View Full Version : The Storyline are coming!

2010-07-11, 01:38 AM
The crowd stood around the large, untouchable stage. It seemd to go on beyond what anyone could see, and mutliple strange contraptions and magics hovered around it, all glowing like wisps of colored smoke.
The fame gnome MAD SCIENTIST, Proffessor Nabick 'Crazybrain' Almendaro Hazzentoggle Paradrake Thumpfclub Zapbang stepped out of nowhere onto the podium and waited for the crowd to get bored of being calm and start shouting and murmuring.
"PLOT!"he shouted, and the crowd stared at him as if it couldn't tell whether to be confused or awed.
The area darkened, so that only the proffessor and the images his words and mind created could be seen. The crowd may as well not have been there.
"Yes, PLOT! The very foundation of life and death for an RP citizen, it begins, forwards, and sometimes even ends every story. But, what exactly IS it? SO far it's been thought of as some sort of mystical energy, but through extensive study I have found that it is a actually a radiation that affects the minds and abilities, as well as futures, of those exposed to it. However, lately, the PLOT has been withdrawing. Why?"
"Well, you should all remember about two years back when the universe was attacked by a particularly PLOT-gifted race of robot/parasite/giftbringers known as the storyline. The storyline were strange, and would reprogram any mind or lack thereof to work as a sort of biocomputer for extended and more practical use. While they reprogrammed someone, they would leave a backup program in charge. Many of these programs were naieve, and when they realised the pain reprogramming caused us, took over and gave us the powers to fight back. Many of us, including me, now share our mind with anywhere between one and fifteen different entities."
"Well, program that facilitated my revival, Carl, has informed me that his group was an outdated scouting group, and that now, the stronger, less humrous, more ruthless storyline who don't NEED backup programs are coming to finish us off since we apparently USED all the PLOT up to defeat their scouts! Our only hope is to find the Library, the Forge, and the Candleroom, and combine the sword of narration, the dagger of thought, and the axe of tipos* (*typos) and use the resulting resurgance of PLOT to defeat the storyline once and for all."
"Only problem, we have no idea what or were any of those thigns are, except for the library, and NO ONE can go in there, you hear me, NO ONE!"
"So, I will be hiring a group of adventurers, RPers, forumgoers, and survivors of the grammarnazi invasion (they reelly gud at spelink ant gramar aparently, and can help use decipher codes) to put their lives on the line and come with me in search of everything else. The Library comes last, as I need to know whom I can trust with its secrets. Just drop your application in the box!"
Nabick bows and walks into the empty, leaving a ballot box with paper, pens and pencils, a laptop with a typing program, and guidlines.

WACKYNESS: any wacky powers you have
ST00F: your gear and equipment