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View Full Version : Arboreal Halfling [3.5 Race] (P.E.A.C.H.)

2010-07-25, 06:16 PM
I've posted this elsewhere, but thought I'd get feedback from this board as well. It's gone through a LOT of refinement over a few years, but there's no doubting the wisdom of crowds. Thanks in advance for thoughtful comments. -- ShriekingDrake



General Overview: Cousins to the Ghostwise Halflings (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Ghostwise_halfling), Arboreal Halflings moved to the treetops, where they became leaner and more nimble in the branches. They build and live in secret "cities in the canopies” of forests, jungles, and other wooded areas.


They are especially adept at camouflaging their dwellings to be nearly invisible from below, so much so that they can inhabit a wooded area neighboring a town for centuries without being noticed (as anything more than the spirits in the woods that scare children at bedtime).


In climates with winter, they sojourn annually to evergreens or take up residence in high mountain caves. They are commonly referred to as "Highfoot Halflings" or "Highfoots" ("not Highfeet" they will protest).

Skills, Abilities, and Limitations: Their lives in the trees have given Arboreal Halflings skills in balancing, climbing, jumping, and tumbling. They are also especially quiet and handy with ropes, which facilitates their clandestine lives among the high boughs. They are, however, a little hindered when using the more "device-oriented" skills (Appraise, Disable Device, Forgery, Open Lock, and Use Magical Device). Outdoor life has so honed their attention to developing skills that, at first level, they may select a bonus feat that directly improves a skill (excluding the “device-oriented” skills, where they lack certain facility).


Telepathy: (Su) Over time, Arboreal Halflingss adapted--from the Speak without Sound ability--the supernatural ability to communicate telepathically. This ability enables them to coordinate among themselves in order to build and maintain their lofty dwellings, keep their treetop villages camouflaged, and engage in their gregarious social milieu—all without speaking aloud when they are in relatively close proximity. As a small, peaceful people, it is their ability to work together silently in teams that has enabled them to survive and that has kept their culture, homes, and peregrinations so well-hidden. Arboreals are all born with a telepathic range of 5ft, which increases to a range of 10ft/level as the Arboreal gains experience. Arboreals can telepathically “address” any creature(s) they desire within their range, though they cannot “communicate” with creatures who cannot understand a language they speak/think or vice versa. They can, however, only "receive" thoughts that are intended as communication, as this ability does not grant other types of mind-reading.

Some Limitations: As metallurgy in the treetops is so dangerous, Arboreals tend not to craft with metal and they eschew metal weapons and armor (including shields). They may use metal objects of any kind and may even possess metal weapons and armor—they simply avoid wielding or wearing them, respectively. Arboreals who don metal armor or shields forgo their telepathic abilities, which will not return for 24 hours. Because Arboreals are raised to shun metal weapons, Arboreals who wield them receive -3 on their attack rolls with those weapons. They are, however, regardless of class, always considered proficient with blowguns, bolas, boomerangs, (obsidian) daggers, lassos, longbows, nets, quarterstaffs, shortbows, slings, spears, and whips, all of which, for Arboreals, are considered simple weapons. Regardless of their class (if any), Arboreals are never innately proficient with any weapon other than the above (though they may take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat to acquire proficiency beyond that list).


Arboreals also have great concerns about magical fire and its affect on the wild. While they may use fire in the ordinary sense, if Arboreals cast evocation spells with the "fire" descriptor, they do so with a 50% chance of spell failure, and they take a -6 penalty when checking to Use Magic Device for magic items that were created by any spell with the fire descriptor (this overlaps with their -4 UMD skill penalty).

Movement: While Arboreals can move as other Halflings do on land and even swim, they prefer to be in the trees, where they climb, swing, jump, and brachiate with the facility that humans skip—except that they can do so unobtrusively. Because of their light bone structure and nimble nature, Arboreals can move more swiftly (see the Light Boned ability below) than their Halfling kin when they are wearing no armor and not carrying more than a light load.


Personality, Biology, Culture, and Tradition: Arboreal Halflings are easygoing and joyful, with a penchant for laughter, humor, and lightheartedness. They are pleasant toward “others” but slow to trust them. They are by no means xenophobic, often taking great interest in the culture, history, customs, archaeology, art, music, and rituals of other beings. As members of a race destined to roam, they are inquisitive about other societies, but keep their own customs and culture to themselves. While they are generally affable and engaging, they can be ferocious when protecting their people, habitat, and way of life.

Unlike other Halflings, Arboreals tend to have “litters” of up to 7 children at a time, extremely short gestation periods, and are able to produce children until their venerable years. Children are raised by the entire community and spend most of childhood learning the skills required to dwell in high, leafy places. Typically, Arboreal children never touch the ground (except by accident) until reaching the “age of descension” upon their twentieth birthdays, at which point they spend (at least) the next five years on the ground, underground, in the water, and in various climates, under the tutelage of one or more “travelsmiths", who prepare them to move, live, and survive in treeless areas. After this training, the returned Arboreals dedicate eight to ten years of service to the community. Some time toward the end of the service, Arboreals go through a traditional tattooing ceremony, which for some bring out an inner path of greatness. Arboreals are, then, strongly encouraged--though not required--to go forth into the world at a time of their own choosing to establish new communities elsewhere or to discover more about the world and its cultures, one day returning home with tales of their adventures.

Physical Description: Arboreal Halflings look a great deal like other Halflings, though they tend to be leaner and with slightly elongated arms. To survive in the trees they have become more adroit, but weaker and less hearty. They smile contemplatively in fear, anger, and frustration as well as in peace, solitude, and pleasure (though to “others” there would appear to be no difference in physiognomy). They have elegant, multi-flapped tongues (see below) and almost never don footwear.

Relations: Arboreals feel the greatest connection to plants, animals, fey, and other forest dwelling creatures. They have especially good relations with the Hadozee (Stormwrack @ 151), Cloaked Apes (MMII @ 46), Beguilers (Shining South @ 60), Grippli (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/humanoids/grippli), Phanatons (Dragon @ 339 @ 62) and Sprites (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/sprite.htm) of all kinds. They hold other Halflings, Dryads, and Treants with deep respect and kinship as they do the Elves. They view Gnomes, Humans, and Dwarves with a favorable neutrality, but eschew and distrust Half-Orcs and other creatures who carelessly defile the woodlands. They are especially wary of Forest Trolls, (MMIII @ 179), Gambols (MMII @ 108), Monsterous Spiders (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/monstrousSpider.htm), and Aranae (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/aranea.htm) and they repudiate the presence of and seek to drive out the Hobyahs (Standing Stone @ 31); Skiurids (MMIV @ 126); Chelicerae (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/chelicerae-mb); Greenspawn Leapers, Sneaks, & Razorfiends (MMIV @ 144); Forestkith Goblins (MMIII @ 64), Green Hags (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/hag.htm#greenHag), Perytons (MoF @ 69) and Meenlocks (MMII @ 146) that encroach their habitats. Arboreals, however, have the most bitter and persistent conflicts with the Tasloi (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20041001b&page=3) (Shining South @ 71), who frequently invade Arboreal villages to devour the inhabitants or to pillage their homes (with the idea of ousting or killing the occupants to acquire better living quarters for themselves).


On the other hand, Arboreals have exceptionally close relations with Azmyth Bats (http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/view_c.php?CreatureID=849%20). It is common for Arboreals and Azmyth Bats to live harmoniously, synergistically, and symbiotically together, frequently sharing the same dwellings, growing old together, and even traveling or adventuring together. The relationship is not one of "pet" but deep and abiding companionship. To Arboreals, Azmyth Bats are not "others," but family.


Where some Arboreals partner with Medium-sized Azmyth Bats to serve as mounts, it is more likely for Arboreals to train Giant Owls (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/owlGiant.htm), Giant Dragonflies (A&E @ 90), Mystaran Dragonflies (http://www.enworld.org/forum/homebrews/10392-mystaran-dragonflies.html#post155747), Elephant Birds (http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/view_c.php?CreatureID=1609), and Spider Eaters (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/spiderEater.htm) as mounts.

Alignment: Their lives among the branches have attuned them to a natural neutrality. All Arboreals are neutral of one sort or another; the overwhelming majority are neutral good.

Arboreals are located anywhere their peregrinations take them. They are natural travelers, explorers, and adventurers; though, when they take up residence, they prefer to do so in wooded areas. They tend not to reside in treeless places or among “others” for extended periods without reason. Yet, Arboreals often live in close proximity to “others” who dwell in or near wooded areas, though Arboreals go to great lengths to keep their tree-borne aeries hidden. Some Arboreals lead itinerant lives, never settling down.


Languages: While they prefer to converse telepathically, Arboreals are, at times, relegated to speaking audibly. Because the heights of trees and the spaces between trees require Arboreals to communicate beyond their telepathic range (and because most Arboreals do not advance many levels), they have developed their own vocalized language. When speaking to each other, they prefer to use this Arboreal language, which sounds more like the natural noises of the forest than a language (e.g. creaking trees, buzzing wings, whooshing wind, fluttering leaves, croaking frogs, snapping twigs, twittering birds, dropping acorns, etc.). They are able to make these natural sounds thanks to especially agile tongues (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gifbin.com/bin/1234958050_amazing_tongue_trick_chick.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.gifbin.com/982274&usg=__mzj8o_zteSw_hO9Vr_eXhVFTMD0=&h=158&w=178&sz=2725&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=NeazfCGVrvEI_M:&tbnh=126&tbnw=142&prev=/images%3Fq%3Damazing%2Btongue%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%2 6client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26biw%3D1267%26bih%3D6 48%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=191&vpy=131&dur=3894&hovh=126&hovw=142&tx=127&ty=106&ei=19rdTOjIMIyRnwfBxenlDw&oei=7tndTKb2FoWhnQfMxaSCDw&esq=8&page=1&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0) comprised of several flaps, which also give them the Sound Imitation Extraordinary Ability (see the bullet below).

Arboreal is a very expressive and detailed language. For instance, there are 119 distinct descriptions for the color green and 74 ways to describe the dappled shadows of leaves. For Arboreals, their spoken language is sacred, intimate, and not to be shared with "others." They will rarely, if ever, use this language in the presence of non-Arboreals, preferring to speak with “others”--telepathically or audibly--in Halfling or another language. Because of their isolation during youth, however, Arboreals do not automatically speak the Common tongue.

Adventurers: Some Arboreals seek adventure, most often as Rangers, Druids, Bards, Monks, Sorcerers, or, occasionally, Rogues. Many others travel the world as commoners.


The Arboreal Halfling in Bullets

• Attributes: +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Constitution
• Size: Small: As Small creatures, Arboreals gain a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
• Height and Weight: Arboreals tend to be leaner than other Halflings and have a base height of 2’6” and a base weight 18 lbs., modified by 1d6 inches and 1d4 pounds, respectively.
• Age: M=60; O=90; V=120; Max: +5d20 yrs.
• Weapon and Armor Limitations: Arboreals may neither wear metal armor nor wield metal shields or weapons without penalty (see above).
• Magical Limitations: Arboreals cast evocation spells with the "fire" descriptor with a 50% chance of spell failure.
• Bonus Feat: 1 extra feat at first level that, in its text, gives a direct bonus to at least one specifically named skill check.
• Agile Athlete: Arboreals are treated as having the Agile Athlete feat (RotW p. 148), which lets them use their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier for Climb and Jump checks—Arboreals do not get the benefits of this feat when carrying more than a light load.
• Brachiation: Arboreals are able to brachiate (perfect) as the feat (CAdv. p.106) from a height of 3ft. or above—Arboreals cannot brachiate when carrying more than a light load.
• Base land speed: 20 feet—but also see the Light Boned ability below.
• Climb Speed: 20 feet—but also see the Light Boned ability below.
• Skill Bonuses: Arboreals may treat Balance, Climb, Jump, Move Silently, Tumble, and Use Rope as class skills.
• Skill Penalties: Arboreals receive racial penalties on the more "device-baced" skills. They get a -4 racial penalty on Appraise, Disable Device, Forgery, Open Lock, and Use Magic Device (and for magic items created with any spells that have the “fire” descriptor at a total -6 penalty).
• Automatic Languages: Arboreal and Halfling
• Bonus Languages: Beguiler, Common, Hadozee, Phanaton, Sylvan, Tasloi, and Treant.
• Telepathy (Su): Arboreal Halflings can communicate telepathically (See MM p. 316) with creatures that share a common language with them, provided they are within a range of 10 feet per level of experience (5ft at birth)—this ability will not function for 24 hours after an Arboreal wears metal armor or metal shield.
• Sound Imitation (Ex): An Arboreal can mimic any voice or sound she has heard. Listeners familiar with the imitated voice or sound must succeed on a Will save of DC 16 +1 per 2 levels (of the Aboreal) to detect the ruse.
• Light Boned (Ex): Whenever Arboreals wear no armor and carry less than a medium load, their base land, climb, and brachiation speeds are increased by 10ft. This ability doesn't stack with class-based speed enhancements such as a Barbarian's, Monk's, or Scout's improved speed, but may stack with other speed enhancements.
• Favored Class: Ranger (male) or Druid (female): A male multiclass Arboreal’s Ranger class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing. A female multiclass Arboreal’s Druid class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.

Arboreal Halfling Domain
Arboreal Halfling Domain
Granted Power: Initiate of Nature feat (PGtF @ 81), but only to the extent that he or she would otherwise qualify (i.e. 5th level and a follower of Eldath, Mielikki, or Silvanus).
1. Primal Hunter (Dragon Magic @ 71)
2. Tree Shape
3. Primal Instinct (Dragon Magic @ 72)
4. Primal Senses (as if dragonblooded) (Dragon Magic @ 72)
5. Hidden Lodge (SC @ 113)
6. Primal Speed (Dragon Magic @ 72)
7. Screen
8. Mind Blank
9. Superior Invisibility (SC @ 125)

Arboreal Halfling Paragon
Arboreal Halfling Paragon
HD: d8
Skill Points: 6+int
Class Skills: Balance (Dex), Climb (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Dex), Knowledge: Nature (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Survival (Wis), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex)
BAB: Good
Saves: Fort: Poor; Ref: Good; Will: Good
1st Level: Companion Spellbond Feat (PH2 @ 77) OR Bonded Familiar Feat (PH2 @ 75); Speak With Plants (Su) at will.
2nd Level: Yondalla's Sense Feat (RoW @ 152); +1 level of existing divine spell casting class
3rd Level: Ability Boost (+2 Dex)

How Arboreal Halflings Compare to Halflings
Note that Arboreals appear to be quite balanced as a LA +0 race; consider the comparison, below, with their Halfling cousins.

For reference...

Halfling (from SRD)
• +2 Dexterity, –2 Strength.
• Small Size
• Halfling base land speed is 20 feet.
• +2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, and Move Silently checks.
• +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
• +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear: This bonus stacks with the halfling’s +1 bonus on saving throws in general.
• +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings.
• +2 racial bonus on Listen checks.

So on to the comparison...

Ability Scores:
-Halflings and Arboreals both get -2 Strength and +2 Dexterity.

-Arboreals get to treat Balance, Climb, Jump, Move Silently, Tumble, and Rope Use as "class skills" (they're getting no ranks or bonuses here, just the option to take ranks) AND they get a base climb speed of 20 (which yields a +8 on climb checks).
-Halflings get +2 bonus on 4 skills (total of +8 to skills). AND Arboreals get -4 to Appraise, Disable Device, Forgery, Open Lock, and Use Magical Device (for UMD -6 where the magical device was made with any spell using the “fire” descriptor) AND--although unrelated--Arboreals do not automatically get to speak the common tongue (which is small, but inconvenient).

-Arboreals get the Agile Athlete and Brachiation, feats, which are pretty limited (mostly flavorful) feats that give a little benefit, but only in very specific tasks.
-Halflings get a +1 bonus on all saves.

-The Arboreals get a bonus feat that directly improves a skill.
-Halflings get +1 bonus on attack rolls with slings (the same as the Weapon Focus: Sling Feat, which they can still take to stack with this ability). AND Arboreals get -2 to attack and damage rolls when using metal weapons, which means, despite the class they choose, they will use not the full range of weapons without penalty.

Other Abilities
-Arboreals get Telepathy with a range of 10ft./level.
-Halflings get +1 bonus on attack rolls with any and all thrown weapons AND Arboreals lose Telepathy when wearing metal armor or using metal shields.

-Arboreals get the Sound Imitation extraordinary ability
-Halflings get a +2 bonus on saves against fear AND Arboreals cast evocation spells with the “fire” descriptor with a 10% chance of spell failure.

-Arboreals have a speed of 20ft AND Arboreals get the "Light Boned" extraordinary ability such that when an unarmored Arboreal carries no more than a light load, the Arboreal's base land, climb, and Brachiation speeds are 10ft faster. This ability doesn't stack with the Barbarian's, Monk's or Scout's (or the like) improved speed.
-Halflings have a speed of 20ft BUT Arboreals get -2 penalty on Constitution and Arboreals lose the Light Boned benefits if the Arboreal is encumbered by more than a light load.

Travelsmiths are a rare but necessary component of Arboreal culture. At the time of the tattooing ceremony the DM should secretly roll d100. If the DM rolls 00, the Arboreal character, if she becomes a spontaneous caster, is also a Travelsmith. Travelsmiths are LA +1.

Travelsmiths have the Arboreal Halfling Domain. Moreover, travelsmiths can, as an extraordinary ability, speak with animals, at will, and add the following spells to their list of spells known.

1: Delay Death, Obscuring Mist, Surefooted Stride (mass)
2: Heart of Air, Lesser Vigor (mass), Snowshoes (mass),
3: Burrow (mass), Heart of Water, Swim (mass)
4: Airy Water, Heart of Earth, Wind at Back
5: Feathers, Phantom Stag, Superior Resistance


2010-07-28, 08:28 PM
Touched up a few errors and put the large picture in a spoiler. I'd still welcome any feedback.

2010-09-06, 04:37 PM
Amazing!!! I'm going to start including these guys in my campaign immediately. You've obviously put a LOT of time and energy into developing these. I think all the detail is terrific and I can see that you researched quite a bit. All you've got to do now is flesh out that "as creatures" section.

Very well done!!! One of the best homebrew races I've seen.

2010-09-06, 04:59 PM
This is great! Cool concept, I like the stats... All I can really think of is "Wow..." :smallbiggrin:

2010-09-06, 05:34 PM
Are these chaps connected/inspired by the critters of the same name from the Advanced Bestiary from Green Ronin?

Or are they more Dark Sun?

I like the detail, but they seem very powerful for a 3.5 race without an LA and where does the telepathy come in? I expect it's just something i missed but it seems odd next to all of the other abilities.

2010-09-06, 08:28 PM
Needs a level adjustment.

2010-09-06, 09:59 PM
Amazing!!! I'm going to start including these guys in my campaign immediately. You've obviously put a LOT of time and energy into developing these. I think all the detail is terrific and I can see that you researched quite a bit. All you've got to do now is flesh out that "as creatures" section.

Very well done!!! One of the best homebrew races I've seen.

Thanks so much. It's been fun play-testing them. And they seem to be running smoothly.

2010-09-06, 10:01 PM
This is great! Cool concept, I like the stats... All I can really think of is "Wow..." :smallbiggrin:

Much obliged. :smallsmile:

2010-09-06, 10:10 PM
Out of curiosity, how many years did you work on this?

2010-09-06, 10:11 PM
Are these chaps connected/inspired by the critters of the same name from the Advanced Bestiary from Green Ronin?
I didn't find out that the Advanced Bestiary version existed until after I started working these through. From what I recall, the AB version is a template; or perhaps I misremember.

Or are they more Dark Sun? They weren't Dark Sun inspired, but I think we could play them there, perhaps with a little tweaking.

I like the detail, but they seem very powerful for a 3.5 race without an LA and where does the telepathy come in? I expect it's just something i missed but it seems odd next to all of the other abilities. I don't think that they are all that powerful, but the post below yours thinks similarly. I tried to do a comparison with the base halfling and think that they are not all that unbalanced in comparison. At least to my eye, as you can see from the first original post, they seem clearly in balance.

As for the telepathy, I took it from the Ghostwise Halflings, but expanded it as living in the trees tends to spread the group out. I liked the idea that they could remain hidden in the woods and still be proximate to other people and races and thought rather then giving them the bonus to hide, I'd give them two language related abilities 1) telepathy from close to mid range (improving as the character gains experience) and 2) the sound imitation ability. This way they could communicate with each other and still be more unobtrusive. To me, mostly, it seemed like interesting flavor for a nimble, tree-dwelling race.

But, I'm certainly game to think more about it. Thanks for these thoughtful comments.

2010-09-06, 10:15 PM
Needs a level adjustment.

The previous poster also suggested this. Can you help me think through this a bit. While I hadn't arrived at the same conclusion when left to my own devices, I'd be interested in exploring how/whether I should be giving this an LA. As I mentioned in the post immediately above this one,, I tried to do a fair comparison to the base halfling and as you can see from my own analysis that I concluded that they were pretty balanced. But I might also be very wrong. I'm curious about what here should warrant a LA and how much of one it should have, and why? I'd welcome your insight--and that of others, as well-.

2010-10-10, 07:58 AM
Out of curiosity, how many years did you work on this?

It's been quite a few years, really. It started small and just grew. I've played quite a few of them at this point. It's been a good addition to our games. I'd say I've been working on them for five years.

2010-12-27, 10:20 PM
You've obviously put a lot of time into these guys. I really appreciate all the detail. I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind.

Have you considered doing something more with the tattoos? I was thinking that it might be cool to offer a +1 LA version of these guys where some of the tattoos gave special abilities like being able to ride some of those mounts you described in the relations section, or becoming one of those travel smiths you described in the coming of age section, or perhaps someone who's job it was to prevent arboreal halflings from accidentally falling out of the trees, or someone to serve as the messengers between the traveling halflings and their hoes. I just think it would be interesting to add to their abilities with small bossts, like say, domains for casters, or extra feats for some, but at the cost of LA. Anyway, it's just an idea.

I am also wondering if you've got any playtest data on thee guys. They seem really good, but also have enough weaknesses that could make game play, well, a challenge.

Thank you in advance.

2011-01-02, 02:28 PM
You've obviously put a lot of time into these guys. I really appreciate all the detail. I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind.

Have you considered doing something more with the tattoos? I was thinking that it might be cool to offer a +1 LA version of these guys where some of the tattoos gave special abilities like being able to ride some of those mounts you described in the relations section, or becoming one of those travel smiths you described in the coming of age section, or perhaps someone who's job it was to prevent arboreal halflings from accidentally falling out of the trees, or someone to serve as the messengers between the traveling halflings and their hoes. I just think it would be interesting to add to their abilities with small bossts, like say, domains for casters, or extra feats for some, but at the cost of LA. Anyway, it's just an idea.

I am also wondering if you've got any playtest data on thee guys. They seem really good, but also have enough weaknesses that could make game play, well, a challenge.

Thank you in advance.

Thanks and sounds cool. I hadn't thought about doing anything with the tattoos, but I'd be game. Why don't you post something or send me what you're interested in doing.

As for the playtesting, they've been great. My group has incorporated these guys pretty well. They are playing balanced, but people tend to favor rangers, rogues, druids, monks, bards, and even a cleric or two. They've made for flavorful role-playing.

2011-06-10, 06:15 PM
Sorry for the bump, but I made a few more small tweaks.

Also just finished playing on in a campaign. They're playing so well. If any playgrounders have played them, I'd love to hear how it went.