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View Full Version : Cumberland Gap ~ A Land of Infinite Promises. ~

2010-07-26, 03:45 AM
So your let it be written your journey begins.

Cumberland Gap a small thorp within a valley recently started construction just a few weeks ago..the walls are nearly done as is the main town hall. The closest city is months away and you have reached here in the early spring. A merchant by the name of Benjamin Vargo is the benefactor and funding the cost of what he hopes will become a large city quickly. He recently bought several mines of silver and other various minerals from a clan of dwarfs in a very lucrative business deal. The dwarfs you have come to know the clan is called Stonehand. They have sent a few of their own guards to help protect the place until construction is completed. Recent news is that one of the mines was re-opened and a rock slide revealed what appears to be an old tomb. This was not a problem to Lord Vargo until several of his workers went missing. He insist that the dwarven guards are needed in the village to prevent raids but is willing to pay a healthy sum to any brave souls willing to find out what the problem is and get rid of it.

OOC Thread - http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9005451#post9005451
IC Thread - http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=161728

2010-07-26, 05:43 AM
Nyomi Silvieria, or Lady Silvieria as she has already introduced herself to numerous commoners that weren't paying suitable respect to her, lounged up against part of the unfinished wall around the budding town. Her long bare legs drew many appreciative gazes from the nearby workers, until their eyes moved upwards, and they saw the grace with which she moved, the naked rapier on her back, the snugly fitting, beautifully made chainmail shirt, and vicious kukri on her belt.

She stood and watched the village grow, responding curtly to those of lesser breeding, but more politly to those that matched her standards, most of all she watched, taking in the world around her as it grew and matured.

As she watched she learnt about her new world, sent out from her noble family to increase their holdings in the frontier territories, she was desperate to impress her father, and repay all his love and input into her life. She had already tried to see Lord Vargo, that her position in this lowly town could be cemented, but he currently has been too busy to see the young noble lady.

However today she has learnt that there was an accident in one of the mines, workers have gone missing, and that Vargo is looking for help. She casually eases her lithe body from it's position at the wall, and strolls further into the centre of town, ready for anything.

Ricky S
2010-07-26, 07:55 AM
Tezo Littleheart

Tezo found himself in a serious bit of trouble at the last town he stayed at. Rather than stay he decided to leave to get the heat off him. He was however pursued by the local guard of the city so he just continued. He eventually got lost and has finally found Cumberland gap after months of travel alone. Relieved at finding people he made his way towards the township.

Tezo entered the developing town stealthily unsure of the stance the people in Cumberland took on strangers. Once he noticed that they were good enough people he made himself known conversing with the townsfolk and finding out about the surrounding area.

As soon as he heard of the missing workers he was intrigued and felt compelled to investigate. Tezo has noticed a few other noteworthy individuals who it seems that he may have to work with.

Noticing a particuarly attractive women Tezo couldn't help but introduce himself. "Good day. My name is Tezo Littleheart. He said politely while extending a hand. I don't believe we have met before but I have overheard your name. Lady Silvieria I presume? I have never seen a lady dressed as you, but it is befitting. Well, if there is anything you should need, you have only to ask.

2010-07-26, 08:06 AM
Nyomi, appears a little bemused as such a forward halfling, but his courtly manner, and polite tone, impresses her.

She ignores his hand, but greets him warmly enough, "Good day, Master Littleheart. I would wager you have not met many ladies like me at all, whether in dress, in breeding, or in skill, but I thank-you for your kind words. What brings you to Cumberland Gap?" she asks the question in an off-hand, light-hearted tone, yet her eyes betray her interest.

2010-07-26, 08:25 AM
Chi Ogrebasha, a quite tall half-orc, dressed in a chain shirt with a large falchion sheathed on his belt, as soon as he got to the place and has heard of the local troubles, immediately volunteering for the job. His jaw was put forward as most of the half-orcs had and his eyes were covered by some stylish shades. The half-orc fixed his glasses and his haircut and got going to town - the lost miners were a perfect opportunity for his very own first quest and he just couldn't wait!

As he got through the crowd, which, with his size he could do pretty easily, he was walking by a halfling and an attractive woman talking. Certainly, Chi paid more attention to the last, until he realized by their look, that they were probably here for the same reason he was.

The half-orc suddenly stopped, turned around and got near the pair, coughed to attract their attention and said, mostly to the lady: "Excuse my interruption, but are you here to investigate the missing miners as well? Oh, where are my manners, my name is Chi Ogrebasha, it's nice to meet you. And you are, my lady?" - he asked, offering her a hand.

2010-07-26, 08:33 AM
Nyomi, stiffens at the interruption, and turns cold eyes upon the half-orc, "My name is Lady Silvieria orc!" She softens slightly, realising that antagonising a half-orc isn't the best idea, "I have heard of these missing people yes, I am here to offer my considerable skill to Lord Vargo."

She utterly ignores his hand as well.

Ricky S
2010-07-26, 08:36 AM
Tezo Littleheart

And you would win that wager my lady. I rarely mingle with fine society. Not by choice mind you but by birth. What brings me? At this he starts speaking quite dramatically and quickly. Well it is a long story fraught with peril, danger and a woman's heart. Metaphorically speaking of course. It involves dragons and thieves and the very worst sort of evils but I have overcome all these hardships and escaped. But here I am, although where here is, I must admit I do not really know. He grins at the thought of his tall story before remembering who he is speaking with. And yourself lady? What brings you into this wilderness at the very edge of the earth?

2010-07-26, 08:39 AM
Nyomi's mood softens, as she grins contendedly at the halfling's tale, betraying her youthfull enthusasim for the first time, "My father is interested in these lands, and the opportunities that are awakened here, I am here to represent his interests."

2010-07-26, 08:44 AM
"A half-orc, actually. Do you have a problem with that, my lady?" - Chi asked, seeming to be annoyed a little, but still trying to remain polite. He silently puts his offered ignored hand away and politely listens to the halfling's and Siviera's tale. He then concluded: "So, we're here for the same reason, it appears... Would you like to form a team, perhaps?"

2010-07-26, 08:47 AM
Nyomi takes a long slow breath, then mumbles the difficult words, "I am sorry friend Half-orc...friend Chi. I have not met many cultured people in this place, and I assumed you would be the same, please accept my apologies." She sighs again, glad that the ordeal is over, "One alone is in danger, one of many is strong, maybe we should present a united front to Lord Vargo."

2010-07-26, 08:55 AM
"Apology accepted, my lady. May I know your first name, though? And how about you, my halfling friend?" - he said after the Silvieria's apology. He silently listened to the woman's proposition, then nodded as she finished and said: "My point exactly, my lady. Perhaps, the Lord would be more willing to hire an already made-up team. Shall we?" With the last question, he slightly turned his body in the direction of the Lord's occupation, still looking at the pair he met.

2010-07-26, 08:56 AM
"Nyomi," she replies, prounouncing it 'Ung-Omi', "But until I know you better I would prefer you to refer to me as 'My Lady' or 'Lady Silvieria'"

Ricky S
2010-07-26, 09:00 AM
Tezo Littleheart. Tezo offers his hand Chi laughing at how small it is in comparison to Chi's. I guess we are all here to search for those missing miners then? I think you are right lady. We would present better as a group.

2010-07-26, 09:45 AM
"As you wish... My lady." - Chi responds and then turns to the halfling, bending over to shake the fellow's hand, smiling in response to the halfling's laugh. - "Chi Ogrebasha, nice to meet you." He then stood up straight and pointed into the direction of the Lord's quarters with his head: "Shall we move now?"

2010-07-26, 09:47 AM
"Yes, I have been waiting for days to meet with Lord Vargo, I wish to wait no longer." Nyomi sets off with a casual gait, and all but the sharpest of eyes cannot see the fact that it is the gait of someone in complete control of her every movement.

2010-07-26, 09:57 AM
Vic walks into the town, eatting an apple as he walks, recently he heard of the people missing in the mines and the lord of this new place looking for people to help, so with nothing better to do Vic decided to wounder in and see if he could lend a hand.

However Vic seems to be not exatly sure were he supposed to go, so he stops and ask for direction from a group of people he just saw, an odd buntch a well dress women another halfling and an orc.

"Yo big guy."

Vic says toward Chi

"Sorry to interrupt ya chater, can ya point me towards the lords Vargos place."

Ricky S
2010-07-26, 10:11 AM
We're headed there ourselves. You're welcome to come. Just don't stand in the way of my reward when we get those miners back Tezo jokes.

2010-07-26, 10:13 AM
"As my halfling friend over here said, we're headed there ourselves. Chi Ogrebasha, by the way." - he says, offering Vic a hand for a handshake. - "And you are?"

2010-07-26, 10:21 AM
"Brilliant, names Vic."

Vic says then bites his apple to free up his hand and shakes Chis hand.

2010-07-26, 02:06 PM

Dhones walked into town after exploring in between the two mountains. In town he saw a small group of people with what looked like an orc to him. Even though he has a deep hatred for orcs he knew it wouldn't be to smart to kill it in the middle of town. Instead he walked up to the group and asked "where are you all going to?"

2010-07-26, 04:30 PM
"Nice to meet you, Vic." - Chi says, before turning to the stranger that came near them. Geez, there were attracting many people! "May I ask for the reason of a such question, mister..?" He says, seeming to ask both for a reason and the asker's name.

2010-07-26, 04:37 PM

Thecla came here about the same time as the town was getting started. Every new town needs Clerics of St Cuthbert and she's here to spread their message, protect the weak, uphold the law and get a Temple started. She's been working with several others of her faith and she's had a wonderful time getting to know the common people and the miners.

She wears utilitarian clothing, with banded mail, a well kept mace and her manner is all business.

She was (or tried to be) first in the mine to help search for the missing and reluctantly left when they called off the search. She aims to help out in whatever way she can and she's on her way to volunteer for the mission at Lord Vargo's residence. She notices Lady Silvieria (whom she thinks is rather stuck up, but she doesn't express this view) with several others new to town on the way. Of course, she has to stop and greet them. Good Day Lady Silvieria. She nods politely to the others in the group, Good Day.

2010-07-26, 04:45 PM
Vic looks at the new comer with interst and the women that greated them.

"Good day lass."

Hesays with a smile taking another bite of his apple.

2010-07-26, 04:53 PM

Dhones said hesitantly"My name is Dhones, and I was just wondering if you could use some one of my specialty to help you out." After seeing more closely that he was not an orc but a half-orc he let his guard down and just decided to watch over him.

2010-07-26, 04:54 PM
"We could certainly use that." - Chi said, immediately taking away the attention from the first stranger that came up to them and immediately got to the second one, seeing as it was a lady. "Good day indeed, my lady. Allow me to introduce myself, Chi Ogrebasha, at your service." - he says, offering a newcomer lady his hand, hoping, that she wouldn't ignore it as Nyomi did.

2010-07-26, 05:01 PM
Thecla smiles at Vic in reply and reaches out to shake Chi's hand with a hearty handshake. Pleased to meet you Chi and you. She nods to Vic.

2010-07-26, 05:08 PM
Chi bends over kissing Thecla's hand. He then rises up at his full height and says: "Forgive me, but you didn't introduce yourself, my lady."

2010-07-26, 05:18 PM

That's a surprise, she wasn't expecting Chi to kiss the back of her hand. She looks up at him, and with a slight blush tinging her cheeks she says, Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Thecla, a Cleric of St Cuthbert.

2010-07-26, 05:32 PM
Vic puts the apple in his other hand smiles at Chi as he kisses the womens hand.

"Well a gentleman as well, full of surprises."

He then turns to see the women blushing.

"Well lass...umm I mean Thecla, names Vic."

2010-07-27, 12:40 AM

When it's polite, Thecla takes her hand back from Chi, Glad to meet you Vic. She looks around at the rest of the group, curious about who they are.

2010-07-27, 05:34 AM
Nyomi nods curtly at both Vic, and Dhones as they introduce themselves, but smiles warmly at Thecla the priest of St Cuthbert. "It is good to see you again friend, I heard you were at the search of the missing men, did you find anything of interest there?"

Ricky S
2010-07-27, 09:44 AM
As the group begins to get larger Tezo stops talking and simply listens to what each person is talking about.

2010-07-27, 01:52 PM

She frowns a little at the memory, Unfortunately no, they called us out to soon. I was ready to go on, but, had to listen when they called off the search. I'm headed up to Lord Vargo's estate to volunteer for any search or rescue party they send to the mine.

2010-07-27, 04:03 PM
"Then let us head to his estate." Nyomi affirms, urging the others to quicken their pace towards Lord Vargo.

2010-07-27, 05:20 PM

Thecla is more than happy to continue on the road to Lord Vargo's estate. She walks with the group and she's willing to talk to whoever wants to. She's friendly and outgoing.

2010-07-27, 06:23 PM
Vic carries on walking at some pouint not sure what to do with the left over core of his apple, he eventually chucks it down an allyway.

"So Lass, I mean Thecla, yar a cleric, close to a god and the like, I gather the big gentleman me thinks a fighter of the sort but what about the rest of yall, fighters or spellcasters, I mean if we work together it will be nice what we can expect you to able to do."

Vic says this as taking out another apple.

"Now my parents say I am good to be a distraction or plain confuising, anyone want an apple I have two more."

Vic does produce two more applesand looks at them.

"Ummm okay one is fresh the other however may have worms, so who wants one?"

2010-07-27, 07:05 PM
As you head to lord Vargo's estate you notice that the noble merchant himself is living in little more than a shack at the moment as he waits for his home to be built. He is a fine looking noble..well groomed and wearing fine clothing..he is looking over a pamplet of orders and sighs..as the first shipment of silver was due to his buyers a week ago..this was a problem for the small thorp with big dreams a big problem indeed. He looked up only when he heard knocking and with a simple few words.: "Please Enter.." : yes as easy as knocking on the door...you now have an audience with the town leader.:

2010-07-28, 03:05 AM
Nyomi bows deeply to Lord Vargo, "My Lord, I am Lady Nyomi Silvieria, of the Cherel house of Silvieria, I bring my father's greetings to you, and humbly offer my services to suit your need."

She straightens again, and gestures at the rest of the party, "My companions and I, have heard of your problems, and wish to offer our blades to aid you." She once again kneels, drawing her rapier, and laying it at Lord Vargo's feet.

Knowledge(Nobility & royalty) to find out more information about Vargo:


As we're using the honour system, I'll be posting all rolls like this, hopefully that will make it nice and clear for you...however if you'd prefer another way just let me know

2010-07-28, 03:19 AM

Thecla thinks to herself, Blades? Oh well, she means well and the end result is the same. Thecla kneels next to Lady Silvieria and lowers her eyes so she's looking at the floor. She takes out her mace and lays it out before her and waits for the others to follow suit.

2010-07-28, 06:53 AM
Chi, for some reason, ignored the halfling as they walked to the lord's estate.

"Greetings My Lord, my name is Chi Ogrebasha and it's a honor to meet you." - he introduces himself, taking off his hat in the process.

Ricky S
2010-07-28, 07:11 AM
Tezo doesn't bow down nor does he place his crossbow at Lord Vargo's feet. No offense but I never give up my bow. I believe you have been having some problems?

2010-07-28, 10:07 AM
"I am at your command, my lord." Dhones saids as he kneels down in front of Lord Vargo. "You have my blades."

2010-07-28, 11:27 AM
Vic looks at the people bowing, then back at the lord.

"Hi Lord Vargo, names Vic, I heard you were looking for people to help and I would be glad to do anything I can."

2010-07-28, 03:27 PM
Please stand up I am not a bloody high priest..no need for al lthat bowing." :He looked them over once and said.: "I am sure you have heard one of the mines have had recent problems..no one is just certain what is causing the problems..all we know is that the blood trails go into the abandoned tomb..I am looking for people to enter the place and end the problem so that work can be completed on schedule..I am willing to pay the healthy sum of two hundred gold pieces to each person who is interested."

2010-07-28, 06:45 PM
Nyomi rises to her feet smoothly, slotting the blade back into it's sheath over her shoulder. "I will brave the tomb and find out what happened to your men, My Lord." she says.

2010-07-28, 06:56 PM
Vic sems to be thinking caefully.

"Alight there sir, I like the offer of two hundred gold but is yar offer up for negotiation, I dont really need gold but I would like something else, if it possible?"

2010-07-28, 07:25 PM
:As he waits for the others t accept or decline his offer he smiles to Vic: "Oh and what would that be if I might ask?" :He arches a curious brow wondering what the druid fellow might want having seen one of his kind before.:

2010-07-28, 08:21 PM

Thecla smiles and stands up, she refastens her mace on her belt. Yes, I volunteer for this mission. I will do my best to find out what is wrong down in the mine and help you to the best of my abilities.

2010-07-28, 08:48 PM

"I too would like to volunteer my skills to help with this cause." He said with a bit of a smug look as he rose from the floor.

2010-07-28, 09:06 PM
"Well sir I'll tell you what I want but, uh I rather do it private it sir."

Vic looks at the others and smiles.

"Not to Offend the others here."

2010-07-28, 09:20 PM
"Rewards are immiterial while lives are at stake!" Nyomi declares, "Let us haggle later, I myself may have one or two requests of Lord Vargo, but I will not haggle while men lie in danger."

Ricky S
2010-07-28, 11:04 PM
Tezo Littleheart

Tezo's face lights up at the thought of adventure but he quickly hides it, taking on a more proffessional demeanour again. I would be happy to do that for free, I love adventures. But err... I still want to be paid. Do you know anything else about the tomb? Did anyone hear or see anything? Tezo looks at the zealous Nyomi. I agree but you don't have to be so dramatic about it. They are probably already dead. We should go now though just in case. Tezo checks his equipment. I'm ready. What about you guys?

2010-07-29, 06:11 AM
"I'll have to agree with lady Sylveria... We must hurry up even if there's a slightest chance!" - Chi says and starts walking to the door.

2010-07-29, 07:19 AM
"I can not just blindly give a request of something if not knowing it." : He looked to Vic: "and they are right there is little time I am afraid to waste especially if people may still be alive...so out with it or just accept the offer and be on your way with the others."

(OOC far to many have accepted the offer for him to do any special bargaining)

2010-07-29, 08:21 AM
Nyomi follows Chi to the door, eager to explore this tomb, and hopefully rescue any survivours.

2010-07-29, 10:06 AM
Vic looks to the door then back at the lord.

"Your quiet right sir, so well talk about it when I get back."

Vic makes his way to the door.

2010-07-29, 03:05 PM

Dhones followed the rest of the group out of the door to head off to the mines to rescue who ever was left.

2010-07-29, 09:20 PM
As the group moves out to head for the mine the hot sun settles in to high noon the early spring days were getting warmer. The trail to the mine has been well traveled especially these last few days. As you turn the corner you see the trail leads upwards and the stench of death hits your senses like a brick wall. Then that gaping maw waits before you ready to be entered as just a few feet below is the tomb and apparently something just had a fresh meal.

2010-07-29, 09:24 PM
"Alright, lets go in..." - a little stumbled with what he just saw, yet still trying to keep his cool, Chi stepped into the mine.

Ricky S
2010-07-29, 11:17 PM
Tezo covers his nose with the hem of his cloak as the smell assails him. Careful Chi, we don't know whats ahead.
Tezo draws his cloak around himself and moves while checking for traps.

Search Check [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]
Hide [roll2]

2010-07-29, 11:21 PM

Dhones looked into the mine to see what dangers the group would have to face a head.


2010-07-29, 11:31 PM

Thecla will walk in the middle to end of the group on the path to the mines. When the stench of death hits them, she wrinkles her nose a little and adjusts her breathing a little. She unhooks her mace from her belt and looks around warily as they approach the entrance.

2010-07-30, 12:40 AM
Tezo covers his nose with the hem of his cloak as the smell assails him. Careful Chi, we don't know whats ahead.
Tezo draws his cloak around himself and moves while checking for traps.

Search Check [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]
Hide [roll2]

You feel well hidden and silently you move out toward the cave just as Chi pushes forward you stop him. You are searching eyes catch a trip wire in the darkness it is hooked to large spiked log..question remains will you disarm it or simply keep others from triggering it.

2010-07-30, 12:47 AM

Dhones looked into the mine to see what dangers the group would have to face a head.


Your eyes spot graffiti that is hard to make out on the walls. (goblin if anyone can read it)

In case someone does know the language it reads as follows.

"Mugbilik mean with lash..works us hard or scars our back."

Obviously an odd message.

Ricky S
2010-07-30, 11:11 AM
Guys hold on. There is a spiked log attached to this trip wire. Give me a sec and I will try to disable it. Tezo tries to disable the trap.

Disable Device[roll0]

2010-07-30, 11:36 AM
Vic pulls out his club and straps his buckler on and waits to hear if the trap is diabled.

2010-07-30, 01:03 PM
Nyomi draws first her slim rapier, then her vicious lookin kukri, holding both at the ready, as she takes the rear, watching the parties back. She knows that she is neither that observant, nor skilled with traps, yet if battle occurs, she is ready to counter it, with her athleticism, skill, and blade.

Am willing to watch our backs if OK with rest of party.

2010-07-30, 01:16 PM
Chi draws his falchion as the rest of the team draws their weapons and gets ready to rumble as well.

2010-07-30, 02:04 PM

As Dhones draws his longsword to prepare for combat he says, "This graffiti seems to be written in the goblin language. I expect to see goblins with in these mines." He stands back waiting for to see in the trap has been disarmed.

2010-07-30, 06:27 PM

Thecla nods, Yes, it says "Mugbilik mean with lash..works us hard or scars our back." She waits patiently for the trap to be disabled and she watches around them for anything unusual.

Spot [roll0]

Sounds to me like someone resents being whipped and that they work to hard.

2010-07-30, 08:21 PM

"Hmmm, perhaps we should try to convince who ever wrote this to work with us. I think that they would be willing to help us stop who ever is whipping them." He says with concern.

2010-07-30, 08:38 PM
"Well thats all well an good, but we need to find the bunch that wrote it first. An there more than likely gona be in the cave."

Vic lowers his club and makes a hooting noise a barn owl swoops down from above.

"An if there not in the cave they may be here abouts, so lets have someone check for use. Right now boyo search the area see if ya can find any goblins."

OOC: Baali:- animal companion Trick seek, Seek Goblins in the local area.

2010-07-31, 08:26 AM
:The party reads and prepares while the trap is sucessfully disarmed. The owl flies in moments later and towards the cave mouth coming back after a while relaying the message that several goblins are inside the cave..two are just a few feet down hiding in mining crates.:

(sorry it took so long busy day yesterday)

2010-07-31, 10:30 AM
"Thanks boyo, alright everyone golblines are in the cave in fact theres two hidding away in those crates a little further into the cave."

Vic says quietly.

2010-07-31, 10:38 AM
"Well, they're going down..." - Chi whispered, making his way downstairs, slowly making his way to the crates, not paying much attention to them, but being ready to strike.

So, um, yeah, going down, using my move action to move closer to the crates and a standard to ready a Stone Bones maneuver to strike whatever comes into my reach. :smalltongue:

2010-07-31, 02:01 PM
Nyomi pauses, at the back of the group, centring herself, preparing herself for what is to come. She gazes at the pale steel of her rapier, then slowly brings her arms, then her legs round in a slow movement, almost a dance, as her limbs entwine themselves around each other, until the dance resolves itself into perfect poise, rapier and kurkri at the ready.

Nice bit of fluff to describe setting into "Blood into the Water" stance.

2010-07-31, 08:02 PM

No need for Thecla to prepare, she hefts her mace and follows the others inside. She's never been one for excessive preparation and she's ready for whatever may come.

2010-07-31, 10:39 PM

Dhones readies into attack after hearing that there were goblins in the room, wielding his long sword.

2010-08-01, 12:59 AM
The group heads in nothing much shocking them but as they move silently ahead the group finds sure enough the two goblins in those crates..backs scarred and bleeding..hiding sleeping inside of the crates obviously trying to get some sleep. That however was not the real problem as soon a set of glowing eyes were seen in the darkness...and soon an arrow is ripping by heading right towards Chi after which another set of those glowing eyes appear and a second arrow is seen flying right towards him.The goblins are still sleeping for now.


Rolled offline for damage Chi you took a massive 2.

2010-08-01, 03:19 AM
Nyomi's gaze flicks to the two pairs of glowing eyes, then back to the goblins. Then she whispers to any within earshot of her place at the back of the group, "I think we may have met the reason those men were lost, walk wary friends."

Not positive I need this, but seen as I rolled so well I'm posting it!
Nyomi Silvieria(Init)::1d20+9=(17)+9=26

-waiting on doombringer's reply on how far I am from the glowing eyes before I decide on an action

Didn't need this...waiting on map to make move

Ricky S
2010-08-01, 07:44 AM
Tezo says nothing but readies his crossbow to fire as soon as a threat appears. He stays hidden in the shadows.

2010-08-02, 01:37 PM

Dhones runs up to the closer set of glowing eyes and swings his long sword with fury to protect his allies.

Attack Roll: D20+5=16+5=21

Damage Roll: D8+4=8+4=12

2010-08-02, 02:46 PM
Chi changes his posture and charges with his falchion to where the eyes are located.

Darkvision 60ft - nothing?

Swift Action - Punishing Stance, Full-Round Action - Charge.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
Crit confirm in case the attack result is between 24-26: [roll3]
Additional damage on crit: [roll4] + [roll5]

...Looks like someone got pwnd.

2010-08-02, 08:22 PM

Thecla will follow the others into the fight. She attacks with her mace, aiming to do as much damage as possible to the owners of the eyes in the darkness.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2010-08-03, 06:14 AM
(Updated map guys..I hope this map is more to everyones liking)

Positions of each player on the map:

Chi - (H,-3)
Thecla - (J,-3)
Dhones - (I, -3)
Nyomi - (I, -13)
Tezo - ( J, -12)
Vic - ( H, -12)

The Map:


(Orc in (H,-2) is long dead nice shot Chi)
(Orc in (J, -2) is severly wounded nice shot as well Dhones)

Ricky S
2010-08-03, 07:35 AM
Tezo draws up his crossbow and fires it at the nearest enemy in a fluid motion. He rapidly reloads another bolt as soon as he fires the first.

I am firing at the enemy in J,-10.
Here is the attack roll [roll0]
and damage [roll1]
If I am still hidden then this is my sneak attack damage [roll2]

2010-08-03, 10:30 AM
Tezo draws up his crossbow and fires it at the nearest enemy in a fluid motion. He rapidly reloads another bolt as soon as he fires the first.

I am firing at the enemy in J,-10.
Here is the attack roll [roll0]
and damage [roll1]
If I am still hidden then this is my sneak attack damage [roll2]

The sleeping goblin in the crate? If so yeah it is toast.

2010-08-03, 04:05 PM

Thecla swings once more with her mace at the enemy in J, -2, intending to finish him off with one more blow of her mace.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2010-08-03, 04:17 PM
"Next!" - Chi says, chopping one of the orcs in two, rushing to the next one. I wonder if I should feel bad about this... - a thought occured in his head.

Charging the one at G-3.
Attack'n'Damage - [roll0] , [roll1] + [roll2]
Crit'n'Confirm if 24-26 - [roll3] , [roll4] + [roll5]

2010-08-03, 07:18 PM

Dhones goes up to the next orc and swings his long sword at him shouting "Die you vile ORCS!!".

Attack Roll: (d20+5)=11

Damage Roll: (d8+4)=2

Ricky S
2010-08-04, 12:20 AM
Tezo lowers his crossbow from his shoulder and runs ahead as fast as his little legs can carry him.

He moves to K, -5. Also lol I didn't realise that was the goblin in the box. Poor gobbo I was actually planning to talk to it after the encounter guess I'll have to talk to the other one. So which orcs are actually still alive?

2010-08-05, 05:05 AM
The two orcs that meet you with a melee assault are quickly dispatched as well as the one goblin who looked like he was waking up to Tezo. The two in the back however drop there bows and quickly move in..readying them selves..one is quickly dispatched by the massive Chi the other however swing at Dhones trying to end his elvish life.

(Hit for 2 damage as the orc sneers at you)

(Only Orc left alive is now standing before Dhones in position I,-2)
(Sorry about the dice edit you were hit with a longsword..these orc are using short swords so I fixed it.)

2010-08-05, 02:20 PM
"One more!" - Chi says, lunging at the last orc.

Attack'n'Damage - [roll0] [roll1]
Crit'n'Damage if 24-26 - [roll2] [roll3]

2010-08-06, 04:51 AM
The orcs did little but annoy you it seemed and one of the goblins dumbly attacked before you had a chance to talk. The battle was over quickly thanks to your wit and might. The last goblin is still asleep in the crate the question remains what shall you do?

Ricky S
2010-08-06, 07:08 AM
That Goblin is still asleep. I say we get him to talk. Tezo walks over to the sleeping goblin and points his crossbow at him. He then shouts at him in Goblin Wake up Goblin! Don't move or I shoot!

2010-08-06, 07:12 AM
Nyomi shudders within herself, unsure at why she was so frozen during the combat, she is glad however that her allies managed to finish the orcs off successfully, and she vows to not show her inexperience again.

Just some fluff to cover the fact I was on holiday for a few days!!

2010-08-06, 07:48 AM

Thecla walks over to join Tezo. She waits for the goblin to wake up, but she's not in a threatening pose. She's holding her mace loosely by her side but she's ready in case the goblin attacks first and asks questions later.

2010-08-06, 08:58 AM
The goblin looks to you all wide eyed and confused.. before speaking in the common tongue:"What's you uglies want with poors me...I am not hurtin nobodies.." He shook his head and said "You going to squish me for sleepins..only sleeps me get lately." He frowned and then said to them. "Goes ahead and kills me.. I rather die than digs anymore."

2010-08-06, 03:25 PM
Chi wipes the blood of his blade and sheathes it, then turns to the goblin. "What do you know of the lost miners?"

2010-08-07, 08:09 AM

Thecla frowns a little, No one is going to hurt you. As he said, do you know anything about what's going on down below? She puts her mace behind her back, out of sight, but still easy to bring around in case of trouble.

2010-08-07, 08:30 AM
Nyomi approaches the goblin also, making a big play of sheathing, both rapier and kukri again. She doesn't speak, but instead, takes a few steps past the Goblin, and other members of the party, then quieting her mind, she studies her surroundings for anything helpful.

Here goes some rolling:

To see if there's anything unusual about the cave:

Then apply any knowledge I have to the cave:
Knowledge (Local)::1d20+6=(12)+6=18
Knowledge (Nature)::1d20+6=(8)+6=14

Then to listen in to the conversation with the goblin:
Listen::1d20+8=(18)+8=26 (probably don't need this one, but just in case)
Sense Motive::1d20+8=(11)+8=19

2010-08-07, 08:39 AM
Vic instead of listening to the goblin goes over to the remains of the orcs and starts to look thorugh the remains for anything of possible use.

Search [roll0]

2010-08-07, 02:17 PM
Exiting Punishing stance, by the way.

2010-08-08, 11:09 AM
"I knows that them orcs making us goblins take over tha mining heres in tha mine...work or whip us they do." He frowned and soon said"I so tired let's me go backs to sleep? i won't tells them you hears." The goblin soon snuggle under a tattered piece of cloth before saying "Be carefuls some of them sets up nasty traps to keep us from running aways or hiding."

(To all that were searching you see more cave ahead and the soft sound of mining carts moving far in the distance...seems the mine was starting to come to life.)

2010-08-08, 02:52 PM

"We better be on the look out for traps then."

2010-08-08, 07:04 PM

Sounds like it. Thecla moves off to leave the goblin to sleep in peace. She starts searching around the area, looking for anything of interest.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

Ricky S
2010-08-08, 11:11 PM

Tezo looks to everyone and says quietly "Ok lets move ahead but we should do it quietly. We don't want the entire inhabitants of the mine attacking us. Leave the Goblin sleeping. I doubt he is a threat."

Tezo starts walking into the mines "I'll go first and check for traps. I'll do my best not to set them off but its probably best if you all keep at least ten feet away from me incase I set one off.

search [roll0]
move silently [roll1]

2010-08-09, 06:19 AM
Nyomi nods gently at Tezo, and prepares to take up her position at the rear of the party, her outfit, designed to impress and protect, was not too well suited for silent moving, but she tried her best, once more drawing both rapier and Kukri.

I'll once again provide a rear-guard, moving as stealthily as I can, while keeping my eyes and ears open.

Move Silently::1d20+8=(7)+8=15

Arrrggghhhh natural 1 on search...why can she not search!!

2010-08-09, 09:51 AM

After her search of the immediate area, Thecla will follow Tezo, 10 to 15 feet behind him as he requested.

2010-08-09, 10:40 AM
Chi walks last, seeing that the women took initiative of going first. He's a gentleman, after all.

2010-08-09, 06:58 PM

Dhones tries to follow silently behind Tezo at 10 ft away, just like he requested.

Move Silently d20+9=27
Hide d20+9=23

2010-08-10, 04:26 PM
The group silently moves forward the sound of mining cart come to a halt and behind them barely seen are three orcs (1/2 cover). On the raised platforms can see a limp body laying on the ground blood dried on the slate rock. The other is an archer who has readied himself for the first person that comes towards the area. (Thecla)

Attack and Damage:

Yeah that is a Miss!

Battle Map:



Orc 1: 13
Orc 2: 8
Orc 3: 16
Orc Archer: 12
Nyomi: 22
Chi: 17
Vic: 14
Thecla: 10
Dhones: 12

Orc Stats:

Hit Points: 7
Orc Archer: 15 AC
Orc 1,2,3: 16 AC

2010-08-10, 05:20 PM

Thecla ignores the arrow that missed, why worry about something that did nothing? Instead, she'll get up close and personal.

She takes the direct route towards the orcs and makes a double move up to G9 and take cover while she prepares to move around the obstacle to get at Orc 2.

2010-08-10, 05:46 PM
"Run for cover!" - Chi said, running over to one of the rocks and putting his back against it, looking at whatever is going to come up from his side of the wall, his sword readied.

Double Move to F9, hide attempt.
[roll0] - Hide.

2010-08-10, 08:16 PM

Dhones rushes towards the rock hoping to get cover from the arrows flying from the orc.

Hide Check: D20+9= 14

Ricky S
2010-08-10, 10:04 PM

Tezo takes aim and lets fly with a bolt aimed directly at the archer. Before quickly loading another into his crossbow.

I'll take out the archer. You guys take out those orcs behind the rocks.

He takes a 5 foot step into e,5 and fires at the archer.
To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2010-08-11, 11:09 AM
Nyomi centres herself, calming her mind immediately, closing her eyes as she feels the wind wrap round her flowing thoughout her soul.

Initiates Wind Stride Manouver(swift action) +10 to move speed=move speed of 40ft this turn.

She then throws her self forward, moving as if the wind itself was carrying her, until she comes up behind the rock hiding one of the orcs, she then ducks down attempting to find cover, before she can engage the orc.

Double move to (-B,8).
Hide check to try to get as much cover as possible, next turn I'll munch the orc!

If it's allowed I'm still in "Blood in the water" stance after the last fight, if not allowed, I'll go into it next turn!

2010-08-12, 12:05 PM
The orcs see you all running forward behind the crates. Tezo tags the archer good enough that it drops its bow and turns off in a full run towards the back of the cave trying to escape. The other three move around the crates looking at you all trying to take cover. (1/2 cover guys you can't take cover right in front of them...hide doesn't work like that.)

(They are not ROCKS they are CARTS..read the post lol)

Orc 1 - watches Nyomi attempt to hide instead of strike ..he himself then moves to (-D8) with his longspear he then stabs at Nyomi trying to pierce her through that armor. (OOC this orc has 14 AC with no shield.)



Orc 2 - moves to (E9) he takes out a morningstar and looks towards Chi eyes watching the half orc and bracing for any attack. (OA against him as he moved through a threatened area. Incase you miss he rolls to attack you... if you kill it disregard the rolls)



Orc 3 - Moves to (I9) he then readies himself for combat that morningstar and shield hefted and ready for combat.

2010-08-12, 12:13 PM

Thecla moves forward to engage Orc 2 and she swings her mace in an arc with the aim of smacking him down.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2010-08-12, 12:42 PM
The orcs see you all running forward behind the crates. Tezo tags the archer good enough that it drops its bow and turns off in a full run towards the back of the cave trying to escape. The other three move around the crates looking at you all trying to take cover. (1/2 cover guys you can't take cover right in front of them...hide doesn't work like that.)

(They are not ROCKS they are CARTS..read the post lol)

Orc 1 - watches Nyomi attempt to hide instead of strike ..he himself then moves to (-D8) with his longspear he then stabs at Nyomi trying to pierce her through that armor. (OOC this orc has 14 AC with no shield.)



ooc: b..b.but I just wanted to fit in


Nyomi batters away the Orc's long spear with her Kukri, then steps in close to the hideous creature. Studying him for a moment, she releases a strike of her own, running him through:

Move to -C,8
Sapphire Nightmare Strike Manouver (Standard action)

Needs concentration check with DC(Orc's AC)14.
Then standard attack,
if concentration check is succesful: target is flatfooted(no dex bonus to AC) & extra 1d6 of damage.
If concentration check fails: attack is made at -2


Nyomi Attack(rapier)::1d20+2=(15)+2=17
Nyomi Damage(rapier)::1d6+3=(3)+3=6

6+5=11 damage

That's a hit and 11 damage I believe, which means he's dead!

2010-08-12, 01:03 PM
AoO - [roll0] , [roll1]
In case of crit - [roll2] , [roll3]

2010-08-12, 07:14 PM

Dhones goes up too the orc in I8 and attempts to attack it with his long sword.

Attack Roll: d20+5= 23
Damage Roll: d8+4+2 for favored enemy=8

Ricky S
2010-08-13, 06:02 AM

Tezo shouts out after the orc, "Not so fast!"

He moves to D,9 and fires at the fleeing orc archer (assuming he is still in range which is 80ft).
To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2010-08-14, 02:42 PM
The orcs are dropped..quickly by the group and the one fleeing was not fast enough to escape the bow of Tezo. upon their bodies are the poorly made weapons and ten gold each. The lifeless body is that of a dwarf..searching you find he has little else other than a signet ring..with an open hand looking as if it is made of stone with a few cracks in it as though it has weathered time and age.

2010-08-14, 02:53 PM

Thecla checks to be sure that all of the orcs are really dead. Then she goes over to the dead dwarf and looks him over to try and determine cause of death.

Heal [roll0]

Then she'll look over the signet ring, to try and determine what it might mean or have been used for. Or where the dwarf might have come from.

Knowledge (arcana) [roll1]
Knowledge (history) [roll2]
Knowledge (religion) [roll3]

Ricky S
2010-08-14, 08:11 PM

Tezo takes his share of the the loot rounded down (6gp) before walking over to the fallen dwarf. Sorry buddy, I guess we weren't quick enough to save you. He gives his respects, May your God welcome you to the halls of afterlife. Tezo turns to Thecla,Thecla what do you make of this? Could this be some sort of ritual or do you think he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time?

2010-08-15, 10:34 AM
Naomi takes a moment to fastidiously clean some of the orcs blood off her body and blade, then take a moment to centre herself, refreshing herself after combat.

She then wanders over to the bodies and collecting her share(6gp) of the gold approaches thecla "can I help with that, I know many noble house insignias"

Knowledge(nobility and royalty) 1d20+6=21

on phone so formatting and rolls might he screwed up sorry

2010-08-15, 04:45 PM

Dhones walk up to Tezo to collect his share of the gold. I'll go look for some clues on where to go.

spot check d20+9=14
listen check d20+9=14
Search check d20+8=16

2010-08-15, 04:50 PM
Chi collects his share and waits for everyone else to be finished.

2010-08-16, 04:07 PM
Vic walks over and picks up his share then looks at the others.

"Is there any of you who wants this stuff, I'am not one for the gold, maybe you can give it to your churches or families?"

2010-08-17, 12:57 AM

Dhones walk up to Tezo to collect his share of the gold. I'll go look for some clues on where to go.

spot check d20+9=14
listen check d20+9=14
Search check d20+8=16

You find no clues but a large body of water with a small hut on a island..seemingly where the captain of the mining group stayed. The tomb entrance could be seen however the rubble from the cave wall collapsing.

2010-08-17, 12:59 AM

Thecla checks to be sure that all of the orcs are really dead. Then she goes over to the dead dwarf and looks him over to try and determine cause of death.

Heal [roll0]

Then she'll look over the signet ring, to try and determine what it might mean or have been used for. Or where the dwarf might have come from.

Knowledge (arcana) [roll1]
Knowledge (history) [roll2]
Knowledge (religion) [roll3]

You find out he was a dwarf from the noble Stonehand clan..well known and very respected as master crafters..the King of the dwarfs in the mountains south of here is a Stonehand.

2010-08-17, 03:47 AM

You find no clues but a large body of with a small hut upon it..seemingly where the captain of the mining group stayed. The tomb entrance could be seen however the rubble from the cave wall collapsing.
(my bold added)
A large body of what?? what is the hut upon?

Nyomi, seeing that it seems safe for the moment, sits crosslegged on the floor, taking in her surroundings, as she meditates, clensing her mind. After a few minutes she stands, and casts her eyes about the area, focusing especially on the temple entrance and the hut.

Just some fluff to refresh all my manouvers after combat, and some rolls.

2010-08-17, 10:00 AM
You find out he was a dwarf from the noble Stonehand clan..well known and very respected as master crafters..the King of the dwarfs in the mountains south of here is a Stonehand.


Hm, Thecla looks at it a bit longer and mutters to herself or whoever is within range. I'll see that this gets back to his clan. She tucks the ring into a belt pouch.

Any sign of how the dwarf died or what his name might have been?

She'll accept her portion of the treasure, 6gp, and tuck it away in the proper place.

2010-08-18, 12:52 PM
"Well then, what are we to do now."
Vic looks at the others.

"Go in further?"

2010-08-18, 03:48 PM

Hm, Thecla looks at it a bit longer and mutters to herself or whoever is within range. I'll see that this gets back to his clan. She tucks the ring into a belt pouch.

Any sign of how the dwarf died or what his name might have been?

She'll accept her portion of the treasure, 6gp, and tuck it away in the proper place.

(Cause of Death is pretty easy to determine..as a spear wound is right through the heart.)

2010-08-18, 03:49 PM
"Sure." - Chi says, taking the lead.

2010-08-18, 03:50 PM

(my bold added)
A large body of what?? what is the hut upon?

Nyomi, seeing that it seems safe for the moment, sits crosslegged on the floor, taking in her surroundings, as she meditates, clensing her mind. After a few minutes she stands, and casts her eyes about the area, focusing especially on the temple entrance and the hut.

Just some fluff to refresh all my manouvers after combat, and some rolls.

(Edited ..its is a small hut on an island in the body of water)

2010-08-18, 07:52 PM

Thecla will follow along behind Chi. She keeps her eyes and ears open for anything of interest. She will stay about 5-10 feet behind Chi.

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

Ricky S
2010-08-18, 08:54 PM

Tezo goes to explore the hut in the middle of the body of water. He takes off his equipment and places it in a pile near the edge of the water.No one touch my stuff or I'll stick a knife into you.He says very seriously. He climbs carefully into the water and begins to swim across.

He leaves all his items in the pile except for a dagger which he takes with him. Swim check [roll0]
Search check once at the hut [roll1]

2010-08-18, 09:24 PM

Dhones waits on the edge of the water for looking around in case of an emergency.

Spot Check: d20+9=19
Listen Check: d20+9=24

2010-08-19, 03:01 AM
Nyomi will follow everyone, taking the rear once more. She draws her weapons again, some sixth sense warning her of danger ahead.

2010-08-21, 02:58 AM
You swim to the hut Tezo with ese inside you find several maps that have been strewn about and other notes. The place has a few torches and sunrods...but other than that there is nothing of real note.

The place seems quickly other than dripping water from the walls and the ripples settling from Tezo's swim.

5 torches and 10 sunrods.

Ricky S
2010-08-21, 07:45 AM

Tezo picks up the torches and the sun rods as well as rolling up the maps. He then walks to the water's edge places the items on the ground and slides in. He picks up the items and keeps the maps above the water as he kicks his way back to the other side while floating on his back.

When he gets to the other side he places the items back down and then picks up his own stuff. Thanks for waiting for me Dhones. There wasn't much there. Just these maps, sunrods and torches. I'll give 2 sunrods and a torch to each of you. Don't worry about me I already have some sunrods. He hands over 2 sunrods and a torch to Dhones. Tezo starts walking quickly towards the rest of the group.C'mon Dhones lets catch up with the rest of the party.

Swim Check [roll0]

2010-08-21, 06:56 PM

"Your welcome Tezo, and thank you for the sunrods and torch" he said as both of caught up with the group.

2010-08-23, 04:58 AM
The collapsed wall show a long very dark tunnel (darkvision or you can see nothing..without a torch or light). The tunnel has a smell that one would only find in a tomb...an old and ancient place the walls are of malachite the floor while old and cracked clearly shows marble. The problem was reported to have ran into here..you are sure that somewhere deep inside lies your answers.

Marching order please post it in the OOC thread after you discuss it.

Ricky S
2010-08-23, 07:05 AM
Tezo lets out a whistle of air as he looks into the pitch black of the tunnel. Guys I found these sunrods and torches. Here take them so that if you get lost you wont be in the dark. Tezo hands out 2 sunrods and a torch to the rest of the party.

2010-08-23, 07:07 AM
Nyomi bows formally to Tezo, "Thank-you" she says quietly. Then taking up a position at the rear, she says, "I will take the rear-guard position."

She activates a sun rod, and holds it up, thrusting her kukri into her belt as she does so.

2010-08-23, 08:05 AM
"No, thanks, I can perfectly see in the dark. It's white-black, though." - he says, following Tezo.

Ricky S
2010-08-23, 07:49 PM
He feigns slapping his forehead.I completely forgot about you darkvision. In that case I'll keep these. Tezo places a sunrod and a torch into his backpack and lights the other one. He holds his crossbow in one hand and the sunrod in the other. Ok, guys, be prepared for anything Tezo says as he starts walking into the tunnel.

search [roll0]

2010-08-23, 10:55 PM

Thecla will follow after Chi. She remains alert with her mace out and ready for anything threatening.

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

2010-08-24, 02:25 AM
The way seems easy enough the cracked marble floors slowly descending until you come to a set of large bronze doors. Tezo knows from his searching that they are locked as well as trapped. The group waits for him to unlock and disarm it. The place almost seeming peaceful given the dire situation that has already taken place here.


(Disarm trap roll please Tezo.)
(Those searching find nothing of note.)

2010-08-24, 04:26 AM
Nyomi uses her position at the rear, to scan the surrounds, alert for danger.


Ricky S
2010-08-24, 07:03 AM
Tezo stops at the doors. These doors appear to be trapped. Hold on a second. Tezo starts trying to disable the trap's mechanism.

Disable Device[roll0]

2010-08-25, 05:41 PM
The door is easily unlocked and trapped. With a slight push one will find that as you enter the room you see a few tombs dug out on the side of the walls ..you expect they were for commoners. The alarming part however is the bodies are strewn about the place..and now several makeshift beds are being used here.

2010-08-25, 07:59 PM

Thecla becomes highly incensed when she walks into the room and finds the bodies desecrated in such a manner. By St Cuthbert! This is disgusting and immoral!

She looks around the room once, before she starts putting the dead back where they belong (in a reverent and proper manner) with the proper prayers to St Cuthbert.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Search [roll2]

She'll accept help, but she is going to put everything back to the way it should be.

2010-08-25, 08:31 PM
Seeing Thecla getting worked up, as a true gentleman Chi was, he offered the lady help. "Ease up on the physical work, Thecla." - he said, basically stealing the rest of the work from her, putting the dead where they belong. Carrying a few bodies at a time, he should be finished rather quickly.

2010-08-26, 02:50 AM
Concern flood Nyomi's eyes as she sees the desecrated bodies, her veneer of confident arrogance slips away for a moment, as she whispers, "What did this?" she quickly pulls herself together however, and quickly looks around the room, while Chi, and Thecla move the bodies


2010-08-26, 03:32 AM

Thecla accepts the help with a grim smile and continues right on working. She's strong enough for the work.

Ricky S
2010-08-26, 08:24 AM

Tezo looks around the tomb in shock. I am getting a bad feeling about this. I want to know who or what did this and if they had no compunction about this then the fate of the dwarven miners is surely sealed. Thecla I know this is desecration in your eyes but please, we must move on. Every second we delay could be putting another nail in those dwarves coffins.

2010-08-26, 08:16 PM

Thecla turns around, hands on her hips, You know what? You're wasting time by telling me that. Do you think I don't know that? The sooner this is complete, the sooner we can move on, in the meantime, don't you think it would be a good idea to thoroughly search this room? Someone was sleeping here, maybe they left a clue you can find?

Having said that, she's back at work. It shouldn't take that long to get this done with.

Ricky S
2010-08-26, 11:31 PM
I meant no offence Thecla. I just think the lives of the living have more priority. He follows her advice and begins thoroughly searching the room for clues and any useful items.

Search [roll0]

2010-08-27, 09:31 AM
Through your searching you find nothing as far as a clue..but a sack with three small gems a topaz, a garnet, and a ruby. You also find a nicely made mace and shield hidden in a corner. Another door half open leads stright..and the sounds of laughter are heading your way.

OOC:Gems worth 200 gold all together
The mace is a masterwork heavy mace
Shield is a masterwork heavy steel shield.

Ricky S
2010-08-27, 10:14 PM

Hey guys, I found these gems I think they are roughly worth about 200gp. I'll keep them until we can sell them back at town. Tezo then hefts the mace and shield up before putting them back on the ground. Anyone needs some new equipment? Tezo stops thinking about the loot that he just found. Is that laughter?

Listen check to discern info about laughter [roll0]

2010-08-27, 10:21 PM

I think I hear laughing too.

listen check: d20+9=25

2010-08-27, 11:03 PM

Thecla is just finishing up with her task. No, I don't need another mace. Mine works just fine. Yep, it's quite capable of bashing in the enemies faces. She looks around as she briskly rubs her hands together to get some of the dirt off.

2010-08-28, 01:43 AM
Nyomi looks disparagingly at the mace, and shield, "I won't be needing these." she says drily, then putting the sunrod away, and pulling out her kukri, she flexes the blade of her rapier, and quickly moves next to the door, then with a deep breath she moves her arms fludily, settling into a combat pose, and fading into the darkness.

ok I'm going to stand by the edge of the door, not visible from anyone/thing inside the door, then I'll try and hide, basically setting an ambush in case anything comes through the door.

Move Silently::1d20+8=(14)+8=22

Stance: Blood in the Water

2010-08-28, 01:52 AM

Finally noticing the activity around her, Thecla hurries to stand next to Nyomi to wait for the new arrivals.

2010-08-28, 07:19 AM
The two orcs sure enough come through the door lookign rather suprised especially the one on the left who goes to look for his weapon and they aren't there. They growl and pull belt daggers to enter the fray.

OOC:(Thecla and Nyomi make your OA's)
(Then everyone else go ahead and post your suprise round action...Chi seems to have vanished on us..will PM him.)

(Reminder they are flat footed..so there Ac is a 11..and 7 hp on them)

Ricky S
2010-08-28, 08:23 AM

Tezo yells out Sneak attack! Before firing at one of the orcs. Tezo reloads his crossbow quickly after firing.

If they are already dead after Thecla's and Nyomi's attack then ignore the attack that Tezo makes. Attack [roll0]
Sneak attack damage [roll2]

2010-08-28, 01:00 PM
Chi charged with his greatsword in a fluid motion.

[roll0] ; [roll1]
Well, the crit doesn't matter since the orc has 7 hp, as you said.

And I didn't vanish. :P

2010-08-28, 01:48 PM
Dhones goes up to attack the one of the orcs

Attack roll: d20+7=23
Damage roll: d8+6=7

just enough to kill an orc :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-28, 08:00 PM

Thecla attacks the closest orc. She swings once with her mace, trying to slam him down and out.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2010-08-29, 08:31 AM
As the Orc runs past Nyomi, she grins, then she weaves her rapier, mesmerisingly about, her until a second blade appears, the orc facing her, doesn't know which blade to concentrate on, and thus confused she strikes:

I'll try and make this as clear as possible:

Shadow Blade Technique - roll two attacks and select which one to use, if you use the higher roll, resolve attack as normal, if you choose the lower(or if both are the same) resolve one attack as normal, and do an extra 1d6 of cold damage.

I Choose the lower one (so +1d6 cold damage if they both hit)

Nyomi Attack(rapier)::1d20+2=(16)+2=18
Nyomi Attack(rapier)::1d20+2=(9)+2=11

Nyomi Damage(rapier)::1d6+3=(2)+3=5
1d6=(5) - cold damage

they both hit, so that's 5 damage + 5 cold damage = 10 damage overall

Ricky S
2010-09-01, 06:30 AM

Tezo looks around as the orcs seem to have been dispatched without any struggle at all. So uhh, who wants to continue through door number one?

2010-09-03, 11:39 AM
You make quick work of the pitiful orcs and you can see a dimly light hall turning shaply to the left. The place is quiet but you know that more orcs are waiting these had to come from somewhere right. The choice was now yours turn back or go forward.

OOC:Been sick sorry guys..

2010-09-03, 07:26 PM
I think we should continue forward to remove the treat of the orcs.

Ricky S
2010-09-03, 10:34 PM

Tezo laughs quietly I think you mean the orc threat. Although I am sure the orcs would be very angry if we removed their treats. Tezo smiles wildly at the thought of orc treats. I agree though forward is the only option.

2010-09-04, 12:33 AM

Thecla quickly smothers a laugh at the conversation. Yes, I agree, we need to go forward and deal with this problem.

2010-09-04, 06:29 AM
Nyomi's eye raises slightly, at the slightly strange conversation. Then cleaning her blade, she sighs gently, meditating for a moment, refreshing herself.

"We should go on, we took this job, we finish it!" she declares.

ooc: Refreshing my manouvers

2010-09-04, 09:22 AM
Chi yawns at the corny jokes. "Yes, let us do so."

2010-09-07, 10:00 AM
The hall way leeads further down those two orcs had to come from somewhere so certainly you will run into more. The walls of the place are smooth and well crafted. The place looks as if at one time was a popular place. The hals lead you slowly down underground. The sound of rushing water can soon be heard.

2010-09-08, 05:04 AM
Nyomi sighs gently, "I used to love the sound of running water." she says whimsicly, "Now however I'm not sure." She turns to Chi, "Would you like to lead us again?" she asks politely, more and more of his haughty behaviour slipping away as they go deeper into the mine.

Ricky S
2010-09-09, 08:34 AM

Tezo boldly steps up to takes chi's place. I shall lead the way. Onwards to victory! Ok well maybe it is not quite so dramatic as that but still let us move forward.

With that Tezo begins walking casually forward, pretty sure that he will be able to deal with any threat the orcs can bring. He continues to look for traps though. He is quite intrigued at what the running water is and cannot wait to see if it is part of an underground river.

Search check[roll0]

2010-09-09, 08:45 AM
Chi yawns. "Right." - he says, switching the weight of a greatsword to the other shoulder.

2010-09-09, 07:35 PM

Thecla will keep her mace out and follow Tezo further into the mine.

Listen [roll0]
Search [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

2010-09-10, 05:49 AM
Nyomi nods at the rest, "I will once again take the rear." she says matter-of-factly.

2010-09-10, 10:36 AM
Dhones stays with the group keeping an eye out for anything

Spot [roll0]
Search [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

2010-09-11, 03:47 AM
The hall ends in a massive open room. Tezo would be shocked as he was hoping for an underground river this was an underground waterfall that landed in a pool. The water then trailed from the pool to a small stream that soon disappeared under a cave wall. The smell of this place was musky like it had not been seen in hundreds or maybe thousands of years.


2010-09-11, 06:49 AM
Nyomi stares in wonder for a moment at the natural waterfall, then looks around the room for any clues, trying to do it as quietly as possible.

Are you ready for the rolls!

Firstly an attempt to do it all quietly:
Move Silently::1d20+8=(19)+8=27

Then perception checks:

Finally just because I'm trained in it does my nature knowledge tell me anything about this place?
Knowledge (Nature)::1d20+6=(10)+6=16

2010-09-11, 07:45 PM

Thecla looks around and eyes the waterfall with interest and a bit of suspicion. She starts searching around, but it's harder for her to be quiet. In her searching she'll go near the waterfall and look if there's anything behind it and what the water tastes like.

Listen [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]
Search [roll2]
Spot [roll3]

Ricky S
2010-09-11, 08:42 PM

Tezo glances around the area intrigued at a waterfall underground. He wonders to himself whether the dwarves came through this way and if they did whether it was intentionally or not.

Thecla can you see anything on the other side of the waterfall? If there is nothing there then may I suggest we take a little swim and follow the current underground. I could go first and you could tie a rope to me so that I do not drown should there be nothing but water.

Till then I shall assist in searching this room. You know what they always say, two pairs are better than one, of eyes that is.


2010-09-11, 11:42 PM

Thecla gives Tezo a puzzled look, You want to go in the water and see if it goes anywhere and risk drowning?

Ricky S
2010-09-12, 06:53 AM

Only if there is no other path. I would hold my breath and give two tugs of the rope if there was nothing there. On the other hand there might be another whole room just a few strokes away.

2010-09-14, 03:20 PM
The room was empty but through severaleyes being so keen you see a dimly lit tunnel leading to a set of stone double doors ornately carved obviously of dwarven make.. those who can read dwarven see a poor attempt to rub the words away none the less still readable.

Here rest Sir Issac Gorrun the Vanquisher of the Scarlet Hand.

2010-09-14, 04:28 PM

Thecla examines the door closely, but she can't make out what the words say. She looks for a doorknob or handle to open the door.

Ricky S
2010-09-14, 09:07 PM
It's in dwarven, it reads "Here rest Sir Issac Gorrun the Vanquisher of the Scarlet Hand". It seems that someone has attempted to wipe this away. This could hold something that we are not supposed to see. Hence the wiping.

Tezo walks up behind Thecla and stands there as she attempts to open the door. Should the door be locked he is ready with his thieves tools.

Open lock [roll0]

2010-09-15, 09:08 AM
Nyomi follows them over to the door, ready to defend against what might come out.

2010-09-18, 10:27 AM
The door opens with a soft grate revealing a large room a tomb which has been desecrated..a massive sword sitting in the rubble however with a fresh dead orcs had grasping it. The room otherwise looks empty save a door in the back. Upon closer look the blade is made of mithral the hilt is golden and ivory inlaid and upon the blade the words are clearly written.

Only the Pure can Purge the Darkness.

If detect magic is used the greatsword is magical.

2010-09-18, 02:20 PM

Thecla looks once at the sword and the stupid dead orcs. She calls back to the rest of the group. Don't touch the sword She moves into the room, mace in one hand as she walks around the room once, looking for anything else of interest. Once she's finished with the walk around, she comes back and looks over the dead orcs and the sword without touching them.

Listen [roll0]
Search [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

Is there another door leading away?

Ricky S
2010-09-19, 05:32 AM
Tezo edges ever so close to the blade and says, more to himself than anyone in particular, But I want to touch it. It is so beautiful.. He hovers over it for a moment before turning to Thecla. Thecla surely one of us could wield this blade. We are pure are we not? Well not me personally, I have been involved in a few incidents, but one of you could wield it. These orcs were obviously impure with their actions hence being unable to take this sword. I think it was inside the tomb and they tried to steal it.

2010-09-19, 06:14 AM
"Looks better than mine, at least..." - Chi said, examining his own and the sword in orc's hand.

2010-09-19, 04:54 PM

Thecla thinks they're both greedy, wanting something that isn't theirs. Here's a question, would you still want the sword if it were cursed?

Here, let me cast Detect Magic on it and see if I can tell anything about it. Don't touch it.

Thecla speaks the words of the spell and waves her hands in a seen now, forgotten in a moment gestures. She stares at the sword.

Spellcraft [roll0] ((Although she doesn't have any ranks in it, so it's up to the DM if she can tell what school it is))

2010-09-20, 04:27 AM
Nyomi raises her eyebrow at the others, "I would suggest I am as pure as anyone here," she comments, "Yet I hesitate to touch such a sword, even if it had been the blade of a great champion."
She glances around the rest of the room, "You may examine the sword if you wish, I will watch this door."

She fades into the shadows, and stands close to the other door, with both blades held ready.

Move Silently::1d20+8=(19)+8=27

I assume the door is closed?

If it is I will listen at the door:

If it is open I will listen(use above roll) and try and look for anything:

2010-09-21, 02:13 PM
The sword after Thecla examines it holds divine power..that which would surely harm any who strayed from the path of goodness. The sword seems to glow bright white and fade as you all enter the area..and the light fades. You all feel somehow stronger more sharp of wit and ready to travel onward.

For All:
You have a +2 circumstance bonus on any skill check, attack, or damge roll of your choosing for the remaining 24 hours or until you rest.

For Chi Only:
"Come let me help you...I have long grow tired of these impure blasphemers..allow me to join you in the glory of ridding them of this once sacred place." This echoes in your mind and seems to fade as the light does.


The Green Star is the direction you should be heading and the door in which you are guarding.


2010-09-23, 02:10 PM
Nyomi presses her ear against the door, to see if she can hear anything through it:

Trying again with the listen check:

2010-09-24, 08:07 AM
After hearing the sounds in his head, Chi slowly reaches his hand for the sword. "May I?"

2010-09-24, 08:19 PM

May you what? as she turns around. As soon as Chi's intentions make it through she says Oh...I wouldn't do that. It might kill you.

2010-09-25, 05:48 AM
"It spoke to me... It wants to fight evil. I've got no reason to believe it doesn't, my lady."

2010-09-25, 06:46 PM

Really, it spoke to you? Hmmm, do you believe it?

After all the orcs certainly weren't pure.

2010-09-26, 04:19 AM
"Again, I've got no reason to not believe it. Hand me the sword, please, my lady..."

2010-09-27, 05:35 PM

Me? Hand you the sword? I'm sorry, but no, I'm not touching it. It spoke to you, not me.

Ricky S
2010-09-28, 08:23 AM
Tezo starts to get impatient at the lack of action. Someone pick up the stupid sword already or I will. If you don't want to then let us move on and leave it to the dwarves to decide what to do with it. It seems to be a good blade smiting the orcs or some such so just pick it up.

2010-09-28, 03:01 PM
"Very well, you were closer to it, though." - Chi says, as he carefully picks up the sword, observing it while doing so.

2010-10-02, 12:36 PM

Thecla hmphs a bit. She has no interest in the sword and has no desire to touch something that might kill her on contact. She looks around for where to go next.