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View Full Version : Iron Kingdoms/Warmachine RPG

2010-07-18, 05:33 PM
Is there one? If so, is it any good? The fluff makes it look like a game would be pretty sweet, though admittedly brutal.

2010-07-18, 05:35 PM
Ayup, there is...

See http://privateerpress.com/iron-kingdoms if you like. I got to make a character, but never got to play. <sigh> Such is the life of the aged once-gamer...

- M

2010-07-18, 05:37 PM
Oh cool. But the Witchfire books look like novels. Are they just fluff?

2010-07-18, 07:54 PM
The Witchfire Trilogy is an awesome adventure that takes place in the Iron Kingdoms and expands on the (already excellent) setting. Even if you don't want to take a party through that story, you can at least have some of the events that take place throughout it take place in your campaign to give the world a living feel.

The Glyphstone
2010-07-18, 08:01 PM
Iron Kingdoms is awesome. They're out of print, though, so very hard and expensive to find.

2010-07-19, 12:20 AM
If so, is it any good? The fluff makes it look like a game would be pretty sweet, though admittedly brutal.
The fluff is sweet, but the rules are brutal to read. I mean, even after you get over the fact that it's based on D&D.

A good majority of the rules look like they've been designed with some sort of vague gritty realism in mind, but usually miss the mark and only add pointless, annoying complexity. Guns are useless, and are used only because it's the Iron Kingdoms and you should have guns, man! The classes, especially the Gun Mage, are not really all that exciting, and their abilities are often poorly thought out.

In general, the whole thing looks less like a professional rules supplement and more a collection of some dude's untested houserules for his steampunk D&D campaign.

There are rumours that Privateer's going to make a completely new game for the next edition of the Iron Kingdoms RPG. I hope they get it right this time.

They're out of print, though, so very hard and expensive to find.
Not if you don't mind .pdfs. Besides the usual unlawful routes, they're also for sale on DriveThruRPG (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=64479).

2010-07-19, 01:04 AM
Man Id shell out cash to see an updated IK rpg. Those Witchfire books really are awesome. The rules are gonna take me a while to get used to though.

2010-07-19, 01:12 AM
Is there one? If so, is it any good? The fluff makes it look like a game would be pretty sweet, though admittedly brutal.

Yes there is and yes its Awesome

Iron Kingdoms is awesome. They're out of print, though, so very hard and expensive to find.

Books now available on PDF through a couple of locations

The IKCG has the core of the rules that you need for the setting

The Monsternomicoms (1&2) are jam packed with all the setting specific nasty beasts

The Liber Mekcanika has expanded info on the makings of the settings primary type of magic items and associated classes and gear

The World Guide has a Lot of Great background info but no actual rules (Brilliant book but not a must have to play a game)

Five Fingers details the city of Five fingers (thats about all i know of it as i dont own it yet)

And if you can lay your hands on any of the back issues of No Quarter there are a lot of useful IKRPG articles in them

Lock and Load - While this book was written for the 3.0 ruleset it does still have a wealth of flavorful reading