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View Full Version : [3.5 Fighter Replacements] Epic Progressions for Three Martial Classes

Lix Lorn
2010-07-12, 10:59 AM
I did three fighter replacements a while back, visible here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8428133#post8428133). I think they need to have an epic progression.

These progressions continue on indefinitely, but only levels 21, 25 and 29 contain new abilities.

21st|Applied Knowledge
22nd|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat
24th|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat
25th|Epic Target Analysis
26th|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat
28th|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat
29th|Think on Your Feet
30th|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat[/table]

Applied Knowledge: A Shrewd Tactician may make a Knowledge check rather than an attack roll against any target, using the knowledge skill relevant to its type.

Martial Prowess: At each even numbered level after 20th, the Shrewd Tactician adds one to his epic attack bonus. (In effect, their epic attack bonus goes up every level rather than every odd level.)

Bonus Feat: At each even numbered level after 20th, the Shrewd Tactician gains a bonus feat. This is chosen from the same selection as the Epic Fighter.

Epic Target Analysis: At 25th level, the Shrewd Tactician's Target Analysis ability improves from Icy/Fiery/Shocking/Corrosive/Sonic Burst to the appropriate epic Blast weapon ability. It otherwise remains the same.

Think On Your Feet: Whenever a 29th level Shrewd Tactician is called upon to make a Knowledge check during an encounter, they are treated in having ranks in all knowledge skills equal to the highest number of ranks they have in any knowledge skill.

21st|Guided Strike
22nd|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat
24th|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat
25th|Epic Knowledge Manifest
26th|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat
28th|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat
29th|Dodge the Blade, Catch the Arrow
30th|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat[/table]

Guided Strike: Relying on their feelings, the Noble Guardian can strike even the best defended foe. They add their wisdom modifier to their attack rolls.

Martial Prowess: At each even numbered level after 20th, the Noble Guardian adds one to his epic attack bonus. (In effect, their epic attack bonus goes up every level rather than every odd level.)

Bonus Feat: At each even numbered level after 20th, the Noble Guardian gains a bonus feat. This is chosen from the same selection as the Epic Fighter.

Epic Knowledge Manifest: At 25th level, the Noble Guardian's Knowledge Manifest ability improves from Icy/Fiery/Shocking/Corrosive/Sonic Burst to the appropriate epic Blast weapon ability. It otherwise remains the same.

Dodge the Blade, Catch the Arrow: A Noble Guardian of 29th level is almost untouchable-they gain their Wisdom modifier as an untyped bonus to AC.

21st|Beyond Reproach
22nd|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat
24th|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat
25th|Epic Belief Manifest
26th|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat
28th|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat
30th|Martial Prowess, Bonus Feat[/table]

Beyond Reproach: The willpower exerted on the world around him by a Proud Warrior is tremendous. Swords bend to avoid him, arrows fly away. He gains his Charisma modifier as an untyped bonus to his AC.

Martial Prowess: At each even numbered level after 20th, the Proud Warrior adds one to his epic attack bonus. (In effect, their epic attack bonus goes up every level rather than every odd level.)

Bonus Feat: At each even numbered level after 20th, the Proud Warrior gains a bonus feat. This is chosen from the same selection as the Epic Fighter.

Epic Belief Manifest: At 25th level, the Proud Warrior's Belief Manifest ability improves from Icy/Fiery/Shocking/Corrosive/Sonic Burst to the appropriate epic Blast weapon ability. It otherwise remains the same.

Masterstroke: The world parts for the Proud Warrior's strikes. At 29th level, he may add his Charisma modifier as an untyped modifier to all damage rolls.

* * *

Feedback on either the original classes or the epic progresssions would be appreciated! And rewarded with hugs. =^.^=