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2010-08-21, 12:06 PM
It also helps to fill in the dead levels. Also, for the game were in im going to let you guys talk for a little bit, before you arrive at Hogwarts.

Sorry, about my slow work for the past few days. Luckily, I'm on real vacation now and today should be a good day for work to be done. I may get the Seer done today, I may not. I plan on doing some cool stuff today, as follows.

1) Work on Imperio and Crucio
2) Make some iconic characters
3) Make updates to the class features.
4) Work on posting some more spells.

EDIT: Work was very slow today as grandmother needed help watching my brother. I should still have Imperio and Crucio up, by midnight tonight.

2010-08-21, 05:51 PM
How do you suppose characters would learn new spells?

Education and knowledge and it's actual applicability isn't really covered in D&D beyond roleplaying.

I propose time spent studying the spell (usually weeks) and an appropriate knowledge check. Cantrip spells might take only days - they're the kind of things first year students tend to mess around with.

Having the drive to study a spell is pure roleplaying fluff - an adult is no different from a kid under D&D aside from ability score and possible size category age related adjustments.

Alternatively, a character can forgo the time spent in exchange for XP spending and an immediate knowledge check - this reflects that casting the spell suddenly dawned upon them (under duress, HP himself would successfully cast new spells in some of the books, I think I recall), however even if they fail the knowledge check, they can still do the spell but they must target their wand with a use magic device check (failure means the spell failed but the action is still sacrificed).

Use magic device still uses charisma because in HP characters tend to succeed on spells whenever they 'really will' or 'convince it' it with full confidence (but once they get the hang of casting certain spells, they never really need to have that confidence every other time). The same goes for avada kadavra and how the one death eater said that 'in order to kill someone, you must really intend to do so; it's never accidental' (probably includes appearing menacing and thinking very malevolent thoughts).

Another thing - knowledge (magical history) can easily just be knowledge (history). History itself is very broad. Under D&D, it might easily involve the history of past wizards - which is really all magical history is in the context of HP.

That said, I'm still very adamant about HP not being level by level. Only significant and tenacious figures would be any higher than 2nd level.

Also, pretty much everyone is human and the non-humans really aren't all that much to get fed up about - the house elves are essentially brownies. The goblins are silly gnomes.

But the 'magical beasts', such as the full blooded giants, centaurs, giant spiders, basilisk, trolls, cerberus, hippogriffs, pubertus (:smalltongue:) and dragons are obviously more mighty - they're the only ones who'd start off with ECL any greater than 1.

The game itself, if it is to preserve the flavor of HP at all, can't be focused on combat. Primarily, it'd be puzzel solving and escaping the wrath of big bad creatures and disabling magical traps.

If there's any combat at all, players would have to be very smart about it. They can't expect to charge in like adventurers (they're not adventurers, they're paltry mediocre students!) - if HP himself ever did that, he'd lose his head in an instant. And that'd be the end of Rowling's series right there.

2010-08-21, 05:56 PM
A character can still casts spells under duress that they have not yet mastered, with a +5 added on to the DC. I do think that learning new spells is a key component, and mechanics for learning it should be in place.

2010-08-21, 06:01 PM
A character can still casts spells under duress that they have not yet mastered, with a +5 added on to the DC. I do think that learning new spells is a key component, and mechanics for learning it should be in place.

But how do they master spells?

Also, some spells are more difficult than others.

The whole deal with the patronus and Lupin expressing shock at HP's mastery of it (etc., etc.)? I think what I'm proposing seems a lot simpler then this mess you've got going (no offense).

2) Make some iconic characters

This would be pretty easy with a classless system (or a system that uses mostly NPC classes and mundane PC classes for the remarkable characters; I'm not saying Hagrid should be a ranger btw; he's just a commoner or humanoid with a few perks related to handling any sort of magical creature).

Suggestion: You shouldn't limit the 'illegal spells' to things like evil alignment. Evil alignment merely suggests that those people have the tendency to use those spells more often.

Hagrid: Probably NG or CG. He tends to trip over the rules but he has a kind heart. Also, low int, low to average wis, low to average cha. He's quite the bumbler and he doesn't always think ahead and isn't the best at coming up with ideas or controlling his emotions (low to average Wis; part of these could just be personality traits though).

He even dropped out of being a wizard despite trying hard (I think; reflects the fact that he struggles to learn things, AKA low Int). Also people generally point the blame at him and he's not really a people person (low Cha). Most of his stats are physical. Probably good Constitution and above average strength. He isn't D&D's half giant - I propose some kind of a human sub-race for him.

Dumbledore: LG probably. He likes rules and is fond of organization as a means of navigating and accomplishing things. He's also benevolent (cliche force of good in like every book to the point that it's expected) and everyone loves him except for those that are plotting against him. Also, high Wis, average Int, average to high Cha. He gets a long with people, and he tends to always see people for what they are and he's great at giving advice that could suit people for the rest of their lives (above average to high Wis). His physical stats are probably sub-par (cliche wizard). His accomplished learning years might reflect his drive to always try harder rather than his inate knack for learning and memorizing things (which is what Int is). Yah, Rowling made him pretty much flawless. As for age category related bonuses, he's probably venerable (which suits his higher mental stats even better but knocks him down poorly in physical status; he might use a few spells to boost things like constitution and strength when he was swimming in Book 6).

Harry Potter: CG or NG. Above average Wis, average Int, average Cha. His Wis reflects his inate curiosity and his ability to see through ruses. In age category, most of the time he is young (one category below adult) until of course Book 6 when he reaches adult (and probably levels up to 2nd level around the end of Book 6; fighting off hordes of aquatic, fire vulnerable zombies does a lot for someone's character). Physical stats are all average (below average at Young age category).

Ronald Weasley: CN or TN. He isn't as benevolent as HP, and he often tends to look out for himself. Conversely, he values his long time friendship with HP. Wis, Cha and Int are all average. He doesn't take life as seriously (despite all the happenings) as HP or Granger until Book 6 or 7. He might even remain at 1st level throughout the entire series, and meanwhile HP is ascending to bad ass. Everyone else in the Weasley family is quite similar to Ron, always looking out for themselves, although Ron may be a bit above in Wisdom compared to some of them (like his dad, and maybe Percy, who is still a bit of a child in a man's body).

Hermione Granger: LN or NG (arguable). She isn't always benevolent except about things that are easy to show benevolence about (she isn't driven by benevolence and altruism, like HP or Dumbledore might be) and she has an obsession with rules; however (I think) she changed in the final books (probably showing her true nature which could mean this wasn't an actual alignment change). Average Wis, below average Cha (a lot of people find her annoying). Above average to high Int (her memory and knack for facts is almost phenomenal). Average Wis because (at least from what I remember) it's usually HP that inspires her to be inquisitive about things outside of studying. Physical stats are probably below average, considering cultural influences usually lead women to improve upon them less than the guys.

Tom Riddle/Voldemort: CE. He always hated rules and the entire death eaters/followers thing exists purely to satisfy his own drive to attain greater power. He may be 3rd level or so, reflecting his tenacity to rule the wizarding world through fear as well as his life experience at overcoming many life threatening obstacles and slaying opposing wizards and witches. He is probably venerable but his (I'm calling it 'reborn' which could be a template) very torn apart soul actually gives him the advantage of no age related penalties. Above average Wis, high Cha, average to above average Int. He had a natural knack for doing well, memorizing and solving puzzles (good Int). He was inquisitive and even insightful, just like HP (good Wis). He was much loved by all his peers, and the teachers even had trouble getting through his facade or ignoring his ability to negotiate, reflecting his incredible charisma.

Severus Snape: LN with Evil Tendencies (???). Low to Average Charisma (nobody liked him, even in his younger years). Above average to high Wis (always probing and always perceptive; Dumbledore always sees the potential in Snape, and sympathizes with his social shame). Average Int (I'll leave it at that for now). Snape might be 2nd level or higher (???) - he's quite the agent and has risked his life countless times (I think).

2010-08-21, 06:03 PM
From the site

Spellcasting- To cast a spell a wizard/witch must first learn it to do so. Wizards at first level begin play with 0 spells known.However, once in Hogwarts or with a teacher/book they can begin to learn new spells. To cast a spell the character must succeed on a DC check equal to the spells DC +5 representing the difficulty in first casting the spell. After that the character, must study for 1 hour for every 5 points of the spells base DC. Once they have done that they are considered to have "mastered" the spell and won't have the extra +5 added on to the spells difficulty.

2010-08-21, 06:55 PM
However, once in Hogwarts or with a teacher/book they can begin to learn new spells.

This needs to detail the amount of time needed. I still propose an XP cost for 'quick studying or sudden realization', otherwise a player could just say in their character back ground that they spent 10 years at hogwarts studying 1000+ spells.

Some adventures in the setting might not involve hogwarts at all. And what about wizards from other schools (there's other schools)?

Instead of meta magic feats, I think their should be 'spell strategies' (for learning something like 'avoiding someone stealing your dreams' or 'casting by thought alone and not speech'). Also doing things like chaining spells would basically just be like learning a spell - so chaining Avada Kadavra with a spell that destroys hard cover would mean learning a new spell.

Enchanting would be another spell again - creating a magic item would cover the same mechanics as learning a spell, although it might involve an associated craft check. Say, you want shoes that have wings - you'd need to spend money to craft it, roll the craft DC, consume the usual time to make shoes (which isn't very much in regular D&D) and then learn a spell relating to making shoes sprout wings and flying with enough force to lift a wearer (or whatever). The spell would be advanced enough that it could be permanent on the shoes themselves, transforming them into a magical item.

2010-08-21, 07:05 PM
How about we have school background bonuses?

- Gain a 2+ bonus on Charms, and a 4+ bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against other people from Hogwarts.
Special: Alignment cannot be Chaotic Evil. All Houses are avaliable.

- Gain a 2+ bonus on Curses/Countercurses, and a 2+ bonus on Dark Arts checks.
Special: Alignment cannot be Lawful Good. House choice is limited to Hufflepuff or Slytherin, with none of the corresponding social bonuses.

Beauxbataons Academy of Magic
- Gain a 4+ bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Seduction checks.
Special: Alignment cannot be Lawful Evil. House choice is limited to Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, with none of the corresponding social bonuses.

2010-08-21, 10:11 PM
The school bacgrounds look interesting for Durmstrang, and Beauxbataons Academy of Magic. Also I added Crucio to the spell list. Also, thinking about it I think I should raise the DC for Avada Kedavra by 5 points. Also, I think I should raise Stupefy by 5 points, but I'm not sure yet.


2010-08-21, 11:32 PM
No alignment restrictions for schools background bonuses. They make no sense, as students vary greatly.

2010-08-21, 11:47 PM
No alignment restrictions for schools background bonuses. They make no sense, as students vary greatly.
They do make sense, as these schools have strict standards which must be met to enter. I might take off the Hogwarts one, though...

2010-08-22, 01:17 AM
They do make sense, as these schools have strict standards which must be met to enter. I might take off the Hogwarts one, though...

Anyone could fake a personality. Such as most defense against the dark arts teachers.

2010-08-22, 01:32 AM
Anyone could fake a personality. Such as most defense against the dark arts teachers.
Quirrell: Neutral Evil.
Lockhart: Everything Stupid.
Lupin: Chaotic Good.
Moody: Chaotic Good.
Crouch Junior: Lawful Evil.
Umbridge: Lawful Evil.
Snape: Lawful Good.

2010-08-22, 08:21 AM
I like the concept of the school bonuses granting flavor to the schools, but it seems like there are just too many +2's floating about for casting skills that it is kind of ridiculous how high a first level character can get their checks, not to mention the synergy bonuses at level 2.

I'd prefer to just keep it to social skills which seem to be the most important thing about the schools. With respect to Durmstrang's reputation for the dark arts that can be handled by just having students there have easier access to dark arts resources whereas hogwarts students need to sneak around to get that info.

Edit: I don't think the problem is stupefy but rather petrificus totalus, which is basically a save or lose spell without an actual save. I'm suspicious of it, but I'm not sure how difficult it will be to land that attack with counterspelling in play.

2010-08-22, 08:27 AM
How about a Fortitude save required as well as a success on an attack roll? Also, what do you think about raising Avada Kedavras DC?

2010-08-22, 10:41 AM
Quirrell: Neutral Evil.
Lockhart: Everything Stupid.
Lupin: Chaotic Good.
Moody: Chaotic Good.
Crouch Junior: Lawful Evil.
Umbridge: Lawful Evil.
Snape: Lawful Good.

What about Riddle and early series Draco?

Really though, I only seen the movies/played some of the earlier games, so I have no say in this topic anyway lol.

2010-08-22, 11:03 AM
Ron never leveled? I mean, he wasn't really good, but he could out duel a good few people.

2010-08-22, 12:26 PM
So this weekend I'm going to update some of the spells. Avada Kedavra will have its DC at 35 instead of 30. Also, Petrificus Totalus will require a fortitude save.

Also, heres a request for all the people out there. If you would like to help make creatures I would really appreciate it as I'm lacking in that area.

2010-08-22, 12:34 PM
What about Riddle and early series Draco?

Really though, I only seen the movies/played some of the earlier games, so I have no say in this topic anyway lol.
Early Riddle (when he stole stuff): Chaotic Evil.
Riddle at Hogwarts: Lawful Evil.
Voldemort: Lawful Evil.
Draco: Lawful Evil, just like his father.

2010-08-22, 01:04 PM
I'm liking the fortitude save, but the question is what the dc is as well as if there is a secondary effect. I think a secondary effect would be good so it's still worthwhile to cast, just not overpowered. As to DC I think it would be 11+ int modifier.

2010-08-22, 01:05 PM
I'm liking the fortitude save, but the question is what the dc is as well as if there is a secondary effect. I think a secondary effect would be good so it's still worthwhile to cast, just not overpowered. As to DC I think it would be 11+ int modifier.
That makes no sense. At all.

2010-08-22, 02:28 PM
On Harry Potter alignments- the easydamus site, besides discussing each alignment in detail (it compiles a lot of alignment material all the way up to 3.5, has a chart with the Harry Potter characters, alignments given, and a discussion of the reasoning behind a few of them.

Here is the chart:


2010-08-22, 02:45 PM
On Harry Potter alignments- the easydamus site, besides discussing each alignment in detail (it compiles a lot of alignment material all the way up to 3.5, has a chart with the Harry Potter characters, alignments given, and a discussion of the reasoning behind a few of them.

Here is the chart:

Mmm... I agree with that. And I suppose Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange were Chaotic Evil. But Voldemort had creepy-awesome social skills and Bellatrix was one of his followers.

2010-08-22, 02:54 PM
Yup- while some people think the site has "holes" and that NG or CG characters should be perfectly willing to murder helpless enemies,

I think it takes the 3.5 alignment system and integrates it with past alignment concepts (like 2nd ed's "alignment tendencies") very well.

2010-08-22, 06:51 PM
Sorry, I forgot to post this earlier for spell saves.

For spells that require a save the save is equal to 10+1/2 the caster level+the appropriate attribute.

The attributes that help determine spell saves are Charimsa for Curses and Anti-Curses, Wisdom for Charms and Intelligence for Transfiguration.

2010-08-22, 10:32 PM
How about we have school background bonuses?

- Gain a 2+ bonus on Charms, and a 4+ bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against other people from Hogwarts.
Special: Alignment cannot be Chaotic Evil. All Houses are avaliable.

- Gain a 2+ bonus on Curses/Countercurses, and a 2+ bonus on Dark Arts checks.
Special: Alignment cannot be Lawful Good. House choice is limited to Hufflepuff or Slytherin, with none of the corresponding social bonuses.

Beauxbataons Academy of Magic
- Gain a 4+ bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Seduction checks.
Special: Alignment cannot be Lawful Evil. House choice is limited to Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, with none of the corresponding social bonuses.

I don't think this is a good idea at all. School backgrounds are only good for setting stimulation - giving it mechanics severely limits the way a back ground applies to roleplaying and roleplaying in general.

and that NG or CG characters should be perfectly willing to murder helpless enemies,

I think anyone should be allowed to murder helpless enemies. Even good guys can be highly logical.

2010-08-22, 10:35 PM
I don't think this is a good idea at all. School backgrounds are only good for setting stimulation - giving it mechanics severely limits the way a back ground applies to roleplaying and roleplaying in general.
Giving it mechanics makes the schools different, as they should be, and encourages PCs to pick different school backgrounds.

2010-08-22, 10:36 PM
I'm with imp_fireball on this one. For the most part, being in a certain school or house is a rping thing. They do gain some in game benefits, but only ones that affect social skills, or in the case of Ravenclaw affect skill points. However, for that given school it makes sense. Also, requiring certain alignment just seems rather silly to me. A school is not going to turn down a student just because their alignment differs.

Other schools may provide different benefits, but not in the ways you have listed there.

2010-08-22, 10:37 PM
Quirrell: Neutral Evil.
Lockhart: Everything Stupid.
Lupin: Chaotic Good.
Moody: Chaotic Good.
Crouch Junior: Lawful Evil.
Umbridge: Lawful Evil.
Snape: Lawful Good.

Hey, if Snape were LG he would've never did what he did.

I'm not saying LGs are brave martyrs (but LG paladins are supposed to be), but they probably tend to think about the 'greater good' and how things might affect society and living standards of innocents more than others. I don't see Snape as ever having done that.

Also, requiring certain alignment just seems rather silly to me. A school is not going to turn down a student just because their alignment differs.

Include an indication that the student shouldn't behave openly in regards to the illegal alignment. So in HG, they shouldn't behave in a chaotic evil manner and in a way that the staff would catch them, even though they are chaotic evil.

2010-08-22, 10:40 PM
I'm with imp_fireball on this one. For the most part, being in a certain school or house is a rping thing. They do gain some in game benefits, but only ones that affect social skills, or in the case of Ravenclaw affect skill points. However, for that given school it makes sense. Also, requiring certain alignment just seems rather silly to me. A school is not going to turn down a student just because their alignment differs.
Actually, they probably would. You see, Hogwarts would expel any witch or wizard who demonstrated Chaotic Evil tendencies. Durmstrang would to the same to anyone demonstrating Lawful Good actions. Beuxbatons, maybe there shouldn't be a restriction there.

Hey, if Snape were LG he would've never did what he did.

I'm not saying LGs are brave martyrs (but LG paladins tend to be), but they probably tend to think about the 'greater good' and how things might affect society and living standards of innocents more than others. I don't see Snape as ever having done that.
He had an alignment change after he realized Lily Potter woudl be killed by the prophecy. He is definitely Good.

2010-08-22, 10:42 PM
That's because he loves her. It's not out of his spontaneous upstanding morals. Also, alignment change is never sudden - and often times a change even reflects a personal decision of the character to change (and they must make the long effort to change too).

His manner of selflessness reflects merely that he isn't completely evil rather than all out good.

2010-08-22, 10:43 PM
Characters can be evil and selfish and still not be expelled. Not every character who is evil is going to display those tendencies. A student can still be expelled for doing evil things and being caught, but it doesn't mean that evil students are automatically rejected.

2010-08-22, 10:44 PM
Characters can be evil and selfish and still not be expelled. Not every character who is evil is going to display those tendencies. A student can still be expelled for doing evil things and being caught, but it doesn't mean that evil students are automatically rejected.

True - also neutral or good things can often get a student expelled as well. For the latter, it's usually because a person of significant political influence may have made the decision though.

Draco Malfoy - First level, above average Charisma, average Wisdom (or below average, depends how immature you think he is I suppose), average Intelligence. Physical stats are similar to HP's. Alignment is Lawful Neutral with Evil Tendencies (???). He's too much of a wimp to be all out evil. He tends to use the rules to his advantage. Debatebly, he could be completely evil, but I get the feeling that witnessing actual slaughter of innocents would give an immense feeling of regret. That's just how I saw the character. Maybe it was just because he was always a kid to me.

2010-08-22, 10:45 PM
Perfect example would be Hagrid.

2010-08-22, 10:46 PM
Characters can be evil and selfish and still not be expelled. Not every character who is evil is going to display those tendencies. A student can still be expelled for doing evil things and being caught, but it doesn't mean that evil students are automatically rejected.
Yes... so it should be changed to "It is uncommon for a Previously Restricted Alignment character to make it through schooling at School."

2010-08-22, 10:49 PM
Ok, I'm going to cut straight to the point of the matter. I don't think we are going to agree on this just because of personal views on alignment and houses in harry potter. I will not be adding those things to the site, as I don't believe it fits Harry Potter. I do however, thank you for all of your input for Harry Potter d20.

2010-08-22, 10:51 PM
Yes... so it should be changed to "It is uncommon for a Previously Restricted Alignment character to make it through schooling at School."

No it should be 'Characters who are of this alignment are not advised to openly behave in accordance to this alignment in front of figures of authority within the school, or they may get expelled.'

The word *may* hints at the fact that it could all depend on the circumstances. Some schools are more rules reliant than others and less 'guided by intuition from authority' - so the rules of the school may dictate that the student doesn't warrant expulsion even though they may have done something horrible.

2010-08-22, 10:52 PM
Ron never leveled? I mean, he wasn't really good, but he could out duel a good few people.

So could like, 10% of the students.

That makes no sense. At all.

He's probably thinking of HP's scar being a 'secondary affect'.

But that's probably actually just a product of Voldemort's reborn template (he leaves a bit of magic on the person who slew him; he can do this because he's still technically alive after dying since his soul is scattered in different places) more than anything.

The scar's basically a psychic imprint that allows V to find Harry in the future once he'd regrow his body. It becomes obvious after awhile.

I don't think secondary affects are necessary for magic, unless they're magical diseases or poison.

2010-08-22, 10:54 PM
Ok, I'm going to cut straight to the point of the matter. I don't think we are going to agree on this just because of personal views on alignment and houses in harry potter. I will not be adding those things to the site, as I don't believe it fits Harry Potter. I do however, thank you for all of your input for Harry Potter d20.

Fine. What else do you need us to help with?

2010-08-22, 10:55 PM
I never really did like using the main three as a gauge for character level. Since they are main characters they are above the norm. Most other people of their age, would be average at dueling at best.

The creature section could also use some work, if you would be willing to help.

2010-08-23, 02:40 AM
Snape may work OK as True Neutral.

Draco- even in the 2nd book he was gloating enthusiastically over the Muggle-borns being attacked by whatever was in the Chamber of Secrets.

If you take the view that, on average, roughly a third of people are evil (the rest Neutral or Good) I don't see much of a problem with allowing characters like Draco to be evil.

I agree with "no alignment restrictions for any of the houses" though.

2010-08-23, 02:59 AM
If you take the view that, on average, roughly a third of people are evil (the rest Neutral or Good)
I disagree. In real life, it's split up more like 25% of people are Good, 70% of people are Neutral, and 5% are Evil.

2010-08-23, 05:14 AM
But in D&D "humans tend toward no alignment, not even Neutral"

70% of people being Neutral (Lawful, Chaotic, and not either) qualifies as "Usually Neutral (any)"

Which is definitely an alignment tendency.

In the Random NPC table in DMG, as much as 50% of the NPCs you meet will be Evil. In the Power Center Alignment table it's lower, but certainly not as low as 5%. And in the Community Alignment table in Cityscape (for communities larger than small towns) it's also more like a third.

It's hard to assess alignment in real-life terms. On a questionnaire, maybe 5% of people will say it's justified to murder 1 person and harvest their organs to save 5. Or that, if the choice was between saving a drowning child (at no risk to the self, and the only sacrifice being ruined trousers) and doing nothing, that they would do nothing.

But questionnaires aren't necessarily very reliable evidence.

Eberron Campaign Setting points out that Evil characters may tend to be selfish and cruel, looking out for themselves and exploiting others, but they don't necessarily deserve to be attacked by adventurers.

2010-08-23, 11:40 AM
Here's my take on alignment for individual characters and for the HP world in general. More people tend to neutral in good in harry potter then not. Also, when I make individual characters you don't have to use the alignment i put up, you can change it sot suit your own needs. Same for alignment in general in harry potter. If you think your campaign would be better suited to having more evil people just put more evil people in. Those are just my thoughts anyway.

2010-08-23, 07:02 PM
True seer will be up tonight or tomorrow.

2010-08-24, 01:14 AM
I disagree. In real life, it's split up more like 25% of people are Good, 70% of people are Neutral, and 5% are Evil.

That's more or less true in our society - but in other societies where life is harder, there probably is more evil people out there, since rough life simply brings out their evil side to the point that they 'turn to the dark side'.

There will always be a neutral majority though.

But in D&D "humans tend toward no alignment, not even Neutral"

In D&D, humans aren't really much of an exception from the other races. In fact, the other races are much like humans. To say that most races that aren't of any alignment are 'usually neutral' would be bland.

Neutral, by affect is the majority because it's easier to be neutral than evil. If you are good or evil, chances you will make more enemies (usually if you're evil) or the way you run your life will require more responsibility (if you're good).

In the Random NPC table in DMG, as much as 50% of the NPCs you meet will be Evil. In the Power Center Alignment table it's lower, but certainly not as low as 5%. And in the Community Alignment table in Cityscape (for communities larger than small towns) it's also more like a third.

Those tables are their to provide more fun for players in return for less work for GMs in creating NPCs. They assume that most parties are good aligned, and if you encounter more evil people there will be more combat (because evil's gotta die hur hur). That's fun right?

Under those tables, the only neutral NPCs are boring bystanders (which are almost non existant in most rail roading games) - the evil ones are all potential villains at a later point and the good ones are all quest givers. Sometimes, the neutral ones provide side quests.

In cities, if nearly every NPC were evil then it'd be hell for paladins trying to navigate through a maze when trying to detect evil on individuals. There's still a good percentage of evil people because there still needs to be danger and fun to be had in a city beyond buying/selling (which is 'boring' while killing and combat is 'fun').

The powers say that evil is higher than a miniscule percentage because 'fiction logic' dictates that evil would lose the 'war' otherwise if they were that outnumbered. It also assumes that neutral would help evil or good (when IMO, most neutrals want none of either or just want to live their own lives).

Eberron Campaign Setting points out that Evil characters may tend to be selfish and cruel, looking out for themselves and exploiting others, but they don't necessarily deserve to be attacked by adventurers.

That's kinda how police operate too. Which proves that yet again, they're always a better resource than vigilantiism in a verisimillitude world.

The easydamus site on 'alignment and intelligence' actually relates to the attribute wisdom rather than intelligence. People always get the two scores mixed up. :P

The major precepts of this alignment are freedom, randomness, and woe. Laws and order, kindness, and good deeds are disdained. Life has no value. By promoting chaos and evil, those of this alignment hope to bring themselves to positions of power, glory, and prestige in a system ruled by individual caprice and their own whim. The chaotic evil creature holds that individual freedom and choice is important, and that other individuals and their freedoms are unimportant if they cannot be held by the individuals through their own strength and merit. Thus, law and order rends to promote not individuals but groups, and groups suppress individual volition and success.

Yah, I sorta like this view of CE since it doesn't express that CE's are 'stupid cold blooded murderers'. They can be, but that isn't a prerequisite of the alignment.

Smart CE's have been people like:

- Voldemort
- Dr. Doom
- Dr Evil, I suppose (he's sorta smart in a satirical way)
- The Joker
- ... and others

He prefers to work alone, as he values his freedom.

Unless he has something like a dozen goons that obey his every whim. Even if running an organization becomes difficult, they may still continue running it until the lowlies begin challenging their position. At that point, they might disband the organization altogether and consider everyone below them that they can get rid of their enemies.

Also, you don't have to be villainous to be evil aligned. The site seems to suggest that by it's assignment of the characters. Granger isn't necessarily good - personally, I view good by a person's actions. I'm not certain if Granger would risk her life out of altruism if she wasn't convinced by other characters such as HP or dumbledore.

Also Dumbledore, even if he doesn't fully obey the system out of personal beliefs, he seems to highly value organization enough to place him in the LG zone. An LG person can choose not to abide by a system if they believe it is corrupt. If they had the power to fix it, they'd probably elect to replace it with a more benevolent, better organized, smoother running system that is less prone to corruption. In fact, I think I remember reading about how D wanted to do just that.

Meanwhile, a CG person would be looking out for the little guy - they'd worry mainly about removing the source of corruption but not necessarily about replacing it with another system. Ie. They might suggest that everyone under the previous oppressive government emigrate to their homeland rather than go to the trouble of founding a new government.

2010-08-24, 02:54 AM
In D&D, humans aren't really much of an exception from the other races. In fact, the other races are much like humans. To say that most races that aren't of any alignment are 'usually neutral' would be bland.

Neutral, by affect is the majority because it's easier to be neutral than evil. If you are good or evil, chances you will make more enemies (usually if you're evil) or the way you run your life will require more responsibility (if you're good).

In the MM, halflings are "usually neutral" but most of the others have some kind of alignment bias. CG for elves, LG for dwarves, NG for gnomes.

Aside from humans, most races do have a bias, even if its only "usually neutral".

Hermione tends to grow a bit over time. It was she that was the main force behind the rescue of Sirius Black (albeit prompted a bit by Dumbledore's "What we need is more time"). Though, given that she tends to risk herself for friends, she might be LG with LN tendencies, or even LN with LG tendencies.

2010-08-24, 04:23 PM
or even LN with LG tendencies.

Probably go with that one. Except I think the correct term is 'LN with Good tendencies' meaning that she's always lawful, but sometimes her neutralness switches over to goodness.

Not every close friend of the protagonist needs to be good.

Also, did Sirius Black ever have any truly altruistic motives?

Or was he just Harry's godfather whom was wrongly accused, etc., etc.

2010-08-24, 05:37 PM
Probably go with that one. Except I think the correct term is 'LN with Good tendencies' meaning that she's always lawful, but sometimes her neutralness switches over to goodness.

Not every close friend of the protagonist needs to be good.

Also, did Sirius Black ever have any truly altruistic motives?

Or was he just Harry's godfather whom was wrongly accused, etc., etc.

He fought against the Death Eaters?

2010-08-24, 06:07 PM
He fought against the Death Eaters?

Opposing evil doesn't make you good. It means you think the world is probably better off with people that don't want to kill you or your close friends.

That's a neutral motive, imo.

When it comes to neutrality, it's more about 'who's side are you on?' rather than 'are you morally upstanding or morally degrading?'.

This is also different from those who wish to 'stay neutral' during a war. In that case, neutrality is a political term. :P

2010-08-24, 06:45 PM
Opposing evil doesn't make you good. It means you think the world is probably better off with people that don't want to kill you or your close friends.

That's a neutral motive, imo.

When it comes to neutrality, it's more about 'who's side are you on?' rather than 'are you morally upstanding or morally degrading?'.

This is also different from those who wish to 'stay neutral' during a war. In that case, neutrality is a political term. :P

Maybe, but opposing them would make him not Good, not neutral. If you're not with 'em, you're against 'em.

2010-08-24, 08:31 PM
Maybe, but opposing them would make him not Good, not neutral. If you're not with 'em, you're against 'em.

Unfortunately, the world isn't that black and white I'm afraid. Unless you want it to be - but that's your own setting.

At a logical stand point, one must demonstrate willing altruism in order to be good. Otherwise they're neutral.

Not being good isn't a bad thing. I wouldn't be offended if I weren't a good guy. As long as I'm not considered evil, everything's fine. IMHO, neutrals can get very involved in any plot - as much or more than good and evil. Sometimes, evil is just there to add extra pizzazz to a character - in the real world, it'd be quite interesting to be able to identify the actual underpinning evil of certain individuals.

In the world of HP, the world may be 25% Good, 70% Neutral, 5% Evil - but in real life it's more like 5% Good, 90% Neutral, 5% Evil.

Also, by your logic, every neutral person is pretty much apathetic - because as soon as they oppose something, they're either good or evil. Unless they're very careful to make sure that what they are opposing is neutral. Which is silly - frankly anybody would oppose an evil person if they were shocked enough by their actions (even some evil people, unless they agree with the evil person).

Note that evil people don't necessarily work together either - good people tend to work together more often because that's the nature of good.

"You help people and I like helping people and even though we have different opinions on how to help people we shouldn't kill each other over it since that's ludicrous and insane. If we become friends, we could maybe develop some compromise as to how to help people."

As for evil, they'd probably say:

"You hurt people and I hurt people but we disagree on how to do so. Don't get in my way and I won't get in your way, that way we can both be merry. From this agreement, we can only hope that we won't cross paths again or it may turn ugly."

Chances are they wouldn't care if one or the other happened to get killed. But it's in the nature of good people to care.

Which is sort of the advantage of good over evil.

Evil has a lot more freedom for the individual thus earning merit points, but Good has the benefit of allies and thus there's merit points to be had there too.

2010-08-24, 08:57 PM
Unfortunately, the world isn't that black and white I'm afraid. Unless you want it to be - but that's your own setting.

Yes. Yes it is.

At a logical stand point, one must demonstrate willing altruism in order to be good. Otherwise they're neutral.

In the world of HP, the world may be 25% Good, 70% Neutral, 5% Evil - but in real life it's more like 5% Good, 90% Neutral, 5% Evil.


Also, by your logic, every neutral person is pretty much apathetic - because as soon as they oppose something, they're either good or evil. Unless they're very careful to make sure that what they are opposing is neutral. Which is silly - frankly anybody would oppose an evil person if they were shocked enough by their actions (even some evil people, unless they agree with the evil person).

OK, welll that was extreme on my part. But Sirious never helped Voldemort, he actively retaliated against him.

2010-08-25, 04:08 AM
In the world of HP, the world may be 25% Good, 70% Neutral, 5% Evil - but in real life it's more like 5% Good, 90% Neutral, 5% Evil.

Quintessenial Paladin 2 discusses different levels of how common evil alignment is (depending on what's judged as evil) and the highest is 1/3 Good, 1/3 Neutral, 1/3 Evil.

This is rather similar to Eberron in some ways- where an evil character can be a jerk rather than a villain.

In another version, it's more like 5% Good, 90% Neutral, 5% Evil, and anyone who is evil is "probably either a violent criminal, a terrible and wilful sinner, or both"

So, depending on how you interpret alignment- the Potterverse might fall somewhere between these extremes.

On Sirius- being a member of the Order of the Phoenix was extremely risky when it was founded- members were being picked off one by one and were heavily outnumbered. "Risking your life to defend others from evil" is pretty classically Good.

2010-08-25, 04:58 AM
Just because I have nohing useful to say (and I like pickig nits :smalltongue:) the Death Eater on the Google site says Auror intheir Class Skills and Spell Limit section.

Also: is the Auror done? I just skimmed the thread and saw it mentioned but don't see it on the site.
Never mind, I'm either blind or senile :smallredface

However the Auror's Quickened Casting should be a Swift Action, otherwise they can keep casting spells indefinitely in 1 round.

2010-08-25, 09:14 PM
Thanks for the input Kobold-Bard I made the changes. Also as a general note school is starting for me soon so my posting rate is going to slow. I will still be adding stuff each week to the site, but not nearly as much. So if you have something you think should go on the site please post it here for me to review.

2010-08-26, 06:20 PM
Sorry, for the delay on the True Seer guys. I'll try to get it up this weekend, as well as other things for the site.

2010-10-18, 08:40 PM
So after a couple month delay because of school and what not, I'm back. Any new comments if appreciated and I will be adding more soon.

2011-01-05, 06:35 PM
Just wanted to say I've been noticing some more harry potter interest on the forums so I'm going to be working on this again. People are free to join in. I plan on adding 4 or 5 more spells this weekend.

2011-01-05, 08:15 PM
Do you need stats for House Elves? I got 'em as an LA +3 race somewhere on my computer, if you want those stats (unless, of course, you want to stat them out yourself).

Also, this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50367) might come in handy, courtesy of Vorpal Tribble (just make sure you ask him first before using/posting it elsewhere).

2011-01-06, 04:36 PM
I would very much like the stats for house elves.

Also, thanks for the link I like it. I think I'll shoot him a PM.

2011-01-06, 06:15 PM
I've been looking at the rules on the site. Things seem pretty good so far.

Is it possible to replicate the effects of the polyjuice potion with transfiguration? To me it seems like the answer would be "yes", but it would require some suitable increase in DC. I don't see an entry yet for that potion but it seems the likely trade off would be a higher DC for a transfiguration spell and lower DC for the potion, because the potion has to be brewed while the transfiguration version would be nearly instant and not require materials.

How about transfiguring myself into something like a bear or dragon? How would that affect stats?

How about goblins as a race? They don't get much love outside of Gringotts, but I think that would be interesting. They seem to display some magical aptitude in the books/movies.

2011-01-06, 06:23 PM
For a polyjuice potion I would most likely make it around DC 20 or 25 with a pint of the potion transforming you into that person for an hour. A brew time of a month however, would make it something that characters had to plan for and not just decide to do.

In the harry potter universe transfiguration is something different than being an Animagi. The first would result in a person becoming a bear or a dragon physically, and mentally thinking like an animal of that level. A problem would be that a wizard might be able to transfigure themselves but have no way of returning. An Animagi undergoes intense training and will retain their mental traits while assuming the form and physical characteristics of the animal in question.

Also, I wold love Goblins as a race.

2011-01-06, 09:57 PM
Also, I wold love Goblins as a race.

Why exactly, neither Goblin nor House Elfs can be Wzards.

But lets see...

Goblinoid (Goblin)
Small Size
Base Speed 20 Feet
+2 Int -2 Con +2 Wis -4 Charisma
Automatc Languages: Gobbledygook and Common Bonus: Any non Secret (felt it fit, no base for)

Uhhhm. What else would they need to make them interesting and viable?

2011-01-06, 10:04 PM
Just in case a player did decide to play them. Also, maybe give them a bonus to the appraise skill and being able to tell if gold is real?

Also, nice to see you again. Sorry that the game died off I was just so incredibly busy.

2011-01-06, 10:19 PM
Good to see you back too. We could steal the Stonecunning ability and re flavour it.

2011-01-06, 10:22 PM
That's exactly what I'm thinking.

2011-01-07, 05:25 PM
Does that game have any chance of restarting sometime in the future?

2011-01-09, 06:06 PM
Yes, the game does if you and AtlanteanTroll are interested.

Sorry for the long wait I had to go on a MUN conference this weekend with my school.

2011-01-09, 06:34 PM
Yes, the game does if you and AtlanteanTroll are interested.

Sorry for the long wait I had to go on a MUN conference this weekend with my school.

Im still interested, though Im sort of in the middle of mid-terms myself. Also MUN rules, so it's fine by me.

2011-01-10, 02:33 PM
This is pretty detailed but I think the D&D system overcomplicates it (as you have to worry about things like race bonuses and classes). I think this world would work a lot better on it's own system, something similar to what you've done though but without the 3.5 framework around it.

edit: I do like the number of spells you've fleshed out so far though, they work out really well. I think that would be one thing you'd want to focus on with this system is having a plethora of spells available so your players have innumerable choices on what they want to specialise in.

Also, it seems there should be spells for everything (or nearly) although requiring checks for minor things may be uneeded. Maybe add something similar to the Wizard's cantrip ability in D&D 4th edition?


Magical Cantrips - Wizard/Witch class ability
Range: 5 feet/ (level/2, min 1)
Effect: You may cause and maintain any of the following effects under non-stressful situations. You can maintain the effect as long as you stay within range:
- Cause a repetative and menial task to repeat itself (cleaning dishes, stirring a pot, fold clothing, mostly house chore stuff. Can't require a lot of thought)
- Perform a task you could easily do with your hands which doesn't require a skill check (Open a door, close a bag, tie back your hair, zip up something, etc)
You may maintain a number of Cantrips equal to your level divided by 5 rounded up to the nearest whole number.

2011-01-10, 09:58 PM
AtlanteanTroll and Aranii do you think you could restart the game by this Friday perhaps? Do you still have you character sheets?

Sipex personally I would like to keep it 3.5 and the way it is just because of the amount of work I've done putting in and restructuring it would require a massive effort on my part. I've also been trying to create as many spells as possible so as to allow specialization.

2011-01-11, 12:00 AM
I think that that would work.

2011-01-15, 06:19 PM
AtlanteanTroll you still up to play possibly?

2011-01-15, 06:34 PM
AtlanteanTroll you still up to play possibly?

Yeah... But I may be away in a bit this evening. Maybe we should confine this sort of talk to PMs?

2011-01-15, 06:35 PM
Or perhaps just move it over to the main thread?

2011-02-08, 06:21 PM
Will anyone and I mean anyone be willing to help me with harry potter d20?

2011-02-08, 06:43 PM
I'm willing to help some, and I'm here for whatever. I'm a bit busy, but I should be able to spend at least a little time each week helping out.

What can I do?

2011-02-08, 06:44 PM
Do you remember those feats we talked about in the PM's? Do you have those floating around your computer somewhere?

2011-02-08, 06:50 PM
I do remember them, but unfortunately my computer crashed since those conversations, wiping my hard drive. I could work on them again if you wanted me to.

2011-02-08, 06:54 PM
Do you think you could do those then, I would really appreciate it? Also, is anyone else interested?

2011-02-08, 07:01 PM
I'd be happy to. However, you'll have to remind me exactly what I was going to be working on, as I don't have the PMs anymore.

2011-02-08, 07:10 PM
I believe they were feats for Divination you said you had few different type ones I believe although I may be wrong. I don't have my stored PM's on this computer.

2011-02-08, 10:41 PM
Alright, I'll look into it.

2011-02-08, 10:47 PM
Okay thanks a bunch. Also is anyone interested in monsters? I desperately need some aid in that area.

2011-02-15, 06:55 PM
Anyone want to help? Please guys this project can't be done alone.

2011-04-22, 02:46 PM
Just wanted to say the site is going to go through an update with me fixing posts and adding some more stuff.

Anyone want to comment or help would be great

2011-04-22, 03:35 PM
ive just had a quick look at what you have done and i must say i am impressed.

I just have one small critism. If someone else has already spotted at and told you then ignore me but you should add a prerequisite to the Parseltongue feat to include something like "available to descendants of Salazar Slytherin only".

Just thought i help out :)

2011-04-22, 03:41 PM
Harru got it despite not being a descendant (as far as we know) due to Voldemort's attack on him.

Dumbledore, during his conversation with Harry after the trip into the Pensive to see Voldemort's being informed he was a wizard, points out "there are Parselmouths among the great and good as well". He might just be referring to Harry, or maybe the Gaunt family aren't Slytherin's only surviving descendants as they believe.

But I wondered if non-descendants of Slytherin can have that ability.

2011-04-22, 03:49 PM
harry was a horcrux and the piece of voldemort's soul within him was what allowed harry to speak to snakes and gave him that window into the dark lord's mind.

Edit - speaking of horcruxes, have you completed rules yet to making them? That would be interesting to see in d20 terms. If you haven't then i'll be glad to help.

2011-04-22, 03:54 PM
Yup- and that was a pretty exceptional circumstance for a non-descendant of Slytherin to gain the ability.

But Ron manages (After hearing Harry) to speak the word "open" well enough to open the Chamber of Secrets.

Maybe it's something that, with enough practice, can be learned, rather than being innate.

Perhaps descendants of Slytherin gain a free bonus language "Parseltongue" and everyone else needs to spend skill points, or possibly even a feat "Student of Parseltongue" to learn it?

2011-04-22, 04:02 PM
that sounds like a good idea, but i think i remember ron or hermione say in CoS that only decendants of Slytherin can speak parcelmouth and that's why they were worried that the school was going to think that he was his distant relative.

2011-04-22, 04:04 PM
That was pretty early in the series.

I think it's the instinctive understanding and speaking of Parseltongue that's "slytherin-descendants only" -

I'd allow a normal wizard to gain understanding, and ability to pronounce the words, the hard way, if they invest enough effort in it.

2011-04-22, 04:19 PM
agreed. Now i'm thinking about it, i definitely want to help with horcruxes. Would you say it better as a spell or a Dark Arts feat?

2011-04-22, 04:24 PM
Probably a spell.

The individual horcruxes created with the spell, might be something like constructs or artifacts- sentient, near-invulnerable, possibly with a variety of optional abilities.

2011-04-22, 04:38 PM
how about something on the lines of this:

Horcrux (Cu)
When you use the Avada Kedavra, or a similar spell, to intentionally kill a target, make a Curse and Ant-Curse check against DC 40 (a character with at least 8 ranks in Knowledge (Dark Arts) reduces the DC to 35). If the check equal or exceeds the check, a piece of your newly fragmented soul is removed from your body and latches itself to an object or creature you designate within a 10' from you. You permanently lose 1 point to Constitution due to the dark magic's negative effects.

2011-04-22, 04:49 PM
Wow, lots of response I can only hope that it keeps up.

For Parseltongue I never imagined it requiring to be a direct descendant of Slytherin only that he is the most recognizable one. Also, if I recall lore says that it is most often found in Dark Wizards.

I'm disinclined to allow it for characters beginning as part of their background and would rather have them spend a feat on it as it is a rather strange and strange ability.

That being said when Ron imitated Harry, I look upon that as someone just knowing a few words. Ron didn't know exactly what he was saying only that it was what Harry said to open the Chamber. To me it's like a person can know a few words from a different language without mastery. Also, I don't know if Parseltongue would be something easily learned as the hissess and what not would sound extremely similar and would be very difficult to tell apart if it wasn't a natural ability, but that's just me.

For a Horcrux I would agree that it should be a spell, but not one that is easily learned and the character must have to find it throughout the story. Given how horrendous this spell is I would recommend a DC of 35 as there are only two people in history who have ever even done this spell and should represent being fairly difficult.

I would agree on the loss of constitution as it would be rather draining.

2011-04-22, 04:54 PM
i've made the recommended changes in my last post and it should be better now.

Is there anything else you need help with?

2011-04-22, 04:58 PM
Out of curiosity why did you include having 4 ranks in the Dark Arts. Currently to cast those types of spells you must have ranks in Curses and Anti-Curses. I would advise that the DC is reduced to 35 if the character has 8 ranks in Knowledge (Dark Arts). My reasoning is that this is so obscure and barely heard of knowledge should play a significant role and knowing a lot about it should help the caster have an easier time given the incredibly complex nature of the spell.

Currently, one area that I desperately need help in is creatures.

2011-04-22, 05:04 PM
Besides the spellcasting, are the creatures in this system otherwise identical to standard D&D creature design?

I'll look through the website, now.

EDIT: Where is a link to the website, again?

2011-04-22, 05:05 PM
Yes, they are identical although themes should be kept similar to Harry Potter of course. Also, creatures will need to have new supernatural effects made for them such as the dementor.

EDIT: Here https://sites.google.com/site/harrypotterd20/home

2011-04-22, 05:10 PM
I'm willing to work on Dugbogs (http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Dugbog), Erklings (http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Erkling), and Blast-Ended Skrewts (http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Blast-Ended_Skrewt). I don't know how long it will take me to finish them, but if no one has done Dementors by that time, I'd be willing to work on them as well (as long as you give me a target CR).

One last thing: I would also like to know if you would mind if I reposted them later as generic D&D monsters later.

2011-04-22, 05:13 PM
i've made the changes again. I was only making rough guesses as i didn't know how you were planning out the system.

If you want i could help with the dark arts side of things if you haven't got much ofa head start on them yet. Creatures are not my specialty lol.

Edit - on second thoughts i won't bother with the dark arts curses. I've just checked out your website and they're pretty much great as they are. If you need any help with something other than creatures then i'm more than happy to assist.

2011-04-22, 05:24 PM
What are your ideas for the darks arts?

Also, those creatures sound great and yes, I would not mind if you reposted them. For Dementors I haven't quite decided on a CR yet. The main problem is that they can only be repelled by one spell and if you know it is quite easy. That being said I should think they are not fond of fire. The problem is that in the Harry Potter verse it's never been said how or even if it is possible for them to die. Considering all of that I think a CR between 5-8 would be appropriate as that is around when a person could feasibly learn that spell unless they focused heavily on it.

2011-04-22, 05:42 PM
How does Spell Resistance work with your magic system?

2011-04-22, 05:46 PM
i was thinking more on the lines of creating a prestige class called Dark Witch/Wizard and have as a class feature something on the lines of "you gain a +2 bonus at 1st level, and every even-numbered level thereafter, on checks made to use dark magic or using your Knowledge (dark arts) skill check made to learn a new piece of dark magic. The bonus can also be applied to spell damage made to inflict harm on a target".

EDIT - if you don't mind, i would like to create the prestige class and repost it on here and if you don't like it or if you think it would be inappropriate then you can dismiss it out of hand.

2011-04-22, 06:43 PM
Alright, here's version 1 of the Erklings. Just a few questions: Does the level defense variant rule also affect monsters, or just characters? How does Spell Resistance work in this variant system? Does it even exist at all? What about alignment? Do monsters carry around treasure, or does this not matter in this setting?


Small Fey
Hit Dice: 2d6 (7 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), Climb 20 ft.
Armor Class: 14 (+1 size, +1 natural, +2 Dex), touch 13, flatfooted 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-3
Attack: Dart +3 ranged (1d3)
Full Attack: Dart +4 ranged (1d3), or 2 Claws +4 melee (1d4/19-20) and Bite -1 melee (1d6)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Rend, Captivating Cackle
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Spell Resistance 8
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 10
Skills: Climb +13, Hide +7, Move Silently +7, Survival +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse(B), Improved Critical (Claw)
Environment: Temperate Marshes (Germany)
Organization: Solitary, or Hunting Group (3-7)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Chaotic Evil
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Small)
Level Adjustment: +1

A small, deformed creature with exceedingly long limbs climbs down from the trees in front of you. Under its elongated nose is a mouth filled with rows of sharp, needle-like teeth.

Erklings are small, elvish creatures that inhabit the bogs of the Black Forest. They particularly like to eat the flesh of small children, who they lure into the forest’s bogs using their supernaturally entrancing voices. Erklings have deadly claws and a nasty bite, though they often prefer to fire darts at enemies. Unlike most magical creatures, Erklings are capable of language, and often speak German (though they may also learn English or French). Despite their intelligence, they are classified as beasts for their cannibalistic and murderous behavior.

Erklings prefer ambushes against weaker foes, like children. When faced in a fair fight, most Erklings tend to flee.

Captivating Cackle (Su): When an Erkling cackles, all creatures (other than Erklings) within a 200-foot spread must succeed on a DC 11 Will save or become captivated. This is a sonic mind affecting charm effect. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same Erkling’s cackle for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma-based. A captivated victim walks toward the Erkling, taking the most direct route available. If the path leads into a dangerous area (through flame, off a cliff, or the like), that creature gets a second saving throw. Captivated creatures can take no actions other than to defend themselves. (Thus, a fighter cannot run away or attack but takes no defensive penalties.) A victim within 5 feet of the Erkling stands there and offers no resistance to the monster’s attacks. The effect continues for as long as the Erkling cackles and for 1 round thereafter. A bard’s countersong ability allows the captivated creature to attempt a new Will save.

Rend (Ex): When an Erkling hits a foe with both claw attacks, it tears the enemy’s flesh, dealing an extra 2d4 damage.

Skills: Erklings get a +4 bonus on all Move Silently and Hide checks.

2011-04-22, 07:43 PM
Spell Resistance acts per normal although it is more difficult to acquire it in the Harry Potter verse.

Marc_In_Da_Room: I think the bonus to learn new dark spells is ok, but for actually casting it could get a bit much in my opinion as it could imbalance the game as you can only put one point into it after level one per level and gaining +2 in combination to that is like putting 3 in curses that are dark. Post it and I will tell you what I think of it.

LOTRfan: The defense variant does not affect the monster unless it takes classes or wears armor then it would use the table. Spell Resistance works in the same way as it does in DnD. Alignment does exist, but is much more murky in this system. Treasure does not matter nearly so much in this system and most creatures won't have it unless they are predators and eat them and leave their bodies. Also, dragons of course. Most of the treasure however, lies in the inherent value of the creature in question.

I also really like your creature and will post it on the site as our first creature will one small modification with your permission. I would just like to take out the line saying "A bard’s countersong ability allows the captivated creature to attempt a new Will save." As bards as such aren't in harry potter.

2011-04-22, 08:35 PM
I would just like to take out the line saying "A bard’s countersong ability allows the captivated creature to attempt a new Will save." As bards as such aren't in harry potter.


I'm sorry, that wasn't meant to be there. That'll be part of the generic D&D version of the creature. Feel free to remove it.

2011-04-22, 09:17 PM
Thanks and it looks great.

2011-04-23, 02:19 AM
Here you go, a 1st draft at the dark wizard/witch prestige class. I have also made one final alteration to the horcrux spell above.


Before gaining levels in this prestige class, you must meet the following prerequisites:
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Skills: Bluff (4 ranks), Charms (6 ranks), Concentration (6 ranks), Curses and Anti-Curses (8 ranks), Intimidate (8 ranks), Knowledge (dark arts) (8 ranks), Listen (4 ranks), Move Silently (4 ranks), Spot (4 ranks), Transfiguration (6 ranks)
Known Spells: 23
Allignment: any evil

1st +1 +1 +2 +1 Negative Energy +2 25 +1
2nd +2 +1 +2 +2 Influence (1/day) 26 +2
3rd +2 +2 +3 +2 Negative Energy +3, bonus feat 26 +2
4th +3 +2 +3 +3 Influence (2/day) 27 +3
5th +4 +3 +4 +3 Negative Energy +4 27 +3
6th +4 +3 +4 +4 Bonus Feat 28 +4
7th +5 +4 +5 +4 Negative Energy +5 28 +4
8th +6/+1 +4 +5 +5 Influence (3/day) 29 +5
9th +6/+1 +5 +6 +5 Negative Energy +6 31 +5
10th +7/+2 +5 +6 +6 Bonus Feat 33 +6

Hit Die: d6
Skill Ranks: 6 + Int modifier per level

Negative Energy (Ex): At 1st level, a dark wizard/witch gains a +2 class bonus to any Curse and Anti-Curse checks made to cast dark magic and to any Knowledge (dark arts) check made to learn a new piece of dark magic. The bonus increases by +1 at 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 10th level.

Influence (Ex): Once per day, a dark witch or wizard can influence the actions of others through intimidation or sweet-talking someone into doing something they wouldn't normally do. The dark witch or wizard gains a +2 bonus to any Diplomacy or Intimidate checks made in this fashion. At 4th and 8th level, the dark witch or wizard can use this ability one additional time per day.

Bonus Feat (Ex): At 3rd, 6th, and 10th level, the dark witch or wizard gains a bonus feat. You must select the feat from those presented below, meeting any prerequisites the feat may have before selecting it.

Aggressive Duelist, Defensive Duelist, Dualcast, Greater Magical Dueling, Improved Magical Dueling, Magical Duelling, Malevolence.

2011-04-23, 06:29 AM
I wouldn't require Chaotic Evil- dark spellcasters often seem to be enthusiastic tyrants. I could imagine a dark wizard who is very orderly and organized- seeking to build an empire.

"seize power For The Greater Good" seems like it's not incompatible with LE.

2011-04-23, 06:43 AM
I wouldn't require Chaotic Evil- dark spellcasters often seem to be enthusiastic tyrants. I could imagine a dark wizard who is very orderly and organized- seeking to build an empire.

"seize power For The Greater Good" seems like it's not incompatible with LE.

I'll change that, no worries. What does L.E stand for? And are there any other problems with the class?

2011-04-23, 07:03 AM
L.E. Stands for Lawful Evil. I would change it so that any type of evil must be required.

I like Negative Energy and Influence. I would like to change the bonus feats however, to provide a specific list so that way it can make more sense in the game.

I think the hit die is a bit high. Consider how the regular witch and wizard only had a d4 hit die and even a death eater or auror has a d6 hit die. I would advise making it into a d6 hit die to keep it more on par with that. Also, where are you getting the defense increases?

2011-04-23, 07:09 AM
Dark Magic should be usable by normal wizards (Harry uses the Dark spell Sectumsempra) - it should be just that Dark Wizards are significantly better at it.

2011-04-23, 07:19 AM
Dark Magic should be usable by normal wizards (Harry uses the Dark spell Sectumsempra) - it should be just that Dark Wizards are significantly better at it.

Heck, Molly uses Avada Kedavra. Though, I guess that may not be a complete fact. We do know "good" wizards have used some of the Three Unforgivable curses.

2011-04-23, 07:23 AM
Aurors, certainly "Crouch fought violence with violence, and authorized the use of the Unforgivable Curses against suspects"

2011-04-23, 07:28 AM
Yeah. On the Curses:

Snape's used Avada Kedavra (whether this should counted though is debatable)
Barty Crouch SENIOR used Imperious
Harry used Imperious TWICE
McGonagall used Imperious
Harry used Cruciatus

I think it might be a good idea to have the aforementioned spells carry a strick penalty to any Good or Neutral character where they have to make a Will Save or go "down" in alignment from Good to Neutral and eventually to Evil. I would say LG > NG > CG > Etc., but I don't think that's entirely accurate for the spell as you could probably justify it's uses. Somehow.

2011-04-23, 07:34 AM
Currently, spells with the [Evil] tag in 40K have text in various books suggesting that if a character keeps doing them, they may eventually change alignment.

But no specific rules that make them change alignment- it's left to the DM.

So it might be easiest to not have specific rules- but simply suggest that.

Alignment might boost some of them. An Evil character might gain a bonus with all "Dark" spells.

2011-04-23, 12:08 PM
L.E. Stands for Lawful Evil. I would change it so that any type of evil must be required.

I like Negative Energy and Influence. I would like to change the bonus feats however, to provide a specific list so that way it can make more sense in the game.

I think the hit die is a bit high. Consider how the regular witch and wizard only had a d4 hit die and even a death eater or auror has a d6 hit die. I would advise making it into a d6 hit die to keep it more on par with that. Also, where are you getting the defense increases?

I'll make the relavent changes now. I looked at the standard wizard/witch class on the website and thought to add the defence bonuses so that they stack when multiclassing.

If you are interested in having this class then i'll leave the adding of specific feats in the bonus feats class feature up to you. I also created another class feature that might interest you.

Dark lord (Ex): At 10th level, the dark witch or wizard is considered a master of the dark arts and can reroll any dark magic check a number of times per day equal to his Charisma score (minimum of 1), keeping the better of the two rolls.

I think with most stuff i've come up with for you you'll have to apply the AAI method (adopt, adapt, and improve).

Also, i've had another quick look at the Transfiguration section of your website and i think it be a good idea to include rules for self-transfiguration.

2011-04-23, 04:57 PM
For the three main evil curses I think it has to do with intent and feeling. For example when Harry used Crucio on Lestrange it was not as effective as despite the rage he felt, he didn't want to seriously hurt or injure her. While, I don't think they should have to make a will save for using the spell maybe have good characters have a -2 penalty to casting as they do not have the harsh emotions needed a +0 to neutral and a +2 to evil characters.

For the Dark Wizard/Witch: I would change it to 6+Int for the skill points per level as that is the same as Death Eater and Auror. That keeps them on par and helps to make them not too powerful. For the Dark Lord Ability I would reccomend it to make it based on a number of times equal to their charisma score per day with a minimum of one as this is an incredibly powerful abilty and using it five times per day could become unbalanced in my opinion.

For self transfiguration what do you mean. For that I would rule you gain the physical and mental abilities of the creature or object as you become that. For a person to keep their mental abilities and skills they must be an Anamagi.

I really like what you've done, and those are just my ideas on it.

Also, I shall add the Horcrux spell to the site.

2011-04-23, 05:08 PM
Speaking of Animagi, will Animagus be a prestige class with a wild-shape like ability, or an acquired template?

2011-04-23, 05:11 PM
It's actually a feat you have to be at least 5th level to take it, but because of when people receive feats a character has to be 6th level. It seems to be very difficult to learn and require a lot of training, but it can be done at a relatively young age as proven by Harry's father and Sirius and Wormtail.

2011-04-23, 05:13 PM
I see. Obviously, I should have spent more time looking at the feats on the website. :smallredface:

2011-04-23, 05:14 PM
That's fine it was actually one of the first feats that I did a long time ago in a galaxy not too far away.

2011-04-23, 05:21 PM
I'm impressed; I didn't think it would be possible to adapt Harry Potter to d20.

2011-04-23, 05:23 PM
Thanks a bunch it really means a lot to me that people seem to like it. What do you really like about it and I like to rise to the challenge of making the impossible possible.

Do you think you might play it?

2011-04-23, 05:27 PM
I'd really like to see something like this done up like a D&D book- art, page layout- paragraphs of detail, maps of Hogwarts (at least the main parts, and the grounds) and so on.

As it is, the rules look very interesting already.

2011-04-23, 05:29 PM
That's my overall plan for right now. In about four years I would love to have a full on book pdf available for people to download and use. However, I don't want to do anything to violate copyright so all the pictures and maps and what not would have to be drawn by people.

Right now it is in a useable state although there is still tons left to do.

2011-04-23, 05:33 PM
Thanks a bunch it really means a lot to me that people seem to like it. What do you really like about it and I like to rise to the challenge of making the impossible possible.

Well, the basic idea of using skills to cast spells is what really makes it possible, I think, and is something I wouldn't have considered when trying to adapt it.

Do you think you might play it?

Actually, no. I rather disagree with some of the ways you're doing it (20-level classes, things like Death Eaters that are very specific to the Harry Potter timeline, using alignment, and possibly something else which I can't remember right now). However, it does make me really want to make my own adaptation that fixes those things :smalltongue:

Also, the skills for spells makes possible another book adaptation I was struggling with previously, so thanks for that :smallbiggrin:

2011-04-23, 05:35 PM
Thanks, what is the other book that you are thinking of doing an adaption of? I chose Death Eaters, because they are an iconic prestige class and we are working on a dark witch/wizard that should fit well in any setting.

2011-04-23, 05:42 PM
The Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix. I've been working on it off and on for years, and have made a fair amount of progress, but was always stumped by how to represent the magic. I was playing around with spell-point systems, but wasn't totally happy, so I'm going to start playing around with skill-based systems when I eventually get back to it. Maybe some combination of skills and spell points...

And I feel pretty strongly that the game should be designed to be played outside of the HP timeline (most likely after, but possibly before), and so something like Death Eaters, which is just a title Voldemort gave to his followers, shouldn't be a class. But that's just me, so you go with what you want :smallwink:

2011-04-23, 05:45 PM
I felt it was appropriate to make it a class since his people seemed to possess unique abilities and had training from the Dark Lord. I agree that the game should most likely be after or before the time of the books to make things easier.

Personally, this is the way I envision the system and I like it, but I know others have a different approach on it and have their own way of imagining things. For me the use of the skill system plus other things was the best way to represent harry potter.

I hope that my skill/spellcasting combination helps and if you ever post your stuff on the forums I would be interested in taking a look at it.

2011-04-23, 05:48 PM
I like it as it is- because it seems like the characters could be imported into other D20 settings without too much tweaking.

Hmmm- Harry Potter At The Mountains of Madness?

2011-04-23, 05:50 PM
The characters could be although a change in the magic system would be required.

Or you could do Harry Potter Gone Wild

2011-04-23, 05:57 PM
Or have two different magic systems- with "cthulhu magic" being the only way Muggles can achieve magical effects- at the cost of driving themselves insane bit by bit- whereas wizards don't need it.

Either way- at the moment it seems like the characters could "cross over" into other D20 systems quite well- which is what I like.

D20 Modern's Shadow Chasers is already a little bit like it- a world full of monsters and magic- but ordinary citizens never see the monsters.

But that's not due to memory wipes- but due to the world enforcing an illusion on the Muggles- with only a few special people able to see through the illusion.

2011-04-23, 05:59 PM
I tried D20 Modern, but it was never really my cup of tea. Right now I am just focusing on on trying to clean up the site a bit and get more stuff on it.

2011-04-23, 11:29 PM
i've just made the changes now to the class and ability.

As for self-transfiguration, i was thinking of when Victor Krum trying to transform himself into a shark for the second task in the triwizard tournament (though he made a mistake and only partially transfigured himself), and he wasn't an animagus.

Also,i was thinking, have you decided to make Goblin, House Elf, and Centaur as playable races? If you are, then i suggest making a couple of race-specific classes for them.

Lastly, i'm in the process of creating a couple of feats you could use. If you do decide to use them, you could put them in the list of feats under the dark wizard/witch's bonus feats. I'll post them here when i've finished with them.

2011-04-24, 12:47 AM
First off, you may want to consider bumping each hit die up one size, so d4 becomes d6, d6 becomes d8, and so forth. Even though d4 is the core assignment for wizards, it doesn't have to be here, and the witches and wizards certainly spend much more time in physical activities than the tradition D&D wizard.

Next, onto specific spells, spoilered for length

Aparecium DC 10- This spell can be cast upon any writable surface. If there is any hidden ink through muggle or magical means, be it invisible ink, or the invisibility spell it is revealed. The spell makes the words glow a bright blue, but then die down to a black

I think the DC should stay the same for muggle means, but magic should be the DC of the magical affect that hid the ink, with a 20 meaning the caster accidentally stumbled upon the right requirements to magically reveal the hidden message.

Cheering Charm DC 15- You may cast this charm upon a sentient being. If the subject fails the will save it moves 1 step up the diplomacy chart for the next hour. For every 5 points by which you exceed the DC the subject stays cheery for an additional hour if you wish. At the end of the spells duration the subject reverts back to its previous state of happiness.

I think this should have a bonus to will saves too (makes sense). Also, if I remember correctly this was a fifth or sixth year spell, so maybe up the DC to 20? your call

Diffendo (Severing Charm) DC 20- This spell cuts or rips into an object, or if used offensively a person. When cast against an object, the spell deals 3d6 points of damage and ignores hardness. If used against a person it deals 3d6 points of damage, and leaves a long deep cut. This cut continues to bleed for 3 rounds causing 1 point of damage each round unless stopped, as the blood pours out.

This spell has a chance of outright killing some 1st level students, and will knock most students under third level unconcious with bleeding damage. Either keep early levels from learning it (which makes less sense when relating to the official canon) or make the damage scale with level or amount over DC.

Flagrate DC 20- This spell causes sparks to shoot of the casters wand. They become fiery marks in the air and can take any shape or form that the caster desires. They remain in air for 10 minutes per caster level.

Should be lower DC as this is an easy spell to cast, even without knowing what you are doing, meaning a DC of 10 at most. However, to control shape and form, make the DC increase to 20.

Expecto Patronum (Patronus Charm) DC Varies...

I think the final spells are too difficult to cast as is. Possibly make circumstance bonuses/penalties to fix this, or make the DC for each type go 20/20/30/30/35, and the effect should be chosen after the roll, just to clarify.

Expelliarmus (Disarming Charm) DC Varies

DC 15- A bright red jet of light erupts from your wand. Make an attack roll against the object held within a persons hand. If you succeed you can use the result of your check compared to the held objects AC. This disarms the object from the persons hand and it flies 10 feet forward or backward (casters choice).

DC 20- A red jet erupts from the casters wand and strikes out at the subject. Make a ranged attack against the subject. If it hits the subject is blasted back 10 feet. They move an additional 5 feet for every 5 points by which the DC is exceeded. The subject takes 1d6 points of subduel damage for every 10 points they are moved backwards, rounded down.

I say combine these by using the first spell discription and adding "if the caster exceeds the spell DC by 5, the target is blasted back 10 feet, plus five for every 5 points above that. The subject takes 1d6 points of subduel damage for every 10 points they are moved backwards, rounded down."

Protego DC Varies

This spell should not have a set DC, rather the total modifer should be compared to all spells cast against the shield, and if the offensive spell is not higher, the spell fails. In addition if the offensive spell fails by more than 5, then the spell rebounds against the caster, dealing half of the affect.

Rennervate DC 15- This spell brings a subject out of unconsciousness magical or otherwise.

This is more of a charm than an anti-curse.

Stupefy (Stunning Spell) DC 20- This spell renders a subject unconscious, Make an attack roll. If it succeeds the subject is knocked unconscious for 1 minute per caster level. They stay unconscious unless Rennervate is cast upon them, or they or gently struck, or water is thrown upon them

Remove "or they are gently struck", stupefy is not dispelled if someone touches the target, as in HP4.

Blood Replenishment DC 15
When drunk or placed into the body somehow, this potion restores the blood of the drinker, one pint per 24 minus X hours, where X is the level of the potion brewer. Once it restores 1d6 pints, a new potion must be taken to continue the effect.

Should include a specific healing in terms of hit points.

Also, potions that should be included are the Wiggenweld Potion (heals hit points probably), Zonko's products, and the Weastly's Skiving Snackboxes.

For transfiguration spells, if the target is aware of the spell being cast, they should be able to add their INT. modifier to their will save. Just to prevent it from being overused in combat. Also the size modifiers are a bit tough, maybe +5 for small, +10 for medium and large, +15 for huge, and +20 for gargantuan and colossal. Also, allow changing one size category at the cost of +10 or +15 DC. I feel like this should work.

Prerequisites: Knowledge (Transfiguration) 8 ranks, Transfiguration 8 ranks
You can change your form into one animal. The animal that you choose is any non-magical animal that has Hit Die equal to your level-3. Once chosen, this animal cannot be changed. You magically change into this animal and gain all of its traits. You assume the animals size, and retain your intelligence, wisdom, and charisma scores, while your strength, constitution, and dex scores are that of the animal. As you advance in levels so does your animal form. Each time you level up, your animal forms hit die, increases by one.

I feel like including ranks in charms or knowledge (charms) would help make this much harder to achieve. I also feel like the hit points should not decrease when changing into an animal form, but you should specify that they lose all ability to cast spells, counterspell, and use magical blast.

There's my two cents, I hope this helps out. I really love how you worked the system overall.

2011-04-24, 07:54 AM
Thank you for reminding me about the hit die. I had it in some of my newer notes and hadn't updated it to the site.

I made changes to Aparecium as you mentioned with a slight re-wording. Also, for the Cheering Charm it was first in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban so I felt like DC 15 was appropriate it cast, although the person must still save on a Will Save to resist.

For diffindo I made it do half damage to anything not an object and it only bleeds for one round.

I kept Flagrate at DC 20 as it was not seen until the 5th book so I felt like it was more advanced.

For the Patronus Charm I kept the final too at a very high DC as creating a message seems to be difficult and few wizards seem to be able to do it. Also, the final version is not canon as it was in the movie and for something that powerful I felt like a high DC was appropriate. Also, the caster can get up to a +5 to their roll based on their happiness of their memory. So presuming a level 5 caster who has maxed out their skill and has a +2 from their attribute they will have a +10 base to their casting with a possible +5 making it a +15 which means that when they get a little more powerful they can cast a true patronus which is something that takes a very powerful wizard/witch to do.

Protego: I actually like your way more of describing how the spell works and will make the appropriate changes.

Rennervate: I put this in here more for feeling the theme with stupefy and it seemed to go along with the same type of theme.

Stupefy: I made the appropriate change.

I fixed Blood Replenishment and made it more clear.

I don't agree about being able to add your Intelligence modifier if you are aware as I can't see how being naturally more intelligent would help you if someone is turning you into a frog.

I think I will keep the modifiers as is because of the fact that the base DC is lowered on the similarly and there seems to be a harder time transforming bigger objects.

I can agree with putting ranks in charms and knolwedge. I disagree and feel like they should gain hit points as some forms are stronger then other for example look at Sirius when he was a dog and had to fight Lupin. I can also include they lose all abilities to cast spells. The only they they can do is revert back to their human form.

Thanks for all the input.

2011-04-24, 08:43 AM
Does the Dugbog even have any magical attacks/qualities?

2011-04-24, 08:50 AM
I don't think so I know it's classified as a magical creature, but I'm not sure what properties it has.

2011-04-24, 08:52 AM
Upon doing my research, its only ability is the fact that it looks like a log when laying down. I think I'll slap on some damage reduction and call it a day. I'll have it posted either later today or tomorrow.

2011-04-24, 08:54 AM
Alright cool I like the sound of it and I look forward to it

2011-04-24, 09:08 AM
have you checked over what i put in my last post?

2011-04-24, 09:35 AM
Yes, and here are my comments.

If a person wishes to change themself into an animal and still have their intelligence and being able to act human that in my opinion would require them to increase the DC by 5.

Eventually, I do plan on making those three creatures and they will be playable, but for right now I am focusing on the core creatures and races.

For the feats go for it and I will tell you what I think of them and will post them under the dark wizard/witch

2011-04-24, 03:57 PM
here are the first draft of the two feats.

You are adept at using the darkest of all magic.
Special: You gain a +2 competence bonus on all checks made when using any of the Unforgivable Curses (Imperius, Cruciatus, and Avada Kedavra).

You can muster more magic quickly.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +8, 30 known spells.
Special: You can cast two spells in a single round as a full-round action. The additional spell suffers a -10 penalty on its attack roll.
Normal: You can only cast one spell per round.

EDIT - i've just looked at the skill section on your website imbasel and can i give you a couple of things to add:

Knowledge (wand lore): knowledge of wand construction, magical cores, and tree wood types.
Profession (wandmaker)
Craft (wand) - I'll let you make the rules for this if you want to

If you want to include these then might i also suggest you alter how 1st class witches and wizards gain their first wands. Try something like this:

At 1st level, when you purchase a wand from Ollivanders, Gregorovitch, or any other wandmaker, make a 1d10 roll three times (one for the type of wand tree, one for the wand core, and one for the wand property). Compare the results with the table below.

RESULT----WAND TYPE----------CORE-------------------MAGICAL PROPERTY
----1--------Elm---------------Dragon heartstring----+2 on Transfiguration checks
----2--------Holly-------------Veela hair----------------+2 on Charms checks
----3--------Yew--------------Phoenix tail feather---+2 on Curses and Anti-Curses checks
----4--------Mahogany------Unicorn hair-------------+2 on attack rolls
----5--------Blackthorn-----Unicorn horn-dust-----+2 on damage rolls
----6--------Willow----------Dragon claw-------------Reroll any charm check once per day
----7--------Hawthorn------Grindylow scale--------Reroll an Transfiguration check once per day
----8--------Oak----------------Erkling hair-------------Reroll any Curses/Anti-Curses check once per day
----9--------Rosewood---Hippogriff tail feather--+2 hit die per level
---10-------Hornbeam------Owl feather-------------+2 bonus skill ranks per level

2011-04-25, 08:02 AM
Alright, here's version 1 of the Erklings. Just a few questions: Does the level defense variant rule also affect monsters, or just characters? How does Spell Resistance work in this variant system? Does it even exist at all? What about alignment? Do monsters carry around treasure, or does this not matter in this setting?

Combat stats are off. You don't have the right modifiers. Attack melee is BAB + Size modifier + Str modifier (and secondary attacks are at -5 penalty); Attack ranged is BAB + Size modifier + Dex modifier. Since it has Weapon Finesse, its melee attack uses Dex instead of Str for its natural attacks, but the -5 to the secondary attack still applies.

BAB = +1, Size +1, Dex +2

Attack: Dart +4 ranged (1d3)
Full Attack: Dart +4 ranged (1d3), or 2 Claws +4 melee (1d4/19-20) and Bite -1 melee (1d6)


2011-04-25, 09:12 AM
I'm always forgetting the primary/secondary natural attack thing. :smallsigh:

I'm not exactly sure how I ended up with +3 instead of +4, either... Well, thanks for correcting it. I'll modify the post now. Sorry for the inconvenience, Imbasel, but it looks like the entry on the website will have to be fixed, too.

2011-04-25, 05:11 PM
Nice to see some more work being done on this system. I did a search for Harry Potter D20 a few weeks ago and ran across this. I was actually starting to work on a modified version of the system. I was thinking of using the saving-throws-as-defense system Star Wars Saga uses instead of the standard D20 AC/Saves since none of the characters really use armor in this setting.

I was making a few modifications for spells (mostly just to fit in with the SAGA save system and fixing a few errors/inconsistencies). I noticed "Magical Blast" should actually be called Confringo according to the description from the harry-potter lexicon. (Great resource, but unfortunately it looks like the domain expired, you can still find the stuff by using the way-back machine site though).

The different house choices gave you different defense bonuses instead of the abilities they had before.

I was considering a spell template for casting a spell on-the-fly that you have seen cast at least once. Some suitably large penalty of course like +20 to the DC.

I had more ideas but the project got put on the back burner while I fill my Minecraft addictions.

2011-04-25, 05:14 PM
here are the first draft of the two feats.

You are adept at using the darkest of all magic.
Special: You gain a +2 competence bonus on all checks made when using any of the Unforgivable Curses (Imperius, Cruciatus, and Avada Kedavra).

You can muster more magic quickly.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +8, 30 known spells.
Special: You can cast two spells in a single round as a full-round action. The additional spell suffers a -10 penalty on its attack roll.
Normal: You can only cast one spell per round.

EDIT - i've just looked at the skill section on your website imbasel and can i give you a couple of things to add:

Knowledge (wand lore): knowledge of wand construction, magical cores, and tree wood types.
Profession (wandmaker)
Craft (wand) - I'll let you make the rules for this if you want to

If you want to include these then might i also suggest you alter how 1st class witches and wizards gain their first wands. Try something like this:

At 1st level, when you purchase a wand from Ollivanders, Gregorovitch, or any other wandmaker, make a 1d10 roll three times (one for the type of wand tree, one for the wand core, and one for the wand property). Compare the results with the table below.

RESULT----WAND TYPE----------CORE-------------------MAGICAL PROPERTY
----1--------Elm---------------Dragon heartstring----+2 on Transfiguration checks
----2--------Holly-------------Veela hair----------------+2 on Charms checks
----3--------Yew--------------Phoenix tail feather---+2 on Curses and Anti-Curses checks
----4--------Mahogany------Unicorn hair-------------+2 on attack rolls
----5--------Blackthorn-----Unicorn horn-dust-----+2 on damage rolls
----6--------Willow----------Dragon claw-------------Reroll any charm check once per day
----7--------Hawthorn------Grindylow scale--------Reroll an Transfiguration check once per day
----8--------Oak----------------Erkling hair-------------Reroll any Curses/Anti-Curses check once per day
----9--------Rosewood---Hippogriff tail feather--+2 hit die per level
---10-------Hornbeam------Owl feather-------------+2 bonus skill ranks per level

I really like Malevolence and think that works well as does Dualcast .

I like those ideas for skills and will add them later tonight.

For the actual wands I think I like the idea of having more options although I would change it so that they just had the option of picking any combination they want while thematically picking one of the more common ones. I would remove the +2 hit die per level and the +2 bonus skill ranks as I feel that is a bit too powerful.

My reasoning is that yes a wand does choose a wizard, but a character often has a theme as being naturally talented at a certain type of spellcasting so they are good at it. Their wand should reflect it and I think it should be based off character creation and backstory and that if getting the wand is part of the start of the game then they should tell their GM what bonus they want.

EDIT: Thanks for the update to the Erkling and I will change it on the site and it's no trouble at all.

EDIT 2: Magical Blast by the story probably should be a spell such as confringo. However, I decided to combine movie and book and spell and do this. It just gives them more of a combat ability.

Also, if you decide to do a SAGA version and post it let me know because it would be great to see what someone else did.

2011-04-25, 05:37 PM
that's cool. I only suggested it because it would be more faithful to the canon and it adds a bit of mystery for players as they wouldn't know what wand they'll get until they've rolled for it.

2011-04-25, 05:44 PM
Nice to see this being worked on again. All the new stuff looks really cool.

Imbasel, I'm going to write up those feats that I've been promising to do forever, and edit them into my post later tonight. (Sorry for not doing them earlier) Also, any chance of the play-test being resumed?

Also, I really like Moofaa's idea to use the SWSE saves-as-defense system in HP. It would fit perfectly with some spells being bolts of magical energy (requiring one to overcome reflex defense), and some spells indirectly targeting a person through other means.

2011-04-25, 06:33 PM
I agree that saves should be defense. If a person is denied a save (already under a mind-affecting spell for will, stuck in place for reflex, or sickened/nauseated for fortitude, then their defense could be their modifiers +2 (represent poor die roll). There's an idea to get the ball rolling.

2011-04-25, 07:20 PM
Has anyone considered a way to enchant items? The Harry Potter world is full of enchanted items but the books never really got into how such items got that way to begin with.

I was considering a simple solution as such:

Wizards must be Level X and/or have some sort of Enchantment feat.

Enchantments are done using a spell template much like wandless/wordless casting.

The DC is +25 for a temporary enchantment. Effect lasts for caster level in hours.

The DC is +30 for a permanent enchantment. Enchantment has infinite duration however "instant" type spell effects do not reset after being set, such as in the case of a trap.

Additional +5 to DC for every additional enchantment added to the same item.

Add +5 to the DC for each special condition tied to the triggering of the enchantment. (such as a secret password to bypass the trap or read the Marauders Map).

GM decides what spells and targets are suitable for enchantment. (You might not want players running around putting Avada Kedavra spells on every door at Hogwarts)

Not sure on my DC's, I've always been bad at setting that stuff.


Jake the Jokester wants to set a Banishing Charm on the Slytherin common room door in order to annoy his nemesis, the house prefect. This would require the use of a Banishing spell on the door, as well as a trigger (Only discharges on the Slytherin Prefect, whom he dislikes.)

The DC would be 20 (for the Charm) + 25 (spell only needs to last a few hours) +5 (only affects a specific person) = 50....ok now that I see that number the DC's would be wayyy to high, especially for a lower level wizard/witch, but you get the point.

2011-04-25, 08:48 PM
Wow, a lot of great ideas have gone up since I was gone.

With regards to defense using reflex, will, and fortitude I think I will make a SAGAish version of this and keep the current system in place. It won't be that hard to make the appropriate changes although I won't begin to work on it in detail for about a month or so.

For right now the spells that require will saves don't require an attack roll and if I haven't made that clear or if I have not written that in my latest rendition then I will change it. That way we can keep this system the way as is, and have the SAGAish edition be its own separate take on it. I will now be doing major site updates on Saturdays/Sundays with minor updates every few days. Th

Marc_In_Da_Room: I will post it on the site later and say those are the ways you can generate a wand if you wish and then place the effects in its on column so if they want to generate it by just saying in game it does that or this it can be ok.

Aranii: Sure those feats would be great and I haven't made up my mind whether or not to continue the game as I have lost a lot of my passion for creativity in regards to GMing that and I don't want to keep stringing you along. I loved playing with you guys and its totally on me.

Moofaa: I like the idea of enchantment and I do think it should require a feat. I don't think it should be that high however, as Fred and George were making things their 5th year and I want to make minor affects reasonably possible. Maybe, make it scale so DC 10 has a +15 difficulty DC 15 a +20 and so on. Then increase it by another 5 to make it indefinite.

2011-04-26, 01:08 AM
wow, i've just looked at the site and i must say it's coming along nicely. I agree about those two wand properties being too powerful and i actually prefer the alterations

Just so you know i've finished with the Dark Wizard/Witch class unless you've spotted other issues with it or want me to add some more?

2011-04-26, 07:55 AM
Thanks for the praise I really appreciate it and I look forward to adding more and editing on Sunday and Saturday.

I will post your dark witch/wizard on the site although I need to change the final BAB to +7/+2 at 10th level to keep it consistent with people at 3/4s BAB as well as my other postings.

2011-04-26, 11:32 AM
ok. Don't forget the dark lord class feature, which is on a different post from the class as well as the two feats.:smalltongue:

2011-04-26, 11:46 AM
I won't forget and thanks so much for the work.

2011-04-26, 01:32 PM
new idea for a prestige class.

The curse breaker is a witch or wizard hired to keep the secrets of Gringotts bank safe. They are in charge of all its protection spells and are skilled at identifying treachery and deceit. They prosecute thieves and are responsible for handing them in to the Magical Law Enforcers.

To gain levels in the Curse Breaker, you must meet the following prerequisites.
BAB: +7
Skills: Charms (8 ranks), Curses and Anti-Curses (8 ranks), Diplomacy (6 ranks), Handle Animal (6 ranks), Knowledge (charms) (8 ranks), Knowledge (curses and anti-curses) (8 ranks), Listen (8 ranks, Read/Write Language (gobledegook), Search (6 ranks), Sense Motive (8 ranks), Speak Language (gobledegook), Spot (8 ranks)

1st-------+1-----+1-----+2-----+1---Highly Perceptive +1---------+2
2nd------+2-----+1-----+2-----+2-----Gringotts Secret--------------+2
3rd-------+3-----+2-----+3-----+2-----Highly Perceptive +2--------+2
4th-------+4-----+2-----+3-----+3-----Gringotts Secret--------------+2
5th-------+5-----+3-----+4-----+3-----Highly Perceptive +3--------+2

Hit Die: d8
Skill Ranks per level: 6 + Intelligence modifier

Class Features

Highly Perceptive (Ex): At 1st level, you gain a bonus to all Sense Motive and Spot checks made to detect treachery and deceit. The bonus increases by +1 at 3rd level and again at 5th level.

Gringotts Secret (Ex): At 2nd and 4th level you gain a secret from working at Gringotts bank. You must select the secret from the following list:

+2 bonus to charms checks, +2 bonus to curses and anti-curses checks, +2 bonus to Search checks, +2 bonus to damage rolls

Spell Limit: The Curse Breaker adds 2 to their spell limit each time they level up.

2011-04-26, 02:25 PM
Alright, here are some dueling feats (late as usual, sorry). I'm not an expert with numbers, so if you like the concept but don't like the numbers, feel free to suggest changes.

Powerful Blast
Prerequisite: BAB +1
Benefit: On your action, before attempting magical blasts for a round, you may choose to subtract a number from all magical blast attack rolls and add the same number to all magical blast damage rolls. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on attacks and bonus on damage apply until your next turn.

Magical Dueling
Prerequisites: BAB +1, 4 ranks in Curses and Anti-curses
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all counterspelling checks and curses and anti-curses checks to fire a magical blast.

Improved Magical Dueling
Prerequisites: Magical Dueling, BAB +4, 8 ranks in Curses and Anti-curses
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on all counterspelling checks and curses and anti-curses checks to fire a magical blast, and you can attempt to counter an additional spell per round at a -5 penalty to your counterspell check.
Special: The benefits of this feat replace the benefits of the Magical Dueling feat.

Greater Magical Dueling
Prerequisites: Improved Magical Dueling, BAB +7, 12 ranks in Curses and Anti-curses
Benefit: You gain a +6 bonus on all counterspelling checks and curses and anti-curses checks to fire a magical blast, and you can attempt to counter an additional spell per round.
Special: The benefits of this feat replace the benefits of the Improved Magical Dueling feat.

Defensive Duelist
Prerequisites: Magical Dueling, 6 ranks in Curses and Anti-curses
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on all counterspelling checks, and a +2 bonus to your defense against magical blasts and targeted spells.
Special: You cannot select both this feat and the Aggressive Duelist feat.

Aggressive Duelist
Prerequisites: Magical Dueling, 6 ranks in Curses and Anti-curses
Benefit: Targets of your spells take a -4 penalty on all counterspelling checks against your spells, and you gain a +2 bonus to your ranged attack rolls that require a wand.
Special: You cannot select both this feat and the Defensive Duelist feat.

These feats would probably replace the current expert duelist feat. Also, you need to specify that you can make as many magical blast attempts as you have iterative attacks.

2011-04-26, 03:08 PM
Wow, the feats look great. The feats replaced Expert Duelist and in the Magical Blast section I spoke that you can cast as many per round as you have iterative attacks. Also, I changed it so you can take both Aggressive and Defensive Duelist, but you can not have both benefits active at the same time. I thought a character may change their style in a fight based upon how it's going. Also, for Aggressive Duelist I added the Weapon Focus (Wands) to make it a bit more balanced as it gains a +2 to any spells fired from it.

The Curse Breaker looks interesting and I will comment more on it when I have a bit more spare time.

Also, I've updated the site with a few new feats and added some stuff in the descriptions.

2011-04-27, 09:03 PM
So I really like the Curse Breaker and the idea of secrets, but I would like to make them more unique somehow. I'm tired right now, but I have some more comments coming in the morning.

Also, does anyone have any questions or anything to add?

2011-04-27, 11:12 PM
ok. I've made some slight changes to the class anyway.

Also, i'm going to make some more feats for you. Aranii has made nearly all the possible combat-related feats i think, and if you want to make harry potter d20 into a pdf book then you're looking at needing at least 30-40 feats, and in total so far you have 16.

2011-04-28, 02:55 PM
Can you build a template for shapeshifters like Serius and James

2011-04-28, 03:28 PM
the feat named Animagi covers that.

2011-04-28, 07:26 PM
ok. I've made some slight changes to the class anyway.

Also, i'm going to make some more feats for you. Aranii has made nearly all the possible combat-related feats i think, and if you want to make harry potter d20 into a pdf book then you're looking at needing at least 30-40 feats, and in total so far you have 16.

That sounds great and my sections about the secret section are forthcoming.

2011-04-30, 04:40 AM
ok, here are some first draft feats for you imbasel.

You are careful not to get yourself noticed.
Special: You gain a +2 bonus on all Move Silently checks made creep past someone undetected and all Listen checks made to hear out for an intruder.

You can magically change your appearance at will.
Special: You can make a Disguise check a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) to change your appearance in various ways, including eye colour, hair colour, facial features, and blending into an environment. The DC for this check is as follows:

Small changes (i.e. eye colour and hair colour) - DC 10
Medium changes (i.e. facial features) - DC 15
Large changes (i.e. blending into the environment) - DC 20

Dark Wave
You have an affinity for the dark arts.
Prerequisites: Any evil allignment, must have learnt the Cruciatus curse.
Special: When you cast the Cruciatus curse on a target, you deal an additional 1d8 points of damage for every 2 levels you have in either the Dark Wizard/Witch class or Death Eater class.

I have some more for you but these are the complete ones so far.

2011-05-03, 05:24 PM
I've just been looking at your website, imbasel, and i've noticed you haven't got the resurrection spell Wormtail performs to bring Voldemort to full power again in GoF.

"Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son.
Flesh of the servant, willing given, you will revive your master.
Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe."

- Wormtail, Goblet of Fire

2011-05-03, 06:01 PM
Small Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 2d10+2 (13 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (+3 natural, +1 size, +1 Dex), touch 12, flatfooted 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+0
Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d6+3)
Full Attack: Bite +6 melee (1d6+3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Crushing Jaw
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Freeze
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will -1
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 1, Wis 8, Cha 9
Skills: Hide +10, Listen +1, Spot +1
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Bite)(B)
Environment: Temperate Marshes (Europe & Americas)
Organization: Solitary, or Pack (3-6)
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Small); 5-8 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: -----

All of a sudden, a nearby log comes alive. It races towards the ankles of a nearby person. The person screams out in pain as the creature bites down.

Dugbogs are nasty pests native to Europe and the Americas. When stationary, it has the uncanny ability to appear as a piece of deadwood. It has developed this ability to better camouflage itself when hunting prey; usually small birds. It is an omnivore, and its favorite food is the Mandrake. As a result, many Mandrake owners despise Dugbogs, who more often than not raid gardens of them. The resulting carnage leaves only the bloody, mangled remnants of the roots.

Dugbogs have finned paws, better to swim with in their marshy homes. While they do not hunt humans for food, there have been many incidents where muggles (and even careless wizards) unknowingly step on sleeping dugbogs. The results are occasionally fatal.

The initial reaction of any Dugbog facing a large threat is to bite it, and clamp down. It attempts to crush bone and shred flesh.

Improved Grab (Ex): Whenever a Dugbog bites a foe, it may start a grapple attack as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Unlike other creatures with this special ability, this can be done against foes of its size or one size category larger.

Crushing Jaw (Ex): Each round a Dugbog maintains a grapple, the Dugbog automatically deals 2d6+6 damage against the grappled creature.

Freeze (Ex): A Dugbog can hold itself so still it appears to be a piece of deadwood. An observer must succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice the dugbog is really alive.

2011-05-04, 01:22 AM
i've just changed the final two base attack bonuses on the Dark Wizard/Witch and i've added a list of feats to the bonus feats class feature for players to choose from.

2011-05-04, 05:35 PM
Okay, I've only been through the first 3 posts, but I have a lot of comments already. First of all, no offense, but you desperately need a grammar proofreader. I'd be happy to do so, if you'd like. Now, on to the specifics:

Gryffindor- Gryffindor's are supposed to be brave, and courageous people. They are true to their friends and can often go into situations that are beyond their abilities. As such Gryffindor's gain a +2 morale bonus to will save against fear effects. They also gain Diplomacy as a class skill.

:smallconfused: Diplomacy? Really? Let's examine this. Canon Gryffindors (off the top of my head): Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, James Potter, Serius Black, Lupin, Peter Pettigrew. How many of those do you think have Diplomacy? I'm going with maybe Lupin and Hermione.

Hufflepuff- Hufflepuff's are people who value loyalty, hard work, and honesty. As such they gain a +2 bonus to Sense Motive checks. They also gain Sense Motive as a class skill.

:smallconfused: Again, Sense motive? Hufflepuffs are the 'get along with everyone' group, and as such strike me as not likely to go with Sense motive.

However, if you switched it, so Gryffindors get Sense motive as a class skill and Hufflepuffs get Diplomacy, that would make much more sense.

Also, Hufflepuffs' bonus....kinda sucks. I'm not entirely sure what the best route to go on that would be, but they need something better.

Ravenclaw- Ravenclaw's value ingenuity, creativity, intelligence, and curiosity. They are often called bookworms and often spend time studying. As such, they gain an additional 4 skill points at character creation. They also, gain +2 bonus to all intelligence checks for solving questions and the like.

It might not hurt to clarify "intelligence checks for solving questions and the like" as I can easily see players and DMs arguing over where it applies.

Slytherin- Slytherin's value cunning, ambition, sneakiness, and cleverness. They are often loathed by the peers for the things they do. As such they gain a +2 bonus to Bluff checks. They also gain Bluff as a class skill.

Like Hufflepuffs', Slytherins' bonus sucks when compared to Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

Magical Counterspelling- Early in their career of magic wizards and witches must learn how to undo spells they've cast or to block spells that would hurt them. Early in their training, waterbenders learn to block or deflect attacks directed at them and their companions.

Remove the bolded sentence :smallwink:

Once per round, a wizard/witch can attempt to negate a ranged magical attack targeted within 10 feet +5 ft per 3 class levels.

I have no idea what this means. Are you referring to an attack on an object or person within 10 + (5 / 3 caster levels) feet, or at attack from an attacker within that range? If the former, that's going to make attacking difficult if everyone on one side can attempt to negate it as long as they're standing together.

If a wizard/witch is caught flat-footed, they can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ the attacker’s BAB + the attacker’s Dexterity modifier) to still make a Magical Counterspelling attempt. A flat-footed wizard/witch can never make more than a single Deflect Attack attempt.

What's the logic on this? It kinda defeats the purpose of the "flat-footed" state.


Please explain the guidelines you're using to set the DCs of spells, potions, and everything else.

Disillusionment Charm DC Varies

If this refers to Chameleon and Invisibility, you need to indicate that in some way. If not, you need to flesh this spell out.

Featherweight Charm DC 15- This spell allows the caster to make any object up to Medium size, weight 1/4 its normal weight. The effects of this spell last for 10minutes per caster level. Object's greater than Medium size, can be affected, however each size above Medium causes the DC of the spell to increase by +5.

The duration on this seems short, given that it seems to be used in HP to move heavy items on a broomstick or similar, which will take longer than 10 min/CL.

Flagrate DC 20- This spell causes sparks to shoot of the casters wand. They become fiery marks in the air and can take any shape or form that the caster desires. They remain in air for 10 minutes per caster level.

Given that Neville can do this in book one, I'd suggest DC 5-10. Maybe DC 5 for sparks, DC 10 for sparks of a specified color, DC 15 for sparks of a specified color and shape (red circle, for example), and DC 20 for spelling out a message?

Hommenum Revelio DC Varies

If this refers to Human Detector and Peer Through Invisibility, you need to make that clear, if not you need to describe this spell.

Lumos DC 5- Even the weakest wizard or witch can cast this spell. The casters wand emits a bright white light, in a 5 foot radius around the tip of the wand. For every 10 points by which the DC is exceeded the radius increases by 5 feet. This spell requires no Concentration check to maintain, and other spells may be cast while this is in effect. The spells ends when the caster says the word "Nox"

The first time I remember this being used by students is year 3. DC 5 seems low for that.

Point Me (Four Point Spell) DC 10- This spell makes the casters wand tip, point to the north. This allows the wand to act as a compass.

DC 10 seems a little low, as this is noted to be a fairly obscure charm (given that Hermione only finds it in year 4), but perhaps it's just not commonly taught at Hogwarts...

Expecto Patronum (Patronus Charm) DC Varies
DC 20- This creates a ball of pure happiness that can be used against dementors. If the attack roll succeeds against a dementor it is blown 20 feet back. It is blown an additional 5 feet by every 5 points by which the DC is exceeded.
DC 40- Your Patronus is a bastion of happiness. The Patronus sends out pulses of white light. This automatically dispels all dementors within a 100 foot radius, 100 feet away from the edge of the radius, This spell can be maintained each round with a DC 30 Concentration check

These seem....off. I don't remember anything like them happening in the books.

Expelliarmus (Disarming Charm) DC Varies

Once more, you need to make clear that this applies to the two spells below.

DC 20- A red jet erupts from the casters wand and strikes out at the subject. Make a ranged attack against the subject. If it hits the subject is blasted back 10 feet. They move an additional 5 feet for every 5 points by which the DC is exceeded. The subject takes 1d6 points of subduel damage for every 10 points they are moved backwards, rounded down.

People fly backwards as a consequence of their item being taken away, not as a separate use of the spell. I would add this into the original DC 15 version, with a note that the target is blasted back 5' for every 5 points that the check exceeds 15 and takes 1d6 nonlethal for every 10 feet they move back.

Protego DC Varies

Once more, please clarify exactly what of the following spells fall under this (it's fairly obvious on this one, but it will help with consistency).

Having read through Curses and Anti-curses, I have to ask how you expect a Defense Against the Dark Arts class to go? You have a lot of curses, but very little by way of defense, especially for early years. Granted, it seems to cover things like magical beasts as well, but the current spells just seem lacking in Anti-curses. (Wouldn't Countercurses by the more accurate term?)

On several of these you mention an "Emotional Scale". I know of no such thing in D&D; where do you explain it?

Blood Replenishment DC 15
When drunk or placed into the body somehow, this potion restores the blood of the drinker, one pint per 24 minus X hours, where X is the level of the potion brewer. Once it restores 1d6 pints, a new potion must be taken to continue the effect.

So, where are the mechanics for blood loss? Because I don't remember that anywhere in D&D and, without it, this potion is pointless.

Simple Remedy DC 10
This potion cures a minor condition, such as a cough or a cold. It can be used to treat the symptoms of most ailments, though it will not cure anything major. A Simple Remedy potion also adds a +2 equipment bonus to Healing checks.

This (and the Veterinary Tonic) mention Healing checks, but there is no Healing skill. Do you mean "Charm checks to cast a healing spell"?


This is....hmm...very different from the other types of magic. Could you show some example transfigurations from the book to illustrate the DCs that come from this system (say, matchstick into needle, desk into pig, and mouse into snuffbox)?

Combat Divination
Prerequisites: Must possess at least 2 ranks in Divination, 16 Cha, 14 Int
Benefits: You are able to peer into the future slightly, to help protect yourself, or to make a blow strike true. Make a Divination check. The result-15 divided by 5 equals the bonus you gain to either your AC or any attacks you make this round. You may use this ability 2+ Cha modifier times per encounter. You get a penalty to your attack or AC by -2 (depending on what you specified) if you get 15 or below. Also, rolling a 1 means that you take a -10 to your D20 attack roll for that round, or a -5 penalty to AC depending on what you specified. If you possess the True Seer feat, your AC or your attack bonus increases by an additional +2.

This feat is unfortunately very difficult to read, and could use a substantial rewrite/clarification.

Focused Spell
Benefit: Choose one spell that, you currently know. You gain a +4 competence bonus when using the skill used to cast that spell.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack, and you choose a different spell each time you gain this feat.

Given that this only affects one spell, it seems kinda weak compared to the others.

To cast a spell the character must succeed on a DC check equal to the spells DC +5 representing the difficulty in first casting the spell. After that the character, must study for 1 hour for every 5 points of the spells base DC.

I would strongly suggest reversing the order of this. To learn a spell, you must study first, then attempt to cast it. If you succeed on the casting, you have mastered the spell. If not, you need to study for half the original time again before you can attempt to master it again. (Just a general order suggestion, you'd obviously need to add in the details.)

I'd suggest adding in a clause somewhere that if the witch/wizard fails the check to cast a spell by 10 or more, the spell may backfire or have an unusual effect (such as a cheering charm causing the subject to giggle uncontrollably for an hour or turning your partner into a badger).

Spell Limit- Each character has a set number of spells they are able to learn. They are able to learn up to their spell limit from each school of magic which are Curses-and Anit Curses, Charms, and Transfiguration.

Can you explain the logic on this? It's pretty clear in HP that the number of spells you can cast is based on how much you study....

All checks made with the wand add a +1 bonus.

For ease of balancing, I'd suggest giving penalties for not using the wand, instead of a bonus for using it, as that makes it easier to calculate the odds of a witch/wizard of a given level being able to cast a spell (ie, you can look at what they'd have by way of skill points, and not have to add 1 for the wand). Maybe something on the order of -2 for using a wand that's not yours and -10 for using a broken wand. Wandless magic is apparently +15 DC, so those would seem to fit with that scale of difficulty.

Defense: The character advances using the Class as Defense Variant Column B.

It'd help to add a link here....

The AC for the bludger is 15, and should it be hit, the beater can choose for it to attack the closest opposing team member. The bludger has an attack roll modifier of +10.

I'd suggest that, instead, the Beater sends the bludger a distance determined by their roll in a direction of their choice, at which point the bludger attacks the nearest player. As it's written now, if all the people on the opponent's team are further away than the people on the Beater's team, there is no chance that the bludger will attack the wrong person.

Chasers- There are three chasers on the field at any time. Their role is to gain control of the Quaffle, and to score points by throwing it through the goal posts. The goal can be from either side, and is worth 10 points.

What's the AC on a goal post? Do attack rolls with the quaffle use Dex?

For another player, to grab the Quaffle away from a player they must make a Disarm check.

What's a Disarm check?

The Golden Snitch- The Snitch is a small golden walnut sized ball, that is used to end the game of a Quidditch match. The Snitch is worth 150 points, and is released at the beginning of the match. Capture of the Golden Snitch ends the game. It has a fly speed of 250 feet per round (perfect). It is also suggested that for simplicities sake that the DM has a predetermined path for the snitch, so as to save time during gameplay.

The snitch is repeately said to be very hard to see, as well as being very fast. I'd note its Hide modifier, as well as its speed.

5. No substitution of players is allowed throughout the game, even if a player is too injured or tired to continue to play, unless there are reserve players present.

This....doesn't really make sense. Why can't you send a Chaser off if you don't have a replacement? It sucks for your team, but I don't see why you couldn't do it.

7. A game of Quidditch will only end once the Golden Snitch has been caught, or at the mutual consent of both team Captains.

Ron specifically states that quidditch matches do not end until the snitch is caught.

Also, I realized, going through all this, that you list the class skills for a witch/wizard, but do not list what skills are available. A number of D&D skills don't make a lot of sense here, so you should list the entire set of skills in this world at some point.

2011-05-04, 05:45 PM
Wow, massive post currently I need to get out of the house for church youth group, but I will edit in the response later.

Also, the most up to date version of everything is on the website. Managing this and the website is too much so many of the updates has appeared on the website.

2011-05-04, 05:50 PM
No problem, it took me a while to write :smalltongue: (And it's so massive because, as I said in the other thread, I'm thinking about DMing your playtest so I kinda need to know the system well....and I'm a naturally picky person :smallwink:)

That's unfortunate with the website, though, as I much prefer critiquing material on here where I can quote....

2011-05-04, 05:53 PM
Eventually, I will update everything here from the site although it is going to take a lot of time to do. Luckily, Mock Trial is over for me so the process should start this Sunday and finish by next Sunday. The biggest problem is that I constantly add things to it, so I need to make sure I add things here too.

2011-05-04, 06:03 PM
For the second benefit for Hufflepuffs I'm at a loss right now to change it although some time tonight I will get an idea.

Maybe something along the lines of Hufflepuffs (and only Hufflepuffs) can use the Aid another action to help someone cast a spell? That would fit in with their "work together" vibe.

And maybe Slytherins should get some sort of bonus on spells cast before their opponent has acted during an encounter, as that sorta fits with their "underhanded and sneaky" vibe?

2011-05-05, 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Imbasel View Post
Expecto Patronum (Patronus Charm) DC Varies
DC 20- This creates a ball of pure happiness that can be used against dementors. If the attack roll succeeds against a dementor it is blown 20 feet back. It is blown an additional 5 feet by every 5 points by which the DC is exceeded.
DC 40- Your Patronus is a bastion of happiness. The Patronus sends out pulses of white light. This automatically dispels all dementors within a 100 foot radius, 100 feet away from the edge of the radius, This spell can be maintained each round with a DC 30 Concentration check
These seem....off. I don't remember anything like them happening in the books.
The first one you question is directly referenced in the books as a possible form the patronus takes for less able wizards or witches. The second one is from the third movie

Originally Posted by Imbasel View Post
Spell Limit- Each character has a set number of spells they are able to learn. They are able to learn up to their spell limit from each school of magic which are Curses-and Anit Curses, Charms, and Transfiguration.
Can you explain the logic on this? It's pretty clear in HP that the number of spells you can cast is based on how much you study....
While the number of spells is based on studying, you can only remember so many spells with the particulars on how to cast them at a time. Spells can be complicated, which is why most wizards specialize.

Speaking of which, Why not add a feat or maybe part of character creation that a wizard can pick a type of spell and be able to learn five extra spells from that school at the cost of learning five less spells in another school (or if a feat no other penalty, but can only be taken once)

Other than that I like you ideas and proofreading Savannah, and agree with everything else.

2011-05-05, 03:02 PM
more feats for you.

Spell Block
You can nullify an opponent's magic.
Prerequisites: BAB +12, Weapon Focus (wand).
Benefit: By a flick of your wand, you can nullify an opponent's spell against you (other than the unforgivable curses) a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of one). The target's spell automatically fail and their turn immediately ends.

Your heart is filled with that which makes you invulnerable.
Prerequisites: Must have had a relative or friend die for you.
Benefit: All opponent's spells against you suffer a -5 penalty on their associated checks. Also, you gain a +2 bonus on all spell checks made against one designated target. You can change your designated target only once during an encounter per day.

EDIT - Where is the Dark Wizard/Witch class on your website?

2011-05-05, 05:54 PM
The first one you question is directly referenced in the books as a possible form the patronus takes for less able wizards or witches. The second one is from the third movie

Ah, that makes sense. I had thought that unformed patronus of a weaker caster was more like the shield option, but if it's like the second there, that's fine (it's been a while since I read the books :smalltongue:). As for the latter, the reason I don't know it is because I refuse to acknowledge that there are movies :smallwink:

While the number of spells is based on studying, you can only remember so many spells with the particulars on how to cast them at a time. Spells can be complicated, which is why most wizards specialize.

I dunno. I mean, I can see it as a game balance thing, I guess, but I don't remember any evidence for it in the books.

2011-05-06, 01:02 PM
I just wanted to say I am still here I have just had a lot of AP tests and concerts. I will post more tonight.

2011-05-06, 02:51 PM
No problem. I have some time today, so I'll probably go through some more stuff, except now that I know that this thread isn't the updated version, I'll just use it to know what to look at on the site :smallwink:

2011-05-06, 03:20 PM
Alright, cool beans then. I should have my summary posted by 10 EST.

Marc_In_Da_Room: I will have it posted by this Sunday. Making a table on the site takes a fair amount of time which is why it isn't up yet.

2011-05-06, 04:02 PM
that's cool, take your time. I was just wondering that's all.

Also, i should have some more feats for you over the weekend.

2011-05-06, 04:52 PM
(And it's so massive because, as I said in the other thread, I'm thinking about DMing your playtest so I kinda need to know the system well....and I'm a naturally picky person :smallwink:)

We're going to try a Playtest again?

2011-05-06, 04:56 PM
We're going to try a Playtest again?

Apparently (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=196824) :smallwink:

2011-05-07, 09:41 AM
Ok whew this took some time, but here are my comments.

Gryffindor: I agree sense motive is a better idea then diplomacy as a class skill for them and switch their class skill with Hufflepuff.

Hufflepuff: For the Hufflepuff special ability I am thinking that they gain a +2 against mind affecting effects as they are particularly resolute.

Ravenclaw: I will clarify what the intelligence check will apply to.

Slytherin: I am thinking of making it so they gain a +1d6 to damage if they attack first in a round due to their viciousness in addition to bluff.

Bolded Sentence: It is changed on the site so it is not bolded and the waterbender bit is removed.

Once per round, a wizard/witch can attempt to negate a ranged magical attack targeted within 10 feet +5 ft per 3 class levels.: For this I will clarify so they may only negate a magical attack on them and not on another person.

If a wizard/witch is caught flat-footed, they can make a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ the attacker’s BAB + the attacker’s Dexterity modifier) to still make a Magical Counterspelling attempt. A flat-footed wizard/witch can never make more than a single Deflect Attack attempt: For this its like if you surprise someone they still have a chance to react, but it is much harder.

For the Dissillusionment Charm I fleshed it our so each one has its own set DC.

Featherweight Charm: I kept it to 10 minutes per caster level for game balance. Also, considering how fast a person moves on a broomstick they avoid most traffic and can get to many places quickly.

Flagrate: I like your idea and will make the change this Sunday.

Hommenum Revelio: What do you mean exactly in each of the DC's I put a distinction on what each of them reveals.

Lumos: I kept lumos quite low as it is a very easy charm to cast and also is not game breaking. I think it would be reasonable to think that the main three may have learned it earlier then third year, but they never needed to use it before then.

Point Me: I kept it to DC 10 as it is not that hard to cast, but is a bit obscure so it will require training to be able to cast it.

Expecto Patronum: A couple of these versions are from the movie and I wanted to give characters more options besides shield and true patronus.

Expelliarmus: I made the changes and you can see it on the site

Countercurses is a better name and I have been meaning to change it into that for quite a while now. Most of the class to me seemed to be educating students about the dangers and a lot of the ways to protect yourself is to magically counterspell.

Potions: The original person who helped me with potions put in emotional scale and what not so I need to go back through all of them and make the changes that are appropriate.

Blood Replenishment: I will change it to healing a set amount.

This (and the Veterinary Tonic) mention Healing checks, but there is no Healing skill. Do you mean "Charm checks to cast a healing spell"?: Yes you are correct that is what I meant.

Transfiguration: I will make an example later today.

Combat Divination: I will try to clean it up by the end of tomorrow.

Focused Spell: I feel like a bigger bonus would be too much and this stacks with other bonuses so it can help to create a more potent spell then normal for a character of that level.

To cast a spell the character must succeed on a DC check equal to the spells DC +5 representing the difficulty in first casting the spell. After that the character, must study for 1 hour for every 5 points of the spells base DC.: I like this idea I will make the change on the site later.

Spell Limit: I did this for more of game balance then anything else. Also, learning spells does take a long time and they have a lot of classes to do work on.

Wand Bonus: I like your idea and will change it and will only keep the +2 bonus that they get for one type of spell or other ability.

Variant Defense: I can add a link on the site right to it.

Goal Post: AC of goal post is 10, but with a keeper it uses the keepers AC.

Disarm check: Like in the SRD when you can disarm an opponent.

Snitch: I will add its hide modifier

Rules: I took the rules from harry potter wiki and they listed it from a book that J.K. Rowling made (which I need to find again somewhere in my room)

Also, for the skills I will clarify which ones are suited. Also money is handled by the DM right now as money is not as important in harry potter.

2011-05-07, 09:54 AM
Looking very good. :smallsmile: Imbasel, what category needs the most help now? What can I help with?

2011-05-07, 10:03 AM
Probably creatures as we are lacking in that area. Also, more feats are going to be needed and more prestige classes are the areas that I am looking at right now.

2011-05-07, 10:11 AM
I wouldn't trust myself to write balanced creatures, but I'll see what I can do with feats and PrC's. Any particular areas you want me to focus on in those?

2011-05-07, 12:46 PM
Hufflepuff: For the Hufflepuff special ability I am thinking that they gain a +2 against mind affecting effects as they are particularly resolute.

Slytherin: I am thinking of making it so they gain a +1d6 to damage if they attack first in a round due to their viciousness in addition to bluff.

Ooh, I like those! One comment, though, make sure you actually have fear and mind-affecting labels on some of the spells, otherwise Gryffindors' and Hufflepuffs' abilities won't ever come into play.

A flat-footed wizard/witch can never make more than a single Deflect Attack attempt: For this its like if you surprise someone they still have a chance to react, but it is much harder.

It's just that, in D&D, "flat-footed" means that you successfully surprised the person and they didn't have a chance to react. The "surprise round" before the normal combat starts is when anyone who's aware can get the drop on anyone who's unaware, without needing to nerf the flat-footed state.

Hommenum Revelio: What do you mean exactly in each of the DC's I put a distinction on what each of them reveals.

It's just that you have it set up like this:

Spell 1 intro

Spell 1a

Spell 1b

Spell 2

There's no indication that "spell 1 intro" refers to the two spells following it, because they look exactly the same as any individual spell. I'd suggest indenting or something so that it looks like this:

Spell 1 intro

Spell 1a

Spell 1b

Spell 2

That way it's clear what spells fall under "spell 1".

Focused Spell: I feel like a bigger bonus would be too much and this stacks with other bonuses so it can help to create a more potent spell then normal for a character of that level.

Okay, that's fair. And we'll see in playtesting :smalltongue:

Spell Limit: I did this for more of game balance then anything else. Also, learning spells does take a long time and they have a lot of classes to do work on.

Alright. I don't see any evidence of it in the books, but I'm perfectly happy with it being for balance.

Goal Post: AC of goal post is 10, but with a keeper it uses the keepers AC.

Oooh, that's a good idea!

Also, for the skills I will clarify which ones are suited. Also money is handled by the DM right now as money is not as important in harry potter.

Yeah, that's what I was figuring for money. Eventually you could add it in, but it's such an unimportant thing right now, relative to the rest of it!

Also, I'm not sure I can be much help with creatures (okay, maybe this one), feats, and prestige classes, but let me know if you want me to edit or rewrite any existing stuff, 'cause I'm pretty good at that :smallwink:

2011-05-07, 02:34 PM
I wouldn't trust myself to write balanced creatures, but I'll see what I can do with feats and PrC's. Any particular areas you want me to focus on in those?

If you could I would like a PrC dealing more with divination and seers. I meant to do it ages ago, but I just couldn't come up with an idea that worked.

Also, I will make sure certain spells have the mind-affecting descriptor.

It's just that, in D&D, "flat-footed" means that you successfully surprised the person and they didn't have a chance to react. The "surprise round" before the normal combat starts is when anyone who's aware can get the drop on anyone who's unaware, without needing to nerf the flat-footed state: I can see your point in that. I guess it would be like if you had someone pop around the corner and they knew you were there. You would have no time to react as they cast a spell against you. I will make the change.

Also, for the spells I will make the change for the spells that have their DC's vary.

Spell Limit: I know it's not like that in the books, but yes it is just there for balance.

Also, thank you very much for all the help and input and feel free to look at the site and tell me if there appears to be something not correct.

2011-05-07, 08:23 PM
Going through the spells, I feel that the DCs are being assigned at what "looks good" instead of carefully considering what level people could learn the spell. To that end, I'm including the following tables to help assess spell DCs:

Terminology and assumptions:
1) I'm looking at learning spells, rather than casting them, as there is no point in being able to cast a spell if you can't learn it. The DCs listed are the unmodified DCs for casting a spell, but I include the +5 DC from not having mastered it in the calculation.

2) "Easy to learn" = Master the spell with a roll of 10 or higher.
"Hard to learn" = Master the spell with a roll of 15 or higher.
"Nearly impossible to learn" = Master the spell with a roll of 20. Note that, while these are labeled "nearly impossible to learn", a determined player will be able to learn them at the given level.

3) "Average caster" = Someone who is not specializing in that branch of spells (charms, transfiguration, potions, etc), but is decent at it.

a) An average caster has the maximum ranks for their level in the branch of spells.
b) An average caster has a +0 bonus to that branch of spells (10-1 on the relevant ability score).
"Specialist caster" = Someone who is particularly interested in that branch of spells, but is not pouring all their resources into it.

a) A specialist caster has the maximum ranks for their level in the branch of spells.
b) A specialist caster starts with a +3 bonus to that branch of spells (12-13 on the relevant ability score + a specialist wand OR 15-16 on the relevant ability score).
c) A specialist caster puts their ability score boosts into the relevant ability score, so their bonus goes up by 1 at 8th and 16th level.
d) Additionally, a specialist caster picks up a +2 bonus from a feat/prestige class/something at 12th level.
"Expert caster" = Someone who is focused almost exclusively on that branch of spells.

a) An expert caster has the maximum ranks for their level in the branch of spells.
b) An expert caster starts with a +5 bonus to that branch of spells (15-16 on the relevant ability score + a specialist wand). I haven't gone through all the feats, but I'm sure it can be pushed even higher at 1st level (Skill Focus, for example).
c) An expert caster puts their ability score boosts into the relevant ability score, so their bonus goes up by 1 at 8th and 16th level.
d) Additionally, an expert caster picks up a +2 bonus from a feat/prestige class/something at 6th, 12th, and 18th level (I suspect this is well understating the bonuses they can pick up if they truly want to).

Most PCs will be Specialist or Expert casters or better! I strongly believe I'm underestimating what the maximum skill bonus could be. Average casters should be used as an average NPC reference.

Average Caster
{table=head] Level | Bonus | Easy to learn | Hard to learn | Almost impossible to learn
1 | 4 | 9 | 14 | 19
2 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20
3 | 6 | 11 | 16 | 21
4 | 7 | 12 | 17 | 22
5 | 8 | 13 | 18 | 23
6 | 9 | 14 | 19 | 24
7 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25
8 | 11 | 16 | 21 | 26
9 | 12 | 17 | 22 | 27
10 | 13 | 18 | 23 | 28
11 | 14 | 19 | 24 | 29
12 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30
13 | 16 | 21 | 26 | 31
14 | 17 | 22 | 27 | 32
15 | 18 | 23 | 28 | 33
16 | 19 | 24 | 29 | 34
17 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35
18 | 21 | 26 | 31 | 36
19 | 22 | 27 | 32 | 37
20 | 23 | 28 | 33 | 38 [/table]

Specialist caster
{table=head] Level | Bonus | Easy to learn | Hard to learn | Almost impossible to learn
1 | 7 | 12 | 17 | 22
2 | 8 | 13 | 18 | 23
3 | 9 | 14 | 19 | 24
4 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25
5 | 11 | 16 | 21 | 26
6 | 12 | 17 | 22 | 27
7 | 13 | 18 | 23 | 28
8 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30
9 | 16 | 21 | 26 | 31
10 | 17 | 22 | 27 | 32
11 | 18 | 23 | 28 | 33
12 | 21 | 26 | 31 | 36
13 | 22 | 27 | 32 | 37
14 | 23 | 28 | 33 | 38
15 | 24 | 29 | 34 | 39
16 | 26 | 31 | 36 | 41
17 | 27 | 32 | 37 | 42
18 | 28 | 33 | 38 | 43
19 | 29 | 34 | 39 | 44
20 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 [/table]

Expert caster
{table=head] Level | Bonus | Easy to learn | Hard to learn | Almost impossible to learn
1 | 9 | 14 | 19 | 24
2 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25
3 | 11 | 16 | 21 | 26
4 | 12 | 17 | 22 | 27
5 | 13 | 18 | 23 | 28
6 | 16 | 21 | 26 | 31
7 | 17 | 22 | 27 | 32
8 | 19 | 24 | 29 | 34
9 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35
10 | 21 | 26 | 31 | 36
11 | 22 | 27 | 32 | 37
12 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40
13 | 26 | 31 | 36 | 41
14 | 27 | 32 | 37 | 42
15 | 28 | 33 | 38 | 43
16 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45
17 | 31 | 36 | 41 | 46
18 | 34 | 39 | 44 | 49
19 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50
20 | 36 | 41 | 46 | 51 [/table]

What this shows
Assuming PCs are Specialist casters, a 1st level PC can learn and cast a DC 20 spell (it will be hard, however) and will easily learn and cast DC 10 spells.

Avada Kedavra first becomes possible at 9th level -- quite likely sooner, if I'm right that I'm underestimating an Expert's optimization.

A corporeal Patronus first becomes possible at 6th level -- quite likely sooner, if I'm right that I'm underestimating an Expert's optimization.

And much more, no doubt :smalltongue: If you disagree with my numbers, let me know; I have this in an excel spreadsheet and can easily adjust my bonuses!

Overall, I think that the spell DCs you have now aren't bad, however I think they might be a little low, especially on the DC 10-20 spells, as that's within the range of a 1st level witch/wizard. I'd also like to see some spells with non-multiple of 5 DCs, just to mix things up a bit!

2011-05-07, 08:34 PM
Wow, those tables are really great. I really like what you've done with them.

In regards to power Harry Potter could cast a corporeal Patronus at third year. I'm going to presume he was at 4th level and had maxed out his skill so he got a +7 and lets say a +3 from his wand for a +10. Now, combine skill focus and focused spell and you have a +17 to cast it with up to a +22 depending on the happiness of the spell meaning he can easily make a true patronus. However, this requires him to heavily focus on that one spell and that branch of magic soaking up skill points and 2 feats.

Currently, I figure most people graduate at 7th year between 6-8th level depending on how much adventure they had in school. So having Avada Kedavra at 9th level while powerful, would be realistic given the power levels.

What spells are you thinking of scaling at multiple 5 DC's and how also what spells are you thinking of that need to be increased in DC?

2011-05-07, 09:26 PM
What spells are you thinking of scaling at multiple 5 DC's

Everything is DC 5, DC 10, DC 20, DC 25, etc. It'd be cool to see some DC 17, DC 28, DC 13, or whatever spells, just to mix things up a bit. With the tables, you could kinda guess where people are going to get those spells, and so decide "I want everyone good at charms to be able to get this spell at around level 5, so 'easy to learn' on the 'specialist' table for level 5 means it should be DC 16" for example.

and how also what spells are you thinking of that need to be increased in DC?

Hmm....going back through them on the website, there weren't that many that jumped out at me. However, for example, the Bubble-head charm is DC 20, but Harry doesn't even seem to know it exists until Cedric and Fleur use it, so it just seems like it shouldn't be something reasonably competent 1st years can use.

2011-05-07, 09:45 PM
I will definitely think about changing the scale's from fives to other values as well. On one hand I really like keeping it at five as it scales well and makes determine effects easier. However, making it on different scales would make it a bit closer to however focused a particular person was.

Also, I kept the DC 20 for Bubble-head as it seemed that many people cast it in Harry's fifth year with Fred and George's shenanigans . To me it wasn't that it was a difficult spell it was just one not used often and harry couldn't find it because he most likely didn't have a high enough knowledge charms.

2011-05-07, 11:02 PM
Do you have any specific request for the next monster, or should I choose one at random? Also, if I remember correctly, I believe you said that you wanted Dementors at CR 6-8? Is that correct?

Speaking of Dementors, what creature type would they be? I'm leaning towards aberration, on the account that they supposedly breed like mold, but I'll leave the final decision making to you.

2011-05-08, 02:05 PM
I would like to have the Dementor between CR 5-8 and being abberation sounds great. I would prefer the Dementor to be next if that is possible.

2011-05-08, 02:23 PM
Imbasel, were you going to reverse the order of studying and casting a spell needed to master it? I'm writing up some stuff for the game right now and I noticed it hadn't been changed, and learning spells is one thing that will definitely be coming up early in the game.

2011-05-08, 02:36 PM
Yes, the order should be switched and should appear like that on the site in a couple of hours amongst other things.

How goes the PbP planning and anything I can help with?

2011-05-08, 02:44 PM
Okay. I think it'll be around CR 7-8 then, but mainly because of the soul-sucking ability.

2011-05-08, 02:46 PM
Thanks for all the help and I'm sure that the creature won't suck :smalltongue:

See what I did there?

2011-05-08, 03:00 PM
I think I'm good....The biggest thing is coming up with names for all your classmates you'll be interacting with and all your teachers and I hate coming up with names :smalltongue:

2011-05-08, 03:01 PM
Here is a name generator if you want it.


2011-05-08, 03:12 PM
some more feats will be coming along soon. Is there anything else, other than creatures, you need help with?

2011-05-08, 03:12 PM
Right now not so much unless someone wants to take a whack at adding more potions.

2011-05-08, 03:24 PM
i'll give it a go. I'll look on your site and see which potions still need to be made.

Also, what are your thoughts on the Curse Breaker class?

2011-05-08, 03:25 PM
I like the class I just haven't thought of more ideas for the secrets they learn.

2011-05-08, 03:33 PM
how about having one of the secrets be about taming dragons, as gringotts use dragons to defend the more valuable vaults. Also, you could make this secret selectable more than once and the ability improves with each selection.

2011-05-08, 06:18 PM
That sounds good also what are the class skills for the Dark Wizard?

2011-05-08, 10:06 PM
Just in case anyone working on this doesn't know, playtest this way (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=198437).

Lady Moreta
2011-05-09, 03:09 AM
I think I'm good....The biggest thing is coming up with names for all your classmates you'll be interacting with and all your teachers and I hate coming up with names :smalltongue:

I'll do it :smalltongue:

Popping in from the playtest thread and wanted to say that I've had a look at your website and I'm very impressed. It's clear you've put a lot of thought into this system and it seems very clear and logical and well laid out. There was only one thing I wanted to comment on and I suspect it's the result of a typo. Under the How Magic Works section, you have the following sentence:

To cast a spell the character must study for 1 hour for every 5 points of the spells base DC succeed on a DC check equal to the spells DC +5 representing the difficulty in first casting the spell.

now, this sentence doesn't actually make any sense, but reading on and using context I'm pretty sure I worked out what you meant and what I think happened is that you forgot an 'and' in the middle of the sentence. I think it should read:

To cast a spell the character must study for 1 hour for every 5 points of the spells base DC and succeed on a DC check equal to the spells DC +5 representing the difficulty in first casting the spell.

Only one little word, but makes a striking difference to reading/comprehension. Normally I'd have ignored it, but when it comes down to reading/comprehension, I get a little picky.

2011-05-09, 07:42 AM
That sounds good also what are the class skills for the Dark Wizard?

That can be entirely up to you. Also, you need to put in the Dark Lord class feature as well.

EDIT - also, have you had a look at the last couple of feats i posted? They're called Spell Block and Radiance. There was also the Dark Revival spell i posted as well.And i have had a look at your list of potions and i can't think of any additional ones at the moment but i'll have another read through the books and see what i can find.

2011-05-09, 02:03 PM
I put in the features and edited it. Also, while I quite like Spell Block I feel that Radiance needs tome re-tooling. I would make it perhaps at most a -5 for them to cast spells at you and a +2 to your attacks and make it limited to one encounter per day as it is quite potent.

2011-05-09, 02:22 PM
that's fine, i'll edit it for you, also i've edited that last post to include more stuff for you to look over.

2011-05-09, 03:04 PM
Could you shoot me the link for dark revival are you thinking of what voldermort did to come back?

Also, if you can't find anything it would be cool if you could possibly work on a duelist prestige class.

2011-05-09, 03:12 PM
Could you shoot me the link for dark revival are you thinking of what voldermort did to come back?

Also, if you can't find anything it would be cool if you could possibly work on a duelist prestige class.

Yes i am, and i'll give the class a go. What do you think of Duel Specialist as the PrC name?

2011-05-09, 03:19 PM
I've just been looking at your website, imbasel, and i've noticed you haven't got the resurrection spell Wormtail performs to bring Voldemort to full power again in GoF.

"Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son.
Flesh of the servant, willing given, you will revive your master.
Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe."

- Wormtail, Goblet of Fire

Here's what i put, but i realised i hadn't put the mechanics up. I'll do this shortly.

2011-05-09, 03:27 PM
I was thinking of perhaps just Duelist and ok sure give it a go I really look forward to see what you make.

EDIT IMPORTANT: Curses and Anti-Curses has been changed to Curses and Counter-Curses.

2011-05-10, 12:53 PM
Anyone have any comments. I would really enjoy any new input.

2011-05-10, 01:43 PM
just a couple of things for you to change, imbasel. In Magical Equipment and Items, you put Medical Draughts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger, it should be 'Magical'. Also, you left out the book Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling.

Here is the spell:

Dark Revival (ritual) - DC varies
This spell works only on a target who was ripped from their body after successfully creating a Horcrux. The ritual takes several hours to prepare and MUST be completed in the following steps (if you miss a step, or fail a check at any stage before the final check, you must restart from the beginning):
Potion: Make a Knowledge (potion making) check against DC 30. Upon a successful check, you complete the first part of the potion-making process. You must make a Potionmaking check (DC 25) once every hour for 6 hours straight (the DC increases by 3 each hour after the first).
Ritual Preparation: You must gather three significant pieces to be added to the potion. First, you need a bone from the target's father (if the father is dead, go to the place where he is buried and dig up the body). Second, you need to sacrifice a piece of flesh from yourself. The amount you sacrifice reduces the final DC check (see below). Lastly, you must gather some blood from the target's mortal enemy (the enemy MUST have an allignment opposite to the target) The enemy must be tied down against their wishes before extracting their blood, casting the Full Body-Bind curse against them (the enemy takes a -2 penalty on their Reflex save).

Small flesh (e.g. layer of skin) - -2
Medium flesh (e.g. finger or toe) - -4
Large flesh (e.g. hand or foot) - -6

Resurrection: Once the above has been successfully completed, you place the target in the cauldron. Drop the bone into the cauldron after chanting at the top of your voice the following:

Bone of the father unknowingly given, you will renew your son

Next, drop your flesh into the cauldron after chanting the following:

Flesh of the servant willingly given, you will revive your master

Lastly, you add the blood into the cauldron after chanting the following:

Blood of the enemy forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe

Once the above is complete, make a final Curse and Counter-Curse check against DC 40 (don't forget to subtract the flesh bonus from this DC). Upon a successful check the target is restored to a full body and any lost Strength points and Constitution points are restored. If the check fails, the target loses his remaining points of Constitution and is considered dead.

2011-05-10, 04:56 PM
That look pretty good. The only thing I would change is make the knowledge check and potion check higher. I would have the knowledge to make it at 25 or 30 and then the potion checks would start at 20 and move up. That way it is a bit harder.

2011-05-10, 05:10 PM
ok, i'll make the changes now. The Duelist PrC is still in the making.

2011-05-10, 05:15 PM
Ok thanks a bunch and I look forward to it.

2011-05-10, 09:06 PM
I've been thinking about the Death Eater's Morsmorde special. Shouldn't it have some additional effect like a morale penalty to the Death Eaters enemies?

Dark Retribution and Dark Power also both add damage to spells as well, seems a little redundant and possibly broken, although that would require some testing to be sure.

2011-05-10, 09:11 PM
Maybe a -2 penalty to will saves? Also, since they will be taking a penalty to attack its like power attack. Dark Power is a 12th level ability so its quite powerful and shows their focus on attack and hurting foes.

2011-05-10, 10:32 PM
Lady Moreta does have a point about True Seer not giving much at 1st level, as you won't be making a DC 40 check until 10th level and the +2 to Divination won't matter until year 3. How about including the line "Characters with the True Seer feat may have prophetic dreams, which require no check, but only occur when the DM chooses," or something along those lines, to the feat? That would give them something that they can use immediately, without it being too powerful. It also seems to fit with the world, as Harry has some vaguely prophetic dreams (not counting the 'seeing directly into Voldemort's mind' dreams).

2011-05-10, 11:48 PM
Lady Moreta does have a point about True Seer not giving much at 1st level, as you won't be making a DC 40 check until 10th level and the +2 to Divination won't matter until year 3. How about including the line "Characters with the True Seer feat may have prophetic dreams, which require no check, but only occur when the DM chooses," or something along those lines, to the feat? That would give them something that they can use immediately, without it being too powerful. It also seems to fit with the world, as Harry has some vaguely prophetic dreams (not counting the 'seeing directly into Voldemort's mind' dreams).

That sounds fair. Currently the only use True Seer has at low levels is as a placeholder prerequisite.

2011-05-11, 04:43 PM
Imbasel, I've just discovered that you have a wand that gives a bonus to Curses and one that gives a bonus to Curses/Counter-curses. I'm assuming you mean for the second one to give a bonus only to Counter-curses (protego and counterspelling, presumably), otherwise the first one is rather redundant.

2011-05-11, 05:08 PM
Lady Moreta does have a point about True Seer not giving much at 1st level, as you won't be making a DC 40 check until 10th level and the +2 to Divination won't matter until year 3. How about including the line "Characters with the True Seer feat may have prophetic dreams, which require no check, but only occur when the DM chooses," or something along those lines, to the feat? That would give them something that they can use immediately, without it being too powerful. It also seems to fit with the world, as Harry has some vaguely prophetic dreams (not counting the 'seeing directly into Voldemort's mind' dreams).

This. This I like very much. I think I will keep the +2 bonus, but they will recieve strange dreams. I will update the site tonight.

Also, thank you and I fixed it as per the second part which I had forgotten to put both Curses and Counter-Curses as separate wands.

2011-05-11, 07:02 PM
Alright, coming up this weekend I'll add some general feats and apparation rules to the SRD. I'll also start work on a divination prestige class. Any thoughts or preferences on those, Imbasel?

2011-05-11, 07:05 PM
Alright, coming up this weekend I'll add some general feats and apparation rules to the SRD. I'll also start work on a divination prestige class. Any thoughts or preferences on those, Imbasel?

That sounds great. My only request is that you tap into those awesome creative juices as you always do.

Also, this weekend will be very slow for me as prom on saturday night runs over into after prom into five the next morning so i will be a bit busy.

2011-05-11, 07:34 PM
Dementor should be done, soon.

2011-05-11, 07:41 PM
Thanks I really look forward to it.

2011-05-11, 07:45 PM
My only problem is this: Do Dementors have any physical attacks? They dug Mrs. Crouch's grave, so they are capable of physical manipulation, but are they ever described as using weapons and/or natural attacks? Otherwise, I think I might need to increase the lethality of its two auras....

2011-05-11, 07:48 PM
They didn't show any. But maybe the melee attacks deal cold damage too?

2011-05-11, 07:48 PM
Maybe being touched by a dementor is even more draining than being in the area with one, so they could have slam attacks and whatever it's called that lets them start a grapple when they hit? I'm not sure how much support there is for that, but it makes sense.

2011-05-11, 07:49 PM
Alright, I'll add that in.

2011-05-11, 07:49 PM
Sounds good.

2011-05-11, 07:51 PM
Alright, I know that alignment isn't really important for this at all, but since the other two monsters, this should probably be included as well; what do you guys this? Neutral? Neutral Evil?

2011-05-11, 07:51 PM
I would say Neutral Evil.

2011-05-11, 08:46 PM
Medium Aberration (Cold)
Hit Dice: 7d8+7 (38 hp)
Initiative: +9
Speed: Fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares)
Armor Class: 18 (+5 Dex, +3 natural), touch 15, flatfooted 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+7
Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d6+2 plus 1d8 cold)
Full Attack: Slam +7 melee (1d6+2 plus 1d8 cold)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Dementor’s Kiss, Aura of Depression, Aura of Cold
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft., Invisibility to Muggles, Immunity to Cold, Vulnerability to Fire, Damage Reduction 10/Magic
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +8
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 20, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 17, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +13
Feats: Ability Focus (Dementor’s Kiss)*, Hover(B), Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Prison Escort (4-10)
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
Advancement: 8-14 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment: -----

A shadowy, cloaked figure flies towards you out of nowhere. The air surrounding you becomes bitterly cold, and you feel any happiness you felt before this very moment drain away.

Dementors are among the most reviled Dark creatures known to wizarding kind. They are a disturbingly evil group of homicidal monsters, whose sole purpose is to leech off of the emotions of others. The telltale sign of the presence of Dementors is a sudden drop of temperature, and a sudden bout of depression.

Dementors are blind. To “view” the world around them, they have the magical ability to sense the emotions of others, which gives them a form of blindsight. They feed off of these emotions as well, leaving a hollow void in the mind of their prey. Creatures that are drained completely of emotion are usually drained of their very souls. People killed in such a matter are indistinguishable from comatose patients in the deepest vegetative state possible.

Like Threstrals, Dementors naturally have a selective invisibility power; Those who cannot perform magic cannot view a Dementor, even if they can be affected by them. It is also worth noting that Dementors do not mate like most creatures. Instead, they grow like fungus in areas saturated with dark magic.

Dementors are deadly opponents, as their very presence causes harm to those around them. Few wizards can successfully harm them, let alone kill them. The best way to defend oneself from Dementors is to use the patronus charm.

Aura of Cold (Su): All creatures within 30 ft. of a Dementor is subject to an unnatural cold. Each round, all creatures within this aura take 2 points of nonlethal cold damage, no save. If a target is knocked unconscious from the environmental hazard, they start to take lethal damage. Unlike other creatures, creatures with either the Plant type or the fire subtype take lethal damage from this aura as soon as they enter this aura.

Aura of Depression (Su): All creatures within 30 ft. of a Dementor are deeply affected by a seemingly endless depression. After spending a full round in this aura, all creatures must make a Will save (DC 16), or be shaken for 1d4 rounds. Starting immediately after this time, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 16), or gain one negative level. The next round after this negative level bestowal, the creature must make another fortitude save (DC 16), or fall unconscious. All these saves are Wisdom-based. If a character succeeds on at least two of these saves, they cannot be affected by the Dementor’s aura of depression for another 24 hours.

Blindsight (Su): This ability works like the common ability, except it is supernatural in origin. If a creature finds a way to mask his emotions, the Dementor cannot see him/her. A Dementor hit by the patronus charm loses this ability for 1d6 rounds, effectively blinding it.

Dementor’s Kiss (Su): this ability is only usable against a helpless target. As a full round action, the Dementor may suck the soul of a living creature out of its body. This action is called a “kiss.” Once a kiss attempt has started, the target must make a Fort save (DC 16), or die. Such a target cannot be resurrected by any means until the Dementor who performed the kiss has been destroyed. The save DC is Wisdom-based.

Invisibility to Muggles (Su): This ability is constant, allowing a Dementor to remain invisible even when attacking. This ability only functions against Muggles.

2011-05-11, 08:51 PM
LOTRfan, I love you. Pleas partake in the play test. I think one check is unfair though, maybe a 2 out of 3 thing would be in order?

2011-05-11, 08:53 PM
I love you too. You should most definitely sign-up for the playtest.

2011-05-11, 08:56 PM
LOTRfan, I love you. Pleas partake in the play test. I think one check is unfair though, maybe a 2 out of 3 thing would be in order?

Can I sig that first part? :smalltongue:

I'll adjust that.

What exactly would I do for the playtest?

2011-05-11, 08:58 PM

2011-05-11, 09:00 PM
Can I sig that first part? :smalltongue:
Dude, of course.

I'll adjust that.

What exactly would I do for the playtest?

Play in a PBP game with the rules here.

2011-05-11, 09:05 PM
I'll think about it, but I don't think I'm really the best choice for the playtesting. I'm not very the most reliable playgrounder (specifically, when it comes to posting). I'm not exactingly good at keeping on schedule (I'm sure anyone who frequents threads started by me can tell you that), so I'm afraid I might just slow it down...

Do you have any other specific requests for creatures?

2011-05-11, 09:10 PM
I'll think about it, but I don't think I'm really the best choice for the playtesting. I'm not very the most reliable playgrounder (specifically, when it comes to posting). I'm not exactingly good at keeping on schedule (I'm sure anyone who frequents threads started by me can tell you that), so I'm afraid I might just slow it down...
Oh well, it was worth a shot. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-11, 09:10 PM
How about the Basalisk or Acromantula. Everything looks great and wonderful and amazing.

2011-05-11, 09:31 PM
I think I'll go with Basilisk first, because I'll need to research Acromantulas more (if I were to do it now, it would just be a giant spider with the magical beast type instead of vermin. Where's the fun in that? :smalltongue:).