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2010-07-08, 05:58 PM
It was a dark, stormy day at Lindmer Academy. The numerous students worked their magic away from the outside world, somehow unnoticed, almost. The only mark that Lindmer Academy possessed was their unusually high funding they received. Lindmer was known as an "Extremely" exclusive school, taking only the finest students from throughout the world. Things today were quite tense. It seemed that the School had been marked for death by an evil entity. Some have whispered that the demon has come from the far past, when the school was just established in the Middle Ages by Lindmer. (Actually Merlin, as Lindmer is a scramble of Merlin's name)
The entire school were indoors, doing nothing, and just enjoying themselves.

2010-07-08, 08:45 PM

Seymore sat in one of the common rooms, books sitting in front of him along with several small clay statues. Despite his promising skill in the mechanics of homunculus creation, he hadn't quite inherited his grandfathers knack for sculpting. There were three statues, all of them about eight inches tall in the form of winged humanoids.

"Okay... I've got a little winged devil gargoyle thing, a winged Valkyrie (wearing heavy armor thank you very much I'm not one of those guys who sculpts statues of skantily dressed women and animates them... though I may have overdone it and made this one look like a tin can with legs and hair), and the last one is a winged gryphon with hands so it can pick stuff up."

Seymore frowns, all three of them half decent and would functionally make good homunculi... but there is asthetics to worry about if you are going to animate something.

"Darnit... little gargoyls have been done to death, gryphons are pretty hard to actually get ugly..." he looks around to his fellow classmates for help in his dilemma.

Come to think of it, wasn't there some news about an ancient demon wanting to kill the school? Why the hell is everyone so calm or is it even possible to kill a building? Should I animate the building so it can beat up the demon?

Seymore slumps over, looking at his three little statues. Going to have to animate one of them for his class project, but he can't just rush into this stuff.

2010-07-09, 04:50 PM
Desmond Blackstone
Name: Desmond Blackstone
Name Of Bloodline: None
School Of Magical Discipline: Enchantment
Talent: 2
Bloodline: 1
Wisdom: 7
Logic: 2
Charismata: 8

Desmond removes his earbuds and gives Seymore a quizzical look. "Project ain't looking to good there, Seymore?" he prods. "No good making something that doesn't have a little sex appeal to it, am I right? Listen, I can talk to the girls...There's a freshman illusionist, Luci. She's not too bad with a paintbrush. I've never seen her sculpt, but if she can't she might know someone who can. What do you say, a free favor from old Des?"

He stands with a quick clap, delighted at his own scheming. Walking around the table, he paces around the three sculptures, evaluating them with his best caricature of an artiste, stroking a moustache which magically springs into view, but fades just as quickly. "Of course, you could just smash 'em all together, animate the damn thing anyway, and call it abstract postmodernism. Sounds like a winner right there! Seriously though, Sey, my offer's on the table. What do you say?"

2010-07-10, 12:32 AM

Seymore thinks it over and frowns. "Welll... naw, I think I'll just stick with the Gryphon one. It should make a good first try and I can always save the good stuff for my second try." He puts the other two statues away. "Besides, we paint the after we animate them."

He turns to Desmond. "Anyway... hear anything about that big curse we've got on our school? I mean it's bad enough our school is named after a mixed up Merlin but having demons out with revenge plots against it? I dunno... I'm almost thinking of transfering to a school that doesn't have a demon curse on it. At least until someone deals with the curse anyways."

He mumbles under his breath. "When something evil's in the neighborhood... who ya gonna call?"

2010-07-10, 02:35 PM
Instructor Lorenta visited the talking students, she heard something from Seymore. From out of nowhere, Lorenta spoke up,"By the school, of course, we mean all of you." She smiled. "You always were good at word play Seymore." She wore a purple robe, with a blue cloak, and also wore a medallion around her neck. Her long brown hair made it down to her shoulders, and her staff had a saphire colored stone at the end. "Anyway, Seymore, I"m glad to see you have all been obedient. However, the elders have discovered that this dark force may not be so trivial as a mere demon however. This force may be none other than an evil god of some sort."

2010-07-10, 09:31 PM

"Well, it should be able to fly under its own power. I used the recommended lightweigh ceramics in its construction and made the wings the right size. Once I animate it then we can test its ability to fly... if it doesn't work out then I'd be glad for some help." Seymore replies to Brendon.

As Instructor Lorenta responds to Seymores concerns, the student has a worried look on his face.

"Oookay... lesse here, you are a staff member of this distinguished school and you know that there is a prophesy or... situation... wait, make that a threat. Yes, a very real threat that a malevolent force resembling an evil God or Deity... certainly worse than something pesky like a demon or devil... which I suppose is more dangerous than a homicidal maniac with a chainsaw and a machine gun."

"Yes, you know that there is a threat from an entity who may very well be more dangerous than a homicidal maniac with a chainsaw and machine gun who is seeking to destroy this school... by which you mean us students."

Seymore looks like he is giving this information some thought.

"That raises some questions, such as:

(1). What, if anything, does the administrative, teaching, and security staff at this school deem necessary to protect the lives and well being of the students at Lindmer Academy?


(2). Does the threat against the school also include the teaching staff?

I'm just curious about what this threat against our very lives entails exactly."

2010-07-10, 10:39 PM
Brenden Carke

Getting out of his Chair , Brenden focuses on the teaching instructor .

"You know , I still think this is an excellent opportunity to get into some "Secret Society Gifted classes" and frankly some of us students have the sheer talent to get into those classes ."

"Seymore , I would very much like to help you , but I will try and help you with the aftermath of it , if it doesn't fly . "

Raising an Eyebrow , Brenden sighs at the recently arrived Instructor

" I also have a question , what do you want Students to do about it instructor ? I believe Pagan Gods of old were often defeated by Mortals , so why not Us?"

"The Pagan Gods of old were defeated by Mortals who were on the league of our deal old Archmages. Those greater than the Headmasters of Lindmer Academy. We couldn't fight the Old Pagan Gods even if we could send an army of us against them."

"And this is not just any evil god. It is none other than the Dark Face of Abbi, the First One. The god of magic's evil half."

2010-07-10, 10:53 PM
"Throughout the centuries we've, well wizards and such, have always fought against those, and occasionally won against, those more powerful than us by proxy. Merlin defeated the Dark Face in the 7th century by summoning Abbi, for example."

"Unfortunately we're at a loss as to how Merlin managed to summon The First One."

"However. . ."Lorenta managed to blurt out, "The Elders have chosen some of us to brave the Serpent Road beneath Lindmer Academy and to search the artifacts and forbidden things there. They claim to have found some proof that Merlin has hidden some things of value there."

2010-07-10, 11:16 PM
Alexander Trent

Alexander Trent
Bloodline: Daemon
Discipline: Transformation (or alchemy if it's separate)

Talent: 3
Blood: 2
Wisdom: 3
Logic: 7
Charismata: 5

Alexander Trent is from a small town in Massachusetts where he lived a relatively normal life. He moved to New Mexico with his parents when his magic started to show in small bursts, mostly in the form of minor, transformations. When revealed to have magic, he didn't believe in the kind of magic they spoke of, it seemed to abstract, instead believing it to be a type of science, a combination of formulas that could be manipulated to do what was needed, not a mystical force that could do anything he pleased. He was enrolled at the academy, and his approach worked, devoloping several formulae that he could just, in his words, 'plug and chug' through to do what was necessary with minimal effort. A small bit of talent, a photographic memory, and perfect muscle memory also helped him along.

One student in the back of the class, rapidly writing, erasing, and writing again, speaks up at this point "Would these items be part of the ancient spell equations? If so, we could probably recreate the spells of old by adding them to the existing equations. Also, are volunteers welcome on this Serpent's Road"

2010-07-11, 01:02 AM

"Ookay... I sure am glad all my questions are being answered."

"So, the Elder omnipotent crazy God who was only beaten back last time by summoning other omnipotnet Gods is out to kill the students at this school... which includes me."

Seymore thinks about it.

"Just out of curiosity, if I were to quit school due to 'not wanting to die at the hands of a vengeful Elder Evil Deity' and then sign up for home schooling, would I be able to do a little... I dunno, off-the-book help with this Serpent Road thing?"

He holds out his hands, in a sort of shrug.

"I mean, I love this school as much as the next person... but not so much that I want to unnecessarily draw ire from the forces of pure Evil. If the Elder God is out to kill all the students at this school, then why not have all the students leave ground zero until such time as professional unaffiliated and non-student types have the chance to deal with this problem?"

"Students leave and study elsewhere, non-student adventurers solve the problem, when the problem is solved then everyone comes back for a nice year of learning shenanigans at Lindmer Academy without the threat of horrible death looming over their heads. I mean, looming death at the hands of Gods tends to add stress to the learning environment."

"Sound like a plan?"

2010-07-11, 06:42 AM
Desmond smiled and slid one earbud back into his ear while the others talked, hiding it with his hand. You'd think this was some kind of church school, he thought to himself, the way they're always prattering on about elder gods and whatnot. His mind drifted, and he pictured himself in bed with Lorenta again, but quickly stopped himself. He remembered the woman had a talent for telepathy, and this hadn't ended so neatly last time.

Growing bored, the young man stood from his seat. "Oh, what the hell," he mused, removing his earbud and sending his iPod to an extradimensional space with a snap of his fingers, "why don't we just go kill this thing between classes? I mean, sure, it'll have some spooky powers or whatever, but why don't we just grab a handful of guys, destroy the thing, and be back before lunch? Come on, it's not Lord of the Rings or anything here. You guys don't really believe in all this 'elder gods' business, do you? I'm sure we'll be fine."

2010-07-11, 10:45 AM
Growing bored, the young man stood from his seat. "Oh, what the hell," he mused, removing his earbud and sending his iPod to an extradimensional space with a snap of his fingers, "why don't we just go kill this thing between classes? I mean, sure, it'll have some spooky powers or whatever, but why don't we just grab a handful of guys, destroy the thing, and be back before lunch? Come on, it's not Lord of the Rings or anything here. You guys don't really believe in all this 'elder gods' business, do you? I'm sure we'll be fine."

"I would like to point out that one of my ancestors was a daemon. They are not as easy to kill as you seem to think." Alex says, "and gods are just powerful daemons and celestials that have ascended beyond their basic abilities, meaning they're even stronger. Also, you may be interested to know that the Balrog does actually exist."

2010-07-11, 12:50 PM
Gōkana Hakkō

That's lame," jeered Gōkana, I'm all for getting as many mages as we can to blast this thing into oblivion." As he spoke blue-white sparks of electricity danced between his fingertips and around the tips of his spiky white hair.

This is what Gōkana looks like

2010-07-11, 01:27 PM

"MY NAME IS NOT GOKU!!"Gōkana bellows, as wild arcs of electricity begin flaring around him.
All electronic appliances within the vicinity flicker and begin to dim as he begins draining their power.

Abruptly the aura around him vanishes and power is restored. Wordlessly he exits the room, and heads outside. About a minute later an enormous CRACK of thunder echoes throughout the school, and a massive lightning bolt rips through the sky.

2010-07-11, 02:30 PM
Lorenta chuckles. "Calm down you two. We don't have to come with the magical restraining vests." She says half seriously. "Magic is not a toy, unless you specialize in that kind of thing. "Please simmer down." Then she continues. "You have all been chosen to search for the treasures in the Serpent Road. If you actually do, by some weird fluke of destiny, come into contact with Dark Face, immediately get out of the area."

2010-07-11, 02:53 PM

"Does anyone else here feel even slightly uneasy about the fact that an Elder God wants to kill all the students in this school and that the words 'evacuate' haven't been uttered once?"

Seymore lets out a frustrated sigh. "And of course the staff sends students down to search for treasure in the mysterious Serpant Road thats under the school... are we expendable or something?"

"Okay, sure... fine. Can I at least wait until after shop class when I'll animate my homunculus before you send me on a mission of life and death that apparently can't be tasked to a professional military or archeological taskforce?"

2010-07-11, 03:50 PM

"Does anyone else here feel even slightly uneasy about the fact that an Elder God wants to kill all the students in this school and that the words 'evacuate' haven't been uttered once?"

Seymore lets out a frustrated sigh. "And of course the staff sends students down to search for treasure in the mysterious Serpant Road thats under the school... are we expendable or something?"

"Okay, sure... fine. Can I at least wait until after shop class when I'll animate my homunculus before you send me on a mission of life and death that apparently can't be tasked to a professional military or archeological taskforce?"

"We can't evacuate or he'll just kill everyone one by one. " Lorenta added. "We chose students to help with this mission because many of us are unable to enter the Serpent Road. The Serpent Road can only be accessed to mages who can suppress their magical powers, or students, even talented ones like yourselves, who aren't incredibly powerful yet."

2010-07-11, 05:00 PM
"We can't evacuate or he'll just kill everyone one by one. " Lorenta added. "We chose students to help with this mission because many of us are unable to enter the Serpent Road. The Serpent Road can only be accessed to mages who can suppress their magical powers, or students, even talented ones like yourselves, who aren't incredibly powerful yet."

"That's understandable, but shouldnt we have some sort of guide, a familiar perhaps?" Alex notes, 'I have yet to see one familiar in this school, but someone must have one' "Also, supression of power, why not just use the magic restraining vests, it would nullify your magic until you entered the serpents road, then just remove them once your in."

2010-07-11, 05:03 PM
"That's understandable, but shouldnt we have some sort of guide, a familiar perhaps?" Alex notes, 'I have yet to see one familiar in this school, but someone must have one' "Also, supression of power, why not just use the magic restraining vests, it would nullify your magic until you entered the serpents road, then just remove them once your in."

"We thought about that, but those things are built in a very specific way. If we cut holes in the sides of them, they would just be vests. Magical vests with some restraining power, but not much. The ones that look like straight jackets are the ones we can mass produce. To make others would just take too long. Anyway... I think it your pretty smart to suggest that though. Others more intelligent than I have suggested that."

2010-07-11, 06:26 PM

After firing off a few more bolts of lightning, Gōkana finally chilled out, and meandered back into the commons.

Pointedly ignoring Brenden he found a comfortable chair and dropped into it, "I'm game for any plan that will prevent me from dying, and help me get stronger," he says languidly, as a blue white line of electricity snakes up his arm

2010-07-11, 06:37 PM

After firing off a few more bolts of lightning, Gōkana finally chilled out, and meandered back into the commons.

Pointedly ignoring Brenden he found a comfortable chair and dropped into it, "I'm game for any plan that will prevent me from dying, and help me get stronger," he says languidly, as a blue white line of electricity snakes up his arm

"You really have no control do you?" Alex asks, rather rhetorically. He then looks to the teacher, "I'm game for whatever comes our way, just give me time to prepare my final ritual, this should give me something to enhance my magic, at least a little."

2010-07-11, 06:43 PM

"Hey I do have self control,"Gōkana protested, the electricity circling his arm vanishing.'If I didn't I'd have fried this room earlier."

2010-07-11, 07:03 PM
"If we're in a hurry then i will need help to finish my arcane catalyst today, if possible that of an alchemist or elementalist." He then begins to explain a bit of what he's working on, "the basic premise is a sort of tattoo that acts as a pathway that magic can flow through more freely, if i get help i could give one to each of us, given your specialties of course."

2010-07-11, 07:27 PM

"If you can get them to work, I'll take one to help me with earth magic, I'm terrible at that."

2010-07-11, 08:11 PM
"Right then. I was thinking water, to make the elements flow more freely, the equation makes sense when put in this" He holds forward a complex equation with several variables and a key down the bottom, "but i have no ability with it, my skills lie in transformation and alchemy, which i will be using to make the catalyst, when infused with the correct magics, and imprinted with the correct equation, we can create a channel for magics that eases its use."

2010-07-11, 08:37 PM

"Sorry man, all I'm really good at is destructive magic, and a few other utilitarian spells."

2010-07-11, 08:42 PM
Brenden Carke

"To be honest I'm more of an Art student and your more right brained than I am , so all of that was very near jargon for me .I'll still help if you tell me what to do step by step though."

"Not surprising, i have always been more mathematically minded, even with something as fanciful as magic. Alright, what i need is the very essence of water infused into the magic of the catalyst to complete the pathways," He thinks for a moment, trying to find a more artistic way to put it, "It would have to make it flow like a river, or a brush stroke across a canvas. With someone like yourself, they could literally paint the spell in their mind and the catalyst would help to make it a reality, while those like myself could just plug in the variables and plow through the equation with greater ease."

2010-07-11, 08:54 PM
Brenden Carke

"Well get the Lab fired up and I'll go into meditation to help me make your idea a reality .I've never been anywhere near good with math so I'll just work from the basics and work my way from there."

Alex simply nods, "I'll come when i finish my preparations, give me about fifteen or so minutes."

2010-07-11, 08:56 PM
"Not surprising, i have always been more mathematically minded, even with something as fanciful as magic. Alright, what i need is the very essence of water infused into the magic of the catalyst to complete the pathways," He thinks for a moment, trying to find a more artistic way to put it, "It would have to make it flow like a river, or a brush stroke across a canvas. With someone like yourself, they could literally paint the spell in their mind and the catalyst would help to make it a reality, while those like myself could just plug in the variables and plow through the equation with greater ease."

"Let me know what you mean as the essence of water," said Gōkana, "Water magic is my second best magic, after all water conducts electricity

2010-07-11, 08:59 PM
"Let me know what you mean as the essence of water," said Gōkana, "Water magic is my second best magic, after all water conducts electricity

Before leaving, Alex addresses Gokana, "The essence of water is what water personifies in all its forms, purity, grace, power, everything that water can describe or is described as."

2010-07-11, 09:08 PM

Well crap, looks like we're gonna need a water specialist.

2010-07-11, 09:40 PM

"But I don't really understand the essence of water," he said confused about the more theocratic terminology.
"When I want to use my lightning, I concentrate of this sort of place inside me, and I draw the power from this sort of wellspring, Frustrated by being unable to articulate what he means he held out his right hand, palm up, "Here, let me show you," he said as he closed his eyes.

For a moment nothing happens, until a small spark appeared in the center of his palm. Then another, and another, then hundreds more flash into existence above his palm in a writhing ever moving mass of raw power, that gave off an incredible amount of heat and light.

With but a thought Gōkana banishes the mass and speaks, "That's what the essence of Lightning feels like."

2010-07-11, 10:32 PM

"Magic is so arbitrary sometimes,"Gōkana mused. "I mean I can literally manipulate Lightning and electricity with but a thought, while another mage would have to use chants, or an artifact or they might be unable to manipulate any element at all, hell I can barely cast earth magic, I have to use a wand and concentrate a lot

2010-07-11, 11:35 PM
I wonder where Alex and the others went?

2010-07-12, 12:03 AM
Alex walks back into the room, wiping chalk from his hands and black smears from his face "God i hate transmutation circles. Anyway, the preparations are set, we just need the proper ingredients, easily acquired really. 20grams of iron filings, a liter of water, half a pint of black, blue, and red inks, and a few drops of blood from each person to recieve the catalyst, separated after initial creation." he looks to both Gokana and Carke, "Sorry, I often say formulas i'm thinking about, anyway, we just need the magical components. Any questions?"

If there are no questions, he turns to his fellow students, "Anyone wanting an arcane catalyst has to step forward now so i can alter the equation appropriately."

2010-07-12, 12:55 AM

"I'll take one of these things," Gōkana said casually.

2010-07-12, 11:50 AM
(OOC: Waiting on other players and GM)

2010-07-12, 01:17 PM

"I have a question: Can we bring mundane weapons like guns, knives, chainsaws, fire extinguishers, or super soakers with us? Or maybe a small platoon of hired guns?"

2010-07-12, 01:58 PM
The Instructor made her way to the library. A stone passage winded it's way down into the Earth, in front of a strange, green field of energy. "This should be in the center of the Earth, but magical energy mixes this dimension with another, leading to Merlin's stash of magical artifacts able to be housed safely. Also notice how long it took to walk all the down here. If it felt like hours that's because it was. We may have even passed by a portal Merlin had mentioned in his writings. The portal was made for us to pass through in order to cover us in protective energy.

(OOC: Me and some of the others were preparing for something, i think trying to make us skip that is a very bad idea after all the posts we put into actually planning it.)

2010-07-12, 02:28 PM
(OOC: Me and some of the others were preparing for something, i think trying to make us skip that is a very bad idea after all the posts we put into actually planning it.)

(O.k.. I deleted it. Hurry up... :hisssss: ) :)

2010-07-12, 03:14 PM
"Anyone getting a catalyst come with me," Alex says to the class.

Those that follow
You are led to one of the larger empty rooms. In the very center is a single transmutation circle in a combination of chalk and charcoal. All of its parts are strictly geometric shapes except for a ring of runes around the outer circle. A small mat has an array of substances on it, many of which you are familiar with. "I only need the ingredients i said earlier, i'll be back with them in a moment." He leaves the room and returns five or so minutes later. "Alright, Carke, Gokana, what i need from you is to bring out the potential from this water," he holds up a two liter bottle filled halfway with water, "to bring out its latent properties, this will act as the reagent for the rest of the process. I'll set up the rest while you do so, when yourfinished just pour the water into the mix, don't mix it in." He walks over to the other ingredients and quickly mixes them in a very precise manner, before laying a bowl filled with a thick liquid in the center of the circle.

2010-07-12, 03:25 PM
Desmond stays behind while the others leave. "With all this yapping about catalysts and elements and whatnot, you'd think nobody had mentioned the word treasures! Get a move on! Shake a leg! It's time to get rich!"

Sticking his hands in his pockets, he turns his attention back to Lorenta and shrugs. "Kids," he muses, "they never have their priorities straight, eh Lo? So...how have you been?" As he speaks awkwardly to the woman, he remembers her favorite scent--chocolate chip cookies. In moments, the air is filled with the scent of fresh baked goods.

2010-07-12, 04:42 PM
Brenden Carke

Brenden walks towards the Water and with the Circle . Brenden Takes out a small Amethyst rod from his jean pocket , and draws several five pointed star symbols in the air . Pointing The Rod towards the Pitcher , Brenden uses the Element of Spirit to stabilize the Future energies that will be coming into play , and to have pure magic come through .

" From Life to Life , through History , My Path follows karmic destiny. I choose Goodness to fill my heart, and Break the Karmic Path Apart ."

With the Spirit Magic being used as a form of primer , Brenden begins to summon up Water Magic in it's highest form ; From the Source where the Energy of the Greatest Potential of Water Comes from , the Sea and the Undines that inhabit it .

" Undines of the Deepest Water , and from the Farthest Sea, Please come to me , I beseech your Power to flow through me , and to give this Water True Purity"

With those Words , Brenden unleashes the energy and Magic he had built up upon the pitcher of water .

"That should do," Alex says as he pours the water into the basin, "Now to get to work," He lays both of his hands on the very edge of the circle, and then he starts to speak in an echoing not-quite-his voice in a language lost to the ages, the language of daemons. Crackling white and blue energy bursts from the circle temporarily blinding all those in the room. After, their a four small containers, each holding a clear, viscous liquid.

"now that's done, just follow my lead." he picks up one of the cups, placesit on a table, slices his finger with a knife, lets a sinlge drop fall into the liquid (which turns a dark shade of crimson), then lets a small trickle down his right arm. It runs down his arm and forms into a precise pattern that mimics the circle he drew earlier. "each one will have a pattern and collor based on your magic, specialty, and personality, so it'll be different for each of us."

2010-07-12, 11:26 PM

Gōkana frowned, all magics involving blood tended to have bad consequences when performed improperly, but the benefits outweighed the risks, and so he stepped forward.

"Let's do this," he said and quickly pricked his finger, and let a few dollops of blood fall in the cup

The moment his blood touched the clear liquid, it turned a vivid blue-white.

Underneath his feet this hexagram materialized
The blue-white liquid flowed up his right hand in multiple tiny streams, creeping up his arm and across his chest, then flowing down his left arm and then back into it's original container.

When he looked at where the liquid had flowed, Gōkana discovered that the skin the liquid touched now had a black tattoo that looked like the circuitry lines for some complex electronic device.
The circuitry-like tattoos ended (or began) from circles on the back of his palms. In the center of these circles was a plus and minus sign on his left and right hands respectively.

2010-07-13, 10:52 AM
"So, now that we're done with amateur hour, is everyone ready to go get that treasure?" Desmond asks his classmates. He rubs his hands together, and can't help but smile. With their flair for the drama of classical magic, their innate belief in supernatural powers, their sense of fear, it will be so easy to deceive his supposed "friends" with his subtle magic, should the need arise.

2010-07-13, 01:20 PM
"So, now that we're done with amateur hour, is everyone ready to go get that treasure?" Desmond asks his classmates. He rubs his hands together, and can't help but smile. With their flair for the drama of classical magic, their innate belief in supernatural powers, their sense of fear, it will be so easy to deceive his supposed "friends" with his subtle magic, should the need arise.

Alex raises an eyebrow, "this is just a treasure hunt for you? Honestly, i thought it would be self preservation against the upcoming threat, then again you have always hidden behind while others do your work." It's easy to tell Alex has a low opinion of Desmond, "i'm surprised i'm the one that has daemon blood instead of you."

2010-07-13, 02:57 PM
Desmond smirks at Alex's comment. "Listen, Alex," he quips, "everyone puts their own spin on things. I'm just real good at it. You say ancient threat, I say old and tired monster. And accumulating wealth is the de facto method of self-preservation for most...just look around. Lastly, it's not really that I hide behind anybody; instead, I like to think that I'm sharpening my managerial skills. Don't you see?"

At Des' last sentence, Alex feels a strange compulsion beginning to settle in his mind--Desmond's words start to make sense. Alex is familiar enough with Desmond's tricks to know that "don't you see" is the phrase he utters whenever he's casting his insiduous enchantments on another.

2010-07-13, 03:20 PM
Desmond smirks at Alex's comment. "Listen, Alex," he quips, "everyone puts their own spin on things. I'm just real good at it. You say ancient threat, I say old and tired monster. And accumulating wealth is the de facto method of self-preservation for most...just look around. Lastly, it's not really that I hide behind anybody; instead, I like to think that I'm sharpening my managerial skills. Don't you see?"

At Des' last sentence, Alex feels a strange compulsion beginning to settle in his mind--Desmond's words start to make sense. Alex is familiar enough with Desmond's tricks to know that "don't you see" is the phrase he utters whenever he's casting his insiduous enchantments on another.

"I am familiar with your tricks, but i do understand. Few understand my way of casting, turning it all to formulas of all kinds. I just don't like people getting into another's head," he gives a pointed glare, "your view is noted, but i have something you may wish to know, demons and other outsiders only get stronger as they age, they never grow decrepid from age, and they are tireless."

2010-07-13, 03:41 PM
"Yeah, sure," Des replies flippantly, "but what are your assertions based on? Everyone talks about these evil powers, but I've never seen one. I just don't think they're all they're cracked up to be...like P.T. Barnum's Egress."

Desmond had only been at the school for a few months, and it was clear that he was having trouble adjusting. He was hesitant to adopt the mythical beliefs of his classmates, and the history of magic had no appeal to him. Whether he was a fool or a visionary had been a heated topic of discussion in the teacher's lounge since just before his arrival.

2010-07-13, 03:43 PM
Lorenta rolled her eyes at all the discussion and preparation. "Uh, are we all ready yet?"

2010-07-13, 03:50 PM

"One sec." Seymore quickly ducks out of sight and returns shortly with work boots, a backpack with various bits of survival gear, his magic wand, and a crowbar (which can also function as a magic wand... particularly at opening stuff!).

"I'm ready."

2010-07-13, 04:16 PM
To Desmund: "I have seen demons, minor demons but demons none-the-less, and they are nasty little buggers, even the minor ones can do some serious damage," he rolls up his sleeve and shows a long, jagged scar, "this is from a two foot tall cat demon, and it was poisoned."

To the teacher: "I'm set, my magic will likely be able to create what's necessary."

2010-07-13, 04:27 PM
Desmond leans to one side, looking as if he could fall at any moment. Rather than falling, however, a loaded pack appears on the ground and supports the wizard's weight.

"Lo, I was born ready," he jokes.

Turning back to Alex, he sees the massive scar and whistles. "You see," he quips, "things like that are the reason I'm more of a dog person. Well, let's go!"

Des stands upright again, pulling the pack onto his back. As it settles into position, it disappears once again.

2010-07-13, 04:30 PM
The Instructor made her way to the library. A stone passage winded it's way down into the Earth, in front of a strange, green field of energy. "This should be in the center of the Earth, but magical energy mixes this dimension with another, leading to Merlin's stash of magical artifacts able to be housed safely. Also notice how long it took to walk all the down here. If it felt like hours that's because it was. We may have even passed by a portal Merlin had mentioned in his writings. The portal was made for us to pass through in order to cover us in protective energy.

2010-07-13, 05:08 PM
Gōkana inb4 the walking post

"Gimme a minute," Gō says runs out of the room, slightly faster than normal humanly possible.

When he had returned he was now clad in a white sleeveless Kung-Fu outfit, with small black forearm guards and black shoes, and strapped on his back was a Liuyedao (type of Chinese sword), along with a satchel full of foodstuffs and other supplies


2010-07-15, 04:06 PM

"Yeah, lets go."