View Full Version : Avast, ye Landlubbers! It do be discussions about Pirate Games! Yarrr!

2010-07-04, 08:33 AM
To clarify. This isn't about pirating games, but about games where you are a pirate. We good? Great! :smallbiggrin:

Ahoy there, Matey! Welcome to this pile o' timbers and rags that do be the boat of Captain 'Two-Eyes' xp194!

A few years past, us pirates were hitting yonder screen o' silver (Which, mind me words, is a total lie. There do be no silver in that place.) and *cough cough hack blergh*

Gah, sorry, don't know what came over me. Basically, pirates peaked in popularity a while ago, and thus, there came Pirate Games. How many people here play them?

I personally play Pirates of the Caribbean on the PC, which isn't the total film knockoff it sounds like. You star as Captain Nathenial Hawke, start off with a boat with many holes in crew, hull and sail, a few tasks to do whilst you're in port and the shirt on your back. As soon as you leave port, it gets attacked by the French, either sparking off the main storyline, or in my case, sparking off my adventures as a merchant raider-man. Good times.

There's other games out there, I think Sid Meier's Pirates! being the most popular. How's that?

2010-07-04, 09:16 AM
Sid Meier's is good, but completely repetitive after a while. Once you get the hang of it, the challenge becomes trying to get someone to spawn a Ship of the Line for you to steal and invading as many cities as possible. The main story can be completed pretty fast.

2010-07-04, 11:26 AM
Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales is a complete knockoff of Pirates of the Caribbean (so a knockoff of a knockoff?), down to game mechanics. But, amazingly enough, it improved on most of the things that I considered marks against the latter. For example, boarding combat no longer consists of just you and three your guys against five their guys.

The Port Royale series lets you go pirate eventually, but I found it incredibly repetitive and taking too much time until you can afford to go fighting other ships.

2010-07-04, 12:07 PM
Sid Meier's is good, but completely repetitive after a while. Once you get the hang of it, the challenge becomes trying to get someone to spawn a Ship of the Line for you to steal and invading as many cities as possible. The main story can be completed pretty fast.

Though, yes, it was somewhat repetitive, I found that remake very enjoyable.

2010-07-04, 12:23 PM
I, for myself, loved Puzzle Pirates while I played it.

2010-07-05, 05:34 AM
I, for myself, loved Puzzle Pirates while I played it.

Loved Puzzle Pirates while I played it as well.

Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons (for the SNES) is a very piratey game. You can sail around the world as a merchant, explorer or even a pirate. You can also work for kingdoms doing some missions. They give you missions according to your "fame", which will increase as you trade/explore/fight. One of the best games ever, imo.

Brother Oni
2010-07-06, 06:47 AM
There's a pirate based MMO called Pirates of the Burning Sea, which is set in the 18th century Carribbean.

You have a choice of classes, which determine both your personal fencing style and ship style, for example raiders specialise in damage/status effects in fencing and capturing ships, while defenders specialise in defence for both fencing and sailing.

While sailing, your direction of travel relative to the wind deterrmines your movement speed and you have your standard broadside attacks. You can also buy and fire special ammunition like heated shot (does more damage by setting the enemy ship on fire) or chain shot (reduces movement speed by downing masts).

You can pick nationality and whether you're navy or pirate - navy types are generally aligned with a particular nation and tend to go on covoys or pirate hunting. Pirates like to raid merchant ships and nick all their stuff.

While less nautical based, there's a space MMO called Eve Online, where piracy is a valid play style.

2010-07-06, 06:21 PM
In Final Fantasy XII and Skies of Arcadia, you play as sky pirates, does that count? You don't do much actual pirating, but still.

2010-07-06, 06:28 PM
In Final Fantasy XII and Skies of Arcadia, you play as sky pirates, does that count? You don't do much actual pirating, but still.
In that case, the fantastic Crimson Skies counts too.

2010-07-06, 06:50 PM
Port Royale is quite good fun as well.