View Full Version : Of Blood and Ash.

2010-07-09, 09:16 PM
You remember them still, when the nights grow cold and the all too familiar darkness claws at the edges of your frail sanity, threatening to tear lose a resolve born of hate and decades of grim determination. Though it has been a scant score of years since that fateful day you find yourself lacking the happy memories of your younger days since for every happy memory you summon forth a dozen more spring to the forefront to cloud your mind, filling your vision with only nightmare. Oh you remember it clearly enough, vivid crimson sluggishly creeping down weathered skin the color of burnt silver, gently dripping from delicate feet to fall in a basin of ash meticulously cleared beneath the dessicated corpses of those you loved so much. You can remember the dread you felt then as you stood watching that too deep pool of coagulating crimson, body trembling as your still young mind desperately tried to process what had happened, clinging to the thought that it was all some twisted nightmare. Yet despite all the memories of that day what manages to shock your now more jaded mind the most is that despite through all the haze and rage you can no longer remember their faces. You recall only the blood, only the ash.

A fugitive you were then from your nightmares and from a law that sought your capture or death, believing then as they no doubt still do now that you and you alone were responsible for the death of your parents and immediate family, a bloody coup for possession of a smoldering, barren estate. And so you ran as you still do now, running from those that would see you brought to justice and though a score of years have ensured your crime is all but forgotten from the majority who would seek you there are other far more long lived creatures who roam the realm in the name of justice. It's saddening that their logic would even fathom that you, a young mer barely out of your first century would be capable of such evil and it baffled you for many years, but time has perhaps hardened your mind. So you run on the budget of a beggar, roaming from township to city and back again living on whatever scraps life throws at you while you search for old contacts of your parents and House. Hoping for even the most gossamer of threads in which to hang your hopes and for far too many years your endless roaming has brought nothing but frustration and anguish though despite all this a last thread of hope remains. With that last thread you find yourself crossing kingdoms through rain and snow and scorching heat, sleeping wherever the road allows while the name of that final hope rings heavily through your very being.

The name is Vern Hornshard of Twin Crossings and that is where you have come to find yourself now.

You smile as once again you find yourself competing with the local rats for lodging. A smile that quickly fades when you remember that you're slowly freezing to death, shivering violently as you desperately try to cover yourself with the threadbare scraps of your traveling cloak and cursing as freezing rain pummels you from above, cutting far deeper than any mere blade ever could. You lay on a thin cushion of grime covered straw and gods know what that has long since frozen atop the hard cobblestone of some shadowed alley deep within the city of Twin Crossings, surrounded by tall buildings made of stout logs and plaster and thank whatever high being that may be listening that at least you don't have to deal with the wind. Sighing deeply you look around the alley and ask yourself why you ever thought you could tough it out in such a place on a night like this while you run your hand over your rather light coin purse. While you may have been raised in a city or on a wagon train you have spent enough time on the road these past years to know that nights like this are lethal to those who find themselves lacking shelter and you have yet to spend enough time in Twin Crossings to get a grasp of how dangerous it is. Shivering you push yourself to your feet as you hear the sound of a stage coach roaring down a nearby street, the horse snorting in futile protestation as it trudges forth through the cold.

Poor or not, it's time to find yourself some shelter.

OOC:Ok. The first few posts wont move the plot by leaps and bounds but are more designed for me to get a feel on your play style and sort of ease into things.

The world is more is a bit steampunky but not blatantly so. Vancian magic is a bit on the low side in this world making you fairly standout and is replaced by magic fueled crafts and quasi-tech. Neither is exactly a dime a dozen but it does exist and is available.

Depending on what part of the world you're in cultures range from dark age to late medieval times which is where most of the world is. More traditional fantasy weapons and armor are still used regularly but are in the beginning stages of being phases out by cannons and guns and whatnot.

Guns are available and houseruled a bit. First of all all crossbows are simple weapons, including hand crossbows and repeating crossbows while pistols and muskets are martial weapons. The stats for the guns are on pg145 of the DMG but as they are guns you only have to make a touch attack to hit with a gun against non-magical armor. This makes them very potent and whatnot but hey, lets face it, guns are potent hence why they replaced swords.

Just sort of let me know what direction you want to go with things in your post with some inner thoughts and motivations and whatnot and we shall go from there.

Enjoy at own risk.(Ivellios (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=211943) and Ryver (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=224015) for ease of future reference.)

2010-07-12, 10:50 AM
Again, sorry for the lateness of my reply. I have been busy/AFK all weekend, and I didn't know this thread was even up until late last night. Seeing the impressive amount of text, I decided to wait until I was more alert and capable of understanding what I was reading. Thanks for being patient, and from now on I should be able to keep up with the one post a day.

Teeth chattering, Ivellios stumbles to the end of the alley and peers up and down the street. Blinking against the rain, he looks about for someone he can ask for directions, simultaneously searching for an inn or perhaps an unguarded warehouse. His preference is to find a place to stay that will accept him willingly, but he is not averse to breaking a lock or window to survive.

2010-07-12, 07:18 PM
You look about the darkened streets of Twin Crossings from the agape mouth of the alley, your home until only a scant moment ago when the chill of the night forced you to arise from your refuse pile. Broad avenues span east to west before you, their dark cobblestone accented by the light of a red moon that struggles so valiantly to shine her crimson glory through the heavy clouds and you cant help but start a moment of the urban beauty of it, crimson lacing through the shadow, blood strewn through the ash. The imagery hits you again as your mind reels, no matter where you go they haunt you as even the most casual splendors of nature seem to do naught but remind you of your self-sworn oaths, remind you why you are here. The wind picks up as you leave the protective walls of the alleyway, body shivering ever more violently as you trudge through the streets, to whatever comfort you may find.

The wind drives you east through winding, wind guarded streets lined with worn torches that have long since sent their last sparks dying into the night. The buildings slowly become more rundown, simple but well-built wooden structures replace the stone and plastered logs and the smell of refuse becomes all the more stronger. You spot through the streets a few sturdy warehouses and a few lit windows but nothing that would constitute an inn until you get to the river streets. It is here were you find your first signs of promise, a large warehouse crafted of stout stone blocks plastered to make it more difficult to reach the barred windows that dot its upper story. But you notice that no windows dot the lower story and it's door doesn't look too terribly complicated. Perhaps a bit too easy one would think but the warehouse is not your only option upon this boulevard. Further down the way you see the colored windows and hanging sign of an inn, though its too far to make out the sign or the name the bright blue light cast upon the red-bathed streets makes it a welcoming place for those suffering of a need to rid themselves of spare coin.

They are not the only options in all of Twin Crossings to be sure, but for now they are certainly the most immediately inviting.

OOC:Yeah, text walls might be a more common occurrence here than you're normally used to. They wont all be like this, but there will be quite a few so yeah... You'll adjust eventually, or die trying! :smalltongue:

Combat just makes it worse... maybe.

2010-07-12, 11:06 PM
Dreaming of sleeping once more on an actual bed, Ivellios hurries toward the inn, all the while hoping that they will allow him to stay. He knows his coin is as good as anyones, but he is quite filthy and unkempt from his travels, and even though the rain has helped a great deal in washing away the smell, he still gives off the pungent odor of stale sweat. He pauses briefly outside the inn, surveying the clientèle and the establishment in general.

I don't mind the text at all. It's refreshing to see a DM get so into the story and give that much detail, so keep it coming!

2010-07-13, 06:54 PM
You stand huddled before the glass window of the inn, elven eyes taking in a scene viewed through a miasma of blue. The inside of the tavern looks simple enough as simple tables and chairs, some rather makeshift, dot the room which looks fairly packed from this angle. It's fairly well lit by a center stone fire pit in the center of the main chamber while two wide iron chandeliers to the pits sides, illuminating the dark nooks and crannies. The clientele seem merry and you notice quite a bit of color in their garb, definitely not simple fisherman and the like tonight as the flash of instruments, pipes, cards and the occasional dagger as well as the friendly ways they seem to cheat each other suggest a troupe of some sort. The wind picks up and a foul smell fills your nose, its a smell that most resembles the mating of rotten fish and stale pipe-smoke and it is that sound coupled with that of leather dragging against stone that alerts you to the presence of someone behind you.

Sadly you feel cold steel press into your back before you can react.

You grimace at the feeling but are thankful that pain and blood do not immediately follow. A sickening snicker carried upon breath that smells like a sewer erupts behind you and the hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention as the metal object, most definitely blunt, is pushes further into your back. "Hello there boyo." comes the deep, putrid sounding voice of whatever man-thing is behind you as you feel a hand grab your belt, no doubt intending to ease you of your material burdens. "Now just be nice an' still and this'll be all over in a jiffy." Just barely out of your alley and already getting mugged.

Welcome to Twin Crossings.

2010-07-13, 10:51 PM
Suddenly, the world takes on a sharp focus and Ivellios feels his mind stir for the first time in weeks. He moves his hands away from his body and raises them slightly, as though in surrender. Turning his head slowly, he tries to make eye contact with the would-be mugger and appraises him coldly. With a voice surprisingly warm and soft coming from such a cold and world-weary wanderer, he says, "Surely you wouldn't deprive a poor traveler of his last few coppers. Perhaps we could reach another agreement that would be more beneficial for both of us."


2010-07-14, 03:59 PM
The blunt object pushes farther into your back as you try to turn around, making it very plain that to continue to do so would not the be brightest decision you could make tonight and even as you speak his hands are roaming over your waist, searching for anything of value. "Perhaps we could reach another agreement." he says, mocking your words as his hands find your purse and after a simple pat curses. "Bah, ya weren't lyin' about bein' down to yer last bit of coin that's fer sure." he says, releasing a long, drawn out sigh that brings the lovely fragrance of his foul breath upon the wind. At this point he places a hand on your shoulder and while he wouldn't allow you to turn around before now he prompts you to do so.

The would be mugger is a massive man weighing twice your own weight in stones you would venture to guess while his tall, blocky frame stands adorned in some of the oddest clothing you've seen yet. A black riding coat that is far too small clings to the mans frame, doing little to conceal the broadsword at his hip or the garish violet shirt and green and yellow plaid breeches the man is wearing. As your eyes continue to take the thug in you notice that the thing that was shoving into your back is a very old and very worn musket, probably a hundred years old if it's a day as it still sports a clunky wheel lock design and while once a beautiful piece at one point it is now no more than a rusty head of fiery death. The mans crude and blocky features as well as a rather pronounced jaw lead you to assume that he has perhaps a bit too much Orc blood in him for comfort but oddly enough he is smiling rather broadly, clearly the amused mugger.

"Well I may be a bit o' a bastard boyo but I ain't gonna rob a beggar of his last coins." he states as he places the crude gun into his waist. He gives you a look over and grimaces at your appearance before looking over your shoulder to the window of the inn and the scene beyond. He sighs and shakes his head, reaching out to pat you on the shoulder before walking past you. As he passes you he seems to roll his eyes at nothing before stating simply. "Oh come in ya overgrown urchin, i'll buy ya a drink if ya don't go runnin' and makin' a fuss."

(Yeah, a human with some Orc blood... and he has Dakka? :smallconfused: Ah the little things you notice after-the-fact.)

2010-07-14, 04:43 PM
"Oh, you needn't worry about me making a fuss," replies Ivelios as he relaxes slightly. "I've dealt with far too many, ah, forceful entrepreneurs such as yourself to get too worked up over one more. Yes, a drink sounds wonderful."

With that, he follows the mugger into the tavern, pausing a moment on the threshold to savor the dry warmth. Sighing with obvious pleasure, he then walks with his new friend to the bar and orders an ale. His order placed, he turns to the enormous man and says, "You know, if you were trying to do...business with the likes of me on a night like this, you must not be having the best of luck yourself. Are you from around here, or are you just passing through?"

2010-07-14, 06:57 PM
The odd looking mugger opens the door to the inn and warm air laced heavily with the scents of smoke and alcohol hit you square in the face, filling you with feelings of familiarity and perhaps longing for the days when such inns lay at the end of a hard day of trading. Inside music fills your ears but it is not the music of some paid minstrel but instead the music of those singing joyously, haphazardly accompanied by all manner of strings and pipes from those obviously to drunk to truly play them properly. The chamber is warmly lit and the clash of colors from the patrons as well as some fairly garish wall hangings make you squint your eyes for a second, a stark contrast indeed from the cold and dark of the streets. You notice that while there are many tables in all shapes and sizes that most of them are full while those that aren't have at least two other people seated at them and the long bar is full as well, looks like you'll be sharing a table with someone other than smelly man before you. "Have a sitdown where ya please boyo. I'll be there in a jiffy with summa the ol' river milk for ya." he says as he makes his way to the rather crowded bar, leaving you to find a place to sit in the chaos. Apparently you weren't the only man of the street looking to get out of the weather tonight for while not numerous there are a couple others who look as down trodden as you do at the outskirts of the tables, spectators looking in at the goings on, outsiders even here.

You look about the chamber for a table with a couple of empty seats for yourself and your new-found acquaintance but it proves a bit more difficult than one would expect since for the most part whatever table that does have a couple of empty seats usually has at least one other inhabitant who looks at you with murder in their eyes if you so much as get to close. Though you are in luck for shortly after the search begins you spot a table towards the wall farthest from the door in which a couple of women happen to be sitting and as you approach cant help but take them in. One is human, dressed in simple loose clothing the color of earth with sun kissed skin and hair the color of reddened leather and eyes the color of fresh spring leaves. The other woman sitting at the table is a trifle more exotic, an unusually tall elf with skin the color of ivory, long hair the color of ice, and eyes the color of the sea. Her sharp features are softened only slightly hinting that there is perhaps some human or other blood running in her veins and she dresses oddly as her "shirt" appears to be a single piece of blue silk wrapped about her torso like an exotic bandage while her leggings and boots appear to be made of leather and fine scales. The oddly dressed woman sees you heading towards the table and takes out a pipe of all things, lighting it and smiling as you approach.

"A young street rat come to sit at my table?" she asks when you are near enough, her voice every bit as thick and perfumed as the sweet cherry smoke that escapes her pipe and she holds your gaze for a moment before nodding to one of the empty seats across the table. "Take a seat then if you're so inclined little street rat, as long as you have a story to tell."

(Don't forget to bolden or color all your speech A.S., the second paragraph stuff isn't done properly.)

2010-07-14, 07:56 PM
The human with the "sun kissed skin and hair the color of reddened leather and eyes the color of fresh spring leaves" smiles a bit to herself as she sees the street rat. Hopefully this one would be entertaining. It was so hard to find interesting people these days...

Ryver would chuckle a bit, but figures that it's not her place to. Instead, she looks over the young elf, judging him, as she takes out a worn deck of cards, shuffling them with practiced ease. If he's observant enough, he may see the cards shimmer as she touches them individually.

Let's see what Fortuna brings... she thinks to herself.

Meet Ryver, my character. :smallbiggrin:

She's a Gypsy priestess (Cleric/Monk) and follows Fortuna, Goddess of Luck (Roman Goddess, but I'm using her anyways).

Careful not to get her angry, she curses. :smallwink:

2010-07-15, 09:48 AM
"Good evening to you both," Ivellios says, with a courteous nod at both. "I don't mean to intrude, but it appears that most of the other seats are occupied. If it pleases you, I would join you at your table and share in your company."

He pauses momentarily as his mind slowly recalls what is to be done when in the company of others. It has been a long time since he has shared in anyone's company.

If they allow him to join them:
"I thank you for your kindness. It is nice to find that there are still those that wouldn't begrudge a weary traveler a place to sit. So, how does this evening find you both?"

If they don't:
"May you find the evening pleasant," he replies. Though his tone is warm enough, none of the warmth reaches his eyes. He moves on to another table and begins to look around for the man who is buying his drink.

Sorry about the earlier formatting. I thought I had done it, but obviously I forgot. From now on I'll post in gray.

On another note, perhaps we could agree on the power level. Ivellios is generated using a 32 point buy, while Ryver seems to be somewhere in the vicinity of 55 point buy. I have no problem adjusting my scores, but I'd rather there wasn't such an enormous disparity in power levels. Thoughts?

2010-07-16, 03:07 PM
The pale beauty takes a long drag on her pipe, seeming to savor the apple scented smoke for a long moment before turning her attention back to the rather filthy elven man before her. Eyes the color of a freezing ocean seem to stab into your own and the smile spread broad across her face becomes a bit lopsided as she places her boot upon the chair opposite her, pushing it out for Ivellios. "I don't believe I stuttered little street rat, for I said to sit at your own inclination." She takes a moment to take another lazy puff of her pipe as well as a small drink from a rather large wooden stein, all the while not breaking her eye contact with you. "So long as you have a story to tell. Now sit and when your friend gets back you can wet your throat and tell me your story little street rat. Because underneath that filth you're no street rat at all."

2010-07-16, 03:38 PM
Ryver nods slightly and lays out a few cards on the table, face up. They appear to be normal playing cards. A Nine of Clubs, an Ace of Clubs, a Nine of Spades and an Ace of Spades. The fifth is of a wheel, a woman holding it, winking. When Fortuna's signature hand is laid out on the table, she smiles mysteriously. "I am fine zis night, and do not mind me, for I am a guest at zis table as well." she says in her husky voice, dripping in her strange accent. The Gypsy waves her hand over the cards, picking each one up without seeming to touch them before shuffling them back into her deck and into a small pocket sewn into her clothing above her heart.

2010-07-16, 09:41 PM
"I apologize for my inattentiveness. It has been...a rather long night," replies Ivellios as he pulls out a chair and sits. "As for stories, I'm not sure that the kind I have to tell are the kind you would like to hear."

He flashes a sad smile at both of the women, and then finishes. "Stories involving me don't tend to have happy endings. However, if you are set on hearing a tale, I do have many to tell that are colorful and interesting as long as you don't have your heart set on the protagonist living happily ever after."

2010-07-17, 02:29 PM
"Real stories rarely have happy endings don't they?" she says, glancing over at the woman seated next to her as she sighs, "And darling you truly do have the worst accent I have ever heard. Sound it all out more a bit, really work on the exoticism." She takes another drag from her pipe, smiling from teasing the girl next her as her gaze once again settles on Ivellios. "What are your names? If we're to be each others companions, even for a night, I think we should at least know that about each other yes?" She stands up then in one graceful movement and takes a little bow and as you see her fully extended you note that she is six and a half feet tall if she's an inch, quite odd for an elf. "I'll start then. I am Talaitha of the northern glades, a liar, a cheat, a Bard, and a sometimes thief. And you are?" After her announcement, not really out of place considering all the gambling and cheating happening around the chamber, she takes a seat once again, eyes moving towards Ivellios and Ryver.

It is then that the large, brute of a man comes back from the bar, throwing a rather grimy looking stein in front of Ivellios that smells strongly of grain alcohol before plopping down rather hard in the seat next to the dirty elf, causing the wood to protest creakily. "Bit slower than a jiffy my boyo but I came through all right." The large man takes a look about the table and seeing the two women smiles broadly, showcasing his graveyard smile as he takes off his hat, allowing greasy ginger hair to fall about his simple, beady eyes. "And I'll be goin' first on the whole name thing eh? They call me Crocka, don' ask me why me loves. Just a name I've been saddled with fer all me years on the street." After Crocka's declaration he takes a deep swig from his stein, shivering violently as he slams it back down upon the table, sour look upon his face alerting that it may not be the best tasting thing you've ever tasted.

2010-07-17, 03:24 PM
Ryver smiles at the woman a bit. "Hyu may call me Ryver." She says as her nose wrinkles a bit at the stench of the drink. "I haff been many things, but in all, I am a Gypsy Priestess and servant ov My Lady Fortuna." Her smile turns into a bit of a wry smirk as she looks at Crocka. "And I am sure zat iz ze only thing hyu haff been saddled with." Her tone is mocking, but far from serious.

2010-07-17, 04:35 PM
"I am simply Ivellios the wanderer," replies the elf, taking a small sip of the ale and then grimacing. "I have been to many places and done many things, and through it all that is the one thing I may still claim as my own. My specialty lies in remaining alive, though sometimes this ability is as much a curse as a blessing."

2010-07-17, 08:52 PM
Crocka laughs deeply at Ryver's comment, nearly choking on the thick brew he drank a scant moment before. Regaining himself he shakes his massive head and smiles at the priestess. "Yer Goddess be a right nasty little girl at times priestess, but I guess I'd rather have her looking out fer me instead of some prissy little boyo." He takes another drink after he speaks and leans back, causing his rickety chair to creak and groan in protest, poor thing is no doubt on its last legs as it is without some big oaf reclining on it. After a loud belch he shakes his head once more at the priestess before shrugging and staying quiet, letting the others at the table have the floor as it were while continuing to drink from his stein.

While Crocka drinks Talaitha keep looking at Ivellios with a rather cross expression on her face and she lifts her hand to curl her fingers through her ivory hair for a moment, puffing away on her pipe as she does so. "I'm growing very cross with you young Master Ivellios." she says simply, placing her pipe on the table she sits up straight, looking down at the rather short gray elf. "I find myself still waiting for payment young sir and while I am patient the night is not. May I have that story to serve as toll for that chair or not?" She takes her pipe and turns it upside down, gently rapping it against the table so that the smoldering, apple scented ash falls in a small pile upon the table. And even as she places the pipe into a small pouch upon her waist she doesn't stop looking at you, intent to get her story it would seem.

2010-07-18, 09:31 AM
Ivellios frowns in concentration for a moment, staring into his mug. Then, he raises his head and smiles at each of his audience members. "As our story begins, our handsome protagonist finds himself in the port city of Caleeya. Here, he quickly found himself enthralled with the beauty and wit of a local seamstress, and he soon found himself employment at a nearby shop so he could be close to her. As their courtship progressed..."

The story continues for twenty minutes or so as Ivellios describes the colorful courtship of Ivellios and Lorwena, and the passionate and wonderful love he had shared with the elf seamstress. He went into the plans they held for the future: the children they planned to raise, the home they planned to build, and the love they intended to share.

"...but alas, the stars had other plans for our lovers. Ivellios, in his dealings in Caleeya had trodden on some rather important toes, and he was forced to flee the city," here he pauses, and his eyes gain a distant, glazed look, "without his love."

Slowly, his eyes regain their former sharpness. "Will that be sufficient payment, or will further installments be required?"

2010-07-18, 10:29 AM
Ryver gives a sly smile to Crocka before settling her eyes on the young elf. She toys idly with a gold bracelet on her left wrist as she listens to his story. She has heard many of the like before, of love found and love lost. It was an old story, and one that would be repeated countless times before the end of days. She gives a toying smile at the elf when he asks his question. "Perhaps, perhaps not. But a tale that iz not finished, iz hardly a tale at all..."

2010-07-18, 11:13 AM
"Alas, I would tell the end to the tale if I knew it, but that part is not yet written," replies Ivellios, his eyes again taking on a partially glazed look. "But enough about that. Perhaps one of you has a tale to help pass the night?"

2010-07-18, 01:11 PM
Ryver leans back in her chair, looking ponderous. "I haff one." She reaches into her pocket for her cards, shuffling their seemingly shimmering surfaces slowly in her sensuous hands (Yay! Alliteration! :smalltongue: ). "I used to be part ov a Caravan. A few weeks back, we had taken in a small child. No more than twelve years ov age. We fed and clothed him, but he vould not speak." She shakes her head sadly and continues to shuffle. It seems to be a bit of a nervous tic of hers. "Three days after, the first people started vanishing. One by one, every few hours, someone else would go missing. It waz not too hard to figure out, but even after a few of the...less forgiving killed ze boy, it continued." She sighs tiredly and puts the cards away. "It waz when we finally searched through the belongings ov the child when we found it."

At the moment, she looks much more tired and in need of a drink. "It appeared to only be a small doll, one ov a bear, one zat hyu'd give to any child. There were only a dozen ov us left by that time, and none ov us thought anything ov it. But then it...changed when found. Becoming a hideous beast. It had ze head ov a lion, claws ov a bear and fangz zat vould rend ze flesh off ov any living thing." She reaches across to try and take Crocka's drink for herself. If she gets it, she'll take a long gulp of it without batting an eye. "It killed half ov us before ve finally put it down, tearing it's limbs off and burning it's body. Afterwards, ve went our separate ways and I ended up here, giving drinks to my fallen friendz."

2010-07-18, 05:18 PM
The table goes quiet as the two tell their tales, spinning stories of distant love now lost as well as the deaths of friends once held dear. When the two finish their respective stories they find that many in the massive chamber have began to leave, their numbers thinning as they either head through a door in the back, no doubt to their rooms, or out the front door and into the cold. Crocka unleashes a massive yawn, spilling forth his putrid breath that smells so strongly of sewage and alcohol as he rubs his watery eyes, before shaking his head a bit. "Those were right fine stories alright but ya cant blame a man of being a bit tired after a long day of thievin' can ya?" He begins to stand up, patting Ivellios hard on the shoulder as he does so but stays at the table for a moment, grinning at the girls briefly before placing his rather rumpled hat upon his greasy ginger hair. "Well g'night and g'luck ladies and gent." And with that he turns and begins to head to the door, heading towards the cold night beyond.

Talaitha simply rests her chin in her palm as she has since the stories truly began in earnest, eyes showing no hints of exhaustion or even enjoyment of the stories she heard, only an odd chill. She smiles a small smile that isn't reflected in her eyes at all as she sits up straight once more, lifting her arms above her head to lazily stretch before folding them over her chest to gaze upon the two remaining at her table. "Good stories one and all I'd say but I have to ask. Why are you here in Twin Crossings? Not really a haven for those wandering about for this reason or that, especially in winter."

2010-07-18, 07:34 PM
Ivellios smiles and shrugs before replying, "It is here. For me, one settlement is as good as the next. The fact that it is an unlikely destination for travelers is an unintended bonus. I have had, shall we say, a disagreement with the law enforcement of another region, and I am hoping to give them time to cool off before we meet again. Weather permitting, I don't think I will be staying in this wonderful place for any longer than I have to." He raises an eyebrow at Talaitha. "And what of you, Talaitha of the northern glades? What has brought one such as yourself to this city?"

2010-07-18, 09:50 PM
Ryver smiles a bit, glad to have gotten the dark tale out. "I am a mere wanderer without ze caravan. So zis place iz as good as any. And I do believe the young elf is right. Hyu have yet to tell us a thing."

2010-07-19, 04:58 PM
Talaitha's smile fades for a moment, lost in thought one would presume as her left hand gently strokes her right arm, index finger tracing little patterns upon the milk white flesh. This goes on for only a moment before she unfolds her arms, resting her right hand upon the stock of her rather ornate pistol while the other rests upon the equally gilded and bejeweled rapier on her left hip. It isn't a threatening gesture you would think as her fingers now gently stroke the jewels embedded in each of the weapons instead of the flesh of her arm. "That is true but now that I think on it I really don't know what to tell you I'm afraid. I can't start from the beginning you see or we would sit here until Ryver was a crone." She presses her lips together and jerks her head to the side, sending her white hair flying over her shoulder as her gaze is once again settled upon Ivellios.

"But you're right. It wouldn't be fair at all if I didn't tell you something so I'll tell you this. I am of the north and am no Elf, though I share many of their features. I have been... many things in my life, few of them savory but for now I am a collector of stories and have been for some time." She rolls her eyes to the right, taking in the young gypsy for a moment, not wanting to exclude her. "One thing my years of traveling and collecting tales has done is given me... instincts and right now my instincts tell me that you two are worth collecting as it were. The other thing they taught me was the power of perception. You my little street rat carry yourself well, speak well, and were completely unaware of that brute stealing your coin purse as he got up to leave, as were you Ryver. You're new to the roads in a sense but yet I sit here wondering what the fruit of your potential will bring." She puts on her most disarming smile, which is fairly easy from one as beautiful as she, as her gaze once again settles back on Ivellios. "So I think I'll accompany you for a bit if you would have me, or even if you wouldn't really. There is no place you can go where I cannot follow. But I can only follow if I know what you pursue." Her dazzling smile has faded a bit into a smirk at this point though a playful one as she watches the both of you, reading your reactions.

2010-07-19, 10:59 PM
Almost absentmindedly, Ivellios feels his belt where the coin purse once hung to confirm its absence. Just as indifferently, he drops the hand back to his lap. Considering Talaitha, he addresses the tall woman in a businesslike tone, "If you provide me with a room for tonight and perhaps something warm for breakfast on the morrow, you have yourself a deal. As I mentioned earlier, I was hoping to leave Twin Crossings in the near future. And as I also mentioned, I have dealings in Calaya that must be attended to at one point or another. With a few companions to share the road with, I believe that the time has come for me to attend to it." He raises his eyebrows at each woman in turn. "I will not hide the fact that I am a fugitive from Calayan law, and though it has been several years since I left, they may still be searching for me. That said, I would be overjoyed to have you accompany me. Provided, of course, that you are willing to risk travelling with a marked man."

2010-07-20, 12:05 AM
Ryver snorts in amusement. "As I haff zed, I am Gypsy. I haff no love ov ze law." She then smiles and pulls out a card at random from her pocket, the one of Fortuna smiling. "I think I vill go with hyu. I haff nothing better to do." She puts the card away. "But yez, tomorrow vould be a better time."

2010-07-21, 07:14 PM
Talaitha listens to the dual statements with a bemused smile and while gently caressing the handles of her weapons her smile slowly turns somber as they come to a close. She nods her head once and looks about the increasingly empty chamber for a long moment, her mane of winter hair cascading about her shoulders as her gaze flutters to and fro. Finally after sighing rather dramatically she turns her attention once again to the two guests at her table before shrugging slightly. "I think that the rooms are sold out for the night my little street rat. Winter nights in Twin Crossings bring all manner of living refuse out of the gutters, scurrying to the warm rooms of whatever dwelling would have them, all their daily toils working towards this one lofty goal. Though fear not..." She says as a wicked grin spreads wide upon her features, eyes lit up as she looks at the two of you. "... for I do have a room at this most fine and noble establishment. One I would be willing to share with my new found... compatriots." Her wicked and playful look remains splayed across her beautifully snowy features after she finishes, leaving you no doubt wondering what is going through her mind during such a suggestion. "Though if you find my offer wanting I'm sure the patron of this fine establishment would let you sleep in this chamber for only a few coppers, though I wouldn't bet on having much of your meager belongings intact when dawn whispers its first light upon your brows."

And so you have choice. Take Talaitha up on her offer and have you all share a room, or seek some other sort of accommodation.

(Sorry for missing yesterdays post, sickness trumps purple prose every time. :smallfrown: )

More OOC:
Also, since in my meager dealings with PbP games the times to award XP have always been a little shaky. I'll state simply it will be awarded when objectives are complete rather than right after you cause massive bloodsplosions or the like. Also I give out bonuses at other times as well. Mainly to award creativity in any situation and sometimes a small bonus each time we enter a new phase of the plot. XP will be awarded in spoilers labeled simply as XP: so look out for them. Ill only be checking your sheets to see if you have the proper amount occasionally, I trust you to keep accurate records... OR ELSE!!! :smalltongue:

2010-07-21, 10:12 PM
Ryver gives a warm and throaty chuckle. "I haff heard that line from many peoples." She gives Talaitha a coy smirk before nodding, her slightly curled hair bobbing with her head. She grins and looks back at the woman. "But I think I vill accept ze offer zis time. It vould be a first. Congratulations." She was used to living in caravan wagons, sharing a bed with one, or even two people was nothing new to her.

2010-07-21, 10:44 PM
Ivellios considers the proposal for a moment before speaking. "Well, I suppose a somewhat known quantity would be safer than risking my belongings to whoever happens through. Thank you kindly for your offer. If space is an issue, a comfortable corner to trance in is just as acceptable as a bed."

How dare you get sick?! :smalltongue: I hope you feel better soon!

2010-07-22, 08:44 PM
Talaitha continues to grin wickedly as the young Romani speaks, reaching over to pat the young woman gently on the leg after. "Now that's a good girl. I'm pleased you're so ready to accept my... hospitality." She stops speaking for a moment as her mouth is ripped wide by a rather exaggerated yawn while she quickly moves to cover a mouth as pale as the rest of her though slightly bluish in color. Shaking her head towards the end of the spectacle her cold blue eyes begin to water before she continues. "I do have one demand though before we continue my little urchins and that is simply that the little rat bathe once we reach my humble parlor. After all we can't have such a filthy mer in the company of those as statuesque as us two ladies." Standing up after her announcement she stretches her legs and as she does so you get your first real glance at the strange woman's figure and find that you were right in your original assessment that she stands a tad taller than six and a half feet. Lithe form seeming to uncoil she looks down at Ivellios for a moment, arching an eyebrow sarcastically as she sniffs the air. "If you deem that acceptable then come along. If not then the luck of Fortuna herself save you." At this point she crosses the short distance between your table and the back door in only a couple of steps before disappearing into the staircase beyond.

Before you have a chance to truly follow though the sound of a heavy, shuffling gait is heard behind Ivellios as the inn keeper approaches the table, collecting the simple wooden steins. He is a rather tall and portly man with grease caked skin and a rather ruddy complexion, his fat and ill shaped lips topped with perhaps one of the most impressively bushy mustaches that has ever graced your vision. The man glances towards the back door for a second before he he lifts a meaty hand to scratch at his forehead, sending flakes of dead skin to float upon the air like odd snowflakes. "Been doin' this for more winters than I care ta remember. But ya friend there be the strangest one ta sip upon me milk I think." His voice is thick and grumbly and after he says his little piece he simply takes the steins and begins to walk off though as he rounds the bar he spouts off one final thing. "Be careful here. Don' need more mess ta clean."

XP:+100xp for getting past the first forum page hump! One down, a whole lot more to go. :smalleek:

2010-07-22, 09:46 PM
Ivellios nods at the barkeep before replying to Talaitha, "A bath would be wonderful. It has been far too long since I have washed using anything other than the rain."

2010-07-23, 02:36 AM
Ryver chuckles and nods. "Yez, he does need a bath." She stands and stretches. "And so do I. It haz been a while." As she pops her shoulders, she listens to the man. "Hyu do not need to worry. Ve will be fine, I am sure ov it." With that, she goes to follow Talaitha up to the room, taking her small bag with her.

2010-07-23, 10:43 PM
You enter into the back room which consists of a tight spiral staircase leading up to the floor above while beyond is a long, narrow hallway lined with doors and it is at one of doors further back where you find Talaitha standing. Leaning against a door frame just a scant couple of inches taller than herself. She has her pipe placed in her mouth once again, seeming to gently chew on it as she stuffs if full of a rather colorful and fragrant mixture of herbs as she seems to be pondering something. The well worn floors creak loudly with each little shift in your body weight as you step into the hall proper, the unnerving sound sending tremors down your spine for a brief moment before you no doubt move towards your newly acquired room. Talaitha looks at you as you approach and with a gentle tap from what appears to be a piece of flint her pipe is once again alight, sending that sickly sweet smoke into your nostrils once more. "Well nice to see you all here, even after our dear hosts dire warning." she chides as she gently tucks her right hand underneath the violet silk wraps that serve as her shirt and after a moment of her hands roaming she smirks, withdrawing a hand that now clutches a rather simple iron key. "So without further ado my most gracious audience I present our chamber." And with a bit of flourish she unlocks and pushes open the door, stepping into the lit room beyond.

The room is rather small, some ten by fifteen feet at the very most with a dingy looking pile of straw at the far corner covered with a thick bedroll that makes it seem to serve as a bed while the other corner holds a rather small tub full of no doubt cold water as well as a small table holding a wash basin and a few linen rags. Talaitha stops in the center of the room and turns quickly, sending her hair and belongings fluttering about her as she now comes to face the two adventures before giving a rather dramatic bow. "It isn't much but it..." she pauses to think for the briefest of seconds before she gives a slight shrug. "Well it isn't much. Lets get cozy shall we?" One of the things that do stand out once you actually enter the room is the pile of Talaitha's belongings. They consist of a doe-skin backpack that seems full of all manner of odd shaped items but that isn't what draws your eye the most by far. Leaning against the wall near the 'bed' is what appears to be a wide belt with three dark iron cases on it's backside fitted with thick, ugly bronze runes as well as a broad bandoleer. The bandoleer is fitted with all manner of oddly shaped and runed ammunition, archaic cartridged bullets no doubt designed to fit the rather elaborate pistol at her waist and even shocking still is that on the back of the bandoleer is a massive case made of the same dark iron as those on the back of the belt. The tubular case is over six feet long, no doubt almost as tall as Talaitha herself and covered in thick bronze runes that smell of smoldering lead. Perhaps not the most comfortable of bedfellows after all, but you cant help but think of the strength she must have to lug so much weight around.

(V: Sleep is for the weak!)

2010-07-23, 11:01 PM
"Well, shelter is shelter, and as long as it keeps out the rain, I don't mind one bit. Now, if you'll excuse me," says Ivellios as he walks toward the tub. Pausing by the tub he looks at the women. "I hope you don't mind, but I'd rather preserve what little dignity I have."

He then drops a hand to the pouch on his belt and dips his fingers inside, pulling out what appears to be a bit of fleece. With an odd gesture and a few muttered words, a violently purple curtain appears around the tub and basin, mounted on the wooden frame that appears with it. Now satisfied that his modesty is intact, he begins to undress, taking care to fold his clothes and set them where they won't be splashed from the tub. He then picks up one of the rags and enters the tub, wincing slightly as the cold water comes into contact his skin. He then begins the much needed process of scrubbing off what appears to be several layers of dirt and grime.

silent image (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/silentImage.htm)

Thanks for being patient. I've been organizing an event for this weekend, so I haven't had tons of time lately. I should be able to post tomorrow, but it's also possible I won't have time as the event runs until fairly late. I hope you both are enjoying the sexy bath scene:smallbiggrin:.

2010-07-24, 06:29 PM
Ryver snorts as the elf uses the image to hide his "decency". She found it a rather silly waste of energy. If he was attempting to hide himself, that makes her wonder just what he had to hide. She smirks.

Probably not a whole lot.

After a moment, the Romani settles down cross legged to pray to her goddess. One by one, she lays her tarot cards out slowly, setting each one face up. The faces of some of the cards seem dim, normal, unlike the ones that shimmer as she touches them. When she begins to ask for her spells back, they begin to glow again, their magic nature being renewed with her spells...

2010-07-25, 12:39 AM
And so Ivellios bathes, Ryver prays to renew her spells while Talaitha takes a seat on the bed next to her belongings going through the contents of the doe skinned backpack for sometime, content to keep herself busy while you two handle the tasks at hand. Ivellios finishes his bath before Ryver finishes her praying, and finds his clothes exactly where he left them, a bit dirty and worn as before and perhaps needing a bit of a wash themselves. After Ivellios no doubt dresses himself and dismisses his silent image he finds Ryver nearly at the end of her evening prayers while Talaitha writes in a rather thick tome bound in white leather now cracked and stained from years of travel. She looks up when Ivellios is seen and squints her eyes a bit as her gaze roams about his now clean flesh before sighing lightly. "And here I thought that you would clean up nicely... how disappointing. It's a shame really but my dear Ivy I'm afraid you're positively bland." She closes her book and as she does so Ryver's meditations end, her cards once again seeming to radiant the fickle energies of Fortuna.

2010-07-25, 06:30 AM
Ivellios returns her gaze and smiles apologetically. "Alas. While I was gifted with a rather brilliant mind, I am equally plain in my appearance. Now, is there anything else that needs to be discussed before I begin to trance?"

2010-07-25, 03:56 PM
"Hyu mean besides trying to hide your modesty?" Ryver snickers as she shuffles her cards several times, trusting her Goddess to let her grab the right one when she needs it. "No, I do not think zo, but it vould be a good idea to get some rest." She says before settling her small bag against the wall to use as a pillow.

2010-07-26, 03:41 PM
Talaitha sighs rather dramatically, something you've definitely noticed by now that she does a lot, and sags into her corner looking at you both meekly through her icy bangs. "Nobody appreciates good foreplay anymore. They just want to get to the business at hand." She smirks bit at her own comment before stretching out upon her bedroll, propping her head upon her hand she looks at Ryver and pats the bit of roll next to her. "Oh come now, no reason to sleep on the floor when there is plenty of bedroll to go around my darling Romani and I promise I wont bite, a nibble maybe, a bit of a chew at most but not a full bite." She leans her body against the wall, giving up as much of the small bedroll as she is able to allow for Ryver to share if she does accept, and the playful light in the odd woman's eyes lets you know that she is joking... well at least mostly joking... maybe. She yawns widely and you all recognize it as rather poorly acted for she doesn't seem the least bit tired as she nestles her white maned head into her shoulder before closing her eyes. "A big day tomorrow, I can feel it. Ivy and I need little rest but make sure you get what you can. I wonder if this place has muffins..." Her voice is faint and trails off into sleep before she even has a chance to see if Ryver accepts the offer or not, her last thoughts of the night centered on warm muffins.

The night is now over. Did this post early, if you guys respond fast enough ill do another one later tonight.

Talaitha appears to be asleep but you are both able to tell that her tiredness is indeed an act, though you are unable to tell if she is really asleep or not.

And now I have a craving for muffins... Dammit! :smallannoyed:

Also, Mr. Wolfbane, my trillian appears to be on the fritz. :smallfrown:

2010-07-26, 05:43 PM
Ryver raises an eyebrow at the sleeping woman, pondering the offer, but decides to accept. After all, it would be nice to sleep next to another warm body after so many nights alone. The thought makes her heart cringe at the memories of how life was on the Caravan. Everyone had been nice, warm, and more than willing to share at least their bed for the night.

Of course, there were some she had been willing to share much more with.

She sighs. It had been a much better time for the Romani. Ryver then gives a bit of a smirk at the elf. "Sleep vell. By your lonesome." She teases before picking up her "pillow" and moving to lay next to Talaitha. She gets as close as she can for the warmth before closing her eyes, relaxing fully at the faked feel of her home.

Try downloading MSN Messenger.

2010-07-26, 06:25 PM
Ivellios replies to Ryver comment with a salute using his index and middle finger. He then leans back in a corner, pulls his cloak tightly around himself, and closes his eyes as he sinks into a trance.

2010-07-26, 07:59 PM
Ivellios' trance begins to fade as the sound of a deep rumbling hum comes from the rather crowded bedroll infront of him. Eyes opening he sees that Tala is now sitting cross legged at the head of the bedroll with Ryver's head nestled into a cloth upon her lap, a small stream of drool escaping the corner of her mouth. Tala seems to gently be stroking the young gypsy's hair, loosening the red-brown strands gently before wrapping them around her long ivory fingers and placing them through the eye of a rather odd looking jade needle. It is a long moment before she realizes that Ivy is out of his trance but eventually her eyes roam over him and she smiles slightly before placing her index finger over her lips, hushing him before he even says a word.

It is an... odd thing that she is doing to the young Romani's hair as she threads it through her jade needle before placing that very same needle above the worn pages of her white leather traveling journal. Her hand hovers for a moment as her eyes seek Ivy's and you can see a bit of hesitation in them, as if she hadn't intended for anyone to see this... whatever she's doing. After the moment passes though she plunges the needle into the parchment, lambskin you guess from the sound it makes as it's punctured, and slowly she sews the hair around the page's border. "Sun is up early today. We stayed up perhaps a bit late last night." she gently whispers, words carried on the cool air of her breath as she ties off of the bit of hair she had taken from Ryver before she closes the book and puts it away. She smiles as she lowers herself over the young woman's face, gently kissing the Romani's ear which causes a small shiver to run down her still slumbering corpus. "Come and wake my little darling. It's time for muffins." she speaks softly into the Gypsy's ear as she runs a cold finger down her face, causing the young woman to stir.

2010-07-26, 08:09 PM
Ryver stirs, grumbling a bit as she's woken. She'd been having such a nice dream too. Lots of dancing, celebration..."celebration" as well. It takes the Romani a moment to realize how she was woken and she sits up a bit quickly, making sure she didn't hit anyone. Her mind snaps clear and she looks to where her head was resting. She'd blush, but she had to keep up her image, so simply smiles wryly at Talaitha. "Thank hyu. And moofins vould be wonderful." She tosses a wink at Ivy. "I hope hyu slept vell enough."

2010-07-26, 08:56 PM
"Yes, muffins would be excellent," adds Ivellios as he rises to his feet and stretches. "It has been a long time since I have had a muffin of any sort. I have almost forgotten what they taste like." He then gives Talaitha a curious stare before collecting his bag and securing his rapier to his waist.

And just to clarify: are we playing where trancing takes just as long as sleeping?

2010-07-27, 04:52 PM
Tala stands with the others, grabbing her belt with the iron canisters and strapping it about her waist before she places the bandoleer with the six foot long iron case across her chest. It's an odd sight, seeing her with a case strapped to her back that's almost as tall as she is but the way she stands and gently sways on her feet lead you to believe that she is quite familiar with the unusual burden. After you have grabbed your more immediate possessions you are ushered out the door before Tala locks it, placing the simple key within the wraps of her 'shirt' before heading towards the main chamber.

The main hall of the inn still smells of alcohol and the grease from whatever horrid concoction was dredged up to feed the riffraff but for the most part is fairly vacant aside from the few wretches asleep before the fireplace, the once blazing fire now nothing but smoldering cinders. When you enter you notice a rather greasy and unpleasant looking woman carefully counting out a small pile of silver and copper pieces at the main bar. The woman sees you as you enter and you notice that her right hand twitches towards a rather rusty dagger laying to the side of the coins, no doubt to make any theft a bit more unappealing. "Whudda ya want?" she asks in a low growl, eyes narrowing towards the three adventurers.

No. But since you have to rest for spells I plan on simply having you two "sleep" in similar time spans in order to keep things moving at the normal snails pace rather than the pace of the same snail who is now heavily encumbered. :smalltongue:

2010-07-27, 05:09 PM
Before heading down, Ryver stops and pulls a change of clothing from her pack. If either of the two risk a look at her, they'll likely see Fortuna's Playing Hand (the five cards described from earlier), tattooed above her heart. She doesn't bother with fake modesty or trying to hide herself as she changes as her lifestyle has little use for it. After all, if you share a wagon with a few other people, you get to know each other rather well.

Once downstairs though, she gives the woman at the counter a warm smile. "Moofins. If hyu haff them. Enough for three peoples." Ryver gives the other two smirks. "But what vill you haff? Those are just for me." She says, teasing.

Really, as if Romani was going to buy them all breakfast...:smalltongue:

2010-07-27, 06:24 PM
Ivellios opens his mouth as if to say something, but then he remembers the grease and dirt and decides that water obtained here might not be quite potable. Instead, he closes his mouth and gestures at the tables as if to say, "After you."

2010-07-27, 07:52 PM
Tala shakes her head and heads towards the door as Ryver asks the rather dirty and greasy woman for muffins, the fact she is willing to eat anything the woman has touched going a long way to show you how low the Romani's standards may be. She leans against the door, not quite ready to open it as the woman at the bar shoots Ryver a look comprised of equal parts ire and confusion and that look alone tells you that wherever there be muffins, it is certainly not here. The deep sound of someone clearing their throat brings your attention back to Tala as she watches the exchange, bemused smile playing across her features for a moment before she nods her head towards the door. "I wouldn't suggest eating anything here. We need to go to a bakery for Muffins dears and besides, we very well can't have an adventure cooped up in a dingy little tavern like this?" With that said she opens the door and heads out into the chilly morning streets of Twin Crossings just as the woman a the bar stands up and shouts. "Whataya callin' dingy ya limp litta strumpet!?"

Trying to do two posts a day to get on with things while I still have the free time. Ivy needs to be a bit more forthcoming with stuff if anyone expects the plot to move on, aaaaand.. muffins.. yep.. good old muffins.

2010-07-27, 08:35 PM
Ryver laughs at the woman's look of confusion before nodding to Tala. "I noticed that much." As for her standards of food, just see where her player explained about her being on a caravan. :smalltongue:

Her eyebrow raises at the mention of adventure as she follows them out the door. "Why? Hyu haff something planned?" She smiles at Tala and ***** her head at Ivy. "Or are hyu just wanting to keep me entertained by putting him in awkward places?"

Yes, she finds it fun to tease the elf and she'll keep doing it no matter what he says.

2010-07-28, 10:49 AM
After he walks outside, Ivellios shoots a glance back at the bar before turning to his companions. "I'm quite glad that we aren't dining in there this morning. I have eaten in many establishments of varied quality and cleanliness, but this one very nearly reaches the bottom of the list on both accounts," he says with a slight smile. Then his face takes on a more serious cast as he asks, "And I'll second Ryver's question. Did you have a particular adventure in mind? I was rather hoping to be on my way as soon as possible, and an out-of-the-way adventure may mean that I will need to make the journey by myself. There are certain things that can only wait so long."

OOC:Sorry about the lack of plot driven dialogue. I'm used to DMing, so I'm still getting used to this new way f doing things. Is that better, or do you want more? What kind of thing are you looking for?

2010-07-29, 07:25 PM
Ivellios turns to Ryver as they move toward the bakery. "So, where I came from, most of the Fortuna clergy were regarded as little more than fortune tellers. However, they were right often enough that even those that scoffed at them purchased their services. Do you also subscribe to that lifestyle, or is there something else you want from Fortuna?"

Then the elf pauses, considering what he has just said. "Forgive me if I seem too forward. I don't mean to pry, simply to know a bit more about my travelling companions."

2010-07-29, 10:54 PM
Ryver laughs. "No, it iz fine to ask of such things." He takes out her deck of cards and begins shuffling them. "Many ov us are such things. Our Fortune tellers may be charlatans, but remember, even charlatans may be right. For ze right price." She begins to mess with the cards, throwing from hand to hand, preforming tricks, even making the occasional one vanish. "Fortuna doesn't truely tell us the future, merely the possibilities."

The cards vanish into one hand before finally being put back into her pocket. "As for my wants and desires, vhat do hyu think they are?" The Romani says with a smirk.

2010-07-30, 07:43 PM
"Well," replies the elf with a smile, "your greatest desire seems to be to make me as uncomfortable as possible. I am deeply sorry to disappoint you, but although I might be a bit on the formal side, my tolerance for slights and teasing is rather higher than one might think. Sometime I should take you to a more formal setting, and see how you fare when the tables have turned."

2010-07-31, 12:58 PM
The Romani simply chortles at that. "I am sure I vill surprise hyu. I haff been in many formal situations before." She gives a wink. "Though, I doubt in the way hyu think." She draws one of her cards, The Lovers. "There are many peoples who are villing to pay for a good companion for the night. Or at least appear to haff a companion." Ryver says with a slight chuckle.

2010-08-01, 11:29 AM
You cross the threshold of the inn and head outside into the crisp morning air that seems to cut through your clothing, sending you both a shiver for several moments before you adjust. Tala remains quiet for a bit as the two of you talk amongst yourselves, letting you get to know each other a bit as she takes in the poorly constructed wooden buildings crammed between massive stone warehouses that seem to be the common scenery this close to the river. As you head north west, no doubt following the tall woman to muffins, you notice that the few people who are roaming about seem to change. Gone are the rags and the stench of fish and salt that seemed so heavy about the warehouses, now replaced by simple but heavy and proper clothing as well as the scents of all manner of food and spices. Deeper into this part of the city you head, the minutes passing by before Tala decides to answer your original questions.

"My little street rat I don't think I'll be leading you to anything aside from a muffin this day." she says, tone sounding like a bemused growl. "I informed you last night I would accompany you mainly to observe and record your stories did I not? Besides, I carry enough burdens my dears so forgive me if I decide not to carry you as well. So if you wish my aid in a more direct manner, well you'll have to earn that I'm afraid." There is no real malice in her tone, nor is she chiding as far as you can tell.

She takes a turn down a narrow street once she is finished talking and the smell of baking bread hits you square in the face and it isn't long before you find yourselves following her inside a rather small establishment that seems to deal primarily in pastries and sweet rolls. Inside the small building the walls are lined with thick wooden shelves holding all manner of things such as small jars labeled as honey-pickled peaches to broad loaves of cinnamon bread. The counter, for there is always a counter in such establishments, is on the far side of the small chamber behind which a stout door stands, no doubt leading to the ovens in back. It's very warm in this place and if the shelves and counters are to give you any idea it would seem any manner of sweet bread can be found here.

2010-08-01, 09:04 PM
Breathing in the scent of fresh pastries deeply, choosing his next words carefully. These are, after all, the first companions he has had in over a year, and does not wish to part with them so soon after meeting them, even if does lead him out of the way for a while.

"I was simply wishing that our adventures lay along the same road. If that is not the case, I would still be willing to devote a few days to your affairs if that is what is required. But for now, I believe that less talk should be about our future and should instead be focused on the present," says Ivellios, rubbing his stomach. "I'm hungry enough that if I do not find sustenance soon, I fear I shall not last until even midday."

2010-08-02, 03:20 PM
Ryver raises an eyebrow and begins tapping her foot a bit, shaking her head. "If I recall...we said we'd be following hyu. I will follow her az far az the moofins though." She begins to follow Tala again as she draws a card from her pocket, Fortune, though instead of Fortuna and her wheel, it's an image of a large pile of coins. "Besides, Fortuna told me I'd get lucky if I followed hyu."

2010-08-02, 08:56 PM
Raising an eyebrow at Ryver, the elf replies, "Just checking to make sure that all is still well. First muffins, then onward to Calaya!"

OOC:Sorry, misread that last post and got mixed up. My bad. I'll start reading more carefully when I'm tired.

EDIT: Fixed spelling.

2010-08-02, 09:41 PM

AS? I think that it's gotten a bit obvious that we're hinting rather heavily for your character to tell us why he's in Twin Crossings. I know your character's Wis score is a tad low, but still...

I thought we were being blunter than a river rock. :smalltongue:

2010-08-02, 09:47 PM
OOC:Sort of hinting, heavily... since the tavern 'tell me a story' scene yeah.

The world is a sandbox yeah, so if you wish to sort of throw your whole murdered family plot by the wayside for now feel free.

But I think you forgot why your char is where he is at this point. The second player seems to have picked up on the hints, but this part of the plot, in fact just about all of the main plot (since it started as a solo game) is tied around you. So yeah.

(post will be after AS's response to this occ statement.)

2010-08-03, 03:32 PM
OOC:Sorry, I thought that you said you (Ms.Malborge) had a plot laid out, and I guess I totally missed the fact that it was supposed to be more sandbox-y. I also thought it would be kind of weird to let these total strangers know his life story, especially when there are people out looking for him. However, now that I know what is expected, I will respond accordingly.

2010-08-03, 05:18 PM
So AS you didn't respond to my PM that I sent you while you were online an hour ago. So we do this publicly.

Warning, this post contains a DM rant.

Viewer discretion is advised.

OOC:Okay. Here we go.

First off, no the game isn't supposed to be 'sandbox-y' but it is based upon the uninspired story of a young mer having his family murdered and his decades long search for vengeance.

Now, you find yourself in this bloody cold city that no one visits just for holiday for one reason, given to you in the first post. That reason is to find one person who was an old contact of your family. His name is Vern Hornshard.

That's it. The only reason you're here.

Now for all intents and purposes from your characters IC interactions to your OOC posts it seems fairly evident that you have completely forgotten that you are here solely to find this guy. This. One. Single. Solitary. Person.

Now, since you don't have MSN like I asked you to get, and if you did get it I haven't seen you log on a single time so either way, you aren't around to chat with when it comes to remembering or developing plots with like the other player. Which means tweaking facts and whatnot and discussing details is made fairly difficult when even the most basic conversation is seeming to take 2-7 days.

Also, I've tried to get you to divulge the reason you're in Twin Crossings several times in character (the reason being you're looking for a guy named Vern).

Now I'm not saying to tell your whole life-story to every stranger you meet.

But how do you expect to find this guy you're looking for. If you never, ever mention his bloody name.


So your character seems to be more focused on Calaya or whatever where you met some random throw away love interest that you developed on the drop of a hat. Now yes we can explore that but is that really more important to your character than your entire family butchered, you getting the blame for over two decades and you not even really knowing why?

So yeah, I think there might be some character priority issues here, or you like to make DMs angry.

Either way, this game is on the verge of getting thrown out. Because if feels like it's just getting stalled at this point.

And yes, not sharing information that is vital for the plot to move forward is just being a bad player, no excuses.

Maybe this all makes me a bad DM in some people's eyes, maybe not. Either way I've just grown weary of it and that happening so early in a game isn't a good sign for me.

2010-08-03, 05:52 PM
OOC:Again, sorry for the miscommunication. I thought that Vern was the name of the location (and in all fairness, that was a lot of text in the first post). And I thought that things had changed a little since Wolfbane joined, so that it would be more inclusive of both of us rather than just my characters goals and ambitions, and I forgot that little line about looking for contacts, so my bad.

All in all, there has been a lot of miscommunication going on, which appears to largely be my fault. I am sorry for dragging this on as long as I have, and I am willing to get things back on track if you are willing to forgive me.

P.S.-I do have MSN, as I told you right after we started. I got it specifically for this game, and if you need me to resend my username, let me know.

2010-08-03, 06:32 PM
OOC:Most of this game is about finding clues, sometimes very subtle ones, buried in the apparently daunting walls of text.

Yeah, I over describe stuff, or so some people tell me. I do that because it's good to be reminded of the details when a scene can last several weeks.

But if this is happening so early in the game with some fairly simple stuff, then you have no chance in hell later on when things start to get really vague.

So with no hard feelings, I called the game over and done as of 5:30pm central time to Wolfbane on MSN, and will not overturn that decision.

Sorry that it came to this and I bear you no hard feelings or malice. You are more than welcome to apply to later games that I run as anyone else would.

But let me just say that this is in no way Wolfbane's fault, since I know you were nervous about a second player joining due to you apparently getting burned by other players disappearing on you in the past.

I wish you good luck in future games.


2010-08-03, 06:33 PM