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2010-07-03, 11:22 PM
Its not the MOST broken thing in the game but I just thought, what if you were a Shadowdancer, you carried an umbrella (or other shade-giving device) with you and used Hide-in-plain-sight? Would the umbrella count as your own shadow or would that work? If it worked, what would others see? A floating umbrella? :smallconfused:

2010-07-03, 11:41 PM
by the umbrela logic you could hide in the shadow provided by your hat so i think items that you hold dont count.
Also if they see you hide in that shadow and theirs no other shadow near by they at least know what square your in.

2010-07-03, 11:44 PM
Its not the MOST broken thing in the game but I just thought, what if you were a Shadowdancer, you carried an umbrella (or other shade-giving device) with you and used Hide-in-plain-sight? Would the umbrella count as your own shadow or would that work? If it worked, what would others see? A floating umbrella? :smallconfused:

Better to get someone else to carry the umbrella to avoid the question of it counting as you and thus invalid. Or just get one of those really big ones for tables and/or picnics that can be set down and stay up on its own.

2010-07-03, 11:48 PM
There is a Parasol in Sandstorm on page 100 and the Portable Shade on page 135.

2010-07-03, 11:50 PM
It only works if the umbrella's pink and has kitties on it. Then no one will be able to see anything but your eyes.

2010-07-03, 11:57 PM
There's no real RAW behind it, but personally, I'd go with "they see the parasol and therefore can pinpoint what square you're in, but you're technically hidden, so you have total concealment." Fluffed, of course, as MitD-style clinging darkness that hides everything but your eyes. :smallamused:

2010-07-04, 12:00 AM
Better to get someone else to carry the umbrella to avoid the question of it counting as you and thus invalid. .

If you have someone else around, then you can just use their shadow.

2010-07-04, 01:27 AM
Shadowdancers don't even have to be in the shadow to use Hide in Plain Sight. They just need some shadows within 10 feet.

Hmm... interesting thought: can a Shadowdancer use her shadow companion to activate her HiPS? It is "some sort of shadow," technically. :smallwink:

2010-07-04, 01:31 AM
It depends on just how gamey you like to get. On the one hand, it's clearly not what's intended, but on the other, Shadowdancers at least moderately suck and could use a bone or two. I say give it to 'em, just from a balance perspective, unless they're really obnoxious about it.

Also, we managed to get this far without anyone mentioning the Tower Shield of Invisibility? Amazing.

2010-07-04, 02:21 AM
You do know that two Shadowdancers can hide in each others shadows right? :D

Gan The Grey
2010-07-04, 02:25 AM
You do know that two Shadowdancers can hide in each others shadows right? :D

I think that would 'splode reality.

2010-07-04, 06:21 AM
A DM I played with ruled that the Shadowdancer's Shadow companion counted for Shadow Jump, although it wasn't tested with Hide in Plain Sight as our resident Shadowdancer never used it...at least not to my memory, or not in that way. Even if your DM doesn't agree that the Shadow is an appropriate shadow, your Shadow still casts a shadow. The description of both the Shadow and Incorporeal subtype never specify no shadows are cast.

If you really need a shadow, just toss out some caltrops or marbles. They'll provide 'some kind of shadow'. :3

2010-07-04, 10:51 AM
You would be hard pressed to not find a shadow. You can use the grass, the shadow created by a lantern (even if it emits light in all directions, it would have a bottom) or your opponent's shadow. You really don't need an umbrella for that stuff.

You have to be either alone in a featureless hallway or something, and even then, unless the walls are completely smooth, there will be cracks, or if you are in a place where light comes from all directions, creating no shadow. At all. But then you know the DM is out to get you.

2010-07-04, 04:52 PM
Carry a lit torch. It casts shadows which you just happen to be in.

2010-07-04, 04:59 PM
Couldn't a shadowdancer take the one 1st level shadow hand maneuver that produces shadows if you move 10' giving you concealment?

2010-07-04, 05:17 PM
You would be hard pressed to not find a shadow. You can use the grass, the shadow created by a lantern (even if it emits light in all directions, it would have a bottom) or your opponent's shadow. You really don't need an umbrella for that stuff.

You have to be either alone in a featureless hallway or something, and even then, unless the walls are completely smooth, there will be cracks, or if you are in a place where light comes from all directions, creating no shadow. At all. But then you know the DM is out to get you.

There are no shadows outside on a cloudy day.

2010-07-04, 05:18 PM
There are no shadows outside on a cloudy day.

Or... Is everywhere shadowed by the clouds?

2010-07-04, 05:20 PM
@Heliomance: Some areas are still darker than others. Otherwise, the area under the rock would be as bright as the area above it, meaning everything is dark. Which doesn't happen in an average cloudy day. Edit: And yeah, the clouds are leaving a shadow, ya know?

@Khellendross: The shadows are still kinda considered yours, I don't think it would work...

2010-07-04, 05:22 PM
@Heliomance: Some areas are still darker than others. Otherwise, the area under the rock would be as bright as the area above it, meaning everything is dark. Which doesn't happen in an average cloudy day. Edit: And yeah, the clouds are leaving a shadow, ya know?

@Khellendross: The shadows are still kinda considered yours, I don't think it would work...

Thats a shame. It would be a nice trick.