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Green Bean
2010-07-03, 10:24 PM
Nexus, the Threshold Jewel! Behind its walls lurk nearly a million people, most of who live in crushing poverty. Still, it is home to a great deal of wealth, and overseen by the auspices of the Guild and the Council of Entities it continues to draw more and more people into its orbit. You are some of those people, and whether you came here by choice or by chance, you find yourselves on the mean streets of Nexus trying to make your way, just like everyone else.

Somehow, you have attracted the attention of a Guild Hierarch. Below only the Council in influence, Hierarch Artemisia has requested a private meeting you. You agreed, whether it was out of respect, greed, curiosity, or for some other reason, and now you find yourself in her richly appointed office. The room is quite opulent, the desk carved into aesthetically pleasing shapes from imported Eastern wood, and numerous other examples of craftsmanship from all over Creation. It is clearly designed to flaunt its owner’s wealth, making it clear you are speaking with one high in the Guild’s ranks.

After a few brief moments of waiting in the office, Hierarch Artemisia enters from a side room. The observant among you catch a glimpse of a smaller room with a much more efficient looking desk piled high with paperwork. Hierarch Artemisia gives you the smile of someone who is quite deliberately trying to set you at your ease. “I suppose you are wondering why I called you here.”

I should note that you’re all meeting the Hierarch separately. Feel free to bring any hangers-on you have, but small armies would probably tee off both her and the Emissary. I’m keeping the timeline a little fuzzy, just in case one of you decides to kill her. :smalltongue:

2010-07-03, 10:31 PM

Caera, the White Hawk, sits across the desk from her, smiling. Her daughter, Daniya, is waiting in the Hierach's waiting room, along with one of her men. "I may not know the exact reason, Heirach Artemisia, but I assume it's important. Are you looking to hire my men for a job?"

Either that, or she's heard I'm a Lawgiver... let's not tell her if she doesn't know already, though.

2010-07-03, 10:42 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

Elegant Flashing Blade shifted uncomfortably in her seat, the tightly wrapped scythe strapped to her back scraping slightly on the floor. The room's decor reminded her uncomfortably of House Ragara, something she had been trying to put from her mind ever since her Exaltation. "I was." She said, curtly. She only spoke freely with her friends, and Hierarch Artemisia was definitely not her friend.

2010-07-03, 10:46 PM

The Iron-Blooded stands to attention while waiting for the Hierarch, back straight, chin up, legs a foot and a half apart. His gold rimmed cloak obscures his armour, and his sword is wherever it is that it goes when he has no need of it. Elaine and Ashen Wings are waiting for him in their camp just outside of Nexus. His Lunar... companion has been teaching Ashen things, complicated, birds-of-prey important things.

He nods his head as Artemsia enters the room, but doesn't sit down. "Yes ma'am, and how you found us in the first place."

2010-07-03, 11:31 PM
"Somewhat yes. My usual patients are of a somewhat different income bracket Hierarch Artemisa." Lem responded, consciously remembering to meet her gaze and smile pleasently.

So different. In Lookshy a meeting between someone like her and someone like him would very likely be handled with military formalities.

He paused for a moment to think. "I can only guess you have need for a doctor who gets results, and won't be believed about any fantastic or scandalous rumors afterward."
He tilted his head for a moment to consider this. Working in the Nighthammer district he saw more injuries, disease and assorted other problems than anywhere else in the city, with the possible exception of the Firewander district. And even then that sector had more Wyld effects than your actual medical problems. And because he worked in the Nighthammer district he wasn't considered reliable to those with actual influence, what with Nexus' incomprehensible social networking system. What did it matter where he lived or worked? Still....

"Good choice." he chuckled. "If I'm right of course." he added as an afterthought.

2010-07-03, 11:32 PM
Whispering Martyr of Moonless Nights

"No, no I wasn't." There was no hint of nervousness in her bearing or pose. Whispers voices held its characteristic softness, yet it seemed to carry an odd force with it that gave it volume beyond its pitch. Her form was cool and relaxed the Abyssal seemed to have made herself completely at home at the Guild office. Her eyes stared directly ahead, yet she seemed to be looking beyond the functionary in front of her somehow, looking at her, yet at the same time not. Like she was some sort of odd creature that she had taken a scientific curiosity in examining. The whole effect was unsettling to say the least. "I have something you want, and you want to make a deal for it. The only question is what you want, and what you plan to do for it."

2010-07-04, 07:24 AM
Standing in her lacquered armor, Wandering Moon seemed entirely at ease visiting the halls of power like this, looking around the room and taking it and the other visitors in. Yet should anybody study her face more closely there was a clear hint of nerves beneath it, that she was trying to hide.

When the hierarch herself entered she delivered a small polite bow to the older woman and listened to her question. She did not answer, fully expecting the question just to be an opener and nearly completely rhetorical. The others had answered it eminently already anyway.

2010-07-04, 07:48 AM
If there are any chairs set out for the guests, Tireya sits in one. If the hierarch wants her to stand and gasp in shock at the splendor of the office, she's going to be disappointed. Besides, why should she stand up waiting for the one who invited her to arrive, is she a soldier? And as a side effect, sitting people appear less threatening.

"Indeed I wonder. What would a Hierarch want from someone like me...?", Tireya answers the question, looking away shyly and covering the lower part of her face with an open fan. This shyness is, of course, completely fabricated. Her thoughts are the opposite of her words, too.
What I really wonder is how you found out I'm a Lunar - there's no other reason why would you call me in. And you obviously want to give me some kind of an offer now. Will you use the stick, or the carrot?

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 09:50 AM

"You could say that." She stands up and withdraws a piece of paper from her desk. She pushes it across the desk upside down so you can see it. On it is a charcoal sketch of a little girl, probably around twelve or thirteen years of age, and quite pretty. "She is the daughter of a rather important noble in here in Nexus. However, she’s run away from home. We know where she is, but we still need help retrieving her."

Elegant Flashing Blade

If Hierarch Artemisia is offended by your terse response, she gives no sign. "I will try to be brief, then. I wish to purchase your services, for a short mission. It should not be difficult for someone of your…nature, but the reward will be quite substantial."


"The trail you leave is quite…distinctive. You were not that difficult to track." She pauses for a moment, apparently trying to give you a moment to contemplate her well-connectedness before continuing. "In any case, I would like to hire you. The mission will be brief, but it will pay incredibly well."

”Doc Lookshy”

Hierarch Artemisia looks impressed by your deduction. "You are correct, to an extent. Part of why you’re here is your disconnect from the politics in this city. Another is your location. I wish to hire you for a brief mission. I won’t lie; the job has the potential to be dangerous, but you won’t be expected to fight, and the reward will be quite substantial."


If the Hierarch is put off by your appearance or response, she hides it well. "Very perceptive. In this case, what I want is your skills. You’ve visited the undercity recently, but unlike most you actually survived. What I need is for you to do it again, this time in a team."

Wandering Moon

In contrast to you, Hierarch Artemisia seems completely at her ease and gestures for you to sit. "Please, relax. I won’t bite. I simply wish to discuss what sort of favors we can offer one another."


The Hierarch laughs politely. "Oh, you shouldn’t sell yourself short, my dear. I’m told you are quite…adaptable, especially since you returned to us a few months ago." She pauses a moment to let her words sink in before continuing. "In any case, I would like to hire you for a job. It won’t take long, but the rewards are quite significant."

2010-07-04, 09:54 AM

"I suppose you're right about that."

At the mention of the mission, Daso's interest is slightly peaked. Not by the mention of money, but that they sought him out specifically.

"What would it involve, ma'am?"

2010-07-04, 10:00 AM

Caera nods, looking at the picture. "I can understand how worried her mother must be... would you mind telling me why she ran away, and why you need me and my men?

I assume it's dangerous, but can you elaborate?"

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 10:00 AM

"It's a retrieval mission." She stands up and withdraws a piece of paper from her desk. She pushes it across the desk upside down so you can see it. On it is a charcoal sketch of a little girl, probably around twelve or thirteen years of age, and quite pretty. "She is the daughter of a rather important noble in here in Nexus. However, she’s run away from home. We know where she is, but getting there is dangerous."


The Hierarch frowns. "I don't know the specifics. Apparently it was some childish form of rebellion. We need you because she has entered the undercity. The Hollow, to be specific. There seem to be a number of First Age defences still active down there, so conventional approaches have thus far failed."

2010-07-04, 10:06 AM
Caera nods. "In that case, on behalf of my men, I accept. Down there is no place for a child.

Are we the only ones performing this task?"

2010-07-04, 10:07 AM
"And what might that job be?", Tireya lowers her fan, looking slightly more curious.
As expected, she knows who I am. She's either desperate, foolish, or knows well that something about the job or the reward will ensure my loyalty. And you don't get that high in the Guild hierarchy by being a fool...

2010-07-04, 10:09 AM
Wandering Moon took the seat as directed, relaxing a bit though she still has the alert, wary gaze in her eyes. "And i'm sure you have some favors that you would like done in mind already." The girl smiles slightly at the older woman. "Which is fine, i don't know what i can offer to someone of your position. May i hear what it is you want me to do?"

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 10:24 AM

"I'm bringing on six or so additional specialists; warriors, a guide, a doctor for the girl, and so forth. However, the catacombs in the Hollow are not conducive to the presence of an army. Essentially, I am hiring you personally, to provide tactical leadership for the group."


"It's a retrieval mission." She stands up and withdraws a piece of paper from her desk. She pushes it across the desk upside down so you can see it. On it is a charcoal sketch of a little girl, probably around twelve or thirteen years of age, and quite pretty. "She is the daughter of a rather important noble in here in Nexus. However, she’s run away from home. We know where she is, but we need a team to retrieve her. I want you to be on that team."

Wandering Moon

Hierarch Artemisia stands up and withdraws a piece of paper from her desk. She pushes it across the desk upside down so you can see it. On it is a charcoal sketch of a little girl, probably around twelve or thirteen years of age, and quite pretty. "This is the daughter of a rather important Nexus noble. She ran away from home a few days ago, and ended up in the undercity. Her father is necessary to the stability of the city, and the Guild, so we are putting together a team to retrieve her."

She leans in towards you, lowering her voice slightly. "Politics around here are rather complicated. If the Guild openly moved to rescue her, it could have repercussions, ones that could ultimately harm the girl. Which is why I need your help. I want you to join the rescue team."

2010-07-04, 10:28 AM
Caera nods. "Fair enough. When will I meet the rest of this group?"

2010-07-04, 10:29 AM

"It's a retrieval mission." She stands up and withdraws a piece of paper from her desk. She pushes it across the desk upside down so you can see it. On it is a charcoal sketch of a little girl, probably around twelve or thirteen years of age, and quite pretty. "She is the daughter of a rather important noble in here in Nexus. However, she’s run away from home. We know where she is, but getting there is dangerous."

"Dangerous? How so?" Asks Daso as he picks up the picture.

"Where'd she end up?"

2010-07-04, 10:35 AM
Wandering Moon took the sketch and glanced at it. Of course there were limits to how much she could tell from a simple sketch, but it would still be handy. She also filed away the notice about the girl's political significance for the Guild, little chance that it was only her who would be hurt should the Guild move openly. "I see. Helping a lost child out of the tunnels is certainly a task i would not be able to face myself for refusing. Do you know where she has disappeared to down there or why she ran away? Both of these would be a great help in trying to locate her. Knowing her name would be helpful as well." She shrugs slightly, still smiling. "And of course there is the matter of my compensation. It feels bad to raise this topic, like i don't care about the life of the girl, but i still have rent to pay and i need to eat."

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 10:48 AM

"Tomorrow. I will give you the address. But first, we need to discuss compensation. Obviously, I cannot pay full price for one soldier."

((If you want to haggle, roll Join Debate. If you'd rather skip this, I'll assume you accepted a one-time payment of Resources 2 for the job.))


"Somehow, she's ended up in the Hollow." Remembering that you are new to the city, she continues. "It's a part of Nexus' First Age undercity. It is close to the Firewander district, which is overrun by the Wyld, and there are a number of leftover First Age defences. I am purchasing the services of a guide, but combat is still likely. Still, I doubt it is anything you can't handle."

Wandering Moon

"Her name is Arvia. As far as I know, her running away was merely a childish act of rebellion that obviously went a bit too far."

When you mention compensation, Hierarch Artemisia smiles in a manner reminiscent of a rather large crocodile. "Of course, of course. I wouldn't expect you to do this for nothing."

((((If you want to haggle, roll Join Debate. If you'd rather skip this, I'll assume you accepted a one-time payment of Resources 2 for the job. Also, you get a feeling that there's some deeper reason why she's employing you instead of a professional mercenary. If you can pry it out of her or figure it out yourself (Intelligence+Investigate, difficulty 3), it will give you an advantage in negotiations.))

2010-07-04, 10:56 AM
"I see." Tireya picks up the piece of paper with her free hand and looks at it. "May I know why do you need a team for this task? One would have thought that a few of the Guild's men would suffice for bringing back home one young girl, without having to rely on outsiders."

2010-07-04, 11:03 AM
No desire for actual haggling. Displaying interest in compensation is mostly just to avoid seeming too eager, Moon's reason for taking the job in the first place is to get closer to the Guild and learn more about their plans after all. Working directly for a hierarch will help with achieving that goal, but seeming too eager is a bad idea.

"Hopefully that will make it easier to convince her to come along." She swallows a single time, possibly looking slightly uncomfortable for a bit. "If she is still alive, that is. I have not visited the ruins myself, but i know their reputation."

And there was more to the story than the woman was telling. Why else would she personally hire people to search for the girl. The chance of her getting picked rather than some of the countless mercenaries openly selling their services would be slim otherwise. Also explained the gap between the girl disappearing and a search party being put together, she needed time to find someone more skilled than the normal mercenary. The question was what it was that was behind this. "May i ask why you chose to hire me to do this, though? I'm no mercenary selling my services, yet you called for me personally. Is there something i should be aware of?"

Bleh, good investigation stunts are hard to come up with and this is no different. I hope it wasn't too clumsy. Just in case i spend 4 motes to buy two successes with the Second Investigation Excellency.

Perception+Investigation [roll0]+2 successes

2010-07-04, 11:20 AM
"A doctor needed on a Guild mission? Now I'm intrigued. I always rather imagined you preferred to play the butcher rather than the shepherd." he paused a moment, thinking.

Business had been a mite slow lately and his medical research had ground to a halt due to the need for one or two rather specialized apparatus. They'd have to be custom made, which was a little outside what he could afford for the moment.

"Very well. What's the mission, who else is involved, when do we leave, and what's the pay?" he asked, covering all the most salient bases. He'd need to return to Nighthammer and his clinic to pick up a few odds and ends, and perhaps whip up one or two bottles of liquid courage. Not alcohol. Literal liquid courage. Probably his overnight bag as well...

2010-07-04, 11:30 AM

"Somehow, she's ended up in the Hollow." Remembering that you are new to the city, she continues. "It's a part of Nexus' First Age undercity. It is close to the Firewander district, which is overrun by the Wyld, and there are a number of leftover First Age defences. I am purchasing the services of a guide, but combat is still likely. Still, I doubt it is anything you can't handle."

"Yes, I can see how it might get messy. I don't see any obvious problems, so you have my blade. Tell me where to go, and when, and I will be there." He pauses for a moment, thinking of his companion. "I may be able to drum up some extra support. Will there be chance to meet the other members of this band before we embark?"

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 12:06 PM

Hierarch Artemisia doesn't exactly look pleased that you've picked up on this. "The situation is a bit...complicated politically. The Guild cannot be seen to openly involve itself in the girl's retrieval. So, we're bringing on outsiders, just this once."

Wandering Moon

"Well, my sources say you are the right woman for the job. Hired blades are a dime a dozen, but we need someone with your talents for this." With your essence-backed skills, however, you easily see through the Hierarch's smokescreen.

Most likely, she wants you for your nationality and your relative newness to Nexus. Periodically, uninformed or greedy treasure hunters venture into the undercity, looking for valuable First Age relics and technology. Of course, any valuable items not protected by traps or defences have long since been removed, so such expeditions generally end badly.

Artemisia probably intends to spread the word that you are the one backing the expedition into the Hollow, rather than her, and are doing so for treasure rather than rescue. The fact that you are a "god-blooded" from Great Forks makes it easier for people to believe you are overconfident or ignorant enough to try it. From her body language and tone, you also realize that the expedition's secrecy is not about avoiding harm to the girl, but to allow the Hierarch to more easily take personal credit for the rescue.

"Doc Lookshy"

Hierarch Artemisia looks happy with your businesslike demeanor. She stands up and withdraws a piece of paper from her desk. She pushes it across the desk upside down so you can see it. On it is a charcoal sketch of a little girl, probably around twelve or thirteen years of age, and quite pretty. "This is the daughter of a rather important Nexus noble. She ran away from home a few days ago, and ended up in the Hollow. I need you to accompany the retrieval team, and make sure she's in good health." She sits down in her chair and regards you. "You'll be working with another six or so people; the catacombs would make it difficult for more than that. You will meet them tomorrow morning, in the Nighthammer District. I expect fighting, but if any of them need medical attention, that is between you and them. I am paying for the girl, nothing else. And speaking of payment..."

((So, Join Debate if you want to haggle, otherwise I'll assume you agreed to a one time Resources 3 payment for your services.


"Excellent. You will meet the rest of the team in the Nighthammer district tomorrow morning. As for additional support, you may bring whomever you wish, but I am paying for you alone. Speaking of which..."

((So, Join Debate if you want to haggle, otherwise I'll assume you agreed to a one time Resources 3 payment for your services.))

2010-07-04, 12:17 PM
"And yet you are offering a pay so low that if i were a greedier person i might walk out." Wandering Moon grins and leans forward, with her elbows on the table. "Don't you think that is a risky deal?"

And i decided to go for negotiating a better pay after all. Not going to learn anything useful if you come off as a complete fool. The issue of the money holding real worth just makes it easier.

Join Debate: [roll0]

2010-07-04, 12:19 PM
Caera glares at the woman. "Really? That's... quite frankly, that's insulting. You're asking me to do a job near a section of the city that's quite dangerous. And of course you're not paying for my men. That doesn't mean you can set it at the cost of a single hired guard, which is about all this is worth. You're not trying to hire a guard. You're trying to hire someone to lead the expedition. Try again."

Charisma+Presence, rolling 9 dice.


Also, the Join Debate roll, [roll1]

2010-07-04, 12:24 PM

"Thank you ma'am, this will do nicely." Daso takes the money, and stows it away within a pouch round his belt. "I'll see you tomorrow, ma'am."

With that, Daso bows slightly, then leaves the room.

2010-07-04, 12:28 PM
"That's understandable. Thank you for the explanation." Tireya decides that playing it nice and polite would be best here. Politics being involved makes things more alarming, but it's better not to ask about the details right now. Not directly, anyway. Instead, she changes the topic.
"The missing girl... Where exactly did she disappear to?"

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 12:40 PM
Wandering Moon

"Your skills may be necessary, but you yourself are replaceable. Nexus is a big place. Others can be found."

Join Debate: [roll0]

Initiative Order:
Tick 0: Hierarch
Tick 2: Wandering Moon

The Hierarch will Guard until your next action.


"I am purchasing tactical leadership from a single mercenary, for a task that may or may not even result in combat. As important as you may think yourself to be, you are ultimately one woman."

She managed to parry that one. However, that was worth a two-die stunt. If you get three successes on the extra dice, the attack will work. [roll1]

Hierarch Join Debate: [roll2]

Tick 0: Hierarch
Tick 2: Caera

The Hierarch will Guard until your next action.


"She's vanished into the Hollow, under the Nighthammer district." As a resident, you know that the Hollow is home to Nexus' more intact First Age ruins. However, the proximity of the Firewander Wyld zone and the still-functioning First Age defences means that few venture down there and survive.

2010-07-04, 12:49 PM
"And if that's what you pay individuals, it's a wonder you get any workers at all for missions like this. In fact, given you're hiring a group of members from outside the Guild, since you're outsourcing leadership, there are political implications, or you'd just keep this 'in the house', and that makes a pay this low even more insulting. To any member of the group, not just me."

Caera's face is hard and stern, as she channels a small amount of Essence through her voice.

Right. Again, Charisma+Presence, this time applying 1 bonus success from Second Presence Excellency.

[roll0] +1

Personal Essence: 8/15

2010-07-04, 01:00 PM
Wandering Moon shrugs, sending the hierarch a smirk. "Maybe, but you found my skills remarkable enough to seek me out. Most people with skills like that know the value of them. How much time do you have to look for a capable replacement willing to work for pennies? I take it the girl has no value to you dead, so you can't really wait for long."

She leans back in her chair, relaxing in the seat. "Not to mention that it will be hard for you to find all that many god-blooded citizens of Great Forks to pin any blame for political fallout on. I'm just asking you to pay some more money to avoid needless risk, it's not like you can't afford it for something as important to you as this is."

And here's the fun thing...Moon is actually pretty terrible at social skills and has no charms to back it up. Hopefully good rolls, stunts and bonuses from knowing her motives and appealing to them will see me through.

Charisma+presence [roll0]

2010-07-04, 01:04 PM
Doc blinked. He stared at the sum.
"...Perhaps you've heard that I work cheap?" he asked carefully, as one might speak to a slow child. "While I admit that is occasionally true, it applies only to those who can afford little else. You, madam, do not fall into this category. You madam, are a Hierarch within the Guild. This sum would be acceptable were I to be performing under ordinary circumstances or beyond the bounds of Nexus, but you are not asking me to do those things. You are asking me to go and find a girl, likely having to perform medical operations within combat situations, and in unknown conditions, with no medical history of those I treat. This merits an extra cost. If you do not wish to pay it in money, then I am sure we can come to some other arrangement. But I find this sum insufficient."

He stared at her flatly to see how she would take this before adding "Oh, and you're also asking me to believe a Hierarch of the Guild is personally recruiting for something so simple as a missing noble's child, and not at all for something slightly under the table. But I'll let that one slide gratis."

Interesting Dilemma. That amount of money is actually functionally useless to me. Asking Resources 4 for this though is a bit overboard. Time to see if I can cut a deal.

2010-07-04, 01:05 PM
The Hollow is no place for a young, teenage girl... It's only a matter of time before something happens to her. Tireya has already decided that she will take this job, but the Guild woman doesn't need to know that. Her eyes look away to the side as she pretends to be hesitating.
"That is a dangerous place... While my talents will help me bring the girl back to safety, I am not a mighty and powerful warrior, and descending down to Hollow might prove to be very risky... I assume that the reward will be worth that risk?"

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 01:07 PM

Hierarch Artemisia quietly grits her teeth for a moment before replying. "Fine." She names another, slightly higher figure. "This is as high as I can go. Like you said, there are political implications. Any more and it will catch the attention of the wrong people."

That was a 1 die stunt, regain 2 motes. The Hierarch kicks the offer up to a one-time Resources 3 payment.

Her counterattack: Manipulation+Presence [roll0]

If successful, she tries to compel you to accept the deal without further negotiations, though you can resist with 1 WP.


Tick 6: Caera
Tick 7: Hierarch


"You will be with other talented individuals, and well-compensated for your time."

((Join Debate to haggle over the price, or accept the deal as is for a one time payment of Resources 2))

2010-07-04, 01:33 PM
In normal circumstances Tireya would be satisfied with this sum... but these are not normal circumstances. Working on a commission for someone she can't trust, with a bunch of people she can't trust, is very far away from her usual modus operandi. And her employer is rich, she can spare more and not even notice.
"I am sure an important noble's daughter is worth much more to them than just that? A simple mercenary would be satisfied with this sum, but I am not a simple mercenary." Smiling mysteriously she opens her fan again and covers her face. "This job requires discretion, finesse and speed, after all. A modest sum will not buy all three."

Join debate: [roll0]

Spending 5 motes on First Manipulation Excellency.

Manipulation + Presence: [roll1] + whatever bonuses from the Appearance difference.

2010-07-04, 02:01 PM

"The undercity..." The guild must have found some new treasure cache there, only reason anyone would be suicidal enough to send anyone into that deathtrap. Whisper had manage to get through the traps with a simp,e painful direct, and highly effective method, namely throw zombies at them until she figured out where was safe to walk, a tactic that was rarely popular with the living. Oh well, she'd figure something out. "What do you want down there? Artifacts? Lore? Or something else? And what kind of team will I be dealing with?"

2010-07-04, 02:19 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

"I see. What is the nature of this mission, and what sort of payment can I expect?" Blade said, shifting in her seat once more, this time being careful not to let her scythe scrape the floor.

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 02:43 PM

"...fine." Though it sounds like it's almost physically paining her to do so, Artemisia concedes the point. She names another figure, slightly higher this time.

"That is as high as I can go. Any higher and it will be cheaper to simply hire myself an army." However, for some reason her tone is far more desperate than it should be; you can tell that she wants your help far more than she lets on.

Success! 1 die stunt on the attack, recover 2 motes. Her new price is a payment of Resources 3

Hierarch's attack: Manipulation+Presence [roll0]

If successful, she will attempt to compel you to stop there and accept the deal, though you can still resist with Willpower.

Tick 4: Tireya
Tick 8: Hierarch

Edit: Ouch, a botch for her. I'll say she's at -2 MDV for the rest of combat.


"We aren't after anything so mundane. She stands up and withdraws a piece of paper from her desk. She pushes it across the desk upside down so you can see it. On it is a charcoal sketch of a little girl, probably around twelve or thirteen years of age, and quite pretty. "She is the daughter of a rather important noble in here in Nexus. However, she’s run away from home and found herself in the Hollows. Naturally, we want her retrieved. You will be guiding a small team due to the cramped catacombs; warriors, a doctor, and a few others"

"Doc Lookshy"

The Hierarch waves a hand dismissively. "Do not attempt to obfuscate the issue. I find it hard to believe you haven't given treatment in difficult conditions before, and the politics of this mission are none of your business. My offer stands."

1 die stunt, but still beaten by her MDV. Also, a Resources 3 payment isn't useless to you; it lets you make a Resources 3 purchase without reducing the dots in your background.

Elegant Flashing Blade

Hierarch Artemisia stands up and withdraws a piece of paper from her desk. She pushes it across the desk upside down so you can see it. On it is a charcoal sketch of a little girl, probably around twelve or thirteen years of age, and quite pretty.[I] "She is the daughter of a rather important noble in here in Nexus. However, she’s run away from home and found herself in the Hollows. Naturally, we want her retrieved. You will be working with a few others recruited for this mission. As for payment..."

((She offers you a one time payment of Resources 3. You can either accept, or Join Debate to haggle.))

2010-07-04, 03:04 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

After thinking it over for a few moments, Blade nodded. The terms were acceptable, and the job sounded doable. That kind of money could buy her some more equipment, and make her long-term goal much easier. "That sounds...acceptable. When can I meet the people I'm supposed to be working with?"

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 03:05 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

"Good. You will be meeting them tomorrow, at a foundry in the Nighthammer district."

2010-07-04, 03:14 PM
"Oh? But that would end in a disaster... We all know that the Emissary doesn't like bringing armies to Nexus, and what happens if someone tries it. I'd hate to see something like that happen to my friends and business partners in the Guild." Tireya tilts her head and smiles in a painfully sweet, innocent way. If "give me more money" counts as innocent, anyway.

Spending 3 motes on First Manipulation Excellency.

Manipulation + Presence: [roll0]

2010-07-04, 03:15 PM

"Interesting." Her voice remained flat as she spoke, and slightly bored. And odd contradiction in voice and speech, though not an intentional one. "Do you know why she ran? And more importantly, how do you know she's not already dead yet?" She paused, delicate gears turning slowly in her head, this entire thing seemed off, but if that little girl was in trouble....

She looked down at the photograph. She was so full of life. Innocence. She didn't know the world could be a cold place yet, but she would learn. Maybe death would be better for her now so she wouldn't have to suffer later Whisper thought wistfully.

But no. No, no. That was not her choice to make. And that was the important thing, it was the choice that mattered. The girl had made her choices, and Whisper had to make hers. There was potential for great pain, but there might be happiness there was well. It was not her place to deny the child the chance, maybe it would make up in some small way for her dead steps that tread creation.

"I'll do it." she said softly, odd traces in her voice.

2010-07-04, 03:32 PM
Doc closed his eyes for a moment. Stubborn as a mule.
"Fine. Cash up front though. I may need to purchase supplies for this trip, and I doubt I have enough to get it all out of pocket. Aside from that, where do I need to be and when?"

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 03:44 PM

Hierarch Artemisia looks almost angry, and you and herself, but ultimately realizes she has no choice but to agree. She calms herself before speaking. "Very well. Will this suffice?" She names a final price, much higher, but you get the impression that it's as far as she will go.

1 die stunt again, recover 2 motes. You can keep pushing, but she will start spending WP to resist.


"I'm unclear on why she ran. Some sort of childish rebellion, I believe. There is evidence she is alive at the moment, though that may change if she moves or someone else tries to get to her first." She smiles as Whisper agrees. "Excellent. You will meet up with your teammates in the Nighthammer district tomorrow morning. You will be paid well for this."

((She offers a payment of Resources 3))

"Doc Lookshy"

"Very well. I am told you are an honourable man, and attempting to renege on your end of the deal will be an...unpleasant experience." She scrawls something on a piece of paper and hands it to you. "Give that to my assistant on the way out. He will get you your payment. You will meet the rest of the team in the Nighthammer district tomorrow morning. I will have someone there to point you in the right direction.""

2010-07-04, 03:47 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

"Very well. If there is nothing else, I will be on my way." Blade said, curtly. If the Hierarch has nothing else to talk about, Blade stands, bows, and heads towards her current place of residence.

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 03:54 PM
Wandering Moon

Artemisia clearly isn't happy that you figured out her angle on the job. "Fine then. I will increase your payment in reflection of your additional 'responsibilities', on the condition that this remains quiet. Understood?"

((She's increased the offer to Resources 3, but that's as high as she'll likely go right now.))

2010-07-04, 04:05 PM
"Of course. What interest would i have in causing my employer trouble and losing the payment?" She straightens her back again, trying to look less calm and more like she was the one being employed. "So where do will i meet up with the rest of the group to look for Arvia?"

2010-07-04, 04:06 PM

"Payment is unnecessary." Whisper said shaking her head, "I'd prefer... another agreement. I may have need of guild services later, quickly, with few questions. A favor for a favor if you will, I'm sure you understand. Money is useful, but I have little need of such things, and my necessities tend to take care of themselves. A blank note in your authority behind it is all I need." A favor with the right person could be more valuable then a mountain of jade, it has hard to buy such things, but if you held them willingly... well they could be useful tools indeed.

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 04:21 PM
Wandering Moon

The Hierarch quickly calms herself as well, trying to re-establish her control of the situation. "You will meet up with the others in the Nighthammer district tomorrow morning. I will have an agent there to direct you to the appropriate entrance to the Hollows."


Hierarch Artemisia is a bit taken aback by your forwardness. Still, she recovers quickly, and smiles at the idea. "Very far-sighted of you. Very well, though you of course understand that any service I render you will be commensurate with this task. It is not a blank cheque."

2010-07-04, 04:22 PM
"My thanks." Lem said as he grabbed the paper. "Tomorrow. Nighthammer District. Got it." he continued as he turned and left the room, and proceeded to leave, searching for the appropriate assistant to exchange paper for silver with.

2010-07-04, 04:25 PM
"Gotcha, chief. Will make sure to be there. I expect your agent to also tell us where to head once we have entered Hollow. And then we'll take it from there." Getting out of her chair she began moving towards the door. "I hope to be back with the girl soon. At least i don't plan on waiting around unless it's absolutely necessary."

2010-07-04, 04:33 PM

"Why not? Anything of sufficient magnitude it would cause you serious problems you can revoke before it gets too far." Whisper pointed out, her tone the same slightly bored one she had taken earlier. "In all likelihood this deal is fair better for you then me, if you don't trust me enough to use it, then why are you sending me on a mission of such importance?"

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 04:35 PM

"Well, 'trust' is a strong word. However, this is the Guild, and we keep our deals. Very well, then. You will have a favour from me for completing this mission."

2010-07-04, 04:41 PM

Whisper nodded and stood, "Then a deal we have, if you have nothing else to tell me I'll be going now, I have some preparations to make." She said turning toward the door already musing at the different angles involved her. She paused at the doorway for just a moment, long enough for the woman to stop her if she choose.

2010-07-04, 05:02 PM
Caera nods, slowly. "It will do."

She stands. "I will return tomorrow, then."

2010-07-04, 05:31 PM
"Yes, it is enough. I assure you that you spent this money well." Tireya smiles contently. She's partially telling the truth here - her pay is much higher than it should be (not that the Guild can't take it), but she really plans to do the job as good as possible.
"Just one last thing. May I know the name of our runaway, or of her parents? This information will help with earning her trust, which might be important in order to bring her back."

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 05:35 PM

Artemisia clearly just wants you to leave before you extort any more money out of her. "Her name is Arvia. An agent of mine will be waiting in Nighthammer to direct you to the right entrance to the Hollows."

2010-07-04, 05:35 PM
Caera stands, then turns to the Hierach. "By the way, what is the name of the runaway?"

She picks up the drawing.

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 05:36 PM

Hierarch Artemisia has already turned her attention back to her paperwork when you ask the question. "It's Arvia, I believe"

2010-07-04, 05:37 PM

After a short journey on a cable car from the Council offices to the Bastion district, Daso makes his way out of Nexus and into the surrounding countryside. Half a mile east of Nexus lies his camp, under a tree next to the river.

Daso is nearly halfway there when a dusk-coloured hawk swoops down from the coulds at him, narrowly skimming his hair. Chuckling, he puts up a hand into the air, but continues walking. The bird makes another swoop, and lands gently upon his raised arm.

"Hey there, Ashen. She been treating you alright?" The bird gives him a look, one that seems to say 'Oh, you know...", and Daso chuckles again. "C'mon then, lets go see her. She'll want to hear about this."

When he reaches the camp, Elaine is sitting on the river bank, washing her feet in the river. She turns to look at him as he approaches, then goes back to her feet.

"What did the guild woman want?" She asks, still cleaning legs.
"My services, she-" her head snapped round halfway though his sentence. She started to reply, but Daso cut her off by raising his hand. "Let me finish. She had a job she wanted doing, one that needs...people like us."
"What was this 'job'?"
She asked, still staring at him with her bird-like silver eyes boring into his.
"A nobleman's daughter has wondered into Hollow. We've been hired to get her out." He replied, staring right back. What was the problem here?
"We have? Daso, I-"
"No, not us. 'We' as in it won't just be me. They're hiring others."
"I don't appreciate you accepting a job offer, especially one from the Guild, without at least telling me about it beforehand. And can I ask how this improves the lives of soldiers?"
"The Guild might not exactly be a force for good, but having contacts inside it is a good idea. Besides, there's more to this than they're saying."
"Of course there is, they're the goddamn Guild." She lets out a sigh."But you make a good point."
"So, you'll come along?"
"...Sure. When do we leave?"
"Tomorrow morning, in Nighthammer."

2010-07-04, 05:45 PM
Caera nods. "I will return tomorrow, then."

She opens the door, and leaves the office, to be greeted by her daughter. "Hey, mum! What did she want you to do?"

Caera smiles, and picks up her sword. "She wants me to help find someone who ran away from home. They're in a dangerous place."

"Oh... I hope they're all right."

Caera nods, as she attaches the sword to her back. "So do I, Daniya. So do I."

They head off... to home.

2010-07-04, 06:23 PM
"Alright, I will make sure to be there on time. Goodbye." Tireya excuses herself and leaves. This doesn't mean she's going just to rest and wait until tomorrow, though - there is something about this job that smells suspicious, and she's going to find out what. If Nexus is the same city as it was when she left it years ago, there are many places that can give or sell you information on every topic, if you just know where to look. Tireya's going to look around them, find out what exactly is the political situation that prohibits the Guild from using its own men. She already has a clue - the name of the runaway. Of course, for safety reasons she's not going to ask around as herself - the Guild has its own spies that would know if one of the people it hired went around asking incovenient questions, and that's not good.

Tireya is going to wait a bit until her Essence regenerates, and then use her Caste power to disguise herself and look around for information. I'm not sure what roll is needed here: Manipulation + Larceny? Wits + Larceny? Something else?

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 06:40 PM
I'm going to rule that it's Wits+Investigation. I'll roll here to speed things up and edit your findings in.

No one has heard anything about anyone named Arvia. However, you dig a little deeper and discover that a girl matching her description has been seen in some of the poorer neighbourhoods of Nexus. She generally spreads some money around to those in dire need before vanishing. She hasn't been seen recently, though.


Early the next morning, you arrive in the Nighthammer district as per instructions. Your rendezvous point is in the Hangdog Tavern, a popular destination for foundry workers once their shift is over. The night shift doesn't end for another two hours, so there are only a few other patrons quietly drinking. You don't see a Guild contact anywhere yet, but you will certainly run into your fellow teammates.

2010-07-04, 06:46 PM

Whisper had made it a point to arrive early, in her typical dark attire complete with Reaver of Shattered Hopes hanging on her side. She couldn't help but wonder what sort of allies they had recruited to aid her, but she could only hope they where competent at the very least. Taking a sit in the corner of the Tavern, she ordered no food, and simply waited....

2010-07-04, 06:46 PM
Caera got up early in the morning, leaving instructions for her men- look after Daniya, that sort of thing.

She arrived at the Hangdog, looking around to see who else was there.

2010-07-04, 06:54 PM

Daso strides into the inn, gold-rimmed cloak obscuring his face and armour. But he had the hood up against the whether and the Nexus Snow, not to hide his face, and took it down once he entered the building.

Elaine, in the shape of a Hawk, and Ashen Wings, who is a real hawk, are perched on his shoulders, shaking their feathers loose of the ash that is all too prevalent in this district for their tastes. He holds his arm up, and they both hop onto it, after which he takes a place near the fire and waits for his fellows.

2010-07-04, 07:07 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

Entering the Hangdog, Blade took a good look around. There were a couple of people that immediately stood out as potentially being the individuals that were contracted to work with her. But one person in particular stood out, as both a welcome and unwelcome reminder of her past life. Heading towards the corner where Whispers was sitting. "Graceful Vermilion Spring. I haven't seen you since I left the Order. How have you been?"

2010-07-04, 07:14 PM

Two already. Her red eyes flickered in the fire as the woman with the daiklave, and the large man with those two odd birds both entered the tavern. No doubt they where two of the warriors she had been told to expect. Interesting. Interesting. She was just about to speak out and call them over when another figure darted over to the side. She looked familiar but there was no way, why would she be-

"Graceful Vermilion Spring. I haven't seen you since I left the Order. How have you been?" Ynar said as Whisper visibly winced.

"Ynar! No!" Whisper said grasping her head suddenly as she waited the the inevitable backlash, "Please.... don't say my name. I..... this isn't a good time to explain. Please call me Whisper."

Green Bean
2010-07-04, 07:22 PM
Whisper's body is wracked with sudden pain, and the hiss of the Neverborn rises in her ears.

You gain [roll0] 1 Resonance

2010-07-04, 07:29 PM
Lem tugged at his ear a bit and re-adjusted the large satchel that held his assorted tools of the trade, ranging from medical instruments, to a few simple tools to brew up simple concoctions, to a few more complex tools he used to perform alchemy and a few other bits and pieces besides.

He'd wandered by this place a few times before, but never really gone in. The foundry workers had somehow let off an aura that it was a closed community. Shrugging to himself he walked in and peered about the room for a bit before settling down at one of the cleaner tables and nervously tapping a staccato beat out on the table.

He blinked as he slowly realized what he was seeing. Two women, one of whom was...well let's be honest, was decked out in bits and pieces of corpses. The other was carrying a wrapped scythe as tall as herself. So focused on the sheer...sheer out-of-place-ness of these two that he ALMOST missed the man sitting by the fire, apparently fascinated by the two live hawks on his arm.

The woman dressed in all red with a tremendous sword was also strange, but it was an everyday kind of strange. The kind of thing that got put in the rear of the strangeness queue as his mind worked fervently to process the altogether more unusual and out of place quality of strange the other patrons presented him.

He tried to think of something to say only to realize that, well, what could he say? "Hello I'm a doctor, are you other patrons of this slum tavern also hired by the guild to find and retrieve a girl of indeterminate age who may well have had a good reason to run away? I ask only because you are all very very strange looking." ?

He settled for ordering a drink.

2010-07-04, 07:29 PM
Elaine chattered into Daso's ear, quietly, her bird voice sounding like the annoyed complaints of a bird that doesn't like being inside. Ashen shifted his claws and tucked his head under his wing.

"It seems some of your friends are already here. One of them doesn't like being referred to by name. And-"
"I'd already spotted the weapons, Elle. But I'm here for the job, not to socialize." he whispered back.

2010-07-04, 07:44 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

Frowning, Blade took a seat next to Whisper. While she had never been close to the other girl in the monastery, they had been friendly, and she didn't like that she had apparently caused Whisper pain. "Alright then, Whisper. As for me, I go by Elegant Flashing Blade, nowadays. I'm no longer who I used to be. And I suspect the same can be said of you, can't it?"

2010-07-04, 08:33 PM
Tireya's not late in her arrival at the tavern, but she's not in particular haste either. She just makes sure she's there before the deadline. She's wearing Realm-ish fashion: a white, sleeveless (and, coincidentally, showing off both her midriff and a lot of her back) top, a long, brown and yellow skirt embroidered with diamond-shaped patterns looks more local, and thick-heeled sandals. She's wearing a bit of jewellery, mostly copper and bronze, but also her most important red jade egg on a string around her neck. With a large, painted fan in her hand (the other one's hanging from a yellow sash around her waist), she doesn't really look like someone who's going to descend to Hollow.

There are some people present, most likely other members of the rescue team. Tireya would take a better look at them, but the moment she enters the room, her heart stops for a moment, then starts to beat faster. Her eyes open wider - Ten Claws explained to her what the sensation she's feeling right now means.
Here...! My Mate is somewhere around here!
She quickly locates the source of her unusual feeling - and, while she manages to hold the shock on the inside without showing it, she needs to sit down from it.
My mate is a woman...? What is this supposed to mean? Is there... something about me that I didn't know about? I'm confused...

2010-07-04, 08:36 PM
Caera, as she looks around, picks out the possible members of her team. The ones carrying Orichalcum artifacts. She looks at the person who enters, and looks curious.

Especially given she's not dressed for the tavern they were in.

2010-07-04, 09:50 PM
It appears that Tireya's mate noticed her as well. Who exactly is this woman? What are her goals? Tireya is going to find out - but not right now. Later, when they have time to talk with each other in a more private place. Too many unwanted ears here.

2010-07-04, 10:35 PM

"No, no I'm not." she blinked through the pain as resonance racked her body. She never got used to it, the pain came in different ways every time, hurting her like she never knew she could be hurt. "I see.... You've changed as well. Magic material weapon it looks like, you must have been enlightened, or exalted like your brother."

The memories of days gone by swept over her, but they offered her no comfort anymore. Simply the cold fury of betrayal. She felt rage bubbling through her again, but stifled it like she had the pain. Her anger had its place, and this was not it....

"I'm sorry, I'm here on a job, looking for warriors and a doctor apparently. Perhaps we can talk later." She said politely, a touch of uncertainty in her voice. She wasn't sure how much of Blade she wanted to see... Being around her would certainly make her old masters stir, and while she no longer served them she certainly didn't want to directly antagonize them.

Either way she needed to get down to business.

Smiling apologetically she stood up, Reaver clinking awkwardly against her side. She looked over the Tavern, her eyes scanning the crowed as she picked out who belonged and who didn't before her soft voice rang over the din, holding a great deal of authority, a touch of malice, and a great deal of showmanship as she made grand gestures.

"All those who do not have business here leave now. This place is not for you this morning. Those who belong, meet in at the center table."

Charisma + performance is ten die, and I'm using my second Excellency to purchase 2 success with four motes

[roll0] +2 Success = 7 success to clear the tavern

2010-07-04, 11:17 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

At the mention of her brother Blade subconsciously clenched her hands into fists, her knuckles turning bone white. "He is my brother no longer, and I shall see him dead for what he did." With that, she stood and followed Whisper to the center table, adjusting the wrapping on her scythe as she went. Part of it had slipped to reveal the glint of Orichalcum, which was not something she wished to reveal to the world at large.

2010-07-05, 02:15 AM

Daso turned to look at the pale, bossy, black-clad woman with one of his eyebrows raised. She seemed to be taking control, maybe she was the Guild contact?

In response to her request, he turned round in his seat so he was now facing the rest of the room and his back was to the fire.

2010-07-05, 02:17 AM
Caera raises her eyebrows in response to Midnight's call, and remains where she is. Quite a... direct approach. Not very discreet, but then, it seems none of us are being discreet today.

It seems they've hired a few more Solars other than me, from the glimpse I got of Orichalcum...

2010-07-05, 02:43 AM
Lem looked to his right and a little up. He had chosen one of the cleaner tables to sit at. Predictably this was quite near the center of the room. The table beside the one where the rather imposing woman decked out in dead things (Roadkill chic? He never could keep up with the fashions outside of Lookshy. It was simpler there: "Blue") made her announcements.

Realizing this was his cue he took a quick swig of the tea he had been brought, and sashayed a little wave to the woman and the room at large.
"Err. Hello. Are you the one in charge then?" he managed, over a lightly scalded tongue. Did they route the water through a blacksmiths furnace!?

"Only they didn't tell me much other than where to be an' all..." he trailed off.

2010-07-05, 02:57 AM
Caera, at this point, walks over. "Were you approached by a Hierarch Artemisia about a journey to the Hollow? If so, then I'm the one they contracted to lead the group..."

2010-07-05, 08:47 AM
I see that someone enjoys putting up a show. Tireya waits until the other patrons leave, then gets up from her chair and approaches the table where the group gathers. The fact that many of them look unusual, and seem to carry artifacts, does not escape her attention. Neither does the apparent leadership position of her Mate.
"I am a part of the expedition as well."
These words sound very weird coming from a willowy girl, no part of whom speaks "warrior".

I forgot to mention: I'm using Subtle Silver Declaration in this scene, to increase the effectiveness of the Tell by 2 at the cost of 1 mote. That means that those with Dodge MDV 7 or more can notice Tireya's Tell.

2010-07-05, 09:30 AM
Daso spoke up. "As am I. Is this everyone?"

2010-07-05, 09:43 AM
Who hate designed this rat trap of a city? No one probably, but then someone should have. She'd been running around Nighthammer for gods knew how long trying to find the damn tavern before it finally came into sight. She hurried inside hoping that the expedition hadn't left yet, so she could join up with the others.

To those inside the flow of patrons moving out of the tavern and away from the creepy woman giving orders to leave, seemed to reverse for a moment as a young woman entered. She lowered the hood of the light cloak she wore and began dusting off the Nexus show revealing short black hair and a relaxed smile as she scanned the room. Her movement also revealed the telltale signs of armor beneath the cloak though the exact details are obscured by her cloak. She stretched for a bit on her way towards the group of gathered exalts, seeming to head straight towards Tireya. Sending the Lunar her most winning smile, she almost seemed to sparkle for a moment. "What is a rare and precious beauty like you doing in a tacky, urban hellhole like this? Trying to brighten it up with your radiance?"

2010-07-05, 10:36 AM
And now a woman is hitting on me? Was I spirited away in my sleep to an alternate world where everyone is gay...? Tireya's confused again. And by the gods, that line was so cheesy it's a miracle the smell didn't attract all the mice within a mile radius...
She covers her face with a fan shyly. "Actually, I'm here for a job - the same one as everyone else around..."

2010-07-05, 10:46 AM
Wandering Moon shrugs at the rejection, seeming to almost have expected it. Making a mental note based on the reaction to tone it down in the future, seemed like people in Nexus were less inclined to laugh such a line off as being part of an intentional game. Really, even close trading partners were quite different. The girl was startlingly beautiful though.

"I see. Sorry about that, you just didn't look like you were about to head into the dangerous ruins beneath the city." Turning to gazing over the rest of the gathered exalts she frowned for a moment. "And not hard to tell that you are part of this trip too. What with all the artifacts you are carrying around. Hardly a group of ordinary workers. So am i the last one to arrive or are we waiting for someone else?"

2010-07-05, 11:22 AM
"Unless you happen to be the Guild contact, my dear, we're still waiting."

He paused, and shot a confused look at one of the two hawks. Elaine had just tried to dig her talons into his arm. Shrugging, Daso continued.

"So, introductions? Call me Daso, or 'The Iron Blooded'. I'm not bothered."

2010-07-05, 11:30 AM
"Call me Elegant Flashing Blade, or Blade for short." Blade said, glancing around at the strange collection of individuals. At this point, she was feeling rather nervous about the job. After all, how much trouble was expected if so many Exalts were being hired?

2010-07-05, 11:34 AM
"I'm afraid i cannot claim to be the contact." Wandering Moon frowns for a moment. "So they are leaving us to wait? Or maybe they wanted to give us time to get to know each other first. I wish they wouldn't do that, though. The life of a child is at stake here, waiting for no reason endangers her needlessly. Anyway, my name is Wandering Moon and i'm just another hired hand to go into the caves with you."

2010-07-05, 12:21 PM
"Lem Gradius, though everyone tends to call me Doc Lookshy for some reason or another. I'm sure you can guess." he said, one eyebrow raised a little at the sudden entrance, and uh...rather forward greeting of the newest arrival. He distantly wondered if the term 'business before pleasure' even existed outside of Lookshy.

"I've been hired to act as a doctor for the child we've been hired to find. Also for you I guess, though I'm not getting paid for that bit."

Green Bean
2010-07-05, 12:23 PM
The remaining mortal customers, mostly the dregs from yesterday's shift, pack up and move along. The young bartender shoots Whisper a dirty look for driving away his customers, but has presence of mind enough not to push it any further.

2010-07-05, 12:56 PM
The red-backed hawk hops from Daso's arm and onto the table. It examine each in turn, absently scratching the surface of the table with it's talons as it turns to look at every member of the group, fixing them with it's silver-eyed stare.

Eventually, it stops and flaps up into the rafters. Daso gives it a confused look, then re-focuses on the rest of the group.

The scratches left by the hawk look like just that, accidental scratches, to all but Tireya, who sees a message in Claw-Speak. <We need to talk. Don't tell.> seems to be the gist of it.

2010-07-05, 01:15 PM
"I should introduce myself too, then. My name is Tireya." The white-haired girl purposely avoids mentioning any of her abilities, or responding to Moon's comment on her appearance. It's better to keep them guessing than to expose herself as a Lunar, before she's sure she can trust them. "I agree that they should not keep us waiting any longer than necessary. Time is very important here..."

The hawk's actions draw Tireya's attention. She looks at the bird for a while when it flies up, then seemingly loses interest. Of course, what her look really means is that she got the message.
Is there a single person in the room who is not Exalted? Maybe the barkeep...

2010-07-05, 02:47 PM
Caera looks at the others. "And my name is Caera. It's a pleasure to meet all of you, even under these circumstances."

2010-07-05, 04:13 PM
Whisper nodded as she settled into the chair, matching each name with a face as the cool and cold void of expression settled naturally around her again. A doctor, their leader, the warriors and her. Only one name elected the slightest reaction from her, that of Daso the Iron Blooded. Her eyes widened just ever so slightly, and her mouth slipped slightly open, but the moment was gone in a split second, as the old apathetic boredom returned. Many of them enlightened at the very least, of course to deal with the undercity she expected nothing less then the best, at least not if they wanted to survive.

The faux monk nodded to them, expressing respect "My name is Whispering Martyr of Moonless Nights, I was chosen to guide you through the undercity as a favor, I had some experience down there before. Though the guild contact, I am not, I hope he arrives soon. Every moment that passes makes it more and more likely we'll find not a child but a corpse."

2010-07-05, 04:31 PM
Daso waves off her final statement. "Don't be so fatalistic. The girl will be fine, have some faith. We should get a move on, though." He shoots her a slight smile, one that falters for a moment as a memory kicks at the back of his mind.

Wait. Whispering Martyr? Where have I heard that name before?

2010-07-05, 04:56 PM
Moon frowned at Daso's reassurance. "Even so i don't like waiting, i'd feel better knowing that the girl was safe. And waiting just makes everything feel worse." She scratched the back of her head, smiling sheepishly for a moment, before looking to the barkeep for a moment. "I'd like something to drink while we pass time." Returning her attention to the gathered exalts she continued as if she hadn't interrupted herself. "But perhaps we could use the wait to learn some more about who we'll be entrusting to watch our backs in the warren of Wyld and shadowland-infested tunnels."

2010-07-05, 05:08 PM

"Well..." Daso paused, how much should he tell them? No more than necessary. "...I used to be a soldier. During a... rather eventful battle, I happened to start glowing and punting people dozens of feet with a strange sword that came out of... thin air, I suppose. And now, here I am. I'm going to be one of the guards for the job."

2010-07-05, 05:39 PM
"It's in the Guild's interest that the girl returns home unharmed. They will not let their man arrive too late.", Tireya comments, a bit absent-mindedly as if she was talking to herself and not anyone around in particular. She doesn't say anything about her own abilities yet, but she listens intently. Especially to what Caera might have to say.

2010-07-05, 06:02 PM
Caera leans back. "Well, I used to be a noble. I'm very good at leading, inspiring people, and I'm not bad at fighting, either."

She doesn't particuarly want to talk about her past, it seems...

Green Bean
2010-07-05, 06:09 PM
Your conversation is cut short as another man staggers into the room. He stops short at the edge of the group. He is rather on the short and scrawny side and the voluminous Guild robes he wears serves to accentuate that fact. He nervously strokes what could generously be called the beginnings of a goatee before speaking. "Greetings, ladies and gents. Name's Sor Chai, and I'll be showing you what's where." He sways back and forth, and his words slur slightly. "I'm glad to see you're all getting acquainted, despite my lateness due to unavoidable Guild business."

2010-07-05, 06:14 PM
Caera frowns. "Very well. Let us be off, then. There's no point in delaying anymore."

2010-07-05, 06:16 PM

"Well, let's not tarry. Lead on."

2010-07-05, 06:18 PM
Lem looks at the guild representative flatly for a moment and then at Caera, the apparent leader. "Want me to sober him up? It'll take about an hour an five minutes or so and he won't like it, but he'll be lucid...if a bit exhausted."

2010-07-05, 06:20 PM
"No, it would just take more time. And if I'm right about everyone's skills, we can manage with him being drunk."

2010-07-05, 06:20 PM
Moon got up from her chair again as soon as the drunk entered. "Guess i won't need that drink after all." Beginning to walk towards the door she glanced at the wretch, poor guy couldn't really be faulted for lacking the courage to have to deal with them she supposed. "Never mind, things happen, just let's get going. The girl probably isn't going to save herself."

2010-07-05, 06:29 PM
Whisper stood up and brushed herself off stiffly, her eyes passing over the guildsman for one moment then blatantly ignoring him. "Yes, let us go."

2010-07-05, 06:39 PM
A leader and a fighter, hmm? Very good, I see that Solars being kings is not just a rumour... But what's her agenda? We'll find out soon enough.
Then the Guild man enters.
Great, he's drunk. I wouldn't be surprised if the Guild purposely sent him like that, to show its respect for those who want to get paid highly for their services. Doesn't matter, he's here only to show us the way.
Tireya gets ready to follow the rest, without saying anything - she doesn't need to. While not overt in it, she prefers to stay close to Caera.

Green Bean
2010-07-05, 06:45 PM
"Fine, fine." Sor Chai leads you out of the bar and towards one of foundries that dot the Nighthammer landscape. It takes only a minute or two of walking before you're at the right building. Your guide rummages in his pocket for a key and opens the door.

The heat inside is almost unbearable. You hear clanging hammers from the factory next door, but this particular building is deserted. "Foundry's been shut down for the day. Cost us a pretty penny too; it's the Guild's place, but we still have to pay the taxes like we're running full out. Otherwise we're 'obstructing trade'. Pah!" Just then, Sor Chai's brain apparently caught up to his mouth. "'Course, it's their right to do it. Not my place to argue with the Emissary. I've always said we've done all right by him, and don't let no one tell you different."

He leads you further into the factory until you reach the centre. Above your heads, molten copper sits in massive iron vats, hanging from sturdy chains and filling the room with a dull red glow. Below you is a a deep shaft, with a rickety set of stairs leading down into the darkness. Two channels also lead into the pit, and their edges are lined with a not quite congealed coating of copper. Sor Chai stops at the top of the stairway. "Right, this is where my job ends. This shaft is normally used to dump slag, so no one's gonna be watching this entrance. All you have to do is follow the main tunnel, and it should take you in the right direction. Once you get to the end, start looking for signs of the kid. If, err, when you find her, try to keep her off the street, and contact me back at the Hangdog. I'll be staying there for the next while. You know, so I don't attract attention. Any questions?"

2010-07-05, 06:59 PM
"I have none."

He closes his eyes and holds out his right hand, then the air around it seems to twist, his caste mark flickering ever so slightly. His hand closes on something, and he seems to pull a blade out of empty air. Fully seven feet long, and at least one foot wide, and made of brilliant white orichalcum inlaid with the more conventional gold version of the metal.

He rests the tip of the blade on the ground, cracking the stone floor. The two hawks on his shoulders ruffle their feathers, then jump down to rest on his left arm.

"So, who leads the way?"

2010-07-05, 07:26 PM
Looking nervously about the place Lem casually wondered how recently the copper had been poured down the shaft...he suspected it would be rather unpleasant to accidentally step into a half-congealed blob of it on the stairs.

"Erm. The guide? That's the whole point of having a guide isn't it? To guide us?"

There was something about the pit. It seemed to suck at the eye in an odd way. Perhaps it was just vertigo. Frowning he looked at the guide.

"Did you say the foundry had been shut down all day? Surely it doesn't take that long for copper or bronze to cool does it?" he said, gesturing both at the quiescent pots of molten metal, and the channels covered in half-melted copper.

2010-07-05, 07:29 PM
"That would be me."

Whisper stepped toward the shaft as she slowly pulled Reaver from its hook on her belt, the soulsteel manthresher clinking softly of its own accord, even as she held it still. "The hollows are dangerous, please be careful, it would be unfortunate to lose any of you." She said softly. She'd have to keep an eye on the doctor in particular, they would be in trouble if something happened to him. But there was no point in worrying yet, for now they just needed to take care of a light source for now, they'd handle the rest when it happened.

Turning toward Daso Whisper pointed down into the darkness, orichalcum daiklave, and after retrieving the sword like that he was almost certainly a solar.

"Some light, Lawbringer?" she asked simply.

2010-07-05, 07:35 PM
"Bing." remarked Daso as his anima exploded with a gold and red light, bathing the surrounding area in a light bright enough to read and fill out a Guild tax form by.

So, spent two motes so far. One retrieving the sword, one becoming a lantern. Both peripheral.

Green Bean
2010-07-05, 07:46 PM
The light from Daso doesn't really illuminate much of interest; more of the pit and stairs are visible, but the bottom is still not visible.

Sor Chai's expression seems to freeze as Daso lights up, and he edges a few steps back. He apparently decides to try and ignore it, but his voice is rather strained when he addresses Doc Lookshy. "Err, you'd be surprised at how long copper takes to cool. 'specially when it's this hot in here. Anyway, the channels lead further down an air shaft, past the bottom of the stairs. You shouldn't have to worry.

2010-07-05, 08:01 PM
"And once we're down we are on our own." Moon smiled at the man, trying to reassure him, though it might of course be hard with a big glowing guy with a sword larger than he was standing nearby. It also helped to know that at least one member of your group was another Solar. Made it so much easier to not die, as well as just helping her get a picture of what was really going on. "But if there is nothing more you can tell us about what to expect going down, i think we should just be off."

2010-07-05, 08:41 PM
"Indeed," Whisper said as she began taking one smooth step after another down the twisted stairway. Their journey was at hand, to rescue the girl from certain death. Her old masters wouldn't like that, yes, there would be repercussions. But she would survive, she always did. "Daso, stay near the front, if anyone else can generate light of their own, do so, and stay near the rear, we should be off."

2010-07-05, 09:04 PM
"Sure. Just give me the heads up when we're ready to head down." answers Daso, heading to the edge of the pit and looking down.

The red-backed hawk hops onto one of his soldiers and chatters some more, seeming to deliberately be berating him.

"The hell do you think you're doing? Show some tact for crying out loud."
"So says the talking hawk. You might want to ease up on talking to me if you don't want to reveal yourself. They both expected our sort, and found me by name. They already know who and what I am. Elle... why are you here?"

Her answer was to ignore him, taking off from his shoulder and gliding through the group, landing at the feet of her fellow Lunar, Tireya.

2010-07-05, 10:38 PM
Caera lights up her anima, a golden circle on her brow. "A good suggestion.

I'd advise everyone has their weapons ready, just in case."

Suiting her words, she draws her Daiklave, the Orichalcum glinting in the light from her anima.

Ding! One mote of peripheral Essence spent to light up.

2010-07-05, 10:43 PM
Graceful Flashing Blade

Nodding, Blade concentrated for a moment before her anima lit up as well, a sunburst appearing on her forehead. Pulling her scythe from the cradle that held it to her back, she began to unwrap the leather from around it, wrapping it around her midsection like a belt, instead.

2010-07-05, 11:31 PM
Upon beginning the descent, Moon slid her right hand under her cloak and withdrew a two-foot long, curved piece of orichalcum, it's smooth surface shining in the light of the animas of the other three Solars. Truly a remarkable group for a rescue mission, even in a dangerous set of ruins.

2010-07-05, 11:54 PM
Lem cocked an eyebrow at Daso's statement. Surely Whisper heading down the stairs was the signal to begin descent.

However, as everyone erupted into golden flames he sighed and merely lit upon his brow the golden half circle. A directed beam of light would be just as good as a towering bonfire down there.

Distantly he wondered if his business would survive this debacle. Nexus was a fairly accepting place but Immaculate Monks DID pass through from time to time, and well....he didn't trust that Guild agent to keep his mouth shut. Still, little he could do about it now.

He fell into line and tried to avoid chuckling as everyone brandished weapons at an apparently empty rickety set of stairs. He was far more worried about the stairs collapsing under their weight than anything swarming up them. Then again he wasn't at the front of the line, so as they wished he supposed.

"Well. Shall we be off then?" he said, gesturing at the descending back of the lovely woman dressed in roadkill.

2010-07-06, 06:39 AM
Distracted by Elaine's behavior, Daso misses that the group has already started heading down the ramshackle stairs. He whistles for Elaine, then heads down the stairs in Whisper's wake.

The red-backed hawk ignores him, and stays where it is.

2010-07-06, 06:55 AM
Caera follows close behind Midnight, looking around warily. "Do you have any idea where we should start looking?"

2010-07-06, 08:17 AM
Let's hope there are no Immaculate spies around... The group makes Tireya feel a bit dizzy. Not only has she never seen so many Exalted in one place before apart from a Lunar gathering, but most of them flaunt their powers so openly! Hopefully they keep more subtlety when more people can see them. In the meantime though, the hawk-shaped Lunar apparently wants something from her. Tireya kneels down.
"Yes? May I help you?"

2010-07-06, 08:28 AM
Elaine hops gently up onto Tireya's shoulder, then tucks her head under one wing, appearing to dose happily. From under the wing she whispers to Tireya, her birds beak making it difficult.

"Why are you here? Did the Pact send you?"

2010-07-06, 08:49 AM
"Do I look like their watchdog? No, I'm here from my own free will.", Tireya whispers back, her mouth hidden behind a fan. The hawk-woman clearly has some quarrel with the Silver Pact, but Tireya isn't lying here - she couldn't care less about her membership in the Pact, she joined because she had to.

Tireya gets up again, ready to follow the rest of the group after the conversation's over. She doesn't need to make her own light, everyone's shining heads are more than enough.

2010-07-06, 09:16 AM
Elaine shifts restlessly on her talons "Lucky you. Me, I'm here because Daso's here, because the Pact forced me in to trying to shepherd him. It's impossible. For example, he took this job, from the Guild no less, without even asking my opinion on the matter."

Meanwhile, the slowly descending Daso glances back for a moment at his Bond-Mate perched on Tireya's shoulder and frowns in thoughtfulness.
What's wrong with Elaine?
Shrugging, he returns his attention to the descent, and decides to ask the black-clad bossy-boots about herself. "So, where are you from, Whisper?"

2010-07-06, 01:48 PM
"I'm not sure we have much choice at the moment mistress..." his brow furrowed and he looked towards the woman in red. "Pardon me I don't believe I caught your name? Regardless for the moment our choices seem to be limited to 'up' or 'down' and uh... honestly, at the moment I'm finding 'down' to be more than enough to be getting on with."

With that he looked over the edge of the stairs again into the deep hole they were descending down. He had assumed they would be trecking through sewers or abandoned basements and the like to get to where they were going. A several story drop into apparently infinite blackness was not what he had had in mind.

2010-07-06, 02:03 PM
"Oh? That sounds like a pain indeed.", Tireya whispers back to Elaine. "But if he is your Solar Mate, wouldn't the bond between you draw you to each other anyway?"
While Elaine's stance here is so different from her own, Tireya doesn't really find it strange - she met enough Lunars to figure out that not all of them share her beliefs. No, she finds the contrast amusing. What are the odds that two Lunars with such similar goals, yet so different looks at them, meet?
And I wonder when will she realize that a woman complaining about the man's thick-headedness actually reinforces the relationship.
Tireya keeps the amusement to herself. On the outside, she just seems to divert her attention between looking for danger and listening to what everyone has to say.

2010-07-06, 02:22 PM
"The Bond... Yes, the Bond makes it hard for me to think about leaving. And he seems to hate the idea of that, keeps telling me to leave if I don't really want to travel with him... Speaking of the Bond, your Mate is here too, aren't they? I saw your face when you entered the tavern."

2010-07-06, 03:35 PM
"Indeed she is." Tireya sees no reason to hide this fact. "I want to tell her when a good moment arises. It didn't so far, but I have time."

2010-07-06, 04:13 PM
"Me?" Whisper said as she paused, considering how best to answer the question. A lie... would only hurt her more later, but the truth now? No, there where better time, if the time came at all. She would settle for a happy medium, she decided as she spoke at last, not quite the truth, but no lie either, "I grew up in an immaculate monastery for the most part, but I was... enslaved when a mission went wrong and taken to the underworld for the last few years, I only recently escaped." she explained, peering down into the darkness.

2010-07-06, 04:23 PM
"The Underworld?! Who captured you, and aren't they chasing?"

Poor girl, I guess that explains her look. thinks Daso, Though she did manage to get out. She must have Exalted during the escape.

2010-07-06, 04:42 PM
"A powerful ghost... And I didn't go back to ask. Maybe he's to busy, maybe he doesn't want to lose face." Or maybe, she thought with a shudder, she was out her accomplishing a goal for him she didn't even understand. She wasn't sure she was comfortable with all these questions, it was only a matter of time before someone put two and two together after all.

2010-07-06, 05:11 PM
...Those walking corpses. That's where I know her name from.

When she shivered, Daso put his free hand on her shoulder, intending it to be comforting. "Tell me, if he'd been after you, would he have forced men from their graves to do it for him?"

2010-07-06, 05:56 PM
"Yes." Whisper said carefully, was Daso playing coy? Did he remember her and was simply trying to catch her in her own words before he struck? "That would certainly be within his power."

2010-07-06, 06:14 PM
"I encountered an army of such unfortunate souls a few months ago. I returned them to their rest, and built a pyre out of respect for the dead. But they groaned your name as I slew them."

He tightens his grip on her shoulder reassuringly.

"If you should encounter them again, seek me out and I shall aid you. Dead men deserve peace."

2010-07-06, 06:52 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

Frowning at the revelation that Whispers had been held in the Underworld, Blade moved forwards, until she was as close to the other girl as she could get on the stairs. "Once we find this girl, you and I need to sit down, and get caught up." She said, with a small smile. While she despised much of her past life, Whispers wasn't really a part of that, and she honestly wished to reconnect with the girl.

2010-07-06, 06:54 PM
Caera nods. "Yes, they do. Peace, and a chance at a better life next time."

She looks at the doctor. "I believe we should have a general idea of where we're heading before the choices are forced upon us."

2010-07-06, 07:04 PM
It hurt to be here like this, listening to them talk like they could be friends. Melancholy washed over her as she looked down into the dark, he knew her fate, what she was destined to do, destroy creation utterly, regardless of what she wanted. She had accepted that role in anger, and now anger was all she had left. Yet still, maybe, maybe she could do this one thing. One step in the right direction, some small connection to her old life, she could do that at least.

"Thank you Daso," she said, relived at the conclusion he came to, while she looked up at Blade, it was a visible force of will, she knew the rules she was breaking for this, she would take the punishment willingly if she had too, "Yes Blade, I think I'd like that."

Green Bean
2010-07-06, 07:08 PM
Whispers feels her insides lurch. Clearly, something within her doesn't like what she's doing.

Sor Chai bids you a relieved farewell as you begin the long descent into the pit. Earthen walls hem you in on every side, but as you venture deeper the air begins to cool slightly, hinting at a larger cave system below. After five minutes of quiet climbing, Elegant Flashing Blade and Grit hear a distant echoing *clink* coming from above.

Abruptly, the air begins to warm up once more, then becomes stiflingly hot. As the shaft brightens, you look up and see molten copper spilling over the edge and right towards you!

Action time! Everyone roll Dexterity+highest of Dodge/Athletics. And don't forget the stunts!

Whisper, you gain (successes) Resonance: [roll0]

2010-07-06, 07:26 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

Gasping at the sudden but inevitable betrayal, Blade leaped into action. Literally. Raising her scythe up, she jumped across the pit, aiming for the far wall. As the wall rushed to greet her, Blade swung her scythe as hard as she could, the magical weapon biting deep into the tunnel's side. With one hand holding onto the scythe for dear life, her remaining hand joined her feet in a mad search for purchase. The rough texture of the wall helped some, but it also tore up the skin on her left hand a bit. After a moment, however, the combined friction on her blade, hand, and boots managed to slow Blade down to a stop.

[roll0] Strength+Athletics, Difficulty 3.

2010-07-06, 07:32 PM
Whisper gasped as Oblivion made its anger known, turning just in time to see the wave of molten metal crashed down upon them. But with skills honed by years of training, and reflexes granted by the black exaltation she could sneer at such petty traps. Such things may harm a mortal, but she was more then that now. More, and less. Flipping backwards as the metal moved down upon them she made a series of perfect backflips as she moved through the air, a look of supreme concentration on her face as her fingers brushed the cold ground and her feet flew through the steaming air.


Resonance: 2/10
Willpower: 7/7
Personal: 13/15
Peripheral: 25/31

Green Bean
2010-07-06, 07:36 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade easily leaps clear, avoiding the wave of molten metal with meters to spare.

Whisper flips backward, but the metal is too close for comfort. Near the edge of the wave, she stumbles and fails to recover. The metal pours over her, scalding her skin and knocking her off the stairs. The deathknight starts tumbling down the pit.

Elegant, 2 die stunt, recover motes or WP.

Whisper, 2 die stunt: [roll0]

Make a difficulty 5 Stamina+Resistance roll. Success means 6B damage, failure 6L

2010-07-06, 07:45 PM
As Whisper fell, Daso moved like light across a river, launching himself into the air without a seconds thought, his great sword moving faster still. As he approaches the oncoming flood of molten metal, he kicks his foot into the wall, splintering the stone and creating his own foothold as his sword arcs with infallible positioning into the path of the copper.

It strikes the torrent with a dazzling flash of light, Daso's anima burning brighter, his Caste Mark visible for all to see. The impact of Bright White Light re-directs it back up the pit, launching tons of molten copper back up the pipe as though it were a water-filled balloon. As it fades from sight, the heat in the pit lowers again, then a resounding cacophony fills it as the copper returns to it's source and causes a quite a bit of a mess on the factory floor.

Seconds later, the Vat plummeted past them, knocked off it's harness by the unexpected return of its returning cargo. A few more seconds and the crash of it hitting whatever it is that awaits them at the bottom resonates up the shaft.

Going to save Whisper, by saving everyone. Hopefully. Heavenly Guardian Defense, GOGOGO.

Personal: 14 (14) | 19 (19) When Ashen Wings is in contact with him.
Peripheral: 16 (32)

2010-07-06, 07:46 PM
There is someone Tireya can't afford to get hurt here. Like a jaguar pouncing its prey, she leaps into Caera's direction - but instead of attacking, she grabs her firmly in mid-air, and continues flying down the stairs with her. Flying is a very appropriate word here - while probably none of her companions can see it, her small wings spread out during the jump, lenghtening it to an unusual distance. Lower down the stairs, safely away from the molten metal, Tireya lands with a roll that ends smoothly with both her and Caera, whom she still holds, kneeling down.
"Are you alright?"

Spending 5 motes on First Dexterity Excellency here.


2010-07-06, 07:56 PM
Here goes nothing...


Green Bean
2010-07-06, 08:04 PM
Grit's rather aggressive defence doesn't knock aside all of the copper, but it does reduce it in volume somewhat. The large vat above you breaks loose and begins its descent to the ground.

Tireya easily pulls herself and Caera to safety.

2 die stunt for both of you guys. Also, as an added bonus, -1 difficulty to anyone trying to help Whispers (herself included) pull herself back onto the stairs due to the reduced volume of copper.

Stunt dice for Tireya: [roll0]

2010-07-06, 08:05 PM
Caera starts to react- but before she can, the other woman tackles her out of the way. "Yes, I am. Thank you."

2010-07-06, 08:10 PM
"Oh, bugger."

The molten copper was an all-consuming cascade. and the staircase would present a fine funnel for it to rampage down. With little time to think of anyone save himself, Lem took a somewhat...selfish action. As Daso drew his blade, Lem was dashing along the railing, and as he swung the glowing blade, it too was used as a foothold. The might of the swing acting as a spring board, Lem was propelled up, above the torrential shower of brilliant metal, and skirting close to the wall. Desperately scrabbling, he found a handhold, and clung to it for dear life, as the shower molten metal rumbled past below him.

"'surprised at how long it takes copper to cool.'" he mimic'd the guild contact bitterly. "My glorious golden !@#$#@ I am. Next time, I'm following my hunches." he muttered darkly, vainly trying to see if any of his compatriots were doing anything past the brilliant light of the molten metal.

Dex+Dodge+4m on 2nd excellency for 2 successes
+2 successes
Edit: Am stupid. See OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8864524&postcount=101) for actual dice-rolly-numbers.

2010-07-06, 08:13 PM
Caera starts to react- but before she can, the other woman tackles her out of the way. "Yes, I am. Thank you."

"Good. It's not a problem." Tireya smiles friendlily, releases her grip and looks over her shoulder, to see how the others are doing. Well, and also so Caera wouldn't see her expression - now that this diving save is over, she is rather embarassed about it, and feels that she might not manage to hide it completely.
It's my duty to protect my Solar Mate in situations like this, but she most likely could have escaped this on her own, couldn't she? Why did I go with such theatrics... Well, good that at least she doesn't seem to mind...

2010-07-06, 08:57 PM
Elaine shot after the falling Exalt like a grey and and red bullet, dodging what droplets of copper remained in the pit. She started to shine with a silver light, her wings rippled, stretched and bulged into that of a much, much, much larger bird, that of her Spirit totem, a gigantic Eagle. The rest of her took on a much more human appearance, only monstrous.

Feathers covered much of her body, deep red feathers except for on the underside of her wings and front of her torso, where they were a silver colour. Feathers that also happened to be thick enough to hide her more private places.

She wasn't sure why she was doing this, a mix of instinct and that Daso seemed to have taken to the girl. He'd be more trouble with revenge on his mind than he would be otherwise.

Catching up to Whisper with ease, she caught her gently in her arms, making sure not to accidentally smack her with her wings.

Transformers, roll out.

Deadly Beastman, I forgot to add the the mutations to the Char sheet, so I'll do them here.Essence + 4 = 6.
Large (as standard)
Wings (4)
Feathers (1)
Enhanced Sense [Sight] (1)
Spending 6 motes on the 1st Dex Excellency.

Dex+Athletics: [roll0]

Personal: 16/16 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 20/34 (8 Committed)

2010-07-06, 09:18 PM
Whisper did not cry out as the molten metal flowed over her arms and legs, the burns scalding her body and showing nerves pain she hadn't felt since her first death. Her eyes shot open and a grimace flared across her face as she tried to continue the agony of being cooked alive, she tried to act, tried to fight back, the pain was so excruciating that she didn't even realize she had been pulled free. She only blinked and whimpered as she felt the-the Thing pull her to safety, trying desperately to pull herself together, just barely succeeding as the moved back to the stairs.

Resonance: 2/10
Willpower: 7/7
Personal: 13/15
Peripheral: 25/31
-0 [x]
-1 [x] [x] [x] [x]
-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4 [ ]
-X [ ]

2010-07-06, 09:27 PM
Caera looks at the others as well, in worry.

2010-07-06, 09:34 PM
She had been listening in on the conversation between the rest of the group. She had been about to join in to express her support for the woman when all became chaos.

Quickly ducking low and grabbing the edge of the stairs, she flung herself over the edge, grabbing it and throwing herself in towards the wall. Breaking off her flight she landed soundly on the ground and pushed herself up to break into a run towards the tunnel they were meant to exit from. As she ran she heard the shriek of pain as Whisper got burned, turning her head to spot the hawkbeast's descent to catch the falling Abyssal. Jumping into the opening of the tunnel, she stood panting as she tried to make sense of what she had see.

Yeah, not much to say here. Just trying to get away from the copper. Guilt over not trying to save Whisper can come later.

Dexterity+Dodge: [roll0]

2010-07-06, 09:35 PM
"Elaine!" Shouted Daso, running to the edge and leaning over. His voice echoed and distorted in the pit, he couldn't see down to where they'd landed on the stairs.

"Blade, can you take care of things up here?" He half asked, half ordered as he bolted down the stairs to his mate.

Green Bean
2010-07-07, 01:12 PM
Elaine's desperate lunge bears fruit, and her and Whisper are pulled clear of the molten metal. However, to pull her charge free, Elaine briefly bares the brunt of the copper slag.

1 die stunt, but Elaine was successful regardless. However, she also takes a hit from the copper; Trauma 5, 6L.

2010-07-07, 01:34 PM
As the molten copper ran over her wing for an instant, Elaine screamed a piercing birdlike screech, one that blocked out all sound in the pit for a moment. Staggered, she flew back to the staircase and perched carefully into it. Too big to fit, she grasped the ledges with her free hand and feet and deposited the girl she carried onto it.

The pain was great, be she had felt much much worse before she had even Exlated. She wouldn't let it slow her down, despite the charred feathers of her right wing.

Far above, Daso redoubled his efforts to get there quickly, desperate to reach his wounded mate.

Elaine only took 2L damage from that.

Stam+Resistance [roll0]

Personal: 16/16 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 20/34 (8 Committed)

-0 [L]
-1 [L][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

2010-07-07, 02:49 PM
Once over the edge, Moon realized just how deep the shaft really was. Scrabbling against the wall, she smashed her boomerang into it bringing her to a sudden halt above the next coil of the stairs. Using this short respite to change her direction she kicked off from the wall to land on the stair a further away from the edge of the pit that the copper was coming from, allowing it to flow by harmlessly.

And retcon is go. Now i can only hope the dice like me since i have no athletics charms to use.

Wits+athletics [roll0]

Green Bean
2010-07-07, 02:58 PM
Doc Lookshy tumbles clear, easily making it out of the way of the molten stream.

Moon scrapes along the wall. For a moment, it looks like she's about to be jarred loose, and she can't quite hold on. The Night Caste begins freefalling, fortunately clear of the copper, but still in a great deal of danger.

Abruptly, the world seems to pause, and a gentle voice echoes in Wandering Moon's head. You seem to be in a bit of a bind. Would you like to survive this?

Doc and Moon get 2 die stunts.

Moon's stunt roll: [roll0]

2010-07-07, 03:10 PM
"No, i'd like to plummet to a meaningless death brought on by my own stupidity" No, sarcasm was a bad idea when dealing with mysterious voices trying to save your life. "...Of course i want to live!"

2010-07-07, 03:16 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

"Um, alright. Give me a minute." Blade called in response to Daso's command. Carefully she loosened the scythe's grip on the wall and began to climb down the wall, careful to make sure that she had purchase as she went down, occasionally slamming her scythe back into the wall to gain more traction.

[roll0] Strength+Athletics to climb down.

Green Bean
2010-07-07, 03:18 PM
Time still seemingly frozen, the voice continues drily. Good. Now, I am going to arrange matters so that you can just float to the ground. It may leave you disoriented a bit. You still accept?

Basically, she's offering you the ability to avoid falling damage as a Training effect, so you'll be in XP debt for a bit.

Elegant Flashing Blade slowly eases herself down successfully, though it takes her a few minutes to make her way.

1 die stunt.

2010-07-07, 03:28 PM
"I can't claim to have much choice. Do it if you will." Just do it instead of talking about it, damnit, the fall isn't going to stop itself. At least not harmlessly. "What do i do about this? I take it that it won't be done completely without activity on my part."

Green Bean
2010-07-07, 03:39 PM
You feel a brief tingling sensation throughout your body and time abruptly starts again. You fall...and continue to fall with no sign of stopping. Whoops, sorry about that. Just need to make a tiny adjustment.

This time the tingling sensation is much stronger, and focused around your upper back. You feel a distant phantom pain, and your shoulder blades shift without your consent. You're almost at the bottom when there's a tearing sound; your shirt rips open at the back, exposing two wings. However, they aren't feathered and plumed, but rather thin and iridescent, almost like a dragonfly's, albeit one with a twelve-foot wingspan. The moment they are exposed to air, they begin flapping, slowing your descent. You come to a halt inches from the ground, facing the tunnel. You find yourself hovering in place automatically, the wings feeling like they've been a part of your body since birth.

Hmm. Didn't realize they'd be that obvious. Now that the danger's past, I can take them away, if you want. Or you can keep them. Up to you.

Getting the wings removed also gets rid of the debt.

2010-07-07, 03:49 PM
Whisper turned the drop into a smooth roll as Elaine dropped her onto the stairs, still clutching her burned side slightly as the passive calm began to reform itself onto her face. She hadn't seen the solar fall, and for the moment, it looked like everything was going to be alright. "Thank you... Stewardess." Whisper said quietly as she stood, "I owe you a debt."

2010-07-07, 03:56 PM
"Yes," replied Elaine, her right wing twitching. Her half-bird form made her voice strange, almost strangled sounding. "Yes you do." The look she gave Whisper was one of grave seriousness, she'd be calling in that favour at some point.

Leaning back, she called up to her Bond-Mate. '"Daso! We're both fine. A little burned, but okay."

2010-07-07, 04:10 PM
Wandering Moon flexed her new wings for a moment, even the feeling of them being a natural part of her body couldn't quite erase the mental sense of newness. "Ummm, no, it's fine, i'll keep them." There was no way she could give up something as unique and useful as the ability to fly, there just wasn't. She could already see all the situations in which they would come in handy. "But before anything else...Who are you? I'm not sure i'm altogether comfortable with mysterious voices appearing in my head and changing my body. Why did you help me and exactly what else could you do to me?"

As she talked to the mysterious voice she flew up the shaft of the pit towards the tunnel they would leave from. She could wait there while she contemplated the meaning of all this. She'd better try and write her mother for advice when she was done with the mission. Something was clearly up.

2010-07-07, 04:16 PM
Caera looks at Tireya. "Let's check how badly the people who fell are injured."

2010-07-07, 04:18 PM
It seems that everyone is more or less fine, even if the methods some of them used to get out of danger were more than a bit desperate or strange.
"Yes, let's get going. We need to continue quickly after we check, the girl won't rescue herself.", she says, standing up. Her words are mostly directed to Caera, but others can probably hear them too.

Green Bean
2010-07-07, 04:22 PM
The voice seemed to chuckle. Sorry about the dramatics, but I'd prefer to remain anonymous at the moment. You seem like a sweet girl, though. I'm sure we'll meet eventually. Word of advice, though? Don't trust Artemisia.

With that, the mysterious presence vanishes. You think you see something flicker in the darkness ahead, but by the time you focus on it, it has already vanished.

2010-07-07, 04:25 PM
Caera nods, and calls down. "Can the people who fell make their way up until they find a tunnel? We'll head down."

2010-07-07, 04:32 PM
Doc realized he had made an error. While it was true, he had avoided the molten copper, he had however managed to place it, and all it's assorted fallout, in between him and his companions.

Looking down uncomfortably he spotted the staircase, and the others moving, with some purpose. With ginger touches and careful placements he tried to climb down.
When this inevitably failed, he resolved to develop an exercise regimen for himself, and instead just stepped off his footholds, slipping down the face of the shaft in wild sporadic bursts as he caught himself again and again in an adrenalin fueled frenzy of realizing just how bad an idea that was, and trying not to fall off the rock entirely.

Dex+athletics to safely make it down.

2010-07-07, 04:40 PM
Daso bolted down the stairs at fell pelt, well ahead of most of the group by this point. He caught up to his mate and the girl she'd saved.

"Elle, you're hurt!" he exclaimed, rushing to her wounded wing, touching it gingerly.

She pulled it away from him, holding it out behind her. "She's worse off." she intoned, looking down at Whisper. "I'm going further down, going to find this passage."

"Elle..." Muttered Daso, staring at her as she pushed back and started to glide downwards, falling slowly. Daso put one of his arms under hers to help steady her. "Whisper, how are you feeling?"

Green Bean
2010-07-07, 04:42 PM
Doc Lookshy stunt roll; [roll0]

Doc Lookshy makes it safely to the tunnel entrance.

2010-07-07, 04:45 PM
Wandering Moon spent the time until the others got down to her thinking. Apparently this voice knew about their job. That made sense, it had talked in her mind it could probably read it too, which was hardly reassuring. It knew about Artemisia too and said what should be obvious, the woman wasn't trustworthy.

"Hey, everyone. Sorry about scaring you." She shrugged and grinned at them. "Should have told you about being the child of a god, with what that means. So i had everything under control." Turning to look at Whisper and Elaine, she bit her lip and looked rather more worried than before. "What about you? Will you be okay?"

2010-07-07, 05:01 PM
She was o.k. Well~ Not quite but that didn't matter. She was strong enough to take a few burns, and once she got some time to rest she'd be perfectly fine, they didn't need to worry about her like that, it was ridiculous. She wasn't a child after all! A touch of anger flared for a moment behind those blood red eyes as she brushed the dust off of herself primly.

"I'm fine." she said, a with a bit of gruffness seeping into her voice, "I really am, though I'm worried about who caused that whole... event. That accident was to perfectly timed to be an accident." The anger grew as she glared up the tunnel, when she found who was responsible for this she was going to personally tear them limb from limb in the most literal meaning of the phrase.

2010-07-07, 05:10 PM
Daso smiled, moving his left arm so it wrapped around her shoulders instead. "You should not be so quick to brush off help that is freely given, Whisper." Elaine, returned to Hawk form, landed on his left forearm, next to Whisper's head, her injured wing visible in the corner of Whisper's vision. and the other Hawk came from behind to perch on his head.

Laughing, Daso continued to talk as the walked down the tunnel. "Look at me, for example. Surrounded by birds of prey, because they're the only ones that have the patience to deal with me!"

2010-07-07, 05:28 PM
"No. You're not." Doc said flatly from behind them, having gone down to investigate where everyone else was.

"You have severe burns and multiple lacerations ranging from your lower legs nearly up to your waist. I'd declare it a miracle you can even stand, let alone walk, and that's from what I can see at a glance. Considering the source of your ills, I would be unsurprised if droplets of copper entered into your veins, and were carried along by the bloodflow and while the veins were expanded from the severe heat. Now that you're cooling down it's possible they could become wedged, paralyzing limbs or simply killing you outright." he intoned gravely with a bleak look on his face.

"Fortunately" he said brightly, his face lighting up "I am sure you are one of those people who are wise enough to listen to their doctor, and thus will be perfectly fine. Now.." he said, rummaging through his bag "Daso, if you'd be kind enough to bring her up to the mouth of the tunnel? I'd like to set up shop there and give everyone who feels they need it a looking over."

"And you" he said pointing at Whisper "eat this." With that he brought his hand out of his satchel and tossed an apple to her. "After that injury you're going to need a little food in you. I'll head up on ahead to prepare, plus, you know. Doctor. Apples."

Despite his words he made well sure both she and Daso were stable enough to leave, before he returned to begin setting up a make shift medical table from a roll of cloth on stone.

1m spent on Flawless Diagnosis Technique
Permanent: ●●
Personal: 9/14 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 23/28 (5 Committed)

2010-07-07, 05:29 PM
"That was certainly unexpected.", Tireya answers Moon. "But not very surprising. There are so many Exalts in this group that everything is possible."
She looks up, to the darkness looming above them.
"I agree that this couldn't have been an accident... But whomever caused it has probably fled by now. Our best bet is to proceed forward and keep an eye out for further traps... Because I'm sure there will be more."

Who exactly is behind it? The Guild woman? Maybe the whole job is just a ruse, and its real purpose is to gather as many Anathema as possible in one place and dispose of them...
She doesn't share her thoughts with the rest. No need to spread paranoia.

2010-07-07, 05:38 PM
Nodding, Daso made the decision that she wouldn't go back to the doctor alone, and scooped her up, holding her as though she were his newly married bride, and carried her back to the entrance to the Doctor.

"Here she is, Doc. Elle, can you see him as well? Your wing..."

The hawk, in response, shook it's feathers. No. My battle-form has a negative effect on clothes."

Green Bean
2010-07-07, 05:45 PM
Doc Lookshy easily determines the extent of his patients' injuries. Elaine's burns are surprisingly minor, despite making contact with the molten metal. Whisper's wounds are worse, but neither are severely damaged.

1 die stunt, recover 2 motes. Incidentally, Elaine has two levels of bashing damage, not lethal.

2010-07-07, 06:01 PM
Daso's words seemed to have some effect on Whisper, though that didn't stop her from shooting daggers at him with her eyes as he carried her over to the doctors stand, an observant person however, would notice a slight flushing of the cheeks as well.

He was right, sort of, she needed to work with these people as a team, and that meant being able to rely on them. After the doctors explanation she did take the apple and munch on it while the doctor set up his various tools, even going so far to mutter a muted, "Thank you." There was no point in refusing people who wanted to help here supposed, though she did loath to slow the group down like this.

2010-07-07, 06:18 PM
"We should still investigate. At least i hate to go into the warrens beneath with an assassin after me without at least some knowledge of what to expect. if we die no one is going to save the girl. I'll get up there and look while the doctor treats his patients." Whoever the assassin was, it was either someone with great influence in the foundry or great strength, in order to get the vat tipped over like that. Either of those would leave traces and finding out which would help figure out who was aiming for their lives. "I'll be back in a bit. I want to see what i can find out about who tried to kill us." She broke into a light run up the remains of the stairs, still not quite feeling comfortable relying on her new wings unless absolutely necessary.

2010-07-07, 06:23 PM
"I'll look down the passage, see what awaits us." Said Daso, standing up and resting Bright White Light on his shoulder, before starting to walk down the tunnel, with his Hawks perched on him and his Anima lighting the way.

Green Bean
2010-07-07, 06:24 PM
The foundry looks much the same, except for the rather glaring absence of an entire vat of molten metal, and a few still-cooling droplets of copper. If there are any clues, they will require a closer look.

Checking the scene of the accident requires a roll of Perception + Investigation.

The tunnel wanders for a fair distance before coming to a crossroads of sorts. There are five or six branches there, but the largest tunnel by far is directly in front of you, likely the main tunnel Sor Chai told you about.

2010-07-07, 06:40 PM
On her way up Moon realized that as she got away from the group the light they had provided disappeared as well, leaving her in darkness. Still, there was light above and light behind her and should she fall she could take to her wings, so she resisted the impulse to channel essence into her caste mark. No need to tip her hand yet.

Once at the top of the pit and in the foundry, she quickly looked around to determine that there were no clear signs of what had happened. However, it was unlikely that there would not be more hidden signs. Focusing her attention on the area around where the vat had been, she got on her knees trying to see how much of the soot underneath had been disturbed, hoping to get a clue about how many people had been involved. She also took a look at the iron bearings for the vat to see how much scraping had taken place, before spreading her search out to see if the culprit had dropped any personal belongings. It was unlikely, but not impossible, that they had left something behind, whether a piece of jewelry or some pieces of hair that could give her at least a slight idea about their appearance.

Buying two successes with the Second Investigation Excellency.

Perception+Investigation: [roll0]+2 successes.

2010-07-07, 06:57 PM
Daso stood in the middle of the room, holding his sword out infrount of him with point resting on the ground. He opted to wait for the others in silence.

2010-07-07, 07:03 PM
Tireya gives Daso some distance, so he will fulfill his purpose as the forward scout, then follows. She keeps an eye out for danger and makes sure Caera doesn't disappear from her view.

Green Bean
2010-07-07, 07:04 PM
The soot covering the factory floor has been disturbed quite extensively, but with careful study you are able to match all the markings to either a member of your group or Sor Chai. Your investigation of where the vat was bears more fruit. Two of the four support chains used for the vats have been sliced through. Moreover, the cuts are incredibly clean, and the chains show no other marks. Whoever did this sliced through these incredibly thick chains in a single blow with a very sharp weapon. Finally, at the very edge of the shaft you find a piece of black gauze. Within it is a tiny broken skull, of human shape but not human size.

2 die stunt

2010-07-07, 07:12 PM
She picked up the gauze and the miniature skull and moved them around in her hand for a little bit trying to see if there were any further distinguishing marks. Once satisfied that there wasn't, she stowed them away and began her descent.

After a few feet's walk, though, she stopped looking over the edge and down into the pit. Standing there for a few moments, she finally decided to beat her wings and raise from the ground, throwing herself forward and into a dive down the pit. She broke it some time before arriving by the tunnel underground, doing a few simple aerial maneuvers before landing.

2010-07-07, 08:45 PM
"Just relax." Lem advised Whisper as he scanned the wounded areas. "This is going to sting a bit, but you should be back on your feet in no time." His fingers ran over the wounded areas. Every living thing had internal flows of essence, and re-directing those to focus essence appropriately could affect remarkable healing, if one knew the trick to it.

The essence in this woman was...well unique. He couldn't see it, but the feel, and flow of it was unusual. Almost harsh, jagged, wrong. But it was still a flow. Drawing out his kit, he began mumbling to himself, as he mapped out the intricate flows, before finally, carefully drawing forth a needle, and dipping it carefully into one flow, which obediently parted, split, and traced out a new route. Again and again he studied, and placed a single needle, to re-write the flows of essence through her body, dedicating them toward mending flesh.

His work done, he turned to his patient. "The healing will take some time, I suggest you lie still, while it works. I'm going to see about concocting something for future use. Poetic justice if you will."

Taking out his tools, he began to set up the immediate area to create one of his more potent concoctions, and one of the few he knew that had little to no place in the art of healing.

15m spent on placing needles to heal up to 5 lethal health levels at a rate of 1 per 15 minutes.
Roll to correctly place the needles: (Perception + Medicine) roll with a difficulty of 1

Beginning ritual to concoct Ardent Embrace Resin within sealed vial.
Roll=Intelligence+Occult+Degree difficulty 2
Cost of ingredients=2(adept)-1(in metropolis)=1
Spend 2m to invalidate need for 1 dot's worth of ingredients.

Essence (now with the effects stunts accounted for (i.e. +6m then -15m then -2m)
Permanent: ●●
Personal: 0/14 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 20/28 (5 Committed)

2010-07-07, 09:12 PM
Whisper did as the doctor asked and did her best to relax during the treatment, it was odd, but whatever he was doing, it sure was working. She let out a light sigh as she felt him work, in its own odd way it was strangely therapeutic, as she felt her natural, or, well unnatural in this case, energies align and facilitate the healing process.

"I guess... But we should probably get moving, sitting her for an hour seems like a bad idea. If I'm in no immediate danger shouldn't we move on?"

2010-07-07, 09:26 PM
Caera nods. "You're right. Neither of you are critically injured, so we'd better move on."

2010-07-07, 09:37 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

"I'm glad that you're alright." Blade said, as she passed by Whisper on her way into the tunnel. Flashing a smile at the girl, she gently squeezed her shoulder, releasing her after only a moment.

2010-07-07, 09:46 PM
"Before we leave, i want to tell what i found." Wandering Moon folded her new wings up against her after landing, vaguely taking notice of how natural the action felt, as she did so. "It is absolutely correct that it was not an accident. The chains holding the vat were cut clean in half with a single cut each. Not only that, i found this." She holds the gauze and the broken skull forth. "Not exactly something a bunch of thugs would leave behind. Also the clean cuts mean it might have been someone working alone, but not just anybody. An Exalted or someone with divine heritage most likely."

2010-07-07, 09:49 PM
Elaine spotted Blade coming down the tunnel, as Daso was busy with their potential choices of paths. "That one with the Scythe is coming here." She spoke into Daso's ear, watching Blade carefully.

Daso stayed still for the moments it took for her to reach them, then spoke up. "Blade? Come here. I'd like a word or two."

2010-07-07, 09:53 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

"Yes?" Blade said, approaching Daso, and speaking more curtly to him than she had to Whisper. It was relatively clear that she wasn't comfortable speaking with him just yet. Probably because they had only just met.

2010-07-07, 09:57 PM
"It's about Whisper. She seems...strange. Was she always this way? I ask because you seem to have known her from before today."

2010-07-07, 10:05 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

After thinking for a moment, Blade shook her head. What harm could come of telling him? After all, they were to work together, and it's not like lying would accomplish anything. "No. She was always a bit odd, coming from being raised from childhood by an Immaculate Monk, but she was never like this. She wasn't always called Whisper, for one. And she looked different. I mean, she looked the same, but less...pale. Less dead."

2010-07-07, 10:16 PM
"I imagine that was the death-land's doing. Blade, I intended to protect her from this creature that chases her. Whoever would call up the dead themselves to do his bidding doesn't deserve to see it done." He turns to her, locking eyes and keeping his gaze steady. "On my blade and my body, this I do swear."

2010-07-07, 11:31 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

"And you have an ally in this endeavor. Whisper is probably the only part of my past life that I want anything to do with." Blade said, her voice relatively subdued. As she spoke, she turned to look back at the entrance of the tunnel to see if anyone else had decided to follow.

2010-07-08, 05:43 PM
Whisper gave Blade a slight smile as she passed, she wondered what she and Daso where talking so intently about, but she had an aching feeling she knew.Things would not go well with her if they discovered what she was, later, when she could explain things would be easier. She'd tell Blade first, she out of all the group would at least listen first before she readied a weapon at her.

Till then she must remain silent, and be careful... Careful indeed.

2010-07-09, 06:35 AM
Caera frowns. "Hmmm... we'll have to be careful. And maybe if we find the girl, it'll help us get to the bottom of this."

She turns to Whisper. "Are you all right to lead?"

2010-07-09, 08:38 AM
"No. She's not. She will be, after the hour is up. But for the moment at least I don't want her walking until the healing has had time to work." Doc said from where he was sitting, fiddling with gels and compounds.

"I'd also like to get a closer look at you after this is all over, if you'd consent to it Whisper. There's something unusual about your essence channels. You might just be an unusual case, or it might be indicative of an underlying problem. In either case it bears looking into ."

2010-07-09, 12:53 PM
"I'll be fine Doctor," Whisper said more then a twinge of anger leaking into her voice. Why did he have to be so stubborn! They couldn't stay here for a full hour, the girl needed their help, couldn't he see that? "While I appreciate your concern," she added in a voice that fully implied she did not, "we have other things to worry about. Trust me, please, once this is all over you can examine me to your hearts content, but right now we have a little girl who could die at any moment, who needs our help. So please, can we go now?"

Green Bean
2010-07-09, 03:18 PM
I'm assuming Doc doesn't want to try and treat a non-consenting martial artist, so I'll move things along.

You venture deeper in the tunnel, lit only by your various caste marks. The stifling silence in the tunnels seems to mute any attempts at conversation, and the earth seems to press down on you. You pass the crossroads, following your instructions, and the tunnel eventually turns into a proper First Age corridor. The transition is rather sudden; one moment you're picking your way through crude stone and the next you're walking through a spacious corridor.

The corridor comes to an abrupt end when you reach what appears to be an old city square. The only open path leads to your left, up a flight of stairs and through a grand entranceway into a long, wide hall. Five columns line each side of the hall, with an intricately carved stone warrior standing guard at each one. Each stone warrior holds a metal blade point down. At the end of the hall, you can see two other warriors, carved in brass and wearing more intricate-looking armour.

2010-07-09, 03:28 PM
Tireya approaches the closest statue.
"I wonder will these come to life?", she asks, looking at the stone warrior's face. It's a rhetorical question. Then she pokes the statue with a closed fan, lightly.

Green Bean
2010-07-09, 03:57 PM
The warrior gives you a stony look, but does not move.

2010-07-09, 04:12 PM
Daso hovers near the front of the group, sword at the ready, eyes watching for any danger.

Green Bean
2010-07-09, 05:19 PM
You don't see any immediate danger, but you do notice the room seems to be much cleaner than hundreds of years of neglect should have left it.

2010-07-09, 07:29 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

Moving to join Daso at the front of the group, Blade held her scythe at the ready. There was something about the statues that set her on edge.


Green Bean
2010-07-09, 09:26 PM
You don't see anything unusual about the room or the statues.

2010-07-09, 09:30 PM
Moving through the tunnels Wandering Moon was more alert than usual. An unknown exalt had tried to kill them and it appeared that no one else was terribly concerned, which, she supposed, left it up to her to be. Nothing but the stones was immediately visible as the group moved through Hollow, even so she was at attention trying to pick up the subtlest hints of movement from the chasm behind them. Reaching the plaza, her attention was diverted to the statues and the open room. There probably was nothing, but after the experience with the vat of copper she didn't want to take any chances as she looked around the statues for any sign of movement.

Trying to see if i can spot anything, as well.

Perception+Awareness: [roll0]

2010-07-10, 12:38 AM
Fuming, Doc retrieved his needles and neatly stored them away. "I'm not so foolish as to think I can stop you, but you'll do precious little good for the child if you die here."

As they entered into the square however, Doc perked up. The First Age held a special interest to him. However it had ended, with such bizarre technology he was sure they had held some secrets of healing. Looking about he tried to see if he recognized anything from his studies.

Int+Lore roll to recognize/make use of First Age tech.

And reverse working Essence from things having never happened...
...I'm at full (committed motes aside)

2010-07-10, 01:50 AM
Whisper kept moving, forcing herself not to clutch her side as the neverborn exercised their anger against her again. She needed to be more careful, not that she was around others, she though angrily.

"Stay close to together around first age artifacts, and please," Whisper added glowering at Tireya, "Don't touch them. You can set off all the manner of traps that could kill us all doing that. Just... Don't bother them, and hope they don't bother us." It was like herding cats, the way they all mulled about, infuriating! Even if she hadn't been at peak form, well the needn't be acting like children...

Sighing Whisper gave the place a cool looking over, making sure the area was safe before moving on.

Per+Awarness: [roll0]
Resonance: [roll1]

Resonance: 4/10
Willpower: 7/7
Personal: 13/15
Peripheral: 25/31
-0 [x]
-1 [x] [x] [x] [x]
-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4 [ ]
-X [ ]

2010-07-10, 01:15 PM
"I just have an obligation from my god to touch the first stone statue I see every day. Don't worry, it doesn't go beyond that." Tireya's voice is only slightly amused.
Still, I don't trust those statues... I didn't really expect them to come to life just from touching, but they might do so later, when they surround the traspassers. If they really animated now we could at least know what is the deal with them, and fight them at our own ground... Well, doesn't matter. How much of a challenge can animated statues be for a group of Exalts?
Wondering idly, Tireya follows the rest of the group, pretending to stay somewhere in the middle. That doesn't mean she doesn't pay attention to her surroundings, though - on the contrary, she keeps vigilant.
Perception + Awareness: [roll0]

2010-07-10, 03:59 PM
"That sounds like a strange religion." mentions Daso in passing. "Elle, everyone's seen you, you aren't fooling anyone with that form."

In response, she fluffs her feathers and continues to tend her burn.

2010-07-10, 04:01 PM
Caera looks at Daso. "May I ask why she's able to change her form?"

2010-07-10, 04:02 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

"She's a Lunar, I assume. It's what they do." Blade said, before Daso had a chance to answer.

2010-07-10, 04:06 PM
"Yeah, she is. And a damn stubborn one."

He lets a out a fake "ow" when she nips him on the ear.

2010-07-10, 04:08 PM
Caera chuckles at the nipping. "Well, it's good to have you on the team. But we'd better get moving."

2010-07-10, 04:24 PM
"That sounds like a strange religion." mentions Daso in passing.

"Oh, you have no idea how many strange, out there things people are willing to believe in." Tireya smiles mysteriously. She knows best how true it is, personally making people believe in stupid things for a living.

Green Bean
2010-07-10, 05:13 PM
Doc Lookshy recognizes both types of statues from the First Age texts he has read. The stone statues are factorum-class constructs; essentially stone armour built over top a frame of magical materials and powered by a small essence-core. In the First Age, they were prized for their versatility. A factorum could switch between any number of menial tasks, whether farming, road building, gardening, or even cleaning with a minimum of refitting and reprogramming. In the Age of Sorrows, such constructs are uncommon. While the Realm and a number of other states have the capacity to manufacture them, it is more cost-effective to simply use mortal workers.

The brass soldiers are another matter. First created shortly before the Usurpation, the brass constructs are powerful crafted soldiers used to brutally enforce their creator's will. While the original artificer was ultimately destroyed by her own creations, they were duplicated in limited numbers by other Solars, who found numerous uses for the tireless soldiers as guards or policemen. Most were destroyed when they fought against the Dragonblooded during the Usurpation, and their use has been limited since due to the likelihood of Solar-programmed countermeasures. However, they also contain hard coded failsafes that prevent them from attacking any Celestial Exalt.

Even in their inactive state, the essence cores of both types of constructs would have run out centuries ago.

2010-07-10, 09:04 PM
Another exalt. No surprise there. That just left the pale woman and the girl with the fans undetermined, but they were probably exalts as well, given that the rest of them were. Quite a budget this expedition had.

"I've seen much weirder religions than that. What about one where sword swallowing is part of the religious rituals? Really, Great Forks has all sorts of eccentric gods making odd demands, but it makes for some great festivals at least."

2010-07-10, 09:43 PM
"Fascinating. Ten intact factorum and a set of brass legionnaires. This is quite a find. Their cores should have run out long ago, but nevertheless it's probably best to leave them be. The legionnaires were used as soldiers and policemen, and did their duty in cities lousy with rambunctious exalts. The factorum were mostly menial laborers, but could turn their hand to just about anything and well...the end of the First Age was a tumultuous time. No telling what sort of instructions might be left on the drum, and in a group such as this I wouldn't be surprised if one of us sparked them to life by accident." he laughed at that last, but made sure to keep his hands to himself. He'd have to see about liasioning with the Guild later to retrieve these. Cultural artifacts of this caliber didn't belong in a hole.

Chuckling at the sword swallowing bit he murmured to himself "Well I suppose that's one way to get your daily iron supply..." as he examined a bronze soldier. Beautiful work, but not his forte. He had only a moderate talent for working with metals. He was far more comfortable with his vials and powders.

2010-07-10, 09:53 PM
"Or someone replaced whatever powers them. This room is far too clean for somewhere that isn't supposed the have been disturbed for centuries."

Green Bean
2010-07-10, 11:06 PM
As Doc Lookshy gets closer to the brass legionnaires, one opens its eyes. Not the facsimiles carved onto its metal face, but two actual eyes, a small one merged into its shoulder and a larger one, about the size of a coconut, embedded in its torso. As near as you can tell, they're entirely biological. It springs to life, but there's something off about its movements. It seems to spasm and shake in a geometrically impossible fashion as it takes a step forward and regards the assembled Exalts for a moment. The other statues spring to life seconds later. The second brass legionnaire sprouts a number of thin tentacles from under the gaps in its armour, and the stone workers suddenly show a variety of scales, beaks, and other odd mutations. The room seems to feel...softer, as if something is about to break through. Whisper and Doc Lookshy recognize it as the effects of a Wyld zone, albeit merely the outer borders.

The eyeballed brass legionnaire speaks, in a harsh voice heavy with distortion. "Warning, Usurper essence detected. By the authority of the Deliberative, all traitors are to proceed to the Lethe for rehabilitation." All twelve constructs draw their weapons.

Join Battle time, folks.

2010-07-10, 11:11 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

Whipping Graceful Reaper around her as she stepped back away from the nearest statue, Blade prepared for combat. But something nagged at the back of her mind. Why were they being detected as Usurpers?


2010-07-10, 11:16 PM
Daso was ready for battle, as he always was, quickly moving into a fighting stance.

Elaine leapt into the air, but Ashen stayed perched on his master.

Daso: [roll0]
Daso: [roll1]

2010-07-10, 11:17 PM
"Gah, " Wandering Moon's feet slid into a lower position, ready for the movement that battle demanded, "just what we needed." The movement of her feet was followed by her boomerang being flicked up above her shoulder to be thrown at a moment's notice.

Wits+Awareness [roll0]

2010-07-10, 11:25 PM
"Oh why couldn't you just leave them alone!" Whisper cursed as the statues came to life, this was just what they needed. Maybe if those idiots had left well enough alone it wouldn't have come to this! But here they where, Whisper figured they looked like they had things handled for the most part, she saw no reason to get directly involved unless the battle turned suddenly against her allies...


Resonance: 4/10
Willpower: 7/7
Personal: 13/15
Peripheral: 25/31
-0 [x]
-1 [x] [x] [x] [x]
-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4 [ ]
-X [ ]

2010-07-10, 11:26 PM
Caera draws her sword, as she frowns. "Everyone, be careful, all right?"

She takes up a ready stance, standing up to whatever comes their way.

Join Battle: [roll0]

Personal Essence: 10/15
Peripheral Essence: 35/36
Willpower: 6/6
Limit: 0/10

-0 [ ][ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

2010-07-11, 01:41 AM
Doc jumped back with a start, and scrambled over towards Whisper, who despite her words, still had no place in active combat, no matter how she was feeling.

Join Battle=Wits+Awareness

Permanent: ●●
Personal: 14/14 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 23/28 (5 Committed)
-0 [ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

2010-07-11, 06:56 AM
And just the thing Tireya predicted happened. Well, except for the whole Wyld part.
"They'd probably wake up just from one of us passing close. This fight was unavoidable." She grabs the second fan and opens both, holding them at ready for both attack and defense.
I don't like this... But a battle is the only option here, isn't it? You can't negotiate with constructs...

Join battle: [roll0]

Green Bean
2010-07-11, 07:42 AM
Initiative Order
Tick 0: Elaine, Doc Lookshy, Eyeball Brass Legionnaire
Tick 1: Tireya, Wandering Moon, Stone Construct 1
Tick 2: Whisper, Tentacle Brass Legionnaire, Stone Construct 2, Stone Construct 3, Stone Construct 4
Tick 3: Elegant Flashing Blade, Grit Daso, Caera, Stone Construct 5, Stone Construct 6, Stone Construct 7, Stone Construct 8
Tick 4: Stone Construct 9, Stone Construct 10

2010-07-11, 08:17 AM
Elaine's hawk form rippled and stretched, wings becoming much larger and deep red. The birds head stretched into a more human one, though it retained birdlike features. The bird's legs lengthened, so that they were about the length of a normal, 10 foot tall, human, albeit rather bony below the knee and feathery above it. Feathers spread across her entire body, silver on the front of her torso and underside of her wings, deep red everywhere else. Two silver swords appeared as if from nowhere in her hands, both 4 foot long, and one with a wicked curve to it, like a birds talon.

She fell from the air to land with a crunch in front of the mixed bag of Exalts, defending them against as many of the statues as she could.

Personal: 16/16 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 26/34 (8 Committed)

DDV: 7
PDV: 10

Soak: 11L/9B

-0 [B]
-1 [B][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Essence + 4 = 6.
Large (as standard)
Wings (4) + Flight
Feathers (1) + 1L/1B soak
Enhanced Sense [Sight] (1) +1 Sight Awareness Rolls

2010-07-11, 11:04 AM
Lem paused in his mad dash backwards and spun in place, one foot rising and lashing out. Rather than impacting on the foe, and likely breaking his foot however, the angle of the blow changed sharply before impact, his foot coming to rest behind the knee joint of the bronze automaton, and pulling forward, buckling the knee and staggering his opponent.

Attack- Kick

Damage=[5+x+successful stunt die-soak] die

Green Bean
2010-07-11, 11:57 AM
Lem's attack hits home, but glances off ineffectually, deflected by the automaton's heavy armour. It turns towards the doctor as if noticing it for the first time. "Resistance detected. T-tactical assessment: Usurper victory: impossible."

It draws the spear mounted on its back, and with unnatural speed thrusts it toward Doc Lookshy in one terrifyingly swift motion. "Usurpation is the very definition of failure."

1 die stunt, resulting in 1 additional success. Recover 2 motes.

Automata's attack: [roll0]

Damage: 7L + threshold successes.

Initiative Order
Tick 1: Tireya, Wandering Moon, Stone Construct 1
Tick 2: Whisper, Tentacle Brass Legionnaire, Stone Construct 2, Stone Construct 3, Stone Construct 4
Tick 3: Elegant Flashing Blade, Grit Daso, Caera, Stone Construct 5, Stone Construct 6, Stone Construct 7, Stone Construct 8
Tick 4: Stone Construct 9, Stone Construct 10
Tick 5: Elaine, Doc Lookshy, Eyeball Brass Legionnaire

2010-07-11, 12:22 PM
Tireya jumps into the direction of the closest statue, starting what appears to be a graceful, if fast dance, with lots of fans fluttering and spinning in large circles. Just a dance it is not, however - each move is punctuated by one of the fans attacking the target, slashing at it with a sharp edge or slamming into it with its deceptively hard ribs.

That'd be a flurry of 6 attacks.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]
Attack 3: [roll2]
Attack 4: [roll3]
Attack 5: [roll4]
Attack 6: [roll5]

Doing lethal damage (3L + extra successes), though it probably won't deal more than the base 2L with each attack anyway. If I manage to destroy one enemy before the flurry is over and there is another one close, I move to that one.

Green Bean
2010-07-11, 12:42 PM
In a blur of violence, Tireya cracks open the chest armour of one of the stone statues and destroys its Wyld-tainted essence core with a practised slice before gracefully removing the head of another. Both drop to the ground, and the atmosphere in the room starts to seem slightly more solid.

Two statues destroyed, one die stunt.

Initiative Order
Tick 1: Wandering Moon, Stone Construct 1
Tick 2: Whisper, Tentacle Brass Legionnaire, Stone Construct 2, Stone Construct 3, Stone Construct 4
Tick 3: Elegant Flashing Blade, Grit Daso, Caera, Stone Construct 5, Stone Construct 6, Stone Construct 7, Stone Construct 8
Tick 4: Stone Construct 9, Stone Construct 10
Tick 5: Elaine, Doc Lookshy, Eyeball Brass Legionnaire
Tick 6: Tireya

2010-07-11, 01:57 PM
As the spear lunged towards him Doc bent backwards, frantically seeking to avoid perforation. The tip of the spear grew to fill his vision, and as his head started to drop out of the path of the spear, he felt a slight tug, as the tip of the spear rushed in, pulling his glasses off his face as the tip just barely missed his eye.

Barely out of danger, Doc grabbed the haft of the spear in a loose grip and tugged on it, using it to lurch up from his painful maneuver, and in doing so, snag his glasses out of the air with his free hand. One foot twisted around the other in one of the first steps he had learned of his martial art, and he twisted around in following. His back pressed up against his foe's chest...or eye rather, as he re-settled his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
"You" he panted "Are malfunctioning. You do know that yes?"

Defending using Dodge DV
-1 for having taken an attack action
Total:5 + successful stunt die

Enemy Successes: 6.
Perforation depends entirely on whether or not I get any stunt die. And if the roll successes.
Regardless I shall roll damage as though I fail to dodge (using a Threshold of 1) to save time in the event that I do fail. Not sure if you pre-included soak so I'll roll for both totals.

Damage(pre-soak assumption): 7+1 -Lethal Soak=8-6=2

Damage(post-soak assumption):7+1=8

Green Bean
2010-07-11, 02:08 PM
The construct quickly recovers, and you feel its centre eye twitching in the small of your back. "The Deliberative will never fall to Dragonblooded Usurpation."

Success, and a two-die stunt. Recover 4 motes or 1 WP.

2010-07-11, 07:11 PM
Tick 1, Speed 5, -1 DV

Wandering Moon kicked off from the ground, breaking into what seemed like a simple jump to close the gap to the nearest statue. However, at the peak of the jump she beat her wings soaring several feet up, soaring over the head of the statue. Just before crossing over it, she threw her boomerang with a short flick of the hand, watching it seemingly headed for a statue on the other side of the room, coming slightly short and missing before moving back to her. Instead of curving upwards to where she was, it continued straight hitting the statue below.

I use Observer Deceiving Attack to enhance it, hoping that the statue can't get two successes on wits+awareness, which is admittedly not something wise to hope for.

Dexterity+Thrown [roll0]

7L base damage.

Green Bean
2010-07-11, 08:01 PM
The skycutter carves into one of the statues, heavily damaging it. It spasms wildly, smashing a chunk out of one of the columns before regaining control of itself.

A beaked stone construct shuffles forward, slicing its sword at Elegant Flashing Blade.

2 levels of damage to the construct. 1 die stunt, recover 2 motes.

Stone Contruct 1's attack: [roll0]

10s don't double, 9L damage on hit.

Initiative Order
Tick 2: Whisper, Tentacle Brass Legionnaire, Stone Construct 2, Stone Construct 4
Tick 3: Elegant Flashing Blade, Grit Daso, Caera, Stone Construct 5, Stone Construct 6, Stone Construct 7, Stone Construct 8
Tick 4: Stone Construct 10
Tick 5: Elaine, Doc Lookshy, Eyeball Brass Legionnaire, Stone Construct 1
Tick 6: Tireya, Wandering Moon

2010-07-11, 08:24 PM
Elegant Flashing Blade

As the statue lunged at Blade, she stepped slightly to the side and swung Graceful Reaper up, effortlessly catching the incoming sword. With a slight push, she knocked the weapon away from her, grinning broadly as she did so.

Parrying it. It doesn't beat either of my defenses, actually.

2010-07-11, 09:38 PM
Whsiper paused as the moving statues clashed suddenly with her allies in a sudden wave of violence all around, her weapon rattling hungrily while she stood on the cusp of action. There was something in her that itched desperately for violence, here she could get the fix. She couldn't take it anymore! With smooth graceful steps barely hindered by her wounds, she began to approached two of the living statues, before breaking into an open sprint as she spun her weapon behind her.

Approaching the first statue from behind she calmly grabbed its shoulder and vaulted over it in the air in a single motion. Her arm flicked just so slightly, as as she passed over it Reaver smashed mercilessly into its chest, while smoothly whipping it back into the one directly behind her as she landed gracefully between the two statues in perfect form

Attack 1:[roll0]
Attack 2:[roll1]

Damage is 11B + Success

Speed of attack is 4

Resonance: 4/10
Willpower: 7/7
Personal: 13/15
Peripheral: 25/31
-0 [x]
-1 [x] [x] [x] [x]
-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
-4 [ ]
-X [ ]

Green Bean
2010-07-12, 03:31 PM
Reaver smashes heavily into the first statue, knocking it back into the floor. Both the construct and the floor show heavy cracking, but the automaton still manages to struggle to its feet. The second statue blocks Whisper's other attack with its sword.

The be-tentacled Brass Legionnaire, seeing the devastation Tireya wrought with her fans, closes the distance with the con artist and performed two quick jabs with its spear. "Usurpation is a temporary setback in the road to glory."

The damaged stone soldier barely manages to struggle to its feet. The other tries to avenge its comrade, targeting Whisper with a sword blow.

Elegant Flashing Blade gets a 1 die stunt; recover 2 motes.

Whisper inflicts 2 levels of damage to the first statue, misses second. 2 die stunt, recover 4 motes or 1 WP.

Brass Legionnaire's attacks
Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]

7L + successes

Stone Construct 4's attack: [roll2]

9L + successes, 10s don't double.

Initiative Order
Tick 3: Elegant Flashing Blade, Grit Daso, Caera, Stone Construct 5, Stone Construct 6, Stone Construct 7, Stone Construct 8
Tick 4: Stone Construct 10
Tick 5: Elaine, Doc Lookshy, Eyeball Brass Legionnaire, Stone Construct 1
Tick 6: Tireya, Wandering Moon, Whisper, Stone Construct 2, Stone Construct 4
Tick 7: Tentacle Brass Legionnaire

2010-07-12, 04:15 PM
Tireya blocks the first stab with her fans, holding them one behind the other as an impromptu shield, then thwacks the spear out of the way with one of them, causing the second strike to miss the target.
"What dedication to the cause. I feel touched."

Using Golden Tiger Stance to defend against the first attack, I defend against the second one with natural PDV even without the charm.