View Full Version : PrC:Eldritch Scribe, PEACH.

The Shadowmind
2010-07-02, 02:26 PM
Eldritch Scribe
Hit Die D6
Entry Requirements:
Skills:Knowledge Arcane 8, Spellcraft 4, Use Magic Device 4, Decipher Script 2,
Special:Eldritch Blast 2d6.

Eldritch Scribe
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Invoking
+2|Imbue item, Scribe Scroll,Fell Completion, Skilled Writer|+1 level of existing invoking class
+3|Magical Aptitude, Eldritch Ink(level two or lowerl), Read Magic|+1 level of existing invoking class
+3|Skill Focus:Use Magic Device,Quick Writing|+1 level of existing invoking class
+4|Eldritch Ink(third level), Investigator|+1 level of existing invoking class
+4|Eldritch Craft, Craft Wondrous Item|-
+5|Eldritch Ink(fourth level),Diligent|+1 level of existing invoking class
+5|Detect Thoughts, Skill Focus:Sense Motive|+1 level of existing invoking class
+6|Eldritch Ink(fifth level),Deceitful|+1 level of existing invoking class
+6|Discern Lies|+1 level of existing invoking class
+7|Eldritch Ink(sixth level), Fine Print|-
Class skills (4+Int modifier per level) :Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (All, taken individually)Profession, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device

Fell Completion(Ex)At first level a Eldritch Scribe is able to use a spell completion magic item in light armor with no chance of arcane spell failure
"Designer note:Scrolls are spell completion magic items"

Read Magic(Sp) At second level a Eldritch Scribe is able to use Read Magic as a Spell-like ability at will
Eldritch Ink (Su) When crafting a second level or lower scroll thought the Imbue item ability, a warlock can instead of paying the gold cost can take 1 point of CON damage of each day in crafting. This does not apply to spells that require an expensive material component. The level of spells this applies to increases by one every two levels. Written in the Eldritch Scribe's blood, scrolls produced by this effect are not sale-able.
"Designer note:Unless I worded it worded it wrong, it should mean the Eldritch scribe is able to only pay the Exp cost, and take CON damage instead of the gold cost. With the 1 ability damage being healed each day this would mean the warlock is just slightly weaker on crafting days"
Skilled Writer Each level of Eldritch Scribe reduces the cost of crafting scrolls by 5%, to a total of 50% at level 10.

Quick Writing(Ex) At level 3 when crafting a scroll, a Eldritch Scribe needs to only take one hour per 1,000gp in a scrolls cost, instead of the normal one day per 1,000gp cost. If the Eldritch Scribe uses the Eldritch Ink ability when crating multiple scrolls, then he would take 1 CON damage per scroll per hour required to craft.
"Designer note: Okay the wording here is weird, but the intent is that the Eldritch scribe could produce up to 8 scrolls a day, but if he uses the Eldritch Ink, he would take 1 CON damage per each of them. The Grinning Hound would look good here"

Eldritch Craft,(Su) At 5th level it the cost and exp cost of making items is reduces by 10%.

Detect Thoughts(Sp) At 7th level a Eldritch Scribe is able to use Detect Thoughts as a spell-like ability at will.

Discern Lies:(Sp) At 9th level a Eldritch Scribe is able to Use Discern Lies as a spell-like ability at will.

Fine Print(Su) At tenth level, once per day, a Eldritch Scribe is able to enchant a blank page into an item that mimics the effects of a Contract of Nepthas, but unlike a a normal Contract of Nepthas the contract can only apply to a deal involving the Eldritch Scribe and another party. This takes one hour to create.
[Contract of Nepthas is a wonderous item in the Complete Arcane book]
I could use a bit of help with the wording. This doesn't work well with my Warlock fixes, so I wouldn't use both.