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View Full Version : Kill Bill RPG - Best Recreation System?

2010-07-06, 05:47 PM
Okay, so I felt a bit inspired by some of the badassery in Volume One of Tarentino's Kill Bill (haven't seen Volume 2 yet, no spoilers please) and I was talking about it in a forum on this site, and someone suggested teh idea of a Kill Bill RPG. For the same reason I honed in on that is the same reason you clicked on this forum, likely. So the question of the day is this: What RPG system would be best for recreating the 'Planet Cinema' approach to action sequences in Kill Bill? I checked out my d20 Modern already, and taht system seemed a bit... off. Certainly not quite up to the almsot high fantasy approach.

I suppose while I'm here, I might as well say in a quarter hour, I'll finally be eighteen. My gifts are still in the post, one of which hasn't left the US yet, and one of my few friends is on a family vacation for a week, so this isn't the best birthday I've ever had. But at least the games I'm getting soon will be awesome. Anyway, try cheering me up if you can, 'kay Playgrounders?

Lycan 01
2010-07-06, 06:52 PM
Happy Birthday! :smallbiggrin:

Right now, I'd suggest Savage Worlds. I recently picked it up for 9 dollars, and the other night I tried to run a short practice game with two of my friends, using an open-world Western setting to start with. 5 hours later, it was now one of my favorite RPG systems. Its honestly "The Rule of Cool" in book format.

Here are just a few of the highlights from that session...
-one of the PCs had performed an epic "walk into a saloon and kill everyone before they can react" scene. He then challenged the surviving baddy to a duel, only to roll abysmally low and for the surviving baddy to roll ungodly high numbers and drop him with two shots.
-a mook had become the Big Bad Evil Gal because a the "exploding dice" rules had resulted in her drawing two pistols from nowhere before anyone could even blink.
-the other PC performed a Faith Healing on the dying gunslinger PC, complete with lightning splitting the sky and light exploding from his eyes and the wounded PC's broken rib cage.

With enough tweaking and planning, I'm sure you could make Kill Bill out of Savage Worlds. Its a universal system - its designed for customed settings, where the Rule of Cool is always on the good guys' side except in randomly awesome moments you'd expected from a real movie or something. :smalleek:

2010-07-06, 06:52 PM
The game Feng Shui is intended to model action movies. It's probably nontrivial to find, and I haven't played enough of it to give an honest and helpful recommendation, but it's a system to consider.

2010-07-06, 06:55 PM
Super Awesome Action Heroes.

The Rose Dragon
2010-07-06, 06:59 PM
The game Feng Shui is intended to model action movies. It's probably nontrivial to find, and I haven't played enough of it to give an honest and helpful recommendation, but it's a system to consider.

Also, Hong Kong Action Theater! is pretty much a good fit as well. Though it's based on Tri-Stat dX, so it doesn't have stellar mechanics.

Failing that, I'm sure you could somehow fit All Flesh Must Be Eaten with Enter the Zombie somehow.

2010-07-06, 07:59 PM
I would use Feng Shui, Hong Kong Action Theater, or Wushu, depending on rules tolerance of players. Wushu seems like it is potientially the best fit, as it gets out of the way and is pretty much built for zany hijinks.

2010-07-06, 08:05 PM
I would use Feng Shui, Hong Kong Action Theater, or Wushu, depending on rules tolerance of players. Wushu seems like it is potientially the best fit, as it gets out of the way and is pretty much built for zany hijinks.

Wushu is also about 3 pages long, so be warned, it doesn't have much in the way of rules. What is has is good, but make sure your players are ok with a very rules-lite system.

2010-07-06, 09:40 PM
I would use Feng Shui, Hong Kong Action Theater, or Wushu, depending on rules tolerance of players. Wushu seems like it is potientially the best fit, as it gets out of the way and is pretty much built for zany hijinks.

Another vote for Wushu. It's very rules light and it's designed for exactly the kind of game you seem to want - over the top cinematic action.

2010-07-06, 09:44 PM
Just read Wushu, and it sounds like the munchkin of RPGs, lighthearted, chaotic, and fun, except without all the backstabbin' and stuff.

2010-07-06, 11:21 PM
As usual, the best solution is probably Gurps. Especially with the Action Heroes and Martial Arts supplements.

2010-07-06, 11:40 PM
Okay, so I felt a bit inspired by some of the badassery in Volume One of Tarentino's Kill Bill (haven't seen Volume 2 yet, no spoilers please) and I was talking about it in a forum on this site, and someone suggested teh idea of a Kill Bill RPG. For the same reason I honed in on that is the same reason you clicked on this forum, likely. So the question of the day is this: What RPG system would be best for recreating the 'Planet Cinema' approach to action sequences in Kill Bill? I checked out my d20 Modern already, and taht system seemed a bit... off. Certainly not quite up to the almsot high fantasy approach.

I suppose while I'm here, I might as well say in a quarter hour, I'll finally be eighteen. My gifts are still in the post, one of which hasn't left the US yet, and one of my few friends is on a family vacation for a week, so this isn't the best birthday I've ever had. But at least the games I'm getting soon will be awesome. Anyway, try cheering me up if you can, 'kay Playgrounders?
i would use d20 but thats just me. Their are many supplements for d20 due to its open game license. The modern book is no the only one out their so your not limited by whats just in the book!

2010-07-06, 11:54 PM
i would use d20 but thats just me. Their are many supplements for d20 due to its open game license. The modern book is no the only one out their so your not limited by whats just in the book!This is a definite call for using Tome of Battle.