View Full Version : Trying to Remember a Movie

The Rose Dragon
2010-07-22, 02:25 PM
Whenever I'm having a shower, I keep remembering this one movie, but I can't find any details online, even its name.

Basically, there is this kid, whose mother dies after he tells her his father is having an affair. He also has a fling with a girl, who later dies, and the girl's brother vows to have revenge. Then the kid grows, meets this guy but doesn't remember him, falls in love with his maid, marries her, but the maid is having an affair with that guy whose sister died, and the main character has to keep the marriage a secret to still have his inheritance (oh, he's filthy rich). Then they are thrown from their house by the said maid, and some other stuff happens. I think the main character's name is French (something like Bacille).

Anyone remember the movie I'm talking about?