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2010-07-06, 05:56 PM
Two men loudly shuffle outside your temporary home in Norali Cave, arguing.

I swear I saw it. It was a big freaking burning rock! Honestly! And it was traveling with a man with a floating sword and another man with a disappearing crystal sword!

Yeah, yeah. Let's go home. I'm starving.

Hmph. Don't complain to me when you're dead from that thing!

I don't believe I'll be able to.

The voices slowly die down until they are no longer audible. From the shadows of the otherwise brightly lit cave, you watch them leave. It was all you could do to get away from the crazy hunters in the hills outside the cave--especially with Molten Steel standing out against the seemingly permanent long, deep green grass.

What drew you to these hills was what was rumored to be there. According to local legend, a great menace resides in a small desert area in the middle of the otherwise perfect, watery, sunny hills. According to that same legend, the menace holds a great power only the greatest of individuals are able to use. Rulers, tribe leaders, and the like have commissioned for heroes and villains alike to retrieve that power for them for various reasons. You, joining the party a bit late, but not behind the other groups due to the large amount of casualties this mission usually entails, were able to figure out the general location of this menace of legend. Unfortunately, so were the treasure hunters.

About three miles to the east lies a large brown plain, difficult to find because of the isolation from the rest of civilization and the hills surrounding it. In that plain, you suppose the menace lies in wait for another challenge to its power--another challenge for its power.

OoC: A'ight. What you do from here is your choice, obviously. I'll be gone for a couple hours, but after that, I'll be free until late night.

2010-07-06, 06:07 PM
You know, one of these days you're going to get us killed, Mo. Kolaris muttered, voice halfway between feminine and masculine, somehow managing to give hints of either but never conclusively reveal the gender of its owner. So...I guess we'll be camping out here for a while. There's no way we're going to the desert area until we have a plan, or at least some information. Planning is essential to a good conversion, so it's probably good for this, too. Kolaris continued, sighing. I mean, it isn't like we can hide someone made from molten rock and steel, or anything...

2010-07-06, 06:08 PM
Tem, sorry to be a bother. I should of said. The blades are only surrounding X upon stating so. I'd prefer to keep his uh....talents....hidden from the public. Although if we were using them to defend ourselves, fair enough!

X turns to his two companions.

Close call, eh!? Well big guy, seems we don't have much choice of hiding you effectively he chuckles quietly to himself and turns to the back of the cave, as if listening, then calmly turns back to the others. Denai says we should look for this 'menace', I'm entirely inclined to agree. Unless anyone has any objections, I don't see any benefit to hiding in this cave any longer apart from to stop our large friend here from drawing any more attention.

Denai is one of X's four murdered children

2010-07-07, 02:23 AM
"Hmpf. Tired of sitting in this cave. Much prefer civilization. They have iron and flame. Don't care where we go, but need iron and flame. I'm getting hungry."


1. Might want to mark your spoilers for ease of reading, zen. :smallwink:

2. Sorry for the delay folks, the party ran WAAAAAAAAAY later than expected.

3. Mo, not needing normal food like the rest of you, consumes iron and iron alloys instead of food and flames instead of liquids. He also doesn't need to eat much, only every few days. At this point, he's getting close to lighting something on fire so he can ****ing DRINK. :smalltongue:

2010-07-07, 04:08 AM
Right, so your saying we should stock up on a few iron swords just in case? lol. You should have a class feature applied by your race in that if your stabbed by iron you can consume it instead :smallwink:

Okay, two bored and one hungry. Despite the "dangers" of those hunters, I'd say we should move and head East, if we're all in agreement. Unless objected to X heads towards the mouth of the cave and looks out to see which way to the brown fields.


I'm gonna be watching Master Chef and a movie with 'ze fiance for the rest of the night. I'll be on tomorrow at GMT+10 8:00am, if you're all on feel free to make travel decisions without me but if there's interaction or combat, I want in!

2010-07-07, 09:13 AM
Hmm. Alright. I guess we should move before too much time passes. Perhaps, Mo, you could start a fire to keep more people like those hunters from following us? Kolaris asked. If we set the fire at the edge of the desert area, we could stay for a short time to allow you to gain nourishment from it, then advance. However, we might find it more advantageous to simply start a small fire near the cave before moving on...

2010-07-07, 04:34 PM
"Ok." The behemoth of a creature "walks" forward, gathers leaves and sticks and whathaveyou near the mouth of the cave into a largish pile, then rearranges his surface so that his fire ancestry is prominent instead of his earth. The leaves and sticks catch alight in a merry blaze, and Mo takes a moment to absorb some of the flames for nourishment. He flows back to where the party is. "The fire is roaring. I am sated for now. Shall we go?"

2010-07-07, 05:10 PM
Let us depart X covers the ash pile with leaves and sticks so that tracking the group is made all the harder, just in case the Hunters went back and spread stories.

To the east.

Tem, I think it's safe to say that PM would be fine with us travelling until A) We encounter an enemy B) We arrive. Can we hop on?

2010-07-07, 07:57 PM
Despite the wildness of this area, you see very few animals. Birds' caws in the background echo over the hills, but the birds themselves haven't shown. After moving for about an hour, you break the top of a large green hill, just like the rest. However, unlike the rest, the bottom flattens into a desert plain--presumably, the one you've been searching for. Stretching for nearly a mile in all directions, it's a wonder hardly anyone can find this place. It's a testament to the size of Ailartsua and its hills.

Here, it becomes obvious as to why animals haven't been hanging around.

Scattered everywhere are animal carcasses, clear bite and claw marks torn into their bodies. In some of the dead, spines protrude. On others, bruises show. Not a single creature has a head. Blood still runs from some of the animals, marking recent kills versus old kills. Oddly, the rivers of red substance refuse to sit still on the flat plain, flowing toward the center of it, where a massive pool of animal blood is coalescing and coagulating, forming...something...

OoC: Ew. :smallamused:

Also, prepare for combat if you continue. Be sure you're finished choosing your feats, skills, gear, spells, ability scores, class, race, etc.

2010-07-07, 08:17 PM
X draws his great sword and (OOC: As a move action- Materialise Blade) materialises Denai, her bladed form slowly beginning to circle X as he takes the first step onto the brown plain and test swings his Great Sword, letting the weight slide into his two handed grip.

And I thought I had some disturbing habits. He grins sadistically at his companions before moving forward, Thirst Hunter held aloft in two hands as the mask of the helmet he slips on takes the form of a screaming soul. Let us find this perverse menace and take this "power".

2010-07-07, 08:25 PM
"Hmpf. I can do that too, and better." The sentient lava holds up his "fists". Out of his right arm forms a long metal pole with an arrangement of halberd blade and spikes around it. On his left arm forms a shield, seemingly made of stone, with a edge of razor-sharp fire and fury. Finally, his chest region flows back and inwards, to reveal a suit of armor crafted from adamantine strips (for heat resistance) and human bones (for the armor itself), with a pair of granite bracers along his pole arm. So girded, Molten Steel prepares for a fight.


I'll get to the rest of my gear now. Note that everything is fluffed as being part of him at all times, so when I use aboleth mucus, I'm just throwing a flaming rock with a tiny portion of his core at the center of it at them, and it chokes them to death. Mechanically, nothing changes. Unless of course it does. Then we're all truly screwed. :smalltongue:

EDIT: Ok, gear done. Have two level 1 scrolls (Resist Energy in case we hit a cold critter; Obscuring Mist in case we hit a cold critter); 2 "vials" of aboleth mucus, the best item EVER; 3 daggers cause you know, daggers; and 2 gauntlets, so I have a bludgeoning weapon, and cause it's awesome.

Also, anyone catch/appreciate the pun in there? I sure did. :smallamused:

2010-07-07, 08:46 PM
How the SHIZEN did you afford ALL of that? If I knew we had that much to spend I'd of bought a bloody +1 flaming great sword lol.

X grinned at his egotistical companion. Understanding that subtlety in combat often resulted in greater victories. He looked to Denai, ensuring that her presence remained mostly close to his person, that she spun faster in front and slower behind to minimise the time she spent in full sight.

He felt better, in this field of slaughter, with the presence of his companions by his side. He felt that anyone foolish to come here alone, or arrogant enough to think they could accomplish this task alone, deserved to perish.

Show off. He commented off handedly to Mo. However despite the egotist's attitude, he knew Mo was a valued companion.

2010-07-07, 08:53 PM
Hmmm. Odd. Is all Kolaris says. Holding a hand against the tattoo, K slowly pulls out a handle of crystal, then a blade, as the deep purple mark glows with power. Once it has been drawn, Kolaris moves the blade into both hands, ready for combat. With a silent prayer to the Crystalline One, Kolaris shakes the blade once, and small chunks fly off of it, resulting in a well-crafted blade of purple crystal. Let us continue.

2010-07-07, 08:56 PM
"I do not show off. I just act as I am." The lava flow looks at X, and shrugs, dismissing them completely. To him, subtlety has its place: at the end of his blade.


Uh... that was a total of 100 gp? Which I had left over from my starting cash? I bought cheapo armor.

2010-07-07, 08:56 PM

Hmmm. Odd. Is all Kolaris says. Holding a hand against the tattoo, K slowly pulls out a handle of crystal, then a blade, as the deep purple mark glows with power. Once it has been drawn, Kolaris moves the blade into both hands, ready for combat. With a silent prayer to the Crystalline One, Kolaris shakes the blade once, and small chunks fly off of it, resulting in a well-crafted blade of purple crystal. Let us continue.Find me a picture of that. lol. Did you base this class off of anything? That was just as awesome as Mo making a shield out of his own arm.



Oh, you made it sound so awesome. lol. Bone armour and adamantite etc. Yep, you can tell I'm a Noob eh?

2010-07-08, 02:02 AM
OoC: Less talk, more rawwwwwwkkkkkk!!!

That's what would happen if Mo was a rocker. :smallamused:

Okay, onto what I was actually going to do...post.

No talk! More BLOOD!

The blood starts to take shape, heads of deer, hawks, dogs, badgers, sheep, and horses bursting from the hardening dark red in various places. At the same time, the apparently hostile creature grows arms out of its dog heads, hooves out of its hawk heads, long claws out of its horse heads, and a set of teeth out of one of its sheep heads. The general shape of it is just a blob of slightly clotted blood with the heads and other things growing out in seemingly random places.

The creature roars and yells again, its monstrous, hoarse voice coming from nowhere in particular. BLOOD!

OoC: Roll initiative.

2010-07-08, 03:38 AM

Jeez Tem, you sadist. Lmao @ rawwwwk



EDIT: wtf.:smallannoyed:

2010-07-08, 06:38 AM
No, I didn't base the Crystal Hunter off of anything. Anyways, chat in the OOC!


2010-07-08, 10:16 AM

Initiative: [roll0]

2010-07-08, 11:49 AM
No, I didn't base the Crystal Hunter off of anything. Anyways, chat in the OOC!



Initiative: [roll0]

Hooray for multi-quote! :smallbiggrin:

argus did it my favorite way--label a spoiler "Rolls:" and then put the rolls inside it. PersonMan is right, though. Bring the chat over to the OoC thread. That's what it's for. The spoilers labeled "OoC:" in this thread should only contain game-relevant things (not that I've been completely faithful to that).

Order of Initiative:
Kolaris: [roll0] (18) -- Second
Mo: [roll1] (18) -- First
Blood Monster (6)
X (3)

Mo is up.

2010-07-08, 01:01 PM
Mo rumbles, speaking in the ancient time-lost tongue of his people, true Magma. It sounds somewhat akin to a lava flow crackling through a forest, burning it down. There is a sudden glow around his form, and then, faster than the eye can see, he charges forth, thrusting his halberd at the creature.


Swift: Cast Rhino's Rush.
Full: Chargelol.


Attack (Radiant Halberd): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (if I hit, double this total, thanks to Rhino's Rush)

EDIT: Ok, I'm betting a 20 at level 1 is gonna connect. 16 damage is pretty significant. Let's see it survive this, bitch. :smallamused:

2010-07-08, 01:40 PM
Bleh. How far away is this thing? If it's within 20', I move and attack. Otherwise, I'll charge.

Attack: [roll0]
+2 if I charge
Damage: [roll1]
one of those is electricity damage.

2010-07-08, 05:18 PM
X hefts his great sword into a more comfortable grip, mentally commanding Denai to stay back in this fight, he charges the enemy with a feral look upon his face.

Charge if I'm within range


Modifier: Power attack -2


I get +2 more if I get to charge. So 17 not 15.



*grins* In the words of my companion, survive that bitch.

2010-07-08, 08:32 PM
Molten Steel and Kolaris beat down on their opponent, leaving open wounds in the living, moving scab. It cries out, pooling on the ground beneath your feet, now bubbling. The animal heads and parts fall to the ground unceremoniously, making an even bigger mess.

Bonus XP: 20 + 5 = 25 bonus XP. Huzzah!

If you're wondering, I've created a small system for my own reference for bonus XP. It's not perfect, but since I eyeball most of it, it's okay for this small part of the game.

Lying in the hot pool of blood is a tiny, glowing yellow crystal about the size and shape of a human thumb.

Moments after the monster falls, five voices echo from behind the hills, two of them sounding just like the hunters from before. You're far enough away to easily escape, but this could be the perfect opportunity to get some revenge on those piles of trash.

X and Kolaris: Even in the desert, you are able to spot some nearby caverns and holes the badgers presumably dug. You could reach any of three cave entrances to the south pretty easily before the hunters arrive, or you could try to fit in some of the holes in the sandy terrain.

OoC: I rolled Listen and Spot for Mo since -5 would make him fail. He succeeded on the Listen check (DC 10), rolling a 16, so I just put that in the open. I rolled Spot for X, and he succeeded, rolling a 12, giving him a result of 16 (the check was DC 15).

Whoo! Choices!

2010-07-08, 08:36 PM
X turns to his companions and, regardless of their actions, does not like being hunted. He keeps his Great Sword held aloft and turns to meet the Hunters head on. He allows Kolaris to examine the crystal, knowing the Hunter has some experience in such things.

We finish them now, we aren't hunted later. Besides, I didn't get a chance to show our friend there my steel.

2010-07-08, 09:11 PM
Hmm. Interesting. Kolaris muttered. Yes, we should get rid of these fools...And Mo can even eat their weapons! Everyone wins! As Kolaris said this, 'e pocketed the crystal, ready to examine it later.

2010-07-08, 09:15 PM
Seeing Kolaris reach for the crystal, Mo speaks. "Give it to me later. I am Earth, as is it, and it may speak to me."

Hearing the voices, Mo looks back over his shoulder. "Fools. I hunger." He moves off in that direction, already looking to kill someone.

2010-07-08, 10:05 PM
The hunters break the top of the hill, chattering up a storm, when Mo suddenly shows up less than thirty feet away.

Surprise round for all of you!

OoC: Now seems like a good time to inform you that I also allow move actions to be taken during the surprise round, but not along with a standard action.

For Zen's benefit: Surprise rounds (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/initiative.htm#surprise).

Order of Initiative (after surprise round):
Mercenary 1 (21)
Hunter 3 (20)
X (18)
Hunter 1 (18)
Kolaris (15)
Mercenary 2 (12)
Mo (7)
Hunter 2 (2)

2010-07-08, 10:25 PM

Ok, I need a clarification on something: are there three fellows within 30 ft (standard-action charges FTWS!) who are also within 10 feet of each other?

2010-07-08, 10:44 PM
OoC: All targets are basically hanging out in one big block, like an x. So, yes.

2010-07-08, 10:58 PM
....my blades don't have the range to reach them yet....Bugger.

X charges, letting out a battle cry as he heads, full speed at the Hunters on the hill.

Surprise Round

To hit
[roll0] Power attack-2, Charge +2



.... That would of been a massive hit if I connected. Ah well. Hopefully I don't get slaughtered next round. Take em down argus! lol.

2010-07-08, 11:21 PM
OoC: (1d20+6)[18]

That's not right. 2d6 is what you're looking for. :smalltongue:

Anyway, I thought you just turned around to face them, rather than move toward them. For now, I'll allow it, but make sure you say whether your character moves from their post a hundred or more feet away. :smalltongue:

Koralis is up.

2010-07-08, 11:27 PM
OoC: (1d20+6)[18]

That's not right. 2d6 is what you're looking for. :smalltongue:

Anyway, I thought you just turned around to face them, rather than move toward them. For now, I'll allow it, but make sure you say whether your character moves from their post a hundred or more feet away. :smalltongue:

Koralis is up.

Ohhhh Double Ouch....Sorry guys, Tem. Still learning, bare with me.

2010-07-08, 11:29 PM
OoC: It's partially my fault for not describing the distance down the hill more accurately, though. Don't worry about it, n00b. :smalltongue:

2010-07-08, 11:31 PM

No, the dude is not up yet. I've got my surprise round to take. :smallamused:

Mo roars in Magma, a sound like a volcano erupting, and charges straight for the pack of hunters, scything in with his shield as he charges.


Hurrdurrhurr standard-action charge ftw.

Now, what my tactic is. :smallamused: I am charging for the attack... with my shield. I'm going to put myself somewhere where I can hit someone with the shield and still have enough reach to threaten at least a few folks with the halberd and avoid AoOs from them if possible. The idea here is to smack someone lightly armored down with the Bladed Shield and to use the Radiant Halberd for crowd control. For level 1, it's not a half-bad tactic, I'd like to think. :smallamused:

Attack (shield): [roll0] 13 is not that great >_>
Damage: [roll1] (one of those is fire damage) Also, rolling 2s on 1d8s? Not good either. :smallyuk:

2010-07-09, 06:25 AM
Hnh.Not much to do, is there? Kolaris closes as fast as possible. Which means...yeah. No charging...Kolaris just sort of meanders over there, sword swung over one shoulder.

20 ft move. Or double-move, if I can.

2010-07-09, 11:16 PM
The hunters fumble with their equipment, attempting to draw their weapons and failing before X swings his sword by one of their noses, nearly shaving it off.

Unfortunately for them, Mo's attack doesn't nearly shave. The magmalgamation runs its shield straight across a hunter's stomach, leaving it open and ready to spill out. That hunter drops dead.

Oi! That's...that's it! I told you it's real!

The first to react to your presence is one man who looks fairly well-armed--probably a mercenary or ex-soldier treasure hunter or something. He gets a grip on a kukri on his belt, moving forward as he draws it for an attack.

Mo pokes a gaping hole through his head, leaving little to the imagination.

The nearest to Magma Man draws his only weapon--a bow--and fires. This hunter gets lucky, Mo's bladed shield just barely missing, and unlucky, his own attack flying wide and down the hill.

X is up.

Rolls: Hunter 3 Attack: [roll0]
Hunter 3 Damage: [roll1]
Hunter 3 Critical Confirmation: [roll2]
Hunter 3 Critical Damage: [roll3]

Rough Map: http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/Temotei221/HilltopBattle--XMoKolaris.png

The mercenaries are on the right and left. The first to act moves up to Mo while drawing his weapon, provoking an attack of opportunity. That one was the one on the right.

OoC: By the gods, man. 25 damage is enough.

2010-07-09, 11:41 PM
OOCI'll attack the chump directly in front of me. Cleave if I kill.

The near miss only serves to anger X, he spins as he misses letting the blade carry the momentum, dodging his companion to his right and....

If Cleave


First attack is power attack, second attack is normal.

If 14 connects they're both in a lot of trouble. lol

2010-07-10, 12:01 AM

If Cleave


You really need to start using your weapon damage instead of d20s for damage. Roll for damage again.

2010-07-10, 12:17 AM
lmao....that WOULD explain the big hits wouldn't it?


If cleave and hit


2010-07-10, 12:27 AM
X's large blade connects with a satisfying crack and *schlick* noise, dropping the target easily. You're going to need to clean off your sword later.

The two remaining hunters are the same ones as from before.

Kolaris is up.

Order of Initiative:
Mercenary 1 (21)
Hunter 3 (20)
X (18)
Hunter 1 (18)
Kolaris (15)
Mercenary 2 (12)
Mo (7)
Hunter 2 (2)

2010-07-10, 12:36 AM
X's large blade connects with a satisfying crack and *schlick* noise, dropping the target easily. You're going to need to clean off your sword later.

The two remaining hunters are the same ones as from before.

Kolaris is up.

Order of Initiative:
Mercenary 1 (21)
Hunter 3 (20)
X (18)
Hunter 1 (18)
Kolaris (15)
Mercenary 2 (12)
Mo (7)
Hunter 2 (2)

:-o I killed two? Niiiice.

X grins evilly as the blade slices through, watching the metal drink deeply of the blood he takes a quick glance back at Denai. Revenge he thinks to himself. Soon.

2010-07-10, 12:38 AM

Reading his post, it actually seems that I dropped two of them, and almost slaughtered a third. My charge cut a bitch down, and apparently I blew a hole through a dude's head too.

Gods, I love Mo. :smallamused:

I'll post after PersonMan does, though I think we can guess what it'll consist of.

2010-07-10, 12:54 AM

Reading his post, it actually seems that I dropped two of them, and almost slaughtered a third. My charge cut a bitch down, and apparently I blew a hole through a dude's head too.

Gods, I love Mo. :smallamused:

I'll post after PersonMan does, though I think we can guess what it'll consist of.

But if you dropped two, and I dropped one, that means I get a cleave attack against the next hunter. Which, since it's better than the first in both regards, I presume hits? Kills? *Shrugs* let us know Tem

2010-07-10, 12:58 AM
But if you dropped two, and I dropped one, that means I get a cleave attack against the next hunter. Which, since it's better than the first in both regards, I presume hits? Kills? *Shrugs* let us know Tem

You don't get an extra attack because you aren't in range for that, unless my mind is playing tricks on me again.

Can you attack diagonally? Maybe. I can't remember. I think it goes 5 feet, 15 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet...for scaling, so maybe you do get that extra attack, in which case, the hunter is badly hurt, but not dead. Blood spills from his chest and arm as you use the momentum from your last attack to drive your blade forward in a quick, but brutal slash.

Also, your Cleave attack did have a higher attack roll, but your damage roll for it was lower.

2010-07-10, 01:03 AM
OOCI'll go with whatever you sam Tem. You're the DM. lol

2010-07-10, 07:48 AM
Yeesh. How am I so far away? Gah. If I can, I'll charge one. Otherwise, I'll just double-move...again.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Gah. Nice damage, but bad attack.

2010-07-10, 11:17 AM
Mo roars, seeing that at least one foe is still standing, and he'll savage into them for all he's worth.



Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-07-10, 11:50 PM
Working together, X and Mo drop the first of the remaining hunters before he can even gurgle in protest.

The last hunter looks back and forth between the attackers, then makes a break for it.

Effect: The hunter is withdrawing, putting him 70 feet away from Mo and 75 feet away from X.

If you decide to let him go, you all gain 15 bonus XP, for a total of 40 bonus XP.

If you decide to chase him down, go ahead.

2010-07-11, 12:07 AM

Awww... no AoO on his movement? :smallfrown::smalltongue:

Also, hmm. He's out of charge range, and I've got nothing with sufficient range to catch him. Mo stays.

Watching the fool flee, Mo rumbles. "Hmpf. Good that one reports." He loots the corpses, and leaves their bodies to rot in the sun. If he finds any metal weaponry that is obviously non-magical, he absorbs it.

2010-07-11, 12:09 AM
Mo absorbs two daggers, a kukri, and a few knives of varying quality.

2010-07-11, 12:17 AM
Mo looks over the rest of their equipment. Does he note anything of relevance?

2010-07-11, 01:12 AM
Mo looks over the rest of their equipment. Does he note anything of relevance?

Yes. :smallamused:

Two bows, a hand crossbow, and some pouches filled with gold (40 gp total) and one with an interesting, nearly flat, black rock with a yellow ring in the center on both sides, probably of some value.

One was wearing padded armor, another was wearing leather armor, and two others wore chain shirts.

2010-07-11, 01:18 AM
"Hmpf. I want it." Mo takes the rock, and molds it into the back of his right hand. He then takes 20 gold, and throws the rest of it all at X and Kol, saying, "Killed three. I take three shares. You take the rest."


Yes, it's the kill-based system. Mo is a simple man. He takes none of the rest of the gear, save for a chain shirt, though.

2010-07-11, 07:07 AM
Kolaris just continues to meander over there. Perhaps we should form a "stash" of sorts so we can avoid carrying everything we get? 'e wonders. Anyways, we should focus on that power thing. If we waste time on every other adventurer coming to get it, we'd be there by the time we were all 500.

Kolaris takes 10 GP. She doesn't care about the rest of the gear, since it's not money or crystals.

2010-07-11, 05:21 PM
X arches an eyebrow at Mo, but says nothing. He takes the 10gp remaining and leaves the rest, walking away and whispering something to Denai far enough out of any possible hearing range. He then walks back to the party and offers both of them a massive smile.

"I believe we should leave the stash in our prior temporary home."

2010-07-11, 05:26 PM
"Don't care. Should leave soon, before reinforcements arrive." The giant looks at his new adornment, and if lava could smile, it would be right now.

2010-07-11, 09:32 PM
Kolaris shrugs. You're right. We probably won't have much use for this stuff once we get this weird power-thing. Let's go. If anyone comes by, looting these guys will probably slow them down. Saying this, Kolaris turns and heads towards the center of the desert patch-area.

2010-07-11, 09:35 PM
X merely nods and follows

2010-07-12, 01:31 PM
Nothing happens. The blood is still bubbling. It could be the heat, but maybe it's something else?

You remember the rumor about the "menace" noting that it doesn't like being around living things.

2010-07-12, 05:28 PM
Nothing happens. The blood is still bubbling. It could be the heat, but maybe it's something else?

You remember the rumor about the "menace" noting that it doesn't like being around living things.

QUICK! STAB ME! lol. argus...are you technically "living"? I'd of thought steel doesn't really "live". You might be our best bet.

2010-07-12, 05:35 PM

Yes, I am living. Sorry.

Quick, throw a corpse at it. :smalltongue:

2010-07-12, 05:36 PM

Yes, I am living. Sorry.

Quick, throw a corpse at it. :smalltongue:

OOCI concur with corpse throwing!!

2010-07-12, 05:41 PM
Kolaris frowned. Perhaps, my friends, we should deal with the blood before moving on. The crystal may be the power source, but... After saying this, she takes out the crystal and examines it. She'll hold it closer and farther from the blood, is there any effect?

2010-07-12, 05:43 PM
Kolaris frowned. Perhaps, my friends, we should deal with the blood before moving on. The crystal may be the power source, but... After saying this, she takes out the crystal and examines it. She'll hold it closer and farther from the blood, is there any effect?


*:smallamused: She? Wasn't shim's gender unknown? :smalltongue:
X merely waits and watches to see the effect of the crystal.

2010-07-12, 06:24 PM
As the crystal goes closer to the blood, it bubbles more, and heat starts to radiate off it, as if the blood was boiling. Pulling it farther away subsequently lowers it.

2010-07-12, 06:26 PM
Ohhhh pretty.....

2010-07-12, 06:55 PM
Interesting... Alright, materialize a sword, put the crystal down and cut off a small piece. Response?

2010-07-13, 02:46 PM
As soon as the crystal touches down to the ground, a drop of blood about an inch away leaps at it and sticks, covering a small part.

Your sword comes down on the crystal hard, but the stubborn thing refuses to yield. Nothing breaks off. Yellow sparks, however, fly into a small pool of blood. The pool splashes up and joins the sparks, which stop in midair.

The sparks, impossibly, float higher, then come together, forming a smaller crystal. A much, much smaller crystal.

Then, even more impossibly, it starts to speak, both from your original crystal and the new one.


Kolaris: You realize that these crystals are sentients. This crystal possesses little power by itself, however.

OoC: To spare your eyes (and mine), I've made the text from the crystals something other than yellow. :smallamused:

2010-07-13, 03:16 PM

Thank you so very very much.

"Hmpf. Talking blood. Creative." The lava is unimpressed.

2010-07-13, 03:18 PM
Actually, Kolaris said The crystals themselves appear to be capable of speech. Hello, crystal. Would you please tell me what you are, and what you would like to be addressed as?

2010-07-13, 03:32 PM
I have no name- The voice comes from both crystals at the same time, making it seem like it should say "we," not "I." -so you may call me whatever you wish to.

I am the "great menace" these barbarians have been talking about for years. Hundreds of years, actually. At first, I rather liked them. They paid tribute. They visited. Then, things turned sour all of a sudden and I was alone. I still am.

I assume you're here to destroy my creations, then me? So many others have tried...

2010-07-13, 03:38 PM
"If you offer us a reason not to, then no, this does not need to end in your demise. We are reasonable in this. Have you wealth or power to grant?"

2010-07-13, 04:13 PM
Kolaris nodded. We came here to acquire power. Personally, I wasn't expecting a stone capable of speech to be this Menace we have heard of...However, I have the perfect name for you. LergaDershDersh!

2010-07-13, 04:29 PM
If crystals could smile, this one would be--its mirthful voice gives that much away, though it doesn't respond to Kolaris's name-giving.

I suppose I do. Of course, alone, I'm not much to look at in terms of power. If you can find my siblings, I may be able to do more than I can now...

However, I do have this.

A beam of what looks like sunlight shoots out from the crystal into each of your chests, instantly heating your bodies (The exception is Mo--he barely feels anything, though it becomes slightly harder to contain the fires inside).

Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to one physical ability score (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution) of your choice (permanently).

...and a clue. I've heard of a power locked away in one of the only cities on this island, "Vareunt," as the barbarians call it. It lies on the northwest corner of Ailartsua.

Perhaps it's true. Maybe it's not. Either way, if you take me with you, I'll help where I can if it helps me reunite with my siblings.

OoC: Weird crystal, I know.

2010-07-13, 04:49 PM
Kolaris blinked. Thank you, Lerga. And yes, we, well at least I, would be happy to bring you with us. However, I am curious. Can you use that ability often? How often? And what other abilities do you have, if any? Also, do you have any idea where or what your siblings are? I assume they are crystals similar to you. Am I correct?

Suddenly Kolaris gets more dexterous!
Pshhh. More like awesome crystal. I like this. I haven't even leveld up and I get a +1 to any physical stat! Funn!

2010-07-13, 05:04 PM
I grant that boon once every century. As of now, the only other thing I can do that may affect you is the creation of minor objects, such as rocks, though that ability is limited.

My connection with my siblings is distant, at best. I do not know where the others reside, and no, I'm not sure they are what I am.

Err...scrape off this blood before we go, though. My creations, which are far and few between, tend to cling to me even after death.

OoC: Nice. :smalltongue:

2010-07-13, 05:06 PM
Fascinating. Kolaris said, manifesting her weapon again. She began to scrape off the blood covering the crystal. So, could you create such a creature as the blood-being from other materials, such as stone or earth?

2010-07-13, 05:35 PM
I'd have to experiment. That aberration was an experiment, as are all of the creatures I create. Most of them just go away, though...not like this one. It killed a lot of animals and fed on their blood. Somehow, it became an amalgam of everything it killed, giving it a bit of a horrific appearance.

Aside from that, like I said, my ability is limited. It would most likely take weeks, maybe even months, to create such a creature again.

2010-07-13, 05:39 PM
I see. Kolaris said, nodding.

Where in Australia Ailartsua are we, anyways? Middle? South? North?

Also: yay! The plot has been found!

2010-07-13, 05:42 PM
You're currently close to the west side. You're about eighty miles away from the city the crystal was talking about.

2010-07-13, 05:52 PM
Hmmm. Eighty miles. That's 40 hours of walking with Kolaris only moving at 20 ft. Even if we walk for 20 hours a day, it'll take 2 days to get there.

Hmm. Perhaps we should begin our traveling, then, this city will take us several days to reach. Kolaris said.

2010-07-13, 05:54 PM
Hmmm. Eighty miles. That's 40 hours of walking with Kolaris only moving at 20 ft. Even if we walk for 20 hours a day, it'll take 2 days to get there.

Don't worry (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0145.html). :smallamused:

2010-07-13, 05:55 PM
"Hrmm. Agreeable." Mo grows stronger.

2010-07-13, 05:57 PM
Alright. If nobody objects and we have no random encounters, how about we just skip to our arrival? We should probably wait for zenarachanist to do something more, though.

2010-07-13, 06:19 PM
X tilts his head, more than a little distrustful of a talking crystal creating bloody monstrosities.

He shows no sign to his companions though and notes to himself that he will, at all times, keep ten to fifteen feet away from whomever holds the crystal.

He also suddenly feels stronger, flexing his muscles as they bulge slightly larger than before.

DAMMIT! A mental stat would of gotten me +4 to my blades instead of +3. lol. Sorry guys, am doing job interviews as well as looking after my pregnant fiance. If I'm a little slow to respond some nights- bear with me. I'm happy to skip to arrival!

2010-07-13, 08:56 PM
Your crystal has been talking at random intervals, asking about you and your lives, as well as the recent history in areas it hasn't resided (basically everywhere but the western side of Ailartsua). It automatically hushed when you walked by a camp of barbarians, knowing full well that this tribe didn't believe in magic. Stirring up trouble with a whole tribe probably wouldn't be the best idea.

The little rock seems particularly interested in the fact that a big magma monster is hanging out with two puny humans, though Mo hasn't said much (if anything), staying constant with his nature.

You arrive at the gates to the largest city on the island of Ailartsua as the sun is going down two days after retrieving the crystal. You have not had any trouble with the hunter that escaped, nor have you seen any sign of anyone knowing you had caused him trouble.

Guards are posted at regular intervals, almost all with a pet helping them. Archers are posted in tall outpost towers and directly above the gate. Heavily armored men and women block the stereotypical bridge leading to the large city square.

As you approach the gates, one guard puts her hand up, calling you to a halt.

What is your purpose of entry? Her voice is monotone. She's probably been doing this all day.

OoC: Just then, a giant marshmallow Peep appears! It devours half of the city's guards and people in the surprise round. Your turns.

Small Ooze
Hit Dice: 5d10+10 (37 hp)
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares); Climb 20 ft.
Initiative: -3
Armor Class 9 (-2 dex, 1 size) touch 9; flat-footed 9
BAB/Grapple: +3/+0
Attack Slam +6 melee (3d4+2)
Full Attack: Slam +6 melee (3d4+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft.
Special Attacks: Constrict, devour sweets, improved grab, saccharine poisoning, sugarcoat
Special Qualities: Acid immunity, blindsight 60 ft., ooze traits, sonic vulnerability
Saves: Fort +3 Ref +0 Will -3
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 5, Con 13, Int —, Wis 3, Cha 3
Skills: Climb +7, Spot +7, Survival +7
Feats: Ability focus (saccharine poisoning), ability focus (sugarcoat)
Environment Temperate plains
Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4)
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: 1.5 standard (15% coins, 5% art, 20% goods [inorganic only])
Alignment: Usually chaotic neutral.
Advancement: 6-10 HD Medium, 11-15 HD Large
Level Adjustment: —

2010-07-13, 09:02 PM

I tried not to laugh. But I did

Roll Initiative?

I'm hanging back this time, bringing my spinning blade to bear in front of me. I'll delay action until Kolaris and Mo are engaged and then move around behind the peep.

2010-07-13, 09:03 PM
OoC: Yes, roll initiative. You'll die, though. I think you should run or become Pun-Pun.

Rhymes are nice.

I'm not serious, by the way. Just in case you are.

2010-07-13, 09:08 PM

Action due to high Init
Hmmm bugger it. With that Init- I'm charging (presuming I'm close enough since the guards near us are also being eaten? If so

[roll]1d20+2 (+2 to hit, +2 charge, -2 power attack)

Damage if hit


2010-07-13, 09:22 PM
Kolaris sighs, breaks the fourth wall, and swats both Temo and zen on the wrists. The three are converted into "chibi" form as she scolds them.



We're here to search for something we heard about from a...friend of ours. Oh, and we're adventurers. So we'll probably just take jobs and do stuff for money. The usual. Kolaris says, employing his or her masculine or feminine charms.

Darn. I wish I could have played either my other person or a cha-caster. Then he/she'd be all "I charm the guard with my ambiguously gendered charms!

Darn, I can't really say "We're here because a small talking rock told us that a strange power might be being kept here, and that its siblings may or may not be here as well."

2010-07-13, 09:22 PM
Rolling here due to edit non rolls

[roll0] (+2 to hit, +2 charge, -2 power attack)

Damage if hit


TEM....didn't even read the OOC and presumed we were under attack. Didn't see the white text either. Ugh. Face slap for me.

2010-07-13, 09:26 PM
Foo'. If we were under attack, you know after Mo and Kolaris annihilated it before you could even do anything. Now get back in character!

2010-07-13, 09:29 PM

Pffft my init would of crapped all over your ability to react :smallwink:

2010-07-13, 10:19 PM
Fine. Move along. Don't cause trouble. She waves you forward to the city square. The bridge seems a little rickety. It's probably from all the people constantly walking in and out of the city for years.

The square, best known for its street vendors, sprawls out before you, with hardly a soul walking about. Dusk is when most of the city is in the residential district, listening to stories, watching entertainers, or even playing games. Some, however, still hang out in the city square, knowing full well that it's much quicker to shop at dusk and night than at any other time. It's also the time when...less savory activities take place.

A signpost to your right with crooked arrows on it describes the directions to several places in the city with sloppy scrawl. Some of the words are spelled wrong. Below the sloppy writing are tiny arrows, pointing to the "fun" activities, these words much neater and far more controlled, staying below the size of the letters above.

< ReSidentail DiStriCt, Main
< MarKetPlaCe, Street VendOrS
^ ReSidentail DiStriCt, RiCh
^ ReSidentail DiStriCt, POOr
\/ MarKetPlaCe, BUilding ShOPS
^ Battle Box
^ "Cheap" Shops
V Men and Women of the Lack of Cloth

Looking around, you find that the sign has not lied. Matching each arrow's direction, signs mark the entrance to each city-scrawled area. Hints of the "fun" activities show in the directions marked.

2010-07-13, 10:22 PM
Fine. Move along. Don't cause trouble. She waves you forward to the city square. The bridge seems a little rickety. It's probably from all the people constantly walking in and out of the city for years.

The square, best known for its street vendors, sprawls out before you, with hardly a soul walking about. Dusk is when most of the city is in the residential district, listening to stories, watching entertainers, or even playing games. Some, however, still hang out in the city square, knowing full well that it's much quicker to shop at dusk and night than at any other time. It's also the time when...less savory activities take place.

A signpost to your right with crooked arrows on it describes the directions to several places in the city with sloppy scrawl. Some of the words are spelled wrong. Below the sloppy writing are tiny arrows, pointing to the "fun" activities, these words much neater and far more controlled, staying below the size of the letters above.

< ReSidentail DiStriCt, Main
< MarKetPlaCe, Street VendOrS
^ ReSidentail DiStriCt, RiCh
^ ReSidentail DiStriCt, POOr
V MarKetPlaCe, BUilding ShOPS
^ Battle Box
^ "Cheap" Shops
V Men and Women of the Lack of Cloth

Looking around, you find that the sign has not lied. Matching each arrow's direction, signs mark the entrance to each city-scrawled area. Hints of the "fun" activities show in the directions marked.

That signpost is gonna kill PM. lol.

If this power is "locked" away, I can't fathom of it being in any other district than where the rich reside? X says quietly to his companions, unmanifesting his blade as they pass through the archway.

2010-07-14, 01:57 AM
Mo, having followed quietly, absorbed in his thoughts, notices the signpost. He regards it for a moment, and turns left and starts moving towards the marketplace vendors. "Money and power go hand in hand."

2010-07-14, 06:58 AM
...If only I were playing a barbarian. Hey, that works! "You didn't spell/say that right! RAGE!"

Hmmmmm... Kolaris took out the crystal. Do you have any idea where either your siblings or the power might be in the city? Can you sense them or communicate? We should get more information before heading out.

After a moment, Kolaris sighed. Of course, if someone is actively hiding this Power, they'd put it where people wouldn't look for it. If that's the case, we'll have to look in the, ah, 'Lack of Cloth' areas. It seems like the last place someone would look for an ancient power of any kind.

2010-07-14, 05:52 PM
X grins at his hunter ally.

Are we feeling randy, friend? Or do we truly feel the power is there? X smirks at him to afford him the knowledge that it's all in jest, and nudges him softly with his elbow.

Mo, I say Rich, Kolaris says lack of clothing shall provide opportunities. Make the decision. Unless....our little friend has a suggestion?

2010-07-14, 06:00 PM
Mo looks at his companions like they're idiots. He points towards the vendors. He repeats his previous statement, slower this time. "Money and power go hand in hand. Merchants would know." He decides to not wait for them, and walks off towards the vendors.

2010-07-14, 06:02 PM

Remind me when I can fly, when I have my four blades, and can stay out of his reach, to beat the crap out of Mo for being so arrogant lol.

2010-07-14, 06:09 PM

He's not arrogant so much, as he is opinionated. He knows how things work, and is quite happy to do that. You can ignore him if you'd like. Won't stop him from roughing up merchants. :smalltongue:

2010-07-14, 06:16 PM

lol, fair fair. Personalities are a must I suppose. :smallwink:

2010-07-15, 06:55 AM
I'm assuming the crystal doesn't say anything?

Kolaris shrugs and follows Mo. If anything, we need to start somewhere. And the crystal has yet to point us in any one direction, so I say we simply sweep the city, starting with the merchant areas.

2010-07-15, 01:28 PM
Come, come! I have goods...

Shut up! You have nothing!

A short brawl commences while you walk past two merchants in the close-by marketplace, ending with the first merchant to speak kicking the other in the head. He grumbles and walks back to his stand, then specifically addresses you again.

As I was saying, I have goods from all around J'eratris here! Come! See them for yourself!

Several other merchants yell out for you, but this man's voice drowns out the rest.

2010-07-15, 01:35 PM
Mo walks over, and stands imperiously before the merchant. "Show me, vendor."

2010-07-15, 05:42 PM

I'm letting the ball of fire do the talking. He's imposing enough not to be screwed with. I'm a dude with a floating blade. lol.

2010-07-16, 01:48 AM
Of course, good sir! The merchant seems unaffected by Mo's appearance. In fact, it's almost as if he's excited to see a living fire rock.

He pulls up several items, among them mundane clothing (ranging from entertainer clothing to the durable, armor-like clothing of Birangr), weapons (ranging from common to the rare), armor (ranging from the lightest to some of the best), and books (...books) from every continent.

Your crystal has stayed silent, but now speaks very quietly. I don't feel anything. I don't think this man has what we're looking for, though it would be unwise to push away a traveling merchant. Continental divisions are powerful things, taking away opportunities, setting up wars, and destroying relationships that could have been. This man is a bridge across nations. Anyway, he could have something of value--information, for example.

Do you see anything you like? The merchant only gives cursory glances to X and Kolaris, focusing most of his attention on the magmonstrosity before him.

2010-07-16, 01:50 AM
Those books, sir, their contents would be?


Figured if they have texts on every continent it might seem right that one is about Ali. thus might contain some information about our current little friend if he is of enough importance? Too old?

2010-07-16, 02:05 AM
A knowledgeable one, you are, yes?

This book, here- He picks up a heavy, new-looking green book. -is on the history of Myrtelo's magic. How did they create their magic barrier? What's with that rainbow bridge? And this one- Similar to the last one, but red and slightly larger. -gives biographies of each land's rulers, not including the current ones, though there's another for that...

Ah, but this one's my favorite. He reaches down, bringing up a tiny blue book with no writing on the cover. It details the history of our wars, as well as the...remnants of such wars. These remnants are said to lead a man to great wealth.

Of course, it's all legend, but I like a good story.

Are you looking for anything in particular from these books? An idea of what you need or want would help greatly.

2010-07-16, 12:13 PM
"Hmpf. A story of crystals, brothers lost in time. We seek these crystals." Mo is somewhat surprised to not be regarded fearfully.

2010-07-16, 02:28 PM
That's...quite a bit more obscure. I may know where to find such a text, but it's ancient, if it even exists. It's probably falling apart by now.

I can help you, but I require a small amount of payment for my service, you must understand.

OoC: Sleezeball. Give him however much you think he'll need, or intimidate him.

2010-07-16, 02:49 PM
Mo looks askance at the merchant. "Talk is cheap, old man. Tell me the location of this tome, lest this grow... unpleasant."


I wish I had Intimidate. :smallsigh: It's not even a class skill.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2010-07-16, 02:59 PM
The merchant's expression changes from friendly to slightly annoyed.

I do not take well to threats, rock, and neither do my friends. A smile creeps back.

I'm not showing gray already, am I?

2010-07-16, 03:03 PM
"Threats, old one? Hohoho!" Mo rumbles with his laughter, more akin to a mountain slide than a laugh. "Talk is cheap, and you have much to gain. Who will we bring the spoils back to, you think? Tell us."

2010-07-16, 03:31 PM
A sound argument. Right, then. A sick old man by the name of Gril lives in the rich residential district. It's said that he knows many histories others cannot. He shrugs.

I think he's senile, but you might be able to find a crystal in the rough. Maybe you'll get lucky.

Oh, and you'll need to find out a way to get in without alerting any guards or residents that you're not residents yourselves, if I'm right that you aren't from around here.

That, or you could win some forged passes from the "battle box," though that's quite dangerous.

2010-07-16, 03:38 PM
"I am no coward. Tell me of this box you speak of."

2010-07-16, 03:53 PM
You'll learn more from the ones that run it, but from what I gather, it's a fighting ring. People fight to the death for prizes. One of said prizes is a pass into the rich residential district, which is quite valuable--especially to the criminals that are usually the ones to fight in the box.

Forged passes can get you safely into the rich residential district and possibly into Old Man Gril's house without a hitch. They usually pass magical detection, as well, but I wouldn't count on it too much. Avoid those lightly armored guards.

2010-07-16, 03:57 PM
"I fear nothing. Where is this arena?"

2010-07-16, 05:05 PM
The directions sign says that way. He points in the same direction as the sign.

If you go there, I do so hope you live. I feel something good about you.

2010-07-16, 05:17 PM
"You would do well to place bets on my survival, merchant." Mo walks off towards the arena, hoping the others follow in his wake, but not entirely caring.

2010-07-16, 06:28 PM
Kolaris followed Mo, considering joining the fights himself for a moment before dismissing the idea. For now I'll just watch, and see how this elemental takes care of things... She thought.

2010-07-16, 07:05 PM
"Are you joining the battle, Kolaris, or will I have to do this all myself?"

2010-07-16, 08:29 PM
After walking for several minutes, you come across the first people you've seen since you left the small marketplace. They're lightly armored and holding small weapons to their sides. Above them, a lit-up sign says, "Welcome to Vareunt's Own Arena, The Battle Box!"

The human looks at the lot of you, but mostly at Mo. He nudges his companion, and they both straighten up, greeting you. The one to speak pauses for long periods of time, making you wonder whether he's going to continue. Just when you start to say something, though, he continues. Um........hello strangers! This.........is the battle box..............................................A re you participating...or...watching? Both..............perhaps? The poor fellow seems a mite shaken up.

His dwarf companion, not so much. He rolls his eyes. Participatin' er watchin'? If ye're participatin', ye can fight alone er in a group.

Fightin' costs 1 gold. Watchin' costs 2 silver. Make up yer minds, fer we ain't go' all night.

2010-07-16, 09:23 PM
In a group, friend. Me and my fiery companion here. I believe our crystalline battle brother wishes to merely watch on in amusement while we slaughter the other participants.

2010-07-16, 09:26 PM
The dwarf grunts. Right, then. I be requirin' yer money. He holds his hand out expectantly.

OoC: I'll be sure to get rid of eight silver quickly after this for you, PersonMan.

2010-07-16, 09:28 PM
X hands over enough for both of them and manifests his blade as he walks forward.

Feels like a good day to die.

2010-07-17, 06:56 AM
"Thanks be to you, X. Now, to battle, and to victory." Mo flows forward, spawning his weapons as he goes.

2010-07-17, 10:33 AM
Hmm...On second thought, I believe I will fight with my comrades. I hate having change. Kolaris gives the eight silver to the man and joins the others, seeming relieved once the coins are of her person.

Yes, he hates change enough to fight in deadly battles to avoid carrying it around.

2010-07-17, 05:36 PM

That would make a good comedy campaign character hook. lol. Will go to any lengths to avoid change. Freaks out on any merchant who gives it to them

2010-07-17, 11:21 PM
Of course, now that I'm here all day you're all gone.

Also: Easy. They'd just carry all of their wealth in copper pieces.

2010-07-18, 02:03 PM
Also: Easy. They'd just carry all of their wealth in copper pieces.

*You come across a treasure horde! You receive 250i gp, 7.2 sp, and 540329r367840318734548462730489r7621 cp each.*

Walking inside, two hallways divide the spectators from the battlers. There's a long line of spectators moving quickly down the hall. The battler hall is empty except for a kobold, an elf, and two half-orcs. The elf is quietly talking to himself, the kobold shuffling uncomfortably, probably hoping it can start fighting as soon as possible.

Peeking above the kobold reveals a fairly small box--the battle box. A heavily armored half-orc and an unarmored half-elf step into the box. They raise their weapons and start fighting.

It doesn't last long. About ten seconds in, the half-elf leaps around the half-orc, but trips. The armored thing brings down a heavy, curved sword on the half-elf's head, splitting it. The half-orc cries in triumph along with half the crowd, then steps into another dark hall. Several people rush up to gather the remains, cleaning the box before the next battle between you and the motley group in front of you.

You are waved into the box, and the other group slowly walks out together.

Observations: The kobold has a belt with five daggers and a kukri. The elf has a dagger and a quarterstaff. One half-orc has a big club, while the other has a shortspear.

All of them are wearing light armor ranging from leather to chain, except for the elf, who's wearing nothing for armor that you can see.

The battle box is big enough for a comfortable fight between two large groups of fighters, though archery is limited.

Battle Box: http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/Temotei221/BattleBox1--XMoKolaris.png

OoC: I'm assuming you moved out there.

A magically projected voice comes from somewhere in the building.

"We all know the rules, don't we? Stepping outside the box is an immediate disqualification. Magic affecting anywhere outside the box is banned.

Once the winners are found, they will find their way through the east exit to either claim their prize or continue fighting.

Now, I'm getting impatient. Go!"

2010-07-18, 02:09 PM

Init: [roll0]
Caster Level Check: [roll1] (need an 8) Well ****. :smallannoyed:

Mo casts Daer'Ragh's physical agility on his first turn, then charges the elf with his halberd.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] 1 is fire

<DEAAAAAATH!!! REAAAAARGH!> Mo roars in Magma, a sound like a volcano erupting, and charges the elf.

2010-07-18, 02:30 PM
With his newly enhanced initiative, Kolaris will charge the right half-orc.
[roll0] Init
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] one is electricity

2010-07-18, 02:31 PM
Oh, man. Bad rolls. Anyways, here's the real attack roll:

2010-07-18, 02:32 PM
URGGG. So annoying. And I need to leave for something now.

Attack. Roll. [roll0]

Edit: Oh yeahhh! ...I'll post confirmation in OOC.

2010-07-18, 02:34 PM

...why'd you roll for attacks twice? :smallconfused: Your original attack roll came out fine, if ****ty.

Can I reroll my CL check? :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-18, 02:52 PM
...why'd you roll for attacks twice? :smallconfused: Your original attack roll came out fine, if ****ty.

He rolled 1d6 instead of 1d20.

Can I reroll my CL check? :smallbiggrin:


No, seriously.

Rolls: E: [roll0]
K: [roll1]
LH-O: [roll2]
RH-O: [roll3]

2010-07-18, 02:53 PM

Ah. Thought he had some secret reroll power, and I was going to be a little like "uh... how do you reroll atks at level 1?" Fair 'nuff.

*waits to kill the elf I mean go.*

2010-07-19, 06:41 PM
Rolls Init[roll0]

Sorry about delays, I've been really ill guys.

2010-07-19, 06:58 PM
Initiative Order

Molten Steel
Shortspear Half-Orc
Club Half-Orc

2010-07-19, 07:11 PM
X seeing an opening charges towards the Kobold, aiming to cut down their numbers faster so they can focus on a smaller group he takes a massive swing with his great sword.....

If hit

If killed
Cleave to the half orc on the left of the kobold
If hit

Frustration spoiler

2010-07-19, 10:35 PM
DM Only: Elf Monk, Level 2, Init +3, HP 5/15, DR 2/-, Speed 30 feet
AC 16, Touch 16, Flat-footed 13, Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 1
Dagger +3 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Quarterstaff +3 (1d6+2, 20/x2)
Unarmed +3 (1d6+2, 20/x2)
(+3 Dex, +3 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 11
Condition None

Half-Orc Druidic Avenger, Level 1, Init +1, HP 10/10, Speed 40 feet
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Shillelagh Club +4 (2d6+4, 20/x2)
Unarmed +3 (1d3+3, 20/x2)
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 9
Condition None

Half-Orc Boar Totem Barbarian, Level 1, Init +2, HP -8/20, Speed 40 feet
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1, Base Attack Bonus 1
Shortspear +6 (1d6+7, 20/x2)
Unarmed +6 (1d3+7, 20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 9
Condition None

Kobold Earthshaker, Level 1, Init +4, HP 11/11, Speed 30 feet
AC 20, Touch 15, Flat-footed 16, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1, Base Attack Bonus 1
Dagger (5 daggers) +1/+5 (1d3, 19-20/x2)
Unarmed +1 (1d2, 20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11
Condition None

X's attack goes way wide, missing the kobold by at least a foot.

The elf steps forward with a dagger, carefully aiming, then throws hard at X. The dagger whistles past X's ear, going by one of the official's arm and clattering to the ground.

Mo's big body comes right up on the puny elf, piercing his leg with the hot halberd. A smoking hole shows, leaving the elf panting and staggering, but still standing, surprisingly.

The shortspear-wielding half-orc screams, then leaps forward at Kolaris, who hasn't moved, using both hands with the little thing. Unfortunately for the big one, Kolaris easily dodges the spear, retaliating with a speedy swing, her blade slicing into the crazed warrior, making a clean, bleeding cut in the half-orc's chest, who seems barely phased.

The tiny kobold smiles up at X, sticking its tongue out, and stomps on the ground, causing an earthquake. The shaking ground forces X down into a prone position.

The club half-orc looks around for a moment, seemingly speaking to himself. Vines surround his club and disappear while the green opponent steps closer to the elf.

X's turn.

Rolls: Elf dagger throw: [roll0]
Elf dagger damage: [roll1]

Half-orc shortspear: [roll2]
Half-orc damage: [roll3]

Kobold damage: [roll4]
X Reflex save: [roll5] -- Success - only 1 damage

Map: http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/Temotei221/BattleBox1--XMoKolaris-1.png

2010-07-19, 10:54 PM
Temotei, don't forget, I get AoO's. :smallamused:

The elf made a ranged attack in a threatened area, which provokes, and the Half-Orc charged on Kolaris through like a bazillion squares I threaten, permitting me another AoO on him with whatever the hell I feel like (probably going to be the shield), unless you've got something preventing me from AoOing, which I'd kinda like to know about. :smallbiggrin:

In other news, god damn I love reach.

2010-07-19, 10:59 PM

Tem, needless to say my blade is mind controlled. Can I strike with it as I'm standing with a concentration check? The attack will be on the kobold


If I'm allowed to strike and stand


Concentration check if required:


If not I'll spend the round standing.


Didn't even check the map. I'm only in danger near the kobold. I'll stay lying down and use the mind blade to attack kobold, do I need to roll again since I changed tactics?

2010-07-19, 11:02 PM
OoC Replies (argus, Zen):
OOC: Temotei, don't forget, I get AoO's. :smallamused:

The elf made a ranged attack in a threatened area, which provokes, and the Half-Orc charged on Kolaris through like a bazillion squares I threaten, permitting me another AoO on him with whatever the hell I feel like (probably going to be the shield), unless you've got something preventing me from AoOing, which I'd kinda like to know about. :smallbiggrin:

In other news, god damn I love reach.

The elf made an attack before you were there (you were flat-footed at the time, anyway).

The half-orc, you're right about.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Attack 3: [roll4]
Attack 4: [roll6]

Confirmation 1: [roll8]
Confirmation 2: [roll10]
Confirmation 3: [roll12]
Confirmation 4: [roll14]

Dang. Kolaris drops him with the near-critical. :smallamused:

Zen: You can attack while prone at a -4 penalty. Since the blades are controlled with your mind, they're ranged attacks, technically, right? You can attack at no penalty while prone. Standing up is a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity. If you stay prone, you take a -4 penalty to AC in melee and gain a +4 bonus to AC against ranged attacks.

No Concentration check is necessary, since attacking is a standard action and standing up is a move action.

Decide your action with that in mind.

2010-07-19, 11:06 PM

Right, elf acted prior to myself. Well, bitch dies anyways, since I just rip into him with like a billion attacks, cause Mo's a god like that. :smallamused:

I'll post actions once you post for the elf.

EDIT: No, Zen, you don't want your blades to be ranged weapons. Make them melee, eat the move action and AoO to stand, and smack the bastard. Also, check the OOC to see something I think you need to read. :smallwink:

2010-07-20, 02:31 AM
Hah....standing is a move action? Well there ya go. In that case.

Stand, full attack.

X grunts, hefting himself to his feet and mentally vowing not to make the same mistake, he accepts the incoming blow with his leg, twisting his torso and spinning a great arc, his great sword swinging around and..............



2010-07-20, 03:56 AM
Missing! The annoying little prick nimbly leaps out of the way while swinging forward with his drawn dagger.

Elf Man looks at Mo with a mixed expression including horror, curiosity, and...eagerness? He shrugs, unarmed, and quickly punches forward twice, aiming for what might be Mo's neck, though being an unfamiliar sentient, it's difficult for the elf to decide where that is. Unfortunately for Mo, both attacks slam directly into soft parts, leaving him staggered and almost unable to fight.

Rolls: Kobold AoO: [roll0]
Kobold Damage: [roll1]

Elf Unarmed: [roll2] [roll3]
Elf Damage: [roll4] [roll5]

OoC: Mo takes 11 damage. No attacks of opportunity were garnered because the elf...well, guess. :smalltongue:

2010-07-20, 04:41 AM
Missing! The annoying little prick nimbly leaps out of the way while swinging forward with his drawn dagger.

Elf Man looks at Mo with a mixed expression including horror, curiosity, and...eagerness? He shrugs, unarmed, and quickly punches forward twice, aiming for what might be Mo's neck, though being an unfamiliar sentient, it's difficult for the elf to decide where that is. Unfortunately for Mo, both attacks slam directly into soft parts, leaving him staggered and almost unable to fight.

Rolls: Kobold AoO: [roll0]
Kobold Damage: [roll1]

Elf Unarmed: [roll2] [roll3]
Elf Damage: [roll4] [roll5]

OoC: Mo takes 11 damage. No attacks of opportunity were garnered because the elf...well, guess. :smalltongue:


Reach not so much good when an elf is all up in your s*** all personal like eh argus? You're about to get your ass handed to you by someone without a weapon man....And Im about to get my ass kicked by a freakin kobold.

2010-07-20, 10:41 AM

Cause I used them all already. :smalltongue: Also, he's likely a monk, and thus wouldn't provoke anyways.

Also, since I am at 0, and no one in the party is a healer, I'm kind of useless now.

Mo roars, and pulls back slowly, pulling a small greenish rock as he goes.


I withdraw 20 ft (lolnoprovoke) and pull one of my "vials" of aboleth mucus as I go. I end up 20 ft back, somewhere nearish to Kolaris, but not in range of anyone.

2010-07-20, 01:06 PM
DM Only: Elf Monk, Level 2, Init +3, HP 5/15, DR 2/-, Speed 30 feet
AC 16, Touch 16, Flat-footed 13, Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 1
Dagger +3 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Quarterstaff +3 (1d6+2, 20/x2)
Unarmed +3 (1d6+2, 20/x2)
(+3 Dex, +3 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 11
Condition None

Half-Orc Druidic Avenger, Level 1, Init +1, HP 12/12, Speed 40 feet
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Shillelagh Club +6 (2d6+8, 20/x2)
Unarmed +5 (1d3+5, 20/x2)
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 9
Condition None

Half-Orc Boar Totem Barbarian, Level 1, Init +2, HP -16/20, Speed 40 feet
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1, Base Attack Bonus 1
Shortspear +6 (1d6+7, 20/x2)
Unarmed +6 (1d3+7, 20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 9
Condition None

Kobold Earthshaker, Level 1, Init +4, HP 5/11, Speed 30 feet
AC 20, Touch 15, Flat-footed 16, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1, Base Attack Bonus 1
Dagger (5 daggers) +1/+5 (1d3, 19-20/x2)
Unarmed +1 (1d2, 20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11
Condition None

Initiative Order

Molten Steel
Shortspear Half-Orc
Club Half-Orc

Despite both Mo's and Ko's devastating attacks against the half-orc now in front of Kolaris, he's still standing, yelling in rage and pain--barely--as blood pools in the box below his feet. Everyone in the crowd seems to be murmuring simultaneously. The big boorish warrior thrusts his spear at Kolaris once more, nearly leaving a hole through her head. Luckily, the lithe fighter jumps out of the way to take a hit in the chest instead.

The annoying reptile at X's knee once again smashes the ground at his feet, leaving X on the floor...again. You like?

Kolaris is up.

Rolls: Half-orc shortspear: [roll0]
Half-orc damage: [roll1]
Kobold quake: [roll2]
X Reflex: [roll3] - Success (3 damage)

2010-07-20, 05:28 PM
OOCI swear I'm gonna kick the crap out of that kobold.

I get up -AGAIN- and swing the great sword. No power attack this time. Aiming to hit. I swear to god if I had zen combat and one more blade he'd be screwed right now.

X's tension rises, sick of this fight already he climbs to his feet again and stares down the kobold. The first two were free. The next will cost you. Die.


Damage if hit [roll1]

2010-07-20, 08:20 PM
Whoever just attacked me dies. They're just lucky I can't Smite The Unfaithful them. +1 to hit and damage would totally crush 'em!

Anyways, I'll just smack the one in front of me.

Also, 2 HP? Bah!

...I should've been a Wastelander.

Damage [roll1d6+7 One is electricity
If I crit: [roll1]

2010-07-20, 08:21 PM

[roll0] 1 electric.

I don't think 14 is a hit, sadly. Otherwise I crit.

2010-07-20, 08:29 PM

TPK anyone?

2010-07-20, 08:38 PM
Kolaris's half-orc drops dead, his sword slash once again cutting a deep wound. This time, the barbarian falls to the floor, leaving a nice body to step over for the crystal man.

The club half-orc steps past the elf and hurries toward Kolaris, seeing his ally fall.

X, swinging to make Kolaris proud, opens up a thin slice in the kobold's chest, following the kobold's example of stabbing X's leg. Its eyebrows furrow a little and its smile disappears, replaced by a scowl.

The elf rushes forward at Mo, hoping to finish one of his opponents after seeing the barbarian half-orc drop.

Rolls: Kobold AoO: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Half-orc club: [roll2] - Forgot to add a bonus, but the attack misses, regardless.
Damage: [roll3]

Elf fist: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2010-07-20, 08:43 PM
Kolaris's half-orc drops dead, his sword slash once again cutting a deep wound. This time, the barbarian falls to the floor, leaving a nice body to step over for the crystal man.

The club half-orc steps past the elf and hurries toward Kolaris, seeing his ally fall.

X, swinging to make Kolaris proud, opens up a thin slice in the kobold's chest, following the kobold's example of stabbing X's leg. Its eyebrows furrow a little and its smile disappears, replaced by a scowl.

The elf rushes forward at Mo, hoping to finish one of his opponents after seeing the barbarian half-orc drop.

Rolls: Kobold AoO: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Half-orc club: [roll2] - Forgot to add a bonus, but the attack misses, regardless.
Damage: [roll3]

Elf fist: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]


And this is where I realise that I forgot to carry the Virtue Starsign from the VoidKnight to here....CRAP

2010-07-20, 08:58 PM
Kolaris's half-orc drops dead, his sword slash once again cutting a deep wound. This time, the barbarian falls to the floor, leaving a nice body to step over for the crystal man.

The club half-orc steps past the elf and hurries toward Kolaris, seeing his ally fall.

X, swinging to make Kolaris proud, opens up a thin slice in the kobold's chest, following the kobold's example of stabbing X's leg.

Ha! Boom. Unfortunately, I've got one hit left in me. Still, 20 AC at level 1 is pretty good.


2010-07-20, 09:05 PM
Ha! Boom. Unfortunately, I've got one hit left in me. Still, 20 AC at level 1 is pretty good.


I was wondering about that remark to. But booyah at making Kolaris proud lol.

2010-07-20, 09:08 PM
Booyah!: Two critical threats in a row?

One second again. It makes me slightly disgruntled.

2010-07-20, 11:44 PM
Booyah!: Two critical threats in a row?

One second again. It makes me slightly disgruntled.


One second again? Disgruntled indeed.

2010-07-21, 01:21 AM

Are you ruling that AoOs cause me to lose 1 hp? If not, I'll AoO that bitch of a ****ing Monk. He provokes, as there's no way I'm aware of to avoid provoking while moving over 20 ft and attacking.

Atk (halberdhurrdurr): [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

2010-07-21, 01:31 AM

Are you ruling that AoOs cause me to lose 1 hp? If not, I'll AoO that bitch of a ****ing Monk. He provokes, as there's no way I'm aware of to avoid provoking while moving over 20 ft and attacking.

Atk (halberdhurrdurr): [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]



2010-07-24, 06:08 PM

Anyone know what's happened to our Tem? lol

2010-07-24, 06:13 PM

Temotei is gone until Monday, as he said in the OOC thread. :smalltongue:

2010-07-25, 02:27 AM

Temotei is gone until Monday, as he said in the OOC thread. :smalltongue:


WOOPS! Didn't even see. Or I forgot I saw. Either or.

2010-07-30, 12:21 PM
OoC: Actually, it's Mo's action. You rolled for the attack of opportunity, but you didn't say anything about your actual turn.

2010-07-30, 01:59 PM

Coulda said something earlier than now. :smallannoyed:

Mo, predictably enough, roars and smashes the elf with his shield.


Attack (shield): [roll0]
Damage (shield): [roll1]

Aaaaaaand I don't hit. :smallyuk:

2010-07-30, 02:27 PM
OoC: Sorry about that. :smallsigh: I didn't even realize it.

Mo drops to -1 hit points. His aboleth mucus conveniently slides back into whatever...pocket...he kept it in before. He'll be able to draw it out later if need be.

Little Mister Kobold jumps away from X, allowing the latter to swing once. The scaly one is able to dodge, unfortunately, and smashes the ground in retaliation from the edge of the box, causing a fairly large ripple in the ground to pull X toward him.

Rolls: X attack of opportunity (No Power Attack): [roll0]
X damage (Greatsword--1.5x Str mod): [roll1]
Kobold damage: [roll2]
X Reflex save: [roll3] - Failure :smalleek:

New Map: http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/Temotei221/BattleBox1--XMoKolaris-2.png

2010-07-30, 07:11 PM

WTF!? I'm getting whooped by a kobold.

On X's turn he stands and runs south 10ft towards the elf..

Presumably if I don't attack I get two move actions? Or is D and D not that intuitive? lol

2010-07-30, 11:06 PM
If you have 3 squares to move, you can go two down and one diagonal-to-elf, putting you in attack range.

You can "double move", to go 2x your normal distance.

Also, I'm not going to be on much tomorrow. I might, but don't count on it.

2010-07-31, 05:46 AM
X charges and swings

+2 for charge[roll0]-2 for lack of charge if I'm too close

2010-07-31, 05:33 PM
I attack Ho.


If he dies, I step towards the elf diagonally.

2010-08-01, 03:27 AM
DM Only: Elf Monk, Level 2, Init +3, HP 5/15, DR 2/-, Speed 30 feet
AC 16, Touch 16, Flat-footed 13, Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 1
Dagger +3 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Quarterstaff +3 (1d6+2, 20/x2)
Unarmed +3 (1d6+2, 20/x2)
(+3 Dex, +3 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 11
Condition None

Half-Orc Druidic Avenger, Level 1, Init +1, HP -6/12, Speed 40 feet
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Shillelagh Club +6 (2d6+8, 20/x2)
Unarmed +5 (1d3+5, 20/x2)
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 9
Condition None

Half-Orc Boar Totem Barbarian, Level 1, Init +2, HP -16/20, Speed 40 feet
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1, Base Attack Bonus 1
Shortspear +6 (1d6+7, 20/x2)
Unarmed +6 (1d3+7, 20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 9
Condition None

Kobold Earthshaker, Level 1, Init +4, HP 5/11, Speed 30 feet
AC 20, Touch 15, Flat-footed 16, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1, Base Attack Bonus 1
Dagger (5 daggers) +1/+5 (1d3, 19-20/x2)
Unarmed +1 (1d2, 20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11
Condition None

Initiative Order

X (-4 hp)
Molten Steel (-1 hp)
Club Half-Orc

Kolaris once again hits her enemy, though, this time, she's not quite so lucky with the power of the blow. The half-orc takes a hit to the stomach, but nothing spills out except some blood. He snarls and swings back, hoping to end Kolaris quickly. Fortunately, he fails in doing so. Kolaris is safe--for now. The elf turns on her, focusing his efforts on the last remaining party member with two quick strikes that had before reduced Molten Steel to goo. Both miss nimble Kolaris as she ducks and weaves out of the way. Earthquake kobold follows, though he doesn't manage to get to a good spot for hitting Kolaris without hurting his ally.

Rolls: Half-orc club: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Kolaris is up.

2010-08-01, 11:39 AM
Kolaris fights defensively. -2 attacks, +4 AC.

Then he'll attack Ho again.
If crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2010-08-01, 11:57 AM
PersonMan, you have your numbers reversed. Fighting Defensively, as per the SRD, is a -4 atk, +2 dodge bonus to AC. It's really not that great, sadly.

2010-08-01, 02:27 PM
Initiative Order

X (-5 hp)
Molten Steel (-2 hp)
Club Half-Orc (-? hp)

Kolaris, apparently never missing, slices the half-orc's neck, leaving him gurgling on the ground. He's obviously not quite dead, but he's not going to be active any time soon.

Elf follows the standard pattern--attacking twice very quickly. He misses with both hits, obviously.

The kobold moves up to flank you with the elf, stabbing forward wildly with his puny dagger. Kolaris's expert defense stops the offense easily, allowing her another opportunity to attack in this combat.

Rolls: X stabilize: [roll0] - Failure (-5 hp)
Elf attacks: [roll1] [roll2]
Elf damage: [roll3] [roll4]
Mo stabilize: [roll5] - Failure (-2 hp)
Kobold dagger: [roll6]
Kobold damage: [roll7]

2010-08-01, 05:27 PM
OOCWhaaaaat the? When did I go into negatives? lol.

2010-08-01, 06:12 PM
Ugh. Well, if it's that bad, there's no point. Besides, I think that these guys are either having absurdly bad luck or have to-hit bonuses too low to matter...

I'll stop fighting defensively and attack the kobold. Luckily, he isn't using that weird quake-thing, so I should be able to smack him to death. The elf is a freakin' monk, who is apparently using flurry, meaning I should be fine...

crit confirm:[roll1]
damage: [roll2]

And, since I see that he's flanking me, I'll step to the right.

2010-08-01, 06:14 PM
Ugh. Well, if it's that bad, there's no point. Besides, I think that these guys are either having absurdly bad luck or have to-hit bonuses too low to matter...

I'll stop fighting defensively and attack the kobold. Luckily, he isn't using that weird quake-thing, so I should be able to smack him to death. The elf is a freakin' monk, who is apparently using flurry, meaning I should be fine...

crit confirm:[roll1]
damage: [roll2]


BOOM! PM: Kolaris is pretty much single handedly wiping the floor with these guys. lol @ me and Mo laying down taking it easy while the crystal hunter finishes it up.

2010-08-01, 07:40 PM
DM Only: Elf Monk, Level 2, Init +3, HP 5/15, DR 2/-, Speed 30 feet
AC 16, Touch 16, Flat-footed 13, Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 1
Dagger +3 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Quarterstaff +3 (1d6+2, 20/x2)
Unarmed +3 (1d6+2, 20/x2)
(+3 Dex, +3 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 11
Condition None

Half-Orc Druidic Avenger, Level 1, Init +1, HP -6/12, Speed 40 feet
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Shillelagh Club +6 (2d6+8, 20/x2)
Unarmed +5 (1d3+5, 20/x2)
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 9
Condition None

Half-Orc Boar Totem Barbarian, Level 1, Init +2, HP -16/20, Speed 40 feet
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1, Base Attack Bonus 1
Shortspear +6 (1d6+7, 20/x2)
Unarmed +6 (1d3+7, 20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 9
Condition None

Kobold Earthshaker, Level 1, Init +4, HP 5/11, Speed 30 feet
AC 20, Touch 15, Flat-footed 16, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1, Base Attack Bonus 1
Dagger (5 daggers) +1/+5 (1d3, 19-20/x2)
Unarmed +1 (1d2, 20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11
Condition None

Initiative Order

X (-7 hp)
Molten Steel (-4 hp)
Club Half-Orc (-? hp)

Constantly shifting its position, the kobold is a hard-to-hit target. Kolaris's blade goes by the kobold's leg, hitting the cold, hard, packed dirt ground.

The unarmed elf follows Kolaris's movement and jabs and knees at her, hoping his unorthodox combat style will set him off balance enough to get a hit in on the crystal hunter. It does not. The kobold takes a different route, stepping slightly away from Kolaris, sending his dagger at Ko at a too-slow pace, letting Kolaris easily dodge the metal piece.

X, Mo, and the club-wielding half-orc twitch.

Rolls: X stabilize: [roll0] - 10 or lower - Failure (-6 hp)
Elf flurry of whiffs: [roll1] [roll2]
Elf damage: [roll3] [roll4]
Mo stabilize: [roll5] - 10 or lower - Failure (-3 hp)
Kobold dagger: [roll6]
Kobold damage: [roll7]

2010-08-02, 07:16 AM
If they're flanking me again, I'll step back to where I was before. I assume the kobold is still in melee? I smack him. To death.


2010-08-02, 12:35 PM
The kobold is 10 feet away, while the elf is in melee range. Still, it's only a 5-foot step away.

Both enemies, now flanking again, attack in melee with their respective favored weapons. The kobold's attack is somewhat odd, seemingly coming the instant after drawing his dagger. Fortunately for Kolaris, both attacks miss, and the heat is still on.

Rolls: X stabilize: [roll0] - 10 or lower - Failure (-7 hp)
Elf unarmed strike: [roll1]
Elf damage: [roll2]
Mo stabilize: [roll3] - 10 or lower - Failure (-4 hp)
Kobold dagger: [roll4]
Kobold damage: [roll5]

2010-08-02, 03:53 PM
I step towards the center of the arena, but stay within melee range. I stab at the elf this time.


2010-08-02, 04:11 PM
DM Only: Elf Monk, Level 2, Init +3, HP -4/15, DR 2/-, Speed 30 feet
AC 16, Touch 16, Flat-footed 13, Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus 1
Dagger +3 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Quarterstaff +3 (1d6+2, 20/x2)
Unarmed +3 (1d6+2, 20/x2)
(+3 Dex, +3 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 11
Condition None

Half-Orc Druidic Avenger, Level 1, Init +1, HP -9/12, Speed 40 feet
AC 13, Touch 11, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Shillelagh Club +6 (2d6+8, 20/x2)
Unarmed +5 (1d3+5, 20/x2)
Leather Armor (+2 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 9
Condition None

Half-Orc Boar Totem Barbarian, Level 1, Init +2, HP -16/20, Speed 40 feet
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1, Base Attack Bonus 1
Shortspear +6 (1d6+7, 20/x2)
Unarmed +6 (1d3+7, 20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 9
Condition None

Kobold Earthshaker, Level 1, Init +4, HP 5/11, Speed 30 feet
AC 20, Touch 15, Flat-footed 16, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1, Base Attack Bonus 1
Dagger (5 daggers) +1/+5 (1d3, 19-20/x2)
Unarmed +1 (1d2, 20/x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 11
Condition None

Initiative Order

X (-9 hp)
Elf (-? hp)
Molten Steel (-6 hp)
Club Half-Orc (-? hp)

The elf goes down in a massive ball of fire! Not really, but Kolaris's sword strikes true, cutting the elf down. He falls over, still breathing, but inactive.

The kobold, alone, looks up at Kolaris, then jumps back to throw another dagger. It flies straight at Kolaris, almost taking her head off before she is able to flinch out of the way of a fatal throw. Still, she's injured. One more hit would spell doom.

The crowd, which you had previously drowned out in your combat high, yells and cries out for a great duel.

Rolls: X stabilize: [roll0]
Mo stabilize: [roll1]
Kobold dagger: [roll2]
Kobold damage: [roll3]

2010-08-02, 05:24 PM
Alright...Well, after that, I move up to the kobold to attack.

Quick question: how many more of those daggers does he have?

I attack. Again.

2010-08-02, 05:26 PM
The elf goes down in a massive ball of fire! Not really.


Funniest statement yet.

2010-08-02, 06:09 PM
Your blade barely misses. The kobold draws another dagger and steps toward Mo, throwing it. He, too, barely misses. He has two daggers left.

Rolls: X stabilize: [roll0] - 10 or lower - Failure (-8 hp)
Mo stabilize: [roll1] - 10 or lower - Failure (-5 hp)
Kobold dagger: [roll2]
Kobold damage: [roll3]

2010-08-02, 06:20 PM
That little eff. Stabbage time. I move next to the kobold.


2010-08-02, 06:25 PM
That little eff. Stabbage time. I move next to the kobold.



2010-08-02, 06:30 PM
Miss. Kobold repeats his attack, also missing. This could end up being a long combat. X twitches once more. Even from a distance, you can practically see the cold on him.

The crowd seems to be staring without much cheering going on.

Rolls: X stabilize: [roll0] - 10 or lower - Failure (-9 hp)
Mo stabilize: [roll1] - 10 or lower - Failure (-6 hp)
Kobold dagger throw: [roll2]
Kobold damage: [roll3]
Kobold critical confirmation: [roll4]
Kobold critical damage: [roll5]

2010-08-02, 06:37 PM
Miss. Kobold repeats his attack, also missing. This could end up being a long combat. X twitches once more. Even from a distance, you can practically see the cold on him.

The crowd seems to be staring without much cheering going on.

Yeah I can't say I'd be too thrilled watching two guys who can't hit each other swing and swing again. Time for -4 penalties to AC due to exhaustion!!! lol.

2010-08-02, 06:42 PM
Yeah I can't say I'd be too thrilled watching two guys who can't hit each other swing and swing again. Time for -4 penalties to AC due to exhaustion!!! lol.

OoC: I could also have the kobold quake to kill, but that's no fun. It also would disappoint the crowd asking for a duel.

PersonMan: The kobold's Dexterity bonus is +4. Feinting would lower his AC by a considerable amount.

If you're willing to risk an attack of opportunity (+1 attack bonus), you could attempt a grapple.

You could also attempt to trip, which would also provoke an attack of opportunity.

2010-08-02, 07:09 PM
Coo'. I'll feint 'im.

Bluff, then stab.

atk: [roll1]
dmg: [roll2]


Can I use the bluff roll instead of the attack roll? Just to end this?

2010-08-02, 07:19 PM
Coo'. I'll feint 'im.

Bluff, then stab.

atk: [roll1]
dmg: [roll2]


Can I use the bluff roll instead of the attack roll? Just to end this?

If you bluff instead of attack, you'd still miss, because your bluff failed. So his AC is still higher than 16.... Dammit Tem. Let us kill him lol.

2010-08-02, 07:20 PM
The kobold goes down like a sack of reptilian potatoes, if you've ever seen that. You haven't? It's not pretty.

Combat is over, but X and Mo have to roll for stabilization.

Rolls: X: [roll0] - 10 or lower - Failure (death)
Mo: [roll1] - 10 or lower - Failure (-7 hp)

OoC: His AC was 20, by the way.

2010-08-02, 07:20 PM
The kobold goes down like a sack of reptilian potatoes, if you've ever seen that. You haven't? It's not pretty.

Combat is over, but X and Mo have to roll for stabilization.

Rolls: X: [roll0] - 10 or lower -
Mo: [roll1] - 10 or lower -

*dies a reptilian potato death*

2010-08-02, 07:22 PM
*dies a reptilian potato death*

You were more of a meatbag death.

2010-08-02, 07:25 PM
You were more of a meatbag death.

I shall presume you to mean that I died in the most honourable douchebag fashion.

2010-08-02, 07:49 PM
Actually, it was 15(+5), not just 15. So I would hit 20, and did.

There we go.

Kolaris raises her arm in victory, and slams his weapon down into the body of her dead foe, walking away as the weapon shatters and fades away.

She does some crowd-pleasing stuff for a second or two before doing some quick healing to help her allies stabilize.


2010-08-02, 08:26 PM
Actually, it was 15(+5), not just 15. So I would hit 20, and did.

There we go.

Kolaris raises her arm in victory, and slams his weapon down into the body of her dead foe, walking away as the weapon shatters and fades away.

She does some crowd-pleasing stuff for a second or two before doing some quick healing to help her allies stabilize.


Nice, critical success. Meaning what? X jumps up screaming WOOOOOO CAGE MATCH!

2010-08-02, 10:38 PM
X is beyond help, but Mo's...internal magma leak stops.

You all gain 50 bonus XP and a level-up. Huzzah! Kolaris gains 10 extra bonus XP for essentially soloing the encounter. Since none of you seem too keen on XP-costing spells or crafting, I'll see what I can do to make those points useful.

If you still want to play as Kolaris, PersonMan, I'll figure out a way to introduce the new characters. If not, you can make a new character like the others, vaguely describing Kolaris's goals.

2010-08-02, 10:42 PM
Once healed, the magma giant stands slowly, and rumbles his thanks to Kolaris. "I take my leave of you. Farewell, Kolaris."

He flows off, nonplussed about the entire situation. 'ere he goes, legends will form and rumors fly about his nature, and with luck, he'll find his way back to the Plane of Magma, as is his dream.

2010-08-02, 10:50 PM
X's spirit makes it's way to one of the heavens, finally together with his children.

Before a red demon arches his neck and bites X mid flight, spitting him back to the mortal plane as a ghost to forever wander the earth until his children are avenged.

2010-08-05, 12:59 AM
Responding to Kolaris's choice of walking out, the crowd boos--until she says she will return in greater force. That causes an eruption of mixed murmurs and cheers, flowing like Mo through your ears and brain.

Walking down a hallway almost exactly like the one you entered the battle box in, you see a small, well-lit room ahead. A muttering voice is audible, but the words aren't discernible at this distance. Moments later, you enter the room, which appears even smaller than it did before. It's only about six feet wide and ten feet long, and seven feet high, if that. Certainly, the builders of this room hadn't had combat in mind. Or, perhaps they did. In any case, wielding a weapon bigger than a small sword in here would be difficult. You take note of that.

The muttering individual you heard in the hallway is a hunched, old gnome. His eyebrows are so large, you swear they could be dire caterpillars. Looking up at you beyond those bushes, the gnome smiles slightly. You're th-th-tha-that one, th-th-then. I see. Great act out th-th-there, th-though I th-th-think your friend took it too far, p-p-perhaps.

Anyw-w-way, I s-suppose you'll b-b-be wantin' someth-th-thing from th-th-that sh-SHELF!


It's surprising that a little gnome that appears to have a body made of paper mâché can yell so loudly without even noticing. He must have had a real pair of lungs on him back in the day.

On metal shelves lie items of obviously varying worth. A shiny sword, a dagger smaller than the kobold's, an axe with a head the size of your torso, and a thick hammer are the weapon choices on the bottom shelf.

Above that, a suit of chain lies open for grabs. A buckler, heavy shields, both wooden and metal...

Potions are on the next shelf. A few are clearly labeled with pieces of paper, but some have no label at all. The labeled potions include:


The unlabeled potions range from yellow to pink in color. None of them are bubbling, at least. That's usually a bad sign.

Yet above the potions lie miscellaneous objects, including several scrolls with unrecognizable writing all over, a stick with an attached feather, and a single, nondescript gold coin...behind the coin is a group of weird strips of adhesive, except in the center of each is a small pad, as if for comfort.

Of course, if y-y-you don't f-find anyth-th-thing, you a-...are welc-come to t-t-t-take s-some g-gold. Oh, and y-ya can p-p-pick a p-p-potion, r-regardless of your other ch-choi-choices.

OoC: Pick your languages, by the way. I forgot to mention that before. You'll want to have some picked. As a human with 13 Intelligence, you get to choose two languages.

2010-08-05, 07:13 AM


Ehhh, I think I'll take the healing potion.

Other than Common, right?

2010-08-05, 02:24 PM
OOC: Other than Common, right?

No. You gain one language other than common for each point of Intelligence modifier above +0. Since your race doesn't grant any languages other than common, you have two total languages, including common.

Pick one language, in other words.

Also, you get two items and a potion, or two potions and an item, or three potions. So far, you've chosen a healing potion. Pick two items, one potion and an item, or two more potions.

2010-08-05, 04:08 PM

I'll take the band-aids and the Big potion.

2010-08-09, 02:23 PM
Y-you h-h-have a n-nice LIFE! COME BACK AGAIN!

As you walk out of the only exit in the room, the old geezer says this.


Your crystal gives off feeling of surprise, as if to say, "Whoa!"

My sibling crystal isn't here.

2010-08-09, 06:48 PM
A youngish man in scarlet armor of a unique design is standing near the prize room. In one hand he carries a massive wooden shield painted pure white with a design of a red knight (the chesspiece) with ruby eyes on the front and spikes coating the bottom. On his back is slung another one with the same design, though the underlying wood is darker and more glossy. At his side rests a beautiful longsword made of finely folded steel with a ruby in the pommel. His features are entirely unremarkable, and his skin is weather-beaten. He carries himself like a soldier, proud and tall, and upon seeing Kolaris, approaches, his right hand held up in a stopping gesture, and his voice booms, deep and strong.

"Stand and deliver! I challenge you to a duel of wits!"

OOC (Temotei Only):

I gave Hector the Skill Focus (Profession [Chess Player]) feat for free. Considering that it literally does NOTHING mechanically, I figured this wasn't an issue. It represents his lifetime of playing chess and getting better and better at it. He doesn't have the skill points to just pump it every level, so I decided on the next best thing. Is that alright?

2010-08-09, 07:34 PM
A youngish man in scarlet armor of a unique design is standing near the prize room. In one hand he carries a massive wooden shield painted pure white with a design of a red knight (the chesspiece) with ruby eyes on the front and spikes coating the bottom. On his back is slung another one with the same design, though the underlying wood is darker and more glossy. At his side rests a beautiful longsword made of finely folded steel with a ruby in the pommel. His features are entirely unremarkable, and his skin is weather-beaten. He carries himself like a soldier, proud and tall, and upon seeing Kolaris, approaches, his right hand held up in a stopping gesture, and his voice booms, deep and strong.

"Stand and deliver! I challenge you to a duel of wits!"

OOC (Temotei Only):

I gave Hector the Skill Focus (Profession [Chess Player]) feat for free. Considering that it literally does NOTHING mechanically, I figured this wasn't an issue. It represents his lifetime of playing chess and getting better and better at it. He doesn't have the skill points to just pump it every level, so I decided on the next best thing. Is that alright?


Hector should write a book: How to make enemies and refute people. First chapter, insult their intelligence by smashing them in a dual they aren't prepared for JUST after finishing a major fight. lol. Nice :smalltongue:

2010-08-09, 09:36 PM
I-in h-here? P-p-p-please t-take i-it OUTSIDE!

OoC: Yes. To both of you.

Kolaris, move. Zen's character will be introduced shortly.

2010-08-11, 02:16 AM
Durgle. I may have slept now, but I just moved six timezones.

Give me a little time to recuperate, alright?

Kolaris sighed. A duel of wits is fine, but I'm in no shape for physical combat. One of my allies died and the other spent most of the match lying around dieing, so I'd really not like to fight more until I've rested. Then again, are you the 'Oh, you have bested me and now I must join you' type? Either that, or are you looking for a group? I'm kind of in need of new people, since I promised the crowd I'd return. And I need to, to find...something for a friend. She said, beginning to walk outside halfway through, gesturing to the shield-wielding man to follow her as she did so. Well? Sound good to you? He asked as they reached the outside of [whatever building they were in].

2010-08-11, 02:45 AM
The man nods to the shopkeep. "Of course my good man." He follows Kolaris into the street, and gestures to a near-by table. He sits on one of the chairs, places another chair about 6 feet away, clears the space between them, and gestures for Kolaris to sit.

Once Ko is sitting, he lays his tower shield between them across their knees, and sets a chessboard up on the impromptu table so created, the white pieces for Kolaris, the red for himself. "I will explain everything once the game is complete. Let us match wits on the field of strategy, and may the Master of the Lanceboard smile upon the worthy." He then dedicates himself to the gave, even giving Kolaris the first move, should they wish it.


It is of relevance to see who wins, so here, have a Profession (Chess Player) roll: [roll0]

2010-08-11, 03:29 AM
OoC: I could make mechanics up for this, if you like. I'll try to keep it simple. :smallamused:

2010-08-11, 03:35 AM

If you do, I reserve the right to shuffle my character around/get free bonuses, since I do train through chess play, but lack the feats/skill points to really excel like I want to. Damn clerics and their limited skill points! *shakes fist*

2010-08-11, 03:49 AM
Roll Profession three times each. These are opposed checks. Whoever comes out with more wins succeeds in beating their opponent at the game.

You can make a Bluff check once per "round," which is one Profession check long. If you beat the opponent's Sense Motive, you gain a +2 bonus on your Profession check for that round alone. This represents that a specific gambit may not work in later plays of the same game, due to differing game situations and the opponent catching onto the nature of the gambit. The bonus is applied before your Profession check, so succeeding on the Bluff check in the first round gives a +2 bonus on the first round.

Some circumstances may provide bonuses or penalties to checks in relation to chess, such as worshiping the Red Knight (+1 to all chess-related checks).

You can try to cheat at chess by making a Sleight of Hand check at a -10 penalty. This is made in place of one of the above checks and is opposed by Spot. Cheating multiple times in a row is more difficult, forcing an additional -10 penalty for each try after. If successful while cheating, you gain a +4 bonus to Profession checks for one round, but you also take a -2 penalty to your Bluff checks for that round.

Certain spells and effects may affect the game.

These rules will be used in all future chess games, unless you have some better ideas. :smallamused:

2010-08-11, 04:31 AM
Roll Profession three times each. These are opposed checks. Whoever comes out with more wins succeeds in beating their opponent at the game.

Once per "round," which is one Profession check long, you may make a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check. Bluff is opposed by Sense Motive. Diplomacy is opposed by Diplomacy. Intimidate is opposed by Sense Motive or a Will save (whichever is higher).

If you succeed on one of the above checks, and your opponent does not, you gain a +2 bonus to your Profession checks for the rest of the game. Each bonus is cumulative. The bonus is applied before your Profession check. If both you and your opponent fail or succeed, nothing happens, and you continue play as normal.

Some circumstances may provide bonuses or penalties to checks in relation to chess, such as worshiping the Red Knight (+1 to all chess-related checks).

You can try to cheat at chess by making a Sleight of Hand check at a -10 penalty. This is made in place of one of the above checks and is opposed by Spot. Cheating multiple times in a row is more difficult, forcing an additional -10 penalty for each try after. If successful while cheating, you gain a +4 bonus to Profession checks for the rest of the game.

Certain spells and effects may affect the game.

These rules will be used in all future chess games, unless you have some better ideas. :smallamused:

....Holy crap Tem. Well done.

2010-08-11, 05:29 AM
I didn't expect any of you to reply that fast. Oh, well, here we go.

Round 1:
Bluff: [roll0]
Profession: [roll1]
Round 2:
Diplomacy: [roll2]
Profession: [roll3]
Round 3:
Intimidate: [roll4]
Profession: [roll5]

I'd be fine with just saying they played and the guy won but Kolaris was good. Once he taught her the rules. She actually has no idea how to play, because chess isn't known in her tiny village.

Edit: Holy frick.

2010-08-11, 05:33 AM
I didn't expect any of you to reply that fast. Oh, well, here we go.

Round 1:
Bluff: [roll0]
Profession: [roll1]
Round 2:
Diplomacy: [roll2]
Profession: [roll3]
Round 3:
Intimidate: [roll4]
Profession: [roll5]

I'd be fine with just saying they played and the guy won but Kolaris was good. Once he taught her the rules. She actually has no idea how to play, because chess isn't known in her tiny village.

Edit: Holy frick.

....Bahahahah! Wow...I hope argus' skill bonuses help him out cos otherwise he is screwed. Good rolls!

2010-08-11, 12:17 PM
Once he taught her the rules. She actually has no idea how to play, because chess isn't known in her tiny village.

I'd say she takes a -1 or -2 circumstance penalty because of this until her second game. Do you agree?

2010-08-11, 12:22 PM
I personally really dislike those rules, since I get shafted, due to lack of skill points (FRIKKIN' CLERIC). I propose the following change:

You can make a Bluff check once per round. If you beat the opponent's Sense Motive, you gain a +2 bonus on your Profession check for that round alone. This represents that a specific gambit may not work in later plays of the same game, due to differing game situations and the opponent catching onto the nature of the gambit.

Note: This is spoken by someone who's an avid player, so I've got a little experience in the area.

Of course, should you wish to disregard my suggestions, hey, I'll roll with whatever you decree is fact. :smallwink:

2010-08-11, 12:27 PM
Normally I'd say yes, but seeing my good rolls...Eh, I'm more likely to want to keep good things once I get them, than not try.

Beginner's luck? Her Int is high enough we can just say she's quick on the draw or something. I was pretty good during my first game. Although, my winning move was, I later discovered, illegal, but I think I would've won anyways.

2010-08-11, 12:30 PM
No no, you misunderstand my intent here. I don't care that you win, I only care that it's possible I don't get utterly shafted by a n00b with no ranks in Profession who is good at Diplomacy, which is what the rules as they stand can do.

See, the Red Knight values chess skill, and Hector in specific values chess play, so I want him to be mechanically competent at it, but due to clerical limitations, it's tough. :smallsigh:

Anyways, Temotei will let us know.

2010-08-11, 12:46 PM
No no, you misunderstand my intent here. I don't care that you win, I only care that it's possible I don't get utterly shafted by a n00b with no ranks in Profession who is good at Diplomacy, which is what the rules as they stand can do.

See, the Red Knight values chess skill, and Hector in specific values chess play, so I want him to be mechanically competent at it, but due to clerical limitations, it's tough. :smallsigh:

Anyways, Temotei will let us know.

Hm. I'll use your above rule and give you an extra skill point every level to use on Profession.

Rules edited.

2010-08-11, 03:35 PM
John(that's you, arguskos) I was talking with Temo about the -1/-2 penalty on the first game.

I can understand the diplomacy thing, though.

2010-08-11, 05:16 PM

*twiddles thumbs waiting for argus' opposed chess rolls*

2010-08-11, 05:27 PM
Hm. I'll use your above rule and give you an extra skill point every level to use on Profession.

Rules edited.
That seems a bit more fair-ish, since a clever player can still play mindgames, but pure skill matters as well.

Though, honestly, D&D models "ultimate games" such as chess poorly at the best of times! :smallbiggrin: Note: the term ultimate game refers to any game in which luck is a non-factor, such as chess and go.

Oh, and here, some rolls:
Round 1:

Profession: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1]
Sense Motive: [roll2]

Round 2:

Profession: [roll3]
Bluff: [roll4]
Sense Motive: [roll5]

Round 3:

Profession: [roll6]
Bluff: [roll7]
Sense Motive: [roll8]

EDIT: I just noticed the Red Knight provision. :smalleek: Many thanks for that. Oh, and as for Kolaris taking a penalty, nah, that's not necessary. Hector plays a single practice game with him first, so he can get the basics down. He's fair in this regard. Given the results of the checks though, I am pretty sure I've got Round 3 in the bag, and it seems I've won Round 2 as well, of course with Kolaris' revised Bluff check awaiting (he could well tie me or win after all bonuses are accounted for). The victor doesn't matter really, though it's nice to have rules for this for when something serious is on the line. :smallamused:

2010-08-11, 05:29 PM
That seems a bit more fair-ish, since a clever player can still play mindgames, but pure skill matters as well.

Though, honestly, D&D models "ultimate games" such as chess poorly at the best of times! :smallbiggrin: Note: the term ultimate game refers to any game in which luck is a non-factor, such as chess and go.

Oh, and here, some rolls:
Round 1:

Profession: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1]
Sense Motive: [roll2]

Round 2:

Profession: [roll3]
Bluff: [roll4]
Sense Motive: [roll5]

Round 3:

Profession: [roll6]
Bluff: [roll7]
Sense Motive: [roll8]

Seems you won the last game. Good luck on the others. PM, Beginners luck indeed. Never played chess and you might beat a master. Go figure.

2010-08-11, 05:45 PM
Would've been awesome. Oh, well.

Sense Motive:
1: [roll0]
2: [roll1]
3: [roll2]

...Never again. We will never do this, ever again. I'm using up all my good rolls. Seriously, watch me get a bunch of 4s, 6s and the like in the next combat...

2010-08-11, 05:48 PM
By my math, I get a 15, a 16, and a 28, meaning I win Rounds 2 and 3, I think. Is that correct?

2010-08-11, 08:20 PM
Fine. I'm alright with you winning, as long as Kolaris plays at least fairly well.

2010-08-11, 08:46 PM
"Well played for a beginner! I am suitably impressed. I am Sir Hector Nonus, a Holy Strategist in the service of the Lady of Strategy, and I offer you my service in your quest." He packs away the chess board, and replaces his tower shield.

2010-08-11, 09:02 PM
Hector wins.

Time for some role playing. :smallamused:

2010-08-11, 09:09 PM
Kolaris nods, musing over the rules and strategies of this new game.

I am Grand Inquisitor Kolaris, at this point, what constitutes my current quest is the location and retrieval of several items, which...well, I don't actually have much of a description of these items. I have a means of detecting them, however. She paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts. At the moment, due to the hunch of one of my former comrades, I am taking the most efficient route to gaining access to the wealthier parts of this community. In the first round, one of my comrades was slain and the other incapacitated. After the battle my remaining surviving colleague left to do...something. So now I am in need of a new team. Preferably one that's...hardier than the last one. He eyed the man for a moment before smiling slightly. I think, before we attempt this we should find one more person. It may be sentimentality, but I'd like to have the same number of team members as before-3, including myself.

2010-08-11, 09:18 PM
A rather tall humanoid, covered head to toe in blue scales that sheen in the sunlight smirks, his giant sharp teeth showing past his lips. His massive muscled frame pushes himself off the post he was leaning against as he watched the chess match with feigned interest. His tail whips back and forth in a reptilian fashion as he shifts forward.

Kolaris, isn't it? Your skills in battle are to be highly respected, not to mention you almost destroyed this one in a game you seemed to barely know. You felled three while your two companions pitifully fell themselves. Where you walk I would walk with you, if you should so choose to accept my company. I am Tao, honoured warrior and Dragon Knight of the Void.
Without waiting for an answer his eyes shift to the armoured chess player.

You, though... I know nothing of you nor your combat ability. You are honourous it would seem and familiar with duels, your outfit smacks of pious harbringer. However, despite your distasteful interest in the divine magics you are outfitted as a warrior. Thus I challenge you to non-lethal non-magical combat. Accept and be honoured, or refuse and be shamed. Know, however, that I refuse to acknowledge the presence of a weakling and if the warrior here accepts my company, you and I shall be at odds if you are to accompany him as well.

At this he points back to his prior position, a wooden set of claws sits amongst a variety of other wooden weapons, ranging from the simple to exotic.

The claws are mine, I would have you choose your weapon and follow me. Kolaris, you are welcome to come or await our return. Or, chess player, if we are pressed for time we may simply duel here. The choice is yours.

argus, all damage dealt is as regular except non lethal. I've cleared the wooden weapon thing with Tem.

2010-08-11, 09:21 PM
Note: The wooden weapons are worth about 5 gp, total. Merchants probably won't even take them, though, considering most people that buy weapons want the real stuff.

Note #2: The weapons came with the arena, so nothing comes out of your funds. They're just kind of...sitting there. Convenient, I know. :smalltongue:

2010-08-11, 09:27 PM
Note: The wooden weapons are worth about 5 gp, total. Merchants probably won't even take them, though, considering most people that buy weapons want the real stuff.

Note #2: The weapons came with the arena, so nothing comes out of your funds. They're just kind of...sitting there. Convenient, I know. :smalltongue:

Partial rule of cool? :smalltongue:

2010-08-11, 09:29 PM
Partial rule of cool? :smalltongue:

It makes sense, though, because they wouldn't want you to kill anybody in the minor loot room.

So, they provide wooden weapons...just in case. Anyway, that old guy's got to have something to defend himself with. :smallamused:

2010-08-11, 09:31 PM
It makes sense, though, because they wouldn't want you to kill anybody in the minor loot room.

So, they provide wooden weapons...just in case. Anyway, that old guy's got to have something to defend himself with. :smallamused:

Even if it is a wooden set of weapons that he can only deal non-lethal damage with.

If he's that old I fear he would tire before he bludgeoned someone to death with them :smallwink:

Also....Here I was thinking we'd left the loot room?

Didn't midget boy tell them to leave?

2010-08-11, 09:42 PM
Even if it is a wooden set of weapons that he can only deal non-lethal damage with.

If he's that old I fear he would tire before he bludgeoned someone to death with them :smallwink:

Also....Here I was thinking we'd left the loot room?

Didn't midget boy tell them to leave?

Yeah. The weapons, however, are somewhat inside the short hall to the town.

2010-08-11, 10:21 PM
"You wish a fight? Very well then! Name your field of battle." He walks over to the rack and grabs a longsword off of it. "And your unkindness towards the Lady of Strategy has been noted, warrior. May you hope she overlooks it."

2010-08-11, 10:50 PM
If this "Lady of Strategy" has any hand in battle, then she will overlook my affront for the compliment I paid your knowledge of a duel. To battle.

Tao leads the armoured figure a short way to an almost abandoned alley.

This will afford us some degree of manoeverability, not to mention at least slightly aside from the view of the town guard. The rules: One may strike until defeated, one may kneel and concede, tapping twice upon the ground. One will not dishonour ones self and strike a grounded or fallen foe. One will be honorous at all times. One will respect his combatant and acknowledge him for the warrior he is. With this he holds out his hand, his palm lateral to the ground to neither give nor take the power of the handshake.

2010-08-11, 11:08 PM
Roll for initiative or decide who goes first (both must agree).

Map: http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/Temotei221/AlleyDuel.png

2010-08-11, 11:10 PM
[roll0] Initiative

Hector cannot beat that roll. I'll go first.

2010-08-11, 11:24 PM

I can't beat 15, so he goes first.

Note: Hector has a shield and a longsword out currently.

The priest nods once. "She will favor the wiser combatant." He readies for combat.

2010-08-11, 11:27 PM
I thought we were in some sort of outside cafe or something. Meh.

Kolaris follows the two, watching the fight from the edge of the alley, her crystal-tattoo pulsing slightly.

2010-08-11, 11:29 PM
If you are one to believe in wisdom over raw power, so be it. Honour and Strength prevail.


If you mean "Hector has a longsword, period". Then yes. But if you mean currently and believe you have another wooden weapon, you'll need to go edit your other post to state you picked up more, also, as far as I was aware there were no wooden tower shields, just weapons. But...I guess I'm okay with this if Tem allows it. It gives you a large defensive advantage though and the purpose of the duel was to be one of determing combat ability and strength, so it seems out of spirit.

2010-08-11, 11:34 PM

...Tower Shields are all wooden. And besides, you have a higher AC than I do with the shield, due to having half-plate. :smallannoyed: What's the issue here? I have a wooden longsword and one of my wooden tower shields, as I stated. I have already been restricted to no spells (so all of my class features), and you wish to remove my shield as well?

Pure strength, I wouldn't even accept a duel against a draconic figure. Battle, sure, but I'm using my strengths: defenses and spells. I'm bereft of spells, so I can only rely on defenses. :smalltongue: