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2010-07-04, 04:11 PM
So, I'm going to be playing an Unbodied in a campaign. Thing is, I'm having trouble with filling in some fluff.

1) What kind of names do you think they'd have? Far-realms style stuff? Normal names? No names?

2) What gods/archdevils/other powerful figures would they worship/venerate etc.? Specifically, a LE one?

And I think that's all my questions so far.

2010-07-04, 05:16 PM
So, I'm going to be playing an Unbodied in a campaign. Thing is, I'm having trouble with filling in some fluff.

Well, they're basically humanoids who evolved into beings of pure thought, sci-fi style, and they're natural telepaths. So, it really depends on how you're going to be playing it. For example, how long have you been that way? Do you still remember your humanoid personality, or have you cast aside your old self and become inhumanly enigmatic? Have you spent a lot of time masquerading as various creatures, observing those still bound by mortality? Or have you been hiding out in some ruined tomb or temple, meditating on the nature of life and existence? The Unbodied can be any of these things.

1) What kind of names do you think they'd have? Far-realms style stuff? Normal names? No names?

They could have a normal name if they remember having a normal life once. Or maybe they just remember their name. Or they could simply have a title, or some really strange name they made up for themselves. If they've been in solitude for centuries, they might not have any name at all anymore.

2) What gods/archdevils/other powerful figures would they worship/venerate etc.? Specifically, a LE one?

Again, could be anything they worshipped in their humanoid lives. Or else either Zuoken or Ilsensine from the XPH could work. Zuoken was a human who attained such perfection of body and mind that he became a god, not unlike how the Unbodied transformed into beings of pure thought. Ilsensine is the LE god of mindflayers, but its promises of power through mental domination could be a good lure for an evil Unbodied. Beyond that, Tharizdun or the Patient One (mentioned in Lords of Madness) are both kind of Far Realm-y. Or else Vecna, Nerull, or even Hextor could work depending on your character's viewpoint.

Personally, I usually picture psionic characters and creatures to be less on the religious side, but religion can work if you want it to.

2010-07-04, 05:19 PM
Well, extra news. This Unbodied is now a demon lord.

You see, it's an epic campaign, and my Unbodied took a homebrew VoP, which gives the outsider type at level 20. The DM asked me if I also wanted to be a demon lord, so now I am.

The worship thing was just because I had to sacrifice any wealth gained.

Thanks for the help, though.

2010-07-04, 05:24 PM
If you're a demon lord then why not worship yourself? Do demons even worship things? Can they?

2010-07-04, 05:26 PM
If you're a demon lord then why not worship yourself?

So I sacrifice my wealth to myself?

EDIT: I dunno, just what it says in the feat. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=140428)

2010-07-04, 05:31 PM
The prerequisite says "You must give away all worldly goods save what is necessary for your survival and your trade."
Doesn't say who you have to give it away to. You could just think "I'm evolved beyond the material, I don't need stuff" and just throw it away and not even care where it lands.

2010-07-04, 05:32 PM
The prerequisite says "You must give away all worldly goods save what is necessary for your survival and your trade."
Doesn't say who you have to give it away to. You could just think "I'm evolved beyond the material, I don't need stuff" and just throw it away and not even care where it lands.

Heh, that is kinda cool.

I'll see if I can give it to my believers.

2010-07-04, 05:33 PM
Well, extra news. This Unbodied is now a demon lord.

You see, it's an epic campaign, and my Unbodied took a homebrew VoP, which gives the outsider type at level 20. The DM asked me if I also wanted to be a demon lord, so now I am.

Well in that case, you're probably not still using some Joe Human name.

Also, that opens up Erythnul since he's CE. Or you can maybe just sacrifice stuff to the Abyss itself, since it's arguably a malevolent entity in its own right. Heck, that'd be a pretty good way to become a demon lord, I'd say.

2010-07-04, 05:35 PM
Well in that case, you're probably not still using some Joe Human name.

Also, that opens up Erythnul since he's CE. Or you can maybe just sacrifice stuff to the Abyss itself, since it's arguably a malevolent entity in its own right. Heck, that'd be a pretty good way to become a demon lord, I'd say.

I just got a reply from my DM. I can give my wealth to my believers (I am a Thrallherd, after all. And I have a feat that's basically Epic Leadership, but for Thrallherd).

2010-07-04, 06:51 PM
Sheesh. That'll buy some impressive-looking siege weapons.