View Full Version : Savage Tide - IC

2010-07-05, 11:10 AM
First individual intros

@ Zefir
After your master died, you were a tad distraught. You had lived a secluded life up until now and do not know many people in the city. Your master had dealt with the day to day tasks requireing you to go out into the city and now that he has died you really aren't coping well. The one time you did try going out into the city you took quite a bit of your masters significant fortune (which the two of you had been living off) and it was stolen by some pickpockets.

Eventually you felt that events were spiraling out of control so you did what you were taught to do in times of need, pray. You went down to your local church and asked your God for help.

It seems he answered your prayer because it was there you met Kora Whistlegap, an elderly halfling woman who took you under her wing.

She showed you how to look after yourself, maid you the occasional apple crumble, acted like a granny to you.

Eventually when you had nearly run out of money and only had just over 100gp left and told her you needed money, she had just the thing for you (as grandmothers always seem to)
She hands you a note and said "I've been given these to hand out to people i think you're the kind of trustworthy person that My Lady is Looking for, see you tommorow then."

The contents of the note says:

Greetings, and I trust this missive finds you in Good health.

My name i Lavinia Vanderboren, and I humbly request your attendence at dinner at my estate on Festival Street and Blue Skink lane tomorrow evening. I that I can present you with an opportunity uniquely suited to your skills. Please inform the carrier of this letter of your response to this invitation, and I hope to be speaking to you shortly.

Lavinia Vanderboren

The "opportunity uniquely suited to your skills" sounds like some sort of job to you. You decide to accept, if not for the possible rewards, but as a favour to Kora. The next day you head there to find out what this opportunity is

@Mr Doubleday
You sigh sadly as you hear a knocking on your door and tumble out of bed. It was too early it in the morning (well afternoon really but you stayed up late with a new tome you were "borrowing" from the witchwardens library) for people to be bothering you.

You shout "Who is it?" And you hear a muffled voice calls back, "The witchwardens recomended you for a job,"

"One second"

After quickly throwing on some clothes you rush to open the door,
There you see a wisened looking halfling woman who thrusts a note at you
saying "from my mistress"

You take the letter and open it

The contents of the note says:

Greetings, and I trust this missive finds you in Good health.

My name is Lavinia Vanderboren, and I humbly request your attendence at dinner at my estate on Festival Street and Blue Skink lane tomorrow evening. I that I can present you with an opportunity uniquely suited to your skills. Please inform the carrier of this letter of your response to this invitation, and I hope to be speaking to you shortly.

Lavinia Vanderboren

After reading the letter twice and commiting the details to memory you weigh in your mind and decide the opportunity for profit outweighs any/ all risks (probally) and say yes to the halfling woman who then leaves.

The next day you get dressed in your finest garments (which you reflect are quite old and probally not "in fashion") and head off to meet Ms Vanderboren

@Kragg Razerclaw As you head into town nothing particularly unusual happens so you go about your rounds trying to get a good price for the meat. You manage to sell a bit, even haggle a good price but you still have a large amount (10Ib) so you decide to go to a more upclass area where they might buy more in larger quantities.

The first place you go is the vanderboren estate, you've done business with the people there and are on good terms with them.

As you arrive at the estate you see the halfing maid, Kora Whistlegap, an old, wizened looking woman, leaving, so you rush up to talk to her. When she sees you she seems delighted and takes out a letter and holds it out for you to take.

You take it open it realise you can't read and ask Kora to read it for you.
She reads it

The contents of the note says:

Greetings, and I trust this missive finds you in Good health.

My name is Lavinia Vanderboren, and I humbly request your attendence at dinner at my estate on Festival Street and Blue Skink lane tomorrow evening. I that I can present you with an opportunity uniquely suited to your skills. Please inform the carrier of this letter of your response to this invitation, and I hope to be speaking to you shortly.

Lavinia Vanderboren

You take the note to show your family to see (you forget about the Venison). They approve so the next day you head back into town and to the Vanderboren Manor for whatever this "opportunity" is

@Lorian Elthroth
In search for the cure to the plague that is affecting the Gray elves, you have moved south to try find a cure in the vast Amedio Jungle which is full of exotic components and potential ingredients and as such you have moved south to Sasserine and are using it as a base of operations. The problem with research however is that it is expensive and you are struggleing with funding.

So when a wizened looking halfling woman comes to your door and offers a note which outlines a job prospect you couldn't say yes quickly enough

The contents of the note says:

Greetings, and I trust this missive finds you in Good health.

My name is Lavinia Vanderboren, and I humbly request your attendence at dinner at my estate on Festival Street and Blue Skink lane tomorrow evening. I that I can present you with an opportunity uniquely suited to your skills. Please inform the carrier of this letter of your response to this invitation, and I hope to be speaking to you shortly.

Lavinia Vanderboren

The next day you make sure you dress smartly before heading off to hear this "opportunity" with the hopes that it pays well

and last but not least

@ Lady Rhodes

After discretly offering out your services through a range of channels, you are pleasantly surprised when a note bearing, wizened looking halfling maid comes to visit

The contents of the note says:

Greetings, and I trust this missive finds you in Good health.

My name is Lavinia Vanderboren, and I humbly request your attendence at dinner at my estate on Festival Street and Blue Skink lane tomorrow evening. I that I can present you with an opportunity uniquely suited to your skills. Please inform the carrier of this letter of your response to this invitation, and I hope to be speaking to you shortly.

Lavinia Vanderboren
You say yes to the halfling woman, before deciding what to wear for the dinner tomorrow. You set off for the Vanderboren estate

(sorry that this isn't that long but this is the last one and i'm getting tired of writing these):smallsigh:

Now to all first OOC thread - http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=158887

You arrive at the mansion gate on the outer wall which appears to be open. You see several over people approaching at about the same time, what do you do?

2010-07-05, 01:38 PM

The sun sets on another muggy, sweltering Sasserine evening. The group of strangers slowly gathering at the gates of Vanderboren Manor are certainly a diverse bunch. One of the more interesting looking members of this unlikely cadre is a tall, lanky young man clad in a somewhat wrinkled, somewhat out-of-fashion black silk doublet. A slightly sweat-stained sash graces his pale neck, and a haphazard series of belts, buckles, buttons, and other decorations dot his person as if they were thrown on to his outfit without forethought or reason. It would appear the man attempted to comb down his hair, but the unruly mop has unraveled in the humidity to a wild mane sticking out in almost every direction, as if he had been recently electrocuted. He licks his thin lips somewhat nervously, his striking red eyes glancing over the other newcomers and the scenery in a distracted manner. Dark circles can be seen beneath his eyes. He gives off the general appearance that he has not slept in days, and that he has only recently rolled out of a fitful half-nap. Still, there is a certain charm to him, though it is hard to place. He could be reminiscent of a brilliant composer or musician, too obsessed with the melodies playing through his head to be concerned with his physical appearance.

Without a word, he proceeds across the manor green to the large, impressive double doors marking the main entrance into Vanderboren manor. He pounds on the brass knocker three times before pacing slightly, occasionally rocking back and forth on his heels. Most of his gaze is directed upward at the architecture of the manor, which is certainly one of the more impressive buildings in this district of the city.

2010-07-05, 02:31 PM

If you take a closer look at the group you will notice a gap in the mid of it. This is caused by the lowest member, but even for the lowest he seems to walk faster than the other. As you can see him he looks a bit nervous looking around at the other persons. He runs a bit forward and turned to the group watching their going. His Studded leather looked a bit dusty and with the giant Halfling footprint he looks like someone has overrun him. His brown hair and eyes looked fresh and young. After some seconds his view runs between the 2 non-human people.

"You seem to be no Human and even no Ogre or Halfling, could you tell me what kind of people you are?"

After ending his sentence he walked through the group and revolves the non-human which names he don’t know.

2010-07-05, 04:38 PM
OOC: Note: This my first time playing a character with less than 10 INT, so just a heads up. :smalltongue:

A shifter stands at 6'4" with a longsword at his side, two spears and a chain shirt on, his finger nails look a little sharp as he brushes his shoulder-length brown hair behind his ear. He also carries a backpack that seems very full with a waterskin on a sling across his shoulder.

I am Kragg, I am called a shifter." Kragg says as he nods to the Halfling.

2010-07-05, 11:49 PM
"Kragg, a most unusual name is it perhaps passed through your family?" Lady Alia of Rhodes formally, but by perference just Alia steps out of the shadows of the mansions gatepost, and falls into step with the other visitors.

She stands quite tall, she had always suspected it was because of her ancestors having to fight for everything and being tough enough to win themselves a title. However her theory rather fell apart from she contemplated her short and weaselly father.

She had opted for a semi-formal gown, she had been confused by exactly which talents of hers were deemed to be useful, after all she made quite the fine secretary her careful attention when dealing with paperwork and scrolls ensured it. However it was not something she expected to be widely known.

Under her gown she wore a chain shirt, her attempts to concel it had not been entirely successful, and she clinked softly while she walked, her heavy boots clunked on the sidewalk concealed by the ground length nature of her gown.

Underneath her right arm sat her meticulously kept book of notes, detailing how to draw out magic from the world without begging the gods for assistance.

She continues with the group up towards the door, hoping in her heart of hearts that this job would pay well, that was the one thing keeping her in her untenable position, a lack of funds.

2010-07-06, 06:02 AM
"AH shifter ... What is so different between you and a human?"
Then he turns his head away from the shifter, looks short at the other non-human and then head to the woman who just spoke.
" Oh hello mysterious women who ask a shifter about his names background without telling her own. I think this is discourteous."

2010-07-06, 06:46 AM
OOC-I probally should have given a more detailed description of the house

The Vanderboren Manor is located in the eastern section of the Merchant district; the seven-foot-high stone wall that surrounds the estate is impossible to miss, as is the towering, gothic, three-story house that dominates the grounds within. Leering gargoyles and grotesques festoon the eaves of the manor's roof; whilst elaborately carved nymphs are placed in artistic positions around the garden with a meticulous attention to detail, designed to complement the natural beauty of the trees that provide a buffer to the everyday clamour of city life.

The front gates have been left open, so Orliander just walks straight in up to the front door before, with Alia following a short distance behind in a group talking to Zefir and Kragg who strike up a conversation at the gate entrance. Lorian Elthroth doesn’t appear to have arrived yet.

A few seconds after Orliander knocks on the door he hears some crying out “Hold your riding dogs, I’m getting there” before the door swings open and the same wizened looking Halfling woman from before is standing there.

“Oh, hello there, I’m so glad you could come. Kora Whistlegap at your service for those who don’t know.”

(She gives a quick curtsy at this point)

“Mrs Vanderboren will be seeing you shortly if that is alright with you, but do come in, but make sure you wipe your feet, we wouldn’t want to be treading mud onto the carpet would we? This is the atrium but please just make yourself at home until Mrs Vanderboren is ready for you.”

With this she gestures the room behind her, which is a huge hall. The hall is primarily pristine, smooth white marble. There are two oak stairwells with burnished brass railings that ascend to an open first floor landing. Tapestries depicting a beautiful and savage frontier of sprawling jungle landscapes and an eerie shoreline hang from the upper landing. A glittering glass chandelier dangles from the ceiling.

“Oh, before I leave, does anyone want any drinks or maybe a small bite to nimble on? Tea? Crumpets? You (pointing at Orliander) look a bit peaky, How about I rustle you up some of Aunty Kora’s homemade stew? Does anybody else want any?"

2010-07-06, 07:17 AM
"Tea would be lovely thanks." Alia replies, removing her boots and leaving them outside the door. "It is just so lovely to be here, I noticed the garden on my way in, I don't suppose you know what those lovely blossoms are out by the gate?"

Alia straightens her gown, regretting her decision to wear armour undeath it but then with such a mixed group of people arriving at the same time perhaps it was not foolish to be a little cautious. She takes a seat and awaits the hostesses arrival.

2010-07-06, 08:36 AM
"Shifter have Lycanthrope ancestor, Human do not." Kragg says as he Turns to the woman. "No, I not know reason for my name." Once he has been invited inside he wipes his feet and sits down wherever he can find a seat. He refuses to eat or dink anything, says he is fine if anyone asks him and waits for Mrs Vanderboren.

OOC: If anyone has some feedback for me to role-play an eight Int better it would be greatly appreciated just to let you know, thanks.

2010-07-06, 09:56 AM
"A Tea please like the mysterious women who ask a shifter about his names background without telling her own. I thought we will have dinner together so no stew for me now."
He wipes his nacked feet and go in. After he looked around he searched for a high place where he can have a sit. When the tea cums he just try to get it from the place he sits.
"Sounds fantastic Mr. ehhh Kragg it was? But are we in danger at full moon?"

2010-07-06, 10:17 AM
The tall, skinny young man steps into the parlor, absent-mindedly giving his boots a half-hearted wipe on the welcome mat. He stares distractedly at the impressive sights within the manor, only turning to nod quickly at the halfling when she points at him.
"Tea would be lovely, thank you."
The young man finally scrutinizes the rest of the group with his bloodshot red eyes, rubbing his chin. His brow furrows slightly.
"I don't recognize most of you from the academy, or the Witchwardens. Any guesses as to why we're here?"

2010-07-06, 10:26 AM
"No, I'm not a beast at full moon. I can grow claws when I need to, like so." Kragg says as he holds his hands up. His nails extend and take the shape of claws, staying that way for thirty six seconds. Then they shrink and become duller, returning to nails.

I do now know why we are here, but I have traded with these people before, they are nice people."

OOC: Note: Just shifted, six rounds of claws and +2 Str.

2010-07-06, 11:31 AM
Deciding what to wear had been a chore. It was perhaps one of the reasons the people interacted so infrequently with others. To wear proper apparel by elven standards showed far too much respect. However to wear something fitting for the non-elven guest or host was much too common for the race of elves.

He settling at last on a grey/white under-robe, cranberry sash and over robe, and a pair of fine sandals. Finishing with a traditional hair ornament from his great uncle. The proper degree of self respect, yet low enough for non-elves.

Arriving fashionably late the tall and well dressed elf attracted a great deal of attention on his way to the Vanderboren Manor Lorian, perhaps not all the best attention; but who would dare assult him? He was invited in by a the crone like halfling who had delivered the invitation. Bad enough that the house displayed first order columns and archaic gothic style, without the proper statuary motifs it should be noted, but using the same servant as currier and doorwoman was most inappropriate. How did these people survive!

After listening for a few moments just out of site before entering the hall,

"Ar elyë, Vet-Lehem Yúrëo, laumë i ampitya mici cánor Yúrëo ná; an elyello tuluva túro, ye nauva mavar Elthroth lienyan i elen ya cennentë Lorian."

The formal, and in his opinion unnecessary, greeting done with Lorian bowed slightly at the neck before continuing.

"It is my honor and good pleasure to make the acquaintance of all of you." While the vulgar tongue still seamed to leave a foul taste in his mouth, he was certain none of the words had been too long or obscure for the apparently low rank of those present.

2010-07-06, 01:55 PM
He hads to the peaky man.
"I got a massage here for an opportunity uniquely suited to my skills, Mr. coming from the academy, or the Witchwardens !"

Zefir looks outside and think that there is some time left so he head to the other:

"Well it seems like lunche time needs his time. So how about introducing ourselves to the other as it seems like we are here for the same or a simiular reason.
May you start mysterious women who ask a shifter about his names background without telling her own?"

2010-07-06, 03:29 PM
€After Kora let the elf in she quickly hurried off to fetch drinks, she returns a few minutes later with a teapot, 5 cups, 5 teaspoons, a little bowl of sugar and saucers and a small jug of milk, all of them on a small cart. She then assures everyone that Mrs Vanderboren will be done in a minute, and leaves everyone to talk amongst themselves

OOC - I'll give some time for everyone's characters to get to know each other

2010-07-06, 03:45 PM
The lanky young man takes a cup of tea, nodding thanks to the servant Kora. He takes a seat and begins to sip his tea, which seems to calm him down a bit.
"I suppose while we wait, some introductions are in order. I am Orliander Doubleday. It's a pleasure to meet you all."
He eyes the elf carefully, making a mental note to learn the Elven language as soon as he was able. The elf seemed to be a typical pompous ass; he'd have to see if he had any talents worth noting. It was quite likely he had magical talent, and if so, he'd be useful to glean any techniques off of.
Next, Orliander looked at the chatty halfling. He couldn't help but crack a smirk.
"Well, if we all received a similar invitation, that would imply we all have certain skills worth noting. One wonders what yours are, master halfling? I hope you're better at whatever it is you do than you are at making first impressions."

2010-07-06, 10:08 PM
"I wonder, perhaps you are all scholars. I have personally been collecting in this book esoteric knowledge, notes and scribblings about the nature of magic." Alia looks around the group slowly trying to imagine what sort of magic a shifter might hold.

"The Witchwardens you say Sir Doubleday, I never joined them forbidden by my father and so on. Are the rest of you members?"

2010-07-06, 10:24 PM
Orliander steeples his fingers under his chin, having finished his tea.
"I'm not really a member of the Witchwardens... more like a 'freelance agent.' Most people there would just call me a nuisance. Being a... 'magician,' myself, I'd be interested in hearing about your research, if and when you have the time, miss...?"

2010-07-06, 10:29 PM
"I would be happy to discuss it with you, perhaps we could do it over supper one evening, my families estate is quite empty these days, the silent dinners and echoing chambers get quite dull." Alia finds herself slightly puzzled by the mans response.

"What exactly does a 'magician' do though, for example a cleric will heal and a witch will charm. I personally use my powers to understand more knowledge, what is your specialty." Alia holds the tea cup delicately, feeling more comfortable with it in her hands.

2010-07-06, 11:00 PM
Orliander runs his hand through his unruly hair, almost biting his lip in frustration. Maybe this was how the halfling felt? Perhaps language wasn't the only barrier separating these relative strangers. Orliander leans back in his chair, smiling mischievously.
"My area of expertise? Hmm... Well, what would life be without surprises? Perhaps before the end of this 'opportunity' you'll get to see what I'm capable of firsthand. Needless to say, I am a student of all things magical, and thirst for any scraps of knowledge that may advance my progress on the ladder of arcane mastery. At any rate, I refuse to reduce myself to our new halfling friend's method of categorization; I didn't catch your name, madam. You seem strangely familiar..."

2010-07-06, 11:27 PM
"I apologise, you must excuse my rudeness, I just have been so lonely of late, perhaps my father is right and I have been losing touch with society. I am Alia Rhodes, if you have much business in the Shadowshore you may have heard of him, he is one of the old fools who failed in the last round of intrigue there." Alia gives the gentleman one of her most endearing smiles in an attempt to undo any impression he might have drawn from her identity.

"I would rather like to learn to handle the arcane someday, but for now I work with the divine, drawing on its power in my own slight way." Alia approves of his attitude towards magic as something to be studied and controlled rather than unleashed and intuited.

"You would be more than welcome to come ransack our library for the arcane sometime, I am afraid things are falling into disrepair and someone who knows about it helping to select which books require saving would be invaluable."

2010-07-06, 11:54 PM
"Ah, yes, the Rhodes name. That would explain it. Well met, m'lady Alia."
Orliander grins, his smile almost making him look like a dashing young gentleman of fortune. Almost.
"Well, if Lady Vanderboren's offer turns out to be bogus, at least one of us will have profited from tonight's gathering. Be careful what you offer to me, Alia, as I am likely to accept."

2010-07-07, 12:21 AM
"You would be suprised by how much I mean it." She reaches out and places her teacup back on the tray.

"So now I know about you, and you me, we had best figure out what connects the rest of us because I must admit this is not the sort of gathering I am used to attending, although I must admit I feel rather a lot more comfortable with this setting."

2010-07-07, 01:28 AM
After Zefir tooked his tea cup he had back to his high position.

"Oh Alia Rhodes is your name. I just get used of calling you mysterious women who ask a shifter about his names background without telling her own."
He seems a bit sleepy after the talk of the alia and Orliander Doubleday ends.

"Orliander Doubleday interessting name and you are a spellcaster? Very interessting. Alia you said you use devine spells. Did you mean its like praying to god? Or maybe you can explain more about this, but pls in a more interesting way."

Atleast he looks first at Kragg then at the other non Human.

"I dont think Kragg needs to be spellcasting something, besides you see his 2 spears as a spell." He smiles at Kragg an waves to him. "But the most interesting thing now is the agrogant-never-seen-bevor-race-man over there i can´t imagine how his skill of arogance will fit in here."

OOC: Edit wrote wrong word^^

2010-07-07, 08:17 AM
Kragg waves back to Zefir, giving him a half-smile then he turns away, Gazing about the room, his mind wondering off to his family, wondering how they are all doing.

2010-07-07, 09:19 AM
Barbarians! These people were barbarians! Their manors are atrocious, they lack in every form of proper decency, and they even have the nerve to speak about me in my presence!

A cold anger burned in the elf's chest, along with some rather pleasant images of this city burning beneath his feat... but such was a matter for later.

At least I have the knowledge that I can dance on their graves when they are all dead. Stupid impudent upstarts!

Long used to the intrigues of elves, Lorian wore a polite mask displaying only a slightly mocking smile instead of the seething cauldron of emotion just beneath the surface.

At the comment of the uncomely pygmy he regarded the petty noble as if the statement had not been made. At his greeting he had seen some small recognition in her eyes, perhaps she knew elvish. If so, it spoke greatly to her character.

Lady Rhodes, such a line of study intrigues me. I myself am a student of the arcane arts in the ancient tradition of the elves. Tell me, are you ever tempted to exchange what appears to be a path of rigorous study...

appears and rigorous had been just slightly stressed, as if to indicated that it was easier then she seemed to think

...for the quicker way of the true cleric? As I understand those favored by the gods are gifted with the whole breadth of divine magic. You it seems must accumulate it slowly. I applaud your dedication.

Turning next to the unkempt male he nodded his head slightly as if to indicate that he had acknowledge that he did, in fact, exist.

Mr. Doubleday, you yourself seem to have had a most interesting experience with magic. It is a wonder you have managed to stay out of the debt of any powerful faction or entity. Truly you must be a talented magician to have financed and progressed arcane studies yourself.

Tell me, do you follow a specific tradition or perhaps do you experiment with different practices to create one uniquely your own?

2010-07-07, 10:44 AM
Orliander looked to the elf. He had been dreading the moment the elf chose to open his mouth again, and with good reason. It was obvious he knew more than he was letting on, or was at the very least excellent at making assumptions. His exact wording struck a little too close to home, and Orliander squirmed internally. Nevertheless, he did his best to maintain a smile plastered on his face.
"I am not concerned with established traditions or formalities... Lorian, was it? I am only concerned with results. For those of us not blessed with a silver spoon in our mouth, the quest for power can truly be a struggle, but it is precisely that struggle that has made me who I am. It has made me strong, and I do not envy others the poverty of their wealth. While I respect the long-standing elvish traditions and contributions to the arcane arts, we both know it will be human ingenuity that pushes the boundaries. Such bold experimentation harbors certain inherent dangers, but how could we have progress without risk? All I ask from you is but a moment of that famous elven patience, good sir. You'll see what I'm capable of soon enough."

2010-07-07, 11:43 AM
The human hid the emotions on his face well. Though his quick change of topic and sudden fervor were strong indications that something he had said had struck a chord.But what?
Perhaps when I insulted his arcane tradition. He obviously has none... no... then he would have chosen a different topic. It couldn't have been the magician comment, he brought that up himself... Which only leaves... debt.

Had he allowed it to show the smile Lorian now felt would have been called wicked.

It can't be simple money, he looks of low means, and his poverty comment strengthens that point. Which leaves either blackmail or favors. I don't think he has enough of a reputation for blackmail to be a serious threat, which leaves favors.

He did so love a puzzle, especially when that puzzle didn't just fall into his lap like most of those cheap blacksmith toys.

Carnal... some might find him attractive, but someone that coarse would just as well brag about it. Perhaps it is money, or something traded for money. Obviously someone is helping him advance in the arcane. Which means he either owes them a large loan, or being unable to pay that back, a very large favor...

Best to keep silent for now. Such things had a way of revealing themselves in time. And these humans were so bad at keeping secrets. Let the idiot dig his own grave. When he did, Lorian would be there to push him into it.

While all this deduction was going on, the elf did nothing but again nod slightly to the human with the same slight smile on his face.

That human ingenuity comment was enough to forever doom him in the elf's eyes. So nice of him to provide his own noose.

2010-07-07, 12:14 PM
"The path of a cleric is bound by their gods, would you trade hard won power for easier power that can be lost quite easily at the whims of a deity?" Alia responds to the elf. "I feel I might have a problem if I were ever to try to be a cleric, you see, I wouldn't want to worship any god that would accept the selfish reasons that I might follow one."

"I do wonder what must be keeping Lavinia, it isn't like her to keep guests cooling their heels, or at least she hasn't a reputation for it. " Alia tries to act calm and cooly, however her nerves are given away as she drums her fingers on the hard cover of her book of magic.

2010-07-07, 02:14 PM
For a split second the elf's cool broke. His pupils dilated noticeably, he drew in a breath just a little too forcefully, and his smile slipped off. In an instant his slightly smiling mask was back.

"Have you considered the path of the Apostate..."

2010-07-07, 03:05 PM
"Well Miss Alia i don't think that it is that easy. Yeah maybe a cleric is bound to his god but he choos him at his or her belive so if you really loose your bound to your god, then it is your own fault. And I think its not an easy way cause it maybe hard to belive in your god in the good times as in the bad times. Sometimes the way a god talks to you is like a puzzel sometimes it is clear as the sun shines."

2010-07-07, 06:39 PM
After you have all finally made yourselves comfortable, 4 figures emerge from a door and towards the exit. Moments later the short, bustling figure of Kora races after these individuals.

The first person of the four is a jaunty looking male half-elf dressed in leather armour and armed with half a dozen daggers of different shapes, next is a dark-skinned dwarf with a sour expression, dressed in green and brown robes and clutching a slightly curved spear.

The third is an attractive but haughty looking woman dressed in dark purple robes with a cresent moon tattood on one cheek. Lastly, a tall and handsome man dressed in polished breastplate carrying a bastard sword.

Before he leaves, the man in the breastplate turns around and sizes you up before announcing, "Hmm. You must be the help Lavinia's bringing in to do the chores. Best of luck to ya!"

Kora, slightly breathless, comes up to you and says, "Mrs Vanderboren is ready to see you now, if you would please follow me."

2010-07-07, 09:28 PM
Kragg stands up, and an follows Kora.

2010-07-07, 09:45 PM
Alia feels definite relief at the invitation to come on through. The apostate indeed, what does that elf take me for, might as well told me to research the path of the fisherwoman. She stretches as she gets out of her chair and starts to follow Kora.

"The tea was lovely, thank you Kora." Alia quickly tucks her book safely back under her arm, the more she wrote in it the more she found herself unable to part with it for any meaningful length of time. If she was wise she would make a copy of it sooner than later.

2010-07-07, 11:18 PM
Orliander perks an eyebrow as the quartet of apparent adventurers vacates the mansion. They apparently didn't give two figs who he or the others were, which was just as well in Orliander's book. Keeping a low profile had certain advantages.
The young man follows Kora, eager to hear what Lavinia had to offer. While looking at musty tomes had its benefits, the solid weight of coin had its own unique allure. Money meant power, and that was what it was all about, in the end.
Though he kept his silence, something Alia had said had rankled with the elf. It was relieving to know that his apparent aloof defenses were only skin deep. Like most people with a gigantic ego, his was typically fragile. The very fact that he was here implied a certain level of desperation on the elf's part; pride would only take him so far in this city, especially when things needed doing.
Despite the strange company, if Orliander could take one thing away from the initial meeting, it was that they were lacking in a certain religious fervor. This was somewhat relieving to him; he had had more than enough of such nonsense among the Cuthbertites. The shifter appeared largely to be muscle, which left the halfing as the last remaining unknown factor, but on the whole, the group appeared to suggest a need for clandestine talents, which Orliander was certainly not above doing. Lavinia had a problem, that much was for sure, and she couldn't turn to the Watch for help. Somewhere in this smelly cesspit of a city, destiny was calling, and Orliander would be there to answer it.

2010-07-08, 01:31 AM
After even noone wants something from him and even noone ask his Questions he looked a bit sad.

When the strange groupe passed Zefir he tryed to take an closer look.
Looking for religious signs ( Like Holy Symbol etc) and for thinks like our "groupe" has like spellbooks etc..

For Spot
For Knowledge Religion if he sees a Holy Symbol

2010-07-08, 06:22 AM
@Zefir You can't see any obvious holy symbols, and none of them are carrying spellbooks as far as you can see

Kora takes you through one of the many doors in the room to what appears to be a small courtyard. In it there is a plethora of exotic plants and flowers. A small pond lies in the centre of the courtyard, a gentle stream draining the excess water to the north. By the side of the pond there are benches and a stone table with an intricate marble and iron chess set built into the top.

However, you scarcely have time to view this idyllic scenery as Kora leads you around the pond and through another door to what appears to be a dining room. It is comfortable and cosy, softly lit by wall-mounted lanterns. A window overlooks the courtyard you just walked through and the carpet is thick and soft. Dominating one wall is a large portrait (http://tinypic.com/r/mw72tc/3), depicting a handsome young man with a short beard.
Standing before the portrait is an attractive human woman wearing a long, flowing blue dress. (Picture) (http://tinypic.com/r/15ohrlz/3)She smiles as you enter, Before saying In what you would judge to be a slightly nervous tone
"Good evening and welcome to my estate, my name is Lady Lavinia Vanderboren, but please call me Lavinia, do take a seat, dinner will be served in a moment"
She nods to Kora who leaves before moving to take a seat at a fairly large circular oak table that is already laid out for a meal (you each have about 6 knives forks and spoons and one thing that could be a knife or a fork, its difficult to tell)

@Kragg You normally do business with Lavinia's parents, not Lavainia

@Alia You had heard that recently that the Vanderboren's had been involved in some kind of accident

2010-07-08, 08:47 AM
Zefir just looked a while after the 4 stranger and then decide that is must be a mistake what the man-with-a-breastplate said.

By entering the first room you see a little suprise on his face, never thought to see such a place. But after he entered the secound room and saw the spoons, knives and forks, he was very suprised.

"Oh eh Lady Lavinia Vanderboren nice to meet you."

He tried to take a seat but as it was oviously they where not made for his kind of person so he looked for a book or something that can fit the hight.

When he got on his seat he looked at the tabel taking the not-knowing-if-a-knive-or-a-fork-thing and head to Lavinia.

"I don`t even know why we have so muche knives spoons and forks but can you pls tell me what this is?"

2010-07-08, 09:25 AM
"Lavinia dear, I have been meaning to call on you. I heard that there had been some sort of terrible accident. I would have sent you a card of sympathy, but I had no idea what to write within, everything has been so silent on matters." Alia moves close to their hostess, offering her a warm hug in greeting.

Alia takes a seat near Lavinia, hoping to delve the mysterious rumours surrounding the family of late, and more importantly what sort of offer Lavinia was offering. "It has just been far too long hasn't it."

2010-07-08, 09:47 AM
The other group had interested him. A vulgar mongrel appeared to lead them, but no doubt he affected manners and charm. He could not say the same for this group.

While he knew nothing more about elven warfare tactics then an average elf this group had far too much metaphysical power without proper mundane grounding. This could create a very dangerous vacuum of need... well such could not be avoided.

After taking a seat, and making certain to take the chair to the right of their hostess, he quickly surveyed the silverware and nodded slight. A simple informal dinner. Glancing around it seemed that perhaps Rhodes know how to eat but the other... how could these people stand to go out in public?

"Lady Lavi I mean Lavinia, I deeply thank you for the gift of your hospitality. I hope you will do me the honor of some day allowing me to return the favor."

2010-07-08, 10:52 AM
Arms crossed behind his back, Orliander takes in the scenery, noting as many details as he could. The table, the portrait, the fireplace, Lavinia's dress... At their hostess' greeting, Orliander bows his head slightly, smiling, and softly mutters, "My Lady," before taking a seat across from Alia.

2010-07-08, 05:09 PM
she addresses Zefir, I believe that is a pastry fork, but don't worry, I don't expect you to use all of the cutlery, Kora really just puts them all out because she's a bit stuck in her ways but she's still the best maid I've ever had.

Then returning the hug with Alia warmly, if with a bit of trepidition saying "Thank you it has been hard, my parents death came as a complete shock to me; and my brother, well lets say he didn't take it very well."

(she breaks out of the hug)

but really this is really related to what I got everyone here to discuss."

(Kora comes back in with a tray with six bowls of soup)

"Oh, here is Kora with the food, I hope you find the soup to your satisfaction."

"but, business shall we get to it? As you may have recently heard, I recently inherited my parents' estate. Along with this fine house however, unfortunately, came a fine amount of debt owed to the Dawn Council, the Harbourmaster and quite a few guildhalls. It seems my parents for all their success as adventurers, were not as skilled at fianance as one might expect. If I'm to sort out these debts I'll need to get access to my family's vault under Castle Teraknian.

And that is the problem you see. The vault is magically locked- keyed to special signet rings. Both of my parents had these rings, at least, until recently. My mother lost hers a few months ago. She arranged for a replacement, but it won't be done for a month or so, too late for me. This leaves my father's signet ring. He never wore it - he had a thing about men wearing jewelry. he kept it hidden somewhere on his ship, the Blue Nixie.

The problem is that the harbourmaster has seized the ship until someone pays for the last four months of mooring. I've paid it to the man, a brute by the name of Soller Vark, who the harbormaster's put in charge of my father's ship, well my ship now. But anyway, despite paying this, when I went to claim my ship, Vark's men wouldn't let me board, claiming that I hadn't yet paid the fines. I spoke to Vark again and he denied ever recieving my payment. My complaints to the Harbormaster have fallen on deaf ears - he's a doddering old fool who trust's his men and won't relent.

Vark and his men are up to something on my ship, I know it. What I need is to find out exactly what they're up to. Unfortunately, Vark's not the type to react well to diplomacy or logic. I need someone who speaks his language... which is where you come in. If you can find out what he's using my ship for, or even better, recover the money I paid him, I'll pay you each 200 gold in return once I've access to my vault."

2010-07-08, 05:29 PM
What is it with these humans and debt? No wonder my people avoided them, they are like an entire race of children.

Turning to address their hostess Lorian spared a glance at the other two humans before speaking.

"Good Lady, your request is of course a deserving one, however I must tell you that as presented it is quite unacceptable. I and I would venture most of the others here are not mercenaries. Nor is it proper for a lady of your standing to hire such. If my companions will agree with me, I propose that this service be performed entirely free of any charge as a favor to your ladyship. If after the task is completed you feel compelled to offer compensation, which you would be shamed were we not to take, then of course we would be most exceptionally grateful for such unasked generosity."

Looking around it appeared that some of them had gotten what he was getting at. Hopefully these idiots wouldn't do something stupid to weaken their position in bargaining. I do hope I wont have to become the face of this group. It makes it much harder to negotiate a larger personal advantage. Better that then one of them doing something stupid for all of us.

2010-07-08, 09:54 PM
I would be glad to help, I am sorry to hear about your parents death, they were very kind to me." Kragg says, lowering his head at the end of the sentence in mourning.

2010-07-08, 10:32 PM
Orliander almost spits out his soup as Lorian opens his mouth again. He manages to recover with a forced smile. He puts an elbow nonchalantly on the table.
"Look, Lorian, word it however you like, but if you're just going to accept a 'gift of gratitude' after the fact it doesn't make you any less of a mercenary. Perhaps you'll find one day that being up front with these sorts of things can be refreshing. Such as what our lovely hostess is doing here: no frills, she's got a job that needs doing, and I'll be damned if I'm going to turn her down."
Orliander smiles at Lavinia, raising his glass.
"Count me in. This Vark bastard won't know what hit him, and I'll find your father's ring to boot, you can count on that."

2010-07-09, 12:09 AM
"Of course I will help, anything I can do to get you out of this outrageous situation, of course something will have to be done about retiring the harbormaster at some point, but any attempt at that would be too late for you as well." Alia takes a sip of her soup and looks around at the group of strangers she would be working with.

"Such great misfortune you have suffered, your parents deaths followed by such uncertainty and troubles relating to finances, are you getting enough support from the rest of your family? Is there anything else I can do to help?" The kind words come from her mouth naturally, social graces were quite important to her father however behind her mouth her mind works quickly.

She must have chosen the others carefully, more brains than brawn it would appear, although the brawn appears to be of quite the high quality, I wonder what the delicate way of asking if she wants Vark to disappear or to leave someone a message somewhere would be.

2010-07-09, 01:40 AM
"Oh you lost both parents at the same time that is terrible."

He takes some sip of his soup and seems to be far away maybe thinking something or just remember.

"Well it would be an honor to help you out in your bad situation, but I would prefer a payment not like Lorian said. Oh now that I know your names I forgot to introduce myself"

(He stands up on his book and bow to Lavinia)

"I am Zefir. Zefir Kasadum. Cleric of the mighty Brandobaris."

Then he bows to the other of this group.

"Nice to meet you all, I learned a lot today Brandobaris will be happy."

2010-07-09, 06:24 AM
Once everyone has finished their soup, Kora returns and takes away the empty bowls, a few minutes later she returns with a cart, upon which is six plates of what appears to be chicken, a selection of vegetables, and several potatoes.

She sets down the plates in front of everyone before leaving again.

Once she has left the room and everyone has started eating again Lavinia asks, "So, do you have any questions about what I want you to do? or does it seem rather straightforward? There might be other things which I may require your asistence with later, but this one is really quite urgent as it is quite possible I'll lose this house unless I get access to my vault."

2010-07-09, 06:36 AM
"Well one important thing is how do we know where the ring is and how he looks will be easier to find it you understand?"

Zefir took some chicken and potatos and starts eating with the spoke and knive most away from the plate.

2010-07-09, 07:18 AM
"I don't know where on the ship it is exactly, but I'm fairly certain it is on the ship as my father went to it first whenever he went to access the vault. Presumably it will be hidden, but i'm sure it will be findable. By he are you refering to Soller Vsrk? I know where the boat is moored and I think he will probally be on it with some of his men."

2010-07-09, 07:42 AM
"Oh excuse me my commen is really bad, have not used it much befor i came here. I mean IT the ring maybe we found several rings how can we see the right one?"

OOC: My bad english^^

2010-07-09, 07:53 AM
OOC: Oh sorry

"Oh, well the signet ring is identifiable by the Vanderboren crest of a "V" on it, apart from this it is an unremarkable gold coloured ring"

2010-07-09, 08:49 AM
While the conversation continued, the elf did not immediately respond. He was paying attention, but not completely. The thin smile on his face has grown larger and any istute observer would know by know it was an indicator of his frustratrion and annoyance.

If I have to smile much wider, I think my face shall crack. What kind of short sited buffoons are these?

Turning to the upstart fool of a human who had been so quick to refute him Lorian once again performed what seemed to have become a dreaded act, he opened his mouth.

"Forgive me master magician, I was working under the, apparently flawed, assumption that everyone here was not a whore ready to trade his or her futures for fleeting pittances. It seems I had forgotten you in my assessment, for which I apologize."

That should get a reaction out of him.

2010-07-09, 10:34 AM
"I am going to do anything in my power to help dear Lavinia." Alia chews on the current course while exercising her mind.

"Your brother was always was a bit of a handsome rogue wasn't he, so what is he actually up to these days. I haven't heard anything about him since before your parents terrible tragic deaths, how is he coping?"

2010-07-09, 11:42 AM
"My brother... He's... I'll say he's left town and can we leave it at that?"

(she seems a bit distressed at this)

2010-07-09, 11:55 AM
"I am so sorry, I hadn't heard. I apologise for my lack of tact on this matter." Alia looks up at the picture on the wall, admiring the handsome and regular features, the neatly kept beard but such a bitter mouth.

Her parents both die, her brother disappears and she inherits it all except she has to recover the ring on the seized boat. Suspicious, but not incriminating but if his body turns up it would look mighty bad for her. Alia looks at her distressed acquaintance, contemplating her expression, her manner over the evening could such a charming, well spoken and obviously grieving woman be guilty. However this possible guilt made it a prime opportunity to gain a supporter and friend to help unravel any of her fathers plots.

"So much unpleasantness befalling you, you brave dear. I Alia, daughter and heir of Lord Rhodes pledge my full assistance to you in this terrible time, on my honour." She looks around the table, to see how the assorted people react. "Under the cover of night, I will slip aboard and recover your money, unravel the mystery of your boats new purpose and finally discretely dispose of the scoundels causing you so much grief. Of course I would appreciate the rest of you coming, its a rather big job."

2010-07-09, 12:13 PM
For as skinny and unkempt a young man as Orliander appeared to be, he certainly had a healthy appetite. He dug into his chicken with relish.
"Give my regards to Kora, Lavinia. She's an excellent cook."
The issue of Lavinia's brother intrigued him, but he wouldn't continue that line of inquiry just yet. It would seem Alia might know more; he would ask her about it after they left, if he got the chance. Was Lavinia's brother younger, or older than his sibling? If older, why did he not inherit the estate? When did he leave? Before or after their parent's deaths? Lavinia's reaction betrayed a great significance to the situation. Orliander took careful note of it.
The haste to which the elf was willing to result to vulgar insults only amused Orliander, as it provided further proof that he was a petty, shallow, vile little thing, more concerned with pretentious appearances rather than what was really going on. He sincerely hoped he was better at culling a bunch of thugs than he was at being pleasant.
"I've a few questions, Lavinia m'lady. What's our timetable looking like? How soon do you want us to remedy the situation? We'll try to keep things discreet, but how permanent a solution are you looking for? If these goons are up to something illegal on your boat, I'm sure we can get away with violence if it comes to that, but I'm not an assassin. I imagine this Vark guy is just a common coward; he'll fold under pressure. How hard do you want us to try and keep him from 'slipping through the cracks,' so to speak?"

2010-07-09, 01:22 PM
The elf's expression was one of mild pleasure at the humans nonchalance.

Good, it appears the idiot has some measure of self control. Now, does he have the discipline for the true Art, or was he just some petty base little thing squabbling after power?

Well, if he could be civil, then perhaps he deserved some manners.

"Perhaps the more pressing question is to what lengths are we allowed to go in performing these tasks. While how much force is required and how much is desired might not match up, there is always a little more persuasion which can be applied.

If need be it should be possible to do what is required. But if unseemly things must happen, it would be best that we not appear to be connected with your Ladyship."

OOC: Perhaps we should tone down the hate a bit. At this rate, we are going to be poisoning each other, slitting throats in the dead of night, or any number of other things which are bad for the party.

2010-07-10, 07:52 AM
Ideally I would want this done by tommorow night at the latest, but if you can't meet this timetable just tell me.

Overall I would prefer it if violence could be avoided, but if it comes to it don't hold back on my account. However I would prefer it if you don't throw the first punch if at all possible, but I'm sure you all know how to handle this better than me, and I expect you to use your judgement on this matter.

2010-07-10, 10:40 AM
Orliander sips his wine thoughtfully.
"We're looking for the Blue Nixie. What dock is it moored at?"
He looks at his newly met teammates.
"I'll need to grab a few things from my home before I'm ready to investigate the ship, but otherwise I'm prepared at a moment's notice. I could be ready within a few hours, if it comes to it. Regardless of whether we attempt this mission tonight or tomorrow, we'll need a place to meet up. I'd suggest a tavern or something similar, ideally not too far from Lavinia's ship."

2010-07-10, 01:28 PM
The elf looked at the magician with a slight raise of his eyebrow.

So, he is prepared at least. Another point in his favor.

2010-07-10, 01:31 PM
(Assuming everyone has finished eating)

Kora comes in and takes away all of the now empty plates. She curtsies and says “thank you dearie” to any compliments. She then brings in six bowls; each of which contains a slice of crumble. To go with this she also brings in a jug of cream.

The Blue Nixie is docked at pier five in the Merchant district, that's the long one between the Merchant's Guild and the Smith's Guild.
(between F3 and F4 on the sasserine map)

2010-07-10, 01:54 PM
After he finishes his dessert, Orliander smiles graciously at his hostess before looking to his fellow 'mercenaries.'
"Thank you for the lovely dinner, Lavinia. This has been a most profitable evening, to be sure. We'll be back soon with some good news for you.
Why don't we meet at the Drunken Bear? It's a tavern just across from the temple of Fharlaghn, and a stone's throw away from our dock. I can be there tonight in about two hours, if you want to get right to it. Otherwise, I suggest we meet tomorrow after sundown. The cover of nightfall will be advantageous to us, I'd wager."

2010-07-10, 03:56 PM
When Kora comes he praise her for the greate dinner.
Then he goes on with the dessert.
After ending this and hearing what Orliander said he sais

"My prayers are done for the day so I am ready to end it today.
Better we end this as soon as possible or is anyone beg to differ?"

2010-07-10, 04:56 PM
The elf, seemingly for the first time looked over all present.
"If it is the will of those assembled then tonight will be acceptable."

2010-07-10, 08:55 PM
"Does anyone need to make any preparations for this attempt to liberate the Blue Nixie from whatever foul acts are keeping it from its rightful owner?" Alia asks.

"I personally am more than ready, prepared for whatever it is will might face." She turns to look down at the book she had placed on her lap, leaving it more than arms length away filled her with dread.

2010-07-10, 10:54 PM
Orliander wipes his mouth with a cloth napkin, then stands.
"Then it's decided! Give me two hours; we'll meet at the Drunken Bear, and then proceed to the dock."
He makes for the exit, before turning to Lavinia, bowing deeply, and kissing her hand.
"It's been an honor and a pleasure, m'lady. We'll have your rightful property before next the sun sets, on that you have my personal promise."
He turns to the others, grinning.
"I look forward to working with you all in short order. I'll see you in two hours."
With that, he strides out of the room, out of the mansion, and into the muggy evening air...

2010-07-10, 11:08 PM
"Orliander wait." Alia calls out before he is quite out the door, and jumps up from her seat, clutching her book of magic to her chest.

"I shall grace you with my presence while you do." She walks after him, turning to wave to their hostess she explains "I have never done anything like this before, well not personally, I need to keep busy to keep my nerves under control."

She follows the scruffy young man out.

2010-07-11, 02:09 AM
After Orliander and Alia left Zefir shake his head.

"Well I hope this wont last long so Orliander gets ready fast."

Turning to the rest of the group

"Kragg, Lorian I want to go directly to the Drunken Bear, i am looking forward if you come alonge with me now."

Then he jumps of his seat. Befor leafing he bows to Lavinia and thanks again for the meal. After that he turns to the exit waiting for the other if they decide to come alonge, if not he goes alone.

2010-07-11, 05:05 AM
So after two hours everyone meets up at the tavern "The Drunken Bear", several streets away from the water front, once everyone arrives and is ready they all set off for the pier where the boat is docked (its late evening so for the most part it is "shadowy" meaning everyone has concealment).

However, when you reach the pier, there is no boat to be seen!

However in the distance, about 100ft away from the pier end is a ship, moored to a float, which is fairly brightly lit with torches.

OOC- First bit over so roleplaying xp, 250 for orliander, 200 for Alia and exthalion, 150 for Zefir and 50 for Kragg (you might want to speak up more Kragg)

2010-07-11, 05:11 AM
"Damn it!" Alia curses.

She notices just how far out that boat is, and realises just how long it would take her to swim out to it, the alternative of course would be to "borrow" a boat, and what were the real chances that could be done without anyone noticing. The more crimes you commit, the greater the chance that a smaller would lead someone to the larger, one of the few good pieces of advice her father had given her.

"I don't suppose any of you possess a boat?"

2010-07-11, 05:33 AM
"By Brandobaris! How do they know that someone is coming."

Zefir looks around if someone is still at the pier, maybe they can answer some question. And i even take a look for other ships near this dock. (Checking the situation)

I hope Orliander or Lorian get off with an idea they seem to be the smartest here.

"I really like to know when they set off, maybe we got them 1 hour earlier."

2010-07-11, 05:38 AM
"A boat moored so far away, at night so brightly lit. Smugglers, it just has to be, the boat is lit up like that so that the smaller row boat they are taking goods to shore on can make its way back with ease." Alia gives her best explanation for the boats location.

"Not that I know any smugglers of course, but if I was to do such a vile thing, draining the taxes that support out dear city, thats exactly what I would do."

2010-07-11, 06:30 AM
(by no boat i meant there was no Blue nixie, there are several small rowing boats tied to the pier hint hint :smalltongue:)

2010-07-11, 11:06 AM
Orliander arrives clad in a simple chain shirt, ready for the task ahead of them. When they find the Blue Nixie anchored out in the water, he scratches his chin, considering the situation.
"They could be smuggling, Alia. If they're up to anything illegal on that boat, that will just make things easier for us, as our actions will appear to be vigilantism. I can reach the boat no problem. I'm a... an excellent swimmer. I could probably bring Zefir along, given his weight, but I'm guessing the rest of you aren't the greatest athletes..."
He looks around the area, trying to see if there are people around that might witness them 'borrowing' a rowboat.
"I don't think any harm could come from us... 'commandeering' a rowboat for our evening's activities. If we can bring up a rowboat alongside the Nixie, you can climb aboard. I'll swim around to the other side, and we can execute an attack from two sides at once. Unless anybody else has a better plan? Any spells that need casting before we go?"

2010-07-11, 11:44 AM
Walking up quitely, and after letting the rest of them swear, Lorian finished his analysis of the situation.

"An excellent idea. A small question concerning your plan, who here do you believe will be the first to engage in combat? I , and I am certain some other here also, possess some spells of protection and enhancement which may prove advantageous. "

2010-07-11, 01:32 PM
With a little suprised expression Zefir looked at Orliander.

Well Orliander is smart he don't spelled his heigth a thing a halfling hate most.

"Of cours after you mention it, i have a spell prepared but it only least 1 minute and will help you once for your swim or climb. When the fight beginns i can bless us all if nessassary, but this will only stand a minute as far as i know."

2010-07-11, 01:46 PM
I am prepared, pick a boat and lets go. The night gets no younger, and our chances of success will fall if we are noticed hanging around here. Alia heads towards the small boats. "We can cast any protectives we want once we get a bit closer, I do not want to risk mistiming them and ending up vulnerable upon ambush." She climbs into one at random. "Will this one do?"

2010-07-11, 02:19 PM
Forgive me Lady Rhodes, but that is not an issue of mine. The magic of the mage's armor last an hour at my current level of master. Thus I hoped to maximize its use.

2010-07-11, 02:20 PM
So you get into one of the many rowing boats and head out, firstly who's rowing, where is everyone in the boat and how far away do you want to try stopping?

(edit ninjaed by the mage do your stuff first if you want)

2010-07-11, 02:24 PM
"Well, feel free to cast your magic, I however would like to get on with this fine evenings criminal act." Alia smiles at the elf. "Of course, those of us who do not have such robust magic will wait, quite the pity." She stretches vigorously as she waits for any magic use that to be done.

She turns to Orliander, having trouble hiding her smirk. "And once we get close enough, I intend to swim with you, or ahead depending on whether you are able to keep up."

2010-07-11, 05:12 PM
"I meant no offence lady. Though if there is time later, I would be more then willing to show you some of the formula involved.

However, back to my original question. Mr. Orliander, who in your plan is the first to be subject to assault, or is most likely to endure the most retribution? "

2010-07-11, 05:26 PM
Orliander closes his eyes, and a strange violet-red glow briefly illuminates his body. Suddenly, his fingers become webbed, and a set of gills can be seen on his neck.
"It will be hard to coordinate exactly when we make the assault... Tell you what, I'll swim to the other side of the boat when the rowboat is a few yards away. If I see a target, I'll take the first shot, which will be the cue for everyone else to begin climbing. Then I'll join you on the deck as soon as I'm able."

2010-07-11, 08:20 PM
"I will swim across as well, I would prefer it to riding on the boat." Kragg finally says, cracking his knuckles and stretching, getting ready for the swim.

2010-07-12, 12:35 AM
Orliander nods, smiling slightly.
"Why don't you come with me, Kragg? We'll be one half of the pincer attack, everyone else can be on the boat and mark themselves by our actions. Once the commotion starts, we'll all close in and sweep the boat thoroughly and efficiently."

I'm ready to get started. What sort of checks do we need to make? Hide? Move Silently? Climb? Taking 10 on Swim, I've got 13, plus the swim speed from Swimming the Styx, so Orliander should be able to make the swim easily.
The biggest problem's going to be the climb, probably, as I've only got a -1 Climb check.

2010-07-12, 02:54 AM
"If Kragg swims with you it will only left me and Lorian."

Zefir take a look at the elve to proove how good he can climb.

"Well Lorian you don´t seem to have climb many times, but i have something in my bag that will help us out. If i made it up to the ship i use my rope to help you climb up. How does this sound to you?"

If we take off with the boat Zefir head to the front cause he know that humans cant see as good as him at night. Maybe shifter and elves can see that far to but he dont know it.

2010-07-12, 05:38 AM
As you approach the boat you can begin to make out more details...
Spot checks-
[roll0] Zefir
[roll1] Alia
[roll2] Kragg
[roll3] Orliander
[roll4] Lorian

(Note: this is whilst everyone is still on the boat, 50ft away from the Blue Nixie)

Kragg and Orliander can't really make out any more details, Lorian can make out that there are several figures on the deck, but they aren't really paying much attention. Alia and Zefir both see there are 5 people on the deck, also that up the sides of the boat there is plenty of rigging, which, although wet and possibly slippy should make the climb up onto the deck easier

Rough map of the deck of the ship, about 10ft up from the water line


2010-07-12, 06:29 AM
Alia whispers quietly to those around her, "Can anyone else see 5 men on that boat? I am sure I can make them out." She looks hesitantly towards the boat, and hesitantly places her book of magic down in the rowboat.

"Prepare yourselves carefully, I am going to get moving." She explains, before slowly lowering herself gently into the water. "Be careful, its cold."

Turning to look at her companions once more, she starts to swim towards the Blue Nixie, keeping low in the water and moving softly beneath its surface, coming up for air quietly as she possibly could.

2010-07-12, 07:33 AM
"Yes there seem to be 5 people but i cant see any details like weapons.
But i see plenty of rigging that will help climb up."
Zefir looks around waiting for the other, after he got something chrushing to his mind.

"Oh they did not notic us yet i think but if we come closer they will notice us and what are we going to do if this happens?"

2010-07-12, 08:31 AM
I can't make anything else out, I am ready when everyone else it." Kragg says as he get's ready for the attack, and putting a hand on his sword.

OOC: +8 to swim and climb, I think I'll be alright.

2010-07-12, 08:35 AM
OOC- remember your armour check penalty (-4 to swim -2 to climb)

2010-07-12, 08:43 AM
OOC- remember your armour check penalty (-4 to swim -2 to climb)

I thought I added that, I could have sword I did, that's weird. I'll fix it now.

2010-07-12, 09:42 AM
I was in the back of the boat. After Alia gets out a continue to row quietly until I bring us fairly close to the ship. Then I tie the rowboat to either the rigging, or other piece of jutting material that would be sufficient to hold it.

Take ten on the check.

I look at the others to see what they are doing. If Alia is already climbing I motion with my head to the halfling to begin the ascent.

2010-07-12, 10:33 AM
OOCTaking 10 takes a minute right? If so (and since its pretty hard to remain quiet when tying up a boat/ you didn't make any attempt to remain silent) I think the people on deck might hear you
@Kragg are you sure you want to swim considering you will have to make about 7 swim checks successfully, and if you want to still swim roll about 13 to see how many rounds it takes you

So currently we have Kragg, Alia and Orliander swiming around to the other side of the boat, Zefir and Lorian have sailed right up next to the boat and are tying the rowing boat to the Blue Nixie, unless anyone wants to change The battle plans?

2010-07-12, 10:36 AM
No, you are thinking of take 20, which takes 10 times as long. Taking ten take the same amount of time and assumes there is no threat or distraction. Your call on if the threat of imminent combat counts as a distraction.

2010-07-12, 12:58 PM
OOC: Hm... good point, I'll just go along with the boat then.

2010-07-12, 01:14 PM
After the Elf motion me to clime i star to go up ( Take 10 if possibe otherwise see spoiler)
Until climb silently i try to hear if Orilander starts his attack.
If i reach the top i try to spot if someone is looking at my direction and try to avoid beeing seen.

[roll0] climb
[roll1] Move silent
[roll2] spot
[roll3] listen

2010-07-12, 03:28 PM
A map of where everyone is at the moment (I think)

warning its a tad rough due to art being one of my many failings :smallcool:


2010-07-12, 03:45 PM
OOCthe guards are destracted so yeah you can just take 10 on use rope]
I think your plan consisted of Orliander first zaping someone in a suprise round before everyone starts acting

If this is the case Orliander try to hit him (but he has cover from the ship)
before acting in regular order
Everyones initiative after that
Zefir - [roll0]
Kragg - [roll1]
Lorian - [roll2]
Orliander - [roll3]
Alia - [roll4]
Thugs - [roll5]

People you don't know about yet, don't look

If anyone wants to have cast any buffs that more than like 10 minutes you can cast them but if they have a shorter time than that you won't have known when orliander will have started combat and when to cast them so feel free to cast them as your first action

2010-07-12, 04:54 PM
OOC: I cast mage armor on myself: +4 to his AC

I reach into a pouch at my belt and pull out a small piece of cured leather. Holding it flat in the palm of my left hand, and with a look of bliss on my face, I intone:

"Azjeir Udthal Eu'da'os"

As I do so, I curl in my fingers as if making a fist. The leather is consumed nearly instantly by a small steady flame. With my right hand I perform a small throwing motion, as if I had been holding a small cloth..

A soft and silent wind seems to blow around him, revealing a slight distortion around me before it fades.

OOC: Not relevant at the moment

OOC2: changed to me at DM suggestion. This is why I should have cast it on the Warlock.

2010-07-12, 05:26 PM
OOC: it might look better if you put it in Italics?, also Mage armour won't stack with Trodon's regular armour will it?

2010-07-12, 10:49 PM

Bobbing up and down in the cold water, Orliander feels strangely at home, a side effect of the dark invocation that has altered his body. He feels as if he was born in the salty deep, as if the thought of living on land is the most horrific of prospects. Finally, in the silence of the night, when it appears his allies are in position, he spots his prey: a tired-looking guard, staring out into the bay.
Orliander raises his left hand, clenches his fist, then quickly opens it. A strange hissing sound accompanies a slowly expanding aura of violet light, and in an instant, it leaps from his hand towards the man, a bolt of deadly eldritch energy. Orliander's blood tingles with innate magic, which briefly causes him a strange combination of euphoric bliss and stinging pain...

Here's the surprise round attack, on the guy at N11:
Ranged Touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-07-13, 03:59 AM
spot check for the guy who's being shot at [roll0]

As Orliander shoots a beam of eldritch energy, he misjudges it because of a small eb in the tide which knocks him as he fires, leading to the bolt to go to low and hit the side of the ship. Luckily for Orliander though at the same time the man turns around and sneezes, remaining completly unaware of the attack

2010-07-13, 06:12 AM
Alia takes a deep breath before deciding what actions to take, she swims up to the boat, and climbs a short distance up the netting before sitting down and hooking her legs through the net resting all her weight on them, she then slips her longspear up through the netting towards the deck.

Before inserting her arms through the netting clutching the spear with one hand she starts to gesture for a spell she hopes will protect her and that interesting magician. She then rests all her weight on her legs to free up a hand enough to start performing the gestures necessary to cast a spell she hoped would confuse their enemies and provide them with a great deal of cover and safety.

She braces herself tightly into the net as she begins to use her magic. She screams required word. "Nebulate."

concentration: [roll0]
Casting: Obscuring Mist

2010-07-13, 06:59 AM

In the split second after his eldritch blast misses, Orliander holds his breath, certain the guard will alert the others. Instead, the man sneezes, then yawns, then smacks his lips. Alia begins to swim closer to the boat... Not questioning his luck, the young warlock shrugs, and fires another blast at the man, this time with his right hand...

Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-07-13, 07:09 AM
Thugs - 18
Zefir - 17
Kragg - 14
Lorian - 14
Orliander - 6
Alia - 6

People you don't know about yet, don't look
22 (d20+2)
21 (d20+1)
7 (d20)

So Orliander lanches another bolt of energy, this one misses the intended target (his head) and strikes the thug in the ear, leading to a clearly heard shriek of pain.

Seconds later Alia finishes chanting for her spell and a cloud of mist springs into being

2010-07-13, 07:26 AM
After this the Thugs are a tad disorientated, One of the thugs moves to hammer on a door screaming "Vark, Vark!"

Another stumbles out of the cloud and draws a crossbow, the one who was injured collapses saying, "Oh my god, I'm bleeding, someone hit me, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die

Of the other two, one draws a rapier (K9) whilst the other draws and loads a crossbow

Map of where everyone is http://i30.tinypic.com/25qswzl.jpg
Zefir's go

2010-07-13, 09:10 AM
"YOU ARE ALL DOOMED" Alia calls out as loud and deep as she can.

"If you wish to live throw yourself into the water at the keel of the ship. If you wish to die, stay and we will talk in a minute."

2010-07-13, 09:13 AM
OOC - Bluff check?

2010-07-13, 09:14 AM
Bluff Check[roll0]

2010-07-13, 09:20 AM
sense motives
injured 1 [roll0]
2 [roll1]
3 [roll2]
4 [roll3]
5 [roll4] Edit, still using these rolls but this will happen on Ella's go when she attempts to demoralise

2010-07-13, 09:37 AM
Cause i dont made it the first time Zefir try it again

[roll0] Climb
[roll1] Move Silently
[roll2] Hide
[roll3] Spot

2010-07-13, 09:54 AM
So Zefir has managed to climb up to the rim of the deck and is ready to spring into action (hes in I 14 I think) if this is the case then its
Kraggs or Lorians go

2010-07-13, 10:41 AM
[roll0] Climb
[roll1] Move Silently
[roll2] Hide
[roll3] Spot

OOC: I will master this blasted thing!

2010-07-13, 10:50 AM
Kragg climbs up the side of the ship.


Edit: OOC: Hopefully landing in J13.

2010-07-13, 11:02 AM
Kragg get's up to the deck of the ship then swings his sword at the thug.


2010-07-13, 12:53 PM
Kragg scrambles up the side of the ship, hardly needing the rigging to get up. He jumps onto deck unsheaving a sword and in the same fluid motion slices a long cut along the nearest thugs chest.

At the same time Lorian manages to scamble up onto the deck (can still take a standard action so just say what you want to do)

Orliander swims up to the side of the ship and climbs up with suprising ease throught the mist, Alia trys to intimidate and is remarkably successful. The two injured thugs are completely scared and withdraw and jump off the north side of the ship. Two of the thugs are slightly shaken by the threat, but the one by the door either didn't hear it or wasn't scared by it"

The thug by the door draws a rapier as he charges at Kragg
attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

(I want to know what lorian is doing as well before continueing)


2010-07-13, 02:02 PM
Looking at the two guards to his left, the elf pulls out a small dollop of butter from his belt pouch. He wipes his hands together spreading it around.

Adjere Wu'ldas ang' Nithume

The same look of rapture as before lights up his face. With a sudden motion as if shaking water form his hands a greasy sheen covers the deck under their feet and in front of them yet leaving the path of his allies clear.

OOC: Grease spell, 10ftx10ft square K,L x 9,10

2010-07-13, 02:13 PM
Reflex saving throws for the thugs

One on left [roll0]
One on right [roll1]

2010-07-13, 02:17 PM
balance check for the person who's still standing


Okay but i believe they can both still crawl! They both crawl 5ft (out of the grease) then stand up

Zefirs go

2010-07-13, 02:32 PM
Zefir jumps on deck drawing his Sling shooting the one with the crossbow who crawled out of the grease

[ROLL= Check if critt(26)]1d20+6

2010-07-13, 03:30 PM
Zefir gets up on deck and shoots a sling bullet at a thug but misses,

Lorian or Kragg

2010-07-13, 04:12 PM
Enlarge Person Kragg

Once more reaching into my component pouch I draw forth a pinch of powdered iron.

It begins to move, as if a magnet was under my hand, swirling up as if caught in a dust devil...

Dalath'tharo Ildask'L'kool

Looking at Kragg, I thrust my hand at him palm out. The iron flys towards him, seeming to disappear right before it reaches him.

With a creaking of muscle and a popping of bone, he grows larger and larger still.

2010-07-14, 10:06 AM

Finding himself enveloped in a thick mist, Orliander follows the railing of the ship carefully, keeping an eye out for danger. After a few paces, he finds himself at the edge of the mist; beyond, he can see two men scrambling on the deck, apparently covered in a slight film of grease. Keeping to the cover afforded the mist, a violet lance of eldritch light pierces the haze and streaks towards one of the prone men. However, it impacts against the deck; Orliander's aim seems to be off given the nature of the mist and the reduced profile of his prone target.

On my turn, Orliander moves up three squares, where he can see out of the mist, but still benefits a bit from its concealment. Unfortunately, since he's prone, I believe he has a +4 cover bonus vs. ranged attacks. I'll attack the closer of the two prone guys.
Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-07-14, 11:03 AM
Alia pulls herself up the netting and onto the boat, moving slowly forwards in the mist. She jabs at the nearest figure infront of her. She can barely make out the mast itself through all the mist. She stabs forwards and hits nothing but the air.

Climb [roll0]
Move to m14
Attack with longspear:
to hit[roll1]

Will edit in more detail once I know where my failures are.

2010-07-14, 12:48 PM
Kragg starts to go into a beastly rage, swinging wildly.


OOC: Rage then attack. Also sorry for the late post, I was in town for the past few hours.

2010-07-14, 01:35 PM
OOC- It doesn't matter if you're a bit late

Lorian begins the chanting for what appears to be a spell

Kragg suddenly screams in beserk fury and lashes out at the nearest thug, slicing him open as he collapses on the floor with a whimper of pain,

Orliander darts to the edge of the mist, calling upon eldritch fiendish powers to smote his enemies, he fails

Alia climbs up onto deck, stumbles for a bit and lashes out with her spear at a shape in the mist she hits the ships mast.

The thug on the left sees Lorian chanting and charges him,

attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

the other thug sees Orliander after he missed with his eldritch blast, drops her crossbow, draws a rapier and moves up and attacks him

attack [roll2] damage [roll3]

However at the same time as this a man bursts out of the door (on the south bit of the ship) followed by a woman

(I'll post a map later)

2010-07-14, 01:37 PM
confirm crit on the attack on Lorian (sorry)

check [roll0] extra damage if a crit [roll1]

okay, Lorian was concentraing on his spell and didn't notice the man charging him and takes a blow to the throat, causing him to collapse from the pain,

Orliander manages to use the mist to his advantage and dodges the other thugs blow

Zefirs go

2010-07-14, 02:14 PM
As Zefir saw Lorian falling on the ground he run to the point he felt as fast as he can. In the left hand hes holding his Holy symbol and his rigth Hand starts to gloom in an grey light. After Zefir comes near the outpast body the light turns white and seems full of Positiv energy.
Zefir channels his spell Magic Stone into Heal light wounds

2010-07-14, 02:38 PM
I am now bleeding to death... stabilization roll

2010-07-14, 02:40 PM
Stabilization roll

2010-07-14, 03:18 PM
Updated map of where everyone is

Kraggs or Lorians go OOC- combat is going quite quickly

edit; lorian was healed so the stabilization roll is unnessasary and you can take an action on your go

2010-07-14, 03:45 PM
(I'm going to work soon, so here's Orliander's intended actions, when his turn comes up)

Orliander ducks out of the way of the guard's blade just in the nick of time. His options are somewhat limited: either retreat deeper into the mist, or stand his ground and try to fight back. Feeling daring, and knowing in his current position that the mist provides more of a benefit to himself than his foe, Orliander attempts to fire off a blast of energy at point-blank range, his raised hand glowing a deadly violet, but giving his enemy a split-second advantage...

Staying where I am, and risking an Attack of Opportunity from the enemy, since I still have a miss chance.
Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edit: missing again! Wee! Afterwards, if I'm still standing, I'll move to K7

2010-07-15, 12:56 PM
Use a move action to stand again. Does that provoke an AoO? If not, I ready my action to defend.

2010-07-15, 01:04 PM
that provokes an attack of opportunity

2010-07-16, 05:19 PM
Then I crawl behind the cleric and the shifter.

2010-07-16, 05:29 PM
OOC- Is square J14 okay?

2010-07-16, 07:29 PM
OOC: That will do.

2010-07-17, 03:57 AM
Lorian scurries away from the Thug who just stabed him, moving to position Kragg and Zefir between him and the Thug,

Alia feel free to take your go as Kragg is taking a while

Orliander calls upon more eldritch power which is starting to seem more and more fickle tonight as it flys past the thugs head. Although Orliander lowers his guard for a second to shoot the blast, which gives the thug an opportunity to attack

attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

but he misses so Orliander darts around him to move to a better position

2010-07-17, 10:49 AM
OOC: Sorry, my aunt was visiting. Moving to K18 than attacking.

Kragg runs over and slashes at one of the thugs on the south of the ship.


2010-07-17, 10:54 AM
Alia frowns, her protective fog had made it much harder for her to deal with the thugs on the boat. She peers through the mist hopefully turning towards the back of the boat and move fowards lunging with her spear.

Move to M9
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2010-07-17, 01:51 PM
As the two thugs emerge from the cabin, kragg charges the first one, striking him on the neck before he has a chance to do anything, practically decapitating him.

Alia moves around and stabs one of the thugs, (miss chance ) and strikes true, if a bit feebley

The thug who just emerged (who wasn't just beheaded) shouts, Vark! Vark's dead, burn everything before drawing a rapier and moving and attacking Kragg

[roll]1d20+2 damage 1d6+1 rolls don't work on edits

2010-07-17, 01:57 PM
the thug's attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

another thug moves up and attacks zefir

the thug's attack [roll2] damage [roll3]

and the third thug follow's after orliander and try's stabbing him

the thug's attack [roll4] damage [roll5]

They all miss (they're compitent!)

An upto date maphttp://i32.tinypic.com/9ih1eh.jpg

and zefirs go

2010-07-17, 03:00 PM
" Ha!!! You Thug can't deal with a enemy of my Size!"

Zefir draw his knif and try to attack.

[roll0] (attack)
[roll1] (dmg)
[roll2](Critt/miss check)
[roll3](extra dmg from crit)

"Ha HA pieck pieck piekc makes the Halfling!"

2010-07-17, 03:39 PM
Zefir manages to gash open the thugs knee, making him help in pain

Kragg's or Lorians go

and could everyone make listen checks please

2010-07-17, 03:56 PM
Kragg swings again, screaming with a bloodthirsty rage.


And the listen check: [roll3]

2010-07-17, 04:08 PM
OOC Two natural twenties? Unfortunatly it didn't really make a difference but still...

Kragg after just killing a man, now takes another wild swing, unfortunately this one doesn't catch the person quite as unaware and they manage to dodge it

Lorians go

2010-07-17, 04:08 PM
I stand up, and assess the situation:



2010-07-17, 04:15 PM
Everyone so far hears somewhere underdeck the sounds of paniching animals shrieking, along with a thud, a short scream and (everyone who beat DC20 hears) the sounds of someone being mauled by an animal

(There is an open trapdoor in L15)

2010-07-18, 08:08 AM
Okay, is that your entire go Lorian?

If so either Alia or Orliander's go

2010-07-18, 09:22 PM
Orliander takes a step away from his assailant. Unsure what to think of the apparent fact that Vark was dead, the young mage decides to focus on more immediate concerns: namely, dissuading the thug from continuing their current course of action. He raises his hands, and makes a compelling argument with the only diplomatic technique he knows for situations such as this.

Taking a 5 foot step back, I don't care where, Orliander shoots, and knowing me, probably misses, the closest *******.
Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-07-19, 08:16 AM
Alia pauses for moment to consider her situation, in particular the threat presented by the men still on deck and places it into the greater scheme of things, namely the recovery of the blue nixie, the key ring and the gold. It becomes clear in her mind what she needs to do next.

She moves towards the man attacking her new friend the magician and jabs at him as hard as she can with her spear.

Before even checking to see how her blow against the man had gone, she calls out to the men in the water behind the boat "Swim up close to the boat, I have an offer for you in gold and a promise that you will come to no harm in my care. Should you doubt my word know this I am the daughter of Lord Rhodes."

move to : m6
to hit : [roll0]
damage : [roll1]
free : talk

2010-07-19, 10:24 PM
They will pay! They will all pay!. For this Indignation! For this Humiliation! If it takes a thousand years, and their souls must be dragged in torment from the bottommost depths of Bator, they will suffer for this!

Getting up and looking around the elf heard the sounds of a great commotion below deck. Judging by the sounds, animals were involved, something which promised to make this horrible situation even more unpleasant.

"No, now is the time for calm, I must not allow these emotions to lead me to error. Iya nome aileth ah. Iya nome aileth ah."

His nerves called my the familiar mantra he observed his surrounds as he contemplated the meaning of his words, "Ah, the splendor in the flower. Ah, the splendor in the flower." While hard to translate into common, and harder still to explain he was comforted by his own revelations.

OOC: What I was doing in my turn of crawling and looking around.

2010-07-20, 05:07 AM
Orliander moves back before again lashing out with eldritch energy. He hits the thug in the stomach, causing him to grunt in pain, followed by another shriek of pain as Alia stabs him.

This appears to be too much for the thug who seems to have had enough. He withdraws from combat, and attempts to move onto your boat climb check [roll0]

The thug next to Kragg tries to stab him

attack [roll1] damage [roll2]

The thug next to Zefir appears to have given up the fight and is running and tries to climb onto the boat
climb check [roll3]

The bthugs in the water, either didn't hear Alia or maybe for some reason didn't believe her...

2010-07-20, 05:09 AM
falling damage for the second thug [roll0]

he says "Ow"

edit: I'll post a map when I next can but that probally won't be till tommorrow or the day after

and Zefir's go

2010-07-20, 08:59 AM
After Zefir saw two of the thugs come around his position and try to enter the boat we took with us, he jumps on the balustrade using his Sling again.
I try to hit the one i already fought if hes not down otherwise i attack the other.

Walk to J13
[roll0] Range Attack
[roll1] Dmg

"GET OUT OF MY BOAT!" He shouts after his stone hit the thug.

2010-07-21, 06:04 AM
Just noticed that the thug who fell down appears to have fallen unconscious

The thug who slipped appears to have knocked his head and is unconcious.

Zefir acturately launches a sling bullet which hits the other thug on the head with a loud thunk, causing him to collapse

Kragg or Lorians go

2010-07-21, 03:12 PM
Kragg swings again, his rage still fueling is arms.


2010-07-22, 08:58 AM
Ready my action to defend.

2010-07-22, 09:09 AM
Um, sorry could you please explain what you are doing? Are you using total defence or a ready action or what?

2010-07-22, 10:01 AM
OOC: Yes, total defense. Sorry, I am not in this position often.

2010-07-23, 03:56 PM
Okay, you stand amidst the bloody corpses of the thugs who where on the boat, the surviving ones swimming away over the water.

You all hear a sudden growl come from beneath the deck,

combat is over (sort of) what do you do?

map of current area

OOC do you want to plough straight ahead or take a moments rest?

2010-07-25, 10:27 AM
Orliander steps out onto the middle of the deck, motioning to his companions.
"Looks like that does it for the guards. However, with all that commotion down below, they might have tried to set fire to the boat. We can't lose this ship! It would defeat half the point of us helping Lavinia! We need to get below deck... Kragg, if you would be so kind as to lead the way? You seem to know how to handle yourself in close quarters."

2010-07-25, 10:28 AM
"I am coming too." Alia quickly follows Orliander towards the hatch. "Before we return the ship we should probably get rid of any blood and bodies too, we would hardly deserve a reward if we raised a whole lot of questions from the guard."

2010-07-25, 10:37 AM
"In the regrettable circumstance that we are unable to stop the fire, perhaps we should also search the cabin for the ring. I believe her ladyship would be more grateful for just then ring then with our good intentions and neither ring nor ship "

2010-07-25, 03:48 PM
"Well i think i saved our lended boat from being stolen, but the blood will never wash out."

Zefir looks around.

"Lorian you look good now, well not your clothes they need a littel fix but i cant see a wound on you. is anybody hurt i can give you a littel heal, so the hurt gets a bit weaker."

If someone ask for heal i channel Guidance into Heal Less wound (1HP)
Zefir head to the trapdoor.

"Well befor we had downstairs lets have a look, cause i heard animal noise down there and i wont run into a Tiger, dragen or else."

If nobody stops me i take the look down.

2010-07-27, 12:39 PM
Lorian turned his head a little to regard the halfling.

"Thank you Zefir, I believe I owe you my life."

Suddenly he stiffens as if struck by something. He stands up perfectly strait turns towards Zefir and bows deeply at the waist.

"Ar Eru cennë ilya ya carnes, ar en! nes ammára. Ar engë sinyë, ar engë arin, i enquëa aurë."

He visibly swallowed and continued in common, "You have my deepest gratitude, please accept my humble thanks."

He stayed bowed as if expecting something.

2010-07-27, 02:56 PM
Zefir went up from the trap heading to Lorian.
"I'm sorry to tell you that i can't take your thanks. But come to me next morning then we can both thank Brandobaris. Then HE gave me the power to save your life, it was only my luck to be here at the right time."

2010-07-27, 03:54 PM
Kragg starts to breath lighter, his body gets visibly weaker, as his rage subsides.
he puts a hand to his head. "Ugh, how is everyone?"

2010-07-29, 06:17 AM
Through the grill you can see the general layout of the area below,


There is no smoke, it looks as if the person tasked with the burning was interupted by this


A hidious, spider like monster about the size of a pony appears to be gorging itself on the body of a thug. Its body is dark borwn with yellow stripes, its furred legs long and spindley. The front pair of its 10 legs tips end in flat surfaces covered in dozens of hooked suckers. The monsters head is horribly oversized, and dominated by a pair of inmense mandibles, which it is using to devour the thug.

Anyone want to go first?

2010-07-29, 09:44 AM
Hearing the shouts of alarm of the rest of his companions, the Lorian made his way over to the grate. Looking down he was also repulsed by the sight of the hideous creature below. As he collected himself he searched his memory for any knowledge of the creature.


2010-07-29, 11:59 AM
Orliander had no idea what such a monster was doing aboard this ship, but by the looks of it it could probably tear him to pieces with little effort. He steps up to the grating looking down into the hold, and points his finger at the beast; sure, it would have cover from the grating, but it was safer than going down into the gloom. Like shooting fish in a barrel. Or... giant arachnids in a barrel...
Of course, given the darkness and the clutter, Orliander hits nothing but the floorboards near the creature, only serving to interrupt its meal and agitate it.

Orliander will take a pot shot at the monster from above decks. Suck eldritch death!
Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-07-29, 02:18 PM
okay, orliander is just accurate enough with his eldritch blast to get the things attention


Orliander [roll0]

Kragg [roll1]

Lorian [roll2]

Alia [roll3]

Zefir [roll4]

Monster [roll5]

2010-07-29, 02:20 PM
So it is


also knowledge can't be made untrained

Alia's go

2010-08-01, 06:10 AM
Okay since Alia is taking a while with her go Kragg you can go if you want

so now Alia or Kragg

2010-08-01, 09:59 AM
Kragg walks to the edge of the hole, and throws a speer at the monster.


2010-08-01, 11:05 AM
Alia drops her longspear in shock at the sight of the giant spider like creature. She reaches over her back and fumbles for her light crossbow, drawing it level out infront of her chest and then slips an arrow in, knocking it against the draw string in preparation for shooting the thing full of arrows.

Free Action: Drop Spear
Move Action : Draw Crossbow
Standard Action : Load Crossbow

2010-08-01, 12:59 PM
Zefir, a liitel bit shocked drew his sling and starts to shoot.


2010-08-04, 05:17 AM
Kraggs spear bounces off the hide of the monster, causing no visible damage

Zefirs shot goes wide of the mark,

Orliander's go

2010-08-04, 10:35 AM
Orliander grinds his teeth, frustrated at the group's general lack of accuracy, his own included. As his anger rises, so too does the tingling sensation in his blood seem to amplify. His red eyes briefly flash as another bolt of violet-red energy streaks from his clenched fist toward the creature skittering below...

Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-08-05, 05:45 AM
Orlianders blast hits and appears to injure the monster,

it then moves out of the hold, moving to square N14 (I'm too lazy to post another map right now)

2010-08-05, 01:41 PM
The elf looked decidedly unhappy. Point of fact, he look ready to kill something, which he decided to orchestrate. Pointing at the vile creature he spoke in a loud voice before a coruscating ray shot from his hand at it.

Ray of Enfeeblement
Ranged Touch Attack Roll
Strength Penalty

OOC: I will add more fluff later, but this is to insure things are moving.
Oh, the spell is 1d6+1/2 caster levels? Does that mean It should just be 1d6? If so, I suppose the correction is easy enough.

2010-08-05, 02:23 PM
Lorian shoots a beam at the thing, but unfortunately misses

Alia's go

2010-08-15, 05:43 AM
Alia aims her crossbow carefully at the foul thing loosing a bolt at it. After letting loose, she hopes desparately to strike it in the eye, or at least the head.

to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2010-08-16, 04:01 AM
Unfortunately, Alia's shot goes wide, missing it altogether.

Kraggs go

2010-08-16, 04:27 PM
Kragg grips his sword, then runs at the beast.

Moving to M15 then attacking.

2010-08-17, 08:08 AM
Kragg joins the rest of the party in missing the monster

Zefirs go

2010-08-17, 09:17 AM
I gave the slinge just another try shoot to kill.


2010-08-17, 11:08 AM
Watching his allies repeatedly miss the nightmarish vermin, Orliander grows increasingly worried, especially considering he was the one to originally harm the creature. Not sure how its tiny mind works, and hoping it has a poor memory, the mage tries to put some distance between himself and the scuttling horror before unleashing another bolt of violet-red light from his left hand, trying to blast the creature to the Abyss.

Move action: either move as far away from the monster as I can while still staying within Point Blank Shot range, or merely taking a 5 foot step away from it to avoid an attack of opportunity.
Standard action: eldritch blast the bastard.
Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Wow! We suck!

2010-08-19, 05:05 AM
The monster turns around, and flails at Kragg with a front leg thing

Leg 1 [roll0]

free opposed grapple check monster [roll1] Kragg [roll2]

If successful free bite attack [roll3] damage [roll4]

2010-08-19, 05:09 AM
Okay it failed to start a grapple, so then it swings with the second front leg

leg 2 [roll0]

if successful free grapple attempt monsters [roll]1d20+11[/rolll] Kraggs [roll1]

if thats successful, free bite attempt [roll2]

2010-08-19, 05:10 AM
monsters grapple attempt again (because i failed the roll) [roll0]

and the bite damage [roll1]

2010-08-19, 05:13 AM
so the monster hits with both tentacles, but they fail to stick,

so it follows up with a bite [roll0] damage [roll1]

edit; and Kragg appears to have gotten lucky and survived a full attack from the monster...

Lorians go

2010-08-19, 05:10 PM
I leave the battle, and move to the cabin to begin searching for the ring we are supposed to be finding. If I can get there in only a double move action so be it.

If not, I am going to begin searching for the ring. Or money. Or anything that appears to be of value and light enough to carry away with me. Incriminating documents or evidence from the idiots we got rid of works too.

[roll0] Search

Edit: Wizards are cowards, its how we survive.

2010-08-20, 08:10 AM
Okay so the wizard decides that his health plan probally doesn't cover getting mauled by a giant spider thing and decides to leave,

alias go

2010-08-20, 08:22 AM
Alia sighs, annoyed by this creatures reluctance to drop dead from her, and her companions efforts to finish it.

"I'm going to end you." she whispers as she fires another bolt at the thing.

Move Action: Load Crossbow
Standard Action: Fire Crossbow
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Free Action: Talk

2010-08-21, 07:09 AM
Sadly Alia's shot goes wide (again)

Kragg's go

2010-08-21, 08:57 AM
Kragg swings again, getting annoyed at the monster.


2010-08-23, 03:54 AM
Kragg misses the monster, (getting repetative)

Zefir's go

2010-08-23, 05:56 AM
Last try Sling hope i even can hit him once.

moving away from the monster head to our boat we took to come here.

2010-08-23, 11:34 AM
The first real twinges of panic begin to fester within Orliander's gut as the massive spider-like creature dodges or deflects every last attack. Kragg had only been lucky that the monster's massive fangs hadn't torn him asunder. Keeping the creature just close enough for maximum damage, and resisting the urge to jump overboard and swim for his life, Orliander takes another careful shot at the beast, eldritch light sprining from his left hand...

If I'm able to safely move, I'd like to move away from the monster, but try to keep it within 30 ft. for Point Blank Shot. Otherwise, another 5 foot step.
Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-08-25, 05:23 AM
Although Zefir's shot goes wide, Orliander manages to hit and injure it again.

Its taken 12 damage so far

Now the spider thing attacks Kragg again (because hes the only one in melee reach, sorry)

leg 1 [roll0]

if successful free grapple attempt monster [roll1] Kragg [roll2]

if successful free bite attempt [roll3] damage [roll4]

2010-08-25, 05:27 AM
It misses with its fist leg so attacks with the second

leg2 [roll0]

if hit free grapple attempt monster [roll1] Kragg [roll2]

if successfully grappled free bite attempt [roll3] [roll4]

2010-08-25, 05:28 AM
It misses with both of its front legs, so tries with a bite

bite damage [roll1d8+6

2010-08-25, 05:36 AM
and with a final ineffectual attempt to bite Kragg the monster fails to do any harm again :smallsigh:

Lorian is continueing to search the cabin (I assume) so Alia's go

The room you enter is a eleborately decorated wardroom (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wardroom) there are two doors leading off it

2010-08-25, 09:13 AM
There does not appear to be anything of relevance on the table here, and very little by way of furniture... Judging by the size of the table and number of chairs I would guess this is a room used for dining... Due to concerns about food being delivered hot one of these adjoining doors must lead to a kitchen or scullery... or... perhaps both... ... I must continue my search then.

After briefly perusing the room he checked first one door and then the other to confirm in his mind which was which. If one leads to a kitchen, then he goes through the other and continues his search.

2010-08-25, 09:49 AM
The process was getting easier for Alia, reload fire, reload fire, she carried the crossbow for protection but had never in the past used it against anything more than a target.

"Anyone got a better idea?" she calls out to her companions as her bolt flies through the air.

Move Action: Load Crossbow
Standard Action: Fire Crossbow
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Free Action: Talk

2010-08-25, 11:33 AM
"Just keep shooting! Where did that damn elf go?"
Orliander curses as the spidery creature rampages across the deck, a scuttling horror that will no doubt plague countless nightmares to come, assuming it doesn't devour them piecemeal. Never before has he used the powers bestowed upon him in such rapid succession: his blood seems to tingle with energy, as if needles are running up and down his limbs. He grits his teeth and unleashes another blast, the glowing lance of light streaking toward chitinous hide...

Yeah, it's out of turn, but I'm feelin' it! I'm feelin' it! This is it! It's time to DO THIS!
Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Or... not. Somebody, for the love of fnord, KILL IT!

2010-08-25, 02:23 PM
Both orliander and Alia miss the thing, again

Kragg's go

2010-08-25, 03:09 PM
Stopping briefly, the elf walks over to the nearby window and opens it. Sending out an empathic call we waits. Within second with a flapping of wings an enormous white hawk with some feathers nearly golden perched on his outstretched arm before carefully moving to his shoulder.

"[I hope you have enjoyed your flight my friend, but now I have need of you. There is a ring hidden here which I must retrieve. I believe it is concealed so I hope you will not mind helping me search.]"

The bird cocked its head before nodding briefly. The elf then continued his search.

2010-08-27, 08:33 AM
OOC: Cause of Kraggs lack of internet until 30th August i think i make my turn. (I read it at his Signature)

"By Brandobaris! Which hell opend his door to let just a big monster left."

Sling Sling Sling again until i hit the beast.


Do not open the spoiler i missed again no more you need to know:smallfurious::smallfurious::smallfurious:

2010-08-29, 05:07 AM
I'm still waiting on Kragg's go