View Full Version : two Questions

2010-07-14, 01:46 AM
1st- I went to "Edit Profile" to change my location, which I use to indicate who made my current avvie, and when I hit the Save button, it said I hadn't answered the Are you Human question correctly.

:smallconfused: I scrolled up, and there it was, under the Email and Password button.

You could only answer Yes or No. And it said, I have to smile, if you don't answer yes, then you shouldn't be here (or something like that). I typed in "Maybe?", but it didn't accept that answer. So I, perhaps wisely, typed "Yes".

So the question is, if I'd been my normal silly (see: foolish) pixie self, and typed "No", would I have been kicked out? :smalleek:

2nd- On a different forum, I noticed they can use [Secret] to type posts hidden to all but those specified (and the Moderators, of course).

Is that a function we could get here? If not, no problem. I think it would be a great thing for some werewolf and pbp games.

2010-07-14, 09:13 AM
1st- I went to "Edit Profile" to change my location, which I use to indicate who made my current avvie, and when I hit the Save button, it said I hadn't answered the Are you Human question correctly.

:smallconfused: I scrolled up, and there it was, under the Email and Password button.

You could only answer Yes or No. And it said, I have to smile, if you don't answer yes, then you shouldn't be here (or something like that). I typed in "Maybe?", but it didn't accept that answer. So I, perhaps wisely, typed "Yes".

So the question is, if I'd been my normal silly (see: foolish) pixie self, and typed "No", would I have been kicked out? :smalleek:

My hunch is yes, your registration would have failed.

2nd- On a different forum, I noticed they can use [Secret] to type posts hidden to all but those specified (and the Moderators, of course).

Is that a function we could get here? If not, no problem. I think it would be a great thing for some werewolf and pbp games.

Could Rawhide install it? I'm quite sure he's capable of doing so. Would Rawhide install it is probably the question you really want to ask. ;)

The Rose Dragon
2010-07-14, 09:15 AM
My hunch is yes, your registration would have failed.

Actually, no, it doesn't. "Yes" is apparently the only valid answer, as writing "no" gives an error message about how it's not the correct format or something.

Yes, I am a schmuck.

EDIT: OK, it does fail, but it doesn't lock you out or something.

2010-07-14, 10:13 AM
I'm appalled that this forum discriminates against goblins, dwarves, and halflings and delighted that it acts to keep out those stinky elves.

Mr. Moon
2010-07-14, 10:17 AM
You're a turtle.
You're not even humanoid.

Blue Ghost
2010-07-14, 11:14 AM
You're a turtle.
You're not even humanoid.

How do you know that? She looks human to me.
My name's Blue Ghost, but I'm human.

2010-07-14, 11:24 AM
I'm just a poor innocent pixie. :smallfrown: I didn't want to say I was human, but I was scared of being kicked out of this wonderful site.

How would I be able to interact with my friends? What would happen to my Heal/Hurt, Convoy II, and Playground Squares? :smalleek:

2010-07-14, 11:54 AM
I'm not even sure why that question was there. It is kind of amusing, I guess.

As for feature requests, I'm not sure how willing Rawhide is to implement them, and it does depend partly on how easy or hard it is.

Otherwise, you're right that it would be a nice option to have, if only because a hidden post is a lot more convenient than a PM.

2010-07-14, 12:04 PM
Playground squares would go on. It does. Forever. And ever.

And it will even go on in the unhappy case of the forums closing down after OOTS has finished or something.

2010-07-14, 12:04 PM
I'm not even sure why that question was there. It is kind of amusing, I guess.

Questions like that one are surprisingly effective at preventing spam bots from registering. Anything that makes the registration page on this site different from the default vBulletin registration page works to deter bots that wander around, register, and post crap.

The jerks who operate the bots can, of course, customize their scripts to run specifically for this site. It's a large enough site that it's probably worth their effort to do just that. And when they do, all Rawhide has to do is change the question and accept a different answer (which, if the mod is similar to the one I know on phpbb, is a ridiculously simple task to accomplish for the admin.)

That's why the question is there -- it helps keep spambots off the forum.

Shhalahr Windrider
2010-07-14, 02:53 PM
Questions like that one are surprisingly effective at preventing spam bots from registering. Anything that makes the registration page on this site different from the default vBulletin registration page works to deter bots that wander around, register, and post crap.
Actually, it’s not the registration CATCHPA that’s the problem. It’s a brand new one that recently popped up under the Edit Options page that you have to answer even after you’ve registered. For instance, I’ve been registered over four and a half years, but I had to answer it to change my avatar just a few weeks ago.

2010-07-14, 04:40 PM
Actually, it’s not the registration CATCHPA that’s the problem. It’s a brand new one that recently popped up under the Edit Options page that you have to answer even after you’ve registered. For instance, I’ve been registered over four and a half years, but I had to answer it to change my avatar just a few weeks ago.


Although it does seem to disappear once you've answered it once. I assume it was meant as a bit of fun, rather than a key component of the forum's anti-spambot security.

2010-07-15, 10:05 PM
it still shows prejudice against the non-corporeal and post-life communities, anthropomorphic personifications, former humans who have entered into bargains with entities from beyond your understanding to become something more and of course the fair folk.
its especially discriminatory to the vampire* community given their frequent difficulties expressing blatant untruths.

*im soooo sorry to use such an offensive outdated term but i dont remember any others, if you are offended by this im willing to lay off the garlic for a week or two and give you my address.