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View Full Version : Supermount?

Man With Dog
2010-07-11, 06:01 PM
Hi there,

Does anyone have information on - if it still exists - the Supermount.

I have seen the name thrown around a little but not found any proper actual information on it.

Info or a link would be great :smallsmile:

Also, how do i work out the number of feats my animal companion has?
I know it relates to its HD but if anyone can give me a heads up - that'd be great

2010-07-11, 06:17 PM
First result on google (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19866958/Supermount!) explains the concept.

Third result on google (http://coboard.wikia.com/wiki/Supermount) gives some builds.

2010-07-12, 01:17 AM
Does anyone have information on - if it still exists - the Supermount.

I have seen the name thrown around a little but not found any proper actual information on it.
Using Devoted Tracker and methods to advance your Special Mount / Animal Companion at a greater than 1 effective Paladin/Druid level to 1 ECL ratio, you create a creature bigger and meaner than you.

Also, how do i work out the number of feats my animal companion has?
I know it relates to its HD but if anyone can give me a heads up - that'd be great
Bonus feats + HD / 3 (rounded down) + 1

2010-07-12, 01:34 AM
Bonus feats + HD / 3 (rounded down) + 1

Just to make this a little clearer:

Bonus feats + (HD / 3 (rounded down)) + 1

(Maybe that is overkill on my part but I found it confusing at first and I deal with animal companions a lot)

or just look at it as a PC. 1 at 1st HD, 1 at 3/6/9/12/etc, plus any bonus feats.