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2010-07-15, 10:26 AM
IC Thread I (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=134405)
OOC Thread I (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=134406)
OOC Thread II (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=160767)

Welcome to thread number two! We rejoin our heroes on a dark Delberz night, having recently discovered a secret tunnel system and some rather peculiar rats...


Chapter III: The Wages of Heresy

Lothar, Pieter and the elves had not travelled far from Helstrum's Ward when they saw a familiar figure coming the other way - it was Raffy, alone, and still just as rat-bitten and bedraggled as the other two who had escaped the sewers. The silhouette of a young man carrying a gun might have been intimidating on a dark night such as this - that is, if the flared bell of the blunderbuss and the distinctive smell of their subterranean adventures had not made his identity abundantly clear.

2010-07-15, 10:41 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Raffy! You're all right!

Illiiya closed the distance between them quickly and hugged her wayward companion. To those who could not see well in the dark, it perhaps looked like she was a little TOO eager to hug random wanderers in the street... but she had seen whom he was just fine.

We need to get you to a doctor. All of you. Or you're going to get sick.

2010-07-15, 10:58 AM
Lothar scratched at his beard, and spat against the side of the road. "Blech. Aye- and a bath. And a whiskey. A lotta whiskey."

He paused and looked around the group. "What are we goin' to do after that?"

2010-07-15, 11:55 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

We have to meet with the playwright tomorrow... right? And tonight... I don't know. We could try and see the man the hounds took, but I doubt they'd let us.

She finally let go of Raffy, and stepped back a bit.

And I... still plan to talk to Maria if tomorrow doesn't accomplish anything.

2010-07-15, 12:12 PM
Raffy the Sparrowhawk

Raffy accepts the hug from Illiiya though he is too sore to huge back properly. He accepts her statement about Maria placidly but his eyebrow rises at something else she said:

"Who did the Hounds take?"

And, as he is in agreement about seeing a doctor, he will gladly walk toward the physician's place as they talk.

2010-07-15, 12:23 PM
"Apparently," explained Pieter, "one of the tunnels led to the basement of a house near the well. The Hounds arrested the owner for interrogation. But I doubt he has anything to do with this."

He let out a weary sigh.

"I think we should see a doctor, take a bath and call it a day. We'll be busy enough tomorrow."

2010-07-15, 12:56 PM
As they approach the dotcor's house ((I hope)), Raffy listens to the account and says, "How'd the Hounds know to search there? Could they be connected?"

2010-07-15, 03:04 PM
'The tunnel led to the celler of his house. Worse, it was the Landlord who Puderbrand bunked with, the one we talked to who said he owed him rent.' Ithelus shook his head, 'poor man, he probably didn't even know about the tunnel.'

2010-07-15, 03:18 PM
"How did the Hounds know about the tunnel? Could they be the ones digging?"

2010-07-15, 04:38 PM
'The Hounds were with us in the tunnel. When we went to Marius he told us all his guards were out on patrol to try and catch the killer... so he went to the Hounds and got them to provide back-up. Said something about them finally pulling their weight.'

2010-07-15, 04:52 PM
Pieter grunted at that.

"I, for one, prefer when the Hounds just sit on their asses. It's when they go sniffing around that they're dangerous. At least, now we know there are several ways in. Even if the slavers collapse the three we know of, it's safe to assume there are more."

He had not abandoned his plan to go down there and rescue the slaves. The rats were merely a setback.

2010-07-16, 12:58 AM
"Hnh. I don't trust 'em. But this innkeep- the one who said the man owed him rent- weren't we IN that basement? Or was that some other basement. Puderbrand musta rented places from half the landlords o' the city... But if it's the one I'm thinkin' of, there wasn't no tunnel there before."

Lothar rubbed his head. "This thing is getting messier the deeper we dig. I have a headache."

2010-07-16, 09:25 AM
When the Hounds' role is explained, Raffy simply raises his eyebrows and says nothing.

To Lothar he comments: "No, I think they mean the other place... where he just rented an upper room. Not our basement." He looks at Ithelus. "Right?"

To Pieter: "Right then. We need to get a lot of flammable material. And shovels and some lumber in case we have to dig through an area and shore it up. The Doc can take care of us tonight, then first thing in the morning we'll need to get the supplies to go down there and free those slaves."

Earlier he told Pieter to stop tagging along with the group, but he makes no mention of that now, for some reason. He seems to assume Pieter will be coming with them.

((OOC: Did we borrow or buy the tools? I can't remember, but Raffy may need to return his pry bar. And a lamp that no longer exists.))

2010-07-16, 09:44 AM
"The murders are a more pressing matter, I think," said Pieter with obvious reluctance. "First thing tomorrow, we'll have to meet Felix. I have no idea if it's related to our investigation, but it shouldn't take too much time."

He glanced sideways at Illiiya.

"And Maria might know something we don't..."

2010-07-16, 09:57 AM
"About rat tunnels? Or are we just accusing her of murder?"

2010-07-16, 10:10 AM
"We're not accusing her of anything. But we have an anonymous friend who says she's not what she seems, and according to Illiiya she's possibly a hedge witch."

He grimaced.

"And herr Jagrun doesn't like her. So even if she has nothing to do with all of this, she might get in trouble. We should at least have a talk with her, after we're done with Felix."

2010-07-16, 03:29 PM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Illiiya smiled at Pieter, feeling for the first time in a while that someone other than Ithelus believed in her. Perhaps the humans would accept her after all... or at least one of them. She felt lighter, somehow.

Well... we have a meeting tomorrow. But... after that, we can see her. She said with a tone that was oddly... happy, And... thank you.

2010-07-16, 04:59 PM
Ithelus looks around slightly sheepishly, 'I um.... I have a prior engagement tomorrow. Not that I don't want to help but an arangement is an arangement.'

2010-07-16, 05:21 PM
Pieter smiled back at Illiiya, but the mystery surrounding Maria troubled him deeply. He fervently hoped the Elven girl was wrong about this... yet he could no longer just dismiss her claims as foolish ramblings.

'I um.... I have a prior engagement tomorrow. Not that I don't want to help but an arangement is an arangement.'

"That shouldn't be a problem," he told Ithelus. Then he raised an eyebrow. "As long as it's important."

((OOC: Are we ready to move on?))

2010-07-17, 09:22 AM
Reaching the Doctor’s house, they saw a light in an upstairs window – it flickered and moved away when they knocked.

After some time, they heard a muffled grumbling, and footsteps on the stairs inside. The door creaked open, Doctor Rasen looking out at them with a candle in one hand. His expression changed as he saw the state of Raffy, Lothar and Pieter.

“Gods’ blood,” he said, “what happened to you this time?” He blinked, looking twice at Pieter. “And who’s this?”

2010-07-17, 05:43 PM
"The name's Rudiger," Pieter introduced himself, as always reluctant to give his true name to a man he barely knew and did not plan to meet again. "I'm the new guy."

He stepped aside to let his friends enter before him.

"Excuse the smell, good sir, we've been wading in some unpleasant places. Rafale and Lothar here are wounded."

2010-07-17, 06:03 PM
"So I see," said Rasen, gloomily. "You fellows seem to have a way of finding trouble."

"I suppose you'd best come in." He looked down at their feet. "Leave your boots at the door, though, please."

Turning to go inside with a world-weary air, the doctor paused.

"I suppose this is still on the Captain's purse?"

2010-07-17, 06:24 PM
"Probably not my wounds, but I've already attended to them," said Pieter, pointing at his bandages. "If you need my help, you have but to ask."

2010-07-17, 06:55 PM
Rasen looked round, staring at Pieter.

"Are you a physician?"

2010-07-17, 08:12 PM
Illiiya Jaelrae

It was quiet along the way to the doctor's. Very quiet. Illiiya seemed... oddly content and free of worry now that her wayward friends were together again. Apparently the frequent murders, chaos infestation and voices in her head didn't mean as much as knowing that everyone she cared about was all right. She didn't even seem nervous around the doctor.

Hello doctor. She said, almost nonchalantly, as she stepped inside, We're sorry to trouble you so late.

2010-07-18, 04:40 AM
Lothar barked a rough laugh. "He's a fool, 'swhat 'e is. You oughta take a look at his injuries 'swell, Doc- we've been mucking about in sewers, fightin' bizarre rat-mutant things." The soldier shuddered and made a drinking motion.

"I need a bath in whiskey, and to burn my boots. No idea what kinda filth those gits had coatin' their teeth..."

He looked up from fiddling with his boots, a disgusted expression on his face. "Raffy an' I were lookin' into that infected well, hoping to clean it up. Found tunnels, mutant tracks, an' real freaky little rat-bastards. Pi- ah, Rudiger- there also found some humans trapped in cages down there. I think the pl- um. I think the... illness you've encountered is related to our mutant problem." He finally managed to remove his boots, and shook his hands. The soldier's bearded face wrinkled up as he tried to clean some of the muck from his hands on the corner of the building.

2010-07-18, 07:52 AM
"Are you a physician?"

"Got training," Pieter said curtly. "I can help with the details."

When the soldier began to recount what happened down the sewers, he tried to discreetly step on his toes to silence him, but the soldier had already said too much.

Gods damn it, Lothar. And you're the one who calls me a fool?

2010-07-18, 07:58 AM
“Rat... mutant... things,” repeated Rasen. “I see. Well, I’ll see what I can do.” He paused. “You were trying to clean the well? That’s very good of you. Come on, this way.”

"Got training," Pieter said curtly. "I can help with the details."

“Well, thank you, but I think I can manage myself,” said the doctor, evidently sceptical of ‘Rudiger’s’ claim.

Leading the way inside, the doctor opened the door into the now-familiar, dingy room with the scarred wooden table and the cabinet of instruments. Setting out a needle, thread, a bottle of amber liquid, a clean cloth, a pair of long-handled tweezers and a roll of bandage, he turned back to his sudden guests, gesturing for Raffy to sit up on the table. Inspecting the youth’s wounds, the man gave a whistling intake of breath through his teeth.

“Dear gods, they’re all over you,” he said. Turning around, he picked up the bottle and cloth. “Right, you had best take off your clothes. Perhaps the rest of you could wait outside?”

One by one, he cleaned their wounds, a few requiring stitches or bandages to halt the bleeding: he seemed less than impressed by Pieter’s poultice, peeling the stinking mess away and throwing it out without a word. Rat-bites stinging from the spirits he had swabbed over the cuts, they filtered back out one by one into the corridor, the doctor following last.

“I’ve done what I can, but you seem to have managed to avoid serious harm in the first place,” said Rasen. “If these are rat-bites, though, there’s a strong chance that you could have fleas, or some other vermin of the blood. They’ll hide in your clothes, so make sure to get them properly cleaned, as well as yourself. And avoid... touching things, particularly other people, until you have.”

“Before you go, however – you said there were tunnels? In the well? That the sickness was related to these, ah, mutants? Has the Captain dealt with them?”

OOC: As before, those being seen to by the doctor may halve their current Wounds deficit, rounding up.

2010-07-18, 08:06 AM
Lothar threw Pieter a scornful look, clearly ignoring the con-man's attempt to quiet him. "Aye, rat-mutant things. A whole pack, acting like one -- and not afraid of fire, or 'powder or anythin' of the sort." The soldier plucked at his clothes.

"Fire oughta take care of this, right? I'm pretty sure this stuff is wrecked anyhow." He openly shuddered.

2010-07-18, 08:18 AM
"Well, yes - I mean, if you don't intend on keeping them," said the doctor. "If you'll excuse my asking, how were they, um... mutated?" Despite the man's educated air, Lothar detected a human appetite for a grisly tale. "Lots of eyes and things? Was it them tainting the water?"

2010-07-18, 08:28 AM
"They looked normal to me," said Pieter, "except their behavior."

He shuddered.

"They were fierce. They did not flee. They could not be distracted."

2010-07-18, 09:23 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

E-eyes? Big... s-soulless.... red eyes? Illiiya said, standing stiff for a moment.

Her face looked tense as she stared off into space bearing an expression of muted terror. She looked shaky and frayed... as if she saw something terrifying here that no one else could. In fact, she looked like she often did before one of the sobbing, pleading break-downs she had if she was reminded too much of the incident in Gavinsburough.

That's right. You remember the eyes, don't you?

N-no. No! I don't remember anyt-

Yes you do! You remember them, and you remember me! Stop pretending that you don't!

But it hurts! It hurts so much! I... I... I can't. I can't. They'll find me!

You wretch! No one cares about you. Not the broken shell you are now, at any rate. The only part of you that matters was raped, tortured and torn from your mind. You don't have anything left that they want.

But I c-can still see them. I.. I can hear them.


Illiiya flinched, seemingly for no reason... and reached out shakily for Ithelus' hand. She squeezed it tightly, her slender figure trembling quietly.

Please.... please leave me alone.

I will NEVER leave you. I could not even if I tried. I'm only here, because you want me here. Because you're so weak and pathetic that you disgust yourself...

I-I just want...

You want to stop jumping at shadows and crying over imagined noises like some sniveling child! You pretend you don't remember, but you do. You remember everything. And you remember what you were like before.

N-no... no... I don-

YES YOU DO! They didn't rip your mind apart. YOU DID! Because you are too damned weak to deal with what happened to you. You're pathetic, and worthless... and that is why you act this way. You are too weak to be me, and too disgusted with yourself to be you.

P-please... please stop....

And it was quiet... but the damage was done. Without a single word, she wrapped her arms around Ithelus and shook, crying quietly. Even he couldn't understand. None of her friends could. She felt ashamed to be crying... to be so weak. Here they were, risking their lives and getting themselves hurt so badly... and all she could do was cry, and think of how much she hated herself.

2010-07-18, 09:34 AM
Rasen blinked and stared, clearly very uncomfortable.

"Um - perhaps now is not, ah, the best time," he said. "It's late, and I'm sure you're all... tired..."

2010-07-18, 05:21 PM
"Oh, yes," said Pieter absently. "That, we are."

All his attention was on Illiiya. He wished he could do something for her, anything, but his experience with girls (and people in general) did not extend to genuinely caring for them. Probably because he had never had a family worth the name. He knew only two kinds of relationships: short-term friendship and short-term romance. None was suited for this.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself when others have it worse, he reminded himself angrily.

"Are we done?" he asked no one in particular.

2010-07-18, 05:40 PM
'Thank you very much Doctor' says Ithelus, 'I fear this won't be the last time we turn up to your house at an anti-social hour. I'm starting to think if leaving might not be such a bad idea...' he trailed off.

He picks Illiiya up in his arms. 'I think we should report to the Captain and then call it a night?'

2010-07-18, 09:09 PM
Sparrow Hawk Down

"I'm the new guy."

Raffy snorts.

Rasen looked round, staring at Pieter.

"Are you a physician?"

"He just pretends to be whatever's most convenient at the moment," comments the youth.

"If you'll excuse my asking, how were they, um... mutated? Lots of eyes and things? Was it them tainting the water?"

"Doc, they weren't mutated at all. Looked like rats, but have you ever seen 200, 300 rats moving in unison? Ever seen them ignore food and run headlong into explosions to keep up the chase? I saw one pissing in the well. Probably a lot more than one... there was a steady stream of piss for ten minutes or more. Yeah, I'd say they're tainting it."

When Rasen asks if the Captain has handled it, he replies, "No, and he didn't believe me when I told him about it." He gives a meaningful look at his companions. "He does want to see us tomorrow though, so that's one more obligation for tomorrow morning. Ith, I recommend you postpone your 'commitment' till after Captain debriefs us, 'cuz we need all the witnesses we can get if he's going to believe us at all."

When Illiiya suffers her next wave of mental attacks, Raffy just grimaces uncomfortably. As the others suggest leaving, he stays put and looks the physician in the eyes.

"Doctor, tell me the truth. If those rats cause the ague, then I've got the ague. How many survive it, how quick does it kill, and does anything help?"

He doesn't seem scared - it seems more like he is making a list of pre-death priorities in his head.

2010-07-19, 05:21 AM
“It was urinating in the well, you say?” said the doctor. “That is interesting – very interesting. That could explain it.”

Remembering Raffy’s question, he stopped.

“The effects I have observed have been, um, varied... but generally the disease begins with a fever, chills, headaches and muscle pains. After a few days, this preliminary ague subsides – if the victim is healthy, or lucky, that may be the end of the sickness, but for most it is followed by jaundice, pains in the belly, and noxious flux.” He coughed. “After a few days, the worst affected show a pronounced loss in appetite, and a discoloured mottling of the skin can be observed. The general yellowing of the jaundice becomes extreme, and for those who reach such a stage, death is the most frequent outcome by far. The total course of the disease runs to about seven days, although of course it varies strongly between individuals.”

Rasen hestitated.

“A healthy young man such as yourself, though – well, I would hold out high hopes that the disease would not reach its lethal stage. If you have it at all, that is. I have treated rat-bites – they are not so uncommon in these neighbourhoods – but the only common factor I have found among the sick here in the Ward is the water from this well. Perhaps the creatures’ saliva is not as efficacious as their urine. Pestilences can be mysteriously choosy.” He shrugged. “As for treatment – proper rest and care during the first stage, and the control of the fever with fire and water, are the only things I have found to be effective.” He shook his head. “The more developed patients can be purged and bled to draw off the excess of bile, but I am sorry to confess that at that stage, the disease is stronger than the doctor.”

2010-07-19, 11:20 AM

The boy notes the information. "Seven days..." he says distantly. Then: "Doc, I have to get some clean clothes. Do you have any you can part with? I can pay."

2010-07-19, 11:29 AM
Rasen looked Raffy up and down.

"I'm not sure they'd fit you too well... but yes, I suppose I could give you some of my old things. I'll go fetch them." He paused. "You might wish one of your friends to carry them until you've had a chance to wash properly, though. Wouldn't want fleas getting into them too."

Hurrying upstairs, he reappeared with a bundle of plain but well-made clothes - 'folded' in the crumpled and haphazard fashion of a man who was used to living alone.

"Here we are," he said, trying to prevent any of the bundle from slipping through his arms. "There should be enough here for you and your friends." He held up a hand as Raffy went for his purse, inadvertently letting a shirt fall to the floor. "Please - if you got into this state trying to clean the Ward well, it's me who owes you."

He picked up the shirt, narrowly avoiding dropping anything else as he did so. "I don't even wear these any more. Not the height of fashion, I'm afraid, but clean."

2010-07-19, 11:33 AM
Raffy thanks the doctor at least two separate times, and lets whoever is the cleanest party member carry them - but not Illiiya, as she already hugged Raffy earlier.

Once he takes leave of the Doc he'll go to the nearest place where he can hope to get a bath - maybe the Tongs?

2010-07-19, 02:43 PM
Pieter opened his mouth to politely decline the new clothes, but decided against it. He would need them: now was hardly the time to get sick.

"Let's go," he yawned. "Where are you people sleeping?"

He knew the Graf's Arms was probably not the best place to get a hot bath, so he considered going somewhere a bit more upscale. And to hell with his usual frugality. After this long day, he deserved better.


Pieter will go to the Tongs and ask for a hot bath and soap (how much is it?). If they won't let him enter, he'll ask nicely.

Fel 51: [roll0]

Edit: Failed... Then he will offer to pay a full gold crown for his room and bath.

2010-07-20, 11:43 AM
Muttering a confusing multitude of replies to Pieter, the party went their separate ways – Pieter and Raffy to the Tongs in somewhat uncomfortable silence, Lothar to gather his things from the Crow, and the elves to their cellar. The Middenland night was deepening, its chill enough to make teeth chatter: it was time to get indoors, or freeze.



The landlord of the Crow looked askance at Lothar as the dishevelled soldier returned, but said nothing – packing up his things, the soldier made a hurried exit from the inn, heading instead for the Carter’s Rest. In his dog-tired state, his fears rose eagerly to the surface of his thoughts, a wide-brimmed hat in a dark corner of the common hall making him jump at the imagined shadow of Jagrun. On his way through the darkened streets, he could have sworn more than once that he heard the scuttling of rats behind him.

That wasn’t remarkable, in this part of town, he told himself. They weren’t following him. They were just there. That was what rats did – they came out foraging after dark.

They weren’t following him. They were just there.

A brisk pace brought him to the doorstep of the Carter’s Rest in good time – recognising him from his enquiries about the mutant Hoffer, the innkeeper looked twice at Lothar’s soiled clothes, but took his money without protest. A couple of stable-boys were huddled around a small fire in the yard, to which Lothar’s clothes and boots made a welcome addition, and an empty barrel with the top struck off was pressed into service as a bathtub at the soldier’s request. Heating the water took some time, and by the time the tun was full the first jugfuls had already begun to cool – but at least it was clean, and by that time, Lothar had already availed himself of enough of the sharp, fierce spirits they sold at the Rest to be fairly insensible to the cold, and the stinging of his wounds from the alcohol he had been able to spare from the noble task of going down his gullet.

The customers of the Carter’s rest, although a quiet, rural lot in the main, certainly seemed curious about Lothar’s unusual behaviour. The old soldier found himself the recipient of more than a couple of free drinks, paid for by those who wanted to see what the ruddy-bearded newcomer would do next. The hot fire in the broad common hall warming his bones, Lothar’s evening faded away into an amicable blur...

OOC: Lothar gets three free pints of ale off the customers of the Rest – whiskey is a schilling for a bottle. Accommodation at the Carter’s Rest is 4s a night, non-negotiable.


Raffy & Pieter

The bushy-moustached landlord of the Tongs seemed more than a little surprised by his new customers’ appearance – not an aristo himself, he seemed to decide against declining their custom when he recognised Raffy, and saw the look on the young man’s face. He did, however, insist that they leave their boots by the door – and when they tried to book rooms, he could not be persuaded until he had seen their change of clothes.

“Don’t know what you’ve been doing to get into a state like that mister,” he muttered, “but you go befouling the fixtures and it’s you as’ll have to pay.”

Nevertheless, they secured their accommodation for the night. The Tongs had a single, copper bathtub, rather different from the bathing in a barrel that had been the norm for Raffy growing up in the country – or the not bathing at all that had been the norm for Pieter in Nuln. It incurred an additional fee, which the landlord did his best to justify with copious grunting and wheezing as he and a servant manhandled it up and down the stairs, but it was worth it.

Each in their own room, with clean clothes, an actual bed and in Pieter’s case even a small fireplace, the two soon fell fast asleep.

OOC: Accommodation at the Tongs is 10s a night, non-negotiable (as before), plus a tenpenny surcharge for the bath.


Ithelus & Illiiya

Returning to their underground lodgings, the elves settled down for another night’s sleep in the cellar, Illiiya’s adverse reaction at the doctor’s smoothed over for now. The story the others had told turning over and over in his head, Ithelus couldn’t help but remember their landlord’s words as they descended the ladder into their ‘lodgings’.

...clean and proper, basic’lly rat-proof... one schilling a week...

What did basically rat-proof mean?

Telling himself that the place looked pretty rat-proof to him, the elf settled down into another uncomfortable night’s sleep.

Illiiya Only
That night, Illiiya dreamed troubled dreams.

The cathedral of Sigmar towered above her, a colossal, black spike stabbing up into the star-specked darkness of the night sky. The scaffolding had dissolved away from the great belltower, its sheer stone face frowning down on the city below. As she stared back up at it, it began to toll, the harsh peals of a great bell booming out from within the belfry.

For some reason, the sound cut her to the quick, an icy fear mounting higher in the pit of her stomach with each successive toll of the bell. Looking frantically around, she found herself utterly alone in the darkened square, a freezing wind gusting over the empty cobbles. As the bell tolled louder and louder, the lights of the city around her began to wink out. Overhead, the stars dwindled away to nothing, total darkness enveloping her.

Disembodied voices floated in the void beside her – angry voices, wheedling voices, laughing voices. Somewhere, there was the baying of hounds, the wounded cry of a fox, and the dry roar of a fire. The voices rose and fell in incomprehensible snatches, some maddeningly familiar, most completely strange to her: as they faded away, she found herself looking down on herself and the others, obliviously slumbering in the cellar. She tried to shake herself awake, but she had no hands to do so.

There was a familiar, greasy crackle in the air – her heartbeat quickened as she recognised the sensation of the magic that had plagued her for as long as she could remember, powerful currents of Dhar winding past somewhere out of sight. As she watched, the shadows in the corner of the subterranean space rippled like a pool of black water, a great, sinuous shape spooling out of them – she stared in terror as an ivory-scaled serpent slithered into her sight, twice the length of a horse at least.

Bluish-black tongue flicking out to taste the stale air, the creature turned its eyes on the slumbering bodies before it – slithering forwards, it wound its great coils almost lovingly around its sleeping prey, encircling the sleeping elves. Ithelus stirred in his sleep as it coiled around him, its flickering tongue almost brushing his face.

It was not alone. Out of the corners of the cellar, out of every shadow, every crack in the walls and every pit in the earth floor, furry shapes were silently boiling up from the darkness, a black-furred carpet of rats surrounding the serpent and its senseless victims. Raising its head, the snake hissed, baring curved fangs at the ring of rodents surrounding it – in a squeaking, chittering horde, the rats surged forwards, converging on the python from every direction in a wave of fur and teeth. The white coils thrashed as the snake vanished beneath the black tide, the serpent’s fangs sinking into flesh again and again as it ripped individual rats from the swarm – not enough, not nearly enough to halt the unnatural onslaught as the creature’s teeth gnawed through scale and hide, the white coils running red with the beast’s own blood. They were inside it, pushing their ravenous snouts through the holes they gnawed in its underbelly to consume the soft flesh within – and still she and Ithelus slept, oblivious to the carnage being wrought around them. Seeing the rats scurry over her legs, her stomach, her sleeping face, Illiiya willed herself not to wake up...

She woke with a start, sitting bolt upright with sweat soaking her skin – apart from Ithelus, still sleeping, the cellar was empty. No snake, no rats – nothing.

Except the faint tang of dark magic on the air, like smoke carried from a distant fire.


Morning – and a bright new Bezahltag dawned, yesterday’s clouds having cleared, and in doing so allowed all the heat that Delberz retained to vanish into the yawning void of the night sky. It was absolutely freezing: there was a skin of ice on the puddles in the streets, and frost rimed what grass and moss grew within the bounds of the crowded city. In their various inns, the three human members of the party woke with the dawn, while the suffocating stuffiness of the cellar after a night’s sleep woke Ithelus from his slumber.

A new day awaited.

2010-07-20, 12:04 PM
Chained to a stone wall, deep underground in a dark cell, with hundreds of rats gnawing at his toes, his arms, his chest, his face... He wanted to scream, but an oversized rodent tore into his throat and burrowed inside it... Around him the other slaves were crying out for help as the rats ate them alive, but he could not rescue them any more than he could rescue himself... They were horribly mutilated, like the corpses found in the streets, but they did not even get the sweet release of death...

Pieter woke with a choked gasp, sweaty despite the cold. He stumbled out of bed, trembling, and put on the clothes the doctor had given him. After an attempt at making himself look presentable in front of the mirror, he dragged his feet down the stairs to meet Raffy in the common room.

2010-07-20, 12:20 PM
Raffy, plus (sort of) Pieter

Note: Raffy burned his old clothes the night before, if possible.

Rafale searched himself scrupulously for fleas or bedbugs both before bed and after arising. he ran his fingers through his hair to check his scalp no less thasn seventy times. He also rechecked his new clothes - twice, and wished he'd done it a third time. Imagined bites infuriated him as he contemplated scrubbing and donning his calf-high softshoes but decided they were too much of a risk. They had been in that sewage. He didn't like them anymore.

Barefoot, he ignored Pieter at breakfast. He felt a lot of guilt from his peasant heritage about leaving a functioning pair of shoes. He couldn't even give them to a pauper in good conscience. Using his the point of his broadsword to lift the shoes from their place by the door, he carried them at arm's length to the rubbish heap and flung them in. As if to alleviate his guilt with penitence, he then strode barefoot through the winter streets. The cold didn't bother his feet much - not on this short of a walk, with the morning sun melting the frost - but he picked his steps carefully to avoid bits of glass or the sharp edge of a misplaced paver.

It was with this appearance - too-tight clothes, mussed hair losing its henna dye, armed yet shoeless - that he rapped at the door of a clothier's. Still a bit early for business, he counted on the owner living above the shop and banged all the more loudly when there was no initial response.

Deciding it was time to start to look the part of a Captain's investigator, he withdrew several crowns and informed the shopkeeper he intended to look stylish....

((Hoping to buy the sort of outfit a well-off landowner might wear to go hunting: attractive leather breeches, tall boots, a nice but durable shirt and jacket, a stylish hat of whatever the latest fashion is. Probably a cravat or tie. Not going noble here, but I want to look like I could be in the company of the better bourgeois when they are out on the road looking for grouse. I'll keep one layer of Doc's clothes on as underclothes, so I can strip the outer layer before entering future sewers. Cost?))

Raffy then arrives at the Captain's offices and sets to cleaning, honing and oiling his sword till the others arrive.

2010-07-20, 01:10 PM
Ithelus rose, his joints creaking, vertebrae cracking as he stretches. Donning his clothes he stumbles into the light of the morning. Shaking off the cold he makes his way to the guardhouse.

2010-07-20, 01:40 PM

When he looked in the mirror, Pieter noted with alarm that the bite on his face had become inflamed - an ugly, purplish rash had spread across his cheek, centred around the wound. A quick check confirmed that the other lacerations the rodents had gifted him with had displayed the same behaviour - the urge to scratch was almost overpowering.

Downstairs, his changed appearance drew more than a few sideways glances - but none of the strangers in the common room saw fit to comment.


Raffy at the Clothier's

On his way out, Raffy realised a growing discomfort - checking the doctor's dressings, he realised that the skin around the rat-bites had turned an angry red in the night, a mottled rash spread across his limbs and lower back where the little beasts had bitten him. It was powerfully itchy.

The clothier was in, thankfully - surprised by the early custom, he nevertheless liked the colour of Raffy's gold. A little owl of a man, with white hair smoothed down against the sides of his shiny round head, he had what the Sparrowhawk was looking for - not cheap, but not extortionate either.

OOC: 3gc for the outfit, plus 1gc for the hat.

2010-07-20, 02:21 PM
Raffy at the Clothier's (tapback)

As Raffy inspects the owlish man's offerings he starts to make small talk. He remembers he has just over three quid in his threadbare purse and he is going to have to ride on his reputation to leave here looking like a real enforcer.

"I've been doing some work for Captain von Brucker," he comments as he tries on different hats. "You probably heard of the mutants we caught. Well, caught isn't quite right - they fought to the end."

He holds up two different ties next to a shirt, and considers a bow tie. "That's what happened to my old outfit. They weren't gentle."

Setting a simpler, straight tie on the counter he says, "They call me the Sparrowhawk. Please to meet you, Mister...?"

He gets the man's name and nods acceptingly at the 4 crown price that is named. As the man moves to take his measurements he sets three crowns on the table.

"That's what I have this morning, ___" he says, using the man's name. "You can believe I'll be back before sunset to pay the difference. If a sorcerer-killer's word isn't enough, you can at least be assured I'll be back to have these sleeves taken in a nudge."

He buttons the formal jacket part way and turns to the door. "When they ask who I'm wearing I'll be sure to recommend you, ___."

((If Fel is needed it's v. 29 but I'm mostly trying to rely on reputation here.))

2010-07-20, 02:27 PM

Setting a simpler, straight tie on the counter he says, "They call me the Sparrowhawk. Please to meet you, Mister...?"

"Speld," said the clothier. "Mr Speld."

He ran a pale tongue over his lips, looking between the articles in question and Raffy's face as the young man finished his pitch.

"I did hear about this mutant trouble. A terrible thing, them cropping up here. But here sir, this hat, this hat is a whole crown. If you have the three, then how about I keep hold of the hat, you take the clothes, and when you have the money you can come back in the evening, and have the hat too, eh? It isn't raining, after all. I'll set it aside for you." He gave a grimacing grin. "I've got my business to think of, young sir, and I can't be taking everyone on trust. You understand."

OOC: If you want to try and move him back to your original proposition, an Haggle test (untrained, I think?) would be in order.

2010-07-20, 02:49 PM
OOC: Raffy's aim is to be a friend of the common people. If Mr. Speld doesn't already have a level of trust for the splendiferous Sparrowhawk, then he won't go pushing him into a deal he doesn't like.


"Mr. Speld, I understand completely," he says, setting the hat gently in the man's hands with a final look of longing at it. "I'll be back this evening for the alterations and the hat, gold in hand, I promise you that."

Somewhat less dapper than he'd hoped, he nonetheless moves with a sense of pride through the morning streets. A heavy prybar hung from his scabbard (to preserve his new belt) reminds him of another debt he's yet to repay as well. With interest, I reckon.

2010-07-20, 05:01 PM

"Humph," growled the initiate, examining the ugly rash in the mirror.

Maybe I should buy some makeup. Later...

Raffy was gone. He was not too confident about going to the guard house alone, so he moodily strode toward the Elves' place.

OOC: Wherever that is.

2010-07-20, 10:27 PM

Lothar awoke, the pleasant warmth of the night before chased away by the pounding pounding pounding of an army of angry dwarfs, twisted and furious, smashing against the inside of his skull. He rolled out of his sheets and scrambled for clothing. He sat up, his eyes a little sharper when he couldn't find his usual gear, and shook his head.

"Where th' 'ell-- oh..." he muttered, as memories returned all gradual-like, and he reluctantly pulled his new, good clothes over to himself. He rubbed his beard, combing his- "Wait. What'd'I?"

The soldier was clean-shaven. The night before, shivering and half-drunk on free ale and cheap whiskey, the feeling of tiny little rat feet running, scratching through his bearded jowls had made him bring razor to face. Little curls of reddish hair littered the courtyard of the inn. He remembered the amused grins of tradesmen, his face all pink and smooth. The pitted 'powder scars on his right cheek stood out all the more, bereft of their hirsute cover.

Grunting bitterly -my beard!- the soldier stomped down the stairs, looking for breakfast and some new boots to replace the old. He jingled the coins in his pouch hopefully...

2010-07-21, 03:07 PM
Los Elfos

Illiiya awoke with a start, and looked about warily for several minutes, trying her hardest to ignore the voices in her head. She scootched in tight against Ithelus and lied down again, but found herself unable to sleep again... instead just holding him and staring off nervously into the darkness.

Come morning, she seemed quiet and demure, and readied herself quickly to go with Ithelus. She was so used to seeing and hearing horrible things by now, that she did not speak a word of what she had seen in her dream... though she certainly looked quite a bit shaken... just as she had last night.

2010-07-21, 03:47 PM
One by one, the group made their way to the Guard House – the elves met Pieter heading their way on New Street, their new ally apparently coming to find them first. Illiiya tried not to stare at the angry red rash that had spread across Pieter’s face from the rat-bite there.

Unlike the previous night, the guard house this morning was a hive of activity: Marius was in the centre of it all, gathered around the now-familiar map with a trio of uniformed guards. With a sinking feeling in his gut, Raffy realised the map had changed: there were more pins in it now.


Looking over his shoulder, the captain caught sight of them.

“There you are,” he said. He had the weary look of a man who had been roused exceptionally early in the morning. “It’s not good news I’m afraid. Six more dead, by our latest count – five like the others, one of them inside the Castle, and a second with their throat cut, and that damned symbol painted onto their skin.”
The guards behind him made the sign of the hammer.
“Still no witnesses, either, although I’m hoping someone might come forward. And on top of all that, I have the roadwardens clamouring and whingeing about their damned highwayman. Apparently the Wolf has hit another coach on the Drakwald road.”

He had the tone of a man at the end of his rope. Shaking his head, he seemed to remember something else.

“Oh yes – and if it wasn’t your find of last night, something’s stirred up the Hounds. They’re crawling all over that well in the Ward, and they say the Witch Hunter’s among them.” He frowned. “They’re up to something.”

The Captain paused for a moment, noticing Pieter.

"Who's this fellow?"

2010-07-21, 04:22 PM
"Pieter." Not the time for false names. "Rafale and the others have accepted my help for this investigation. I came to report about what I found down the well yesterday."

He politely waited for permission to tell the details.

2010-07-21, 04:35 PM
Marius raised an eyebrow, glancing at Raffy for confirmation.

"Well, as long as you're not expecting to be paid," he said, bluntly. He nodded to the elves. "I was shown the tunnels. Still no word as to that unfortunate the Hounds hauled away, I'm afraid."

2010-07-21, 04:47 PM
"I'm pretty sure he has nothing to do with this," said Pieter. "The tunnel just happened to end up under his house. That place is vast, I have no idea how it could have been dug in secret... We already know of three entrances, so there must be more."

Maybe one under the castle...

2010-07-21, 05:02 PM
"Well, what's left in the Ward now only links the man's house to the well," the Captain replied. "And the Hounds are all over it."

He looked from face to face. "I don't suppose you've found anything other than secret tunnels?"

2010-07-21, 05:12 PM
"I have, sir. But I'm told someone collapsed the tunnel I explored."

Pieter took a deep breath, trying to keep his voice from trembling.

"It led to a junction of many tunnels. I could hear voices coming from one of them. I followed it and found dozens of prisoners. In cages. Men and women, in horrible health. Emaciated, filthy, wearing nothing but rags. They were afraid and desperate. They begged me to let them out, but I didn't have the means to free them. So I went back to my friends to get their help."

His voice became bleak.

"Some of us ran here to get help. Rafale, Lothar and myself went back in, but we had to turn back. We were, um, attacked by rats."

He realized, too late, that the story sounded ludicrous when told out loud. He glanced at Lothar and Raffy for support.

((OOC: Sorry to leave during a period of simultaneous activity, but I'm going to see Inception.))

2010-07-21, 05:44 PM
"Some of us ran here to get help. Rafale, Lothar and myself went back in, but we had to turn back. We were, um, attacked by rats."

"So I was told," replied Marius, glancing at Raffy. By the tone of his voice, it seemed like he was trying to stay non-committal.

He paused, taking a deep breath.

"These captives, though... you understand that's an extraordinary claim. Did you secure any evidence that they're down there?"

2010-07-21, 05:53 PM
Raffy the Sparrowhawk

His impotent blunderbuss hanging from his hip, Raffy looks like a professional in his new clothes. He stands with a relaxed, but not sloppy posture.

When Marius looks to him to confirm Pieter's identity, he answers: "We have not accepted any ongoing association with him, Sir. However we have no reason to believe his information is false." Or to believe it.

After Pieter tells his story Raffy gives another neutral evaluation. "Sir, no one else saw the alleged slaves. However, Lothar and I can both vouch for the rat attack. It was unnatural, Sir. They acted like an army - they ran into explosions to keep up the chase. I swear to Sigmar." He glances at Lothar for a third opinion.

Then: "Sir, there are important connexions here. The house where the tunnel leads used to rent a room to Puderbrand, the clawed mutant we slew. He had also tunneled into the sewers as you may recall, Sir."

He takes a breath as if preparing to deliver news the Captain wouldn't like.

"Sir, we have many options. We have a witness to go see today in connection with Pilserier. He may or may not know something about the murders. We can keep investigating the murders, sir, but you already have men on that. We could instead storm the tunnels and look for the slaves, but with they may have been moved already. We can follow the Hounds and see what they're up to. We could even go after the highwayman, probably the most assured victory. We can do any of these four jobs Sir - but we cannot do them all."

He paused. "What are your orders, Sir?"

2010-07-21, 06:10 PM
Marius waved a hand as if swatting away a fly. "The highwayman's not important. That's the roadwardens' job, if they'd only do it."

The guards behind him muttered in agreement.

"If these murders continue, there'll be a general panic. That's your job: to find out who's behind them, and how we can stop them. Everything else is secondary." He paused, thinking. "If you think your witness knows something, he needs to be investigated. If you think these tunnels are connected, they need to be investigated - that is, if you think you can investigate with the Church's men underfoot. I may not know what the Witch Hunter is doing, but men like that are never idle. I'd rather not still be in the dark when he draws his conclusions."

He looked over his shoulder at his guards.

"As for storming the tunnels... my men are stretched thin keeping order as it is. If I was seen to send them off on a wild goose chase, and if the killings continue - well, it could hurt our position far more than help. If you're confident that these tunnels are the answer, then I can spare you a few men. No more." He shrugged. "As for the rats, I can't pretend I understand such a thing any more than you do... perhaps you disturbed a nest, or something of the sort? You might talk to a ratcatcher. I would think that was a rather low priority, however."

The Captain looked back at Raffy. "So those are your orders. Find the killer. I don't care how you do it, just do. My men can keep watch day and night, but it does no good against an invisible murderer that can pass in and out of a locked room at will - and in the meantime, the people grow agitated." He coughed. "I've heard your reports, but you've seen these things first hand. I trust your judgement. Sigmar knows you've found more out in the last week than the whole pack of Hounds."

2010-07-21, 07:11 PM
Raffy doesn't salute, but he takes on a tone of deep respect - one would almost say loyalty. "Then we will hard press the murderer till we catch him, Sir. And leave bandits to the roadwarden." The choice of the male pronoun might ring especially loud to Illiiya.

He drops his tone somewhat lower however - almost trying to assure the other guardsmen in the room wouldn't hear. "However, recall that the beast men plagued the roads till recently. How odd that within days of their death, a new threat seizes the road. Pilserier had a contact outside of town - I expect this highwayman is a deliberate ploy from the Chaos to harry you."

2010-07-21, 07:19 PM
Marius shook his head. "The Wolf's been preying on the northern roads for a while now. It was him that people suspected when the stone shipments went missing - at least, until you caught those beastmen in the act." He sighed. "He went a long time between his last crime and this one. Perhaps he'll do the same again. Gods above know we have more important things to deal with."

OOC: Earlier references are here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7527643&postcount=84) and here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7512952&postcount=55).

2010-07-21, 08:49 PM
"These captives, though... you understand that's an extraordinary claim. Did you secure any evidence that they're down there?"

"No sir, I couldn't," admitted Pieter bitterly. "I was planning to bring you a score of witnesses, but things turned out differently." He glanced sideways at Ithelus.

Don't blame the Elf, he told himself. With or without him, it would have failed. Maybe he did the right thing.

"So obviously I can't expect you to believe me. I had trouble believing it myself." He clenched his jaw. "But I'll prove it."

"If you think your witness knows something, he needs to be investigated. If you think these tunnels are connected, they need to be investigated - that is, if you think you can investigate with the Church's men underfoot."
"If the Hounds are exploring the tunnels," remarked Pieter, "it's because they're pretty sure it's worth their time. And if it's worth their time, it's worth ours."

"As for the rats, I can't pretend I understand such a thing any more than you do... perhaps you disturbed a nest, or something of the sort? You might talk to a ratcatcher."
Pieter let out a skeptical grunt, but on second thought decided not to dismiss the ratcatchers' help so quickly. They surely knew better than anyone what was going on under the city.

I'll look into it after those meetings with Lenkster and Maria.

2010-07-21, 10:14 PM
After Pieter tells his story Raffy gives another neutral evaluation. "Sir, no one else saw the alleged slaves. However, Lothar and I can both vouch for the rat attack. It was unnatural, Sir. They acted like an army - they ran into explosions to keep up the chase. I swear to Sigmar." He glances at Lothar for a third opinion.

Lothar nodded at Raffy's glance. "Aye, sir. Damnest thing I've ever seen, an' I've seen some- well, sir. The War weren't that long ago, sir. But you speak right, Captain; this murder's the thing. We'll get it done."

2010-07-22, 06:50 AM
Ithelus stands at the back, knowing that if anyone here truely knew what he intended to do today he would be clapped in iorns... If Raffy didn't kill him first.

'I think there is a connection between the tunnels and the murders, Who says that is not how they are getting into the buildings? So far there seems to be no pattern so trying to aticipate the murderer seems foolish.'

2010-07-22, 06:56 AM
Marius nodded slowly. "That could be the case. The man we saw yesterday seemed to me to have no idea that there was a tunnel beneath his house." He paused. "There's been more than one murder on an upper floor, however - and behind locked doors and windows. You'd still expect a tunnel-crawling murderer to have to pass in and out of his victim's room."

2010-07-22, 08:18 AM
"And they lock after they leave," said Pieter quietly. "Sounds like the murderers' way to tell us that no one is safe. They're trying to spread panic. And it suits the Hounds, since they can justify their power abuse. They play in the murderers' hands..."

He stopped himself. No one here seemed to have much love for the Hounds, but he did not want to let slip his general anti-authority ideas.

2010-07-22, 08:33 AM
Marius looked skeptical.

"In which case, one would expect them to be visible exiting the room. We've had witnesses who were awoken by the screaming of the victims, but swear they saw no-one pass in or out of the room where they were found."

"It may be what the Church wants, but we can't dismiss the possibility of sorcery." He glanced at Illiiya. "Either that, or our murderer is exceptionally stealthy... and exceptionally fast. As far as we can tell, last night's murders mostly occurred within a very short period of time, the same as the night before."

2010-07-22, 12:22 PM
Raffy the Sparrowhawk

"Exceptionally stealthy, exceptionally fast..." Raffy echoed. "Like a rat."

He looked at Marius. "Sir, if the sorcerer can turn into a rat, he wouldn't need to unlock doors. He could squeeze right under most of 'em. And no one would notice one rat in the shadows compared to the--well, the body Sir."

He tapped his foot. "Sir, if I may suggest something Sir, something rather big.... what if you put out the word, officially, that rats are believed to be the familiars of the sorcerer who's killing these people? Please hear me out Sir!" he suddenly picks up his pace as he (I presume) sees a look of skepticism seize Marius' face. "If I'm wrong then you'll at least have the whole town feeling like there's something helpful they can do. They'll be setting rat traps, sealing mouse holes, changing their thatch... generally keeping busy and feeling they have a purpose, Sir. That'll hold off the panic a bit. And if by some tiny chance I'm right... well, it sure will make the sorcerer's job a lot harder if everyone in town is looking to kill rats."

* * * *

((once Marius makes a decision on the rat idea))

"Sir, I'd also like to ask about the murder in the castle. Who was the victim, Sir? Anyone of standing?"

((after answer))

"Did he have any known political foes, Sir?"

((after answer))

"And what about your f--, uh, his Excellency the Baron, Sir? Will he be retiring to a country home for his safety?"

2010-07-22, 05:04 PM
Marius blinked.

"That's... um, that's quite a suggestion." He paused. "I'd have to tell the Witch Hunter first. If the Guard were to act on information that had not been passed on to the Church - well, I wouldn't like to be charged with withholding evidence from the Templars."

"What you say about giving the people something to do, keeping them calm... it might have some merit, but at the same time, there are more rats than people in this town right now. If the common folk thought the rats could kill, it might have the opposite effect."

He looked Raffy in the eyes.

"If really think that's true - or strikes close to the truth - I'll put out the word. But if it turns out to be false, the consequences could be the end of our investigation."

"Sir, I'd also like to ask about the murder in the castle. Who was the victim, Sir? Anyone of standing?"

Marius shook his head. "Below-stairs. A scullery boy, I think."

"And what about your f--, uh, his Excellency the Baron, Sir? Will he be retiring to a country home for his safety?"

"No - that would give people the excuse to panic. His chambers will be guarded at all times, but he will remain in Delberz."

2010-07-22, 08:48 PM
"What I wanna know," Lothar piped up, "is whether the new murders look like they were done quicker than the others. I mean- more an' more are happening faster'n faster, right?"

2010-07-22, 11:05 PM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Illiiya had been quiet and pensive since waking this morning, keeping to herself. It was almost as if she'd regressed a bit back to the way she used to be, but with less jumping at every noise and shadow.

It's the tunnels.... um... I-in the tunnels. She said finally, her voice far off and unfocused, I didn't see... what Pieter did. But I felt it, down there. The... the winds... d-don't move right. It felt like... I... I don't even know how to describe it. It felt like being buried alive. Just... breathing the air in the dark... as if gets thinner and thinner... and your head starts to fade... and you can just feel that heavy, crushing weight... all around you.

She'll pause for a moment, clenching her hands tightly... and shivering, as if she's forcing herself to do what she plans to next.

Don't even think it! They'll turn on you! Never trust you again!

Right now *I* don't trust me.

But... I've been.... seeing things. Hearing things. A-all the time. She confessed, I... I'm sorry. I have trouble... telling what's real, and... w-what's not. I was sure... so sure... that I knew what was happening. But... but maybe I imagined it. Maybe I imagined all of it. Oh gods, I need help. I don't think I can do this anymore.

She spent a moment to compose herself, putting on her best determined face and mustering up as much willpower as she could manage.

But no matter what... The tunnels are real. Pieter saw the people down there. Everyone still has scars from it. There IS something horrible down there. She said resolutely, Instead of the guards wandering on patrol... maybe you should put them at every exit from the sewers and tunnels you know of, and see if tha changes a thing. It... cannot possibly grow worse, can it?

2010-07-23, 12:22 AM
Raffy the Sparrowhawk

"I'd have to tell the Witch Hunter first. If the Guard were to act on information that had not been passed on to the Church - well, I wouldn't like to be charged with withholding evidence from the Templars."

"Of course Sir. Though as few people as possible should know it's a ruse - we wouldn't want info leaking."

"What you say about giving the people something to do, keeping them calm... it might have some merit, but at the same time, there are more rats than people in this town right now. If the common folk thought the rats could kill, it might have the opposite effect."

"Well Sir, I leave it up to you to decide of course. If you do make the announcement, we oughtn't say every rat is in league, just that he has a rat as a familiar. So they should kill rats on sight, but needn't fear they are surrounded by witches."

"If really think that's true - or strikes close to the truth - I'll put out the word. But if it turns out to be false, the consequences could be the end of our investigation."

"Sir, I know with certainty that there are supernatural rats in this town. I haven't even a guess whether they are involved in the murders. But my own thought, Sir, is that if I am completely wrong - no one will ever know. If we find the murderer and his familiar is not a rat, how would anyone prove it? If he's not even a sorcerer, would the rumours of sorcery suddenly go away?"

2010-07-23, 04:38 AM
"What I wanna know," Lothar piped up, "is whether the new murders look like they were done quicker than the others. I mean- more an' more are happening faster'n faster, right?"

Marius shook his head.

“The same horror-show as the others, I’m afraid. If you want to examine them, a fair few of the bodies haven’t yet been moved.”

But no matter what... The tunnels are real. Pieter saw the people down there. Everyone still has scars from it. There IS something horrible down there. She said resolutely, Instead of the guards wandering on patrol... maybe you should put them at every exit from the sewers and tunnels you know of, and see if tha changes a thing. It... cannot possibly grow worse, can it?

Illiiya’s words seemed to give the Captain food for thought.

“That’s not a bad idea – but then again, we haven’t had dedicated sewerjacks in Delberz for more than a decade. I wonder if there’s anyone left who knows all the ways in and out.” He paused. “We can at least guard the ones we know, though – and the outlets into the river. I’ll see to it.”

"Sir, I know with certainty that there are supernatural rats in this town. I haven't even a guess whether they are involved in the murders. But my own thought, Sir, is that if I am completely wrong - no one will ever know. If we find the murderer and his familiar is not a rat, how would anyone prove it? If he's not even a sorcerer, would the rumours of sorcery suddenly go away?"

Marius nodded to Raffy. “You have a point. I’ll speak to Jagrun today, put the word out as soon as we can.”

2010-07-23, 09:33 AM
"Rat traps in the sewers," muttered Pieter, as if thinking out loud. "And arsenic, too. Can't be too careful."

He frowned.

"Sir," he asked off-handedly, "what sort of machinery is under the city? Is it some kind of mechanized waterworks, or such? I could hear it while I was in the tunnel."

2010-07-23, 09:39 AM
Marius' brow furrowed.

"...Machinery?" he asked. "Under the city? There's none - never has been, either." He paused. "There's a water-wheel on the river, but I can't think of anything else."

2010-07-23, 09:48 AM
Pieter's frown deepened.

"Ah... thank you."

He was from Nuln, and he could tell the sound of machinery when he heard it. It was not his imagination. He glanced at Raffy and Lothar, hoping to meet their eyes — surely they, too, had heard something.

2010-07-23, 10:33 AM
'Me and Illiiya heard something down there too, thudding, it could easily be machinery.' He pauses, 'I think we should go back to the house that we caught Puderbrand in, turn over every flagstone and floorboard. I'm guessing there might be a tunnel there as well, it might give us a back door in.... He pauses, Hang on, Lothar, didn't you say they were tunneling through to the sewers down there?'

2010-07-23, 01:07 PM
Raffy heard the machinery too, but doesn't say anything.

To Ithelus: "Yes, he had two tunnels as I recall, one that went into the sewers and an unfinished one that dead-ended."

He adjusts his 'buss on his hip and eyes the door.

((I am ready to go when the others are. I'd like to stop tpo purchase powder & shot on the way to see Lenkster.))

2010-07-23, 01:12 PM
"Well, perhaps that might bear looking into also," said Marius. "Which means it's about time you got to work." He nodded. "You're dismissed."

OOC: If anyone has anything more to say to Marius, feel free to: I'm putting this post up so's to save time, not to cut people off.


Leaving the Guard House, the group were immediately confronted by the sight of a trio of men crossing Judge’s Square, towards the notice-post that stood in its middle: wearing the white armbands of the Hounds, they ostentatiously nailed a large handbill to the post at eye-level before moving on, the sheaf of similar papers in one of the militiamen’s hands implied that they were putting them up all over town.

People were already crowding round the notice, but it was not hard to get a good look – it was a simple message, in large, bold letters.

Poster (http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/2088785/wanted-poster-pdf-july-21-2010-5-21-pm-47k?da=y)

Before they could turn to leave, a shabbily-dressed man practically bumped into Raffy, looking up at the young man’s face with a snuffling apology.

“’Scuze me,” he said, “but are you the one they’re callin’ the Sparrowhawk?”

On confirmation, he pressed a grubby scrap of paper into Raffy’s hand.

“Bloke down Neumarket way wanted me to give you this. Dunno why, but he gave me a schilling and all.” He touched his grubby hat with a hint of deference, Raffy’s sharp new clothes evidently having made something of an impression on his peasant nature.

The note was written in the same spidery hand as the one they had received outside the castle. To Raffy, the letters were all so many incomprehensible symbols – it was clear, however, that the writer had put a message on both sides.

Note: Front

“I hope it’s good news, yer honour,” said the man. “Now if you don’t mind, sir, I have to be on my way...”

2010-07-23, 01:45 PM
"Let me read it to you," offered Pieter, extending his hand.

2010-07-23, 02:43 PM
To the messenger:

Raffy scans the note as if he can read it, and nods. "Thank you," he says simply.

Raffy smiles at the man. "I can't make anything of these letters, sir. Never was much of one for reading. But thank you for bringing it."

As the man disappears into the crowd he hands it to Pieter or whoever and lets them read the markings.

((OOC note: I keep forgetting I haven't much money. We can go right to the theater, I'll save my munition shopping till after Maria's house.))

2010-07-23, 02:47 PM
"The mandrake man will lie, watch where he goes." Frowning, Pieter turned the sheet over. "Shun the tunnels, they will be your death." He arched an eyebrow. "Now I wonder, is this a warning or a threat? Um... does someone still have the other anonymous note? I'll have a look at it."

(assuming someone gives it to him:)

"The writing looks pretty similar..."

2010-07-23, 07:09 PM
"Wait, wait- who gave this to ya, mate?" Lothar called out at the departing messenger. "Another piece o' the moon, if you can tell us where to find him."

2010-07-23, 07:16 PM
Not one to turn down the offer of hard coin, the peasant stopped. At Lothar’s question, he took off his cap, scratching his head.

“I don’t rightly know, mister. He had a cowl down over his face – I thought maybe he was a monk or somesuch. Little feller, though. Had a funny smell to him." He paused. “Seemed in a terrible hurry – he scurried off sharpish after he gave me the note.”

2010-07-23, 07:23 PM
"Tell you what- here's a few coppers. Spot him again, come find the me at the Carter's Rest, or Sparrowhawk here at the Tongs- and you'll get a full other silver."

OOC: Party loses -5cp.

2010-07-23, 07:25 PM
The man touched his forelock.

"I surely will, mister."

Stowing the coppers away, he headed off into the gathering crowds of the square.

2010-07-23, 08:32 PM
"Fear not, Lothar, your money's safe," said Pieter dryly. "Our anonymous monk won't be seen again, unless he wants to send us another note."

The initiate was not inclined to trust people who hid their faces under cowls and paid random strangers to deliver their messages. Granted, Ranaldites were known to do that too. But of course, he did not trust other Ranaldites either.

"I just can't wait to hear what Lenkster has to say."

2010-07-23, 08:40 PM
The soldier shrugged. "No harm done, an' we made a friend on the streets. That's worth a few coppers- an' if it works out, all the better."

2010-07-24, 01:42 AM
Raffy the Sparrowhawk

Raffy chuckles. "The Raggedy Monk," he says.

Once the peasant-messenger is clear of them, he says to the others: "Our murderer is a defector, then. Remember Pilserier said Puderbrand was left out to dry? His Court didn't want him to keep acting. He kept goin' on his own, and they gave him no gold, no help... whoever sends these notes wants us to stop the ones who are in league with Puderbrand, the ones who are still drawing attention to them. But they know about the tunnels, meaning they're part of whatever group runs 'em. So our tipster is the Court, trying to get us to finish off their old bedmates for 'em."

He pauses.

"Heh, that's why they give us secret messages instead of just reporting this information to the Guard. They're the greater of two evils, the subtler ones, the smarter half."

2010-07-24, 04:28 AM
'I wouldnt have much faith in the guards at the moment, would you?'

He moves over and studies the poster, using his finger he reads out loud as he runs it under the words. When he is finished he looks to Illiiya with a grin on his face. 'Look, I can read well now!'

2010-07-24, 04:32 AM
Heading out of Judge’s Square, the party made their way back towards Wishbone Street, and the strange jumble of architecture it called a theatre. Finding their way in by the same unobstrusive side-entrance as before, they found Vanya’s room, the candle-light and that leaked under the door indicating the playwright was in.

Knocking, the door was opened by Vanya himself – recognising his guests, he smiled rather too broadly, the expression looking rather out-of-place on his naturally melancholic face. Behind him, a slight man was sitting in a second chair, long fingers intertwined in a nervous cat’s-cradle of reddened knuckles. He looked up at the newcomers’ entrance: his face was pale and drawn, dark circles under his eyes. He wore expensive-looking clothes, albeit ones that had perhaps seen more wear than was proper - his short beard gave the same impression, something that had once been neatly-trimmed but had not been properly attended to in some time. His light eyes flicked from face to face, never seeming to rest long in one place.

“This is Mr Lenkster,” said Vanya, with a surplus of joviality in his voice. “You see, you ask it of me, I bring him for you! We are all friends here.” Raffy thought he caught a sideways glance at Illiiya in the Kislevite’s creased-up eyes. “Felix, these are Maria’s friends.”

2010-07-24, 08:00 AM
Okay, how to start? Smoothly, I suppose.

Pieter gave Lenkster a polite smile and made sure to block the mandrake man's view of Raffy's blunderbuss.

"Good morning, herr Lenkster... may I call you Felix? I'm Pieter."

He paused to watch the man's reaction.

"My friends and I are doing a little job for the town, and we have reasons to believe you could be of precious assistance. Are you interested to discuss? I know a good tavern..."

He did not mention the murder investigation. No need to scare the man.

2010-07-24, 10:58 AM
Lenkster coughed. There was a definite undercurrent of nerves in his body language.

“Um – uh, yes, Dmitri told me you wanted to talk about the, uh, murders.” He licked his dry lips. “Here’s good. To be honest, I – I don’t quite understand what it is you think I know.”

2010-07-24, 01:09 PM
Raffy the Sparrowhawk

Raffy sits on the edge of the desk. He draws his broadsword and sets it across his lap, the hilt clunking too heavily on the wood beside him. He smiles warmly at Vanya as the man reports that they are all friends.

From his pocket he takes out a whetstone, which he begins to whisk down the blade.


"Don't mind me," he says to Pieter and Vanya.

. . .


. . .

. . .


2010-07-24, 03:26 PM
Ithelus shakes his head, 'Oh please Raffy, stop being so insecure, we just want to talk to the man, not threaten him. Put the thing away or wait outside.' He makes a sweeping motion to the door.

2010-07-24, 05:00 PM
"Rafale... When we have more time, we need to talk."

With a deep sigh, Pieter tried to resume the conversation as if nothing had happened.

"Honestly, Felix," he admitted apologetically, "we don't know either how you can help us. But, uh, your name was mentioned to us. Perhaps by mistake... perhaps not. We're as puzzled as you are."

He turned to the others: "Shall we show him?"

2010-07-25, 01:50 AM
"Just keeping the tools of the trade sharp...."


"Like Mr. Vanya said, we're all friends."


"Mr. Vanya, would you prefer if I put away my sword?"

He looks at the playwright to see what his answer will be.

2010-07-25, 03:31 AM
Lothar slouched against the doorway, looking for all the world like hired muscle- dumb, armed, and dangerous. His decent clothing probably didn't do wonders for that impression, and for the first time in a long while the former soldier wondered if he ought to be wearing his old uniform. Then again, two swords and a shield were probably more intimidating than anything else about him.

He fumbled in his belt for his pouch of tobacco and pipe- finding them, he lit up.

2010-07-25, 05:16 AM
"Mr. Vanya, would you prefer if I put away my sword?"

"I, um - ah, yes, that would be nice," said the playwright, hesitantly.

2010-07-25, 05:20 AM
Ithelus looks at Raffy with a shocked look as he ignores the elf's words. 'Your just as bad as the bloody Hounds.'

2010-07-25, 08:36 AM
((Okay, since no one objects...))

"Someone's sending us anonymous notes," explained Pieter, handing Lenkster the two papers. "They don't mention your name, but... uh... we think they could be about you. No offense meant."

He forced a smile.

"Don't worry, Felix. It's not you I'm interested in, but rather the author of these notes."

2010-07-25, 09:30 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Illiiya stuck close to the group, and seemed to be the only one NOT irritated by Raffy's display. But then, she seemed fairly distracted this morning, and the steady grinding of stone on blade helped her focus... keeping her pretty firmly in the real world. At least, she thought it did.

I'm interested in you. Illiiya said upon the heels of Pieter's words, seemingly oblivious to the double meaning of her words, Mr. Vanya was very uncooperative when we spoke to him at first... and that does not look good. Either he had something to hide... or something against non humans.

She looked about the room idly, wavering in her confidence for a moment before shaking her head and resuming speaking again.

So should I be suspicious or angry? Because they're both bad for everyone. She said haltingly. It had been so much easier last time. She needed that certainty and confidence back... but she was unwilling to do what she would need to do to get it.

You can't do this. You're pathetic.

I don't need you!

You can't hide from me forever. Remember...

No! You can't make me!

She faltered for a moment, nowhere near a good enough actor to hide that something was wearing at her confidence. As she realized all eyes were on her, she stepped alongside Pieter and took his arm. He seemed confident and good with words...

P-pieter? What do you think? She said, desperately trying to maintain some kind of control over the situation, I... um... I think they're involved somehow.

Please help me...

2010-07-25, 09:44 AM
Pieter blinked at Illiiya, surprised. Why doesn't she go to Ithelus, as usual? he wondered. He immediately felt guilty for thinking that.

"Nothing's sure," he told her quietly, a hand on her shoulder. "We'll see."

2010-07-25, 11:25 AM
Lenkster looked more than a little thrown by Raffy and Illiiya’s behaviour, unsure of how to react.

“I – um, I assure you I’m not involved in... whatever it is you think I’m involved in,” he said weakly, taking the notes from Pieter. “Thank you,” he said to the initiate as an absent-minded afterthought.

“Maria Samtzunge is not all she seems... look for the mandrake man,” he read aloud, in a low mumble. “The mandrake man will lie – watch where he goes. Shun the tunnels... they will be your death.”

Turning the first note over to see if it had anything on its reverse, he raised his eyebrows and set both pieces of paper down. Lothar noticed from the trembling of the paper that the man’s hand shook slightly.

“I don’t see... exactly how this relates to the, uh, murders,” he said, slowly. “I’ve never heard of any tunnels... so I take it you think I’m the um, mandrake man.” He looked up at Pieter with red-rimmed, watery eyes. “But I don’t know what you think I can tell you.”

2010-07-25, 02:14 PM
"I, um - ah, yes, that would be nice," said the playwright, hesitantly.

Raffy gives an amicable nod and slowly places his sword into its scabbard, which lets out one last Fssssht.

Ithelus looks at Raffy with a shocked look as he ignores the elf's words. 'Your just as bad as the bloody Hounds.'

This seems to really affect Raffy, who takes a sour look and then lowers his head. He stays quiet for a while.

The mandrake man will lie – watch where he goes.

I think that showing him the note that advises us to follow him is worthy of a headdesk....

2010-07-25, 11:07 PM
"So tell us about Fraulein Samtzunge, then." Lothar puffed at his pipe, keeping up his nonchalant act. He looked weird without his beard.

2010-07-26, 01:04 AM
"Maria? She's a - friend, or an acquaintance, I suppose," said Lenkster, seeming a little unsure of where Lothar's question was leading. "Is she involved in your investigations too?"

2010-07-26, 09:10 AM
"Not yet," admitted Pieter. "As I said, it's the author of the anonymous notes I'm interested in. I know Maria, and she's one of the last people I'd suspect. That's why I want to get this sorted out."

He raised an eyebrow.

"Someone seems to view Maria as their enemy. Maybe rightly, maybe not. But I want to know why. Until then, I will consider Maria my friend. And the enemy of my friend is my enemy."

2010-07-26, 02:01 PM
“Mm. And just as anonymous to me as they are to you, I’m afraid,” said Lenkster. “My friends aren’t in the habit of slandering me behind my back.” He cracked a nervous smile. “At least, I don’t think they are.”

He handed the notes back.

“If you’ve come here looking for this man, I’m just as clueless as you. More so, in fact.” His eyes darted quickly around the group. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I can help you.”

2010-07-26, 07:11 PM
Pieter sighed wearily.

"Then tell us about you, Felix. Maybe, together, we can connect some dots." His eyes flicked to Vanya. "We can discuss to a more convenient place if you prefer. I'm almost sure you have nothing to do with this... but someone who knows you apparently does. And given what is at stake, you really don't have much of a choice. Cooperate, please."

Almost absent-mindedly, he shifted position to get out of Raffy's way.

2010-07-26, 11:51 PM
Hey, don't expect any help over here... I thought we didn't need a tough guy!

Besides now Raffy is worried that he's going to look like the Hounds if he does anything. :smallsmile:

2010-07-27, 12:54 AM
Lenkster blinked, glancing quickly at Vanya.

"Here's fine. And I am cooperating. I just don't know what you want me to say." He shrugged his shoulders, his voice still taut with nerves. "I've seen nothing connected to these murders. What do you want me to do, tell you what I eat for breakfast?"

2010-07-27, 07:52 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

You can do this you can do this you can do this...

What do you both know about Miss Maria? Illiiya asked with a hesitant tone, Both of you. Can you give us... um... a g-good reason to think the three of you u-unconnected to this?

She looked to Vanya and narrowed her eyes.

A reason aside from how pretty and s-smart she is? And we'll also need t-to know... where you both were last night. All night. Names of people who saw you. Anything you can say beyond "I don't know anything." She said, her tone growing a bit more forceful with every word. Acting indignant and snide alone does not make you innocent. It only m-makes us angry. And that is a stupid, stupid idea... considering one word from us could have the witch hunter here to talk to you instead. So let's try this again. Why shouldn't we suspect you both? Why shouldn't we suspect Miss Maria. And I'd suggest you show some respect this time.

2010-07-27, 12:18 PM
Lenkster looked taken aback by the sudden change between Pieter and Illiiya’s approaches: Vanya was less surprised, having experienced it before.

“If it’s alibis you want,” said the playwright, softly, “the owner of this place - Mr Ziegberger - will confirm with you that I was here, working on his Dazh-damned script.” He leant against the edge of his desk. “As for Lady Samtzunge,” he continued, putting a noticeable emphasis on the form of address, “I believe she was entertaining guests. I’m sure you could learn their names if you asked her.”

Vanya’s calm reply seemed to have given Lenkster time to recover his wits: nodding assiduously, he opened his mouth, hesitating for a moment before speaking.

“I – I was there. At Samtzunge house. Maria’ll tell you so – or Emanuelle, or Fritz. They were all there.” He swallowed. “They’ll tell you. I was there.”

2010-07-27, 12:28 PM
"We don't suspect you of anything," repeated Pieter, his patience running thin. "If we did, we wouldn't just ask nicely."

He hesitated. The mandrake man will lie, said the note. But even if he did tell the truth, Pieter was far from sure the man would be much use. Maybe he should try another angle.

"I believe you know Pilserier, the apothecary?"

2010-07-27, 12:33 PM
"The fellow who used to have his wagon parked down in the Neumarket?" replied Lenkster. "I know of him."

2010-07-27, 12:39 PM
"Ah. So he didn't sell you any of these, then," said Pieter, showing him the mandrake root he had taken from Pilserier's chest. His voice was casual, but he closely watched Felix's reaction.

2010-07-27, 12:44 PM
"On occasion," said Lenkster, looking uncomfortable. "Is that a crime?"

2010-07-27, 12:52 PM
"No, it's not. But you do know him, then. Did he seem like a suspicious type to you? Anything strange about him?"

2010-07-27, 12:55 PM
Felix licked his lips again.

"Not particularly - well, I mean, not more than you'd expect. His wagon was full of strange things, but that was all part of the show, wasn't it? Props. Helping sell his nostrums." He paused. "I was only a customer. I didn't know him - at least, not well enough to spend much time chatting."

2010-07-27, 12:59 PM
"Ah. But you'll have to find a new supplier, I'm afraid," said Pieter. "Were you aware of what happened to Pilserier recently?"

2010-07-27, 01:02 PM
Felix hesitated.

"Got into a bit of trouble with the guards, didn't he? Or the Hounds - one or the other. I know they took the wagon away."

2010-07-27, 01:23 PM
Ah. It was worth the try. Maybe he really doesn't know.

I'll pause here to think: I don't want to say too much, in case Lenkster is really lying. I'll let the other players come up with their own questions.

2010-07-27, 04:19 PM
Illiiya Jaelrae

He's lying.

He's lying. Illiiya said with a deadpan, almost emotionless tone. I can smell it. Everything about him is a lie.

She looked at Lenkster and tilted her head to the side in the way one might look at a strange curio on the mantle or an odd sight on the roadside. She did not seem to blink.

He's lying... and he knows s-something. She turned to Raffy as she spoke, Please restrain him Raffy. I've h-heard that a lot of humans will kill themselves rather than let a witch hunter talk to them... and I d-don't want him dead before we can find out from him who else is involved in this cult.

2010-07-27, 04:51 PM
Raffy just shakes his head.

"Ith was right. We're just the Hounds by a different name."

He looks at Illiya. "I'm not restraining him. He's just a scared junkie who lost his mandrake supplier. Just let him go, we have better leads."

Given how Illiiya has suddenly been acting, he keeps a steely look on his face, and a careful eye in her direction to gauge her reaction.

2010-07-27, 05:05 PM
Lenkster gave a nervous laugh.

"Your friend there... quite the, ha, card, isn't she?"

He made as if to stand. "Are we done, then? I have... places to go, you know, people to see..."

2010-07-27, 09:04 PM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Illiiya looked hurt, looking at Raffy with an expression of genuine shock and surprise.

He doesn't believe you. He doesn't trust you.

But... But I thought...

Why would they listen to a sniveling wretch like you? They're afraid of you. Look into his eyes and tell me I'm wrong.

I... b-but... but Raffy.... Illiiya stammered, reacting almost as if he'd yelled at her, I'm trying to help. I thought you wanted....

Go on. Cry. You're pathetic. I've told you before... you're not one of them! He cares more about the guilty wretch than you. And after we did so much to set up this meeting.

I j-just wanted... to scare him... so he'd talk. Or... or Vanya would talk if he... if he thought the other man was going to give him-

No you didn't. You can't lie to me. You don't care about the human. Not that one. Not ANY of them! You'd have let the hunter torture him to death without batting an eye. You're a monster.

What? I would-

You can't lie to me.

Illiiya dropped her head, her tone going dead.

I... I'm sorry... I sh-shouldn't... be here. She muttered to no one in particular, and made her way hurriedly for the door.

I'm not like them! I'm not!

Yes WE are. The things we've done... they would never forgive you for. Not in a hundred years.

Illiiya leaned her back against the closest wall she could find... sinking to the ground and wrapping her hands around her knees, as she began to cry.

2010-07-27, 10:01 PM
Pieter wished he could soothe Illiiya, but Ithelus was probably better at it than him. Besides, there was work to do.

Can this meeting possibly get more awkward?

But now, after seeing Lenkster's reaction, Pieter was almost sure Illiiya was right about the man.

"We are not done," said Pieter flatly. "Herr Lenkster..." No more Felixing him. "Were you aware that Pilserier was murdered in his cell shortly after his arrest?"

((OOC: No one leaves now! And I mean it.))

2010-07-27, 11:31 PM
Raffy, who already seemed conflicted and morose after Ithelus' earlier comment, looks almost heartbroken at Illiiya's reaction, but he says nothing. As she sinks to the floor he lurches ever so slightly. It looks as if he was about to take a step toward her, and stopped before he started.

It'll only make things worse if I try to hug her.

His head still hanging low, he turns toward the door and sits back on the edge of the desk again, his back mostly to the others in the room, and waits silently for Pieter to finish.

2010-07-28, 01:11 AM
Lenkster blinked.

"No. No, I wasn't."

2010-07-28, 08:37 AM
"They're still looking for his killer," Pieter went on. "I think he was involved in something too big for him."

The initiate paused to study Lenkster's face. He was almost sure the man was lying, but could not tell what he was lying about. Perhaps he really had nothing to do with the murders. Pieter did not wish to reveal too much... but he was fairly sure he already had.

"Oh, one more thing." His tone softened. "I advise you to stay away from this." Again, he showed Lenkster the mandrake root. "It's destroying you and you know it. It's hard to break free, but it's possible. I've seen men do it. Just think of your future."

((OOC: Anyone has other things to ask? I'm really not sure what to say now, but I think Lenkster knows something we should know.))

2010-07-28, 09:28 AM
Lenkster smiled weakly.

"If I want a sermon I'll go to a priest, mister... I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name." He coughed. "What liberties I choose to pursue in private are my concern - no-one else's."

There was something ever-so-slightly disconcerting about the way he said the words - although there was no trace of ill-will in his expression.

2010-07-28, 11:08 AM
"Who told you that?" Raffy asks adroitly. he is still facing more or less away from everyone, so his facial expression can't be read.

2010-07-28, 06:04 PM
Lenkster looked round at Raffy, Vanya raising his eyebrows.

"Lady Samtzunge, as a matter of fact," Felix said, after a long pause. "She's rather particular on the subject of liberty. I happen to agree with her."

Standing straighter, Dmitri peered round at the door - looking back at the party, he glanced from face to face with an uncertain expression.

"Um - is your friend alright?" he asked, hesitantly. "She seems a little... distressed."

2010-07-28, 09:18 PM
"Um - is your friend alright? She seems a little... distressed."

Raffy gets up off the edge of the desk and walks in front of Illiiya, his back to her, now facing the room again as if to block them from approaching her. Crossing his arms he lifts his head up for the first time in a few minutes and says:

"Don't worry about our friend. She can feel the murderer, and hear him in her dreams. Every time an innocent person is killed she feels their anguish in her heart. Every time a sin is committed, it flashes in her mind like a falling star. It pains her. The only way she can find quiet is to end the sins - or the sinner. That's why she stalks the murderer like a rat stalks a cat. Quiet, disheveled, seemingly weak... but she sees into mens' hearts, and her judgment is final."

He holds Vanya's eyes till the man disappears around the doorway and then says to Lenkster, "What you do in private effects every person in Delberz. Lady Samtzunge is a great philosoph.... I don't disagree with her. But your dealings are with criminals, and liberty has its natural limits."

Where the boy may have picked up such a speech is not apparent from his peasant upbringing.

2010-07-28, 11:35 PM
Illiiya Jaelrae

She looked up as Raffy approached her, spinning some story about her... trying to cover for her weakness. She wasn't certain if she should feel grateful or worse. She DID hear lady Maria's name dropped, however... and it gave her something to distract herself from her depression.

That arrogant whore again. How much more obvious can she make it that she's controlling everything? She has every man you've met wrapped around her finger.

I... I hate her.

Finally... something we can agree on. The whore is guilty. She has to die.

D-die? I... I couldn't do that!

Stay a sniveling wreck then... and wait for her to take them away from you into her little cult. She'll turn them all against you.


Then you know what we have to do.

....... all right.

Illiiya looked up slowly, her eyes still wet from crying. She looked beaten and defeated... and she no longer seemed to care about Lenkster and Vanya. No... all that was on her mind was something she was anticipating with cruel glee and dread at the same time. As soon as the men tired of talking in circles here, she would be seeing Maria. Part of her was even looking forward to it.

2010-07-29, 06:06 AM
"A rather poetic touch you have there," said Lenkster, with a hint of a giggle. "She tell you that? I do hope you're not being practiced upon - elves do love to cultivate an air of mystery." He squinted at Raffy. "Or are you saying something else?"

"If it's Pilserier you're talking about, then there are hundreds of people in this town who'll have frequented that old wagon. It was an apothecary's shop. There's nothing criminal about being a customer, even if it turns out he was doing... whatever it was he was doing on the side." He paused, moistening his lips. "I've done nothing wrong."

2010-07-29, 07:17 AM
Lothar raised a hand to scratch his beard, and rubbed along the side of his face. Those who'd known him for the past week could probably detect a hint of dejection in his lack of fur.

"Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself. Someone blackmailin' ya? Holdin' the promise of more root out in front of you?"

2010-07-29, 07:33 AM
Felix shook his head.

"I'm not trying to convince anyone. Except your good selves." A thin, forced smile flashed across his face, gone as quickly as it appeared. "Are we done with the questions now?" he asked, a faint whine of impatience in his voice.

2010-07-29, 09:04 AM
Pieter winced inwardly at Raffy's little speech.

Oh gods, can he possibly get any more overdramatic? Vanya should hire him on the spot for his play.

"We're almost done, I think," he told Felix. "Listen... I'm no priest, I love liberty too, and I don't want to sound self-righteous. But that root, legal or not, has led many men to desperate acts, even murder. Guard yourself from the temptations of the Dark Prince," he said with the Sigmarite hand gesture to ward off evil.

His tone was off-handed and friendly, but his green eyes never left the mandrake man's face.

2010-07-29, 09:58 AM
"There are plenty of things that can lead a man to 'desperate acts'," replied Lenkster, almost lazily. "Wine, women, money. Do you go around moralising about them?"

He sat back in his chair. "I can make my own decisions, sir. I don't deny that I indulge, but I fail to see how that is any of your business." He looked round at the door. "If this is all you have left to ask of me, could we skip to the end?"

2010-07-29, 10:14 AM
"Yeah, I'll skip to the end," Raffy says, his voice grim and angry again after being mocked by this junky. "Captain said we have to follow every possible lead. Win, women and money didn't take us toward the murderer. You and your root did. I'm not sure the captain would suffer us leavoing you free."

He looks at Ithelus. "Mr. Vanya here is obviously innocent. Mr. Lenkster is a different sort. I'm not sure that we can get any charges to stick to him in a court, but the Court might think different. If we lock him up, they're sure to send an assassin to kill him, just like his dealer. And then maybe we could catch that assassin."

He pauses. "So Ith, what do you say? Should we arrest him?"

2010-07-29, 10:27 AM
"Forget it," Pieter told Raffy. "We have other things to do."

He still thought Lenkster was lying about something, but he doubted arresting him would do much good. Perhaps it was better to let him think he had weaseled his way out.

2010-07-29, 10:36 AM
Raffy ignores Pieter, and waits expectantly for the counsel of Ith or Lothar to move things along.

2010-07-29, 10:46 AM
At Raffy's words, Lenkster went a little paler than he already was. Shifting back a little, he glanced between the faces of the others for support, nodding vigorously at Pieter's words.

"Hey - um, let's not be hasty now? I mean - I mean, there's no evidence." His nervous laugh sounded again, swiftly stifled. The man pressed on, his tongue possibly running a little ahead of his brain. "You've got these - these notes, which for all you know were written by, by the murderer himself, trying to frame whatever innocent sap he could find... I mean they're hardly specific, are they?"

Sensing that his reasoning powers might not be impressing his questioners, he changed tack.

"Listen, I'm sorry if I was short with you - no excuse, terrible manners..." - the false smile came again, this time lingering far longer than it was comfortable on Lenkster's pallid, sweaty face. "But I really couldn't - I mean, I really wouldn't want to - I don't want to be locked up." He patted his pockets. "Got to be out in the open air, that's me." He didn't seem to have found what he was looking for. "I - I'm a little short of coin at present, but the old man back in Nuln ought to be sending me some more soon... I mean, if you wanted to come to some sort of arrangement, I'd be more than happy to, um, contribute to your investigations..."

2010-07-29, 10:55 AM
Raffy the Sparrowhawk

"Not for all the money in Altdorf."

2010-07-29, 11:02 AM
Lenkster stuttered, taken aback.

"I think my friend... misjudged you," said Vanya, smoothly stepping into the conversation. "I'm sure he will apologise."

"Y - yes," stuttered Lenkster, "yes. Dreadfully - terribly sorry. I didn't think - well, it's just indelicate, isn't it." He bit his lip. "Listen, old boy, it's not that I don't want to help - I mean I have helped, haven't I, to the best of my ability, told you everything I know - it's just that I have a bit of a horror of being locked up. You wouldn't do that to a fellow, would you?"

2010-07-29, 11:10 AM
He's getting nervous. We're about to break him.

"That won't be necessary if you cooperate. There's something I have to show you. Herr Vanya, could I borrow a quill, please?"

(Assuming he gets a quill:)

To the best of his memory, Pieter drew on one of the anonymous notes the strange mark Jagrun had showed him.

"This is what they were looking for in Pilserier's wagon. I've never seen it before. Any idea what it is?"

2010-07-29, 11:19 AM
"Yes - of course," said the playwright, eager to defuse the confrontation. Taking a piece of parchment, Pieter sketched the symbol - the quill jerked and twitched over the paper, leaving jagged lines of ink behind as if it rebelled at the shape it was being forced to draw. The others recognised it as the Chaos rune Jagrun had shown the assembled company at the Baron's reception - the sign that had been cut into the flesh of the murder victims, the ones who had not been consumed.

Lenkster shook his head.

"I've never seen that in my life," he said, flatly.

OOC: Sentinel, could you give me an Intelligence roll for Pieter, please?

2010-07-29, 11:21 AM
Int 47: [roll0]

Edit: Meh, forget it, I won't use a Fortune point. :smallannoyed:

Edit 2: No one told Pieter that this was the sign found on some of the corpses... Could someone mention it to him later, please?

2010-07-29, 11:25 AM
Raffy glowers at the symbol, suspecting it is a sin just to draw it as Pieter has.

2010-07-29, 11:40 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Illiiya stood up slowly, seeming distant... with an out-of-focus look in her eyes. She didn't look to the group so much as spoke at them. Her voice was flat and devoid of emotion or inflection.

It's all right Pieter. If he's guilty... and he is... he's no one important. Just another worthless sycophant held on a leash.

She turned to look to the group, Raffy in particular... almost as if she were addressing him personally.

You can finish with the rabble. I am going to speak to the one in charge.

And with that, she turned and left... moving with a firm destination in mind. This was going to end today if she had anything to say about it.

2010-07-29, 12:18 PM
"Illiiya, damn it..."

With a deep sigh, Pieter mumbled a few apologies and followed the Elf out of the room. He was afraid of trying to stop her, but most of all he was afraid of what she might do on her own.

"Wait, I'm coming with you. I believe you," he lied.

2010-07-29, 01:34 PM
"Ith, if you think it's worth it, will you book him? I've got to go prevent trouble."

He runs out the back of the playhouse. Once they're outside he grabs Illiiya by the shoulder. It's the way he would grab his little sister if he had to discipline her - not cruelly hard, but authoritatively.

2010-07-29, 05:20 PM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Not this time. You won't defend her this time.

Illiiya paused dead in her tracks, looking up at Raffy with a disjointed expression before she seemed to settle back into the real world a bit. She looked at Raffy's hand, then is face, and her expression grew coldly angry as she stared fearlessly back into Raffy's gaze.

Let. Me. Go. She said firmly, her voice low and almost... threatening.

2010-07-29, 06:17 PM
Raffy keeps his hand on her shoulder, and doesn't express anger - or fear - at her tone. He keeps a steady voice and says quietly, "What are you going to do?"

2010-07-29, 08:31 PM
"Um. Illiiya. We are going to see Maria." Pieter gently put a hand on the Elf's shoulder. "We were always planning to. But you can't take her on alone, she's too dangerous. You need us. Wait for us, okay?"

For now he thought it wiser to pretend to believe Maria was an enemy: it did not seem like Illiiya would listen to reason. He hated himself for lying to her, but did she really think she could just waltz into a noblewoman's house and fight her?

"It's you I want to protect, Illiiya. Not her."

That, at least, was true.

2010-07-29, 09:08 PM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Illiiya pulled away from Raffy, scowling.

She's right. None of you trust me. She said, turning to Pieter, then back to Raffy, You'd rather I just hid in corners and babbled to myself, wouldn't you? You... you only want me around if I'm some sniveling thing that hides from her own shadow.

Worthless humans! I won't be your pet any longer!

You can't tell me what to do. I know... KNOW... who is behind all of this. I've felt things you couldn't possibly understand! I see things that I cannot unsee! She said, her small figure shaking with anger, I am TRYING to help you! But... but you've looked at me like I'm mad every time I try to tell you... and more people die! I am... I...

No! Don't falter! Show some willpower for once, damn you!

I know it's her. I know it! I can prove it! Please... Her voice dropped to a low pleading one, Please... please trust me...

2010-07-30, 12:28 AM
Lothar followed along, puffing away contentedly. He watched Illiiya's growing madness with an odd expression; a mixture of concern and complacence. "It can't hurt. All our leads keep drawing us back to Lady Samztunge, and she's already familiar with Illiiya's ma-- ways. This mandrake chap has tapped out, and we're running out of things to chase down."

He nodded. "Plus, it looks like the murders are moving in her direction. Did anyone else see that on th' map?"

He glanced over at Illiiya, then to Ithelus. "I say we give Illiiya a chance to lead."

2010-07-30, 02:21 AM
"No one's 'taking on' Maria," Raffy snaps at Pieter.

To Illiiya: "If you can prove it, then do it. Show us the evidence. Show us the evidence that we have to show the Captain and the witch hunter. Right now it sounds like you're going in there to lynch her. That is not allowed."

When Lothar suggests they let Illiiya lead, he says: "I won't follow someone who's going vigilante. It was wrong of me in there with that scum and it's just as wrong with Maria."

He looks back at Illiiya. "So can we do this the right way? Can I trust you to go in there peacefully? Arrest her if there's proof, leave her free if there's not, and not attack her either way unless she attacks first? Can you promise that?"

2010-07-30, 09:14 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

He's patronizing you. He'll side with her over you! Don't listen to him!

Raffy... w-we're not.... We can't prove she's involved. No one will even try! N-not Mr. Marius. Not the hounds. Not even you. She said, head downcast, But too much adds up. Lothar... you agree with me, right? Pieter?

She looked to her other two human companions for support. They understood. they HAD to.

She's... our best lead. And I can't prove to you what I felt around her... but I felt it! I swear I felt it! I promise you... I won't attack her. But people are DYING every day over this. Let's go over there... t-tell her what we think... and tear her place apart. If she really cares so much about the people here, she could at least let us rule her out. If she's innocent, no harm. If s-she's guilty... the only way we'll be able to prove it is making her slip up. She's too smart to have left evidence... and every... EVERY man in the city seems obsessed with the idea that she can't possibly be guilty or involved. Why? Why can't she be? Is she just that perfect? Tell me Raffy... wh-why is it so impossible? Why are you so set on defending her? She is just USING YOU!

The fragile elven woman shook slightly... her rant leaving her red in the face as she unleashed a torrent of pent-up frustration.

2010-07-30, 09:55 AM
[Lothar] nodded. "Plus, it looks like the murders are moving in her direction. Did anyone else see that on th' map?"
Pieter was skeptical.

"I doubt this has anything to do with her. Let us suppose for a moment that she's involved... How would that explain why the murders are heading her way? What would be the purpose? Not very subtle, is it? I think her house just happens to be in the wrong spot."

When Lothar suggests they let Illiiya lead, [Raffy] says: "I won't follow someone who's going vigilante."
Pieter let out a short, mirthless laugh.

"Couldn't agree more, Blunderbuss Boy."

He listened patiently to Illiiya and began to suspect that Raffy had a thing for Maria. The idea amused him. The Elf's ludicrous claim that everyone loved Maria, though, made him frown.

"We are most definitely going to see Maria," he said quietly. "But we're going to do this the civilized way. We're not the Hounds." He raised an eyebrow at Raffy. "And you're not her lawyer. Got that?"

2010-07-30, 01:32 PM
Raffy continues to ignore Pieter and responds to Illiiya.

"Alright Illiiya. As long as we're going there to talk, not fight. I'll be right there with you and listen to what you have to say."

he adjusts the prybar hanging from his belt with a twinge of guilt but knows he can't convince the others to make a side-trip now. Whenever they're ready, he'll follow them to Maria's.

2010-07-30, 07:07 PM
The tension palpable, the group made their way out of Wishbone Street, heading east towards the well-appointed houses of Manor Street. On their way, they passed a parcel of guards emerging from a house on their left, carrying a stretcher between them – there were the faint sounds of wails and sobs from the interior, no doubt the family of the victim. A thick, dirty blanket had been thrown over its contents: Pieter knew all too well what they would look like.

Reaching Samtzunge House, they found themselves looking up at the imposing front door, the trotting fox on the Samtzunge arms smirking down at them...

OOC: From your first visit to Samtzunge House, you also know where the servant’s entrance is. Front door, or servant’s entrance?

2010-07-31, 12:05 AM
"We're not 'zactly dressed for the front door; we oughta go 'round to the side."

2010-07-31, 06:55 AM
Heading around the side of the manor house, the group tugged on the bell-pull by the stable door: after a long wait, the bolts rattled back, the familiar face of Maria's decrepit old butler peering out at them with milky eyes.

"Who is it?" he snapped - stepping closer, he squinted at their faces from an uncomfortably close range. "Oh, it's you. What do you want?"

2010-07-31, 09:40 AM
Illiiya Jaerae

Official business with the guard. Illiiya said, trying hard to maintain her confidence, We need to see your lady, and to enter this place.

Illiiya had a strange, tense calm about her... and her intentions were hard to read. She seemed all right for now, but she was clearly not acting her usual skittish, fearful self.

OCC: Witch's Sight on full blast! I know it's always on, but now is the time when it matters most, so I'm just reminding you. :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-31, 10:05 AM
The man grunted, looking the party on his doorstep up and down - stepping back from the door, he opened it wider, admitting them into the stableyard. From their stalls, the two fine black horses the lady kept turned their heads to follow the newcomers with a docile regard.

Leading the way inside, the aged servant showed them into the drawing-room they had seen before: the portrait of Maria's deceased father frowned down at them from over the fireplace, seeming to disapprove as much as the butler did at the presence of commoners in his old home.

"I'll fetch her," said the servant, turning towards the door. "Wait here." He paused, looking again at the three humans' bandages. "Don't touch anything."

Heading out into the corridor, he stumped ill-temperedly up the stairs, disappearing from view. Through the thick walls of the old house, Illiiya's keen senses made out the man's croaking voice, Maria replying - the sound was too muffled to make out words, however. After a short pause, the man's slow, heavy footsteps were audible on the stairs again.

He re-entered the room.

"She'll be down presently," he said. His mood didn't seem to have improved. "Will you be having any refreshments?" he added with excessive chagrin, like a small boy who had been force-fed the words of an apology.

When he had heard their answer, he hobbled away, muttering to himself under his breath as if he believed his guests couldn't hear him. Taking seats, the group waited in a rather tense silence for the object of their disagreements to appear.

Aethyric senses straining, Illiiya searched every inch of what she saw for some indicator of guilt - there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary, however, if the word 'ordinary' could ever be applied to the behaviour of the Winds.

That was, until just now. Faint but unmistakeable, the transient twitch in the flow of the aethyr that she had felt twice before...

Somewhere on the upper floors, a door opened and closed - there were rapid footsteps on the stairs, and Maria entered.

"I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting. Rafale - Illiiya - what an unexpected pleasure." Taking a seat of her own, she looked surprised as she took in Raffy and the others' appearances. "Gods' breath, what happened to you?"

2010-07-31, 10:18 AM
Lothar stood as Maria entered the room, knuckling his forehead briefly. A lifetime's habit was a hard one to break, after all, and his officers had trained the former soldier well. At her question, he rubbed his cheeks uncomfortably and grinned a wry grin. "A fight with a razor, m'lady. You should see the other chap."

2010-07-31, 10:24 AM
Maria laughed uncertainly. "I can only imagine," she replied, nodding to Lothar.

Furrowing her brow, she seemed to notice Pieter for the first time. "Pieter - are you part of Rafale's merry band now, too?" she asked, lightly.

2010-07-31, 01:53 PM
"She'll be down presently," he said. His mood didn't seem to have improved. "Will you be having any refreshments?" he added with excessive chagrin, like a small boy who had been force-fed the words of an apology.
Pieter was tempted to ask for wine just to annoy him, but answered instead: "Thank you, but I'm not sure we have much time for this."

Furrowing her brow, she seemed to notice Pieter for the first time. "Pieter - are you part of Rafale's merry band now, too?" she asked, lightly.
"Oh, hi, Maria." Pieter smiled. "Yes, it looks like I'm with them now. Klaus and I were worried that the Hounds might come sniffing around the Society... You know them, they'll use any excuse to tighten their grip. The quicker this situation is dealt with, the better."

2010-07-31, 01:59 PM
Maria raised her eyebrows. "Oh? He didn't tell me." She sounded the slightest bit surprised that he hadn't. "A good plan, though."

Her voice taking on a more serious tone, she looked back at the others. "Alfons tells me that you're here on Marius' behalf. How can I help?"

2010-07-31, 08:17 PM
((Just want to remind everyone that I actually *am* dressed to knock at the front door - though I go with the others to the back - and should look quite dapper for Maria))

Raffy bows deeply and smiles. "I came to make a withdrawal, actually, while they want to ask you some questions." He frowns slightly. "Sorry... official business and all."

He gives a sideways looks to Illiiya and then heads for where he left his gold.

2010-07-31, 10:46 PM
Illiiya Jaelrae

There would be no pleasantries from the elven woman... Not even feigned ones. Illiiya watched Maria with a narrow-eyed glare as she entered. Focusing on her anger towards the woman was ample distraction from her waffling feelings of confidence, and she stood unflinching for a change... even though the back of her head held a nagging worry of the daemons who might be at the woman's beck and call.

Smug little whore. This ends now.

To start, you can tell my why this is the third time I've felt the Aethyr shift just before you've arrived to speak to us. Illiiya said in a cold, calm tone, And it had best be an impeccable explanation.

2010-08-01, 05:32 AM
Maria blinked, utterly taken aback.

"The... Aethyr?" she said, uncertainly. She stared back at Illiiya in surprise. "You're a mage, then."

She paused.

"As for your question... since I'm not... I would have absolutely no idea," she said, politely.

2010-08-01, 10:11 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

I thought you might say that. Illiiya said coldly.

And then without a moments warning, she began to channel. Her hair whipping around her in a sudden, frigid wind that sprung from nowhere. Under the sudden zephyr the very perceptive might even imagine themselves to hear things... Soft growls and shrieks... even entire voices speaking nonsense in tongues they could not understand. Illiiya's incantation was short, before she held her hand out to Maria insistantly.

Casting Roll: [roll0] + [roll1]
Information coming in a PM

2010-08-01, 10:16 AM
Lothar stood back, one hand going to a sword; an oath spilling from his lips. "What in the name of the Hammer--"

2010-08-01, 10:19 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Burn the witch. How... apt.

The tainted will burn. Illiiya said intently, reaching for Maria, Let us see if you truly are innocent, lady.

2010-08-01, 10:42 AM
Maria leapt up in a flash, recoiling from the elf’s touch with an expression of sudden fear – the furniture of the drawing room left her nowhere to go, Illiiya’s hand seizing her arm with one swift motion.

With a slow blossoming of light, the room lit up – frozen in place, Maria looked down at her dress, now glowing from shoulder to hem with shifting, mottled light. She was caught in a very odd position – both arms held back close to her body, her left hand wrapped in her right. Slowly, she relaxed her posture, staring in confusion at Illiiya.

“What – wh – is this some kind of joke?” she demanded, evidently rattled. Her voice trembled, for the first time departing from the silky composure she had always displayed before. “What have you done?”

2010-08-01, 11:07 AM
Lothar glanced from the elf to the noblewoman in confusion, one hand still on the sword's hilt. "She... she's made your dress glow? Illiiya- what is going on?"

2010-08-01, 01:17 PM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Vindication! Now, whore... it is our turn to be smug.

Let you incriminate yourself. Illiiya said with a smug and wicked smile, It's a simple light spell. A very intense reaction t-to a spell you thought would burn the corrupt, though. So... we'll be going to the guardhouse now and showing them the ch-chaos mark that is undoubtedly on your right hand. I'm sure the guard, the p-priests and the witch hunter will be very interested in seeing it and speaking with you.

Illiiya stepped back from the woman, reveling perhaps a bit too much in finally seeing the flawless creature struck dumb. Crazy as she may be, it lifted her heart more than she could express to know that it was not all baseless paranoia.

Come quietly and we will check you, so you may prove me wrong... but I'm not wrong, am I? She said, watching the woman for signs she intended to fight, I'm sorry Raffy... I really am... But your woman has been lying to you. She is a cultist, a killer and likely a whore.

2010-08-01, 01:35 PM
Maria stared in incredulity.

“How dare you,” she bit back, her composure returning with a steely ring. “How dare you come in here, how – here!”

She thrust her hand forwards, turning it over in front of Illiiya’s eyes. It was clean and unblemished. Still glaring daggers at the elf, she walked over to the sideboard, picking up a small brass bell and ringing it sharply. In a few moments, Alfons had appeared at the door, far faster than the hobbled old man had any right to move – he had clearly been malingering somewhere nearby. Poking his head into the room, he stared with boggle-eyed stupor at his mistress’ radiant attire.

“Alfons, Rafale and his friends will be leaving,” she said, decidedly. “Illiiya is obviously unwell.”
Mouth open, Alfons made to point at her dress – his head turned to Illiiya, then back to Maria, and he seemed to think better of it. Swallowing, he nodded.
“Right away, m’lady.” He leered at the party. “If you’d follow me, please...”

2010-08-01, 02:50 PM
((OOC: Holy crap.))

Pieter's face grew ashen when the Elven girl cast her spell.

"Illiiya, what do you think you're doing?" he hissed, lunging forward to seize her wrist.

"It's a simple light spell. A very intense reaction t-to a spell you thought would burn the corrupt, though."
"Damn it, Illiiya," Pieter yelled. "That's a perfectly normal reaction when a loony witch rearranges reality around you!"

He had not meant to sound so harsh, but the events had spun out of control too quickly.

But your woman has been lying to you. She is a cultist, a killer and likely a whore.
Before he could stop himself, Pieter aimed a slap at Illiiya's face.

WS 36: [roll0]

Oh gods, what did I do? he thought, stunned. Um, I was trying to calm her. Yes. I did not hit a girl out of anger.

2010-08-01, 08:50 PM
((I've been absent 24 hours, and if possible, would like to do a minor time shuffle here so Maria knows I am not party to this.))

Raffy watches at first, but when Illiiya begins to cast, his sword comes out into his hand.

As Maria bears the sign-free innocence of her right hand, Raffy swoops in and cross his sword between the two women, driving Illiiya back with the flat of the blade.

"You get out this second!"

As soon as the two are separated he turns to Maria, letting his sword fall to the floor, and (perhaps too forwardly) places his hands on her two arms, gently putting her right hand back down as if to say it wasn't necessary for her to show it. "Are you alright? Maria, are you alright?"

2010-08-02, 01:19 AM
Maria drew sharply away, steadying herself with one hand against the wall as she held the other out between herself and the others. Her head angled slightly to one side, she stared back at Raffy with wide, angry eyes.

“What – apart from being turned into a, an overgrown firefly? Yes. I’m fine.” Her voice shook a little, her clothes still lighting up the room. She pointed across the room. “Your money is in the drawer over there, Mr Rafale. I don’t know why you left it here anyway. Please, take your friends and go.”

“Come along now, sirs,” echoed the servant, clearly a little unsure about the sudden show of swords and violence...

2010-08-02, 02:56 AM
Lothar relaxed his grip on his hilt and drew in a heavy breath. "Aye. That's- that's probably wise. One other thing, m'lady- the murders seem to be heading south and west. Were I you, I'd get outta Delberz."

2010-08-02, 07:54 AM
"Or just find another place to stay for a few days," said Pieter with a nod. "No locked door seems to stop the murderer."

His voice was cool, even remote. He felt the need to apologize but knew that now was hardly the time, no matter the words he used.

2010-08-02, 09:21 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Won't trust you... They'll all betray you... They'll choose her over you. Stupid thing... I told you all these things. Why are you surprised?

P-Pieter? Not you too. I was right... Illiiya muttered dumbfounded, staring at Pieter. She had expected as much from Raffy, perhaps even Lothar... but not from him.

No. No! Look at yourselves! She yelled, her pale face going red in anger as a hate she'd not felt in a long time boiled to the surface, I did nothing... NOTHING... to harm her. Not a hair out of place... and look how quickly you leap to defend her! Look how quick she is to send us away! She won't come with us to the guardhouse, because she is GUILTY! She. is. CONTROLLING YOU!

Illiiya shook slightly, with malice in her eyes like none of them had ever seen before.

Not a one of you would trust me. Not one! Well I am done with you all! *I* will get the witch hunter, and the priests... and I will bring them here myself! You can't control me, you arrogant, human whore... and you are NOT getting away with this. Illiiya growled at Maria venomously, This is not done yet.

OOC: Barring the group assaulting her as she goes. Illiiya is leaving the place and heading RIGHT for the church/temple/wherever the witch hunter and priests are. Marius would end up as mind-screwed as everyone else, but she's hoping the Lector or the witch hunter can resist chaos' call. I honestly am a little sad that even Pieter didn't. :smallfrown:

2010-08-02, 09:25 AM

Back at the Theatre
Ithelus looks at Raffy, giving him a piercing stare. 'I don't that arresting him would be necessary.' he then turns and walks out without another word, his disgust fairly obvious.

At Maria's
Ithelus remains quiet and tags along at the back of the group. As Illiiya casts her spell a look of shock and horror crosses his face. The look however quickly turns to rage as Pieter slaps Illiiya and in a flash he is behind Pieter, sickle drawn and resting on the man's neck.

2010-08-02, 09:33 AM
The look however quickly turns to rage as Pieter slaps Illiiya and in a flash he is behind Pieter, sickle drawn and resting on the man's neck.

"What are you going to do, Ithelus?" Pieter asked quietly, his voice icy.

2010-08-02, 09:42 AM
Lothar raised his arms defensively, stepping back from the whole mess. "Ith, do what y'like to that one- but what 'bout Illiiya?" He turned, reaching, as the elven witch fled the scene-- "Ill- wait, dammit. We aren't--"

"Ranald's soddin' --- uh. Um," the soldier looked from Maria, to the elf with a knife to Pieter's throat, to the door. "Uh, that is to say, 'Ranald's luck.' Right. Blast and britches..." he mumbled, looking at his boots.

2010-08-02, 09:51 AM
“Stop!” shouted Maria. “Put the weapons away and just – just stop. Or so help me, I’ll be the one calling the guards.”

Pushing past Raffy, she moved to intercept Illiiya, confrontation written on her face.

“You want to go to Jagrun, Illiiya? Go. But the man’s looking for a sorcerer, and if you bring him here on this – this insane suspicion of yours, I’ll have to tell him where he can find one.” She stared into Illiiya’s eyes, biting back more words. “Are we clear?”

2010-08-02, 09:58 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Why so afraid to see the hunter, whore? You can act as smug as you want, but we saw that fear in your eyes.

Get out of my way. Illiiya said coldly, shoving past Maria without so much as stopping to hear her out. I'm not some weak-willed wretch like them. You can't control me.

She continued on, refusing to be deterred from her path... anger burning in her eyes.

2010-08-02, 10:08 AM
Maria stared open-mouthed in Illiiya's wake. Recovering as quickly as she could, she turned to Raffy, a pleading look in her eyes.

"Rafale - please, go after her. Make her see sense! If Jagrun gets the notion that - it doesn't matter what she says, he'll come down on us all. The Society, everything, innocent or not. Pieter, you t..."

She noticed the stand-off between Pieter and the elf had not ceased. Her voice cracked a little under the stress, rising to a high-pitched shout.

"Gods' breath, will you put that thing away!"

2010-08-02, 10:29 AM
Ithelus let his sickle linger for a moment before lowering it. 'If you ever hurt her again I'll carve you up so bad the guard will assume it was another cultist murder.'

He sheathed his weapon, 'Raffy, don't stop her, the witch hunter will have ways to detect the ruinous powers, if Maria is innocent, which is totally possible, then she will not be harmed.'

2010-08-02, 12:05 PM
Raffy the Sparrowhawk

Raffy's eyes fill with a look of abject pain as Maria orders him and his "friends" away.

He stands transfixed, until he Maria pleas for him to go after Illiiya--a sign that she still has some trust for him, and a chance perhaps to redeem himself. He gives an obedient nod, like a soldier, and almost cartwheels to grab his sword as he goes for the door.

Before he exits the room, he looks back at the others. "Ithelus," he says.

"You're the only one who can talk to her."

The fact that he is holding his bared sword in one hand might even make this an ultimatum. Or it could just be bad wording. Either way, the Sparrowhawk is gone in a flash - his money still in Maria's drawer - as he races after Illiiya.

((Here's hoping that longer legs let me catch her well before the guard house.))

@ LCP only:

I'll sheathe the sword as I run, and ready my net instead. My actions when I reach Illiiya depend on whether Ith is coming too, so I'll wait to see if he does.

2010-08-02, 12:28 PM
Ithelus let his sickle linger for a moment before lowering it. 'If you ever hurt her again I'll carve you up so bad the guard will assume it was another cultist murder.'

He sheathed his weapon, 'Raffy, don't stop her, the witch hunter will have ways to detect the ruinous powers, if Maria is innocent, which is totally possible, then she will not be harmed.'

"And if you ever draw a weapon against me again," Pieter countered between clenched teeth, "you had better kill me."

Louder he said: "You're right, witch hunters have ways of detecting the ruinous powers. Like trial by fire. Or by combat. Because surely Sigmar wouldn't let an innocent die, would he? Witch hunters are known for their great sense of justice." He grunted. "Go after her and bring her back, Ithelus. If you think innocence is enough to stop a witch hunter from burning someone, I've got a wall to sell you in Cathay."

He turned to Maria, his expression softening slightly.


2010-08-02, 12:36 PM
"Yes!" replied Maria, frantically. She turned to Ithelus.

"Please - just go!"

2010-08-02, 01:59 PM
Ithelus curses violently and runs after Raffy, a stream of what Eltharian issuing from his lips and although it sounds alien its colourful nature cannot be misinterpreted.

2010-08-02, 02:36 PM
Once outside Ithelus will see that Raffy has put away his sword but does have his net in his hands as he chases after Illiiya.

"Ith! Talk to her!" he calls as his feet pound on the pavement.

2010-08-02, 04:30 PM
With an irritated sigh, Pieter muttered a quick goodbye to Maria and tried to follow Illiiya outside. Better get this foolishness over with before Raffy and Ithelus came to blows.

2010-08-02, 05:03 PM
Ithelus catches up to Illiiya and grabs her by the shoulders. 'Illiiya, calm down. Whats going on? What was that? What did you do?'

2010-08-03, 12:09 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Stay away, Asur. We can trust none of you.

Illiiya did not cease her brisk pace, but made no motion to avoid Ithelus or the others.

You should know a bluff better than anyone. She told Ithelus, intently, She is guilty. I KNOW she is g-guilty! I told her that my spell would burn the corrupt and look how she panicked! She threatened me... turned everyone against me... d-did EVERYTHING she could to keep me from going to the priests, because she knows they'll be able to reveal the chaos mark she has on her hand. She is GUILTY Ith. I am going to prove it.

2010-08-03, 05:27 AM
'Illiiya, look. I believe you when you say that something is wrong about Maria, I always have. But you have to have a plan. You can't go marching into someone's house and begin messing around with magic, there are less direct ways to do this that puts you out of harm's way! You are going to a witch hunter after, by the word of the law, assaulting a noble!'

He grabs her by the arm and looks her directly in the eyes,

'Look, we can work out a plan, leave a false trail that brings Maria into suspicion with the Witch hunter.... Just don't put yourself in danger.'

2010-08-03, 08:21 AM
"Framing Maria?" said Pieter, his voice chilling. "I'm not going to allow this, Ithelus. The witch hunter already dislikes her. Give him an excuse and he'll have her burned. And the Society will go down with her."

He folded his arms over his chest.

"We will stop the killer, and we will do it without the witch hunter's help. He's not our ally, he's only the lesser of two evils."

Or maybe three.

2010-08-03, 09:47 AM
Raffy the Sparrowhawk

Raffy joins the others. His net is still in his hands. With a look of suppressed anger, he says:

"I agree... with Pieter."

2010-08-03, 11:19 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Can't trust the humans.

No. Illiiya said intently, giving Pieter and Raffy a glare, I can't trust you. Either of you. She's controlling you both. You won't even stop to CONSIDER that she's involved. I didn't hurt her one bit... so p-piss on your "assaulting a noble" idea. The only violent ones in there... were you.

OOC: Illiiya's not being deterred. Bring on the church-types! That is, unless the group wishes to physically assault her to keep her from doing that... but that would really just further prove it to her that you're all not acting right.

At least Lothar and Ith are being reasonable. :smallamused:

2010-08-03, 12:03 PM
"Whether or not Maria is guilty of anything isn't the point," snapped Pieter. "But we're not bringing the witch hunter into this. That's exactly why I'm helping you: to make sure the Sigmarites don't claim credit for finding the murderer. They'll just use it to justify even more oppression. If you want to involve them, count me out, I'll do this on my own."

He started to walk away.

"I've got some leads I want to investigate. Can we meet at the North Wind at the second bell after noon? I must have a word with Klaus, anyway."

2010-08-03, 12:32 PM
As Pieter walks away, Raffy says quietly: "Illiiya, I am deeply suspicious that Maria is involved. But you are doing this wrong. Please."

His eyes are pleading.

2010-08-03, 04:42 PM
No he's not. He's lying to you. She's in his head!


Stop it! He is not your friend! She controls him!

Her anger faltered slightly... and she stopped in her tracks.

Y-you... you don't believe me. You're just trying to protect her. She said, her voice becoming softer, There isn't... another way. We've gotten nowhere l-looking around. I know she's involved. If you believe me... HONESTLY believe me... then help me prove it. Otherwise... I am solving this, myself. I... I can't trust that she isn't just manipulating you.

2010-08-03, 06:34 PM
'Illiiya.... You know I believe you, I always have. But listen, even though he is lying Raffy makes a good point. We have to plan this better, storming in front pf the church might do more harm than good.'

He kneels down in front of her,

'please, I don't want you put in danger.. please. Do this for me?'

2010-08-03, 09:39 PM
"I'm... not... lying," says Raffy through gritted teeth. "I'll protect anyone who's innocent. Her, you, even Pieter," he spits. "And I'm getting my doubts she's innocent. But I haven't seen proof yet."

He falters. "Besides, I...."

He can't seem to finish the sentence.

2010-08-04, 12:08 AM
Lothar glanced sideways at Pieter as the con-man started to walk away, then leaned in closer to Illiiya. He whispered something for a good moment, then pulled back and watched her expression. His was deadly serious.

Illiiya, LCP and anyone who is real good at listening ONLY

"Maybe she is and maybe she ain't. I'm with Raffy's sudden change of heart here- we oughta look into her, more subtle-like. But, here's the other thing: Pieter seems t'be goin' on an awful lot about how much the Church of the Hammer is 'oppressive'. And he did turn up out've nowhere- and he did almost get Raff' an I killed...

2010-08-04, 12:38 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

No! NO! Stay angry, you weak-willed wretch! They don't care about you!

I don't want to be angry anymore. I don't want to hate anymore... and I don't want to be you anymore.

I hate you. You weak, pathetic COWARD! You can't hide from me forever!

Illiiya stood strangely still for a few moments, blinking and looking at the others quizzically. Her eyes settled on Ithelus, and she faltered... looking as if she might cry.

I.... Ith? She said weakly, stepping forward and taking his hand, I know I'm right. I know it. I just... don't know any other way to prove it. But.... if you trust me... I'll.... I'll listen.

With that, the elven woman dropped onto her knees in the dirt beside him, slipping her arms around him and holding on tightly as she buried her head against his shoulder.

I'm... I'm just t-trying... to help. I don't want t-to be a bad person anymore.

2010-08-04, 03:50 AM
'You're not a bad person, you just need to.... plan things better.' He picks her up. 'I really have to go now and you can't come with, it's dangerous.'

He moves over to Lothar, 'Can you look after her for a while?'

2010-08-04, 10:52 AM
Illiiya Jaelrae

I can look after myself. Illiiya said determinedly. I am n-not a child. Not... anymore.

2010-08-04, 12:45 PM
Ithelus looks at her for a long minute, setting her down. 'In that case, I'll see you all this evening at the Crow' He turns and stalks off, taking turns at random and moving through the crowd haphazardly to try and shake off any who would follow him. After a while he makes his way to Kliner's pawn shop.

2010-08-04, 02:12 PM
Illiiya Jaelrae

Lothar? Have you... anyplace t-to be? Illiiya asked, turning back to the freshly-shaved soldier. Would you... accompany me? I have something I would... like to do.

2010-08-04, 08:20 PM
Raffy And Others

"I'm going to go see if we can avoid being arrested," Raffy says. Whatever he was trying to say earlier and couldn't, seems to have passed now.

He heads back to Maria's.

Raffy at Maria's

Raffy makes his way slowly through the back door. He doesn't wait for the servant to open it (if it's closed again). He just slowly opens it and walks in.

((Since it's only been a few moments I assume Maria is still present and rather shaken.))

"Maria...." he says. "We stopped her. She won't go to the witch hunter. I'm... I'm so sorry, Maria." He looks almost choked up on the edge of tears, holding them back by pure will. "Maria, I would never have...."

He just trails off and awaits her reaction.

2010-08-05, 01:07 PM

It was a long way from Manor Row to the Neumarket – trying to ignore the people who stared at his blotched face along the way. He glanced up at the weather on his way, the sun still as faint and cold as ever in the washed-out blue of the sky... so why did he feel so damned hot?

Arriving at his destination, he began to ask around the tradesmen there – they seemed less than helpful today, having no time for someone who wasn’t buying something. After the sixth or seventh frustrating conversation, he felt someone tap him on the shoulder – a rotund little peasant woman was standing behind him, pointing silently across the muddy marketplace with her other hand.

Following her pointing finger, Pieter saw a man sitting behind a plank atop a couple of barrels: a large, black tomcat played in the dirt at his feet, while a dozen dead rodents dangled from a pole that rested over his shoulder. Hanging over the front of his ‘stall’ was a wooden sign, on which had been painted




By now, Ithelus was coming to know the streets leading up to Kleiner’s unassuming headquarters rather well: the pawnbroker recognised him as he stepped over the threshold, turning before the elf could speak and thumping the ceiling with the broom-handle.

Once he had been divested of his sharp objects, Ithelus was ushered upstairs by one of Kleiner’s brutish bodyguards: the little man was waiting for him there, crabbed hands poring over a crumpled bundle of parchment. Seeing Ithelus come in, he stowed it away, a yellow-toothed grin splitting his stubbly face.

“Mister Ithelus. You’ve come to us.” He snickered. “I thought we was going to have to come to you. Sit down, sit down,” he urged, seeming not to notice that the only seats in the cluttered room other than his own sedan were a couple of broken-legged stools in a sorry state of repair. “We’ve got things to talk about.”

Rubbing his hands, he met Ithelus’ eyes with a mischievous expression.

“Now, Mister Ithelus – you’ve been as good as your word, you have, and you’ve shown us you’ve got the skills. So it’s like this: there’s a job as needs doin’, and I think you’re the man to do it.” He paused. “Elf,” he corrected himself. “The, um, elf. To do it. I’ve been hearin’ a few stories, round and about, this way and that, coming from a Nuln-like direction, and what they’re saying is that this might be your kind of job. So, you do this, and we’re square – you don’t owe me nothing more.” He gave Ithelus a sly look. “That is, unless you think you might maybe want to do a bit more. You’ll get your cut of the job, same as the others. Maybe you might find you’d like to get given a bit more of this kind of work, eh?”

He grinned.

“So – you in?”



Raffy found the stable gate had not yet been locked behind them. Slipping back in through the doors they had passed through on their way in, he heard Maria’s muffled voice up ahead, speaking - presumably to Alfons – in hurried tones.

The voices stopped – before he could reach the door, it opened, Maria stepping out. She stopped dead as she saw him. Looking tense as a bow-string, her expression melted into one of relief as she heard what he had to say.

There was a long pause before she replied.

“You’re sure?” she said, a hint of doubt still lingering in her voice. “You’re really sure?”

2010-08-05, 02:02 PM

Pieter put on his white ribbon to at least look like someone official and purposefully strode toward the rat catcher.

"Good morning, sir," he said pleasantly. "Can you spare a few minutes? I come for, um, consulting."

He put a shilling on the plank.

2010-08-05, 02:07 PM

"Ah, you seen my sign?" grinned the man, through a chinful of dirty, greying stubble. "Got a man to write that spesh'ly, I did." He touched his face, looking at Pieter's. "Aye, looks like you need to be consultin' us and all. You with the Hounds? What's the trouble, infestation down Halbermann's place?"

2010-08-05, 02:16 PM

I hope the man who wrote this sign didn't charge too much for it.

"Infestation pretty much everywhere," Pieter said. "Are you familiar with the sewers?"

2010-08-05, 02:20 PM

"Depends what you rightly mean by 'familiar'," said the man, sucking his teeth. "The sewers are abandoned - ain't nobody payin' us to go down there. Used to be the town had proper sewerjacks, but the last of them packed his bags 'bout thirteen years ago."

2010-08-05, 02:35 PM

The initiate was disappointed.

"Packed his bags, uh? Well, thank you all the same, but in this case... Um, wait... you folks usually work in basements, right? Do you remember ever finding a trap door that would lead deeper underground than a basement has any right to go?"

He reached for his purse again, the implication clear.

2010-08-05, 02:38 PM

"Basements, cellars, attics, lodgin'-houses, taverns, eat'ries... rats get in pretty much everywhere, mister. We go where there's work."

He considered Pieter's question.

"Can't rightly say I have, but then we don't exactly go pryin' about people's homes. Lay traps, lay poison, that kind of thing. Someone's got a locked door or a hatch, it ain't our concern."

2010-08-05, 02:49 PM

"Ah... Thank you for your time. One more thing..." He scratched at the aching rashes in his face. "Have you ever seen this disease? Got it from a rat bite yesterday. Do you know how long it lasts and what can be done about it? Is it very contagious?"

(After the rat catcher answers)

"Do you sell any of the products you use? Things like rat poison or rat repellent?"

2010-08-05, 03:00 PM

"Disease?" He shuffled back in his seat, kicking the cat that was playing at Pieter's feet away from the young man - the raggedy-eared animal yowled angrily, bristling its tail and arching its back at its master. The rat-catcher's demeanour seemed to have changed markedly, Pieter's confession apparently lowering the young man to something like the status of a leper.

"I heard there was people sickenin' round the Ward," he muttered. "You just keep your distance sir. I don't have no advice for you. Best cure for rat-bite, don't get bit. If them's sewer rats you're askin' about, there's sixty kinds of sickness y'can catch just by touchin' em."

"Do you sell any of the products you use? Things like rat poison or rat repellent?"

"That'd be puttin' meself out of work now, wouldn't it?" snapped the man. "Be off with you! Before you go infectin' anyone else. I ain't no priestess of Shallya!"

2010-08-05, 03:20 PM

The initiate tried to scowl at him, as any proper Hound would no doubt do, but he was not very good at it.

"Fine then," he said in a frosty tone, "Sigmar be with you."

And now to the tunnels. He needed to know what the Hounds were doing and what they had found out.

Still wearing my white ribbon, I'm going to the house where Puderbrand used to live.

2010-08-05, 04:17 PM

Approaching the Ward, Pieter heard the sound of many voices from up ahead – curiosity piqued, he moved closer, doing his best not to look conspicuous. A scattered crowd of locals were standing around, looking rather disorientated: as he came around the corner of the nearest of the ramshackle buildings that ringed the well, he saw why.

The muddy yard was thronged with Hounds – a pack of them clustered around the well itself, while others were passing in and out of the open front doors of the surrounding houses, manhandling the inhabitants outdoors as they conducted a noisy search of each squalid dwelling-place. The residents stood about in mute distress, infants squalling and squabbling as their parents kept one eye on the militiamen ransacking their homes.

The Hounds by the well seemed to have set up some kind of pulley system, one or more of them presumably down there by the way the others craned their necks to look down into the shaft. Halbermann was among them, overseeing the whole operation: there had to be at least a score of the militiamen in the cramped square, maybe more.

Most eye-catching of all, however, was the mounted figure in the centre of it all: sat atop a tall, black horse, the aquiline features of the Lector were instantly recognisable, surveying the busy scene beneath him with the dignified stillness of a hawk on a high pinnacle. Striding towards him through the crowd was a man in subdued noble’s attire, broad-shouldered and with a tremendous, bushy black beard.

“What in Sigmar’s name is the meaning of all this?” blustered the man, making a bee-line for the Lector. “This is my property, sir, my property, and my tenants –“
“Your property,” replied the Lector, coolly. Belatedly looking down at the red-faced man glaring up at him, he raised a quizzical eyebrow. “Mr... Helstrum, is it not?”
“It is,” growled Helstrum. He pointed a quivering finger at Halbermann and his men. “Explain yourself, sir!”
“I was rather hoping you would be the one offering the explanations, Mr Helstrum,” said von Kemperbad, not one chink appearing in his tone of patrician calm. “As you said, this is your property. Are you aware that your well has been spreading contagion?”
Helstrum opened his mouth to reply – the Lector cut him off.
“Or that your property appears to be honeycombed with tunnels?” The priest watched the man’s face change, his own an unmoving mask. “The changeling Puderbrand was notably keen on tunnels. One of your tenants has told us he lodged here. Is there anything else you would like to tell us, Mr Helstrum? To save time?”

His face still red with suppressed indignation, the bearded man seemed to keep his mouth shut with difficulty, slowly shaking his head.

“So I thought,” said von Kemperbad, softly. “The sergeant’s men are searching this place for further evidence. You are to offer them every assistance. Starting, I think, by clearing your tenants out of their way.”

Still smouldering with suppressed wrath, Helstrum nodded and turned away – recognising a volcano about to go off in the face of the first fool to give it an opening, the peasants scattered before him like sheep before a wolf, practically running for cover.

Seemingly satisified for now, the Lector turned back to watching the search.

2010-08-05, 04:41 PM

Moving in a confident, businesslike stride, Pieter approached the well and blended into the crowd of Hounds. He listened carefully to anything they said, especially Halbermann, but tried to make sure there was always someone blocking the sergeant's view of him.

2010-08-05, 05:07 PM

It was difficult to get close to the Hounds without looking conspicuous, the square being as open as it was: nevertheless, Helstrum's shooing away of the spectators made it easy enough to hear what was passing between them. For once they seemed to be putting in a decent day's work, the Lector's eye motivating them to look dutiful and diligent as they followed their orders quickly and quietly.

By the sound of things, they were searching every house from top to bottom: the ones clustered around the well were too far away for Pieter to eavesdrop on, their conversation too quiet and sparse to make any sense of.

2010-08-05, 05:26 PM

Unwilling to get too close to Sergeant Halbermann, who would likely recognize him as not-a-Hound, the initiate made his way to the house where a trap door to the tunnels had been found. Once inside he took the direction of the cellar, still listening intently to any conversation that reached his ears.

2010-08-05, 08:35 PM
Raffy the Sparrowhawk

"I'm sure. Ithelus can control her, and he agrees it's the wrong thing to do. She might try it again later, but I'll watch her like... well, like a Sparrowhawk. I'll keep you safe."

If you're innocent.... Maria, please be innocent.

"They still have suspicions though, Maria. I'm going to have to talk them out of this line of investigation... so...."

He knows that just telling her he wants to ask her some questions is more likely to incur her tears or anger than her openness.

So, he drops to one knee, and bows his head deeply before her. "Lady Samtzunge, I do not have the birth to demand anything of you, and no authority to question you. By rights I shouldn't even be in your home. But since it has fallen to me to speak on your behalf, please, will you answer my questions so that I will be able to perform ably."

He keeps his head bowed and remains kneeling until she respods (and possibly longer, depending on the response).

If she is willing to answer questions they are:

-Do you have any idea why the elf can feel this, eh, "Aether" in your presence?
-Has anyone ever threatened to curse you? Or demonstrated magic for you?
-Did you meet any mages, by accident, when you were at school?
-The murders really are moving in this direction. Can you think of any reason why?
-A mandrake addict was implicated in Puderbrand's dealings. Would Mr. Lenkster have done anything desparate to get a dose? Or for money?

If at any point the questioning seems to be upsetting her, he will apologise and leave off.

2010-08-06, 03:57 AM

“Please – don’t,” she said. “Don’t kneel.”

Standing up, before he could really understand what was going on, he found himself being embraced.

“Thank you,” said Maria, quietly. “I knew I could trust you.” She stepped back, looking into Raffy’s eyes: perhaps for the first time she seemed genuinely vulnerable, her voice small and shaken. The revelation that she was safe seemed to have allowed her to discard her mask.

“I don’t know what she thought, what she… but Rafale, I can’t let that man in this house. I can’t. I won’t.” She seemed to be holding back tears herself. “The Lector hates me. You understand, don’t you? It doesn’t matter how many scapegoats they burn on the way to finding their murderer – who’s going to call them out, after it’s done? I’ve heard too many stories of, of ducking stools, and trials by ordeal to trust his man with my life.” The words tumbled out in a torrent, tripping over each other in their haste to be free. “I won’t submit to it.”

She sniffed.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with Illiiya, but you have to keep her away from them. Please. Whatever she thinks – she’s in as much danger from Jagrun as anyone else. If anyone else were to see her do such a thing…”

She shook her head, mastering her unwinding nerves.

“Of course - of course I’ll answer your questions. Please,” she said, straightening the folds of her dress, “ask away.”

Do you have any idea why the elf can feel this, eh, "Aether" in your presence?

Maria shook her head. “No, not at all. I don’t understand it.”

Has anyone ever threatened to curse you? Or demonstrated magic for you?

“Never in my life.”

Did you meet any mages, by accident, when you were at school?

“In Nuln? I saw one or two, from a distance – College mages. I never spoke to them, though.”

The murders really are moving in this direction. Can you think of any reason why?

“And what direction will they be moving in tomorrow? As far as I’ve heard they passed this house last night.”

“If the Sigmarites are right – if this an act of sorcery, then there’s no rhyme or reason to it that ordinary mortals can understand. They’ll keep going until they have what it is they need – a hundred souls, or the right pattern, or a night when Morrslieb is full. I’d like to believe as much as you that last night’s were the last… but do you really think that’s true?”

She shook her head. “You should ask your friend. Even if she is… touched, she’s the only honest mage in Delberz right now. If anyone might understand the reason for the killings, it’s her.”

A mandrake addict was implicated in Puderbrand's dealings. Would Mr. Lenkster have done anything desperate to get a dose? Or for money?

The change of angle brought a look of surprise to Maria’s face.

“Felix? Felix wouldn’t hurt a fly. I know he may seem rather dissolute, but that’s the extent of his sins.” She seemed to examine Raffy’s expression. “You’ve met him, then?”

2010-08-06, 06:25 AM
Ithelus looked decidedly uncomfortable, 'Well, I'd have to know more about the job before I agreed to anything in stone but the principle seems a sound.' he pauses for a second, 'Which Nuln-like direction would that be by the way... not the Nuln Nuln-like direction?'

2010-08-06, 06:31 AM

"Nuln-like enough," grinned Dietlief.

"For the nitty-gritty, you'd have to ask Feinmesser - 'e's the one who's found us the way in. But 'ssentially, it's a cat-burglin' job. Posh house down Manor Row, ought to be filled with trinkets and such. Young lady lives there, practically on her own, 'cept for a handful of servants - and the chief of 'em's half-blind and ancient, too."

He rubbed his hands.

"It's called Samtzunge 'ouse. You heard of it?"

2010-08-06, 07:51 AM
Ithelus blinked. And again. 'My, you have been doing your homework sir.' He looks around. 'You''l have to point me towards your contact, and then I'll say for sure.. but you definitely have me interested.'

2010-08-06, 07:57 AM

Kleiner chuckled.

"Feinmesser and his lads'll be round here this evenin', just afore it gets dark," he said. "If you're willin' to turn up and hear 'em out, they'd be ready to go this very night."

He examined Ithelus' face shrewdly.

"O' course, if it turns out you're not... well, we'll have to find some other work for you. We've all got to earn our way, and you still have one week to go, Mister Ithelus."

The man's tone of voice made what he meant by "other work" rather sinisterly ambiguous.



Moving sideways around the wall of the house, Pieter turned the corner and slipped into the busy bustle of Hounds, heading quickly inside the house.

The tunnel entrance wasn't difficult to spot: behind the stairs, in the same cluttered room that the front door opened into, a large trapdoor stood open, apparently leading down into some sort of cellar. As he watched, a Hound rose up out of it, dusting down his britches and heading out into the yard.

2010-08-06, 10:03 AM
Ithelus nods, 'I'll be here tonight then.' he then turns and goes to the Crow.

2010-08-06, 10:18 AM

"Then we'll see you tonight," said Kleiner. "Pleasure to see you, Mister Ithelus."

It wasn't far from Kleiner's lair to the seediest tavern in town - probably no coincidence. Making his way there, Ithelus stepped inside - there were relatively few people in the Crow at this time of day, only a handful drunks and regulars (and shades in between) sheltering from the cold.

2010-08-06, 11:55 AM
Raffy at Maria's

When Maria embraces him, Raffy hugs her back and holds her tight against him. "It's okay," he says softly.

He helps her to a chair and sits next to her, holding her hand for reassurance as she speaks about the Lector. He looks aside with a distance in his eyes and says, "The Lector's sins are many. I know how he has treated... other women. I intend to stop all this legally, but if the law fails, I will save you by force."

He looks back at her and they have the conversation where she answers the questions. He keeps his hand on hers and speaks in a soft voice, making sure she knows he's asking out of concern.

When she asks about Felix he says, "Yes, I've spoken to him. We've been thorough. I agree, he wouldn't harm anyone. But I think his habit brought him in contact with some bad people. We had hoped he could lead us to them."

He leans in slightly and changes the subject. "Maria, you're not going to leave town, are you?"

((assuming that's correct))

He grins. "That's why I.. admire you. You're brave and true, milady." The grin cracks into a smile, and then he looks away and says a little more seriously, "I'm going to impose on you. It's not proper, but, well, let me spend the night here." His eyes widen. "On a pallet! I mean the floor of the cellar or wheverer..."

He shakes his head and hurries onto the point. "You need someone to guard this place. Murders in the night... Maria, I'll be up all night worrying about you if I'm anywhere else, so I may as well be standing watch here. If you'll have me."

2010-08-06, 12:06 PM

Maria looked surprised by Raffy's request.

"I... um, I'm touched." She smiled, Raffy's gallantry seeming to either please or amuse her. "I'll have Alfons make up a spare room."

2010-08-06, 12:15 PM
Raffy at Maria's

Raffy gives a grateful smile. "You'll live to see many more mornings, milady. Thousands. I promise."

He stands up - perhaps abruptly. "For now I have more investigating to do. I'll send Vanya by. He may not be a brave man but the more people you can have here watching for anything unusual, the better." He grins again. "You might want to watch your brandy supply."

And just as quickly, a frown. "I'll keep an eye on Illiiya. There are two people inside of her, and one of them is very good-natured. Still, I wouldn't let her in again if I were you."

He scoops 10 crowns out of the drawer and gives a formal bow. "Good morning, milady."

With that he heads down the hallway that he thinks leads to the front door, assuming that his better clothing and his invitation to stay here will make him worthy of not sneaking out the back.

((I was already planning on leaving by the front door before I read BA's OOC post--really, I swear!--but now it should make for an even better scene.))

2010-08-06, 12:27 PM
Raffy, Lothar & Illiiya

As he turned to approach the front door, Raffy heard a knock from the other side - peering past him, Maria looked puzzled, the sound of Alfons' trudging feet starting up from somewhere in the vasty house at the noise.

Maria nodded to Raffy: opening the door himself, he found himself looking back at Illiiya and Lothar, the elf standing to the fore - she had evidently been the one who knocked.

Puffing, Alfons appeared behind them - seeing the door already open, he shuffled away again, muttering to himself as always. Maria's expression had chilled decidedly when she saw Illiiya waiting - understandable, perhaps, after the names the elf had called her.

"Illiiya," she said. "Rafale has already explained."

She hesitated.

"Thank you," she said, guardedly.

2010-08-06, 12:50 PM

Moving like someone who knew where he was going, the initiate slid down the open entrance.

Is there light from other Hounds holding torches or lanterns? If not, I will light one of my torches.

2010-08-06, 12:56 PM

The trapdoor led down into a small cellar, full of a jumble of barrels and preserved food - evidently its disordered state had been increased by the attentions of the Hounds.

Two Hounds were standing at the other end of the cramped chamber, both having to crouch under the low ceiling: they were looking down into a hole in the floor, where a single large flagstone had been levered up to reveal a dark pit beneath. As Pieter descended, they both looked round at him, then looked back at the hole.

2010-08-06, 01:12 PM
Raffy with Elf, Lothar, and Maria

Although everything seems civil so far, Raffy keep his body in the open door to prevent Illiiya from entering as they await her response. He raises his eyebrows to Lothar like, "What the heck?"