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View Full Version : Nature Based Ravenloft Game

2010-07-19, 11:51 PM
So my buddy's wants to run a Ravenloft esk nature based game using the pathfinder system, the concept he said is there's a crazy b@*%h who is hunting down all the elves of the domain cause she sees them as corrupt and that the goodness is weakness. So after some soul searching I was hit with a ton of bricks, I wanted to play a Flind Paladin, worshiping the Erastil the god of community, hunting and farming. The idea is the Flind was raised by the Elves thus wants to help protect/bring divine justice to the crazy b!*%h. So I come here asking for some advice on how to build said paladin who I have dubbed Sir Fluffy the Mad Knight, all advice welcome well be starting at lvl 5 and have starting stats of 18, 16, 14, 12, 11, 10