View Full Version : Madness? THIS. IS. THARIZDUN! (IC)

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-07-26, 02:49 PM
The Spire. Few beings care to see it close up, given that one can see it from anywhere in the Outlands and that many feel vulnerable in its magic-dampening aura, but you will get that rare opportunity, for it is here where you are to meet a person or person who claims to have dire news regarding the so-called "Chained God" who has been attempting to free himself since time immemorial to bring insanity and destruction to the multiverse and to ultimately bring about its end. Supposedly, the rag-tag insane cults of the Eater of Worlds and the Elemental Eye, laughingstocks among seasoned heroes for their utter inability to do more than inconvenience competent adventurers, have finally managed to succeed in at least some parts of their mission to free the Chained God and kill all who would oppose him. Curiosity, duty, bravery, foolhardiness, or other reasons have brought you here today.

Arriving near the appointed place around the appointed time, you do not see anyone waiting for you, but there is a message scrawled in the dirt in an unsteady hand. The Spire is large, and round and round and round it goes, it reads, so I shall circle it to ensure no one is missed. I return to this spot each day at noon, by Prime reckoning. As that time is less than an hour away, you might as well acquaint yourselves with any of the other seven heroes who have come here as well whom you don't already know while you wait for this person to arrive.

This is a shared IC thread for this campaign; both parties will post here for character intros and initial plot exposition, then we'll break into separate parties. If at any time later in the campaign the parties come back into contact with each other, we'll use this thread again.

Players will make any necessary rolls for themselves; those and any other OOC comments should be spoilered. The OOC thread is here.

2010-07-26, 03:57 PM
Fingers encased in metal trail over the words in the dirt, then withdraw so they will not mar it, coming to rest at the side of a dark and armored form. No sound comes from it, though the armor is heavy and metal- it is as if the blackness of it swallows not only light, but any noise it would make. Shadows trail around it, swirling about the armor and its wearer as a living cloak, inexplicably defying the magic eating field around the Spire.

Vyuudha can feel her divine power dampened, but she knows it lingers on, and that even in its absence, she is not to be underestimated. Magic is not her only strength, and those who thought it was would be sorely disappointed. She rises from where she had knelt on the ground, and looks over the landscape that surrounds her. There was no one to see, at least not yet.

Weal, said her mind, weal and woe. But she knew that, and had known it ever since she left the cult. Doom and salvation balanced ever so carefully together, weaving her path and fate- the slightest misstep would bring her end, but only by following after it could she achieve freedom. Her choice was made whether she wanted it or not, and now she had to follow it to the end.

And so, she waits.

2010-07-26, 04:32 PM
Like a shadow brought forth from a cloud, the image of a mighty traveler appeared from above, feeling the tug of want and desire of will to reach this place, the Spire, the thing which made humans human – and dragons all the more empowered. For it was a wise dragon who, during a fight with a powerful wizard, once pointed out whilst in an antimagic field: you are, without your magic, a puny human – whereas I, I am still a dragon.

And thus Xethlynstra feared little as his titantic form landed, his significant skull descended and his human-head sized eyes examined the scrawling; it was this that brought him here – of that he was certain. His eyes examined the tower – wondering what powers built it, and why it even exists. It seemed an odd thing, that – and the fact it felt center to creation made him suspect rather strongly that it would soon be threatened.

That thought tugged on him again. There was some force playing in the shadows, and he was certain it was neither ancestral memory nor unknown disorder of the mind that produced this feeling. He shifted, first down to the potent ring on his finger, then to the multitides of spiders crawling among the hidden places along his wing's folded forms.

“What do you make of this?” he asked, sharp, strong, but for him quiet – at near a human's vocal level. The ring responded with a thought, if its powers were not subdued, <This place is unsettling to me.>

2010-07-26, 04:54 PM

A figure approaches around the curve of the spire, one finger tracing a patten on the spire as a child would walk with a stick against a fence. Dressed in subdued greys and wearing a faded black cloak the man stops when he spots the dragon and the dark armored creature. He nods to them and walks over, his steps making no sound on the quiet plane.

A sheathed dagger can be seen on his waist and two rings, one iron and one copper, are worn on his fingers. He stops by the message scrawled in the dirt and shakes the hood off his head, revealing short black hair and grey colored eyes. His face is calm, showing no emotion. He reads the scrawled words in the dirt and shrugs. Glancing around, he looks up at the dragon then back to the creature in the dark armor. "Looks like we're just in time." He says, his voice low. "Care for an apple while we wait?" He says, showing his hands to be empty. He moves them over each other in an exaggerated show and then opens them again, this time holding an apple in each hand. He smiles briefly and bites into it, offering the other.

2010-07-26, 05:51 PM
The plane of Mechanus, Perfect Order, Perfect Law, and Perfect Stupidity!

Standing in the ruins of a Crech forge, Laurian Telpion exhaled. When had lawful become synonymous with stupid? When would these so called 'Inevitables' learn responsibility was a part of law.

And now this strange calling to deal with. The spire of outland was not a pleasant place for one of his power. Robbed of his Art he was formidable yes, but much weakened. Precautions had to be taken.

After an altogether too long flight he alighted slightly to the side of the assembled.

Those who glanced over saw a tall winged elf clothed in robes and vestments of splendid white with brocade and embroidery of gold. His wings were shining, seeming at once to be made of gold, fire, and light. His face was ageless, proud, and emotionless. Brushing a lock of his long white hair from his eyes he gazed upon the assembled with equally white eyes.

2010-07-27, 08:43 AM
A massive suit of armor and robes, 9 feet tall, stood with the rest. The chainmail beneath the cloak was grey, the helmet stained with blood and filled with dents and other signs of age. The red cloak was slightly tattered, and whether it was red from blood but originally another color, or originally red and stained with other things is impossible to tell. The black gloves and boots didn't look as bad as the other pieces of equipment, but they were still torn. Beneath the cloak, there are two massive swords, almost seven feet long, glowing slightly like blacklights.

The suit of armor shifted slightly. It did not care about the spire; it had no effect on him. This was another fight, bigger than ever before, but still a fight, and the man beneath the armor felt... at home wasn't the right word, because home had no meaning to him. At peace.

2010-07-27, 03:04 PM
"No need."
Vyuudha says in a hissing whisper to Ban, her arms crossing in front of her as she examines those gathering around her. Flickering patterns in her black aura look eerily like eyes, twitching to follow the movements of each person who has arrived, while Vyuudha's own eyes are hidden in the darkness of her helm. Silently, in the confines of her own mind, she wonders if these creatures were actually capable of the deed they had come together to perform. The elf and the human seemed too... theatrical. In her experience, such was rarely tied to actual skill.

The dragon had displayed nothing for her to judge, but this one was quite large, and apparently older. That usually indicated a great deal more power, though not necessarily the intelligence required to used it. This last one, however, the warrior that even towered over her- calm. Further, experienced if his equipment said anything. The combination was not decisive, but a fair indicator about his level of competence.

"What do you know?"
She asks the group at large, her voice still harsh and hissing. The context of the question, Vyuudha felt, was already supplied. They all knew why they were here.

2010-07-27, 03:30 PM

Pausing in mid-bite Ban looks at Vyuudha, then continues chewing. He swallows and points to the message with his half eaten apple. "Know it's good the spire isn't infinitely round, or we'd be waiting a long time." The corners of his mouth hide a smile as he finishes the last of the apple. These people are...really very serious looking.

Taking a step back he looks around him and then sits down, pulling his cloak out from under him and gathering it in his lap. Munching on the apple, he says between bites, "Came here to stop the cult [munch] from destroying the [munch] universe." He looks forlorn at the now slim core of the apple. "That why you're here?"

2010-07-27, 05:36 PM
Things left undescribed made the dragon out to be alone - and yet he wasn't. The Artifact Lord had brought with him his entourage: a pair of ironwyrm golems; of large size and great heat output, the dragon-like beings stood silent below him, having been mounted in a wire netting, slung below him.

The massive monster turned to look at the humans. Such small creatures - and yet their potential seemed beyond measure. He was born with his power, mostly, whereas they fought tooth and nail to achieve the power he hatched with.

But Xethlynstra had powers that an ordinary dragon of his kind did not have. He was known as the Artifact Lord for his complete mastery of magical gear.

He looked down at the humans - at over sixteen feet tall at the shoulders, and considerably taller at the head, Xethlynstra the Artifact Lord towered over the group - he spread his wings, cloaking the area in a faint shadow.

"To protect the universe from an all consuming chaos," he said simply. "But I have yet to discern who sent for us."

2010-07-27, 06:07 PM
What were these people, children? Assessing each other as if to assure themselves of their own superiority. Did they not realize how petty it all was? Here they stood waisting time while something of great power could potentially be threatening the world.

Looking at the force dragon caused a twinge of memory. As if... yes the one who had taken that vile amalgamation of arachnids.

"Hail Xethlynstra, who has also passed through the Harrowing of the Worm. Am I so changed in these short years that I am not greeted as a friend?"

2010-07-27, 06:20 PM
Xeth turned his great head towards the Elf, and the ring chimed in, <Yes, don't you remember? You were there to raze the fortress.>

"Ah - yes, forgive me. It has been a few years, hasn't it? Time seems so different . . . when you have nothing but time ahead of you," he said, raising his head, looking towards the great Spire. "It was not my intention to ignore a friend."

He shifted, closing his wings, lowering down to basically lay like a cat about to bat at something amusing it, but this was more sincere, to better examine the Elf, "Yes - I do know you. It is good that fate has returned us to one another. I should hope that, ah - He Who is Many will hopefully show himself from among my scales and equipment. I should hope you will like how it has grown."

2010-07-27, 10:54 PM

Half closing his eyes as the dragon's shadow settles over him, Ban smiles. Ah, there you are my friend. I agree, too bright out here. Looking up at the dragon his eyes passed over the strange golems hanging under the wings. Huh. Haven't seen that before.

He bounces the apple core on his palm a few times. "So you heard of the cult too? That'll help things. I don't know much about them, myself. Just overheard an ant talking to a ghost about them today, about how they were starting to succeed in whatever plan they had to erase reality." He raises his eyebrows and glances around. "Didn't seem fair that they get to destroy existence just because they don't like it."

Yes, Ban is mentally talking to the shadow.

2010-07-28, 03:19 PM
On the horizon a shape approaches, a humanoid of about two meters in height and clad in bright, mithraline plate armour.
As it draws closer to the assembled group it becomes apparent that it is a mindflayer. Goggles are covering it's eyes and a large silver cloak is on it's back, blowing in the wind.
One of his hands is holding a large bag which is slung over his shoulder and the other seems to contain two crystals which the Illithid is constantly shifting and rolling in his palm.
The aberration is shouting with a wet and slimy voice.
"Hail fellow travellers! Please let your weapons stay put, for I am here not to fight you but because I too have heard the call to arms against the nearing darkness!"

2010-07-30, 11:30 AM
"It seems more and more are showing up," Xethlynstra said, shifting his long neck to view the new being. A mindflayer, huh? They were known for their lawfulnes; of that he was thankful - for he did not care for the existence of chaotic things.

"I should hope whoever it is that drew us here will approach us soon."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-07-30, 11:11 PM
Just as Xethlynstra finishes speaking, that wish is granted: a human comes hopping around the Spire. When he sees you, he stops hopping and runs up to you all, bowing low and smiling widely. "It's a pleasure to meet you all! An absolute pleasure! Well, I have no idea who you are or what you do, but I'm sure it will be a pleasure if I ever do learn your names! I was expecting nine and a half of you," he adds with an exaggerated frown, "but I suppose you'll do. I'm Gareth, by the way; I've been walking around and around and around and around in case you showed up early, which I didn't think you would because I didn't ask you to, but who am I to judge?"

He smiles once again, and you hear a loud, long-suffering sigh from beneath his cloak. A disheveled raven pops its head out from underneath the cloak, smooths its feathers, and flutters up to Gareth's shoulders. "I much preferred it when there was an extradimensional space under there...ahem. Pardon my impoliteness. I am also Gareth, as it happens. More specifically, I am the last sane fragment of Gareth's mind remaining after it was shattered by seeing Tharizdun Himself during the ritual we broke up, mind-switched into his--my--familiar's body as a safety measure. There are seven other Gareths in his head, I believe, plus the mind of the familiar whose body I am using and the mind of the psicrystal another Gareth is inhabiting at the moment. Fortunately, the mind currently holding body-controlling privileges is his--my--more whimsical fragment as opposed to, say, a genocidally violent one."

"Yep," the human-Gareth says cheerfully, "I got kinda lonely when all my friends had psychotic breakdowns and committed suicide, but I'm not lonely anymore now that there are Gareth and Gareth and Gareth and Gareth and Gareth and Gareth and Gareth and Darkwing and Pico to keep me company. It was kinda depressing when our pacifist bard snapped and started killing everything within sight with her bare hands, including the people we were trying to rescue." Pause. "And when the priest of Pelor started slinging death spells and reanimating people." Pause. "And when our beholder thought he was a duck." Pause. "And when our cerebremancer's mind shattered into a bazillion pieces...no, wait, that was us. I mean me." Raven-Gareth covers Human-Gareth's mouth with a wing and continues, "Essentially, the ritual was one meant to use an enormous opal--which I now know is called a 'Gem of Tharizdun'--to let any creature viewing it see into the Chained God's prison rather than using it to weaken the prison's actual integrity. We managed to stop the ritual from being completed, but it was far enough along for the Gem to work for a single instant, causing our companions and the cultists to all go irrevocably insane over the next minute or so. Only Gareth's--my--sanctified mind let us--me--get to the Outlands and into the Spire's range fast enough to temporarily halt the deifically-induced insanity."

"So," Raven-Gareth concludes, "you are all here so we--I--can tell you all we know about these Gems (which, unfortunately, isn't all too much) and entreat you to destroy these Gems and the cults that use them. Frankly, we cannot offer you any incentive beyond this being the right thing to do, and we are much more accustomed to receiving mysterious assignments from mysterious beings than the reverse; your divinations will undoubtedly be more helpful than I can, but we hope you can do this while I find a way to pull ourselves together again."

2010-07-30, 11:20 PM
The armor listens, not moving. When the "man" finishes speaking, he draws one of his swords slowly, barely moving. The sword slowly begins to rise, until, with a sudden thrust, it is pointed directly skyward. A voice, cold and strong, rings out.

I will fight.

2010-07-30, 11:27 PM

Standing up from the ground to face the approaching figure, Ban watches fascinated as the bird speaks for the man. I wonder what would happen if you killed the bird...? Would Gareth lose control or would Bird-Gareth go back into the split mind?

"The first step in evaluating the unknown aspects of a target is to assess what you do know. Makes it easier to plan for any unpredictable action from the mark." Ban says, talking shop casually as if they were planning a hit. "One thing we know, if one of you Gareths remembers, of course - the location where the ceremony took place." He looks around at everyone. "Seems like that'd be a good place to get more information."

2010-07-30, 11:49 PM
"Information is easily gained."
Vyuudha speaks up, projecting her voice a little more. It is still harsh and whispered, but carries more than it did before.
"The opal spoken of is one of three hundred and thirty three, a collection of seals on... the Chained God's prison."
She pauses strangely before saying Tharizdun's title, but speaks fluidly otherwise.

"They are difficult to find, more difficult to destroy, though destroying one would likely bind Tharizdun to his prison forever. Only when all are gathered would he be freed.
"Yet the madness of the mad god is not to be underestimated. If these gems can project insight of his being, then each alone is a danger, though this does not merit the same concern as the god being freed of his prison."

Vyuudha folds her arms across her chest, watching the others coldly.
"The cult is not to be taken lightly. Mad, long bereft of power, and scattered, yes. But should they ever succeed, nothing will remain. Tharizdun is not like the gods known in this more fragile time; Tharizdun is not to be defeated by the mortal grains of dust that blow away in the blink of an eye. He is something much older and vaster, and would consume the world with his presence."

2010-07-31, 12:07 AM

"Ah. Sounds like you know a lot about them. Glad you're here and not on their side." He smiles at Vyuudha. "Dealing with a cult...I know some people on Toril that have experience in...removing troublesome people." He shrugs. "Could be useful in eliminating some of the weaker cultists, shake them up so they make a move we can spot."

@Dice I'm referring to the Church of Bhaal. I don't know how much actual influence Ban would have with them, but I'd like it to be considerable. I'm willing to switch out one of my feats for Leadership in order to represent that. The cohort would probably be the guy I used in my backstory.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-07-31, 12:30 AM
At Ban's question, Human-Gareth looks embarrassed. "Well, the cultists were gathering in a demiplane, which we, in point of fact, uh...kinda sorta destroyed." He pauses for a moment, then begins speaking in a slightly different voice, using slightly different mannerisms. "Gareth speaks falsely. Gareth and his companions did not destroy the demiplane per se, as on short notice the best that could be done was for Irlequestia, the psionically-gifted priestess, to engender a psychoactive field which would negate the substance of the plane in an antigenesis wave, a modification on the antigenesis wave created on the Prime by a normal application of a genesis effect. The physical location still remains, should you wish to perform reconnaissance." Flapping its wings in irritation, Raven-Gareth stage-whispers "Psst, self--your inner pedant is showing." Human-Gareth blushes: "Sorry about that. I can't keep track of myselves all the time. Basically, yeah, I can show you where it is, but there's nothing there."

Motioning to Vyuudha, Raven-Gareth remarks to Human-Gareth, "You know, we needn't have bothered to explain about the Gems, I think, as it looks like they possess an expert in the field already. Though I would note that destroying a Gem wouldn't trap the Chained God forever, I don't believe, just bind a bit of his power, so when released he would be fighting the gods and creation with a metaphysical hand tied behind his metaphorical back. You would know better than I, madam," he continues to Vyuudha, "as you appear to have plenty of experience with the Gems and the Chained God. We--" "You seem familiar," Human-Gareth interjects. "Maybe we made plans with you before we went on our expedition...? I coulda sworn I've seen your face somewhere before...."

BanYou're an epic sneaky assassin in a church devoted to a god of sneaky assassins. Yeah, you can pull plenty of strings.

2010-07-31, 06:32 AM
The Artifact Lord listened to the man's fragmented explanation of why they were drawn here – and he searched through the libraries of ancestral memories to try to find a data point to use, to make fully his understanding of the situation. Shifting slightly, which for his bulk entailed a rather large movement, he looked down at the human, trying to gauge the being's strength.

When the others had spoken, the dragon finally made his speech, “I am the Artifact Lord – all things which were made by magic have to some extent my lordship, and I command more than can be considered. These gems may fall under my command, or at least to some consideration my rulership.”

But he knew he was no deity – Xethlynstra was mortal, yet – and thus may have issues with a being such as the one those gems were focused upon. He stared again up at the great Spire, and wondered how its interacts with these gems would work.

“Have you approached any others with this mission?” he asked after his pause.

2010-07-31, 01:42 PM
"Master Dragon, your fervor is proper, yet I must advise patience. Such a thing is beyond you..."

He sweeps his gaze over the rest of the assembled, ... Beyond all of us as things stand. There is but one weapon in all the vastness of creation I know of able to now contest with the might of Tharizdun, and I would not release that creature unless no other choice was left to me.

He sighed heavily then continued, "If we are to combat this threat we will have to bring to bear the full measure of our potential and we must augment our ability with all the power we can acquire.

If the question were posed to me I would counsel this: First let us see this demiplane and discern if there is some truth to this claim. If indeed the prison of the Chained God is under assault, then we must take steps to ready ourselves to counter the actions of this cult."

2010-08-01, 11:45 AM

"Ah. Probably not much left there." He crouches on the ground, dragging his finger through the sand, making random circles and lines. "Do you have an idea of their next move? Perhaps we could secure the next gem they are after before they reach it."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-01, 01:34 PM
Raven-Gareth looks all the way up at Xethlynstra and replies "Yes, we attempted to recruit many others; my telepathic message should have been heard by any creatures of roughly equal power to ourself who were not evil and did not sympathize with the cultists. Given that only you have arrived here, I can only assume that any others willing to fight the Chained God's minions are either much stronger or much weaker than ourself or have already been killed in the process of doing so."

Meanwhile, Human-Gareth responds to Ban by breaking into song.

"Three-hundred thirty-three Gems in the Wheel,
Three-hundred thirty-three Gems;
Take one out,
Smash it about,
Three-hundred thirty-two Gems in the Wheel.

Except it's more like 222 now, 'cause the cultists already got a bunch of them, and I can't sing all the way down to that number because Gareth said if I weren't him he would kill me after the first twenty verses and no one else would have the same restraint and he likes our body, so...yeah. There are a few hundred Gems left, so they could be going after any one of those, or maybe more than one at once, and your guess is better than mine as to what they'd be doing. He shrugs. "You know, you might as well check out the demiplane. I doubt Irley's antigenesis thingy would have hurt the Gem much, and the cultists were all more insane than normal after that, so it might still be there."

2010-08-01, 02:16 PM

Brushing his hand through the dirt Ban erases the markings and begins drawing what looks like a wheel with many spokes. "How do we get to this demiplane then?" He looks up the dragon and the rest of his companions. "I'm not skilled in that type of magic, but I presume some of you can get us there?"

So this is it? Out of all possible worlds only these few came? He smiles. Those walking suits of armor seem impressive and the dragon is...well, a dragon. Most a bit too serious though. If we fail, we won't even remember it afterwards.

"Oh. My name is Ban, from Toril." He half-bows from his seat on the ground. "I was an assassin once...a long time ago. These days...I much prefer to observe life than take it."

2010-08-02, 06:33 PM
I wonder if they see the parallels, the connections reflected in this mirror darkly...

It is of no concern in any case. I doubt they would be able to do much if they did know; and if they are aware then they are perhaps having a similar internal dialog. I shall cease waisting my time on this now and allow them to continue the trains of thought.

Laurian Telpion had closed his eyes for perhaps four seconds and slightly nodded his head as if thinking. Now he straitened and regarded first Ban and then the point of attention between all assembled where it would be clear he was speaking to all of them.

"I am Einthloth who is Laurian Telpion. From elder days I have walked the planes. If indeed Tharizdun is nearing release then I will devote myself utterly, even unto my destruction, to prevent it from bringing its desecration upon the worlds.

And if I or we should fail, then may time ever fleeting forgive us. For it shall be the last of creation to perish."

2010-08-02, 07:29 PM
Though possessed of vast intellect, vast wisdom, and an intense charisma, Xethlynstra had no long years to draw from – no experience beyond his race's growth to delve towards in determining what was best, or if ever the universe had faced such a threat.

This monster was not something that could be defeated through a simple battle among the clouds – flinging spell and force-imbued breath toward him, claws clanging, the echoes of strength upon strength sending shockwaves through the air.

This monster was beyond his knowledge, but he was willing to do what it took to take it down. The lawfulness of the universe was now at the edge of existance. “We'll win,” he said simply. “And if it should be that we are approaching a loss, we will go to the other deities; Io surely possesses the power to shut down our foe, at the very least. If we can rouse his anger ....”

Young, and inexperienced – this was the flaw of the Artifact Lord.

2010-08-02, 10:58 PM
The armor looked at everybody in turn, its hands still on one of its swords. First, the assassin, then the elf, then the dragon. Their personalities, varied as they were, did not matter to him. Their ideas and support would be required, but the armor neither approved nor disapproved of how people did things, merely what they did. Better to succeed through strange methods than fail through the normal ones, and the methods of this group certainly promised to be strange.

After turning, slowly, to look at each of them again, the voice boomed out once again.

I am what I am. I possess no title, nor a name. I have already said I will fight. Let us not delay.

2010-08-03, 07:33 AM
"Am I?"
Vyuudha says in response to Gareth's question.
"I suppose I am, for you looked into the prison of the Chained God. I am Vyuudha, avatar of Tharizdun."
Strangely, Vyuudha either doesn't seem to understand the implications that this might have, and the worries that this might provoke, or possibly, she doesn't care.

2010-08-03, 01:50 PM

Craning his head to turn and look up at Vyuudha, Ban chuckles. That changes things. He stands up and brushes himself off. "You haven't destroyed us yet, so I figure you're not controlled by Tharizdun." He shrugs. "You know the old saying, fight fire with fire. Or in this case, fight an insane god with a rebellious embodiment of that god's power." He smiles, shuffling along the ground to nonchalantly place himself between Gareth and Vyuudha. Not sure if Gareth's fractured mind will be able to make the distinction between Vyuudha and the actual god.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-04, 10:44 PM
Human-Gareth waves a hand dismissively. "Don't worry, Mr. Ban From Toril--how'd you get banned from an entire sphere, anyway?--I can get you there. I can hold off the progression of the insanity for about a minute or so outside of the Spire's aura between sleep cycles, so I should be able to move out a bit, get you there, get back, and rush to the Spire again without any permanent damage." He babbles on for a bit regarding the particulars, oblivious to Vyuudha's pronouncement--he utters the phrase "I hear the Ethereal is lovely this time of year" at one point and mentions redecorating the Ethereal curtains a few times--but Raven-Gareth simply stares at her with his beady avian eyes. "...um. I would assume Ban is right and you are not an avatar in the traditional sense, judging by the fact that we are not currently mangled and bleeding on the ground with maniacal laughter echoing around us. I'm going to proceed under the assumption that I'm more insane than I thought and that I simply hallucinated that the very embodiment of our worst enemy just revealed itself to be such while we're standing within attack range."

Human-Gareth's stream-of-consciousness monologue cuts off with a strangled yelp. He stares at Vyuudha, many different expressions crossing his face one after the other. A rapid stream of words spills from his mouth, in several different tones.
"WHAT!? How in the Hells did a bloody avatar of bloody Tharizdun get here!?"
"Walked, obviously."
"I mean how did we let it!?"
"It didn't exactly announce itself to me, did it?"
"No, but--"
"It can't be trusted! Kill it!"
"It hasn't done anything so far..."
"My powers don't work, remember?"
"I don't have to blast it, just stab it!"
"Have I seen that armor? I'll go ahead and do that; meanwhile, I'll--"
"Shut up, all of me. Taking out the Chained God is much more--"
"Bloody Tharizdun is standing right bloody there!"
"It can't do anything here, though."
"And to think I was about to leave the Spire!"
"Uh, Gareth?"
"Why am I talking so loud? I'd think I'd want to talk about killing someone so it can't hear me."
"Why am I talking at all? I may not be able to use external telepathy here, but I can still have an internal monologue...."
"Sorry, I was just startled, so I didn't--"
"Internal monologue."
"Right. Sorry, Gareth."

Human-Gareth stands still for a moment, the expression on his face mostly oscillating between "scared out of his minds" and "extreme but impotent anger." Then his face clears, and he states, "Well, you're lucky. I've--we've--agreed that we can trust you by a vote of 5 to 3, with 2 abstaining. Right then. Can any of you travel really ridiculously fast without magic?" Raven-Gareth interjects: "Say, oh, I don't know, around 400 miles in less than a minute? That should be far enough to let a planar shift function, and I'd prefer to leave the Spire's proximity for as short a time as possible."

2010-08-05, 07:08 AM
As the insane man carried out his external monologue, the dragon stood, and spread his wings in an act almost of intimidation. "None will be judged unless they have done something to be judged for!" he said - a little louder, perhaps, than he should, "And this being has only made a claim. One cannot bear judgment on a claim alone."

Shifting, sighing, the dragon looked to that person - thinking for a moment on that claim.

"No mortal, nor even most deities, possess that speed - unless one makes use of plane shift or teleport - the latter of which," Xeth said, raising a clawed hand - showing an extraordinarily beautiful ring, which seemed to be made of numerous rare metals, "Darshan possesses - twice in any twenty-four hour period, it enables me to use a power quite similiar to a greater teleport."

2010-08-05, 09:29 AM
"Perhaps I could spare us this. In my travels there is available to me magic able to restore minds afflicted with such maladies. Is we can reach the appropriate zone for its casting, I am willing to suffer the personal cost to make use of it."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-09, 07:00 PM
"Unfortunately, I do not believe that would work, though I appreciate the desire to help," Raven-Gareth caws to the avatar. "I attempted several remedies to restore my mind at the time, including wishing for it to reform, but the Chained God's power was simply too strong. And, again unfortunately," he says to the dragon, "by the time we were far enough from the Spire to plane shift it would already be too late." Looking around and hearing no other suggestions, he turns to Human-Gareth and says "I suppose we could always sacrifice some aspect of us for the cause, try to focus all of the power there and simply burn out one of our fragments instead of all of them deteriorating...."

Human-Gareth looks shocked, and once again words spill from his mouth in different voices.
"What!? I can't believe I would even suggest that! I couldn't just give up part of me!"
"Yes, I can believe it, and yes, I can do it."
"No I can't!"
"How about my id? I don't really need any subconscious violent tendencies; I'm not a wilder, after all."
"Hey, hey, hey! How can I bloody do this to me?"
"Literally, by changing my mental patterns to divert the deific power rather than negating it entirely, thus prolonging the protection, the same way I shielded the fragment of me inhabiting Darkwing. Figuratively, quite easily, thank me very much."
"All in favor of burning out my id?"
"I always wanted to be kinda Zen."
"Fine by me."
"It is the best option at this juncture."
"What the Hells, man, really? I'm gonna--"
"Do it."
"That's decided, then."
"Internal monologue...?"
"Crap, right. I was just kinda surprised, so--"
"Never mind."

Human-Gareth turns to Raven-Gareth and orders him to remain near the Spire to ensure at least part of him remains completely sane. He then turns to you all, gives a little bow, and motions for you to lead the way away from the Spire. After a boring trek across the featureless plains surrounding the Spire, made somewhat interesting only by small talk amongst yourselves and the occasional argument between increasingly-erratic Gareths bursting out before returning to an internal dialog, you reach a point far enough away from the Spire to allow plane shifting.

Gareth abruptly becomes serious. "There goes...that fragment...shame, really...though for now I can...hold the madness off...for a bit...while I'm all here...." he forces out through clenched teeth, breathing heavily. "So here's...a warning...don't look into...the Gem while...someone's touching it without...some covering like...a glove or something...that will trigger it...our black-ops guy...got greedy...that's what did it...." He takes a few deep breaths, closes his eyes, and furrows his brow, and suddenly you feel yourselves yanked through the Astral and deposited somewhere in the misty white emptiness of the Ethereal. A few yards away floats a disc of light--if a constantly-morphing roundish shape can be called a "disc"--slowly shifting through blue to violet and back again. "That's...the demiplane...their pass phrase...is 'He Who Consumes...Worlds shall triumph.'...I have to...go back now...." With a pulse of silent thunder, Gareth is gone, leaving you alone with the portal.

2010-08-10, 01:48 PM

Glancing at the portal, then back towards the dragon, Ban chuckles. "I hope this is one of those self-adjusting portals, for your sake." He bows his head slightly and walks closer to the portal. "Wish we could spend more time here...always liked the ethereal." With a shrug he ducks his head and steps into the portal.

Do he need to speak the pass phrase before he can enter? If so, then he does. Wasn't sure.

2010-08-10, 02:52 PM
The armor unsheathes his swords slowly, looking them over. After he is satisfied, he slowly crouches down, then, nearly too fast to see, leaps straight through the portal.

2010-08-11, 08:57 AM
Thankfully, there would be little boring treking, for the massive dragon provided carriage to them with ease, burdened upon his back or slung within the wire nets holding his new toys - the two golems radiating a good deal of heat.

As they reached the point and stopped, and the portal summoned, the dragon elected to follow, for he was sure he could survive whatever would happen if he did - and he marveled as the portal stretched to take in the huge form of his person.

2010-08-11, 03:36 PM
Watching those in his company enter the portal the winged elf took a deep sigh.

"I know that I know nothing."

Holding up his hand as if lifting up an orb a sudden flash of light and twisting of color prefaced a smooth hand motion. In an instant the Arcstaff was in his hands. The beautiful object, seeming made of crystal, water, and light, grasped firmly he walked toward the portal.

"He Who Consumes worlds shall triumph."

With boldness he stepped into the portal, though under his breath a quite, "... but not if I can help it."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-12, 10:28 PM
Passing through the portal, you behold an astounding sight, or rather the lack of one. As far as you can see, the ground is simply...dead. A perfectly flat, featureless plain of grayish dust is the only thing in sight except the shimmering obsidian sphere curving overhead to mark the demiplane's boundaries. Well...almost.

A few hundred feet away, a handful of humanoid figures are gathered around a small stand or pedestal of some sort, upon which rests a many-faceted opal easily twice as large as a human's head. The figures are hunched over and far too thin for any Prime humanoid; they wear black robes and their skin seems to be black as well. More figures--similarly proportioned but in red and white--stand motionless at attention around them, looking outward. You can tell when they catch sight of you by their sudden stiffening and motions toward the black ones in the center, but otherwise they don't react to your presence.

2010-08-12, 10:41 PM
The armor looks at the figures, watching their every move. After a few seconds, he looked back at the group, his voice, though soft, still having a booming, metallic quality to it.

Are they targets?


Darn, the one (of a few) knowledge skills I don't have ranks in. I don't know that they are clearly ethergaunts, though I am sure somebody does.

2010-08-13, 06:40 AM
"They strike me as familiar," Xeth said, coming to a landing - setting the two heavy ironwyrm golems on the ground first. He stared at them, trying to resolve their features, whilst simultaneously trying to product data on them.

Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20+44=45 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2648805/); Knowledge (The Planes): 1d20+44=54 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2648806/); Spot check 1d20+44=49 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2648808/).

The number roller hates me today.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-13, 07:09 AM
XethThe creatures are ethergaunts, aberrations with innate spellcasting, a highly rational philosophy, and strange technology. You know everything in their Fiend Folio entry.

2010-08-13, 07:12 AM
Data streams flowed into consciousness, pulling into the present a labryinth of knowledge on these beings.

"Ah - yes; they're Ethergaunts; highly evolved brain matrixes enable powerful spellcasting - and they aren't as fragile as they look in melee, either," he said, "Unless, however, they've worked to improve their own abilities, if their task is a chaotic one - we should be able to take them down with ease.

"But we should assume nothing of their intent until we speak with them," he finished.

2010-08-13, 09:00 AM
The Illithid now speaks telepathically.
*I should speak with them, for we are... similar in some way*
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) {1d20+51} to see if I know something more about them (btw., they are abberations not outsiders)
I really hope that their spell 'immunity' doesn't work against psionics because it says arcane spellcasting only

2010-08-13, 09:01 AM
Stupid roll doesn't work with spaces inbetween >.<. Again: [roll0]

2010-08-13, 12:22 PM

Their spell immunity only works on spells up to sixth level. Even with the psi-magic transparency, you can probably get past it.

The armor begins walking towards the ethergaunts slowly, one of his hands motioning for the others to follow him.

2010-08-13, 12:25 PM
Long strides of limbs brought the giant dragon along - keeping pace with the armored humanoid, not taking any real effort to exceed it, though if the fight were to break as he felt it would, he would want to draw the attacks to himself.

That's just sort of how Xeth was.

The two golems, freed of their wire netting, walked alongside him - slow, calm, exuding a sort of confidence only something without an intellect could.

They were perhaps the best weapons against spellcasters of this caliber.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-13, 12:38 PM
As the two of you approach the ethergaunts, one of the white ones extends a hand to halt you. A buzzing, echoing voice emanates from it: Irrational, inferior beings: this plane and its contents the khen-zai claim. Should the Prime beings desire to take them, they shall turn away now; their defeat is inevitable and pointless. Should they desire to make speech with the khen-zai, they shall state the nature of their supplication. Should they desire to submit to the khen-zai, they shall prostrate themselves and await binding and enthrallment. No other choices exist.

2010-08-13, 12:41 PM

How far away are they, and how close together are they?

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-13, 12:50 PM
The whites are spaced out about 20 feet apart, and the nearest one is 40 feet away; they're in a sort of dish shape, with the open end facing the portal. The reds are standing in a circle about 10 feet apart and are 20 feet beyond that. The blacks are clustered together in the center. There are five blacks, ten reds, and twenty whites.

2010-08-13, 12:57 PM
"So much for parley - so much the better, I should think these beings are up to no good," Xethlynstra said, feeling strangely angry with these beings; that they should ask that he lay before them - he, a dragon! - it was absurd.

"Altos, Omegos - take them down," he commanded to his golems - "Go for the black ones at the center."

Xethlynstra: 1d20+8=12 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2649054/)
Altos: 1d20-1=6 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2649060/)
Omegos: 1d20-1=10 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2649062/)

2010-08-13, 01:35 PM
Init: [roll0]

2010-08-13, 01:48 PM
*Foolish dragon. Fighting is the last action one should take*
After these words Xylathos teleports directly behind the Ethergaunts, facing them.

Init: [roll0]
Move action to become psionically focused (Concentration) , I don't roll because I get 20 either way.
Swift action Dimension Hop (1 pp + 1 pp for each 5 feet beyond the first 10 feet)
Dominate, Psionic pp ( 28 pp :[4 pp] + augmented with: [4 pp] target aberration, [2 pp] duration 1 day, [18 pp] + 9 targets) tageting the red Ethergaunts. DC is 45
All manifested defensively, Concentration is auto succes

2010-08-13, 01:50 PM
I'm pretty sure that we aren't really capable of taking actions before initiative has even been determined, Wabba.

Side note: Aren't we supposed to be in separate groups?

2010-08-13, 01:53 PM
I will take the actions regardless what the people before me do, so waiting for the rolls would be meaningless^^

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-13, 01:53 PM
We were supposed to do two groups of eight, but when two of our players dropped out I decided to just stick with one group of six for now. If you want to split up into two groups of three later, you can do that.

2010-08-13, 02:13 PM

Strange, weird creatures. Friendly or hostile? Don't know how they would know about this place unless they were cultists... Taking a half-step back under the dragons great wings Ban disappears from sight. A small whisper comes from the shadows. "Leave the gem to me."

Traveling in the shadow of the dragons wings Ban's cloak flares out, lifting him above the ground. As they near the cultists and the dragons golems rush forward Ban breaks cover from under the wings, his cape flapping out silently behind him as he soars up into the the air. Flying above the cultists he drops down into the middle of them, twisting his body as he disappears into the shadows near the pedestal.

Double Move action, hiding within 10ft of the shadows of the pedestal.

Tumble checks to avoid any possible Attacks of Opportunities from the 5 black ethergaunts (fast tumble - only have to tumble the last few squares of movement): I tap the DC to avoid the 5 AoO's (25,27,29,31,33).

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

If the ethergaunts are not immune to mind-affecting effects, then they are affected by Void Presence (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ei/20030418a).

Initiative [roll2]



Ban is making sure not to look directly at the Gem. However, he does want to see how it is attached to the pedestal.

2010-08-13, 03:12 PM
"Perhaps it would be appropriate to point out that attaining one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the pinnacle of excellence. Subjugating the enemy without fighting is the true pinnacle of excellence. If you are quite determined to fight, save one of the black ones, we can interrogate it later."

Despite his minor rebuke, the elf looked almost bored. The Khen-Zai were fools. Then again, most creatures were fools. It seemed they had not learned and perhaps never would learn: "Better is an handful with quietness, than both the hands full with travail and vexation of spirit." Their ambition was vanity as was their pride.

Initiative 1d20+10
Knowledge 1d20+51

OOC: I have every knowledge skill at the same level, so can I just say what whichever was appropriate was what I rolled?

2010-08-13, 03:24 PM
OOC: Sorry, I forgot that caviet about editing
Initiative [roll0]
Knowledge [roll1]

2010-08-14, 11:06 AM

Vyuudha has followed quietly, seemingly unconcerned by all that has occurred so far. At the sudden attack of the dragon, the avatar prepares for combat placidly, moving without interest, but not hesitating either. It's like watching a river languidly flowing through the motions. Runes and shadows sprout around her effortlessly, streaming outwards as divine magic surges into her, ready to be shaped to whatever purpose she might desire.

Initiative: [roll0]

Vyuudha will delay until she sees something of note happening, and will take her turn right after the occurrence she finds it appropriate to respond to. Until then, she remains defensive but not hostile, which means the ethergaunts might not have reason to attack her. Maybe.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-21, 02:00 PM
Ethergaunt initiatives
Blacks: [roll0]
Reds: [roll1]
Whites: [roll2]

So turn order will be

Descriptions/actions coming up in a moment.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-21, 02:56 PM
As soon as Ban disappears from sight, the black creatures' heads snap up to face you. Prime hostiles, one states. Interlopers, possibly thieves, another states. Red pattern aleph-six, White pattern sigma-three, a third states. With that, their forms begin to waver, their limbs moving faster than humanoidly possible, and they disappear...

...only to blink momentarily into existence near each of you with a kaleidoscopic flash of rainbow colors, then disappear again after a single instant as dark gray tendrils of fog explode out of the air to surround you...

...then reappear, floating in a ring a hundred or so feet in the air above their prior location, the Gem bobbing gently in the center of the circle. Prime beings shall consider themselves warned. Should they surrender unconditionally and the hidden being reveal itself, hostilities shall cease. Any speech or action indicating less than utter capitulation shall be met with lethal force. The reds and whites, slightly off-balance from the suddenness of your appearance and the blacks' response, lift their etherblades into a ready position.

Spellcraft 29The blacks used celerity, time stop, prismatic spray, and solid fog, in that order.

Vyuudha: [roll0]
Simon: [roll1]
Xylathos: [roll2]
Laurian: [roll3]
Xethlynstra: [roll4]

These rolls are for prismatic sprays (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/prismaticSpray.htm); roll saves appropriate to the results you got, I'll reroll for any 8s that come up. The DC is 39.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-21, 02:58 PM
Xylathos: [roll0]
Laurian: [roll1]

EDIT: Whoops, it's reroll twice, my mistake; assume you're both hit with 5 and 7.

2010-08-21, 04:00 PM
Two fort saves: [roll0] [roll1]

As soon as they appear in range to cast their prismatic spray, the armor disappears, reappearing behind them, launching ten slashes into the group.

Attack rolls:

MH 1[roll2]
MH 2[roll3]
OH 1[roll4]
OH 2[roll5]
MH 3[roll6]
OH 3[roll7]
MH 4[roll8]
OH 4[roll9]
MH 5[roll10]
OH 5[roll11]

Attacks of Opportunity for spellcasting (in range of as many as possible):


Burning 30 HP for my epic destiny to damage

Damage Rolls (assuming not flat footed; if flat footed, then add an additional [roll18] to every hit.

Main hand:


Off Hand:




2010-08-21, 05:44 PM

Vyuudha sidesteps the instant before the Ethergaunts attack in their flurry, almost in an impulsive, meaningless manner. However, as their attacks fling down, they sweep by her unsuccessfully, tearing apart everything around her, but leaving Vyuudha herself untouched.

The armored figure raises a hand in front of her, and her black aura responds in kind, swirling around her menacingly. She wastes no time on taunts or words, instead readying herself to respond lethally.

Three reflex saves- first against fire, second two against electricity. I get a +5 bonus against fire due to my water cloak. I doubt it will matter, however, given that I have 30 fire resistance.
Last will be my will save.

Fire Reflex: [roll0]
Lightning 1 Reflex: [roll1]
Lightning 2 Reflex: [roll2]

Will Save vs. Banishment [roll3]

If any are ones, I can reroll due to Pride domain. I'll use them in order if they are necessary:

I also have Evasion from Divine Oracle, so if I succeed on my saves I take no damage from the Electricity.

Given that they'd need about 12 more on their casting score than Vyuudha to affect her successfully, I think I'll just assume she succeeds.

2010-08-21, 07:22 PM
The armor crouches, and suddenly jumps into the air, then flies towards the nearest ethergaunt and slashes at it.

Can I keep the attack rolls I've already made for my first full attack?

Anyway, still burning 30 HP for damage. Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Oh, since I didn't make note of it, my two stances are assassin's stance and stance of instant action.

EDIT: There's also really not too much to say about this one; I don't think I can add too much fluff towards slashing the guy once without getting purple prosy, especially since I'm not entirely sure if I even hit.

EDIT X2: Err... the damage is supposed to be 2d8, not 1d20, but I managed to roll a 3 anyway, so it didn't really help too much.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-21, 08:23 PM
I already noted you can keep those rolls...and their AC is in the low 40s, so you're fine on that front. :smallwink:

Ending up between a pair of blacks, the armor slashes at both of them, one with each blade. Its strikes pass through them with little resistance, leaving two sets of neatly-bisected alien bodies to fall to the ground dripping a greenish ichor.

2010-08-22, 11:23 AM

A black mirror of divine energy flows around Vyuudha, emanating from the named ring and preventing the fog from closing around her. The protective ward flickers darkly, ready to deflect anything else that might be directed towards her.

Her natural aura responds as well, two black wings of shadow spreading out behind her as she takes to the sky, flying out of the fog and hovering above the battlefield. Even more strange limbs project from the aura, described bizarre patterns in the air around her, leaving trailing blue mist behind them.

In one, flickering instant, a flare of divine magic emanates from her with a terrible shriek, so potent that it is easily felt by everyone nearby. Roiling darkness besets the lesser ethergaunts, slashing at them wildly and haphazardly, while chill blue fire strikes down on them in thin streams, consuming all who fail to avoid it.

In the midst of this display of power, Vyuudha seems lazy, merely giving a single gesture towards the unattended gem, a sphere of her power forming around it and dragging it towards her.

Vyuudha has Freedom of Movement from her ring, Obsidian, so she can ignore the Solid Fog.

She'll take a move action to go straight up 75ft- she technically has to go up at an angle (60 degree), but I figure she can kind of go forward then back. Even if she can't, she only really needs to go up to be out of Solid Fog and get out of melee range, so going forwards will be okay.

After her move action, she'll cast Time Stop and get four rounds, as rolled in the OOC.

The break down is as follows:

Normal Round
Move: Fly up 75ft
Standard: Time Stop (four rounds).

--Round 1--
Standard: Telekinetic Sphere, 1ft diameter, targeting the Gem.
Move: Hover (technically she can't do this, but I figure she just moves forwards then backwards, or spirals a bit. She has enough move to end up back where she was).
Swift: Blade Barrier, Ringed Wall that catches as many of the white and red ethergaunts in its range as possible.
Damage: [roll0] Reflex: 39

--Round 2--
Standard: Move the gem/sphere 30ft towards her.
Move: Hover
Swift: Blade Barrier again! This ring will be immediately outside the first.
Damage: [roll1] Reflex: 39

--Round 3--
Standard: Move the gem/sphere 30ft towards her.
Move: Hover
Swift: Surprise- another blade barrier. This one is immediately inside the first, in effect creating a single blade barrier ring with a 15ft width rather than the usual 5ft.
Damage: [roll2] Reflex: 39

--Round 4--
Standard: Move the gem again, 30ft.
Move: Move the rest of the way towards the gem, if necessary.
Swift: Ready an action for the time stop to fall.

Back to Normal Round:
Readied Swift: Flame Strike, targeting as many white ethergaunts as possible.
Damage: [roll3] DC 38 reflex for half.
Normal Swift: Flame Strike 2, targeting as many remaining ethergaunts as possible.
Damage: [roll4] DC 38 reflex for half.

This all assumes the gem is unattended, but from your description, it appears no one is touching it. Further, the ethergaunts just proved that it can be moved, so...
Yoinks! :smalltongue:

2010-08-22, 05:16 PM
With a look of utter boredom Laurian watched the trick the Ethergaunts played to attempt to stop them. Sighing he spoke softly,

"Peace be with them, for they know not what they do."

When the Khen-Zai cast their shining rays at him he mearly looked on as the spells broke around him like water on rock.

"A decent effort, but you will have to do better to defeat me.

Speaking up in a loud voice he addressed all his companions, "If it is feasible, please try not to kill them. In a short time they will call us friend. I ask only for the time needed to work the magic."

2010-08-23, 04:17 PM
Xylathos just stands there, unaffected by the prismatic spells.
*Their corpses will provide all the answers we need.*
After projecting these words into his companion's minds he closes his eyes and seems to blur for a moment, followed by a deafening psionic shriek coming from the group of enemies above and a large number of crystalline shards exploding in the larger group.
Even through he tries to hide it, it is apparent that this action was very taxing to him.

Swift action to manifest Temporal Acceleration (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/temporalAcceleration.htm), augmented with 4 extra rounds [27 pp]

Extra round 1:
Move action to gain psionic focus.
Swift action to manifest Dimension Hop slightly above the remaining black Ethergaunts. (I hope to fall enough to be in the center of the 'gaunts when I manifest Ultrablast. I just gonna make an Int check to see how good he estimated the height [roll0] .) [21pp]
Standard action to manifest Delayed Maximized Ultrablast (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/ultrablast.htm), augmented +10d6 [29pp] 138 damage, Will DC 36 half.
Extra round 2:
Swift action to manifest Dimension Hop to the original position. [21pp]
Move action to gain psionic focus.
Standard action to manifest Delayed Maximized Hail of Crystals (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/hailofCrystals.htm), targeting as many of the white and/or red Ethergaunts. Augmented with +14d4 [29pp], 100 damage, Reflex DC 34 half.
Extra round 3:
Move action to gain psionic focus.
Standard action to manifest Delayed Maximized Hail of Crystals (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/hailofCrystals.htm), targeting as many of the remaining white and/or red Ethergaunts. Augmented with +14d4 [29pp], 100 damage, Reflex DC 34 half.
Extra round 4:
Move action to gain psionic focus.
Standard action to manifest Delayed Maximized Hail of Crystals (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/hailofCrystals.htm), targeting as many of the remaining white and/or red Ethergaunts. Augmented with +14d4 [29pp], 100 damage, Reflex DC 34 half.
Extra round 5:
Move action to gain psionic focus.
Standard action to manifest Delayed Twinned Synchronicity [9pp], standard actions specified: "Activate Delayed Maximized Hail of Crystals" x2

Move action to gain psionic focus.
Standard action to manifest Twinned Synchronicity [7 pp], standard actions specified: "Activate Delayed Maximized Ultrablast" and "Manifest Twinned Synchronicity"
Standard action to manifest Twinned Synchronicity [7pp], standard actions specified: "Activate Delayed Twinned Synchronicity" and "Activate Delayed Maximized Hail of Crystals"
Standard action to activate Delayed Twinned Synchronicity
Standard action to activate Delayed Maximized Ultrablast
Standard action to activate Delayed Maximized Hail of Crystals
Standard action to activate Delayed Maximized Hail of Crystals
Standard action to activate Delayed Maximized Hail of Crystals

[-208 pp]

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-23, 04:33 PM
The reds, standing in a circle below the blacks and caught by surprise in Vyuudha's lethal darkness, never had a chance; between one instant and the next, they are reduced to a fine green mist, their etherblades sliced to ribbons that fall into a pile below them. The whites survive somewhat longer: as Vyuudha's fire rains down upon them, they all blink out of existence in flashes of white light, reappearing closer to you, farther away, to the side, up in the air, and otherwise out of the area after being whisked randomly through the Astral...only to be shredded to pieces as clouds of crystal shards erupt from the air around them, leaving only two of the original twenty whites alive.

You discover that the blacks possess similar defenses: as Xylathos blinks into existence above the three remaining blacks and unleashes his destructive power, they blink outwards, managing to avoid the waves of mental force.

Spellcraft 21Each of the blacks and whites had a contingent dimension door go off.
Seeing their minions mostly obliterated, the Gem floating away from them, and two of you floating dangerously close to them, the blacks rotate toward you and one extends a limb, palm out. The Prime beings appear more formidable than initial assessment would indicate. The khen-zai request a cessation of hostilities. Further information able to be gathered from study of the anomaly does not justify projected losses of ranh-zai and xaph-zai; the Prime beings' destruction of ranh-zai and sakh-zai will be noted but excused for the duration of the truce. Are these terms judged satisfactory?

2010-08-23, 05:15 PM

Crouching next to the pedestal Ban relaxes and sits on the ground. It appears my new allies possess power appropriate to this task. He shrugs, though no one can see him. All the more reason to stay out of sight.

"Hey, you up there!" He shouts. "So you're not cultists bent on releasing the Mad God from his prison? We can probably talk then."

I don't know what the penalty would be for remaining hiding while he's talking...but I'd like to try. Kind of like a disembodied voice, coming from no where in particular.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

2010-08-23, 05:17 PM
"I do not gladly suffer hubris."

Looking at five remaining ethergaunts the elf's eyes begin to glow with an eldridge fire.

"Moreover, I do not recognize a truce with such as you."

All about there was thunder without sound.

Psionic Dominate

PP: 7 (to manifest)+4 (aberration)+4 (change duration to 1 day/manifester level)+8 (+4 targets)=23

Save DC: 10 (Base)+4 (Power Level)+20 (Int Mod)+8 (+1 per 2 points spent augmenting)=42

Will Negates

Unless I am much mistaken, they fail on anything save a natural 20.

2010-08-23, 05:34 PM

Seeing that the others would handle the negotiations, one way or another, Vyuudha turns her attention from the enemies. She no longer deemed them a threat, and there were other things to be done. First of all, she swiftly moves towards the gem, dismisses her telekinetic sphere, and quickly stows it away into some portion of her armor.

That taken care of, she moves towards the corpses to act on them next.

Vyuudha is going to stow the all important gem into her Belt of Many Pouches.

After that, she'll start casting Animate dead on the corpses. She can animate 93HD at one time, which means that she can raise 1 red ethergaunt and 8 whites in a single casting (assuming these are standard ethergaunts), or 4 whites and 9 reds.

I think Ethergaunts have skeletons, so I'd be going for skeletons if possible. If not, we'll go with zombies.
3 castings should allow me to raise all the whites and reds, which is what I'm aiming for. I'll decide what to do with the blacks later.

2010-08-23, 05:35 PM
"I have no evidence that you are lawful, nor does it seem my companions wish for you to live," the dragon said. Most of his companions, at least - but it didn't matter.

His Ring, Darshan, cast upon him an extended Haste, and he used this - taking flight, moving forward until the enemy was within range - an easy task for his considerable speed.

And those within range of his breath would, if the Elf's spell failed, feel both a potency of force admixed with electricity.

"Omegos, Altos, return to me - this is taken care of."

If Exthalion's psionic dominate fails, Xeth will do the following:

Drinking a potion of breath weapon admixture (electricity) and breathing the cone of force/lightning in a 60ft. cone in front of him - hoping to catch the monsters in it.

DC 37 reflex half, 30d12=186 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2660792/); half is Force, half is Electricity.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-23, 06:19 PM
Cultists the khen-zai are not one of the blacks states. Divinity is irrational and abhorrent. The khen-zai seek the Prime beings' crystal of power purely for research purposes. Before it can reply further, it stiffens momentarily, then looks around. Compulsions are not necessary at this juncture. The khen-zai-- As soon as the blacks say something not along the lines of "what is thy bidding, my master?" Xeth releases a devastating blast of barely-visible force toward them, pulverizing their bodies into just so much electrically-charged dust. The two whites caught in the periphery of the domination effect, however, do succumb, and turn to face their new master.

Ethergaunt saves, on the off chance one rolls a nat 20

EDIT: My bad, I should only have rolled for the two whites, so that should be 2d20, not 5d20. They're dominated either way, while Xeth takes out the blacks.
Far below the blacks, Vyuudha's power infuses the lesser ethergaunts' remains with the energies of undeath. The vaporized reds slowly coalesce into a semblance of their prior form; too thin and fragile to become skeletons, they rise as soft-bodied zombies. The whites remain mostly intact, so once their innards liquify and ooze out through the holes in their exoskeletons left by the crystal swarms that killed them, eighteen off-white ethergaunt skeletons stand awaiting commands.

2010-08-23, 06:59 PM

Standing up Ban climbs on the pedestal and waves his hands, anger on his face. "Hey, good going guys!" He shakes his head and plops down on the pedestal. "They weren't cultists, or maybe they were lying. But if they weren't then maybe, maybe, we shouldn't have just killed and raised them. I may be crazy, but it seems like we should be seeking allies when going against a Mad God instead of getting offended and blasting anyone that doesn't bow down before us."

He sighs and then hops off, shaking his head as he walks over to the rest of the group.

No longer hiding.

2010-08-23, 07:04 PM

"Ethergaunts are dogmatically opposed to divine power. They would not worship anything. Further, their level of power is insignificant enough to render their aid irrelevant."
Vyuudha states, her voice harsh and cold.
"We had no need of their assistance. That they are not hindering our advance is the only thing of importance."

2010-08-23, 07:16 PM
"Regardless, this was wasteful. While they are of little direct use, there is a certain utility that a large number of compliant magic users possess. As of now, I see little good in resurrecting them to their full capabilities.

Please omit at least one black corpse from your efforts, I will use my magic to learn what they knew."

2010-08-23, 07:20 PM
"A large number of useless, chaos-driven things is of little purpose," Xeth said, recovering his breath - he didn't like how the effects of the potion had on his throat; he thought perhaps if he'd selected cold based admixtures that perhaps it wouldn't be left so scratchy. He added, "And beyond that - I do require some respect from those among us; that these beings dared to tell me to bow before them? It is an insult to Draconic kind."

He began to rebind the two Ironwrym golems in their metal netting - and he watched as the others animated the dead. He found it a little distasteful, but so long as it did not spread the plague of Chaos, he found no real objection.

2010-08-24, 12:28 PM
"I advise you all to do what you wish. For the next fifteen minutes I am going to meditate to prepare to alter these," here he indicated the last two living Ethergaunts.

I have four empty ninth level slots. I am going to take 15 min to fill two of them with Preprogrammed Amnesia.

2010-08-25, 07:42 AM
"All that concerns me is the gem - do what you will to the bodies, or that which remains of them," the dragon said, shifting loftily towards wherever the gem might be.

2010-08-25, 07:54 AM

A normal person might point out that it wasn't Vyuudha who kept fighting after the enemies surrendered. A normal person would point out that hey, they're already dead, why not make something of their remains? It's not like Vyuudha has wasted anything- she turned something useless into something useful. But Vyuudha is not a normal person. She really doesn't care about the objections to begin with, and only elaborated the first time due to the few strange vestiges of mortality that she still possesses- and those are few and far between.

Leaving her undead to stand where they are, waiting silently in a disorganized mess where they died, Vyuudha draws out the gem she retrieved. So, this was it- what had destroyed the mind of that man they met, a small, potential window into the prison of Tharizdun. A normal person would hide it away or try to destroy it.

But Vyuudha is not a normal person.

Purposefully, Vyuudha looks into the gem, trying to stare back into the prison that once held her, towards the entity that created her. Was she truly separate from this thing that spawned her, or would she recognize it as part of herself? Would it be maddening, or familiar?

She had to know.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-25, 10:18 AM
As Vyuudha touches the Gem, you all feel a sudden rising pressure on your minds, like several creatures are trying to tear it out through your skull while others work to press it back in. As it hasn't been "charged" by a ritual before Vyuudha handles it, the Gem isn't immediately harmful, but it definitely feels like something bad will happen, and the mental pressure is increasing by the second.

VyuudhaLooking into the Gem at Tharizdun feels like trying to gaze in awe upon a resplendent cathedral to Pelor through a tiny pinhole--or what it would be like, if you had any respect or reverence for any such cathedral aside from possible artistic value, but the idea is the same. For a timeless moment, you feel a sense of kinship with the roiling black multidimensional essence you feel beyond the Gem. A yearning to rejoin with it fills you, and you feel like you're looking at your best friend in all the worlds.

Then Tharizdun notices you.

Between one moment and the next, all those positive emotions are blasted away in one overwhelming wave of hatred. Wordless accusations pound your psyche, swearing to destroy you for your betrayal and filling you with doubt. The rational part of your mind realizes that the Chained God is as likely to swear undying vengeance and eternal torment on anything he comes in contact with as give it the time of day, but the rejection and condemnation still stings in a vague sort of way.

You, too, begin to feel the mental pressure slowly closing in on your mind. Without the deific powers being a true (and un-independent) avatar would grant you, you are as vulnerable to Tharizdun's mind-shattering influence as almost any other mortal, and he has no compunctions against turning that power upon you.

2010-08-25, 10:38 AM

Damn. Who gave the avatar the Gem? Slipping into the shadows of the pedestal, Ban glances over at his companions. He grimaces as the Mad God thrashes in his head. So powerful he can step into the void...? Fascinating.

Sleight of Hand check to steal the Gem - DC 50 - [roll0] Technically this is the Spot check to noticed what happened, but I figure it's pretty obvious.

Hide [roll1]
Move Silently [roll2]

Ban isn't touching the Gem with his skin nor looking directly at it. Definitely not doing either of those things. :smallsmile:

2010-08-30, 07:14 PM

All her doubts and thoughts laid out bare and true before her, like nothing else could. She feels guilt and condemnation- anger and hatred, all roiling from the gem. These were not her thoughts. They were not her emotion. She could not see from the eye that stared at her, nor empathize with the being within that prison.

She was truly separate. Something other. Something apart. And free.

No matter the guilt and doubt roiling within her, no matter the hate and power before her, Vyuudha now knew her place, and nothing could take it from her. Hardening, steeling to her task now without regret or hesitation, she clutches the gem tighter and looks upon it with hateful eyes in return, her mind focused on one thought, uncaring if the being beyond hears it, or tears it from her thoughts:

Your place is in my memories and beneath my heel.

With this, she releases the gem from her grasp, dropping it for whoever cares to pick it up.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-08-30, 08:40 PM
With the Gem no longer being held, the pressure on your minds relents, but the Gem's presence is still throbbing in the back of your minds, waiting patiently for the chance to act.

2010-08-31, 04:09 AM
*I will take that.*
The gem vanishes and reappears in Xylathos' gloved hand.
Manifest Retrieve (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/retrieve.htm) on the gem.

2010-08-31, 01:05 PM
The gigantic dragon loomed down upon the gem - now in the humanoid's hands, and his large eyes focused into slits upon it.

"I am the Artifact Lord - perhaps this device's purpose can be thus divined," the dragon said, searching its facets for any meaning.

A variety of options.
Knowledge (Arcana) check: 1d20+44=54 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2670731/)
Knowledge (The Planes) check: 1d20+44=49 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2670732/)
Use Magic Device check, using Impossible Activation special ability: 70 (I can take 20 on any UMD check)

2010-08-31, 10:15 PM
While the children squabbled over the gem Laurion turned his attention to his dominated Ethergaunts. Having finished his preparations he turned to the nearest and simply said, "Accept what I have to show you. Do not resist my magic."

With that he began the long casting of his spell. As the magic began the Ethergaunt grew very still. Slowly it began to look upward as if viewing a world only it could see. When at last the ten minute casting was complete it was again looking at Laurion

OOC: Dice, I leave the reaction up to you. If it works, I am going to cast the spell again on the other one. I sent you a PM with the experience they are having.

The spell is Preprogrammed Amnesia by the way.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-09-01, 07:40 AM
ObrysiiAfter studying the Gem for a few minutes you come to the conclusion that, because this Gem's purpose is to break creatures down and warp and twist them to madness, the only way to destroy it is for one creature to find its twisted self, face it, and destroy the Gem together with it.

Where might one find one's "twisted self"? you ask yourself. After pondering a bit further: Oh, of course--in the Plane of Mirrors.

While Xethlynstra carefully studies the Gem, trying not to activate it, Laurion finishes his spellcasting. The ethergaunts look back at him, then in unison fall to their knees, covering their faces with their hands. This is likely the first and only time an ethergaunt will be seen having anything close to a religious experience.

2010-09-01, 09:44 AM
"To face oneself - this is what we must do, if we are to make any progress with these gems," the dragon announced after his study. "We must journey to the Plane of Mirrors."

2010-09-01, 10:10 AM
The armor looked around, the helmet facing each of his allies in turn.

Let's go.

2010-09-02, 08:35 PM

"It is but one gem out of many. This is not the only trial we will have to face to destroy them and the cult at hand.
"You are not facing what is rational and codified, dragon. Though each gem is a facet of the same prison, with the same power at work in each of them, they are not the same."

Vyuudha stretches out armored hands to either side.
"But I can take us to the plane of mirrors, and we may begin there. Take my hands."

2010-09-02, 10:45 PM
"Go to the plane of mirrors if you must, there are other matters to be attended to. One gem will make little difference in the ultimate outcome. I trust those of your level of power will be able to handle this task.

As for me, I have preparations to make elsewhere. I am going to Toril and then Krynn. If anyone would like to accompany me feel free, but I will have little time to be pleasant company."

With that Laurian walked over to the exit of the demiplane and left. His two Ethergaunts followed him with silent obedience. Once back into the stillness of the Etherial plane he reached into his robes and activated his thought bottle.

"See I am not disturbed."

Visualizing the streams of magic and the currents of the myriad planes he sought out one whom he had watched with interest for many years. This one seemed to be among those with the potential for greatness. With a sweeping gesture as if parting a curtain he opened a gate.

"Elirhondas Zyethar, child of Word and Worm heed me! You who loves freedom are now called to show your quality. All creation stands on the brink of utter destruction. If you would preserve your own freedom and the freedom of all creatures come to my aid. The road before me is long and difficult and beset on all sides by dangers. I have need of a companion able to accompany me through shadow and death.

No contract or geas do I place upon you. If it is your will come. If not, I shall find another to take up this cup."

2010-09-03, 12:01 AM

"Mirrors never show my good side..." A voice says from the shadows right before Ban steps out from behind the pedestal. "I have people to talk to on Toril, anyway." With a nod to the silent black armor and smile to the avatar Ban steps lightly through the portal with Laurian.

Floating in the etheral, Ban rests a few feet above the surface, his legs crossed legged as if sitting on the ground. He raises his eyebrows at the elf and then floats over to the ethergaunts. "So...what were you guys doing with the gem?"

2010-09-03, 06:00 AM
In a brilliant flash of light, a relatively tall, slender human-like man steps forth from the portal. He stands at nearly six feet, his muscular build showing from beneath his red silk garments. A glowing greatsword rests inside its sheath on his back, yet he wears no armour or carries any other weapon.

Within a mere second of his arrival, his body becomes blurred with speed and you find yourselves not knowing where to look, his ever-shifting position making it difficult to pin point where he really is.

You called, old man?

A cheeky grin sneaks onto his face as he looks upon the elf as a long-lost friend.

End of the multiverse? Removal of the ultimate freedom? Sounds a bit important to me. Count me in.

He turns to Ban.

And who might this be?

2010-09-03, 06:47 AM
The dragon neither flinched nor seemed particularly worried as the new people appeared, though he reached gently with one clawed hand to his companion spellcaster - the one whom was summoning them to the Plane of Mirrors, the plane where they would face 'a twisted' version of themselves.

Vanity! This was the fear of the mirrored plane - and he found himself feeling a slight fear against it, and he felt disarmed by the thought.

2010-09-03, 08:34 PM
The tall elf does not attempt to keep track of the Illumine having long ago learned it was a waste and made him look a fair bit silly. He spoke in the direction the gate had been and knew his companion would hear him.

"I figured as much. I have business in Toril. I had planned on going through deep shadow, however if you know of a better way I am open to persuasion.

This man here is a companion of mine on the quest to save the multiverse. I am certain his legend speaks for itself.

If you are ready, we may depart at once."

2010-09-03, 08:42 PM
Deep shadow, eh? Been there once before actually ... long time ago. About a year, I think?

Pondering in thought for a second, Zyethar quickly recovers his train of thought and continues.

Anyway, his legend may speak for itself but I can't say I recognise the face. What's your name, boyo? And yeah, I'll come with you. Want me to take us there, or is your hocus pocus honed enough for that?

With that he winks and smirks at the elf. Well, you think it's a wink - it's hard to tell really.

2010-09-03, 08:44 PM
The armor looks at the new arrival, putting away his swords slowly, ichor still glistening against their dull glow.

More allies, better chance of victory.

It's hard to tell, but as the armor grabs the other caster's hand, it almost seems as if it's somehow shrugging.

2010-09-03, 10:18 PM
"My magic is sufficient. Something not many can say...

However I think it would be a bit... slow for your tastes. Will you be able to guide us to Toril?"

2010-09-04, 07:40 AM
Can't say I've ever been to this 'Toril' before. It's a material plane, yeah? Give me a few seconds.

In the blink of an eye, he's gone.

((Spellcraft DC 23 to identify Plane Shift, Greater))


Plane Shift, Greater to try and reach Toril.

Whether that fails or not, I'll return back to that exact spot on the Ethereal plane shortly after, taking just long enough to check if it is Toril and, if so, familiarize myself with it enough to plane shift back again.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-09-04, 11:37 AM
NeizckI'll need a Knowledge: Planes roll (I can't access your sheet at the moment, or I'd do it myself).

[roll0] in conjunction with your Knowledge result will tell us whether you made it.

2010-09-04, 11:47 AM
Knowledge: The Planes - [roll0]

Damn shame it's cross-class really.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-09-04, 12:06 PM
NeizckCongrats, you make it to Toril, barely.

2010-09-04, 12:15 PM

I have a good ol' look around, using long-distance teleports to get as far as I can see (and thereby removing my off-target chance) and find out if it is actually Toril. Then, spending a minute or so to familiarize myself with it, I use another PS,G to go back to the Ethereal plane.

Assuming this all happens, when I return with the others, where will we appear? A city?

Re-appearing a couple of minutes later, the flickering Illumian holds out his hands to Ban and Laurian.

If you'll hold tight, we'll be there before you can say "Damn he's good!"

2010-09-04, 12:25 PM
"Damn he's good."

That said in so deadpan a tone as to remove any apparent belief in its meaning. The slight smirk revealed the joke as the elf clasped the Illumine's hand.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-09-04, 05:49 PM
NiezckAs far as you can tell, this is Toril, all right. The first place you ended up was Silverymoon, and that's where you'll end up the next time you plane shift there.

2010-09-04, 05:53 PM
You know it's true, old man.

A smirk creeps across his face, as far as you can tell, as Laurian, Ban and Zyethar wink out of sight, finding themselves stood at the entrance to Silverymoon on Toril a split-second later.

Well, here we are. Where now?

2010-09-04, 07:57 PM
Turning to his Ethergaunts, "Use your abilities to gather information about the Shades. Do not reveal yourselves if you can help it and if possible get me the location of their mythalar."

Addressing Niezck, "I believe our companion wants to gain the support of a religious order. We are going to Dweomerheart. I have a few favors to call with the Lady of Mysteries."

2010-09-04, 08:09 PM
"So," Xethlynstra said to the remaining members of the group, "How shall we reach the Plane of Mirrors?"

2010-09-04, 08:14 PM

Replies Vyuudha, not displeased to see some of the others leave.

With a blink, she'll transport the group to the Plane of Mirrors.

Plane Shift, level 5 cleric spell. Simple enough.

2010-09-04, 09:29 PM
Staring at the wonders of the city before him, Zyethar simply speaks outloud, aiming it at Laurian but not obviously so.

I should be able to muster some support from Elirhondas. But first, I'll need more information. What exactly is the nature of our quest, what would our support be doing if they were to be most efficient and will it require direct supervision?

2010-09-04, 09:41 PM
"Tharizdun stirs in his prison. A cult in his name has risen to power and seeks the gems which are his bonds.

Should they gather sufficient quantities they will be able to loss the chained god who will then set about destroying all creation.

If you would set your fellows to aiding us, have them recover the gems and destroy them if they may.

Will you be leaving then, or would you like to accompany me?"

2010-09-04, 09:42 PM
And how would they identify such gems? Or destroy them for that matter?

2010-09-04, 10:57 PM
"I can not say in an absolute sense. The one I have seen appeared to be a multi faceted opals the size of a human head. Some associates of mine are going to destroy it on the plane of mirrors though I gather that will not be sufficient for all of them."

2010-09-04, 11:24 PM

Ban opens his mouth to answer Zyethar's question but is whisked away to the material plane before he can speak. Standing outside Silverymoon, a wide smile forms on his face. "Ah...it's been a long time since I've been here. Nice place you chose." He nods at Zyethar. "Name's Ban...though I'd be surprised if you had actually heard of me. I used to travel in...pretty quiet circles." He says, shrugging his shoulders.

Dweomerheart? Oh....pretty sure I don't want to go there. Don't think Mystra would be to happy to have me there. He raises an eyebrow at Laurian. "I...uh...don't think I'll be going with you to visit your patron. I should probably find my way to Waterdeep, I know someone that will probably be around there."

He pauses a moment. "Or, you could help me." He smiles. "I'm sure I can get there on my own easy enough...but you both seem to be pretty powerful mages. That might come in handy. The people I need to see...might not want to cooperate at first. They just need some convincing, really, and I'm sure they'll help out. Who wouldn't, against a threat like this?" He smiles broad, showing gleaming white teeth. Hmmm. Wonder what happened to that priest, anyway.


As Bhaal is technically a dead god, I figure the cult Ban came up in was one of the few remaining Bhaal cultists attached to the church of Cyric. I haven't named the priest from the fluff background, but that's the person I'm looking to meet. I figure he's some high level cleric of cyric, technically, but is still faithful to Bhaal.

Sidenote: It's kinda weird having a character with these evil deities as patrons, and the character isn't evil. While Ban is True Neutral, I think he has more Good tendencies than Evil tendencies.

Also - I don't know how far Ban's reptutation goes, or how much the Void Incarnate ability limits knowledge of him. However you want to work it is fine with me.

2010-09-05, 01:58 PM
Hmm, Ban ... Ban ... Ban ... Nope, can't say I know it. You sure you don't just think you're important?

Again, a cheeky grin appears on Zyethar's blurred face.

How long will your little task take, Ban? Gathering support from Elirhondas'll be pretty quick, so I guess I could help.

2010-09-06, 12:57 PM

He smiles and bows at Zyethar. "We all think ourselves important, don't we? Even the dirt farmer and bar maid - their lives revolve around them."

"As for my task...I couldn't say, honestly. I've an idea of how to find the man I'm looking for...but it's been years since I've been to the...er, temples. Might have to find those first." He shrugs. "A day? A tenday? Hard to say."

2010-09-06, 01:27 PM
"If neither of you will be accompanying me, I bid you fair journey. Shall we meet here at noon tomorrow then?"

Without waiting for a response he disappeared...

... and reappeared in a vast sparkling city of magical energy. As he began walking toward Mystra's great fortress/palace he contemplated what it would be like to finally die and be granted rest. Would he chose this plane or some other?

Entering the vast structure he chanced to looked up at the enormous tower assigned to him with the hundreds of lessor towers branching from it. Nearly a fortress within a fortress was it. Perhaps he could settle down here, if eternity ever permitted.

Entering at last the great court he beheld with fresh wonder the Lady of Mysteries, Mystra!

At once he fell to his knees and said in a form of celestial elven so ancient and formal as to be almost impossible to use as a language,

[Hailed be your work oh Mystra for who can give glory to you. When words and prayers have faded you yourself have provided a means to give you praise. Surly wonder and awe shall be with me all the days of my life and I shall seek ever to love your great mysteries.]

Psionic planeshift to Dweomer heart.

2010-09-07, 12:51 PM
Alright, I'll come with. Things'll go a lot faster with me around, you'll see. Now, what sort of direction are we going in, Ban?

2010-09-07, 03:22 PM

"Oh, goodbye Laurian...." Ban trails off, one hand raised in a half wave. He shrugs. "Guess we'll see him later. Waterdeep is a few days travel, that way." He points somewhere to the far off western coast.

It's about 400 miles away on the coast, about southwest of where we are.

2010-09-07, 04:17 PM
Few days? Hahaha!

With that, the Illumian grabs hold of the Human and begins horizon-teleporting* in the direction he indicated, stopping every hundred miles or so to check if they're there yet.

((Horizon-Teleporting: Using my Teleport item to go to the edge of Zyethar's sight, thereby removing the miss change, then repeating the process.))

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-09-10, 02:48 AM
Vyuudha, Xethlynstra, and Simon: You are for a brief moment nothing more than ephemeral streamers of energy streaking through the Astral to your destination. As you approach the plane, a silvery sheen fills your vision, and for a timeless instant all you can sense is an infinity of reflections of yourselves in various poses, ages, places, and eras. In the next instant, the screen dissolves with the sound of breaking glass and you find yourselves stepping through a mirror into a long hallway of identical mirrors.

Something is...off. When your foot first touches the floor, you feel a thrumming in your soul as if you were a harp string being plucked by the gods; you stumble, losing your balance as suddenly your brain tells you that no, you just stepped with your right foot, not your left, and of course you've always been left-handed instead of right-. The feeling passes, to be replaced with a subtle sense that you're being watched.

2010-09-10, 07:06 AM
Traveling through planes ain't like killin' commoners - one false move and ya can end up right in the the middle o' the plane o' fire - and this is what Xethlynstra thought as they ported through the immensity of the Astral.

Landing, disoriented, the massive dragon lost his balance - owing to never having approached the oddity that is the Mirror Plane - the mighty creature fell.

He was, however, able to compensate in falling so as to not (hopefully) land on his fellows, as his many tonned body slapped hard against the ground.

"Agh! Kah! What is the meaning of this?" he asked - for the first time the reality of his youth coming through.

2010-09-10, 07:46 AM
The armor looks around, searching for his unknown watcher. After a second, it draws its swords, picking a mirror at random, and swings both of them at it in turn.

Not really sure what to roll for it, but I assume the options are either: It's glass and shatters, or its part of the plane and doesn't get hit.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-09-10, 11:29 AM
The two mirrors don't shatter into pieces, but merely become covered with spiderweb cracks to the point that it is almost impossible to see a reflection in them. Two waves of pain wash over all of you, and at the moment you know as deeply as you know your own name that two portals to this constellation of mirrors are permanently gone.

2010-09-10, 11:34 AM
"That ... was not a good idea," Xeth said, growling, standing - trying to recover himself; he had no idea what to make of any of this, and he partly wondered why they were here.

2010-09-10, 09:15 PM

"Where must we go to achieve our goal? Where among these mirrors is what we seek? If the gem is to be destroyed here, where does its destruction take place?"
Each question Vyuudha speaks flies out into the darkness, more than mere words. Quietly, she repeats it like a mantra, letting the power of it swarm into the plane, then rebound to her.

Vyuudha is casting Divination. 90% chance of success- normally you can only ask one question, but all her questions are basically the same, so it's really just flavor.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-09-10, 09:35 PM
VyuudhaOut of the corner of your eye, you see glowing golden letters spell out a message on a nearby mirror, visible only to you.

The Gem lives to mentally warp all who gaze upon it.
The Mirrors live to metaphysically warp all who gaze upon them.
Mirror must triumph over Gem.
Make peace with your twisted reflection to shatter the Gem.

2010-09-14, 12:25 AM
The armor looks at Vyuudha, seemingly impatient, waiting for her to explain what it is she has had the group waiting for.

Don't really want to peek at the spoiler, but at this point unless we get a post from Vael we may as well just assume she said whatever it is and we go do whatever we're doing.

2010-09-14, 08:14 AM

Vyuudha appears lost in thought, not noticing that the others are waiting on her. She was only their transportation, after all, not their guide. Eventually, however, one of the drifting eyes within her shadowy aura alerts her to the gaze of the armored figure.
"What is it?"

2010-09-14, 08:26 AM
You kind of need to explain whatever message you got, because we kind of need to know. I was under the impression reading spoilers marked for other characters was a faux pas.

2010-09-15, 03:28 PM

Seeing as the armor has no ready response, Vyuudha turns her attention from him and towards one of the mirrors, examining it and its contents more closely.
She says to herself, a few ideas gathering in her mind.
"Do we need to destroy the gem?"
The avatar asks suddenly.

2010-09-16, 10:16 AM

So... that's all we've got to go on? Break the gem? Maybe we need some more divinations.

2010-09-16, 10:38 AM

Vyuudha asks, thinking it over.
"I grant that destroying them should be our eventual goal, but having it intact for now could actually prove useful. It has been manipulated and changed by those we seek to defeat and destroy- it is a link to them, and a potential link to the other gems.
"Keeping it, for now, could be more beneficial than destroying it."
She argues.

I think you misunderstood what she was saying. That wasn't what the divination told her to do. She was asking if what they were attempting to do was a good idea.

2010-09-16, 02:35 PM
"It would be unwise to randomly destroy something that may be a key to our enemy's orison," the dragon said - slowly growing accustomed to the off-balance nature of this place.

"How shall we face our twisted selves? I am unsure of any of this."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-10-03, 07:39 PM
As you stand there debating what to do next, three mirrors near you ripple and three very familiar figures step out: your mirror selves. Before you can react, they strike: anti-Vyuudha releases a blast of kaleidoscopic energy at you, anti-Xethlynstra breathes in your direction, and anti-Simon leaps at Simon, sword flashing.

Anti-Vyuudha: maw of chaos
[roll0] damage to everyone (SR check: [roll1]; Will save vs. DC 42 or stunned for 1 round.

Anti-Xethlynstra: breath weapon
[roll2] force damage to everyone, Ref save vs. DC 37 for half

Anti-Simon: Diamond Nightmare Blade
Concentration +76 vs. AC 54: auto-pass
Attack: [roll3]; Damage: [roll4]+[roll5]+228

Vyuudha: [roll6]
Xethlynstra: [roll7]
Simon: [roll8]
Anti-Vyuudha: [roll9]
Anti-Xethlynstra: [roll10]
Anti-Simon: [roll11]

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-10-03, 07:46 PM
Crit threat on Simon, confirmation: [roll0]
Extra damage: [roll1]

2010-10-03, 08:14 PM
Thanks to my epic destiny, both me (and anti me) get to reroll those ones on our initiative. Thanks to my poor AC, my epic destiny can't get rid of him hitting by forcing him to have rolled a 1 (since that would still hit). I'm also just about dead Before anything happens, some rolls...

Using my epic destiny to simply avoid that save against being dazed...

Reflex: [roll0]. If a one: [roll1]. If I managed to get anything but two ones, I ignore it (yay evasion!)

Also, aren't I immune to sneak attack damage? That would cut a significant portion of that damage down (150+2d6), I think.

EDIT: Also... I am in pain.

2010-10-03, 08:37 PM
The blasts of energy deflected off the dragon's hide: no elemental fury could harm him, no effect of force could pass him; he was protected from all of those things - and only in the battle of melee did he serve any weakness, for a mortal being is, regardless of his invulnerability regarding the elements, still mortal.

I'll wait until the other's posting before posting my combat.

2010-10-03, 08:38 PM
Oh yeah, and rerolled (and still likely poor) init: [roll0]

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-10-03, 09:38 PM
SimonSorry, missed crit immunity on your sheet. Yes, you avoid 2d6+150 from your double and all the damage from the breath weapon.

XethlynstraThe maw of chaos deals typeless damage, so you still take that and will need to make that Will save.

2010-10-03, 09:44 PM
What source are you using for Maw of Chaos?

Will save vs. Stun: 1d20+33=49 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2711204/)

I'll be able to act on my turn. And probably accomplish nothing. Whoo. What fun.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-10-03, 09:52 PM
XethlynstraI'm using Spell Compendium.

At the culmination of casting the spell you
open your mouth wide as if to yawn. In
imitation, the air cracks and splits, opening
into a yawning area of roiling blue-green
energy resembling a great mouth.

All creatures in the area take 1d6 points
of damage per caster level in the round
when you cast the spell and each round
thereafter at the start of your turn.
Those damaged must also make a Will
saving throw or be dazed for 1 round.
Second, the chaotic energy makes it
difficult to concentrate. Any activity
that involves concentration (such as
casting a spell or using a spell-like
ability) requires a Concentration check
(DC 25 + spell level) to succeed.
Creatures with the chaotic subtype
are unaffected by this spell.
Material Component: A jawbone with

2010-10-03, 10:11 PM
The armor swiftly moves out of the magical energy, constantly looking at his reflection. As he stops outside the area, he stands with his swords drawn for a second before sheathing them, raising his hands up to show he's unarmed.

Peace, duplicate. What will we gain by killing each other?

Two reasons to surrender: First off, I'm already hurt, and if he's me... my best bet is either to one shot him, or not keep fighting... and if he's me, he's got a full attack as a counter, which will *probably* kill me. Second: When has the solution to a mirror fight not been surrendering/out of the box thinking?

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-10-03, 10:35 PM
"Freedom. I die if you leave or kill me; I kill you, and I live." Simon's duplicate lowers its arms, but does not sheathe its weapon.

2010-10-05, 11:40 PM
And what if neither of us kills each other? I don't die easily.

The armor kept his swords sheathed, but inched his hands towards them, staying in a combat ready stance.

I'm sure there's a better way.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-10-06, 12:34 AM
"Might be. There are four others here, though." Anti-Simon nods to Vyuudha and her duplicate, both of whom look ready to spring into action at any moment. "Looks like they'll decide what happens here."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-10-07, 02:57 PM
Vyuudha and her duplicate are staring at each other, neither wanting to make the first move. "I'm still not sure if we should destroy such a powerful--and useful--artifact, but my divination told me 'Make peace with your twisted reflection to shatter the Gem'. A peaceful resolution might be the right answer," Vyuudha opines. Anti-Vyuudha looks affronted: "Twisted reflection? Nice." Neither makes an immediate move to attack, but neither do they back down. "Xethlynstra? What are your thoughts on the matter?"

Vyuudha and anti-Vyuudha delay. Xethlynstra's turn.

2010-10-07, 08:13 PM
"That I should find myself already attacked, without any chance of conversation, is rather ungrateful," the dragon said. He seemed contradictory - he had had no qualms over attacking the ethergaunts, and yet against himself ...

That was a dragon for you, one might reckon. Even a lawful dragon is possessed of great ego.

And for one self-titled as the Artifact Lord, it was clear the young dragon was aware of his own power.

"Reflection of myself," roared the dragon, raising to his full height - whatever it was - and looking lofty and impressive; he watched as his reflection moved, and he spoke again, "Reflection - or whatever I may call you, 'Xethlynstra A', you are like me: that is to say, you are possessed of a godlike body only Io might not envy. Must we shatter our lordly forms over something that may be as simple as a minor dispute? If not, I forgive your party's immediate actions. A potent being such as yourself might see the wisdom in such."

He was not about to backdown, but at the same time he felt comfortable in his consideration - as it would appeal to his reflection (and his own) titanic ego.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-10-07, 08:38 PM
"In my view, you are a reflection of me. The comedy of errors that allows you to strut around the planes while I must stay here or vanish...."

Anti-Xethlynstra preens as well, making the pair look like nothing so much as two colossal peacocks.

"I do agree that our own handsomeness, wisdom, and power are beyond compare. Attacking immediately might have been premature; if you don't wish to blemish my perfect scales, I wouldn't inflict such an injustice on you. Your companions are forgiven as well."

2010-10-09, 03:28 PM
Looks like you're the only one left. You still want to fight?

The armor stares at his duplicate, waiting for the response.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-10-09, 03:33 PM
"I want to fight. I do not want to fight us."

Anti-Simon sheathes his weapon.

"Now what?"

2010-10-25, 09:33 AM
Turning - facing only the vastness of the mirrored plane, the gigantic being speaks simply, "Come - let us get a spot of tea and discuss what precisely these gems are; I am sure our identical, if potentially opposite, views may enlighten our path."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-10-27, 12:27 PM
Anti-Xethlynstra nods his head majestically. "Indeed. If we must make peace to destroy the Gems, tea is an excellent place to start." The dragon ponders for a moment, then asks, "Have you considered simply attempting to destroy the Gem at the same time I do, or having our sword-wielding companions try the same?"

2010-10-27, 06:07 PM
"When a companion of mine," Xethlynstra said, looking down at that companion, "Touched the gem - it seemed to have some effect; though we are the Artifact Lords of our respective planes, I have not wanted to touch it - not even in an attack."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-10-27, 06:37 PM
"An excellent point," replies Anti-Xethlynstra. "However, we have a means of attack that does not require touching the gem. My powerful breath is unsurpassed in terms of destructive force, and seeing as you are my equal, yours should be as well. Perhaps if we were to train our breaths on it simultaneously...?"

2010-10-28, 09:46 PM
"Hmm, yes - yes; I suspect this may work," Xethlynstra said, "However - surely you, as my equal, possess in equality a pair of ironwyrm golems as well?"

He shifted, "Unless my companions or yours possess other ideas, we should align one another to be opposite, and the golems opposite to their own kind - and we should all use our weapons at the same time."

The artifact lord smiled, "The might of our two force-driven breath weapons and the combination of four firey blasts should destroy nigh any mortal thing - though I am aware fire is not nearly so effective as our own weapons are."

The total damage, if Anti-Xeth agrees and has a pair of ironwyrm golems as well, would be 30d10 force plus 80d10 fire.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-10-29, 12:22 AM
"A superb suggestion." Within a few seconds, you hear noisy clomping sounds as two ironwyrm golems tramp around the corner and up the hall of mirrors to stand opposite the Gem. Once everyone is arranged satisfactorily and modes of attack are agreed upon, Anti-Xethlynstra calls out "One...two...three...NOW!" The dragons and golems release their breath weapons, the Vyuudhas launch blasts of energy, and the Simons smash the Gem with their blades.

As everyone's strikes impact the Gem simultaneously, it changes from a deep amethyst color to half black and half white. With a noise like the screaming of the universe itself being tortured, the seam dividing black from white splits open, and the Gem turns itself inside out, disappearing with a flash of black light. Every single mirror in view shatters from the horrible sound, and your minds suffer one final assault from the Gem's maddening magic.

Everyone takes [roll0] damage from the blast, half of which is sonic and half of which is divine.

2010-10-29, 08:53 AM
Roaring in agony, the dragon stepped back. He looked down and saw his golems - which possessed total magical immunity - should have survived without issue.

"That - that was not the best idea, in hindsight," he said - but his intellectual ring activated, and much of his wounds sealed themselves. "But, for better or worse, the gem is destroyed."

It doesn't specify caster level, but Heal tops off at 150hp, so that's likely what Xeth is healed by.

In addition, Xethlynstra is immune to Sonic damage, and thus takes only half the damage from the blast - so he took nearly no damage in the end.

2010-12-01, 12:53 PM
This is dead. Thanks for the game. I'm unsubscribing. I had hoped that maybe I might be able to move to the other game but there's no way now. Thanks.