

So what's that you're making?
Phyre says as he starts to play with the fire in one of his brother's forges.

2010-07-01, 01:54 PM
Why not...

So what's that you're making?
Phyre says as he starts to play with the fire in one of his brother's forges.

Oh, hi Phyre. It's kind of a cross between a ninjato and a jian sword, to represent my mixed heritage.

2010-07-01, 01:57 PM
I see...
He snuffs her fire.
You know, to forge, you need a fre, right?

2010-07-01, 01:59 PM
I see...
He snuffs her fire.
You know, to forge, you need a fre, right?

Could you re-light the fire? I want to finish this.

2010-07-01, 02:05 PM
What makes you think I did that?
The fire starts up again.

2010-07-01, 02:24 PM
What makes you think I did that?
The fire starts up again.

She raises an eyebrow and grins, as she finishes the sword. She brings it up, and does a practice swing. The sword is terribly off balance, and falls out of her hand.
Oh.. I guess combined weapons don't really work.. Hm.. I guess I'll just make a jian, then. Or a ninjato.. hm, what do you think?

2010-07-01, 02:29 PM
Why not both, it wouldn't be that strange for you to walk around with two swords, we've got a few kids who act like a moving armory.
He smiles and lights another forge.

2010-07-01, 02:34 PM
Why not both, it wouldn't be that strange for you to walk around with two swords, we've got a few kids who act like a moving armory.
He smiles and lights another forge.

That's a good idea... But maybe I'll make a katana. I didn't know my chinese relatives, anyways.


2010-07-01, 04:28 PM
((I'm back.))

2010-07-01, 04:31 PM
He succeeds.
Keith quickly lifts the water off of Audrey.
Stop that please! he says, grinning.

2010-07-01, 04:34 PM
A bit, except only he sees it. He'll describe it to us.

Alright, where do I buy my ticket for then?
He gets out of his cab and pays the cabbie.

2010-07-01, 04:34 PM
Lars is open for rp.

Matt is fighting for his life.

Mick, ( I remembered he exist, yay!) is at the training place. He is trying to be ready for when he see's jonathan.

2010-07-01, 04:41 PM
Short lunch DEADTIME.

2010-07-01, 05:09 PM
She grins. Only if you don't splash me again.

Wherever he says Shift is.

2010-07-01, 05:11 PM
What I meant was, where does he say Shift is...
Carson walks into the airport and gets into the line to check in and by your tickets.

2010-07-01, 05:11 PM
What I meant was, where does he say Shift is...
Carson walks into the airport and gets into the line to check in and by your tickets.

He says he teleporting into Cairo as we speak.

An Apollo girl walks by. Wow, you're training hard.

2010-07-01, 05:14 PM
Well, I'll be there in a few hours...
Carson gets up to the desk and purchases his tickets.

2010-07-01, 05:19 PM
Well, I'll be there in a few hours...
Carson gets up to the desk and purchases his tickets.

Cool, she says, then hangs up.

2010-07-01, 05:30 PM
Carson buys his ticket and such and gets on the plane, taking a ride for like, four hours or something...

DEADTIME, probably...

2010-07-01, 05:30 PM
Ya. he says as he decapitates a dummy. I need to kick this guys a(postrophe)

2010-07-01, 05:34 PM
Ya. he says as he decapitates a dummy. I need to kick this guys a(postrophe)

Why would you need to do that?

2010-07-01, 05:35 PM
Honor and what-not. he says. My names micks, whats yours?

2010-07-01, 05:36 PM
Honor and what-not. he says. My names micks, whats yours?

Cat. You probably shouldn't listen to your "honor" so much, if that's the case.

2010-07-01, 05:37 PM
She grins. Only if you don't splash me again.
He grins back. That's fair. But if I can't splash you, what else am I going to do here?

2010-07-01, 05:38 PM
Cat. You probably shouldn't listen to your "honor" so much, if that's the case.

And why is that? he looks a little irritated by this apollo girl.

2010-07-01, 05:41 PM
He grins back. That's fair. But if I can't splash you, what else am I going to do here?

Sure, you can splash me, but then I can make the sand rupture. That's fair.

You'll probably end up killing him, or the rage will keep going for a long time.

2010-07-01, 05:42 PM
Sure, you can splash me, but then I can make the sand rupture. That's fair.
He thinks. How about... this.
He waves his hands around with an expression of deep concentration on his face.
Nothing happens.

2010-07-01, 05:42 PM
Well then, it is what it is. Mick grabs his sword and begins to seek out johnathan.

2010-07-01, 05:43 PM
He thinks. How about... this.
He waves his hands around with an expression of deep concentration on his face.
Nothing happens.

She just stands there, looking perplexed.

She sighs. Whatever.

He's over by the Hermes cabin. He has a sword too.

2010-07-01, 05:45 PM
She just stands there, looking perplexed.
He grins, and the water below them depresses into a bowl, and the surrounding water arches up over them to create a bubble. The resulting bubble starts to sink underwater.
Pretty cool, huh?
Keith still has an expression of extreme concentration on his face, and he is starting to sweat.

2010-07-01, 05:46 PM
He grins, and the water below them depresses into a bowl, and the surrounding water arches up over them to create a bubble. The resulting bubble starts to sink underwater.
Pretty cool, huh?
Keith still has an expression of extreme concentration on his face, and he is starting to sweat.

Yeah, it is, she says, theough Keith can't hear her. (as she's underwater)

2010-07-01, 05:47 PM
Yeah, it is, she says, theough Keith can't hear her. (as she's underwater)
But... they are in a bubble. As in, a bubble of air, surrounded by water. :smallconfused:

2010-07-01, 05:47 PM
HEY YOU! he says to johnathan as he walks over to him. Remember me?

2010-07-01, 05:53 PM
In an unrealistic amount of time, Kerry has finished making her katana, and is slashing a dummy expertly. (Anyone get the reference? Chinese and Japanese, wields a katana, alias is cottonmouth...)

2010-07-01, 05:57 PM
But... they are in a bubble. As in, a bubble of air, surrounded by water. :smallconfused:

Both of them are?
Nevermind then, he can hear her.

2010-07-01, 05:58 PM
Both of them are?
Nevermind then, he can hear her.
Thanks, he mumbles.
He sighs in relief and puts down his arms. There, it's done.

2010-07-01, 05:59 PM
In an unrealistic amount of time, Kerry has finished making her katana, and is slashing a dummy expertly. (Anyone get the reference? Chinese and Japanese, wields a katana, alias is cottonmouth...)

((O-Ren Ishii?))

He wheels around. Yes I do.

2010-07-01, 06:00 PM
((O-Ren Ishii?))

You got it! Though she's not really O-Ren Ishii-ish, she's more Kerry-ish, but maybe a bit less annoying. I have to go clean my room now, so deadtime for like 20 mins, but after that, I'd appreciate if someone gave her an RP oppurtunity.

2010-07-01, 06:01 PM
Mick looks very angry at him. He pulls out his sword and snarls at johnathan. Draw your weapon.

2010-07-01, 06:03 PM
Thanks, he mumbles.
He sighs in relief and puts down his arms. There, it's done.
This happened. And...

New character time!!!

A man in his early 20s walks onto the Camp ground. He is dressed in a black trench coat and has dark sunglasses on. His head swivels around to take in the scenery.

2010-07-01, 06:04 PM
Daniel is punching the lights out of a training dummy.

Kierkan is climbing a tree.

2010-07-01, 06:06 PM
Mick looks very angry at him. He pulls out his sword and snarls at johnathan. Draw your weapon.

He does so. Aw, are you learning to fight properly? About time.

2010-07-01, 06:22 PM
I'm here now... I think...
this moves insanely fast, btw.:smallannoyed:

Yeah, all my characters are around.

2010-07-01, 06:22 PM
I'm here now... I think...
this moves insanely fast, btw.:smallannoyed:

Yeah, all my characters are around.

And Jason is fighting Ares kids, correct?

2010-07-01, 06:23 PM
And Jason is fighting Ares kids, correct?

Correction, pridefully fighting them.:smalltongue:

2010-07-01, 06:23 PM
You got it! Though she's not really O-Ren Ishii-ish, she's more Kerry-ish, but maybe a bit less annoying. I have to go clean my room now, so deadtime for like 20 mins, but after that, I'd appreciate if someone gave her an RP oppurtunity.

So, do you think you could fulfill my request, WP?

2010-07-01, 06:27 PM
Thanks, he mumbles.
He sighs in relief and puts down his arms. There, it's done.
Stimulus: Reaction?

A man in his early 20s walks onto the Camp ground. He is dressed in a black trench coat and has dark sunglasses on. His head swivels around to take in the scenery.
This happened.

And Jeparo continues to work on his Mystery Machine of Doom.

2010-07-01, 06:29 PM
@WP: Could Daisy come back now?

2010-07-01, 06:30 PM
@WP: Could Daisy come back now?

((Of COURSE she may! :smallsmile:))

2010-07-01, 06:31 PM
So, do you think you could fulfill my request, WP?

She sees Zexion's 20 year-old.

2010-07-01, 06:31 PM
((Of COURSE she may! :smallsmile:))


A pissed looking, blond Daisy walks into camp, and looks for Matt.

Edit: Kerry walks up to the 20-year-old. Aren't you a bit old to be coming here?

2010-07-01, 06:33 PM
She sees Zexion's 20 year-old.
Thank you. Now can Audrey react to Keith?

The man shrugs. I don't know. I just need protection.
He fingers a revolver in a sleek holster.

2010-07-01, 06:33 PM
Jason is kicking Ares arse... and has been since last thread.
To be fair, he isn't aiming to kill, so this takes alot longer than it should.

2010-07-01, 06:36 PM
Thank you. Now can Audrey react to Keith?

The man shrugs. I don't know. I just need protection.
He fingers a revolver in a sleek holster.

She raises an eyebrow. Who's your godly parent?

2010-07-01, 06:36 PM
Thank you. Now can Audrey react to Keith?

No. Why? Because she's supposed to be quiet. And you can't really react to that.

2010-07-01, 06:46 PM
She raises an eyebrow. Who's your godly parent?
To demonstrate, he slides the revolver out of it's holster and spins it in the air, catching it neatly.

((Fair enough, WP.))
So, now that we're in here, you know I can splash you without fear of sinking through the ground, he jokes.

2010-07-01, 06:49 PM
((Fair enough, WP.))
So, now that we're in here, you know I can splash you without fear of sinking through the ground, he jokes.

I can still shoot sand up at you.

Sadie watches Jason with a malevolent grin. A white ring with a sun emblem appears on her finger...

2010-07-01, 06:51 PM
I can still shoot sand up at you.
Ah... dang. I might be able to freeze...
He waves his hands around, and nothing happens.
Ah, blast it.
A few drops of water fall through the bubble, and all of them land on Audrey.

2010-07-01, 07:03 PM
"Suits me. Every second I stand here is another bit of strength."

His muscles, though not greatly increasing in size, ARE changing.

(Deadtime, but this ain't over)

Let's do it, Iceman. :smallamused:

2010-07-01, 07:05 PM
I can still shoot sand up at you.

Sadie watches Jason with a malevolent grin. A white ring with a sun emblem appears on her finger...

Alice sneaks up behind her and bites her finger off tries to quickly slip one of the rings off of either of Sadie's hands.

Kerry nods at the man. I guess you should head to the Big House, then.

Edit: See my PM, WP.

2010-07-01, 07:07 PM
Kerry nods at the man. I guess you should head to the Big House, then.
He nods slightly, and runs to the Big House to see Chiron.

2010-07-01, 07:08 PM
I can still shoot sand up at you.

Sadie watches Jason with a malevolent grin. A white ring with a sun emblem appears on her finger...

Jason is along the lines of laughing his head off and kicking serious butt. He is having way too much fun today.:smallbiggrin:

2010-07-01, 07:08 PM
(Sadie group)
Peter is still fighting Ares kids, kind of freaked out Alice is there.

Dylan is still waiting patiently.

2010-07-01, 07:09 PM
He nods slightly, and runs to the Big House to see Chiron.

Kerry kills Bill runs back to the training area and begins to beat the crap out of a dummy using her skills in swordsmanship and black-belt karate, something that may attract the attention of passers-by.

2010-07-01, 07:12 PM
Kerry kills Bill runs back to the training area and begins to beat the crap out of a dummy using her skills in swordsmanship and black-belt karate, something that may attract the attention of passers-by.
Kenneth sees her, and looks fairly impressed.
Where did you learn that?

2010-07-01, 07:15 PM
Alice sneaks up behind her and bites her finger off tries to quickly slip one of the rings off of either of Sadie's hands.

((Damn it! My stupid drawing isn't working out well, and I am NOT AMUSED by how ironic that is in context!))

She feels and wrenches her hand away. Her ring with the teardrop motif glows and her eyes glow azure as well.
Alice begins to feel exhausted.
Thank you for treating me well. I shall give you my mercy for that reason.

2010-07-01, 07:17 PM
Kenneth sees her, and looks fairly impressed.
Where did you learn that?

Oh, um, my mom signed me up for karate when I was 4, and I became a black belt two years ago, and I've studied japanese swordsmanship since the age of six. My mom actually made me do those things, so that I'd be able to defend myself from monsters, if they ever attacked me, which I only found out a few months ago.

Edit: Alice wavers, and throws up on Sadie. Go teen pregnancy!

2010-07-01, 07:20 PM
She feels and wrenches her hand away. Her ring with the teardrop motif glows and her eyes glow azure as well.
Alice begins to feel exhausted.
Thank you for treating me well. I shall give you my mercy for that reason.

Peter attempts to cut one of Sadie's ringed fingers off.

2010-07-01, 07:20 PM
Oh, um, my mom signed me up for karate when I was 4, and I became a black belt two years ago, and I've studied japanese swordsmanship since the age of six. My mom actually made me do those things, so that I'd be able to defend myself from monsters, if they ever attacked me, which I only found out a few months ago.
Hmm... interesting. You know, once when I was in Japan, I was attacked by these empousai holding katanas. They didn't know how to use them, though.
He laughs and touches an ornate but vicious-looking bastard sword.

2010-07-01, 07:22 PM
Hmm... interesting. You know, once when I was in Japan, I was attacked by these empousai holding katanas. They didn't know how to use them, though.
He laughs and touches an ornate but vicious-looking bastard sword.

Would you like to duel?

2010-07-01, 07:23 PM
Peter attempts to cut one of Sadie's ringed fingers off.

She swerves her hand out of the way just in time. Her crimson ring starts glowing and Sadie's eyes glow well. You aren't so lucky, she says. Peter bursts into flame.

She doesn't even care that she has puke on her at the moment.

2010-07-01, 07:24 PM
She swerves her hand out of the way just in time. Her crimson ring starts glowing and Sadie's eyes glow well. You aren't so lucky, she says. Peter bursts into flame.

She doesn't even care that she has puke on her at the moment.

Peter, fortunately, has difficulty being burning. Hug time! :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-01, 07:25 PM
She swerves her hand out of the way just in time. Her crimson ring starts glowing and Sadie's eyes glow well. You aren't so lucky, she says. Peter bursts into flame.

She doesn't even care that she has puke on her at the moment.

I like how Sadie isn't overpowered.

Alice screams and picks up a large branch, smacking Sadie over the head with it.

2010-07-01, 07:25 PM
Would you like to duel?
Hm... wait a moment.
He does a quick series of backflips, landing lightly with his sword drawn.
Yeah, I'm ready. Just warning you, though, you're going up against eighty years of training. So don't expect to win.

2010-07-01, 07:27 PM
I like how Sadie isn't overpowered.

Alice screams and picks up a large branch, smacking Sadie over the head with it.

She's OP now, but that's only because of the rings.

They aren't by the forest. Also, Alice should want to fall asleep right now.

Sadie is burned and screams in pain. Her eye color and envy ring glowvivid green. The fire around Peter goes out.

2010-07-01, 07:27 PM
Hm... wait a moment.
He does a quick series of backflips, landing lightly with his sword drawn.
Yeah, I'm ready. Just warning you, though, you're going up against eighty years of training. So don't expect to win.

I have a compaint. Kenneth is one of the most unrealistic characters I could ever imagine. No matter what you say, A 92 YEAR OLD DOING BACKFLIPS IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. And just because he's a half blood doesn't affect that.

Edit: Alice falls unconscious.

2010-07-01, 07:29 PM
I have a compaint. Kenneth is one of the most unrealistic characters I could ever imagine. No matter what you say, A 92 YEAR OLD DOING BACKFLIPS IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. And just because he's a half blood doesn't affect that.

Well, I suppose one extremely athletic old fellow could, but he would be extremely pained by it and likely break bones.

After all, most men are DEAD by 92.

2010-07-01, 07:30 PM
Well, I suppose one extremely athletic old fellow could, but he would be extremely pained by it and likely break bones.

After all, most men are DEAD by 92.

Good point. He probably could, but no matter what anyone says, would break both his legs or have a similar fate.

2010-07-01, 07:30 PM
Edit: Alice falls unconscious.

Peter looks absolutely furious. Total "Oh no you di-int!" moment.

He slashes at at least one of her hands, furiously trying to cut a ring, any ring off.

2010-07-01, 07:31 PM
Peter looks absolutely furious. Total "Oh no you di-int!" moment.

He slashes at at least one of her hands, furiously trying to cut a ring, any ring off.

Acid sprays from her hands. Powerful acid.

2010-07-01, 07:32 PM
I have a compaint. Kenneth is one of the most unrealistic characters I could ever imagine. No matter what you say, A 92 YEAR OLD DOING BACKFLIPS IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. And just because he's a half blood doesn't affect that.
Really? Because I'm pretty sure that if you exercise for 10 hours a day, for eighty years, you'd stay in extremely good shape. :smallamused:

2010-07-01, 07:32 PM
Acid sprays from her hands. Powerful acid.

I'm sorry, but envy has nothing to do with acid.

@Zexion: He'd have arthritis, and if he did said backflips, he'd most likely break his legs/hips/everything. Also, if both swords connected, it could fracture his wrist, etc. If you won't make him more realistic, Kerry will start blasting fire from her hands.

2010-07-01, 07:35 PM
I'm sorry, but envy has nothing to do with acid.

It does, actually.

Think about it for a second.
If you can't see the connection, would you like me to post my reasons for associating them?

2010-07-01, 07:35 PM
Acid sprays from her hands. Powerful acid.

((I'm with bvdk on that one. I don't get it. Fire I do get, but this?))

2010-07-01, 07:35 PM
I'm sorry, but envy has nothing to do with acid.
I agree with this.


Physical Therapy

Individuals with arthritis can definitely benefit from both physical and occupational therapy. In arthritis the joints become stiff and the range of movement can be limited. Physical therapy has been shown to significantly improve function, decrease pain, and delay need for surgical intervention in advanced cases [13]. Exercise prescribed by a physical therapist has been shown to be more effective than medications in treating osteoarthritis of the knee. Exercise often focusses on improving muscle strength, endurance and flexibility. In some cases, exercises may be designed to train balance. Occupational therapy can teach you how to reduce stress on your joint from daily living activities. Occupation therapy can also teach you how to modify your home and work environment so that you do reduce movements that may worsen your arthritis. There are also assist devices available that can help you drive, getting a bath, dressing and also in housekeeping labors.
That's basically swordfighting. :smallamused:

2010-07-01, 07:36 PM
Really? Because I'm pretty sure that if you exercise for 10 hours a day, for eighty years, you'd stay in extremely good shape. :smallamused:

Really? Because I'm pretty sure that excercise at that point would only cause your bones to wear down faster.
You've stopped growing after 35, at the highest.

2010-07-01, 07:39 PM
I agree with this.


That's basically swordfighting. :smallamused:

Sure then. Kerry sprouts wings and produces a bazuka from her back pocket, which she fires at Kenneth.

2010-07-01, 07:41 PM
((I'm with bvdk on that one. I don't get it. Fire I do get, but this?))

((Acid is a liquid, therefore it flows into the tiniest spaces, and with it's corrosive nature makes them larger.
Envy finds the tiniest reason why someone elses happiness is bane to you, and starts making it larger to you.
Acid can permenantly disfigure the appearance of someone else.
Envy wants to permanently take away the happiness someone else has that you want.
Acid is -in general- bad for your health with no benefits.
Envy is simple hatred. Unlike jealousy, which is merely WANTING what somebody else has, Envy is hating them because they have what you want. Therefore, unlike jealousy -which can inspire you to improve yourself- envy only results in suffering.))

Does that seem reasonable to you?

2010-07-01, 07:41 PM
Peter, though burned by the acid, keeps trying to cut off a hand. If only Creed were on.

Edit: Actually, acid is not a liquid. It's a solid dissolved in water.

2010-07-01, 07:42 PM
I agree with this.


That's basically swordfighting. :smallamused:

((Do you still have that link to thread I, Zexion? It contains something imporatant I need to show you.))

Edit: Actually, acid is not a liquid. It's a solid dissolved in water.

Well, it doesn't exactly dissolve things in solid form, now does it?

He gets a cut on her wrist. (EMO!!)

She backs away, attempting to shoot acid into Peter's face.

2010-07-01, 07:44 PM
Peter, though burned by the acid, keeps trying to cut off a hand. If only Creed were on.

Edit: Actually, acid is not a liquid. It's a solid dissolved in water.

oh but I am!
But Jason is busy fighting a high percentile of the Ares cabin.

2010-07-01, 07:45 PM
oh but I am!
But Jason is busy fighting a high percentile of the Ares cabin.

The Ares kids abruptly run away to assist Sadie.

2010-07-01, 07:46 PM
The Ares kids abruptly run away to assist Sadie.

And Jason abruptly runs after them, shouting insults PROUDLY!

2010-07-01, 07:46 PM
And Jason abruptly runs after them, shouting insults PROUDLY!

Hey, maybe he could help?

Edit: The acid misses just barely. Is there a stream/creek/something nearby?

2010-07-01, 07:49 PM
And Jason abruptly runs after them, shouting insults PROUDLY!

A few run back, but the rest keep running after Peter.

((I'd imagine a few streams might be nearby.))

On the note of Pride, Sadie's eyes glow white.

2010-07-01, 07:49 PM
Hey, maybe he could help?

He is trying to.
Peter! Take the Ares kids!
Jason charges at Sadie, making a sideways slash to cut her fingers off.

2010-07-01, 07:50 PM
He is trying to.
Peter! Take the Ares kids!
Jason charges at Sadie, making a sideways slash to cut her fingers off.

Blinding white light explodes from Sadie.

2010-07-01, 07:52 PM
Peter begins waterbending! :smallbiggrin:

Well, not technically waterbending, seeing as this isn't the Avatar universe, but-- oh, you know what I mean!

2010-07-01, 07:52 PM
Blinding white light explodes from Sadie.

Please tell me she's not a god! Someone's gonna get really angry if she's a god, and the angry guy's name starts with 'Jason'! he closes his eyes and continues the slash.

2010-07-01, 07:56 PM
Please tell me she's not a god! Someone's gonna get really angry if she's a god, and the angry guy's name starts with 'Jason'! he closes his eyes and continues the slash.

Jason is hit with acid.

And directing the water at Sadie?

2010-07-01, 07:57 PM
Jason is hit with acid.

And directing the water at Sadie?

Yes, though he fends off Ares kids if they get too close.

2010-07-01, 07:59 PM
Yes, though he fends off Ares kids if they get too close.

She is doused and is now extremely pissed. She begins retreating.

2010-07-01, 08:02 PM
She is doused and is now extremely pissed. She begins retreating.

Peter tries to freeze her in place. And tries to do the same for the Ares kids.

2010-07-01, 08:02 PM
Jason is hit with acid.

And directing the water at Sadie?

Jason roars and charges forward. He's not pulling any more punches, and is now swinging with the sharp edge.

2010-07-01, 08:03 PM
Peter tries to freeze her in place. And tries to do the same for the Ares kids.

She takes her wrath form (being pissed and all) and thaws the ice around her. She is held up a few moments, though, and the Ares kids are frozen still. She blasts Jason with flame.

2010-07-01, 08:04 PM
((Do you still have that link to thread I, Zexion? It contains something imporatant I need to show you.))
Here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=145974) :smallsmile:

2010-07-01, 08:05 PM
She takes her wrath form (being pissed and all) and thaws the ice around her. She is held up a few moments, though, and the Ares kids are frozen still. She blasts Jason with flame.

Peter takes his chance to try and cut off a ring again.

2010-07-01, 08:06 PM
Here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=145974) :smallsmile:

Ah, thank you:

And no, no, ABSOLUTELY NO super-powerful ones (For instance, just because Demeter is the goddess of plants, you can NOT make poisonous berries grow in the stomachs of your enemies.)

Not saying Kenneth is, but for future reference, see this.

Peter takes his chance to try and cut off a ring again.

Peter is about 30 feet away from her.

2010-07-01, 08:08 PM
She takes her wrath form (being pissed and all) and thaws the ice around her. She is held up a few moments, though, and the Ares kids are frozen still. She blasts Jason with flame.

The flaming Jason wails and trys to tackle her.

Jason + tackling girl who has a ring that causes lust = chance for Jason to be a bad guy.
DO IT!:smalltongue:

2010-07-01, 08:09 PM
Not saying Kenneth is, but for future reference, see this.
So... technically, Kenneth isn't super-powerful. He has literally no special abilities other than skill with the sword, and he's about as fit as any other son of Ares, with more flexibility and grace. The only thing that people don't like about him is that he's old, but still really fit. I fail to see how that makes his power level higher. :smallconfused:

2010-07-01, 08:09 PM
@Zexion: Because he's impossible to hurt, and it's completely unrealistic for him to have those abilities at his age, and he has no flaws, and he always wins, like all your other characters.

2010-07-01, 08:10 PM
Peter is about 30 feet away from her.

Airbending slice!

Peter tries to wash a ring off, then, if such a thing is possible. Or he'll freeze her again and bust a ring because of that whole sudden heat thing.

2010-07-01, 08:13 PM
The flaming Jason wails and trys to tackle her.

Jason + tackling girl who has a ring that causes lust = chance for Jason to be a bad guy.
DO IT!:smalltongue:

She rapidly switches to her lust ring. The fire goes out. All right, bad boy, you got me. Do whatever you like now, she says. Lust comes over Jason.

2010-07-01, 08:13 PM
@Zexion: Because he's impossible to hurt,
No he isn't, actually. It's just that he's only been in one fight before, against a far lesser opponent.

and it's completely unrealistic for him to have those abilities at his age,
Actually, we've already decided that it isn't. And that's not an overpowering issue. :smallamused:

and he has no flaws,
Really? Well, did Andrew have any flaws?

and he always wins, like all your other characters.
He has been in ONE IC fight so far. :smallannoyed:

2010-07-01, 08:15 PM
No he isn't, actually. It's just that he's only been in one fight before, against a far lesser opponent.

Actually, we've already decided that it isn't. And that's not an overpowering issue. :smallamused:

Really? Well, did Andrew have any flaws?

He has been in ONE IC fight so far. :smallannoyed:

Um, that isn't true. I find it sort of dumb how a 92 year old (albeit a son of Ares) is more fit then a teenager of his heritage as well. :smallannoyed:

2010-07-01, 08:16 PM
No he isn't, actually. It's just that he's only been in one fight before, against a far lesser opponent.

Actually, we've already decided that it isn't. And that's not an overpowering issue. :smallamused:

Really? Well, did Andrew have any flaws?

He has been in ONE IC fight so far. :smallannoyed:

Andrew is proud, stubborn, envious, vengeful, and melodramatic.

Actually, WP has told me several times that he thinks it's unrealstic, too.

Anyways, Kerry slashes at Kenneth.

2010-07-01, 08:17 PM
Andrew is proud, stubborn, envious, vengeful, and melodramatic.

Actually, WP has told me several times that he thinks it's unrealstic, too.

Anyways, Kerry slashes at Kenneth.

All of those flaws could very well be dangerous minus the melodrama.

2010-07-01, 08:18 PM
Andrew is proud, stubborn, envious, vengeful, and melodramatic.

Actually, WP has told me several times that he thinks it's unrealstic, too.

Anyways, Kerry slashes at Kenneth.
Kenneth quickly steps back, a bit overbalanced. He swings his sword at her, but it's not meant to connect, just to test her defense.

(Oh, I know Kenneth's flaw! Hating annoying young people!)

2010-07-01, 08:18 PM
"Jason!" Peter calls out sternly.

2010-07-01, 08:18 PM
She rapidly switches to her lust ring. The fire goes out. All right, bad boy, you got me. Do whatever you like now, she says. Lust comes over Jason.

Jason gives in. He has been stabbed, acided, and flamed. And now he's starting to kiss her.
A little push, and he'll be up fighting Peter.
And how I love being the bad guy every once and a while.

2010-07-01, 08:21 PM
Kenneth quickly steps back, a bit overbalanced. He swings his sword at her, but it's not meant to connect, just to test her defense.

(Oh, I know Kenneth's flaw! Hating annoying young people!)

She swiftly blocks it while aiming a strong kick at Kenneth's abdomen.

2010-07-01, 08:22 PM
Kenneth quickly steps back, a bit overbalanced. He swings his sword at her, but it's not meant to connect, just to test her defense.

(Oh, I know Kenneth's flaw! Hating annoying young people!)

((That's hardly likely to put him in danger, now is it? :smallannoyed:))

She kisses back passionately.

2010-07-01, 08:22 PM
She swiftly blocks it while aiming a strong kick at Kenneth's abdomen.
It hits, and he winces.
I can see how that would be devastating to a swordfighter, he notes, feinting right and swinging at her left knee.

2010-07-01, 08:23 PM
for creating mousse.

2010-07-01, 08:23 PM
((That's hardly likely to put him in danger, now is it? :smallannoyed:))

She kisses back passionately.

Jason keeps kissing her, just as, if not more, passionately.
The whole 'I just got out of a coma' thing probably wore his will down.

2010-07-01, 08:25 PM
It hits, and he winces.
I can see how that would be devastating to a swordfighter, he notes, feinting right and swinging at her left knee.

Thank you for making him less overpowered, or at least it seems like it.

She jumps over it (she's a black belt, she can do that :smalltongue:) and aims a downward slash at Kenneth's shoulder.

2010-07-01, 08:26 PM
Thank you for making him less overpowered, or at least it seems like it.

She jumps over it (she's a black belt, she can do that :smalltongue:) and aims a downward slash at Kenneth's shoulder.
He barely blocks it, and aims a returning strike at her abdomen.