View Full Version : Guild Wars: Factions playthrough

2010-07-21, 04:16 PM
A while ago (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=158831), four of us got together to start a playthrough of Guild Wars: Factions at the request of Zovc. We got up through the first mission, then tapered off.

Therefore, in order to continue the playthrough, I want to see if the playground has any other Guild Wars players with Factions installed would be willing to join us, either regularly or intermittently.

I imagine we'd likely play once a week for a few hours at a time, giving players who missed a session time to catch up to the main group.

I want to stress the relaxed nature of this playthrough; I know Dogmantra and myself (and probably Zovc, as well) would likely be playing 90% of the times, but if we could get a rotating set of players so we always had 4-6 humans playing we'd likely be set and have plenty of fun.

Factions is also quite good for this, since you hit max level cap quickly, which means players who have already finished the campaign could drop in with their L20 characters without being terribly out of place.

Currently, we have/had the following players/characters:
AlterForm: Alter Form (Warrior/Elementalist)
Dogmantra: Naturally Dogmantra (Ranger/Mesmer)
Zovc: [Can't remember] (Ritualist(?)/?)
(Someone else): [Can't remember] (?/?)

To help with scheduling and organizing once we get going, I made a group (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/FitP)on Steam. Please PM me (here, or as [ChHa] AlterForm on Steam) with your Steam name (and a link to your profile, if your name isn't highly unique) if you want me to invite you to the group. Communication was done through Skype, but if someone has a better suggestion (like a Ventrilo server we could use for the couple hours we played), it would be much appreciated.

2010-07-21, 04:20 PM
Ranger/Mesmer here.
And because I used this name solely for the pun:

Add me to your friends list. My name is naturally Dogmantra. Geddit? GET IT?

Shades of Gray
2010-07-21, 04:26 PM
I do not have Skype, but I have ventrilo. I can be up at around 5 PM each day (eastern standard) and I am around on the weekends.

I'll see if I still have the game installed.

2010-07-21, 04:34 PM
I have Skype but no Ventrillo. I should also have both games installed. I think I have a Ranger/anything you might need at level 20. I'm also on the Foreign Quarter mission on a level 20 dervish/anything. I kinda lost interest in the game though, but could show up for this.

Message me on steam/invite me to the giantITP group chat if you need someone.

2010-07-21, 04:40 PM
I for one would prefer playing with reasonably appropriately levelled characters, at least until that stupidly difficult final mission on Shing Jea, when I am willing to beg for level 20s.

Lunix Vandal
2010-07-21, 04:54 PM
I'm ... very tempted, since I've got Skype and GW: Trilogy. (Yay Steam half-price sales.) And, y'know, seven open character slots that I'd be willing to set up with basically any professions, since I (currently) play my D/W main almost to the exclusion of all else.

Shades of Gray
2010-07-21, 05:00 PM
I could find skype, but I don't know how to use it without tying up the phone lines. (don't know why, I do not use dial-up internet)

Thinking of running an assassin.

Have you guys started? Will I need to play catch-up?

2010-07-21, 05:03 PM
Due to the silly new security question. I need to wrestle with support before I can play. I've already completen it once though so I can join up later.

2010-07-21, 05:04 PM
We started and got past the first mission. We did lots of sidequests though, so while we played for a good few hours, you should be able to run it in one or two.

Shades of Gray
2010-07-21, 05:06 PM
I cannot seem to get my steam to work, it always has a fatal error. This should not stop me from joining the group... should it?

2010-07-21, 05:20 PM
I cannot seem to get my steam to work, it always has a fatal error. This should not stop me from joining the group... should it?

It'll make it hard to use the Steam Group to stay organized. I suppose you could use the web browser version of the Steam Community and check for events manually, if need be.

Can you be more specific with the error? Does it give you anything beyond "fatal error"? We might be able to help.

Not sure what's up with Skype, either. I would definitely like to move to ventrilo or similar to avoid having to jump through hoops for PTT, so hopefully that will be a moot point.

2010-07-21, 06:08 PM
PM me here or IM me at Gatha10573 on AIM. My in game name is Valor Singus for my Warrior/X, though I'll roll a new one if anyone needs.

2010-07-21, 06:13 PM
You forgot me? How could you forget me? :smallfrown:

2010-07-21, 06:20 PM
Im not sure how.. qualified I am for this(Time and skill wise). I have Guild Wars, and have spent a little bit of time playing, and I am rolling an elementalist next, (In factions I have a Ranger/Rit on the Weh no Su quest, and a Paragon/(w/e i feel like at the moment) on the Suinjing one. I also think I have a monk/necro somewhere but I was mainly running prophecies on it.) My name on Steam is Tono, I am in the GitP steam group, and would love to help (Whether it be on a new character or old w/e.)
Oh yea, and if need be, if you don't mind the occasional "Hey, who are you guys, oh hey hi Tono" I know a vent server we may be able to hi-jack for a couple of hours. (Old RO guild, doesn't do much anymore but paid for and all, not by me but others I know who play GW and could probable help if need be.)

EDIT: For some reason steam wont let me message anyone at the moment, so, yea.

2010-07-22, 11:31 AM
If you haven't received an invite to the Steam Group yet, please PM here or on Steam with a link to your profile page, since I believe the only people I haven't invited yet are the ones whose Steam accounts I could not unambiguously identify.

Also, Tono, that vent server would be much appreciated. Go ahead and throw the connection details up on the group page on Steam, if you wouldn't mind.

Lastly, I figure we have enough people/interest at this point to schedule something. I'd like to get something together this Saturday, so to facilitate that it would be very nice if people could throw up a post here or on the Steam group with their time zone and availability so I know when they can show up.

2010-07-22, 11:44 AM
I feel obligated to admit that I was the joining point in our first session, and my business/laziness is what has caused the delay.

I'll keep an eye on this thread, maybe if I'm not in charge of planning I'll realize that I do have time for this. XD

2010-07-22, 12:43 PM
Should we make an ingame guild? How much does that cost anyways in ingame currency.

2010-07-22, 12:45 PM
I'm already in a guild of friends. I think other people are the same.

2010-07-22, 12:53 PM
Yea, even though a guild is **** cheap I wouldn't leave it for a gimic like this. A group/Friend list should be just fine.

Oh, and is the group still correct? Everyone at the quest to get from the Monastary to Seitung Harbor?

2010-07-22, 01:04 PM
Agreed on the guild. Friends lists and Steam group should get us by just fine.

Unless I misremembered, that is where we left off. Most of our time in the first session was spent running through a half dozen different quest lines since everyone was a different class.

2010-07-22, 01:32 PM
Add me to your ingame friends list. My Dervish is called Penguin of Might. If someone needs a mission done, there's a fair chance that I could more or less solo the earlier missions.

Assuming a non-Factions character can get into the factions beginner area. Anyways, I'll either join on my Dervish or my Ranger. The Dervish can be a damage dealer, or I can do a pseudo-tank-y set.

Shades of Gray
2010-07-22, 04:27 PM
I just finished the first mission, and did the Lost Treasure quest for some attribute points.

I can get to Seitung soon.

Lunix Vandal
2010-07-22, 05:11 PM
Finished Minister Cho's Estate with my Ritualist (Ariada Megido) last night. Currently Rt/E 11, though I'm tempted to do Lost Treasure as well.

Side note: doing all seven secondary-profession questlines simultaneously in Factions is worth over 26,000 experience, and that's not counting the combats. Hence why Ariada was already Level 10 by the time she got to the Estate, and why the mastery bonus pushed her to 11. She went one higher. That's ridiculous, it's not even funny.:smalltongue:

From what I've heard, Prophecies/Nightfall characters get to Shing Jea Island by talking to an NPC at the docks one zone over from Kaineng Center, though I've never done so myself. (He is apparently the same NPC that gives Factions characters access to the mainland from Seitung Harbor.)

I should be available most anytime on Saturday after 8 AM CST, through the afternoon and evening.

2010-07-22, 05:40 PM
What place would this be? The Pier in Kaineng Center did not help. I couldn't get through there.

2010-07-22, 05:42 PM
What place would this be? The Pier in Kaineng Center did not help. I couldn't get through there.

You need to talk to First Mate Xiang in the area you access via the NE exit of The Marketplace, not Kaineng Center. Took me a while to figure out as well.

Pie Guy
2010-07-22, 05:44 PM
Are the servers down? I just tried to play on an old account (I haven't played in years) and no matter what combination of Name and Passwords I use, I can't connect. This is Nightfall by the way.

2010-07-22, 06:15 PM
Are the golem quests open to everyone, or do you have to have EotN? Hmm, I should also try out the new war in kryta thing. I just need to find a good setup.

2010-07-22, 06:16 PM
Are the servers down? I just tried to play on an old account (I haven't played in years) and no matter what combination of Name and Passwords I use, I can't connect. This is Nightfall by the way.

Nowadays, you have to put a character name in in addition to your account name and password.

2010-07-22, 06:19 PM
If by golem quest, you are refering to M.O.X then yes, it is open to everyone who has Prophecy, Night fall, and Factions to complete (I believe). I have yet to complete it yet though-- I have had no reason to since You get M.O.X at the beginging and when you get him he makes everything too easy until you catch up.

Pie Guy
2010-07-22, 06:28 PM
Nowadays, you have to put a character name in in addition to your account name and password.

I got in. I haven't played in so long that I had to call a friend to get the name.

2010-07-24, 09:39 PM
A reminder: First meetup is currently scheduled for July 29 @ 1 PM MDT (8 PM GMT), schedules allowing.

I think there are still a few people who aren't in the Steam group; send me a link to your profile if you aren't and you want to be.

Shades of Gray
2010-07-25, 08:31 AM
What time would that be in EST? Because I generally do not get home until 5 PM EST.

2010-07-25, 10:13 AM
If you can get Steam working, it will conveniently convert times to your time zone.

1 PM Mountain = 3 PM Eastern

Perhaps a weekend time would be easier to synchronize us Americans with our friends across the Atlantic?

[EDIT]: Pushed back to Saturday. Last push.

2010-07-25, 11:14 AM
Thursday I am in an exam. I might, thus, be somewhat late, depending on how quickly I finish.

2010-07-25, 11:16 AM
I was doing a playthrough in factions with other friends, 2 others. I've never played warrior before... We haven't gotten far either...

I'm usually a monk or assassin, I've recently been leveling up a nuke fire ele and Minion Master Necro.

2010-07-27, 10:17 AM
Well, after the foreign quarter. I'll play my Dervish. Before that, you'll only have my Ranger/Ritualist Barrager as your companion.

2010-07-27, 01:52 PM
I'm not sure if there's any room left, but I have a level 14 Necro/Mesmer on Factions.

EDIT: I have the Trilogy off of Steam, by the way.

2010-07-27, 03:41 PM
I'm not sure if there's any room left, but I have a level 14 Necro/Mesmer on Factions.

EDIT: I have the Trilogy off of Steam, by the way.

There's totally room. Even if we had more than 8 people in the group, there'd probably still be room since schedules would naturally misalign. Just PM a link to your Steam community page and I'll invite you.

2010-07-29, 01:44 PM
We're on for today at 4 Eastern, I believe?

2010-07-29, 01:53 PM
We're on for today at 4 Eastern, I believe?

Moved the "official" first game to Saturday, actually. We might be able to scramble enough people today/now, however...let's find out.

2010-08-04, 12:14 AM
I won't be able to make the August 6th event, so I'll get a character up to the needed level by next time.

2010-08-04, 12:39 AM
Ah right, the Saturday event...I'll have to grind for quite a bit to get there.

2010-08-04, 12:50 AM
What classes do you guys still need?

2010-08-04, 08:46 AM
Well I'm thinking of running a Monk as quickly as possible to catch up, see if I have more fun with that than the Ranger, so bear that in mind.