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2010-07-08, 06:02 AM

Everyone knows the Sword and Cask Inn as a gathering place for adventurers headed into the regions unknown. You know the owner, a young woman named Elynne, as a savvy entrepreneur and a gracious hostess. After offering you her hospitality many times, Elynne now needs your help.

Murder has come to the village of Thysbee. Elynne’s father, a successful trader named Eadmer, was killed last night while someone ransacked his general store. The constable already suspects several shady characters, including Crallius, a rival vintner, and a shady dwarf who only a week ago lurked about, asking questions about Eadmer, his business, and the inn.

Elynne brings you into her confidence. Eadmer gave her a leather packet of papers for safekeeping, to examine only in the event of his death. She kept these in a strongbox in her office, refusing to examine them until her father’s murder.

Among the typical legal documents, relating to Eadmer’s trading activities, she discovered a tattered map: a faint path leading from Thysbee into the wild hills, along a stream to a location within ruins simply marked “wine spring.” Elynne wonders if this was the source of the delectable wine her father imported and distributed from his store and warehouse.

Elynne’s duties at the Sword and Cask keep her too busy to pursue such and an expedition herself. While Thysbee’s constable searches for her father’s murderer, she asks you to follow the map, discover the wine spring, and claim it as her rightful inheritance. Elynne offers you a cask of the inn’s famous wine and a small share in the ample bequest her father left her.


Lex-kat (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=20190) - Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Toliudar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=12638) - Baron Rae Pastko (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=217577)
The Bushranger (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=31105) - Quinn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=83633)
Ragnarok'n'Roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=52108) - Gavin Jax (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=219383)
Deathslayer7 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=25979) - Alli (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=220217)
Nexus-R.C._Mina (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=6246) - Kwun Quickclaw (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=220194)

The group starts out in the Sword and Cask. Everyone is sitting around a table, discussing the task. One of you has the map. Elynne occasionally drops by to check in with you and she'll bring food and drinks, although she gives Gavin a look that says he'd better not start the place on fire... Introduce yourselves and decide on your course of action.

The rest of the Inn is filled with locals this warm summer evening and the staff is kept fairly busy with requests. Every once in a while, someone makes a loud comment or joke and is immediately hushed by someone else. Everyone here knew Eadmer and they feel his loss and Elynne's grief at losing her father.

2010-07-08, 08:47 AM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal sits silently at the table, intentionally sitting two seats away from the Baron. Though her bright red hair looks nicer than it has in a long time, it still falls wildly down her dark skinned bare back. She wears only a leather halter top that ties at the neck and a tattered skirt, kept together by a variety of bad stitching, for the moment.

She hadn't known Elynne nor her father for very long, maybe a month, but had come to respect and care for them, as they had always been kind to her.

Her green and brown eyes, one of each, look to the other members of this scouting party. So.... where do we start?

2010-07-08, 11:18 AM

Alli looks around at the others, a bit uncomfortable with being this close to so many people she didn't know. When Elynne asked her to come, she said she would return in an hour and she had.

She had taken a bath in the river upstream away from prying eyes. She touched her hair which was still damp and fell behind in natural curls behind her head.

She looks at Crystal who spoke up first. Well... in my homeland, it is always customary to introduce yourself when working with someone else you don't know.

She takes a deep breath to steady herself. I'm Alli. She wears smooth black trousers that fit comfortably and a leather top that covers her body to the top of her arms. Her longbow is in the corner along with her quiver.

Before we head out, we dont know how long this will take. So we should gather supplies before heading out mundane as well. Bedrolls, rope, possibly a shovel as well as food and water.

The Bushranger
2010-07-08, 03:32 PM
Human telepath

The young-looking, brown-haired girl at the other end of the table from the Baron listens quietly to the introductions, and smiles a bit shyly when Alli stops speaking.
"I'm Quinn," she says, her voice soft and slightly accented. Her clothes, workable and practical "adventurer's" clothes; a vest over a button-up shirt in a plaid pattern, and loose-fitting yet still slightly stylish leather trousers. "I think I already have a few things like that. I'm not sure where we should start, though."

2010-07-08, 04:30 PM

"I am Gavin, wanderer and humble servant of Joramy." Gavin announces while fiddling with his glowing holy symbol.

"Extra food rations sounds wise..." he continues.

Gavin was dressed in a fine mithril shirt with a morning star swinging by his side. He was wrapped in a generic brown travel's cloak which looked dusty and well used.

His brown hair seemed to exactly match his brown eyes. He looked over the collected group trying to asses the group's capabilities.

His sipped slowly at some ale in front of him. Gavin normally loved ale but his interest in it was gone ever since he heard the bad news. He picked at his food with disinterest, not even bothering to cook it further to 'well done' as he usually enjoyed it.

"We should probably leave at first light tomorrow" he offers.

2010-07-08, 06:31 PM

Here is the map your group was given. Make spot checks.

2010-07-08, 07:08 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal frowns at Alli. My name is Crystal. I have an everburning torch & some rations. I also have a small ram, and a crowbar. Those should help us get into anything that wishes to bar our way.

And just because you're an elf, don't think you're better than us.

She looks at the map provided. [roll0]

2010-07-08, 07:35 PM

I never said I was Crystal. Alli says staring at her with a piercing gaze that seems to try to stare at the soul rather then the body wondering what she had said to make her hostile to her. Either way, I'm sure we can all contribute something. Otherwise Elynne wouldn't have brought us all together. Alli too looks at the map when brought out.

How far away is it from town? she asks, not seeing anything to mark miles.


2010-07-08, 09:32 PM
The only person who knew how far away the spring is, is beyond asking. Elynne doesn't know, she's never been up there.

When the map is brought out, Crystal notices one or two other locals trying to catch a glimpse of it.

The Bushranger
2010-07-08, 09:36 PM

"Please...can't we all just get along?" Quinn asks, a little plaintively, as she leans over to get a better look at the map. "And I have a...small assortment of supplies."

Spot: [roll0]

2010-07-08, 10:03 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal will turn to get a better look at those whose nose is sniffing where it don't belong. Do we have a problem, gentlemen? she gives them a challenging look.


2010-07-09, 03:31 AM
Baron Rae Pastko

The Baron raises his glass to his lips, full of a lingering remnant of the wine. After a moment he swallows, and smiles. Disappointed? Transported? Hard to tell. The thirtysomething man has a puffiness too him that suggests too little sleep and too much brandy, but is otherwise immaculately groomed. A prominent clasp on his cloak is worked to resemble a bunch of grapes. He shifts in his chair to better accommodate the sword at his hip.

"I apologize. I was transported by the wine. I'm new here, so I guess that I'll be looking forward to getting to know each of you."

His eyes flit around the table, never quite coming to rest.

"My name is Pastko, Rae to my friends, Baron to social climbers. I am a connoisseur and facilitator."

He seems to bend to examine the map again.

"I agree with Gavin, although second light would be appreciated."

Spot check, although I'm assuming that it was about the locals: [roll0]

2010-07-09, 02:07 PM
Deputy Constable Kwun Quickclaw
[~koff~ on temporary leave...]

Steam billows from the battered brown bowl. A hirsute hand sets it back down upon the tarnished table. The creamy mushroom soup within has been barely sipped from.

Throughout the introductory proceedings, the man in the great coat at the end of the table had sat in silence, merely listening. At the first sign of trouble he stirs from his seeming-stupour, lifting a face bearing a map of pain scribed in lines of scars and ink of blood, up out of the shadows of his downcast brooding.

He pushes back his chair with a harsh scrape and stands to the sound of creaking leather and clinking mail and steel-shod boots. Craggy knuckles crackle as he passes by the other members of this newly formed party. He spares the map a single glance, saying in that same breath, his gaze briefly meeting the eyes of the others, "Name's Kwun. Watchman Kwun ta y'all..."

And then he is past their table, moving with all the wiry grace of a predator towards Crystal's position. The cloak of the constabulary swishes from his shoulders, except with the crest of the constabulary hastily and crudely patched over.

Another loud crackling of knuckles is heard on the way. An ebon shaft slides out of the shadows of his battered brown coat, the truncheon swinging easily, loosely yet discreetly. When he arrives at her side, he growls menacingly, "Don't make da law come quickly on yer arses... gents. Wots over yonder ain't none o' yer cat-kissin' business. Fin'sh yer Shirley Temples an' keep yer gorram noses whur dey gorram belong"

2010-07-09, 05:58 PM
Crystal turns and challenges the two possible spies. The two men act like they weren’t doing anything wrong. When Kwun comes over, they recognize him and he knows they’re cronies of Crallius the vintner. They quickly say, “We wasn’t doin’ nuthin’. Just sittin’ here.” They turn back to their drinks and concentrate on them, hoping that Kwun will go away and leave them in peace.

The others in the Inn are locals and generally behave themselves and stay out of the eye of the watch.

2010-07-09, 06:27 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal decides to keep an eye on these two. Let the others decide what to do.

2010-07-09, 07:22 PM

Still examining the map, Rae traces a line with his finger, leading from the town north, along the dotted line and then up, following the stream.

"This would seem to be the easiest route. Although this would seem to be not particularly enjoyable."

He pointed to the cliffs, with a grimace, and glanced around at the others in search of other ideas.

The Bushranger
2010-07-09, 10:12 PM

"So..." Quinn muses, studying the map. "I presume we'll need to make sure we have enough equipment to scale the cliffs, then?"

2010-07-10, 02:46 AM

"Hmm, I'm not so good at climbing..." Gavin mentions as he notices the cliff on the map.

"There must be an easier way or way around" he trails off.

2010-07-10, 09:46 AM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal smiles to Gavin. I'll help you. We'll need to get some proper climbing gear.

2010-07-10, 01:38 PM
Kwun Quickclaw

"Right" Kwun grunts, then snorts as he turns on his heel and begins stalking back towards his newfound comrades-at-arms. Right before he clears the tabel, he slowly stops and says without looking, "A good man died here. A good man. Tell yer... friend... that he shoulda come a-c'misseratin' hisself, if nothing else, that he'd lost a worthy opponent. And that he shouldn't be sendin' sneaks a-skulkin' 'round like youse. Tell yer master thah Ah'll Beh Waitin'."

With those parting words, he stomps back towards the baron and the others, flinging one "Comin', Crystal?" over his shoulder. When he arrives, catching the tail-end of the running conversation, he looks once more upon the map, taking a longer moment to let his gimlet eye finds its way through the ink and the parchment. The red-pupiled glass eye in his left socket glitters with light reflected from the various torches and candles in the inn, twisting these into a throbbing infernal glint.

Breaking off from looming over their shoulders, he breathes a sigh as he lets himself sink into his seat. With a hard wooden tok-kotok he drops his truncheon upon the table, spilling some drops from his soup. He lets his hand trail near the patched-away crest of the constabulary on his cloak then he uses a nearby ratty, torn edge of that cloak to wipe at the spill... to wipe at the spill with a slow, harsh drag. When he has sopped up the spill, he brings that portion of cloak to face level, pantomimes mashing a face up with his bestial hand, bits of fluid dribbling down. He then flashes his fangs, smiles a feral grin and rips that wet morsel of his cloak off with a single bite, chewing it for a minute, then spitting it in the direction of Crallius' cronies.

The threat display done, he takes a good gulp of the remaining soup and a messy chunk out of the haunch of crackling boar on his trencher. Juices dribbling from his scraggly beard, he frowns deeply, furrowing even deeper the myriad lines that crease his face. Turning to the others, he says, "Ehh yeah. Lezz put it dis way... Ain't much o' a' climber meself, ba' perfer mixin' it up wid da rippin' an' tearin'. But learned me some stuff in my time with the Golden Gargoyles... campaign a coupla years back, were hired ta help beat back some gobbo raidin' paties up by the Tunsvar Hillcountry... But any'ow... Fer both them who know how ta climb mountings an' those who ain't even nimble enough ta climb a low-hanging tree branch, we be needin' 'quipment, hella rope, picks, an' all tha' crap. One o' youse who's a good climber goes first, follered by one o' us fighters a' case crap happens. They two look 'round first fer easier ways, goat-paths er sumfin' then they toss down a line ta hook up ever'un else, pretty as y'all please"

2010-07-10, 02:28 PM

Rae stares at Kwun for a while, his brain working overtime to try to determine what the man had actually said. If he was the friend of the proprietors that he seemed to be, Rae wondered why he was working so very, very hard to frighten off the rest of the clientele. Ah well. Who could understand such folk. And, indeed, why bother trying.

"Indeed, sir. Well, perhaps there will be other ways to make the work easier, when we get to that point as well."

He smiled, thinking. Sipped the wine, and glanced at his companions.

The Bushranger
2010-07-10, 09:56 PM

For her part, Quinn looks distinctly intimidated at Kwun's display, and looks nervously at Alli and Crystal, deciding that now is a good time to keep quiet.

2010-07-10, 10:14 PM
The two who were interested are staring straight into their cups, not looking around at all. Occasionally they look up just to give each other a look and fidget a little, but otherwise, they're not making any trouble...

2010-07-10, 10:30 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal continues to watch everything around the table, deciding to let smarter people decide what they need to bring.

2010-07-11, 12:18 AM

Alli looks at Kwun with a bit of disgust and repulsion. You could at least try to act civil. she says, speaking her mind. The easiest way is either to take a cart or mule with us to carry supplies. We follow this trail until we meet the stream, then we can take the stream up to the cliffs. At that point we'll have to leave the cart or mule behind and shoulder all of our equipment.

As for scaling the cliffs, indeed we will need picks and whatnot. I think all five of us tied together would be best with the strongest in front and weakest in back. That way if one of us happens to fall or lose a grip, we all can help shoulder the burden.

And then we need to prepare as much as we can. We have no idea what is in these ruins. We don't want to be caught off guard because we didnt bring the right equipment. she says trailing the map, but keeping her voice low enough. And we don't want anyone following us either.

2010-07-11, 12:25 AM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal rolls her eyes while listening to the elf again. Luckily, her back is to her, so she can't see it.

I need to buy myself a dagger. she reminds herself.

The Bushranger
2010-07-11, 07:57 AM

"Tied...together?" Quinn asks, pausing then nods. "I guess that would work. And I can kinda watch out for people following us, too. I'm a telepath," she explains softly.

2010-07-11, 07:11 PM

Well who wants to ask Elynne for rmoney? As much as i would hate to ask I couldnt afford all the supplies we would need. she says, clearly not enjoying the prospect of asking. And who's going to pick up the supplies?

2010-07-11, 07:27 PM

"Rope and extra food we could buy ourselves. We won't likely be able to get a cart and horse up the side of a cliff. I'm not sure one is neccesary. We were asked to locate the spring not mount an expedition to retrieve wine. Who know how far the cliff is from the spring or how many days we'd be abandoning the horses for." Gavin explains his take on the mission.

"If you think we need a cart, then you should go ask her for the money..." Gavin adds with a playful smile.

2010-07-11, 07:30 PM

I'm fine with luggin it. she says. I've lived in the forest for the better part of my life.

The Bushranger
2010-07-11, 07:54 PM

"Well, I have some rope...and trail bars. And some soap," Quinn says, her tone one of 'nervous but trying to be helpful'. "I also have some change. Um, I'd be willing to buy a mule or something myself if you don't want to ask for the money."

2010-07-11, 10:21 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

If you all are afraid of her, I'll ask. Crystal stands and heads toward where she last saw Elynne.

Once she finds the girl. Crystal tries to indicate that she needs to talk to her in private.

2010-07-11, 10:48 PM

Alli watches Crystal go off to find Elynne. She turns to the table after the human is gone. Do you think she is just dense or doesnt understand what mourning is?

2010-07-12, 01:18 AM

"I dunno, but I get the impression she's the type that would prefer you ask her directly rather than talk behind her back." Gavin offers neutrally.

"Quite frankly, I think I'm scared of her. To answer your previous question though, I do have some money and could pick up some rope and food if we need."

2010-07-12, 01:40 AM

Alli's lip curls slightly into a small smile, the humor and sarcasm not lost on her. Maybe, but she's putting you to shame by asking you know. You're the big strong guy. You should be doing it not her.

2010-07-12, 01:51 AM

"Why would I ask? I didn't want the cart. Quite frankly given the size of my ego, I should be taken down a few notches and be shown up by a woman on a regular basis." Gavin says smoothly smiling at Ali.

"I suspect you also have talents that I won't understand or won't be able to match. Such is life in general. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Some volcanoes are full of molten rock and rage and other just belch harmless smoke and steam" .

2010-07-12, 02:00 AM

I only offered the cart as an idea since we seemed to have very little of those. she responds right back at him. She can't help but smile though and have a smudge of respect for the man.

The Bushranger
2010-07-12, 12:50 PM

"Um...I was serious, you know. I have some extra money for things like this, buying a cart and all," Quinn says quietly, after a moment. "There wasn't any need to bother Elynne."

2010-07-12, 01:08 PM
wun Quickclaw

Kwun glares into his bowl as a fly passes by his wide, exhaling nostrils and promptly passes out. He takes another sip of the creamy broth, gulping down the pest as well.

The taciturn shifter snorts, nods and grunts every so often in agreement or support with at various points of the running conversation but makes no contribution himself. He stares beyond the rim of the bowl, glaring at the floor, his hard black nails unconsciously digging into the table's wood while memories of Eadmer unbidden spring to his mind, of how his saintly generosity had given succor to many unfortunates throughout the years, including Kwun's own family.

At Quinn's insistence, he lifts an eyebrow and nods gravely, saying, "Aye, we'd a-be needin' a wagon fer cartin' back loot. Can't be haulin' wine-barrels mano-a-mano unless y'all fancy some backbreakin' toil or gettin' a slave train ta do it fer ye"

2010-07-12, 06:08 PM
Elynne looks up and dries her hand on her apron when she notices Crystal approaching. She's a bit nervous, but does her best not to let it show. When she learns that Crystal wants to talk in private, she leads the way to a back room. Yes? May I help you?

The two men take this opportunity to quietly get up and leave the Inn.

2010-07-12, 08:52 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

I'm sorry to be bothering you, Miss Elynne. But we was wondering if you knew where we could get a good cart and mule for sale. A used one would work, as long as it's sturdy. She speaks softly for one who normally acts uncouth and unrestrained.

2010-07-12, 09:16 PM
Elynne hms for a moment, Well, I don't know of anyone who has one for sale, but you might be able to pay for the use of one from the carter down the street.

2010-07-12, 09:23 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Thank you, Miss. Crystal turns to leave, but stops. Ummm, could I have some more of your delicious biscuits en gravy?

2010-07-12, 09:31 PM
Familiar ground, Elynne smiles, Certainly. I'll have it right out for you.

2010-07-13, 02:23 AM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal smiles quickly. Thanks.

Then the smile disappears, and she goes back to the table. Elynne says there's a carter down the street that may be able to help us. she says matter of factly.

2010-07-13, 05:30 AM
Kwun Quickclaw

Kwun suddenly snarls through a fang-baring smirk when the two cronies of Crallius get up and go. He stands, takes his bowl and trencher to the kitchen and slips one of his last remaining gold pieces into the space between bowl and trencher, nodding his gratitude to Elynne.

It just so happens that he arrives back at the table right as Crystal finishes speaking her piece. It is then that he drawls, "'Ey ladies en' gennelmen..." at which he lowers his voice, or tries to, when he says, "...them two sneaks wot just left? They're cronies o' Crallius da vinter, Eadmer's old rival, one o' th' constabulary's suspects fer the good man's death. Jealous ol' frakker, them's probberly gunna be a-tailin' us when we leave fer that Winespring thingamajig"

His frown then softens as he reaches out to the pillar nearest their table and retrieves his trusty halberd then checks the various straps about his person. He continues, trying, and failing, to make his face as friendly as possible while asking for aid, "Y'all wanna be 'elpin' Elynne? Who's good at scoutin' an' sneakin'? I need yer 'elp a-trackin' them two sneaks earlier"

2010-07-13, 09:19 AM
Rae asks softly, casually, as Kwun begins to arm himself.

"And what is it that you plan to do with those gentlemen, Mister Kwun?"

2010-07-13, 12:24 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

I say let them follow. They won't last long after we catch them. Crystal says with a evil grin on her face.

The Bushranger
2010-07-13, 05:21 PM

"Or, we could just try to give them the slip," Quinn opines. "Instead of looking for trouble, to just try and leave it behind."

2010-07-13, 07:06 PM
Rae smiles wearily and raises his glass in toast to Quinn.

"Indeed. The battle best won is that which is never fought."

2010-07-13, 08:04 PM

"I think a little dose of fire will straighten them out. I'd actually prefer that they follow us, rather than stay here and cause problems when we can't be here to help. If they follow us, the wolves will be well fed with bite-sized morsels that have been cooked to 'well-done' I'm sure." Gavin says jokingly.

"Maybe we should deal with them before we leave. They seem like the skulking type. Better to drag them in the light then have them stab us in the backs when we have our hands full with something dangerous" he suggests.

2010-07-13, 09:44 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Weaklings. Crystal growls softly.

2010-07-13, 10:10 PM

Better then barbarian savages I would think. Alli mutters at hearing Crystal's comment. We are here for Elynne and to find this wine spring. Not to start fights.

The Bushranger
2010-07-13, 10:12 PM

Quinn starts to say something, then closes her mouth and rubs her face with her hands, very nearly commenting about intramural fights before deciding against it.
"Either way, we should go soon," she says, finally.

2010-07-14, 01:34 AM
Kwun Quickclaw

"Bah. Long gone, by now..." A hairy hand slaps a hairy forehead. "Hyeesh. Kyadda-yaaadda... y'all don't need weapons, y'all could massacre an army by just dronin' on an' frakkin' onnn... By all the gods of blood the Abyss ever shat out... ugh..."

The one-eyed shifter turns away with a glassy glint streaking in the air after him. "Y'all need someone a sell ye some fleas fer dirt-cheap, come ta th' constab's barr'cks. Ye nee somebody ta be rippin' an' tearin' an' a-guardin' yr sorry arses, I'll be at the Nor Point Road, crack o' dawn, givin' an arse-frakkin' salute by poleaxe ta golden ol' Pelor. Come if yer comin'"

2010-07-14, 01:48 AM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal sits quietly, waiting for her food.

2010-07-14, 01:50 AM

Elynne comes out with Crystal's food and sets it in front of her. She looks around at the group and asks, Does anyone need anything else?

2010-07-14, 01:57 AM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

((No problem. :smallsmile:))

Thank you. she hands Elynne a gold coin for the soup. (or whatever the cost, plus tip. But at least a gold.)

Crystal begins to eat her food. Anyone paying attention will see that she seems to eat like a delicate young lady. No slurping. Enjoying every small bite.

2010-07-14, 08:03 AM
Rae glances around at his companions, and drains the dregs of his glass.

"And on that cheerful note, I'll be off as well. There are a few other supplies I'd like to look into, so if I'm not able to take care of it today, it may be a little later than dawn before I make it to Kwun's 'arse-frakkin.' As much fun as that sounds."

Nodding to the others as he rises, Rae slips out.

I'm not clear on the time of day, but if possible Rae will spend some time trying to find, in the town, the equivalent of a climbing kit. If it's not available as a unit, he'll assemble an ad hoc one by finding large nails, a small hammer, wedges and the like. Of course, he'll also be keeping his eyes open for the men at the other table, checking to see if they're also looking around for gear.

2010-07-14, 10:34 AM

Alli watches Crystal eat, surprised by her style of eating. Either way she turns to Quinn. Shall we go look at that cart then?

The Bushranger
2010-07-14, 12:49 PM

Quinn, having eaten earlier, nods in agreement with Alli. "Sounds like a good idea to me. And I should be able to get up by dawn," she adds, nodding to Rae. "Even if others can't."

2010-07-14, 08:32 PM
It's early evening. You still have some time to do a little shopping, but it'll be hard to find specialized equipment. The General Store has basic food items, most of the adventuring gear listed as well as farming implements and supplies. ((They don't carry amazing locks, manacles, pitons, ram, signet rings, sledge and no special substances/items, no tool kits/skill kits)). All prices are the same as in the PHB.

The Carter down the street has basic items for horses, ponies and mules and occasionally rents out animals and carts for those that need them for a day or two.

After you decide what extra supplies you want, list them here and on your character sheet.

2010-07-14, 09:18 PM
how much would he give for renting that cart with the possibility of never seeing it again. Along with feed for a mule for say about a week as well as barrels to carry the wine in.

We might be able to convince him that in turn for renting his cart at a reduced price we give him one barrel of wine.

2010-07-14, 09:21 PM
Are you going to be telling the carter that he'll never see his mule/cart again? Or not? :smalltongue:

2010-07-14, 09:24 PM
We need to borrow a cart/mule from anywhere between 1-2 weeks with feed. We'll pay you half the price it costs and give you a barrel of wine when we come back. If there is no wine we will pay however much we owe for renting it.

That sounds like a decent/good deal right?

2010-07-14, 09:25 PM
((She obviously needs to work on her bargaining skills. :smalltongue:))

2010-07-14, 09:30 PM
*shush you*

The Bushranger
2010-07-14, 10:54 PM

Quinn will try to bargain a bit, trying to get the best possible deal for the mule and cart.

(Diplomacy, [roll0])

2010-07-15, 09:20 PM
The carter is clearly charmed by Quinn... :smallamused:

"That sounds reasonable, half with a cask of wine when you return the cart and mule." He reaches out to shake on it.

2010-07-15, 09:25 PM

Looks at the charming Quinn to see if she will seal the deal since she is a lot smoother talker then she is anyday of the week. She seems a bit frumpy as well.

The Bushranger
2010-07-15, 09:29 PM

Quinn blushes a bit, but takes the carter's hand and shakes on it, surprisingly firmly.
"Agreed, then." She smiles. "Thanks for your help, sir. We appreciate it!"

((Psst, DS, Quinn's a she. :smalltongue:))

2010-07-15, 09:32 PM
He smiles back, "Be sure to take care of old Sally, she's a little old, but she's reliable." After a moment or two, he takes his hand back. "When will you be wanting her to be ready?"

2010-07-15, 09:32 PM
(my bad. fixed :smallredface:)


We will come for her tomorrow morning if possible.

The Bushranger
2010-07-15, 09:36 PM

"Don't worry, we'll take good care of her! She'll be fine." Quinn smiles as she steps back. "And yeah, tomorrow morning will be great."

((Remember, she looks like Kaylee. ^_^))

2010-07-15, 11:19 PM
He smiles in return, "I'll have her ready with the cart, see you then."

2010-07-17, 10:53 PM
Everyone finds their own place to spend the night. The edge of dawn creeps over the horizon and all (or some) remember to meet at the crack of dawn. The carter has the mule and cart ready and it's up to you to get going.

2010-07-17, 11:13 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal having spent a quiet night at the inn, will awaken in time to meet Kwun at the "Nor Point Road" at dawn.

Over the dirty and torn skirt and shirt she was wearing yesterday, she has a blackened and stained looking mail of some sort. Strapped to her back is a great sword, with a heavy flail hanging off the back pack.

2010-07-17, 11:16 PM

Alli will go to pick up the cart (with Quinn?) and bring it back to where the designated spot was. As she rides up she spots Crystal lugging her weapons. She pulls up beside her. Need a ride Missy? she asks.

2010-07-17, 11:57 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

No thank you. Crystal smiles. It's a nice @ss you have there.

((Sorry wxDruid. It needed to be said. :smallamused:))

The Bushranger
2010-07-18, 12:02 AM

Quinn, indeed riding with Alli, blinks a bit at Crystal's quip, then groans, mostly internally, at the horrible pun.
"I'm glad you find it so amulesing," she can't resist firing back.


2010-07-18, 12:02 AM

Alli laughs at both of the joke. Yes it is. she says smiling herself and patting him.

ooc- i will get you back for that. :smallannoyed:

2010-07-18, 02:00 PM

Rae arrives at the rendezvous point with a small pack and a slender bow slung over each shoulder. His facial expression leaves no question about his opinion of early morning departures, but he merely salutes the others as they gather.

"Well, I suppose that all of this walking will do wonders for the appetite."

2010-07-18, 02:08 PM

Gavin rush up to meet with the group, having slept in a bit.

"Looks like we got everything we need" Gavin says looking over the mule. He falls into line with everyone else. "Morning everyone!" he says with a bright smile on his face.

He took a moment to turn his face into the rising sun, enjoying its warmth.

"When this is over, I should move someplace warmer..." he thinks to himself.

2010-07-18, 04:34 PM
Almost everyone meets up early in the morning just outside the village. So far, there's no sign of Kwun, but, considering his words last night, he might have gotten an early start?

Following the map brings you from the comfortable confines of Thysbee into the wild hills nearby. The parchment markings show an established path veering off the road to the next village, but it's little more than a game trail. It leads through tangled underbrush and a dense forest. If you don't stick to the path your way would become very difficult, slow and noisy. You know you're on the right trail when you reach a bubbling brook flowing down from the wild hills. Since you've been hiking/riding half the day through the forest, this looks like a good place to rest and consult Eadmer's map.

2010-07-18, 04:45 PM

As they reach a natural stopping place, Rae holds a finger to his lips and suggests 'wait here' with a gesture. He does his best to remain light on his feet as he backtracks back along the edge of the trail and out of sight.

His intent is to take about 5 minutes going back, moving silently at half speed. Taking 10 if possible for hide and move silently checks of 17, spot of 18. If he hasn't seen anything following them, he'll head back for a quick glass of wine and bite of bread before heading off again.

2010-07-19, 08:41 PM
Rae heads back along the trail for about 5 min worth. He hears birds, but doesn't see anyone behind them at this point.

The Bushranger
2010-07-19, 08:52 PM

"Ooh, pretty..." Quinn says as she spots the bubbling brook.

As the cart stops, she hops down, and heads for the stream, taking a look around before refilling her waterskin.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

INT: (1d20+3)[15] (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2614598/)

2010-07-19, 09:05 PM
Quinn hops down from the cart and refills her waterskin. She takes a sip, savors it for a moment and realizes it has a fruity aftertaste. After she takes another drink, she realizes it tastes like heavily watered down wine, specifically the wine served at the Sword and Cask.

2010-07-20, 12:47 AM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Ah, you found some water. Crystal walks over to fill her own waterskin. Is it fresh?

2010-07-20, 01:51 AM
Rae returns after about 10 minutes.

"Well, if anyone's following us, they're really good at it. Ooh, is that a refreshing drink?"

He sees the others filling waterskins and heads over to the brook as well.

2010-07-20, 11:45 AM
Deathslayer, I think this is lunch, not end of day.

As the others bring out lunches, Rae opens his pack and carefully, lovingly, withdraws a bottle of wine.

"As might be appropriate, given the outset of a new undertaking, I thought that a shared bottle might be in order. This is a lovely Radagian Malbec, five years old. Simple, direct, and with some toasty, nutty notes. Seems appropriate for this group. Who would care to join me?"

2010-07-20, 11:58 AM
ooc- you saw nothing <.<


Alli too hops down from the cart stretching her legs. When Rae brings out his bottle of wine, she smiles. Shouldn't that be saved until afterwards? she asks him.

2010-07-20, 01:49 PM
Rae winks at Alli.

"Afterwards, I have every intention of enjoying several bottles of the homegrown."

The Bushranger
2010-07-20, 04:51 PM

Quinn, her eyes wide, stares at the creek, looking over as she hears Crystal and Rae arriving.
"Er...it is fresh. Really fresh. As in...it tastes like wine," she says, almost gasping out the last part. I'm not kidding. It's not really strong...but...it tastes just like Elynne's wine!"

2010-07-20, 04:53 PM

Gavin sits down to rest nearby and plops off his boot looking for the stray stone that's been rumbling around.

"This isn't a picnic, traveling is serious business, dangerous business..." Gavin does his best not to come off too preachy but isn't sure if he suceeds.

Gavin didn't really like wine all that much, not enough fizz or spicey-ness to it.

Looking at the wine bottle, "Now back home, you could order a 'steaming fire giant'. Now that was a drink. You take a small keg of the finest dwarven ale, toss in a handful of dragonspice, drop in 2 small chunks of burning magma from the volcanoe. Then you drink it as fast as possible before the ale boils off. Of course you don't want to swallow the newly forming hot rocks in the bottom or breath in the steam. That is a drink that puts hair on your chest..and worth drinking" Gavin explains.

"It like an adventure in your mouth"

Satified that his boots were now stone-free, he fills up his own waterskin and adjusts the heavy pack on his back.

2010-07-20, 06:42 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal holds out her hand to accept the offered bottle of wine. That sounds good.

If given the bottle, she takes a good swallow. Ahhhh, refreshing.

Just shakes her head at Gavin. Either Steaming Fire Giant isn't for women, or you have a lot of hairy women in your clan.

2010-07-20, 06:48 PM
When you're ready to move on, please make spot checks (or if anyone has it, survival checks) to find the next part of the trail.

2010-07-20, 06:48 PM
Rae stares uncomprehendingly at Gavin. Did the man have any taste buds left at all? And he spoke as if wine was some kind of...luxury. Instead of being, well, necessary.

He backtracks mentally to the equally puzzling but at least positive sounding pronouncement by Quinn. The water tastes like...wine? Had he died and gone to heaven?

Carefully setting the bottle down, Rae crouches low and brings a cupped hand of water to his nose. Experimentally, he sips some and swirls it around in his mouth before spitting it back out into the stream.

"She's right. Either someone is dumping a LOT of wine into this brook, or there's something deliciously interesting going on upstream."

2010-07-20, 06:55 PM

Alli stares at them as if they had gone crazy. She too will kneel down by the stream and cup some water in her hands and try some.

Thinking about this for a moment she says We'll if this water tastes slightly like wine, I suppose it would be better if we tried not to drink from the stream at all farther up, but that is hardly an option as it is our main water source.

We don't want to be intoxicated now do we before we get there. she says smiling sweetly at Crystal and Rae. If someone would lend me a hand, I would appreciate it. She goes to the back of the cart and pulls down one of the empty barrels struggling a bit.

She'll then go to the stream and fill the barrel with water. Hopefully by then someone will help her carry it back.

2010-07-20, 07:22 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal will go to help the poor little elf with the big heavy barrel. :smalltongue:

Your judgement seems sound to me. Further up it may be very intoxicating.


The Bushranger
2010-07-20, 08:57 PM

Quinn, deciding not to comment on Gavin's tale of drinking wine with hot magma, blushes a bit at Alli's pronouncement. "Ah, it probably would be a good idea to avoid that, yeah," she agrees, before making sure her waterskin is topped off, and going to assist Alli and Crystal with rolling out the barrel.

"That could be a problem, too. If the water up there is wine, and we have to drink it, we may have to choose between dehydration and, um, getting drunk."

Spot: [roll0]

2010-07-20, 10:32 PM

Rae takes a flask of 'samples' from the stream. Quinn's comment makes him question, once more, what kind of zealots he had fallen in among.

"A difficult decision, to be sure."

Since no one else seems interested, Rae reluctantly slides the bottle carefully back into his pack, and tosses in the flask as well. He reaches in and pulls out soft bun, and takes a bite. Rae slides the pack back up onto his shoulder.

"Shall we be off, then?"

2010-07-21, 02:33 AM
Kwun Qonstituted

Suddenly, there is a rustling in the bushes behind them... and a long stream of muffled expletives. From the darkness of the foliage, there first comes a strange odour... as if of perfume, or more precisely, of heavy incense and herbs. And then comes the glint of the halberd held in a drooping arm traveling in an unsteady gait... Most surprising of all is the conical beak-like mask strapped to his face, bearing clerical inscriptions and from which the strong odour of incense wafts...

When the erstwhile shifter finally emerges into the light, he looks dishevelled and bedraggled, as if he had traveled thrice the distance that the others have. Dried mud and what seems to be porcine excrement cakes his body, his clothing and his equipment. Leaves, twigs and not a few river rocks stick out at odd angles from his figure.

Through his hard eyes, there briefly flashes looks of shame and chargrin but these are swiftly swallowed up once more by an ever-simmering rage. He looks upon the doubtless astonished and aghast faces of his undoubtedly disgusted colleagues in this vicious venture. Leaning heavily on the haft of his weapon, he reaches up and briefly removes the plague-mask from his nose and mouth, glares at all and sundry and growls, "Do. NOT. Trust. This. Water."

Before donning the plague-mask again, he hawks a gob of yellowish-blackish phlegm but misses the sparkling stream, splashing the sickly substance instead on the jagged edge of a treestump on the near bank.

2010-07-21, 02:49 AM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Eeeewww! Could you please spit your nastiness elsewhere?

Then she looks toward Rae. What'd you do with that bottle? That was pretty good.

2010-07-21, 09:38 AM

"So good of you to join us, Mister Kwun."

He nods at Crystal with a half-smile, and retrieves the bottle from his pack, which he quickly opens.

"And...what is the basis for your warning, sir?"

His hand slips back into the small pack, withdrawing a pair of slender wine glasses. He shrugs a slight apology for them being the wrong glasses for this varietal, and fills glasses for Crystal and himself.

2010-07-21, 10:47 AM

Alli looks at Kwun as if he had gone insane. Then not really liking the idea of that thought, thought he was disgusting. Spitting was a bad habit that people should stop. And erm... why are you dressed like ... that? she asks obviously asking about his outfit.

2010-07-21, 01:00 PM

"He was obviously kidnapped by trickster river kobolds. I've heard stories of them taking unweary travellers and forcing them to wear ridiculous clothing - then they would pelt them with bear manure. You were truely lucky to escape with your life..." Gavin says in a somewhat serious tone.

2010-07-21, 01:20 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Thank you. Crystal reaches for the bottle. Obviously, the glasses were for Rae and someone else.

If forced to, she will drink from the wine glass. :smallyuk: But she won't be happy about it.

2010-07-21, 02:14 PM
Kwun Qursedandcraptasticallyqrazy

The scarred shifter turns his gaze towards Alli, his one living eye seeming like the eye of someone with a foot already in the grave. For a long moment, she catches him with his guard down, guilt and shame writ large upon his fierce features. He swallows with a throat drier than a desert and then snarls as his perpetual air of defiance creeps back into his voice yet not into his eyes, "I'm cov'd in shyet 'acause I'm a piece o' shyet"

He turns away, slowly stalking towards the end of the line. Reaching the party's vanguard, or what would pass for a vanguard... he stops and turns, growling, "Y'all really want ta know? Well do ya?"

A sudden choking cough cuts him off and he breathes deeply of the incense in his plague-mask. "Y'all... huuuaagh... haaaaack... ain't got a nose like mine. Mine ain't the best, but tis still worse'n yours at picking up strange scents"

Not meeting his questioners' eyes, he says, "When I dropped by home ta pick up th'rest o' me stuff an' say g'bye, me nephew said 'Good frakkin' riddance ya treach'rous pigshyet!' an' then kicked me into our pig-hole... hence... THIS"

The growl and the scowl deepen as he continues, "Figgered I'd best be gone afore he starts puttin' holes in me, I high-tailed it o'er ta Nor'Point, then slogged it to HERE, figgered I could wash of here... But DAMN... where it STINKS... of frakkin' LIQUOR, gorrammit. In town's tolerable, got lots o' other stuff maskin' the odour, here... STINKS. Ran back ta Thysbee an' borrowed a plague-mask from Father Frank... then ran back 'ere"

And then he finally raises his face, his gimlet eye smouldering with rage, his unrelenting gaze spearing those whom he addresses. "I don't ask why ye drooled more'n I did when ye were lookin' at the burning coals instead of the spit-roasting boar above 'em... I don't ask why ye think yer a jinx wher's yer actually pretty damn good... I don't ask why ye sounded like a spoiled-arse princess who ain't ne'er seen a shyet-man afore..."

It is at that point that he begins swaying, slowly slipping into what would most would see as somebody fighting tipsiness. But even diluted, without the masking tapestry of unnatural scents that are omnipresent in civilization, here, the fumes' foul influence seep through, sapping his fatigue-addled speech even more, and yet anybody who even half-knows how to read people sees plainly that there is a large grain of truth behind his mad ranting... "...THEN GORRAMMIT, DON"T FRAKKEN ASK WHY ME KIN HATES ME GUTS!"

He suddenly yet unsteadily points a claw at the Baron, snarling, "Guvvamint warnen'... LIQKER KILLS, GORRAMMIT"

Just as suddenly, he pushes his plague-mask up onto his forehead, making him look like a foul-smelling and foul-mouthed two-legged unicorn. He wavers on his feet, braces himself with the butt of his polearm and then spits at the stream, snarling, the fumes clearly having gone to his head... or so it seems... "Annnnd YOU! Ah waon't kill fer ye again, damn you! Ah'll kill fer a friend, fer kin... but NEVER fer... ~hic~... ye! Damn yer fumes! Gah-hic..."

2010-07-21, 02:43 PM

When Crystal reaches for the bottle, Rae nods a bit sadly and turns it over to her. The shifter's rant causes Pastko to draw back, away from the sheer incomprehensible and possibly alcohol-infused rage of it all. Since the man, both the night before and now, seemed to take everything in as fuel for further vitriol, Rae simply nodded and turned away, took a few steps upwind, and sampled the wine.

Eventually, he turns to Gavin.

"Do you understand what he's saying?"

2010-07-21, 03:12 PM

Gavin turns to Rae. "No, I'm not sure what he is saying. However, he is well armed - we should humor him. I count us lucky that he is on our side."

Gavin points at the ground 20 feet away and a small fiery blast explodes, digging a small crater in the ground. Continueing to point at the small crater, he begins a short prayer to Joramy.

Momentarily the small blackened crater fills up with 8 gallons of fresh water.

"There you go Master Kwun. A wash basin, filled with now warm water. Joramy's destrution is also a creation of sorts and shall provides for your needs. The water shouldn't smell of wine or berries" Gavin bows humblely.

Gavin sniffs the air, enjoying the scent of burning grass. "smells like home!"


Use fiery burst (2d6 fire damage, 10 ft square) to blast a small divet in the ground- ideally near the river bank where there should be rocks under the soil. Hopefully blowing away any soil or debris. Gavin will be mindful not to hit anyone in the party with the blast as well.

Cast level 0 'create water' in the small hole - warmed slightly from the fire-scorched rocks.

2010-07-21, 04:13 PM

Alli stares at Gavin intently. How did you do that? she asks somewhat suspiciously.

2010-07-21, 04:58 PM

Gavin looks Alli straight in the eyes and says "...FAITH".

Gavin brings his index finger up to his lips and gently blows on it. He winks at Alli.

2010-07-21, 05:17 PM

Alli seems a bit dissapointed by his answer but hides it well.

The Bushranger
2010-07-21, 05:53 PM

For her part, Quinn...seems to have been frozen in place by the appearance of the apparation that is Kwun. Staring, mouth open, and looking, overall, rather...shocked.

2010-07-21, 07:00 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal will pour some of the wine into the galsses for Rae. There ya go. She then drinks straight from the bottle. Ahhhh! That's some good stuff.

She does her best to ignore Kwun, until the bath appears. If you need help with that bath, I'd be happy to give it to ya, Mister Kwun.

2010-07-21, 08:19 PM

Gavin looks over to Crystal. "Next time I need a bath, will you help me?" He flashes a wicked smile.

2010-07-21, 09:00 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian


The Bushranger
2010-07-22, 02:56 PM

That bit of banter produces a reaction from Quinn, finally, as she blushes, swallows, and looks away. "Er...well, we knew about the water having wine in it. You can taste it here, faintly," she says, before turning and hurrying off to check on the mule.

2010-07-23, 03:51 PM
Kwun Quickwash

BLAGAM! fwoo-koosh!

A rush of adrenaline suddenly drowns out the scent-induced stupour in Kwun at the fire-priest's conjuring but manages to catch himself. What in less bestial folk would have been a flinch or a gasp, in him turns into a fang-baring snarl, crouching onto his haunches, shifting his weight onto the balls of his feet in preparation for a spring, thrusting his halberd out and back for balance.

When the, quite literal, heat of the moment subsides, he stands and stalks over slowly towards Gavin, his blazing gaze unwavering, hot breath snorting, miasmal cloud of stinking flies hovering, steel glinting. At the moment that he comes within arm's reach, he lunges...

...and then claps him on the shoulder with a heavy, and unfortunately, grimy hand. After a short, barking laugh, he says simply and with sincerity, "Thank you"

Feeling that it would simply not be right to spurn the gift given him and that to do so would be incurring the wrath of a magic-wielder, Kwun moves for the impromptu pool. He says aloud, "Ye remind me of a Goblin proverb... 'Dhrek kai laa, dhrek ak-haal laa'... 'Fire finds all, fire solves all'"

He first casts about, checking the other side of the stream, the eaves of the forest, everywhere he could see, in obeisance to his survival instincts. With military alacrity, sets his various weapons down in easy reach and he strips off. It is at that point, with nothing but his hirsuteness covering him, that he catches Crystal's comment, to which he replies, "Feel free... I can smell yer humourizing, though" He first meticulously cleans his weapons and armour and then carefully checks the seals on his boxy backpack and snorts in relief at seeing the contents are... mostly... unspoiled.

He then plunges into the water, seizes a rock and proceeds to scrub at himself vigourously. Less than a minute later, he leaps out and shakes himself off like a wet dog. Dressing himself once more, he raises a bushy brow at anybody looking at him funny and says, "Whot?"

Still dripping, reverting back to his taciturn, plague-masked persona, he takes point, straining his keen senses for the continuation of the trail and after a while, says, "What? Should I chop down some trees and begin building a bathouse fer y'all?"

Spot checks and Survival checks


2010-07-23, 04:09 PM

The baron sighs and finishes off the glasses of wine while he watches the splashing about. He carefully, and regretfully, tucks the glasses back into the pack.

"No, Kwun, I think we have enough bats in our collective belfry to last us quite some time. Very kind of you to offer, though."

2010-07-23, 09:05 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Just enjoying the show. Crystal smiles. Then turns toward the rest. Are we ready to go?

She points to a small hard to see trail running parallel to the stream. I think the path continues in this direction.

The Bushranger
2010-07-23, 10:00 PM

Quinn, still a bit red-faced, nods. "Well, I'm ready if everybody else is," she says, smiling a bit at Crystal.

2010-07-23, 11:02 PM

Gavin dusts himself off and finishes up the muffin he was chewing on.

"Ready! Let's go" he states.

2010-07-23, 11:30 PM

Alli turns red when she notices Kwun is really going to take a bath. She busies herself with feeding the mule and giving it a good patting as well as grooming.

Having eaten herself she'll jump back up on the wagon.

2010-07-24, 12:52 AM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal looks confused at the other two women. What, have you never seen a naked man before? You two need to get out more. Live a little.

She heads up the trail, taking the lead.


2010-07-24, 04:26 AM
Crystal takes the lead on the narrow trail next to the stream. Getting the cart and mule up here will take a bit more work. One by one the others follow her. Kwun doesn't spot anything of interest, but his survival skills them him Crystal is on the right path.

2010-07-24, 09:47 AM
With an air of resignation, Rae assists in pushing the cart up the increasingly steep path. He forebore asking what they would do with the rig if there really were cliffs ahead.

The Bushranger
2010-07-25, 12:37 AM

Quinn follows as well, humming softly to herself as they make their way up the trail. Joining in pushing the cart when the poor mule needs assistance.

2010-07-26, 05:21 PM
The group shoves, pulls, pushes with the mule and as you hike upstream, an uneasy feeling descends upon you. Did you hear a twig snap in the distance? It was probably just a doe or some other woodland creature. Did the wind cause that rustling of leaves, or did someone just brush aside a branch? You are certain that this unnerving sensation is caused by someone following you out there in the forest.

((Make a Spot check))

2010-07-26, 05:36 PM
Rae realizes that he's in serious danger of sweating, and pushes a little less hard.

Spot: [roll0]

2010-07-26, 05:39 PM

Alli makes sure to keep the mule behind Rae so if he slows down any more then the group speed, he's going to have a mule for company. She focuses more on driving the cart though so an axel or wheel doesnt break.

Spot: [roll0]

2010-07-26, 05:47 PM
Rae, still engaged in helping to push Alli's cart, is very curious why she has taken a leap from the metaphorical towards the literal in putting the cart before the horse. Or, in this case, mule.

2010-07-26, 05:50 PM
my bad :smallredface:

2010-07-26, 07:07 PM

Gavin walks behind the cart quietly and with out complaint.

spot [roll0]

The Bushranger
2010-07-26, 08:34 PM

"...did anybody hear that?" Quinn asks, her tone nervous as she looks aroud, letting up on pushing a little, trying to find what she thinks she heard.

Spot: [roll0]

2010-07-26, 11:57 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal, still ahead of the rest, stops and listens. She will also slowly look about, hoping to see something with her not-so-sharp eyesight.



2010-07-27, 05:58 PM
Rae, Gavin, Quinn and Crystal spot someone who seems to be watching them through distant trees, catching a glimpse of a small humanoid creature staring at them before it shifts and blends into the forest shadows. The four of you only ever see one creature, but it seems to disappear from one place and appear in another as you hike upstream. The only sounds come from your party, the birds are all quiet.

2010-07-28, 12:13 PM

Continues on blisfully unaware of the thing.

2010-07-28, 12:45 PM

Seeing no need to create trouble where it didn't yet exist, and fearing that the more excitable members of the group would charge after the elusive creature, Rae kept his mouth shut and his eyes open.

Knowledge Arcana/Nature/Local/Religion to identify the skittish creature. [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]

The Bushranger
2010-07-28, 08:26 PM

"...something's following us," Quinn says nervously. "I think. Does anybody else see it?"

2010-07-28, 08:28 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Shhhh. I'm waiting for it to get closer.

2010-07-28, 08:32 PM

The baron switches to the elven tongue and murmurs. "I think it's a dwarf."

The Bushranger
2010-07-28, 08:40 PM

Quinn falls quiet with an 'oh' expression at Crystal's admonition, and merely nods in answer to Rae.

2010-07-30, 02:33 AM

Gavin waits patiently for any forth coming attack nervously. He wasn't sure he got a good look at the thing but it likely wasn't the thugs from town but who could be sure...

"I've got a bad feeling about this." he mumbles.

2010-07-30, 08:19 PM
The creature never seems to come closer or go farther away from the group and you're steadily making progress ahead (although rather slowly).

((make spot checks))

2010-07-30, 08:41 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
HP: 36/36
Human Barbarian

Crystal keeps going, watching carefully for the "Dwarf".


Gah!!! I'm blind!!

2010-07-30, 09:33 PM

Gavin whistles softly too himself as he keeps an eye.


2010-07-31, 09:55 AM

Alli hearing about this creature, scans the woods.


2010-07-31, 01:27 PM
Kwun Quietforalongtimeapparently

On the way from that brief pitstop, Kwun marches at the vanguard of the party, abreast with their other frontliner. All the way he goes, with deep frown and dark scowl, marching on in taciturn silence... sans the stench...

Every so often, he stops to right or help the cart along when it gets into a rut. Every so often, his right fist clenches tighter about the haft of his halberd, making him feel the absence of his ring finger all the more. Every so often, his left eyesocket itches, his scarred back aching with phantom pains of that terrible night, long ago.

Every so often, his half-ripped ears twitch though neither flies nor breeze caress them. Every so often, he hears again, her words... offering a washing. But beneath the bestial exterior and the abrasive facade, all he hears are some of the last words his late wife ever spoke to him.

Beneath the bushy black brow, a gimlet iris glares into the distance. As his companions' signs of alarm grow apparent, the shifter himself shifts his vantage, looking over his shoulders and at the group's flanks, watchful for pursuit...

Spot check, as ordered.

Kwun starts visibly at Crystal's exclamation, then scowls again, saying, "Try having an ogre rip one out with a rusty hook, then let's see..." even as he tosses her a waterskin and grunts, "...wash. Must be a bug or march-dust"

2010-08-01, 10:50 AM

Spot [roll0]

His hand never moving far from the place where it could snatch the bow from his shoulder, Rae continues on towards the cliffs.

The Bushranger
2010-08-01, 05:36 PM

Quinn looks back often as well, and all around - and jumps hearing Crystal. Kwun beating her in offering assistiance, though, she merely blushes, and resumes looking around.

Spot: [roll0]

2010-08-01, 07:24 PM
You continue hiking upstream, wary of who- or whatever is following you in the dense forest shadows. Suddenly you hear the sound of something slicing through the air…a hail of crossbow bolts! Someone is ambushing you from behind. Four bolts slice through the air in the middle of the party. One finds a target and Rae suddenly feels pain where the bolt pierces his chainmail.

The enemy is hiding behind trees behind the group.

---------- Surprise Round ----------

((post actions and roll init))

Rae (dam: 9)

2010-08-01, 09:58 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 36/36
Rage HP: 44/44
Human Barbarian

Crystal turns and with only a grunt, she'll rush toward the enemy. If she sees one, this grunt will turn into a rawrr of rage!!

((Instantaneous Rage))

She will attack the first enemy she comes upon, attempting to slice him in two with her Keen Greatsword.

((Quick Draw))




2010-08-02, 12:09 AM


Rae snaps the bow off of his shoulder, as he'd been prepared to do, and fires off a single shot at one of the ambushers. Then, exercising what is far and away the better part of valour, he hops up onto the cart and takes cover behind the barrel.
Initiative: [roll0]
Knowledge (local) check on their attackers, for purposes of Knowledge devotion [roll1] I am AFB, and will have to add the bonuses in manually later.
Quickdraw bow thanks to Least Crystal of Return
Standard action shot at opponents (not including any penalties for cover or distance), Attack and damage: [roll2] [roll3]
Move action: Jump into the back of the cart, taking whatever cover he can behind the water barrel.

2010-08-02, 12:35 AM
How far away ?

2010-08-02, 01:34 AM
The enemy is about 50-70 ft away and they are hiding behind trees.

2010-08-02, 11:17 AM

Alli hears the whistles and immmediately stops the cart. Peeking out from the top she looks around then starts chanting her spell quiet;y, hoping no one notices.

initiative: [roll0]
Casting magic missile.
[roll1] both at the same target.

2010-08-02, 03:51 PM
Kwun Qrazyattacking

Koff. And I hope y'all don't mind me making Kwun's second name into a running gag...

Kwun immediately ducks into a defensive crouch at the sound of the fusillade of bolts rattling overhead, splashing harmlessly into the stream beyond. He whirls on a dime, doffing his plague-mask deftly, steadying himself for half a heartbeat...

...then reaches into the fire of his blood, the savagery of his ancestry. His mouth enlarges into a lupine snout, his teeth lengthening into brutal fangs. Fury floods his veins, white-hot rage sears through his sinews. An animalistic howl rips forth from his guts.


Sighting down along the length of his halberd, he rushes at the nearest clump of death-spewing shrubbery. Midway there, he gives a mighty leap, roaring "DEATH FROM ABOVE! DIIIIEEE, SHRUBBERY!" and then finishes his attack by bringing the axe-side of the halberd down with crushing force.

Actions: Shift, and Rage. Charge and [since we're limited to standard speed since this is a Surprise Round...] Jump.

Str 23 Con 18
AC 13 [-2 charge, -4 Reckless Rage]
HP 38/38 -- 42/42

Initiative: [roll0]
Jump: [roll1]
Charging Attack roll, masterwork halberd, with Power Attack: [roll2]
Damage roll [roll3]

Edit: Holy craptastic rolls, Batman!

2010-08-02, 08:03 PM

Gavin, too far out of position, just takes cover behind the wagon. "Looks like the problem is well in hand " he says to himself.

He pulls out a wand from his backpack as he notices Rae's injury.


The Bushranger
2010-08-02, 08:30 PM

Quinn shrieks in terror as she hears the swishing of crossbow bolts, and scrambles for cover behind the other side of the cart!

Once there, she takes a quick breath, and does her best to concentrate, preparing to join in the battle...trying to pin down the locations of their opponents! As a slight green glow appears around her, almost seeming to be taking on the appearance of a suit of armour...

Initative: [roll0]

Manifesting Inertial Armor.

Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]

2010-08-03, 04:14 PM
Gavin takes cover behind the wagon and pulls out a wand.

Alli targets the first one she sees and sends two magic missiles at him.

Quinn shrieks in terror and ducks and finds cover. She manifests Inertial Armor and tries to locate the enemy, but she’s rather unsuccessful at determining exactly where they are behind the trees.

Crystal rages and rushes the enemy. She lunges at the first one (R1) she spots behind a tree. He goes one way while she attacks and she misses him and barely misses the tree.

Rae fires off an arrow at R2 and manages to hit him despite his cover from the tree.

Kwun shifts and he’s right behind Crystal. They thought she was scary…and they weren’t prepared for him. Kwun brings his halberd down on R4 and cuts him down where he stands.

From their clothes and demeanor, they’re probably thugs hired by Crallius. They’re beginning to look really really nervous…

Crystal and Kwun are up and personal with the enemy while Gavin, Alli, Quinn and Rae are back by the wagon. The mule is eating some nearby grass and seems unconcerned with what’s going on.

---------- Rest of Surprise Round ----------

Gavin 21
Alli 17
Quinn 15
Crystal 13
Rae 11 (dam: 9)
Kwun 8
R1, R2, R3, R4-dead, R5, R6, R7

((Everyone, post your actions))

2010-08-03, 04:28 PM

Gavin leans over the top of the wagon and pokes Rae in the butt with his wand. He then quickly ducks back behind the wagon.

"I hope they come closer so I can show them some fire." Gavin says.


Gavin used the wand to cast lesser vigor on Rae, giving him 11 rounds of +1 hp regeneration. Could we get a battle map next time maybe? I have a short range AOE that I dont want to hit other party members with.

2010-08-03, 05:19 PM

Briefly panicking that he has been shot in the rear for a second time, Rae reacts with an uncharacteristic lack of sangfroid.

"AIEE! Ooh. Oh. That actually feels quite lovely. Thank you!"

Peeking out from behind his barrel, Rae fires off another arrow at the same target.

Attack & Damage: [roll0] [roll1]

2010-08-03, 10:02 PM
Koff. And I hope y'all don't mind me making Kwun's second name into a running gag...
Nope, don't mind at all. :smallsmile:
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 36/36
Rage HP: 44/44
Human Barbarian

With a blood-curdling scream, Crystal tries to slice the enemy before her in two.



The Bushranger
2010-08-03, 10:13 PM
Quinn pops up from behind the wagon, takes a deep breath, and glares at one of the thugs (R6), and puts her fingers to her forehead, concentrating...and attempting to freeze up his mind!

Manifesting Brain Lock (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/brainLock.htm) on R6.

Will save DC 15 to negate.

2010-08-04, 12:28 PM

Alli whispers some more and highlights Crystal in a bright orange color, making her move faster for a moment.

ooc- casting snake's swiftness on crystal. extra attack. :smallsmile:

2010-08-04, 02:29 PM
((Would that take effect this round? If so.....))

With the sudden burst of speed, Crystal growls and after attacking the first, she'll...

A) Attack the same enemy, if it survived.

B) Find a new target and try to split it in two also.



2010-08-04, 03:24 PM
it is this round. and i see how effective you are in combat. :smallamused:

2010-08-08, 08:18 PM
Gavin reaches up and pokes Rae in the butt and gives him lesser vigor

Alli casts snake’s swiftness on Crystal, helping her in her attacks against the ruffians.

Quinn pops up long enough to brain lock R6, he stands behind his tree looking dazed.

Crystal takes out her rage on enemy R1 and this time succeeds in taking him out in one strike, she looks for a second one and moves five feet to attack. He moves around the tree and starts running back towards town. ((You can get an AoO))

Rae fires another arrow at R2, but misses as he ducks behind the tree.

Kwun growls and looks around for the nearest enemy, but the closest ones are taking off.

R2, R3 are both running away. The ruffians are on either side (R5, R7) provide covering fire. One firing at Crystal, the other at Kwun, the first hits Crystal at a weak point in her armor for 9 dam and the second just misses Kwun by a hair. They are about 30 feet away from the center where Crystal and Kwun are standing and about 50-60 feet away from the wagon.

((sorry, no map for this battle))

---------- Round 1 ----------

Gavin 21
Alli 17
Quinn 15
Crystal 13 (dam: 9)
Rae 11 (dam: 9, lesser vigor 1/11)
Kwun 8
R1, R2-running away, R3-running away, R4-dead, R5, R6-dazed, R7

Back from GenCon10. Had a great time, just waiting for next year.

2010-08-08, 09:15 PM

Gavin seeing the ruffians are mostly fleeing, breaks cover and moves up towards Crystal.

"Ouch I heard that from back here..."


double move to be adjacent to Crystal

The Bushranger
2010-08-10, 05:22 PM
Quinn pops up again, just in time to see Crystal get hit by an arrow!
"Get down, I'll stop him!" she yells, glaring in the direction of the archer (R7)? and concentrating, fingers to forehead once more...

Brain Lock on R7, Will, DC15 negates.

2010-08-10, 05:50 PM

Rae leans forward slightly, watching two of the ambushers flee. A ruse of some sort? He trains his arrow on one of the archers still firing, and lets fly.

Attack, damage: [roll0] [roll1]

Aiming at whichever of R5 & R7 are still up and feisty.

2010-08-10, 06:46 PM

Shaking a bit from all the fighting among other things, she already has her bow ready and draws an arrow, steadying her bow on top of the wagon. Aiming it into the back of one of the fleeing cowards, she pulls the string back and lets the arrow go.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2010-08-11, 12:52 AM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 27/36
Rage HP: 35/44
Human Barbarian



If the AoO doesn't kill this one, she'll strike again.

If it does, she'll chase after one of the two running away. No one is to escape her wrath. No one!!



2010-08-11, 06:38 PM
Crystal takes out her rage on R1 as he attempts to run away. She turns him into a pile of blood and guts on the ground.

Gavin moves up next to Crystal and he’s ready to heal her on the next round.

Alli takes aim on one of the fleeing cowards (R2) and lets loose. The arrow finds the mark and hits him in the back and he falls face first to the ground.

Quinn concentrates and R7 stops what he’s doing and looks dazed.

Crystal chases after R3 and easily catches him. She uses her greatsword to good effect and drops him before he can take another step.

Rae fires an arrow at R5 and although it wounds him, he doesn’t drop. He keeps on running.

Kwun takes on R5 and he’s not going anywhere fast. He’s on the ground, dead

That leaves the dazed pair of ruffians R6 and R7.

---------- Round 2 ----------

Gavin 21
Alli 17
Quinn 15
Crystal 13 (dam: 9)
Rae 11 (dam: 9, lesser vigor 1/11)
Kwun 8
R1-dead, R2-dead, R3-running away, R4-dead, R5-dead, R6-dazed 2/2, R7-dazed 1/2

2010-08-11, 08:53 PM

Gavin was unable to heal Crystal before she charged off to dispatch another enemy. The fierce woman was impressive in combat.

Gavin turns towards the stunned remaining enemies and motions in their direction. A large ball of fire springs up out of nowhere.

Use fiery burst, if the two bandits are next to each other Gavin will try to place the blast to hit them both, otherwise he'll just hit one of them. Idea being to place the blast so it doesn't hit anyone in the group.

Gavin will make a 30 ft movement if he needs to get in range.

Damage: [roll0] Ref DC 15 for half.

Would it be possible next time to get a very rough map in say excel or paint?

2010-08-11, 09:06 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 27/36
Rage HP: 35/44
Human Barbarian

After making sure R3 is dead (coup de grâce), Crystal turns her attention back to those who hadn't run.

She runs back toward the party, not attacking anyone else, for this round.

2010-08-11, 09:47 PM

Alli sees what Gavin is about to do and yells Leave one alive!

2010-08-11, 10:18 PM
Rae sees that the ambushers seem under control, but the dwarf that had been trailing them was nowhere to be seen. Still from the back of the cart, he takes a careful look around.

Spot & Listen for any sign of the dwarf: [roll0] [roll1]

2010-08-12, 01:32 PM
Kwun Qundercraptasticweather Qrappytripper

Kwun growls incoherently as he finishes off one bandit by ripping his throat out with his teeth. Whirling, he howls as he charges at one of the dazed bandits, leaping through Gavin's conjured flames, lashing out with his halberd in a low arc...

Trip attack with tripping weapon-halberd at either R6 or R7, whichever one is closer and still kicking. Yeah.
Str check

Edit: Grumblegrumblegrumblegrrrrrr...

The Bushranger
2010-08-13, 05:22 PM

"Wait, she's right, don't kill them!" Quinn calls out frantically. "Take prisoners!"

She then quickly looks away, unable to watch...

2010-08-13, 05:29 PM
Gavin wounds one of the ruffians (R6) with a fiery burst as he comes out of his daze.

Alli yells at Gavin not to kill them, but she’s a little late, but to her relief, both of the ruffians are still standing.

Quinn calls out to save the remaining ruffians as well.

Crystal ensures that R3 is dead before returning to the rest of her group.

Rae just manages to spot the dwarf in the distance before he vanishes from sight again. He doesn’t hear anything unusual.

Kwun trips the slightly crispy ruffian and he falls heavily to the ground ((he rolled a 7…)).

R6 is prone, looking up at the shifter. R7 continues to be dazed for this round.

---------- Round 3 ----------

Gavin 21
Alli 17
Quinn 15
Crystal 13 (dam: 9)
Rae 11 (dam: 9, lesser vigor 1/11)
Kwun 8
R1-dead, R2-dead, R3-dead, R4-dead, R5-dead, R6-slightly burnt, R7-dazed 2/2

2010-08-13, 09:06 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 27/36
Rage HP: 35/44
Human Barbarian

Crystal tries to grab ahold of the not-so-crispy ruffian, and slam him to the ground, and pin him there.


[roll1] if needed.

2010-08-14, 11:06 PM

Trusting the others to deal with their new captives, Rae stays on guard in the cart, watching for the return of the dwarf, or the appearance of more would-be ambushers.

Was the dwarf in the same general direction as the ambush, the direction we were travelling, or off to a side?

2010-08-15, 11:07 AM
The dwarf tends to be seen to the northeast to southeast side and not in the direction that the group came from.

North is towards the top of the map.

2010-08-15, 11:51 AM

Gavin continues his fiery assault on the injured bandit.

Gavin blasts the prone R6 again.

damage : [roll0]
DC 15

The Bushranger
2010-08-16, 09:05 PM
Quinn emerges from behind the cart, looking worried, but advancing torwards the rapidly-being-subdued bandits.

"There...there aren't any more, are there?" she asks.

2010-08-16, 09:49 PM

Rae continues to hold his bow at the ready.

"I don't see any, but the dwarf is still popping in and out."

I suppose Rae will ready an action to fire at anyone who attacks one of us.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The Bushranger
2010-08-16, 10:21 PM

"Dwarf? Where?"
And Quinn looks around frantically.

Spot: [roll0]

2010-08-16, 10:40 PM

Rae gestures casually in the direction that he last saw the dwarf. He lowers his voice as he turns to Quinn.

"Off in the distance that way. Go chasing after him if you want, but as far as I can tell, he's not with those deadheads. Rather hoping that his interest in us will be resolved in a slightly less violent manner, in the fullness of time, yes?"

2010-08-17, 01:36 AM

Alli rushes forward to Gavin. Stop it! she yells at Gavin. Turning to the bandit on the ground Yield now. Drop your weapon and you may yet live.

2010-08-17, 10:26 AM
Gavin sends another fiery burst at R6…

Alli runs up to Gavin and yells at him to stop hurting the bandits. She turns to the other one and orders him to put down his weapon and surrender.

Quinn looks around wildly, but she doesn’t spot any dwarves, just trees.

Crystal grapples R7 and takes him to the ground in a pin. He’s a bit confused and it was easy to tackle him.

Rae stands guard in the cart, bow ready as he watches for anyone trying to attack them. For now, he doesn’t see anything of interest.

Kwun feels his eyebrows get a little toasty as Gavin roasts the crispy ruffian, but, he’s dead before Kwun can do anything more to him.

R6 screams once in pain as the fire kills him. R7 is just coming out of his daze, he’s slammed to the ground and pinned by Crystal. He isn’t quite sure what to say at this point.

---------- Round 4 ----------

Gavin 21
Alli 17
Quinn 15
Crystal 13 (dam: 9)
Rae 11 (dam: 8, lesser vigor 2/11)
Kwun 8
R1- R6 dead, R7 – pinned by Crystal

2010-08-17, 01:13 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 27/36
Rage HP: 35/44
Human Barbarian

Speak, or I'll rip your arms off and then set you free. She whispers into R7's ear. Who sent you?

The Bushranger
2010-08-17, 09:52 PM
Clearly, the trees ate the dwarf! :smalleek:

Quinn nods in agreement with Rae, then winces as Crystal threatens the remaining bandit. But speaks up anyway.

"I'd talk, if I were you. She'll do it if you dont."

2010-08-19, 01:21 PM
The ruffian grunts as Crystal puts her weight on him and threatens him. He's rather wimpy though and manages to squeeze out, "Twas Crallius..he sent us." He figures he's dead after this, but he's also a coward and Crystal is rather imposing for a girl. Although he's not really sure she is a girl, but he's not going to ask. :smalltongue:

---------- Round 5 ----------

Gavin 21
Alli 17
Quinn 15
Crystal 13 (dam: 9)
Rae 11 (dam: 7, lesser vigor 3/11)
Kwun 8
R1- R6 dead, R7 – pinned by Crystal

2010-08-19, 01:33 PM
Rae continues to stand guard. This interrogation stuff seems best left to those with an affinity for it.

Continuing his readied action and scanning the woods. By now, lesser vigor should have reduced the damage to 4.

2010-08-19, 01:34 PM

Gavin turns to Ali "They started it..."

He walks over to where Crystal is lying and pokes her gently in the foot with his wand. "This should help in a minute" he offers. A wave of healing energy flows through Crystal radiating from her foot upwards.


move action to move next to Crystal
Standard action to use the wand of Vigor on Crystal
1 hp/round for the next 11 rounds

2010-08-19, 02:06 PM
Kwun Qantrelaxyet Qrap!Imlate!

With a low sweep of a hard haft and a bone-shivering crack across the legs as the blow connects, Kwun drops one of the bandits in the dust, his breath driven out of him as he hits the ground. The shifter leaps back from the sudden burst of flame in front of him that immolates the cloaked assailant before him, sending him to a gristly, screaming death just before he could bring the halberd's butt around to crack the brigand upside his head.

Snarling, the one-time mercenary bounds towards Crystal's captive, gnashing his teeth, flashing bloodstained fangs. He sticks the butt of his halberd down beside the bandit's head, crouches down beside him and grins...


But once he confesses, Kwun's visage hardens as he snarls, "That rat. Wot else ya know? The more yer talky, the less yer tasty"

The Bushranger
2010-08-20, 01:21 PM
"Um, well, if he's being uncooperative...I could try to pull the information out of his brain. I'm not too sure about how to do that, though...well, not without leaving him a drooling mess, anyway..." Quinn says, a little shakily, as she eyes the bandit with distaste.

Bluff: [roll0]

2010-08-20, 01:37 PM

Sense Motive: [roll0]

Gavin stares wide eyed at Quinn. "Lets leave that as a last resort" Gavin says stunned and a little scared.

2010-08-20, 01:47 PM

Says the person who just burned his friend to death. She says glaring at him. She stands over the bandit with the others. I suggest you cooperate and tell the savage what she wants to know. she says motioning at Crystal.


2010-08-20, 04:05 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 27/36
Rage HP: 35/44
Human Barbarian

Crystal looks up at Alli with a slight frown as she gives the bandits arms a slight tug, to remind him of his precarious position.

It should be enough to cause him pain, but nowhere near killing.

2010-08-20, 11:25 PM
The ruffian looks wide eyed at Kwun, the shifter is :smalleek: and he grunts a little as Crystal twists his arm a little. "We just want the wine with no competition. That's all" He seems to be telling the truth, no reason not to with Crystal and Kwun looming over him.

2010-08-22, 03:10 PM
[QUOTE=Lex-kat;9186487]Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 27/36
Rage HP: 35/44
Human Barbarian

Crystal stands up, releasing the prisoners arms with a slap to the back of his head. Go! And tell your master to leave town, or he'll face a barbarian's wrath when we return. she literally growls.

She watches and waits for him to skitter off.

2010-08-22, 06:11 PM

Gavin waves his arms menacingly at the thug shooing him away. After the bandit makes it about thirty feet away, Gavin points in his direction.

A small explosion errupts just behind the retreating bandit, burning leaves and dirt jump into the air.

"And don't come back or else!" Gavin shouts at the retreating bandit.

"Now then, where were we..."

The Bushranger
2010-08-22, 08:29 PM

Quinn, meanwhile, slumps against the wagon in relief.
"Thank goodness that's over. I wouldn't have wanted him to call my bluff."

2010-08-22, 09:51 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 27/36
Rage HP: 35/44
Human Barbarian

What bluff? Crystal asks, genuinely wondering.

Then she looks to Alli, and takes a menacing step toward her. And who you calling a savage? She asks, aiming a finger at her.

2010-08-23, 12:13 AM
The ruffian wastes no time getting up and running as fast as he can back towards town.

He jumps when Gavin causes an explosion behind him but he doesn't look back, just increases his speed.

Off down the trail he goes and soon he's out of sight and a little after that, you can no longer hear him crashing through the forest.

2010-08-23, 12:36 AM
Rae winces and clambers down off of the cart. He begins systematically and dispassionately patting down the corpses for anything valuable, and replenishes his quiver with one of the archers' arrows.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in the words of all of the actor friends that I don't have, we are losing the light."

2010-08-23, 10:26 AM

Alli watches the bandit run. When Gavin aimed his finger at him, she assumed the worst, but sighed when he didn't harm him. She jumped again when Crystal started talking to her.

Trying to hide her laughter she faces Crystal and her finger, looking up at her. What do you mean? she asked in a polite tone of voice trying not to laugh. If I hadn't called you one, he might not be as afraid of you. she said motioning towards where the bandit had ran. Then you wouldn't have had as much effect on him as you did. So in a way I was helping you. That's a good thing right?

2010-08-23, 01:42 PM

"With help like that, who needs enemies?" Gavin says with a smile. "We should keep moving." he agrees.

2010-08-23, 02:38 PM
Kwun Queasy

Kwun wipes his face with the back of his sleeve even as he staggers from the scene of slaughter...


...and vomits blood and gristle into the river nearby where a half-chewed piece of a bandit's neck now gently bobs with the flow. Retrieving his halberd and plague-mask, Kwun says aloud to nobody in particular "Even I have my limits..."

Again, he wipes his face with the back of his sleeve as he steps in to help with the... looting gathering of evidence. Replying humourlessly to the Baron as he does so, "Of course we're losing the light, twill be dark soon"

Trying to look for anything useful/incriminating...
Search checks
Spot checks

2010-08-23, 11:05 PM
Kwun and Rae search through the dead ruffians belongings. Each one has a quarterstaff, heavy crossbow/bolts, pouch with a day's rations and a few gold. One has a clay bottle of wine with him (sniffing it determines that it's most likely Crallius' wine and not Eadmer's).

The Bushranger
2010-08-24, 12:51 AM
Quinn looks away as Kwun retches, nearly getting sick, herself...then shakes her head and watches the looting, not seeing anything that looks particulary useful to her.

2010-08-24, 08:10 AM
Rae sniffs disapprovingly at Cradmus' wine - late-evening plonk at best - and pockets the gold for the time being. Well, they certainly weren't going to be doing anything with it.

"Well, hopefully, they'll take the hint and leave it be. I don't fancy having to carry any more bodies back to town for burial."

Shifting back to behind the cart, Rae sighs and prepares to put his shoulder to the back board.

2010-08-24, 12:51 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 27/36
Rage HP: 35/44
Human Barbarian

Crystal glares at Alli and after a moment nods, as if deciding to accept her explanation.

We need shelter for the night. Let's remove the donkey from the cart. Someone needs to lead her to a place to graze. We can then remove the casks, and use the cart as a lean-to.

And we need a fire. She looks around for a suitable dry spot. There. she points it out when she finds it.

We need to set up a watch detail. I suggest Alli with Gavin for first watch, me with Quinn for second, and Kwun and Rae for last watch. Any disagreements?

The Bushranger
2010-08-24, 02:19 PM
Quinn shakes her head. "That works for me," she says, blushing just a little. "Um, I'll try to set up the fire, alright?"

And she heads over, to gather wood and start the fire going.

Survival: [roll0]

2010-08-24, 02:33 PM
"Uh..umm" He holds up his finger then lowers it.
Gavin opens his mouth to say something but quickly closes it.

Instead he just crosses his arms and watches Quinn build the fire. After a few minutes he wanders off to find some wood to keep it burning.

2010-08-24, 03:25 PM
The dead bodies remain dead as you build a camp nearby. By morning they'll begin to smell...

The mule contentedly munches whatever she can find to eat as the group starts setting up camp.

((Need a night watch order))

2010-08-24, 07:46 PM
Rae shrugs. Sleeping this close to a battlefield? Ah well.

"I'm not much of a morning person. I'll take first watch. "

He sets up his bedroll well away from the dead bodies, and then looks around for a tree that might give him a reasonable view of the surroundings.

2010-08-24, 10:00 PM

I'll keep watch with you. Alli says, offering herself as well. It's better to do watches in two then in one. In case something happens.

2010-08-25, 12:12 AM
We need to set up a watch detail. I suggest Alli with Gavin for first watch, me with Quinn for second, and Kwun and Rae for last watch. Any disagreements?
I thought Crystal just suggested an order, including who should take watch with who. :smallconfused:

2010-08-25, 12:32 AM
You said "Any disagreements." Unless there's sex, mortal danger or a really good bottle of wine involved, Rae objects to getting up at 3am.

2010-08-25, 12:39 AM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 27/36
Rage HP: 35/44
Human Barbarian

Okay then. I guess Gavin is with Kwun in the morning. Crystal starts trying to carefully flip the cart up on its end.

Anyone wish to help me remove the bodies from the area? I'd like to toss them into the woods about ten to fifteen yards away.

She'll make her way to the closest body.

2010-08-25, 10:35 AM

Against her nature, Alli goes to help Crystal with throwing the dead bodies away.

2010-08-25, 01:50 PM
Kwun Quitesleepy

The shifter just twitches and growls lightly in response to Crystal's words. Unspeaking, he helps her haul off the bodies into the woods after divesting them of their weapons, which he chucks into the cart. Laying his own loaded crossbow down on a nearby rock, he stabs his halberd into the soft soil, shucks on his shield, draws his kukri and settles in to a crouch, with his back to a great oak tree, to sleep as he had done back in his days in the Golden Gargoyles, sleeping ever-ready.

2010-08-25, 04:55 PM

Gavin wasn't sure how he felt about sharing watch with Kwun but it seemed better than some of the alternatives.

He nods towards Rae "Not a problem at all, it'll give me a chance to do some proper prayers to Joramy as the sun rises."

Gavin tosses his pack down on the ground very close to the fire and wraps himself in his cloak. Feeling his pack squish down a ways Gavin remembers what he was carrying.

He digs into his pack and pulls out a couple loaves of bread, cheese and perserved meats. "I guess supper is on me, as he breaks off some meat and pops it into his mouth."

The Bushranger
2010-08-25, 08:44 PM

Quinn, meanwhile, makes sure the fire is burning well, then looks over at the others. "I can heat that stuff up for you, if you want, Gavin?" she says, considering where to put her sleeping bag to rest until she gets to spend mid-watch with the impressive barbarian.

2010-08-28, 09:02 PM
Crystal unhooks the mule and turns the wagon over for shelter. The mule is content to stay nearby and there are hobbles for her as well.

After that, Crystal, Alli and Kwun cart off the dead, taking them further away from their campsite.

Everything gets set up and soon everyone not on watches falls asleep. Things are quiet til the second watch. Crystal and Quinn hear a growling and cracking sound from the direction they took the bodies. The sounds don’t get any closer to the campsite.


First: Rae and Alli
Second: Crystal and Quinn
Third: Gavin and Kwun

2010-08-28, 09:37 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 27/36
Rage HP: 35/44
Human Barbarian

Crystal walks the perimeter of her little campsite, her Keen Great Sword resting on her shoulder.

Fear not, Quinn. she says as they hear the wolves eating the dead. It is likely just wolves who have found a feast. I believe we are safe from them for the night.

She continues on, watching out into the darkness.

When his turn comes, she will try to tip Kwun over with her toe. Get up, strange one. She'll tell him everything of importance she heard during the night.

Listen - (1d20+6)[7] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9245032&postcount=47)

:smalleek: :smalleek: Did those rolls suck, or what? :smallannoyed:
Even the Listen check, rolled in the OOC sucked. :smallyuk:

The Bushranger
2010-08-28, 09:43 PM

Quinn looks a good bit worried, and edges closer to Crystal as they patrol the perimeter.
"I'm not scared," she protests, although her expression clearly says otherwise...

She looks a bit relieved as the watch-turn arrives.

Survival: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]

2010-08-30, 03:01 PM
Kwun Qantclosethateye

Kwun's left glass eye glints with a red light in the firelight while he dozes. He sleeps fitfully, snoring and snorting great grunting spurts of steam in the cold night air.

He sees their faces again. Their eyes bore into his, plucking out his orbs with their gazes a thousand upon a thousand times... They are blind forevermore, dead... but see into the uttermost depths of his sinful soul... He swims and drowns in filth and filth and filth only to drown yet again...

The shifter mutters incoherently in his sleep... then wakes with a snarl when he hears the crunch of twig and soil and boot nearby. He rolls forward, ducking beneath the barely perceived kick, spins around crouches like a cornered beast, growling and baring his fangs...

...then he relents and relaxes somewhat, laughing, awkwardly, at her prank. Turning serious once more on receiving the report, he tells her, "Thanks fer wakin' me. Get sum rest afore 'morrow's march"

He then turns to take up his halberd and crossbow for the night's rounds, but before beginning the patrol, says to Crystal, "Don't make me have to eat you"

Passing Gavin on his patrol cutting through the camp's centre, then along its perimeter, Kwun grunts, "'Ey Burny. Time for wakey"

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Survival [roll2]

Ha-HAH! Finally, some decent rolls...

2010-08-30, 07:29 PM
After dinner, Rae will settle in for first watch with Alli.

"Quick thinking earlier, with the, ah, interrogation. You handled yourself well. Mind if I ask what drew you to help out here? Do you know these people."

He gestures vaguely back towards the village.

Rae will take ten on his checks, for Listen 11, Spot 18.

2010-08-31, 10:46 PM
Quinn and Crystal heard the wolves and the sounds continue well into the early morning hours and the third watch. They don’t come any closer and morning comes far too early for some of the group.

2010-09-01, 12:10 AM
Rae rolled over with a groan. He was getting too old for this. Sleeping on the ground, risking his life with lunatics.

Rising, he double checked his pack to make sure that the wine was still safely tucked and braced. Priorities. He rolled up his blanket and glanced around at the others.

"Well, good morning all. Every bright-eyed and ready to scale a cliff today?"

2010-09-01, 12:43 AM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 27/36
Rage HP: 35/44
Human Barbarian

Some may notice that Crystal is missing from the camp when they awake.

She left just before dawn, and is out hunting wabbits. ((Can't hunt Rabbits, a friend might not like that. :smallwink:))


2010-09-01, 03:16 PM
Kwun Qrunchingaway

A steady munching is heard from atop a figure steadily marching, pacing the camp's perimetre. A strip of jerky bounces in his mouth as he walks the final rounds of his watch. To those of his erstwhile companions who awake, he grunts and offers a pick at his packet of jerky.

The Bushranger
2010-09-02, 01:16 PM

Yawning as she sits up, Quinn stretches, looking a bit bleary-eyed. Not having slept too well, due to the howling of the wolves all night.

"G'morning...hey, where's Crystal?"

2010-09-02, 01:39 PM
Rae shrugs at Quinn's question.

"Kwun and Gavin were on last watch. I'm assuming they'd know."

He declines Kwun's offered jerky with a smile and a shake of his head, remembering the extravaganza of his morning on the day before and having serious doubts about the nature of the seasoning. And, for that matter, the provenance. Rae pulls out a little stale bread and soaks some in a little of the wine-water from the barrel. Ah. Just the thing!

2010-09-02, 01:52 PM

"A pack of goblin slavers came by and offered me 50 copper for her. It was the only sensible thing to do. I'll split the copper with you if help me keep it quiet." Gavin says with a straight face.

Gavin crosses the camp gathering his gear.

"Either that or she is out hunting up some breakfast" Gavin smiles. "I was going to mention to her that it might not be safe but I thought better of it."

2010-09-04, 01:30 AM
Crystal, unfortunately, is unlikely to come up with much. The wildlife seems to have been scared away by the commotion yesterday.

Otherwise, things are quiet in the camp and as the group makes more noise, the sounds of munching/crunching out in the forest diminish. The mule is standing quietly under a tree and appears to be asleep.

2010-09-04, 02:37 AM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 27/36
Rage HP: 35/44
Human Barbarian

Grumbling something fierce, Crystal trmops back into camp. Are we ready to leave yet? She asks angrily.

2010-09-04, 09:05 AM

Rae smiles, finishing rolling up his blanket.

"I believe we are, Madam. We were just waiting on one of our group who decided to head off on her own, and...oh, wait. You're back."

The Bushranger
2010-09-04, 11:22 AM
Quinn sticks her tongue out at Gavin and chuckles as she nibbles at her own breakfast...then looks up at surprise at Crystal's grumpy return.

"Um, I think we're just about ready, ma'am. At least, I think I am..."

2010-09-04, 11:57 AM
After dinner, Rae will settle in for first watch with Alli.

"Quick thinking earlier, with the, ah, interrogation. You handled yourself well. Mind if I ask what drew you to help out here? Do you know these people."

He gestures vaguely back towards the village.

Rae will take ten on his checks, for Listen 11, Spot 18.


Alli yawns and tells him that she will tell him in the morning. She's glad when her shift is finally over and she's able to head to bed. She sleeps in a bit late this morning and is probably one of the last ones to get up. It seems her sleep wasn't as restful as she hoped.

She helps herself to some dried biscuits and fruit she brought along and offers it to everyone else. She then sits by Rae. You were wondering why I tried saving them right? She takes another bite of her breakfast before continuing on. Well it's because we needed information, but it was also because there was no sense in killing them either. While I don't regret not killing them, I dont think we had to take their lives either at the end. I dont approve of what Gavin did myself.

She watches as Crystal stomps back into camp and mutters under her breath. Savages... she shakes her head partially.

2010-09-04, 06:18 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 36/36
Rage HP: 44/44
Human Barbarian

Crystal flips the cart back on it's wheels, with or without help, being very careful not to let the wheels break. She then begins placing the casks of wine into the back. Someone get that donkey.

At one point she walks next to Gavin. Thank you. she says softly, trying to not let the others hear, then continues on with what she's doing.

2010-09-07, 07:34 PM
Crystal flips the wagon back up without breaking the wheels off. She puts everything back in it and someone gets mule and hooks her back up to the wagon. She eats her oats from a nosebag and someone else provides a bucket of water (untainted by wine) for her to drink.

Soon enough, everyone should be ready to go and the small trail winds off into the distance.

2010-09-07, 08:27 PM
Crystal Vin Delacroix (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=8733)
Non-Rage HP: 27/36
Rage HP: 35/44
Human Barbarian

Ready to get moving, Crystal takes lead once again. She pulls her Keen Greatsword out, and once again follows the thin trail toward their destination.


2010-09-07, 11:21 PM
Kwun Qrappyscheduleliterally

The scoundrelous shifter sentinel seethes silently, stoically past the breakfast banter...

...after which, he disappears for a time into the bushes, reappearing sometime later, stinking sinisterly. He then stalks back towards the rest of the group, growling the mule back into place. Halberd held ready, he takes up the rearguard position, placing himself in the line of fire of any other would-be-pursuers, but prepared as well to dash to the fore or flanks shoud any further assailants waylay them...

...as they doubtless would, soon enough.