View Full Version : Favourite Movie Trilogy?

2010-07-20, 05:44 AM
Don't act like you didn't hear me. What series of 3 did you most enjoy? Lord of the Rings? The Godfather? Star Wars Original? Oh this is going to be fun. To be funny I'll show you my Top 3. Ha ha haaa!

1. The Evil Dead Trilogy (The Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness)
The only perfect movie trilogy in my opinion. It started out as innovative (if admittadly exploitative) gorey horror. The first is one of the most acclaimed horror movies of all time and by god does it deserve it. Evil Dead 2 is my all time favourite movie in that it has no flaws. I have tried looking for them, they just arent there. The third is Army of Darkness which everyone has got to have seen at least once. If not for shame dear reader.

2. The Beatles Trilogy (A Hard Day's Night, Help!, Magical Mystery Tour)
I debated including this one because of the flaming awfulness of Magical Mystery Tour. But I went with it simply because of how near perfect the first two are. Seriously, A Hard Day's Night is the most acclaimed movie on RottenTomatoes. Admittadly your appreciation of these movies is helped if youre a Richard Lester or Beatles fan but any self respecting movie goer should also check them out. Best. Musicals. Ever.

3. Back to the Future Trilogy (Back to the Future, Back to the Future: Part II, Back to the Future: Part III)
Behind Evil Dead 2 the first movie is my all time favourite. It's colourful and imaginative and the characters are some of the best in a movie. Everyone says the other two are no good and while I'll agree that Back to the Future III was a bit of a dud I stand by my opinion that the second one is perhaps one of the best sequels ever made.

So how about you?

Jan Mattys
2010-07-20, 05:58 AM
1. The Dollars Trilogy (A fistful of Dollars, For a few Dollars more, The good, the bad and the ugly)
Not strictly a Trilogy in the "Three movies with the same characters and the same plot split into three films" sense, but I guess it qualifies.

Of course, it helps that "Once upon a time in the West" by Sergio Leone is my favourite movie of all times, possibly challenged only by "Apocalypse Now" and "Blade Runner".

2010-07-20, 06:23 AM
X-Men had 2 good installments that I really liked, and a third that I thought had some cool sequences.
Lord of the Rings was overall awesome, but I haven't seen it in a milennia or more.
The Matrix had one really good installment and two really bad ones.
Can't think of a trilogy I loved enough to say it was my favorite. Maybe Toy Story, once I've seen the third.

2010-07-20, 07:37 AM
I can't think of many trilogies I really liked at the moment, so for now I'll just say Lord of the Rings.

2010-07-20, 09:36 AM
This is actually really tricky as most of the trilogies are usually spoiled by one movie, usually the third (Underworld, Blade,X-Men) but not always ( Phantom Menace, Pirates of the Caribean 2, Matrix 2))

So only trilogies were I liked all of them would be Lord of the Rings and Infernal Affairs

2010-07-20, 10:00 AM
The Evil Dead movies would have to be my favorite. But if you count the original three Star Wars movie as their own separate trilogy, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi are all pretty good movies.

2010-07-20, 10:38 AM
Star Wars Original Trilogy beats all.

2010-07-20, 10:42 AM
My two favorites would have to be the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.

Lord Seth
2010-07-20, 11:23 AM
Star Wars original trilogy and Lord of the Rings trilogy.

2010-07-20, 11:38 AM
The original Star Wars trilogy.

The Die Hard Trilogy (Die Hard, Die Hard with a Vengeance, and Live Free or Die Hard).

and Back to the Future trilogy.

I'm actually having a hard time thinking of other trilogies that haven't already been named.

The Big Dice
2010-07-20, 12:59 PM
The original Star Wars trilogy.

The Die Hard Trilogy (Die Hard, Die Hard with a Vengeance, and Live Free or Die Hard).

and Back to the Future trilogy.

I'm actually having a hard time thinking of other trilogies that haven't already been named.

There's four Die Hard movies. But the first three are great fun. Same with the Alien movies, except you have to ignore Alien 3 to make a half decent trilogy out of them.

There really aren't that many genuine trilogies, though. Star Wars did it twice, LotR did it. The Matrix attempted it and Pirates of the Carribean managed to reverse engineer itself into one. Other than that, you're really looking at movies with sequels, rather than a story in three parts.

By the way, the Beatles one doesn't count, unless you swap out Magical Mystery Tour for Yellow Submarine :smallwink:

2010-07-20, 02:36 PM
At the risk of everyone telling me I'm wrong, The Matrix trilogy. I thought the first were good (I don't care what people say about Reloaded). The third, yeah wasn't that good but I can overlook that with the first two films.

2010-07-20, 02:49 PM
By the way, the Beatles one doesn't count, unless you swap out Magical Mystery Tour for Yellow Submarine :smallwink:

Yellow Submarine wasn't a Beatles movie. They totally disowned the project until they saw how good it was and then recorded the final scene.

I'll give some love to the Godfather trilogy. People say that the third movie was horrible, but that's only really in comparison to the first two. It's a different situation from Superman 3, which really is unwatchable.

Mauve Shirt
2010-07-20, 03:21 PM
Star Wars original trilogy and LotR as others have said. And I'm going to have to add the Toy Story trilogy, now that it is one.

Argent Prince
2010-07-20, 03:22 PM
The Bourne Trilogy (The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum)
Loved all of the fight choreography. Makes me want to be a super-spy. :smalltongue:

2010-07-20, 03:24 PM
Erm you forgot Die Hard 2 in that "trilogy". There's 4 of them.

The Evil Dead trilogy is unique in that the worst of the three is the first movie. Honestly, you don't even need to watch it as Evil Dead 2 works as its own film.

Pirates of the Caribbean would have to be my pick, as that's the only one where I liked all three. It had the added bonus of making Rotc undead look outdated.

2010-07-20, 03:31 PM
I really want to say the Godfather trilogy. I really wish I could, the first two movies are possibly my favorite movies of all time (depending on my mood of course). But there's no two ways about it, the third movie sucked.

2010-07-20, 03:36 PM
Mad Max! MM, Road Warrior, and Beyond Thunderdome are all great movies, and the only series I can think of in which the movies actually get better as the series progresses.

(Oh, except for Evil Dead - loved Army of Darkness)

2010-07-20, 04:05 PM
Yeah, I was wondering about Mad Max. I know the first two are fantastic, but when I looked up the plot of Beyond Thunderdome I decided that I hadn't seen it.

The Orange Zergling
2010-07-20, 04:23 PM
Probably Lord of the Rings (which I actually liked better than the books, now that I think about it...) and Pirates of the Carribean (The first was still definitely the best and I think I would have preferred it if they'd just left it alone as a stand-alone movie but I still found the sequels pretty entertaining).

2010-07-20, 04:31 PM
Pirates of the Carribean (The first was still definitely the best and I think I would have preferred it if they'd just left it alone as a stand-alone movie but I still found the sequels pretty entertaining).

Most trilogies are like that: the first film could just stand by itself, the second is a cliffhanger, and the third raps everything up.

Star Wars: Considering Luke blows up the Death Star and Vader's ship is sent hurling into space (he could have died) A New Hope could have just been the only film. Don't get me wrong, I loved the next two installments but I'm just saying it could have been one film.

The Matrix: end of first film Neo realizes his powers and fights for humanity. We could end it there and say the battle between man and machine will go on forever.

2010-07-20, 04:37 PM
This is actually really tricky as most of the trilogies are usually spoiled by one movie, usually the third (Underworld, Blade,X-Men) but not always ( Phantom Menace, Pirates of the Caribean 2, Matrix 2))

So only trilogies were I liked all of them would be Lord of the Rings and Infernal Affairs

I really don't get that opinion...why is Pirates of the Caribbean 2 so disliked? It's personally my favorite of that trilogy, a trilogy that I greatly enjoy at that

2010-07-20, 04:40 PM
This is actually really tricky as most of the trilogies are usually spoiled by one movie, usually the third (Underworld, Blade,X-Men) but not always ( Phantom Menace, Pirates of the Caribean 2, Matrix 2))

It's called Godfather Syndrome.

2010-07-20, 04:43 PM
Yeah, I was wondering about Mad Max. I know the first two are fantastic, but when I looked up the plot of Beyond Thunderdome I decided that I hadn't seen it.

Beyond Thunderdome is pretty good from what I remember.

Mad Max, LotR, Bourne, and the original Star Wars was pretty good too.

Movies that didn't make this list because of qualification issues include Die Hard, Alien (skip third, replace with fourth. Yeah, I know), X-Men (If they make 4, Wolverine needs to die), Pirates of the Carribean (They're making a fourth... fingers crossed), and Jaws (First two were great, even though the second was a rehash. Third and fourth? NO).

Most trilogies are like that: the first film could just stand by itself, the second is a cliffhanger, and the third rips everything up.
Fixed it for you.

2010-07-20, 05:06 PM
The original star wars trilogy is my favorite set of movies, period
The Indiana Jones trilogy (crystal skull was not bad, just not as good as the other three).
The Lord of the Rings trilogy
The Back to the Future trilogy
The Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy (though I hate how it ends)
The Bourne Trilogy wasn’t bad
The Mad Max trilogy
The god father films are great, but they always put me to sleep.

2010-07-20, 05:11 PM
The Indiana Jones trilogy (crystal skull was not bad, just not as good as the other three).

Can't believe I forgot Indiana Jones! As for Crystal Skull, thought it was horrible. Do you remember the scene with the refrigerator? It made no sense.

2010-07-20, 05:16 PM
The LOTR Trilogy
The Indiana Jones Trilogy
The Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy (Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not a trilogy yet. Whatever. The third movie is going to rock awesomesauce)

2010-07-20, 05:18 PM
The Christopher Nolan Batman Trilogy (Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not a trilogy yet. Whatever. The third movie is going to rock awesomesauce)

Because the third Batman film in a series is always good (*cough* Batman Forever *cough*).

I do hope it's good though. Please don't be bad.

2010-07-20, 06:16 PM
Because the third Batman film in a series is always good (*cough* Batman Forever *cough*).

I do hope it's good though. Please don't be bad.
I'm putting a LOT of trust in Nolan, because I haven't seen anything by him I haven't liked, yet. But I think there's reason to think the third movie is going to rock.

Just...no *shudder* Bat-nipples.

2010-07-20, 06:22 PM
I'm putting a LOT of trust in Nolan, because I haven't seen anything by him I haven't liked, yet. But I think there's reason to think the third movie is going to rock.

Just...no *shudder* Bat-nipples.

What about ice related puns? How will we know if it's "ice" to see someone.

2010-07-20, 06:32 PM
LotR is pretty much the only trilogy I can think of where every movie is really good.

2010-07-20, 07:34 PM
For consistant greatness from 1 to 3...TOY STORY.

An Enemy Spy
2010-07-20, 08:03 PM
If you count Star Wars as a two trilogies rather than a sextilogy (like I do. I count them as a sextilogy, to be clear.) then I like both of them (except for Jar-Jar, but Qui-Gon and Darth Maul combined created enough awesomeness to overcome his stupidity.)
LotR, obviously.
PotC (Dead Man's Chest is the best)
Matrix (I don't get what everyone hates about the sequels. Maybe I just have bad taste.)
Indiana Jones is my favorite quadrilogy (I loved Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.)
Oh, and Toy Story. That was my favorite movie growing up and 2 and 3 rock.

2010-07-20, 08:09 PM
What about ice related puns? How will we know if it's "ice" to see someone.
I "chill" can't understand how on earth anyone thought that was a good idea.

2010-07-20, 08:14 PM
Star Wars original trilogy and Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy are top two. I liked LotR, but it's not something where I can just pop it in the DVD player and have at it.

Actually come to think of it, LotR is really, really average: great in the genre but not anywhere near the top of my all time favorite movies. Partly I blame this on the fact that I absolutely despise Frodo and he's one of the central characters. Partly I blame it on the fact that I actually did a back to back to back of the trilogy, and I think they were all director cuts.

2010-07-21, 03:46 AM
Star Wars (original trilogy)
Lord of the Rings
Back to the Future
Indiana Jones

... umm, can't think of any others off the top of my head (like other, I did enjoy films such as The Matrix and Pirates of the Caribbean but didn't enjoy all films in those trilogies).

Speaking of Back to the Future - here's the obligatory Tom Wilson (Biff) song:

Biff - The Question Song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwY5o2fsG7Y)


2010-07-21, 04:04 AM
The Spider-Man Trilogy.

2010-07-21, 04:27 AM
Wow, I'm a bit surprised. There's actually more variety than I expected in this threat.
Um... I think I'll have to go with the pirates. Sure, they weren't that great but they never tried to be epic or something (or so I felt) Just some amusing little bit of Depp being funny, and I could laugh about it most of the time.

I also quite enjoyed the LOTR, but there's just too much bugging me for it to be the epicness it should/could have been.

For most of the others mentioned: Those I saw were good, but... When a trilogy tries too hard it fails at one point or another, or so it feels to me. (and some weren't that great to begin with) (As for Star Wars, I like it, it was really good back in the days, but watching it now is just not that great to me anymore, sorry *runs*)

2010-07-21, 04:30 AM
I really don't get that opinion...why is Pirates of the Caribbean 2 so disliked? It's personally my favorite of that trilogy, a trilogy that I greatly enjoy at that

The film was in desperate need of a competent editor, preferably one armed with a machete. In particular, there's one obscenely long scene in the middle that was a fricking Benny Hill routine -- I swear I could hear "Yakety Sax" in the background -- that really needed a good twenty minutes cut out of it.

2010-07-21, 05:25 AM
The film was in desperate need of a competent editor, preferably one armed with a machete. In particular, there's one obscenely long scene in the middle that was a fricking Benny Hill routine -- I swear I could hear "Yakety Sax" in the background -- that really needed a good twenty minutes cut out of it.

Or, as the Ask a Ninja guy put it, "this movie could use a lot more Gore and a lot less Verbinski."

2010-07-21, 05:44 AM
Erm you forgot Die Hard 2 in that "trilogy". There's 4 of them.

Well, I tried to forget it. Doesn't appear to be working though.

Also, I did forget to mention Pirates of the Caribbean and Terminator trilogies.

2010-07-21, 09:05 AM
This thread needs more Aladdin! I loved all three of them :smallsmile:

I liked the three Mummy movies too. Bourne was also a great trilogy if you're into spy-vs.-spy.

2010-07-21, 10:50 AM
Yeah, I was wondering about Mad Max. I know the first two are fantastic, but when I looked up the plot of Beyond Thunderdome I decided that I hadn't seen it.

The only problem with Thunderdome (and it WAS a problem) was that it was too short.

2010-07-21, 12:15 PM
Sure, they weren't that great but they never tried to be epic or something...

That is precisely what the third one tried to do. Make an action/comedy into this epic fight for the survival of all pirates (Why are we rooting for the pirates? Besides Johnny, I mean).

2010-07-21, 01:01 PM
That is precisely what the third one tried to do. Make an action/comedy into this epic fight for the survival of all pirates (Why are we rooting for the pirates? Besides Johnny, I mean).

You really think so? It felt rater ironic all the time to me. If they were seriously trying to be epic, it failed, yeah, but I thought they were just being stupid *shrug*

I kind of fell like I'm forgetting a trilogy that wasn't mentioned so far but... it doesn't come to mind, argh.

Lord Loss
2010-07-21, 04:07 PM
At the risk of everyone telling me I'm wrong, The Matrix trilogy. I thought the first were good (I don't care what people say about Reloaded). The third, yeah wasn't that good but I can overlook that with the first two films.

My thoughts exactly. This and Lord of the rings. Will look into evil dead (I love zombies and horror)

EDIT: I hated the third Mummy, but Bourne is indeed awesome .Not the best trilogy I've seen, but nevertheless very, very good. A rare trilogy in which all the installements are equally good.

2010-07-21, 07:15 PM
Olenoides typicalis. (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/Olenoides_typicalis.png)

Oh, wait, trilogy! :smalleek:

Um, the Bourne Trilogy is my personal favorite, although I enjoy the LotR movies as well. I think I enjoy the LotR movies more individually, but I couldn't see myself watching more than one in a single sitting.

Original Star Wars is also awesome, but I'll call it a sextilogy to make my decision easier.

2010-07-21, 08:50 PM
LotR is tops for me. I also enjoyed Toy Story. :smallsmile:

2010-07-22, 12:53 AM
This thread needs more Aladdin! I loved all three of them :smallsmile:

I liked the three Mummy movies too. Bourne was also a great trilogy if you're into spy-vs.-spy.

Wow, I had pretty much forgotten that there was an Aladdin 2 and 3, but now I really want to see them again. Which is a problem, cuz I definitely don't have them.

Dumbledore lives
2010-07-22, 03:45 AM
The Star Wars original trilogy is composed of some of my favorite movies of all time, so that is obviously up there. Though i haven't seen Evil Dead one, if it is anywhere near the quality of the others that has got to be up there. When I see Toy Story 3 it will probably top the list.