View Full Version : NarutoITP OOC VI: Believe it!

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2010-07-17, 12:18 AM
The official tag for NarutoITP threads is simply [NarutoITP]. Put that on any threads for this.

Questions and answers:

What is NarutoitP anyway?

NarutoitP is a FFRP universe which is heavily influenced (read: alternate version of the universe of) by the Japanese manga/anime Naruto.

Okay, but how is it different from, say, the Town or ACRONYM?

It differs in several important ways.
First, it is a lot more uniform that the Town and ACRONYM. NarutoitP has ninja, shinobi, samurai, and jinchūriki of various countries and clans. It does not have, say, cyborgs or sniper kittys.
Second, the plot of NarutoitP is going to be more directed. There are the good, the bad, and the ugly, and they are mostly organised. As such, most plots and stuff will be interwoven into one big plot. Or at least that's the intention.
Third, NarutoitP is NOT in any way connected to the Town, at least not in the way ACRONYM is. i.e. you cannot have a character travel between the two. If you want a character in NarutoitP, it is for NarutoitP. You can have a version of the same character for both ACRO/Town and NarutoitP, but they are different characters.

How do I start?

Well, you want to post a character in this thread, and the character registry when it goes up, so everyone can find information on your character and so people can give you helpful criticism on it.
To prevent a pattern that is all too easy to fall into, it's good to point out the fact that passive actions don't tend to get much attention.
With that in mind, make a post and begin!

There are rules, right?

Yes, there are.
Firstly, no godmodding (or godmoding). A far better explanation of godmodding than I can give is here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1633965&postcount=5)
Second, please remember that we plan to have a far more directed plot than ACRO or the Town. Please run any major spanners in the works past guys on this thread first.
Third, don't ruin anyone else's fun. I can't stress this enough.
Fourth, have fun!

What the hell is going on?

The Third Great Shinobi War has only been ended for thirty years, but already the peace seems to be rankling under the skin of the countries that found themselves on the losing side. But the advent of new weapons, jinchūriki, and the awesome power of the beasts contained within them has kept open hostilities from breaking out once more. Now these fledgling weapons are growing into lives of their own, to the gain or detriment of their villages, and are causing chaos in the world of shinobi.

Will another Great Shinobi War erupt from the stale peace? Or will the shinobi of the world figure out a way to live in harmony with one another? Only time will tell but evil always lurks just out of sight, waiting for weaknesses to exploit.

Not a terribly enlightening history overview, but I'm leaving a lot of it to be determined by the players as a whole beyond a few basic guidelines of...

-Every village is on their third or fourth kage.
-The tailed beasts are unlikely to hold the same forms, but the same general power level.
-Smaller countries and villages do exist but not in over-abundance.
-An organization similar to Akatsuki exists as well under a different name and goal (though has a similar means)
-This is alternate universe, the canon characters do NOT exist.

Anything else can be determined as the game goes on and will be added to that summary as it becomes relavent.

New and Improved (but loose) Rules v.1.1!
These "rules" are more loose guidelines that serve another FFRPG very well so I adopted them into this one, because they work.

Consider asking to join in fights before jumping in.
Please respect that all plots might not be open. Alternatively, if you yourself want to keep a fight cordoned off from other participants, say so in the OOC, at the beginning of your post, or both.
TALK major fights over with your opponent!
This is to keep arguments about who's the better fighter, who should win, blablablablabla, out of the OOC. Of course, talk these things over in PM, or some kind of IM service. While arguments might break out over said PM/IM... It keeps it out of the OOC. Which is what we're trying to do here. On that note...
Don't argue in the OOC!
They make the atmosphere oppressive, they make things less fun, and generally unpleasant and maybe even make the arguments larger than they need be. So, if you have a problem with someone, try to talk it out in PM or IM before using the OOC.

These guidelines/loose rules might be viable to change or be added on to as issues come up, but the bases are covered pretty well.

Due to a logical worry brought up to me over an IM though, I suggest we stick to one Hidden Village at this time to keep people from spreading out too much. If, say, Kirigakure only had two PC's playing in it, then chances are it's going to die off very quickly because of lack of activity. In other words, once/if the game gets going good and you want to introduce one of the other villages or some other faction into the game, give your idea in the OOC and make sure you have enough people so the village or faction doesn't just disappear from inactivity before you go and set it up. This will ensure that a given faction or village gets the attention it deserves by the players in it, hopefully. This does NOT mean you can't have a character from such places, just try to keep from making a completely separate thread for them until you have enough interest.

Due to recent concerns I've felt the need to put up this disclaimer. I, Callos_DeTerran, reserve the right to say 'no' to a character if I feel he/she/it wouldn't fit the setting or the game itself. This is not to say I won't work with you to make character that fits the game, but if I say 'no' then I mean 'no'.

Elemental Combination Bloodlines

Konohagakure (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=130223)
NarutoITP Wiki (http://narutoitp.wikidot.com/start)
Character Registry Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=130260)

That said, have a ball!

The password for the Wiki I'm trying to set-up is 'shiki fuujin no jutsu'.

OOC I: Cha (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=130155)
OOC II: Sexy No Threadjutsu (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=132766)
NarutoITP OOC III: Flashbacks and orphans ahoy! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7645695#post7645695)
NarutoITP OOC IV: Exam Time! Shouldn't Hurt a Bit! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=142374)
NarutoITP OOC V: F Doesn't mean Fail, it Just Means Try Again! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=147391)

2010-07-17, 12:59 AM
I'm really suprised you used that catch phrase.:smalltongue: Anyways, lets get this fight going.:smallbiggrin:

For Innis and Purple only:
I intend to have Neko join Senga's fight so that Senga could repeat the Hokage's words of people standing together in his own way. I think if it would be really inspirational if Senga says it as well.

How I want it to go down is that Senga introduces himself, the bodies explode, momentarilly distracting him and the Uchia take advantage and tries to attack him. Then Neko comes in with a jutsu to block the attack at the last minute. Then Senga will do his speech, and then we're ready to go.

Sound good?:smallsmile:

2010-07-17, 01:54 AM
And thus Matsu is removed from the story until MSH wants to come back. :smallwink:

In other news, do any of you have any idea how difficult it is to do sound effects without them sounding cheesy or stupid? :smalltongue: Not easy!

Purple Rose
2010-07-17, 02:14 AM
Purple, if you want, Masami can fight N13 until Tomoya shows up to fight her?

Sounds good! Just PM me when you post, with a link.

In fact, I might as well say this right now:

If you (referring to anyone and everyone) are interacting with my character (starting an interaction, picking up after more than two days delay, ect...) could you drop me a PM letting me know and with a link to the relevant post? I'm kinda juggling a bunch of stuff right now, and though I absolutely love posting in these games, it takes a bit too much to keep track of all the threads right now. .-. Thank you! :smallcool:

2010-07-17, 02:25 AM
Sounds good! Just PM me when you post, with a link.

In fact, I might as well say this right now:

If you (referring to anyone and everyone) are interacting with my character (starting an interaction, picking up after more than two days delay, ect...) could you drop me a PM letting me know and with a link to the relevant post? I'm kinda juggling a bunch of stuff right now, and though I absolutely love posting in these games, it takes a bit too much to keep track of all the threads right now. .-. Thank you! :smallcool:

Well...would it be possible to get a post of where N13 is right now?

Purple Rose
2010-07-17, 02:34 AM
Here! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8917532&postcount=142) There!

2010-07-17, 02:38 AM
Alright, I'll post in a moment. :smallwink:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-17, 02:46 AM
I'm really suprised you used that catch phrase.:smalltongue: Anyways, lets get this fight going.:smallbiggrin:

For Innis and Purple only:
I intend to have Neko join Senga's fight so that Senga could repeat the Hokage's words of people standing together in his own way. I think if it would be really inspirational if Senga says it as well.

How I want it to go down is that Senga introduces himself, the bodies explode, momentarilly distracting him and the Uchia take advantage and tries to attack him. Then Neko comes in with a jutsu to block the attack at the last minute. Then Senga will do his speech, and then we're ready to go.

Sound good?:smallsmile:

Sounds good.

Eh, I have a big, huge soft spot for Freudian Excuse characters, particularly if they seem Woobie enough. :smallredface: It's the reason why in Kinoko Nasu works, Sakura (Fate/Stay Night) and Kohaku (Tsukihime) are my favorite characters despite them being murderous and/or schemers. I'm a sucker for a good sob story, it seems.

I'll speak with you later. All I can say is...

Keep reading

I'd say "every other day" works fine. I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

Putting aside the sheer devastation he's wreaking on Konoha, which has to include plenty of death of civilians. You know: Men, women, elderly. Children.

Putting all that aside, just what he's done to Hana makes me feel nothing but contempt for him. Such abuse of a girl...Yeah, I'm old fashioned, but it makes my blood boil. Not to mention the fact that he perverted the sacred duty that a teacher holds.

There aren't enough millstones in the world to fit around his neck for the price he'll pay. He's barely even human; more like a monster in a human suit.

1. I'd like you to point out the sheer devestation. Because you've given figures for whats been destroyed and...I don't remember writing any. So, if you could quote me on any numbers or estimates I made? Because I'll go and fix them if I did. Because I didn't mean to. :smallsmile:

2. I'm glad you think that. Its the intent after all. :smallsmile:

2010-07-17, 11:39 AM
I'll speak with you later. All I can say is...

Keep reading

Alright, alright, did you really need to write in big, huge, bolded red font just to spoiler that? :smalltongue:

In other news, do any of you have any idea how difficult it is to do sound effects without them sounding cheesy or stupid? :smalltongue: Not easy!

Hmm...one solution is to simply describe what's going on, and let the reader fill in the sound effects with his/her imagination.

I'd say "every other day" works fine. I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

Sounds good to me.

2010-07-17, 11:40 AM
13, do you want Erayue to meet up with Akio now to help him out against Goro?

2010-07-17, 11:46 AM
13, do you want Erayue to meet up with Akio now to help him out against Goro?

Well, my original plan was to have him fight Innis' Abe clan member for a while, move on to Kazuma (regardless of victory or loss), be neutralized for the rest of the fight by Kazuma, then walk in on the Goro vs EVERYONE fight near the very end, just in time for him to hear Goro tell him that he's his creator (or something)...If you'd like, I can certainly have Erayue help out Akio immediately, but I'm worried that, especially if Goro eggs him on about him being his creator, Erayue will have trouble pulling out of the fight to go and battle Kazuma and/or Innis' Abe character.

Speaking of which, Eiji and Rakki don't have opponents, and I'm not sure if there are any anti Konoha characters readily available for them to fight. I'll be happy to make up one or two ninjas for them to fight, if Overwilliam and KEveak are okay with it.

2010-07-17, 12:07 PM
Well, my original plan was to have him fight Innis' Abe clan member for a while, move on to Kazuma (regardless of victory or loss), be neutralized for the rest of the fight by Kazuma, then walk in on the Goro vs EVERYONE fight near the very end, just in time for him to hear Goro tell him that he's his creator (or something)...If you'd like, I can certainly have Erayue help out Akio immediately, but I'm worried that, especially if Goro eggs him on about him being his creator, Erayue will have trouble pulling out of the fight to go and battle Kazuma and/or Innis' Abe character.

Ah, I didn't know what was going on between Erayue and Itsuki or Kazumi so my mistake. Never mind. :smallwink:

Mina Kobold
2010-07-17, 12:32 PM
Speaking of which, Eiji and Rakki don't have opponents, and I'm not sure if there are any anti Konoha characters readily available for them to fight. I'll be happy to make up one or two ninjas for them to fight, if Overwilliam and KEveak are okay with it.

I have no problems with that.

Gives me something to do while waiting for the Exam thread to update :smallsmile:

Also, Wee! New Netbook! :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-17, 01:45 PM
@ Innis: I just want to be sure, Itsuki is your Abe clan member, right?

I have no problems with that.

Gives me something to do while waiting for the Exam thread to update :smallsmile:

I'll get right on it.

I'm just going to post the list here again so people won't have to keep going back to the old OOC thread for it:

(Only active characters are included on the list.)

(Updates in bold)

Confirmed Participants


Motogin Sen, Sandaime Hokage (Callos de Terran)
Satake Tomoya, Konohagakure chuunin (Kasanip)
Hatsumi Sokaku, Konohagakure chuunin (KnightDisciple)
Kinoebu Erayue, Konohagakure tokubetsu jounin (13_CBS)
Kurosawa Haruka, Kumogakure jounin (Horngeek)
Senga Thum, Konohagakure chuunin (Silverraptor)
Hamake Miragata, Sunagakure jounin (Moon Wolf)
Moroha Matsu, Sunagakure genin (Moon Wolf)
[Name unknown], (Yondaime?) Kazekage (Maximum Zersk)
Yoshifuku Akio, Sunagakure jounin, Master of Rhymes (Nothingclever)
Hau Zel, Konohagakure chuunin (KerfuffleMach2)
Tanaka, Kirigakure genin (KnightDisciple)
Yana, Kirigakure genin (Silverraptor)
Hayase, Kirigakure genin (13_CBS)
Kichiro, Konohagakure genin (Callos de Terran)
Nori Takehiko, Sunagakure genin (Sucrose)
Raikou Haru, Sunagakure genin (IcemanJRC)
Kachi Nero, Kumogakure genin (Silverraptor)
Aokigami Yuu, Kumogakure genin (Keveak)
Kita Miku, Kumogakure genin (Sucrose)
N13, [origin unknown] [rank unknown] (Purple Rose)
Neko, Konohagakure [rank unknown] (Purple Rose)
Ishikawa Eiji, Konohagakure genin (OverWilliam)
Yasuko Mikitashi, Rooster Clan member (Purple Rose)

Total: 24


Hazuma Kyo, Leader of Shoku, Amekage (Innis Cabal)
Fushiyasa Urama, Otogakure chuunin (13_CBS)
Nobu Goro, missing-nin (Callos de Terran)
Matsuyama Kazuma, Takumimura (Frozen Feet)
[Name Unknown], Yondaime Raikage (Horngeek)
Chinatsu Rei, Shoku member (Callos de Terran)
Abe Masami, Abe clan tokubetsu jounin (Callos de Terran)
Karakuri, [Unknown position] (13 CBS)
Hiroshi Itsuki, Land of Iron, Abe Clan, Kirigakure missing nin (Innis Cabal)
Uchia Mangetsu, [Unknown Origin] [Unknown Position] (Innis Cabal)

Anti-Konoha, indirectly involved

Leech, ex-Kirigakure missing-nin (Silverraptor)

Total: 11

Allegiance uncertain

Kurotou Shikaku, freelance genin, Hachibi Jinchuuriki (Fan)


Possible participants

Kugutsu Rakki, Sunagakure chuunin (Keveak)
Kurosawa Taiki, Kumogakure jounin (Callos de Terran)


Not participating

Everyone else



Number of confirmed participants on each side, by rank

Pro Konoha
2 S rank
3 A rank
5 B rank
5 C rank
7 D rank
2 ? rank

Anti Konoha
3 S rank
2 A rank
4 B rank
2 ? rank

Allegiance unknown
1 Bijuu


Invasion of Konoha: Match Ups and Status

Sokaku, Tomoya, Miragata, Matsu, Erayue, Akio vs Goro
3 B ranks, 2 A rank, 1 C rank vs 1 A rank
Status: Pending

Erayue vs Kazuma
1 B rank vs 1 B rank
Status: On Hold

Kyo vs Hokage
1 S rank vs 1 S rank
Status: Finished

Takehiko, Kichiro, Raikou vs Yana, Tanaka, Hayase
2 D ranks, 1 C rank vs 3 C ranks
Status: Pending

Fushiyasa Urama vs Hau Zel
1 B rank vs 1 C rank
Status: Ongoing

Karakuri vs Sokaku, Haruka
1 A rank vs 1 B rank, 1 A rank
Status: Ongoing

Senga vs Uchia Mangetsu
1 B rank vs 1 ? rank
Status: Ongoing

Erayue vs Itsuki?
1 B rank vs 1 ? rank
Status: Unconfirmed

Masami vs Tomoya, N13
1 ? rank vs 1 B rank, 1 ? rank

Participants Lacking Match Ups:

Yondaime Raikage (Anti)
Chinatsu Rei (Anti)
Kazekage (Pro)
Kachi Nero (Pro)
Aokigami Yuu (Pro)
Kita Miku (Pro)
Neko (Pro)
Ishikawa Eiji (Pro)
Yasuko (Pro)

2 (Anti), 7 (Pro)

[U]Please take note of the "Possible Participants" list!

Innis Cabal
2010-07-17, 01:46 PM
@ Innis: I just want to be sure, Itsuki is your Abe clan member, right?

Yep! Or...I might have got his name wrong >.> But thats him

2010-07-17, 02:09 PM
Quick question: how much does the average Konoha ninja know about the Abe clan? Are the Abe fairly obscure? Are they enemies of Konoha?

2010-07-17, 02:22 PM
Quick question: how much does the average Konoha ninja know about the Abe clan? Are the Abe fairly obscure? Are they enemies of Konoha?

They...are not a large clan from Kirigakure which has never been an ally of Konohagakure. The Abe has only broken away maybe...five years? At most? And have been seeking allies since then. A comparison would be that if the Kaguya were Kiri's Uchiha then the Abe are Kiri's Hyuuga's...until they broke off that is.

2010-07-17, 09:08 PM
List updated, changes in bold.

2010-07-17, 10:42 PM
So, now that Zel's fight is over, any other fight she should get involved with? Any takers?

2010-07-17, 10:50 PM
So, now that Zel's fight is over, any other fight she should get involved with? Any takers?

Sorry about cutting that one short...to make up for it, I'll see about making a character by tomorrow or so.

2010-07-17, 10:52 PM
Sorry about cutting that one short...to make up for it, I'll see about making a character by tomorrow or so.

Hey, no problem. I had fun with it.

And now she can use her steel spheres. Which makes things easier for her.

And more fun. :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-18, 08:49 PM
New one shot disposable characters:

For Eiji and Rakki:

Name/Rank: Jumonji and Kama Yari (八理)
Classification: C-Class
Height: Both 6'1"
Weight: Roughly 200 lbs each
Gender: Male, both
Blood type: O-

Appearance: Jumonji and Kama are identical twins, save for Jumonji's white-dyed hair. They are both tall, with chiseled features and sculpted bodies hidden under thick O-Yoroi style armor. Jumonji wears bleach white armor, while Kama wears pitch black armor. Neither of them wear helmets.

Personality: To be determined.

Bloodline: None.

Notable Jutsu: Both brothers are experts in the way of the Storm Spear, a style of Taijutsu that uses ninjutsu to increase the damage, reach, and speed of attacks. By enhancing the user's spear with Lightning and Wind chakra at once, one can deliver swift, devastating blows to the enemy. At the moment, Kama and Jumonji lack the skill to use both elements at once, so they compensate by using one element at a time and combining their attacks. Kama uses Wind, Jumonji uses Lightning.

Storm Lance - Sheathes the spear head with slicing wind or cutting lightning, increasing cutting power. If the Yari brothers use this technique in tandem, the attack power increases further.

Storm Drill - By leaping straight at the target and spinning like corkscrews, the Yari brothers combine to form a great drill of devastating power. If performed individually, attack power is greatly reduced. Although powerful, the technique is inaccurate since it is difficult to track targets while spinning.

Storm Blast - The Yari brothers are capable of sending out an elemental blast from the tips of their spears. If used in tandem, the wind and lightning combine for extra damage.

Tempest Bomb - Using the principles of Storm Blast, the Yari Brothers can sheathe a ball of lightning in a vortex of wind and launch it at the enemy. Upon contact with any hard surface, it explodes into a burst of Storm.

Storm Burst - Similar to Storm Blast, the Yari brothers create a small elemental explosion at the tips of their spears instead. They can use this to propel themselves forwards or backwards.

Ninjutsu: Fair.

Genjutsu: Minimal.

Taijutsu: Primary focus. The Yari brothers mix skill, speed, and power equally.

Special Abilities: None of note, aside from the Yari brothers' ability to synchronize their moves very well.

For Zel:

Name/Rank: Bochi (墓地)
Classification: B-Class
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 109 lbs
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB-

Appearance: Disturbingly thin and tall, with long scraggly hair and beard. His entire figure seems unkempt and filthy...almost decayed.

Personality: To be determined.

Bloodline: None.

Notable Jutsu: Bochi uses a mix of puppetry and a custom jutsu to instill basic, animal-level intelligence into inanimate objects. He prefers to use this ability on humanoid objects, namely skeletons.

In order to give inanimate objects said rudimentary intelligence, Bochi must keep them connected to himself via chakra threads, not unlike the ones that puppeteers use for their puppets. He has discovered a technique that allows him to split chakra threads; as a result, he can control up to thirty entities.

Maintaining control over these inanimate objects puts a drain on Bochi. At the maximum number of entities, he has enough chakra to control them for roughly two hours.

He can improve the physical capabilities of his minions by concentrating more chakra into their intellect, but this limits the number of minions he can control. At best, he can control a single entity of roughly C class ability. Most of his minions use basic taijutsu and weapons, but some can use elemental ninjutsu and even rudimentary genjutsu.

Ninjutsu: Good.

Genjutsu: Non existent..

Taijutsu: Non existent. His speed is also low due to his poor health, but he compensates for it by riding a skeletal horse.

Special Abilities: None.

2010-07-18, 09:23 PM
For Zel:

B]Name/Rank[/B]: Bochi (墓地)
Classification: B-Class
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 109 lbs
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB-

Appearance: Disturbingly thin and tall, with long scraggly hair and beard. His entire figure seems unkempt and filthy...almost decayed.

Personality: To be determined.

Bloodline: None.

Notable Jutsu: Bochi uses a mix of puppetry and a custom jutsu to instill basic, animal-level intelligence into inanimate objects. He prefers to use this ability on humanoid objects, namely skeletons.

In order to give inanimate objects said rudimentary intelligence, Bochi must keep them connected to himself via chakra threads, not unlike the ones that puppeteers use for their puppets. He has discovered a technique that allows him to split chakra threads; as a result, he can control up to thirty entities.

Maintaining control over these inanimate objects puts a drain on Bochi. At the maximum number of entities, he has enough chakra to control them for roughly two hours.

He can improve the physical capabilities of his minions by concentrating more chakra into their intellect, but this limits the number of minions he can control. At best, he can control a single entity of roughly C class ability. Most of his minions use basic taijutsu and weapons, but some can use elemental ninjutsu and even rudimentary genjutsu.

Ninjutsu: Good.

Genjutsu: Non existent..

Taijutsu: Non existent. His speed is also low due to his poor health, but he compensates for it by riding a skeletal horse.

Special Abilities: None.

Sounds good to me.

How you wanna get this going?

2010-07-18, 09:24 PM
Sounds good to me.

How you wanna get this going?

Perhaps Bochi could ambush Zel at her house, right after she picks up her metal spheres?

2010-07-18, 09:28 PM
That sounds like a plan to me. I'll get to posting.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-18, 10:02 PM
Ohai guys. What I miss?

2010-07-19, 07:38 AM
Rakki shows no surprise at Eiji's reaction

"Yes, but we don't have time for presentations. We're in the middle of a warzone filled with enemies!"

... He answers quickly while trying to keep an eye on the shoku-nins around them.

So wait, there's more shoku there now?

Mina Kobold
2010-07-19, 08:02 AM
So wait, there's more shoku there now?

They're three lone ninjas, in the middle of a street, where at least one shoku have died and exploded, another knocked out against a wall and the three are just standing around.

I'd say there'd be at least a few around :smalltongue:

The reason Rakki is looking at them is probably related to them being rather powerful, they were good enough to avoid bounty hunters and ANBU up until this point after all.

2010-07-19, 08:19 AM
They're three lone ninjas, in the middle of a street, where at least one shoku have died and exploded, another knocked out against a wall and the three are just standing around.

I'd say there'd be at least a few around :smalltongue:

The reason Rakki is looking at them is probably related to them being rather powerful, they were good enough to avoid bounty hunters and ANBU up until this point after all.

Well yeah, but I mean immediately present and actively attacking us, personally, at the moment. :smallwink:

Mina Kobold
2010-07-19, 08:58 AM
Well yeah, but I mean immediately present and actively attacking us, personally, at the moment. :smallwink:

At least one of those judging by the hole in the wall where Rakki avoided a jutsu while talking to Eiji.

Probbaly-dobably more seeing as this is a war.

2010-07-19, 09:07 AM
At least one of those judging by the hole in the wall where Rakki avoided a jutsu while talking to Eiji.

Probbaly-dobably more seeing as this is a war.

Ok, I'm just saying they weren't there a second ago, when Eiji and Jan were busy reuniting and not fighting all these people around them because there weren't any at the time. :smalltongue:

Mina Kobold
2010-07-19, 09:31 AM
Ok, I'm just saying they weren't there a second ago, when Eiji and Jan were busy reuniting and not fighting all these people around them because there weren't any at the time. :smalltongue:

Weren't Eiji out in the middle of a street because of the exploding ninjas making it safer there?

But even if he's not the shoku could have followed Rakki, come to look at why there was an exploding corpse there or simply noticed them from another street.


Besides, they're superpowered ninjas at war, why do they need an excuse to pop up out of nowhere? :smalltongue:

2010-07-19, 12:48 PM
Ohai guys. What I miss?

Well...the Invasion started for one! Go Zersk go! Fly fast!

2010-07-19, 12:51 PM
That's something of a question, though.

How many non-named Shoku mooks should we assume are left? 70%? 20%? 50%? 3 lonely dudes?

2010-07-19, 12:55 PM
That's something of a question, though.

How many non-named Shoku mooks should we assume are left? 70%? 20%? 50%? 3 lonely dudes?

A dramatically appropriate number. The mooks never run out until Orochi-- I mean... Kyo sounds the retreat. :smallwink:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-19, 12:59 PM
A dramatically appropriate number. The mooks never run out until Orochi-- I mean... Kyo sounds the retreat. :smallwink:

I resent that! Kyo is way cooler then Orochimaru.

But that sounds about right. There's enough nameless mooks to battle with Konoha until the Hokage's plans go into action. Then there's not enough.

2010-07-19, 01:14 PM
You can't really tell because it's a text medium, but we've basically been recycling the same three or four shoku dudes (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YouALLLookFamiliar) over and over this whole fight so far. :smallbiggrin:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-19, 01:18 PM
The cloning facilities of the Shoku are top rate.

Purple Rose
2010-07-19, 10:04 PM
Apologies all, but no posts from me tonight. Tough day at work and heading to bed early tonight. I'll try to have a post up tomorrow!

Also, I think I want a new avatar. Hmmm...

Anyways, night all!

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-20, 03:38 PM
Well...the Invasion started for one! Go Zersk go! Fly fast!



2010-07-20, 03:49 PM


*gets a bullwhip* Not fast enough!

2010-07-22, 01:48 PM
New one shot disposable characters:

For Eiji and Rakki:

Name/Rank: Jumonji and Kama Yari (八理)
Classification: C-Class
Height: Both 6'1"
Weight: Roughly 200 lbs each
Gender: Male, both
Blood type: O-

Appearance: Jumonji and Kama are identical twins, save for Jumonji's white-dyed hair. They are both tall, with chiseled features and sculpted bodies hidden under thick O-Yoroi style armor. Jumonji wears bleach white armor, while Kama wears pitch black armor. Neither of them wear helmets.

Personality: To be determined.

Bloodline: None.

Notable Jutsu: Both brothers are experts in the way of the Storm Spear, a style of Taijutsu that uses ninjutsu to increase the damage, reach, and speed of attacks. By enhancing the user's spear with Lightning and Wind chakra at once, one can deliver swift, devastating blows to the enemy. At the moment, Kama and Jumonji lack the skill to use both elements at once, so they compensate by using one element at a time and combining their attacks. Kama uses Wind, Jumonji uses Lightning.

Storm Lance - Sheathes the spear head with slicing wind or cutting lightning, increasing cutting power. If the Yari brothers use this technique in tandem, the attack power increases further.

Storm Drill - By leaping straight at the target and spinning like corkscrews, the Yari brothers combine to form a great drill of devastating power. If performed individually, attack power is greatly reduced. Although powerful, the technique is inaccurate since it is difficult to track targets while spinning.

Storm Blast - The Yari brothers are capable of sending out an elemental blast from the tips of their spears. If used in tandem, the wind and lightning combine for extra damage.

Tempest Bomb - Using the principles of Storm Blast, the Yari Brothers can sheathe a ball of lightning in a vortex of wind and launch it at the enemy. Upon contact with any hard surface, it explodes into a burst of Storm.

Storm Burst - Similar to Storm Blast, the Yari brothers create a small elemental explosion at the tips of their spears instead. They can use this to propel themselves forwards or backwards.

Ninjutsu: Fair.

Genjutsu: Minimal.

Taijutsu: Primary focus. The Yari brothers mix skill, speed, and power equally.

Special Abilities: None of note, aside from the Yari brothers' ability to synchronize their moves very well.

Overwilliam, Keveak: are you guys up for fighting these fine fellows? Or would you prefer to fight mooks for now?

2010-07-22, 02:01 PM
Overwilliam, Keveak: are you guys up for fighting these fine fellows? Or would you prefer to fight mooks for now?

I need to get a post up doing the latter for the moment, but after a little bit of mook-smushing to warm up I'd be up for something a little more challenging. :smallsmile:

Mina Kobold
2010-07-22, 04:03 PM
Overwilliam, Keveak: are you guys up for fighting these fine fellows? Or would you prefer to fight mooks for now?

I already answered that, you bataborg!

I like the Yari brothers and think it's a good idea :smallsmile:

I'm also looking forward to beating them up with a doll *Laughs maniacally*:smalltongue:

2010-07-22, 04:37 PM
I already answered that, you bataborg!

I like the Yari brothers and think it's a good idea :smallsmile:

I'm also looking forward to beating them up with a doll *Laughs maniacally*:smalltongue:

You did? :smallconfused: I guess I missed that one.

Mina Kobold
2010-07-22, 04:51 PM
You did? :smallconfused: I guess I missed that one.

Seems I only answered before you posted them, my bad :smallredface:

2010-07-23, 08:44 PM
So, I was talking with Innis with this for a bit, something for us to do after the Konoha invasion and stuff winds down...

The Third Great Ninja War
*Dramatic Music*

...in the form of a major Episode thread. :smallbiggrin:

Potential cool stuff about this Episode, should we do it:

Motogin Sen making the tough choices he'll have to make as supreme commander of Konoha military forces
Kyo as a little tyke, drafted into the desperate Iwagakure military forces at the tender age of six or seven
A cameo of Sen's first apprentice?
The Seven Swordsmen not as a mostly happy go lucky family, but as a group of cold blooded killers
What Konoha is like during a war
Insight into the other countries and villages
What a full fledged ninja war is like

However, this Episode may have the following problems:

It'll be dark, at least as dark as the Konoha invasion, and it's likely to get even darker. War brings out the worst in people, after all
Most people will have to roll up a new character, since the Ninja War was 30 years ago. AFAIK, the only characters that are currently being played right now that are available for play during the War are; Motogin Sen, 3rd Hokage; Hazuma Kyo; Mori Ryoma; Neko; Kurosawa Taiki (3 years old at the beginning of the War); Kouhei (possibly with the 3 Tails sealed in him). All other characters haven't been born yet or don't have their ages listed.
Unlike other Episodes, this is essentially a Flashback, so keeping continuity in mind is a must. The above list of characters cannot be killed in the War, for example. Keeping with continuity may prove to be daunting.

It'd be especially interesting if we have people playing each of the Kage and getting their perspective as they strategize and scheme their way to victory.


2010-07-23, 08:50 PM

Potentially interested.

So long as we could keep momentum going, and not have people bail partway through. We've already had some attrition issues around here.

Nonetheless, I, again, would be interested.

I could always play another Swordsman. Hm....

2010-07-23, 08:53 PM
So long as we could keep momentum going, and not have people bail partway through. We've already had some attrition issues around here.

If that's the case we can't have any Episodes for Naruto ITP at all...:smallfrown:

2010-07-23, 09:39 PM
If that's the case we can't have any Episodes for Naruto ITP at all...:smallfrown::smallconfused:


If you mean that people bailing makes Episodes hard....well, yeah.

I was just observing that we've lost some players, and had some issues with momentum. I wasn't laying down some hard and fast rule. *Shrugs*

Just saying, we always need to keep an eye open for things stalling out. :smallwink:

2010-07-23, 11:15 PM
Motogin Sen making the tough choices he'll have to make as supreme commander of Konoha military forces

Especially his choices that earned him the title of Hokage. (He only became Hokage shortly after the war started.)

A cameo of Sen's first apprentice?

That's...possible. But I'd like to find someone to play her besides me. As much as playing all of Sen's apprentices would allow me to tell the story exactly how I picture it in my head, it wouldn't be a very organic story and I'd prefer to have some creativity injected into by having another person play her. Course it means I'll have to play Yuu and Goro in the flashback...

The Seven Swordsmen not as a mostly happy go lucky family, but as a group of cold blooded killers

What, Hoshiko doesn't scream 'killer' to you? :smalltongue: Also she wouldn't be alive then, but her Father likely would have been.

What Konoha is like during a war

Brutal and merciless to the enemy. At least once Sen took over.

Insight into the other countries and villages

Something I think is very much needed.

However, this Episode may have the following problems:

It'll be dark, at least as dark as the Konoha invasion, and it's likely to get even darker. War brings out the worst in people, after all

I'll say. That's when Goro got banished, Yuu abandoned the village, Sen's first apprentice died, and when the Hokage made some decisions that he was really not proud of but made anyway for the greater good of Konoha.

Most people will have to roll up a new character, since the Ninja War was 30 years ago. AFAIK, the only characters that are currently being played right now that are available for play during the War are; Motogin Sen, 3rd Hokage; Hazuma Kyo; Mori Ryoma; Neko; Kurosawa Taiki (3 years old at the beginning of the War); Kouhei (possibly with the 3 Tails sealed in him). All other characters haven't been born yet or don't have their ages listed.

And yet still more manly then half the men in Kumogakure! :smalltongue:

Unlike other Episodes, this is essentially a Flashback, so keeping continuity in mind is a must. The above list of characters cannot be killed in the War, for example. Keeping with continuity may prove to be daunting.

This, I imagine, would be the most difficult part of the flashback. But...yeah..I'm very interested, obviously. Lots of important history went down for some of my most important characters during that war. Plus there's a wealth of stories there.

2010-07-24, 12:27 AM
The flashback episode would certainly be interesting. Kouhei would be a candidate and interestingly enough, Leech would also be an interesting person that would appear in the episode thread.

2010-07-24, 12:37 AM
That's...possible. But I'd like to find someone to play her besides me. As much as playing all of Sen's apprentices would allow me to tell the story exactly how I picture it in my head, it wouldn't be a very organic story and I'd prefer to have some creativity injected into by having another person play her. Course it means I'll have to play Yuu and Goro in the flashback...

I don't remember...who was Yuu again?

What, Hoshiko doesn't scream 'killer' to you? :smalltongue: Also she wouldn't be alive then, but her Father likely would have been.

Not really, although my standards for "cold blooded killer" may be much higher than yours.

Does Hoshiko kill old and young, women and men, armed and unarmed just because she can? Does she kill her victims slowly just to see the look on her face? Is the only reason why she's not trying to murder the other Swordsmen because somenone stronger than her is telling her no? :smallamused:

Speaking of which, fluff question: what were the sides during the War? Who was fighting who, and all that? I imagine that Konoha was fighting Iwagakure (Sen's profile mentioned some not so proud things that he did in tha village), but who was Konoha allied with? Who else were they fighting?

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-24, 02:11 AM
Hey guys, If you don't mind, I got an idea for a character for the Flashback to the war (that's what it is, right?).

I've been reading, uh... Franken Fran. What if I made a medical-nin based on Fran? Not exactly Goro in the way that this character would think that they're doing the right thing. What d'you guys think?

2010-07-24, 02:32 AM
I don't remember...who was Yuu again?

Bikou Yuu, the 'Jiraiya' of the Sandaime's students. And, before you ask, he hasn't appeared in the game yet. Based on the Monkey King.

Not really, although my standards for "cold blooded killer" may be much higher than yours.

Does Hoshiko kill old and young, women and men, armed and unarmed just because she can? Does she kill her victims slowly just to see the look on her face? Is the only reason why she's not trying to murder the other Swordsmen because somenone stronger than her is telling her no? :smallamused:

Yes. No, that's inefficient (cold-blooded doesn't mean 'sadistic' to me). And the last I have to admit is a no because she views the other Swordsmen as family.

Speaking of which, fluff question: what were the sides during the War? Who was fighting who, and all that? I imagine that Konoha was fighting Iwagakure (Sen's profile mentioned some not so proud things that he did in tha village), but who was Konoha allied with? Who else were they fighting?

I believe I answered this awhile ago.

I believe the sides were...

Assembled Minor Villages


assembled minor villages

I hadn't really thought about where Kirigakure would have fit into all of that honestly. I imagine they flip-flopped from side to side considering how many civil wars Kirigakure has.

Hey guys, If you don't mind, I got an idea for a character for the Flashback to the war (that's what it is, right?).

I've been reading, uh... Franken Fran. What if I made a medical-nin based on Fran? Not exactly Goro in the way that this character would think that they're doing the right thing. What d'you guys think?

Er...can you tell me a bit more? o.o I've never read Franken Fran. And I resent that! Goro thinks he's doing the right thing too...for him. Or do you mean a Well-Intentioned Extremist sort?

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-24, 02:39 AM
Well, the story Franken Fran centers around Fran Madaraki, the daughter of the world's greatest surgeon Naomitsu Madaraki, who hasn't come to his home in Japan in ages. In the story, she "heals" people's problems.

Basically, she's what would happen if Frankenstein's Monster was a cute little girl who was also a surgeon with no sixth sense of justice or Hippocratical Oath. She causes really disgusting and frightening things to happen to people, and thinks everything she does helps people.

For example, in the first chapter,

She is asked to bring a rich man's son back to life. Apparantly, he killed his son because of the inheritance. So she surgically implants the son into his fathers body. And the son remembers that his father killed him. And the surgery was very graphic.

And she thinks she's doing this for the good of both. So yes, a Well Intentioned Extremist.

2010-07-24, 04:00 AM
Mhmm. Color me interested for the leader of the Iwa ground forces. (Field Commander).

Likely going to be a Crystal (Lightning + Earth) Juutsu user.

Mina Kobold
2010-07-24, 07:50 AM
This sounds like a good idea and a good way to expand on the backstory of my characters families (Possibly an explanation for why and who was behind Rakki's fate)

I'd have to play two characters for that, though. Can I do that?

2010-07-24, 12:39 PM
Bikou Yuu, the 'Jiraiya' of the Sandaime's students. And, before you ask, he hasn't appeared in the game yet. Based on the Monkey King.

Fair enough.

Assembled Minor Villages


assembled minor villages

I hadn't really thought about where Kirigakure would have fit into all of that honestly. I imagine they flip-flopped from side to side considering how many civil wars Kirigakure has.

@ Callos:
To make things more interesting, the initial sides might not have to necessarily be Konoha and Suna vs Iwa and Kumo...>.>

2010-07-24, 12:43 PM
I'm interested, thinking about something along the lines of a puppet master or maybe a fire specialist, nothing to special... Gotta have the perspective of the average soldier, war flashback wouldn't be complete without it.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-24, 02:57 PM
Wow, you guys left a lot of pages for me to read. :smalltongue:

Eh, I've done this before, and with more pages.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-24, 03:03 PM
Now who'se fault is that. :smalltongue:

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-24, 03:06 PM
I know, I know. :smalltongue:

Now who'se fault is that.

There's no apostrophe in whose.

2010-07-24, 03:28 PM
As a further note regarding the War Flashback Episode.

Having talked things over a bit with Callos, I am currently considering playing a member of the 7 Swordsmen (thinking of giving him Ice Release), as well as the Mizukage (thinking of giving him Boil Release).

Innis Cabal
2010-07-24, 04:22 PM
There's no apostrophe in who'se.

Is now. :smallsmile:

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-24, 05:02 PM
Don't make me go all Grammar Nazi now. :smallamused:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-24, 06:58 PM
You already did Mr. SS.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-24, 08:19 PM
Oh I can get worse.

Anyway, I caught up. Anything my characters can do?

2010-07-24, 09:03 PM
Your supposed to have, "Oh, I can get worse." you don't get grammar Nazi unless your own grammar is perfect at all times. I don't do it, BECAUSE my grammar isn't perfect.

In other news, I plan to HOT BLOOD it up with the Field Commander of Iwa, though only in personal combat, otherwise he's an Armchair General.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-24, 09:09 PM
Your supposed to have, "Oh, I can get worse." you don't get grammar Nazi unless your own grammar is perfect at all times. I don't do it, BECAUSE my grammar isn't perfect.

But I didn't pause, so I didn't need a comma. :smalltongue:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-24, 11:57 PM
You silly canadian.

2010-07-25, 01:55 AM
So, I was talking with Innis with this for a bit, something for us to do after the Konoha invasion and stuff winds down...

The Third Great Ninja War
*Dramatic Music*

A cameo of Sen's first apprentice?

However, this Episode may have the following problems:

It'll be dark, at least as dark as the Konoha invasion, and it's likely to get even darker. War brings out the worst in people, after all

If it is too dark it will not be fun. Also of importance is the burning of Grass Country.

I will play Sen's first apprentice Tatemi

But I think it is important to stay focused on the current story for now :smallredface:

2010-07-25, 02:18 AM
I'll currently play Leech and Kouhei in the ninja flashback. Should be fun.

2010-07-25, 02:22 AM
If it is too dark it will not be fun. Also of importance is the burning of Grass Country.

True..but that ninja war was not a happy period of time for anyone either..needs to be a fine balance struck between the two of them.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-25, 02:23 AM
I'll currently play Leech and Kouhei in the ninja flashback. Should be fun.

How old is Leech? :smalleek:

2010-07-25, 09:49 AM
True..but that ninja war was not a happy period of time for anyone either..needs to be a fine balance struck between the two of them.

Actually, Leech would probably have fun at this time.

How old is Leech? :smalleek:

Pretty old. Remember, he can extend his lifespan by sucking the blood of others. Frozen Feet and I have a plot where Ryoma and Leech get together and remember the good times (And when I say remember the good times, I mean they try to kill each other.)

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-25, 02:21 PM
So who can the Kazekage fight? And the others?

2010-07-25, 02:23 PM
So who can the Kazekage fight? And the others?

Wasn't someone playing the evil Raikage or something?

Innis Cabal
2010-07-25, 02:26 PM
Horngeek, but if the So Long, Good Bye thread is honest and true, he's not going to be able to log ever again.

2010-07-25, 02:37 PM
Horngeek, but if the So Long, Good Bye thread is honest and true, he's not going to be able to log ever again.Yeah, per this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8984488&postcount=572).:smallfrown:

2010-07-25, 02:44 PM

Farewell, Horngeek. :smallfrown: You'll be missed, mate.

2010-07-25, 02:47 PM
If two or more swordsmen are going to pop up in the episode already, I guess I'll pretty much have to explain what Ryoma was doing at the time...

Pretty old. Remember, he can extend his lifespan by sucking the blood of others. Frozen Feet and I have a plot where Ryoma and Leech get together and remember the good times (And when I say remember the good times, I mean they try to kill each other.)

Dammit, Silver. :smalltongue:

2010-07-25, 02:58 PM
Dammit, Silver. :smalltongue:

What? You knew that was coming.:smallamused:

2010-07-25, 03:44 PM
What? You knew that was coming.:smallamused:

I knew, but they didn't. Until you told them. *shakes fist* :smalltongue:

Mina Kobold
2010-07-25, 04:02 PM
Yeah, per this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8984488&postcount=572).:smallfrown:


Don't leave Horngeek, you were funny and cool!

Wait. Does it say Horngeek's mom want him off Gitp or on Gitp? It's confusing.

2010-07-25, 04:03 PM
I knew, but they didn't. Until you told them. *shakes fist* :smalltongue:

Bah! They don't know any of the details.

2010-07-25, 04:04 PM

Don't leave Horngeek, you were funny and cool!

Wait. Does it say Horngeek's mom want him off Gitp or on Gitp? It's confusing.I read it as his mom wanting him off GitP.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-25, 04:24 PM
Aw, that sucks. :smallfrown:

2010-07-25, 04:32 PM
(Funny fact: Where I come from, Jan is actually a boy's name. Kinda funny coincidence)

You pronounce it 'Yahn' then? :smallwink: She pronounces it with a Voiced postalveolar affricate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiced_postalveolar_affricate)... Or 'J' as in 'Jump.' :smallbiggrin:

Mina Kobold
2010-07-25, 04:45 PM
I read it as his mom wanting him off GitP.

Turtledoved parents and their badsy-rules and skedaddle!

I'm so mad I'm not even sure what the Lapistier that meant! :smallmad:

You pronounce it 'Yahn' then? :smallwink: She pronounces it with a Voiced postalveolar affricate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiced_postalveolar_affricate)... Or 'J' as in 'Jump.' :smallbiggrin:

Yes... How did you know?

That sounds like John, which I'm pretty-detty sure you know is another boy's name

2010-07-25, 05:01 PM
Alright guys. I'll be deadtiming here until next week again. I'm just waiting for a response from Purple via pm and then I can continue with Senga's fight.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-25, 05:12 PM
So... Maybe someone could take control of the Raikage and the Kazekage and him could fight?

Innis Cabal
2010-07-25, 05:12 PM
I'll do it, expect a post later tonight.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-25, 05:32 PM
Okay, cool. :smalltongue:

Don't we need to plan this out?

2010-07-25, 05:41 PM
Yes... How did you know?

That sounds like John, which I'm pretty-detty sure you know is another boy's name

Ah... I thought about qualifying the 'A' sound as well, but didn't. The 'A' is an æ sound like Apple. Do you pronounce January like 'Jauhnuary' the same way...? If not, drop the '-uary' off of January and that's her name. The English name Jan is derived by shortening names like Janice or Janet. I can't find a Japanese equivalent (a rare example of a character whose name I picked because I liked the sound rather than researching a name meaning :smallbiggrin:).

2010-07-25, 05:52 PM
Alright guys. I'll be deadtiming here until next week again. I'm just waiting for a response from Purple via pm and then I can continue with Senga's fight.

I'll be leaving for a week at Wednesday, too.

Mina Kobold
2010-07-25, 06:04 PM
Ah... I thought about qualifying the 'A' sound as well, but didn't. The 'A' is an æ sound like Apple. Do you pronounce January like 'Jauhnuary' the same way...? If not, drop the '-uary' off of January and that's her name. The English name Jan is derived by shortening names like Janice or Janet. I can't find a Japanese equivalent (a rare example of a character whose name I picked because I liked the sound rather than researching a name meaning :smallbiggrin:).

Æ sounds nothing like the a in Apple. I should know, I speak one of the few (if not the only one) languages that use that letter.

It sounds more like it looks: A and E put together.

I know Jan isn't pronounced exactly like John, it was parta-partly a joke an partly to buggy-bug you :smalltongue:

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-25, 06:11 PM
So it's Bother-Over-Day, or something?

Bother, bother, bother, bother, bother, bother...

2010-07-26, 03:53 AM
The English name Jan is derived by shortening names like Janice or Janet. I can't find a Japanese equivalent (a rare example of a character whose name I picked because I liked the sound rather than researching a name meaning :smallbiggrin:).

until 4:33 :smallredface: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_N2US1BvOc&feature=related#t=03m31s)

2010-07-26, 08:12 AM
until 4:33 :smallredface: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_N2US1BvOc&feature=related#t=03m31s)

I hope I'm not the only one who didn't understand a word in that aside from "Desu", "Sempai", and other such commonly used words. :smallredface:

Mina Kobold
2010-07-26, 12:00 PM
I hope I'm not the only one who didn't understand a word in that aside from "Desu", "Sempai", and other such commonly used words. :smallredface:

One of them seem to be named Jan-Jan if I got the ten seconds of it I watched right.

Other than that I could only get the gist of it.

2010-07-26, 12:46 PM
I'm guessing that there's some kind of play on words. Also, Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Kasanip, you seem to have forgotten that most of have about as much useful knowledge of your crazy language as this show (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuPPEk-G4NE) can provide for English. :smalltongue:

2010-07-26, 12:49 PM
Jan in Japanese can be used as a slang, informal way of saying "Isn't it?" (perhaps an alternative to "Ne?"?), but what I can't puzzle out are...

1) Why the glasses girl in the middle is crying (she seems to do so after the Jan saying teacher says "Jan Jan")

2) What "Jan Jan" means. Is that the glasses girl's name?

2010-07-26, 12:50 PM
Yay language barrier!

In other news, I randomly thought up a few ideas that I might flesh out for the Mizukage in the flashback thread. I think that of all the villages the Hidden Mist has been the least explored. Suna has a little bit of a "we did what we had to do to survive, even if it wasn't pretty" but that's seen as a dark past that they are now earnestly working to overcome. Mizu, on the other hand, is still knee deep in Dirty Business (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DirtyBusiness) and are (debatably) thriving in it. It leaves a lot of really intriguing grey area to explore all but untouched by canon. I really enjoyed writing up the Hidden Mist entry on the wiki for this reason, and would love to continue bringing that atmosphere into focus with the Mizukage, if I could be allowed.

2010-07-26, 12:56 PM
Yay language barrier!

In other news, I randomly thought up a few ideas that I might flesh out for the Mizukage in the flashback thread. I think that of all the villages the Hidden Mist has been the least explored. Suna has a little bit of a "we did what we had to do to survive, even if it wasn't pretty" but that's seen as a dark past that they are now earnestly working to overcome. Mizu, on the other hand, is still knee deep in Dirty Business (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DirtyBusiness) and are (debatably) thriving in it. It leaves a lot of really intriguing grey area to explore all but untouched by canon. I really enjoyed writing up the Hidden Mist entry on the wiki for this reason, and would love to continue bringing that atmosphere into focus with the Mizukage, if I could be allowed.Despite this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8995372&postcount=64), I wouldn't have a problem with it, really. Feel free to steal my idea on his bloodline, as well.

2010-07-26, 01:06 PM
Despite this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8995372&postcount=64), I wouldn't have a problem with it, really. Feel free to steal my idea on his bloodline, as well.

Now now, he simply missed your post. :smallwink:

2010-07-26, 01:20 PM
Despite this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8995372&postcount=64), I wouldn't have a problem with it, really. Feel free to steal my idea on his bloodline, as well.

Thanks, KD. :smallsmile: CBS is correct, I had not seen that post before. And I will certainly consider the bloodline. I havn't even really thought about Boil jutsus before...

My current thoughts are for a cold, ruthlessly calculating, soft spoken, but ridiculously intimidating type of figure. He's going to take Zabuza's Silent Homicide technique up to 11. I want him to be the most realistically practical Assassin type character in the game-- no bells (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ptitlel164s0xw?from=Main.WhyDontYaJustShootHim), no whistles (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HighlyVisibleNinja), just him and you and one of you is about to die. Really, really soon. I'm going to borrow an indeterminate amount from the Dune series' Mentat-- he thinks like a computer. Perfect photographic memory, perfect reasoning, almost mechanical logic. Civilian casualties are unfortunate, but acceptable. Massive collateral damage is to be avoided, but to be weighed against the potential gain in the chillingly dispassionate and perfectly logical snap-decision that is his trademark. And it's all up for the highest bidder.

In short, the kind of Mizukage that could have approved of the Hidden Mist's infamous graduation exam.

Actually, my only concern is whether or not I'll be able to play the character true to the concept. :smallredface:

2010-07-26, 02:57 PM
Kiri the least explored village? And here I thought I'd thrown my two cents in with Ryoma...

A post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7940398&postcount=12) that might be of some interest to you. The flashback conversation supposedly took place between Mori Ryoma (cursive text) and the newest Mizukage (normal text). It took place somewhere around a decade after the end of third ninja war, so the kage in question might not be the one that served in the war, but either way it might have things you'd better account for. :smallwink:

Also, chances are Ryoma held stealth classes for him. (Not that unlikely, since he's been around forever. He's the Yoda of Kirigakure, in a way - he's trained several generation of Kiri ninja.) That cold, unfeeling attitude is close to how Ryoma used to be / is in a fight.

2010-07-26, 03:13 PM
Now now, he simply missed your post. :smallwink:I...wasn't being snarky.:smallconfused: Just pointing out that I'd brought the subject up.

Thanks, KD. :smallsmile: CBS is correct, I had not seen that post before. And I will certainly consider the bloodline. I havn't even really thought about Boil jutsus before...

My current thoughts are for a cold, ruthlessly calculating, soft spoken, but ridiculously intimidating type of figure. He's going to take Zabuza's Silent Homicide technique up to 11. I want him to be the most realistically practical Assassin type character in the game-- no bells (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ptitlel164s0xw?from=Main.WhyDontYaJustShootHim), no whistles (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HighlyVisibleNinja), just him and you and one of you is about to die. Really, really soon. I'm going to borrow an indeterminate amount from the Dune series' Mentat-- he thinks like a computer. Perfect photographic memory, perfect reasoning, almost mechanical logic. Civilian casualties are unfortunate, but acceptable. Massive collateral damage is to be avoided, but to be weighed against the potential gain in the chillingly dispassionate and perfectly logical snap-decision that is his trademark. And it's all up for the highest bidder.

In short, the kind of Mizukage that could have approved of the Hidden Mist's infamous graduation exam.

Actually, my only concern is whether or not I'll be able to play the character true to the concept. :smallredface:In my defense, it was the 4th post on the previous page. Not exactly a huge effort to find it.:smallwink:

Boil Release (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Boil). Seems pretty well suited to "cold, efficient assassin".

So, run with those ideas. Fly, Over, fly!:smalltongue:

Mina Kobold
2010-07-26, 03:53 PM
I'm guessing that there's some kind of play on words. Also, Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Kasanip, you seem to have forgotten that most of have about as much useful knowledge of your crazy language as this show (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuPPEk-G4NE) can provide for English. :smalltongue:

You mean better spelling and grammar than half my ninth grade class? :smalltongue:

Seriously, they spell worse than second graders, in their native language :smalleek:

Now to be on topic for once:

Would it be a problem if I played a character who goes to Goro-like extremes and inhuman methods for the flashback? I need some reason for Rakki to have been turned half-puppet.

of course my other character will be far more idealistic, even if he/she is in a bloody war (Three guesses who this character relates to)

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-26, 03:59 PM
My surgeon-dude I'm going to make could do that, if that's okay.

2010-07-26, 04:15 PM
Would it be a problem if I played a character who goes to Goro-like extremes and inhuman methods for the flashback? I need some reason for Rakki to have been turned half-puppet.

"Kch. Wonderful. I've become an adjective."

Innis Cabal
2010-07-26, 04:31 PM
"Think of it this way, that just means even more people hate you. And you smell."

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-26, 04:34 PM
"Oy, Goro! Where's the shipment of limbs that I ordered a while back?"

Mina Kobold
2010-07-26, 05:28 PM
My surgeon-dude I'm going to make could do that, if that's okay.


Now I just need a reason for why his tampering makes someone (presumably the Kugutsu family) want to avoid letting the tampered back into Sunagakure. I was thinking along the lines of cryptic and cruel oaths of vengeance because his plans were foiled by those meddling kids Suna-nin, but I don't know if that makes sense now.

Not that 'sense' has stopped me before, but still :smalltongue:

"Kch. Wonderful. I've become an adjective."

"Talking word! Can I fight taking word?" :smalltongue:

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-26, 05:41 PM
Well, depends. My character will go to Goro-like extremes if it helps the patient, so to speak. For example, if the only way to save a patient is to turn him or her into a half-puppet would save him, then so be it.

Maybe the Surgeon is an enemy of Suna?

Mina Kobold
2010-07-26, 07:08 PM
Well, depends. My character will go to Goro-like extremes if it helps the patient, so to speak. For example, if the only way to save a patient is to turn him or her into a half-puppet would save him, then so be it.

That might be a problem, as I can't think of any situation where that would be the only way to save someone. Then again I'm not a surgeon nor do I know the thought progress of the Surgeon or what state one's judgement would be in after having twenty-six years of peace to let the horrors of the war sink in.

Maybe the Surgeon is an enemy of Suna?

The Surgeon would have to be an enemy of Konohagakue too in that case, being a personal enemy of the Kugutsu family/a member of said family could fix that, though :smallsmile:

2010-07-26, 07:57 PM
I'm guessing that there's some kind of play on words. Also, Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Kasanip, you seem to have forgotten that most of have about as much useful knowledge of your crazy language as this show (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuPPEk-G4NE) can provide for English. :smalltongue:

Sorry, here is english. :smallredface: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmG7flqMKXQ&feature=related#t=3m30s)

It is mostly pun jokes, but I thought such a thing when OverWilliam wrote 'Jan.'

2010-07-26, 07:58 PM
Meet the Nijuusandaime Mizukage.


Title: Nijuusandaime Mizukage.
True Name: Unknown. All public records of a Kage's former name are erased from record upon taking office.
Classification: S-rank (Kage)
Birthdate/Age: Unknown. Indications point to early middle-age or younger. See text.
Weight: 150~
Gender: Male
Blood type: O
Affiliation/Kage: Kirigakure

Bio: Due to the 23rd Mizukage's fierce policies on intelligence control, very little is confirmed about the Mizukage, and at least twice as much phony information exists created by Kirigakure itself to further obscure the truth.

Former Head of Kirigakure's fabled Undertaker Squad, the Nijuusandaime was field promoted to Mizukage three years ago when the former Mizukage was killed in battle. No one suspects foul play. Since then he has proven to be a sharp military strategist and ruthlessly efficient in everything he does. His loyalty is unquestionable, however; every decision he makes is made with the greater good of the Village overall in mind, though he also seeks as few acceptable losses as possible. Though he is at times a harsh leader, under every circumstance he is also an unimpeachably fair one. Mercy is not a strong suit, but neither is cruelty or overreaction.

Through an unknown training regime said to have started in his tender youth, the Nijuusandaime is possessing of a chillingly objective thought process, as well as a perfect photographic memory and 100% cognitive recall. A great benefit in battle strategy among many other arenas, the Mizukage has a cold, unshakably reasoned process of Logic that, while at times radical of conclusion, is seldom incorrect or mistaken.

Rumors abound about the Mizukage, even among his own village; he reportedly finds these tales amusing and does nothing to discourage their natural evolution. One of the most popular states that the Mizukage discovered a means of Eternal Youth, explaining why he seems so young despite his fearsome ability and experience. His lack of a recorded birthdate or age do not help these rumors at all.

Techniques/Bloodline/Fighting Style: All but Unknown. The Nijuusandaime Mizukage is said to be the greatest master, living or dead, of the Silent Homicide technique the Hidden Mist has ever produced, and an accordingly fearsome Assassin. Scattered reports lend credence to the suspicions that he has been regularly active in the Third Ninja War, taking to the battlefield personally often and to devastating effect. Specific examples of his work are difficult to name, but the occasional sighting or a battle turning abruptly in Kirigakure's favor evidence his involvement.

2010-07-26, 08:06 PM
*Ahem* Being 23rd Mizukage would mean he won't exist in several decades. Each village is supposed to be on their third or fourth Kage.

Nix the 'nijuu'. :smallwink:

2010-07-26, 08:12 PM
*Ahem* Being 23rd Mizukage would mean he won't exist in several decades. Each village is supposed to be on their third or fourth Kage.

Nix the 'nijuu'. :smallwink:

I am familiar with the source material, Frozen-- in which the highest number we have seen yet in any village is the 5th. The higher number is deliberate; consider the implications, all of which are also deliberate. :smallwink:

It's already been cleared (and in fact, was suggested) by Callos.

2010-07-26, 08:18 PM
As Kasanip suggested, let's not get too distracted and forget about the current Invasion thread...>.>

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-26, 08:19 PM
That might be a problem, as I can't think of any situation where that would be the only way to save someone. Then again I'm not a surgeon nor do I know the thought progress of the Surgeon or what state one's judgement would be in after having twenty-six years of peace to let the horrors of the war sink in.

True. I guess I'll scratch the "only way". He'll do it anyway. Then feel like he's done good. :smalltongue:

The Surgeon would have to be an enemy of Konohagakue too in that case, being a personal enemy of the Kugutsu family/a member of said family could fix that, though :smallsmile:

True. Okay then, enemy of both countries!

Now I can either leave the incident that made him enemies of the two countries a Noodle Incident, or I can flesh it out. :smalltongue:

Over: I wonder what kind of implications that would have on the people.

2010-07-26, 08:22 PM
Meet the Nijuusandaime Mizukage.


Title: Nijuusandaime Mizukage.
True Name: Unknown. All public records of a Kage's former name are erased from record upon taking office.
Classification: S-rank (Kage)
Birthdate/Age: Unknown. Indications point to early middle-age or younger. See text.
Weight: 150~
Gender: Male
Blood type: O
Affiliation/Kage: Kirigakure

Bio: Due to the 23rd Mizukage's fierce policies on intelligence control, very little is confirmed about the Mizukage, and at least twice as much phony information exists created by Kirigakure itself to further obscure the truth.

Former Head of Kirigakure's fabled Undertaker Squad, the Nijuusandaime was field promoted to Mizukage three years ago when the former Mizukage was killed in battle. No one suspects foul play. Since then he has proven to be a sharp military strategist and ruthlessly efficient in everything he does. His loyalty is unquestionable, however; every decision he makes is made with the greater good of the Village overall in mind, though he also seeks as few acceptable losses as possible. Though he is at times a harsh leader, under every circumstance he is also an unimpeachably fair one. Mercy is not a strong suit, but neither is cruelty or overreaction.

Through an unknown training regime said to have started in his tender youth, the Nijuusandaime is possessing of a chillingly objective thought process, as well as a perfect photographic memory and 100% cognitive recall. A great benefit in battle strategy among many other arenas, the Mizukage has a cold, unshakably reasoned process of Logic that, while at times radical of conclusion, is seldom incorrect or mistaken.

Rumors abound about the Mizukage, even among his own village; he reportedly finds these tales amusing and does nothing to discourage their natural evolution. One of the most popular states that the Mizukage discovered a means of Eternal Youth, explaining why he seems so young despite his fearsome ability and experience. His lack of a recorded birthdate or age do not help these rumors at all.

Techniques/Bloodline/Fighting Style: All but Unknown. The Nijuusandaime Mizukage is said to be the greatest master, living or dead, of the Silent Homicide technique the Hidden Mist has ever produced, and an accordingly fearsome Assassin. Scattered reports lend credence to the suspicions that he has been regularly active in the Third Ninja War, taking to the battlefield personally often and to devastating effect. Specific examples of his work are difficult to name, but the occasional sighting or a battle turning abruptly in Kirigakure's favor evidence his involvement.

there are two things interesting of his character for me:

'Eternal Youth'
'greatest master, living or dead, of the Silent Homicide technique'

There seems to be a similarity with Momo in some ways with these traits. I wonder if you had read Momo's profile for inspiration of this? :smallredface: It seems like maybe there is some possibility of a backstory.

I also think 23 is too high. Is there a special reason for the number?

2010-07-26, 08:31 PM
I am familiar with the source material, Frozen-- in which the highest number we have seen yet in any village is the 5th. The higher number is deliberate; consider the implications, all of which are also deliberate. :smallwink:

It's already been cleared (and in fact, was suggested) by Callos.

This character was for the flashback, correct?

The implication is that during the same time other villages have had a handful of esteemed military leaders, Kirigakure has been suffering from chronic backstabbing syndrome. :smalltongue: Considering Kiri has the highest amount of missing nin among the cast, it's not that surprising.

23rd still seems ludicrously high. I suppose the reason why Ryoma never became a Kage was to avoid the dagger in the back that comes with the job.

It also seems Kirigakure is a veritable craddle of life prolongation jutsus. Momo, Leech and Ryoma hall hold their versions of immortality. It seems like something that indeed warrants further exploration. :smallwink:

2010-07-26, 08:33 PM
I also think 23 is too high. Is there a special reason for the number?

Callos merely suggested to me that the number be rather higher than normal to represent Kiri's... dangerous nature, even to its highest leaders. I am also considering the possibility that the Hidden Mist is older than some of the other villages, giving them more time to burn through Mizukages than the other villages have had. :smallwink: This isn't based on anything in particular, and actually might be directly contradicted somewhere I don't know about... This is just my musings on the Village's dedication to the 'old ways'-- where such villages as Konoha are developing new bonds of trust with its neighbors, even bringing around Suna, Kiri is a little more stubborn. But I'm rambling now.

The number 23 is one with a hidden 'in-joke' meaning to me and my circle of friends, which is why my mind jumped to it. :smallwink: I was actually already considering scaling it back before Frozen commented, though I want to maintain the underlying idea of going through Mizukages a little faster than one might expect.

EDIT: Ooh, how's this. What if the Mizukage prior to him was only the 13th or 14th, but he for his own reasons claimed the number 23 for himself out of order? :smallwink: :smallbiggrin: The next one would then take the next proper number after the one before him, going on with 15 and 16, but with the title of Nijuusandaime irrevocably claimed ahead of time?

there are two things interesting of his character for me:

'Eternal Youth'
'greatest master, living or dead, of the Silent Homicide technique'

There seems to be a similarity with Momo in some ways with these traits. I wonder if you had read Momo's profile for inspiration of this? :smallredface: It seems like maybe there is some possibility of a backstory.

I actually had not intended to so nicely set that up for reference-- to be honest it was an impulse add at the end of the profile that I intended to leave hanging as to whether it was true or not. :smallbiggrin: I might have to do something with that now, though.

2010-07-26, 08:34 PM
there are two things interesting of his character for me:

'Eternal Youth'
'greatest master, living or dead, of the Silent Homicide technique'

There seems to be a similarity with Momo in some ways with these traits. I wonder if you had read Momo's profile for inspiration of this? :smallredface: It seems like maybe there is some possibility of a backstory.

I also think 23 is too high. Is there a special reason for the number?

It's because, as the Kirigakure write-up says, the Land of Water and Kirigakure itself is plagued by political and military turmoil most of the time. Constant usurpers, rebellions, revolutions, likely from the conflicting islands/cultures that make up the Land of Water. Each wants to be top dog, each fights for it, and each is looking for the slightest excuse to try to take that position. It's not so much that all the Mizukage's have lived long lives...it's that none of them have made it through a 'full term' like the other Kages. :smallwink:

Admittedly it started off as a joke in an IM conversation

"Hey did you hear we have a new Mizukage?"

"What? That's the third one today! Which number are we on?"

"Fifty-second I think..."

But you know...it kinda makes sense the more we thought about it and it was scaled back from the joke. XD

Also: I'm waiting on Purple to post for Masami and Team Riptide to post for the Suna team. Posting for Hoakge and Goro though.

2010-07-26, 08:39 PM
The implication is that during the same time other villages have had a handful of esteemed military leaders, Kirigakure has been suffering from chronic backstabbing syndrome. :smalltongue: Considering Kiri has the highest amount of missing nin among the cast, it's not that surprising.


I suppose the reason why Ryoma never became a Kage was to avoid the dagger in the back that comes with the job.

That is a perfectly reasonable explanation (and, I hope, one that is helpful to your character design). :smallsmile:

2010-07-26, 08:51 PM
That is a perfectly reasonable explanation (and, I hope, one that is helpful to your character design). :smallsmile:

My previous justification was the he fell out of favor with his village due to a Mizukage's actions. :smallwink: Fortunately, that is not mutually exclusive with the current situation.

2010-07-26, 08:57 PM
EDIT: Ooh, how's this. What if the Mizukage prior to him was only the 13th or 14th, but he for his own reasons claimed the number 23 for himself out of order? :smallwink: :smallbiggrin: The next one would then take the next proper number after the one before him, going on with 15 and 16, but with the title of Nijuusandaime irrevocably claimed ahead of time?

I snuck in an edit there that I didn't want to get buried. :smallwink:

Sounds fun, Frozen_Feet! :smallbiggrin: :smallwink:

Mina Kobold
2010-07-27, 03:56 PM
Now I can either leave the incident that made him enemies of the two countries a Noodle Incident, or I can flesh it out. :smalltongue:

If you decide on it being a Noodle Incident then I will make sure my character was involved and will be exchanging vague remarks with the Surgeon about what he/she may or may not have done :smalltongue:

By the way, why isn't any of the two or so people who still have caracters in the exam thread posting? Something should have happened there by now.

2010-07-27, 05:08 PM
*whistles innocently*

So, I'll be off for a week then. Have fun!

Moon Wolf
2010-07-28, 12:51 PM
Pack your bags. Evacuate the neighbourhood. Most definitely hide your cookies. Because...

The Wolf has once again landed.

I'm back, everyone! Mwa ha ha.....I'm having the best time ever, surrounded by my camp buddies (mostly crazy Aussie or Mexican guys, oh well) and I've even gotten myself involved with a Significant Other! :smallredface::smallsmile:

I've got six days of change over where I'll have internet access before I'm off to co-head a 14-day canoe trip (eek!)

Anyways, it sounds like maybe the big fight's finally begun! I'm really too lazy to read it over, so a brief summary with all important events would really be appreciated. As well, it'd be nice to know where or what my characters are required to be doing at the moment. Thanks guys! :smalltongue:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-28, 01:03 PM
The Big Fight's more then just a little begun.

The Konoha Forces have engaged the Shoku, and are in the course of winning. Kyo planted some strange explosive's no one's really investigated that blew up some of the city.

The Hokage and Kyo are fighting to the death. It's already appeared Kyo died once, only to come up and stab the Hokage through. The fight rages on.

2010-07-28, 01:24 PM
The Big Fight's more then just a little begun.

The Konoha Forces have engaged the Shoku, and are in the course of winning. Kyo planted some strange explosive's no one's really investigated that blew up some of the city.

The Hokage and Kyo are fighting to the death. It's already appeared Kyo died once, only to come up and stab the Hokage through. The fight rages on.

You forgot the part where Goro took Matsu and Mira is needed to fight him with Akio.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-28, 01:27 PM
Oh right. And that. That happened to.

Moon Wolf
2010-07-28, 01:42 PM
Yep, I read up on all of that. Which is pretty amazing, considering I have a very limited attention span. :smallbiggrin:

Mina Kobold
2010-07-28, 02:45 PM
Welcome back, Moony! :smallbiggrin:

Pack your bags. Evacuate the neighbourhood. Most definitely hide your cookies. Because...

The Wolf has once again landed.

I'm back, everyone! Mwa ha ha.....I'm having the best time ever, surrounded by my camp buddies (mostly crazy Aussie or Mexican guys, oh well) and I've even gotten myself involved with a Significant Other! :smallredface::smallsmile:

I distinctly remember you saying that you were proud not to have dated anyone before :smallamused::smalltongue:

That being said, D'Aaawwwww :smallsmile:

Moon Wolf
2010-07-28, 04:06 PM
Yes, but Thor, he's the greatest! He's funny, great with the kids, and plus he cries when I insult him and is a big baby. It's actually kind of a comedy routine here at camp for a guy counselor to pick on him about his hair and him come rushing for me like I'm his mom or something. :smalltongue:

Although we can't top the nature head Benbow bursting out of the floor during the camp play with tree branches in his hair, yelling at Connor Rose the drama head, "You hate NATURE?!?" and then going on to dramatically sing "Can You Paint With the Colours of the Wind" from Pochahontas and then disappearing back into the floor.

Yes, this is how we do at my summer camp. :smalltongue:

I'm considering living here like Marcus the tripper. :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-28, 08:26 PM
Welcome back Moon Wolf! We missed you. :smallbiggrin:

“Reality of Knives.”

Toki wo Tomare.


Girl wearing green = Hokage.

2010-07-28, 09:28 PM
“Reality of Knives.”

The first (http://drmcninja.com/archives/comic/11p26) thing (http://drmcninja.com/archives/comic/11p27) in my mind.:smallcool:

Srs Bsns: So, Sokaku's current fight is done. Anyone feel like facing him? Any fights where people envisioned him needing to be involved?

2010-07-28, 09:31 PM
Toki wo Tomare.


Girl wearing green = Hokage.

I can't see that picture actually..

2010-07-28, 09:36 PM
I can't see that picture actually..

Dammit danbooru :smallmad:

This link should work. I should warn you, though, that it's colossal. (http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/b8ca69f21d537ca1813b13adacda854c.jpg)

Purple Rose
2010-07-28, 09:39 PM
Invisible picture!!!

Also, I think I have asked this at least a dozen times and keep neglecting to do anything with it, but which tailed beasts have been claimed already?

2010-07-28, 09:43 PM
And I'll link you to this page again. (http://narutoitp.wikidot.com/tailed-beasts) :smallwink:

2010-07-28, 10:31 PM
Invisible picture!!!


I hate you Danbooru. I really, really do.

Last try. This had BETTER work. :smallmad: (http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/664373/blood-comic-highres-izayoi_sakuya-konpaku_youmu-ku)

Edit: @ Callos: I think that page may be a little outdated. IIRC, Silver has claim on the 2 Tailed Tiger. SCratch that, Silver has the 3 Tails. :smallredface:

Purple Rose
2010-07-28, 10:40 PM
Hmmm... Seven tailed tapir...

2010-07-28, 10:47 PM
Hmmm... Seven tailed tapir...

Do tapirs have tails? o.o

2010-07-28, 10:51 PM
Do tapirs have tails? o.oBears don't have much of a tail. Badgers not much more so.

Tapirs have little nub tails.

Then again, we're talking giant demon beings. I'd imagine physiology is...stretched...a bit when we talk about them.:smallwink:

2010-07-28, 10:52 PM
Do tapirs have tails? o.o

No, but we can pretend that they do. >.>

Purple Rose
2010-07-28, 11:13 PM
Okay, let's put it to a vote.

Seven tailed beast:
A: Tapir
B: Armadillo
C: Salamander

2010-07-28, 11:18 PM
Okay, let's put it to a vote.

Seven tailed beast:
A: Tapir
B: Armadillo
C: Salamander

I...I'm torn. :smallfrown:

On the one hand, a Seven Tailed Tapir would be hilarious and cute.

On the other hand, I really, really like armadillos.


Innis Cabal
2010-07-28, 11:20 PM
Okay, let's put it to a vote.

Seven tailed beast:
A: Tapir
B: Armadillo
C: Salamander

I vote for D. None of the above.

Write in Answer: Binturong

Purple Rose
2010-07-28, 11:21 PM
Just remember, tapirs eat your nightmares (http://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1711). ._.

2010-07-28, 11:25 PM
Just remember, tapirs eat your nightmares (http://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1711). ._.

Yes, but can you make tapirs into creatures of cheezy tortilla goodness? (http://www.johnnywander.com/comics/179)

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-29, 12:08 AM
Hey guys. Back from a ten hour road-trip. Let me tell you, while going from Mountains-to-Plains is amazing, going back the other way is equally amazing.


Needed anywhere?

EDIT: Umm... Armadillo. They're aliens.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-29, 12:13 AM
I still say Binturong. They smell like popcorn.

And you will be, when I can think up a post for the Raikage.

Moon Wolf
2010-07-29, 08:37 AM
The two-tails is a tiger? Oh dear. Miragata had better not summon him any time soon. :smalltongue:

2010-07-29, 06:09 PM

I've been thinking about adding Naruto ITP to the list of Play By Post games on TVtropes. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlayByPostGames)



Maybe even adding a tv tropes page for it.



Innis Cabal
2010-07-29, 06:15 PM
Sound's good to me. Worst we do is get mocked. Best we get is more players.

Moon Wolf
2010-07-29, 06:18 PM
Sweet....that sounds awesome! You totally have my support on this, 13.

2010-07-29, 06:19 PM

I've been thinking about adding Naruto ITP to the list of Play By Post games on TVtropes. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlayByPostGames)



Maybe even adding a tv tropes page for it.



Make it so number...er...13? >.> And if you need a picture, Kasanip has done multiple banneresque type pictures that can be used.

2010-07-29, 06:23 PM
Does BleachITP have a page? :smalltongue:

2010-07-29, 06:25 PM
Does BleachITP have a page? :smalltongue:

BleachITP has enough players, it doesn't need a page. :smalltongue:

2010-07-29, 06:38 PM
You were doing this for recruitment? I thought it was for the love of troping. :smallfrown:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-29, 06:40 PM
We are doing it for the troping (Well, 13 is doing it. Not us). We were just making jokes.

2010-07-29, 07:55 PM
You were doing this for recruitment? I thought it was for the love of troping. :smallfrown:

We are doing it for both. :smallwink: cause troping is fun...but getting more players is even better.

Also, a poll...

I was planning on opening up another of the Major Villages after the Invasion is done, to expand upon our game a bit. What village would you guys like to see made?

Moon Wolf
2010-07-29, 07:57 PM
How about expanding on one of the more minor villages?

*cough Taki cough*


Innis Cabal
2010-07-29, 08:02 PM
We've discussed it. And while I want to do some minor villages (Taki gets some nice stuff in the anime), we decided to focus on one of the bigger villages first. Then go for the smaller ones.

2010-07-29, 08:02 PM
I was planning on opening up another of the Major Villages after the Invasion is done, to expand upon our game a bit. What village would you guys like to see made?

If we're going to choose a Major Village, then either Iwa or Kiri, if only because those are the two Major Villages yet to be visited in the canon manga.

If a Minor Village, then Amegakure; the fallout (if any) from the Konoha Invasion ought to be interesting.

Expanding on the Country of Iron would be pretty neat, too.

As for the Tvtropes bit, I'll be happy to try to set it up, but I'll need help with the actual tropes since, admittedly, I came into this game fairly late so I've missed a good number of earlier events.

2010-07-29, 09:40 PM
If we're going to choose a Major Village, then either Iwa or Kiri, if only because those are the two Major Villages yet to be visited in the canon manga.

If a Minor Village, then Amegakure; the fallout (if any) from the Konoha Invasion ought to be interesting.

Expanding on the Country of Iron would be pretty neat, too.

As for the Tvtropes bit, I'll be happy to try to set it up, but I'll need help with the actual tropes since, admittedly, I came into this game fairly late so I've missed a good number of earlier events.

Considering that Innis, Sucrose, and I are working on how to expand upon the Samurai the Land of Iron might be a good choice actually. It's seems very...distinctive from the shinobi world, even if they interact on fringe occasions.

My vote is for Kirigakure/Land of Iron.

And yes Moon_Wolf, the smaller villages will come eventually, but I want to get one more BIG village/place done first.

Moon Wolf
2010-07-29, 09:41 PM
I don't know....it sounds like it'd be pretty fun to develop the Land of Iron, so I guess I'll vote for that.

@Callos: I'm not entirely sure how the Mira/Goro fight would end...wanna PM me with what you had in mind? I'll have to deadtime for now....my father's passed out.

2010-07-29, 09:53 PM
I don't know....it sounds like it'd be pretty fun to develop the Land of Iron, so I guess I'll vote for that.

@Callos: I'm not entirely sure how the Mira/Goro fight would end...wanna PM me with what you had in mind? I'll have to deadtime for now....my father's passed out.

Well, we had discussed that Mira/Akio would fight Goro to a standstill until Erayue, Tomoya, every-other-person-in-the-fricking-village shows up at which point he flees the scene with his prize in hand. Likely for Mira to try and track down later on for further plot. :smallwink:

2010-07-29, 10:51 PM
Being vacation, I will travel for 1 week, to start on saturday. I am sorry for causing interruption. :smallfrown:

2010-07-29, 10:54 PM
Being vacation, I will travel for 1 week, to start on saturday. I am sorry for causing interruption. :smallfrown:

Enjoy your vacation! (God knows you need one. :smallfrown:)

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-29, 11:18 PM
Have fun then!

2010-07-29, 11:26 PM
Considering that Innis, Sucrose, and I are working on how to expand upon the Samurai the Land of Iron might be a good choice actually. It's seems very...distinctive from the shinobi world, even if they interact on fringe occasions.

My vote is for Kirigakure/Land of Iron.

And yes Moon_Wolf, the smaller villages will come eventually, but I want to get one more BIG village/place done first.Hm. Do we want 1 other labeled thread? Or should we make a "Land of Iron/Kirigakure" thread, and some sort of "Ninja World" thread, for all the other villages, locations, etc. that aren't a.)Konohagakure, b.)Kirigakure/Land of Iron? Because right now, it just feels awkward.

Yes, that's 1 extra thread to keep track of. But honestly, our non-Konoha ninja are so scattered, it might be best. We would just need good discipline on using "location labels" and the like.

Offhand, my vote is either Kiri, or maybe Land of Iron (if only to see these ideas you're talking about given form).

Innis Cabal
2010-07-30, 12:01 AM
The Samurai write up will be done in the morning for you EST'ers.

2010-07-30, 12:01 AM
Hm. Do we want 1 other labeled thread? Or should we make a "Land of Iron/Kirigakure" thread, and some sort of "Ninja World" thread, for all the other villages, locations, etc. that aren't a.)Konohagakure, b.)Kirigakure/Land of Iron? Because right now, it just feels awkward.

Yes, that's 1 extra thread to keep track of. But honestly, our non-Konoha ninja are so scattered, it might be best. We would just need good discipline on using "location labels" and the like.

Offhand, my vote is either Kiri, or maybe Land of Iron (if only to see these ideas you're talking about given form).

I think that would divide things up too much. Maybe I'll re-label the Land of Fire to 'Shinobi Lands Central' or something, but three threads (especially counting the upcoming flashback!) would stretch the players too few.

2010-07-30, 12:03 AM
I think that would divide things up too much. Maybe I'll re-label the Land of Fire to 'Shinobi Lands Central' or something, but three threads (especially counting the upcoming flashback!) would stretch the players too few.Hm. Well, one thread should be more general. I suppose that works, though it makes me wonder why we'd have a special thread for the Land of Iron; bluntly speaking, at least half our characters are either Konoha-nin, or allies who are residing in Konoha on a longer-term basis.

Still, whichever method seems best. *Shrugs*

Purple Rose
2010-07-30, 12:22 AM
Okay, so that is one vote for tapir, one vote for armadillo and one for an animal not on the list... hmm... A decisive victory for tapir! I shall have the character submission up within a day or so!

Innis Cabal
2010-07-30, 12:35 AM
Awwww....but the binturong is your friend! They smell like pop corn!! How can you say no to this face? (http://chapmannews.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/binturong1.jpg)

Purple Rose
2010-07-30, 01:28 AM
It might be a good pick, but that I was looking for a bit more... variety in the tailed beasts. As it is, most of them are pawed mammals of the carnivorous type. Besides, it is a bit too close to a badger in overall body structure. That, and tapirs EAT YOUR DREAMS. o_o

2010-07-30, 01:32 AM
It might be a good pick, but that I was looking for a bit more... variety in the tailed beasts. As it is, most of them are pawed mammals of the carnivorous type. Besides, it is a bit too close to a badger in overall body structure. That, and tapirs EAT YOUR DREAMS. o_o


Drowzee used Dream Eater!

It was Super Effective!

2010-07-30, 01:40 AM
It might be a good pick, but that I was looking for a bit more... variety in the tailed beasts. As it is, most of them are pawed mammals of the carnivorous type. Besides, it is a bit too close to a badger in overall body structure. That, and tapirs EAT YOUR DREAMS. o_o

A Cthulu monster, evil bird, and whatever the hell the Beast is are pawed mammals of the carnivorous type? :smalltongue:

Why not insect? Or reptile? Ohh! Go all 'mothra' on people!

Oh, oh! What about basilisk? Or salamander?

Purple Rose
2010-07-30, 01:43 AM
I had salamander on the list...

2010-07-30, 01:46 AM
I had salamander on the list...

...So you do. Hmm...what about...Tortoise? Dragon? Kirin? doesn't just have to be an animal after all!

Innis Cabal
2010-07-30, 01:49 AM
We've got the Dragon Summon (Isn't that enough?). Taiper is cool and as she said. It eats your dreams. Also, according to Futurama, they're adorable. I don't see it, but what do I know. I'm not a multi-million dollar grossing show.

Purple Rose
2010-07-30, 01:51 AM
Jackalope? Ratking?



*stumbled upon something that will literally give me nightmares*

Innis Cabal
2010-07-30, 01:52 AM
Oh! How about the wolpertinger then?

2010-07-30, 01:56 AM
Oh! How about the wolpertinger then?




Purple Rose
2010-07-30, 02:43 AM
Alternatively, a chameleon might work...

Moon Wolf
2010-07-30, 11:05 AM
Ah, I can imagine a list of problems with that....


"No it's not."

"It's right there!! Are you blind or something?!"

"No....there's nothing there."


2010-07-30, 11:19 AM
Ah, I can imagine a list of problems with that....


"No it's not."

"It's right there!! Are you blind or something?!"

"No....there's nothing there."


"Then why hell did Tarou just get eaten?!"

"I'm not dead yet..."

Edit: Naurto ITP link added to the TVtropes Play-By-Post entry. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlayByPostGames) I'll be adding the actual tropes page later.

Mina Kobold
2010-07-30, 02:54 PM
Ah, I can imagine a list of problems with that....


"No it's not."

"It's right there!! Are you blind or something?!"

"No....there's nothing there."


Correct me if I am Wrongski but doesn't chameleons change colour depending on moody-mood and not surroundings?


Now I'm imagining what a high chameleon would look like, see what you have done?! :smalltongue:

Moon Wolf
2010-07-30, 02:57 PM
"Ooh.....psychadelic...." :smallbiggrin:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-30, 03:10 PM
Correct me if I am Wrongski but doesn't chameleons change colour depending on moody-mood and not surroundings?


Now I'm imagining what a high chameleon would look like, see what you have done?! :smalltongue:

You are in fact, wrongski :smalltongue: Not all Chamleon's can actually change their colors either. Only select species, and even then their color range is fairly limited. They can use their color's for mating purposes and for other defense purposes other then blending into their surroundings, but it's less depending on their moods and more depending on how many hot lizard chicks are around.

Your thinking of cuttlefish. You can change their colors, and even texture's, on a whim, for mating purposes, avoid being eaten, or any other myrid responses. They're actually quite sophisticated, they've got multiple layer's of thin pigments in their skin they can contract and dialate without to much thought. Considering they're also insanely intellegent, we should feel lucky we evovled legs and the ability to breath air first, or they would be our masters.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-30, 04:07 PM
Your thinking of cuttlefish. You can change their colors, and even texture's, on a whim, for mating purposes, avoid being eaten, or any other myrid responses. They're actually quite sophisticated, they've got multiple layer's of thin pigments in their skin they can contract and dialate without to much thought. Considering they're also insanely intellegent, we should feel lucky we evovled legs and the ability to breath air first, or they would be our masters.

Kill The Phy~si~cists...

Kill The Phy~si~cists...

Their eyes are also pretty wierd.

2010-07-30, 04:09 PM
Wait....highly evolved cuttlefish.

I know I've seen that somewhere before... (http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Reaper)

2010-07-30, 04:15 PM
Apologies to everyone, but I'm in too foul a mood due to real life grievances to work on anything right now, Naruto and Bleach ITP included. They will be on hiatus until further notice. :smallfurious:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-30, 05:30 PM
Apologies to everyone, but I'm in too foul a mood due to real life grievances to work on anything right now, Naruto and Bleach ITP included. They will be on hiatus until further notice. :smallfurious:

Hope everything goes better mate.

Kill The Phy~si~cists...

Kill The Phy~si~cists...

Their eyes are also pretty wierd.

Sssshhhhhh....you'll blow my cover. And their eyes are actaully pretty interesting in and of themselves. But that's hardly here or there.

What -is- here and there is the Samurai write up. And without further ado.

The Samurai

The Samurai are the guardian’s and ninja equivalent of the Land of Iron. Saying this, the similarities between Ninja and Samurai end at the fact they both use chakra to fuel their mystical powers. Samurai follow a strict code of honor and loyalty to the General of the Land of Iron, defending its boarders from all trespassers, criminals and outsiders alike. Samurai are easily recognizable by their armor and weapons, and form highly competent and group oriented squads to patrol their lands. Samurai are highly regimented and trained forces, prefering straight combat to assasination or covert missions.

The Samurai Arts

Chakura Heiki: The Art of weapons that all Samurai learn at the start of their induction into their Buke. Chakura Heiki teaches the use of all Samurai weapons, from the katana to the bow and arrow. Each weapon has several styles a Samurai can learn, depending on the Buke in which they study.

Chakra Control: Chakra Control is the field of study of using one’s chakra to imbue into their weapons, or use them in various special attacks. Samurai also have the Yin and Yang Chakra, but simply call it Void, though it serves the same purpose. Chakra Control roughly fills the space of both Genjutsu and Ninjutsu, though more heavily relies on the weapon of the Samurai instead of the mystical arts themselves.

Chakra Movement: Moving in armor is difficult, causing movement’s to slow and due to extra weight, cause fatigue earlier then unarmored opponents. The skill of Chakra Movement works similarly to Chakra Control, but instead of pushing chakra into their weapons, they fill their muscles, armor or skin with chakra, lessening the weight of their heavy armor, aiding in blows or helping to further deflect blows away from vital regions.

The Buke

The Buke are often long standing schools for potential Samurai to join after their initial training. Some Buke can trace their creation to the founding of the Land of Iron itself, while others are fairly recent as the Land of Iron continues to grow and change in unseen ways. The most honored and well known Buke are Crimson Leaves, Autumn Monkey Body, Spark from Stone, Body of Laqure and Paste, Chance Opening Blows, and Strike of Non-Thought. These Buke are known to be tied directly to the royal family of the Land of Iron, producing some of the strongest and most competent Samurai in the entire Land of Iron. They are notoriously difficult to be accepted by, and many smaller Buke seek to undermine their honor and prestige to elevate themselves. Infighting and duels of honor are common between Buke are well known and documented, though lethal duels have been outlawed for several generations. Those caught performing lethal duels are stripped of their honor, removed from their Buke and sentenced to prison. Those that violate these laws are also barred from every joining a formal Buke ever again, any attempt to do so producing further punishment from the law.

Several other countries that exist beyond the Land of Iron have created Buke of their own, thought due to the tense and mysterious political structure of the Buke’s themselves, it is unknown wether the Land of Iron views these newer schools as Ronin, upstarts or competition. The exact nature, weapon styles and fundamental rules of these Buke are kept highly classified, the Land of Iron only learning of them in recent times. The number of such schools are considerably small, though the popularity of such powerful defensive teachings are motivating smaller nations to rally behind the creation of such institutions.

Samurai Training and Order

Unlike their contemporary the Ninja who learn and study the art of silent killing and the use of powerful mystical arts such as genjutsu and replacement techniques, the Samurai is taught to stand his ground in a fight, never backing down. A samurai who runs from combat suffers dishonor, the exact punishment depending on the severity of their dishonor. Samurai are taken in at the age of six or seven, and are trained in martial arts and the base techniques of Chakura Heiki. Children graduate after a rigorous series of tests, typically at the age of ten. After this period the child is sent to several Buke to see if they will be taken in by the Elder Samurai. The higher the student’s marks ensures that they will be taken into more prestigious and honorable Buke, while lower marked student’s fall into the bottom of the barrel.

Student’s undergo a period of training in their Buke, further honing their Chakra Control Arts, learning higher ranked techniques in their Chakura Heiki styles and weapons, and begin to study the arts of Chakra Movement. During this time, a student is given his first set of armor and the weapon they will use during most of their career. After three years in their chosen style, a student is taken to a special location depending on their Buke, and trained to learn their elemental chakra nature. This training futher takes the last two years of the student’s training, combining the three Samurai Arts into a concentrated combat style . A second test is preformed at the age of fifteen, those who fail must remain with their Buke for another year before they can retake the test. Those who pass are placed in the service of the Land of Iron, and given their second set of armor, designed to be used on the field of combat. Those with exceptional marks may be taken into the special legion of the Musha, Samurai that are further trained to fight against their peer’s and to track and hunt down Ronin. Those who pass are referred to here after as Mononofu.

Mononofu are placed in squads of up to ten, led by an Elder Samurai or the most senior Mononofu that can be tasked with their training. They further learn and study together to work as a coherent team with their peers and other samurai squads for the rest of their career. Squads are moved between the Land of Iron and the lands that exist beyond their Country on a fairly regular basis, and are paid a wage based on their services in various tasks, and a flat pay rate for their services to the Land of Iron.

Samurai can receive further honors or promotions with age and exemplary service to the Land of Iron, and at the age of Thirty a Samurai may either retire and rejoin a school as a teacher, join the ranks of the non-Samurai, receiving the title of Shi, and marry to produce an heir or remain in service to the Land of Iron and it’s General. Those that take the latter route are given command of a squad of fresh Mononofu. Elder Samurai are given a special set of armor that exemplifies their dedication to the Land of Iron, each specially crafted for the Elder Samurai that wears them.

{table]Title|Obligations and Duty|Age of Acceptance
Student|Study and learn the rudimentary Samurai Arts|6-7
Buke Student|Further perfect their combat style and learn their Elemental chakra|10
Mononofu|Serve the Land of Iron in missions and defense of the land|15
Musha|Study combat against other Samurai, hunt down and kill Ronin|15
Shi|Retired Samurai, often married off to produce heirs|30
Elder Samurai|Lead squads and act as commanders on the field|30[/table]


Much like their Ninja counter-part, not all Samurai decide to stay with their School, or fight for the Land of Iron, or flee due to severe dishonor. These Samurai flee to the lands that exist beyond the Land of Iron, some even forging into the lands held by the Hidden Villages, though this is very rare. Ronin are considered the gravest dishonor to the Samurai Schools and the Land of Iron as a whole, and are hunted down by special groups of Samurai trained specifically for fighting against other Samurai and tracking. Ronin have been known to create their own schools though they typically are short lived affairs, breaking apart when the Samurai close in on their locations. Several have existed for generations, taking in other Ronin in a loose confederacy with one another to increase membership and to create a force strong enough to resist all but the strongest attacks by their adversaries.

The two most well known, and strongest, of the Ronin Schools are the Yahei and Kira, named after their founders. Both founders are thought to have passed away, their children and student’s carrying on their legacy, and both are well known for their rivalry over land and students. There are forty five other schools recognized by the Land of Iron, existing both inside the Land of Iron itself, and the outlaying countries that exist beyond themselves. The Ronin Schools exist by stealing supplies from the Land of Iron supply lines, and several accounts from Ronin themselves have indicated that the larger and more permanent Schools have some manner of food production on their own. Outside of the two largest Schools, most Ronin Schools are nomadic and difficult to find, forcing newly exiled Ronin to fend for themselves and hunt them down on their own.

Chakra Control and Chakura Heiki: A Look at the Arts of the Samurai

The Samurai are different then their Ninja contemporaries in that they do not use their chakra to fuel mystical and often powerful techniques, instead charging their weapons with their respective elements to further strike down their foes. Though their elemental chakra determines the effects this has on their weapon, the styles and techniques they learn are dependent on the weapon each samurai specializes in during his term in their chosen Buke. Elemental natures use the same wheel of canceling and overpowering that the Ninja system does.

Element|Chakra Enchantment
Fire|Can heat their weapons up to a high degree or wreath their weapon in flame
Water|The weapon grows almost liquid, able to twist around weapons or deflect blows more easily, absorbing the force of connected weapon strikes.
Lightning|The weapons effective reach can grow longer swiftly, also giving the energy a highly concentrated cutting power
Earth|The weapon grows sturdier, often taking on a dusky or stone like appearance.
Wind|The weapon becomes almost translucent, difficult to see and capable of powerful concussive blows as it channels the powers of gale force winds

Further, Samurai may use their chakra to perform powerful techniques from their weapons. These techniques vary by both Buke and style, but appear similar to rudimentary jutsu. Some example powers range from powerful flame or water blasts in the shape of their weapon’s blades, tremors and quakes of the ground by being struck by their weapon or extremely devastating lightning blasts from the tips of a weapon’s blade. Elemental techniques by themselves are crude in comparison to ninja jutsu, forming a loose and secondary list of powers for the Samurai after their weapons.

While not a complete list of Samurai weapons, the list below details some of the most common weapons seen on the field of battle. Style’s vary between Buke, though all Samurai learn the base techniques of each weapon they use, forming a strong foundation that samurai can formulate into group efforts. Ronin have been known to use more specialized weapons

{table]Weapon|Use|Common Chakra
Katana|The most used weapon on the battlefield, a long single edged blade. |Lightning Chakra
Tesubo|A heavy hammer like implement made of metal used against heavily armored foes|Earth Chakra
Yari|A two handed spear, the length of this weapon makes it highly difficult to counter by normal means|Water Chakra
Naginata|A halberd like weapon used against mounted foes|Wind Chakra
Longbow|A ranged weapon, used most often by Samurai holding down fortifications|Fire Chakra[/table]


The Samurai relies heavily on equipment and other devices unseen in the Ninja world. The level of technology in the Land of Iron is only slightly more improved then the Ninja world, where the lack of powerful jutsu has forced the harsh land to develop technologies in its place. Steam and coal power is widely used in the cities of the Land of Iron. Throwing weapons are rarely seen unlike their Ninja counterparts, despite the longbow used by Samurai. Armor is the most standard equipment of the Samurai, protecting them from weapons and the harsh environment of the Land of Iron. Field ration kits, radio systems and portable rail cars and rail systems make up further equipment, complementing the Land of Irons forces. Armors can be re-enforced by steam heating systems, but such devices are highly difficult to fix on the field, and handed out only to Elder Samurai. Armors that are specifically designed to further draw chakra from the user, granting them various effects are also fairly rare, but can see use in special missions or more often in the hands of Elder Ninja.

Chakra armor is fairly rudimentary in its powers, directly drawing off the users own supply of chakra to supply its power. Chakra armor can augment certain things, though even the rarest have two upgrades. The drain on the user to great to supply more then such augmentations. Chakra armor can be used to reinforce armor or weapons, intensify chakra control attacks or summon weapons made completly out of the users chakra. These weapons can only be wielded by a highly trained user in chakra control, and once dismissed, must be summoned again for further use.

Kekkai Genkai

Samurai family lines with Kekkai Genkai are rare, and most often are only blood lines that allow for elemental combinations. More exotic or esoteric blood lines do exist, but they are rarer still almost to the point of being without mention. Elemental combination chakra’s are utilized in the same manner as regular Chakra Control techniques and are taught at the same time as such techniques. A Samurai with an elemental combination is highly valued in his School, often a symbol of prestige when one graduates from the School. The most common Kekkai Genkai are of the Wood Release and Ice Release blood lines, though these are considered weak compared to other elemental combination blood lines.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-30, 05:48 PM
Son of a wall of text...

Also, speaking of write ups, I'm going to have to do one for the Kazekage, amn't I?

Innis Cabal
2010-07-30, 05:49 PM
Yeppers. And yes, its a wall of text. But I have dedication to my work. At the expense of the -other- wall of text I'm writing. Which numbers almost 20 pages now >.>

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-30, 05:54 PM
Heh, I don't mind. I like large walls of text. :smalltongue:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-30, 05:56 PM
Now if only someone could add that to the Wiki.

2010-07-30, 07:01 PM
Heads up, I changed the position of the NarutoITP reference on the page at TVTropes.

Now if only someone could add that to the Wiki.Well I don't even play this game. :smallwink:

2010-07-30, 07:04 PM
Hm. This (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9040983&postcount=201) gives me a sudden urge to make a new character. Not necessarily a major character, mind.

But I can't help but think of the possibilities (http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080505203339/marveldatabase/images/0/03/IM_mk2.jpg) when you combine chakra and armor...:smallamused:

2010-07-30, 07:11 PM
Well I don't even play this game. :smallwink:

That hasn't stopped you from helping me wiki-build before. :smalltongue: Besides, I don't know how to put tables on the wiki!

Innis Cabal
2010-07-30, 07:28 PM
That hasn't stopped you from helping me wiki-build before. :smalltongue: Besides, I don't know how to put tables on the wiki!

Ya, neither do I! And it was a good write up I'm told! Come on Prime...you know you wanna.

@The Iron Man Expy- Please dear god no. Chakra armor dosn't work like that. Perhaps I was a little obtsue when I wrote it. I will fix that issue immediatly in the write up itself, and adress it here.

Chakra Armor works like it does in the first Naruto Moive (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Chakra_Armor). Instead of draining Chakra from ninjutsu and genjutsu, it draws on Void (Yin/Yang Chakra) to augment chakra control or chakra movement (and in this only the defensive uses). What this means is, it may be able to manifest a weapon made completly out of chakra (If I see a Light Sabre reference outside of this one, I'm going to come through the computer screen and have a talk with you :smallsmile:), harden the armor with the users own chakra, or intensify the effects of a Chakura Heiki attack.

Samurai are not meant to have things on par with Ninja in the field of ninjutsu or genjutsu type powers. Flight is also pretty much straight out for them as well due to the conditions of their homeland.

2010-07-30, 07:30 PM
*Shrugs* We'll just have to see, now won't we?

I mean, how is it more objectionable than some of the other concepts that have been implemented?

Edit: Also: Lightsaber lightsaber lightsaber.



2010-07-30, 07:34 PM
*Shrugs* We'll just have to see, now won't we?

I mean, how is it more objectionable than some of the other concepts that have been implemented?

Because it goes against what samurai armor is supposed to do and is capable of which would mean it's not samurai armor. Which then means it falls under the same category of Fan's 'steampunky puppet' idea from way back when that was rejected.

Moon Wolf
2010-07-30, 07:39 PM
By the way, what's the password for the wiki again? I used 'shiki fuujin no jutsu' (without the quotation marks) and it didn't work....thanks! :smallsmile:

2010-07-30, 07:39 PM
Because it goes against what samurai armor is supposed to do and is capable of which would mean it's not samurai armor. Which then means it falls under the same category of Fan's 'steampunky puppet' idea from way back when that was rejected.The irony here is I literally posted a picture.:smalltongue:

As for "capabilities"...*shrugs*

We know flight is possible with chakra armor; they do it several times in the Naruto movie where the chakra armor is featured. We know the armors protect the users from jutsu, and to at least a degree from regular physical harm. There may be strength-enhancing properties.

And the Land of Iron described just last page/above is...pretty darn "steam-punky".

I'm not saying I will do it.

But we've been inventing so many things whole cloth anyways. :smallwink:

2010-07-30, 07:41 PM
By the way, what's the password for the wiki again? I used 'shiki fuujin no jutsu' (without the quotation marks) and it didn't work....thanks! :smallsmile:

The password hasn't changed..I'm guessing you tried it again to make sure you didn't accidentally mistype it?

Chakra Armor, the kind you are referring to, is a mixture of Samurai technology and the jutsu work of the Yuki-nin and very rare. Goro is Kill On Sight because he has plans for chakra armor (and they don't even know he's MADE it yet). More importantly that was less flight and more 'gliding'.

2010-07-30, 07:44 PM
The password hasn't changed..I'm guessing you tried it again to make sure you didn't accidentally mistype it?

Chakra Armor, the kind you are referring to, is a mixture of Samurai technology and the jutsu work of the Yuki-nin and very rare. Goro is Kill On Sight because he has plans for chakra armor (and they don't even know he's MADE it yet). More importantly that was less flight and more 'gliding'.All you need is someone with half a brain and Wind-nature chakra.:smallcool:

Edit: Hm. Or careful application of fire chakra....

Moon Wolf
2010-07-30, 07:52 PM
I know the password, I've re-typed it quite a few times. But when I click "Join This Site", and type in the password and press enter, it just comes back to the blank bar where you type it in again... m(_ _)m

2010-07-30, 07:53 PM
Innis said no, Callos said no.. I say we leave it at that.

That, and Flight is just broken in this setting. *flies up really high. Shoots fireballs down at the unable to attack you people* Hell, you don't even have to do that, most fighters are CQB, and you'd totally invalidate them just by possessing that ability.

2010-07-30, 07:55 PM
I know the password, I've re-typed it quite a few times. But when I click "Join This Site", and type in the password and press enter, it just comes back to the blank bar where you type it in again... m(_ _)m

Try to edit a page, you might already be a member of the page. I remember you editing it before after all.

Moon Wolf
2010-07-30, 07:56 PM
I edited the Bleach Reborn wiki....this time, it says, "Only members are allowed to edit....."

Innis Cabal
2010-07-30, 07:57 PM
What Chakra Armor can do is fully explained in the original write up on the previous page. Flight is not capable of being produced through either Chakra Control or Chakra Movement. I hope that clarifies it fully, I sorta rushed through some parts. I'll keep fixing it up so it's not so obtuse. You were right btw Callos. :smallsmile:

Now, if you were a ninja. Something else altogether. But I don't think we need to let this devolve into an argument of any form. The rules for Chakra Armor for the Samurai are spelled out fully. They can augment attacks, raise the defensive power of the armor itself, or create weapons for the user out of their own chakra. Samurai's control of chakra is just not fine enough to reproduce anything like flight or summoning dragon's made out of Ice (though summoning still does exist and works off Void (Yin/Yang) Chakra.

As for the Land of Iron being steam punky, I'd say it's Steam-Punk Ultra-Lite (like Pepsi One). Yes it's got some more improvements as opposed to the Ninja world, but it's because of the above point that they don't have the level of sophistication in the use of Chakra to make such things obsolete.

I would say they are very early industrial era. And by that I mean, they know how steam engine's work (though they had such things in Hellinistic Times). They have very crude "Trains", more or less single to double car systems that require a pre-built rail to use. Such rail-ways need to be laid down and picked back up after the "train" has passed, or be lost to the snow and the wind.

I hope that clears up everything for everyone! Sorry for the confusion!! :smallredface::smallredface:

2010-07-30, 08:02 PM
If, for some reason, I did do this, it wouldn't resemble Iron Man very strongly, except perhaps in an aesthetic sense.

But sure, I'll drop it. I was mostly messing around.

Not like we don't have other expies here and there already...

2010-07-30, 08:08 PM
If, for some reason, I did do this, it wouldn't resemble Iron Man very strongly, except perhaps in an aesthetic sense.

But sure, I'll drop it. I was mostly messing around.

Not like we don't have other expies here and there already...

It's not so much the fact that he's an expy, but more the effect that chakra-powered flight has on the balance of the Naruto universe. Very few characters in canon possess this ability, and most of the ones who do only appear in fillers or the films. Even those who just stand on top of flying summons without themselves being able to fly (such as Deidara) gain great power from their position. For an example of this, the second Shippuuden film serves as a good one; In that, a group of otherwise average ninja were able to launch a devastating attack on Konoha and escape unharmed simply by using chakra-powered gliders. If even limited flight grants that level of potency to standard mooks, the effect on a decently competent Ninja should be very carefully considered.

2010-07-30, 08:09 PM
I edited the Bleach Reborn wiki....this time, it says, "Only members are allowed to edit....."

Hrmm..I'm not sure what the problem is then.

2010-07-30, 08:20 PM
If, for some reason, I did do this, it wouldn't resemble Iron Man very strongly, except perhaps in an aesthetic sense.

But sure, I'll drop it. I was mostly messing around.

Not like we don't have other expies here and there already...

Although creating what is essentially an Iron Man suit using Naruto metaphysics would make for a really cool thought experiment (and I think it'd be possible; maybe not entirely practical, but possible), I'm not entirely sure if I'd want to see it due to flavor concerns, depending on how that character ends up being played.

Then again, it's not like I can really talk given that I'm the sick mind behind Erayue, Karakuri, and Bochi...>.>

2010-07-30, 08:29 PM
Innis said no, Callos said no.. I say we leave it at that.Uh...the Hell you say?

Did Innis and Callos suddenly become the sole voices of authority in this RP? I sure as Hell didn't see or hear of that.

That, and Flight is just broken in this setting. *flies up really high. Shoots fireballs down at the unable to attack you people* Hell, you don't even have to do that, most fighters are CQB, and you'd totally invalidate them just by possessing that ability....Because it's not like ninja can't shoot fireballs up into the air, no sir.

It's not so much the fact that he's an expy, but more the effect that chakra-powered flight has on the balance of the Naruto universe. Very few characters in canon possess this ability, and most of the ones who do only appear in fillers or the films. Even those who just stand on top of flying summons without themselves being able to fly (such as Deidara) gain great power from their position. For an example of this, the second Shippuuden film serves as a good one; In that, a group of otherwise average ninja were able to launch a devastating attack on Konoha and escape unharmed simply by using chakra-powered gliders. If even limited flight grants that level of potency to standard mooks, the effect on a decently competent Ninja should be very carefully considered.Well. Flight was mostly dangerous there because there were so many of those guys. One or two wouldn't have been nearly as bad, but there were dozens.

Beyond that, there are plenty of things that are pretty potent if done competently.

I point to Sokaku; one of the reasons I had him doing so well is that the sheer speed and strength he has is an incredible advantage. And I probably could have stretched it even more.

Although creating what is essentially an Iron Man suit using Naruto metaphysics would make for a really cool thought experiment (and I think it'd be possible; maybe not entirely practical, but possible), I'm not entirely sure if I'd want to see it due to flavor concerns, depending on how that character ends up being played.

Then again, it's not like I can really talk given that I'm the sick mind behind Erayue, Karakuri, and Bochi...>.>Well, yeah. That's the thing. You've had a necromancer, a Colossus expy, and a mecha pilot.
Draken had what was essentially a combo of a DnD Wizard, and some dude from Jackie Chan Adventures.
Kyo's got more than a little Sephiroth in him.
I'm sure the list could go on.

Really, the concept could even be something like this:
-This guy, he has a suit of armor, see. It covers him head to toe. It uses chakra to protect him from jutsu, and is itself fairly strong, a good protection against physical blows. Between chakra manipulation, and the armor, he has rather notably enhanced strength, which helps with his "unarmed" fighting style. He's also recently figured out how to channel fire chakra through special "nodes" on his armor's hands and feet. These let him leap several times normal height into the air (feet nodes), and easily fire small, quick blasts of fire chakra, or even focus and fire larger, slower blasts (hand nodes).

There. Certainly nothing earth-shattering, even if competency is stretched to the limit. And he may even have to deal with the icing problem.:smallwink:

2010-07-30, 08:51 PM
Well. Flight was mostly dangerous there because there were so many of those guys. One or two wouldn't have been nearly as bad, but there were dozens.

Beyond that, there are plenty of things that are pretty potent if done competently.

Numbers don't change the fact that such abilities can completely nullify many characters without any trouble (including your own). If a Ninja doesn't possess a reliable ranged attack of decent strength they really don't have much in the way of options beyond 'run for cover and hope for the best'.

I point to Sokaku; one of the reasons I had him doing so well is that the sheer speed and strength he has is an incredible advantage. And I probably could have stretched it even more.

That's not really a relevant comparison to make here, especially since it actually weakens your case. As you implied, abilities like strength and speed aren't in and of themselves problematic; It's only when someone possesses them in massive quantity that they become overpowered. The problem with flight is that it's already a problem right from the beginning. The power to entirely negate three quarters of many Ninjas' arsenals (and probably weaken the rest) is very potent all by itself.

2010-07-30, 08:58 PM
Numbers don't change the fact that such abilities can completely nullify many characters without any trouble (including your own). If a Ninja doesn't possess a reliable ranged attack of decent strength they really don't have much in the way of options beyond 'run for cover and hope for the best'.Oh, I know exactly how Sokaku would handle someone flying in the air. He'd grab a bunch of shuriken, and start throwing them with his full strength. The effect would likely resemble the shuriken equivalent of those kunai volley machines in the 1st Naruto movie.

That's not really a relevant comparison to make here, especially since it actually weakens your case. As you implied, abilities like strength and speed aren't in and of themselves problematic; It's only when someone possesses them in massive quantity that they become overpowered. The problem with flight is that it's already a problem right from the beginning. The power to entirely negate three quarters of many Ninjas' arsenals (and probably weaken the rest) is very potent all by itself.How are genjustu and ninjustu nullified by flight? If the enemy can use jutsu at you, you can use jutsu at him.

Edit: Note that I'm scrapping the character, because no one seems to like the idea.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-30, 09:25 PM
Kyo's got more than a little Sephiroth in him.


Not sure where your getting that but I actually took a little of Madara without the HAX for the becoming God idea, but shifted it around (it's still not fully explained, and it won't for a while I hope), some smatterings of an old RP character of mine, which isn't here or there to discuss, and a series of hallucinations I had during the period I was on several medication's that will remain un-named for alot of his jutsu, along with some homage's to Dio Brando and some Touhou characters.

But, if you see Sephi in there somewhere, cool I suppose. Certainly wasn't purposeful. And certainly isn't meant to be an Expy. I personally can't stand them as a general rule. But it's cool for other people if they want them. Different strokes for different folks after all. :smallsmile:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-30, 10:13 PM

New map of the world. Since I don't know how to bloody change font in Paint. The large gray country is a the Land of Iron. The white is the Land of Snow.

Enjoy people.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-30, 10:50 PM
I thought that the Land of Iron was by Ame, being between three great countries, or something like that.

EDIT: Also, you done the post for the Raikage yet?

Innis Cabal
2010-07-30, 10:53 PM
I thought so to. But there is nothing in the manga or on the actual wiki that says that.

EDIT: Also, you done the post for the Raikage yet?

I'm trying to piece together stuff I have on him from HG >< I'll have one up by tommorow I promise.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-30, 10:56 PM
Really? Ah well, it doesn't really matter much. Besides, there wasn't much room.

Okay then, I'll have the fighting style of the Kazekage down by then.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-30, 10:59 PM
I actually had it and Yuki both off the map. These are word of god decision's, though I agree with them. :smallsmile:

Now to fill in the other un-named villages.

Also, as per the standard. The lands beyond the Land of Iron are named after further metals, minerals, and precious stones. So things like Land of Copper. Land of Obsidian, Land of Diamonds. Callos said Land of Coke as well.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-30, 11:12 PM
I actually had it and Yuki both off the map. These are word of god decision's, though I agree with them. :smallsmile:

Now to fill in the other un-named villages.

Also, as per the standard. The lands beyond the Land of Iron are named after further metals, minerals, and precious stones. So things like Land of Copper. Land of Obsidian, Land of Diamonds. Callos said Land of Coke as well.

Coke as in


Coke or


Coke? Also, what happened to the Land of Ham? :smalltongue:

2010-07-30, 11:13 PM
Might be this coke (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coke_%28fuel%29).

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-30, 11:13 PM
Oh, okay then.

Purple Rose
2010-07-30, 11:37 PM
Okay, seven tailed tapir it is! I called it!

Innis Cabal
2010-07-31, 12:24 AM
Sample Samurai

Name: Takesashi (誉蔵)
Classification: Mononofu
Favored Weapon: Katana
Chakra Affinity: Lightning
Age: 20
Height: 6’0
Weight: 150 pounds
Blood Type: AB
Afflilation: The Land of Iron, Chance Opening Blows Buke

Appearance: Takesashi wears traditional Samurai armor of the Mononofu classification, without any improvements to its design. It is colored a deep white and gray pattern to further blend into the snow of his homeland. Under the armor, Takesashi is fairly muscled and of fair complexion, shaving his hair though his eyebrows denote his hair is a dark brown. Under his armor and clothing he bears the scars of several battles

Personality: Takesashi is a dedicated member of his squad and is loyal even beyond his peers. Takeshi is a friendly man outside of combat, and is the squad cook on long missions, though many claim they would rather eat boiled leather then any meal he makes. Takesashi is a rabid foe against Ronin, seeking and cutting them down almost as zealously as a member of the Musha.

Kekkai Genkai: None

Samurai Arts: Having studied at the Chance Opening Blows Buke, passing with fair marks for his peers. His brother graduated two years before him, placing a great deal of strain on him during his schooling from both his family and his Buke.

Chakura Heiki: Takesashi mastered the katana at a young age, but forsook any other weapon, thus he is only proficient in a single style, making his usefulness on the battlefield limited.

Chakra Control: Takesashi is fairly competent with this Samurai Art, though seems unable to force his blade into an energy weapon like his peers.

Chakra Movement: Takesashi is quite skilled in the art of Chakra Movement, moving about the battlefield almost as if he were unarmored.

Style: Takesashi’s weapon style is known as In One Hand, a style practiced by many of his Buke. The style itself teachs the wielder of their weapon to use a katana in a single hand, while the other is free to utilize the environment in various ways, to grapple with their opponent or to use equipment in case of emergencies.


Falling Crane: By swiftly extending his blade into the ground, he can force lightning energy to spring up to fifteen feet away from himself in the form of his own blade. This move, while taking a fair amount of chakra, does not turn his blade into actual lightning.

Lay Off Me: A Chakra Control power, Takesashi can channel lightning chakra into his armor to produce a brief zap to foes that connect with metal weapons, or shock those who close in to attack at close range. He can only use this technique several times before his limited chakra is depleted.

2010-07-31, 12:28 AM
Alot has happened this week. Would someone like to fill me in?:smallsmile:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-31, 12:30 AM
Kyo killed the Hokage. Destroyed Konoha and ran away with all his minion's. Then threw a party where he used the Hokage as a hand puppet to tell crude jokes about the war dead in Konoha. :smallsmile:

Now we're moving on to the next Arc.

2010-07-31, 12:38 AM
Kyo killed the Hokage. Destroyed Konoha and ran away with all his minion's. Then threw a party where he used the Hokage as a hand puppet to tell crude jokes about the war dead in Konoha. :smallsmile:

Now we're moving on to the next Arc.


Hokage is dead?...

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-31, 12:38 AM
I don't know, the description was so thick I couldn't make any sense of it.

EDIT: V: Ah. I guessed so. :smalltongue:

Innis Cabal
2010-07-31, 12:39 AM
Naw, just screwing with you.

The Hokage V Kyo fight is raging on. Your needed in your characters fight. The majority of the Shoku are retreating and some bad things are going to go down soon but I can't say more on it.

2010-07-31, 12:42 AM
Naw, just screwing with you.

The Hokage V Kyo fight is raging on. Your needed in your characters fight. The majority of the Shoku are retreating and some bad things are going to go down soon but I can't say more on it.


I thought the Hokage was really dead. Anyways, just trying to catch up. Will post Senga soon.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-31, 12:47 AM
Your so funny Silver. I already said it was pretty much impossible for Kyo to win against the Hokage already. :smallsmile:

2010-07-31, 12:51 AM
Your so funny Silver. I already said it was pretty much impossible for Kyo to win against the Hokage already. :smallsmile:

And I've had alot on my mind this past week. Cut me some slack here.:smalltongue:

2010-07-31, 01:09 AM
Your so funny Silver. I already said it was pretty much impossible for Kyo to win against the Hokage already. :smallsmile:

LIES! I KNOW THE TRUTH! HE'S LYING I TELL YOU! You've got to believe me--*stab*

2010-07-31, 04:17 AM
Uh...the Hell you say?

Did Innis and Callos suddenly become the sole voices of authority in this RP? I sure as Hell didn't see or hear of that.

...Because it's not like ninja can't shoot fireballs up into the air, no sir.

Because it is Innis's Faction, and what he says his stuff can do goes? Innis said no, it's his faction, leave it at that.

Also, some MATH as to why fireballs shooting up at you doesn't work.

Point A: 50 Meters above ground, flying at a diagonal distance from Point B totaling 100 feet.

Point B (AKA: Ninja 2): Fires a Fireball at him.

Fireball travels at speeds less than 30 MPH, as they are capable of being dodge'd.

Going at a median speed of 20 MPH, the fireball will cover 9.1319 meters every second, meaning that you have well over 8 seconds to dodge the (Sauske Level) fireball technique just flying above basic building height (completely disregarding the ability to go well into the thousands of feet in height). If you can't do that your either caught off guard, or just really lazy. Hell, this is all assuming The Phoenix Fire Juutsu can even REACH that distance, they tend to peter out rather quickly, and being fire, it tends to burn itself out. Then there's the deal that you'd likely still be moving, and quickly at that, making you a literal pinprick in the sky, almost impossible to hit for ANY ground based Foe regardless of skill.

That's even disregarding the fact that it's armor, Kunai won't penetrate, explosive tags wont hit in the wildest dream of any Ninja, most techniques take awhile to cover that much distance, barring LAZOR BEAMS like with the Kyuubi, there will be literally nothing outside of the Largest Summons (which you can still fly out of the range of, barring the Dragon Summon), and Tailed Beasts that can touch you, even Kage Level Opponents will be made completely invalid before your ability to simply fly out of range, and carpet bomb the area, leaving them with nothing to defend.

The simple ability to have consistent flight, in a setting without it, makes you nearly invulnerable to anything, and the character would have to be holding a complete idiot ball, literally standing there for hours before he'd ever even be touched as they slowly found a technique with that much absurd range.

2010-07-31, 09:25 AM
...Didn't I already drop this?:smallconfused:

Mina Kobold
2010-07-31, 11:33 AM
Your thinking of cuttlefish. You can change their colors, and even texture's, on a whim, for mating purposes, avoid being eaten, or any other myrid responses. They're actually quite sophisticated, they've got multiple layer's of thin pigments in their skin they can contract and dialate without to much thought. Considering they're also insanely intellegent, we should feel lucky we evovled legs and the ability to breath air first, or they would be our masters.


*Ahem* sorry about that. I personally wouldn't mind coexisting with intelligent, land-based cuttlefish, unfortunately logic, history and evolution wouldn't let that happen. kajib'd logic, what good has it ever done to us! :smalltongue:

It would be a cool FFRPG, though :smallsmile:

Okay, seven tailed tapir it is! I called it!

And if nobody else called it then I call bunny!

Not necessary a tailed beast bunny, just a bunny.

Bunnies are amost as cute as cuttefish =:3

...Didn't I already drop this?:smallconfused:

Not as far as I can tell, your last post was about fire chakra and an Iron Man-expy who could only jump high and not fly.

Which I think is a good idea, by the way :smallsmile: