View Full Version : Test Fight... Against a Prismatic Dragon

2010-07-09, 01:21 PM
The Giant Prismatic Dragon goes " Roar! " And begins the encounter.

Cue the theme music!

Initiative [roll0]

2010-07-09, 01:23 PM

Roll! Roll like the Gods depend on you!

2010-07-09, 01:39 PM
(([roll0] Initiative))

2010-07-09, 01:43 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

2010-07-09, 01:48 PM
By the way, should I roll initiative for my expendable minions?

2010-07-09, 01:48 PM
((Um, I go first, but just for the hell of it-[roll0]))

2010-07-09, 01:52 PM
((Um, I go first, but just for the hell of it-[roll0]))



Also, looking at the stats, it has really high saves. And it's non-good/lawful, so my storms are no good. Ah well.

2010-07-09, 01:54 PM
((It's Chaotic! Woooo! :smallbiggrin:

Also - Awww, it's chaotic! My DR doesn't work! :smallfrown:))

2010-07-09, 01:55 PM
((It's Chaotic! Woooo! :smallbiggrin:

Also - Awww, it's chaotic! My DR doesn't work! :smallfrown:))

:smallconfused: Prismatic Dragons are neutral. Usually.

2010-07-09, 02:00 PM
I swear I read chaotic somewhere ...

Oh sigh, I just read it had an effect similar to Cloak of Chaos (its deflection bonus) and assumed. :smallfrown:

2010-07-09, 02:01 PM
((Yes, +52. I go first, the end. Unless we're fightng a deity with that supreme initiative bull****.

Also even if it was chaotic your DR would work, it doesn't have the [Chaotic] subtype, so its natural weapons don't strike as chaotic weapons.))

2010-07-09, 02:02 PM
My char isn't done, but my current initiative with spells is +35. So its POSSIBLE i could beat you.

2010-07-09, 02:04 PM
Don't tell me that, I'll go swap out epic skill focus for superior initiative and get up to +56.

And you can't beat me in this fight, I got a 60-something. :smalltongue:

2010-07-09, 02:07 PM

A somber looking man dressed in a black robe just raises an eyebrow at the dragon's roar. Behind him stands a large crystalline golem, that looks straight on at the creature without flinching. "Interest beast isn't it? How many do you suppose it would take? 6? 9?"

Initiative: [roll0]

2010-07-09, 02:36 PM
Let's skitter some nerve to start off. (Immediate action: Nerveskitter)


And indeed how about companions/cohorts/cohort companions and followers?

2010-07-09, 02:47 PM
Order is:

Prismatic Dragon

You guys can roll for your cohorts, and I'll edit them into the order. Or have them go on your turn. It's your choice.

2010-07-09, 02:48 PM
How far away from us is the dragon?

2010-07-09, 02:50 PM
600 feet. You guys get one turn to prepare, basically.

2010-07-09, 02:53 PM

Samantha reacts almost before the dragon roars, springing into action, then seeming to pause for a moment before streaking towards the beast and unleashing a flurry of strikes against its hide.

Standard Action-Use Time Stop SLA-[roll0]

Gonna have to make another post so I can see how many rounds of time stop I gets before I continue.

2010-07-09, 02:54 PM
You only got 2. Blahahahahahahahaha!

2010-07-09, 03:26 PM

Time Stop Round 1:
Standard Action: Use Divine Power SLA
Standard Action 2: Use Greater Blink SLA
Move Action: Fly 200 ft. towards the dragon
Swift Action: Activate Shadow Cloak Epic Destiny Feature

Time Stop Round 2:
Standard Action: Use Haste SLA
Standard Action 2: Use Greater Spell Immunity SLA (Prismatic Wall, Sunbeam, Sunburst, Disintegration, Dimensional Lock, Temporal Stasis)
Move Action: Fly 200 ft. towards the dragon
Swift Action: Be Awesome

Real Time Actions:
Move Action: Fly 200 ft. towards the dragon, tumbling if necessary (I can't fail the roll)
Free Action: Terror (DC 52 Will Save or be be affected as by a fear spell, yes I know it needs a natural 1, but it does affect things normally immune to fear).
Free Action: True Strike SLA
Standard Action 2: Full Attack (I ignore deflection bonuses to AC, and I have total concealment so I get an extra +2 to my attack rolls)

Main Hand:
Attack 1-[roll0]
Damage 1-[roll1]+1 Con+2 Negative Levels+[roll2]
Attack 2-[roll3]
Damage 2-[roll4]+1 Con+2 Negative Levels+[roll5]
Attack 3-[roll6]
Damage 3-[roll7]+1 Con+2 Negative Levels+[roll8]
Attack 4-[roll9]
Damage 4-[roll10]+1 Con+2 Negative Levels+[roll11]
Attack 5-[roll12]
Damage 5-[roll13]+1 Con+2 Negative Levels+[roll14]

Off Hand:
Attack 1-[roll15]
Damage 1-[roll16]+1 Con+2 Negative Levels+[roll17]
Attack 2-[roll18]
Damage 2-[roll19]+1 Con+2 Negative Levels+[roll20]
Attack 3-[roll21]
Damage 3-[roll22]+1 Con+2 Negative Levels+[roll23]
Attack 4-[roll24]
Damage 4-[roll25]+1 Con+2 Negative Levels+[roll26]
Attack 5-[roll27]
Damage 5-[roll28]+1 Con+2 Negative Levels+[roll29]

Bite 1-[roll30]
Bite Damage 1-[roll31]+1 Con +2 Negative Levels+[roll32]
Bite 2-[roll33]
Bite Damage 2-[roll34]+1 Con +2 Negative Levels+[roll35]

Crit confirmations (I threaten on a roll of 5 or higher assuming it hits in the first place)-
Main Hand:
Attack 1-[roll36]
Damage 1-[roll37]+1 Con+4 Negative Levels
Attack 2-[roll38]
Damage 2-[roll39]+1 Con+4 Negative Levels
Attack 3-[roll40]
Damage 3-[roll41]+1 Con+4 Negative Levels
Attack 4-[roll42]
Damage 4-[roll43]+1 Con+4 Negative Levels
Attack 5-[roll44]
Damage 5-[roll45]+1 Con+4 Negative Levels

Off Hand:
Attack 1-[roll46]
Damage 1-[roll47]+1 Con+4 Negative Levels
Attack 2-[roll48]
Damage 2-[roll49]+1 Con+4 Negative Levels
Attack 3-[roll50]
Damage 3-[roll51]+1 Con+4 Negative Levels
Attack 4-[roll52]
Damage 4-[roll53]+1 Con+4 Negative Levels]
Attack 5-[roll54]
Damage 5-[roll55]+1 Con+4 Negative Levels

Bite 1-[roll56]
Bite Damage 1-[roll57]+1 Con +4 Negative Levels
Bite 2-[roll58]
Bite Damage 2-[roll59]+1 Con +4 Negative Levels

For each negative level that he takes he takes the normal energy drain penalties except that instead of 5 HP he loses 19 and I gain 19 temporary hit points.

For Each Critical Hit he needs to make a DC 44 Fort save or die (unless he's immune to death effects, also the Gloom class says to add Dex and Int modifiers, I'm choosing to read that as a typo and only applying my Dex modifier to the DC to avoid having a DC 60 save or die).

Free Action (x4): Teleport 30 ft. straight up (120 ft. total)

Edit: I only needed two mwahahahahahaha.

2010-07-09, 03:32 PM
((Wait, how're you getting an attack off? You used Time Stop SLA ...))

2010-07-09, 03:32 PM
None of those hit. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Edit: Wait, tell me how many crits you got.

2010-07-09, 03:34 PM
Check again, I ignore his deflection bonus to AC, so I'm targeting a 79 AC.

I'm getting the attack off due to Blitz letting me full attack as a standard action and Gloom Speed giving me an extra partial action each round.

2010-07-09, 03:35 PM
Alright, tally up damage and all that for me, I'll make the rolls once I know how many crits you got, and will see what happens.

Also, do you have epic weapons?

2010-07-09, 03:41 PM
Alright, 1 Attack hit (it was a crit though), so he takes 375 damage, 1 Con Damage, 4 Negative levels (resulting in another 56 HP lost for a total of 431, in addition to -4 to skill and ability checks, attack rolls and saving throws)

He needs to make 1 Fort Save Vs. Death (DC 44), 1 Fort Save Vs. Massive Damage (DC 15), and 1 Will Save Vs. Fear (DC 52)

2010-07-09, 03:53 PM
fort saves pass,

will save pass

2010-07-09, 04:57 PM
((So Ryuuk now?))

2010-07-09, 05:01 PM

Maurit's eyes open wide at the girls reaction. He watches her strikes and how she blinks away. He nods Good choice, you won't want to be near it.

"Vimes, take care of this, will you?"

In an instant, the golem is hundreds of feet away, surrounded by 9 glimmering giants. They all charge towards the dragon, like a single minded unit, Maurit snaps his fingers and then there's simply an earth shattering kaboom.

The man doesn't seem to have moved, and as quickly as it left, the golem is back behind its master, unscathed, if now only a bit dirtier and covered in dragon blood. "Good job."



Swift - Shared Extended Temporal Acceleration (11+4+4) for 3 Rounds
--Standard - Shared Vigor (25) (125 Temp hp to me and my psicrystal)
--Move - Shared Dimension Door to 5ft from the dragon (13)
--Swift - Overchannel + Improved Overchannel Astral Construct (29 from Crown, 7d8 damage)
--Standard - Schism (7)
--Swift - Overchannel + Improved Overchannel Astral Construct (29 from Crown, 7d8 damage)
--Standard - Delayed Empowered Overchannel Crystal Swarm (28d4*1.5)
--Swift - Overchannel + Improved Overchannel Astral Construct (29 from Crown, 7d8 damage)
--Move - Dimension Door to 200ft from the dragon (13)
Cunning Surge Standard - Activate Delayed Power
Standard - Extended Timeless Body
Free - Snap my fingers
Move - Dimension Door (13) my Psicrystal back once the attacks are done


Swift - Activate Hearseakers Amulet, next attack is a touch attack, he already ignores deflection
Full - War Master's Charge, all Constructs act

Constructs (9)

War Masters Charge makes them pounce (3 Claws, +25 on the attack, +25 damage)
Full attack (3 Claws, +25)
Extra Standard - Smite (1 Claw. +25, +40 Damage)
Free - Breath Weapon, they kill each other and deal 9 20d6 Sonic breaths, reflex half
Free - Kaboom, 9 40d6 Force Explosions, assuming reflex half


Maurit's HP: 255+125-[roll0]/2
Vimes HP: 202+125-(the same damage Maurit took)

Crystal Swarm: [roll]28d4[roll]*1.5, no Save or SR

Vimes's War Master's Charge
Attack: [roll1] Touch, Ignores Deflection
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] No DR
Crit Damage: [roll4]

Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+69[roll] Bypass Epic
Breath [roll5] Sonic, DC 30 Reflex Half
Repulsion [roll6] Force, assuming DC 30 Reflex Half

Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+69[roll] Bypass Epic
Breath [roll7] Sonic, DC 30 Reflex Half
Repulsion [roll8] Force, assuming DC 30 Reflex Half

Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+69[roll] Bypass Epic
Breath [roll9] Sonic, DC 30 Reflex Half
Repulsion [roll10] Force, assuming DC 30 Reflex Half

Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+69[roll] Bypass Epic
Breath [roll11] Sonic, DC 30 Reflex Half
Repulsion [roll12] Force, assuming DC 30 Reflex Half

Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+69[roll] Bypass Epic
Breath [roll13] Sonic, DC 30 Reflex Half
Repulsion [roll14] Force, assuming DC 30 Reflex Half

Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+69[roll] Bypass Epic
Breath [roll15] Sonic, DC 30 Reflex Half
Repulsion [roll16] Force, assuming DC 30 Reflex Half

Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+69[roll] Bypass Epic
Breath [roll17] Sonic, DC 30 Reflex Half
Repulsion [roll18] Force, assuming DC 30 Reflex Half

Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+69[roll] Bypass Epic
Breath [roll19] Sonic, DC 30 Reflex Half
Repulsion [roll20] Force, assuming DC 30 Reflex Half

Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+54[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+29[roll] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll]1d20+83[roll] for [roll]4d10+69[roll] Bypass Epic
Breath [roll21] Sonic, DC 30 Reflex Half
Repulsion [roll22] Force, assuming DC 30 Reflex Half

2010-07-09, 05:05 PM
(Sorry, fixing the rolls that screwed up)

Crystal Swarm [roll0]*1.5 no Save or SR

Claw [roll1] for [roll2] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll3] for [roll4] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll5] for [roll6] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll7] for [roll8] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll9] for [roll10] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll11] for [roll12] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll13] for [roll14] Bypass Epic

Claw [roll15] for [roll16] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll17] for [roll18] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll19] for [roll20] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll21] for [roll22] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll23] for [roll24] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll25] for [roll26] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll27] for [roll28] Bypass Epic

Claw [roll29] for [roll30] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll31] for [roll32] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll33] for [roll34] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll35] for [roll36] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll37] for [roll38] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll39] for [roll40] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll41] for [roll42] Bypass Epic

Claw [roll43] for [roll44] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll45] for [roll46] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll47] for [roll48] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll49] for [roll50] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll51] for [roll52] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll53] for [roll54] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll55] for [roll56] Bypass Epic

Claw [roll57] for [roll58] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll59] for [roll60] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll61] for [roll62] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll63] for [roll64] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll65] for [roll66] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll67] for [roll68] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll69] for [roll70] Bypass Epic

Claw [roll71] for [roll72] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll73] for [roll74] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll75] for [roll76] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll77] for [roll78] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll79] for [roll80] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll81] for [roll82] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll83] for [roll84] Bypass Epic

Claw [roll85] for [roll86] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll87] for [roll88] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll89] for [roll90] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll91] for [roll92] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll93] for [roll94] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll95] for [roll96] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll97] for [roll98] Bypass Epic

Claw [roll99] for [roll100] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll101] for [roll102] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll103] for [roll104] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll105] for [roll106] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll107] for [roll108] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll109] for [roll110] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll111] for [roll112] Bypass Epic

Claw [roll113] for [roll114] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll115] for [roll116] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll117] for [roll118] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll119] for [roll120] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll121] for [roll122] Bypass Epic
Claw [roll123] for [roll124] Bypass Epic
Claw Smite [roll125] for [roll126] Bypass Epic

Results: Since this thing has an AC of 106, only a few of the attacks connected, and since all of the constructs had breath weapons and exploded, that thing's going to have to save a lot

For Sure Damage:
Psicrystal 150
Crystal Swarm 118
Constructs 70+65+50
= 453 damage

Requires a DC 30 Reflex Save:
60+62+79+61+67+71+67+73+72 = 612 Sonic Damage
Given that it can only fail on a natural 1, this would end up as 306 Sonic

May or May not require a save DC 30 Reflex Save:
The construct's Death Throes doesn't specify a save, but given that its home brew it might be in order
145+139+144+149+143+136+157+124+141 = 1278
As above, it'll make all of its saves except on a natural 1, so 639 Force

2010-07-09, 05:15 PM
((Assuming all saves are passed and those 3 crits are only for 2x, and only on a 20, you deal 1577 damage. :smalleek:))

2010-07-09, 05:18 PM
Please compile total damage. Thank you :P

You do realize it's still alive, right?

2010-07-09, 05:27 PM
Its at the bottom of the last page, yep, I know it's alive and probably quite mad, that's why I'm sitting behind a Timeless Body Shared with my Psicrystal, in case it survives everyone else's actions. I'll post it here again.

Results: Since this thing has an AC of 106, only a few of the attacks connected, and since all of the constructs had breath weapons and exploded, that thing's going to have to save a lot

For Sure Damage:
Psicrystal 150
Crystal Swarm 118
Constructs 70+65+50
= 453 Damage

Requires a DC 30 Reflex Save:
60+62+79+61+67+71+67+73+72 = 612 Sonic Damage
Given that it can only fail on a natural 1, this would end up as
= 306 Sonic Damage

May or May not require a save DC 30 Reflex Save:
The construct's Death Throes doesn't specify a save, but given that its home brew it might be in order
145+139+144+149+143+136+157+124+141 = 1278 Force Damage
As above, it'll make all of its saves except on a natural 1, so
= 639 Force Damage

2010-07-09, 05:31 PM
For the saves, y'a see?


Alright, so that is a save for each and every attack, I think. Let's see how many natural ones he got?

2010-07-09, 05:33 PM
A single one on the 9th save, so the last Sonic Breath weapon goes through full, +32 Sonic Damage

In the off chance the three 20's crit:

[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]

Nope, so that's a total of 1430 Damage

2010-07-09, 05:36 PM
So that's 1861 damage so far, I think.

I wonder what will happen next? Oh yeah, can you cast a quickened spell on an opponent's turn?

2010-07-09, 05:40 PM
No, casting a quickened spell is a swift action, which can only be taken on your turn.

The dragon can't even use immediate actions since it's flat footed, once it has acted it can use an immediate action spell on someone else's turn.

2010-07-09, 05:40 PM
So that's 1861 damage so far, I think.

I wonder what will happen next? Oh yeah, can you cast a quickened spell on an opponent's turn?

Nope, quickened makes it a swift action, you need immediate.

2010-07-09, 05:42 PM
Well... I don't think that the Dragon is going to survive...

2010-07-09, 05:45 PM
((Yeah, even if Rannil does nothing to it, I can kill it in my round. Everybody loves taking 20 touch attacks dealing 30+ damage each, 1 con damage each and pwning even harder on a crit.))

2010-07-09, 05:49 PM
Ryuuk had 6.5k potential damage. I think that he is the adamantium chain nuker.

2010-07-09, 05:50 PM
((That Con damage'll be what does it in, each 2 points of that will do more than double damage of what your base attack is doing.

Also, NecroticPunch-remember that (well for me at least, I can't speak for Ryuuk) I used 5 1/Day options in 1 round on this thing, so if it was a real adventure I'd probably have already used some or all of those and/or be trying to save some for the big bad.))

2010-07-09, 05:52 PM
((Oh yeah, no competition. Well, not unless I pull out my super special attack :smalltongue:

So, can we fight something else? :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: Assuming I get everything awesome I have off, and full crits, etc ... I can do 5040 damage, 40 con damage, 40 negative levels & gain 1640 temporary HP. O_O))

2010-07-09, 05:58 PM
Psh, I can do...


Damage every round. For that alone, I win.

2010-07-09, 06:00 PM
So yeah, another fight? Also, can we see what the dragon'd done on its round?

2010-07-09, 06:01 PM
Bragging that you can win when you're the DM is dumb. We know you can win whenever the hell you want to, we're not trying to beat you.

Also Niezck-each negative level only gives you 5 temp HP, not the full damage of the attack as temp HP.

2010-07-09, 06:04 PM
((Hmm, I ended up using 137/569 pp from my normal stock, just about 1/4th of my daily total, and all of my constructs cost 87/900 from my crown.))

((Anything with a Lower AC would have gotten destroyed though, all thanks to the Orichalcum Caste Exalted (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5823195) Granting my Psicrystal mastery over the White Raven discipline and Astral Construct Granting him all the troops he could ever need. Having the Constructs surround the Dragon, beat on it, and kamikaze with the Death Throes and a free action Breath Weapon was downright brutal though.))

2010-07-09, 06:05 PM
Bragging that you can win when you're the DM is dumb. We know you can win whenever the hell you want to, we're not trying to beat you.

Also Niezck-each negative level only gives you 5 temp HP, not the full damage of the attack as temp HP.

I'm talking about bodyfeeder, but I got it wrong about the stacking thing. I just get 1/2 damage as temp HP instead.

And it only lasts a minute. :smallfrown:

2010-07-09, 06:07 PM
Ah, well the temp HP from bodyfeeder doesn't stack with the temp hp from souldrinker (that's why I don't have body feeder, I get more temp HP from necrotic focus).

2010-07-09, 06:09 PM
Ah, well the temp HP from bodyfeeder doesn't stack with the temp hp from souldrinker (that's why I don't have body feeder, I get more temp HP from necrotic focus).

I don't have souldrinker :smallsmile:

Transmuting, Enervating, Bodyfeeder, Keen. Then +5 from GMW.

2010-07-09, 06:12 PM
Oh, okay. I don't know where I got that you had souldrinker from then.

2010-07-09, 06:54 PM
I'm sorry if I came across as looking like I was trying to prove being powerful. I wasn't. What do you guys want to fight next?

2010-07-09, 07:25 PM
Perhaps just 3-4 prismatic dragons? Fight should last a bit longer then, methinks.

2010-07-09, 07:29 PM
3-4 non-great worm prismatic dragons maybe, we don't stand a chance against 3 prismatic dragons going all out ('cause let's face it, the first one will die in the first round).

2010-07-09, 07:52 PM
I was thinking about doing something a bit different...