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2010-07-07, 12:36 AM
Going through life, there are many possibilities. Left turn, or right turn? Each of these changes Creation, molding it into something e'er-ephemeral. A conquering warlord's decision to raze a city is just as important as a farmer's breakfast choice. The Pattern Spiders watch these, and attempt to made Creation a better place, in addition to their normal duties. In many possibilities of Creation, they note, the Scarlet Empress disappears from Creation. In many more, she does not. They have attempted to keep her on the Throne, and the time has passed when that would be a problem. However, the breaking of the Jade Prison has let forth the Solar Exaltations, and the Pattern Spiders are curious: Will they lead to a better Creation? Only time will tell.

You are a Dragon-Blooded, host to the raw elemental power of the Five Dragons themselves. Yesterday, you were told to meet with the Scarlet Empress. You were in a waiting room that leads into the throne chamber, alone. The door opened, and you were ushered in. You saw four of your peers, entering at the same time. The Scarlet Empress, majestic and beautiful upon the Scarlet Throne, spoke.

You may be wondering why you are here. You are here because the five of you will operate as special agents for me. Ostensibly and to the public, you will form the Imperial Archaeologists Group, and it is true that you will be doing some Archaeological work, but not the kind they think you will be doing. You will enter mysterious tombs and dungeons in search of rare artifacts for the Empire. You are here because I have specially groomed you for this purpose. Four of you are powerful Dynasts that have trained with some of the best in the field, in preparation for this time. The other, Obsidian Slice of Night, will act as my eyes and ears within your group. He is a member of the All-Seeing Eye, which now all of you are too. Your group is the elite. You depart for your first mission tomorrow morning. You may say goodbye to your family and lay with your wives, as it is likely you will not see them until this mission is over. Go to the Quay of Mela tomorrow for your first assignment. You will recognize my agents by this symbol.

She held forth a hand, and in fire a symbol appears: It is the eye of the All-Seeing Eye, with eight lines coming from in, one in each direction.

If you have any questions, you may ask them to Berez tomorrow. Good bye, and may the Dragons bless your journey.

It is the next day, and you are at the Quay of Mela, looking for Berez.
Roll (Perception + Awareness)

2010-07-07, 06:42 AM
Reta's ship bobbed silently in it's mooring, the majority of her men having left it to prowl the streets in pursuit of wine, good food, and better company. Only a skeleton crew remained, guarding the ship from those who wished to steal it. Reta was putting the final touches on various letters that would find their way to her family, explaining what had happened, except for the part about now being a member of the All-Seeing Eye, and what she thought it might mean for them.

A faint scuffling reached her ears as she wrote the final letter, the sound coming from the compartment under her bunk. Stalking over to it, keeping a lot quieter than whoever was under there, Reta flung it open and lunged inside, grabbing hold of something wriggling, and whoever it was squealed with strange mix of surprise and laughter. Pulling it out by the leg, she reveals the false-guilt ridden face of her youngest daughter.

"...Peleps Nevina, what were you doing in there?"
"Um...playing hide-and-seek?"
"With who?"
"Nevina, Rarabo is part of the crew. He isn't allowed in my cabin without permission. That's cheating."
"Sorry mother."
"Never mind that. Now, I'm going to go and meet a very important person. I'd like you to stay on this ship and continue your lessons. Which lessons is up to you, though if they find you not doing them, or if you wind them up too much, the crew will be able to tell you off. If they do, treat them as if it was me telling you off. Understand?"
"Yes, mother. So, who you meeting?"
"None of your business yet, little one." She said with a smile. "But if I think you're following me, it'll be The History of The Blessed Isle for two weeks."
"That's mean!"
"Then don't follow."


Much later, Reta walks through the crowds at the Quay of Mela, one of many ports on this coast she make regular trips to. She looks around carefully, keeping an eye out for the man named Berez.


2010-07-07, 02:27 PM
Latess takes a winding path through the Quay, absorbed in his notebook yet somehow avoiding smacking into anyone as he walks.

Any spies trailing him, after cursing at his latest about-turn, must wonder on the contents of his notebook. Such an honoured savant - what arcane notes must he be considering and amending within his most worthy of tomes? Altered First Age schematics? A design for a spell of great utility? A blueprint for some intricate piece of magitech? A perfect circle?

Said spies would also likely stare in disbelief were they to get their hands on aforesaid notebook, as it was bought yesterday, and its contents consist of a small shopping list (reluctantly crossed out after Latess' visit to the palace), and a to-do list. It reads:
"1. Farewell to family." This is crossed out, with "uncle jarman" scrawled to the side.
"2. Lay with wife." This is also crossed out, with a note of "N/A" to the side.
"3. Find Berez in QoM."

It is this last note that Latess considers as he snaps his notebook shut and turns to scan the crowds of the Quay.

2010-07-07, 02:41 PM
Obsidian strode through the crowds of Quay easily, as the throng mortals going about their business bent around him as he made his was past, avoiding the dark man who moved through their streets with dangerous purpose. The strange, heavy, bow like weapon hung menacingly on his back, and his eyes swept the crowd searchingly, noticeably wilting anyone who fell under his gaze.

The Scarlet Empress had chosen him for this mission for one reason, it was because he was the best. No one understood the various vagaries of advanced essence technology like he did, let alone have his skill with the necromantic arts. Sorcerers where a dime a dozen, but a man with his skills was a rare and valued commodity. She was really lucky to have him, he thought.

But enough, he had a mission to accomplish, if only he could find that damn contact...


2010-07-07, 04:11 PM
After arriving at the docks, Cino stops as soon as they reach the shore. The connection of wood and earth would make the ideal medium point, at least in her mind, to begin the search. She took a moment to spread a long gaze across the Quay, getting a feel for her surroundings: The docks, the streets, the ships, the people... Berez. She needed to find Berez.

Therefore, she would.

Counting the surcharge, I'll spend 3m from my personal pool on the First Awareness Excellency to add four dice.


Yuki Akuma
2010-07-07, 04:38 PM
Why me? Nayen thought to himself as he wandered along, searching half-heartedly for the contact. I can't think of any reason. There are monks with purer breeding than me. There are better martial artists. I doubt there are any younger than me but that can't be the reason, surely?

Oh, he'd never say any of this out loud. It wasn't his place to question the Empress, not even if he was related - which he had a sneaking suspicion of, but his father never really talked about his family.

At least some of his new fellows seemed like decent sorts. Maybe a little too... un-Immaculate in some cases, but, what was his duty if not to set lost Dragon-Blooded onto the path to enlightenment?

Perception + Awareness [roll0]

2010-07-07, 04:47 PM
Cino is the first to spot the blazing symbol she had seen the previous day floating overheard a man playing Gateway with another at one of the many teahouses that line the left street. You immediately know it is him: Berez.
The other four are close, and notice the symbol after her. They notice the other man he had been playing with stand up and move away, but still standing guard.

I can feel your Essence, Prince of the Earth. Sit. Play. Drink. Look casual. Your move first.

Extended (Greater of Wits and Intelligence)+War roll for Cino.
The other players see the symbol, and one of the Dragon-Bloods they saw the previous day playing Gateway with him. He is wearing a thick blindfold, and simple, nondescript clothing.

2010-07-07, 05:05 PM
After taking a seat, Cino takes a moment to examine the board. While she didn't play Gateway often, she knew the rules well enough, and knew how to think on her feet. Berez clearly had some means of compensating for her blindness, however, so she figured it better to be cautious. "My move? It's been too long..."

After a few seconds to consider the board, Cino opted to move one of her strix pieces into a position to threaten some of the conventional openings she remembered, while remaining out of reach of any opening attacks. She'd gauge his defenses, then make her move when she got a feel for him. Setting the piece down with a decisive click against the board, she smiled at her opponent. "Try not to beat me too badly."

Let's see, do I want five dots or two?


2010-07-07, 05:12 PM
Berez seems unfazed. It seems like he's not even looking at the game. Oh yeah, he's blind. Right. As he moves his piece, he talks slowly and makes sure all five of you can hear him. Each of you hears his voice in a Language other than High Realm and Low Realm, but each hears a different one.
When I beat Iselsi Cino, walk down to Peleps Reta's boat. Each of you has a room, and in each room you will find special equipment and instructions for you mission. We would give you an airship, but it would be too conspicuous, even here. Walk five minutes apart from one another, so as not to attract attention. If you have any questions, you can ask me now. Use the language you hear me speaking in.
He moves the yeddim piece to the second tier, threatening several pieces.

(Wits+War) [roll0]

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-07, 05:16 PM
The young boy, obviously a monk, doesn't even look at Berez. Instead, he orders a cup of tea. What else would he be at a tea house for?

2010-07-07, 05:22 PM
Reta spots a face she'd caught a glimpse of yesterday, but one she hadn't seen before that for a very long time. It's changed a lot over the years.

"Latess? Is that you, cousin?"

2010-07-07, 05:23 PM
Obisidan nodded, and faded away from the rest of the group, to a corner of the shop, he pulled out some light reading, a small book on Magitech theory, and ordered a single cup of wine while he sat down and waited for the signal.

2010-07-07, 05:24 PM
Cino furrowed her brow at the last move, taking mental note of his aggressive opening. Still, she had disrupted his momentum, and she was going to make him eat his words if she could. She moved her boar to protect what pieces the yeddim threatened that weren't already vulnerable. The piece clicked into place, confident in its safety thanks to her earlier placement of the strix.

...I'm going to channel Valor this time.


2010-07-07, 05:29 PM
If you are wondering, each of you can make this symbol by expending one mote of Essence. It will only be visible to people you designate, and only people that have seen it before can see it.
He make note of Cino's defensive move, and takes the Boar with the Yeddim.

(Wits+War) [roll0]
Current Totals:
Cino: 12
Berez: 14

2010-07-07, 05:39 PM
Cino flashes a grin as her opponent took the bait. His moving the Yeddim before had made an opening for the Strix to get inside his guard. She could probably take out two or three pieces from that position before losing it. It was just a matter of moving the Yeddim far enough away that he couldn't backpeddle.

Lifting the strix calmly, she moved it to claim its counterpart on Berez's side of the board, setting up for a combination to take out both his boar and his bull. There were ways the combination could be disrupted, but the strix didn't appear to be in any immediate danger.

For someone with so many dice in this game, Berez is rather transparently aggressive.


2010-07-07, 05:41 PM
Reta kept an eye on the game of Gateway, trying to read the strategies they were using.

2010-07-07, 05:44 PM
He's very straightforward.
He moves his siaka piece from directly underneath the strix, which shows her mistake: he sacrificed the yeddim for the position that his siaka would be in. Cino knows there will only be a few more moves, but not whether it will be her or Berez that emerges the victor.

Cino: 15
Berez: 25

2010-07-07, 05:59 PM
Cino raised an eyebrow at the board. He was definitely an aggressive player: The advance of the siaka hadn't done anything to disrupt the momentum of her combination with the strix. Still, the matter at hand had to be addressed, and she intended to do so.

She took a moment to examine her options. The yeddim could threaten its counterpart at the cost of itself from a guarded position, but that wouldn't do anything about the siaka. Her bull could threaten both, but from an exposed position. The raiton- Oh, but that would be perfect.

Cino couldn't help but smile as she moved the raiton to not only guard her threatened pieces, but threaten both the siaka and the yeddim. While the security could be undone with a repositioning, the bird was guarded by the strix's position behind enemy lines.

Taking up the glass of water that was at the table, she looked at Berez appraisingly before taking a triumphant sip.



2010-07-07, 06:08 PM
There was no doubt it was a great move- the best Cino could have gone for, in fact. However, Berez knew she would do it, and had planned accordingly. He moved his Gull to take the Raiton, which ascended it to a Phoenix piece. With different moves, it affected different pieces, such as Cino's Dragon. Her only option was to move her strix in between the Phoenix and Dragon, which would allow Berez to use his Bull to take the Dragon.
(Wits+War+Stunt+Charms) [roll0]
Cino: 23
Berez: 30

Good game, Iselsi Cino. You gave me a good run. This old codger would advise you to practice using your Gull more. Take this.
He hands her a book on Gateway strategies.
I will probably never see you again, but give your father my regards.

2010-07-07, 06:20 PM
After a moment to examine the board for possible options, Cino nods solemnly, accepting defeat. She didn't like losing, but she wouldn't let it affect her pride. She hadn't been lying when she said it had been too long since she last played, after all. She smiles politely as she takes the book, nodding ascent to his request. "If I get the opportunity. You know how busy he keeps himself."

2010-07-07, 06:25 PM
Of course. You should get going to the ship. The Scarlet Empress likes for things to go according to schedule and on time.

2010-07-07, 06:32 PM
Reta spots a face she'd caught a glimpse of yesterday, but one she hadn't seen before that for a very long time. It's changed a lot over the years.

"Latess? Is that you, cousin?"
Latess is studying the game with an intensity found only in masters. Does his mind churn with stratagems of grand design and epic intent? Do his hands long to wrest control from the incompetent generals before him?

No. He is trying to remember how the little birdie piece is supposed to move.

At the call from his relative, his head jerks up.


He slides his goggles up his forehead, blinking in surprise before grinning happily.

"Fancy seeing you here! And in rather better circumstances than last time, too! No over-reacting monks to crash the reunion!"

Latess is a master of choosing his words to fit his company.

"How've you been, how've you been? How's Uncle Jarman?"

2010-07-07, 06:40 PM
Upon the close of the game Obsidian waited five minutes, flipping through his book idly, before suddenly he vanished like a ghost into the crowd. In the blink of an eye he was already halfway down the street, a handful of jade and a half empty wine cup the only sign of his existence. The boat wasn't that hard to find, he approached it quietly and with purpose, his eyes daring any of the crew to stop him.

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-07, 06:41 PM
Nayen sits there for a while, drinking his tea slowly while watching the gathering Dragon-Bloods. A few moments after Cino's defeat, he stands up, pays for his tea, and then begins to walk towards the boat. He doesn't see a need to converse - it would draw too much attention, anwyay.

2010-07-07, 06:45 PM
@ Latess:

Reta winced as he brought up Deled, but relaxed when he changed the subject.

"Father? I haven't seen him in a while, I've been on duty with the fleet. But I'm good. Married and with good, strong, daughters, a position in the Wood Fleet. Life's treated me well so far. But how about you? My earnest, if short-tempered, relation failed to catch up to you?"

2010-07-07, 06:48 PM
Cino nods, taking a moment to examine the board as she slowly finishes off her water, letting the others file out one after another. Two seemed to have engaged one another in conversation... Would that be a problem? Shouldn't be, it looked like a genuine chance encounter. After finishing off the water, Cino sets the cup down adjacent to the board. "I was too aggressive with the strix... Ah, well. Thanks for the water, at least."

With that, Cino took her leave with the unopened book in hand. Just because she wasn't going to let the defeat effect her didn't mean she had to be a good sport about it.

2010-07-07, 06:56 PM
"Father? I haven't seen him in a while, I've been on duty with the fleet. But I'm good. Married and with good, strong, daughters, a position in the Wood Fleet. Life's treated me well so far. But how about you? My earnest, if short-tempered, relation failed to catch up to you?"

Latess' grin stays with him.
"Daughters?! You'll have to introduce us once this is over - everyone needs a slightly barmy uncle! Mind you, I suppose Deled might fit that bill, too."

"Me, well, I've been up North! I think Deled lost interest once I was on the boat... Spent some time with the Mountain Folk - fascinating people. Fascinating technology! You know they're not actually Fair Folk?"

He perhaps senses that a more immediate topic might be presenting itself.

"Anyway, do you have any idea what this is about, Reta? I mean, I'm pretty sure I wasn't groomed by the Empress. Unless she planned for me to spend half my life outside of the Empire, thereby preparing me for the challenges typical to a First Age ruin."

A pause.

"So she's very good, or bluffing. How about yourself?"

2010-07-07, 07:03 PM
"Indeed, I to have no clue why I was chosen. But we should move on, it's my ship we'll be traveling on, after all. Don't want to keep the Empress waiting."

Bowing to the blindfolded man, Reta takes her leave of the tea house, making her way back to her ship.

2010-07-07, 07:09 PM
"Indeed, I to have no clue why I was chosen. But we should move on, it's my ship we'll be traveling on, after all. Don't want to keep the Empress waiting."

Bowing to the blindfolded man, Reta takes her leave of the tea house, making her way back to her ship.

"No indeed!"

Latess starts to bow to the blindfolded man, and then apparently considers it a wasted effort, and follows after his cousin.

2010-07-07, 07:47 PM
Reta led the group on board her ship, calling what crew were knocking about to attention. "Men, we have guests, and a mission. I'll tell you more about it later, but for now know that both of these things are of great importance. Dismissed"

She turns back to her companions, and bows. "I am Peleps Reta, and this is my ship, The Pilgrim. I could say it was the pride of the Wood Fleet, but that would be a lie. It's swift and sure enough for our purpose, though, and is my pride, if not my joy."

"You are welcome guests aboard it, and may treat it as you would your home. But two things are of importance. First, I'm in charge when we're on board. And second, don't discipline my crew. Inform me if you believe any of them deserve it, but their well-being is in my hands, not yours."

"Now, if you'll follow me to your rooms?" She finished, heading down the steps to the living quarters. "You'll have to share, I'm afraid. There are only two rooms for guests, but each can hold two in comfort."

2010-07-07, 08:00 PM
As the last of her fellow Terrestrial board, Cino glances behind to see if anyone on the docks was behaving suspiciously. Watching her back on the way there may have drawn suspicion, but there couldn't have been anything odd about a last glance before shipping out. After getting a look, turns her attention back to the briefing. "I'm good rooming however, so long as my roommate doesn't mind music. I like to play before bed."

Paranoia is only prudent in the All-Seeing Eye.


2010-07-07, 08:18 PM
"Long experience has taught me to claim the top bunk as soon as possible."

Latess considers his fellow Exalts. The young lad, the woman with her instrument, and the ominous-looking fellow.

He turns to Cino. Unlikely to try to murder him, unlikely to play the banjo or whatever it was all night long.

"See you there, roomie!"

He sets a slightly undignified pace to the nearest guest bedroom, and upon arrival promptly claims the top bunk, if such a thing exists.

2010-07-07, 08:22 PM
"Latess, the spare bunk in my room is free for your use. We are family, after all. Come, meet your niece."

2010-07-07, 08:26 PM
Upon reaching the rooms, you notice a present on your bed. It is a gaudy red, with a golden ribbon. If you open it (IT'S A TRAP!) you notice a small ring made of yellow jade.

2010-07-07, 08:41 PM
"Latess, the spare bunk in my room is free for your use. We are family, after all. Come, meet your niece."

Latess stops suddenly, his hair-knot swinging like a pendulum.

"She's here?"

He turns to Reta, looking both pleased and puzzled.

"I mean, you brought her with you? On this sort of trip? That's... awfully optimistic, cousin."

2010-07-07, 08:45 PM
"No, she was on board before I got summoned by the Empress. She was traveling with me, learning the ropes, so to speak."

She opened the door to her room carefully, then entered, waving Latess through.

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-07, 08:45 PM
Nayen makes his way to the boat, and listens politely to its captain. He looks... slightly uncomfortable. He's not used to being out of the monastery, let alone on a boat...

"...I don't mind where I asleep," he says, quietly.

2010-07-07, 09:22 PM
Upon arriving on the boat Obsidian wastes no time entering his room and picks up the odd jade ring, examining it carefully. How odd.

2010-07-07, 11:15 PM
When Reta opens hers, she also has directions to the first "archaeological site". It is near a small city almost directly between Thorns and Kirighast, and it is shown to be the tomb of an Anathema. You are to delve into the tomb, and retrieve the artifacts buried there. It is a test of sorts, to see how well you measure up. It would normally take your boat a week to get there, but with the enhancements the Imperial Grease Monkeys gave it you get there in three days. What do you do for the three days?

2010-07-07, 11:41 PM
Reta frowns at the note. That area was perilously close to the Bayou, if not inside it. No place for a child. Not in the slightest.

"Mum? What's wrong with that paper?"
"Hmm? Oh, nothing. How would you like to visit your Grandmother and Grandfather for a while?
"Oh, yes. Will auntie Juna be there?"
"...Maybe. We'll see, okay dear."

They had some days to spare. They'd stop in Stodia and palm Nevina off on her parents, and pickup some supplies while they were there, then make their way south east once that was done. Reta picked up the ring, and looked at it for a moment before slipping it on.

"Nevina, I met an old relative of ours. You haven't met him, but I suppose he's sort-of your uncle. Go and say hello, dear."

2010-07-07, 11:46 PM
You immediately feel a huge rush of power. Essence flows into you, and you can feel more Essence available to you than ever before. The rush was even better than Exaltation.
Double your Essence pools before attunement.

2010-07-07, 11:57 PM
Reta gasps as the power floods through her, grabbing the edge of the desk her daughter worked at with enough force to twist the the wood slightly.

"I'm fine Nevi, just a gift from the Dragons. Go on, go see you uncle."

2010-07-08, 04:11 PM
Testing the ring, Obsidian slipped it on smoothly and let his natural flow of essence attune to it, when suddenly he felt as if the entire world was opening up around him! The rush was incredible! He felt like he could do anything! He feel onto the bed with a sigh as he twisted the ring around his finger. The things he could do with this.... What a gift. It only further showed how valuable he was to the Empresses!

2010-07-08, 04:38 PM
Reta gasps as the power floods through her, grabbing the edge of the desk her daughter worked at with enough force to twist the the wood slightly.

"I'm fine Nevi, just a gift from the Dragons. Go on, go see you uncle."
As Nevi leaves the room, she meets Latess. The sounds of enthusiastic greeting can be heard.

2010-07-08, 04:54 PM
"Are you my uncle? You look funny." Nevi replies to her uncles greeting with the unashamed honesty of a eleven-year-old. She's a bit wary, she doesn't know him yet, and he does have a rather wild appearance.

"Nevina! Be nice." Reta interjects "Can you keep her out of my hair, Latess? I've got to plan our journey, including a stop in Sdioa. It'll give you a chance to catch up."

Nevina looks temporally abashed, but soon recovers. "Sorry uncle... Do you know any fun games?"

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-09, 05:45 AM
Nayen ends up rooming with Cino, most likely. Obsidian scares him a little bit. The yellow jade ring gives him pause. Does jade come in yellow...? As he slips it on, he feels that sudden rush of power... and promptly collapses to the ground with a stifled scream.


2010-07-09, 10:25 AM
Cino was about to put on her own ring when Nayen beat her to the punch. Her instincts as a medic take over, and she hurries adjacent to the Immaculate prodigy reaching for her wraps. Realization gives her pause just short, however. "You're Fire Aspect. Was it good hot or bad hot?"

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-09, 11:07 AM
The young monk manages to struggle into a sitting position, staring at the ring on his finger and obviously trying not to cry out again. "I d-don't... know. It feels like I'm being burned from the inside... but I... felt worse than this when the Dragons chose me, so... I..." He swallows hard. "...I think this ring might be magical, somehow." His voice is quite dry as he says that.

2010-07-09, 11:20 AM
"Alright, let's get you up on the bed." Cino gently pulls the young Immaculate upright, leading him to the nearest available bed so that he could lay down. I suppose this saves us the trouble of deciding who gets which one.

"Just try to relax, alright?" The Wood Aspect places one hand on the Fire Aspect's forehead to gauge his temperature while the other waves to fan him. Not the best treatment, granted, but until she had an idea what she was dealing with it's what she could do. If sweat should build up, she'll use her wraps to wipe away what she can before returning them to her person, causing the wraps to dry with a green pulse of the flower necklace. "Breath in for two seconds, hold for two, out for two, hold for two. If your body's hot, your surroundings should feel cold by contrast. Try to focus on that contrast."

Medicine Time! Feeling better is, as stated, Charisma+Medicine. She'll also try to get a diagnosis. Not in a situation where I can use my faux Excellency, but the wraps and hearthstone are a different matter. Including dice for a one die stunt on Feel Good.


2010-07-09, 11:26 AM
You succeed in calming Nayen down. You also successfully diagnosed the situation: he gained a slight fever and a little color, but is otherwise unaffected. A wet towel should be good enough to make him feel better.

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-09, 11:32 AM
The boy does as instructed, taking deep breaths, holding them, and then releasing. He's well versed in breathing exercises, at least, and his meditative mind is quick to turn itself towards focusing on the contrast between his hea and the air around him.

After a while, he seems to have calmed down. "...You are a child of Sextes Jylis, correct? You're lucky." He frowns a little bit. "It is not my place to question the wisdom of the dragons, but... It would likely be a blasphemy to express my true feelings towards my aspect... I feel hot. All the time. Like I'm burning. Do you ever feel... strange, like that?"

2010-07-09, 11:37 AM
"Sensations involving natural bodily processes tend to be more intense for me, though it's only really noticable in more intense sensations like an adrenaline rush. You're a bit lucky yourself, though. The good news is that it feels a lot worse than it is. Of course, you can probably see that as bad news as well." Cino steps away from the bed, rubbing her hands together to distribute the body heat from the youth's forehead. "Keep using those excercises, I'll be back shortly with a wet towel. That should be enough to keep you down to a tolerable level."

With that, Cino takes her leave to find the Captain or, barring that, a crew member who has the time and initiative to volunteer their assistence, in providing directions if not providing the towel outright. She finds a basin by the door, however, and decides that using the water therein with her wraps would do the job just as well. The daughter of Sextes Jylis is back in a matter of seconds, placing the wet wrap on Nayen's brow. "Better?"

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-09, 11:51 AM
One might expect the boy to start steaming as the towel is placed on his forehead, but luckily he's not terribly physically hot - the effect is mostly psychosomatic. "...Better," he confirms. He then laughs bitterly. "Some monk I am... I really am just a child. I don't know what I'm even doing here."

2010-07-09, 12:02 PM
"Obeying the Empress." Cino takes a seat on the bed, examining her own ring appraisingly. On one hand, the monk seemed to be suffering fiercely. On the other hand, she couldn't help but be curious. "If you're referring to why she chose you, I imagine it's as she said. You're a prodigy of talent who is very good at what you do. Having had a few failings isn't enough to rob you of your successes, trust me."

To emphasize her point, Cino picks up the manual on Gateway that Berez gave her and holds it for emphasis before cracking it open. "On your way to mastering Fire Dragon Style, I take it?"

2010-07-09, 08:50 PM
Reta worked at her desk while Nevina player with her new-found family member. Working with a map of the Inland Sea she first plotted a course to Sdoia, which was probably a journey she could have made in a rowing boat with no map, telescope, or sane crewmembers. Then she planned the trip across the sea to their ultimate destination.

That was more problematic. She didn't know the coast there very well, having avoided it for few years, ever since Nevina had started coming with her, in fact. There might have been changes along the coast of that land of death since then. But there was nothing she could do about that now, so it would have to wait until they got nearer to the Bayou.

As they were going to go past it anyway, the sidetrack to her home port wouldn't add much time to their journey, only about a day or so, and the crew needed those supplies, and Nevina needed to be put out of harms way. So it was time well spent. The time it took to plan this wasn't long, but long enough for the rest of the crew to make their way back to the ship, and for the rest of her group to get settled.

2010-07-10, 04:37 PM
You hear a light rapping on the door of your cabin. You recognize it as one Rarabo, your first mate, uses when he wants to talk to you.

2010-07-10, 04:46 PM
Reta sighs, and gets up to open the door. He'd been much help with Nevina recently, maybe he wanted a pay rise for acting like a nanny half the time.

2010-07-10, 04:55 PM
Nevina looks temporally abashed, but soon recovers. "Sorry uncle... Do you know any fun games?"

Latess nods solemnly. "I most certainly do, my impetuous young niece! Allow me to teach you a time-honoured game called "prank the hard-working sailor". We're going to need a white dress, a short length of wood, some spare ropes, and, optionally, a beehive."

As the first mate passes them, the conversation takes a sudden shift "-so I look forward to you showing me around the ship!"

2010-07-10, 05:02 PM
"I already know a game like that. Mum made me stop when Lifa and Mafete fell into the poop deck." She's still not very comfortable around him.

Almost instantly, she changes the topic.

"Where you been, uncle? Why haven't I seen you before?"

2010-07-10, 05:21 PM
'ello Captain. Just wanted to stop by and see where our firs' stop might be, so I can tell the boys.

2010-07-10, 05:24 PM
"First stop is Sdoia, we need to drop Nevi off, and pick some supplies up."

2010-07-10, 05:33 PM
Sounds like a plan. I'll go tell the boys.

2010-07-10, 10:54 PM
The boys have been told, and a little less than a day later, you arrive at the Main Port in Sdoia.

2010-07-11, 12:20 AM
Reta moves swiftly through her ship, gathering her daughters belongings, putting the ships crew on a strange halfway point between shore leave and no shore leave, writing her list of errands to take care of, and hunting down her first mate and her daughter.

2010-07-11, 01:11 AM
Reta moves swiftly through her ship, gathering her daughters belongings, putting the ships crew on a strange halfway point between shore leave and no shore leave, writing her list of errands to take care of, and hunting down her first mate and her daughter.
The latter is currently talking with her uncle about his time up North.

"Where you been, uncle? Why haven't I seen you before?"
Evidently one of the Pattern Spiders had a wild night, because it takes some time for Latess to answer, but neither of the two seem to notice.

"Well, I've been up North, after cunningly evading one of your other uncles. I beat up some ghosts, and fixed some magical lights, and wandered into the snow, and spent some time underground with the Mountain Folk, a fascinating people with magical robots. And I made this!" He taps the Coil Point's blunt end on the floor. "It shoots lightning."

"And I can do those things because I'm a Dragonblood, like your mother, and like you might be one day." He seems to considers for a moment, then adds, deliberately childishly. "Except that I'm an Air Dragon, which is better, because I can fly."

2010-07-11, 01:13 AM
The first mate is near the mast, yelling at sailors and getting stuff done.

2010-07-11, 07:51 AM
"Well, I've been up North, after cunningly evading one of your other uncles. I beat up some ghosts, and fixed some magical lights, and wandered into the snow, and spent some time underground with the Mountain Folk, a fascinating people with magical robots. And I made this!" He taps the Coil Point's blunt end on the floor. "It shoots lightning."

"Really? Can you show me?"

"And I can do those things because I'm a Dragonblood, like your mother, and like you might be one day." He seems to considers for a moment, then adds, deliberately childishly. "Except that I'm an Air Dragon, which is better, because I can fly."

"So can Dad. He won't take me up with him though... can you?"

The first mate is near the mast, yelling at sailors and getting stuff done.

"Rarabo, come here. You're coming ashore with me and Nevina." It's definitely an order, and not a request.

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-11, 07:53 AM
Nayen calls out from his cabin. "Any of the Dragon-Blooded can learn to fly. Don't listen to him. It's a Fire charm, even."

2010-07-11, 01:23 PM
Rarabo goes to the captain.
Got it, Cap'n.

2010-07-11, 08:51 PM
Nayen calls out from his cabin. "Any of the Dragon-Blooded can learn to fly. Don't listen to him. It's a Fire charm, even."
"Bushwa! That Charm can let you hover. Air Dragon Anima can let you use a glider to fly, wherever you are! Even underground... though experience shows that to be inadvisable."

"Really? Can you show me?"
"Of course!" He raises the Coil Point, and then reconsiders. "Er. Probably better to do it outside. Less chance of getting shouted at. Your mother has quite the pair of lungs on her, as I recall."

"So can Dad. He won't take me up with him though... can you?"
"Hmm..." Latess draws out his noise of consideration. "Well... When we get back, if your mother lets me." That ought to be time enough to make a crude glider, at least. Let it never be said that he couldn't put his tools where his mouth was. The bite-marks on the handles would disprove that, at least.

2010-07-11, 09:10 PM
Having acquired her first mate for a special purpose, Reta then joined her Daughter and Latess where they were talking.

"Nevi, we're going ashore, you ready?"
"But mum, Uncle's going to fire lightning out his stick!"
"...He's what?"

2010-07-11, 10:10 PM
Having acquired her first mate for a special purpose, Reta then joined her Daughter and Latess where they were talking.

"Nevi, we're going ashore, you ready?"
"But mum, Uncle's going to fire lightning out his stick!"
"...He's what?"
Latess raises his copper spear almost apologetically, sending a small charge of Essence through it. The tip is wreathed in crackling lightning, although it doesn't shoot out anywhere. "Uncles have to do party tricks, cousin! Though I thought I'd wait until we were outside, for obvious, easily combustible reasons."

2010-07-11, 10:19 PM
Reta sighs. "I was worried I might have to hurt you for a moment there. You coming to see my parents, Latess? The rest of you are also welcome, of course." She says, addressing the others. "But this isn't going to be a long stay."

Bending for a moment, she grabs Nevina by the collar as the girl tries to escape, probably attempting to cause trouble. "No, Nevi, not now. We're in a hurry."

2010-07-11, 10:42 PM
Reta sighs. "You coming to see my parents, Latess? The rest of you are also welcome, of course."
"I'll be there right away! Just need to grab something from my room."
Latess jogs to his assigned area, thus far unused, and finds a wrapped parcel on his bed.
"For me? Oh, you shouldn't have, cousin! Of course, I shouldn't be talking to myself, either, but you take what you can get."
The wrapping is carefully removed without breaking it, and set aside as Latess examines the ring.
"Yellow Jade? That... is quite a greeting gift. Hm! Could make a very useful component..."

Latess pockets the ring, and leaves for the shore party.

2010-07-13, 04:30 PM
Leading whoever will follow up the winding streets of Sdoia, Reta makes her way to the family home in the city.

Unless someone struck up conversation with her, she's content to travel in silence, musing on the reception they'll receive. It's been a few months since I was last here, and I didn't send a letter ahead. This'll be a surprise for them.

Her little girl, however, is less so. Nevina keeps trying to run of to play in the streets with the towns children, and Reta has to recover her. Eventually, she gives up, and Reta picks Nevina up like a sack, carrying her over one shoulder.

The girl protests this treatment, and quite vocally, but eventually settles down and accepts it.

2010-07-13, 04:51 PM
You see the grand Peleps palace of Sdoia ahead of you. Many of your relatives live here, and upon entering Alya, your mother, rushes over. Reta! How good is it to see you again! What are you doing in Sdoia? And Nevina! My, how you've grown! How old are you?

2010-07-13, 05:11 PM
"We've been go-" begins Reta, but her daughter cuts her off.
"I'm eleven!" Squeals Nevina as her mother deposits her onto the floor.
"No, no sign of it yet, mother. But I was a late bloomer too, remember?"

Reta steps aside to reveal Latess, and she gestures towards him.
"Look who I found. Don't tell Deled."

2010-07-13, 05:22 PM
Yes, I remember, but you can always hope the Dragon's Blessing comes early.
She looks to Latess and embraces him.
Ah, Latess! I hope you've been keeping safe. Deled can be quite crazy. I'm so glad you were able to escape him. We've been meaning to reel him in to bureaucratic duties, but he's, well, very good at what he does. How was the North? You disappeared for a while there.

2010-07-14, 06:10 AM
Yes, I remember, but you can always hope the Dragon's Blessing comes early.
She looks to Latess and embraces him.
Ah, Latess! I hope you've been keeping safe. Deled can be quite crazy. I'm so glad you were able to escape him. We've been meaning to reel him in to bureaucratic duties, but he's, well, very good at what he does. How was the North? You disappeared for a while there.
"Auntie! Lovely to see you, too! I'm sure there are no hard feelings between Deled and I - provided we never see eachother again."
Stepping back from the embrace, Latess adjusts his goggles.
"The North's a bit hectic at the best of times - hungry ghosts and bears and the like, you know how it is! How's Uncle doing?"

2010-07-14, 09:20 PM
I should certainly hope you do not meet him again. Jarman is hard at work, but his vacation is in a week, and mine ends in two. Can you stay until then? It has been so long since we have seen each other!

2010-07-14, 09:24 PM
"Sadly, we can't mother. We've been given a special mission, on the behest of the Empress herself." Reta announces.

"But it shouldn't take long, we'll be sure to come back here once it's done."
"Muuum, you didn't tell me about a mission!"
"No, I didn't. And do you know why? Because you can't come with me for it."

2010-07-14, 09:32 PM
The Empress herself? My, my, my. I am so proud of you, dear. <Make sure you come back alive.> She looks at Nevina, sadness in her eyes. I expect you aren't going, are you, miss?

*<> tags signify Riverspeak in this post.

2010-07-14, 09:42 PM
Reta nodded sadly at her mother's words. There was a chance they wouldn't.
"But I wanna come!"

Reta bends down to her daughters level "No, Nevi. You're going to stay here. Or at least, stay with other members of your family. And I don't mean your new Uncle." She looks up at her mother. <That reminds me. Is Juna in port?>

2010-07-14, 09:47 PM
<Juna is out at sea, on personal business. She has taken another of her fiances out. We had hoped this one would be good for her, but no doubt, he will arrive humbled and humiliated.>
Rarabo lets out a barely-perceptible held-in breath.

2010-07-14, 09:52 PM
Despite herself, Reta laughs. <Well, I brought someone that might not be so easily dissuaded. Right, Rarabo?>

<What?!> Exclaims her first mate <Me, what?>

<You stay here and look after Nevina. Don't leave her side. When my sister comes back, she's going to want to spend a lot of time with her niece.>


2010-07-14, 09:56 PM
Latess' head moves back and forth between the two as they talk, as though watching a racket-ball game. He makes a mental note to learn Riverspeak at some point. It's rather embarrassing when one can understand the tongue of an inhuman race living beneath the surface of the earth, but not one's own family.

2010-07-14, 10:03 PM
Rarabo smiles. Aye, aye, cap'n. (too much?).
Well, she says, switching back to High Realm, I understand the Empress appreciates speed. Do you need anything else before you leave?

2010-07-14, 10:22 PM
Reta smiles "No, just leaving Nevi for you to try and control. Her lessons are going well, but her martial arts training fell behind. Oh, and the History of the Blessed Isle is a form of cruel and unusual punishment, in her mind." she gives her mother a quick hug. <Don't worry. I'll be back, even if I have to cross the Inland Sea without a boat. I'm sorry we can't stay longer, but I can't take her where we're going.>

Breaking off the hug, she bows to her mother.

2010-07-14, 10:27 PM
Shocking you, she bows as well. Then she hugs you again, for what may be the last time. Stay safe! And may the Dragons watch your passage!

2010-07-15, 01:23 AM
Latess waves happily but absently to Alya, his mind already on the subject of education. He's sure he could get his niece interested in the grand sciences pretty easily. He knows he was fascinated by them as a child. And if she's not hooked right away - link the underlying principle to explosions, flying and robots with every other breath. She seems to have her head screwed on right in that area, at least. Which reminds him.

"Ah!" He raises his spear, twisting a dial on the base from "jing-e" to "wei-yan". He glances to Rena, for once having the presence of mind to ask permission before engaging in pyrotechnics. He likes these relatives, after all.
"I did promise, cousin." There is a slight hum as a charge visibly builds in the spear. "May I?"

2010-07-15, 01:43 AM
"Hmm? Oh, I suppose..."
"Yay!" squeals Nevina.

2010-07-15, 04:41 AM
The copper coils wrapped about the spear buzz once, as though vibrating in Latess' hand, before stilling as light gathers at the tip of spear. A dramatic swing upward points the blade at the sky, at which point the gathered essence discharges. The resultant lightning-bolt cracks through the sky like a whip, humming and crackling with ozone. Impressive at close range, it is quickly lost to the bright day's sky, until a cloud some way off splits in two.

Latess grins, eyes shielded by his goggles. It never gets old.

2010-07-15, 03:09 PM
"T-That was bright." stammers Reta, blinking and pinching the bridge of her nose. "Nevina, are your eyes alright?"
"Yes, mum. They're fine."

"Goodbye everyone, we'll see you soon." Reta does another small bow, and waits for Latess before leaving the house's grounds.

2010-07-15, 06:48 PM
Oh my. Goodbye, then, Reta, Latess. Stay safe.

2010-07-15, 07:22 PM
Latess spins his weapon back onto his back, bows to his auntie and newly-discovered niece, and follows back to the ship with a wave.

2010-07-16, 02:35 AM
Someone bumps into Reta on your way to the ship, and you arrive safe and sound. Your men start getting ready for launch. Reta notices that there is a scroll in one of her pockets once she gets on board.

2010-07-16, 02:52 AM
Retreating to her private cabin, Reta opens the scroll, first taking the time to close the door.

2010-07-16, 03:27 AM
It is a map, and one of the most detailed you have ever seen. You recognize it as an area stretching roughly from Thorns to Kirighast. The Bayou takes up much of it, but it shows secret paths and areas where the Underworld has not affected Creation, pockets of life. In the top left hand corner is a compass rose, with the 5 colors representing its location. It looks like a similar, if not exact, drawn rendition of the symbol that the Scarlet Empress showed you, and the one that led you to Berez. When you touch the compass rose, a red line (scarlet in the right light) appears, and shows the path the Empress expect you to take, a river that should be big enough for your boat most of the way down. It pauses at a small fishing community, then continues on into the wilderness, stopping at what seems to be an arbitrary point. Once it finishes its journey, the red line fades.

2010-07-16, 04:08 AM
Latess knocks on Reta's door. He's been meaning to ask about that ring.

2010-07-16, 04:33 AM
Reta rolls up the scroll and places in the desk. The room's uncomfortably quiet without her daughter. Why couldn't we have been given that map before?

The knock on her door snaps her out of her revere. She opens the door, and greets Latess.

"Yes, cousin?"

2010-07-16, 08:36 AM
Latess glances around. "Apologies if I'm interrupting anything - I just wanted to thank you for the ring!" He fishes it out of his pocket, thankfully able to separate it from the cogs and nuts. "It must have cost... well, more than I care to think of."

2010-07-16, 12:30 PM
Reta holds up her own ring. "Latess, you found that in a letter in your room, didn't you?" She smiles slightly. "Did you read it? It's from the Empress, not me. Put it on."

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-16, 12:31 PM
Nayen has probably recovered by now, and is likely to be meditating if that's the case. Yep!

2010-07-16, 12:45 PM
"I didn't notice a note... Or note a note, hm!" Latess considers the ring, twisting it this way and that by the light. Foolhardy in most cases, experience has taught him the dangers of just putting on stuff to see how it works, with the Nutcracker Ring of Whitewall and the Band of Noi-tal Ucsame kept in the Heptagram itself being examples of rings designed to take advantage of such a lack of caution. He resolves to take a good look at the thing. "What does it do?"

2010-07-16, 01:26 PM
"It's... hard to describe. But in a good way. It's a bit of a rush actually, I feel like I could do anything right now. Speaking of.." She glances out the window at the waters of the port. "The tide's going to be going out soon, I need to get up top."

2010-07-16, 05:24 PM
On board the ship, Cino plays her flute as she watches the docks. That flash earlier could have just been a trick of the light, not enough to make others worry. On the other hand, specifically the one with the yellow jade ring, it was enough for her to be on the lookout for anything odd.

Perception+Awareness again.


2010-07-16, 08:28 PM
"It's... hard to describe. But in a good way. It's a bit of a rush actually, I feel like I could do anything right now. Speaking of.." She glances out the window at the waters of the port. "The tide's going to be going out soon, I need to get up top."
"Ah, well, I'll leave you to it. I've never been too much of a sailor. Too many ropes and things, I've always preferred levers."
Latess is now even more cautious. An artifact with its effects described as "a rush"? Bears investigation. He takes it back to his cabin, and places it on his workbench, pulling out his new notepad and a length of writing-stick.

He pokes it gingerly, as though it might have suddenly become red-hot, but it's quite cool. With the grin of one who enjoys his work, he slots down his goggles, and begins to examine it as closely as possible, to determine its purpose and abilities... Whatever they may be. Essence flows through his body, enhancing his perceptions and affinity with the art of craft.


2010-07-16, 08:47 PM
Reta strides around the deck of her ship, clasping men on the shoulders as she walks past, giving them the same balance on board a vessel that a true water aspect possesses.

"Look lively you shiftless lot! Those who aren't on this duty, get yourselves below decks! Those who are, get to your positions! We're leaving port in ten minutes, no later!"

Casting her eyes to the skies above their destination, she felt the motion of the waves, looked for the movement of the clouds, anything that would hint at the weather that lay ahead.

Spending an assload of motes, all personal.

12, to give every member of the active crew the effects of the three mote Deck-Striding technique.
3, to give myself the same.
1, to use Hurricane Predicting Glance.

16 overall.

Personal (10/26)
Peripheral (49/64)

2010-07-17, 05:25 PM
You sense a storm on the horizon, but are unable to discern how large or devastating it would be.

2010-07-17, 09:25 PM
Considering the ring through narrowed eyes, Latess eventually shrugs. He can't determine its effects, and Reta doesn't seem any the worse for wear. Time for a leap of faith to the next step of experimentation.

He puts the ring on, and hisses as a chill of air-aspected essence floods into his body.


Scribbling down some notes and a sketch of the pattern inside the ring, Latess resolves to have a look at it with proper Essence-sight as soon as possible. If it's as powerful as that feeling suggests, he wants blueprints.

Idly, he wonders what it felt like for the other Exalts on board. If the hubbub a few days ago was any indicator, the little monk probably hadn't taken to it very well, but that was understandable in one so young. He couldn't imagine what the glowering Earth-aspect would have felt. Perhaps he should ask?

2010-07-18, 08:41 PM
"Okay everyone!" Yelled Reta "Time to cast off. Or destination is to the South East, right across the inland sea. But we'll be following the coast of the Isle for a couple a hundred miles, to try and dodge the storm and because it'll be faster."

The men on deck shouted to the affirmative.

"Raise anchor!"

As the ship left it's docking, Reta smiled, this is what she liked doing. She glanced towards her family home, regretting Nevi couldn't come. But it was going to be far to dangerous. The air around Reta started to grow moist as she focused on getting there as fast as she could.

Spending nine motes of the 1st sail ex. 2 for the Wits+Sail, 4 for the Int+Sail. and 4 for the Percep+Sail.

Oohhhh...Sailin' wit me instinct: [roll0] + [roll1]
Sailin' wit me mind: [roll2] + [roll3]
Sailin' wit me senses: [roll4] + [rollv]6d10[rollv]

Personal (10/26)
Peripheral (40/64)

2010-07-18, 08:51 PM
About an hour sailing in, you notice the storm passing to the North, leaving you with some minor winds and gales that expand your sails, quickening the journey. Your keen eye spots another ship in the distance, with the sails of a Realm trade-ship, possibly from one of the trading Houses.

2010-07-18, 09:01 PM
Latess wanders about the ship, having stowed his notebook safely in his pocket. He's looking for the Earth aspect, wherever he may be.

2010-07-18, 09:09 PM
About an hour sailing in, you notice the storm passing to the North, leaving you with some minor winds and gales that expand your sails, quickening the journey. Your keen eye spots another ship in the distance, with the sails of a Realm trade-ship, possibly from one of the trading Houses.

Reta tries to focus on the ship, seeing if she can recognise it's flag.

Perception+Awareness [roll0]

2010-07-18, 09:34 PM
Obsidian of course is rather easily found. Namely, sitting in his cabin, a neat black book in one hand as he concentrates as hard as he can about anything but being on a boat. Ships... concerned him for numerous reasons. First was the alarming number of things that could go wrong that he had little to no control over. As one who demanded total control over his life, it was a disconcerting feeling, and thus, unwilling, or unable to deal with such frustrating feelings he ignored them. He had quietly refused to go above deck since they cast off, and few where willing to argue with the man. All and all he was content, to pretend he was someplace else, an continue his studies.

He just hoped the trip would be over soon.

2010-07-18, 09:37 PM
You recognize it as a V'neef trading ship flag.

2010-07-18, 09:40 PM
"Heh. This could get awkward."

Reta elects to just keep sailing, hopefully they won't cause a fuss.

2010-07-19, 12:21 AM
The two ships get closer, and the trading ship hoists a flag that signifies they want to talk.

2010-07-19, 01:45 AM

"Slow the ship down, men!"

Reta made her way to the closest part of her ship to the other.

"How may we assist you?!" she calls out across the water.

2010-07-19, 01:52 AM
Obsidian of course is rather easily found. Namely, sitting in his cabin, a neat black book in one hand as he concentrates as hard as he can about anything but being on a boat. Ships... concerned him for numerous reasons. First was the alarming number of things that could go wrong that he had little to no control over. As one who demanded total control over his life, it was a disconcerting feeling, and thus, unwilling, or unable to deal with such frustrating feelings he ignored them. He had quietly refused to go above deck since they cast off, and few where willing to argue with the man. All and all he was content, to pretend he was someplace else, an continue his studies.

He just hoped the trip would be over soon.
Latess, who has always felt that freefall is one of the more interesting parts of life (provided one has a half-finished glider in a sack on hand), is less than tactful in his approach to the reclusive Obsidian's cabin. He walks past the door, pauses, backpaddles, and then knocks out a jaunty tune.

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-19, 07:41 AM
Nayen feels the ship slowing down, and frowns a little bit to himself. Standing up, he wipes sweat from his brow, takes a few deep breaths, and then heads outside the cabin, crossing his arms and keeping his hands concealed by his sleeves. It's Traditional!

Or maybe Stereotypical.

2010-07-20, 06:01 AM
As the two ships get closer, a man gets to the closest point on his ship to yours, and yells back, "We are just on our way back from the East with a shipment of wine. What is a group of Dynasts such as yourself doing in these waters? Personal or family business? Perhaps a Wyld Hunt?"

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-20, 06:06 AM
Nayen walks out in the open making sure he can be seen, but doesn't say anything. Hey, the presence of a monk can make anything look less suspicious!

2010-07-20, 07:15 AM
Latess, who has always felt that freefall is one of the more interesting parts of life (provided one has a half-finished glider in a sack on hand), is less than tactful in his approach to the reclusive Obsidian's cabin. He walks past the door, pauses, backpaddles, and then knocks out a jaunty tune.

The jaunty tune is now into its first chorus.

2010-07-20, 07:57 AM
As the two ships get closer, a man gets to the closest point on his ship to yours, and yells back, "We are just on our way back from the East with a shipment of wine. What is a group of Dynasts such as yourself doing in these waters? Personal or family business? Perhaps a Wyld Hunt?"

Reta saw no reason to answer the man. He ran a trading vessel in the merchant fleet, she was a Captain in the Imperial Navy. "I don't see what business that is of yours. I am Peleps Reta, Captain of this vessel, and an officer in the Wood Fleet. It's my job to ask you what you're doing, not the other way around."

Outright frankness would only cause trouble, though. "As for your question, though, we're making a special trip on the behest of the Empress, so I'd advise you not to hold us up to long."

2010-07-20, 02:10 PM
"The Empress, eh? Well, I won't hold you up any longer. May the Dragons bless your journey."
The man goes below decks. The two ships pass, and then move away from one another.

2010-07-20, 04:08 PM
Latess, who has always felt that freefall is one of the more interesting parts of life (provided one has a half-finished glider in a sack on hand), is less than tactful in his approach to the reclusive Obsidian's cabin. He walks past the door, pauses, backpaddles, and then knocks out a jaunty tune.

"Whose there? Something wrong?" Obisidian looks up from his book, a vaguely quizzical expression painted clearly across his features. Was something wrong out there? His spells certainly had there uses if it came to combat, and he was hardly afraid to use his crossbow if required...

2010-07-20, 09:49 PM
"Whose there? Something wrong?" Obisidian looks up from his book, a vaguely quizzical expression painted clearly across his features. Was something wrong out there? His spells certainly had there uses if it came to combat, and he was hardly afraid to use his crossbow if required...
"No, nothing wrong!" A pause. "At least, not that I'm aware of, but you never can tell." A pause. "Anyway! It's Latess. The Air Aspect? I came here to talk about that ring."

2010-07-21, 04:08 PM
Obsidian perked up as he unconsciously went to his hand, touching the ring slightly, "Yes. A great gift indeed. What did you wish to know about it? I must embarrassingly admit not have examined mine closely yet."

2010-07-22, 01:56 AM
Obsidian perked up as he unconsciously went to his hand, touching the ring slightly, "Yes. A great gift indeed. What did you wish to know about it? I must embarrassingly admit not have examined mine closely yet."

"No shame in leaping before you look! More fun that way." Latess raises his index finger, displaying his. "I was just curious as to how it felt for you. I've very little experience in the sensations imparted by the Earth Aspect."

"I also wanted your opinion on its purpose." A slight frown creases his brow. "I feel like I've got more Essence than before, but that can't be right, can it? Considering what I know about the properties of yellow jade, I've got a theory that it's making my body's essence-usage hugely more efficient."

2010-07-22, 12:34 PM
His book forgotten Obsidian nodded, as he paused deep in thought. It was only was only natural for the Ledaal to come with question to a mind such as his, and while it was good that he had put some thought into it, Obsidian was curious more about the nature of the rings themselves. He couldn't help but wonder if there was something else to them? Slowly he settled the ring into his pocket instead of onto his finger as he spoke.

"It was like the entire world opened up to me. For a moment I felt like I saw everything, was everything, past and present in a moment. It was an exhilarating experience." he paused for a moment, as he considered the nature of the ring itself, "Yellow Jade itself is so tricky to work with I was uncertain. Its certainly possible, but given how precious little of it we have access to I doubt anyone living knows its true potential. And while your theory has... merit, I can't help but be cautious myself. I'd like to take the ring and examine it under laboratory settings, but for now a field test will have to suffice. I likened it to notable spells and rituals that infused others with power myself, in this day and age such brute force is often required to reach the same end, as what a more refined method would accomplish s easily."

2010-07-22, 10:26 PM
Latess nods. "Yes, a brute force solution could be possible - but I feel as though my essence increased proportionally, rather than by a set amount. And from what I've read, items that directly increase the essence available to an individual feel rather different - the user is aware that they're pulling power from an outside source."

"I've had a bit of a look at the ring, myself. Obviously I've got no special tools or a proper workshop, but I did notice some images on the inside, as well as a rather curious property of the jade itself - it doesn't seem to have undergone the usual smoothing processes." Latess doesn't bother to mention that this suggests to him that it was made in a mould of some sort, which would imply deliberate creation of Yellow Jade, something thought impossible.

2010-07-23, 06:10 PM
"That can't be right. " Obsidian said, brushing aside his peers suggestion with a shake of his head, "You know what that would mean. And thats impossible, unless perhaps these rings where meant to be something else... Yes. They must have originally been used for some nobles babble, or an alchemists experiment, and there current use is now a happy coincidence brought on by there transformation in yellow jade. It certainly fits established patterns.

2010-07-24, 04:51 PM
"That can't be right. " Obsidian said, brushing aside his peers suggestion with a shake of his head, "You know what that would mean. And thats impossible, unless perhaps these rings where meant to be something else... Yes. They must have originally been used for some nobles babble, or an alchemists experiment, and there current use is now a happy coincidence brought on by there transformation in yellow jade. It certainly fits established patterns.
Latess raises both eyebrows. "Five identical rings with formidable essence powers, separately formed by happy coincidence? Stranger things have happened at sea, or so Reta tells me. But I'm not so sure, myself - the Empress keeps her cards close with good reason."

He bows, and makes to leave. "Either way, it's good to know there's another sharp mind on board. Brawn is fine up to a point, but a little brain goes a long way, provided one calibrates the catapults correctly."

2010-07-25, 02:32 PM
Night falls, and the storm you predicted you would hit is going faster than you thought, and is now far away. Reta's instinct tells her with her ships improvements, and the gales from the storm, port should be made on the afternoon of the third day of sailing. The night is largely uneventful, with only a crow flopping dead on the poopdeck occuring out of norm. The sun rises, and the waves ebb and flow on the canvas of water.

2010-07-25, 03:02 PM
Whistling a shanty, Reta rested on the upper deck of her ship, watching her men scurry below. The course was set, going by the map in her pocket, and her crew was well trained enough to not need her help with the mundane workings of the vessel.

She contemplated taking a brief swim.

2010-07-26, 10:05 PM
Cino, meanwhile, was overseeing the hygenic disposal of the dead bird. Her disinfectant wraps would allow for safe handling, and the sooner the creature was away from a crew isolated from medicine the better. Sure, eliminating disease was as easy for her as lying with a straight face, but she'd rather not see if she could cure the entire crew by herself if it could be avoided.

As she took the bird toward the back of the ship to be thrown over, she made a point of examining it, trying to figure out the cause of death.



2010-07-27, 06:23 PM
It appears the bird has been exposed to a great amount of necrotic Essence. A toe falls off as you carry him. It's beak is open, as though it was screaming. There is also a large arrow in it's chest, which may or may not have been the cause of death by exsanguination.

2010-07-27, 07:33 PM
Cino found the arrow odd in and of itself, thanks to their being out at see, but the more subtle influence of necrotic Essence was far more disturbing. Gently folding the bird up in the disinfectant wraps, she redirects herself toward the Captain, leaning against the railing as nonchalantly as she could while craddling a crow's corpse. She'd have to inform the captain, maybe get some insights that would be relevant. She'd have to be subtle, though.

"So, Captain, out of curiosity, would any of the archers on your crew happen to be necromancers?"

2010-07-27, 07:40 PM
"Hmm?" mumbles Reta as she's brought out of her revere. She looks down at the bird. "Are any of my archers necromancers? I don't even have any archers. What have you found there?"

2010-07-27, 07:45 PM
Cino delicately unwraps the bird. Not surprising that the Captain figured it out, even an Iselsi would have a hard time being subtle about this. "In addition to the arrow, the creature's taken a signifigant hit of necrotic Essence. My initial concern was simply disease, but this... This could be trouble."

2010-07-27, 07:49 PM
"You know where we're going, correct? It might be a bit far out, but we'll probably see a lot more like it soon." Reta waved the bird away. "Burn it and scatter the ashes off of the stern. I don't want any trace of it on my ship."

2010-07-27, 08:09 PM
Cino nods, moving toward the back of the ship. She braces the bottom of one foot against the inside of the other thigh, using the lifted leg as a platform to set the unwrapped bird on. She didn't want to burn her wraps, and the enchanted silk could handle a little heat.

Pulling out her flute, Cino began to play a song. It was a dirge, an old one that some shogun in times gone by would have played for the the first casualties of what was expected to be a prolonged conflict. While the bird didn't fight for the Realm, it gave its life to let the Princes of the Earth know what sort of danger was on the horizon. For that, Cino decided a modicum of respect was in order.

The dirge served more than one purpose, however. The first half of the song sent a column of fire out from the end of her flute. With less effort than an afterthought, Cino redirected the flames toward the bird's cadaver, the intense and concentrated heat of her song's power incinerating the bird instantly. What little singing the robe suffered was immediately cleaned up by her necklace's own magic.

The second half of the song sent out what looked like little more than puffs of pollen. Upon the final chorus, however, the plum of golden green suddenly gained moment and focusing, swooping down to collect the bird's ashes and carry them off to sea. Cino finishes playing once the necklace cleans away the last flecks on her person, then puts her flute away.

As she moves to head back down, she glances toward the Captain. "I'm surprised it got this far with an arrow in it, regardless of the necrotic Essence."

Going to flurry with Three-String Sword Prana, two attacks with one mote each from personal Essence. Not sure if rolling is neccesary, but just in case:


Yuki Akuma
2010-07-28, 07:14 AM
Nayen just watched all this with a look of mild concern on his face. He takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly as he closes his eyes, before opening his mind to the Essence around him. He looks around with his enhanced sight for a moment or two.

"...Captain, how much salt are we carrying? If we're going somewhere with a lot of necrotic essence..."

Activating Pesiap's Humility for 4 personal motes.

Are there any ghosts about? [roll0]

2010-07-28, 10:28 AM
Nayen is startled by the huge amount of ghosts. They are everywhere. Some on the mast, some on the deck, some on the sails, some in the cabins, some in your robes. When you blink, they're gone. Another blink, and they're back. This constant flickering of macabre beings is enough to give anyone a heart attack. Luckily, you are young, and your family is not susceptible to heart problems. Also, your Immaculate diet keeps you healthy. If you close your eyes, the effect fades. You think the Charm should end soon. However, you now are a little afraid of ghosts. Your Immaculate upbringing has taught you not to fear them, but you've never seen so many... so frightening... and everywhere. Including your robes.
You'll have to make a valor roll, diff 1, whenever you see a ghost.

2010-07-28, 12:06 PM
Reta whistled as she wondered the ship. Seeing Nayen looking around wildly, she sauntered easily over to him, the rolling of the ship not effecting her in the slightest.

"What's the matter, young monk? You seem out of place on the waves."

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-28, 03:11 PM
The young monk looks around wildly, stumbling back. Ghosts! Everywhere! He closes his eyes tightly as he stumbles and falls onto the floor, with his back against the wall of the cabin. He tries to regain his focus, rationalising that there can't be that many ghosts here... The necrotic essence in the air must be playing tricks with his mind...

He brings his hands to his face, breathing raggedly, trying to calm himself down. "Calm. Calm. Stability of Earth. Find it..." He doesn't even seem to notice Reta right now. He's really freaked out.

2010-07-28, 03:32 PM
Cino quickly stows her flute away, hustling over to the prodigal monk. Going to one knee in front of him, she gently places her hands on his shoulder to steady him as she looks into his eyes. Deep, deep into his eyes into his mind and soul. If what troubled him was unnatural, which she was confident it was, she would find it. "Relax, Nayen. Breath in. Count. Breath out. Count."

Personal motes on Madness-Analyzing Stare. Not using the Tool bonus, because I don't see how it'd apply here.


2010-07-28, 04:09 PM
It appears that Nayen didn't execute one of his Charms correctly, which could lead to him trying to calm down. Based on his mutterings of ghosts and robes, you think it has something to do with ghosts. You know from various sources that all monks must take a charm that allows them to see the immaterial in order to learn an Immaculate style. Usually it is used to communicate with spirits. The bird and Nayen's experiance coinciding seems odd at best, and troubling.

2010-07-28, 04:42 PM
"Look at me." Cino smiles warmly at the Fire Aspect, her right hand moving from his shoulder to his cheek. Leaning forward, she closes her eyes just as she presses her lips to the center of Nayen's forehead. She focused on the energies of her aspect within her, letting the vitality and raw life of the Wood Aspect flow from the kiss into the central energy point pertaining to the function of the mind. Green essence flowed into the read, providing kindling for the Immaculate's inner fire to burn away the sudden and volatile phobia. After the energy passes, Cino pulls back and resumes smiling. "You are well."

Her tone made it clear that it wasn't a question, but an affirmation of her- No, their success.

5m and 1wp on Purity of Mind Method. Thanks to the Madness-Analyzing Gaze diagnosis, the Charm automatically succeeds.

2010-07-28, 04:46 PM
Reta crouches down next to Cino and Nayen, concern on her face. He wasn't much older than her daughter, so she felt somewhat overly protective of him.

"Is he alright? What's causing it?"

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-28, 04:49 PM
The Fire-aspect seems to nearly collapse from relief after Cino's little ritual. "...Why didn't anyone tell me we were going somewhere with so many ghosts..." He shivers a little bit. "...You always seem to be helping me. I feel so useless..."

After a few moments, he looks up at Reta! "...Captain. How much salt are we carrying? If we're going somewhere with so many ghosts..."

2010-07-28, 05:10 PM
"Aside from salted slabs of "beef"? None, unless the cook brought some aboard when we stopped in Sdoia."

2010-07-28, 05:44 PM
Refreshed after the chat with his fellow intellectual, Latess trots up on deck, swaying noticeably. If his lack of sea-legs disorientates him, he certainly doesn't seem to notice.

"What's this about salt? We're not low on condiments, are we?"

2010-07-28, 05:57 PM
"Condiments? No, Latess. Nayen wants some salt so we can ward off the ghosts." she looks back at Nayen, something he'd said giving her pause. "Wait, all of you do know where we're heading, right?"

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-28, 05:59 PM
Nayen starts to get to his feet. "I should talk to the cook and see if he has any salt, then..." He rubs his head a bit. "...No, I don;t," he answers, honestly. "I hear names, I don't know what they mean. I grew up in a monastery."

2010-07-28, 06:12 PM
"Our destination is "halfway between Thorns and Kirighast." " She lets this sink in for a moment. "Otherwise known as the Bayou of Endless Regret." She decides to see if any of her companions recognize the name.

2010-07-28, 06:23 PM
"Our destination is "halfway between Thorns and Kirighast." " She lets this sink in for a moment. "Otherwise known as the Bayou of Endless Regret." She decides to see if any of her companions recognize the name.
Latess frowns for a moment, blinking blankly. He's not been outside of a mountain in a few years, after all. Then a degree of recognition dawns.

"Ah. I think I might join you in investigating the salt-situation, miniature monk. If all else fails, we can desalinise some saltwater while we're still out at sea..."

Yuki Akuma
2010-07-28, 07:52 PM
Nayen just stares at Reta for a moment or two. "I've heard of Thorns. Didn't it get attacked by something at some point?"

2010-07-28, 08:02 PM
Reta sighs, briefly. An Immaculate monk who didn't know the name of the shadowland closest to the realm? He was young, yes, but you'd have thought that would be important information. "The Bayou is a shadowland. You aught to recognize that name, at least."

2010-08-01, 11:58 PM
"I have, one of my cousins went there once. They have some potent plants there. Poisons among them, so we should worry about more than just the dead." Cino scratches the side of her head in thought. What was that name of the dead guy? "Its leader was disposed, but I can't remember his name..."

2010-08-03, 05:55 AM
Latess shakes his head slightly. He understands the significance of shadowlands and Thorns, but beyond that he tries to avoid in politics. It gives him a headache in ways science never could.
He moves back below deck, heading for the kitchens to check on the salt-levels with the cook. He stops at the door.
"I'll leave you all to your metaphysical geography lesson. Reta, when do you estimate we'll arrive?"

Yuki Akuma
2010-08-03, 07:01 AM
The Immaculate looks down at his feet, and shuffles them. He looks a little embarrassed. "I don't really... pay attention to stuff like that. I know about Shadowlands, but I don't really know where any are, exactly..."

It's almost as if he's played by someone with only the vaguest ideas of Exalted's setting or something!

2010-08-03, 10:58 AM
Cino places a reassuring hand on the Immaculate's shoulder, giving Reta a quick warning glance to ease off while he was still looking at his feet. While her Charms were able to address psychosis and phobia, insecurity in one's ability was a much tougher nut to crack. "Other than the flora and that the locals don't even pretend to have order, the Bayou is just like any other shadowland. Stick with me, and you'll be whole and healthy when it's the Immaculate prodigy's turn to shine."

2010-08-03, 12:31 PM
Reta raised an eyebrow at Cino, then left the two alone. She walked over to her cousin and answered his question.

"A couple of days, maybe more, maybe less. Why the rush to get there? We're already ahead of schedule by quite a bit."

2010-08-04, 06:53 AM
Reta raised an eyebrow at Cino, then left the two alone. She walked over to her cousin and answered his question.

"A couple of days, maybe more, maybe less. Why the rush to get there? We're already ahead of schedule by quite a bit."
Latess blinks, before waving his hands in front himself defensively.
"No rush, no rush! I was simply curious."

That awkwardness aside, he moves on down to the kitchen area.

2010-08-06, 04:22 AM
Inside the kitchen, a thin man is slicing some carrots and tossing them in a pot that has steam rising from it. The odors of various ingredients can be detected.
The man looks up.
Can I help you?

2010-08-06, 07:09 AM
Inside the kitchen, a thin man is slicing some carrots and tossing them in a pot that has steam rising from it. The odors of various ingredients can be detected.
The man looks up.
Can I help you?
Latess begins to speak, and then pauses.
"You know, you sound just like one of the fellows up top. The monk. Hm."
He shakes off the vocal resemblance.
"Anyway, I'm here on behalf of aforesaid monk to wonder how much salt we have on board. Just in case."

2010-08-06, 12:11 PM
Well, we have salted beef and pork, and some salt by itself, which his right here.
He points to a medium-sized barrel. The top is off, and you can see it is about halfway full (or empty depending on your beliefs).

2010-08-06, 05:08 PM
Well, we have salted beef and pork, and some salt by itself, which his right here.
He points to a medium-sized barrel. The top is off, and you can see it is about halfway full (or empty depending on your beliefs).

Latess considers. He's not entirely sure how much salt one might need to help fight a creature of death.

Rolling Intelligence5+Occult4

2010-08-08, 02:11 PM
You know that you only need a pinch of salt thrown at a creature of death to scare it away. A line or circle of salt completely ward an area, for example a doorway with a line of salt across will not allow access through the door, but they can still break the windows, unless there is salt there as well.

2010-08-11, 04:25 PM
Night falls. Nothing of note happens in the night. The sun is rising. Reta speculates that they should make landfall in the afternoon.

2010-08-15, 05:59 AM
(Last Night)
Latess nods thoughtfully. That's a fair amount of salt, and it's not as if they need a huge amount. If something comes up, he could rig up a simple device to distill the necessary salt from the seawater. It's not like there's any shortage of that, at least.
"That's good. Er, carry on, etc."

Latess joins Reta on the deck, and squints at the steadily approaching horizon.
"Hm. Not much longer until we're there." He shields his eyes with a hand, before frowning and just pulling down his goggles. "Should I take a look ahead? Nip-on on a cloud?"

2010-08-15, 06:43 AM
Reta, seeing no reason why he couldn't, shrugged. "Go ahead. Don't get into any trouble, though. Most of us won't be able to help if we're still out at sea."

2010-08-15, 11:40 AM
Latess nods, and checks his satchel for a hand-mirror before moving to an unoccupied area of the deck. He stretches out, and then begins to swirl his hands in steady, curving motions, his anima suddenly flaring. As the motions become wider and faster, sweat breaks out on his brow, despite the sudden coolness of the air, and he begins to hum, the air of his anima twisting and condensing into a heavy mist. Within a few moments it tightens further, becoming a perfectly defined cirrus that hovers a little way off the deck.

Latess hops on and steadies himself into a crouch, the surface of the cloud springy and cool to the touch, like a slightly damp cushion. It begins to rise off the ground, and then pauses as he turns to his cousin.

"My cirrus skiff can support the weight of two more. Do you think I should take anyone along with me? The monk can see ghosts, and Slice has that crossbow..."

2010-08-15, 11:48 AM
"I have to stay with the ship, so I can't go with you. If you want to take one of the others, though, ask them. They're not vital to the running of the vessel."

Yuki Akuma
2010-08-15, 12:27 PM
Nayen was up very early in the morning, sitting on the bow of the ship to greet the morning sun. He seems to have completely recovered from his scare yesterday, as he's grinning and simply rejoicing in the fact that he's on a boat for the first time in his life.

When he hears 'the monk' mentioned, he looks around. "Hm?"

2010-08-15, 12:35 PM
Nayen was up very early in the morning, sitting on the bow of the ship to greet the morning sun. He seems to have completely recovered from his scare yesterday, as he's grinning and simply rejoicing in the fact that he's on a boat for the first time in his life.

When he hears 'the monk' mentioned, he looks around. "Hm?"

Latess waves to him from the deck, before moving to hover nearby. Nayen's mood seems to be infectious, as the sorcerer grins happily.
"Yes, you, monk! I'm going to scout out the shoreline from the air. Perhaps you'd like to join me?"

Yuki Akuma
2010-08-18, 08:49 AM
Nayen tilts his head to one side, then nods his head, jumping to his feet. "If you think I would be useful, of course."

2010-08-18, 10:00 AM
Nayen tilts his head to one side, then nods his head, jumping to his feet. "If you think I would be useful, of course."

Waiting for the monk to climb up onto the cloud, Latess nods. "Well, you can see spirits rather better than I can. I need a mirror." He pats his satchel. "And you know what the Jadeborn say - seven eyes are better than three!".

Before Nayen can question this odd turn of phrase, the cloud rises into the air, above the mast of the ship, before moving off at a fair pace, rising steadily higher and accelerating, bearing the two of them in the direction Reta indicated the shore was.

"Get a good grip!"

2010-09-06, 10:25 PM
It is noon when you spot the shore. There appears to be a long stretch of beach, with a port town situated next to a river. However the colors of the water- in the ocean and river- are distinctly different, with the river water being clearer. It looks like the water is still , and upon gearing closer you can see a small dam affair. It doesn't look like anyone has spotted you yet, but that could be either from the sparse cloud cover or the fact that they all appear to be looking down when they walk and talk.

2010-09-07, 01:39 PM
Squinting down at the bowed figures below, Latess slows to a stop just below the thickest piece of cloud he can find, to better preserve their camouflage, before pulling up his goggles and watching them for anything... out of the ordinary. He waves a small tendril of cloud away from himself, ignoring the chill with the ease of someone who's spent the last few years in the North. Surely even peasants shouldn't totally avoid looking up?

Perception4+Awareness2 = 6 dice

Yuki Akuma
2010-09-07, 01:40 PM
Nayen totally got a good grip, and his player totally posted that already...

2010-09-07, 01:45 PM
Nayen totally got a good grip, and his player totally posted that already...
As an engineer, Latess is fond of redundancy. More to the point, when grasping a cloud it's best to be double-careful.

2010-09-13, 10:06 AM
Totally failing to spot anything of note, Latess looks for a spot on the shore away from prying eyes, and begins to steadily descend.

2010-10-04, 07:00 PM
It appears that none of the villagers would notice if you landed in the square and announced your Exalted status. None of the children, or any of the residents, are near the ocean water, and the docks appear in disrepair. There is a smooth stretch to the left of the town that looks like it would be pleasant to land upon, if anywhere in this bleak town.

2010-10-04, 07:18 PM
Latess heads for the smooth stretch, descending quickly. He grins as the wind rushes past his face, and stops with a sudden-yet-fluffy jolt mere inches from the ground. He glances at his fellow Exalt.

"The cloud dispels when I step off it, so it's probably best if I stay on for the duration." Any discomfort or nausea evinced by his young companion is ignored. "Shall we head for the town?"

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-05, 03:38 AM
The young monk seems a little unstable. He nods his head, quickly taking the opportunity to hops down to the floor! He stumbles a little bit, but recovers soon enough.

2010-10-05, 05:39 AM
Latess follows behind Nayen, his cloud puttering along inches above the ground.

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-05, 05:41 AM
Nayen soon regains his composure, folding his arms into his sleeves as he walks towards the village sedately - the very picture of an Immaculate Monk. He looks around for villagers, wondering why none have come to meet them yet...

2010-10-05, 08:21 AM
The villagers are milling around, trying to act normal and not disturbed by the brightly clothed monk and his cloud-riding compatriot. The sounds of doors and windows being closed and locked fills the air. A woman looks around a fountain in the center of the village, frantically and scared for herself and whatever she appears to be looking for. She sees Nayen and then rushes over, and bows clumsily.
You are Immaculates, yes? You can help us in our time of trouble! We-
A second story window opens and an old man sticks his head out.
Quiet, you! You know what he'll do if he finds out about this!
He looks to you too.
This be accursed land! And you bein' here just makes it worse for us!
A high but narrow wave hits the ships starboard side, and when it is gone, a blue-skinned man with slick green hair, dressed in what you assume is local finery appears. He gives a slight forced bow to the Terrestrials.
Good day, Princes of the Earth. You have just entered my waters.

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-05, 08:43 AM
Nayen looks around himself with a slight frown. The villagers were scared of them? The frantic woman who bows to him receives a polite bow in return. He's about to open his mouth when that old man pokes his head out the window.

Nayen looks up at the old man for a few moments, then totally ignores him, looking back to the woman. "You need help. What's wrong? What do you need me to do?"

2010-10-05, 05:25 PM
There's this-
No! Our problems are bad enough without you monks and kooks coming in here and making it worse! If you really want to help, leave now and he might not punish us!
In a softer voice: I warned you.
He slams the window shut.
The woman gestures to the opposite side of the village from where you entered it, what looks like the beginning of a forest.

2010-10-05, 05:44 PM
Latess watches the exchange, head moving back and forth like a spectator at a ping-pong match. He's feeling faintly self-conscious on his cloud, now.

2010-10-06, 09:13 AM
A high but narrow wave hits the ships starboard side, and when it is gone, a blue-skinned man with slick green hair, dressed in what you assume is local finery appears. He gives a slight forced bow to the Terrestrials.
Good day, Princes of the Earth. You have just entered my waters.

Reta bowed back, slightly deeper than his. It was usually a good idea to stay on a water elemental's, for that's what she assumed it was, side. "Good day to you also. These waters seem troubled."

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-06, 09:13 AM
Nayen glances towards the forest, then looks back to the woman. "...Something in the forest? A rogue god? An elemental? What?"

2010-10-06, 09:18 AM
Cino had finally gotten on deck at roughly the same time as the elemental. Upon seeing Reta give a bow of respect, the Wood Aspect decided to do the same. She was a woman on a ship, after all, and there were stories about that sort of thing out West. Did the same apply here too?

2010-10-06, 08:26 PM
She whispers:
A safe place to talk.

Reta bowed back, slightly deeper than his. It was usually a good idea to stay on a water elemental's, for that's what she assumed it was, side. "Good day to you also. These waters seem troubled."

Indeed. I apologize for the bluntness, but may I inquire as to your purpose here?

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-06, 08:29 PM
Nayen pauses for a few moments. "Alright then!" He glances towards his sorcerer companion for a moment, before strolling confidently towards the forest!

2010-10-06, 09:46 PM
"I would tell you, if not for the oaths we swore. I am sorry."

Reta was going to leave it at that, but decided against it.

"You need not fear for your domain, of course. Our business is on the shore. We are just making dock at that village, if it's suitable.

She gestures to the direction her cousin and the young monk had gone.

2010-10-06, 10:26 PM
Oaths, yes. One cannot go around breaking those. Hmmm. This towns dock is in disrepair and liable to fall apart or something the moment you arrive. The shore will indeed be suitable for your needs- at least, a little further down the coast. I would recommend steering clear of this particular town as everything you need could be found at a slightly larger town just South of here, not five miles, maybe an hour in a ship this big.

2010-10-07, 05:05 PM
"I thank you for the information, but we must remain in these waters at least until our colleagues get back." Reta towed the line. She could just punch him, but that was bad form, and wouldn't bring her much good favour.

2010-10-07, 10:10 PM
Cino, for what it was worth, examined her flute. The humidity of the sea air didn't seem to be impacted the shape of the wood, which was nice. This spirit was rather adamant about the agents of the Scarlet Empress not being in the area, though, which was far from nice. She'd leave the talking to the good captain, though.

2010-10-07, 10:33 PM
Well, I bid you luck in your travels, and hope you can find a suitable solution to your unspeakable problem.
With that, he bows again, and hops off of the boat.

2010-10-10, 06:51 AM
Latess nods to Nayen, and follows him and the woman to the forest, not bothering to try to look inconspicuous on his cloud.

2010-10-10, 12:46 PM
Cino? Isn't she on the ship? I will continue on the assumption that you meant Nayen, correct me if I'm wrong.
The woman leads you to a small grove, surrounded by tall trees. She lets out a sigh, and sits on a rock.
You can help us, right? You are the Exalted, and we have all heard the stories. Our town used to be one of the finest small ports East of the Isle, until five years ago. A bad spirit, some say a god, some say an elemental, took a hold of this town. We've been giving him all our things but he grew paranoid and wouldn't let us take to the water anymore. It killed our spirits, sirs, that we couldn't go to the water- we are a fishing people. He's made a demonstration of about 5 people since then, mostly just swimmers and one fisherman. It's made our hearts an souls gray with the depression. Whenever we try to leave, he has his thugs stop us- they look like men but have the blue skin of a demon and green hair like the Haltans, with webbed hands that will choke you at any moment. We don't know why he choose our town, but maybe there are more like us... you see he's not here all the time- he travels. We've been praying to the Dragons that we would be liberated- before he took over, he killed all of our monks in their sleep. And now......
She begins tearing up.
My boy saw a ship right before you people came, and now....
The floodgates have been opened.
Now I can't find my boy, an I'm afeared he's been snatched up by Chordeve!

2010-10-10, 01:20 PM
Latess frowns at the woman's story. He hoped no god would be so foolishly malicious - the reference to his followers, whether mutants or fae, made him think the creature terrorizing the village was one of the Fair Folk. Mela knows, there were enough Fae up North, once you got off-road.

To harm a village? To murder monks? To make a lady cry?

He turns to his companion.

"We have a job to do."

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-10, 01:44 PM
Nayen's face grows colder during the story. He frowns harshly. "...Chordeve. That's his name?" Once the woman clarifies, the Immaculate nods to Latess, and silently walks back to the village.

As he walks, smoke begins to issue from his footsteps...

2010-10-10, 02:01 PM
Latess briefly considers heading back to the ship. It wouldn't take long, they could regroup, warn their fellows about the creature, and head into the fight together, as Dragonblood should.

He dismisses the thought, along with his cloud, the moment he glances at the woman's face again. Chordeve had to go, today. The Wood Aspect seemed capable enough, and his cousin was rather more formidable than him, putting pride to one side. The two Terrestrials they had here should be more than enough for whatever Chordeve was.

Valor 5, Temperance 1. It's a hell of a drug.

2010-10-11, 09:42 PM
You arrive in the town not long after, and it seems deserted, but it seems as if everyone is pressed up against windows and doors, trying to see or hear if something, anything, happens.

2010-10-11, 09:54 PM
Cino looks at Reta expectingly, then nodded toward the shore. "So, Captain, are we going to wait for the others to get back from scouting, or are we going to see what our gracious host was so eager to send us away from?"

2010-10-11, 10:01 PM
"I don't think my cousin is the sort to get into trouble and not tell anyone who could hel...p." Reta paused. No, Latess was exactly that sort. After the business with her Uncle and then vanishing off to the North, it was likely he was exactly that sort.

"C'mon boys, lets go see if we have found something after all." She said, directing the ship to land.

2010-10-11, 10:08 PM
You reach land- well, most of where the water meets land is filled with rotting docks and fishing boats in disrepair. However, you know you could reach land in no time by boarding one of your boarding kayak-things. The town beyond the docks is gray and the full moon shines upon it, illuminating it well enough to make out minor details, such as some villagers peering at your ship in awe from their windows. A few close their windows.
You also see Nayen striding to the center of town, with Latess not far behind.

2010-10-11, 10:12 PM
"Cino, could you check what they've found, I don't want to leave the ship alone in these waters. Something's wrong."

2010-10-11, 10:20 PM
Cino nods and leaps over the guardrail to the dock. She moves toward the others at a steady pace, too measured for a run and too determined for a walk. She smiles and waves, glad to see that apparently they're doing well. She glances about idly, taking in the town, the sights... The people. If there was something to hide, there was someone to protect it.

Perception+Awareness to see if there are any potential hostiles in the area. 3m on First Awareness Excellency, including surcharge.


2010-10-11, 10:34 PM
The last boat Cino hopped off of splintered as she launched herself forward. Cino successfully lands on the shore, leaving a small pile of sand in front of her where her feet drove into the coast. She notices that only 3 villagers are still watching her, but it seems that nothing is wrong with the village other than the cowering villagers, the furious little monk, and the bleached look the moon gave to the scene.

2010-10-11, 10:49 PM
Cino glances behind her at the splintered vessel, then back to Nayen and Reta's cousin. Ah, better it collapse in her wake than when innocent mortals were on board. "Greetings, gentlemen. How's the evening treating you?"

2010-10-12, 03:23 AM
Latess slings his Coil Point fully off his back, gripping its blue jade handle. He looks about the deserted town, standing as they are down its main street, half-expecting a tumbleweed to blow across it. Certainly, that would be a good sign that they were facing one of the fair folk.

His expression is sour (though nowhere near as fiery as Nayen's) when he answers. "It could be better. Our duties as god-botherers, it seems, need come first here."

He's pretty sure Nayen will be happy to elaborate.

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-12, 03:43 AM
Nayen completely ignores Cino for the moment. "Chordeve!" he suddenly shouts out at the top of your lungs. "Explain yourself!" Hoping a direct order like that will be insulting enough to get him to appear...

His expression is rather... fiery. It's also several degrees warmer near him than it is in other parts of the village.

2010-10-12, 08:44 AM
A blob of water starts walking out of the ocean and taking on the appearance of the blue-skinned man. He saunters over. "Chordeve does not have time for you or your tantrum, child. Go back to your beads and dolls. I would suggest you move on to more important things."

2010-10-12, 09:38 AM
Latess narrows his eyes at the blue man. Did he have any idea who they were? Essence floods into the front of his skull, trickling down into retinae and ears. His pupils flicker like a polished mirror for less than a second, and the crackle of mundane static falls from his ears. He removes his goggles and slips them into his satchel, pulling out a small mirror instead, which he straps to his wrist.

Activating Spirit-Detecting Mirror Technique. Non-obvious Simple Charm. Costs 2m, no roll required. Latess can now see spirits in reflective surfaces, and hear them.

Permanent: ●●●●
Personal: 15/30 (0 Committed, With Ring)
Peripheral: 60/72 (10 Committed, With Ring)
Stored Coil Point Motes: 20/20

2010-10-12, 09:46 AM
Cino glances at the blob dismissively, holding her flute visibly in one hand. The... Elemental, presumably. The elemental from the boat was either Chordeve himself or another one of his minions. Perhaps this was the same minion. In any event, he required a lesson in humility. "What fountain of arrogance did you and your master pull yourselves from that makes you think the Chosen of the Dragons do not demand your fullest attention?"

I am OOCly confident that these fellows are Vodonik, but with an Intelligence+Occult pool of 2d10 I'll have to leave confirming that to the away team.

2010-10-12, 09:46 AM
Reta watched from her ship, and sighed. She began to focus herself, performing the kata of the Water Dragon in preparation for any... altercations that could soon happen.

As she went through the motions, her form become fluid, shifting from stance to stance with the grace and flow of the ocean tides. No water rose around her, because she intended to spare her crew the pain.

Activating Water Dragon Form, 5m from personal.

Martial Arts to both L and B Soak, L is soaked with full stamina, not half, and I can reflexively spend motes to increase soak, at a rate of 1 mote per 2 points.

Permanent: ●●●
Personal: 21/26 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 49/64 (15 Committed)

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-12, 09:55 AM
Nayen takes a step back as the blue-skinned man appears. He gathers his arms around himself as though gathering some unseen substance towards him, and then places his hands together. "Chordeve has been accused of interfering in matters that do not concern him. He has no place ruling this town, or interacting with mortals at all." He breaks his position, and his body suddenly erupts into warm orange flames.

"This crime against nature cannot go unpunished."

Activating Fire Dragon Form for 3 peripheral motes. My dodge DV increases by half my MA (that is, 2), and all my unarmed MA attacks become lethal.

Permanent: ●●●
Personal: 26/26 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 49/64 (12 Committed)

2010-10-12, 10:10 AM
Latess shifts away from Nayen as he enters his stance, wanting to avoid any more scorch marks than he already had. Instead, he tries to work out exactly what they're facing, checking his mirror to look at the blue man to make sure he's alone.

Rolling to see if Latess knows what this guy is. He should also see any dematerialised spirits standing near him.
Intelligence5+Occult4 = 9d10 dicepool (need to get more Excellencies...)

2010-10-12, 09:50 PM
Latess narrows his eyes at the blue man. Did he have any idea who they were? Essence floods into the front of his skull, trickling down into retinae and ears. His pupils flicker like a polished mirror for less than a second, and the crackle of mundane static falls from his ears. He removes his goggles and slips them into his satchel, pulling out a small mirror instead, which he straps to his wrist.

Activating Spirit-Detecting Mirror Technique. Non-obvious Simple Charm. Costs 2m, no roll required. Latess can now see spirits in reflective surfaces, and hear them.

Permanent: ●●●●
Personal: 15/30 (0 Committed, With Ring)
Peripheral: 60/72 (10 Committed, With Ring)
Stored Coil Point Motes: 20/20
You see a couple dematerialized ghosts that you suspect have died under Chordeves reign, but nothing else.

Cino glances at the blob dismissively, holding her flute visibly in one hand. The... Elemental, presumably. The elemental from the boat was either Chordeve himself or another one of his minions. Perhaps this was the same minion. In any event, he required a lesson in humility. "What fountain of arrogance did you and your master pull yourselves from that makes you think the Chosen of the Dragons do not demand your fullest attention?"

I am OOCly confident that these fellows are Vodonik, but with an Intelligence+Occult pool of 2d10 I'll have to leave confirming that to the away team.
Certainly you demand my fullest attention, or else I wouldn't be here right now. However, Chordeve is above you as the whale to the fish.
Vodonik? What book are they in? I just made this guy up.

Reta watched from her ship, and sighed. She began to focus herself, performing the kata of the Water Dragon in preparation for any... altercations that could soon happen.

As she went through the motions, her form become fluid, shifting from stance to stance with the grace and flow of the ocean tides. No water rose around her, because she intended to spare her crew the pain.

Activating Water Dragon Form, 5m from personal.

Martial Arts to both L and B Soak, L is soaked with full stamina, not half, and I can reflexively spend motes to increase soak, at a rate of 1 mote per 2 points.

Permanent: ●●●
Personal: 21/26 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 49/64 (15 Committed)
If the thing from the water had hair, it's eyebrows would be raised.

Nayen takes a step back as the blue-skinned man appears. He gathers his arms around himself as though gathering some unseen substance towards him, and then places his hands together. "Chordeve has been accused of interfering in matters that do not concern him. He has no place ruling this town, or interacting with mortals at all." He breaks his position, and his body suddenly erupts into warm orange flames.

"This crime against nature cannot go unpunished."

Activating Fire Dragon Form for 3 peripheral motes. My dodge DV increases by half my MA (that is, 2), and all my unarmed MA attacks become lethal.

Permanent: ●●●
Personal: 26/26 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 49/64 (12 Committed)
Softly, the elemental speaks, as though to a child. Accused by whom, little boy? The village loony? And of ruling this town- why, Chordeve rules this town as much as you do.

Latess shifts away from Nayen as he enters his stance, wanting to avoid any more scorch marks than he already had. Instead, he tries to work out exactly what they're facing, checking his mirror to look at the blue man to make sure he's alone.

Rolling to see if Latess knows what this guy is. He should also see any dematerialised spirits standing near him.
Intelligence5+Occult4 = 9d10 dicepool (need to get more Excellencies...)
You don't see anything- but there are some ripples in the water that could be another elemental- or maybe it's just the moonlight.

2010-10-12, 10:05 PM
Softly, the elemental speaks, as though to a child. Accused by whom, little boy? The village loony? And of ruling this town- why, Chordeve rules this town as much as you do.
Latess outright snarls at this. "Explain, then, the fear of this town. Explain why Chordeve does not show himself to the children of the Dragons. Explain, you slithering cretin, the ghosts about this place. Can you?!"

Any pretence he had of being the peacekeeper is lost as he plants the end of his Coil Point into the ground and glares at the elemental, lightning crackling down its lengths and over him as the winds pick up around him.
Spending 5m on Elemental Defense Technique, and a further 5m to activate my Air Aspect Anima.
Permanent: ●●●●
Personal: 15/30 (0 Committed, With Ring)
Peripheral: 50/72 (10 Committed, With Ring)
Stored Coil Point Motes: 20/20

Dodge DV 12 against Hand to Hand, 14 against Ranged, Ignore Archery
Parry DV 6 (Coil Point) or 4 (Unarmed)
Soak: 2B/1L/0A (4B/3L/0A against attacks not made with a magical material)

Anima Flux is at 11+ Level

2010-10-12, 10:13 PM
Reta, wavering in the wind, closed her eyes. She opened them again in the spirit world. Her crew were fuzzy and indistinct, and the action on the shore was barely visible, but she saw the unhappy spirits around her with the clarity of pebbles in a mountain stream.

Another moment of focus, and she was able to put a reassuring hand on one of their shoulders.

Activating Pasip's Humility and Moment of Daana'd. Total of 7 Motes, 1WP.

Can now see and touch dematerialized spirits as though they were flesh and blood, but it's harder to see things that aren't dematerialized spirits.

Permanent: ●●●
Personal: 14/26 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 49/64 (15 Committed)

2010-10-12, 10:24 PM
Latess raises his Coil Point. It's go time.

Wits3+Awareness2... Latess is kind of slow.

2010-10-12, 10:26 PM
Latess outright snarls at this. "Explain, then, the fear of this town. Explain why Chordeve does not show himself to the children of the Dragons. Explain, you slithering cretin, the ghosts about this place. Can you?!"

Any pretence he had of being the peacekeeper is lost as he plants the end of his Coil Point into the ground and glares at the elemental, lightning crackling down its lengths and over him as the winds pick up around him.
Spending 5m on Elemental Defense Technique, and a further 5m to activate my Air Aspect Anima.
Permanent: ●●●●
Personal: 15/30 (0 Committed, With Ring)
Peripheral: 50/72 (10 Committed, With Ring)
Stored Coil Point Motes: 20/20

Dodge DV 12 against Hand to Hand, 14 against Ranged, Ignore Archery
Parry DV 6 (Coil Point) or 4 (Unarmed)
Soak: 2B/1L/0A (4B/3L/0A against attacks not made with a magical material)

Anima Flux is at 11+ Level

The only fear in this town I have ever seen is when you and your ilk arrived, Prince.
The last word is filled with sarcastic poison.
You notice a slight blueish aura, maybe half an inch wide begin to emanate from his skin. He sees you readying for battle, and closes his eyes. Let it be known that I did not wish for violence.

Reta, wavering in the wind, closed her eyes. She opened them again in the spirit world. Her crew were fuzzy and indistinct, and the action on the shore was barely visible, but she saw the unhappy spirits around her with the clarity of pebbles in a mountain stream.

Another moment of focus, and she was able to put a reassuring hand on one of their shoulders.

Activating Pasip's Humility and Moment of Daana'd. Total of 7 Motes, 1WP.

Can now see and touch dematerialized spirits as though they were flesh and blood, but it's harder to see things that aren't dematerialized spirits.

Permanent: ●●●
Personal: 14/26 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 49/64 (15 Committed)

It looks at you surprised, and starts tearing up.

2010-10-12, 10:40 PM
It is with the most delicate of motions that Cino brings her flute to her lips. As usual, the wood had a faintly sweet aftertaste, which evoked a memory of her mother's own flowery scent. The connections of life... The wooden flute on her lips, the bonds of blood with the other three Dynasts ready for battle, and the stark contrast of the minion's existence from what was right with Creation. Isolated, helpless... Plain to see. The battle was joined, and victory was already had.

Spending 5m on First Awareness Excellency for Join Battle, including surcharge.


Personal: 22/30 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 63/72 (9 Committed)

2010-10-12, 10:44 PM
Reta smiled at the ghost. Paying her image no mind, the older members her crew having seen this sort of thing before, she began to talk to it.

"Who did this to you? The elementals?"

2010-10-12, 10:46 PM
The elemental eyes the flutist before making a realization. He spits in his hands, rubs it around for a good coating, and slicks it over his ears (or what you assume to be his ears). It melds into water, and when his hands are gone, so too are his ears.
He is considered deaf until he attempts to reform his ears.

2010-10-12, 10:49 PM
Reta smiled at the ghost. Paying her image no mind, the older members her crew having seen this sort of thing before, she began to talk to it.

"Who did this to you? The elementals?"
He wipes some spirit-tears from his face.
He appears to have a little trouble speaking.
He points to his chest.

2010-10-12, 11:02 PM
Reta looks down at the area the spirit indicated, curious as to what she might see.

2010-10-12, 11:05 PM
You see his spirit-chest.
He's wearing a spirit-shirt, but it's the general area where his spirit-heart would be if he still need to spirit-pump spirit-blood through his spirit-veins.

2010-10-12, 11:08 PM
Glancing to his face, Reta lifted his spirit-shirt to get a clear look. Latess should be the one doing this, she thought, he would be better with this sort of mystery.

2010-10-12, 11:10 PM
{table=head]Tick #|Character(s)

2010-10-12, 11:12 PM
Glancing to his face, Reta lifted his spirit-shirt to get a clear look. Latess should be the one doing this, she thought, he would be better with this sort of mystery.

He looks at you, and tries to moisten his throat.
He blinks a few times.

2010-10-12, 11:19 PM
"Yes, that's what happens when you die. Nothing to be afraid of." She said comfortingly. About to continue examining him, she paused. "Unless that's what killed you? Did something stop your heart?"

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-13, 02:44 AM
Nayen's body suddenly jolts forward as he runs at the elemental. The time for talking is quite obviously over now.

Join Battle!
Spending 1 mote on Flash-Fire Technique to increase my Join Battle by my Martial Arts (5).


Permanent: ●●●
Personal: 26/26 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 48/64 (12 Committed)

Anima is currently at 4.

2010-10-14, 12:08 AM
{table=head]Tick #|Character(s)
3|Nayen, Frank

Franks eyes the group coolly, and walks up to Nayen.
So, you want to play, little boy, eh? Let's play.
He does nothing but extend his left hand, palm skywards, and quickly curls all his fingers save his thumb twice, in the universal, "Bring it" gesture.

2010-10-14, 12:20 AM
Cino grins at the spirit's reaction to her flute. The fear was only wise, but the same couldn't be said for how he acted on it. Caked mud was smeared across the ground as the Wood Aspect dropped into a horse stance, facing perpendicular to the spirit with her flute in her mouth pointed at him. She normally wouldn't be so dramatic, but she'd want to angle this so as to avoid hitting Nayen with the volley.

Cino's song was an intense and passionate melody, the intensity with which the Iselsi played causing her body to bend so that the leg nearer the spirit stretched straight, and her flute nearly pointed down. Of particular interest to the elemental, however, was the green needle of solid Essence that would shoot out like an arrow whenever a finger lifted from a hole. In the following seconds, scores of needles flew in an arc at the elemental in a furious barrage, enjoying the full benefits of the power granted by the Scarlet Empress.

Burning 5m on Three-String Sword Prana, using my Fine Performance Tool and my Specialty for additional dice. Malfeas can eat his heart out.

Damage: 10L+sux

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-14, 04:38 AM
Nayen leaps up slightly into the air, bringing his fist around. As the green arrow of musical essence streaks past him, the boy aims a devastating punch right to the elemental's gut, his fist wreathed in flames... "Searing Fist Attack!"

Oh, he's one of those Immaculates who calls his charm names. Cute.

If the blow connects, 'Frank' feels a sudden searing pain in his stomach, completely divorced from the burning heat of the blow...

Spending 2m from my peripheral pool to add four dice with my First Martial Arts Excellency. Spending 3m from my peripheral pool to use Searing Fist attack. Attacking with ma' fist. Speed 4, of course.


Damage: 2L+sux, and a -1 penalty to all actions for the rest of the scene. This is a Crippling effect.

Permanent: ●●●
Personal: 26/26 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 43/64 (12 Committed)

Anima is currently at 9.

2010-10-14, 07:36 AM
The needles all sink into the elementals body, but they appear to slow down and continue on through his body, falling not far from the various placed of exit.
He takes one half of any damage from the needles themselves, but any poisons still affect him.
Nayen's punch connects solidly, and the intense heat evaporates part of Franks stomach. There's a hole where Nayen's fist hit, and steam is coming off of the site in copious amounts.

Ooh. That almost hurt, little boy.
He closes his eyes for a moment, and forms a sphere of ice where his hole is, surrounding Nayen's fist. Then, he grabs Nayen's arm stuck in place, forming a thin sheath of ice around it. Pulling himself out of the monks icy grip, he dribbles down into a pool of water, and reforms behind Nayen, no hole anywhere to be seen. He puts his hands around the young monks mouth, an starts freezing over his face.
Attack roll on freezing over Nayen's face.

Yuki Akuma
2010-10-14, 07:43 AM
Nayem sees the freezing attack coming, and his body suddenly jerks away, surrounded by a flickering, distracting shroud of flames.

"Almost hurting is better than not being able to hit," he taunts lightly.

Flame Flicker Stance - 31m (peripheral) to improve my DVs by 31, giving me a Dodge of 9 and Parry of 7, until my next action.

Permanent: ●●●
Personal: 26/26 (0 Committed)
Peripheral: 42/64 (12 Committed)

Anima is currently at 10.

2010-10-14, 07:43 AM
{table=head]Tick #|Character(s)
3|Nayen, Frank
7|Latess, Nayen
Also, please post speeds in post, makes it a world easier for me.

2010-10-14, 11:24 AM
Dark clouds begin forming in the sky. Frank looks up, and then at Cino and Latess. He begins running towards them, and dissipate into a cloud of freezing water vapor before passing through them and reforming on the other side and running to and into a well. The wind picks up eerily as he does, and the light of the moon slowly lessens as clouds cover Lunas light.

Ice freezes inside Cinos flute, and onto Latess' Coil Point, forming connections where there should be none.

2010-10-14, 12:33 PM
Dark clouds begin forming in the sky. Frank looks up, and then at Cino and Latess. He begins running towards them, and dissipate into a cloud of freezing water vapor before passing through them and reforming on the other side and running to and into a well. The wind picks up eerily as he does, and the light of the moon slowly lessens as clouds cover Lunas light.

Ice freezes inside Cinos flute, and onto Latess' Coil Point, forming connections where there should be none.
Latess starts at his frosted weapon, and thumps it on the ground a few times before running his Essence through it. If he receives no response, he curses violently, before jumping up onto the rim of the well and peering in.
(Max Jumping Distance: 36 Yards)

If he percussive maintenance does yield a positive response, his jump is rather more enthusiastic, and he whoops as the winds of his aspect carry him up and over the well. At the peak of his jump, his Essence floods through his arms with a glowing blue crackle, running up to the point of his weapon with a blast of lightning that shoot straight into the waters of the well itself.
Speed 4. Shot costs 1m, Spending 2m on First Melee Excellency.
Dex5+Melee3+Spec2+Weap2+Ex4 = 16 dice
Damage 8L, Piercing (electrical)

Personal: 15/30 (0 Committed, With Ring)
Peripheral: 48/72 (10 Committed, With Ring)
Stored Coil Point Motes: 19/20
Anima is at full blast.

This is all hypothetical, of course.

2010-10-14, 02:51 PM
{table=head]Tick #|Character(s)
3|Nayen, Frank
7|Latess, Nayen
11|Latess, Cino
12|Nayen, Frank
You successfully get most of the frost off.