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View Full Version : How would this affect gameplay? [3.5] (enigmatime stay out)

Darklord Xavez
2010-07-04, 01:18 PM
How would introducing the d20 Modern weapons into a 3.5 one-shot adventure affect gameplay if they were used alongside the standard weapons? I will be running a "zombie apocalypse" style one-shot and there has to be shotguns. How should I adjust encounters accordingly, assuming 4 4th level PCs?

2010-07-04, 01:45 PM
Note: My questions are based on having googled "d20 Modern SRD" and spent five minutes skimming the section on firearms. That said...

1) Do the characters have to burn feats on proficiencies? If they have to find room for proficiency feats, this is underpowered, not overpowered.
2) How freely available is ammo? If this is a survival horror thing where every bullet is precious, this is definitely not a problem... though honestly even if this is a bang-boom action thing where they have nearly unlimited ammo, I can't see this being too bad.
3) How do the whole semiautomatic/automatic things work? From five minutes of skimming I don't get how that interacts with normal BAB and iteratives.
4) Do standard 3.5 archery abilities, like Rapid Reload or Manyshot, apply? You can't make archery too powerful by level 4 anyway, but it might be a consideration.

Overall, it doesn't look too bad. By level 4, the difference between a 1d8 longbow and a 2d8 shotgun just isn't that great. Yes, it's an average of +4.5 damage per hit, but honestly, that's not really that big of a deal, especially if the monsters don't get them too (most zombies don't get guns, unless this is based on Versus (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0275773/)). That just means you can send more zombies against them, anyway. My biggest concern is how the whole automatic fire thing works, and whether or not you'll have to spend too long explaining the difference between gun combat and normal 3.5 combat to the players.

2010-07-04, 01:45 PM
At 4th level and in a one-shot? You're fine.

EDIT @^: Semi-auto lets you take iteratives. Automatic replaces one attack with a pretty wimpy DC15 Reflex save against a 10x10 area.

Darklord Xavez
2010-07-04, 01:58 PM
Thanks, both of you. They wouldn't have to burn proficiency feats for firearms.