View Full Version : A Sudden but Inevitable Betrayal [IC]

2010-07-01, 09:29 AM
The Bull and Spear

You find yourselves in a reasonably sized common house in the port town of Corwen's Quay. The Captain that sent you to this place deserves your thanks; the stew is hearty, the ale is good and the place is crowded with merchants, ships officers and other good folk. After recent events; it's nice to settle back with a stomach full of warm, tender mutton, a cool brew in hand and just listen to the bustle.

2010-07-19, 08:41 PM
Andras takes another swig from his flagon of ale, and continues his story

"So then, I turn to the leader of the bandits, and I say: 'Seven guys, eh? You're going to need more thugs!' Of course, they were just common ruffians, so they weren't any trouble to dispatch."

He then leans back in his chair, and sighs.

"Ahhhh, this is the way to spend an evening."

2010-07-19, 09:12 PM
Shar enters the inn:

Ah, the adventurer's inn. It has been a long time since I last set foot in such a place. A tad more raucous than I had remembered"

I'll have the best wine you have, bartender.

2010-07-20, 08:52 AM
Noticing the new arrival, Andras calls out

"Here, pull up a chair. We've plenty of room for an elf maid at this table"

Ardwin the Gold
2010-07-22, 06:21 PM
Elstarr sits in a corner with feet on the table sipping elf wine from a glass. With his bow and scimitar slung across his back, and desert robes covering his face he converses in Elven with his rugged looking companion. A giant weasel is sleeping under the table with packs strapped to it. The shown skin of the two characters is tanned from the harsh rays of the desert sun.

"I have had no luck today finding anyone to help us back to 'Our Mother Desert' Asintire. But I suspect we will find someone here."

2010-07-25, 10:56 AM
Both main double doors of the inn swing open and the room is suddenly filled with noise. Two well dressed men, clearly of great rank, walk in side by side and followed by a dozen minor nobles and men at arms.

"Lord Owain", a few excited people in the inn call out.

Lord Owain and his companion stride to the bar as everybody hurriedly makes room.

"Inn keeper," he bellows, "burst in the tops of your best kegs for today we drink like Gods!" He turns to the crowd with a hoisted mug and puts his arm around his laughing companion. "Today, friends, we are guests of the Baron Harls, whose generosity is only surpassed by his terrible choice in horses!" The company all lift their own mugs and shout "Lord Harls, Master Horseman". The Baron takes a self mocking bow and then drains his own mug, "Drink deep friends! For the more you drink, the more of my gold goes to your good cheer and the less to this scoundrel!" At this the lords company lift their newly filled mugs again "Lord Owain, Master Scoundrel!".

The inn staff put mugs of ale on the counter at a frantic pace and just as quickly patrons grab them and pass them around. There are many toasts to the health of Lord Harls and Lord Owain. Empty mugs are passed back to the counter only to reappear, foaming, moments later.

An hour later the inn is loud with the noise of happy, drunk patrons. The company of nobles is still laughing and joking amongst themselves at the bar. The mugs are moving more slowly as everybody realizes that the free drinks will continue for quite a while yet.

Again the main double doors of the inn swing open. This time a single figure, masked and dressed entirely in black appears in the entrance way.

"Owain! Eridonus sends his regards!" the harsh voice of the dark figure booms into the suddenly quiet common room. Several patrons, as if on queue, pull leather cloaks over themselves. A flicker of flame leaps from his fingers and a roaring ball of flame fills the room.

Andras, observing the leather cloaks had wrapped himself in his own cloak. Elstarr, who stood the moment the masked man appeared, ready to react, found himself pulled under the table by Sandstrider, teeth sunk into this thigh but the fireball blasting harmlessly overhead. Shar, her axe already in hand, rolled easily under the flames.

The common room is now a chaotic, sea storm of movement, screams and groans of pain drown out the sound of swords as the leather cloaked patrons attack everybody in sight.

Post initial emotional reactions, roll Initiative, roll Spot

2010-07-25, 11:11 AM
Andras whips off his scorched cloak, draws his twin dueling swords, and scans the chaos for Edmund

Spot: [roll1]

Ardwin the Gold
2010-07-25, 04:49 PM
Elstarr grabs the front of Asintire's robe dragging him down with him yelling
"Get down"
He takes out his bow
Initiative: ([roll 16] +3) 19
Spot: ([roll 1] +11) natural 1

2010-07-25, 05:06 PM
Shar, already at her feet with her axe out and ready, drags Reinor to an unbalanced, but upright position.
Initiative: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2010-07-26, 12:29 PM
The smoke makes it difficult to see much about what is going on but you can tell it's bad. The fireball killed many in the initial burst and few that remain alive are in any shape to deal with the assassins in their midst. A few ships captains and road hardened merchants are grimly defending themselves.

The company of nobles at the bar are mostly down. Lord Owain appears mostly unscathed, his sword in hand and one of his men at his side. Several assassins are closing warily in.

Edmund is dead. His lifeless body still sits upright in his chair. Song will never again issue from charred lips.

Asintire is direly wounded. His unreasoning, blind rage the only reason he is still standing. Like a wild boar, he rips from Elstarr's grasp and uttering a terrible roar, part of anguish and part wild anger that fills the room, he steps up on a table and turns to the aid of a hard pressed merchant. Asintire spends his last breath in leap that takes him almost to the ceiling beams and ends with him smashing into one of the leather clad assassins, driving his blade from the man's shoulder to his pelvic bone. The assassin smashes to the ground and Asintire collapses on top of him, overwhelmed by his burns.

Two assassins press the attack on Shar. Reinor staggers and places himself between Shar and one of the assassins. A fountain of blood sprays from Reinor's throat as the assassins short sword finds it's mark. As the dwarf sinks to the floor a look of surprise comes over the assassins face, he plucks weakly at Reinor's dagger embedded in his ribs and falls backwards. A hoarse dwarven curse are the last words Reinor ever speaks.

Order of action:
Everybody Else

2010-07-26, 05:32 PM
I have failed once again...

She runs to the side, then straight at the assassin. With a yell she swings her axe and attempts to avenge the last of her fallen comrades.

She attempts enough movement for Skirmish damage (five feet to the side, then forwards)
Attack: [roll0]
If it hits (with skirmish): [roll1]

Ardwin the Gold
2010-07-26, 07:09 PM
he knocks an arrow and shoots it at one of the assassins, with a manic expression on his face
Attack (1d20+6) [11]
Damage (if hit) (1d6) [5]

2010-07-27, 03:28 PM
The assassin Shar attacks goes down. Elstarr's arrow goes wide, whistling harmlessly through the crowd.

With the pair targeting Shar both down, the party is currently being ignored by the assassins.

There are 6 assassins surrounding Lord Owain and he slashes his long sword back and forth, in fast sweeping arcs, to keep them at bay. His sword stops in mid swing and he steps forward to drive the point into the eye of one of the assassins. The assassins leap to take advantage of the pause and Owain takes a couple of minor cuts before he steps back and resumes his slashing defence.

2010-07-27, 03:48 PM
Andras calls out a taunt at the assassins, as he advances quickly, his voice lacking some of its normal joviality

"Tell your lord Erodinus that I am not impressed. First, he kills countless bystanders to attack two men, and then he hides behind assassins who cannot even handle a man they have outnumbered six to one! I'll show you how proper men do battle!"

Andras then strikes out at one of the assassins
Attack: [roll0] +2 flanking bonus from Owain included
Damage: [roll1]

2010-07-27, 04:57 PM
The assassin falls to Andras' blades.

The battle continues. A couple more assassins go down as the surprise of the initial attack fades and the veterans in the inn start to rally and organize themselves.

We have looped back to Shar.

2010-07-27, 05:21 PM
Shar rolls past the assassin and makes another strike with her axe.

Tumble check to move around four squares around the assassin: [roll0] against DC 15
Attack Roll: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Ardwin the Gold
2010-07-27, 06:05 PM
again he pulls an arrow back, the fletching brush his tannded cheek
Attack: 1d20+6
Damage: 1d6

2010-07-28, 12:04 PM
Shar's target crumbles silently, the attack coming from an unexpected direction and catching the assassin completely off guard. Elstarr has regained his composure and his arrow catches an assassin in the throat, the arrow passing almost through, blood welling around the fletching as the assassin stumbles away.

Owain takes the battle to the suddenly outnumbered assassins, slashing one across the neck, half hewing his head off before thrusting his parrying dagger into a second assassins ribs.

The lone remaining assassin turns to run to the door, giving Andras an opening as he passes.

Andras gets and attack of opportunity and then it's his turn.

2010-07-28, 12:10 PM
Andras strikes out with a deadly flurry of strikes

AoO: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Regular attack #1: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Regular attack #2: [roll]1d20+7
Damage: [roll4]

2010-07-28, 01:11 PM
Andras makes short work of finishing off the last assassin, slashing two deep cuts into him as he tries to flee.

The sounds of battle are replaced by the sounds of the wounded and dying and of voices becoming more and more angry. The assassins have all been slain but chaos still threatens.

"Hold friends!", Owain shouts and the inn grows quiet except for the occasional half-stifled moan. "Tend to the wounded those who know how." Several people make themselves busy and a few wounded are rushed out lying on benches.

Owain stands over the body of Lord Harls, "You will be avenged." he says coldly in a voice low enough that only the few who were close to the battle can hear. Owain then stoops and takes a pouch from Harls belt.

"Attend and bear witness!", Owain speaks again to the crowd, "The Mage Erodinus has gone too far this time. His feud with me has now injured innocents," Owain gestures to the crowd, and then he half turns to look at Harls body, "and a good man." He seems to shake in rage as he spits out "I will give 10000 in gold, an estate and a title to the man who brings me Erodinus' head."

A murmur rolls over the crowd. "A title?" whispers a merchant in awe. "Ten thousand gold." says a rugged captain thoughtfully.

Owain raises his hand, holding a leather bag to the crowd. "This is Lord Harls purse, mine by right of wager, save only the payment owed to this inn." He turns to Andras and holds out the purse, "You have shown your mettle this day. Will you take this purse and use Harls own gold to avenge him against this murdering madman and claim your reward? Perhaps others will join you?," he turns to Shar, "You, elf, have slain two here and have a fallen comrade to avenge. Will you take up this quest?"

Roll spot checks, knowledge royalty and knowledge arcana as part of your role playing response to these events.

2010-07-28, 01:21 PM
"I would be honored to assist you my lord, especially in the noble task of stopping this fiend Erodinus. I did not know of him before, but he has killed innocent men, including my Edmund, my friend and minstrel, just to settle whatever feud he has with you and lord Harls, may he rest in peace. I gladly accept this quest, and I'll be happy to take anyone else who'll help our cause."

"However, as I said, I do not know much about this coward, Erodinus. Anything you could tell me would put him in the grave he deserves sooner."

Andras then raises his sword, and shouts out:

"Now, who's with me?"

And, spot check

2010-07-28, 01:53 PM
Double post for knowledge nob/roy check

Ardwin the Gold
2010-07-28, 01:59 PM
Elstarr steps forward while strapping his bow to his back
"I will take on the quest. I am with you."

2010-07-28, 04:56 PM
"I, too, will take up your call."

Spot: [roll0]
Int check #1 (arcana): [roll1]
Int check #2 (roy/nob): [roll2]

2010-07-28, 10:28 PM
A more than slightly charred sailor without eyebrows, steps forward "I too will join this quest." "And I", says a young merchant who looks like he really should have left with the other wounded.

"Excellent", says Owain handing the purse to Andras, "I must attend my fallen friends but come to my estate here in town once you have recovered and I will tell you all I know about Erodinus."

Spot results:

Andras only: The purse seems like a normal, if finely made, purse.

Elstarr only: The assassins were well equipped, masterwork swords and armor.

2010-07-30, 04:05 PM
Andras addresses the volunteers:

"I believe introductions are in order. My name is Andras Perry. I'm something of a freelance hero, I help out whenever someone has a task requiring a brave warrior, a bill I fit perfectly. So, who are all of you, and what fighting experience have you got?"

2010-07-30, 04:53 PM
"Shar Velaes, former military scout; I am no longer serving due to a series of unfortunate events, but free to offer my skills elsewhere, when needed."

Ardwin the Gold
2010-07-30, 05:23 PM
"And I am Elstarr. I was once part of a tribe in a desert on Ahe. My companion, sandstrider here, and i were driven frome our raiding party by a samdstorm, and we have endured much hardship since then."

2010-07-30, 06:54 PM
The sailor introduces himself next: I am Tadd ab Floyd. I am ... or was ... Boatswain on the good ship Iorwen. My captain is lost, slain just now. I can serve on a crew and have fought in two battles.

The young merchant steps forward and bows slightly; I am Donne ap Lowri. My mother, Lowri ap Drych is well known in this port. I have a sword, have travelled by sea and by road and my connections will be useful. I am ambitious for I am the 8th child and must make my own mark.

2010-07-30, 07:13 PM
Andras considers what the men (and woman) have said.

The elves seem very capable, but the men aren't warriors. It won't be nearly as heroic a tale if I get even more innocent people drawn into the struggle. Besides, if the elves are half as good as me in a fight, the three of us are going to be unstoppable!

He then turns to the group, plan concocted, and addresses them.

"Donne, you may not be a veteran of many battles, but I know just how you can help our cause. You said you had connections? Use them to find out anything and everything you can about the fiend Erodinus. We can use this information to find out the best way to hit him where he hurts."

"Tadd, once we make it clear that we're going after that coward mage, he may try to flee to the sea. Try to get a crew and a ship, and get ready to chase him down if he puts out to sea."

"Shar, Elstarr, and I are the most experienced in battle, so we three will work together to hit this man-shaped pile of Aboleth slime as hard as we can"

"Sounds like a plan?"

2010-07-31, 08:11 AM
Donne looks insulted, "Yes, this sounds very much like a plan", disdain dripping from the final word. He turns and leaves.

"I'm just a boatswain." stammers Tadd, and he wanders away, dejected.

Ardwin the Gold
2010-07-31, 10:58 AM
"It seems like plan of heroic preportions, but i think we should think it over to seek out the imperfections."
he says sarcastically

2010-07-31, 03:18 PM
Damn. I was hoping they wouldn't be so disappointed.

"Well, it looks like we're going to have a much leaner group. Let's see how much we've got to work with."

Andras then opens the purse.

2010-07-31, 03:48 PM
"We can't just let them leave, it is not as if they are useless. I'm sure they can hold their own in a fight if they are determined."

2010-07-31, 08:04 PM
The purse appears to be a normal leather purse, if finely worked, containing only a few coins by weight. When you open and look inside you see a small fortune in gold and silver coins, too much to count by eye. The inside is much larger than the outside, maybe half a cubic foot in total, apparently the purse is something like a bag of holding only for coins.

2010-08-01, 01:53 PM
Andras looks up from the fortune in the purse, and responds to Shar.

"Perhaps they would be able to survive a fight, or two, or maybe even three. But maybe not. Maybe the first fight we get into, they get themselves killed. I'd rather have the bards sing of how three warriors defeated the evil mage in glorious battle, rather than how they got a pair of young men killed in battle because they might be useful. Besides, if the two of you are half as good in a fight as I am, and I saw you guys deal with some of those assassins, then we have nothing to worry about."

Ardwin the Gold
2010-08-01, 04:22 PM
Responding to Andras, Elstarr says:
" I believe help that help would not go amiss, but I too am worried about the safty of the merchant, and the boatswain. If they were killed this would cause no end of harsh feelings towards us three.'When teaching someone to fight and defend themselves you also put them in the fanged face of death.' thus said the dying lion."

2010-08-01, 04:44 PM
"If they wish to leave, I will not stop them. I just ask you not to risk underestimating their abilities."

2010-08-03, 07:34 AM
Andras surveys the wrecked bar

"Looks like we aren't getting all of the money"

Appraise check

2010-08-04, 07:31 AM
The damage looks like the damage from a typical bar fight, except there is blood and bodies everywhere. The city guard is talking to the innkeeper who is looking very upset. A couple of his serving girls did not survive the blast.

The inns heavy timber construction and the sturdy furniture a was mostly undamaged by fireball. A good long scrubbing should clean things up. The inn is definitely going to be closed for a few days before that's finished.

2010-08-04, 07:41 AM
Do I have a rough gp estimate of the damages?

2010-08-06, 09:33 PM
Andras approaches the bartender.

"I am terribly sorry about what has occurred here. Since Erodinus is too much of a coward to reimburse you, I think that duty falls on my shoulders. How much damage would you say has occurred?"

2010-08-08, 02:19 PM
The innkeeper sighs and wipes his brow,

This was looking out as a great day and turned to be the worst of my life. May the next daemon he summons take Erodinus to the depths of hell!

He spits on the floor as an exclamation to his curse. The innkeeper looks around the room with a practiced eye.

I passed out two kegs and an eight of my finest ale before the attack, that's 10 gold I would have asked of his lordship, may he rest in peace. The inn, it's mostly smoke damage and such, We will just need to close for a couple of days and give it a good scrubbing. If you would be so generous, a few gold would let me continue to pay my people while I'm closed.

He pauses and chokes a bit, clearing his throat to disguise it.

We also lost Jenny and Trish, I mean Jennifer and Tristyn. Jennifer was a single girl and we take care of our own. But Tristyn had two to feed and I would rather not see her children end up in a orphanage, what with the father having fled his duty. I would take them in myself but my Mari passed last year and I wouldn't know how to do by them.

He pauses and clears his throat again,

Now, I could find good foster families if you would find it in your heart to commit a couple of king's heads for them, We could probably keep the two together in the same family for a bit more than that.

The innkeeper stops talking and gives Andras a shrewd stare, trying to guess which way he will go.

2010-08-08, 02:52 PM
Andras turns to the others

"Does that seem a fair sum to you two?"

Terrible sense motive check to see if he's being honest

2010-08-08, 03:27 PM
Sense Motive: [roll0]

2010-08-08, 04:17 PM
You both get a clear sense that the innkeeper is an honest man who takes good care of "his people". These serving girls and cooks are probably more family than help.

The price for the ale is a good one. He's not asking the price per mug but only taking a reasonable profit on the price of the kegs. He is most likely going to lose money on the cleanup.

You also suspect that the amount he is asking to place the children with a foster family is more based on what he thinks you will be willing to give and a guess at how much gold is in the purse. You guess that he personally believes it's going cost him much more than that to find a good home for the children. You have no doubts that he will take care of them in any case.

2010-08-08, 04:25 PM
Andras rummages through the purse, and hands the bartender a pile of coins

"You sound like an honest man to me. I hope you can find those children a good home, and I hope you can get back up and running after this unwarranted attack."

Not sure exactly how much he was asking altogether, but Andras hands him that much

2010-08-08, 04:36 PM
Andras reaches into the bag and pulls out a handful of coins and looks at them.

Andras sees the coins have arranged themselves into two neat piles of coins in his hand, one with two sovereigns and 13 gold pieces and another with a single sovereign and 3 more gold. One pile is what the innkeeper asked for, both piles together would be fair and generous.

2010-08-08, 04:42 PM
Andras drops both piles of coins on the counter

"Hopefully this will cover your losses."

Do we currently have our own residences?

2010-08-08, 04:52 PM
The innkeepers sweeps the coins up with a much practiced gesture and puts them into a deep pocket.

Thank you good sirs.

He makes a polite and formal bow to each of the three of you.

When my new charges come of age and ask who is responsible for their generous care what names may I give them?

2010-08-08, 04:54 PM
"My name is Andras Perry, adventurer extraordinaire."

As he says this he takes off his fancy hat and bows.

2010-08-09, 12:32 PM
"Shar Velaes is my name. I'm glad to help such kind and selfless pursuits as yours."

Ardwin the Gold
2010-08-10, 04:15 PM
"And I am Elstarr 'Sunfire' of Anfauglir Atara."
Elstarr says from beneath his hood. Sandstrider is slinking around his legs.

2010-08-10, 06:18 PM
The innkeeper bows low to Shar, and the bobs his head to the other two

My Lady Velaes, Sirs Perry and Elstarr. I, Peredur ab Peredur, am at your service. If ever you return to my Inn you will find your company is welcome but your silver is not. I thank you again and must return to my work. Many still need attending to and the watch wants to speak with me as well.

With another bow he turns and approaches a city guardsman who is talking to the inn's cook.

2010-08-13, 05:25 PM
Andras turns to the others

"Well, I think it's time we visit Owain. I'd like to know all about this fiend we're up against."

2010-08-14, 11:18 AM
"I agree. We should leave now unless either of you have an objection."

2010-08-14, 12:44 PM
It's a simple matter to find directions to Owain's residence within the city and the journey there is without incident.

The manor house is fairly large and surrounded with a high stone wall. The gates are open but several armed men stand idly in the court yard. One of them approaches you before you can pass through the gate.

"May I ask your business good sirs, mi'lady?", he asks curtly.

2010-08-15, 09:06 AM
Andras does a short bow

"My name is Andras Perry, adventurer extraordinaire. The hooded elf is Elstarr of Anfauglir Atara. Finally, the beautiful elf maid is Shar Velaes. We are here to help Lord Owain handle a certain coward mage. He told us that he had information on the man, and that we should visit him here to discuss it."

2010-08-15, 09:49 AM
The sergeant looks to one of his fellows who trots off towards the manor house.

His Lordship has had a rough day he may not willing to receive guests. We'll see.

The guard reappears in the door of the manor and gives a sharp whistle, the sergeant looks to him and the man makes a quick hand gesture.

Well, you must be important. His lordship will see you now.

The sergeant makes a short bow as he steps aside and waves you past, towards the manor house. You note that the courtyard is well maintained with hedges and small, well groomed trees around the edges. There are stables and the smell of horses is strong but there is no smell of dung.

The great double doors of thick, iron banded oak are swung wide and a gentleman in immaculate dress greets you from just inside.

Ah, welcome gentle company. His Lordship is expecting you. I must first discuss a few matters of protocol. You must address his Lordship as "Your Worship" unless he instructs you otherwise. You will bow when you first see him, when you are introduced and when you are dismissed. You will not use vulgar language.

He looks at the dire weasel as if seeing it for the first time.

It would be best if your, um, war animal remained here at the door. I can have rope brought?

Ardwin the Gold
2010-08-15, 11:13 AM
Elstarr dips his head in thanks

"It is a kind offer but there is no need for ropes. ^down Sandstrider.^"

*Elstarr uses the 'Down command'*

" My weasel will remain here until he is called."

Sandstider sets hm self down on the doorstep.

2010-08-15, 01:54 PM
The chamberlain arches an eyebrow but otherwise has no reaction,

Very well. If you will now accompany me, I will direct you to his lordship's drawing room.

As you follow the chamberlain you pass through the grand foyer with it's huge stone staircase. The doors are open to a large dining room on the right with a table that could seat at least 40 people, each set with crystal, gold and silver. To the left is a massive hall with 30 foot ceilings and several intricate chandeliers hanging from oak beams. You pass through the foyer into a smaller hallway, pass several closed doors and are finally lead into the drawing room.

The rear of the room has several floor to ceiling double doors, all open, revealing the gardens behind the house. Several very well dressed young ladies are playing some kind of lawn game and their laughter carries to the room.

A solid, very dark, hardwood desk is centered before the doors. Matching bookshelves cover the left wall, a matching sideboard to the right. Also to the right is a door into another room, closed. The floor is also hardwood, lighter but very well fitted and close grained. The room is simple and austere but the level of craftsmanship goes beyond masterwork and into pure artistry. The room speaks of a wealth and power so great that ostentation is completely unnecessary.

Lord Owain stands from behind the desk and comes forward, he is dressed in a simple, dark blue doublet. A dirk hangs at his side, the belt and scabbard of fine leather worked with a gold filigree a small gemstone is at the pommel.

"Ha HA!", Owain crows, "My master at arms bet that you would take the purse and flee town, clearly I am the better judge of character. "

He grows suddenly sober,

"Come in and sit, no bowing or scraping for warriors who I am about to send into peril."

He turns to the chamberlain,

"Tar, can you fetch us all a cordial."

As the Chamberlain turns to leave you can see by his face that he is not pleased with the treatment you are getting. Owain sits again behind his desk,

"I am at your service, what do you need to know?"

2010-08-15, 03:58 PM
A nice estate, and I like his humor.

"In general, Your Worship, we would like to know more about Erodinus. Namely, his background, motives, and current location."

2010-08-15, 07:52 PM
"Why-ever would we leave? There's adventure to be done, a villain to be stopped, a chance to be known as hero's the land over! I wouldn't miss a chance like this if you'd given me the purse to leave!"

2010-08-15, 08:09 PM
Owain sighs,

Little is known about him actually. He's a minor wizard who has plagued the Owain house for a few months now. We know not what his grievance is with us. We do know that he has a cave or tower somewhere in the islands around Anglesey, perhaps even on the island itself.

He pulls out a leather map case and sets on the side of the desk closest to the three of you,

I had a copy of my own maps of those islands made for your use. I would hire a boat and crew suitable for such a search and track this man down. There is little open water between here and Anglesey, a yawl or sloop should be sufficient.

A nasty look crosses Owain's face.

The attacks on my ships, crops and trade were an annoyance but now he has killed a old family friend. Succeed in this and you will have my gratitude. If you fall trying, have no fear, I will avenge you as well.

2010-08-16, 02:38 PM
"What is Anglesey like? I'm not familiar with it, and I would be surprised if you've heard of it before, Elstarr, seeing as you're from Anfauglir Atara."

Ardwin the Gold
2010-08-16, 02:46 PM
"I know not of lands surrounding the desert elves' territory, I only came here for a ship back to Ahe, and maybe some adventure, after the desert storm that drove me from my homeland."

He says to Shar.

2010-08-21, 07:21 PM
"Anything else we may need to know in order to ensure that this dastardly villain receives the punishment he deserves? If not, I say we set sail posthaste!"

2010-08-28, 09:03 PM
Owain resumes,

That's all we know. Anglesey is well know to sailors, it's a small mostly uninhabited island but has a port with fresh water and supplies. It's also a freeport, so watch yourselves while there.

He stands,

Well gentlemen, that is all the time we have today. We have many responsibilities relating this afternoons events. Good day and good luck.

Lord Owain nods his head curtly and sits down returning to his papers. You have been dismissed.

2010-08-30, 06:56 PM
Shar, Andras, and Elstarr leave the estate.

"Well, let's see if we can find some sort of transportation. Any ideas?"

I checked with the others to make sure leaving was okay.

2010-08-30, 08:31 PM
"I recommend a boat!"

Oh hoho I'm so clever!

2010-09-02, 07:45 PM
"Well, I was expecting that."

2010-09-07, 06:13 PM
"Then let us depart for the docks!"

2010-09-18, 09:20 PM
As you make your way down to the docks an assorted group of men and women step to block your way.

Spot checks everybody!

2010-09-21, 05:09 PM

2010-09-22, 05:05 PM
Spot: [roll0]

2010-09-23, 02:33 PM
You know the drill. You glance behind and see a similar group close off the street behind you. Some of people on the street start to scatter to the sides away from the the four of you while the others look around in confusion at the sudden activity.

The thugs are all wearing cloth hoods, sturdy leather jerkins and have solid, well made weapons, mostly swords but there are a few sturdy short spears as well. You see no bows or obvious throwing weapons. There are 6 in front and 5 behind. One thing does strike you a bit odd; the armor and weapons are clearly expensive but everything else about the two groups makes them seem like common street thugs, the kind of people that usually would avoid seasoned adventurers.

One of the thugs from the group in front speaks:

"Erodinus is not afraid of the likes of you."

Initiative and what ever other non surprise pre-encounter things you want do.

2010-09-23, 04:49 PM
Andras eyes the thugs, then glances back at his allies

"Well, looks like the two of you are going to have to have a coin toss to see who gets to take on the short one, 'cause the rest are mine."

Andras then turns to the thugs again

"It wasn't very considerate of you ruffians not to bring enough goons for my friends here. When you go scurrying back to your gown-wearing boss, tell him to send more thugs next time."

Initiative: [roll0]

2010-09-23, 04:54 PM
NON-FAIL Initiative:[roll0]

2010-09-25, 01:49 PM
So Erodinus is watching us too... I'll keep an eye out for that.

Initiative: [roll0]

Ardwin the Gold
2010-10-09, 01:13 PM
This place is full of thieves and assassins!


2011-01-02, 07:26 PM
The ruffians close in warily, clearly not happy that being outnumbered has left you unperturbed ...

Initiative order:

Ardwin the Gold
2011-01-09, 06:00 PM
Elstarr whips out his scimitar, and attacks a Ruffian. The sharp blade glitters wildly.


2011-01-09, 09:34 PM
Shar draws her axe en route to the closest thug, and swings.
Assuming from Ardwin's post that we're close enough for melee
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-01-09, 09:42 PM
Forgot you could move and draw at the same time.
Damage: [roll0]

(I guess it didn't really matter so much...)

2011-01-09, 09:48 PM
Andras engages the nearest thugs

If more than a 5-foot step is needed, ignore the second attack, and give the first a +2 (since there would be no dual wielding penalties). I want to split them between two targets, if possible
ATTACK 1: [roll0]
ATTACK 2: [roll2]

2011-01-09, 09:50 PM
Confirmation rolls:

2011-01-11, 10:48 PM
Elstarr's swing goes wide as the thug steps hastily back blocking desperately with her short spear. The thug targeted by Shar fairs poorly as the axe chops into his neck, just under his ear. Andras catches two thugs midstep; one sword hits a thug in the throat, the other sword punches through the leather of yet another thug.

The remaining three attack but they are clearly demoralized, the remaining five thugs are still closing in from behind but are no longer running.

Thug attacks Elstarr with short spear, Atk:[roll0] Dmg:[roll1]
Thug attacks Shar with short sword, Atk:[roll2] Dmg:[roll3]
Thug attacks Andras with short sword, Atk:[roll4] Dmg:[roll5]

Ardwin the Gold
2011-01-28, 08:57 PM


2011-01-28, 09:51 PM
Shar tumbles 10 to the nearest thug and attacks.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-01-28, 09:52 PM
Damage was wrong: [roll0]

2011-01-29, 08:07 AM
Andras puts on a face of mock disappointment as he taunts the thugs again.

"I'm saddened by the lack of commitment here. I mean, the least you lot can do is try to parry or dodge. Fights where my foes jump in front of my blades are never very exciting."

He then lunges at two of the remaining thugs.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]