View Full Version : [Mouse Guard] End of an Era

2010-07-05, 10:56 AM
"As the seasons change, the older mice retire from the guard, and the young mice start into their first apprenticeships, dreaming of grand adventures to come. But... in the Territories, dreamers are educated far too quickly, and this is the thing for which I am most sad."--Lima, Retired Guard

<<I'm using this thread to post some of my old campaign content from Mouse Guard and some content from my upcoming campaign, as well as a new island territory featuring an alternate set of wildlife>>


Mice of the Territories

Thom, Bear Ambassador
{table=head]Raw Abilities|Rating|Special Abilities|Rating
Nature (Mouse) |
4 | Resources |

Will |
5 | Circles |

Health |
4 |
Skills: Administrator 3, Apiarist 5, Black Bear-wise 4, Orator 4, Haggler 4
Traits: Fearless (1), Extrovert (1)
Gear: Knife, Light Armor, Apiary Supplies

Only a few mice remember the last time a bear entered the Territories, thanks to Thom's quick thinking and excellent diplomacy.
Special: Thom is retired from active Guard duty, but if his expertise is needed, he is more than willing to help.

{table=head]Raw Abilities|Rating|Special Abilities|Rating
Nature (Mouse) |
3 | Resources |

Will |
4 | Circles |

Health |
3 |
Skills: Glazier 4, Weaver 4, Cloak-wise 4
Traits: Extrovert (1)

{table=head]Raw Abilities|Rating|Special Abilities|Rating
Nature (Mouse) |
4 | Resources |

Will |
4 | Circles |

Health |
3 |
Skills: Healer 5, Sickness-wise 4
Traits: Calm (1)

{table=head]Raw Abilities|Rating|Special Abilities|Rating
Nature (Mouse) |
4 | Resources |

Will |
4 | Circles |

Health |
4 |
Skills: Boatcrafter 4, Carpenter 3, River-wise 4, Weather-Watcher 4
Traits: Fearless (1)

More to come as I type it up! (I'm still on the 'paper & pencil' half of P&PRPG!)

2010-07-05, 01:44 PM
Summer Island
East of Lillygrove, far into the sea there lies an island with completely unique wildlife. Summer Island, so named for its consistently warm climate, does not have any native mice, but its unique resources, climate, and geography attract much of the Guard.

Apiary: Summer island is home to different breeds of bees from the mainland; some are suitable for quality honey production, others are not.
Cartography: No mouse has yet mapped Summer Island.
Glaziery: Summer Island has rare minerals suited to the creation of durable glass.
Naturalism: The species of plants and animals on Summmer Island can not be found anywhere else.
Science: Scientists are attracted to the pursuit of new chemistry made possible both by Summer Island's climate and its natural resources.
Smithing: The metals on Summer Island can be used very effectively by a knowledgable smith.

The Guard has occasionally been able to maintain an outpost on Summer Island, but there are usually not enough mice available to make the difficult trip there.

Traveling to Summer Island is an Ob 4 Pathfinder test.
On Summer Island, add +1 Ob to Survivalist tests.

Wild Animals of Summer Island

Iguanas have a light blue underbelly and green or dusty red scales. They have spiny backs and are cold blooded. During the day they lay out in the sun, and at night they burrow into the ground to stay warm. Iguanas have a symbiotic relationship with the island's birds: birds will pick insects off of the iguana's backs. They are herbivorous, and are sometimes willing to befriend mice.

Iguana Nature 4
Burrowing, Relaxing, Biting

Toirtoises are slow moving land creatures, often found out in the sun. Like Iguanas, they are cold-blooded. They're heavy creatures--heavier than black bears--and eat plants nearly constantly.

Toirtoise Nature 8
Slow Moving, Gigantic, Turtling

Tortoise Weapons
Tortoise Shell- +5D to Defend.

Flightless Cormorant
The Flightless Cormorant is a flightless bird. It is rare even on Summer Island. It has webbed feet and feeds near the sea shore; however, as its feathers are not waterproof, it must spend time out in the sun drying off after each dive.

Flightless Cormorant Nature 3
Swimming, Fish Hunting, Growling

Summer Penguin
The Summer Penguin is a flightless bird that eats fish and small crustaceans. The penguins on Summer Island make nests near water and usually stay within a mile of them. Summer Penguins molt twice a year. Despite Summer Island's, Summer Penguins remain comfortable there because of the comfortable breezes that regularly cross certain parts of the island.

Summer Penguin Nature 6
Swimming, Playing, Nest Protecting

Blue Footed Booby
The blue footed booby is a small bird with saturated blue feet and beaks. It is a showy bird, although not very intelligent. It likes talking to and taunting mice, but generally flees from danger.

Blue Footed Booby Nature 3
Flying, Showing Off, Taunting

Totally Guy
2010-07-05, 03:05 PM
When statting out the animals don't forget to include a rating for the Natural Order as that determines whether killing is on the line. "Ok, a mouse can't kill it... but a Weasel could...":amused:


2010-07-05, 04:43 PM
When statting out the animals don't forget to include a rating for the Natural Order as that determines whether killing is on the line. "Ok, a mouse can't kill it... but a Weasel could...":amused:


I had it drawn out on a piece of paper... apparently you have to actually type things that are relevant to the rules out while you're posting homebrew materials? Sometimes it helps. haha!

This should work:
2. Young Mouse
3. Mouse, Blue Footed Booby
4. Iguana, Flightless Cormorant
5. Summer Penguin
