View Full Version : Archdome chronicles

The Big Orc
2010-07-12, 10:22 PM
As you are walking the streets of Tornhem a stranger runs up to you and hands you a letter before slipping into the shadows. As you turn the letter over you see that it has the Kings seal holding it shut. The letter inside reads:

Sir or Madame

You have been chosen to compete for the honor of becoming a champion of the city. This tradition, which has until recently been postponed, has been around since the beginnings of the Archdome Kingdom. While the Kingdom no longer exists, our Lord has decided to honor our ancestors with this competition at least one more time. Come to the fort as soon as you have received your summons so we may begin the process of choosing who shall become the defenders of our people.

Yours truly
Duke G. Arnheld
Group 7

What are you guys going to do?

2010-07-12, 11:51 PM
Turga grabs tje scuff of the messangers neck ''oi! Where joo going? and why joo gibbing me dese paper?'' She plants her banner into the ground and turns the paper over looking at the letters. ''read dis to me! Nuw!'' After the messenger reads her the note she grunts, grabs her banner and walks to the keep. (im going to assume he agreed to take me, if he doesnnt then i will edit this)

2010-07-13, 08:24 AM
Ashton grabs the man by the arm before he leaves and he rolls a sense motive check.
Sense motive [roll0]

2010-07-13, 11:13 AM

Jarius turns and looks at the messenger with an air of irritation for being interrupted while looking through the market. He says nothing but takes the message and turns away, dismissing the messenger with little more than a wave of his hand.

As he turns the message over and sees the mark of the king Jarius' eyes light up. This could be the beginning of the greatness he knew he could achieve. He rips open the letter and pours voraciously through the words. Without much thought he heads toward the fort, trying to walk slowly and not appear as eager as he should.

2010-07-13, 01:09 PM

Sylvanous takes the letter from the man and thanks him. "You may go now.". As the messenger 'slips into the shadows', she opens it and reads said message. Upon reading the letter, she stands up from her seat in the inn immediately and starts walking towards the fort; not wanting to keep the duke waiting.

The Big Orc
2010-07-13, 03:11 PM
Ashton: as all the man did was hand you a letter, his intentions seem genuine. After shrugging your arm off he slips into the shadows.

2010-07-13, 03:46 PM
Ashton sets off straight to the fort hoping that there will be a sizable sum of money involved.

2010-07-14, 11:02 AM
As Turga gets to the fort she drops the man from her grip and plants the banner in the ground again. She then puff out her chest, tilts her head and and bellos "TURGA BE NUW HERE!" [Regadles if there is or isn't anyone else around] after bellowing she looks around to see if anyone has responded to her.

2010-07-14, 02:53 PM
She approaches the front of the keep, upon the sight of a half-orc in front of her (and not a very intelligent one by the sounds of things) she stops at the gates. She just wonders to her self what is going on.

The Big Orc
2010-07-14, 06:15 PM
Turga: the messenger has long since left.
still waiting on genpol to post, im going to send him a pm

2010-07-14, 08:58 PM

Kairn sits up from polishing his axe. He thanks the messenger, and heads off towards the fort. Not the worst job I've ever taken,, he mutters to himself, putting his axe away and grabbing his pack en route.

Sorry guys, I thought I had subscribed to this thread. Guess I didn't. :smallsigh: I'll post on time from now on... :smallredface: Sorry again.

The Big Orc
2010-07-15, 03:10 PM
Upon arriving at the fort, a guard requests your invitation. You show him the letter and he guides you to a group of people, all of them armed to the teeth or reading tomes. You realise these must be the others who are to participate in the competition. More people continue to arrive and the courtyard begins to fill. Soon, the Duke comes out onto the balcony, three stories above you.

“Thank you for coming. As you know, we face danger from not only the other cities around us, but from the orc hordes which swarm around us. I have gathered you here today to choose who shall be the defenders of our people. You will be grouped into groups of 4 or 5 and each group will be given a task related to the upcoming war. Those of you who complete your tasks will meet here once they are done so the second round of tasks may begin. This will continue until only 1 team remains, and they shall be chosen as the cities champions. Upon the letter you have received, there is a group number. Any of my guards will be able to show you were you should go to meet your team and receive your instructions. Thank you, and may Heironeous watch over you.”

You find a guard who gives you directions to where team 7 is too meet. You follow the directions into a room. Once the rest of your team has arrived a gnome steps in to brief you on your task.

“Your task is to recapture the iron mine from a band of kobolds that was left by the orcs as a holding force. Kill all kobolds with minimal damage to the mine. Also, if you could recover any ore that has been mined by the kobolds in their occupation it would be greatly appreciated. Return to this room once your task is complete.”

The gnome hands you each directions to the mine then steps out of the room.

What do you guys do?

((sorry about the railroading, just wanted to get that whole part out now.))

2010-07-15, 04:38 PM

Ashton takes a look at all the the other people in the room. They vary in apperance widly but look like they might make a good team. Ashton smiles as he says "Well looks like we're team 7. I wonder how long it will take to get to this mine?" Ashton walks over to the map to take a look.

2010-07-15, 05:22 PM

So this is what I have been asked to do. Take back a mine. The group I'm with looks ok...
She looks around at the assembled of group 7. "I'm Sylvanous" She announces trying to get to know the group; "So what are your names?"

She wants to look at the map, but leaves the half elf to see how far the mine is away.

2010-07-15, 05:33 PM
"Hello, I'm Ashton." The elf says before looking back to the charts.

2010-07-15, 05:56 PM

Jarius looks around at the rest of the party. not bad to be stuck with them. They will be my ticket to fame.

I am Jarius. How far away is the mine Ashton?

2010-07-15, 07:50 PM
"If I am reading this right, the mine is only a days journey from here. While thats great for us what does that mean for the kingdoms security?" Saying the last bit more to himself.
"This leaves me at a disadvantage because I am out of trail food. I was planing on playing at a tavern to feed myself."

2010-07-15, 09:16 PM

Kairn nods at the rest of the group, while digging through his backpack.
I'm Kairn, mercenary by trade, he says, continuing to rummage through the weather beaten pack. And by the looks of it, I'm about out of food as well...

2010-07-16, 12:05 AM
Turga'toh After hearing that the mine was owned by her clan Turga started to get grumpy, but after hearing it was being protected by Kobolds she got furious, but for different reasons completely. In the area where group 7 was gathered she looked around in interest, at hearing that aome of those here had no food she gave a hearty chuckle ''Joo broughts no foods? Dat stoopid uh? Mehbeh we eat dah kobolds scums!'' evidently, turga doesnt like other scale skins.

2010-07-16, 04:40 AM
Well that's clever, she thought to herself. Not remembering to bring food. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. That's what my tutors told me.
She looks at the others. "I agree with the half-orc, sorry I didn't catch your name, but it is rather foolish to forget something as basic as food. Always remember; fail to prepare, prepare to fail. As for your suggestion about eating the Kobolds, I don't think that would be very appetising. I suggest you go out and buy some rations before we leave."
She looks around the room. Then goes and sits down in a corner.
"Where are you all from any-ways?"

2010-07-16, 07:46 AM
"Uh! Meh fighta' frum dragonclaw clan! Hurr! Meh here to kill stuff!" She as she goes 'hurr' she lifts her banner and brings it down "And why nub eat dem kobolds? Tasteh like fish uh?

2010-07-16, 10:04 AM
"We don't eat the Kobolds, because 1) it's wrong and 2) they dont seem very tasty and 3) I hate fish." She explains patiently to the half-orc.

Cast detect evil on the group

The Big Orc
2010-07-16, 02:25 PM
no one shows up evil

2010-07-16, 05:03 PM
"May I suggest that we retire for the night at a tavern. I may be able to earn myself food by playing at one."

2010-07-16, 09:21 PM

Kairn rubs his head sheepishly at Sylvanous' proverb. Well to be fair, I wasn't really expecting to be out of town and away from the market or a tavern. Speaking of the tavern, that sounds like a good idea to me. I can pick up some grub there, and maybe a few mugs of beer while I'm at it.

Kairn rubs his belly hungrily, and leans against the wall. Where'm I from? Tornhem origionally, but I've seen enough travel to realize that bed's where my bedroll is.

2010-07-19, 05:21 AM
"A tavern to stay at seems like a good idea." Sylvanous agrees. "So if we could set out tomorrow, that would be a good idea, what about you Jarius?"
At least there is no one evil in the area this should stop a few problems that I may have faced

2010-07-19, 10:07 AM

Jarius watches everyone as they talk, preferring to keep silent and think about how stupid someone must be to not be prepared for something as easy as a meal. His thoughts, however, are interrupted as he is directly addressed.

"Oh, I suppose the adventure can wait until tomorrow. Best to have everyone prepared if possible. Plus I can get to know some of you better before galavanting off into the wilderness.

The Big Orc
2010-07-19, 08:36 PM
I'm going to assume you guys go to the nearest tavern? If so you step into a large room with about 10 patrons. There is a doorway on the far wall to the right of a counter. A dwarf stands behind the counter, watching you.

What do you do?

2010-07-19, 08:40 PM
Ashton walks up to the bar. " Sir I am a traveling bard, and I would like to offer you my services for the night."

2010-07-20, 03:34 AM
She walks to a table in a corner and sits down, with a good view of everyone in the tavern and of the entrance. She then casts detect evil on those in the tavern. You can never be to sure

2010-07-20, 06:48 AM
Kairn walks up to the tavernkeep. Hello, I was wondering if I could buy some food good for traveling, such as trail rations or something of the sort.

2010-07-20, 10:09 AM

Jarius follows Silvanous to the corner and speaks, "Mind if I join you?" As he speaks looks for a barmaid to order a drink.

2010-07-20, 12:39 PM
She looks up and see's Jarius, "Sure you can." As she see's him looking around she says "Thirsty? Me to, the service isn't to good it would appear."

The Big Orc
2010-07-20, 03:57 PM
The barkeep tells Ashton that he's is not spending money on pleasantries. He then walks to the table the rest of the group is at and hands you a menu and a pitcher of water.

Beer mug: 6cp
Beer pitcher: 3sp
Wine glass: 12sp
Wine bottle: 12gp
Serving of roast and potatoes: 3sp

2010-07-20, 05:10 PM
She looks at the menu and tells the barkeep "I'll take a mug of beer and a serving of roast and potatoes. Oh and how much is a bed for a night?"
This better be some good roast as the prices are high

The Big Orc
2010-07-21, 10:41 AM
After everyone has ordered, the barkeep goes into the back. After ten minutes he returns with some trail rations and whatever else was ordered. "How many o' these ya need? There 5 silver a pop."

2010-07-21, 09:06 PM

Kairn slaps 5 gold pieces on the table. I'll take 10 days worth, if you please. Kairn turns to the rest of the party. That seem like enough? Been a while since I've done this.

2010-07-22, 03:18 AM
Looks up from eating her food "I do not need any rations as I remembered to bring some in the first place, but thank you for offering." Then she turns back to the barkeeper "How much is a room kind sir?" She's now getting agitated that he ignored her the first time she asked the question.

The Big Orc
2010-07-23, 03:49 PM
"Rooms are 2 silver a night"

((sorry missed your first post on that))

2010-07-24, 11:04 AM

Jarius smiles and sits down. When the bartender comes he orders a glass of wine and some potatoes.

Once he receives his food he smiles, " I'm afraid I agree with Sylvanous on this one. I came prepared for the unexpected. Although I will take a room for the night.

Jarius then slides 17 Silver to the bartender and awaits his key.

2010-07-24, 02:33 PM
She then replies, "just one room for me thanks". She then gets comfortable in her seat, waiting for her room key and asks to the others "So what type of background has everyone had, and why do you think you have been chosen?"

2010-07-24, 02:39 PM

Kairn frowns. Well, I've worked as a mercenary and a man of arms my entire life, though why I've been singled out out of the hundreds of others like me is a question I can't answer.

Kairn then turns to the bartender. Could I have a room and some ale if you please? Kairn takes out a gold piece to give him.

2010-07-25, 10:31 AM

"I grew up on my own. Dad was always working and I'd rather not guess where Mom was. Lets just say I spent alot of time reading or just wandering around. But why I've been chosen is obvious. There is greatness in me, just like there is obviously greatness in, uh, some of the group. Now we just have to figure out which of us that is. What about you Sylvanous?"

2010-07-26, 06:22 AM
"When I was younger my parents where killed in a house fire, and since then I was raised by the local authorities. They trained me to be a paladin and when I came of age gave me what my mother left me in her will, a longsword. I then left searching for something to do. I just feel I was chosen because those who raised must of recognised my potential." She then gives the barkeeper the money she owe's for the room and food.

The Big Orc
2010-07-26, 07:57 PM
The barkeep returns with everyones keys and change.

2010-07-27, 02:17 AM
She gets up, takes the key from the barkeep. She then turns back to the group. "Well I'm off, I want to get a decent nights sleep." She then goes to her room, and locks her room door behind her. She then searches the room for anything/anyone.

Search check: [roll0]

2010-07-27, 10:39 AM

"Goodnight Sylvanous. I expect we'll leave at daybreak if that's agreeable with everyone else." Jarius takes his key and follows Sylvanous up to the rooms where he enters and locks the door behind him. He does a brief once over of the room, and barring seeing something lays down to rest.