View Full Version : A Road to "Hell" - IC thread

2010-07-18, 09:28 AM
After a long journey you arrive at the small village that seems to be indicated on your map.
Behind the big and ancient-looking stone house - the building that basically constitutes the whole settlement apart from a handful of small huts and the tents set up by several caravans - a huge mountain range covers the eastern horizon in its entirety.
The weather is rather bad; rain has been pouring the whole day and the wind is blowing strongly, up in the mountains lightning keeps illuminating the few snow-covered peaks that are actually visible from down here.
Not quite certain what to do you walk among the tents for a while. People of about every part of the world (as well as members of the more secluded species) are going about securing their possessions; some are even preparing to leave, but none of them are even acknowledging your presence.
Upon reaching the old house you hear music, shouts, and laughter inside, and the smell of warm food is reaching your nose when the door opens and a group of obviously drunk men comes out, walking past you.

2010-07-18, 11:11 AM
Standing on the inn's patio, the rain pouring heavily on him despite the low overhang, is a man wearing a familiar gray, tattering cloak. The cloak is soaked thoroughly to the point you can only guess at how long he's been standing here in the rain. He clutches the same gnarled quarterstaff in his hand as he did the day he gave you the crude map. This time, however, an unlit lantern is tied to one end of the staff. His hood is pulled back, revealing his face. And what a face it is! Countless years have weighed heavily on it. His hair has long ago rotted away. The skin on his face and head is wrinkled and sharply creased. His eyes hold a keen sort of malice in them, and they dart around continuously, as though he's looking for something specific.

His eyes lock onto yours as he picks you out easily from the crowd, one at a time. A smile covers his face, if the distortion of his skin could still be called a smile. He holds the lantern up, signaling that you should come to him. When he speaks, his voice is cracked and sharp. "It means so much to you? Good. We wait for the others."

2010-07-18, 12:07 PM
Wordlessly Frederick stood in the rain, a pitch black umbrella with a black handle keeping the rain off of his body. His face was expressionless and his gaze never seemed to shift. He stood in stark contrast to the rest of the people around him; his body was perfectly dry and even his shoes were mostly clean. A keen ear may be able to pick out the muttering of an odd word with every step he took, but hearing it over the sound of the storm was unlikely.

Nodding towards the man he made his way up the inn's patio and stood exactly two steps away from him. Facing away from the man he asked.

"How many are we expecting?"

2010-07-18, 12:55 PM
The man responds by holding up a hand, three fingers stretched out on it. His eyes scan the horizon, looking for the next of his guests.

I think there were five of us in total. If not, pretend I got the number right. Thanks much!

2010-07-18, 03:04 PM
A soaked and windblown figure rides up to the inn, on an equally miserable looking horse. Despite the weather, he makes sure that the horse is somewhere dry and secured before making his way to the overhang and standing there shivering.

Up close, it seems to be a young man, fair-haired and skinned. His clothes look vaguely military, in some aspects, like those of a former soldier or maybe a deserter. He has a short sword sheathed at his side, which looks cared-for but not as well-used as would be expected.

After wringing the water out of his cloak, he finally looks up and greets the two standing there with a nervous wave. His voice is as boyish as his face, and he still shivers, giving him the overall sound and appearance of a very young man indeed. "Um, h-hello. Jack S-smithson, pleased to meet you."

2010-07-20, 09:55 AM
"No pleasure. Not for this journey. I've had many names, and you may call me whichever suits you the best. Noah. Ishmael. Sinbad. And there are others. I answer to them all." The man looks around one more time, then glances up at his lantern.

"I do not think the others will be coming. You probably want to know why you're here, am I right? Well the truth of the matter is that something weighs on each of you, and it drew me to you. You've lost something dear to you, and you want it back. That's why you've come, isn't it? Of course it is.

I've lost something, too. I let it eat away at me for many years before I realized something. There's a way to get it back. I can't do it alone, but it can be done. There is a place that some people whisper of, ruled over by a grim lord indeed, but a god. He has the power to restore what is lost to us, for all things go to him. Tell me then. Are you in?"

2010-07-20, 09:01 PM
The young man unconsciously reaches for something around his neck, but stops halfway there. Pensively, he stares into the rain for a minute. "I've heard stories about people who go against the gods. It... doesn't usually end well for them."

He closes his eyes, as if trying to gather his strength. "But... if that's what it takes, if that's the only way, then yes. Even if it means defying the heavens themselves."

2010-07-20, 09:09 PM
"Good. Now tell me. What assets do you bring? What strengths will carry you where mortals were not meant to travel? And what weaknesses will leave you on the side of the trail? If even half the legends I have heard are true, we will have to keep our eyes on one another. If I believed I could make this journey alone, I wouldn't have bothered with the two of you, that's for certain." Sinbad's eyes drift slightly closed and the flame in his lantern flickers briefly, dancing in the small shell of glass.

2010-07-21, 12:46 AM
I'm in."

His voice was unwavering and strong. The response neither came too early as to seem eager, nor was the pause long enough to show even the smallest hint of doubt. His body is still bone dry, despite the pouring rain.

"I'm sure you know what I am capable of. However, I will tell you regardless. I bring you the knowledge and insight of a thousand men, the strength and utility of The True Language and a silver tongue matched by few."

Running his fingers gently against his perfectly styled hair Frederick continues.

"I'm not a fighter, nor am I a killer. However, it is not from arrogance when I say that I will be of use for whatever it is to come. My name is Frederick Elthier and whether through steel or word, genocide or pantheocide I promise you that I will give my all in gaining what was lost, no matter the cost."

With a gaze like his voice Frederick stares out the raining field filled with people. He had made up his mind a long time ago... He wasn't going to turn back now.

2010-07-21, 01:34 AM
"I... can fight a little, but not very well." He seems to have a brief internal debate, before sighing and continuing. "And... I have a bit of magic to protect me. I've never used it against someone, but... I could..."

2010-07-21, 09:57 AM
"And to remove any doubts you might have, I bring three things that neither of you could hope to attain on your own. I have experience. I have time. And I have the way." At this last part, he looks up towards his lantern, glowing softly on the stick. "No mortal knows the location of the gates to The Land of the Dead. Thankfully, I know of someone who might."

2010-07-21, 01:30 PM
"Jack" pauses, then asks what Frederick is probably already thinking. "...Someone who's not mortal?"

2010-07-21, 02:52 PM
As if in answer to that question a bolt of lightning pierces the clouds around the highest of the mountain peaks and, just for a split-second, throws it into sharp relief. A few seconds later a loud thunder blocks out the noise of the rain and the talk inside.

"Out of my way."
Another man has just left the inn and bumps into Jack after Frederick has stepped out of the way just in time. The guy is rather fat and reeks of expensive whisky.

2010-07-21, 04:02 PM
Sinbad ignores the drunk. Breathing deeply, he answers quietly. "Someone who knows firsthand what happens to those who dare to try and oppose the will of the gods. More importantly, someone who has nothing left to lose, and might therefore help us. We seek the titan Atlas, cursed to hold the sky on his shoulders. If anyone would help us, it would be him."

2010-07-22, 04:27 AM
"So, we hunt down a Titan that holds up the sky in order to find the Land of Dead."

Sidestepping to avoid the filthy drunk that almost bumped into him Frederick continues.

"Whatever must be done then. Where and when do we start?"

2010-07-22, 03:24 PM
Jack stumbles as the man bulldozes into him, but catches himself on the side of the building and sheepishly doesn't say anything about it. "Atlas? Wow... I mean, I've always believed in the gods and titans, I just kind of thought they were... farther away."

Distantly, he turns to look at the mountains from afar. "So... is that why we're here in particular? Because we're close to where he is?"

2010-07-23, 02:42 PM
"We start first thing in the morning. I've already arranged for rooms for the three of us, along with food, water, and horses. The mountains can be treacherous, and yes, that is where we are going. Our journey starts here. Our guide will meet us tomorrow morning. How far he will accompany us, I cannot say. But he will take us at least into the mountains. Now then, step out of the rain. Eat some food. You will need your strength." Sinbad opens the door, allowing the others to step in. He feels a bit too comfortable in the cold downpour to let it end even a moment sooner than he must. The water brings a sort of life to his skin that hasn't been present in... well, in far too long.

2010-07-23, 03:21 PM
The inn looks as ancient from the inside as it did from the outside. The tables and chairs seem to be close to collapsing, the patterns on the carpets covering a trodden-down hardwood floor are barely recognizable, the trophies of the several mountain beasts covering the walls are covered in dust, and the old man behind the bar taking up an entire wall of the room looks as if he has seen the house being built.
Nevertheless the room is filled with life; people talking loudly, laughing, singing, and - at a few tables - playing instruments from different corners of the world. Several young women are refilling plates and mugs, and one of them approaches you as you enter.

"Good evening, dear sirs. You must be hungry from your journey. Everything has been prepared as asked," she looks over to Sinbad, "if you wish your food can be brought up to your rooms, and a bath could also be prepared."

While you stand there, several more people squeeze past you leaving the inn.

2010-07-23, 04:17 PM
Sinbad seems distracted by something for the first time since you've met him. "Bread and water for me. Nothing more. And a bath would be perfect. The colder the better. These two can speak for themselves." As the third person squeezes past, the sailor finally asks what the question that's been on his mind. "Why is everyone leaving?" He holds his lantern up for no apparent reason. The light is no stronger than what is already illuminating the room. Still, he holds it up and looks around as though looking for something in particular.

2010-07-23, 04:55 PM
Jack's stomach growls audibly, and he looks relieved by the mention of food. "Oh, yes, starving. I'll take whatever you've got."

He looks around the room, fascinated by everything as only youth or a very sheltered life could be.

2010-07-25, 02:19 AM
"There are two caravans leaving early tomorrow morning, and if they miss their scheduled departure, they will have to wait for another spot. If you follow me..."

The waitress leads you out of the main room and up a solid stone stairway to the first of two stories, and along a hallway to your three separate rooms.
"Your bath will be ready in an hour, I will get your food right away."

A few moments later you are dining, Sinbad on simple bread and water, the other two on an equally simple but richer fare.
During your baths - the small tubs have been brought directly to your room - you take a closer look at tonight's place of rest:
The walls , ceiling, and floor of the room are much the same as of the main room below, but without any decorations. The only three pieces of furniture are a small table, a chair only marginally less rickety-looking as those below, and a bed, big enough to contain even the biggest of humans; a single blanket and a straw-stuffed pillow are placed neatly at the head.

2010-07-25, 07:58 AM
A few moments later you are dining, Sinbad on simple bread and water, the other two on an equally simple but richer fare.

Frederick doesn't say much. In fact, the most you hear out of him the entire time is some incomprehensible word once the food arrives. If asked about it he'll explain that it's a little bit of magic that helps enhance a foods flavor by an incredible amount, and that he is willing to do the same to your food if you desire it.

During your baths - the small tubs have been brought directly to your room - you take a closer look at tonight's place of rest:

Forgoing the bath, Frederick instead walked around the room and examined everything closer. He didn't need to bathe; his magics took care of that just fine. After examining the room he would then move around small objects, adjust mirrors, and generally make the room look neater. It would never stick, of course. Come morning something would be out of place... the mirror would be ever-so-slightly tilted, an object would fall over, the pillow would lose some straw... it never a huge and most people would never even notice it.

Frederick was not like "most people".

a single blanket and a straw-stuffed pillow are placed neatly at the head.

His last action before going to sleep was to clean the bed. It was a word he spoke daily and despite it's impossible complexity he spoke it with ease. Dust and grim normally unnoticeable fell off the bed and onto the ground. It was cleaner then what any washing could ever get it

If he had his own room, he would then disrobe completely, folding up his clothing and placing it on the nearby chair. If he was sharing a room with his companions he would, thankfully, keep his undergarments on.

He would only sleep for a few hours. Waking up a few short hours before the sun comes up. It was a habit that he had no intention of breaking. He would then get dressed before sitting back down on the edge of the bed, waiting patiently for everyone else to wake up as well.

2010-07-25, 08:25 AM
Sinbad ignores the bed completely. The icy waters of the bath are a comfort to his skin, and he decides to sleep there. He's all too aware of what sort of night would await him in the bed. If the insomnia didn't claim him, the nightmares would. He would wake thirsty, dry, and generally in pain. No. Much better to sleep in the water, where he belongs. As he always does when sleeping in cold water, Sinbad sleeps peacefully through the night.

2010-07-25, 04:10 PM
"Jack" devours the food like someone who hasn't eaten a good meal in a long time, and makes sure that he's alone - even going so far as to block the door - before his own bath. He re-dresses in his clothes and unblocks the door as soon as it's done.

Despite his fatigue, he opens the window and spends several long minutes looking out it, up at the stormy sky before going to bed, just seeming to savor the view. In the privacy of his room, he pulls something small and metallic out of a hidden inner pocket and clutches it protectively, before finally returning it and going to bed, fully clothed.

He wakes up only once, in the very dead of night, to repeat his sky-watching. This time, he kneels in front of the window in prayer, and remains that way for about an hour before returning to bed, not to wake again until dawn.

2010-07-26, 04:24 AM
The next morning is damp, cold, and foggy, but at least it isn't raining anymore. Inside the inn everything is silent, but from the outside the sounds of packing, shouts, and animals can be heard; the first caravan of the day is almost ready for departure.

The only person present downstairs is an old woman cleaning the floor an tables; apparently neither food nor drink is served in the morning.

Outside a man dressed in tough, fur-lined leather clothes is waiting for Sinbad, ready to take the group to the other henchmen. Judging by his very tan and leathery face, as well as his general features, he is probably a local, and probably one who knows the mountains in front of you like the back of his hand.

The whole expedition consists of him, four more men (similarly dressed, with the addition of large backpacks), and two mules that seem to struggle a little under all the equipment they are carrying. After checking everything for a last time, the man justs stands there, looking at Sinbad.

2010-07-27, 09:14 AM
"I am ready, Zerechen. As soon as your men are set, we may begin. Unless the others wish to make some last minute purchases?" The old sailor, still damp from the night before, looks over his shoulder at the others with an inquisitive glance.

2010-07-27, 02:56 PM
"No, I'm good..." Jack's arms are wrapped around himself, and he shivers slightly at the combination of early morning and chilly air.

2010-07-29, 03:58 AM
It takes the better part of the day before you come high enough to leave the fog behind you for good, but when you finally do, the view that greets you is breathtaking; the evening sun's reddish light is reflected from the countless snow-covered peaks surrounding you, and below you the forests of fir trees form an impenetrable dark green surface, dotted with shimmering snow.

The enjoyment of the view is short-lived, though. Out of nowhere Zerechen lifts up his hand, motioning you to stop, but the three of you have already noticed the large wolves hiding ind the deep snow behind the last, half-dead trees that try to grow at this altitude. They are definitely too large to be mundane wolves, and Jack is certain he has read about them; winter wolves they are called, and they hunt by freezing their prey to death with their breath [15 ft. cone, 4d6 cold damage, Reflex DC 16 half, every 1d4 rounds]. Luckily they don't seem to have fully realized that you have seen them, yet, and they keep waiting for you to come closer.


Please roll initiative with your next post.

2010-07-29, 04:33 AM

"Winter wolves..." he whispers. "They're very aggressive. Bigger and stronger than normal wolves, and they can also freeze prey with their breath."

He quietly whispers a prayer for safety and draws a hand across his chest, waiting for someone else to take the lead.

Casting Protection from Energy (Cold).

2010-07-29, 05:59 AM
The whole expedition consists of him, four more men (similarly dressed, with the addition of large backpacks), and two mules that seem to struggle a little under all the equipment they are carrying. After checking everything for a last time, the man justs stands there, looking at Sinbad.

Frederick follows the rest of his group silently, umbrella in hand. It was a very useful tool, protecting him from both rain and sun. In times of trouble it could even be used as an impromptu weapon.

Hopefully, that wouldn't come up.

Luckily they don't seem to have fully realized that you have seen them, yet, and they keep waiting for you to come closer.

"So then, gentlemen. How shall we handle this?" Saying such Frederick begins an odd chant. The sound was unearthly and... it seemed to rhyme; each word flowing perfectly into the next. During this chant two 'words' seemed to stand out the most.

Suddenly, the snow in the area cleared leaving not a speck of it behind, while Sinbad felt a great deal.... wiser.

Recitation of the Unclouded Eye: Boosting the DC by 11 to see enemies current HP and to use Vocalizations while in it. Also I can see there given names. Also I can see there Alignment. DC = 21 [roll0]

Shroud the Earth: Reversed to clear all the snow in a 25 feet burst. Targeting the path between us and the wolves. DC = 32 [roll1]

Phrase of Perfection: Boosting Sinbad's Wisdom by 5, DC 33. [roll2]

2010-07-29, 08:22 AM
Initiative: [roll0]
Actions: Bestow Curse on a wolf in the middle. Heightened to a 4th level spell. Will DC 20 negates. -4 on attacks, saves, ability checks and skill checks.
Overcome SR: [roll1]

OOC: No snow?! But I'm so good in the snow!

Sinbad scowls. "A waste of our time, if you ask me. Let them feast on one another for all I care." Still, he raises his staff above his head, the lantern swinging about erratically. With a gesture and a mumble, a wave of shadow falls on one of the wolves in the middle.

2010-07-29, 03:36 PM
Round 1

While the wolves get ready to pounce, and the henchman are just standing there in surprise for now, you have the chance to strike first.

51 hp each, no given names

2010-07-29, 04:58 PM
How many White Wolves are there?

'Continue the rhyme, speak the words. You have things to do. You will not fail.'

Inbetween the ceaseless rhyme Frederick lets out two more powerful words.

Symbol of Affliction: Paralyze DC 40. [roll0] -2 because of no given name.

Symbol of Affliction: Paralyze DC 40. [roll1] -2 because of no given name.

Each one is on a different wolf. It lasts for one minuet.

2010-07-30, 02:39 AM
With a deep breath to steel his nerves, Jack rushes over to the wolves that are still moving. He crosses the distance quite slowly; his limp, previously no more than an inconvenience, is much more of an impairment during the excitement. Once he gets close enough, he flicks one hand at the pack in a shooing gesture and says something in an archaic-sounding tongue, one that Frederick almost certainly recognizes as Celestial. "Wicked hunters, plague this stretch no more!""

From behind her where the rest of the group is, the only thing visible is a flashing glow in front of her. The wolves, however, are assaulted with a blast of multicolored light like a chromatic supernova.

Casting Color Spray, DC 17. For the purposes of determining the effects of Runa's Illusion (Pattern) spells, all targets are considered to have 6 less hit dice, minimum 1. So if they have less than 8 hit dice normally, they're at risk of being struck by the full effects that Color Spray would normally only have on a creature of two hit dice or less.

2010-07-30, 04:33 AM
Sinbad proceeds to curse another of the wolves, since his previous target has already been hit by the full force of Jack's spell and is now just lying on the ground, unconcious. While the wolves approach the group, Frederick manages to paralyze one more wolf with his speech; the rest of them open their jaws, and with an eerie howl an unnatural, freezing cold washes over you.


The first breath hits Jack and Zerechen ([roll0]) (15 cold damage, DC 16 reflex half),
the second hits Jack, Zerechen ([roll1]), and Frederick (16 cold damage, DC 16 reflex half),
the third hits Sinbad, Frederick, the hireling ([roll2]) keeping the first mule from running, and the mule ([roll3]) (17 cold damage, DC 16 reflex half)


Zerechen manages to avoid most of the first attack, but in doing so gets fully hit by the second. Still, apart from shivering and blueish skin, he seems unharmed and springs forward, axes drawn; a growl is the only response from the two bleeding gashes appearing on its face.

The man handling the first mule seems to freeze completely for a while, but then manages to move slowly and successfully manages to calm down the half-frozen and panicked animal in his charge.

The other man get out their crossbows and load them.


Round 2

2010-07-30, 09:49 AM
I actually screwed up. I need to touch a creature to curse it. So it looked like the first target didn't really make a difference. The second one could be a five foot step to discharge the spell on the one right next to me. Here's my touch attack. [roll0]

As the rush of cold hits him, Sinbad smiles. The ice soaks into his skin, bringing a sense of comfort to the old sailor. His response to the wolf's icy breath is to step away from the wolf next to him and wave his staff. With a new wave of shadows and a small ripple of water, the wolf feels the effects of the curse as he struggles to resist this new spell.

5 foot step away, followed by Baleful Polymorph. Fort Save DC 20 to avoid turning into a brown rabbit, followed by Will Save DC 20 to avoid taking on the rabbit's mental faculties. See Beast Shape III for details on mechanical effects of becoming a rabbit

2010-07-30, 11:35 AM
Before the blast of freezing air can hit him Frederick manages to swing his umbrella down in front of him right in the nick of time. Although it manages to stop most of the blast (Along with covering the top of it with a thin layer of ice) some of the blast still manges to hit his lower body.

Lifting the slightly heaver umbrella over his head Frederick recites two more words, this time directed at Zerechen.

Word of Battle: DC 23. +5 to Damage and AB for One Round.

Syllable of Swiftness: DC 32. Burn two AoO for Two attacks. Limited by amount of AoO's Zerechen has. [roll]1d20+

2010-08-01, 10:49 AM
Jack conjures another display of brilliant lights, like a polar aurora, as he heads toward one of the unconscious wolves.

Color Spray on the wolf in front of me, and a 5-foot step northwest.

2010-08-01, 12:20 PM
Another wolf is disabled by Jacks illusionary magic, and Zerechen, greatly invigorated by Frederick's skillful speech, brings down the last one standing; all the while a small frightened rabbit dashes away through the snow.

After he's made sure that the greatly wounded animal is really dead, Zerechen proceeds to slit the throat of each winter wolf still alive and orders his men to skin the beasts.

While the hit mule looks ready to continue, its handler is still shivering and looks like he is struggling to stay conscious.

"I think we shouldn't go on today, I need to get him warmed up, and the mules need to calm down. Besides, we could safe rations if we use the wolf meat, and we wouldn't make it much further before sundown anyway."

Zerechen's words almost sound like a question as he addresses Sinbad with his opinion.

2010-08-01, 01:28 PM
"You are the expert Zerechen. As I would expect you to follow my advice without question at sea, we will follow yours in these mountains." Sinbad brushes his frosty hair away from his eyes, coming down slowly from the high he experienced in the wolf's frigid breath.

2010-08-01, 11:27 PM
Jack nods his understanding, and sets off to make himself useful. After checking up on the frozen handler and providing a bit of magical aid to the most harshly afflicted extremities, he goes to assist the others at dealing with the meat and hides - a task which he proves surprisingly adept at, unflinchingly helping to skin and butcher the corpses with practiced ease.

2010-08-02, 05:06 AM
The area already cleared from snow makes setting up the small camp an easy job, and only an hour later the smell of grilled wolf meat fills the dry, warm air around the fire Zerechen somehow managed to produce from the damp wood of the surrounding dead trees.

The night passes uneventful, and when you leave your tent, a cloudless sky and the first rays of sunshine greet you; the men are already at work, packing everything together, and after a quick breakfast of cold, grilled wolf, you are on your way again.


During your whole week of climbing higher and higher through the mountains, the small pack of winer wolves marked the only dangerous incident, and so, cold, unharmed, and rather bored by now, you reach the destination; not yours, but that of your guides.

Zerechen points towards the peak of the mountain right in front of you, reaching higher than any of the countless others you have seen so far.
"From here there is only one path that leads where you want to go, it is easy to follow, but deadly. Normally nobody comes anywhere near this mountain, this is why we didn't meet anyone on our way. We'll wait here until our supplies run out, as agreed.
Good luck."


Zerechen was right, and after barely two hours, a big rock suddenly hits the ground behind you, only barely missing you. You look around to see where it came from; a gigantic figure is standing on top of a precipice further up the mountain. Once it sees you looking up it starts floating down toward you, and soon you can see him more clearly: An enormously huge, bearded man, wrapped in furs and an icy blue cloak that seems to be made of a single dragon's hide, the skull of which the giant wears as a helmet. He also seems to have an equally huge maul on his back.

[You have three rounds of preparation before the giant reaches you, just running away would require a lot of climbing, since the thrown rock blocks the path.]


You immediately identify him as a cloud giant, one of the strongest giant-kin. Luckily they are also known to be the most reasonable and least brutish of giants. Maybe you could avoid a fight somehow; against such a skilled fighter and possible spellcaster this might even be your best course of action.

[Not much to say stat-wise here. Just treat the whole monster entry (not the fluff) as character knowledge.]

2010-08-02, 01:40 PM
"Running away is possible, if you wish to do so." After saying such Friedrick begins to utter several words of power. In order to do so quickly he releases some of the magic stored inside his black leather belt.

At first you feel a rush of life fill your body. After this your bodies feel light and begins to float off the ground, allowing you to fly like a humming bird.

Hooo kay.

Round One: Syllable of Entropy Twice. DC 26 [roll0] [roll1] HP Gained [roll2] First one on Sinbad the second on Jack. Followed by Recitation of the Unclouded Eye DC 21 Can see HP, Alignment, and Given Name.

Round Two: Phrase of Flight Once on Self. DC 37. Six Rounds of Flight /w Good Maneuverability. Followed by Syllable of Entropy on self. [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]

Round Three: Phrase of Flight Twice. Sinbad then Jack. DC 37. [roll6]

2010-08-03, 06:02 PM
"Oh dear... why is he attacking us?!"

Jack quickly begins to pray, briefly filling the air with a divine glow. He refrains from drawing a weapon while the giant's is still on its back, though.

Casting Prayer and Sanctuary.

2010-08-03, 07:30 PM
"State your grievance, Giant. We are simply passing through, seeking wisdom from one far wiser than we. If you have no qualms with us, let us pass. If we have wronged you, we will consider making amends. However, if you insist on accosting us without reason, we will defend ourselves, but know that you cannot kill me, by decree of the Olympian gods." Sinbad does little to hide his irritation at the interruption. Surprisingly, his words are spoken with an eloquence that contradicts sharply with the wasting nature of his appearance.

Sinbad is talking slow enough to take 3 rounds. Diplomacy is:

2010-08-04, 04:49 AM
The giant let's out a short laugh at Sinbad's last remark, so loud and booming that some snow starts falling from above.

"So the Olympians haven't forgotten their prisoner, after all. No matter. The Jötnar have claimed Atlas their own, and soon we will free him from his eternal task and he will become our ally. If you are here to stop us, immortal or not you will never leave these mountains. If you are indeed only here in search of wisdom, explain yourself!"


Helblindi; you know this name, it's the name of an ancient giant, a brother of Loki. 330 hp.

2010-08-04, 11:46 AM
"I didn't say I speak for the Olympians. Only that they will not allow me to die. Will you take us to Atlas? I want to ask him some questions that he alone is old enough to know the answers to." Sinbad wonders how the giant knew they were seeking Atlas, but he figures that it's best not to ask. Few come this way, and fewer still without a reason, after all. It makes sense.

2010-08-04, 12:32 PM
Looking at Sinbad with the same stoic expression as always Friedrick relays the information that his eyes have uncovered.

"This." Taking one hand of his umbrella Friedrick points to the giant. "Is Helblindi, brother of Loki. I'm sure you know of the Norse Trickster God, so I won't explain. This one is... a great deal stronger then the typical Cloud Giant."

After saying such he places his point on back on the handle of the umbrella. It was best to keep a firm grip on them in this type of weather. Who knows when a strong gust of wind would pass by to rip it from your hands?

2010-08-04, 02:05 PM
The giant seems to consider for a moment, before he answers, causing even more snow to fall down on you:

"Very well, just out of curiosity I will take you to him. But I do not think you will be able to get your answers. Climb on!"

He leans forward and places his left hand on the ground outstretched, palm upward.

2010-08-04, 10:11 PM
Jack looks nervously from the giant to Sinbad and Friedrick. If they do as the giant commands, he follows with a silent glance skywards.

2010-08-06, 06:44 PM
Sinbad lowers his staff over his shoulder, stepping fearlessly onto the giant's hands. "So tell me, Brother of Loki, what has happened to the Titan that he won't be able to answer our questions?"

2010-08-06, 06:53 PM
Follong Sinbad's lead Friedrick steps fearlessly onto the giants hand as well. His face is firm and shows no hint of emotion at all.

2010-08-07, 03:55 AM
Stopping in his tracks, the giant lifts you up to his face and eyes you closely while he speaks, producing a warm, wet wind around you:

"Intriguing... Now, how do you know who I am? Are you sure the Olympians have not sent you? Maybe the Ćsir, hm? No, they do not know, yet. And the others have no interest in this... Who sent you?"

2010-08-07, 05:24 PM
"I sent myself. I've been around a long, long time. Long enough that my name has been lost to time. Which reminds me. You may call me Ishmael. Or Sinbad, or Noah. Whatever strikes your fancy. I've gone by all of those names and others in recent years. And what should I call, you? Let both our names be lost to the ages, and let both of us not make enemies of those we can't kill."

If you want a bluff check, feel free to roll it privately. I don't want to know how successful it is. Also, if anyone cares, Sinbad is making an effort to protect his mortal companions, hence the slight bluff there

2010-08-07, 05:54 PM
A proper introduction was only polite, so Frederick decided to do so.

"I am Frederick Elthier. I know your name, Son of Fárbauti, because I know all names. Or, at least, the names that you are given."

With a 'swish' he puts the open umbrella to the side of his body and gives a small bow.

2010-08-07, 10:13 PM
"I'm... Jack Smithson. I guess Sinbad sent me," he admits sheepishly.

2010-08-08, 04:18 AM
The giant continues to walk up the path. He ignores Sinbad for now and laughs at Jack's introduction, almost blowing you off his hand, before his eyes focus on Frederick.

"A powerful art you call your own, Frederick Elthier, and one I believed extinct among mortals... Hm, maybe you are here by your own design, after all. Ah, we have arrived."

You look around, but the only thing you can see are three big camp fires on a small plateau in front of you, as well as a handful of giants standing guard. Then, with his free hand, your guide points toward the peak, and you notice enormous rocks moving from side to side, almost like eyes surveying the camp. From there you start noticing a mouth-like gash, then something resembling a nose; eventually you can make out the whole body clearly, as if it had never been hidden from your eyes.
The great titan Atlas doesn't reside on the mountain's peak. He is the mountain, keeping Gaia and Uranos apart, keeping them from resuming their primordial embrace.

"You see, our task is not a small one, and I doubt yours will be, either."

After having carried you over to one of the campfires, the giant lets you down.

"You will have to ascend on your own from here, the titan and I are not on friendly terms right now."

2010-08-10, 10:38 AM
"Can he speak? If not, he's of no use to us."

OOC:If he can speak:
Sinbad begins the climb ahead, showing eagerness for perhaps the first time.

OOC:If he cannot speak:
Sinbad scowls a moment, thinking to himself. "Very well then, Giant. If he cannot speak, I will have to ask another. We seek the road to the underworld. Other mortals have gone before us, and many of them have been able to return from whence they came with what they sought. I intend to count myself among their number. Do you know the way? Would you be willing to tell us?"

2010-08-10, 11:04 AM
"He can, but I do not know if he will."


After the first few meters of your ascend you have to resort to the climbing equipment from the backpacks Zerechen gave you when you parted ways. After an exhausting half hour of climbing, you have reached what you think is Atlas' left shoulder; the closest spot to his ears that you can reach.

2010-08-10, 11:18 AM
"Telemonian Atlas, hear me out. I have also been wronged by the ones that have imprisoned you here. I seek retribution, but the road ahead of me is long and difficult. I seek the path to the Underworld, that I might regain what was taken from me. Of all beings still living, you alone must know where the entrance lies. Will you tell me where I must go? What I must do? I will be in your debt eternally, one immortal bound to another."

2010-08-10, 11:33 AM
No answer.

2010-08-10, 06:06 PM
"...Immortal?" Jack mumbles silently to himself, but doesn't ask.

"Maybe he can't hear us."

Determinedly, he says a brief prayer and begins floating into the air, heading closer to the mountain's ear, and yells out to it with startling volume. "Atlas! Can you hear us?"

2010-08-11, 01:29 PM
Still nothing.

You think. There was a strong burst of wind, probably just coincidence.

2010-08-11, 05:16 PM
"...What if we can't hear him?"

2010-08-17, 11:09 PM
"Well.... Now what?" For the first time since the journey began, Sinbad asks the advice of his companions. Maybe he's at a loss of ideas. Maybe he is simply testing the ones he's selected. Or perhaps there's another motive to his asking. None can really be sure.

2010-08-17, 11:26 PM
"I say we climb." Friedrick responds simply. "If he cannot hear us then we will make him hear us. If he is ignoring us then let us position ourselves so he cannot ignore us."

2010-08-19, 01:53 AM
From his airborne position near Atlas's ear, Jack looks back down. "Hasn't been working for me, but you can try. Perhaps it's a language barrier..."

Jack resumes shouting, this time in the celestial tongue of the gods themselves. "Atlas! Can you hear me?"

2010-08-19, 03:32 AM
This time the wind is stronger, and you can definitely hear something, very faint, that sounds like the same tongue Jack asked his question in:


If he said more it was swallowed by the sound of the wind.

2010-08-19, 03:39 AM
"I ask you a question, Atlus! To sate my personal curiosity. Is this rock and stone your skin and body? Or is it merely the dust and grim that has caked over your imprisoned form since you were punished to hold the sky forever?!"

2010-08-19, 01:44 PM
More wind devoid of information.

2010-08-19, 02:09 PM
Jack translates for Frederick, still hovering by Atlas's ear.

2010-08-19, 02:41 PM
The earth beneath your feet begins to shake; a rock formation below you slowly begins to move, looking more and more hand-like as it comes closer to you. When the 'hand' reaches you, the 'arm' stops, and what seems to be thumb and middle finger start rubbing against each other, dropping snow and frozen earth around and onto you [make a DC 15 reflex to avoid, otherwise you are soiled and take 2 damage]. After a few moments a black crystalline rock becomes visible where the sediments have been rubbed off.

2010-08-19, 10:01 PM

So, the dirt and grim is not his skin then. Moving quickly Frederick effortlessly blocks the falling debris with his umbrella. Even he couldn't understand this Titan he was sure that the titan could understand him.

"I offer you a simple thing, Atlas! Something that has been denied to you; one of many things that has been denied to you! All this filth and grim that cakes your body... gone! Does this interest you, Titan? To no longer have your body covered in dirt in filth?!"

2010-08-21, 01:02 PM
Several short bursts of wind almost knock you off your feet; they are accompanied by a sound similar to falling rocks, loud enough so that a few avalanches are set loose on the nearby peaks.

[Celestial]: "Tell me! What will then be left to protect me from the cold during my endless labor? What will hide me from the prying eyes of other mortals? What will make the world forget my existence?"

2010-08-21, 11:35 PM
"Would you then be forgotten, mightiest of the Titans? You would prefer to fade away to nothing than to be freed of your torment? You would succumb to the punishment of the Olympians simply because it's easier than reclaiming your former glory? I have a request, and will gladly do you a service in return. If you will tell me how to safely gain passage to the Underworld, I will do a favor for you in exchange." Sindbad speaks in Celestial so fluently, one would think it his native language. Perhaps it is. Or perhaps he's simply had a long time to think to about it? It's hard to say.

2010-08-22, 09:06 AM
Everything is silent for several minutes, then:

[Celestial]:"Caladbolg... There is only one favor I have to ask, and that is to end my existence. I can think of only one weapon you would be able to obtain which could kill me. Caladbolg, or Caladcholg. The sword's history is convoluted, parts of it even lost. I can give you only the resting place of its last wielder.
How badly do you want to reach the Hades? Think not only of the miles and years it might take to find the sword, but also of the giants who will oppose you should they come to know of your task."


History and Religion checks if you want to see what you now about the sword Caladbolg.

2010-08-22, 01:04 PM

(Celestial) "You want to die, even with the giants attempting to free you?"

2010-08-22, 02:22 PM
(Celestial)"I understand all too well. Consider it done. Years and miles mean little to me, and I will do as you ask." Sinbad pauses a moment, struggling to catch on to the wisps of memories that float through his mind.

Religion [roll0]
History [roll1]

2010-08-23, 11:07 AM
Adjusting one of his gloves momentarily Friedrick raises a brow at the entire conversation.

"The language of the heavens. Although I know what you're speaking I'm afraid I don't understand what you're saying.. I'd appreciate being told the gist of the conversation."

A pause.

"But there is one word I understood. Caladbolg, a sword of legends. I take it he wants us to fetch it? Figuring out its location should be a simple enough task, although recovering it may be less of one."


2010-08-23, 12:57 PM
Caladbolg, a powerful sword appearing in several - compared to ancient sagas minor and relatively recent - heathen myths, is most often wielded by Fergus mac Róich or Fergus mac Leda. It is said that to make a circle like an arc of rainbow when swung, and to have the power to slice the tops off hills and take out an entire host.


Among very few scholars the more famous Excalibur is sometimes considered to be the same sword, which would make it an even more powerful weapon, but would also mean that it would be very much harder to retrieve. You could also point to the graves of both the men Caladbolg is commonly associated with, as well as a few minor heroes appearing in relatively unknown folk tales.
Sadly you can't say more about Caladbolg's mythical powers, as your studies in that direction lack the depths for such obscure topics.
(You may remember up to two more specific items of information, but only within the bounds of "historic" study.)


"Then seal the agreement by touching me where I have removed earth and snow from my body."

The hand reaches further down, and the part which was revealed to be some kind of black stone is within your reach.

2010-08-23, 06:49 PM
With no fear, with no hesitation, Sinbad reaches out and touches the Titan. "It will be mine again" he whispers under his breath, returning again to the common tongue. [Celestial:]"I swear on your body, Telemonian Atlas, that I will kill you as you request. May all of us get what we desire, what is rightfully ours."

2010-08-23, 11:49 PM
As you touch the cold rock, you immediately know where the grave is located and how to get there. You also begin to feel a weight on you shoulders, as if you were carrying something heavy on your back, but it fades into the background once you stop concentrating on it.

2010-08-24, 01:46 AM
"Well then. I have the knowledge as to where we should head off to next. All the myths involving this sword that I know of were created on an island. So I'll assume that's where we're headed to next. I also know of the location of the one who wrote one of the recent legends, although whether he is alive or dead I cannot say. As good a starting point as anywhere else."

2010-08-24, 09:47 AM
Having read the OOC thread, I'm assuming that Frederick told us the name and/or location of the island well enough that I can recognize it

Sinbad smiles, his rotting flesh showing equally rotten teeth. "By the fates, I've been there before. And getting there will be no difficult task. We'll need a ship of course, and I know where we can get one. The captain doesn't tolerate passengers who don't pull their weight though. You'll have to find some way of making yourselves useful, even if it's nothing more than helping out the cook."

[Celestial]"Thank you, mightiest of the titans. We make haste now, the sooner to end your life."

2010-08-25, 12:10 AM
Jack still seems less than thrilled about their task, but doesn't complain. "Very well. I can make myself useful, I'm sure."

2010-08-25, 01:30 AM
"Good. I suppose when we meet up I'll either help with the cooking or clean the ship." A slight pause. If you're paying attention you'd notice that Fredrick is rubbing his thumb and index finger together.

He then turns his eyes to Jack. They seem to stare right through her, as if analyzing her very soul. There's a very good possibility that he already knows her little secret, but whether or not he really does is unknown. "Jack. I have a favor to ask of you. I would like for you to speak to me in the language of the divine for the rest of the day. It shouldn't take me long to master the language."

2010-08-26, 07:30 AM
Jack seems uncomfortable under the piercing stare, but nods surprised when Frederick makes his request.

"Sure, I can-"

(Celestial) "I mean sure, I can do that if you want.

2010-08-26, 05:13 PM
"My thanks." Friedrick nods once before turning his piercing gaze elsewhere. At first, the conversation is awkward. The conversation is never anything personal, mostly he asks about general things like 'Do you know what X is.' or 'Do you know how to cook x?'. However, after an hour he seems to pick up the basics of the language enough to understand what you're saying (most of the time). And after five hours he's speaking it fluently with you.

That is, of course, if you speak to him five hours straight. Although Friedrick never seems to grow annoyed at the conversation (Although anything could be hidden behind those eyes) that doesn't make it any shorter. If you take a break or wish to stop he doesn't push the issue.

2010-08-27, 12:20 PM
Once you have descended back down, your giant guide approaches you with a look of curiosity on his bearded face:

"I heard voices from above. Did you have any luck?"

2010-08-27, 12:30 PM
"We do a favor for him, and he will tell us that which we wish to know. We can say no more on the subject. I'm sure that you understand."

2010-08-27, 01:22 PM
Helblindi seems intrigued.

"A favor you say... Maybe we could come to a similar agreement. You see, the titan has not been very interested in our attempts to release him, but he is willing to listen to you. I am sure I can be of help with whatever you will have to do. In exchange I would only ask for your influence and support when it comes to dealing with Atlas. Since you already knew my name I do not think I have to tell you about the worth of my help."

2010-08-27, 04:45 PM
"Why are you so intent of freeing him against his wishes? Why will you not let him lay where he is comfortable? What goal are you planning on using the mightiest of the Titans to accomplish? While I appreciate the help you've already given us, I must admit that I am reluctant to agree to any request that you already acknowledge goes against Atlas's wishes. We will fare well enough on our own, I believe." The old sailor's eyes narrow just slightly as he addresses the giant. Still feeling no fear, there is a strange feeling of distrust that Sinbad can't quite shake concerning Loki's brother.

2010-08-28, 01:25 AM
"Imprisoned for ages with nothing but snow and rock to keep one company, his wishes and that what is best for him are no longer the same, I believe. But he is still a titan, and once free he will see the wisdom in freeing him. As for our plans, we are simply gathering allies. Ragnarök is closer than you might think."

2010-08-30, 08:53 AM
"Fighting destiny. An admirable goal, and not without merit." Keeping his gaze steadily on the Giant Fredrick continues. "But we're bound to take the Titans life." Even though he wasn't told what there goal was it seems he figured it out anyways. "If he changes his mind, then so be it. However, we have an agreement to fulfill in the mean time."

2010-08-30, 11:41 AM
Jack winces at hearing Frederick say their task out loud, less certain than the judge as to whether their "friend" would take it well. Nervously, he tries to excuse them from the discussion. "We really ought to get going, though. So much to do, and so little time to do it. If you'll excuse us..."

2010-08-30, 11:09 PM
Sinbad's face cringes at Frederick's loose tongue. He may not be able to die, but he can feel pain, and he knows that this giant is certainly strong enough to make things very uncomfortable for him. He also knows that he cannot fulfill his mission without his companions, who can die. Muttering a string of profanities, which alter between Common, Infernal, and Celestial, he turns back to look at his companions. "I had only two rules. You follow me wherever I may lead, and we do not speak of what we seek. That goes for those we meet as well. Is that too difficult to understand?"

2010-08-31, 01:56 AM
"Ha ha ha," the giant lets out a booming laugh, "do not be angry at your companion, you were not the first ones to receive Atlas' request, we have been here for some time, after all. Still," he turns his gaze toward Frederick, "that was rather bold. You must be very confident in you abilities; or simply reckless. No matter. So," he looks at each of you in turn, "has your answer to my proposal been changed by my explanations? Or do you still insist on murdering an ancient legend?"

The hint of a threat is so slight that you are wondering how such a loud boisterous voice can produce such fine distinctions.

2010-08-31, 05:36 AM
"I simply do not think you a fool, Giant. If you want to reach an agreement, then I have one that works well for both of us. Let us continue our task. When we succeed in getting what the Titan has requested, and we will succeed, it may bring hope to that hopeless being. Our success may make him desire more then simple death. That would be the moment you make your request. Show him that something can be done of his situation. That may be the only chance you have of gaining his help."

His voice never changes as he watches the Giant.

"Or he will still want death. If so, then he is a lost cause. Even if you grant him freedom then there isn't any guarantee he will follow you. Or do you disagree with me?"

There is something hidden behind Fredrick's eyes. As though he has an answer for everything the Giant could possibly say. It's unnerving, to say the least.


2010-08-31, 09:19 PM
"Murder? Hardly. Mercy. What prisoner would not want to be released from his prison? You seem to think the Titan lies stuck between earth and sky. He is a prisoner of this entire reality. What happened to the other Titans that fought in that great war so long ago? Dead. Eternally imprisoned and tortured. Each of them likely believing that they are the only one who remains. Were I to make a guess, I would believe that Atlas may very well be the last Titan alive. Is it murder to release a sufferer from such pain? Of knowing that while all those he has ever loved are long dead, he alone cannot die? Or is there no love among you and your kindred for you to understand what I'm saying? If you want Atlas to change his mind, I would suggest you free one of his brothers. Prove to him that all chains can be broken, and that not all has been lost to him. If that does not change his mind, I believe that nothing will. Regardless, my companions are bound to me by words alone. I am bound to do the Titan's bidding deep in my soul. And do it I will. I suggest you take my advice if you wish to change his mind. You have until I return victorious. And I will return victorious. For I have all the time in the world to get things right." Sinbad's eloquent words are lost in his disgusting appearance and his arrogant tone, as they normally are. He speaks as someone who knows all the fine arts of giving flourishing speeches, but also as someone who has long ago stopped caring about the attitudes and opinions of those around him. There is a subtle tone beneath his message that seems to be daring the giant to try and stop him. But if that's so, there does not seem to be any explicable reason for it.

2010-09-01, 01:04 PM
"Huh... I see. Many words and you forgot the most important one: Revenge. Who would prefer a coward's death and an eternity in Hel to a chance at retribution and a place in Valhalla?
I doubt I will change your minds with further talk; I will wait for you. If and when you return I shall ask you again. Until then."

For some reason Sinbad feels the giant is talking more about him than Atlas.
After looking again at each of you, Helblindi leaves you.

2010-09-03, 09:15 AM
Noticeably uncomfortable, Sinbad doesn't even look at his companions. He starts walking at a brisk pace. "Let's go" he snaps. For some reason, the giant has him pretty heated right now.

2010-09-07, 01:44 PM
Once they've safely made it down the mountain, Sinbad secures passage in a small caravan to a nearby port town called Dagoll. The entire time, he only speaks when he absolutely must, and always in as few words as possible. Once in Dagoll, he goes straight to the docks and seeks out a woman called Laughing Lily. "I'm calling in that favor. I need your ship and your crew. You're welcome to come along, but I'm the captain, and I call the shots. And for now, it's a one way trip."

2010-09-09, 08:30 AM
Your guides seem a bit surprised when you return this early (or maybe that you have returned at all). The descent is less draining than your way up as the weather has become considerably better since your talk with Atlas, and so you reach the old inn in only a fraction of the time.
Zerechen says a short farewell to Sinbad and gives the cleaned,dried, and packed wolf hides to Jack.


After about two months of a boring and uncomfortable mix of coach rides, walks, and a single short range teleport spell, you reach Dagoll, a remarkably unremarkable settlement of about 2000 people. Another week goes by before Laughing Lily's ship arrives in the harbor, which gives Jack and Frederick more than enough time and opportunity to wonder just how many connections Sinbad seems to have anywhere you come through.
Though maybe not all of them are worth their salt; Lily just looks at Sinbad for a whole minute, then: "I don't think so. That favor's worth the trip an' maybe something extra, nothing more. Remember the last ship I lent you? Finding the passage to the other side, somewhere in the icy north? No, definitely not just giving you my ship. Again."


Having somehow worked everything out you finally embark towards you destination, arriving at one of the biggest mercantile cities in the so-called modern world. Well, almost your destination. Dallin, the town you are actually starting your search for the sword in, is still a week away by foot, and so, without having a chance to get a closer look at this marvelous city, you continue on through the pleasantly green hills and past several small lakes; a nice change from the rather dull roads and steel gray sea of the last months.


Dallin, a comparatively small town, is dominated by a gigantic stone church, surrounded by rings of small houses in the architecture of the area, all of them looking nearly as old as the building they flock around. The main trade of the town seems to be in sheep, as the whole area around Dallin is swarming with sheep and the town itself has an unusual amount of tailor's and butcher's shops.

Your first stop is a house made of the same stone and in a similar style to the church. Behind it, in a small garden, a redhead man clothed in the simple but distinctive black garb worn by the clergy of the local faith is pulling out the weed between several different kind of herbs. When he hears you approach he stands up and looks at Sinbad in wonder.
"So, still alive I see."

2010-09-09, 03:38 PM
Lily's response makes Sinbad smile for the first time since speaking to the giant. Even his frigid nightly baths haven't been able to cheer him up lately. "Fine. You provide passage to Dallin, and then I'll need to borrow one of your engineers for an excavation that may not happen. You can have him back when we're through. And of course, there will be payment if the excavation yields more than what I'm looking for. While we're on the ship, my companions will help with whatever menial labor you need done, and you'll have my services as a seaman. Food and passage is all we will need. No payment, and my men can share your crew's quarters. Do we have a deal?"


"And what did you expect to kill me in such a short time? It's nice to see you again old friend."

Are you going to provide more details about this guy, or is that my responsibility?

2010-09-10, 03:22 PM
"You're right, I guess. Still, one wouldn't expect someone with your determination to fail at a task so easily accomplished by anyone else. I suppose that's why you've turned up here?"

While talking the man puts down a bushel of weeds on a nearby table and pulls off his gloves before he stretches out his right hand in greeting at Sinbad's traveling companions.

"William Clarke, pleasure meeting you."

Now you can get a closer look at him you see that the man is older than his voice suggests, although he is still considerably younger than you would expect from someone in charge of such a large church.

2010-09-11, 01:19 AM
"Indeed it is. We're looking for Caladbolg. What would it take for you to help us take it out of here?" Sinbad seems quite a bit less troubled than he had been of late. Maybe the time on the sea did him some good. He certainly seemed more at home on the ship than he did in the mountains. Perhaps he feels that he's making progress towards his unspoken goal. Or maybe his reunion with an old friend somehow softened his countenance. It would be difficult to say with any sailor, but even more with Sinbad. Something about him seems to be utterly alien to the mannerisms of this culture, as though he comes from a place far away from anything you've ever studied.

2010-09-11, 01:34 AM
Having somehow worked everything out you finally embark towards you destination, arriving at one of the biggest mercantile cities in the so-called modern world. Well, almost your destination. Dallin, the town you are actually starting your search for the sword in, is still a week away by foot, and so, without having a chance to get a closer look at this marvelous city, you continue on through the pleasantly green hills and past several small lakes; a nice change from the rather dull roads and steel gray sea of the last months.

On the trip at sea Fredrick personally volunteered to handle the cooking and cleaning. His work was... amazing, to put it bluntly. Aided with his power of Truenaming and overwhelming desire to keep things clean... well, it's not really that surprising.

Indeed, even if anyone offered him any help with cleaning or cooking he would simply refuse it. "I can do this better alone". would always be his response... it would sound arrogant if it wasn't so damn true.


"William Clarke, pleasure meeting you."

"Frederick Elthier. Pleasure." Shaking the mans hand (And the very quietly muttering the word of cleansing afterwards, removing any sweat or dirt from his very clean gloves) Fredrick introduced himself. He didn't say much but listened intently to every word spoken.

Something about him seems to be utterly alien to the mannerisms of this culture, as though he comes from a place far away from anything you've ever studied.

It was odd. Fredrick knew many things and read easily hundreds of books and ancient texts. Yet something about this man just didn't fit in with any known culture. He had to be missing something. He made a mental note to memorize any odd practices by the man and visit a library the first chance he had.

2010-09-13, 07:21 AM
"Hm, well, legendary weaponry isn't exactly of much interest to me, so I don't know much about the hiding place of this particular one. I could of course give you access to the church's archives, but if I remember correctly any place you might find the sword in would be older than any records. And then there's the matter of me having to lie low for a few more years before I even think about a new expedition... we might have more to talk about after you have enough clues to its whereabouts, though.
Do you have the time for a cup of tea or shall I lead you to the archives right away?"

2010-09-13, 04:08 PM
Sinbad smiles again, laughing slightly. The sound almost seems alien coming from him. You're sure that he's never laughed even a little since you've met him. "You know me. I've got all the time in the world, but I'm always in a hurry. But I'm sure that these two would like to rest after having been on the ship for so long. I'll let them relax while we have a cup of tea."

2010-09-15, 12:22 PM
"Very well, if you'll follow me..."


An hour and a half later you stand in the big system of vaults that constitutes the church cellar. Everything is well-maintained and lit, making the age difference between the church and the older cellars less obvious. Past two storage rooms and a room filled with barrels giving off a distinct whisky smell lie the archives.

The three separate rooms are full of shelves and small chests, mostly containing books of varying age and state of decay, but a few almost burst with all the stacked scroll cases; all of the rooms are noticeably dry and warm, perfect for the stored documents.

"When you've finished you can find me at my house. Good luck."


Spot checks may localize your search,
Search checks are needed to find documents pertaining to a general topic,
appropriate Knowledge checks may give boni to Search checks.

To find a specific document you must know what you are looking for, which requires previous research or an appropriate Knowledge check.

The most likely target of your research is probably some kind of death certificate or a document that contains a plan of the crypts, barrows, and graves in the area.