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2010-07-08, 02:35 PM
There was discussion of a reboot for the BleachITP-verse. A new beginning, more structured and with an overall lower power level. Similar deal to Ultimate Marvel.

This thread is for discussing that, to keep it out of the main thread.

Important stuff so far:


First Discussion Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=145883)
Disccusion Thread 2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=147717)
Discussion Thread 3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=149850)
Discussion Thread 4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=150660)
Discussion thread 5 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=151506)
Discussion thread 6 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=153111)
Discussion thread 7 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=153945)
Discussion thread 8 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=155979)
OOC Thread 9 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=157209)


Mortal World:
Thread 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=156068)
Soul Society:
Thread 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=156067)
Hueco Mundo:
Thread 1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=156070)


Episode 1: "Prologue! A new tale, a new Shinigami!" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=152286)
Episode 2: Hannibal's Past: Flashback to the Old!

Character Registry (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=146758)
Wiki (http://bleachitp-reborn.wikidot.com/) - Password "foamy".

A while ago we chose Central 5, a group of five people who work as a governing body for the Soul Society. They are Kasanip, Zarah, Callos_DeTerran, Sucrose and Frozen_Feet. They are tasked with such tasks as deciding Captain promotions and upholding laws of Seireitei. Details can be found below.

In the second last thread people voted and decided that there would not be a Quincy vs Shinigami war before the actual start of the story/roleplay unlike in canon. It was also decided through a vote that Quincy arrows would destroy souls as they do in canon through a vote. People are open to the possibility of future conflicts between the two factions and the Quincy learning how to purify souls with their arrows. Learning how to do so would likely be a significant plot point.

Quincy players have decided that anyone that makes a Quincy should write up a description of their family/clan's history.

Souls that are fully absorbed and become part of a hollow permanently fuse with it. When a hollow is purified the souls it absorbed are not split up. They are reborn as a single entity.

Frozen_Feet's proposed take on this:
Life Cycle of Hollows.

Canny Hollows: these are beings like Grand Fisher and Shrieker - normal Hollows that stay behind in Mortal World much longer than usual. Why? Either they still have unfinished business... or they were already crooked in life.

My reasoning is as follows: when a good Plus turns into a Hollow, it seeks to destroy its loved ones like any other Hollow. However, the mind of the good souls can't hold together once they're done with that. They lack killer's instinct, and might even feel guilt for breaking what was once dear to them in life. This is why they seek oblivion.

Evil souls, on the other hand, gain much more pleasure from tormenting living beings. Even after they've killed those they had a personal beef with, they stay in Mortal World, because their bestial desires won't let them leave. In a way, they still have something to do that defines them and stops them from losing their inviduality, even if it's only "kill all things":

Menos Grande Gillians: When a soul becomes Hollow, the first thing it does is destroy all things it held dear in mortal life. In most cases, having lost their purpose and consumed by their own loneliness, Hollows wander into Hueco Muendo, where they instinctively seek out other souls who died in the same way. Seeking embrace of sweet oblivion, they engage in cannibalistic orgy and fuse into Menos Grande Gillian. Fusion of souls is permanent; once eaten by a Gillian, a soul cannot be separated again.

Menos Grande Gillian's have no identity, only scattered fragments of negative memories and emotions. When such a Gillian is purified, its soul passes into Soul Society as essentially blank slate. However, due to originally being gestalt of multiple entities, such soul has much vaster Reiryoku than normal and is more likely to fragment into Zanpakuto spirit and Inner Hollow. Thus, a purified Menos Grande Gillian is very likely to become a shinigami.

Adjuchas and Vasto Lordes: As noted, Menos Grande Gillians are gestalt formed from people who died in the same way. Adjuchas happens when the amount of souls reaches a critical mass, causing a new personality to bloom from the fragmented memories. This being is effectively personification of its "cause of death". However, Adjuchas aren't stable, and must keep absorbing other Hollows who died the same way to increase in power. Should they fail to absorb other Hollows, starvation will make them regress, reducing them back to mindless beasts. Once Adjuchas has eaten enough souls, it evolves into a Vasto Lorde. However, this requires that they beat all of their challengers, letting none who manage to eat a bit of them to get away.

So, why can't Adjuchas who gets a bit of itself eaten become a Vasto Lorde? It's because losing to another Hollow means there's another being with same Aspect of Death who is more powerful. A Vasto Lorde is a Menos who has absorbed or proven itself to be stronger than all other Hollows with the same aspect of death. They are, effectively, anthropomorphic personifications of their Aspect of Death, and rule supreme over lost souls who died that way. As long as they remain undefeated, they are stable; if a Vasto Lorde does lose, it begins to regress like Adjuchas until it can destroy the Hollow that defeated it.

Arrancars: A Hollow can become an Arrancar in any point of its life, as long as it has a personality at the time. An Arrancar is a Hollow who learns to define itself by way other than its Aspect of Death, thus rising above its bestial instincts.

All Arrancars are stable. While an Arrancar can keep eating souls to increase in power, it no longer fuses new souls with the core of its person - the nommed soul only loses its reiryoku. A soul eaten by Arrancar is usually reborn as a new Hollow. In any case, eating Pluses or other Hollows is pretty much voluntary for an Arrancar - they mostly do so because there is no other food in Hueco Muendo. Because of this, Arrancars can't be held as inherently worse than humans or Shinigami.

Menos and Purification: Shinigami who don't remember their lives were Menos who got purified. As the identity of a Menos is effectively a new entity and is only born after death, Konso unfortunately wipes that all away. For purposes of Redemption, a soul which has gone through Oblivion of the Gillian phase is exempt from Hell's punishment. They become Shinigami because of huge amount of Reiryoku they accumulated as a Hollow.

Resurreccion and Segunda Etapa: Resurreccion is an Arrancars ability to retake its form as a Hollow, and consequently as the manifestation of its aspect. The power of an Arrancars resurreccion is in part directly proportional to how much the Arrancar's behaviour reflects its Aspect.

While achieving Segunda Etapa is only typical for Vasto Lordes who already rule over their Aspect, theoretically any Arrancar can achieve it through meticulous training and self realization.

Soul Society and the inhabitants of Las Noches (The King of Hollows, the Epsada and their underlings) have a truce between each other at the start of the game/story but both sides want to break as soon as they gain a substantial upper hand on the other.

People that want to make captain entries should write up a history for their preferred division including duties, a past captain or two and whatever else you might think important to add. It can be significantly different from canon.

Strawberryman would like input on how to revise his S.W.O.R.D. faction:Anyway. In light of some recent changes to our world, it occurs to me I also need to update S.W.O.R.D's writeup. Just so we don't have more clashes;

I'd like people's feedback/input on the new writeup for S.W.O.R.D.

So everyone can be happy. :smalltongue:

For reference, the old writeup. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8158615&postcount=811) The faction itself will be in my sig from now on.

General Originally Posted by Zarah
We need a clearly directed plot in order to keep things trucking along without getting stalled, and I had a thought of a way to help accomplish that. Basically, we come up with some central themes for this game. This isn't a revolutionary idea, and some people were already doing just that in the previous game, but I'm saying we all come up with and agree on two or three major themes for this story. Ones that will continue to appear again and again across many of the plotlines throughout the entire game. It'll help direct the plot and could potentially give some good ideas for other characters. Not to mention, it'll give much more of a satisfying payoff in the end once the themes are fully realized.

Whatever they are, they should be fairly general, so they can be adapted to as many of the plots that we have going. Of course, we can expand to include as many motifs and themes as we want in our own stories, but if we have a set of continuous themes to draw from, then it'll really help make things much more connected. Even more coherent.

Obviously, the one I'm gunning for with Kujo is "Law vs. Chaos," and Bleach in of itself has tons of themes we can pick from. "Inner Conflict" is a big one, for example. But hey, I'm open to other suggestions. Any thoughts?
Originally Posted by KnightDisciple
I think "Law vs. Chaos" is good.

I'd like to play off of strawberryman's suggested faction, as well as off of what we've seen in our current game, and suggest something dealing with the question: How far do you go to accomplish something? Do you do evil in the name of a greater good? (Sorry. I couldn't help myself.) Or do you make sure to never compromise your principles, large and small, no matter the cost?

Not sure how to compress that into a pithy phrase, but there we go.
Originally Posted by KnightDisciple
The following came about in a discussion about the nature of various Shinigami and Arrancar hybrids and such.

The Hougyoku is a substance used to perfect the hybridization of hollow and shinigami. It might have been created, or not. If it has, the creators were most likely vanquished by the powers of the Seireitei and Las Noches, who then sealed the thing off into some forsaken spot of some forsaken demiplane, with only the Ghost King and the Commander General being aware of its location. Both factions had problems with mad or power-hungry Artificial Arrancar and Stable Vizards, deciding that it better to forget the thing.

Shinigami Hybrids:

Unstable Vizard
An unstable vizard is a shinigami who, through some sort of accident or other means, has gained minor hollow powers.
An unstable vizard has access to a personal hollow mask, but does not have any unique powers and his hollowfication never progresses sufficiently to make a resurreccion or segunda etapa possible, and the unstable vizard gains access only to cero and garganta.
Becoming an Unstable Vizard is dangerous and hardly ever intentional, as the name implies, most accidents that would result in an unstable vizard result in a dead shinigami or a hollow, instead. Unstable Vizards must fight off their inner hollow and hollowifcation fully, to prevent the being from overcoming them utterly, but this is a fight that never truly ends.

Stable Vizard
A stable vizard has been created through use of the hougyoku. They do not have to fight off the hollowfication or an inner hollow, which is melded into their person completely.
A stable vizard has access to all hollow powers (cero, bala, sonido, garganta and hierro), and their masks might grant them a unique power, they also have the power to achieve resurreccion and even segunda etapa.


Hollow Hybrids

Natural Arrancar
Natural arrancar are hollows who arrancarised themselves, or with the help of other hollows who know how to speed up the process. The arrancar gains an arrancar zanpakutou, which has no spirit, and is merely most of the arrancar's unique powers sealed into sword shape.
Natural arrancar have access to resurreccion and may develop segunda etapa. But do not have access to shinigami abilities.

Artificial Arrancar
Artificial arrancar are created through the Hougyoku. They have the potential to sunder off one of the souls that forms their colective and form it into a second zanpakutou capable of granting shikai and even bankai. Artificial arrancar have the potential to learn shinigami techniques such as Hoho, Kido and Hakuda.


Mortal/Hollow Hybrids

Living Vizard
A Living Vizard is a mortal with a hollow mask, the mask comes with an innate, unique power, and when on, it gives the normal boosts and hollow abilities. Living Vizards can, eventualy, achieve resurreccion. A vizard mask cannot ever be lost, and if broken it can be resummoned almost instantly.

Living Arrancar
A living arrancar gains an arrancar zanpakuto (no spirit), hollow abilities (sonido, cero, hierro, bala) and the power of resurreccion. Resurreccion relies on the zanpakuto, which, unlike the vizard mask, can be broken (in which case it needs awhile to regrow).

A hollowing is a mortal who gains the power to turn some body part into a hollow-like version with greater strenght, speed and resilience. The powers in this hollowlike limb can be bolstered through training, but only up to a limit. As this limit is reached the hollowing must, in order to increase her powers, absorb hollow reishi, either form the atmosphere of hueco mundo or through the cannibalization of hollows, which allows even more of the Hollowing's body to turn into hollow-like parts.
The powers of the hollowing come at a risk, for, when enough of the hollowing's body becomes hollowlike, he risks becoming trapped into the monstrous shape.

Shinigami/ Mortal Hybrids:

Substitute Shinigami
This should be pretty basic and obvious.

Living Shinigami
Living shinigami are mortals with access to a shinigami zanpakutou while still in their mortal bodies.

Originally Posted by Zarah
Also, I'm reposting my Central 46 idea, since it got lost two OOC threads ago, and it's far more relevant here. So once again:
Anyway, we've been going on about all of this and that in the Bleach universe, but I came to the realization that we completely forgot about a little group of people hiding away in Soul Society: The Central 46. Probably because in both canon and our game, they've done next to nothing other than... Well, die. However, I felt that if we were going to go with a new setting, why not actually make them practical?

Here's what I suggest: We nominate three or four trusted players to act as the Central 46. Any of these people can post as the entire body, and essentially act as an administrative organization both in and out of character. You might think that doesn't make sense, but in actuality, the duties would cross-over a lot more than you might imagine. For example, say a player wants his character to be promoted to a captain at some point in the RPG. The Central 46 would be the ones who analyze the situation and make a decision, but they'd have to look closely at both the character and the player to see if they're ready for the responsibilities. As another example, imagine that a group of rogue Shinigami appear in the mortal world and start causing trouble. The 46 would decide whether or not Soul Society goes to war with them, and thus whether or not any of the more powerful characters get involved in the plot. Think of them like a set of unofficial moderators for the RPG, who keep things in check both ICly and OOCly.

I think it could also add a whole new layer of role-playing opportunities. Let's say a group of low-powered academy students are training in the mortal world when one classmate decides to do something reckless and ends up getting them into dire straits. They make it back to Soul Society alive and in one piece, but now they have to answer to the Central 46 and explain their actions. Having actual players behind the council instead of just mindless NPCs (or corpses) makes it a bit of a nagging threat in the back of people's minds, and could even indirectly prevent players from going overboard. Since I know that if I were sitting on the council, I would not be a gracious host.

EDIT: I forgot to mention. I wanted to do something with the central 46 that wasn't "kill them all," and this seems like a pretty practical application of them.
Originally Posted by Shades of Gray + Frozen_Feet
Gotei divisions and their tasks:
1) Administrative.
2) Ninjas.
3) Execution?
4) Healing+Hospitality.
5) Messengers.
6) Reinforcements.
7) Logistics.
8) Tactical planning
9) Recon.
10) Internal Police.
11) Fight.
12) Science.
13) Patrol.

Hollow, Arrancar and Las Noches

Laws of Las Noches
1. Only a victory in singular combat entitles one to take the position of espada from another.
2. The espada are not allowed to conspire against one another.
3. Killing a fellow citizen is a crime, unless it is self-defense, or you don't get caught on the act (drow influence: The real crime is being caught). The espada can add other exclusions of culpability for their sectors (including and up to any reason, LAW*). *Laws as Written.
4. Vandalism is a crime. See above for excludents.
5. Thievery is a crime. See above for details.
The espada and privaron have equal authority over all numeros. The espada have sole authority over their own fraccion. The espada have sole authority over the citizens of their own districts. The fraccion have authority beneath the espada and privaron over all other citizens of Las Noches who live in own their districts. The fraccion have authority beneath that of the espada and privaron over the numeros. The privaron have sole authority over those designated to them by the King and Queen. The King and Queen have authority over all.

Originally Posted by Draken
Now, on to other matters, we need to decide how a few things work. For instance, the menos fusion. When first someone asked what happened to the souls that form a menos, we decided, back then, to have it so that they remain separate (which means when the menos is destroyed all souls are released). But I think it is best if (save exceptions) we have it so that they all permanently fuse.

This has two benefits:

1. It adds a depth of moral doubt to the destruction of an arrancar. They aren't mindless monsters like hollows, they can be argued with, and destroying them won't fre thousands of innocent souls. Just erase their memories.

2. It creates a good "soul number check". We assume that, along with the reincarnations, new souls are, indeed, created. But then... There are only means to increase the number of souls in place. None to reduce them (save awful, vile acts and stuff). The menos "singularity of souls" would be a decent means of keeping the soul population under control.
Originally Posted by Draken
On Las Noches, I was thinking of this organization:

The King of Hollows: The King of Hollows, duh.
The Espada: Captain/Nobility Equivalents.
Fraccion: The liutenants, officers and close persons to the Espada.
Numeros: The soldiers of Las Noches.
Rest: The rest.

I perceive Las Noches as a city in Hueco Mundo, a city governed by arrancar and open to shinigami, mortal and hollow alike. A city where all beneath the artificial sun is under scrutiny of the law enforcement of the city, but where the shady alleys are hive to scum of the worst sort, criminals, traitors, traficants. A place where the Commander General and the Big Bad can look face to face and not be expected to try to kill each other on the risk of losing free access to this (mostly) safe haven.

The idea here isn't that arrancar and hollows are friendly.

The idea is that one vasto lorde decided to open his domain to other spiritual beings. Mainly because rational menos actually have very little reason to fight shinigami except spite, this is because your average menos won't ever leave Hueco Mundo unless goaded out by some other force. Menos have no interest in plus or living souls, they eat other hollows.
Originally Posted by Draken View Post
1. I will be assigning the Espada, most likely.

2. I will also, probably, not keep the numbers strongly tied to the power of each character.

3. The Ghost King will not be the primera.

4. My main arrancar character (King's gonna stay in the background) will be the Queen of Hollows, and she will not be an espada either. I will keep those positions for other players.
Originally Posted by Frozen_Feet View Post
About Aspects of Death: it's established that once a Hollow has destroyed things that were dear to it, they wander into Hueco Muendo and seek out other Hollows to ease their pain / to forget about their lives. I propose they instinctively seek out others who died in the same way, and thus their suffering condenses into their Aspect. Arrancars gain power when the ascended personality realizes this and works around / with it.


Okay, I think I now have enough to bring this for discussion.

The Fae
The State of the Afterlife of the British Isles
Britain’s afterlife is stable – just. Long periods of internal strife between the psychopomps of Britain, known to themselves as the mac Lir or fab Lly^r, and to others as the Fae, left ample time for Hollows to develop and grow. Now, Britain faces a deep-rooted infestation of well-hidden Menos, but the Houses of the British Isles are united in their desire to rid the islands of these threats.

Annwn – the Afterlife
The British afterlife is called Annwn, a place that reflects the most untouched corners of the British Isles in its geography. The four courts of monarchs are located in a roughly central location within a few hours journey of each other by normal walking speed. Passage between Annwn and the mortal world is achieved by passing through thick banks of mist that function as the Fae equivalent of Senkaimon. The mac Lir make use of ravens, rather than butterflies, to guide them through the misty realm between Annwn and the mortal world.

The Organisation of the Fae
The British Isles are ruled by four monarchs – one each for Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. Each of these monarchs governs passage of souls into Annwn in the country they are tied to. They each possess three Houses under their command, each ruled by a Tiarna or Pennaeth, individuals equal to the captains of Soul Society. A Tiarna or Pennaeth is directly supported by their Dara or Ail, equivalents to the Japanese Vice-Captains. The rest of the House is made up of thirteen mionn cheangal or lw rhwymo, equivalents to seated officers, plus any other Fae who are members of the House but deemed unworthy of the distinction of the upper ranks. The specialisations of each House vary depending on the current Tiarna or Pennaeth, but it is very rare for their not to be at least one House dedicated to combat in each country at any given time. The ranks of the Houses are held for life, unless the bearer of a rank forfeits it. A House member is usually given a title and land in Annwn upon forfeiting a rank. These titles are hereditary, and their bearers and their family often become the British equivalent of the Noble Houses of Soul Society.

Every year, a randomly selected twenty members of each House are chosen to leave Annwn and go out into the mortal world and deal with Hollows as they see fit. Fae on such leave from their House are known as Fianna, and are exempt from all laws of their lords until the end of their sojourn and return to Annwn.

Each monarch also rules a small Royal House. Tiarna or Pennaeth who truly distinguish themselves are promoted to this rank to serve as the monarch’s guardians and personal champions.

Alongside the House structure exists the Aois-dàna, a loose affiliation of bards and druids that serve as advisors to the lords of the Houses, historians, genealogists, legal specialists, and experts in Ealaín, the British form of kido.

Capabilities of the Fae
All abilities the Fae possess are mirrors of the abilities of shinigami. They can walk on air like their Japanese counterparts, and focus their training on Scileanna Laochra (Zanjutsu), Ystwythder (Hoho), Gan a Arm (Hakudo) and Ealaín (Kido).

A Note on Language
Whilst most of the terminology for the Fae is based on Celtic languages, some, particularly the specifics and names of Ealaín, were brought to Britain from elsewhere. These use Ancient Sumerian.

In addition, every Fae possesses a Treoir Anam, their equivalent of a zanpakutou. These possess the potential for a Rhyddhau (shikai) and a Nerthol Rhyddhau (bankai) as a zanpakutou does. The only notable difference between a Treoir Anam and a zanpakutou is that the former are quite likely to take a shape other than a sword even when sealed, spears and axes in particular being quite common, and no small number of Aois-dàna druids possessing sickles.

The mystic arts of Britain function identically to kido, the spells of a given path and number function the same as their foreign counterpart.

Silakus: “Way of Destruction”
1, Taka (Push)
4, Sagir (Pale Lightning Flash): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, and let forth the spite of clouds!
11, Nuhuš Gír (Tamed Lightning)
31, Urinti (Blood Arrow): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, and let forth the tide of chaos!
33, Nissati (Blue Arrow): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, and let the west crash forth!
54, Su-luh Izi (Cleansing Flames): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, and empower me to remove impurity from your sight!
58, Imiuru (Windstorm)
63, Anurimiriu (Threefold Storm Roar)
73, Erim Nissati (Host of Blue Arrows): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, drown out the sun, and call forth the sundering west winds!
88, Aralimiriutil (Apocalyptic Threefold Netherworld Storm)
90, Gitil (Black Ending)
96, Ašgir Mànu (Single Sword Immolation)

Girserusu: “Path of Shielding Arts”
1, Šaga (Captive)
4, Sigulul (Golden Chain)
8, Tamšen (Reflecting Mirror)
9, Eda (Paralysis): Balor! Lid your third eye, call up the hounds of Annwn, and grace us with the living death!
21, Urinimi (Blood Cloud)
26, Zah Bu (Hiding Light): Balor! Lid your third eye, turn your gaze away, and put the sun in their eyes!
30, Ešhu Ulul (Three-Bird Restraint)
37, Ulgu (Star Net)
39, Senbu (Shielding Light): Balor! Lid your third eye, turn your gaze to me, and guard me with thine wrath!
58, Igisar Lasar (Seeing the World, Knowing All): Balor! Lid your third eye, extend your sight forth, whisper in my ear, and let me see thine sight! The sun and moon are my eyes, the trembling ground my ear!
61, Asni E-kurbu (Six-Body Prison of Light): Balor! Lid your third eye, gift the sun unto to me, and let its halo trap them!
62, Ûšukur (Hundred Spear Fence)
63, Gisigulul (Locking Golden Chain)
73, Išibalsig (Rotated Mountain Wall)
75, Aš Barzilba-an (Five Adamant Pillars)
77, Kadigir (Mouth of the Gods): Balor! Lid your third eye, and gift me with your voice! The clouds are as my mouth, and the skies are as my lungs!
81, Barù-la (Splitting Nothingness)

Unlike shinigami, the Fae bear an additional restraint upon their power: geasa (sing. geis). These are taboos for the Fae in question that they must not commit, or lose access to spiritual power or suffer some other misfortune. Anyone can bring a geasa on a Fae, though the Fae in question must willingly accept it. Treoir Anam spirits often require their wielder to agree to a geis before granting Rhyddhau or Nerthol Rhyddhau. They also pay a part in Fae society, geasa often being included in oaths to one’s lord or in marriage vows.


Originally Posted by Innis Cabal View Post
As far as the plot is concerned. Here is my contribution, or at least, hopefully. The Samsara plot, and reasoning for their dark activity.

As much as I personally loathe the name of our new city, I figured it could be incorporated into the plot. With a little brain storming with Callos, and a look at the set up of the new game, I’ve noticed there are –a lot- of spiritually aware children. This led to me thinking –why- that might be the case. Its not a normal occurrence. So, here me out.

Phoenix Town () is a center of reincarnation, both out going and inbound to the spiritual world. This inundates the area with spirit particles, thus leading to the relatively high number of the spiritually aware. The Samsara’s main plot in the first game, and the carry over here, is to rebalance the passage of souls, destroying the Valley of Screams, and removing the Blanks from the Cycle of Reincarnation. Thus fixing the balance of the spiritual world. To do this, their plot is to flood the city with Blanks, and over time detonate them once a certain number of highly aware mortal souls are collected. This puts them in direct conflict with the mortal characters for several reasons.

1. The humans –are- those souls, thus making them prime targets for the Samsara to go after.
2. This will blow up the city, killing off the whole area. That’s bad for those living inside the city, with family and friends. Making this a plot that –all- mortal characters can get involved in early on.

Well, that’s my idea for the Samsara plot. Innis tested, Callos Approved. Now, to the playground, think it’ll work?
Originally Posted by Innis Cabal View Post
The Samsara

Leadership: “The Boss”
Second in Command: Go Nagi
Mortal World Relations:

Primary Grunt Force: Blanks (Augmented Blanks)
Physical Location: The Valley of Screams

Overview: The Cycle of Reincarnation is not a simple or perfect thing. Souls traveling between the worlds sometimes fragment, their memories fading into some unknown location, the soul falling into a realm that should never exist. These are the blanks, souls without memories, lost forever from the Cycle of Reincarnation, unable to return for they cannot remember how. It is unknown how, but when a number of these memory less shells accumulate, a separate realm, the Valley of Screams, is created to house them. This realm, lies between Soul Society and the Mortal World. But the memories of these creatures are not destroyed or lost forever. The swirling mass of memories and experience’s coalesces into an object known as the Memory Rosary, the accumulation of all memories lost between Reincarnation and the journey there in.

The Samsara

The Samsara are akin to Arrancar in that they are an artificial creation, Blanks granted the copies of memories from the Rosary itself. The likeness between themselves, Shimigami, and Arrancar end at this small analogy, not truly meant to exist the Samsara are the thinking force behind the Valley of Screams, the heralds of those cast out by an imperfect system.

Standard Powers of the Samsara
Blank Manipulation: Every member of the Samsara is capable of utilizing Blanks for various purposes. They may duplicate Kido (if their memories contain such information), create weapons or simple items, duplicate flashstep or sonido (again based purely on their memories), or fly. Samsara may also heal with the power of the Blanks, capable of restoring even lost limbs if given proper time and concentration.

Individual Powers

The powers of a Samsara depends entirely on his or her memories, granting each a highly individualized level of capabilities and powers.

What this is, is a simple dolling up of what seems to be the first Villian team of the Reborn game. We're looking for member's currently. So, if anyone's interested, roll a character up and lets see where it goes :smallwink:


Originally Posted by strawberryman View Post
...Okay, well, I assume because there was little reaction it would help if I actually explained what the faction I was planning is.

It's more or less like the Men In Black... It's a multi-national secret organization that deploys agents to clean up after the various mishaps that Soul Reapers can't. As such, the various Soul Reaper organizations usually leave them well enough alone.

...That's their cover op, though. What they are really trying to do is make Mortals able to fend for themselves, and be self-sufficient on the matters of the spiritual. Which meshed pretty well with Ran's goal during the last cycle... but, that's an aside. They track and recruit various spiritual humans: Quincies (in fact that may possibly be a large base of their agents), Living Vizards, various anomalies, just plain spiritually aware humans, or maybe even Bount.

...As for why they may be considered villainous or antagonistic to the Enclave is their willingness to do literally anything to achieve their ends; assassinations, theft... etc. And it's likely that the various runes they possess will be like their Holy Grail. For reasons I don't feel like fully explaining, I would like to keep some secrets.
Originally Posted by Zarah View Post
Well, I was under the assumption that Phoenix Town was going to be another spiritual hot spot, which explains why so many mortals are developing their own powers. Of course, the introduction of outside forces will help as a catalyst, but it's mostly just the fact of where the people live more than anything. The same abundance of spiritual power in the city would also explain why there might be various factions vying for power in the region even from the beginning.

Also, about the idea of the cold war turning hot, I like that plan. I like it a lot. It fits perfectly with Kujo's intentions, and is more or less what I was planning to work toward anyway, so I'm giving it a hearty thumbs up.
Originally Posted by Innis Cabal View Post
Well, here is what I was thinking for the over all "History". Its diluted yes, and I'll extrapolate more on it when I can sit down and really pound it out.

The Quincy Bloodlines, as they were, are connected to the ancient Ninja Clans of the Sengoku Jidai, now far removed and interbred with the general populace of Japan, the Quincy themselves would retain lasting familial alliances, hatreds and pacts with other blood lines

Translators: Word Reference (http://www.wordreference.com/) is a pretty good one for English to Spanish. Just don't translate phrases with it.

2010-07-08, 02:43 PM
Okay, I'm just going to say this:

When I came up with the idea of an arena tournament, I was intending it to be a relatively low key thing. Like I said in the other thread, I just wanted some fights and socialization.
We're also still in the opening stage- making big plots isn't such a good idea.

Now, it's my wish, and apparently the wish of other people, to have this arena fight just be an arena fight. I don't think anyone minds some scheming on how to win, but beyond that is going to messing with the purpose of the event.

So please don't turn this into something more. This applies to anyone who might be thinking of it. >.>
If no one intended to, good, then we can just drop the issue. Otherwise... just reconsider. Make other plans. Make plans later.

2010-07-08, 02:44 PM
It's a mortal medium! Totally not Chad... Tum dee dum...


Name: [Filler], Minoru (found a nice place for first names, not so sure about family names. Open to any suggestions.)
Gender: Male
Height: 193 cm (6'4")
Weight: 105 kg (231 pounds)
Hair: Black bleached blond (someone had to do it)
Age: 16
Speech/Reiatsu: Bold Gold in the form of ethereal petals that drift lazily around him.

Appearance: Imposing. That's the first thing that usually comes to mind when one lays eyes on Minoru. The guy is big. Really big. Could probably flatten people in American football if anyone actually played American football in Phoenix Town. Powerfully built, a wall of muscle.

Minoru is usually clad in a pair of faded blue jeans and a sleeveless green and black jacket, the look rounded off by a pair of loud orange and purple sneakers. Apparently no one has ever spoken to him about clashing colors. His bleached blond hair bares a rather stubborn curl in the front that refuses to lay down in spite of liberal application of hair cement. Apart from that Minoru usually wears a rather cheerful demeanor which leads to...

Personality: Fun. That's the second word that one thinks of when trying to describe this giant. Fun loving, jovial, and intensely competitive. Minoru can turn just about anything into a game or a competition. And given his physical conditioning he can give most a run for their money. While he isn't stupid by any stretch of the imagination Minoru would much favor running in the hills surrounding Phoenix Town than being bottled up in a room doing school-work. Especially in those little desks that are always too small. Oddly enough the only subject that Minoru has ever shown keen interest in is history, mythology in particular. He's always explained that he likes to learn about how other people have defeated the challenges that have faced them.

History: Minoru was born and raised in Phoenix Town, his parents owning a small sports shop on the outskirts of the city. As a child he always favored the outdoors whether it involved swimming, running, biking, or just climbing over whatever obstacle presented itself to him. No real tragedies. No lost loved ones apart from the death of his grand parents some years ago. Only a life full of life and potential. Mountains to conquer and dulls home-work assignments to complete.

Powers: Presently Minoru is able to hear spiritual beings. While he can't see them he does get a sense of a presence in the case of the benign and a feeling of wrongness around those spirits that are more malevolent.

Later he'll gain the use of several Hollow-like aspects. At first he'll only be able to use one aspect at a time, requiring some practice and luck to figure out how to manifest each aspect. As he grows in strength he'll be able to employ more of them at a time. All the aspects offer an all around boost to Minoru's physical abilities, though each has a specialty.

Aegis of the Immortal
Using this aspect causes a shield-like armor to grow over Minoru's right arm. The shield is impressive in its durability and generally increases Minoru's ability to shrug off damage and injury. This aspect represents his will to press on in the face of adversity.

Arm of the Titan
Using this aspect causes a gauntlet-like armor to grow over Minoru's left arm, sporting a curved blade that folds back against his forearm. Not only is the weapon dangerously keen, but it also boosts his strength to stunning levels. This aspect represents his will to conquer every challenge that stands in his way.

Tail of Ouroborus
Calling on this aspect results in Minoru gaining a powerful, lithe tail tipped with a wicked scythe. The tail is a potent weapon in and of itself, but it also increases his speed to break-neck levels. This aspect represents his reckless competitive spirit.

Helm of the Olympian
Summoning the power of the helm covers Minoru's head and face with silvery armor, bathing all but his eyes in a deep obsidian shadow. The helm increases all of his physical attributes in a well rounded fashion, though it doesn't come close to matching the zenith of power offered by the other aspects. This aspect represents his desire to be the best that he can be for his loved ones.

Other Useful Information: Even without his aspects active Minoru is impressive physically. Not talking Chad level here, though. That was just nuts. He has a soft spot for small animals, cats especially. One of the few things that can draw Minoru's ire is people using their physical abilities to harass those weaker than themselves. Bullies beware.

I've got his power growth planned out pretty well in an incremental fashion, a rather nice five step evolution from sort-of aware of spirits at the start to smashing face some months and many plawts down the road.

The third phase will introduce some new tricks to his bag, though given how long before that will come into play I'm not sure if I should jot it down yet or not. If so editing it in should be easy enough.

Any thoughts on Chad Minoru?Seems pretty solid. Probably will want to, at some point, give some "benchmarks" on things like strength, speed, etc.

Also, he would be classified as a "Hollowing" type Mortal/Hollow Hybrid. Just as an FYI.

Mmhmm. :smallwink:

Ryoichi Yasu, Unseated, Kido Corps
Name: Ryoichi Yasu (First Name, 安, meaning "Peaceful")
Affiliation: Shinigami
Rank: Unseated
Gender: Male
Reatsu/Speech Color: Blue Ash

Appearance: Yasu is a bookish, but distinctly handsome Specimen of a Reaper; he stands at just below average height, but has a Presence of Personality that makes up for his nonthreatening stature. Though Shinigami age can be somewhat subjective considering their long lifespans, Yasu has a sense of Mature Youthfulness matched evenly by inner Experience (particularly in his eyes) that can only be born from Centuries of life. His wrinkled, dirty Blonde hair usually grows a little long from neglect, but he wears it with a roguish charm to match his inquisitive, dark Blue eyes and subtly delicate features. His hands are steady and dexterous, a sign of his expertise in the various Gestures and hand Arrays that he has mastered over his centuries. Though he seldom gives attention to his personal appearance, it takes several weeks for even the faintest glimmer of facial hair to begin appearing on his chin; this is one sign to those more familiar with him that he's been obsessing with some project for longer than is healthy, if he begins to display any sort of chin scruff.

Yasu carries his Zanpaktou standardly on his Left side, and can also at times be seen carrying any of a variety of Walking Staffs that have only enhanced his reputation as a 'Reclusive Wizard' type. These can range from simple Wooden creations all the way to more refined pieces set with colored Gems at the crown, but are universally Thin and lightweight. Though he has perfect eyesight, he can sometimes be seen wearing a pair of silver spectacles as he goes about his work. Other similar devices or bits of jewelry have been known to appear and vanish from his wardrobe from time to time, but these are the exception to the rule.

Personality: Yasu is pleasant and peaceful in nature, but is instilled with a ferocious drive and Focus that can rub those with thin skin the wrong way, if they see the wrong side of it. Yasu's primary Passion is in his Research and pursuit of Knowledge in the Demon Arts, and all other pursuits take back seat to this Driving motivation.

Yasu often sequesters himself away from the world so he can be alone to think; most often this means closing himself in his Private Study, but multiple times this need to be alone has expressed itself as setting out on wandering journeys throughout the furthest reaches of the world that surrounds Soul Society, and even the Mortal World and beyond, taking time to himself to organize his thoughts and experiment with his Kidou. He does not brag nor is attention brought to the fact, but he is likely the most well-traveled Shinigami currently alive, and his extensive experience (essentially 'been there, done that') is nothing to gloss over. Though Yori is naturally very peaceful in disposition, he can be irritable if he is interrupted or called away from his research. Despite this he is always willing to help, so long as there is something in it for him. In seemingly direct contradiction to his preference for solitude, Yori is often called on for Personal favors (and even, at rare times, asked to assist his Division, though they usually tend to leave him to himself), but always looks to turn a Profit in some way. A few people in particular have learned what to bribe him with, and sometimes even get Return Customer discounts.

The thing that can be counted on most reliably to distract Yasu from his work are the Charms pf the Fairer sex. Yasu treats women like Fine Wine; they are valuable, delicate, refined... and he samples as many of them as he can. Yasu treats the few women he regularly works with with Respect and Dignity, but does not deny the Intoxicating effect that they can have on him... especially with increasing quantities. Females will receive unabashed preference and special attention from him, as well as being the first that he will jump to save or hesitate to put in harm's way. He is immediately attracted to the hurting and vulnerable, loving nothing more than to offer his support and comfort in time of need in any way he can. However, Yasu will never, never cross the line with any woman who is not fully willing to, and, young or otherwise, he will, under no circumstances take advantage of anyone.

Background: Yasu started as an upstart Academy student with Big Ideas about the way things really worked, and was always willing to gush said ideas on anyone who would listen... much to the chagrin of his classmates and teachers, who all knew him to be completely wrong. Since those early days he himself has discovered that back then, yes, he was in fact Completely Wrong. However, the courage to challenge the dogma of the Established, along with the foundations upon which his further understanding built upon, are valuable traits that Yasu took with him out of the Academy and straight into the Kidou corps. In the intervening decades and centuries, Yasu has built his functional understanding of Kidou to a level rivaling Specialist Captains in its advancement. While Yasu is technically of an overall level equal (and in some ways far surpassing) established Vice-Captain level, he has refused to involve himself in Division-baseed Politics in any way, and politely refuses nearly all forms of Responsibility requested of him. He explains this as being because any such responsibility would only detract from his personal studies, which is impermissible in his mind, but there may be a deeper reason for his refusal to accept ranking or recognition within his division. Whatever his motivations, he is technically an Unseated in his Division, and likes it that way.

Once, a long time ago, Yasu accepted a position in the Academy teaching Kidou Practice and Theory to students there. However, in addition to detracting from his Research freedoms, this eventually landed him in some sticky situations concerning underage female students, and while he unabashedly enjoyed said situations at first, could not continue in good Conscience and left.

Yasu does enjoy explaining his findings and Theorems to those who are eager to gain more understanding in Kidou, but has long since come to understand that most people grow bored or confused with his more thorough explanations. Usually he refrains from discussion of Kidou at all, for various reasons, and when he is dragged into any level of explanation, he resorts to 'nutshell' analogies to get the basic, basic, basic point across.

Through his travels through the Seireitei, the Mortal World, and even perhaps to Other lands to which Shinigami Do Not Travel (including at least one that the majority of Shinigami do not know exists), Yasu has taken an interest in the capabilities and powers of a variety of creatures, including Quincies, Spiritually Aware humans, and even Hollows, all the way up to Arrancar level (though he has not seen many of the latter in action). A few or more of his own developed abilities were designed to mimic or duplicate effects he has witnessed being used by members of these other factions, to diversify and strengthen his powerset.

Kidou Master: As an Advanced member of the Gotai 13's Kidou Corps, Yasu is extremely proficient with Kidou, and uses it even more than his Zanpaktou when it comes to direct combat. He believes Kidou to be much more versatile and efficient than most Shinigami's Zanpaktou in most respects, but also recognizes the times when his Soul Cutter is the better choice. Through his Self-training and advances in understanding, Yasu has discovered various Short-cuts and Energy-saving techniques that allow him to create a Kidou of equal strength for less energy. This, combined with a great capacity for Kidou to begin with, lets him use many, many Kidou before getting fatigued. Yasu does not claim to have mastered every single known Kidou, nor has he even learned to cast them all quickly enough to be combat applicable, but through his Centuries Yasu has successfully cast every single Hado and Bakudou from 1 to 99 at least once.

Advanced Kidou Theory: This has been Yasu's primary focus for nearly the entirety of his time with the Kidou Corps. He believes that Kidou on the whole is much stronger and has much more potential than the majority of the Gotai 13 understands yet. Yasu has been developing his understanding of Kidou for many years, and the results of this understanding and Practice are wide and far-reaching. In addition to making radical and hugely beneficial alterations to existing kidou on the fly without power reduction, Yasu has learned a startling variety of applications for Advanced Kidou Theory, including the ability to Counter-Kidou in a manner remotely similar to the Legendarily rare Hanki (Reverse Demon) technique-- a Kidou technique he claims to have improved upon.

Shunpo Practitioner: Yasu's Shunpo is rather Average in speed and distance, but as a side-effect of his great Control in Kidou, he has a very efficient Shunpo and can execute a very high number back to back before getting tired.

Basic Hand-to-Hand: Yasu has a very basic skill in Hand-to-Hand combat, but is very easily overwhelmed by anyone with even average skill.

Stoneskin: In an attempt to mimic the Arrancar Hierro, Yasu has discovered an (admittedly less effective, but still quite useful) Shinigami variant that protects him from physical damage. Yasu has learned how to maintain this technique subconsciously, meaning it is always active, but can be enhanced with conscious concentration.

Name: Teitoushu (Razor Paw)

Release Phrase: "Listen: Teitoushu!"
Shikai: Yasu is nearly always seen with a simple, standard-looking Zanpaktou on his left hip, the only thing to set it apart from the nameless Zanpaktou carried by Unseated is its reduced length; in all other respects it is a standard Katana, save that the length of its blade is reduced to just over a foot instead of the standard 3 1/2 - 4 foot range most occupy, leaving the handle at least as long as the blade itself. What most people fail to realize is that this simple form is Yasu's Shikai.
Shikai Special Abilities: Yasu's shikai largely lacks combat ability, instead almost entirely focusing on Tertiary Utility capabilities and augmenting Yasu's Kidou versatility. The primary ability is something Yasu describes as being able to 'hear' Kidou happening-- similar to a Dolphin's Sonar or a Bat's Echolocation, Teitoushu's blade reverberates subtly in reaction to Kidou in the area, giving Yasu an instant instinctive understanding of the general direction and distance, nature, and strength of any Kidou used in its area of effect. Teitoushu also acts as a focus for certain Kidou, allowing Yasu to 'anchor' Kidou requiring constant concentration on the Zanpaktou instead, freeing his own attention span to concentrate on other things, allowing him to maintain multiple ongoing effects at once.

Yasu has achieved a level of Mastery over Teitoushu that far surpasses the standard 'Sealed, Shikai, Bankai' tiered release system in terms of control and efficiency. His exact methods of doing so are known only to himself, but he maintains Shikai at all times without strain or even conscious effort.

Sealed Form: In its fully sealed form, which it seldom if ever reverts to, is a completely standard Zanpaktou.
Sealed Abilities: None.

Bankai: Not achieved.

Intended Changes to the Character from Last Game...
In the last game, Yasu came off more as an immature, juvenile sort of character, which, while fun and certainly a part of his personality, is not the feel I am largely shooting for with this concept. For this time around, I want to play him more as a somewhat older, more mature, more wizened sort of 'Wizard' character who keeps most of his many, many sober thoughts tucked away behind a Peaceful and cheerful personality, with a little well-meaning Lechery thrown in just for endearment. :smallbiggrin:

His Zanpaktou has been completely rehauled, and now ties in much more nicely with his Limit Break-esque 'Let's Get Dangerous' ace-in-the-hole. I do have a Bankai thought up for him, though as with most of my characters, he will probably never unlock it.

The main purpose of this character is to get dragged along on Wacky Hijinks by other members of the cast, when he'd rather be left alone to study. However if he got what he wanted he'd be really boring to play, so I'm counting on you guys to interrupt him constantly, to his chagrin. :smallbiggrin: :smalltongue: He really has been almost everywhere and seen almost everything at least once, so even though he doesn't want or get a lot of recognition for it, he's one of the big dogs on campus where Kidou (among other things) is concerned, and should absolutely be pestered accordingly. :smallbiggrin:

Few things:

In 'advanced Kido theory', you refer to Hanki as 'legendarily rare'; I've been under the impression that the technique is, infact, rather basic, and technically more of a principle underlying several spells rather than a singular ability. You can't get much simpler than 'equal-but-opposite force', after all. What's your source of information for this - Innis, some obscure Wiki entry, or what?

The concept of 'permanent release zanpakuto' is already established, and seems to be more a matter of vast Reiryoku than skill - Yasu having achieved the same result by different means is fine, but I don't see the need of stressing how he 'far surpasses the standard 'Sealed, Shikai, Bankai' tiered release system in terms of control and efficiency'.

Also, you refer to Yasu as Yori at several points - accident?

The character seems to be bit higher on the power curve than is strictly necessary, but otherwise seems interesting. Could Sayuri perhaps bribe seduce persuade him to join her 'Kitano Takeshi is a twit unprofessional and must be spanked taught a lesson' club? :smallbiggrin: They seem like they could know each other.

(For the record, Yamamoto Sayuri is 1st Division Vice-Captain, former Corps member and Cell leader, and hates Takeshi's guts.)Frozen hit most all of the points.

I'd just remind you to keep in mind the current structure and culture of the Kido Corps.

As well, hopefully we won't see too many alternate dimensions brought into things. That might get messy. :smallwink:

Finally, I see Yasu and Yoshi (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8157596&postcount=3) potentially having interesting debates.:smalltongue:

2010-07-08, 02:44 PM
Okay, I'm just going to say this:

When I came up with the idea of an arena tournament, I was intending it to be a relatively low key thing. Like I said in the other thread, I just wanted some fights and socialization.
We're also still in the opening stage- making big plots isn't such a good idea.

Now, it's my wish, and apparently the wish of other people, to have this arena fight just be an arena fight. I don't think anyone minds some scheming on how to win, but beyond that is going to messing with the purpose of the event.

So please don't turn this into something more. This applies to anyone who might be thinking of it. >.>
If no one intended to, good, then we can just drop the issue. Otherwise... just reconsider. Make other plans. Make plans later.

My plan makes me win even if I lose. Problem is will anyone take it...

2010-07-08, 02:45 PM
So it doesn't get lost in the haze:

Mmhmm. :smallwink:

Ryoichi Yasu, Unseated, Kido Corps
Name: Ryoichi Yasu (First Name, 安, meaning "Peaceful")
Affiliation: Shinigami
Rank: Unseated
Gender: Male
Reatsu/Speech Color: Blue Ash

Appearance: Yasu is a bookish, but distinctly handsome Specimen of a Reaper; he stands at just below average height, but has a Presence of Personality that makes up for his nonthreatening stature. Though Shinigami age can be somewhat subjective considering their long lifespans, Yasu has a sense of Mature Youthfulness matched evenly by inner Experience (particularly in his eyes) that can only be born from Centuries of life. His wrinkled, dirty Blonde hair usually grows a little long from neglect, but he wears it with a roguish charm to match his inquisitive, dark Blue eyes and subtly delicate features. His hands are steady and dexterous, a sign of his expertise in the various Gestures and hand Arrays that he has mastered over his centuries. Though he seldom gives attention to his personal appearance, it takes several weeks for even the faintest glimmer of facial hair to begin appearing on his chin; this is one sign to those more familiar with him that he's been obsessing with some project for longer than is healthy, if he begins to display any sort of chin scruff.

Yasu carries his Zanpaktou standardly on his Left side, and can also at times be seen carrying any of a variety of Walking Staffs that have only enhanced his reputation as a 'Reclusive Wizard' type. These can range from simple Wooden creations all the way to more refined pieces set with colored Gems at the crown, but are universally Thin and lightweight. Though he has perfect eyesight, he can sometimes be seen wearing a pair of silver spectacles as he goes about his work. Other similar devices or bits of jewelry have been known to appear and vanish from his wardrobe from time to time, but these are the exception to the rule.

Personality: Yasu is pleasant and peaceful in nature, but is instilled with a ferocious drive and Focus that can rub those with thin skin the wrong way, if they see the wrong side of it. Yasu's primary Passion is in his Research and pursuit of Knowledge in the Demon Arts, and all other pursuits take back seat to this Driving motivation.

Yasu often sequesters himself away from the world so he can be alone to think; most often this means closing himself in his Private Study, but multiple times this need to be alone has expressed itself as setting out on wandering journeys throughout the furthest reaches of the world that surrounds Soul Society, and even the Mortal World and beyond, taking time to himself to organize his thoughts and experiment with his Kidou. He does not brag nor is attention brought to the fact, but he is likely the most well-traveled Shinigami currently alive, and his extensive experience (essentially 'been there, done that') is nothing to gloss over. Though Yori is naturally very peaceful in disposition, he can be irritable if he is interrupted or called away from his research. Despite this he is always willing to help, so long as there is something in it for him. In seemingly direct contradiction to his preference for solitude, Yori is often called on for Personal favors (and even, at rare times, asked to assist his Division, though they usually tend to leave him to himself), but always looks to turn a Profit in some way. A few people in particular have learned what to bribe him with, and sometimes even get Return Customer discounts.

The thing that can be counted on most reliably to distract Yasu from his work are the Charms pf the Fairer sex. Yasu treats women like Fine Wine; they are valuable, delicate, refined... and he samples as many of them as he can. Yasu treats the few women he regularly works with with Respect and Dignity, but does not deny the Intoxicating effect that they can have on him... especially with increasing quantities. Females will receive unabashed preference and special attention from him, as well as being the first that he will jump to save or hesitate to put in harm's way. He is immediately attracted to the hurting and vulnerable, loving nothing more than to offer his support and comfort in time of need in any way he can. However, Yasu will never, never cross the line with any woman who is not fully willing to, and, young or otherwise, he will, under no circumstances take advantage of anyone.

Background: Yasu started as an upstart Academy student with Big Ideas about the way things really worked, and was always willing to gush said ideas on anyone who would listen... much to the chagrin of his classmates and teachers, who all knew him to be completely wrong. Since those early days he himself has discovered that back then, yes, he was in fact Completely Wrong. However, the courage to challenge the dogma of the Established, along with the foundations upon which his further understanding built upon, are valuable traits that Yasu took with him out of the Academy and straight into the Kidou corps. In the intervening decades and centuries, Yasu has built his functional understanding of Kidou to a level rivaling Specialist Captains in its advancement. While Yasu is technically of an overall level equal (and in some ways far surpassing) established Vice-Captain level, he has refused to involve himself in Division-baseed Politics in any way, and politely refuses nearly all forms of Responsibility requested of him. He explains this as being because any such responsibility would only detract from his personal studies, which is impermissible in his mind, but there may be a deeper reason for his refusal to accept ranking or recognition within his division. Whatever his motivations, he is technically an Unseated in his Division, and likes it that way.

Once, a long time ago, Yasu accepted a position in the Academy teaching Kidou Practice and Theory to students there. However, in addition to detracting from his Research freedoms, this eventually landed him in some sticky situations concerning underage female students, and while he unabashedly enjoyed said situations at first, could not continue in good Conscience and left.

Yasu does enjoy explaining his findings and Theorems to those who are eager to gain more understanding in Kidou, but has long since come to understand that most people grow bored or confused with his more thorough explanations. Usually he refrains from discussion of Kidou at all, for various reasons, and when he is dragged into any level of explanation, he resorts to 'nutshell' analogies to get the basic, basic, basic point across.

Through his travels through the Seireitei, the Mortal World, and even perhaps to Other lands to which Shinigami Do Not Travel (including at least one that the majority of Shinigami do not know exists), Yasu has taken an interest in the capabilities and powers of a variety of creatures, including Quincies, Spiritually Aware humans, and even Hollows, all the way up to Arrancar level (though he has not seen many of the latter in action). A few or more of his own developed abilities were designed to mimic or duplicate effects he has witnessed being used by members of these other factions, to diversify and strengthen his powerset.

Kidou Master: As an Advanced member of the Gotai 13's Kidou Corps, Yasu is extremely proficient with Kidou, and uses it even more than his Zanpaktou when it comes to direct combat. He believes Kidou to be much more versatile and efficient than most Shinigami's Zanpaktou in most respects, but also recognizes the times when his Soul Cutter is the better choice. Through his Self-training and advances in understanding, Yasu has discovered various Short-cuts and Energy-saving techniques that allow him to create a Kidou of equal strength for less energy. This, combined with a great capacity for Kidou to begin with, lets him use many, many Kidou before getting fatigued. Yasu does not claim to have mastered every single known Kidou, nor has he even learned to cast them all quickly enough to be combat applicable, but through his Centuries Yasu has successfully cast every single Hado and Bakudou from 1 to 99 at least once.

Advanced Kidou Theory: This has been Yasu's primary focus for nearly the entirety of his time with the Kidou Corps. He believes that Kidou on the whole is much stronger and has much more potential than the majority of the Gotai 13 understands yet. Yasu has been developing his understanding of Kidou for many years, and the results of this understanding and Practice are wide and far-reaching. In addition to making radical and hugely beneficial alterations to existing kidou on the fly without power reduction, Yasu has learned a startling variety of applications for Advanced Kidou Theory, including the ability to Counter-Kidou in a manner remotely similar to the Legendarily rare Hanki (Reverse Demon) technique-- a Kidou technique he claims to have improved upon.

Shunpo Practitioner: Yasu's Shunpo is rather Average in speed and distance, but as a side-effect of his great Control in Kidou, he has a very efficient Shunpo and can execute a very high number back to back before getting tired.

Basic Hand-to-Hand: Yasu has a very basic skill in Hand-to-Hand combat, but is very easily overwhelmed by anyone with even average skill.

Stoneskin: In an attempt to mimic the Arrancar Hierro, Yasu has discovered an (admittedly less effective, but still quite useful) Shinigami variant that protects him from physical damage. Yasu has learned how to maintain this technique subconsciously, meaning it is always active, but can be enhanced with conscious concentration.

Name: Teitoushu (Razor Paw)

Release Phrase: "Listen: Teitoushu!"
Shikai: Yasu is nearly always seen with a simple, standard-looking Zanpaktou on his left hip, the only thing to set it apart from the nameless Zanpaktou carried by Unseated is its reduced length; in all other respects it is a standard Katana, save that the length of its blade is reduced to just over a foot instead of the standard 3 1/2 - 4 foot range most occupy, leaving the handle at least as long as the blade itself. What most people fail to realize is that this simple form is Yasu's Shikai.
Shikai Special Abilities: Yasu's shikai largely lacks combat ability, instead almost entirely focusing on Tertiary Utility capabilities and augmenting Yasu's Kidou versatility. The primary ability is something Yasu describes as being able to 'hear' Kidou happening-- similar to a Dolphin's Sonar or a Bat's Echolocation, Teitoushu's blade reverberates subtly in reaction to Kidou in the area, giving Yasu an instant instinctive understanding of the general direction and distance, nature, and strength of any Kidou used in its area of effect. Teitoushu also acts as a focus for certain Kidou, allowing Yasu to 'anchor' Kidou requiring constant concentration on the Zanpaktou instead, freeing his own attention span to concentrate on other things, allowing him to maintain multiple ongoing effects at once.

Yasu has achieved a level of Mastery over Teitoushu that far surpasses the standard 'Sealed, Shikai, Bankai' tiered release system in terms of control and efficiency. His exact methods of doing so are known only to himself, but he maintains Shikai at all times without strain or even conscious effort.

Sealed Form: In its fully sealed form, which it seldom if ever reverts to, is a completely standard Zanpaktou.
Sealed Abilities: None.

Bankai: Not achieved.

Intended Changes to the Character from Last Game...
In the last game, Yasu came off more as an immature, juvenile sort of character, which, while fun and certainly a part of his personality, is not the feel I am largely shooting for with this concept. For this time around, I want to play him more as a somewhat older, more mature, more wizened sort of 'Wizard' character who keeps most of his many, many sober thoughts tucked away behind a Peaceful and cheerful personality, with a little well-meaning Lechery thrown in just for endearment. :smallbiggrin:

His Zanpaktou has been completely rehauled, and now ties in much more nicely with his Limit Break-esque 'Let's Get Dangerous' ace-in-the-hole. I do have a Bankai thought up for him, though as with most of my characters, he will probably never unlock it.

The main purpose of this character is to get dragged along on Wacky Hijinks by other members of the cast, when he'd rather be left alone to study. However if he got what he wanted he'd be really boring to play, so I'm counting on you guys to interrupt him constantly, to his chagrin. :smallbiggrin: :smalltongue: He really has been almost everywhere and seen almost everything at least once, so even though he doesn't want or get a lot of recognition for it, he's one of the big dogs on campus where Kidou (among other things) is concerned, and should absolutely be pestered accordingly. :smallbiggrin:

Few things:

In 'advanced Kido theory', you refer to Hanki as 'legendarily rare'; I've been under the impression that the technique is, infact, rather basic, and technically more of a principle underlying several spells rather than a singular ability. You can't get much simpler than 'equal-but-opposite force', after all. What's your source of information for this - Innis, some obscure Wiki entry, or what?

The concept of 'permanent release zanpakuto' is already established, and seems to be more a matter of vast Reiryoku than skill - Yasu having achieved the same result by different means is fine, but I don't see the need of stressing how he 'far surpasses the standard 'Sealed, Shikai, Bankai' tiered release system in terms of control and efficiency'.

Also, you refer to Yasu as Yori at several points - accident?

The character seems to be bit higher on the power curve than is strictly necessary, but otherwise seems interesting. Could Sayuri perhaps bribe seduce persuade him to join her 'Kitano Takeshi is a twit unprofessional and must be spanked taught a lesson' club? :smallbiggrin: They seem like they could know each other.

(For the record, Yamamoto Sayuri is 1st Division Vice-Captain, former Corps member and Cell leader, and hates Takeshi's guts.)

@Riccaru: Sayuri remarked Takeshi is 'a kid who needs to be spanked by his mother' pages ago in Soul Society thread. I thought it was obvious she's willing to take maternal role here. Or maybe she'll bribe Kiku to do it. :smalltongue:

EDIT: Dammit KD!

2010-07-08, 02:46 PM
So it doesn't get lost in the haze:

@Riccaru: Sayuri remarked Takeshi is 'a kid who needs to be spanked by his mother' pages ago in Soul Society thread. I thought it was obvious she's willing to take maternal role here. Or maybe she'll bribe Kiku to do it. :smalltongue:

I still don't want to see a captain level getting paddled on his behind:smalleek:.

2010-07-08, 02:47 PM
And now for something completely different. How exactly is Arcelia's judging position going to affect everybody? I'm kinda seeing a big ol' honking hammer coming down on all of our plans should that happen.

Well, Arcelia doesn't gain anything if you win or lose, so really she has no incentive other than to judge fairly. If she thinks your plan is within the rules (or maybe just clever enough to entertain her), she'll let it slide.
Alternately, if she does have incentive to judge in someone's favor, then that changes the situation. :smalltongue:

2010-07-08, 02:47 PM
Why do things always bring up huge discussions, even if they're obviously jokes? Sereg knows attacking 9+ pther people is a bad idea. He's rebellious, but not that suicidal.

If they're just jokes, why don't you say that when people seem to take you serious and avoid debating about it? Trying to make a case about how it would happen only makes it look like you're being serious. >_>

2010-07-08, 02:47 PM
And now for something completely different. How exactly is Arcelia's judging position going to affect everybody? I'm kinda seeing a big ol' honking hammer coming down on all of our plans should that happen.

Edit: Wow. Delayed reaction much? :smallredface:

Isn't it obvious? :smalltongue: A judge who accepts bribes!

2010-07-08, 02:47 PM
Okay, from what I've read, here is my opinion.

Don't try and get yourself killed.

Seriously, I don't think you have much of a reason to. If you don't like your character, there is always the wonderful thing called retcon. So far, your character seems to have some kind of death wish. I mean, let's look at what he has done so far...

1) Attacked a Shinigami Training Session led by a Captain. Razes a village to the ground to get the Captain's attention to that end. Who knows what else he did beforehand to make Pico have to go after him.

2) Insulted the Primera. To her face. Need I say more?

3) Also insulted the Segunda in a fashion when Pico flipped out after his alienation of Talon. Made all the more glaring by the fact that you would think that he would call Pico an idiot for threatening someone so high up.

Now, I'm not picking on you here, but come on. It seems like he is going out of his way to make himself Public Enemy Number 1 here. I guess what I'm trying to say is this. To riccaru, are you sure you want to play the character like this? To everyone else, I'm not even sure if the reason why we even started getting all bent out of shape is even valid. From what I've seen, he was making a joke.

And now for something completely different. How exactly is Arcelia's judging position going to affect everybody? I'm kinda seeing a big ol' honking hammer coming down on all of our plans should that happen.

Reposted here because we ran out of space, and I figured it needed to be said.

We now go back to your scheduled programming.

Edit: Wow. Again, delayed reaction much? :smallredface:

2010-07-08, 02:53 PM
I still don't want to see a captain level getting paddled on his behind:smalleek:.

"Said 'captain level' looks, acts, and for purposes of relative age, is a child, with far too much responsibility on his tiny shoulders. Furthermore, it is painfully clear his parental figures have failed to teach him manners and proper moral values. Unless said figures step in to redeem these issues, I feel it is my duty as his senior colleague to help him... correct his behaviour."

2010-07-08, 02:53 PM
Reposted here because we ran out of space, and I figured it needed to be said.

We now go back to your scheduled programming.

Edit: Wow. Again, delayed reaction much? :smallredface:

On the first one, that needed to be done by someone, and I wanted to role play.
Sereg would have been toast if Pico didn't show up. He knows that. He now (secretly) feels he owes Pico something. No one else should know that, however. The second one, he didn't think she'd go that far. It was supposed to mean that so far, there isn't much for anyone to do, so there's no reason she couldn't sit there all day. >_> That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Third, Edward bugs me and Sereg. ( No offense:smallbiggrin:... TOO MANY PUNS!!!!)

2010-07-08, 02:55 PM
Oh yeah, and this Gran Ray Cero talk. I don't see it doing much of anything considering characters have been able to catch/deflect/absorb and reflect/extinguish each other's ceros and other projectiles. The top three Espada could probably just strike a cool pose together to repel one much lower ranked Espada's cero with their combined spiritual energy.

As much as I don't want this to ever be necessary, I now want to see it immortalized in imagery. Preferably sculpture or perhaps a carving.
I'm glad I was able to amuse someone. So do I. Actually, I just really want to have some fun triple teaming occur against a suitable foe(s)/obstacle. Surely it wouldn't hurt to play up on the fact that the top three (sometimes) all share the same gender and have them work together.

I'd also point out that the odds are further stacked against him because Genoveva and Arcelia are ladies and Edward can become one at will. Surely their combined women's intuition would allow them to counter whatever plan he had. Yeah, that's it for me, I'll say no more.

Third, Edward bugs me and Sereg. ( No offense:smallbiggrin:... TOO MANY PUNS!!!!)
Well don't worry, he won't be punning all the time. He'll use some alliteration, idioms, double entendres and innuendos. Really though, I've largely just had him speak the way he does because flattering someone with a million different variations of the word beautiful gets tedious.

2010-07-08, 02:58 PM
Surely it wouldn't hurt to play up on the fact that the top three (sometimes) all share the same gender and have them work together.Geister's Angels?

2010-07-08, 03:02 PM
Geister's Angels?

And on a certain day of the month, all in Las Noches hide and tremble in fear. :smalltongue: Yeah, I went there.

2010-07-08, 03:04 PM
That'd be Innis' write-up and...just the skill required to use Hanki considering it requires significant skill in Shunko which requires lots of skill/practice with Hakuda and Kido.

Mostly cause Hanki is...yeah. Hanki can very easily lead to 'untouchable, muwhahahahahaha!' depending on how strong it's user is. I think people underestimate how good Shunko and Hanki are sometimes. ^.^;

I don't see anything in either Innis's write up or canon* saying Shunko is required for Hanki. Indeed, using Hanki against physical attacks is just what we normal people call 'blocking' - it's slightly more elaborate when using it against Shunko, as it also involves nulligying raging magical energies, but still:

Hanki reads and feels more of a general principle. It's countering a hostile spell with equal-but-opposite spell, and I'd say it always needs to be done faster than the opposing element.

Using it probably requires one is intimately familiar with the spell being opposed, as well as great sense of timing. Due to these factors, it cannot lead to stalemates anymore than ordinary counters do in brawls.

*) Yes, Yoruichi did use it against Soifon, when both were using Shunko. However, I don't see how you can extrapolate the two are intrinsincly linked from that. There's no dialogue, or anything else, to suggest so.

2010-07-08, 03:04 PM
And on a certain day of the month, all in Las Noches hide and tremble in fear. :smalltongue: Yeah, I went there.

The cycles do tend to mesh together... Remind Sereg to RLH every 28 days or so.

Edit: Does Arrancar physiology match up alot with Mortals? How does their body react to things like sunlight? Could an Espada get sunburn? How does Ruwa tan under a painting of the sun? How does the painting give off light? Why are there so many questions in this post?

2010-07-08, 03:06 PM
I would guess that Hanki is the equivalent of a "counterspell." Since many shinigami are barely skilled enough to cast spells chantless, much less use them effectively in combat, I'd imagine a specific skill like Hanki would be something that requires some special knowledge to use. I mean, you have to understand the specific energies of a Kido spell so well that you can alter and reverse them to stop the opponent's.

2010-07-08, 03:14 PM
I would guess that Hanki is the equivalent of a "counterspell." Since many shinigami are barely skilled enough to cast spells chantless, much less use them effectively in combat, I'd imagine a specific skill like Hanki would be something that requires some special knowledge to use. I mean, you have to understand the specific energies of a Kido spell so well that you can alter and reverse them to stop the opponent's.

Very true. However, there's a definite continuum of Kido availability and difficulty - using Hado 1: Sho without a chant is likely very common place, and similarly using Hanki against it would likely be nothing to bat an eye at; using Hanki against something like Garganta, which in itself is an ability probably only known to a handful of Shinigami, would be huge.

2010-07-08, 03:14 PM
Geister's Angels?
I can only hope.

Reposted here because we ran out of space, and I figured it needed to be said.

Yeah, and he took a swing at Edward and Pico gave him a death threat. Edward is a pretty tolerant bro for someone that hates the company of men. He's even being nice and trying to help Pico get out of trouble with Genoveva.:smallwink: Those two are lucky Lalita is androgynous enough that he doesn't count as Edward's daily dose of exposure to them.

2010-07-08, 03:16 PM
Very true. However, there's a definite continuum of Kido availability and difficulty - using Hado 1: Sho without a chant is likely very common place, and similarly using Hanki against it would likely be nothing to bat an eye at; using Hanki against something like Garganta, which in itself is an ability probably only known to a handful of Shinigami, would be huge.

Using Hanki at all seems like something you have to learn to use. It also seems quite rare, as the only instance in canon is Yurouichi, who's kind of weird.:smalltongue:

2010-07-08, 03:16 PM
I don't see anything in either Innis's write up or canon* saying Shunko is required for Hanki. Indeed, using Hanki against physical attacks is just what we normal people call 'blocking' - it's slightly more elaborate when using it against Shunko, as it also involves nulligying raging magical energies, but still:

Hanki reads and feels more of a general principle. It's countering a hostile spell with equal-but-opposite spell, and I'd say it always needs to be done faster than the opposing element.

Using it probably requires one is intimately familiar with the spell being opposed, as well as great sense of timing. Due to these factors, it cannot lead to stalemates anymore than ordinary counters do in brawls.

*) Yes, Yoruichi did use it against Soifon, when both were using Shunko. However, I don't see how you can extrapolate the two are intrinsincly linked from that. There's no dialogue, or anything else, to suggest so.

Well there is the fact that ONLY Yoruichi has used it and she is the only one to have perfected her Shunko to suggest that the Hanki technique is part of Shunko. More importantly it just makes sense in my mind since shunko is using kido energy to enhance one's physical attacks and hanki is using that energy to perfectly negate an attack.

More importantly it's hardly basic. It sounds simple in practice, but putting it to actual use?

Lemme give two examples..

Captain A tries to use Hanki to block a sword swing from Captain B. He needs to know how strong Captain B is in the first place, how much strength he/she is putting being, what environmental effects might affect it's force, does the zanpakuto have an ability working on it?

Try the same example with a kido spell. You need to know all of the above, plus be familiar with the kido in question and how strong that kido can be.

Hanki is not basic nor is it just 'blocking in a different fashion'.

But then again, my argument that Hanki is a Shunko technique is based entirely that it was explained right after the character using it said their shunko was better, implying that her shunko was better because she had learned to use Hanki. That, and my one character from the last game uses Shunko in place of Shikai and Hanki in place of a bankai.:smalltongue: Because those abilities really are worth that much and because Hanki can stop non-kido attacks too.

2010-07-08, 03:28 PM
Well there is the fact that ONLY Yoruichi has used it and she is the only one to have perfected her Shunko to suggest that the Hanki technique is part of Shunko. More importantly it just makes sense in my mind since shunko is using kido energy to enhance one's physical attacks and hanki is using that energy to perfectly negate an attack.
Kido, on itself, is explained very little in canon. Hanki is hardly the only thing that's been used only once, but sounds like something that'd be used more often. Caja Negacion is another example. Gran Rey Cero and Cero Oscuras belong to that heap, too.

More importantly it's hardly basic. It sounds simple in practice, but putting it to actual use?

One of my main arguments is that it would depend on the exact spell it's used against. Some Kido are easier, and more widely used, than others. Thus, it'd make sense counters are also easier, and more widely used. I agree that Hanki is an advanced technique - my main gripe is thinking of it as singular technique, when it sounds much more like a principle underlying several.

Yes, Hanki used against physical attacks would be a major ability, but it requires three things: great expertise in Kido, great expertise in Hakuda, and either extra-sensory powers or great combat experience to judge exact timing and force of hostile attacks.

Hanki alone is not a gamebreaker. A character capable of stopping physical blows with it is already head-above-shoulders his opponent, most likely.

2010-07-08, 03:32 PM
Kido, on itself, is explained very little in canon. Hanki is hardly the only thing that's been used only once, but sounds like something that'd be used more often. Caja Negacion is another example. Gran Rey Cero and Cero Oscuras belong to that heap, too.

One of my main arguments is that it would depend on the exact spell it's used against. Some Kido are easier, and more widely used, than others. Thus, it'd make sense counters are also easier, and more widely used. I agree that Hanki is an advanced technique - my main gripe is thinking of it as singular technique, when it sounds much more like a principle underlying several.

Yes, Hanki used against physical attacks would be a major ability, but it requires three things: great expertise in Kido, great expertise in Hakuda, and either extra-sensory powers or great combat experience to judge exact timing and force of hostile attacks.

Hanki alone is not a gamebreaker. A character capable of stopping physical blows with it is already head-above-shoulders his opponent, most likely.

The real awesomeness would bee two Hanki users fighting. "You go first!"..." No you'll just stop it. You go first."... "No YOU." [...]

2010-07-08, 03:35 PM
I think Frozen's on to something with making it a principle.

I'm not a huge fan of this, but I point to the Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Edition Counterspelling (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/castingSpells.htm#counterspells) as a possible basic principle to consider.

In other words, you can counter a particular Kido with a specially-cast version of the same Kido, with at least roughly the same force. Alternatively, there may be special Kido of higher levels designed to act as a broad counter to other Kido. These "Counter Kido" would be in the, oh, say, 50s (random number, not a hard definition!), and could be used to either "dispel" and existing effect of lower power (perhaps only up to the 40s, using the existing analogy), or to actively counter a Kido of equal or lower level.

Of course, a skilled Kido user could get around this counter, but it is something to keep in mind.

Making it one technique, rather than a broader skill, basically relegates it to a few characters. Making it a broad set of skills and techniques means it's available to anyone willing to have their character invest the skill in it.

2010-07-08, 03:37 PM
Let me give few examples here: Sho is a telekinetic push. Based on the principle of Hanki, counter to Sho would be another push of equal force, just to opposing direction. This is something anyone using Sho could do.

Enkosen conjures up a golden barrier. Using Hanki against it is much harder, as it effectively requires a completely different Kido - a negative simulacrum of the barrier that makes it vanish without a sound. Probably possible with the same spell, but much harder than previous example, as it requires much more precise evaluation of the opposing barrier, and as the barrier is not directly affecting anyone, extrasensory perception or prior knowledge of the user might be required.

Wu Vei 80, on the other hand, is a special ritual that finds and summons forth a specific person, conjures up a specific gear, allows said person to communicate with telepathy and makes a metaphysically binding contract. The counter for that is so obscure and complicated it has its own spell and ritual.

2010-07-08, 03:47 PM
Let me give few examples here: Sho is a telekinetic push. Based on the principle of Hanki, counter to Sho would be another push of equal force, just to opposing direction. This is something anyone using Sho could do.That's more countering the effects of the spell than the spell itself...

2010-07-08, 03:49 PM
@ Horngeek: If you don't mind, would you like to have Mei interact with Voz while she's waiting for Genoveva? It ought to kill some time, at least.

2010-07-08, 03:51 PM
That's more countering the effects of the spell than the spell itself...

Hanki (Reverse Demon)
An ability which nullifies an opponent's Kidō by hitting it with another one of perfectly opposite speed and energy. The ability can even neutralize an opponent's movements when used in conjunction with a physical attack.
I think you can see why I view it this way. :smallwink:

2010-07-08, 03:52 PM
@ Horngeek: If you don't mind, would you like to have Mei interact with Voz while she's waiting for Genoveva? It ought to kill some time, at least.

Hmmm.... that could work. Feel free. :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-08, 03:57 PM
I think you can see why I view it this way. :smallwink:

... and just to add something I forgot, I think you also see why it is not a gamebreaker in any case. Perfectly opposite. If you're much stronger than enemy, you're most likely better overpowering them - if you're weaker, chances are you can't use Hanki anyway.

A hypothetical example would be Hannibal Magalhães and Sato Hachirou fighting. Sure, Hachirou could use Hanki against Hannibal. He might be bemused by the first try, then snort and laugh at the second... and finally punch through the third, as he's much stronger than the hapless 13th seat.

2010-07-08, 04:00 PM
My nefarious plan shall now be told. Sereg's going to tell Genoveva that he's releasing his slaves into the arena. He will then bet that "One of his people will be alive at the end of this." She will of course have Tark kill all of them, but the wording is vague, so Sereg will win by default, counting Voz and Landa as his people. The terms of the bet? If Genoveva wins he will keep his scars as a sign of humility and apologise for earlier in the day in front of the other Espada. If Sereg wins, she will apologise for her action earlier in the day and admit defeat. MUAHAHAHAHA

2010-07-08, 04:05 PM
...that might actually work.

2010-07-08, 04:05 PM
...that might actually work.

Yes, my master plan is all a clever way to... Publicly humiliate the primera.

2010-07-08, 04:14 PM
Language is not just about the words one uses, but the context and implications it has.

Therefore, to make use of wording in such a way is not cleverness. Instead, it is simply lying. Or maybe cheating or ignorance.

2010-07-08, 04:19 PM
Language is not just about the words one uses, but the context and implications it has.

Therefore, to make use of wording in such a way is not cleverness. Instead, it is simply lying.

No, it's stretching the truth within acceptable parameters. You know as well as I do Genoveva has done it. She made the terms of the match vague, so I'll make the terms of the bet just as vague. She also did the same thing to Pico. It's just a simple way to get what Sereg wants. Genoveva to be humiliated by her own conceitedness. She would never expect herself to lose a bet like that.

2010-07-08, 04:21 PM
Therefore, to make use of wording in such a way is not cleverness. Instead, it is simply lying. Or maybe cheating or ignorance.

I dunno...trickster genies do this sort of thing all the time. 1 million pieces of gold, you ask? Well, you never specified the size of each piece. You want immortality? Too bad you forgot to ask for eternal youth along with it!

If Genoveva's not careful with her words, she could end up screwing herself over. Of course, the same warning applies to Sereg: he never specified when or where she is to apologize. :smallwink:

2010-07-08, 04:22 PM
No, it's stretching the truth within acceptable parameters. You know as well as I do Genoveva has done it. She made the terms of the match vague, so I'll make the terms of the bet just as vague. She also did the same thing to Pico. It's just a simple way to get what Sereg wants. Genoveva to be humiliated by her own conceitedness. She would never expect herself to lose a bet like that.You assume she'll take the bet as stated. The fact that Genoveva has done this sort of thing means she's going to be more likely to catch on.

2010-07-08, 04:23 PM
I dunno...trickster genies do this sort of thing all the time. 1 million pieces of gold, you ask? Well, you never specified the size of each piece. You want immortality? Too bad you forgot to ask for eternal youth along with it!

If Genoveva's not careful with her words, she could end up screwing herself over. Of course, the same warning applies to Sereg: he never specified when or where she is to apologize. :smallwink:

He also hasn't said a word of this to Genoveva. That was just a run down of how it will work. Or not. If she won't bet then I can just call her chicken:smallbiggrin:

2010-07-08, 04:25 PM
You assume she'll take the bet as stated. The fact that Genoveva has done this sort of thing means she's going to be more likely to catch on.

And it'll be hilarious if (when?) she does. :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-08, 04:26 PM
I dunno...trickster genies do this sort of thing all the time. 1 million pieces of gold, you ask? Well, you never specified the size of each piece. You want immortality? Too bad you forgot to ask for eternal youth along with it!

That's merely a demonstration of my point- trickster genies are working with your words, not anything else. People expect other people to follow more than just their words, for that is the basis of language.
It is a reasonable expectation, because otherwise you simply never could communicative efficiently at all.
Therefore, obviously violating these expectations (especially against someone superior to you) is less likely to make you succeed, and more likely to earn a brick to the face.

No, it's stretching the truth within acceptable parameters. You know as well as I do Genoveva has done it. She made the terms of the match vague, so I'll make the terms of the bet just as vague. She also did the same thing to Pico. It's just a simple way to get what Sereg wants. Genoveva to be humiliated by her own conceitedness. She would never expect herself to lose a bet like that.

The terms of the match are vague, meaning there are loopholes to be exploited as not everything is filled in.

Sereg's bet would heavily imply one thing based on the context, which would imbue it with another meaning altogether than the one he is going to try and use against her.

These are not similar situations. One is about lack of rules, the other is about redefining rules.

2010-07-08, 04:27 PM
He also hasn't said a word of this to Genoveva. That was just a run down of how it will work. Or not. If she won't bet then I can just call her chicken:smallbiggrin:Or, she could say "I will take this bet, but only under these terms". It's not a binary thing.

In other words: stop assuming you're going to outsmart her. She got to where she through both her body and her mind. Keep that fact in your awareness.

More speculation is pointless until this actually happens.

@Edge: First, bah! You keep making Vicente wait longer. :smalltongue: Second, hope I didn't rush that. If you want to insert a bit more dialogue, feel free.

@Callos: I don't intend to find Genoveva instantly, but I'd rather not spend 10 posts mindlessly searching around. I'm sure he'll be embarrassed enough just being in a loincloth in front of the Primera and Tercera.

2010-07-08, 04:28 PM
Eh, I dunno. Given that Literal Genie is such a big trope, he's not lying, he's just telling the truth... from a certain point of view.

2010-07-08, 04:28 PM
You assume she'll take the bet as stated. The fact that Genoveva has done this sort of thing means she's going to be more likely to catch on.

She may not even care enough to worry. She "knows" she's better than us. She thinks herself above the rest. She won't hesitate for a chance to prove that.

2010-07-08, 04:29 PM
@Edge: First, bah! You keep making Vicente wait longer. :smalltongue: Second, hope I didn't rush that. If you want to insert a bit more dialogue, feel free.

Why of course. Aléjandro can be remarkably petty. And no, it was fine by me.

2010-07-08, 04:29 PM
@Callos: I don't intend to find Genoveva instantly, but I'd rather not spend 10 posts mindlessly searching around. I'm sure he'll be embarrassed enough just being in a loincloth in front of the Primera and Tercera.

Or the Octava. I mean, he is going to try that area first, right? :smallamused:

2010-07-08, 04:32 PM
Or the Octava. I mean, he is going to try that area first, right? :smallamused:

"The Legion is baffled as to why this Arrancar appears before us almost nude. 10001 minds, each of them utterly confused."

2010-07-08, 04:32 PM
Or the Octava. I mean, he is going to try that area first, right? :smallamused:...Yeah. This won't end well, I can feel it now. >_>

2010-07-08, 04:34 PM
"Excellent." *steeples fingers*

2010-07-08, 04:34 PM
Or, she could say "I will take this bet, but only under these terms". It's not a binary thing.

In other words: stop assuming you're going to outsmart her. She got to where she through both her body and her mind. Keep that fact in your awareness.

More speculation is pointless until this actually happens.

@Edge: First, bah! You keep making Vicente wait longer. :smalltongue: Second, hope I didn't rush that. If you want to insert a bit more dialogue, feel free.

@Callos: I don't intend to find Genoveva instantly, but I'd rather not spend 10 posts mindlessly searching around. I'm sure he'll be embarrassed enough just being in a loincloth in front of the Primera and Tercera.

If she changes the terms, it's no longer Sereg's bet. He won't have to accept.

2010-07-08, 04:36 PM
May I demand your attention?

I have a nagging feeling that deleting posts from the registry messes up hyperlinks in the first post. I've yet to do testing on this, but still: Do not delete posts from the registry! It's not running out of space or anything. Just slap [NPC] tag on a character you won't use, or tell me to scratch over their names in the first post.

2010-07-08, 04:37 PM
"Excellent." *steeples fingers*-.o

...Blast. I'm working for Mr. Smithers.

If she changes the terms, it's no longer Sereg's bet. He won't have to accept.Riccaru. Just drop it. We'll see what happens. Maybe she'll accept, maybe she won't. But stop assuming Sereg is just going to outsmart her, or shame her into action, or anything like that. Seriously, just...stop. Please.

2010-07-08, 04:38 PM
May I demand your attention?

I have a nagging feeling that deleting posts from the registry messes up hyperlinks in the first post. I've yet to do testing on this, but still: Do not delete posts from the registry! It's not running out of space or anything. Just slap [NPC] tag on a character you won't use, or tell me to scratch over their names in the first post.

First. No you can't demand it. :smalltongue:

Second, it does mess with the links. That was why Naraku's link went to the wrong post. The post count changes after you delete one and the hyperlinks are based on the post count. The url in the link stays the same, but where it goes changes.

2010-07-08, 04:38 PM
May I demand your attention?

I have a nagging feeling that deleting posts from the registry messes up hyperlinks in the first post. I've yet to do testing on this, but still: Do not delete posts from the registry! It's not running out of space or anything. Just slap [NPC] tag on a character you won't use, or tell me to scratch over their names in the first post.

Well, in that case, you can scratch out Andrzej. I dropped him for Roux. I would keep him on, but I have too many characters anyway, and I felt an expy character could take one for my others.

2010-07-08, 04:41 PM
We could do a quick test. I could make a couple posts in the registry, delete the second, and see what happens.

No, that won't replicate the phenomena I'm suspecting. Specifically, post numbers change each time a post is deleted; therefore, it's not guaranteed a link post with number 22 will go to right place if post 21 is erased. To properly test this, someone would have to delete a post from middle of the thread, after which I'd have to check all hyperlinks going to a post number higher than that.

In any case, it's easier for me if posts are no longer deleted! It saves me much editing work with the 1st post.

2010-07-08, 04:42 PM
"Excellent." *steeples fingers*

Mei figures there are two reasons a Fraccion would be wearing stuff like that.

a) he wants to be seen, in which case he's working for the wrong Espada or b) he's being punished, in which case his Espada wants stuff like this to happen.

2010-07-08, 04:44 PM
He also hasn't said a word of this to Genoveva. That was just a run down of how it will work. Or not. If she won't bet then I can just call her chicken:smallbiggrin:
...and give her another reason to hurt you. :/

2010-07-08, 04:45 PM
Mei figures there are two reasons a Fraccion would be wearing stuff like that.

a) he wants to be seen, in which case he's working for the wrong Espada or b) he's being punished, in which case his Espada wants stuff like this to happen.

"One does not intrude on my privacy without paying for it. Shame him as much as you wish."

2010-07-08, 04:45 PM
...and give her another reason to hurt you. :/

This time he won't be caught unawares. Anything she could do would heal eventually. OR she'll kill him. Which may be not good for her as well.

2010-07-08, 04:46 PM
...and give her another reason to hurt you. :/

Am I the only one who thinks that this sort of thing would be funny? :smallfrown:

2010-07-08, 04:47 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that this sort of thing would be funny? :smallfrown:

Alejandro can make one fraccion wear a loincloth. I can make 1001 fraccion do caramell dansen.

Edit: In loincloths. On top of Las noches. Then move on to YMCA and "It's raining men" :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-08, 04:52 PM
Alejandro can make one fraccion wear a loincloth. I can make 1001 fraccion do caramell dansen.

Edit: In loincloths. On top of Las noches. Then move on to YMCA and "It's raining men" :smallbiggrin:

Landa's gonna have to do the music, though, since Voz's minions are all mute. :smallwink:

2010-07-08, 04:52 PM
Landa's gonna have to do the music, though, since Voz's minions are all mute. :smallwink:

1002 fraccion then.

2010-07-08, 04:53 PM
Alejandro can make one fraccion wear a loincloth. I can make 1001 fraccion do caramell dansen.

Edit: In loincloths. On top of Las noches. Then move on to YMCA and "It's raining men" :smallbiggrin:

Now I just have to figure a way for Lalita to fool 1003 fraccion to do the same. :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-08, 04:54 PM
Now I just have to figure a way for Lalita to fool 1003 fraccion to do the same. :smallbiggrin:

Meh. He can join in. Sereg's going to be pushing the legion off the dome during "it's raining men".:smallbiggrin:

2010-07-08, 04:55 PM
Sereg's going to be pushing the legion off the dome during "it's raining men".:smallbiggrin:


Like this, but more awesome.

2010-07-08, 04:58 PM

Like this, but more awesome.

That's... I laughed. Out loud. I love the parts where they go "Huh!". It's funny.

2010-07-08, 05:04 PM

Voz shrugs. "As you wish."

He points to four of the Pezhetairoi. "You four. Accompany this one on his journey. Defend him if necessary." He then turns to Vicente.

"We did not catch your name, we believe, though we have seen you elsewhere before. We are the Legion, and the one who speaks to you is El Voz de la Legion. You are...?"


Vicent frowns.

"I am...being punished. I must locate the Primera before my punishment will be complete, and I may clothe myself properly again. I am Vicente Ortiz, Fraccion to the Cuarta Espada."

Vicente doesn't blush at Mei's attentions. His eyes narrow slightly.

"Then I shall endeavor to locate her elsewhere. If you seek her, I do not feel I can disallow your company. But I am going to seek her immediately."

With that, he turns to leave.

Also, Horngeek. Feel free to have Mei keep trying to flirt. Might be interesting to see how successful she is.:smallamused:

2010-07-08, 05:06 PM


I, uh, have no idea what you're talking about Knight. Nope. Not at all. I mean, you're not trying to say that I failed to read a part of your post and had Voz say something silly, are you? >_>

Post fixed. Sorry about that, I've been having trouble sleeping lately so I'm tired. :smallfrown:

2010-07-08, 05:07 PM
"We do not intrude in others' conversation." Is what you meant to say, right? :smalltongue:

2010-07-08, 05:11 PM

I, uh, have no idea what you're talking about Knight. Nope. Not at all. I mean, you're not trying to say that I failed to read a part of your post and had Voz say something silly, are you? >_>

Post fixed. Sorry about that, I've been having trouble sleeping lately so I'm tired. :smallfrown:It's cool, man.

"We do not intrude in others' conversation." Is what you meant to say, right? :smalltongue::smallconfused: What now?

2010-07-08, 05:15 PM
I would... but I have to go now, for a university maths exam which I have not done enough study for. :smallsigh:

2010-07-08, 05:17 PM
I would... but I have to go now, for a university maths exam which I have not done enough study for. :smallsigh:

Oh geez. :smalleek:

Good luck, mate!

2010-07-08, 05:17 PM
Well, since it doesn't look like there are any glaring issues with mah new medium I'll add him to my character post in the directory. Still need to come up with a last name for him though...

I'm on break at the moment, probably post with him once I'm off work.

2010-07-08, 05:19 PM
Well, since it doesn't look like there are any glaring issues with mah new medium I'll add him to my character post in the directory. Still need to come up with a last name for him though...

I'm on break at the moment, probably post with him once I'm off work.Look through this list (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_common_surnames_in_Asia#Japan); it's where I got all my Japanese surnames.:smallwink:

2010-07-08, 05:23 PM
"Wait... mentally challenged English teacher has no sense of direction either?"


2010-07-08, 05:25 PM
"Wait... mentally challenged English teacher has no sense of direction either?"


I think it's more to do with the fact that he's new to the town. :smalltongue:

Of course, he got lost in the school as well, so I guess I could play it for laughs.

2010-07-08, 05:31 PM
I'm thinking of some way for Alexander to show up at the party. Does Val's house have a privacy fence?

2010-07-08, 05:39 PM

And yeah, probably. They're rich.

2010-07-08, 05:43 PM
23 year old quincy. link! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8465872&postcount=42)

2010-07-08, 05:48 PM
What, you going to have him jump the fence to ogle the girls? :smalltongue:

2010-07-08, 05:50 PM
What, you going to have him jump the fence to ogle the girls? :smalltongue:

Sort of. To ogle the pretty large amount of rietsu coming from there. With a few bounts and all the mortal worlders that are showing it should be quite a spike.

2010-07-08, 05:52 PM
Sort of. To ogle the pretty large amount of rietsu coming from there. With a few bounts and all the mortal worlders that are showing it should be quite a spike.Sure. Okay then.

2010-07-08, 05:55 PM
"I demand your attention! Ogle me!"

. . .

"Oh, duckies! Here, duckies!"


2010-07-08, 05:56 PM
"I demand your attention! Ogle me!"

. . .

"Oh, duckies! Here, duckies!"


I...Uh... Thought Elder would be... You know... Sane?:smallconfused:

2010-07-08, 05:59 PM
"This is omake, silly! Anyone can be nuts in omake!"

Besides, I did say she's got a few screws loose. Just not as many as some other people. :smalltongue:

2010-07-08, 06:30 PM
"I demand your attention! Ogle me!"

"Yes ma'am! I'm already on it."

Innis Cabal
2010-07-08, 06:33 PM
I'm back offically. Can someone get me up to speed here?

2010-07-08, 06:38 PM
I'm back offically. Can someone get me up to speed here?

Actually... nothing of great import has happened yet. The delinquent scene is where you left it. Kido Corps is not in shambles yet. Silva Rai and Elder are taking a stroll through the park and bumping on to people.

(The fight in the old game hasn't progressed to the end yet, either. Tirano just divided and escaped from another star kindler.)

Viera Champion
2010-07-08, 06:41 PM
I'm thinking about making an Arrancar... Or just a hollow.

2010-07-08, 06:44 PM
Decided on Abe as the family name for Minoru.


Because Minoru is apparently translated as 'Truth'. Thus, he's an honest Abe.

I couldn't resist the pun. I'm sorry.

2010-07-08, 06:51 PM
I'm thinking about making an Arrancar... Or just a hollow.

Yes! COme to the dark side!
Do me the favor and inject some sanity and prudeness in there.
The again, it is actually the white side...

Decided on Abe as the family name for Minoru.


Because Minoru is apparently translated as 'Truth'. Thus, he's an honest Abe.

I couldn't resist the pun. I'm sorry.

Abe Honest, actually. Remember, <Surname> <Given name>.

2010-07-08, 06:53 PM

2010-07-08, 07:00 PM
No, see. He's an Abe. Family name.

And he's Honest (Truth).

Thus, he's an Abe that is Honest. Or an Honest Abe.

...it isn't funny if you have to explain it T_T

2010-07-08, 07:08 PM
I don't get it. Joke redeeming pawnch!
Or maybe not...

2010-07-08, 07:20 PM
Few things:

In 'advanced Kido theory', you refer to Hanki as 'legendarily rare'; I've been under the impression that the technique is, infact, rather basic, and technically more of a principle underlying several spells rather than a singular ability. You can't get much simpler than 'equal-but-opposite force', after all. What's your source of information for this - Innis, some obscure Wiki entry, or what?

For that I am more or less approximating it based on Soi Fong's reaction to Yoruichi using it on her, and the fact that we've only seen it used once. Going back and reading it again it seems that she's reacting more to how fast Yoruichi brought it to bear... Has it been used in BleachITP before? If so, that has happened without my knowledge. That wasn't an intentional stress there, and I can change it if you feel it would sound better.

The concept of 'permanent release zanpakuto' is already established, and seems to be more a matter of vast Reiryoku than skill - Yasu having achieved the same result by different means is fine, but I don't see the need of stressing how he 'far surpasses the standard 'Sealed, Shikai, Bankai' tiered release system in terms of control and efficiency'.

That is actually half explanation, half foreshadowing. :smallwink: He maintains Shikai essentially by 'turning off' most uses thereof without fully resealing, and therefore not needing to use the Release Phrase to turn them back on.

Also: Foreshadowing. :smallwink:

Also, you refer to Yasu as Yori at several points - accident?

Yes, accident, and fixed. :smallbiggrin:

The character seems to be bit higher on the power curve than is strictly necessary, but otherwise seems interesting.

He is who he is. 'Necessity' has not factored into my process at all. Whatever 'Power Level' he is is directly extrapolated from the Character Concept. He is who he is, no more, no less.

As I mentioned in the Changes section, the character has (hopefully) gotten a little more serious and a little less... comic relief than last game, but otherwise I mean for him to be the same character. In both versions, he's a Kidou Specialist who has been sharpening his art for centuries. Almost a Dozen centuries, in fact. I'm trying to focus a little more on him being good at what he does rather than being a weirdo that only one other person talks to. However, his 'Power Level' really hasn't changed that much from last game... he was always competent. He just had a little more Obfuscating Stupidity going on last time, so y'all didn't notice. :smallwink: :smallbiggrin:

Could Sayuri perhaps bribe seduce persuade him to join her 'Kitano Takeshi is a twit unprofessional and must be spanked taught a lesson' club? :smallbiggrin: They seem like they could know each other.

(For the record, Yamamoto Sayuri is 1st Division Vice-Captain, former Corps member and Cell leader, and hates Takeshi's guts.)

Sounds fun. :smallbiggrin: And exactly the type of person situation Yasu should be finding himself falling head over heels onto into. :smallwink: :smallbiggrin: :smalltongue:

I'd just remind you to keep in mind the current structure and culture of the Kido Corps.

Is there a writeup for this somewhere? If so, I havn't seen it (but would like to). :smallsmile:

As well, hopefully we won't see too many alternate dimensions brought into things. That might get messy. :smallwink:

The most I intend to do personally is hint ominously at their existence. :smallwink: :smallbiggrin:

Finally, I see Yasu and Yoshi (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8157596&postcount=3) potentially having interesting debates.:smalltongue:

We shall see. :smallamused: :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-08, 07:20 PM
No, see. He's an Abe. Family name.

And he's Honest (Truth).

Thus, he's an Abe that is Honest. Or an Honest Abe.

...it isn't funny if you have to explain it T_T

Hey! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Ptitle0t9r68ih?from=Main.DontExplainTheJoke)

Also, to a foriegner (Alexander at least) it would be Honest Abe.

2010-07-08, 07:24 PM
Kido Corps Writeup (http://bleachitp-reborn.wikidot.com/kido-corps).

2010-07-08, 07:28 PM
@Callos: I don't intend to find Genoveva instantly, but I'd rather not spend 10 posts mindlessly searching around. I'm sure he'll be embarrassed enough just being in a loincloth in front of the Primera and Tercera.

*whisks off loincloth* "Ole!"

EDIT: Horngeek: You do remember that Genoveva's Palacio compromises her entire sector and that she's currently at Arcelia's Palacio, right?

2010-07-08, 07:51 PM

Kido Corps Writeup (http://bleachitp-reborn.wikidot.com/kido-corps).

Also, Innis has a multi-part and -page Epic, composed of creation myths of Soul Society that you can use as inspiration for Kido chants, and possibly character backstory. Now that the man himself is back, I'll let him post all that stuff, though. :smalltongue:

*cough* Lazy *cough*

Innis Cabal
2010-07-08, 08:12 PM
Ok....so. Lot of stuff to reply to. And a ton of PM's to crawl through.

1. Hanki does in fact operate like Counter Spelling in D&D. Its a basic system that people can use to counter other Kido Spells. It isn't meant to be common, in fact...the ability is rather hard to use simply as the write up indicates. You have to measure the enemies Kido and counter it with an exact equal ammount of energy. To much and it powers through the kido but dosn't stop it. To little and it gets powered through and the opponents power goes through.

2. Shunko is an extreme technique of Kido and Hakuda. If your not a master of both, chances are you do not in fact have it. It operates by pumping kido energy into your muscles to strengthern your blows. Hanki can be used through it because its got kido energy involved. But Hanki is not required to learn it.

3. The Samsara are at the level they've been indicated at. And they've been there since the last game in fact. Nothing with them has changed over much. Gotta be honest here, surprised me they were even being talked about.

2010-07-08, 08:18 PM
Welcome back Innis! :smallbiggrin:

The mini-episode is still open if you're up for it.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-08, 08:22 PM
I am! If you have time sometime to discuss stuff over MSN?

2010-07-08, 08:35 PM
Otaku in Tha HOUSE! Yes. My character is VERY American. The soda is Jones FufuBerry! (http://www.jonessoda.com/gifs_4/FufuBerry-new.jpg).

2010-07-08, 08:41 PM
I'm still curious how he's feeling anything besides the Bount, and maybe Izumi.:smallconfused:

2010-07-08, 08:44 PM
I figure that Minoru has been out of the country doing outdoorsy stuff with his parents for the past X amount of time since he apparently knows Izumi and didn't get an invite to the pool party.

Good news is, he's set to return soon!

A cellphone call might be in order to inform some of his friends that he's back...

2010-07-08, 08:44 PM
Four bount. One substitute shinigami. One shinigami. One hollowing. Two quincy.

Nine sources of spiritual power.

2010-07-08, 08:45 PM
I'm still curious how he's feeling anything besides the Bount, and maybe Izumi.:smallconfused:

Eh, Does he have to? Three (or four?) bount, plus a substitute shinigami? Does anyone else there have powers? Can you sense reishi cola?

Edit: D&D SODA! (http://www.myjones.com/code/limited.php?campaign=wizards)... That is all.

2010-07-08, 08:52 PM
Four bount. One substitute shinigami. One shinigami. One hollowing. Two quincy.

Nine sources of spiritual power.The bount, I understand. The sub shini, sure.

But I thought the shinigami was a.)powerless, and b.)in a gigai.

Who's the hollowing who's active?

I thought Quincy were...really low signature.

Whatever. Forget I said anything.:smallsigh:

2010-07-08, 08:55 PM
Four bount. One substitute shinigami. One shinigami. One hollowing. Two quincy.

Nine sources of spiritual power.

The bount, I understand. The sub shini, sure.

But I thought the shinigami was a.)powerless, and b.)in a gigai.

Who's the hollowing who's active?

I thought Quincy were...really low signature.

Whatever. Forget I said anything.:smallsigh:

Who drank the Reishi Cola? I thought that was a hollowing. That could also explain why Alexander even went there. Hollow scanner picks up hollow rietsu, so he gets on his merry way.:smallwink: Just roll with it.

2010-07-08, 08:55 PM
Just a general heads-up to Episode 2 people:

You can have people pop up any time now. I'm confident I'll find a way to kill Souten-Sensei during the general disorder. Only scheduled thing is Riccaru's character losing her arm - besides that, feel free to start capturing attempts. I'll have him go down once you come up with a sufficiently clever method. :smallwink:

2010-07-08, 08:56 PM
Well, to answer your question Knight, Rosa is the active hollowing. I believe I wrote it so that she discovered her powers about four monthes ago from the present.

@Riccaru, no that was a bount. The Hollowing is the robotic mannered chick. :smalltongue:

2010-07-08, 09:03 PM
Hmm... Five bount.

The quincy spiritual signature is not any different from any other medium (human) spiritual signature. And I don't know about Krazd's shinigami dude. Could go either way. He is most likely not in a concealing gigai (the one that serves as a plot device and drains your powers instead of recharging them, that one), but a normal gigai, recovering, with his spiritual pressure weakened but there.

2010-07-08, 09:07 PM
I dropped the subject. Let's just wait for Sucrose and see what happens, hm?

2010-07-08, 09:26 PM
Err... Anyone wanna help me with Japanese Honorifics?

Edit: I may need to give this thread mouth to mouth:smalleek:

Purple Rose
2010-07-08, 10:01 PM
Well, I was thinking about doing this before this week's chapter came out, but would it be objectional if I made a Don Kanonji-esche character? Someone rather silly and over the top with spiritual powers but not the srs bsns attitude to be a major player in this all?

Innis Cabal
2010-07-08, 10:07 PM
You could join my sister and my Arrancar Visual Kei band! :smallsmile:

2010-07-08, 10:17 PM
Err... Anyone wanna help me with Japanese Honorifics?

Edit: I may need to give this thread mouth to mouth:smalleek:

TVtropes to the rescue! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JapaneseHonorifics)

2010-07-08, 10:23 PM
TVtropes to the rescue! (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JapaneseHonorifics)

TvTropes has something actually useful and not making kill loads of time for practically useless information all while being amazing? I'm officially astonished.

2010-07-08, 10:28 PM
If the tvtropes article is insufficient, I can try to make example sentences (though my knowledge of Japanese culture isn't complete by any means at all).

2010-07-08, 10:34 PM
Well, I was thinking about doing this before this week's chapter came out, but would it be objectional if I made a Don Kanonji-esche character? Someone rather silly and over the top with spiritual powers but not the srs bsns attitude to be a major player in this all?

Bah! Don Kanonji is just as srs bsns as anyone else in that anime! Even moreso for having a good gorram ideal to be fighting for.

That and that'd mean Moshi from the last game wasn't srs bsns and she totally was. :smalltongue: "That's Moshi quality!"

2010-07-08, 10:38 PM
Kanonji is serious business enough to...Face Aizen headfirst and not buckle. Granted, that could just be attributed to not knowing he is looking at the big bad. But he broke the goddamn fourth wall on the same issue so it is up in the air.

2010-07-08, 10:43 PM
Kanonji is serious business enough to...Face Aizen headfirst and not buckle. Granted, that could just be attributed to not knowing he is looking at the big bad. But he broke the goddamn fourth wall on the same issue so it is up in the air.

If Kanonji kills Aizen It'd be fitting. All that buildup to be killed by a minor character. Even standing near Aizen is supposed to be a huge deal, so maybe Kanonji is actually The King of Soul Society!!!!!!11!!!!:smallbiggrin: Anyone think so?

2010-07-08, 11:54 PM
Okay, I have one thing to say...


As for what riccaru suggested...Wouldn't it be something if he was. Although he would probably "grow the beard" the instant he revealed himself to be so. Or not. Really kind of hard to tell.

2010-07-09, 01:37 AM
Don Kanonji transforms his cane into a Zanpakuto and releases it, resulting in a ridiculously powerful attack that destroys Aizen.

On the other hand, he's a really crappy King of Soul Society for transforming pluses tied to the mortal world into Hollows.

2010-07-09, 01:41 AM
Nah, the King is Elvis. Don't you know that already? (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3870185/1/Remember_the_King)

{{Seriously. If you open that spoiler, click the link.}}

2010-07-09, 01:54 AM
I've never been awesome before, horngeek. How does it feel?

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 01:55 AM
Like a mild case of gas.

2010-07-09, 02:01 AM
I've never been awesome before, horngeek. How does it feel?


That answer your question?

horngeek: bringing crackfics all day, every day!

Like Yachiru's Bankai.

2010-07-09, 02:06 AM

I love you.

Just, I love you man.

You have accomplished something great.

Here, have an internet.

2010-07-09, 02:34 AM
*adds internet to growing collection*

2010-07-09, 03:38 AM
Well, I was thinking about doing this before this week's chapter came out, but would it be objectional if I made a Don Kanonji-esche character? Someone rather silly and over the top with spiritual powers but not the srs bsns attitude to be a major player in this all?You could bring over Kenta?

2010-07-09, 05:25 AM
He is who he is. 'Necessity' has not factored into my process at all. Whatever 'Power Level' he is is directly extrapolated from the Character Concept. He is who he is, no more, no less.

As I mentioned in the Changes section, the character has (hopefully) gotten a little more serious and a little less... comic relief than last game, but otherwise I mean for him to be the same character. In both versions, he's a Kidou Specialist who has been sharpening his art for centuries. Almost a Dozen centuries, in fact. I'm trying to focus a little more on him being good at what he does rather than being a weirdo that only one other person talks to. However, his 'Power Level' really hasn't changed that much from last game... he was always competent. He just had a little more Obfuscating Stupidity going on last time, so y'all didn't notice. :smallwink: :smallbiggrin:
The bolded part makes me want to double-check your intentions.

Ryuunosuke Osamu (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8157849&postcount=5), 5th division Captain, is the oldest known Shinigami (829 years), and Callos has expressed interest in keeping it that way. Also, Osamu looks the part. A Shinigami more than 400 years older who's still young raises awful lot of questions.

If Yasu is older than all other Shinigami, I can't see how he could have stayed as a no-body. He'd be, at the least, a Honorary Sage or something, someone the Captains would go to when they need to know of history etc. Him being as powerful as a Vice-Captain and still remaining as unseated I simply can't fathom within the current Kido Corp structure - Kitano Takeshi, current Commander, visited a six-and-a-half centuries old dangerous criminal just to glean few tidbits of Corps history. Takeshi would not leave Yasu alone for a second with his characterization - he'd most likely have a dozen wacky plans for the poor fellow.

I realize you want to make him more serious and prevalent, but as it stands you might be overdoing it. 1200 years would put Yasu as the oldest living Shinigami, and most likely one of the most famous persons in whole of Seireitei.

Your character does not have to be millenia old to be competent, or fit 'old, eccentric wizard' archetype. Kido Commander himself is 57, and his closest rivals in Kido expertise are somewhere near 200 years old on average. Anyone over 100 year benchmark already has potential for superhuman knowledge and expertise - Yasu doesn't have to be arbitrarily old to be competent.

As such, I suggest you reconsider his aging, and put down a hard number. There isn't really anything that you'd need to change in his bio or characterization - it'd just adress most my issues, and potentially make it easier to figure who knows him and who does not. :smallsmile:

Sounds fun. :smallbiggrin: And exactly the type of person situation Yasu should be finding himself falling head over heels onto into. :smallwink: :smallbiggrin: :smalltongue:

Sayuri is a workaholic who strives to be example of perfect Shinigami. Takeshi acted immaturely on their date, and now she's a bit miffed someone so incompetent has been given charge of venerable Kido Corps. Furthermore, she's heard Takeshi is going to break down old Corps buildings, something which she considers a cultural crime akin to burning library of Alexandria.

Really, just look out for my posts in Soul Society thread. She'll be contacting Corps members sooner or later. :smallcool:

2010-07-09, 08:51 AM
Question for Kasanip - how does traditional clothing (kimono, etc.) fit into modern Japanese society? In Kara no Kyoukai, for instance, how would people react to Shiki dressing the way she does?

2010-07-09, 09:22 AM
Question for Kasanip - how does traditional clothing (kimono, etc.) fit into modern Japanese society? In Kara no Kyoukai, for instance, how would people react to Shiki dressing the way she does?

It is difficult question :smallredface:
It depends maybe where you see such a thing, who is wearing and what kind of Japanese clothes. :smallredface:

It would be my thought of '○○ must be working at such a place' or dress of formality. Maybe of festival or for visit of someone. Of course 'style' and 'color' makes me think of other ideas too. Maybe such a thing makes people curious, of course you should not stare rudely at such a person. And some places maybe it is less and more common. If it is maybe 'normal' of kind I won't think so much about the person, I think.

2010-07-09, 09:31 AM
Any advice you could give on a character who wants to appear as "Japanese" as possible to others? Activities which could show this without seeming weird?

2010-07-09, 09:51 AM
Any advice you could give on a character who wants to appear as "Japanese" as possible to others? Activities which could show this without seeming weird?

Your question is very broad of difficulty. I am sorry, I do not think I understand how to respond.

Is it a question of 'habit' ? To appear "Japanese" to Japanese or foreigner? Is this character not Japanese?
If you want to make 'Japanese Character' maybe to decide character things first? :smallredface:
Of clothing 'western style' is most often of clothing for young people.

I don't know your character, so it is hard to say advice:smallfrown:

2010-07-09, 12:03 PM
She's half-Japanese, but tries to hide it since she hates her foreign mother.

2010-07-09, 02:01 PM
The bolded part makes me want to double-check your intentions.

Ryuunosuke Osamu (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8157849&postcount=5), 5th division Captain, is the oldest known Shinigami (829 years), and Callos has expressed interest in keeping it that way. Also, Osamu looks the part. A Shinigami more than 400 years older who's still young raises awful lot of questions.

If Yasu is older than all other Shinigami, I can't see how he could have stayed as a no-body. He'd be, at the least, a Honorary Sage or something, someone the Captains would go to when they need to know of history etc. Him being as powerful as a Vice-Captain and still remaining as unseated I simply can't fathom within the current Kido Corp structure - Kitano Takeshi, current Commander, visited a six-and-a-half centuries old dangerous criminal just to glean few tidbits of Corps history. Takeshi would not leave Yasu alone for a second with his characterization - he'd most likely have a dozen wacky plans for the poor fellow.

I realize you want to make him more serious and prevalent, but as it stands you might be overdoing it. 1200 years would put Yasu as the oldest living Shinigami, and most likely one of the most famous persons in whole of Seireitei.

Your character does not have to be millenia old to be competent, or fit 'old, eccentric wizard' archetype. Kido Commander himself is 57, and his closest rivals in Kido expertise are somewhere near 200 years old on average. Anyone over 100 year benchmark already has potential for superhuman knowledge and expertise - Yasu doesn't have to be arbitrarily old to be competent.

As such, I suggest you reconsider his aging, and put down a hard number. There isn't really anything that you'd need to change in his bio or characterization - it'd just adress most my issues, and potentially make it easier to figure who knows him and who does not. :smallsmile:


Seriously man. Chill pill. :smallbiggrin: We'll get it figured out. :smallwink:

2010-07-09, 02:09 PM

Seriously man. Chill pill. :smallbiggrin: We'll get it figured out. :smallwink:

:smallconfused:You asked for critique of the idea of porting, did you not? He's providing it. Nowhere in there does it indicate to me that he's particularly upset, merely concerned, and pointing out the causes for worry. Now, please actually address his points.

2010-07-09, 02:14 PM
As well, he's even giving you suggestions on the age. Which...sounds like he's trying to figure it out.

Besides, his point on the age is very valid. Somebody that old might well be practically forced into command of the Kido Corps after the last Commander "passed away". "Rags to riches story" or not, Takeshi just couldn't match the sheer knowledge that one thousand, two hundred years could bring. It would boggle the mind as to why the Central 46 wouldn't order Yasu to be the new Kido Commander. The alternative would, at best, be that he is denied the official resources of Soul society.

If, instead, he's around 2-300, he can be an 'old, eccentric wizard' without begging huge questions. Offhand, 250 seems decent. It puts him well ahead of most unseated, Seated Officers, and the like, but not too far ahead of most of the Captains. While there might be questions as to why he's not Commander, they wouldn't be totally overwhelming.

2010-07-09, 02:21 PM

Seriously man. Chill pill. :smallbiggrin: We'll get it figured out. :smallwink:

Of course we'll do. :smallsmile: I felt like pointig out said issues, as you likely weren't familiar with them beforehand. Ages exceeding longevity of most human nations just happen to have tons of implications. That's part of the fun, to speak the truth.

2010-07-09, 02:38 PM
Episode 2: I was going to use Sho to push Hannibal away, but she can't without the incantation. There's no incantation:smallbiggrin:. So fireball works just as good.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 02:53 PM
Well, you could have done "X says the incantation before pushing the target away with a Sho" or...you could have made one up >.>

2010-07-09, 03:02 PM
Episode 2: I was going to use Sho to push Hannibal away, but she can't without the incantation. There's no incantation:smallbiggrin:. So fireball works just as good.

Sho is most basic attack spell. Suzume could've most likely put decent force behind one even without incantation. :smalltongue:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 08:33 PM
So...when we getting the plot going? Everything seems to be sorta languishing here. Maybe just the initial feeling from comming back, but sorta felt that way before I moved to.

2010-07-09, 08:35 PM
Probably a nice crossroads of getting through the current mini-plots, such as Val's party, the Las Noches Grand Melee, and the like, and us keeping ourselves in gear to finish Classic BleachITP.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 08:46 PM
I see. Well, I'm still going to voice my concern that I don't think waiting to much longer to get even one plot started would be a very good idea. We've already sorta got plots going now, and while I understand we're waiting for the other game to finish...we've been waiting months for that. And it dosn't seem like the end is anywhere closer then where it was five or six weeks ago.

I trust this game will in fact take off, but I felt I should at least get that off my chest. :smallsmile::smallredface:

2010-07-09, 09:00 PM
I see. Well, I'm still going to voice my concern that I don't think waiting to much longer to get even one plot started would be a very good idea. We've already sorta got plots going now, and while I understand we're waiting for the other game to finish...we've been waiting months for that. And it dosn't seem like the end is anywhere closer then where it was five or six weeks ago.

I trust this game will in fact take off, but I felt I should at least get that off my chest. :smallsmile::smallredface:

I'm not sure I'd say "lets go ahead and get plot started," but I do agree that the game should probably move faster and be taken a bit more seriously. Not that I want to discourage plot starting, I just think it should flow more naturally than having it suddenly start up all at once (though that probably should just be assumed, so don't mind me).

Oh hey, I need to post. >.>

*shuffles off to do so*

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 09:02 PM
I'm not sure I'd say "lets go ahead and get plot started," but I do agree that the game should probably move faster and be taken a bit more seriously. Not that I want to discourage plot starting, I just think it should flow more naturally than having it suddenly start up all at once (though that probably should just be assumed, so don't mind me).

Oh hey, I need to post. >.>

*shuffles off to do so*

I agree fully with you. As said, plots already started. I'd be more inclinded to say just let it start running its course to where ever it may lead. If it comes to a point where it has to wait for other people because of the older game...so be it, thats more then fair to everyone.

Just going "Throw the plot switch" won't work. But not comming around and saying "Plot! Hey now, cut that out!" every time an actual plot point moves forward might be in order. Lets the game flow as it will and where it will. That would be my honest suggestion.

2010-07-09, 09:07 PM
I think considering pushing some Mortal World plot a bit forward would be nice, but not necessary. I would like to get to introducing Kina, now that I have lots of time to write for her.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 09:10 PM
I think considering pushing some Mortal World plot a bit forward would be nice, but not necessary. I would like to get to introducing Kina, now that I have lots of time to write for her.

Could always introduce her with Michi-chan's gang. Once Free Hand posts that all should start moving again in some semblance of direction. I know we're holding off on that plot till Zarah can devout time to this game.

2010-07-09, 09:10 PM
Even if we allow things to ease into "true" plot, we've still got things going on right now. *Shrugs*

Party's still going on, for instance. Alexander's trying to sneak in and peek, after all.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 09:12 PM
Even if we allow things to ease into "true" plot, we've still got things going on right now. *Shrugs*

Party's still going on, for instance. Alexander's trying to sneak in and peek, after all.

That was my point :smallsmile:

There is alot of stuff going on, but its sorta plot-lite and we're kinda artificaly keeping it that way in a sense. I say we break down that dam and just let it flow. Thats really all I'm saying. No harm in doing that right?

2010-07-09, 09:15 PM
I'd prefer if it was more like a controlled opening of the sluices, rather than just breaking the dam.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 09:19 PM
That sorta seems like flicking on the plot switch to me. :smallfrown: The game already feels a little inorganic for my tastes, but thats really a personal opinion. Even if its a "controlled" state...well...I just don't like that world "Controlled". I've voiced my worry over it already though I suppose and it is a community game after all, so I suppose what comes comes. :smallsmile:

2010-07-09, 09:23 PM
Could always introduce her with Michi-chan's gang. Once Free Hand posts that all should start moving again in some semblance of direction. I know we're holding off on that plot till Zarah can devout time to this game.

I actually have a planned introduction for her, it involves school starting. She shouldn't show up until then, because she hasn't met anyone.

2010-07-09, 09:24 PM
I don't think there is such a thing as breaking the dam really.

Plots come like they are now. Slowly. Really, the current threadlines, while minor in scope of results, are bearing sensible results that can influence future events. That is by definition, plot.

Plus they already hold many characters in activity within then, even if not in combat (save for Las Noches, of course).

The only way for a "breaking of the dam" to happen, is if every plot were treated to an episode thread and most people went for two-three people plots, all at once. Then it would be a breaking of the dam, but of subplots.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 09:26 PM
It was a poor way of expressing what I meant, forgive me. What I more meant to say was lets not have people hopping in and saying "Remember, no plot" when things start progressing, as has happened already.

Your right, not really a breaking of the damn more, leaving the cell door unlocked.

2010-07-09, 09:55 PM
:smallconfused:You asked for critique of the idea of porting, did you not? He's providing it. Nowhere in there does it indicate to me that he's particularly upset, merely concerned, and pointing out the causes for worry. Now, please actually address his points.

I believe I will, thank you very much. :smallamused:

I'm gravitating toward the 400-450 range. Of that, a little under a Third has likely been spent traveling abroad (really, really far abroad), which will explain why he can "legitimately" skirt responsibility (the irony of that statement is delicious). The key here is that he's seen as valuable/useful, but not terribly reliable. (Wizards tend to be that way. :smallamused:) In theory his tendency to disappear at seeming random was brought into question a long, long time ago, and it was decided that the value he adds to the Kidou corps affords the inconvenience of him disappearing with little warning every so often. He's only been back from his most recent trip for the last 10 years or so, which isn't all that long. That is to say, they know he does that, and obviously tolerate it (after all, he still has a job)-- but that doesn't mean they like it too much. From an official perspective, he tends to be seen as being unreliable and a little bit of a wild card... a valuable one, but a wild card nonetheless. This is fine with him, because he doesn't want to be promoted anyway, so it's mostly on an individual/personal basis that people value or respect his experience and ask for his help. From the profile: "Yasu is often called on for Personal favors (and even, at rare times, asked to assist his Division, though they usually tend to leave him to himself)..."

Is that satisfactory?

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 10:08 PM
Thats acceptable to me from the Kido Corp standing. Though if thats the case, his return is going to be an...intersting one.

2010-07-09, 10:11 PM
Hm. That's still right around the age of several of the Captains. But...eh.

I would say you're wrong about wizards; many are actually fairly reliable. But whatevs.

If it's okay by the current Kido Commander, I suppose that's that.

2010-07-09, 10:14 PM
Hey guys I'm going to be visiting a friend's house for a few days, and we'll probably be busy playing videogames for the weekend, so I won't be here for a while.

EDIT: I'll be back by sunday.

2010-07-09, 10:29 PM
Alright Krazy. Have fun!!!

All this talk of ages makes me want to reconsider Sigint's age to be more appropriate for the "old dog of war" personality I seem to be going with him. Right now he is about 437, so that doesn't really make him that old.

Also, sorry about the lateness, but I'll finally get to readjusting Pico's stats.

2010-07-09, 10:32 PM
Alright Krazy. Have fun!!!

All this talk of ages makes me want to reconsider Sigint's age to be more appropriate for the "old dog of war" personality I seem to be going with him. Right now he is about 437, so that doesn't really make him that old.

Also, sorry about the lateness, but I'll finally get to readjusting Pico's stats.Well. He's not young. It's just that there are several captains (and now apparently a somewhat unreliable wizard) in that age range. *Shrugs*

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 10:40 PM
I'd think age wouldn't really be an important part of selecting who was in charge after a certain point. Considering its a military, they'd take the people most suited to lead regardless of their age. Canon clearly let Hitsugya in and we've got Takeshi. Both are young and really not all that learned in the ways of the world. Also Soul Society seems to run its leadership on Strength.

Yasu isn't the strongest Kido Corp member, so between his rather flighty nature and his lower then Captain (Which there seems to be a standard) power rating, even if he is one of the oldest members (and he's not. Tai is at around 600 and -she's- not Kido Commander or Vice Commander either) he's not not Commander material. The 46 -forcing- him to take the role when there are other people who want it and are just as if not more capable seems...well...self defeating to me.

The Kido Corp is meant to work in strange and mysterious ways. :smallsmile:

On the reliablity of "Wizards"


2010-07-09, 10:46 PM
...Just like OW's statement is "just an opinion"?:smallconfused:

Takeshi's not exactly star material either, what with the overdone "pranks" and the drinking and so on.

Eh. Whatevs.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 10:49 PM
Just like Overwilliam's statement on unreliable Wizards is just an opinion, man.

And while I'd agree with you that Takeshi isn't star material, he's also not the only Captain who drinks alot or chases skirts. So really, he's in the same boat as several of the Captains of the Gotei. The only difference is he's younger. :smallwink:

2010-07-09, 11:06 PM
And druggier.

And a superstitious gnat.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 11:19 PM
We're not allowed to talk about the drugs. Or so I was told.

"And that makes me a sad Kido Commander."

2010-07-09, 11:26 PM
Can you call it a happy shroom?

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 11:28 PM

Only if it looked like this I suppose. Thats not actually a half bad idea....

"Its filled with stars!"

2010-07-09, 11:43 PM

Only if it looked like this I suppose. Thats not actually a half bad idea....

Yuuta eats a bowlful of those, with milk, every morning. He feeds the green one to his cat, Schrodinger, because they look gross and the kitty loves them. (The... secret origins of Natsuko's cat from the old game :smalltongue:).

The Librarian
2010-07-09, 11:45 PM
Nah, the King is Elvis. Don't you know that already? (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3870185/1/Remember_the_King)

{{Seriously. If you open that spoiler, click the link.}}


Righty approves this.:smallamused::smallbiggrin:

Long live the King!:tongue:

2010-07-09, 11:46 PM
What about the Fire Flowers? Who gets those?

Alright, here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8641767&postcount=45) is Pico's updated sheet. I changed the stats of his Hierro, Sonido, Offense, Defense, and Ressurecion's Improvement ability. It's a bit rough, so what do you think?

Also, yes, Long Live the King indeed.

"Hey, Inyu. Rosa is swooning thanks to that Elvis fella', and I didn't even know she could be swooned. You might wanna get over there pronto."

"...is that Kyasarin-sama in the crowd?"

"...O_O...Oh my god, everybody's in that crowd!! HEY GUYS!!! A LITTLE HELP HERE!!"

Innis Cabal
2010-07-09, 11:47 PM
And thus the circle is complete. Next thing you know though...


Yuuta's new Vice Commander outfit.

What about the Fire Flowers? Who gets those?

Megane and Tai of course.

2010-07-09, 11:53 PM
Nao's over 400 years old too, but no one except Ryouichi knows that:smallamused:. He's pretty much set himself up to not be a captain, because that would disallow him the chance to be who he is now. Is it alright if Nao was Suzume's second in command before she left, then Nao took over as the 4th seat?

2010-07-09, 11:58 PM
Is 400 the new 100 or something? :smallconfused:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-10, 12:01 AM
Yep, and orange is the new black. Get on it Gotei 13.

2010-07-10, 12:05 AM
Is 400 the new 100 or something? :smallconfused:

Yep, and orange is the new black. Get on it Gotei 13.

First, Random number. It can be changed if it's needed? He's not a captain because he doesn't have Bankai, either. Though all things say he should. Who knows, not like he's tellin.

Second, Yoko has orange and black hair:smallcool:.

2010-07-10, 12:05 AM
And bone is the new steel. As a special offer, we are offering, free of any charges, a symbiote that produces an awesome-tastic bone full-body armor sized perfectly for you, does not weight you down and feels more confortable than the softest silk you would ever wear. It is like your real skin! Only in Las Noches!

Innis Cabal
2010-07-10, 12:06 AM
Its a fashion Coup! The long feared political over taking by Takeshi has been revealed! Mini-skirt mondays for the girls and shirtless o'clock for all the handsome strapping young lads between the hours of six and seven. Make it so number 2!

2010-07-10, 12:07 AM
And thus the circle is complete. Next thing you know though...


Yuuta's new Vice Commander outfit.

"... I wonder if the 11th is accepting applications."

Innis Cabal
2010-07-10, 12:08 AM
"... I wonder if the 11th is accepting applications."

"There not. Don't you have a Fashion revolution to be undertaking Tanuki boy?"

The Librarian
2010-07-10, 12:13 AM
"... I wonder if the 11th is accepting applications."

Sometimes you just can't win Yama. Just Salvage the Pride.:smallamused:

2010-07-10, 12:13 AM
And bone is the new steel. As a special offer, we are offering, free of any charges, a symbiote that produces an awesome-tastic bone full-body armor sized perfectly for you, does not weight you down and feels more confortable than the softest silk you would ever wear. It is like your real skin! Only in Las Noches!

"Hi. I'm Pico. When I first heard about Symbone(TM) I thought it was a bunch of crap. But, when I got my copy, I found out it was really...something else. Seriously, it really was something other than what was advertised. The package contained a frikkin' facehugger for God's sake!! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to file a complaint to LNPS."

"There not. Don't you have a Fashion revolution to be undertaking Tanuki boy?"

"...Do I even want to know why he is called 'Tanuki Boy'?"

2010-07-10, 12:13 AM
"... I wonder if the 11th is accepting applications."Maybe the 11th isn't, but I know the 12th is!

Innis Cabal
2010-07-10, 12:14 AM
"...Do I even want to know why he is called 'Tanuki Boy'?"

"Its a tanuki outfit. And people say I'm the pervert."

*Cuddles with Hadiran* On the other hand, he's all mine anyway.

2010-07-10, 12:27 AM
"Not a pervert. Just worried."

I don't want to be a bother, but does anyone have any objections, criticisms, or comments about Pico's new clothes groove hairdo stats?

2010-07-10, 12:28 AM
"Hi. I'm Pico. When I first heard about Symbone(TM) I thought it was a bunch of crap. But, when I got my copy, I found out it was really...something else. Seriously, it really was something other than what was advertised. The package contained a frikkin' facehugger for God's sake!! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to file a complaint to LNPS."

"...Do I even want to know why he is called 'Tanuki Boy'?"

"We object to your statement, my children do not latch to your face, but to your scalp."

2010-07-10, 12:31 AM
"We object to your statement, my children do not latch to your face, but to your scalp."

"...So you're saying I got attacked by a freakin' head-humping HEADCRAB?!??! At least the zombie part makes sense. Let's hope those Shinigami people don't have some bearded guy with glasses and a crowbar over there, eh?"

2010-07-10, 12:36 AM
"...So you're saying I got attacked by a freakin' head-humping HEADCRAB?!??! At least the zombie part makes sense. Let's hope those Shinigami people don't have some bearded guy with glasses and a crowbar over there, eh?"

"Well I haven't used a crow-bar in the longest time, but I suppose I could make do..."

Innis Cabal
2010-07-10, 12:37 AM
Next proposal for the Central 46

Mini-Skirt Monday| Mini-skirts for all Female Shinigami
Two for Tuesday| Buy one drink, get the other free at any bar
Wacky Wednesday| Tie Dye T-Shirts mandatory for all Non-Captains
Thankful Thurday| One day where everything can go back to normal
Fan Service Friday| Less Liberal Captain’s need not apply
Stirrin’ Saturday| Dance Party in the Kido Corp Grounds, tiki party themed
Sauna Sunday| Hot spring trip for all Vice Captains
Shirtless O'Clock|All handsome males must take their shirts off from six to seven PM. This is a daily event[/table]

2010-07-10, 12:39 AM

2010-07-10, 12:48 AM
OOC: *is cuddled, happily despite the fact that there is no pride left to salvage* :smalltongue:

IC: "Someone. Anyone. Please." Yuuta tugs his costume. "I... may have to seriously consider the 12th after all."

2010-07-10, 12:48 AM

You say facepalm, I say


"By the way, Ikimi really likes Shirtless O'clock."

"Dammit, brother, you swore to never tell anyone!"

Edit: Innis' chart makes me wish that there was something like an Omake thread, a non-canon thread where we can have our characters be really silly without clogging up the OOC thread or ruining the IC thread. :smallfrown:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-10, 12:54 AM
OOC: *is cuddled, happily despite the fact that there is no pride left to salvage* :smalltongue:

IC: "Someone. Anyone. Please." Yuuta tugs his costume. "I... may have to seriously consider the 12th after all."

Pride is the weakness of man! It makes fools of wise men and brings nothing but ruination to the world! Cast away your pride! Cast it away I say! And bask in the feeling of humility!

"Quit your whining, they'd have surgically put the tail and ears on. At least when we sober up you can take the dang thing off."

You say facepalm, I say



Won't you join me 13? :smallsmile:

Edit: Innis' chart makes me wish that there was something like an Omake thread, a non-canon thread where we can have our characters be really silly without clogging up the OOC thread or ruining the IC thread. :smallfrown:

We can! Who said we can't? I think its a great idea.

2010-07-10, 12:56 AM
Edit: Innis' chart makes me wish that there was something like an Omake thread, a non-canon thread where we can have our characters be really silly without clogging up the OOC thread or ruining the IC thread. :smallfrown:

My name is Commander Shepard horngeek, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel a good idea.

2010-07-10, 12:59 AM

Won't you join me 13? :smallsmile:


We can! Who said we can't? I think its a great idea.

Really? Hmm...:smallamused:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-10, 01:03 AM

Really? Hmm...:smallamused:


We'll meet at the van in 20. Bring rope. Lots...lots of rope.

And I know at least I'd be interested in doing a omake thread. If this game goes like the last...sweet jumping jesus we'll need it.

2010-07-10, 01:21 AM

We'll meet at the van in 20. Bring rope. Lots...lots of rope.

And I know at least I'd be interested in doing a omake thread. If this game goes like the last...sweet jumping jesus we'll need it.

And magic casters. Lots of magic casters.

Also, what means omake thread?

Innis Cabal
2010-07-10, 01:22 AM
A joke thread outside of continuity.

And no magic casters. All I need is rope. 13 and Hadrian...and some bacon grease. Not particularly in that order or arrangment...

2010-07-10, 01:31 AM
Also, what means omake thread?

The term "Omake" as we're using it comes from manga. Sometimes, at the end or beginning of certain manga chapters (sometimes every chapter, sometimes once every several chapters), the author takes a little time and space aside to do other things. Most of the time, the Omake chapter is filled with gags based on the manga; other times, the author uses the Omake as an opportunity to answer certain fan mail and stuff. Other authors might use the Omake chapter to showcase fan poll results; in one Fullmetal Alchemist Omake that I remember, Colonel Mustang was seen staring at a piece of paper reporting the latest character popularity poll results in a comically angry fashion, and so forth.

In our case, I was hoping for a non-canon thread where we can have our characters break the fourth wall, make silly jokes, do dumb things without cluttering up the OOC thread or turning the IC, serious business threads in to farces. If we ever do this, one of the first things I plan on doing is having Shinji and Ikimi answer (fake) fan mail, while Voz and the Legion do the River Dance.

And no magic casters. All I need is rope. 13 and Hadrian...and some bacon grease. Not particularly in that order or arrangment...

"500 feet of Soul Rope, capable of tying up spiritual beings. Good for hauling, hog-tying, and S&M play."

2010-07-10, 01:35 AM
In our case, I was hoping for a non-canon thread where we can have our characters break the fourth wall, make silly jokes, do dumb things without cluttering up the OOC thread or turning the IC, serious business threads in to farces. If we ever do this, one of the first things I plan on doing is having Shinji and Ikimi answer (fake) fan mail, while Voz and the Legion do the River Dance.

"500 feet of Soul Rope, capable of tying up spiritual beings. Good for hauling, hog-tying, and S&M play."

I for one think it should be partial canon. :smallwink: Not the silly events that is, but rather things like...answering the fan mail. The information should be the actual information, even if it's relayed in an entirely humorous manner. See the Arrancar encyclopedia and such. Good humor, but actual info. :smallwink:

2010-07-10, 01:38 AM
I for one think it should be partial canon. :smallwink:

Fan-mail posts: only some of the answers are real. The trick is to figuring out which one. :smallamused:

Does Ikimi have a massive crush on Yoshi? Are Voz's Phalangitai really, truly "fully functional"? The answers may or may not be true, yet each of them are terrible to know.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-10, 01:40 AM
We used to do interviews and stuff like that and post it on the wiki. The humor was leeched out of the last game sadly by the GRIMDARK, but really...there's no reason it shouldn't come back.

"500 feet of Soul Rope, capable of tying up spiritual beings. Good for hauling, hog-tying, and S&M play."

This is why 13 is on my crew.

2010-07-10, 01:44 AM
"500 feet of Soul Rope, capable of tying up spiritual beings. Good for hauling, hog-tying, and S&M play."

"Who needs rope when you've got silk? <3"

Innis Cabal
2010-07-10, 01:45 AM
Silk never gives the right ammount of burn.

2010-07-10, 01:47 AM
"Who needs rope when you've got silk? <3"

"That's 'cuz silk, if improperly tied, can cause some pretty nasty ra--"


"Tell my fangirls that I love them..."

"I sincerely apologize for my brother's crude behavior and the mess."

(See? It's silly conversations like these that I think we should relegate to an Omake thread, instead of letting them clutter up the OOC thread. :smalltongue:)

2010-07-10, 01:52 AM
Fan-mail posts: only some of the answers are real. The trick is to figuring out which one. :smallamused:

Does Ikimi have a massive crush on Yoshi? Are Voz's Phalangitai really, truly "fully functional"? The answers may or may not be true, yet each of them are terrible to know.

Just where is Osamu's sake cabinet? :smalltongue:

I think the fan-mail idea is a good one though. XD Obviously..people send in their questions on the other characters and answer is given and then sent to 13 for hilarious reveal.

2010-07-10, 01:53 AM
"Gaahh...but I don't want to...! O-oh alright...S-s-screw m-m-me Takeshi-sama!" The poor thing looked like she was about to pass out from embarrassment..




Innis Cabal
2010-07-10, 02:04 AM
Just where is Osamu's sake cabinet? :smalltongue:

I think the fan-mail idea is a good one though. XD Obviously..people send in their questions on the other characters and answer is given and then sent to 13 for hilarious reveal.

Why wait? Lets start now.




Ya....I almost pulled a you and did a spit take.

2010-07-10, 02:07 AM
"Gaahh...but I don't want to...! O-oh alright...S-s-screw m-m-me Takeshi-sama!" The poor thing looked like she was about to pass out from embarrassment.


Why wait? Lets start now.

Well, I was hoping to wait and see what everyone else thought about an Omake thread...

Innis Cabal
2010-07-10, 02:12 AM
Spoil sport! :smalltongue:

Thats probably best though. Really don't see anyone objecting really.

2010-07-10, 02:13 AM
I'm for the Omake idea, and I almost pulled a me too, Innis. :smalltongue: Luckily, I had just finished my bottle of water not more than a minute before reading the post. :smalltongue:

2010-07-10, 02:14 AM
I'm for the Omake idea, and I almost pulled a me too, Innis. :smalltongue: Luckily, I had just finished my bottle of water not more than a minute before reading the post. :smalltongue:

Oh dammit I JUST realized why you guys were laughing and not dieing of moe overdose instead. :smallmad:

2010-07-10, 02:23 AM
Oh dammit I JUST realized why you guys were laughing and not dieing of moe overdose instead. :smallmad:

Are you kidding? Shizuka can't even catch a break outside of the game. :smalltongue:

For the record, I thought you were dying of laughter or over-face-palming.

2010-07-10, 06:48 AM
Alright Krazy. Have fun!!!

All this talk of ages makes me want to reconsider Sigint's age to be more appropriate for the "old dog of war" personality I seem to be going with him. Right now he is about 437, so that doesn't really make him that old.

Also, sorry about the lateness, but I'll finally get to readjusting Pico's stats.

437 years is older than many nations. Sigint would've seen most of the History's biggest wars in that time.

He's old, and certainly a dog of war. That there are older people doesn't make him young in any sense of the word.

For spirits, age is as much acting the part as actual physical longevity. Tai is 600 years old, but acts and looks like a kid - which is why she isn't a leader. Hannibal is as old, but acts like a grizzeld war pscyho criminal veteran. Which is why he was a Captain, and is now an inmate. Oops.

Karite is as old as Hannibal if I recall right, but it took 300 years for him to acquire Shinigami powers at all. He was a muggle for all that time. I lampshaded this in Episode 2 - Hannibal wasn't much older, but he looked and acted more mature and experienced than Karite.

Spirits have the possibility of stasis, remaining in a state of being and mind as long as they feel like it. They don't have to move on if they don't want to. But this also reflects in their development of power - someone who strives forward can reach seat of a Captain while someone who doesn't will linger in much lower position. Hayashi Natsuko, 13th Captain, is a perfect example - both Mitsukai Karite and Sato Hachiro are older than her, but hold lower positions due to insecurity (Karite, who even looks like a timid teenager) or lack of ambition and will to live (Hachiro, who looks like a middle-aged clerk bored with his life).

Anyone who exceeds normal upper limit of human age (about 100 years) is ancient, and has potential for superhuman knowledge and experience. Many characters just don't capitalize that.

Oh, and I heartily support Omake / fan-mail thread. OOC serves the purpose decently, but it'd be nice if all the funniness was in easily findable place.

"Fan mail? You better get writing, then. Bad things will happen if I don't get my daily dose of worship!"

Are you kidding? Shizuka can't even catch a break outside of the game. :smalltongue:

Takeshi told Shizuka to say what to Sayuri now? Wouldn't the poor girl literally die from the feeling of incompetence if facing the Vice-Captain's death glare? XD

2010-07-10, 07:14 AM
The first question: how, exactly, are Izumi and Natsuko related?

The answer is- *gets burnt to a crisp by Karinmaru*

2010-07-10, 08:52 AM
Omake/fan-mail thread: I like it.

KnightDisciple Seal of Approval

The Librarian
2010-07-10, 09:42 AM
Next proposal for the Central 46

Mini-Skirt Monday| Mini-skirts for all Female Shinigami
Two for Tuesday| Buy one drink, get the other free at any bar
Wacky Wednesday| Tie Dye T-Shirts mandatory for all Non-Captains
Thankful Thurday| One day where everything can go back to normal
Fan Service Friday| Less Liberal Captain’s need not apply
Stirrin’ Saturday| Dance Party in the Kido Corp Grounds, tiki party themed
Sauna Sunday| Hot spring trip for all Vice Captains
Shirtless O'Clock|All handsome males must take their shirts off from six to seven PM. This is a daily event[/table]

Why do I always go to sleep when this stuff happens!?:smallmad::smallbiggrin: Now I got to make an avvie of Katisugo wearing a tie-dye T-shirt.

EDIT: Anyway, I felt I should mention this to everyone here. Me, and CMOT have been trying to arrange a GITP meetup at this years Archon in St. Louis, MO. With the exception of Moon Wolf, NothingClever, and Kasanip; I do believe that everyone in the BleachITP does live in the United States, so I thought maybe some of you would like to come along. Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=158645) is the link to are Archon meetup thread if anyone is interested.

2010-07-10, 10:23 AM
With the exception of Moon Wolf, NothingClever, and Kasanip; I do believe that everyone in the BleachITP does live in the United States
The idea that only three of us live outside of the US is a great underestimation.

2010-07-10, 10:24 AM
The idea that only three of us live outside of the US is a great underestimation.

Indeed. We are legion, for we are many.

2010-07-10, 10:26 AM
Clearly, Righty's memory is poor. :smalltongue:

The Librarian
2010-07-10, 10:34 AM
Clearly, Righty's memory is poor. :smalltongue:

Indeed I have forgotten about you guys.:smallfrown: My apologies

Viera Champion
2010-07-10, 10:45 AM
I think the Arrancar character I'm going to make will be another speed demon like Kyasarin.

Can someone tell me what's been going on in Heuco Mundo?... I spelled that wrong...>_>

2010-07-10, 10:49 AM
Can someone tell me what's been going on in Heuco Mundo?
Nothing much. The Espada are preparing for a gladiatorial event where they each pick a champion to represent them in a free for all fight at Sereg's arena. Some are participating, some aren't. Besides that, it's mostly just characters socializing with each other.

2010-07-10, 10:50 AM
I think the Arrancar character I'm going to make will be another speed demon like Kyasarin.

Can someone tell me what's been going on in Heuco Mundo?... I spelled that wrong...>_>

Espadas have been hanging around and decided to hold a grand melee in Septima's arena.

Also, there's something of an over-abundance of speedsters in Hueco Muendo. Pick some other speciality might be better. Like being the best tailor or painter, and having special powers relating to that. :smallsmile:

2010-07-10, 10:54 AM
Espadas have been hanging around and decided to hold a grand melee in Septima's arena.

Also, there's something of an over-abundance of speedsters in Hueco Muendo. Pick some other speciality might be better. Like being the best tailor or painter, and having special powers relating to that. :smallsmile:Don't pick tailor! If you do, Zarah will kill your character!:smalleek:

2010-07-10, 10:57 AM
But Zarah has no Hueco Mundo character in a high power position, so you are safe! :smalltongue:

Of course... Callos is the primera.

And we could use more turtle cannons, I bet.

Viera Champion
2010-07-10, 10:57 AM
>_> Now I'm making an artist Arrancar.:smallcool::smalltongue:

And with sonido, it's easy to make a fast character. That's why.

2010-07-10, 11:04 AM
>_> Now I'm making an artist Arrancar.:smallcool::smalltongue:

You might consider having your character make Edward's palacio/district his home since it's the center for art and fashion in Las Noches.

2010-07-10, 11:06 AM
Indeed, someone for Lalita to harass would be fun. :smallbiggrin:

Viera Champion
2010-07-10, 11:15 AM
Actually, I think his Ressureccion might have something to do with painting... Any ideas?

2010-07-10, 11:17 AM
Actually, I think his Ressureccion might have something to do with painting... Any ideas?Maybe based on a chameleon or a cuttlefish, so he can change colours?

Viera Champion
2010-07-10, 11:28 AM
Maybe based on a chameleon or a cuttlefish, so he can change colours?

I like that. I think his skin will change colors, depending on his mood, but I just figured out his ressureccion! Yay!

2010-07-10, 12:03 PM
Alright, I'm going to wait for a few more opinions on an Omake thread (though general opinion seems favorable at the moment). If there are no other major objections, I shall take the liberty of making the thread, unless anyone else would like to. :smallwink:

2010-07-10, 12:09 PM
Alright, I'm going to wait for a few more opinions on an Omake thread (though general opinion seems favorable at the moment).
I'm fine with it.

Viera Champion
2010-07-10, 12:17 PM
My Arrancar is going to be a feminine male.

Viera Champion
2010-07-10, 12:30 PM
Sorry about the double post, but are Arrancars' Zanpaktou's names in Spanish or Japanese?

2010-07-10, 12:32 PM
Alright, I'm going to wait for a few more opinions on an Omake thread (though general opinion seems favorable at the moment). If there are no other major objections, I shall take the liberty of making the thread, unless anyone else would like to. :smallwink:

Do it. I approve.

2010-07-10, 12:32 PM
Sorry about the double post, but are Arrancars' Zanpaktou's names in Spanish or Japanese?

Zanpakutou name in spanish. Release command language is optional between the three languages (english, japanese and spanish). Special abilities in spanish.

Viera Champion
2010-07-10, 02:22 PM
Zeikobuburakku (He goes by Zeiko) Arrancar: Numero #22
(I decided to make his name follow a more Japanese sound...

Gender: Male

Personality: He is very feminine. He also *is an artist, loving to paint and very good at it as well. He tends to be fiendly enough, but mess up his artwork, and you're dead.

Appearance: Zeiko is tall and slim, his colorful clothes are very lovely and stylish. He wears a a skin tight sleevless shirt and a skirt. His long silver hair reaches his waist, and is the same color as his eyes. The remains of his mask form a white headband that holds his hair down. Gold lines spiral down his arms. *His skin is normally a plain tanned color, but as his mood changes, so does his skin. Anger is red, joy is yellow, sadness is blue, fear or alarm is orange, etcetera.

Abilities: His Sonido is slightly below average skill, so he relies on his expert swordfighting skills and his strong Hierro to protect him. He tends not to use Cero and Bala often, though he doesn't totally neglect their use, but he isn't to skilled in them.*

Zanpaktou: Pincel Dorado

Pincel Dorado is a plain katana with a brilliant gold hilt, and multicolored ribbons attached to said hilt. A little bump is sticking out of the bottom of the hilt, which when pulle on, comes out and turns out to be a paintbrush.

Ressureccion: Paint a brilliant masterpiece, Pincel Dorado!

When his ressureccion is activated, Zeiko grows a long tail, which he grips in one hand. His hair also lengthens, as the white headband spreads over it, making it all white as well. The tail is razor sharp, and he swings it. His hair he grips in his other hand, the end of it now coated in some black liquid, it resembles a paintbrush with black paint on it.

Ressurection ability: Pintura Místico.

If he is able to paint a circle with an "X" through it on his opponent's chest using his hair, it will temporarily immobilize them for about 5 seconds. This immobilization means that his opponent cannot move from that spot, but still has full control over their body, able to use a weapon and so on. Then it will fade away once they regain mobility, and must be applied again to renew the ability. It cannot be used while the last symbol is still on the person's body.

I feel like I messed up on the special ability. I was gonna have more symbols, but I couldn't think of anymore abilities to go with it.

2010-07-10, 02:43 PM
[QUOTE=Righty;8891224EDIT: Anyway, I felt I should mention this to everyone here. Me, and CMOT have been trying to arrange a GITP meetup at this years Archon in St. Louis, MO. With the exception of Moon Wolf, NothingClever, and Kasanip; I do believe that everyone in the BleachITP does live in the United States, so I thought maybe some of you would like to come along. Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=158645) is the link to are Archon meetup thread if anyone is interested.[/QUOTE]

*lives in Australia*

2010-07-10, 02:50 PM
*lives in Australia**not only lives in Ireland but displays this below his av*

2010-07-10, 03:32 PM
I'm not sure how good this is, but take a look.

Zeikobuburakku (He goes by Zeiko) Arrancar: Numero #22
(I decided to make his name follow a more Japanese style...)

Gender: Male

Personality: He is very feminine. He also *is an artist, loving to paint and very good at it as well. He tends to be fiendly enough, but mess up his artwork, and you're dead.

Appearance: Zeiko is tall and slim, his colorful clothes are very lovely and stylish. He wears a a skin tight sleevless shirt and a skirt. His long silver hair reaches his waist, and is the same color as his eyes. The remains of his mask form a white headband that holds his hair down. Gold lines spiral down his arms. *His skin is normally a plain tanned color, but as his mood changes, so does his skin. Anger is red, joy is yellow, sadness is blue, fear or alarm is orange, etcetera.

Abilities: His Sonido is slightly below average skill, so he relies on his expert swordfighting skills and his strong Hierro to protect him. He tends not to use Cero and Bala often, though he doesn't totally neglect their use, but he isn't to skilled in them.*

Zanpaktou: Pincel Dorado

Pincel Dorado is a plain katana with a brilliant gold hilt, and multicolored ribbons attached to said hilt. A little bump is sticking out of the bottom of the hilt, which when pulle on, comes out and turns out to be a paintbrush.

Ressureccion: Paint a brilliant masterpiece, Pincel Dorado!

When his ressureccion is activated, Zeiko grows a long tail, which he grips in one hand. His hair also lengthens, as the white headband spreads over it, making it all white as well. The tail is razor sharp, and he swings it. His hair he grips in his other hand, the end of it now coated in some black liquid, it resembles a paintbrush with black paint on it.

Ressurection ability: Pintura Místico.

If he is able to paint a circle with an "X" through it on his opponent's chest using his hair, it will temporarily immobilize them for about 5 seconds. Then it will fade away once they regain mobility, and must be applied again to renew the ability. It cannot be used while the last symbol is still on the person's body.

I feel like I messed up on the special ability. I was gonna have more symbols, but I couldn't think of anymore abilities to go with it.
Even the one is quite potent. Also, what is the extent of this immobility? Held in one place? Absolute paralysis? I'd personally recommend the former, as it still provides a strong benefit that can be leveraged tactically, but isn't a total win button against someone that can be harmed at all by Zeiko's attacks. If you go with the latter, I strongly recommend against a hard number like '5 seconds.'

2010-07-10, 03:33 PM
Even the one is quite potent. Also, what is the extent of this immobility? Held in one place? Absolute paralysis? I'd personally recommend the former, as it still provides a strong benefit that can be leveraged tactically, but isn't a total win button against someone that can be harmed at all by Zeiko's attacks. If you go with the latter, I strongly recommend against a hard number like '5 seconds.'Upon reflection, I agree with this statement.

Free Hand
2010-07-10, 04:53 PM
Just so everyopne's aware, my computer has crashed some days ago, it's not something I can fix myself so Wednesday is the earilset I can expect it to be back online. I have some access through my local library but I'm not going to be directly participating in any of the larger plots for now since I'd be in the way of things.

For Pan in Huculo mundo clever can skip over interaction with him and just have him go along with his scheme, Either possessing or bolstering the champion.

have to go now no time left to even read whats gone recently.

2010-07-10, 06:01 PM
[Segunda's Palacio]
"Is that so, Miss?", Lalita says, a devilish glint passing through his eyes. "If I have piqued your interest, I hope you'll wait with me for Master Segunda's return? He might be interested in hearing your offer. He'll be delighted to see such a pretty lade, in a any case. Should we conclude our walk, or can the mail wait?"
Awwww, I was hoping he'd invite her to watch the event with him as an excuse for a date and follow in Edward's footsteps. Then again, this could help Pico further...

2010-07-10, 06:05 PM
Awwww, I was hoping he'd invite her to watch the event with him as an excuse for a date and follow in Edward's footsteps. Then again, this could help Pico further...

He might, but for the moment he finds plotting Canguro's doom more alluring.